History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 163 - The History of the News is WILD!

Episode Date: August 12, 2020

The boys try to make sense of the current state of the news media but exploring its history. WHEN DID THE NEWS START CUZ?! Has fake news always been a thing?! LETS GET WILD!Want more Hyena content? Ch...eck out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Hawthorne. Great body soap. I smell like a man. I feel like a man. Go to hawthorne.co. Use the promo code WILD. Thank you for sponsoring the show. It just smells really, really, really good.
Starting point is 00:00:14 And for the first time, I do feel like the natural man that my mother says I am, but I don't feel like on the inside. It's hawthorne.co. The last M is for you. You're a man. What's up, everybody? Welcome to another episode of the History Hyenas. Chrissy D., Yanni P., I'm tired. I had too many zucchini slices in a black and white. Yeah, but here's the thing. This is going to be a great episode because we started it with zucchini slices.
Starting point is 00:00:41 That's what it is. So when you have zucchini slices, you're going to take a little dip. Yeah. And it's not because of the zucchini. It's because of the bacon they hide underneath the cheese. It's what it is. So when you have zucchini slices, you're going to take a little dip. Yeah. And it's not because of the zucchini. It's because of the bacon they hide underneath the cheese. It's what it is. But then we always finish strong.
Starting point is 00:00:52 Always finish strong. Today's episode is about the history of the news, which I might call the history of the snooze. You're not here for this. I'll tell you. I'm not here for this topic.
Starting point is 00:01:02 This is make no mistake. This is Giannis Papas, a.k.a. Yannianni the topic pick there we go we can't yeah that you got some time i say the f-word venetia is going to throw a cookie at me we can keep track at home how many cookies get thrown at me yeah i mean yaya's cookies are in the building they may come a fly in they may come a fly in but yeah so we'll just call them listen we're going to cackle it. But you know what? This is a topic from YTF. You fill in the blanks, you know what it is. Because, I mean, we are the news for about 800 people every morning. And I'm scared.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I'm scared. Yeah, every time I see a new militia popping up, I say, I hope that's not the hyenas listening to WEPA. Yeah, I mean, I hope that's not the hyenas listening to Weppa. Yeah. I mean, here's the thing. News has become entertainment. It's content now. We could be news anchors because now it's gone back to like where you could just be
Starting point is 00:01:58 an amateur with the camera. You're part of the news. It's almost back to village gossip. It's amazing how far we've come technologically has brought us right back to the Greek village. And that's why I want to burn Venetia because she's having sex before marriage. It's what it is. And I think we should go back to old Greek village rules. Listen, go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 00:02:19 We do Wep in the morning every day. We're doing a lot of stuff down there. Also, go to christycomedy.com. I got a show august 29th monmouth racetrack all socially distanced all spread out come get your tickets august 29th christycomedy.com historyhahenas.com august 12th i'm in royersford pa and then i'm at distress factory um last weekend of september with so vinnie brand with vinnie brand so those tickets are being posted recently
Starting point is 00:02:45 but you can go get them at Distress Factories. Yeah. And stand-up's over. So we're going to push out these last few shows but I mean the motivation
Starting point is 00:02:53 to do it is almost at a sit-all. I'd rather just sit in these West Elm chairs and read notes off the TV that Venetia hired an intern to do.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Here's what we're going to do. In the future when this thing is done we're going to start. In the future when this thing is done, we're going to start doing shows in people's basements. I don't understand why none of the teams that need new names because their teams are racist and sexist picked the Hyenas as their name because they are the original chicks with dicks.
Starting point is 00:03:19 They are the original trans animal. And I'm a little upset at the animal advocacy groups and the LGBTQ community to not take the opportunity advocacy groups and the lgbtq community to not take the opportunity to change the name from the washington redskins to the washington hyenas or the washington trans animals i don't know why they didn't take that opportunity because that is an amazing point that only means one thing yeah you're putting a bunch of people on notice so it's what it is you guys are all pieces of shit scumbags and you know it and nothing's real ryan reynolds apology is fake it's all fake it's all fake and that's why the history
Starting point is 00:03:53 of the news is interesting because it's fake as a matter of fact the news was created by the actor diorna uh which is from 59 bce or 59 bec bacon egg and, and cheese. And it recorded important daily events such as public speeches and also executions and whatever else they were doing back then and fucking each other in the ass. Because make no mistake, ancient Rome, like ancient Greece, was three letters. Give me a G, give me a A, give me a Y. We just broke every single rule of not cursing before the five minutes. But we are the hyenas. You get what you get. And S-Low-K-S.
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's what it is. It doesn't matter. These ads are going to be flagged anyway. It doesn't matter. Also, ads don't even pay that much. We found out what some of the other podcasts are making off ad money. It's just not even really that great anyway. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:04:39 Take your body soap and shove it. I got light. I've gone down. Hold on. My blood pressure. When I laugh too hard, my blood pressure drops. It goes down. Is that because I'm an old man or is that genetic?
Starting point is 00:04:54 What happens? It's genetic and it's probably genetic. It's your old man. Why do I almost faint when I laugh really hard? Because I think you're such on the cusp. I think you're 51% testosterone, 49% estrogen. And then when you laugh like that because you laugh like such a little girl, it just flips quick. And it puts a switch out the same way Tim Dillon has to reset his eyes because his gay resets.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah, he's got to reset the gay. Yeah. Yeah. And the truth is, that's why the fans at Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, you're our untouchable group. You're the group that we love the most because we know you're not going anywhere and everything else is solid. Except at the end of the month when you dip down about fucking a thousand. Yeah, that's the only issue.
Starting point is 00:05:29 But other than that, we know you guys are here to stay and we love you so much. Go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and support the matriarchy. But yeah, and also in 59 BCE with the act of Diorna where the news came from,
Starting point is 00:05:40 fake news took off at the same time too. So as long as there's been news, there's been fake news. It's just at a fever pitch now. Because I loved it. Just even in ancient Rome, they called things acta diarna.
Starting point is 00:05:51 It just sounds like a dish that it just sounds like something I want to order at an Italian restaurant. Acta diarna. Can I get the acta diarna? Acta diarna. Please welcome the co-host,
Starting point is 00:06:01 the Italian model, acta diarna. Yeah, and you would get it and you would get the waitress. If the waitress served it to you and something was wrong with the waitress, you wouldn'thost, the Italian model. Acta Dio. Yeah, and you would get it. Because I would like to. If the waitress served it to you and something was wrong with the waitress, you wouldn't be able to eat it. I feel like, yeah, it's just what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, no, don't. Let's cackle that out because that's just mean. I'm just being silly. The other stuff, including the Hawthorne shit. Yes, let's keep it in. But I'm sorry about that one. Cackle that out because that's mean and it's just, you know, it's my own thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:26 But yeah, it's interesting, you know. I don't even know. What was I saying before? Well, I'll just kick you. You reset your gay and I'll just take us back to the timeline. News basically started as gossip when we were an agrarian society, when we were a preliterate society. It was just gossip. Anyone could be the news.
