History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 156 - RuPaul, Werk it gurl!

Episode Date: June 24, 2020

You better work! It’s Pride Month and Lieutenant Lollipop and Baby Gorgeous are here for it! The boys discuss the artist behind their favorite song “Supermodel (You Better Work)”, RuPaul Andre C...harles. RuPaul has become a beacon in the LGBTQ+ communities by being the figure head that brought the art of drag to the masses. But he wasn’t the first, and so the Cuzzies dive deeper into the history of drag and how “Yaaas Queen” and RuPaul's Drag Race came to be! Listen to another WILD fun ep CuzzieWant more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up? I'm Chris DiStefano, a.k.a. Chrissy D, a.k.a. King Gay. You're listening to the Bay episode of the History Hyenas. I'm Chris DiStefano, a.k.a. Sergeant Snuggles. With me as always, Giannis Papas, a.k.a. Lieutenant Lollipop. We have a wild episode today. I want to start it off by saying Black Trans Lives Matter. Yes, and trans fans are fans, and Beyond Burgers are burgers. Today's episode's about RuPaul, and we're probably going to say some things that we accidentally don't mean to say, like calling some people from the transgender community by the wrong name.
Starting point is 00:01:06 So I just want to say on record that Black Trans Lives Matters and we're the good guys, we're your allies. Yeah, we're going to start off just by Eminem in it saying, you know what? We're coming from a place of ignorance. This episode is just as much about us enlightening ourselves as it is about us entertaining you.
Starting point is 00:01:22 So go easy on us. Yeah, this episode's going to be great talking about the wonderful RuPaul, who I love so much. I mean, you know, if you watch our morning show every day, Weppa in the Morning, available at patreon.com slash brayridgeboys.
Starting point is 00:01:33 We have a segment called Work It Girl, where Giannis and I sing and dance to her famous song, Work. Yeah, and that's only part of it. The real thing to remember is that segment is all about celebrating women and those who identify as women and their accomplishments throughout history.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Guys, let me tell you something. You're coming on this podcast low energy, so you've got two fucking options right now and two options only. Okay, Bubbas? Listen to me. Either I'm going to come over there and I'm going to start caressing you fucking nutsack, or I'm going to give you an Eskimo kiss on your belly button, even though I know the word Eskimo is derogatory right now
Starting point is 00:02:05 and I'm sorry about that. So which is going to be? You want to get your nutsack tickled or your belly button kissed by an Eskimo? I'm going to go for neither. Is there a third option?
Starting point is 00:02:14 Yeah, the third option is just to pick up the pace. I mean, we fired Mike Suarez. Now you got to pick up the pace. I like the girl dad. That's also a good deflection. That's like a shield right there. If anyone comes at you, you just let them know I am the dad dad. That's also a good deflection. That's like a shield right there. If anyone comes at you, you just let them know I am the dad of a girl.
Starting point is 00:02:29 I support women. I support women. Let me tell you this. If anybody ever came at us with saying that we were transphobic, you're fucking wrong. Giannis and I, Giannis is about to be the father of a beautiful baby girl. I am the father of a beautiful baby girl. Tell me, if we weren't, in fact, on the inside, transsexuals, how could we be giving birth to girls?
Starting point is 00:02:48 How would our dicks make girls if the inside of us wasn't a woman? That's science. You can't dispute that. Yeah, and I'm more known as a transgendered woman. Yeah. So you can't say that I'm not transgendered because that's my true personality. I've been friends with Giannis since 2012. I only found out he was a guy in 2015. Yeah. And
Starting point is 00:03:06 all of Chris's charm comes from the fact that he looks like a man, but he acts like a woman. We are women. We are women, cuz, and there's been a big cry, especially in the comedy community, to take down the patriarchy, but baby, we are safe, because we're the matriarchy. Here's the thing, cuz. This is why you're, I think,
Starting point is 00:03:21 the simulators are having a good time, because you're prime think the simulators are the simulators are having a good time because you're you're you're you're you're you're prime for superstardom right because we're in an era right now whereas if you act like a guy yeah if you do anything masculine right it is it's seen as i think as aggressive and kind of like whoa what's that right okay right but here's aggro it's aggro but here's the deal If you do get big Yeah Then they find something
Starting point is 00:03:46 To tear you down Yeah So you're just in limbo Cuz Well the thing is with me Is what eventually When and if we both do get big Cuz by the way
Starting point is 00:03:55 The show The History Hyenas Podcast Is doing so well I don't want it to get big Stop listening Historyhyenas.com For all our new merch We got Wepa in the morning t-shirts
Starting point is 00:04:02 Go get those Wepa in the morning t-shirts They're flying off the shelves. Like and subscribe to us on YouTube, youtube.com slash history hyenas. But when and if we do get extremely big. Oh, and turn on alerts. Turn on alerts.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Turn on your alerts. Absolutely turn on your alerts. When and if we do get really big is they will try to take me down because of my messages, but unfortunately they're all to guys. So that's the thing is the craziest messages I've sent and received
Starting point is 00:04:24 have been to guys. I mean, cuz, do you know how many times I've opened up my DMs and it's been a guy's open spread asshole or his dick and balls? I mean, there was a guy that wrote Christy D on his shaft. I mean, what am I supposed to do with that? Well, because, you know, you joke around a lot about being gay. The gay guys, they're just, you got to give them credit for trying. They're going like, let me take a swing here.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Maybe it's true or if not, I can push him over the fence. Guys, and listen, also, all our gay fans out there, please stop messaging specifically at LongfellowDeeps31 pictures of your beef. Please stop doing that
Starting point is 00:04:53 because he's starting to say cuz every time I open up my phone, I'm fucking at JetBlue trying to throw the bags and I gotta look at someone's cock in my phone. Yeah, we don't want to scare away Debra from Squeak of the Week
Starting point is 00:05:01 on Wednesday, so please, guys, take it easy. He's a kid from Ridgewood. He can't deal with that. And this is what I want to say. I always say, you know, tell your friends. Tell your friends.
Starting point is 00:05:11 That's how we market. But now, after recent events, I want to say, tell your friends if you feel like they're cool. You know? Just tell your cool friends. The ones that you think could take a joke, let those friends know about our podcast. Everyone else who's a little uptight,
Starting point is 00:05:23 tell them there's some other podcasts in San Francisco that they'll love. Yeah, that they'll fucking love. It's not going to be us, but tonight we're going all the way to San Francisco in spirit for one of the most, I would say, V, would you call him? Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:36 He goes by him. RuPaul, that's his pronoun, as maybe the most influential drag queen of all time. I would say, yeah! I think it's between RuPaul and Marisa Rodriguez. I think it's between RuPaul and Marisa. Because you know what's so fascinating about this and about the world we live in? It's 1,000% I can guarantee you RuPaul knows exactly who you are because of Marisa.
Starting point is 00:06:00 100% RuPaul knows who you are because the character is beloved by the trans community. Yes. You know, it's interesting. Marisa, 100% RuPaul knows who you are because the character is beloved by the trans community. Yes. You know, it's interesting. And it's interesting the world we live in, how in 2011, Marisa comes out and is such a hit and it's all beloved. And only the past couple of years has not, and very, very little, anybody had a problem with it. Nobody. Almost nobody.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Almost zero. But it was fully zero for five, six years. Fully zero. Almost ever. I mean, I've gotten next to none, maybe one or two throughout. It's been nine years. And those have probably been Chris the teacher in disguise. Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:06:34 The thing about Marisa is it's actually Marisa's performed at drag shows all the time. I get videos of drag performers doing more like in the middle of their songs because they do like these edited. When you go to like a drag show, they do like these edited like lip singing. Here's the thing. I just gonna be honest um i got a gay brother and i support the trans community so i'm gonna say this but um when you go to fire island and you go to uh gay entertainment it's fucking bad it's just lip singing it's fucking bad one of the you guys like bad music madonna sucks and drag queens i mean it's fucking yas queen that like bad music. Madonna sucks. And drag queens, I mean, it's fucking Yas Queen that a guy's pulling that off.
Starting point is 00:07:10 But it's fucking lip singing. They're singing somebody else's song. One of the saddest moments of my entire life. Sorry, V. I got to be honest. V is not here for that. Mikey, what camera am I supposed to be looking into? That one? Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Because one of the fucking things I said right to the i was talking to your island um i uh one of the saddest moments of my whole life is when i was it was i had the pleasure of being invited uh being part of the wedding ceremony of mr and mrs poppins nuptials and i was strutting my ass out at the bar poking my ass out for yannis's three dollar bill brother to see and he walked past me he gave me the coldest fucking snub of all time all i wanted to do is be sexually attracted to your gay brother and it didn't happen and i fucking got really sad and i hit that venetian hour hard yeah i mean look it's what it is you're just you're you're you're lower class than he's
Starting point is 00:08:00 not his type you're not his type you're just not into it. He likes a class of guy. Yeah. Listen, and I just also want to shout out Rudy's Bakery. And also, cuz, you come with, let's just be honest, you come with baggage. You show up to the airport of somebody's life, you're carrying a couple of fucking carry-ons. Cuz, it's what it is. Yeah. A guy like Debo has a fucking long day with me, cuz I come with carry-on luggage.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Cuz, make no mistake mistake if you yeah wherever you show up cuz you're gonna get charged an extra 25 because you only have one bag you can check and you got three more that you got to get on the flight yeah cuz it's what it is yeah everywhere i go there's a puerto rican flag following me so what can you do yo i just want to shout out rudy's bakery in ridgewood queens if you're ever in rude if you're ever in ridgewood uh queens brooklyn area new york city area, check out Rudy's Bakery. I was in there yesterday and some hipster woman came in and
Starting point is 00:08:49 I dropped my mother off after Father's Day. We celebrated. Dropped over to Ridgewood. I went to Rudy's and some woman comes into the bakery, an older hipster lady, and she goes, do any of these croissants over here, do they have butter? And the woman, Toni, who's the best, who's owned Rudy's for 30 years, she goes, I just want to know, do any of these croissants over here, do they have butter?
