History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 162 - Come See You in a Different Way! The Mafia is WILD!

Episode Date: August 5, 2020

Inspired by the new Netflix doc "Fear City", the hyenas go through the history of the NYC mafia and THINGS GET WILD! WE WILL COME SEE YOU IN A DIFFERENT WAY!Want more Hyena content? Check out www....patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode today is going to be all about the Mafia, which I really would love to bring back right now and make Bayer de Blasio go bye-bye. I mean, these guys don't like de Blasio. If de Blasio was mayor right now, make no mistake, the city would feel a little different. There's a lot of good things the Mafia did, and we're going to get to those shortly.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Well, here's the thing. The real interesting history is Rico because that's what took down the mob but we're a couple of kids who realized, hey, let's talk about Rico
Starting point is 00:00:32 for a couple seconds and let's talk about the Italian Mafia. It's also my baby mama's nephew. Yeah. Yeah, because Rico Rico's a little as we would call it.
Starting point is 00:00:44 It's a little bit of a snoozer just to talk about Rico. It's a little bit of a snoozer just to talk about Rico. It's a little bit of a snoozer just to talk about Rico, so we're going to get to it, which is the racketeering something something. It's racketeering. It was a term actually, Mayor. Racketeering inside Cookie's office. No, racketeering, influence, and corrupt organization. Rico. Rico. Rico. And it was created by some kid who was a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Right. And it was created in the 60s. And then they didn't really do anything. They sat on it for 10 years until the FBI decided we're going to start using it. And we're going to take down the mob. And it was the worst thing that happened to this country. It's the worst thing that happened to this city. And then that's where Rudy Giuliani got famous, who eventually became the mayor.
Starting point is 00:01:24 And then fucking Republican nut job greatness, Rudy Giuliani. What do you think? Because Italians, what Italians will do, Italians, this is the funniest, this is what makes Italians the funniest ethnicity besides black, that they will take your worth, personal trait, and they'll make it into your nickname. So it's like if you got a club foot, you become Johnny the Pirate. It's like Joe DeRosa, our friend, God bless him, he's a comedian,
Starting point is 00:01:49 but he's an adopted kid, which means his mom threw him away. So he'd be called Joey in a basket. Joey in a basket. Yes. He's also Joey, he's always Joey Sandbox because he's Egyptian, right?
Starting point is 00:01:59 Joey Sandbox. Yeah, but he's also Joey Turtles because he's got no shoulders. I mean, the kid looks like a turtle without a shell. He looks like a turtle without a shell. Yeah, he's also Joey horrible tattoos because I don't know what the fuck he's doing with his arms, but I mean, he's just got like a black square. It almost looked like he was protesting.
Starting point is 00:02:15 He was doing the Instagram blackout on his arm before it actually happened. Yeah, it's blackout Tuesday every day. I mean, Joey DeRosa is a fucking mess. He's a fucking mess and he wears shorts. Way John John. He's an adopted Egyptian kid who was raised by an Italian family in fucking South Jersey. Yeah. And listen.
Starting point is 00:02:30 He's South Philly fucking trash. You're South Philly fucking trash, Joey D. Joey D. I love you to death. We love you, Joey D. But they take your worst quality and make you a nickname. That's what Italians do in the neighborhood. So what do you think they would, like, Giuliani,
Starting point is 00:02:45 because, you know, first of all, he probably had that comb over when he was six. Yeah, yeah, and he went to, yeah. Yeah, and he always talked like he was Giuliani. So he had a little bit of a lift. He had a little bit of a lift, and he's a squeak. He's a fucking squeak. Even though in the documentary he claims like he was tough
Starting point is 00:02:58 and he was boxing, it's like, who are you kidding, guy? Yeah, Giuliani. You got your fucking underwear pulled over your head. What would be his fucking nickname in the Italian neighborhood? Rudy Giuliani? Yeah. I don't know what they're – what would they call him? Rudy Marbles?
Starting point is 00:03:11 What was that? Rudy Marble Mouse? Rudy Spith? Rudy Spith. I don't know, but I know that he went to Bishop Lachlan High School, which is – this is the type of college basketball I played. For anybody that ever says, oh, Chris, you're a real good college basketball player, the truth is if you say that,
Starting point is 00:03:25 you don't know anything about sports because here I played college basketball and we would play our home college basketball games in a high school gym at Bishop Laughlin. And one time we played, we scrimmaged, the college basketball team scrimmaged the JV Bishop Laughlin basketball team and we lost by 25 points
Starting point is 00:03:42 because the only key difference is Bishop Laughlin had black kids and we didn't. So we lost by a lot. I mean, it's just what you want to say. The Catholic School League in New York is the top league. It's like the NBA. It's the NBA. So your school would have a very white student body.
Starting point is 00:03:58 And then the basketball team would not have a white student body. No, that's just how it works. That's just how it happens. Bishop Loughlin, works. It happened to Bishop Lockwood, Bishop Ford, all those schools. You know, maybe even, I think Zaverian might have been the only holdout where they just, everyone kind of,
Starting point is 00:04:13 after Chris Mullen, looked like Chris Mullen. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah. Yeah, I think, yeah, so Rudy Giuliani, he, you know, and Rico and the mafia, a lot of people, you know, listen, first of all, there's five families, okay? The commission, they call, it's called the commission, there's five families, okay? The commission, it's called the commission,
Starting point is 00:04:25 there's five families and it's Bonanno, Colombo, Gambino, Genovese, and Lucchese. I think the most famous one's the Gambino. No, that's John Gotti's family. Because that was John, John Gotti, John Gotti was a star.
Starting point is 00:04:36 John Gotti was a star. Star. I mean, the kid was a fucking star. Yeah. He eclipsed everything because he was the Teflon Don and the kid fucking the kid also will would hurt you bad he'd hurt you bad and it's one of those things where if like it was
Starting point is 00:04:50 around today like if john gotti had a tiktok the kid would do numbers you know he would have done numbers on his youtube and his tiktok because he was a fucking star and i gotta be honest with you i've had not a not of a run-in with john gotty but john gotty used to do the howard beach uh crossway boulevard uh street fair in the early night late 80s early 90s and i was a little kid i think it was the last time maybe it's 1990 i was six years old he gave out uh he was giving out free cotton candy to all the kids and i was there with like my family and like it's just you would see these guys and they were like really nice to the kids. If you were white... No, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I was just joking, because actually, Gotti and these guys, I know Howard Beach has a bad name, and I'm not defending anything. Howard Beach is the type of neighborhood you just... You can't protest at Howard Beach. Even to today, let me just be honest with you. Let me just be crystal clear with you. You can't be, wherever you're planning,
Starting point is 00:05:48 just please, we need you as a producer. Don't go to Howard Beach. It's not going to end well for you if you go to Howard Beach. I'm talking to Antifa. I hate you guys, but I don't want any of you to die. Do not go to Howard Beach. Howard Beach is like if Bay Ridge took steroids every day. Every day, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:04 At the height of its price, fucking jacked. Howard Beach is real, real. There's real guys that still live there. And I was just kidding. Actually, the Gotti and the Mafia kids, when I was, because I would always hang out with like Puerto Rican kids and very culturally diverse and we would go to these street fairs and the Mafia guys were always nice to everybody. The only problem you would ever have with a Mafia guy, if the thing is with the mafia they were in some ways very respectful in
Starting point is 00:06:26 the sense that you if you were a guy that hit your woman if you would fucking hit a hit a girl hit a woman at the festival you would get your fucking ass handed to you i'll never forget i don't this wasn't john gaudy because this was that he was already in prison or maybe i'd even already passed away but this was in oh no he was in prison in the mid 90 had even already passed away. But this was in, oh, no, he was in prison. In the mid-'90s. God rest his soul. God rest. God bless. I was on CrossFit Boulevard in the Howard Beach Festival, and he used to do it.
Starting point is 00:06:51 And a guy pushed his girlfriend, and he got beaten with baseball bats in public in front of everyone. And the police didn't even come. He was just left there bleeding out. And I was like, you. Yeah. I can't. So you actually saw the mafia when you were with your dad? Because I would figure your dad would see them, and he would huddle with you around the corner.
Starting point is 00:07:10 You'd scuffle out of there quick? Because the kid might have owned them a couple dollars. Well, that's the thing. I was going to tell some really interesting stories about a family member of mine who actually lost her husband and child to mafia violence. And I was going to actually call her on the podcast today, and we were going to talk. And she was like, Chris, I wouldn't do it. She said, Christopher, I wouldn't do that if i were you because your father still does owe some money to a few of these guys so we could talk about it
Starting point is 00:07:32 privately but as far as putting the information there in the podcast i don't know and that's a true story yeah yeah she was like i don't know honey because you know some of these guys they are very old but they still are around and who knows what they're listening to now but yeah but i won't say her name but i did have a member of my family my when i was three years old was involved in the mafia her husband was and they were murdered uh and it's just wild that it came that close to my family and then for every month every month for for 20 years she would receive a brown paper bag of cash behind one of her house plants, and she believes it was from the people who murdered her husband and kid,
Starting point is 00:08:11 but they still felt an obligation to take care of the woman because that's just what it was. Because that's what we do at our thing. That's Cosa Nostra. Yeah, it's Cosa Nostra. If you murder a woman's husband and she's got to raise the kids, the least you can do is put a couple dollars in a paper bag at her doorstep. They say, listen, we murdered this woman's husband. We murdered this woman's husband, but we're not fucking animals.