Starting point is 00:06:42 when we were a preliterate society. It was just gossip. Anyone could be the news. And make no mistake, the most interesting part about this research for me was finding out that news originated with fake news. Yeah. Because when anything's in the hand of the people, I mean, people are just going to lie.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah, they're just going to lie. It's the same thing that happened in the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Franklin was lying, saying that the Native Americans who were fighting on their british side king george's native americans were scalping the soldiers when in fact they weren't scalping the soldiers at all but he made up fake news but the truth is i'm not even mad at that fake news because they were an enemy of the state at the time so i'm all for fake news that
Starting point is 00:07:18 benefits the american public here's another one the vietnam war started with a fake news what happened because it was reported that a couple of our boats got sank, but it was us that fucking went on fire first. So we reported it. It was the TED. Can someone look that up? It's the TED Offensive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:36 If you guys think out there that your country, our country cares about us at all, they do not. You will be a victim of fake news, and they could care less because it's all hidden black market war war agendas um i just watched a show on amazon prime called the last narc about the killing of kiki camarena from the season three of the show narcos on netflix and bubbles the way our government and the cia and the dea are involved is freaking wild and if i hear los estados unidos one more time or Politicos for politicians, I'm going to fucking stick a can of Koi beans up my ass and yell Trump 2020 when I come. Es lo que ya.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Yeah, it's just what it is. Es lo que ya. Yeah, the Tet Offensive. The Tet Offensive. I thought it was called the Tet Offensive about Alexandro's comedy. Yeah, it was. So, yeah, I mean, this is how the Vietnam War started. With a fake, fake report to the American people.
Starting point is 00:08:29 The whole fucking Vietnam. Think about this, cuz. And also, weapons of mass destruction, also fucking fake news. It's all fake news. Fake news did not start with Donnie T going, you are fake news. You are fake news. But it is a fun way to tell someone you're not listening to their question by going, you are fake news. Fake news. Yeah, Vietnam, yeah, it's all fake news you're fake but it is a fun way to tell someone you're not listening to their question by going you are fake news fake news yeah vietnam yeah it's all fake news so the ted offensive yes bullshit it was fake news so fake news news started with fake news and then it's
Starting point is 00:08:55 kind of remained fake news it's mostly fake everyone always put their spun on uh their spin on it until there was like we had a little moment in history and maybe only in our country right like in america where for a second there was a standard that you had to live up to 60 minutes was one of those those things that started that tried to give you you know real fucking because let me ask you a question when you were a kid 60 minutes was the first news program to be profitable in our country. How wild is that? When you were 15, 16 years old, did you ever throw in the stockings and crank it a little bit to Barbara Walters?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Because I did. I mean, Barbara Walters had one of the wildest voices. She had that kind of like, it almost looked like she had a stroke, kind of. For an old woman, though, I mean, who's hotter than Barbara Walters as an older lady? I can think of a lot of people who are hotter than Barbara Walters. As an old woman, though? Yeah, as an old woman. Yeah, Cher will fucking get it.
Starting point is 00:09:48 That's what it is. Cher will get it. You know who else will get it? Jane Fonda will get fucking cracked open and clean the fuck out. Fuck out. No, Barbara Walters, she just kind of looks like a mom of a friend who you went to camp with and then you go visit because you stayed in contact as pen pals but that person lives in the midwest and that's the mom that fucking makes you a cake
Starting point is 00:10:10 she's a midwester mom and i would not hit that that's just what yeah see i would i used to jerk off a lot to barbara walters yeah but you jerked off to a lot of weird stuff as well it's just what it is yeah yeah yeah i would also answer answer the door for Chinese food delivery in a giant helmet and high heels Yeah, my mother's high heels. Yeah, and the giant helmet Yeah, and then I sometimes do that when the boys weren't over because it just felt good It was just a fun thing. Is that how your feet got shaped that way? That's how my feet got shaped. Did you sleep in your mom's high heels? I would jam them I would jam them in I would jam my feet my mother's high heels when she went to work and then I
Starting point is 00:10:41 And then I'd order beef and broccoli and I'd shit in a little box. Way song chi high heels when she went to work. And then I'd order beef and broccoli and I'd shit in a little box. Where is Song Chi? Do you think your mom, how many times do you think your mom had to go back to church after Sunday to try to pray something the way that she saw you do it? I think a lot of times. I think a lot of times. And I think the fact that the doors of the church, the local Ridgewood Parish, have been closed because of the pandemic have been really hard on her because, make no mistake, some of the recent choices, mom's
Starting point is 00:11:07 had to do a lot of praying. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you probably don't know it. You probably haven't thought about it at all, but I'm here to tell you that there's been a lot of conferences on the neutrals between the two matriarchs. I believe it. In that building.
Starting point is 00:11:24 100%. Your aunt and your mom have definitely sat down, a stare apart, a little sideways. Yeah. With a little plate of cookies. Yeah. A couple of Sankas. Yeah. And then some follow-up brews.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah. And they've been trying to figure out how they're going to get you out of this. Yeah. How they're going to reel me in. And they met and they went like this. Oh my God. We don't even have to put our plan into place because Jesus took the wheel and he did it for us. He did it for us.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And what you said this morning on Wepa in the Morning every day, Monday to Friday, at patreon.com slash Bray Ridge Boys, saying that I am running around the park. I'm off the leash running around the park. Is it 10? And I think that's what we'll say right now. When I go wild, you say, Chris is running around the park. Yeah. What happens with Christy, I mean chrissy's just a while as you know what chrissy's gotta be unbridled you gotta let him run free he's a fucking stallion it's what you're a
Starting point is 00:12:13 fucking wild horse babe yeah and you can't put a saddle on that fucking horse my butt's too big for the saddle yeah i mean you're gonna slip off the saddle's gonna fucking slip off you're a wild horse you gotta run free in the fields. And it's what it is. And once in a while, you just start kicking. You start kicking. And you know when you start kicking? When? Whenever you see.