Starting point is 00:09:06 And the woman, Toni, who's the best, who's owned Rudy's for 30 years, she goes, we wouldn't be open for 81 fucking years if they didn't have butter, lady. And then the lady walked out, and I just want to say thank you to Toni. Yeah, I mean, that's why it tastes good. I mean, what are we going to pretend like things don't taste good because they have that butter? I mean, who goes into a fucking bakery and asks if the things in the shelves have butter? I mean, are you stupid? I mean, how do you think France became a country? They became a country because they used butter in their food.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I don't even think France would be a country if they didn't use butter. They put butter in everything. Now, let me ask you a question. Ask me a question. Ask you a question. I don't have to respond to ask. My pronoun, the only way I respond, what if I started identifying as a guy who only responded to people who asked me questions, not asked? Ask. Don't give me that FF ask. The only way I respond, what if I started identifying as a guy who only responded to
Starting point is 00:09:45 people who asked me questions, not asked. Don't give me that FF ask. I want you to ask me it. So let me ask you, so you celebrated Father's Day out on Long Island with your wife's family. Yes, I'm a $3 bill. With your wife's family on an in-ground pool, and it was a beautiful day, and you had barbecues, and you guys talked about politics, and that can only be described as a white Father's Day. So how was it?
Starting point is 00:10:10 How did you feel? Do you feel racist for having such a white Father's Day? You know, the fun thing about Long Island, New York, if you're listening to this because we have fans all over the world, we appreciate all of you. Tell friends if they're cool and all over the world. We appreciate all of you. Tell friends if they're cool. And all over the country. Long Island, New York is one of those places that is a place unto itself. It's unchanging. It doesn't change with the times.
Starting point is 00:10:33 It has a unique culture. People don't leave the island. No matter what's going on in the world, Long Island is Long Island. I mean, I was, you know, I'm in a pool just fucking floating around, paddling around as if the world's not on fire right now. That's Long Island.
Starting point is 00:10:46 The difference between us is just the difference because it's baggage is you were in a beautiful in-ground pool having the time of your life. And my daughter was in a pool that I bought from fucking Seatown last week in the backyard in Bay Ridge. So, I mean, what can you do? But we both – listen, we had a good time. Father's Day is great. Happy Father's Day, by the way. Thank you, baby. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Am I a father yet technically? What do you do? I was hesitant because when I wished your wife a happy Mother's Day, she told me that I put a fucking kukula curse on her, whatever. She was yelling at me in Greek. She was saying that you're not allowed to wish an expected mother a happy Mother's Day. It's bad luck. It's this and that.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So I got scared. I didn't know to wish you a happy Father's Day, but I just let it rip and said it. And I hope that Mrs. Pappas isn't upset about that. I hope I didn't jinx anything. No, I don't think you did. I don't think you did. And I agree with you. And her father said, you know what?
Starting point is 00:11:30 Happy Father's Day to me, too, because if you got a healthy baby in there, then that means I'm, for all intents and purposes, a father. Yeah. Plus, I have a dog. Yes. You do have a dog? What's the Upper West Side?
Starting point is 00:11:41 How do they rule on that? I definitely wish you a happy Father's Day. Oh. Because you're a father to a dog. Yeah. And that's what you're expecting. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Thank you. Expecting. So, yeah. And I think it's great. And, yeah, I mean, Father's Day, you know, COVID-19, Father's Day. Normally, me and my dad, we go to Yankee games or we watch the Yanks. But, you know, there was no baseball. I tried to put on Korean baseball for him, and my dad was just like, no, couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I almost felt bad about celebrating Father's Day during Pride Month. It's like, I mean, can we get rid of, look, if we're going to rip down George Washington, can we also rip down some of these patriarchal nuclear family fucking holidays? Yeah. I mean, that's so fucking yeah or even 1777 to even call someone father or celebrate them what are we celebrating exactly what are we celebrating right a dad yeah you know what dads did they created a patriarchy you know what that patriarchy did okay it oppressed people so let's fucking get rid of it i want to send my kid to a school
Starting point is 00:12:44 that teaches that kid how to hate America and hate the father who pays for that school. Yeah, that's great. That's the same with me. Yeah, I mean, what can you do? But that's why I'm so excited to do an episode today about RuPaul. Because should I have a sex change just so my daughter has two moms and no dad? Because you know how Serena Williams' husband has recused himself
Starting point is 00:13:05 off the board of his own company that he started to make room for an African American person so he could tell his daughter he did something during this time.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah. Should I just sex change out to get rid of the patriarchy for my daughter? Yeah, I think, yeah, just sex change out or I think, yeah, or just,
Starting point is 00:13:20 or it'd be funny like when your daughter's about four years old to just show her Marisa videos and just say, guess who that is? Is that mom or is that daddy? Yeah, it's, you know, it's good. your daughter's about four years old to just show her Marisa videos and just say, guess who that is? Is that mom or is that daddy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You know, my daughter's going to have bring your parents. What is that? Bring your parents to work day? Where they come and talk about what they do. Or career day, yeah. Yeah. So mine's the only one that's going to need a little work it girl music. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And a little light show. Yeah. Because all the other guys are going to come and be like, hey, I'm a banker or whatever. We're going to be living in the future so one of them is going to be a hipster father who's going to be like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:13:49 I make vegan butter on my rooftop. That's going to be his job. How do you make money? It's like we don't really make money. Money is such a thing in the patriarchy or whatever. Then it's my turn is going to come and I'm going to be like,
Starting point is 00:13:59 hit it. You better work and the lights are going to go out and I'm going to go, what's up, kids? How you doing? I'm her daddy. I'm her daddy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I'm her father. What are you doing? That's it. I'm Mr. Pappas, and this is what I do for a living. I go to stage with a dress, and I talk about rigorosity, and that's it. And that's it. Yeah, because, no, that's why RuPaul is such a fascinating person to talk about today. Listen, because RuPaul, whose real name is RuPaul, by the way.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Would you jerk into RuPaul? Let's find is RuPaul, by the way. Would you jerk it to RuPaul? Let's find out. Let me tell you something. If I never saw, would you jerk it to RuPaul? As a guy. You mean would I jerk it to RuPaul again? Because I already have. I've been alive since 84. So which one of those two
Starting point is 00:14:40 are you more into? Because if I never saw the bottom one, I definitely get a blowy from RuPaul and drag. Well, RuPaul, RuPaul... RuPaul is himself kind of a buzzkill. Well, it's funny
Starting point is 00:14:51 because RuPaul as a guy looks like our good comedian friend of the show, Reese Waters. And then RuPaul as a girl looks like Barbara Walters. So it's just tough. Now, if you don't know
Starting point is 00:15:03 who he's referring to, just go to instagram go to reese waters if you knew reese waters that is a 10 out of 10 yeah and reese waters reese waters great guy dc comic we'd love to have him on the show um hope you're doing well um but yeah rupal andre charles because he's six four he's a tall tall glass water. He's a big glass of water. Let me tell you something. Six-four, that's a big woman who you call he. That's a girl with a big cock. Now, V, thank God we have fucking Woken Dope V here to help us. So, question, question.
Starting point is 00:15:40 When RuPaul is dressed in drag on Drag Race, is he still referred to as he? Because his preferred pronoun is he. And say it loud and proud because you don't have a microphone and also because it's fucking pride. Yeah. Well, he goes on RuPaul. Well, on the show, he's referred to as a she and he.
Starting point is 00:15:59 He doesn't have a preferred pronoun. He doesn't have a preferred pronoun. No. But I thought he preferred he. I mean, in the documentary we were watching, they called him he. Yes, he's he, and sometimes he's referred to as she. Okay, but he doesn't care. He doesn't get uptight about it.