Starting point is 00:08:36 This isn't Englewood over here. I mean, what are we, fucking mobbies? So we're going to fucking give her some money, and we did the right thing here. We didn't murder the husband and call blood. Oh, we're not fucking animals. I mean, I did butcher her fucking husband,
Starting point is 00:08:47 put him in little pieces, turned him into fucking steak that you would feed a kid. I cut him into little tiny pieces that a fucking four-year-old could fucking digest, but I'm not a fucking animal. I paid a woman
Starting point is 00:08:58 a little bit, $10 every couple months. Yeah, listen, you made the husband look like Chef Boyardee, but I mean, I was raised right. I mean, I got a fucking mother
Starting point is 00:09:04 and three sisters. I'm not going to let this woman not have money. I mean, I but I was raised right. I mean, I got a fucking mother and three sisters. I'm not going to let this woman not have money. I mean, I just killed a whole family. I mean, what kind of fucking dirt bag would I be if I didn't pay this woman's fucking monthly expenses for the rest of her life after I just cut her fucking husband's head off and threw it off to Verrazano?
Starting point is 00:09:19 Have you watched the docuseries on Netflix? Your city? I was fucking moving my monkey to it all weekend. The one guy I like is the guy who's like, he was an enforcer and they show young pictures of him. That's John A. Light. That's a real guy too. And we're going to just quickly go through that
Starting point is 00:09:37 because John A. Light is a guy who is a known guy in Queens. Yeah, Albanian kid. He's Albanian kid. Oh no, he was, I think he was Albanian. He's with the Italian mafia, but I don't think he was Italian. I think he was an Albanian kid. He's an Albanian kid. Oh, no. He was... I think he was Albanian. He's with the Italian Mafia, but I don't think he was Italian. I think he was an Albanian kid. I think John Aylight's an Albanian kid. There's a great
Starting point is 00:09:52 interview I watched on Vlad TV with John Aylight, and he talks all about his time. No, not that guy. He's the guy. He was not... No, the guy who was boxing? That's John Aylight. Oh, yeah. Oh, because you pulled up one of the... Yeah, Google John Aylight. Because he was not oh the guy was boxing that's john a light oh yeah oh because you pulled up one of the one of the google john john a light a you know because he was on the vlad tv uh interview and he was on um yeah there it goes uh yeah and then um and then he and he's also got a
Starting point is 00:10:14 podcast he's got yeah there there is everyone's got a fucking podcast got a podcast yeah john edward a light yeah it was uh hey how you doing it's john a light let's talk about uh december 4th 1987 i killed four people. I asked the guy for the money. Guy said I don't got the money. So I said, all right, now I got to come see you in a different way. That's when I baseball batted him and bent his leg backwards. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Okay, we'll be here next week when I talk about how I fucked your mother and killed your brother. I haven't listened to this podcast, to John's podcast yet, but I would like to. Because the interview that he gave with Vlad TV was fascinating. And he did his time in prison, talks about his experiences, and he does the whole thing with sunglasses on. And it's just so fascinating. And then at the end of the interview, he brings in a guy who was an enforcer like him, who's my age, who then I go on Facebook. I'm like, I got like 12 mutual friends with this guy
Starting point is 00:11:06 who's a fucking killer in jail. So, but, but Johnny like talks about how it just becomes part of your life and what it is.
Starting point is 00:11:12 And it's one of those things where as, you know, I was, I watched this interview with a few girls where, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:19 me, a kid's mom and some of her friends. And I mean, they were soaking wet watching the interview with this guy. I mean,
Starting point is 00:11:24 he's a tough, tough guy. He's a handsome guy and he's just the definition of a fucking man i mean this guy he can hang up some signs in the studio he's a real guy's guy and the problem with talking about they're open about what they're talking about they're very open about the mafia stuff but the truth is like a guy like this is he'll hurt you bad bad bad bad bad so you want to just tread lightly yeah you don't want to make fun of bad, bad, bad, bad. So you want to just tread lightly. Yeah. You don't want to make fun of him the way that I just did.
Starting point is 00:11:47 You don't want to make fun of his podcast. Yeah, you don't want to make fun of him. You want to say go like and subscribe to his podcast and follow him on iTunes. And I don't know what else to say. You don't want to call his podcast a potty waddy. He's going to be like, wait, what do you mean it's a potty waddy? No, it's actually, I'm sure it's interesting because he has a lot of these guys. What's interesting about the mafia now is
Starting point is 00:12:05 with technology, you know, doing these interviews and podcasts is a lot of them have served their time so they can talk openly about the crimes they committed because they can't get tried again. They, a lot of them, you know, cut deals, got a few years in prison. So it's fascinating to hear what the inner workings of it is.
Starting point is 00:12:19 But what they were saying in the documentary Fear City on Netflix was that they are saying it's kind of over, the mafia. But I don't know if they're saying that because it actually isn't over. I don't fucking know if they're saying what we're supposed to be saying. I don't know. Right. I loved that. He had one line in the documentary that just blew me away.
Starting point is 00:12:37 It's just Italians, Italians. He may not be an Italian, but he hung around Italians. Whatever it is, street guys, they come up with interesting ways to say things, funny ways to say things that just are catchy because it comes from just like a place, just like a rhythmic place where he was going down the list of how, what he did. He was like, first I come, I ask you for the money. You don't got to come to money, I come back.
Starting point is 00:13:02 You know, I ask you again. So it's never ask, it's ask. back. You know, I ask you again. So it's never ask. It's ask. I ask you again. I ask you again. If you don't have the money, well, then that's when I got to come see you in a different way. When he said that, that was my favorite line in the whole documentary. Then I got to come back and see you in a different way. If someone ever tells you they're going to come back and see you in a different way,
Starting point is 00:13:20 it's time for you to move. Yeah, they're not talking about, I'm going to see you in some type of alternate reality and we're gonna talk about space time travel they're talking about that you're gonna fucking get some bones broken and it's gonna hurt bad yeah because i mean that just may become one of our sayings because it's so good i'm gonna hurt you in a different way no just yeah i mean if this kid keeps talking i'm talking i'm talking to you whoever it is whatever comic out there i'm gonna come see you in a different way yeah yeah next time we'll come see in a different way i come see you in a different way. Next time we'll come see you in a different way. Come see you in a different way. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I would like to get, I would love if an ex-Mafia member, if a fan of our podcast or ever hear this, would love to come on and interview them because to make a Mafia guy laugh is really hard. It's almost impossible. I don't imagine that anything I've ever said could make the guy John A. Light laugh. I don't think he ever wants to laugh at anything.
Starting point is 00:14:02 No, and those guys are so- I would love to try to make them laugh. Sometimes they're very funny, but the type of jokes they like wouldn't really get them a deal in today's world. No. No. The kids like to throw, they like racial humor. They like racial humor.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah. And you were unfortunate. Yeah. It's not humor. It's humor. Yeah. The way you said it, you're from that part. You're from a part of the city. It's just what it is. Yeah. I mean, Yuma, I mean, it's Yuma. It's humor. Yeah, the way you said it, you're from that part. You're from a part of the city.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It's just what it is. Yeah, I mean, Yuma, I mean, it's Yuma. It's Yuma. You got a good sense of Yuma. I want a good Yuma bar. I mean, you just said a hard Yuma. You didn't say humor. You said Yuma.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Because I want a good Yuma bar, and I'm on the 310 to Yuma. Yeah, they come see people in a different way. They come see me in a different way. I want a good Yuma bar, and I'm on the 310 to Yuma. Yeah. Yeah. They come see people in a different way. They come see me in a different way. Yeah, they come see you in a different way. So we got, okay, so the Gambino crime family was the big one. Bonanno, Colombo, Genovese, and Lucchese.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Those are the five operating families. And they pretty much ran crime in New York City, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, even a little bit to the early 2000s. But the RICO Act really came in and destroyed the mafia in a sense because basically the bosses were untouchable. If a foot soldier committed a crime, it would never get back to the boss. But then when RICO, when the government found out that they could put RICO into effect, now a foot soldier who committed a crime on the other side of the country, the main boss would get arrested for it, and that effectively cut the head off the mob. So in essence, now if you're into organized crime, as Giannis was saying earlier,
Starting point is 00:15:33 it's better to be unorganized because you have more of a chance of making it. The more organized you are, the easier it is for them to take you down. Yeah, it's almost, and I'm going to just do the rest of the episode with you. You want to do it like that? I just feel comfortable doing it like this, so I'll just say it like this. What I'm basically saying is, like, yeah, it used to really behoove the guys
Starting point is 00:15:52 when we were doing Wiseguy stuff. You know, Wiseguys, when you were a real guy. It used to really behoove us to be in an organization because this was a way where the boss and the underb boss could really protect themselves through the capos were really like the regional managers.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I mean, it was basically run like a fucking blimpies. Remember blimpies? I mean, you were a franchisee. So the fucking soldiers were working behind the counter.
Starting point is 00:16:16 If the fucking soul, if the guy behind the counter stole a couple dollars out of the fucking register, it's not gonna fucking, it's not gonna reflect on me because I'm at corporate headquarters. I'm in corporate headquarters in another fucking place. So's not going to fucking, it's not going to reflect on me because I'm at corporate headquarters. I'm at corporate headquarters
Starting point is 00:16:25 in another fucking place. So back then, we were collecting, they were doing the crimes, they got sent to jail because you could only convict the guy who did the crime
Starting point is 00:16:33 even though I fucking sent the guy to go see a guy in a different way. See him in a fucking different way. Yeah, yeah. So that's how we benefited. It's funny too,
Starting point is 00:16:41 and also in the Fear City documentary, I remember John Ayl. was talking about something about how when Rico, when it came on the news, and then they saw that this guy was convicted, that guy was convicted, or Castellano got convicted. He's like, you know, we were fucking trying to figure it out. We're a couple of Harvard graduates over here. You remember when he said that?