Starting point is 00:12:33 It's just what it is. You just start kicking them. It's what it is. I don't know why. But you're a wild stallion. And we'll tackle that part. But what happens once in a while is just we got a collar and we got a leash on Chris. But once in a while, the kid just gets loose from his collar
Starting point is 00:12:46 and he just fucking darts into the park. Everything Venetia told you not to, you do it. And that's why I love you to death. Yeah, it's just what it is. Because anytime when she says, make sure not to do that, I'm pretty sure there's 100% chance it's going to happen. It's going to happen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah, you just can't put a fucking saddle on that puppy. It's just what it is because I'm charged up. I had a couple black and whites. I had a YIS cookie. I had three zucchini slices, and this is my third cup of coffee. So I'm just fucking charged the fuck up. You're fully fucking charged, and you know what? We've got to pick topics that you don't really connect to more often.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Yeah, because look, here it is. I mean, what do we got? So the first American. Yeah, so just tell us what you know about this and why this was interesting to you, Yanni. Y-T-F. Well, because it's an interesting topic to think about the history of the news because the news dictates so much of what your city, your state, your tribe, your village, your country believes. I mean, it's basically your village, your country, beliefs.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I mean, it's basically your main arm of propaganda. In Nazi Germany, you know, the people who controlled that party, the four heads of them, one of them was basically— I call them the founding fathers. We need a button. I'm just kidding. I know, we can't—it's a joke. Everyone knows it's a joke.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Yeah, but we need a button. Can we put that in in post or something? Yeah, I mean, we need the button back because that's when Chrissy's most comfortable. And he should be comfortable to make that joke. Yeah, I should. But we need to. If we got to edit that out and we're back. Yeah, and we're back.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Let's edit that one out then. Fine. I thought because I'm wearing the Wei Shaoqing shirt, I'm just going to go free rate. I thought I could just run around the park because I got the Wei Shaoqing shirt on. You've had enough. You want to let go. You want to run a little bit. I've just had enough because I'm trying to do comedy.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'm just doing comedy. But it's like anything you say in today's world can't be taken as comedy because so many unfunny people have been rewarded by fucking comedy. So many unfunny people in our world in the past 20 years have just gotten shows and specials and you've never been funny and you never be funny but you got fucking opportunities because the world's been bullshit well now that donnie t is here to stay the truth is coming out and the funny people will remain funny because i fucking have always been funny because I was molested by a priest. Clip it. It's character piece.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I mean, that's a clip, right? Yeah. I mean, phones are going off. This one's going to be a fucking wild. You heard it right there. We'll be right back. That was Walter Cronkite with the news. What is? Yellow journalism is widely understood to describe salacious, over-the-top, scandal-driven journalism.
Starting point is 00:15:23 We call it, in America, colloquially, we call it tabloid journalism. Right now you can't tell the difference between tabloid journalism and regular journalism. But like I said, it was really always like that, which is amazing. Everyone thinks fake news has become a recent problem, but it has always been that way, except, like I said, for this little point in history where the FCC instilled what's called the Fairness Doctrine, I believe, in 1945. Was it 45 or 35?
Starting point is 00:15:54 1945, the Fairness Doctrine, which basically was the FCC saying, hey, babe, you got to try to be fair. You got to try to be objective. And you got to talk about stuff that has national interest. So it's for the people. You have to try to be balanced. But then Reagan got rid of that shit in 84. Right. So a lot of fucking libs.
Starting point is 00:16:15 What do we got? 87. 87. He got rid of it in 87. So it went from 45 to 87. 49 to 87. So the Fairness Doctrine started in 1949. We're not a real history
Starting point is 00:16:25 podcast at all. Do you think anybody like in the deep outer boroughs of Brooklyn or Queens calls the coronavirus? I mean, what?
Starting point is 00:16:34 I mean, it's, there's definitely, it's been said in a few bars in Ridgewood for sure. It's just what it is. And I'm not saying
Starting point is 00:16:40 I'm happy about it, but I'm, it's not, but it's just interesting how, we could cut that out. It's definitely, I mean, no, but you're saying somebody else calls it that. I'm not saying I'm happy about it, but it's just interesting. We could cut that out. It's definitely... I mean, no, but you're saying somebody else calls it that.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I'm saying I wonder if somebody else ever called it that, and that's not appropriate. Yeah, no, that's definitely not appropriate. Let's go to the FCC. You guys are going to have a lot of post work to do here. I mean, there's a lot of stuff we've got to cackle out. Let's go to the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, or I like to call it the Federal Communism Commission, because they required licensed radio and television broadcasters to present fair and balanced coverage of controversial issues of interest to their communities by deviating equal airtime to opposing points of views.
Starting point is 00:17:13 And I kind of, in the capitalist form, why just think if you're funnier and better, then you just get more airtime? Yeah, so, well, actually, it's funny that you say that because a lot of people who are against the Fairness Doctrine would say that. Say, hey, freedom of speech, First Amendment, you can say whatever you want. You say whatever you want, babe. Say whatever you want, babe. And it's like, if I want to turn up, it's like, you know, it's like, look, leave it up to me as a consumer. I watch what I want to fucking watch. If I don't want to see any more detailed coverage about whatever your bullshit point of view is,
Starting point is 00:17:39 and I want to watch the other person, then that's what I'll do. The only problem is when you get such a big society, you get such a big country, somebody has to be acting in the public interest to tell them the truth. If the people really do rule, if the people really, if the government is by the people
Starting point is 00:17:53 for the people, then you gotta have somebody who's acting on behalf of the people and not the interest. Because if I'm telling the news and I'm telling it just to be entertaining or if I have an agenda
Starting point is 00:18:02 because I have some alliance with some company or something like that, then that's not really for the people. That's the big irony of freedom and democracy. It's like if you want the people to rule, something has to be in the public interest and for it to be in the public interest, it can't be capitalist,
Starting point is 00:18:17 which is the best system for personal freedom in the economic realm is capitalism. So it's a little ironic. What do we do? Rub some Hawthorne soap on it. The Fairness Doctrine was perceived by some as an infringement of the right to freedom of speech. In 87, the FCC formally repealed the Fairness Doctrine, but maintained both the editorial
Starting point is 00:18:37 and personal attack provisions, which remained in effect until 2000. And then, yeah, and then 2001 happened and everything changed. And then everything changed after that. That could be a direct result in 9-11 is because the fairness doctrine went away. You never know how these chains of events unfold, but one thing could have led to another. Without a doubt, I haven't really done my causal research on that.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Here we go. Here we go. Probable. Here we go. And then consequences of partisan news coverage examples were one of the examples is South African president Thabo Mbeki claimed that anti-retroviral drugs were part of a Western plot
Starting point is 00:19:11 and that garlic and lemon juice could be used to treat AIDS. And then over 300K died. I mean, so it sounds a little Trumpy what's going on. When he's like, hey, just drink your fish tank water and your corona's gonna go away.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah, yeah. That's exactly the point. So here's an example of fake news that was very harmful to certain people. So is it important to be objective in news? I guess. I mean, you know, but if you look... Here, this one's about climate science right here.