Starting point is 00:16:12 He doesn't care. RuPaul doesn't care. RuPaul is just one of those people. He's like, I'm a human being. Call me he. Call me she. RuPaul's famous quote is, one of RuPaul's famous quotes is, can you scroll down a little bit, V, so I can just find that thing where it's just,
Starting point is 00:16:24 because it's hilarious. I love it. He said, we're all down a little bit, V, so I can just find that thing where it's just, because it's hilarious. I love it. He said, we're all born naked, right? No, not that one. That one we're going to, yeah, but go down just a little. You better fucking snap when you read it. Go up. Oh, there we go.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Yes, snap through it. He said, you can call me he, you can call me she, you can call me Regis and Kathie Lee. I don't care. Just as long as you call me. Cur. I like that cur. Cur as long as you call me. Kerr. I like that. Kerr.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Because being gay is fucking fun. Here's the thing. If you're gay, you're lucky you're liberated. You're liberated from these fucking straight goddamn limits. Fucking love it. I mean, the best fucking Instagram pages, my friends who have the best Instagram pages, Mateo Lane, Mr. P Joey P Joey Kamasta I mean these gay pages they're so
Starting point is 00:17:08 fucking funny full of life I love it I if listen if I if there wasn't Corona this year I would 100% be going to the pride parade I've went the last three years and it's fun fun fun fun fun I learned my lesson I will go with goggles
Starting point is 00:17:23 this time because make no mistake, for some reason, I always leave that parade with pink eye because I'm getting cocks to the face. What can you do? They're spraying, but it's beautiful. I love it. I mean, some of the best,
Starting point is 00:17:34 one of the best dates I ever went on was one and done date. She didn't want to date me. She didn't want to go on any more dates with me after this, but we went on one date. This is four or five years ago. We went to the Stonewall Inn in the West Village, which is the most famous gay bar probably in the country,
Starting point is 00:17:53 and it was just so great to go to a gay bar and kind of just feel what it is to feel like a girl a little bit, but I think because I was enjoying the attention so much, the girl left. I mean, she just got an Uber and left. It was one of those things where she said, I'm going to go to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:18:05 and then I never saw her again. She made a mistake. Was that her idea to bring you there? It was. I mean, what a stupid, that's a stupid move. Yeah. That's like walking into a bear den
Starting point is 00:18:13 and being like, hey, I got a jar of honey. Yeah. Yeah, because you're a hot hunk. I'm a fucking hunk. But what, I got to know, you know what it is?
Starting point is 00:18:21 You guys want to glue you down. I got a hot head. It's just my head. Yeah. Everything else is just kind of falls apart, even though I've been getting shredded, getting shredded in the shed. Venmo Jasmine Cadualis to get jacked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But yeah. So, yeah, no. And by that, you're talking about the weather girl, right? The weather girl. The weather girl. Weather girl. Absolutely. The weather girl. Her name is the weather girl. Yeah. Yeah. So by that, you're talking about the weather girl, right? The weather girl. The weather girl. Weather girl. Absolutely, the weather girl. Her name is the weather girl.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah. Yep. And she's great, and it's all beautiful, and I've been exercising a lot in shed, so it's all good. You look good. You think so? Yeah. See, I don't feel good because I had a bagel today.
Starting point is 00:18:58 I mean, it doesn't matter because everyone appreciates and just embraces your energy. Your energy is just 100% chaos. I'm one of, yeah, Chrissy chaos. Since quarantine's happened, it's been, Steel Pipe Chrissy has hibernated for the winter like a bear. Yeah. And Chrissy chaos is out to play. Yeah, because I put down payments on houses in New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I'm just putting down payments on houses. Yeah, because, yeah. Yeah, I mean, my mom, yeah, it's chaos energy and my mom's afraid again. Yeah, it's what it is. It's just what's going on. Here's the deal.
Starting point is 00:19:31 I mean, what can you do? We're having a good time. Having a good time. We're fucking untethered. We're untethered. We're untethered. It feels good to get rid of the truffle pig too.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Also, here's the thing. We're only really here for a couple of decades. Yeah. So everyone's just got to relax. At tops, we're only, I mean, even Binky Mike, even Muffet Chops. Yeah. He's 27, but I mean, the kid's not going to live past 55.
Starting point is 00:19:53 And by the way. I mean, his body's not built. I mean, once a kid has a sip of fucking alcohol, his genes are telling his liver to give out. He's come from a long line of alcoholics. Yeah. We're all going to die soon, guys. We're all going to die soon, guys. We're all going to die soon. And by the way, Dr. Andrew Agos,
Starting point is 00:20:07 probably he's going to be one who does it to any of our fans at patreon.com slash bayridgeboys to bring to the hyena. Can you please make a meme of Mikey Muffin Chops and have muffins on the side of his head? I just want, because it's Muffin Chops. Yanni says Muffin Chops, and it's staying as Muffin Chops. It's sticking there because reality is a suggestion. We do what we want.
Starting point is 00:20:24 We identify who we want. Today, we're two drag girls talking to you about drag. Now, we're going to do this in two parts. First, we're going to give you a little history of RuPaul himself. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:36 And then we're going to give you a little drag fucking culture history. Okay. We're going to do a little bit of both so you understand a little bit of both, but make no mistake, RuPaul's bigger than life. He and she or her is bigger than the whole drag world.
Starting point is 00:20:50 RuPaul is bigger than the cock he has. Would you say RuPaul's kind of like... You think RuPaul's circumcised if we had to guess in the room? What do you say? Circumcised, yes or no? Whatever it is. Just one word, yes or no? Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:03 V? No. Mutton? No. Wow. know whatever it is one word yes or no yes v no mutton no wow he's saying that from experience from the darker shades of penis she's seen well i haven't she said no quick i said i said yes because i have no idea what black guys do v knew v knew right away she's went absolutely not yeah they're not cut no i i uh yeah i know Chris, you can pretend like you don't know. Yeah, I was going to say, I've had a few interactions with RuPaul in the DMs, and I could say he is circumcised.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Because you've DMed with Boy George. No, I've texted with Boy George. I had the pleasure of doing the nightly show with Larry Wilmore a few years ago. Snoozer. Snoozy woozy. Jordan Carlos is looking for work. What can you do? We all are.
Starting point is 00:21:46 We all are. I love Jordan Carlos. Absolutely. I love Jordan Carlos. Yeah. And so I was on with Boy George and Cam'ron, the rapper Cam'ron. And Boy George and I just kind of hit it off in the green room. And then we just exchanged numbers and we texted a little bit.
Starting point is 00:22:02 And then he just ghosted me. So it's just what it is. The thing is when when he goes to you like you just stopped texting back one day right and we were talking about like you know he's gonna he was like in new york he's gonna come to the show it's like it'll be fun to hang with boy george and then he just stopped texting me so i mean what can you do you really want to hurt me yeah do you really want to make me cry what yeah now is he still, is Boy George, come a, come a, come a chameleon. Is that George Michaels or Boy George?
Starting point is 00:22:28 No, that's Boy George. Yeah, that's a Ridgewood kid. You're struggling to keep up with this gay culture. Yeah. It's hard for me to tell. I always confuse Boy George, George Michaels, and George Jefferson. Here's the thing,
Starting point is 00:22:39 because after this fucking episode, don't worry about it. I'm going to toss you a fucking basketball. We'll dribble a few times and we'll get rid of all this gay shit. Yeah, yeah. I got to go do some fucking sit-ups or something. No, Boy George did those songs. He's still performing as Boy George.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Drag culture, we learned a lot. V made sure we learned this episode. Yeah. She said it's important for the culture that you learn. She wanted us to really know. My hair's moving again. Yeah, your hair's fucking moving. That's how I know you're Chrissy Chaos Cause since quarantine
Starting point is 00:23:06 It's I mean I'm fucking wild I got back with my baby's mama Yeah More than that Cause Chrissy Chaos is out to play Yay
Starting point is 00:23:16 I got my house on the market It's a stupid move Cause we are definitely Yanni Longdays and Chrissy Chaos Just let me ask you a question Let me ask you a question. Ask it to me. I only identify someone who responds to asks.
Starting point is 00:23:27 When I put my house on the market and it gets sold and that thing's blowing up in my face again, can I sleep on this couch? You can't sleep on this couch. Even though it's in the studio? We can't. You can't. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:36 All right, thank you. Yeah, because, I mean, you've been having a pretty consistent life, so you might be chaos on the inside, but on the outside, you just look like a regular like you're having a regular domestic life but on the inside you're probably fucking going wild your inner spirit's probably kicking around like a baby after eight months yeah it's
Starting point is 00:23:54 what it is you want to get out yeah cuz yeah mrs poppers is pregnant so am i yeah yeah it's what it is what can you do but listen tell talk the people. If there's anyone who can teach people about drag culture, it's you. Go. It's time to learn. So first of all, I want to talk about what drag queen actually means, where that word drag comes from. It actually comes from back in the 20th century when all the – because it was very – women would not play their own parts. It would be a man dressed up as a woman to play the role. Patriarchy bullshit.
Starting point is 00:24:26 But because their costumes would normally, and dresses would drag on the floor, that's where the word drag comes from. Drag queen. So, you know, and it's a thing that's been around a long time. I mean, I think, what, even in Shakespeare times, you had men dressing up as women to play the parts. Right. Women were not allowed to perform in the arts.
Starting point is 00:24:49 So yeah, these men would put on these costumes. And women's clothes just tends to drag on the floor. Yeah. It's what it is. I've a couple of times put on girlfriends the muumuu dresses. I've just put on those muumuu dresses. And they fucking feel fun and free-flowing, but they do drag on the floor a little bit yeah i mean scottish kids just wear wear dresses yeah they just come out with kilts with no undies i mean
Starting point is 00:25:11 their their their soldiers used to wear dresses i mean in war i mean there's a 100 guarantee if you fought a war with a scottish clan in the 1600s before you died you were getting t-bagged it's just what it was that's maybe you were gonna get nuts on that helmet one way or another. Yeah, and it was also like a good strategy because imagine you're an invading army. Let's imagine you're the invading Brits or the invading Romans, right? And you're going to Scotland. Because I hate that you're saying invading. Just say invading.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Stop making it two syllables. You're in New York. You know, say you're an invading army and you're coming to Scotland and you're coming to invade and you look over the hill and you see what looks like 500 ladies. Yeah. You're not going to get like all prepped up ready to war. You're going to be like, let's go talk to these ladies. You're going to march up next to, you know, it's fucking dudes in skirts.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yeah. And you're getting teabagged. It's chicks with dicks. It's a good fucking strategy. Well, you know what's interesting is why I'm also so excited to talk about RuPaul and the drag queen community and also the transgender community and all that is because the history of hyenas, hyena is the original chick with a dick. It is. It's a transgender animal. The female's got a pseudo penis.