Starting point is 00:16:58 He's like, everybody all of a sudden, he said, all these fucking, all these wise guys, they went to Harvard all of a sudden, and they're telling me about this or that. I was like, that was funny, too. funny too yeah i mean you can just picture him going like he's talking to smugglers you know yeah i know you went to harvard and all that you went to harvard but i mean let's be honest if you like sucking dicks too right yeah it's what i mean that comes with the fucking package you're picking up a buck what is the podcast can we get john a light's podcast and promote it a little bit here if i mean why not we're gonna have to do something we're gonna do something you We're going to do something.
Starting point is 00:17:25 You know what? Let's fucking, whatever his podcast name is, let's reach out to him and say, you should change the name of the podcast to Come See Me in a Different Way. Oh, John A. Light and Gene Borello. This is the guy, Gene Borello. If you look at the Vlad TV, go Vlad TV, put in John A. Light, Gene Borello. Both these guys were on, and I guess they're doing a podcast together.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I bet you the podcast is fascinating. The Johnny and Gene show. Because can we listen? Can we hear it? Can we just at least hear it? We don't got to see it. Can we hear it a couple of minutes of it? I just want to see. Or can we not?
Starting point is 00:17:55 Yeah. I mean, how funny if he turned it on and he was talking about, if he was talking about dining room feng shui. Yeah. I mean, he's like, hey, what's up? This is John A. Light. Welcome back.
Starting point is 00:18:04 The name of the podcast studio is concrete podcast i mean the kid is still jacked he will hurt you okay wait a second he'll to crush this kid i mean who's this democrat what the is going on here we got to get on this guy's podcast i know did he say hey i got a job for you how did he introduce you This guy will fucking hurt you. Hurt you bad. Major. Yeah, I mean, these guys always talk about truckloads.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Because in a day in the life of a guy who was a soldier for the mafia, at some point during the day, he's going to say the word truckload. Truck truckload do you think guys in the mafia ever just have to dip into a rite aid to get some claritin and take their blood pressure do you think these guys ever were like you know what i know we got a job we got to cut this guy up but my my i'm sneezing my sinuses are crazy right now so can we just stop and get a little claritin decongestant and maybe if just no decongestant because the decongestant raises my blood pressure. That was a funny thing when I was listening to this other documentary where they said they would tap the social club of John Gotti
Starting point is 00:19:13 and others before or whatever, and he said, you think mobsters' conversations are real interesting, but a lot of the time it's even more boring because they know or suspect they're being tapped. So the guys would talk about spaghetti endlessly. They basically said it's like listening to a real stereotype. It's like Italians sitting around talking. It's like listening to a Nimesh Patel album.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Wei Zhongzhen. Wei Zhongzhen. I mean, Chrissy Clarice is back. Yeah. That's what happened. You know what Chrissy Clarice is? It's like a mafia hit. It's like the way the mafia kills you.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Because you're sitting there, you're talking, and then bang. Yeah. You don't see it coming. You thought he came as a friend and bang. And bang, hit you. No, I'm doing that because Nemesh, because a lot of you fucking FFs, you've been fucking tweeting that, Nemesh. And Nemesh hit me up and said, what are you guys saying?
Starting point is 00:20:03 I said, all good things, babe. So, Nemesh, if you listen, said, all good things, babe. So Nimesh, if you listen, you got to come fucking, come sit, you know, come sit. We'd love for you to come.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Seriously, we'd love for Nimesh Chappelle to be a guest on the podcast so you can sit on the carpet right here, whatever you used to. Wei Zhongzhen. Chrissy's free.
Starting point is 00:20:21 I'm kidding, baby. Nimesh is a good fucking friend of mine. Is he at Chappelle camp too? Yeah, he's at daycare. He he at Chappelle Camp too? Yeah he's at He's at daycare He's at Chappelle Daycare Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:29 You know what What it is It's what it is Cause So Oh can we just Shout out the kid From the sign
Starting point is 00:20:36 Yes This kid This kid Joseph Dots On Instagram The beautiful sign We have behind me Where
Starting point is 00:20:43 Joseph Dots Almost sounds like a made guy joey dots we got we had a sign made by a guy joey that's joey dots yeah he's got a fucking lot of moles joey dots so we got joey dots joseph dots on instagram him came down with his lovely girlfriend met me in bay ridge um this is when i was just uh thrown out of the house so i had no underwear on and i was wearing uh dirty clothes i uh and and cargo shorts um he but let me just say when you go through stuff your irish skills like you and muffin shops you guys have a that irish ability to to push that push that down into your secret little dark box
Starting point is 00:21:17 yeah just continue to live your life and put a smile on your face yeah because because if you notice like people keep saying oh your your face looks so thin but my ass i I've realized when I push down the gay, I always thought the triceps get big from pushing down. But then I push it into my ass. That's when my ass gets bigger. That's what makes it. That's when my ass gets bigger. It's holding all my pain.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I hold my pain in my ass. That makes sense. So that's why the more I meditate, the less my ass gets because I'm farting out the bad stuff. Yeah. So if I popped your ass, it would go, yeah. Yeah, my ass would go, yeah. So Joseph Dotz made this beautiful sign.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Drove all the way from Baltimore. Thank you so much. We really, really, really appreciate it. So go follow him on Instagram. He makes fantastic, unique, one-of-a-kind art. So if you guys want anything for your homes or whatever you need Joseph Dots he makes custom wood cut pieces
Starting point is 00:22:07 with thousands of dots so he's a guy he's big dot art so yeah and his page is beautiful Joseph Dots on Instagram thank you again brother this is this is going to stay up here until somebody comes in and steals it absolutely thank you Joey Dots
Starting point is 00:22:23 and we would like to thank Joey Dots. Can you just pull up Aurora Police Department looking for Antifa suspect? Yeah. We would like to take – We would just like to say thank you to Joey Dots for taking some time out of his busy, busy schedule. Come on. Google so I can make the joke. There it is.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Yeah. Aurora, Colorado, Antifa suspect. Yeah. Aurora, Colorado, Antifa. Oh, yeah. This kid. Yeah. Let's talk Joey Dots. He had to leave in a hurry. Yeah. Aurora, Colorado, Antifa suspect. Yeah. Aurora, Colorado, Antifa. Oh, yeah. This kid. Yeah. We just want Joey Dots.
Starting point is 00:22:48 He had to leave in a hurry? Yeah. And I was one. Yeah. Yeah. Joey, I mean, we'd like to thank you for taking your time out of your busy schedule of. There he is. There he is.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Yeah. Joey Dots, we want to thank you very much. We know that you shot a few people. Right. But in Colorado, and you were able to drive down. You were able to drive and get me the sign. And also, you know, we do have your text with Venetia. You guys have been sexting each other, talking about the revolution.
Starting point is 00:23:13 And so we know all about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No sexual stuff. You guys, yeah, you guys have just been sending different pictures to Karl Marx. You've been like, hey, send me a dirty pic and it's Karl Marx in a fucking, in a shirt in a field.
Starting point is 00:23:25 So, we appreciate you. Go follow him on Instagram and, you know, you'll see him at a march because I got a pee pad. So,
Starting point is 00:23:31 why don't you go pee? I'm not holding you back because you're out of jail. You can do the things you want to now. Did he just fart on the way out? Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:23:41 because Venetia, God bless her, when her parents say, like, how was your day at work? It's like, I had to, we had to edit four things out because the guy said things too wild. And then one of them just farted past me as he was going to the bathroom. I mean, you do not have to go to school to be a producer on this fucking program.
Starting point is 00:23:59 That we know for sure. So let's take it all the way back. I mean, we're doing a lot of hyena, very little history. We are the history hyenas. A lot of people who are new to the podcast always ask, why are you guys called the history hyena? There's many reasons. I've been obsessed with hyenas. They're my favorite animal for years. I told Chris about it. Me and Chris, when we became friends, we started realizing how much we both love history. And then he became fascinated with hyenas based on me talking about them all the time. So we just put the two together
Starting point is 00:24:27 because we're fucking wild kids. And that's just what it is. And sometimes our podcast is a little more history and less hyenas. And sometimes it's a little more wild, more hyena, and no history. So it's always a balance. And when I say history,
Starting point is 00:24:44 very soon that will, we've put ourselves on notice. And very soon it will be changed to the Herstory Hyenas. So that's just what it's going to be. We will be Herstory Hyenas coming soon. Christy's washing his hands. Yeah, I got to wash my hands.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Because who knows where that dick's been? Yeah, it's been in my head. That's why I got to wash it. Yeah, that's washing his hands. Yeah, I gotta wash my hands. Because who knows where that dick's been? Yeah. No, it's been in my head. That's why I gotta wash my hands. Yeah, that's what it is. Yeah, sorry for farting too close to you, Vinity. That was uncalled for. After I let it rip, I was like, why did I do that? I should have just farted into the West Elm seat like I've been doing.
Starting point is 00:25:17 But I'm gonna get better at it. I'm gonna get more appropriate. Just been going through some things. So let's take it all the way back. God, that's when I was in good shape and skin. And now I fucking it again you're you're v do i look that much worse do i look i look like i put on a little way sweetheart you're gorgeous you're gorgeous oh my god whose blood are you sucking to stay looking so young let's just give a shout out to women supporting women or whatever the fuck that was what was that hashtag that fucking swept across?