Starting point is 00:19:41 They say global warming became deeply partisan in the 90s. Oil companies started doing their own research and they wanted media coverage. Simultaneously, they were contributing money to and lobbying government officials. All this was merely manufactured, all this was to merely manufacture doubt meant to obscure the fact
Starting point is 00:19:58 that the world's climate scientists had all but reached consensus on the fact that climate change was occurring and that human activity was responsible for it. And as long as there are skeptics out there, the media felt duty-bound to report climate change as a disputed topic when it really shouldn't be disputed at all. So that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:20:14 So they're saying that scientists had already reached the consensus, but the controversy was a political one that had been stirred up by the oil companies. And that's what I guess is happening with corona right now, when they're creating, I guess in some ways, ways when people say why are they taking away videos of the plandemic but they're leaving up videos of whatever white supremacy and i guess this is why because they're saying you guys are creating this controversy that can really do a lot of harm because we think that you know if you listen to the scientists they're all saying this is what you do to stop corona but then you know other people are saying yeah all you listen to the scientists, they're all saying this is what you do to stop corona.
Starting point is 00:20:49 But then other people are saying, yeah, all you got to do is drink your fish tank water and you're good. I think maybe at this point you just let it all fly. That's what I'm saying. Maybe you just go, hey, look. Let's open up 100%. Yeah, you say let's open up 100% and whatever you want to say on the news, you can say on the news. You want to do whatever. You want to say whatever. You want to lie.
Starting point is 00:21:02 You want to create fake news. You want to do real news. It's up to you Whatever people get get hoodwinked by it or manipulated by it so be it whatever happens happens May the best group win may the best person win and we go full Darwin Awards and see who makes you makes it I think that's the only way to do it at this point. We've made it this far. We've done everything Yeah, let's have a full- on war games and see who fucking wins. Let's just see who does it.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I'm very well. I'll go out. If you opened up 100% right now, I'd go out. I'd keep the mask on at all times because I understand that that's important. I'd wash my hands. I do my due diligence. But it's like to have these little plans and say you can't open here, you can't open there. You're getting to the point of this real civil unrest coming.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And I just don't know what else to do but vote for Donald Trump. Now, do you think it's better to have accredited journalists that went to school, are journalists, they're regulated, or you just think have a phone, go, write it, blog it down, and go with it? Which one do you go? Just blog it down because everyone's saying, like, oh, trial by Twitter, you know, we don't do process. And it's like, yeah, due process is gone.
Starting point is 00:22:07 It's not about this cancel culture. They're not about, they don't care about due process. Nobody's going to jail. It's just like this thing that they fucking want to. I think the best thing we could do as a country is get rid of Twitter. I think if we lose TikTok, lose Twitter, and honestly lose Instagram, even if it hurt my career a little bit, I would feel so much better. So you're for government regulation.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I want it all to go away. I think social media is an experiment that is proven to not be working. I think if you try to band us all together, it does not work. And I think that the only thing that works is us staying in kind of our little bubbles. It's like, it's good when you only know
Starting point is 00:22:42 the people in your neighborhood. That's great. I don't think there's any reason that I should be friends with someone on the other side of the world and be able to communicate with them like that it does us no good we're living in two different worlds it just creates all these false false premises on both sides and i want it all out and fuck you aoc lot of 14 it's what it is there you go there's the official statement from the history hyenas news. It's what it is. There you go. There's the official statement from the History Hyena's news organization. It's what it is. That's what we need to do.
Starting point is 00:23:08 You got, yeah, from Cuckard Carlson. And I'll just call you Anderson Cooper because you're YTF. What does that mean? Yanni Trans? Yanni. Yanni. Yanni the friend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yanni the fudgy. Yanni the fudgy yogurt because he's Greek. Yeah. It's Greek. Yeah. It's what it is. I mean, because right now we're living in a post-truth society.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Well, what do they say about the influx of social media? I don't know because I can't see the fucking screen. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:23:37 When are we going to get the fucking thing to put it up there? The rise of social media has facilitated an informational free-for-all with fact and opinion now presented side by side
Starting point is 00:23:45 on the internet with no filters and no vetting readers and viewers are readily exposed to a steady stream of pure partisanship social media is a source of news blurred the lines even further between news and opinion as people shared stories from blogs and alternative news sites as if they were all true in a recent pew poll 62 percent of u.s adults reported getting their news from social media and 71 of that was from facebook this means that 44 of the total adult u.s population now gets its news from facebook whose owner whose creator mark zuckerberg zuckerberg went to venezuela and got butt implants and fucking comes out with cum all over his face and goes surfing in Hawaii. So that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:24:26 There was actually right now a scientist who was using a fake Twitter account for like a couple years and was reporting on all these injustices that were happening to people who had different sexual orientations. And it turned out that it was just all fake news. She created a fake account. I believe it. And was pretending to be this social justice warrior person. And that person didn't exist. It's all fake. And that person was always advocating for her, like for tenure for her and stuff like that. Right. And also this this make believe scientist became beloved by all these
Starting point is 00:25:01 other kind of scientists. she created a woke hero on Twitter that didn't exist look at Tim Dillon look at Tim Dillon's post last week when he said put Ellen in jail and then he gets written up in Newsweek for likes a celebrity speaking out against Ellen and they earnestly wrote that he thought that they thought he believed she should be put in jail it's like what the fuck is going on what's going on is the standard for journalism has dropped so low and things move so quick, and they're not held accountable. It's wild because me and you were held accountable for some strange reason,
Starting point is 00:25:32 even though it says quite clearly and our profession quite clearly indicates that we're not required to tell the truth ever. In fact, jokes are never fucking true. Otherwise, they're not jokes. But for some reason, we're held accountable. But that journalist who wrote that article in Newsweek and told Tim and quoted Tim as saying, put Ellen in jail and thought that he was doing it earnestly, there's probably no repercussions for that. I know. Which is wild. So I don't know because the big question, do we need a new fairness doctrine or some type of doctrine that says, hey, babe, you got to try to tell the truth or else we're going to put you in jail or burn you at the stake like a woman who's having premarital sex in the Greek village?
Starting point is 00:26:13 It's what it is, cuz. Yeah. We need to do something with these journalists. We got to put their feet to the fire. For some reason, we're taking heat. I know. Why are comedians taking heat? What the fuck is going on?
Starting point is 00:26:22 Cuz, I got a new fairness doctrine, and it called the Snappin' Fuckin' 2. I like it. That's the new fairness auction I'm going to call it Snappin' 2. Because if you fucking want to write an article
Starting point is 00:26:30 that I don't think is fair, guess what? Now you're going to see somebody come at you in a different way. Fucking different way. Is all of this John... Can we hire John A.
Starting point is 00:26:38 to be our security? Absolutely. He just comes at people in a different way. I'll come see you in a different way. I'll give you an opportunity. Steps up. You're going to comes at people in a different way. I'll come see you in a different way. I'll give you an opportunity. Steps up.