Starting point is 00:26:17 So it kind of fits who Giannis and I are is because we are absolutely sexually confused people. Yeah, and hyena is just, we've always said, is the most fascinating animal because the women are in charge, and they're fierce. And when we say fierce, we don't mean like work-a-girl fierce. They will eat you alive and pulverize your bone. Yeah, we mean that they pulverize bones. They have the strongest bite.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Hyena has the strongest bite in the animal kingdom, and they give birth through penises, and sometimes the penises explode and they die so it's just what it is the hyena ladies act a lot like guys yeah they just act like guys like guys yeah they like to kill and fight like yeah it's like you know ladies it's like yeah i know it's hard to push your baby out of your vagina try pushing one out of your penis and that's basically what hyenas do they give birth out of their pseudopedises yeah i mean the chicks are so they're such chick with dicks cuz that they their vaginas are at the tip of their dicks yeah now listen the increasing popularity of speakeasies where drag was welcomed during prohibition so in prohibition it was big big big uh thing and of course like 1920s 1930s
Starting point is 00:27:22 um speakeasies had it and it was called the pansy craze so the pansy craze and make no mistake my father has called me a pansy 1 000 times so that's where i guess the pejorative pansy comes from yeah like you're a pansy ass because the pansy craze i don't know where pansy actually comes from um but interestingly enough because the thing is with new york city we're vet we are always first in most things and it like these little you know you watch tv shows and it's like even like a great show like the sopranos right you're saying like oh they were first and kind of making like a member of the mafia gay and do that but they all steal shit from real life because in 1966 a member of the
Starting point is 00:27:59 genevese crime family purchased the stonewall inn where i told you i took a girl on a date and she left because i was having too much fun with the boys um in manhattan's granite's village which then became the hub of the gay culture and you know the riots of 1969 civil rights rights and all that which we've done an episode about the history of yas check out our episode the history of yas yeah we talked about marsha p henson and and we talked a little about the stonewall riots he's given it the kind of uh but the jenna vvese crime family kind of was the first ones to push drag shows forward. Yeah. The Mafia kids.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Well, you know, Mafia kids were always in the cash business of nightclubs. So that was just back in the day where they just owned the club and they didn't care what was going on that night. Yeah. They're like, whatever's making money. You know they dropped a couple of F-bombs in the back rooms when they were counting cash. Now, cash. Now, let me ask you this.
Starting point is 00:28:44 What do we got tonight? It's F-night. What are the chances? No, he would say, they would say this. They would always put, like Colin Quinn's got the great joke. The joke is not in the offensive word. It's in the denomination. It's in the numerical value that you're given. So they would say, yeah, we got a couple
Starting point is 00:29:00 of F-bombs in here. So they would say that. So what do you think, though, in 1966, when the Genovese crime family bought the Stonewall Lane, what do you think the chances are that a couple of these mafioso guys took some of these cross-dressing drag queens and made them their gumades? How many gumades were actually cross-dressing guys? I'm going to say probably 50%. Seriously, right?
Starting point is 00:29:21 I'm going to say 50%, yeah. Yeah. Because there comes a point when you're so... It's kind of how funny this simulation is. Right. There comes a point when you get so high up, you come back down around to the other side. Right. It's very limited. So, as you can tell
Starting point is 00:29:35 in jail and things like that, when guys get super super masculine, like the top of masculinity ends up coming back around to gay. Like John Travolta. Like John Travolta, like ancient Greece, like jail. Right. Jail. The guys who are doing the banging, like if you're getting banged out, it's by a dude
Starting point is 00:29:52 who's like as dude as you can get. Now, let me ask you this. If you ever had to go to jail, God forbid. Being treated like a lady in jail means you're dealing with a man. If you ever had to go to jail, God forbid, to avoid the rapes, would you just go in there and fuck somebody in the ass? Would you just take the precedent and just say, i'm the one banging you because here's here's the situation if me or you ever went to jail yeah i mean we are instantly three dollar bills yeah
Starting point is 00:30:14 we are walking in and our pronouns are being given to us yeah and those pronouns are not masculine it's just what it is yeah we we walk in, somebody's going to say immediately welcome ladies. Yeah, it's just what it is. And we're just going to assume the position and we are going to be somebody's bitch for the remainder of our term. It's just what it is. There's no way me and you are fucking anybody because we don't have the upper body strength.
Starting point is 00:30:37 It's what it is. Now V is pulled up the movie Dog Day Afternoon. Why do we pull that up? Are you doodling? You said about the mafia and this is actually a true story about what Dog Day Afternoon was based on because his wife wanted a sex change.
Starting point is 00:30:54 They met in New York and they wanted a sex change and he didn't have money for it. Can they hear V off camera at all, Mike? We can hear you. Can you go back to the notes? Thanks for letting me know that there were notes there.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Can you scroll back up to my memory? We're going to cover drag culture first, and then we're going to get into RuPaul because RuPaul... I would say RuPaul is the Babe Ruth of drag culture. She made it mainstream, baby. Just the way Babe Ruth made baseball culture. She made it mainstream, baby.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Just the way Babe Ruth made baseball baseball. Well, let me ask you this because it's very interesting because obviously, because the same way that when you do Marisa, it's essentially a character piece. It's not really you. These guys could say it's just a character piece. So in many ways, seriously, you are, for all prospective purposes, a drag queen because you've dressed up like a woman so much that you're a drag queen. So let me ask you, do you feel better sitting as a guy or do you feel more comfortable as a girl?
Starting point is 00:31:54 They're both fun for different reasons. Character pieces are always fun because you can think like somebody else, which is fun. Right. you can think like somebody else, which is fun. Right. And so, but she's a lot funner,
Starting point is 00:32:06 I think, than, because, it's just not that she's a transgendered character that it makes it fun. I think it's her personality that makes her fun. She's a rigorous chick,
Starting point is 00:32:17 you know what I mean? Do you feel, are the DMs for the Marisa Rodriguez.zip page fucking lit? They do light up. But you know know the thing is i also get the it's not it's not as liberating as you think it's more because her the character
Starting point is 00:32:30 is is sassy like that the character is rigorous but actually like being a feat like when i get into that female brain kind of stuff and trying to think of like what women think is funny and things like that it's like it is kind of a it's not as liberating as you think because women got to think about looks and shit all the time. Being a guy is actually more liberating. Right. Because when you're a guy, you just wake up, like you fart, you don't give a fuck, you go meet your boy, your hair is not combed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:54 Women have to go through this mental checklist before they live to have, like I love watching my wife. It's like a mental checklist that they have to go off before they even decide to see anyone. It's like, what is my, do I have, before they even decide to see anyone. Right. It's like, what is my... I got to at least put eye makeup on. Listen. If you're not going to do your hair, you fucking pull it back in a bun. I mean, do you think this kid, Professor Muffin Chops, has ever thought for one second how he looks when he goes and meets his friends? Not a fucking chance.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I mean... No way. I mean, because the kid looks like he was reanimated out of the Civil War. Yeah. He looks like he's wearing what he slept in. Yeah, he's got pubes on his face. Yeah, but Venetia, she actually had the thoughts coming over here. And I think that's why Maurice is so funny.