Starting point is 00:25:45 I love that. Yeah, women supporting women. And then boom, fucking Ellen's a piece of shit article comes out right away. Oh, my God. Perfect timing, whoever did that. Women supporting women. Let's do something revolutionary, different, and post selfies of ourselves on fucking Instagram. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Yeah. What's different about yesterday than every day, you fucking basic bitches? Yeah, thank you. Oh, yeah. Fucking women support women. That's fucking good. Good for you because guess what? There was a little too much garlic in my sauce.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Yeah, so somebody's going to get disciplined, and if fucking the garlic is not sliced a little thinner, we're going to come see you in a different way. In a different way because let me make no mistake, a couple of these guys we talked about on the podcast, you better fucking have the garlic slice nice to did for those guys you better have the fucking garlic slice nice to think for joe elliott john a light yeah great guy um we're just kidding we're just joking i i think we actually taught i mean talking about the he was he's out there on fierce city and he's out there he's got a podcast so i'm kind of like hey brother i mean you're you know you're doing you're in the game too.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Hey, it's a very interesting story. I just am scared that I just don't want him to come see us in a different way. I know because I just know how to talk to these people. I was like, I love you, I love you, I love you. But when the cameras are off, we can go nuts. I'm kidding. We love you, we love you. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Let's go back all the way to the beginning. The Mafia started in the 1920s. That's when it really kicked off. That's when it really kicked off in the United States. It's what it is. But let's go back all the way to the beginning. The mafia started in the 1920s. That's when it really kicked off. That's when it really kicked off in the United States. I mean, it was going on in Sicily for a while. And I think it's still relatively prevalent in Sicily. I think just in the United States, you don't really get fucked with Rico. Can you go up a little bit?
Starting point is 00:27:17 Can you go up? Doesn't Lucky Luciano in that picture at the top look a little bit like James Mad Dog Maddern? With his glasses. Just a little bit of a ball of that pickup. Yeah. He's about to. He's about to. Oh, and by the way and speaking of
Starting point is 00:27:27 the commissioner listen to our friend James Maddern's podcast The Commissioner of Comedy. Yeah. If you're looking to start stand-up now during the pandemic
Starting point is 00:27:34 it's a lot of opportunity out there. So go ahead and But yeah, he looks like Lucky Luciano. Holy shit. Was Lucky Luciano the guy that got killed
Starting point is 00:27:43 in the barber chair? How did Lucky Luciano die without natural causes? He made it to the end. He was for causes? Yeah. holy shit was Lucky Luciano the guy that got killed in the barber chair how did Lucky Luciano die he died of natural causes he made it to the end he was for causes yeah and Lucky Luciano
Starting point is 00:27:51 actually was very influential in World War II he was in prison and because there was a time when we weren't sure if German U-boats were going to come close
Starting point is 00:28:03 to the shores of Long Island here we go yeah in World War II he used his criminal connections in Italy to advance the Allies' cause. After the war, Luciano received parole and got deported. He went back to Italy briefly and then traveled to Cuba. He met up with, okay, yeah, and then when he went to Cuba is when he met up with Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegel.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Couple of Jews. Couple of Jews. And Frank Sinatra. That's when they started making casinos and all the fucking Fidel Castro shit which we'll talk about another day
Starting point is 00:28:29 yeah those guys really organized Bugsy Siegel Lucky Luciano so Lucky Luciano let's just be honest Italians are a little more prone to crime
Starting point is 00:28:37 it's just what it is you said they're a little shittier versions of Greeks what did you say? they're just kind of like imitation Greeks they're kind of like not they're just kind of like Imitation Greeks Right
Starting point is 00:28:46 They're kind of like Not the real deal You know what I mean Like they just We Like we We should have We shouldn't have
Starting point is 00:28:52 Did what we did Which was create logic And reason mathematics Because the Italians Just took all that And just started Robbing banks and shit They just know a way
Starting point is 00:29:01 To just kind of catch a break I know there was a I forgot what it was, but now a lot of people have done it. There was a restaurant, I think in Little Italy, that there was like a squid shortage with calamari, fresh calamari. Which is a fucking tragedy in the Italian community. Yeah, calamari.
Starting point is 00:29:16 What did you do with the great calamari shortage of 96? Yeah, the calamari. Where were you when they ran out of calamari? One of the mafia foot soldiers found out a way, because the prices were going up in squid for whatever reason, that he just was like, he fucking started putting pig anus and making it look like calamari. Is that your story?
Starting point is 00:29:32 Because that's a rumor. No, that's real. Throwing that in red sauce. So now, a lot of times when you go to a not classy Italian place, they'll have imitation calamari's pig asshole, and some mafia foot soldier's the guy that found out how to do that. That's an example of an Italian guy that's an Italian guy
Starting point is 00:29:48 he's got a good sense of humor no it's an example of an Italian guy getting screwed in and making calamari in a different way in a different way
Starting point is 00:29:55 yeah he did it in a different way and then you have very smart businessmen there was the man Michael Francesi who was also in Fear City documentary
Starting point is 00:30:00 also did a Vlad TV interview very very famous guy he was like the businessman of this all. I believe it was Michael Francesi was making something like $5 million a month doing just business deals. And you watch him and you're like,
Starting point is 00:30:13 and you listen to him and you're like, this guy is so beyond intelligent, but he'll also come at you in a different way. If, you know, yeah, here it is. Fierce City is one, I personally thought it's one of the best things Netflix has put out in all of quarantine. It's great. And if you want to boil down the Sicilian mafia into one sentence, it's basically that.
Starting point is 00:30:34 They say, hey, we're here to do business. We are going to do it this way. And if you don't abide by what we want and how we want to do it, we will see you in a different way. But I believe that the old school mafia guys, I don't know about the new school guys, but the old school mafia guys, they would never hurt you or your family unless you messed with them.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Like some of the gang activity now happening with other cultures, like you could just get caught in the crosshairs. And I don't know that that happened that much in the mafia. I know that they would extort people. Like you had the, what's your, tell them your story, your family story about Albert Anastasia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:04 That's a very interesting story. Albert Anastasia was an extremely famous mobster. Albert Anastasia was the predecessor to Carlo Gambino. Carlo Gambino was an... Italian, it's a beautiful language. It's a beautiful language. Carlo Gambino was a very, very, very, very, very ambitious guy who wanted to climb up. And Albert Anastasia was at the top with his brother. His brother was, who knows, he was the Brent Price of fucking mafia brothers.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I mean, he was the lesser of two. What was his name? Tony Anastasia, his brother. Albert Anastasia's brother ran the docks because Albert Anastasia at that time, they ran the Longshore Union. They just had control of the docks. And the reason why the mafia always sought control of the docks and those unions is because then you could control the stuff coming in from overseas. You could steal stuff or whatever. They would take that, undercut, and create a black market for stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Because they would just steal. So Albert Anastasia's brother ran those docks. And my grandfather, the great P-Dip. Bebees. Yeah. Bebees, which means little kid's penis. Or what did you say? It was even worse?
Starting point is 00:32:18 He's baby dick? When you translate it, bebees. When you go for a pee-pee, it's like little kid. Little kid's taking a piss. Yeah. So that was his last name. That's my real last name that was changed to Pappas. Yeah, which is good.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Your jaw looks like a bottom. Because your jaw looks like you're looking for socks. Yeah, I'm looking for socks. Your jaw is fucking popped out. I'll tell you what, I'm looking for socks and also a little coke. Yeah, yeah. Do you think Venetia keepss her mask on the whole time Because she gets nosebleeds?
Starting point is 00:32:50 Probably Probably yeah Either that Or like yeah When she's coming here She doesn't want any People to see Where she's gone
Starting point is 00:32:58 Because we haven't seen her face I wonder if she got like a Fuck NYPD tattoo on her chin Because we haven't seen her face Since And that's why she doesn't want to say it
Starting point is 00:33:06 like did she make a bad choice that she went rock climbing in Central Park and things got a little too banged up and she got a fuck NYPD
Starting point is 00:33:14 I think she got a fuck NYPD she's got Antifa right on the back of her neck she might have it she might be regretting that
Starting point is 00:33:19 either that or she's just hiding it because she doesn't want any members of the Greek community to tell her father where she is at any given time
Starting point is 00:33:24 it's what it is make no mistake the Greek any members of the Greek community to tell her father where she is at any given time. It's what it is. Make no mistake, the Greek fathers are fucking watching. This is the longest your father has not known where you were for more than
Starting point is 00:33:31 half hour integrals. I mean, if he looked through your phone and saw some of the names of your friends, you'd be on a fucking boat back to Greece and married to a villager
Starting point is 00:33:40 that might be your cousin. It's just what it is. What might happen? Yeah, you get married to fucking Yanni Cyclops and Umbros real quick. Real fucking quick. Yeah. So my dad's, my grandfather had a diner down at the docks.
Starting point is 00:33:52 One of his first diners was in Red Hook down at the docks down there. And so Albert Anastasia's brother, whatever his name was, the Brent Price of the brothers, the lesser of the two, the Gerald Wilkins of the brothers would come in and he would extort my grandfather. But, and my dad worked. My dad worked for his grandfather in the diner. It was a 24-hour diner. My granddad is of the generation that they started.
Starting point is 00:34:15 He might have been the one. Right. But those Greeks started the 24-hour diner. So my grandfather would work. Him and his brother would do 12-hour shifts each. And that's how they did the diner. Did it ever stop? And he would go into the car, and Tony Anastasia would come.
Starting point is 00:34:30 His name's Tony, right? Or Joseph, or whatever the fuck his name is. Joseph Anthony and Gerardo. Yeah, one of those brothers would come. And my grandfather, with his apron on and everything, would get into the car, give an envelope. And it was a tribute pay. It wasn't seen as extortion back then
Starting point is 00:34:45 because back then like I think everyone carried cash like everyone you had cash people don't remember that world
Starting point is 00:34:53 that was the world that I remember as a kid it was like being in your home you were never safe being in your car you were never safe because the only form
Starting point is 00:35:00 of money was cash right so it's like everyone knew you had cash if you had cash it wasn't the bank it was on you so people would get robbed if you had a cash business yeah you know anyone could
Starting point is 00:35:10 rob you right so you you just went like let me go with the toughest dudes pay them a little bit and it was seen as sort of protection money because you couldn't rely on the cops because if you fucking did something the cops would put you in jail you You'd be out in a year. But if you rob a business that the mafia owns a little piece of or is getting paid tribute to, then you're fucked. And people are new to stay away from those businesses. But at any point, did your grandfather have to stop giving up the money? Like, when did it end? Never ended.