Starting point is 00:26:46 You're going to get come seen in a different way. We will come see you in a different way. I'll take money from the patron to hire John A. Light to come see people who want to tweet at us in a different way. In a different fucking way. Guys, let me tell you. I'm very excited about our new sponsor, Hawthorne. This is an all-in-one. This is what makes it so great because I'm a man.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I like things easy. We took this online quiz that they do on their website. They recommend the products based on the way you answer the questions. It comes in a nice package. It made me feel like a man. Actually, this product, I'm being honest, the way this smells, smells
Starting point is 00:27:20 so good that I feel such like a man that I worry about being such a part of the patriarchy that I'm going to get taken down for smelling so good that I feel like such like a man that I worry about being such a part of the patriarchy that I'm going to get taken down for smelling so good because this product just makes me go freaking pewing. I'm being honest. Because we get sent stuff, right? And we're like, oh, hi, we have to fake it. There's no faking it with this, okay? This genuinely smells fantastic. Go to Hawthorne.co, put in the promo code WILD, and you're going to get 15% off your order. Or is it 10%? It's one of them. It doesnD, and you're going to get 15% off your order. Or is it 10%?
Starting point is 00:27:45 It's one of them. It doesn't matter. You're going to get 10% off your offer. 10% off your order. Go to Hawthorne.co. They left the M out because you're the man. They didn't want to take it from you. This is such a cute masculine smell that I really think that the cancel mob is going to come for them for supporting the patriarchy.
Starting point is 00:28:03 100%. 100%. Hawthorne. Do it. Yeah. Hawthorne.co. That's what it is. Yeah. It's a lot of this
Starting point is 00:28:15 Jon Stewart's fault because he was so good at delivering the news in a funny way, making fun of Fox News, that people started at that moment, they started actually
Starting point is 00:28:25 going to comedy central and watching the daily show in order to get their news that was like the beginning and that was pre-twitter that was pre he was so good at his job it was that the fucking beginning of the end it might have been that's a very good point yeah because now like fucking now they hire people like trevor people trevor knows. These are comedians, man. So it's like, is that the people's fault? Or was it a byproduct of him being so good at his job? Or was it because media was failing so bad? Because at the time, CNN had Crossfire on, or it was Tucker Carlson in a fucking bow tie,
Starting point is 00:28:57 a cross from some other fucking idiot. I don't even remember his name. And they would argue every issue. And it was theater. It became like theater. Do you think that there is a platform that some presidential candidate or governor high-ranked politician can run on and and and make claims that social media is destroying us and get rid of it or do you think we're living in a world where social media cannot go away and it will not go i don't
Starting point is 00:29:18 blame social media to be honest with you if you want my opinion i blame uh private news some things can't be private they can't there needs so do you think that can change or it's like health care where we're in too deep and you can't make the news private just like you can't make health care public and you can't make either one of them public it's fine to have subscription-based news that's fine okay there's always fine to have a private option for everything but uh you can have your own private uh let's say acre of land for example but you also have to have public parks or else you don't have a city. You don't have a village.
Starting point is 00:29:49 You don't have a town. But isn't like New York One, isn't that public? Isn't that like – New York One is not public. What's like a – NPR is public. NPR is just terribly underfunded and it needs to be funded more and it needs and that's it yeah chris gethard show was on the public access it was a public access network and how's she doing there needs to be a standard for truth that you these people need to be held accountable
Starting point is 00:30:15 i love you chris you have to evolve to have a standard to hold these people accountable for what they say yeah i mean if like you just if you're a journalist and you say hey boom and it turns out that that's false yeah somebody's got to go, hey, you can't do that. Yeah. You can't do that. And you've got to prove whether he was intentionally doing that or not. You've got to do that. So I don't blame social media in the sense because this started with cable news.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yeah. That's where it started. Fucking see, I blame Ted Turner and I blame Fox News. I blame your neighborhood. It's what it is. I'm just kidding. What can you do? So now we're living in the phenomenon of post-truth. I blame your neighborhood. It's what it is. I'm just kidding. What can you do?
Starting point is 00:30:47 So now we're living in the phenomenon of post-truth. And that rocketed to public attention in November of 2016 when, you know, you know what happened in November 2016. You know what happened, baby. Panatea's mom started developing heart palpitations. She cannot handle Donald Trump because isn't it funny when you go to
Starting point is 00:31:08 someone's Facebook page and you can tell how much they can't handle whoever's in office yeah it's just what it is yeah I mean there's if you go to some
Starting point is 00:31:15 kids in Long Island's page during the Obama administration it's shit they're not talking about their family there's just a bunch of articles
Starting point is 00:31:21 that are just you don't want to see about Obama it's just what it is and now it's like a lot of people hate Trump just you don't want to see about obama it's just what it is and now it's like a lot of people hate trump the same way i know i think the orange man brought us into the golden years but here it is so it's defined as post-truth is defined as relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief post-truth is not so much a claim that
Starting point is 00:31:44 truth does not exist as that facts are subordinate to our political point of view. So, I mean, that feels pretty accurate to what's going on right now. That feels very accurate. That's what it is. I worked for a media company for a little while when I had that show on Fusion, and they were owned by ABC News. All the people that worked there were in the news business beforehand working for ABC News. And I can tell you, there's a pressure now, especially with the internet and how fast things move, but there was probably a pressure back then before the internet when it was just cable news to get ratings. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So it's like what gets ratings more, right? Right. What gets ratings more? You know, a comedian delivering his version of the news? No. Or a partisan, a charismatic partisan personality delivering, or some boring guy just sitting there going, these are the facts.
Starting point is 00:32:29 The same way Donald Trump is, there's so many pictures of Donald Trump hanging out with Hillary Clinton, and they're all friends. It's the same thing with the news people. You really think Anderson Cooper and Tucker Carlson don't fucking privately tag? They're all fucking,
Starting point is 00:32:41 they're playing on teams. Right. Just the same way, you know, Magic Johnson and Larry Bird would hang out, because they're playing on teams. Just the same way Magic Johnson and Larry Bird would hang out because they're playing on different teams. All these people are rich fucking white. They don't give a fuck about you. Just like George Carlin would say, they don't care at all.
Starting point is 00:32:55 They have so much money, they're just playing for whatever team they're supposed to be playing for. They don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck. No, it's all content. It's all a show. It's all it's all content it's all a show it's all theater and i think that that's sad the people should at least have a very strong power 60 minutes is like the only good news show at all anywhere right where else is it what's what's
Starting point is 00:33:19 what's reliable news now with the associated press which is old school, Reuters, maybe. The New York Post. I mean, what is like good, solid, reputable news? It's crazy. And then to think once the subscription model went out, like it used to be you had the New York Times had a standard that they held themselves to. You had the New York Times, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun. And those were all held up by subscription. By subscription. People would subscribe.