Starting point is 00:33:35 It's because I've always been, women are beautiful to me, and I'm fascinated by the way they think. And you're scared of them. And I'm scared of them. But not anymore so much. But anyway, women, it's just funny. They think. Women think it's everything. They're thinking everything. Like, what am I looking like? Okay, I'm going of them But not anymore so much But anyway Women it's just funny They think Women think
Starting point is 00:33:45 It's everything They're thinking everything Like is this What am I looking like Okay I'm gonna be biking Oh my god I'm gonna stink So then Vanity went And she brought some spray
Starting point is 00:33:53 Which I smelled When she brought out Cause everything is calculated If I go to your house And take a shit I'm not gonna be like Oh I'm not gonna say If I go to Chris' house
Starting point is 00:34:01 I ate before So I may take a shit So I should bring some potpourri In case I shit Or another shirt in case I shit my pants. I'm just going to shit my pants and shit your house. One time, remember, you came over to my apartment. You came over to my apartment, and you sat on the couch, and you had like a 5% clean ass. And I had to call Stanley's fucking steamer service and get my couch professionally clean.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Because your fucking ass smelled like shit. You didn't care, and I didn't care either. I just fucking asked you to Venmo me 50 to split the cost. Yeah, that's it. I mean, women, they planned that whole thing i mean veneti was going like she in her brain she went and this is what i do as marisa i get up and that's what the ladies love it because they know that i'm telling the truth i'm trying to do a venetian when she left today she said oh shit look i'm going to bike down there because like i was going to take the car that had air conditioning i would have a totally different outfit if i had air conditioning i can't
Starting point is 00:34:42 do it because dimitri taking the car so what i gotta do all right i gotta save a little money because i don't know if they're gonna cover my cab i'm going to bring it up in a right about way i'll do that later but anyway i'm going to bike downtown and tell them i took the cab but they're going to make me sweaty so that means i'm going to have to take another shirt because i'm not going to be sitting around with fucking sweat stains on my shit then i'm also going to change in the bathroom and bring some poperitos press on me so they don't smell my body odor she had to have all this mental fucking thing just to come here you know what i did cuz i fucking wiped my ass and threw my shorts on and got in the car that's what it is same with me cuz same with me i mean listen listen we've been doing wepa in the morning every day on patreon.com slash bay
Starting point is 00:35:18 ridge boys every monday to friday not one time has mrs popp Venetia, or my girl ever- The weather girl. The weather girl ever even remotely come close to the screen. Venetia's been Blackout Tuesday since fucking day one. She was doing that way before the movement. She had Blackout Tuesday on. That's what the Zoom screen is always. The weather girl, she'll yell, but she will not even come close to the camera. And, I mean, Mrs. Pappas runs past the background of that camera like she's in Vietnam getting close to the camera and i mean mrs poppins runs past the background
Starting point is 00:35:45 of that camera like she's in vietnam getting out of the way of bombs i mean she will fucking sprint and dive before she lets anybody see her without makeup on yeah it's just that's just it's a different thing and you know so drag culture has evolved over years obviously it started as uh you know guys playing female parts like chris said in shakespeare and eric etc and then it was gay guys dressing up as women to perform. Like I said, what I think is sometimes, I'm just going to be honest, it's bad entertainment. I don't want to see a lip singing contest.
Starting point is 00:36:12 But it's fun to watch guys dressed as women do that shit. I get it. It's not for me. I guess I'm a straight guy. Whatever. But anyway, so the thing that RuPaul's Drag Race is about is really what drag culture is, is how far a guy, they usually are gay, they don't have to be, dresses a woman with the makeup contours and the dresses, can actually like pull it off. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:36 So you're looking at this guy going like, holy shit, this guy's in fucking eight inch heels. He's working it. He's dancing. He's lip singing, whatever. eight inch heels he's working it he's dancing he's lip singing whatever and so that's what drag culture is is guys um fulfilling themselves right as performances as women right right right did i did i kind of get that right yeah and then in 1980s it was a real tightrope walk and the word to what that's why it's black transgender lives matter yeah. Yeah. It was the famous phrase, yas. That was the 1980s drag ball culture.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And I just want to let, because I don't know a lot of people know this, but in LGBTQ plus context, drag is used as a way to explore gender. Okay, so we got to know that. It's a way to explore gender. It's often understood as a breaking down of the limitations of masculinity and femininity. So it's because a lot of people like, don't know can you say cross-dresser is it transsexual is it transvestite
Starting point is 00:37:27 all these different words I just go LGBTQ plus and whatever and then you tell me what you are and that's how it is yeah and drag is most commonly
Starting point is 00:37:37 associated with gay men dressing up and embodying a larger than life female so that's you know what that's unfortunate that a female can't go into drag as a male wait is that is that. So that's, you know what, that's unfortunate that a female
Starting point is 00:37:45 can't go into drag as a male. Wait, is that appropriation? That's unfortunate. Is that guy's appropriating female culture? Yeah, it could be. Yes, it is
Starting point is 00:37:54 and it's fucking fierce and awesome. Yas! Yeah. I mean, that's where we get Yas. Actually, Yas is from drag culture when drag queens would get up there
Starting point is 00:38:03 and start performing, the audience would go, Yas, queen, Yas. Because they were so moved by their lip sync. Yas. So what can you do? I want to talk specifically about RuPaul. I mean, cuz. Now, RuPaul.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Because we fucking nailed drag culture. I mean, you don't have to go to school. Everything you need to know, we just fucking nailed it. Drag culture. Yeah, cuz. Yeah, RuPaul, who's fucking the most famous drag queen of all time, who famously said the first dress he ever bought in Atlanta, Georgia, only cost $3. So what can you do?
Starting point is 00:38:31 I mean, the kid's a $3 bill. He was born and raised in San Diego. His mother taught him how to sew, and he was inspired by her fashionable outfits. Cuz the thing is, just like our good friend of the show, Joey Camasta, when RuPaul and Joey Camasta came out of that mother's is just like our good friend of the show joey camasta when they when rupaul and uh joey camasta came out of that mother's birthing canal the first words they said were either yachts or work they were never in a million years going to be straight you would say you know joey probably said let me
Starting point is 00:38:56 get one thing straight it's not me so it's just what it is and that's the same thing what rupaul said is that honey let me get one thing straight it ain't me yes so and that's that's the same thing what RuPaul said. He said, honey, let me get one thing straight. It ain't me. Yes. And that's one of those things where it's like, you know, it's like because now there's all that talk about like, are you born gay or not? It's like, of course you are. Yeah. You know? You can't look like Joey Comessa and then choose to have that type
Starting point is 00:39:19 of fashion show in your living room. I mean, it's just what it is. The main thing to remember, which is interesting about this, is drag queens are gay men who identify for the most part. Do you have to be gay to be drag? No, you don't have to be. But it tends to be that's who's interested in doing it. That's good news.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Yeah, I mean, there's never really like straight guys who go like, you know what? You know, I was into baseball till eighth grade. And then, you know, ninth grade to 12th, I just really got into drag contests. Yeah, the only straight guy I know who does drag is Giannis Popper. That's the only one. There's the guy sitting here to my right. I'm the only one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:54 So it's guys who identify, for the most part, as gay men dressing up as women, and that's why RuPaul's Drag Race is a contest. and that's why RuPaul's Drag Race is a contest. And that's why RuPaul came out of controversy a little bit from the LGBTQ community when he said, look, you gotta be a man to do drag. Like trans aren't drag queens. Transgenders are actually women because they see themselves as identifying as women
Starting point is 00:40:21 whereas drag queens are guys who make up this display to look like women. So there's a difference. Came under fucking controversy because there's a lot of gray zones in the gay community, but ultimately everyone kissed and make up, and hopefully we can have a gay solution to this country. I would want to live in the world
Starting point is 00:40:41 where the first drag queen president of the United States is RuPaul. I want RuPaul to come. Were you allowed to say that while your dad's still alive? Because it's, I know. Well, yeah. Did you just put him in the grave? I mean, I was with him yesterday for Father's Day. He's on the runway.
Starting point is 00:40:57 So he's getting close. He's sitting in the plane in the air and he's just getting announcements from the pilot going, we're sixth in line. Yeah, I mean, every single night he talks to a different black family from the 1950s. So I don't know what is happening, but it's just – The kid's in his 70s, but he doesn't have one gray hair. No, he looks young, young, young, and yeah, it's what it is. But what I want to say, I forgot.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I don't know what I was going to say. You were going to say something about how if you want to pick something up in this world, it's going to cost you four, eight, 12 quarters. 12 quarters? The kid's a 12-quarter role. Well, no. What RuPaul, you know, or what I'm saying about the president is, yeah, I want him to be the first president, first drag queen president because he'll just be the president and the first lady at the same time. That's a great point.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Yeah, we wouldn't have to worry about, like, what is Melania thinking? It's like, no, RuPaul's just, they're thinking at the same time. Yeah. Because it's all one, bitch. That's a great point. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We should have a, yeah. I mean, he could, when he came out, he came out as a drag.
Starting point is 00:41:52 So he can answer, on certain days he can answer as a guy, on certain days he can answer as a girl. It's like Joe Biden's having all this trouble. He's like, oh, I have to get a female vice president. She has to be black. It's like, there's no problems with RuPaul. I'm the president and I got, I'm a female vice president and a male president. I'm the fucking president and the first lady.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Bitch, work. Do you know how scary it is that we are the most powerful country in the world for like another couple of minutes or a month or so? And that's actually the most important criteria right now
Starting point is 00:42:16 for who's going to be vice president. She has to be a person of color. Is what she looks like in the gender. I mean, It's so stupid. If you, look, it's hard to see,
Starting point is 00:42:24 the ancient Greeks have an old expression that look, it's hard to see. Ancient Greeks have an old expression that says, the camel can't see his own hump because you are the camel and you can't look back there. Let me just be crystal clear for you for a second because I'm a comedian and I'll do it like Donny T just so you can understand. Yeah, just do it like you're in Tulsa. We are through.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Our empire is on the decline. When you have presidential candidates who are auditioning to be the most powerful person on the planet saying the person who's going to fulfill this job is going to fulfill this job under me if i die is going to take over and become the most powerful person it has to be certain criterias based on their gender and their ethnicity that's the most important thing that's when you know the reality of what made us great is over and now we are the show has begun yeah this is a show now that was a segment brought to you by yanni long day snickers hungry why wait yeah we're
Starting point is 00:43:12 brought to you by cafe bustelu make no mistake yanni long day segments are going to be sponsored by snickers because they used to have those commercials why wait snickers hungry why wait and you're in for a long day we're in for a fucking long days because Yachty Long Days is out to play. He's out to play. Because I love RuPaul. Me too. I fucking love RuPaul. So in the 1980s is when she came,
Starting point is 00:43:34 because make no mistake, the kid RuPaul, she came to New York City and in the 80s she started- He came to New York City. No, but she said she doesn't matter. RuRu doesn't matter. She wouldn't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yeah, RuRu Baby doesn't matter. In the mid 19801980s, Roo-Baby left the South and headed to New York City and became part of a new festival known as Wigstock. And then Roo came to New York and became that popular fixture in the nightclub because the nightclubs in the 80s must have been fun, fun, fun. Your brother, your
Starting point is 00:43:59 $3 bill brother was probably bopping around in the 1980s nightclub scene. He may have bumped into Roo-Paul. Seriously. He might have. What I love about the gay community is how variegated it is. There'sopping around in the 1980s nightclub scene. He may have bumped into RuPaul. Seriously. He might have. What I love about the gay community is how variegated it is. There's so much in the spectrum.