Starting point is 00:35:39 It ended when he died. He did it to the day he died. Yeah, that was a part of any business in cities, Chicago, New York, Cleveland. But you were protected. Your diner would never be fucked with. You paid a little bit, and that's what it is. I mean, you know, I think the guys that did it right did it that way. You know how it is in everything.
Starting point is 00:35:57 There's people who are a little greedy, people who are a little stupid, people who do it right. So you think your grandfather had a problem doing this, or he would just do it? Because it was just part of the way of life. According to my dad, it was just part of, it wasn't. It was just a monthly expense.
Starting point is 00:36:07 It wasn't seen as like protection money. It was just what everyone did because they were like, it was like insurance policy. Right. It was like an insurance policy like the cops were paid off by them.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Like they ran shit. Right. They controlled it. When the unions came to be, they got into the unions. They controlled the docs. They were in unions came to be they they got into the unions they controlled the docks they were in unconstructed every era they got in major industries and they rent they ran the garment industry it's funny too because now like they use like more proper terms my uncle who lives in i think wayne new jersey you know they have like private garbage men so
Starting point is 00:36:42 he said he got you know he was the first day he lived there he got some guys some freaky you know, they have like private garbage men. So he said he got, you know, he was the first day he lived there. He got some guys, some fricking, you know, big guy with a chain comes on. He goes, hey, you know, whatever. I'm Vito. I'm a representative from waste management and we're going to take your garbage. So it's like, and then my uncle was like, I don't want, I don't want this.
Starting point is 00:36:57 He goes, you're going to want us to take your garbage from way from, you know, Bonanza waste management. And my uncle still to this day, he said he just leaves the garbage out. There's a, you know, they take the garbage. He doesn't have to pay anything, but I don't know how they must make money somehow from his trash. But even still to this day in some of these towns in New Jersey, you just have to, the
Starting point is 00:37:17 mafia just has these little waste management companies. I think anything in real estate, waste management, the docks in New York or New Jersey, it's all still to this day somehow mafia owned somewhere. Donald Trump, it's mafia money that's run. He didn't get those buildings from his dad. That's mafia stuff that put those buildings up. There was an era where if you were doing any building in New York, you had to deal with concrete companies and unions and workers. And yeah, they were all in that.
Starting point is 00:37:46 And then the mafia got broken up. The star of the show who really broke up the mafia who had their tentacles in all these legitimate businesses.
Starting point is 00:37:55 They were extorting everybody like you said like with the trash guy. What he's doing is he's eliminating the competition. Basically the mafia is like
Starting point is 00:38:03 that is what the mafia is is we'll come see you in a different way do business with us give us money you can't really boil down the mafia better than that sentence we're gonna name this episode we'll come see you in a different way come see in a different way that's the name of this so and that's we might make that a t-shirt too we're gonna come see you in a different way see you in a fucking different way and then you guess who's gonna come see us in a different way for using his saying and making money? Yeah, I know. Joe Aylight.
Starting point is 00:38:26 John Aylight. Yeah, no, and these guys are just, you know, I mean, the thing is with like, you know, Bonanno, the Colombo family, it's like I've heard of all these guys, but I don't know the intricacies of them all, and that's the way they want it, and I think the thing with John Guy, what I know what the old school,
Starting point is 00:38:42 at least what the documentary said is the old school guys didn't like that, that he was flashy and became a celebrity because everybody else wanted to be like, no, no, no, there's nothing going on here. Like Carlo Gambino was famous for living in the same house on Ocean Parkway for all these years and didn't have anybody know anything about him. And Gotti changed all that and also brought in drugs. They started selling drugs. And I think that's why what they alluded to
Starting point is 00:39:05 in the Fear City documentary is that's why Paul Castellano got killed, because when the RICO Act came and they convicted Castellano and he was going to go to jail, he started asking around, hey, like, who's been dealing drugs? And if he found out, Castellano, even though he was a businessman,
Starting point is 00:39:20 he was a killer. You know, these guys said that he would kill people. He was a fucking hard-nosed killer, and they felt like i think john gatti felt before costellano comes and kills me because he's going to find out we're dealing drugs i gotta kill him and then that's what happened he got murdered outside of spark steakhouse i think in 1980 uh 1985 1985 yeah it was after carlo cambino went away when he passed away pa Paul Castellano took over, but then there was Da Croach. Who's Da Croach? Da Croach was
Starting point is 00:39:47 Gotti's, was he the underboss? Joey, something, Da Croach. And so John Gotti was under him and Da Croach
Starting point is 00:39:55 was kind of his, was his mentor. Da Croach. Yeah, Da Croach. Da Croach, yeah, she spelled Croach.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Yeah, she put in Croach. Yeah, I don't know what. And that was seen as like the blue collar wing of the Gambino crime family. They were into the racketeering. It's fascinating. They were into extortion.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And then Paul Castellano was seen as like the white collar. He was into the real estate, all the white collar stuff. Let's be honest. No disrespect at all to anyone. I think people know this, but the movie Gandhi that came out with John Travolta. We got to get the guy's name though, DeCroach. I mean, that was tough to watch. The John Gotti movie.
Starting point is 00:40:29 It was a bad one. Yeah, with John Travolta? Johnny Travolta was bad, yeah. DeCroach. Like DeCroach? Like with a D-E. D-E-C-R-O-I-X or something like that? Try that. DeCroix?
Starting point is 00:40:46 I don't know. What was his fucking name? Growing Up Gotti was a good show. Remember that show? About the Gotti family? I do remember that. Yeah. They were all Long Island kids.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah, Victoria Gotti. Just go with John Gotti's mentor. Yeah. Do it. But it's interesting because, you know, these people, you know, they're part of culture. They're part of celebrity culture like anybody else in American culture.
Starting point is 00:41:09 And I don't know. I don't know if it's all legitimate now. That's the thing. I just never really know. Anello Della Croce. Is that how you pronounce it? That was- Della Croce.
Starting point is 00:41:18 He also died that night? He was the underboss under Castellano. He died of a brain tumor or whatever. And when he died, that's when John Gotti was like, he was, that's when John Gotti, he killed Paul Castellano after Anello DeCroce died of some natural causes or whatever. Right. But, because Anello was saying, chill, chill, chill.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Anello died. And then John Gotti was like, fuck that, I'm killing him. Because they were, yeah, he thought that Paul Castellano was going to kill him. He was going to rat on him. Everyone started feeling like there was rats in the fucking building. Yeah, rats. Rats here, right there, like a fucking, what is it called? The muerta?
Starting point is 00:41:52 What do they call the silence? What's it called? The muerta? I don't know. The maramita. The mitamata. Yeah. It's an Italian word for, you know, silence, a code of silence.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Yeah. The muerta. Yeah, and Italians are funny. I remember my stepmom's really Italian, and my you know, silence, a code of silence. Yeah. The muerta. Yeah, and Italians are funny. I remember my stepmom's really Italian, and my daughter, one time, she dropped something on her foot, and my stepmother just took frozen meatballs right out of the freezer and put them on my kid's foot. That's what it is. Did it help?
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, it decreased the swelling. It's just what it is. They just put fucking frozen meatballs right on a kid's foot. Can you look up the code of silence in Italian so we can give the little people at HHFOD what's it called? La Cosa Nostra? Oh, that's the little thing of ours. No, that means, oh, dang, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:27 The code of science is called the code. Omerta. Omerta. Omerta. Code of science, which is kind of broken now, but I don't know what's okay and what's not. Like, I just, it's interesting to watch all these documentaries and listen to these podcasts when the mafia guys are talking about, you know, not the, kind of breaking the code of science. I just don't know, it is like, was it officially dissolved?
Starting point is 00:42:47 I just don't have no idea. Well, Rico took it down because what would happen was a couple of things happened at the same time. This is interesting though, real quick. Omerta, the code of silence all began in Sicily around the 16th century as a way of opposing Spanish rule. That's fucking crazy. So this all started in the 1500s.
Starting point is 00:43:05 The local people were often enslaved by the Spanish conquering party and were often treated very inhumanely by the foreign overlords. The mafia was born in such circumstances and provided the oppressed Sicilian people with protection, stability, and a kind of pride. The mafia's vendetta became Sicily's justice system.
Starting point is 00:43:21 That's fucking awesome. I didn't know that. Did you know that's been around since the 1500s? I didn't know that. I just knew it was some around since the 1500s? I didn't know that. I just knew it was some inbred Sicilians doing things their way. Here for it.
Starting point is 00:43:29 And they brought it to the new world, you know, because that's the way, the only way they could do business is fucking, you know, is by extorting people.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah, it's just what it is. I mean, I'm just kidding. I'm joking. Italians are good people. Christopher Columbus is a hero. He's a hero.
Starting point is 00:43:42 That's another thing. I love pizza, whatever people get. What I'd like to see happen now, what I'd like to see happen is I'd like to see about 10 Antifa kids come, and we put a couple of guys from Fear City documentary in front of the Christopher Columbus statue
Starting point is 00:43:56 in Columbus Circle with a couple of baseball bats and see if they could take down the statue. Let's say if we get, let's get the whole city of Portland versus a couple of Italian guys with baseball bats in front of that statue, and let's see if we get let's get the whole city of Portland versus a couple of Italian guys with baseball bats in front of that statue and let's see who wins that would be a great show
Starting point is 00:44:09 for us to pitch to True TV say here's what we're going to do yeah baseball's canceled because coronavirus so we got a new type of baseball here it is here's what it is we invite a bunch of
Starting point is 00:44:16 we see who can get the statue if they can get the statue down because that is like the funnest game of American Gladiators I've ever heard yeah we got John A. Light and these other guys.