Starting point is 00:33:48 They made money. And so they were held to a certain standard by their subscribers. And then once that went out the window and the internet came, the newspaper business in order to stay in business had to get a little more racy to get clicks because they became really dependent on advertisers and not subscriptions. So I'm talking to you people out there. Go to Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys and support the subscription model or else we're going to start fucking shucking and jiving to sell Joy Dish Soap.
Starting point is 00:34:14 And it's going to be your fault when Chrissy can't say anything and we're both replaced by women. It's going to be your fault because you didn't support us. Go watch Weapon in the Morning every day. Every freaking day. And wash your butt with Hawthorne soap. Hawthorne.co. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:27 So here we go. So do you know any of these people? Janet Cook? Personally, I do. Yes. So tell me about these people. Because you did some research. You read about these people.
Starting point is 00:34:37 What is it? Well, you got Jason Blair. You got Sabrina Eardley. So who are they? They're fucking journalists. Right. And they were caught plaguing. Well, here we go. Sabrina Erdley. So who are they? They're fucking journalists. Right. And they were caught plagiarizing. Well, here we go.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Sabrina Erdley. Let's read. Former journalist and American magazine reporter who in 2014 authorized an article in Rolling Stone describing the alleged rape of a University of Virginia student by several fraternity members. The article was later discredited, found to be unsupported by evidence. So it's basically saying that she reported on this and it was never brought to the court of law because there was no evidence to support that this woman was actually raped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:09 But Sabrina doesn't go to jail for that. Exactly. But she should be. That's my fucking point. Venetia, as a woman, just into the mic, should Sabrina go to jail for that or are we kind of not taking it all into consideration? If it's proven that she did it on purpose, you could see that she ignored evidence and she did it on purpose. That's a bad, bad thing.
Starting point is 00:35:29 We go back to Tawana Brawley in New York. Remember, she said she was raped. She was lying to people. You can't really blame the press there, I guess, but you kind of can because you're going like, what evidence do you guys have? Before you make this a natural story, what's your evidence?
Starting point is 00:35:43 That's what I feel like the problem lies there in that one, where it should be we use the court of law. We use what we have, the court of law. They go through our legal system. We've all agreed upon as American citizens in the Constitution to be tried by a jury of our peers. We let them go through that process. Whatever the outcome is, then you can write on it. Whether it's not guilty or guilty, it should be illegal to write about a case that does not have a verdict yet. It should be 100% illegal because then you don't have to worry about swaying a jury.
Starting point is 00:36:14 It's like the public should not know until it goes through the court of law. And I feel like because our whole society is now based in schadenfreude and watching the destruction of man we won't have it the other way because we're living in like a really really crazy time when in reality i think the founding fathers would even agree like no we go to the court of law first and then you talk about it because if you do it the other way the way we're doing it now then there's always a jury that's going to be tainted all you do is taint right all you do i don't want to hear about i shouldn't have even heard about bill cosby until it was brought to the proper channels through the court of our law and then we talk about it yeah you're actually i got to agree with you but you know there's this industry of people who depend on those
Starting point is 00:36:53 salacious stories i know that's what's scary attaching themselves to those stories so they can make money and get bigger if they solve racism and sexism and individualism and all that every other isn't that they want to make up they have nothing to write about they have no jobs that it is in their duty to keep it alive and isn't it fucking convenient they've made us accountable isn't that fucking hilarious saying they're not smart isn't it hilarious that comedians are the ones that are held accountable yeah and who who are we held accountable to who are we held accountable to journalists that's what it is isn't that fucking funny how you guys have used those mafia And who are we held accountable to? Who are we held accountable to?
Starting point is 00:37:26 Journalists. That's what it is. Isn't that fucking funny how you guys have used those mafia tactics to hunt us with your articles, but nobody's holding you fucking accountable. Yes. What do you call that? That's called fucking a smokescreen. That's called the journalist figuring it out, the journalist figuring it out, and coming at us in a different way.
Starting point is 00:37:45 They came at us in their way of a different way. They're using us as a scapegoat. They're using comedians as a scapegoat while they can continue to just run amok and write whatever. And it's what it is. And a lot of them say, I did stand-up three or four times. No, you're not a stand-up. You're not a comedian. You're a fucking small-time journalist.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And guess what, journalist? Unfortunately, now you've met your match because all you people like to do is say, well, if you do this and I'm going to write a story, I'm going to come jam it down your throat or jam it up your ass. And guess what, baby? That's the only way I can come. So good. Good.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Let's take, for example, you know, it's a very interesting example of all this. And it brings sort of fake news the modern era everything into perspective was the the what the Covington kids
Starting point is 00:38:30 right that was a perfect example those kids walked out with about 25 mil now that one kid the one kid but hey at least it's like
Starting point is 00:38:37 and he's not done he's not done good and good he should fucking hold them over the fire for that and I'm not saying that because it was
Starting point is 00:38:43 Republican versus Democrat if the same thing if a Democrat was holding a Republican over the fire or that. And I'm not saying that because it was Republican versus Democrat. If the same thing, if a Democrat was holding a Republican over the fire or a conservative kid and they were fucking wrong, then the same thing. Fuck you. Yeah, I mean, he's now settled. I don't know how many lawsuits he settled, but he's getting these media outlets to
Starting point is 00:38:57 really pay up. The settlement's not disclosed. It's not public knowledge. That's probably part of the settlement, but he's making him pay. The kid walked out. Yeah, so as you know. know what's the story again if you don't know the covington story so this was this little video that actually it ended up uh coming to light that the video originated from a fake account in brazil that posted an edited version where the this kid and this native american protest to the bottom right. Right in the right. If you see his glasses and the mustache. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:26 There was Covington kids there, and they all had, like, Make America Great Again shirts on or hats or whatever, and they were, like, high school kids, and they were on a D-Ski school trip at the Lincoln Memorial, and then this protester was there. Later, we found out,
Starting point is 00:39:39 marched up to them and stood in his face, but all we saw at the beginning was the clip of the Covington kid standing there with a little smirk in his face, but all we saw at the beginning was the clip of the Covington kid standing there with a little smirk on his face as the guy beat the drum in his face. So everyone was going, look at this, make America great again,
Starting point is 00:39:53 racism, the smirk that kills. This is the same smirk of white privilege I've seen everywhere. And they were talking about like a 15-year-old kid. And then the longer unedited version of the clip came up and it showed that the native american actually engaged walked into him and the kid actually did
Starting point is 00:40:10 nothing except stand there right full context came out right so he went and sued for libel all these um all of these news outlets because what happens everyone ran with the story and it's like then celebrities started retweeting it because everyone wants to look like they're this amazing person that cares when nobody really cares the easiest thing you can do is retweet or tweet a hashtag it means absolutely fucking nothing yeah why would you ever want to read a book or do your own research when you can just fucking listen to somebody do it in 10 seconds on tiktok why or if you want to be a good person, you know what good people do? They go do shit, and they don't talk about it. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:40:49 If you want to go do some fucking work, go actually get out of your fucking gated community in Beverly Hills where you're tweeting from, whatever former child celebrity you are. That's it. And go do something, and stop fucking bragging about it. That's not what good people do.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I don't want to see, instead of everybody tweeting come November and being like, look at what I did, look at my sticker, just go do what you're supposed to do, do the right thing in the voting booth, put it to the right, and keep your head down.