Starting point is 00:44:10 It's like when you're a straight guy, it's kind of boring. We're just kind of straight guys. Some of us read and some of us don't. Some of us like sports
Starting point is 00:44:16 a little more. When you go to a gay club, it's like you're going to see bears. You're going to see cubs. You're going to see twinks. You're going to see Tim Dillon. You don't know what's coming at you. You're going to see Chrissy D. You're going to see drag queens. You're going to see Twinks. Yeah. You're going to see Tim Dillon. You don't know what's coming.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You're going to see Chrissy D. Yeah. You're going to see drag queens. Yeah. You're going to see transgenders. You're going to see bull dykes. Yeah. You're going to see lipstick lesbians.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Yeah. I mean, the list goes on and on. You're going to see little cute Taiwanese guys. Yeah. You're going to see the whole gamut. I mean, because the gay world is really a Vegas buffet of what's possible. Yeah, there's so many options. When you pull down somebody's pants in a gay club, you don't know what's
Starting point is 00:44:50 popping out. It's a spin the wheel. There's so many levels on the spectrum because it's so vibrant and fun. It's appropriate that the flag is the rainbow. They should add colors to it.
Starting point is 00:45:06 100%. I agree. Because guess what? That kid Takayashi, 96.7, he fucking stole their shit. I know. I mean, Takashi, 90.00. I mean, that kid's got, he took the rainbow flag. That's the gay flag.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah. And now that kid's performing rap and talking about bitches. That's not right. It's not right. I'm not an advocate for the gay community, but that's not fucking right. That's not right. I think he should be leading the gay pride parade from now on. So kids are squeak.
Starting point is 00:45:30 Kids are squeak. Yeah, we're going to make Debo give him squeak of the week. Because I would fucking, a boxing match between Tekashi 6ix9ine and Debo? Sign me up. Because the kid grew up in Ridgewood Bushwick. He did? Tekashi 6ix9ine. Yeah, he grew up about four or five blocks away from me.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yeah, he's a fucking squeak. So in 1993, RuPaul recorded the Dance House album, Supermodel of the World. The dance album was called Supermodel of the World. Work it, girl. Work. And it was released through the rap label Tommy Boy, spawning the dance track hit.
Starting point is 00:45:58 You may have heard this on Weppa in the Morning, every day at patreon.com slash bayridgeboys. The hit was called you better work turn to the left turn to the right do your let's play it on the runway work it girl do your thing on the runway Turn to the right. Work. Sashay. Shantay.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Work. I mean, because it just makes you want to be fierce. Wow, Sergio, she comes in this music video. So this is what made RuPaul famous. I remember in the 90s, you kids were too small, but I remember RuPaul blast onto the scene this was a massive hit right she's not even a recording artist she's not even really a musician but this song was so fierce became such an anthem that she just skyrocketed to success and cult pop
Starting point is 00:46:57 culture fame she got a talk show on MTV yes she was interviewing big time celebrities. RuPaul was here. She has arrived. Yeah. Y'all. Yes. So she made her feature film debut in Spike Lee's Crooklyn. Good movie, Spike Lee's Crooklyn. She had her talk show, variety show on VH1 in 1996. It went through 98.
Starting point is 00:47:17 But then she really popped. I mean, really fucking popped for our new fans in 2009 with the debut of the long running reality TV competition, RuPaul's Drag Race, which I was a fan of. Yeah, here's the thing about- I tried to get in. RuPaul skyrocketed in the 90s. Make no mistake, she was on the cover of magazines and stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:34 She skyrocketed in the 90s. Then there was this plateau period. She put out a couple more albums. They didn't do as great, even though one of the songs hit the charts. She was making music. I mean, she did like three albums. A girl can't sing. She can't play. In America, you can be anything you want to be somebody just made her a musician and she's a musician this is america joe rogan one of the
Starting point is 00:47:53 greatest uh podcasters um of all time andrew schultz is the biggest black podcast in the country i mean roop i mean spotify fucking gave joe rogan a 100 million dollar deal for doing a one of the longest podcasts. He's been doing podcasts 12 years. Been a famous guy for doing exactly that medium for a long time. And then just the next one they gave is to Kim Kardashian. Just immediately the next $100 million deal on Spotify for a podcast is just Kimmy K. Because nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Nobody cares. And you can do anything you want and be whoever you want. So RuPaul was uh she was a singer she put out a couple albums didn't really pop she kind of plateaued she but remember she skyrocketed plateaued usually it's over at that point right for people to skyrocket twice it's like boom rupaul's dragon because she also had that show on mtv that didn't work it failed yeah well the only way that you're ever going to be able to skyrocket twice is you have to have one thing and one thing only in your tank and that's sugar sugar in that tank you gotta have
Starting point is 00:48:47 sugar in that tank yes and then rupaul's drag race came back and bubba's it's been what 12 years well how long has it been gone it's uh rupaul's drag race uh 2009 2000 11 years yeah 11 years been on and in 2018 she became the first drag queen to receive a star on the hollywood walk of fame yeah i mean she is massive we were sitting in la and rupaul without the makeup was having breakfast rupaul as a you know because he's he dresses as a as a guy he's rupaul is in men's clothing um when he when he when ru is not in in drag and me yanni p our friend don depeda and fucking tim pokebow dylan were eating uh breakfast, and RuPaul was right there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And it was great. And I was trying to eavesdrop on Ru's conversation, but I couldn't hear it because Tim was yelling about aliens. Yeah, he was yelling about, yeah, whatever. Give me more fucking gum. I like the way he doesn't stop eating. I gotta get out of here. And then he's instructing you, eat that.
Starting point is 00:49:44 That's the best thing. And he's instruct you eat that that's the best thing and he's always right yeah always trust a fat guy on food if you just and word to the wise because i know i know the phases phase two phase three is starting to happen all across the country you're going to see timmy dylan out at your restaurants if you're a waiter or waitress right now do not even think about giving tim dylan a menu he's going to tell you what he wants if you give him the menu he's fucking insulted yeah and he knows what he wants. If you give him the menu, he's fucking insulted. Yeah. He knows what he wants. He's looked at the menu. Yeah, and he's also got quite a high standard for your service and food. The kid comes from that, and his family, his grandfather,
Starting point is 00:50:12 his uncle owns a lot of restaurants. The kid will not spare your feelings if the food's not good. Yeah, we were on the other side of it. You were not comfortable in that scenario. I was not comfortable when Timmy ripped some restaurant in the city. I mean, he ripped it and then and then he was right and then he was right about every single thing he went to put his hand down uh like behind me like because i guess i just you know give off that vibe like i'm
Starting point is 00:50:32 just a scared little girl so he just put his arm around me because he could tell i was scared and then right behind me there was a shard of glass to cut his finger and that was the ice cream on the cake i mean the kid fucking flip true story crazy. Now, Tim is one of those kind of old school gays where he doesn't get bent out of shape if you think he's straight or say anything. He's not sensitive or anything like that. So, look, I understand gays have really been oppressed for a long time. Absolutely. They're out now.
Starting point is 00:51:01 It's great. Drag culture is such a beautiful thing. RuPaul is such a massive, massive star with RuPaul's Drag Race. She's so big. AOC was a judge on it recently. By the way, AOC said that the reason why Trump didn't sell tickets is because TikTokers flooded buying the tickets. So that's what they're saying. That's why he wasn't sold out, Trump.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Oh. So it was an AOC move? They're saying it was an AOC move. What was it, V? Because V is like, do not talk about Queen AOC in the wrong context. Yeah, no. Like, I just want you to know that I love AOC. I'm just preparing myself for her dictatorship and for when we go into left-wing programs.
Starting point is 00:51:35 Yeah, no, Greg. I like AOC. Make no mistake, that never ends good. Yeah. Make no mistake. It never ends good. I love AOC. I love AOC as well.
Starting point is 00:51:42 But as soon as she gets Chuck Schumer out of his Senate seat, I'm moving to New Jersey. So I'll go to the next state over. No, I'm kidding. The extremes have taken over. What was wrong about AOC with the tickets and the Trump rally? It was just like a secretive TikTok challenge that you would say, go buy the tickets and then delete it. If that's true, that is hilarious. That's what happened then.
Starting point is 00:52:08 That K-pop kids in Korea bought all the tickets to the Trump rally. Yeah. That is fucking funny, dude. That's funny, funny, funny. It's also amazing that that could happen in our lifetime. Something like that could happen. A big politician can have a... A big politician.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I mean, he's the president of the United States. He's bigger than a big politician. a big politician can have a, a big politician, I mean, he's the president of the United States. He's bigger than a big politician, can have a rally and some kids can decide, let's troll it by buying all these tickets.