Starting point is 00:44:25 You got them standing there with baseball bats. You know, MLB approved wooden baseball bats. Louisville Sluggers. And then we'll take all these FCFs from Portland with the shaved blue hair and the signs. And whatever, you know, don't misrepresent my gender. All that. And we'll say, all you got to do, there's 30 of you. There's two of them.
Starting point is 00:44:40 All you guys got to do is take down the Columbus statue. You got an hour to do it. Let's see who wins. And then it's just going to be like royal rumble just these guys fucking lighting them up i mean lighting them up and watching them explode into fucking bernie sanders stickers would be amazing yeah because the thing is christopher columbus is an italian icon you're not going to get down that statue of christopher columb guys from Fierce City and these podcasts are still alive? You ain't getting that Columbus statue down.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah, and the irony is Christopher Columbus was an Italian kid, but he was under the rule and sent by the Spanish queen. So the whole mafia was started to try to, the code of silence, the omerta, was started to kind of hide stuff from the Spanish conquerors. But guess what? Christopher Columbus worked for a Spaniard himself. It's what it is.
Starting point is 00:45:31 It's what it is. Es lo que es. It's what it is. So, yeah, so, I mean, you know. But you know what's really interesting? Mafia, yeah, go ahead. No, go ahead. I was going to say, mafia guys make deals, though.
Starting point is 00:45:41 There are always guys who make deals. I don't know if we've told this story in the podcast before. Did we ever tell the story about about me in the funeral home have we told it on the podcast we've just told it to each other yeah we have told in the podcast but it was at the beginning of us doing the podcast so tell it again because there's a lot of new people who've joined who haven't gone that far back and look if you're a sensitive person don't go that far back in the podcast it's just what it is yeah i mean if we were legitimate businessmen now who had our roots in being mobsters that would be the same as
Starting point is 00:46:11 this podcast we started a little rough and tumble on the street and now we've really straightened up a little bit straightened up a little bit so what i so so you know uh when my my kid's mom her father passed away um a couple years ago, and the funeral home we went to was a mafia-owned funeral home in Brooklyn, New York, and they just like to make deals, these guys. So we're sitting there. You know, she's really upset, my kid's mom. She's like, you know, Chris, can you just negotiate with this guy?
Starting point is 00:46:38 I said, yeah. So, you know, we're talking. She's like, I know she's very upset. First of all, you know, he offered us waters, cappuccinos. She's like, what do you need? We got sandwiches, whatever you guys need, we got everything you need right here, there's, the mafia, you're always going to be, it's always going to be, if you're hungry or thirsty, you go to these mafia places, because they always got a lot of water, and they got food, so we're sitting down, and, and he says to me, he says, so, let me ask you a question, this is right, he passed away right when Trump got elected, and he goes, let me ask you a question. This is right, he passed away right when Trump got elected.
Starting point is 00:47:06 And he goes, let me ask you a question. He goes, the man out there, the man who passed away, who fucking passed over, is sitting at the right hand of the father right now. The man who passed away, he goes, does he, who were his political, who was he affiliated with politically? They always try to talk.
Starting point is 00:47:21 He's like, who was it? And I'm like, oh, I'm actually like, he liked Donald Trump. And he's like, that guy right there. like uh oh i'm actually like he he liked donald trump and he's like that guy right there that guy right there he voted for donald trump and i swear he started to get like a little bit of welling under his eyes he was like i never told a million years that guy right there was a true patriot goes there and then he goes um and then she says my kid's mom she's like she's like you know like with funeral costs and all that it's been tough because you know he died suddenly we don't really have that, it's been tough because, you know, he died suddenly. We don't really have any money. He goes, I'm going to make you a deal right now.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Donald Trump's going to make you a deal right now. He goes, I said the same thing. He said, people have been coming in here. People have been dying. He goes, and they said they've been coming in here, and they've been, you know, talking all about Hillary Clinton, right? And he said, I had a family. I had a family last night. They're fucking sitting there.
Starting point is 00:48:03 They're all talking about these fucking Democrats. They're all talking, talking, talking. He goes, I got a family last night. I'm fucking sitting there. They're all talking about these fucking Democrats. They're all talking, talking, talking. He goes, I got a family in there. And I say to the guy, one of these guys talking, I was like, yeah, look, why don't you tell me one good thing, one good thing Hillary's done and one bad thing Donald Trump's done. Just tell me real fact bullshit. He goes, none of this Anderson Cooper shit.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Tell me a real, give me a fucking fact, and I'm going to give you the funeral for half price. He goes, none of this Anderson Cooper shit. Tell me a real, give me a fucking fact, and I'm going to give you the funeral for half price. He goes, guess what? They paid full price because they got, nobody, they got nothing. He goes, if Hillary Clinton would have won, let me tell you, and he's telling me this while my kid's mom is like crying mourning her father.
Starting point is 00:48:39 He's like, if Hillary Clinton would have won, I'm telling you right now, everybody would be out in the streets cutting their dicks off. Thank God. Thank God Donnie T won. And then he gave us not only did he give us the funeral for like maybe
Starting point is 00:48:51 50, 60 percent. Not 56 percent. He gave us a really good deal. I don't know the exact numbers, but he put a Make America Great Again wreath in the casket. So and we kept, my family kept saying we don't want that. We don't want that. He's like trust me, it's what he wants. I know the dead. so he is buried now my kid's mom with the make america great again wreath from and it's like what was i going to tell this guy what was i going to tell
Starting point is 00:49:13 this guy and then i started telling him about people that i knew and entertainment and he knew people and then he told me he said you know he said he said you know who's a fucking motherfucker who better not ever show his face downtown, literally? I was like, who? He goes, Robert De Niro. Yeah. And he told us Robert De Niro. He said, Robert De Niro.
Starting point is 00:49:31 And then he told us some stories about De Niro where it's like, you know, obviously they don't like him because he's going against Trump, but also De Niro, he financed, he used the mafia to finance some of his movies. I don't know exactly which ones, and he never paid back the juice on the money. Wasn't it Bronx Tale? I don't know if it was. It might paid back the juice On the money Wasn't it Bronx Tale? I don't know if it was It might have been Bronx Tale
Starting point is 00:49:48 Because he produced that Yeah it might have been that And a couple other ones So like I didn't know Like Robert De Niro You would think is the most celebrated Italian loved by the mobsters The real mafia guys
Starting point is 00:49:56 Like he owes them real money And it's like a big problem Like De Niro can't just go Stroll down a little Italy Allegedly Now your baby Your baby's mama's dad, he went hard for Trump. I mean hard.
Starting point is 00:50:09 I remember when Donald Trump got elected, the very next day. Did he have a heart attack because he thought Hillary won the election by the numbers? That's probably what happened. Yeah. No, I remember. I remember I go, because I didn't know. I mean, I was brand new to the family. My daughter was a couple of months old.
Starting point is 00:50:23 He comes over, Puerto Rican guy. He comes over, and I'm like, Trump had won the night before. We're sitting for having a breakfast, and I'm going on. I must have talked about 20 minutes about how crazy this is and all the things that he said about Mexicans. And I worry now having a Latina daughter and how that affects her and her life and going on because I just thought he was fucking Puerto Rican, so he's going to greet me. And he was like, are you finished?
Starting point is 00:50:44 Are you finished? And I was like, yeah. And then he was going to greet me. And he was like, are you finished? Are you finished? And I was like, yeah. And then he had a shopping bag, what I thought was just a newspaper. He takes out a Make America Great Again hat and puts it on at the table. And I was like, oh, yeah. And then he proceeds to tell me about all the great things Donald Trump is going to do and about how the worst thing that could have happened is if we had a woman running the country. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I mean, the kid, before he passed, God rest his soul, he made a few good points. He made a real good few points and he's not fucking wrong because now we got a woman running the city in New York and look at what's going on. Yeah, we got a woman. Mary DeBlasio's a fucking girl.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Yeah, and we got a woman running this podcast. Look it, we can't do anything. We can't even order zucchini slices. Yeah, we're not allowed to. I'm oppressed. I want a fucking zucchini slice
Starting point is 00:51:23 and we can't. We have to have smoothies and freaking spinach pies. Yeah, she wants us to be lean and cute. She was right because if we would have got that pizza, I would have caught a hardcore case of the itis. I'm already trying to wiggle out of this fucking live show for the Patreon members. Yeah, cuz you got a short leash on yourself. The great thing about you, cuz, is you put a short leash on yourself. Yeah, that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:51:45 You pull yourself out of situations. Yeah, you guys are talking about how you like to get choked. That's how I like to get choked. You like to choke yourself. I put a short leash on myself. Here's what I like to talk about. Benetia likes that one. Here's what I like to talk about because, you know, everyone knows about the mafia.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Everybody knows about the five families in New York. Everyone knows about the commission that was set up by Lucky Luciese, which included... Lucky Luciano. Lucky Luciano, that included the Buffalo boss and the... Oh, from the Irishman. The Buffalo boss. Was it the Chicago or Cleveland? No, the commission was the head of the five families. Right, Venetia? Venetia's not here for it. She's tuned out. She's tuned out. She's tuned out. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:52:26 So that also included Buffalo, and I believe Chicago was also included in the commission, right? So it was Buffalo, Chicago, and the five families. And they did this. Lucky Luciano set up the commission because what happened, there was a big beef that happened in the 20s. A lot of mobsters died killing each other. The five families were fighting, and he said,
Starting point is 00:52:47 hey, guys, we can make a lot more money together, organized, with rules. Everything's got it. We got our laws here. This is what happens. None of our captains, none of our fucking soldiers get involved in drug dealing. We make money from drugs,
Starting point is 00:53:03 but they never fucking get involved in that stuff behind our back. That's why John Gotti, John Gotti started making money from dealing drugs. That's why he was in trouble. That's why it was, because the other guys
Starting point is 00:53:13 in the commission was telling Paul Castellano, the other guys from the other families were telling Paul Castellano, you know what you got to do. Yeah. You got to take him out.