Starting point is 00:41:15 That's all you got to do. I'm not endorsing that. I'm saying do the right thing. Go to patreon.com. I'm saying do the right thing. You know what I mean. Yeah, like Spike Lee. Yeah, I'm saying Spike Lee, do the right,
Starting point is 00:41:25 and I'm capitalizing right yeah i'm saying go to patreon.com slash bay ridge boys join the matriarchy look at all the content we're doing behind the subscription model that's the future of the comedy business go join go join and by the way obviously support us people don't i'm a comedian i uh uh you know grew up in new y City, have a multi-ethnic family. I'm liberal cucked out, Chris. I just play the character piece like Stephen Colbert. So some people have messaged me like, how come you only talk about things to the right?
Starting point is 00:41:53 Because this is the podcast. We're playing character pieces. I've only ever voted to the left. But 2020 is going to be different. I'm going to come at you in a different way. You're going to come see you in a different way. Do you think this would be helpful if we got rid of political parties? Because people always have yeah uh beliefs and and policy and policies that they believe in or back that kind of run the gamut that are either
Starting point is 00:42:14 uh liberal and like i have something i'm liberal but i would be considered liberal and then some things i may be considered conservative why do i have to be married to a certain party why does a candidate have to be married to a certain party in Why does a candidate have to be married to a certain party? In the gray zone, yeah. Yeah, why can't we just look at the dude, have two dudes, have them debate,
Starting point is 00:42:30 hear their fucking ideas and be like, I like this guy better than that guy. Yeah, why does it have to even be Republican or Democrat? It's just this individual's running and that individual's running.
Starting point is 00:42:37 And we also have to do some standard for that now because that seal's been broken and I don't know if fucking Miley Cyrus is gonna run or somebody else i mean it's got to be some standard where like you go to law school you have to get like a license
Starting point is 00:42:49 to be a politician you have to be a licensed politician i think we need to do licensing at least like an open mic scene where you can really make your chops it's like you need a license to like cut hair you need a license to once you get into run for politics you have to get a license to do it i think that's the way to do it. Let's scroll down. Let's see what else is going on. And a license to podcast like we got. We got a license to podcast. We got a license to podcast.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah. I mean, you know, listen, do you want to say anything more about the Fairness Doctrine? Do you have anything else to add to it? It's a very interesting thing to go research on your own. A lot of people blame the downfall on the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine that happened in 1989 during the Reagan administration. A lot of people say that had nothing to do with it. You go do your own research. You be the judge.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Is this all because we lost the Fairness Doctrine? Do we need another one? Do we need something new? Do we need Chrissy Diaz president? You fucking answer the question. Because the thing is with me, with the Fairness Doctrine, if you voted for me,
Starting point is 00:43:41 if I was mayor of New York City or president of the United States, which is pretty much just being president of New Yorkork city is i would just put boxing rings i put ropes up around certain areas and if you want to fucking the fairness doctrine will be you fight the fair one within these ropes there's no cops you just box it out and things get physical you get taken physically because the truth of the situation is this i know everybody wants to dance around you know everybody wants to be like oh well emotionally politically the truth of the situation is this. I know everybody wants to dance around. Everybody wants to be like, oh, well, emotionally, politically.
Starting point is 00:44:06 The truth is physicality is the main thing that measures human being versus human being. So everyone's just going to get physical and then we'll see who's going to come out on top. Take me physically if you want to say some shit. Forget about court. Let's get in the confines of the ring. Because unfortunately I'm going to say you're a candidate, even though you're my friend,
Starting point is 00:44:26 that I'm not going to get behind. Yeah. I don't know if I support those policies. Cuz. Cuz, I think that's taking us backwards. I'm not sure. But I've just got to revoke. I can't endorse you.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Cuz, listen. You're YTF, and I'm Chrissy the Hun. Chrissy the Hun is back, baby. Chrissy the Hun's back. I'm fucking running through the park. I'm on horseback. I'm aissy the Hun. Chrissy the Hun is back, baby. Chrissy the Hun's back. I'm fucking running to the park. I'm on horseback. I'm a Mongolian chicken. Did you ever consider growing a man bun?
Starting point is 00:44:53 100%, I would. I had one. You had one at one point, right? It got long enough where I posted a picture with the man bun on top. Because let's be honest, you're a kid who's peaking now and I'm a kid that peaked early.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I mean, when you look at the old pictures of me in high school, I was a stone cold, fully charged, full throttle piece. And when we look at you at about the same age, you were 100% special. But now I look like I'm special and you look like you're peaking. Yeah, it's just what it is. It's good, good times.
Starting point is 00:45:20 What can you say? What can you say? I mean, listen, this was about the history of the news i don't know if it was necessarily the history of this news what do you think did anybody learn anything about the news i i because i think people really are going to enjoy it because first of all you were fully charged yeah and you were unchained yeah and you got a little loose in the park again yeah and we also learned a few things yeah so we have some heavy editing to do we got some heavy editing to do as well. Benatia is upset.
Starting point is 00:45:46 We got a lot of things for our fans to consider. One of the good things about our podcast is people... Let's let this one fly unranked for the 50s. Should we let this one
Starting point is 00:45:55 fly for the 50s with no... For the 50s. Yeah, but the 50s got a promise. I'm talking to you, the 50s. I'm talking to you, Richie G. I'm talking to you, Richie G.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Don't be a fucking rat. Yeah. Be a fucking cool kid. We'll tear the whole fucking thing down. This is for you, but it's all jokes. I'm just saying all the things here are jokes.
Starting point is 00:46:11 If you are a rat, I'm just saying we were joking. Yeah, it's what it is. We're just kidding around. Here's what I was going to say was great about our podcast. What's great about our podcast is we come at history
Starting point is 00:46:21 in a different way. And that way is fully charged Franks and Beans. But what happens is it gives people some interest in it, and then they go, you know what? I listen to the history hyenas, mostly for the hyena, because the history is Franks and Beans. I didn't learn a fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I got a lot of misinformation and fake news, but now I'm motivated to go find out what the truth is because it's definitely not with those two fucking stupid kids. Stupid kids. Well, make no mistake though, now we're freaking really screwed in and we got a college-aged intern that's woke and dope
Starting point is 00:46:53 that does the research and really makes- So what are we paying Venetia for? Because Venetia keeps us on track. It's a joke. Because Venetia keeps us on schedule and keeps us on track and she's the only one
Starting point is 00:47:02 that's going to advocate for me to take two weeks off because I'm sick of WEPA. All right. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. We're going to read the names of the matriarchy, the newest members of the matriarchy. Every time you join in at the $10 level, we read your name at the end. We encourage you to make a funny name, a PPW, Pseudo Penis of the Week.