Starting point is 00:52:30 They're over in, K-pop's in Korea, right? Yeah. Well, I mean, look, it's like the way, like you can just digitally fuck with elections. But I mean, election meddling has been a thing. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:39 Boss Tweed in New York used to have dead people vote. I mean, it's just different ways. It's just whatever. But to finish about drag queens, because RuPaul is a drag queen. She's not transgender. Transgender people have no, some transgender, many transgender people have no interest in drag whatsoever. Even some transgender people even say, such as India Willoughby, who'll get cracked open,
Starting point is 00:53:02 even dislike drag because they feel it wrongly implies being transgender is just about dressing up when really it is about living in authentic gender identity. So just FYI. Drag shows are guys doing this amazing thing of performing as these larger-than-life female feminine characters
Starting point is 00:53:20 whereas transgenders live as women, identify as women, and actually transition into women by taking female hormones and testosterone blockers it's what it is the only thing
Starting point is 00:53:31 that's not women about them is they don't have vagis they don't got wombs but everything else is chemically they start to become very close to women
Starting point is 00:53:38 especially if they start transitioning younger well on 2nd Avenue in the East Village I don't know if you guys remember V I don't know if you might be too young for this but there was a place called Lucky Chang's.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Do you remember Lucky Chang's? I remember Lucky Chang's. It was a transgender place. I did a comedy show in the basement there once. Yeah, I would go there with an ex-girlfriend of mine. Our friends would go there. We would go and hang out. We would come from Ridgewood and go to Lucky Chang's because make no mistake, we were all fucking in the closet.
Starting point is 00:54:01 We would have a good time at Lucky Chang's. You'd get a lap dance at the end. It'd be fun, fun, fun. I've never truly in my, some of the best times I've ever had in my life is going out at Lucky Chang's or hanging out
Starting point is 00:54:13 with my gay friends. It's just, they're always 100% energy, positive, good, great. They're fun. The thing is that they want to crack, you never got uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:54:20 knowing that they wanted to crack you wide open? Well, I'm very naive because you're the one that's told me, hey, some of your gay friends want to crack you open and i'm like why and they're like well you have pictures of his open asshole on your phone that you hoarded i'm like yeah but we're just friends i mean which one which guy who's not gay who hangs out with you is not going
Starting point is 00:54:35 to think about cracking you wide open i got a lot of gay friends just like i'm not just talking about a little squeeze on a nut yeah open it up and eat what's inside the nut, a nutcracker. I'm talking about fucking take pliers and crack you the fuck open. Yeah, crack me. Because you're a hunk. I'm a hunk. You're a fucking hunk. And those kids, you think they're just ignoring it?
Starting point is 00:54:56 Joey Camasta wants, what did he say? He wants you to treat his prostate with the same gusto you did when you did a rant one time. Yeah, when I did it. Yeah. So that's Joey Gusto wants you to smash his asshole. Yeah, he wants you to smash his prostate with the same gusto you did when you did a rant one time. Yeah, when I did it. Yeah. So that's, Joey Gusto wants you to smash his asshole. Yeah, he wants you
Starting point is 00:55:08 to smash his asshole. Yeah, he says like, wreck my guts. What did he say? It was funny. It was something that he commented in public. Yeah, he said,
Starting point is 00:55:13 I want you to treat my prostate with the same gusto that you did that rant or something like that. And then he said, he wants, he has visions of you. What he jerks off to
Starting point is 00:55:22 is you coming home from a long day of work and making you, making you you making him cook for you. I mean, Joey's just the best. He's a funny guy. The best. I mean, it's just great. I mean, here he is just doing his little rendition of drag culture.
Starting point is 00:55:36 But again, Joey's not trans or drag. No, he's a gay man. Oh, yeah, look what I wrote. What did I comment? What did you comment on there? I just put $3 bills. Joey's a gay man. Because gay guys, they appreciate, they love female stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:57 They love female performers. And that's what drag is, is gay guys taking it to the next level. Because dude, there's a whole art form to putting on that makeup, the contours, hiding a lot of the masculinity to appear feminine and the real talent. And the judges judge based on how feminine you look and perform knowing that when it's all off, you're a guy.
Starting point is 00:56:23 RuPaul's got a great quote, by the way. Yeah, let's end it on RuPaul's got a great quote, by the way. Let's end it on RuPaul's quote. There it is. Yes. Go ahead, Yanni. His quote is, we are all born naked, and the rest is drag, baby. Very true. As soon as you put clothes on, you're in drag.
Starting point is 00:56:39 We're in drag right now. It may be a different kind of drag than what you're used to, but we in drag, boo-boo. It's kind of like the modern form of what Shakespeare said. The world's a stage, and we're all just playing a part. Because we're all just dressing up for each other. What's the true us? What's the true you? The true me?
Starting point is 00:56:55 The true you. You're pretty close to the true you. I'd say I'm pretty close to the true me. I think the true me is a guy who is very comfortable with himself i think uh getting turned on by men but you know sexually attracted to what does that mean you're turned on by men you always fly by that yeah i mean what is that what does that mean let's let me see the text what does that yeah because i sent you a text yeah i was drunk yesterday and i give you permission for this one yeah yeah i i text on father's Day yesterday, and I said, he was underwater.
Starting point is 00:57:29 He was a little drunk, and he said, let's just admit it, right? Yeah, I said, I was drunk. I said, I'm banged up. I'm gay for sure. No, like you know me well now. I certainly prefer men. No. You said you're a conflicted kid because SLO KS, you said you're a true hilarious kid who
Starting point is 00:57:45 will chase his tail and is a stone cold $3 bill. And then you said, yeah, make no mistake, you're a pancake. And you said you're three euros, muchacho. You're three euros, muchacho. Yeah, you said you're three euros, muchacho. And it's just what it is. And then if I reach in your pocket, I'm pulling out three crumpled up dollar bills. Yeah, and then I said,
Starting point is 00:58:06 we should have Tyler Fisher, our good friend of the show, Tyler Fisher, put on a gay voice and call in his $3 bill bar. It's just real funny. Yeah, yeah. And then you said, and then you said, and what else did we say?
Starting point is 00:58:16 And then some of the other things I can't read. Yeah, they could just put the phone down now. They got it. The people got it. Yeah, you said, yeah, you said, my friend, you said one of your family members just bought a beautiful home. And you said, kid grew up middle class, but he's the sweetest, humblest guy.
Starting point is 00:58:29 And I said, yeah, in Ridgewood, we got a term for that. And it's called something I can't say. So it's S-Low-K. But yeah, cuz. For a kid who grew up in Ridgewood, you really are yourself. I mean, you wear the Ridgewood. It's in the way you sound. It's how you move around. You're a Ridgewood, you really are yourself. I mean, you wear the Ridgewood. It's in the way you sound. It's how you move around. You're a Ridgewood
Starting point is 00:58:48 kid. It's in your politics, for sure. But you're yourself because you're free spirit. You're three crumpled up $3 bills. You're a three bill. Yeah, I'm a three bill. And yeah, watch. I did an interview on AOL Build with
Starting point is 00:59:03 Monet X. That was a lot of fun. She's a drag queen. And yeah, watch. I did an interview on AOL Build with Monet X. That was a lot of fun. It was a... She's a drag queen. Drag queen, yeah. So couples, copes nice with this. And yeah, it was great. You know, it's just great. It's just great to get to know.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Because what I love about society today is there's people expressing themselves in ways that have never been expressed before in history and been accepted before in history. So we're getting to meet like new kinds of personalities that I think is fucking dope. Yeah, because right now, why not? I mean, we're so comfortable and so safe. People can just reach down deep and explore and perform whatever they want. You know, this would be great. Hopefully, humanity evolves to a place where this is the mainstay and it's not just an indication of an empire kind of getting too comfortable on the decline.
Starting point is 00:59:44 Hopefully, that happens in the future. We're headed to a digital place with AI and stuff like that. My daughter's going to know it. Your daughter's going to know it. I'm only here for a couple more decades. I'm going to do some blow. I want to do some blow. I've never done blow.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I want to try some blow before I check out and see if my dick can stay up. Yeah, because you're a fucking, you're just going to be, it's going to be wild for your daughter because when you're about seven years old, you're going to be so many people to her. You're going to be her father. You're going to dress up like Marisa, be her mother. You're also going to be her grandfather
Starting point is 01:00:12 and her grandmother. So you're just like, you're four people in one where she's like, who is this guy? He's everybody. Ru Paul, what an amazing episode. Here's the deal, guys.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. You got to check out our morning show. Every day we check in wet by in the morning. It is the classiest. It's brought to you by Cafe Bustolo. They never said we could say that, but we're saying it. It is your morning show with deep, deep, deep rooted fumare. We have a good time every day. You can tune in live 9 a.m. Eastern every day if you want, but it's up all day afterwards to watch whatever you want. And like and subscribe to our iTunes, History Hyenas on iTunes, our YouTube. Subscribe to it, youtube.com slash historyhyenas. And we also got merch at historyhyenas.com, specifically the WEPA in the morning shirts.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Go get those shirts. We got a whole bunch of new shirts. Get your merch. Yeah. Historyhyenas.com. Click on the merch. We got tons of shirts. Well, no, I'm just saying because Tom Segura said to specifically just say one item.