Starting point is 00:53:21 You got to kill him because he's making the families look bad. He's bringing heat on us by dealing drugs.'s not what the italians do that's what somebody else does in other neighborhoods and then they use different words it's just what it is they saw those words in a different way it's again it came at you differently and when they were describing the type of businesses that other ethnicities do yeah when it comes to dealing certain things they came at those words in a different way in a different way and that's why the paul Castellano murder
Starting point is 00:53:46 was so interesting because like you said, it had to have been organized by the commission because you can't kill a boss of a boss without the approval of a commission.
Starting point is 00:53:53 And you can't kill a captain, you can't kill anybody, everything's got to be approved by the commission. So the commission, and this commission was successful for years and years
Starting point is 00:54:01 and years and years and the mafia took advantage of the legal system by which you could only prosecute or sue someone who had done something specifically. So the Omerta, which was a smart, it's like a whole pyramid scheme. It's a pyramid scheme by the bosses.
Starting point is 00:54:17 They put the soldiers out front. They do the crimes. If they get caught, the soldiers pay, and then they brainwash them with the code of silence saying, you keep your mouth shut, or else you're going to go to hell or whatever, or the Mother Mary's going to take an eggplant and put it up your ass. They get caught. The soldiers pay. And then they brainwash them with the code of silence saying, you keep your mouth shut. Genius. Or else you're going to go to hell or whatever. Or, you know, the Mother Mary's going to take an eggplant and put it up your ass.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I don't know what you fucking sauce monkeys believe or how you do it. But you fucking brainwash these idiots by saying something's going to happen to their mothers. And God forbid anything happens to their mother. So they said, well, you're going to take an oath emeritus because if you break it, we're going to tell people your mother's sauce isn't delicious. That's what it is. And that's all you got to do
Starting point is 00:54:50 is keep them off your soldier lines. I'm going to tell everybody your mother's fucking sauce sucks. And then that's going to keep them quiet. And so they took advantage of that for years
Starting point is 00:54:58 and years and years. These bosses were collecting and you couldn't get to them because you could only prosecute one person at a time. And the commission was so organized and kept the families not fighting so everyone was making money together and they were cooperating they respected each other's territory no more gang wars and the mafia was just getting its hand into industry after industry after industry and they just kept going like a domino effect they were kind of running the country
Starting point is 00:55:23 and let's yeah let's go again. Let's see. One of the ways that the mafia makes money. It was, we figured that out. Yeah, so we've got extortion, soliciting, theft embezzlement, murder, antitrust violations, things like that. Which is like price fixing and contract. Yeah. Yeah, saying, hey, you gotta go with me.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Extortion's the big one. Yeah, it's like when the guy showed up at your relative's house saying, you're going to use this garbage company. Yeah, it's just what it is, receiving bribes, gambling a lot. Anytime you gamble and you know bookie or anything like that, usually connected guy. So, you know, I don't know, man. It's just.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yeah, they got into that. The Gambino family controlled the garment industry. They controlled, for a certain time, different families controlled construction. They got into the airlines. They got into those unions. It was important to control the unions because then they could really extort whoever's giving the contract. They could say, hey, our guys aren't going to start working. So to make us a sweetheart, give me a sweetheart deal, and the guys will work.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yeah, because most of the mafia, we romanticize the killings and what the movies are but that's like not a big part of their business it certainly happens most of it is like you're stealing money in cryptocurrency they're you know bookies it's not like every day they're like beating the shit out of somebody and a lot of it's just kind of like boring clerical work where they just make money like any other business just illegal right gambling all that stuff they just uh the bosses it was they're a business into making money right and it's almost like they want to they want they just provide a service in the black market so whatever laws wherever there's a demand um you know uh no matter what the law is they'll fulfill it yeah any prostitutes, that's all them.
Starting point is 00:57:05 That's all prostitution. But they got into a lot of legitimate businesses. That was the thing. Yeah. And they were able to thrive in those businesses through extortion, through the strong arm, we'll come see in a different way type of method. Yeah, it's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:57:18 But what's really interesting is how the government actually ended up getting them finally. Yeah, which is Rudy Giuliani is how he became famous. Because they basically thrived from the 30s until the 80s. They were thriving, making money. I mean, Carlo Gambino died a rich man, cuz. If you grew up in New York, my mother, my father, all our parents, mafia was a part of life in New York City.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Everybody knew the mobsters on the street corner. Everybody knew where the mobsters hung out, the social clubs, the delis, the pizzerias. Now, kids, they have no understanding of that. There's no mafia guys on the corner. I remember being very, very young. I have very little memories of it in the early 90s of, like I said, with Howard Beach or knowing the mafia guys own that bakery or you go to Staten Island, you give this guy a couple extra bucks or whatever it is. But that all ended when I was a child. Did you remember? Because you're a little older than me.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Do you remember Mafia stuff? Oh, yeah. Like in Park Slope? Yeah, Park Slope down. There was two Toms on Third Avenue. So the Mafia guys would go there. They'd go to Monty's, which is on Carroll Street. But you would see them.
Starting point is 00:58:25 You would see them all the time. All those restaurants were cash businesses, pizza places. Yeah. Paul Giulio's restaurant in Coney Island, there would always be a mafia guy would go. My grandfather would always sit with his back against the wall, and he had a gun on the table. I remember that as a little, little kid.
Starting point is 00:58:39 I worked in the nightclub business, too, in the early 2000s before I started doing comedy. Late 90s, my friend. So they were in that. The mafia's's in that too yeah they're just around so wherever there's a cash business especially in the old way the mafia would be around car julio's pay off car julio's was funny in coney island it's still there it's a great italian restaurant anybody who walked in at least i remember in the early 90s you had to have on a had to have on a suit jacket they wouldn't let you in if you didn't have a suit jacket even if you were a kid i remember being like whatever eight nine years old and we had just come from coney island beach i was in a bathing have on a suit jacket. They wouldn't let you in if you didn't have a suit jacket. Even if you were a kid, I remember being like, whatever, eight, nine
Starting point is 00:59:05 years old and we had just come from Coney Island Beach. I was in a bathing suit, flip-flops, and a shirt. And they're like, the kid needs a suit jacket. And my grandfather was like, he doesn't have a suit. I mean, he's a kid. So they went in the back and they gave me a suit jacket. So I was wearing like a grown man suit jacket with bathing suit shorts and flip-flops. I looked like Mikey Muffinchops going to a wedding. Which is...
Starting point is 00:59:23 And also, when you did your Letterman set, you also looked like you had a jacket that was a little too big. Yeah, I had a little too big of a jacket. I'll When you did your Letterman set You also looked like You had a jacket That was a little too big Yeah I had a little too big Of a jacket I'll go check out my Letterman set
Starting point is 00:59:29 I bought that suit Off the rack From Joseph A. Bank On Comac Long Island Right before The David Letterman show Just to do Mr. Letterman The very next day
Starting point is 00:59:38 Because make no mistake I wasn't a kid that Had a lot of suits And things like that Or things of that nature I didn't have any of that stuff So I bought an off the rack Fucking Joseph A. Bank suit For the David Letterman show And my agent that had a lot of suits and things like that, things of that nature. I didn't have any of that stuff, so I bought an off-the-rack fucking Joseph A. Banks suit for the David Letterman show,
Starting point is 00:59:49 and my agent, who was a female agent at the time, lied to me and said the suit fit perfectly, and then told me later on when I left the agency that I did not look good on that show. That's what it is. You looked like a big, strong kid, though, so it was good. Big, strong kid that's really scared,
Starting point is 01:00:02 because the thing is with me is I couldn't be good in the mafia because to go bury a body, I can't do it because I'm scared of the dark. Yeah, strong kid that's really scared. Because the thing is with me is I'm being good in the mafia because to go bury a body, I can't do it because I'm scared of the dark. Yeah, plus you'd have anxiety attacks. You'd chew your nails off. And you got a big fucking mouth, too. Yeah, I got a big mouth.
Starting point is 01:00:13 Your butt is big, but your fucking mouth is bigger. It's bigger, yeah. Me and you would be put down because we got big fucking mouths. Yeah, I'd be fucking literally kill somebody yesterday. Dismember that. I'm talking about it on the podcast. I'm like, oh, we're on fucking mouths. Yeah, I mean, I'd be fucking literally killed somebody yesterday. Dismember that. I'm talking about it on the podcast. I'm like, oh, we're on the Patreon. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:00:30 By the way, patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. The shit that's going on there right now. I mean, we really, honestly, patreon.com slash. I encourage you to go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and see if there's a more active, better, funnier Patreon out there. We are doing shit. Now we're doing like a Wheel of Fortune game show for the $25 and the $50 members. So go sign up for that.