Starting point is 01:01:07 He said that's the screwed up thing to do. Oh, okay. And he fucked it up. Yeah, so that's what I'm just saying because tom segura said to specifically just say one item he said that's the screwed in thing you do and he fucked it up yeah so that's what i'm just saying just pick one edit me out because it's i'm just trying to be screwed in here well you're more screwed in than i am i i thought it was better to have options fuck it we got one shirt well we got options but i want a three dollar bill shirt i want a guy's dick can we get a three dollar bill shirt all right yeah all right let's pause it for a second oh no oh no oh no yo we'll go right to the patreon name sorry yeah so that's where we're at now yeah let me um what it doesn't matter what they love about us is that we're a three dollar bill operation also i'll be in uh july 2nd to the 4th zany's nashville where uh comedian d.o hugley passed out recently i'll be
Starting point is 01:01:38 there january 5th i'll be at a stand-up live in huntsville, Alabama And then January I'm sorry, January I'm saying January I meant July July 2nd to the 4th And July 5th And then July 23rd to the 25th Sidesplitters Tampa ChristieComedy.com for tickets Or Historianist.com
Starting point is 01:01:54 Okay But Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys The most important site you guys could ever go to in your lives It's more important than voting Is we Yeah So It is It is It actually makes more of a difference It's Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys than voting. Is we, yeah. So, so,
Starting point is 01:02:05 it is. It is. It actually makes more of a difference. It's patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys makes more of a difference than your president. So we like, at this point it really is. I mean,
Starting point is 01:02:13 who cares? Who cares? We like to read the names. We like to read the, well, we don't like to, we read the names of all the people
Starting point is 01:02:19 who join our podcast. We read their names at the end of every episode who went to the Patreon and joined and make no mistake, July 1st, it's going up to $10 a month. So read their names at the end of every episode, who went to the Patreon and joined. And make no mistake, July 1st, it's going up to $10 a month, so get in now at five.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Okay, so let's start it off. First off, JJ. Second, Canadian Cousy. Then we have Dr. Chrissy Crooked Toes cured my foot fetish. By the way, we encourage funny names and we pick a PPW pseudo-penis of the week. Yeah, he's going on the list.
Starting point is 01:02:43 That's a funny one. He's on the list. Okay, then funny one. He's on the list. Yes. Okay, then we got, this is a long one. Then we got, my roommate listens to this every day, and once in a while, fucking, she beat my balls like a speed bag, and I want to say, ease up next time, or have an ice pack ready or something. Yeah, I mean, you know, almost there too long.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Too long. Too long. Too long. Then we got, if you think I'll climb ladder 14 to crack open Chrissy Hammertoes and Lieutenant Lollipop, you got another thing coming. See you, M-M-I-N-G. Yeah, I love it. Then we got
Starting point is 01:03:08 Constancio Rodriguez Jr., the third, but make no mistake, I'm half Greek, half bean with no fumare. S-O-K-S, Trump 2020. There we go. Then we got fluffist Afro Latino with a tattoo on the left hip, physically taken down. Leroy pieces, yeah, I mean. On the list.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Then we got Mazuramia, Owen McCormick. Then we got Father Bill de Blasio. On the list. On the list. Then we got Caitlin De Rocha. Then we got Eduardo, Yanni P, and Chrissy D. Tuck it back. I'll make you queef so you make me squeak of the week.
Starting point is 01:03:44 On the list. Yeah, Jesus Christ. This is another tough one. Then we got Brandon Truesdale. Then we got Christian here for the content, but make no mistake, if you come to London, I will tickle your pickle, Charmin. Close. Close. Close to a Drexel. I can't give it. Almost. On the fence.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Then we got Monique Castro, Ken, Matt Clark. Then we got Call Tony Ball's father, Bill Bill is throwing a no-no. Not quite. Not quite. Okay. Yeah. Then we got Luke.
Starting point is 01:04:13 I love the hyenas. I want to shoot my farina on your pubic arena. Riccardi. That's for the rhyming scheme. I'm throwing it into the Drexler category. Drexler. There we go. Good for you.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Congrats. Then we got Jennifer Jacob. Then we got buy my safe. I'll take away Sean Sheehan. Two physically because it's just what it is. A Drexler. There we go. Good for you. Congrats. Then we got Jennifer Jacob. Then we got Buy My Safe. I'll take away Sean Sheehan to it physically because it's just what it is. A lot of 14. There we go.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Thank you. Then we got Casey DeYoung. Then we got Yanni's mother used tights. Oh, Yanni's mother's used tights. Yeah, yeah. It's a Drexler. It's a Drexler.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Really? Drexler? Used tights. I mean. But saying because it's the tights that you used to smack your monkey till. It's a Drex. Okay. We got two better ones. It's's the types that you used to spank your monkey to. To Drex. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:47 We got two better ones. It's a good one, though. It's a good one. Fair enough. You make the call. Then we got Jonathan Mathey, Patrick Ryan, Cord Nelius Price. Then we got here for Weppa, but I smelled arepas. Now staying for Yanni's tetas.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Ladder 14. You know where that's going. Catapulted onto the list. Then we got Travis crack me open and slap my bladder. Then we got Amber Manitoban. Then we got Evan, Evy Wevy, bang too many toots and poop shoots so I won't make it into heavy Nicholas. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Then we got Gary. Then we got Lil Marky, long dick, French fumes, size 18 shoes. You know I got a peace fan of the tram like Jim Norman. Mom, I'm not a $3 bill. Okay, you're wild. It was funny, though. Just long. The long ones are tough.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Then we got amenities and modernity. Writer's block. Rain check. My shout out. Thanks, Bubba Lee's. Crystal clear. Cara. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Hey, Cara. Welcome. Then we got Adam Wall, Jason Rolfano. Then we got Sal. How many words do I have to rhyme for Chrissy to respond to my dick pics on Instagram? Drexler. Drexler. Then we got Mott.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Young Lord Q. Alexandria Splendor. AD. Anthony. It's not gay if your eyes are closed. Ortiz. That's going on the list. The originality.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Congrats. Then we got Justin Wiesling. Carter Neely. Chris Ain't Sis, when Yanni's tongue in his bung on the last rung of ladder 14. Then we got Ja Rule, Colin Marrick, Brent Watts. Then we got Jim Rome's a douche. Then we got Father Bill gave me Stockholm Syndrome in the coat closet a few times. Then we got scrotisserie chicken.
Starting point is 01:06:29 it a few times uh then we got scrotisserie chicken uh lc mehan this guy fucks steel then we got no fumes and trapped out from pushing down the gay but make no mistake two-term trump it's what it is then we got lorcan hanafee the bulldozer then i got then we got i want to lick chrissy d's ring piece it's what it is uh joe R., Michael Rehar, Christian Adams, Davon Fitz, Guz, Pete, Scott Smalley, John Clap. Then we got Two Fruit Loops in the Poop Shoot. Then we got Move Over, B-A-B-I-Y. Chrissy's my daddy now. Then we got Joe Muslo, Dane Dimmick. Then we got Brock.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Not gay, but make no mistake, I'll let Chrissy stimulate my prostate, so definitely not straight. Mason. It's right up your alley right there. Kids in the gray zone. Yeah. Then we got Richard Huntwork, Emily Sassano. Then we got Zach's empty chair.
Starting point is 01:07:21 That's a goodie. That's going on the list. Yeah. Then we got Lane Howler Then we got Michael not a faji But a male nurse practitioner And likes to fill the love sack
Starting point is 01:07:29 With fettiches And spin my pseudo penis around He's here for a good time Then we got Pat Flanagan Austin Roberts And then we got Robert The HPV pick Is going in for another lick
Starting point is 01:07:40 Junior Okay Borderline Okay good Borderline Alright Okay, good. Borderline. All right. Well, Mike elected.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I'm going to throw it to Drexler just because Mike elected. So then who do we got? I mean, who do you like as... Oh, that's it? Yeah. Oh, wow. Vanity is making the list shorter. Yeah, what's the list?
Starting point is 01:07:55 No, who got on the list? Okay, Dr. Chrissy Crooked Toes, Curred My Foot Fetish, Father Bill de Blasio, Eduardo, Yanni B, and Chrissy D. Tuck It Back, I'll Make You Queef, So You Make Me Squeak of the Week. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Then we got Here for Weppa, But I Smell the Repas, Now Staying for Yanni's Tethas, tuck it back I'll make you queef so you make me squeak of the week then we got here for weppa but I smell the repas now staying for Yanni's tattos a lot of 14 that's the one then we got Anthony
Starting point is 01:08:10 it's not gay if your eyes are closed Ortiz and then Zach's empty chair Zach's empty chair is a goodie that's a chicken finger
Starting point is 01:08:16 that's a real good chicken finger I think we should give it to Zach's empty chair that's kind of alimony payment for Venetia
Starting point is 01:08:20 that's what it's a divorce settlement for me you made the call it's going to Zach's empty chair Zach's empty chair you Zach's empty chair. You're the PPW
Starting point is 01:08:26 Shooter of Penis of the Week. Thank you very much. Yeah. It's also 10 out of 10 on the originality points. It's what it is. Thank you guys for watching. Don't forget to subscribe.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Also, turn on alerts. More to come. Tell France. Absolutely. And go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys to join the matriarchy where things get really wild

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