Starting point is 01:01:00 We're doing kamikaze episodes where Mikey Muffin Chops has the camera on us and we don't know it. He actually has like really horrifying information that he just puts on the Patreon. For $25 a month, you can watch us go down in flames. For $10 a month, you get Weppa in the Morning, which is our morning show every single day, 9 a.m. to 9.30 Eastern time, Weppa in the Morning. And then also for $10, if you join at that level, we read your name at the end of an episode. And for $5, you can get the audio of the Weppa in the Morning, and that's about it.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Because it's like, what the fuck are you doing? I mean, we have a real business over here. You don't want to give us $10 more. We're going to come at you in a different way. Well, come see it a different way. Go join our channel. That is our channel, patreon.com slash bayridgeboys. Also go to our website, historyhyenas.com slash merch.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Get yourself a shirt. We got reality as a suggestion shirts. We got finally our history hyenas logo shirts we're coming up with a new woke and dope shirt that's coming soon it's gonna be cute we got all types of different shirts and sayings from our podcast for you the fans so go check it out get yourself a shirt buy your loved one a shirt for their birthday and we're also me and yanni gonna be performing live yanni what are your dates yeah uh you can see me first we'll do this one then i will also be at the stress factory in jersey i think the last uh weekend of september so get those tickets stress factory new jersey here we go but here you go you can get me um i will be this is i will be uh in
Starting point is 01:02:17 royersford pennsylvania check this out i'm doing this one show, and then the Stress Factory, and that's it this summer. August 12th, Wednesday, August 12th. I will be in Royersford, PA, so get your tickets. I will post the tickets on my website, but the ticket link is nightout.com slash Giannis Pappas or some shit like that. Yeah. So go get your tickets to see me me in royersford pa august 12th and then september 20 the last weekend in september whatever dates those are i'll start posting those soon i'll be at the stress there we go so so and then uh so go check out yanni and
Starting point is 01:02:54 then me go to historyanus.com or chrisdcomedy.com um august 68 stress factory it's sold out so thank you guys so much for that august 29th monmouth park racetrack ocean port new jersey there's tickets left for that go get them now those are selling quick and then we just added uh governors in long island august 21st we just added a show the rest of them are sold out so august 21st we just added a late show so go get those tickets but uh really august 29th ocean port new jersey and august 21st uh and levittown, Long Island The only ones with tickets available So thank you guys No meet and greets
Starting point is 01:03:28 No selling merch Just gonna see the show And then we gotta go So just understand that And then all outdoors And socially distanced Me and Yanni are only doing Outdoor shows
Starting point is 01:03:37 And they're only doing Socially distanced shows Because you don't want to Get anybody sick Exactly It's a safe environment Bring your boo-boo Go out there
Starting point is 01:03:43 Throw your mask on Have a good time. You know, just when you take a drink, just take your mask down and sip the drink. Sip the drink and that's it. Yeah, that's all you got to do. Stick a mozzarella stick up your ass if you think the jokes are funny. Okay, so without further ado, we go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. We're going to read out the newest members of the matriarchy. We always encourage a fun name.
Starting point is 01:04:00 We love to do this. It's our favorite part of the episode. So here we go. Leading us off is OlympianBeard.com. Go to OlympianBeard.com. This guy is a Greek guy. He's got beard products. He didn't have enough money to promote because, I mean, the kids just got to get a little bit more screwed in. But we did just read his name quickly, and that's about it. Yeah, we like to support Greeks.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Also, OlympianBeard.com. Send me some beard products because I'm growing my beard. I often grow my beard so send some free stuff to our P.O. box talk to the Greek princess Vanitya Vanitya
Starting point is 01:04:31 okay hold on real quick let me just get the let me get the the Patreon names up we can just edit this in we've lost the cable signal did we? yeah
Starting point is 01:04:40 oh that's V oh you took it down so we're good we're good we're good okay here we go so I'm going to read them off. So yeah, olympiabeer.com.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Then we got Enya, Mills Pap, Miguel M, Kai Igawa, Shannon Frazier, John K, Moist Lips for Giannis' tits. Yeah, hold up. On the list, or Drexler? That is Moist Lips for Giannis' tits is going on the list. Wow, there we go. Okay. Tom Mortimer, Henry Jankowski, Michael Evans.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Then we got Fred, My Friend Saw My Piece, and now I'm Called Accordion Dick, Stanky Nips. List. On the list, yeah. Then we got, in 2015, Chrissy Fingerbanged My Asshole While Yelling Racial Slurs, Hashtag Me Too, Hashtag Black Trans Lives Matters. That's going nowhere, but we feel you. We feel you. Then we got Steel Pipe, Izzy izzy my nizzy half ashkenazi
Starting point is 01:05:26 heavy on the nazi dreck slur because it's got the word nazi in it but very funny very funny then we got ryan bringing the straight white male back um then we got jack then we got de blasio 2020 derrick owens uh half african um they got make no mistake antifa's leader Vanitya did 9-1-1. Oh, did 9-11. Sorry. Sorry about that. Then we've got Squatch Shit. Wait a second. Squatch Shit's a chicken finger that gets a direct one. Okay. Then we've got Adam
Starting point is 01:05:55 Cristolini, Jeff Lawrence, Jake Walker. Then we've got Chrissy D, P, me, Yanni, P on me because Make No Mistake, I got the marriage license signed for all three of us. Any polyamorous relations? Okay, there you go. Too long, too long, too long. Went for it, though.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Good effort. Then we got Marshall Martz, Connor O'Neal, Melaku, Amory Blaine. Then we got Yanni Punani. Then we got... Yanni Punani's a chicken-finger Drexler. Nobody's done that one. Yeah, yeah. Then we got Becky with the good fumes.
Starting point is 01:06:27 On the list. Chicken figure. That is the best example of a chicken figure. Then we got Corey Benvenides. Then we got Nikita, the Slavic squeak, but make no mistake, I'll pay Chrissy a $3 bill to show me his Prussian piece at Brighton Beach. Bordansky. Drexler for the Brighton Beach reference.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Then we got Dan, Gleesack, Clarence, Teresa Warren, Roy Nielsen, Tyler Winters, Jordan, I splooged in Feta, and Feta to my Aunt Aquanetta Frenna. Front contender on the list. Is Aquanetta a Greek name? I don't know, but it was funny. It's on the list. I got lightheaded from that one. Then we got Sonny Baumgartner. Then we money shot murphy and the dongs of troy
Starting point is 01:07:08 then we got uh garrett uh captain whit cannon then we got spencer seabrook father bill russell slam duncan off the throat muscle whoa whoa yeah once in a while we get wow wow that's gonna be the winner unfortunately put him in contention. He's the number one. Everyone else is a Drexler. Then we got Make No Mistake, because I'm a $3 bill named Buzz. And then we got another chicken figure.
Starting point is 01:07:33 This could just contend with Throat Moss, so this is Zach Lives Matter. Chicken figure on the list. Yeah. Then we got the Bay Ridge Boys, a.k.a. the Ridgewood Queens. Put them on the list. Jesus Christ. Then we got the bay ridge boys aka the ridgewood queens um put them on the list jesus christ then we got julio landa uh then we got sam feeling super because chrissy cleaned out my pooper with an ice cream scooper cooper on the list uh then we got daniel rocco then we got wow
Starting point is 01:08:00 yanni this one is definitely on the list come here here. Look what it says. This one is for sure on the list and not Drexler'd. Okay? Then we got, yeah. Then we got Soul Design TN, Tennessee. Then we got Christos Charakas Robertson. Then we got Lauren. Then we got Assassin Bleeds Out, Mike Glancy, Care Bear, John John Cruz, Cooper Skelly, Nathan Cowan, Will, Colin Allison, Cackle My Cuckle, Chrissy Carries
Starting point is 01:08:27 My Ass Crease. Good attempt. Then we got Captain Cocoa Puff. Then we got Jenna. Captain Cocoa Puff is a nice sweet chicken figure. Throw him on a Drexler. Then we got Joey. Been holding my dump so I can eat zucchini slices off my baby bump.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Make no mistake, 2020 is for the Trump Turnbull. Yeah, throw him on the list. Yeah, throw him on the list. Yeah, throw him on the list. That's it. Yeah, that's it. Anyone who can take the zucchini slices and do something good with it like that deserves a list. We got a nice, tight, solid, good list right here.
Starting point is 01:08:55 Let's hear it. I want to hear them all one more time because there's only a few of them. Oh, you're going to take it? Okay. Oh, sorry. So who do we got? I thought you had them. I thought you had them.
Starting point is 01:09:02 We thought you had them, V, but we forgot. Oh, wait. Did you? Okay. Did we you had him. We thought you had him, V, but we forgot. Oh, wait. Did you? Okay. Did we have? Yeah. Did you make him green, though? Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 01:09:10 Yeah. Moist lips for Giannis' tits. Goodie. Becky with the good fumes. Wow. Hold that one, because that's a good strong chicken. Jordan, I splooged and fed it to my Aunt Aquanetta Freyna. It's a goodie.
Starting point is 01:09:23 It's going to lose, though. Father Bill Russell slammed Duncan off the throat muscle. This is the front runner right there. Zach Lives Matter. Shit, that's a good one. The Bay Ridge Boys, a.k.a. the Ridgewood Queens. Okay, he's losing. Joy, been holding my dump so I can eat zucchini slices off my baby bump.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Make no mistake, 2020 is for the Trump Turnbull. Fuck, it's between. And that's the last one? Yeah. So it's between that one and what was the other one I said? I mean, Father Bill Russell
Starting point is 01:09:50 slam dunking off the throat muscle. And you also like Becky with the good fumes. I think it's between those two. Jesus Christ. Becky with the good fumes. It's between those three. What do you want to do?
Starting point is 01:10:00 Is it the UV? Is it Becky with the good fumes just to honor our chicken finger this year? I would say honor the chicken figure and also honor women's month whatever bullshit thing on instagram all three we have to play pretend all three you're great but we're gonna yeah becky with the good fumes is what you call that's a chicken finger you don't always have to go for the triple flip dunk yeah you can if you got a nice solid layup like that becky with the good fumes congrats you're a ppw pseudo penis of that. Becky with the good fumes. Congrats. You're a PPW Pseudo Penis of the Week. Thank you guys very much for all the support.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Please go like and subscribe to our YouTube and our iTunes. Check out our clips page, History I Ain't A Clips. Just stay cute. Stay sucking cock out there. Yeah, and turn notifications on. We really hope you enjoyed that episode, whatever it was about. This is just a stock thing that we're taping on to every episode. So go make sure you rate, review us, subscribe, turn on your notifications, get jiggy with it.
Starting point is 01:10:56 And go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys where things get really wild.

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