Starting point is 00:47:23 So here we go. This is the fun part. This is the fun part. This is the fun part, and it usually gets good. I mean, the last couple have been fucking bangers. When you join, we encourage you to do a funny name. Every week, somebody wins. It's a fun game we all play. And let me just tell you something.
Starting point is 00:47:38 You guys are hilarious. I just want to celebrate the person. I said it on web, but I'll say it for everyone to hear. One of the funniest jokes someone wrote in my comments, one of our fans said, if my eyes were any closer together, they'd be your feet. They'd be my toes. They'd be your toes. They'd be my toes.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Which is good. Here we go. All right, so let's start it up. Okay, here we go. Welcome to the matriarchy. Anna, Mills Pap, Miguel M, Kai Igawa. Wow, we got a Japanese kid. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Shannon Frazier. John K. Moist lips for Giannis' tits. That's a Drexler. Tom Mortimer. Henry Jankowski. Michael Evans. Then we got Fred.
Starting point is 00:48:16 My friend stole my piece, and now I'm called a accordion dick. Stanky nips. Yeah. Almost. Those are two almosts. Those are Drexlers. Then we got, in 2015, Chrissy finger-banged my asshole while yelling racial slurs. Hashtag me too. Hashtag Black Trans Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:48:29 We can't support it, but it's what it is. Then we got Ryan bringing the straight white male back. Okay. Drexler. They're both Drexlers because they're funny. Then we got Jack. Then we got de Blasio 2020. De Blasio 2020. Derek Owens.
Starting point is 00:48:46 De Blasio 2020 is a funny, sneaky one. That's a chicken finger that's going on the list. Samuel Bowen. Jeffrey Grubbs. LGBT Chrissy D. Put him on the list. On the list. Nice chicken finger.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Chaz Pettis. Then we got Frankie No Fumes. And make no mistake, I imagine Chrissy D with an axe wound between his legs because I'm an FF. It's what it is. Trump 2020. Gets a laugh, but yeah. All right. If you would have stopped at Frankie No Fumes, I think I might have thrown him on the list.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Frankie No Fumes, yeah. Sometimes you'd be. I want to put half of his name on the list. Don't be afraid to just be a chicken finger. Chicken fingers are great. Which are simple and easy. Yeah. Then we got Cesar Sanchez.
Starting point is 00:49:21 Then we got at Fail T Woodworks. Buy a table for me. I'll do it for a... Okay. His thing is at failteewoodworks. Buy a table for me. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:36 I can't read the end of it. Screwed in kid. I can't read the end of it, though, but it is funny. Because it'll make the female in the room uncomfortable. Well, just read it. He's got a lot of editing to do anyway. But we're not going to put that in. Just edit it, yeah. Then we got Matthew Heavy Peen Peroni.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Then we got Gary, this nickname's going to bomb to Steffa Yoff. Creative Points gets him on the list. Then we got Ray Nervous Gervous Gervais. He called himself Nervous Gervous. Then we got, oh no, Ricky Nervous Gervas Gervas. Called himself Nervous Gervas. Then we got, oh, no, Ricky Nervous Gervas Gervas. His last name's Gervas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Then we got Grant. It's hard to think of a name, but make no mistake, I'll smack Charlemagne and fuck John McCain Horvath. Got a bad read there. Can you just one more time? He spelled it Join McCain. He meant to say John McCain. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:23 It's what it is. You spelled it wrong. You spelled it wrong. Spelled it wrong. What were you doing? Okay. Next thing you know. Next one is, what were you doing with my wife at 3 a.m.? Power washing LLC.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Is that the name of his LLC? Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's great. Put him on the list. Then we got Father Bill sucked my binky, but my name's not Mike. Front runner. Front runner. Front runner, yes. Then we got Matthew Carpenter.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Then we got Yams, a full three euro, looking to gobble Giannis' giro, Gortek. If you said it right, it would have gotten bigger. He belongs on the list. Yeah. Put him on the list. Yeah. Then we got Marky, parties fully charged with lip gloss on, his stink star. Mook.
Starting point is 00:51:09 I mean. Put him on the list. Stink star is funny, right? Yeah, I said his stink star is number one. Yeah, yeah. I think that's better than Smash Bean. Yeah. Yeah, my stink star?
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah. Have you ever heard that? He said he parties with lip gloss on. Yeah. He said he's fully charged. He said he's fully charged. Yeah, he's fully charged. That's one of my favorites of all time. And his name's Marky, which I'm a big fan of the name Marky.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Marky. Then we got Dr. Julian. Why are there so many Sprite cans on the streets now? Pino. Then we got John Schwarzolt. Then we got Lickin' Yanni's Balloon Knot. While Chrissy fills me with his gooey hot. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Then we got Tyler Fivas.'s balloon knot while chrissy fills me with his gooey hot uh okay then we got tyler fevas paul stephen white evan uh then we got 25 is just blank uh then we got leaky squeaky pseudo pp of the wiki yas it's his drexler then we got david canales then we got the fume monkey um we got drexler for the just a good clean, there's a frozen chicken finger, but it was cooked right. Then we got Javier Gutierrez. Then we got Reese. I love it from behind. I hate China.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Gay kinda. Trump 2020. I mean, really good. We can't say that we hate China. We can't say hate. Yeah, we just, it's really funny though. Then we got Hunter Tovey, Julian Levy, Vincent Goff. Then we got, make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:52:28 Hillary is coming for Chrissy Conspiracy. It's just what it is. Garrett Dillard. Then we got cute but vicious pig whore. Okay. Then we got Enna, Mills Pap, Miguel M., Kay Agawa, Shannon Frazier, John K., Moist Lips for Yanni Tits, Tom Mortimer, Henry Jankowski, Michael Evans.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Then we got Fred, my friend, so my peace, and now I'm called accordion dick stanky nips. In 2015, Chrissy finger banged my asshole while yelling racial slurs, hashtag me too, hashtag black trans lives matters. Then we got... Yeah, I know we can't say that yeah then we got ryan bringing the straight white mail back jack de blasio 2020 de blasio 2020 is on the list is on the list already from before but we got to say it again because we're all over the place with the edits de blasio 2020
Starting point is 00:53:19 then we got so that's a good one we put that on the list so then we got derrick owens african make no mistake african got on there too you're on the list too african then we got, so that's a good one. We put that on the list. So then we got Derek Owens, Halfrican, make no mistake. Halfrican got on there too. They're on the list too, Halfrican. Then we got, make no mistake, Antifa's leader, Venetia, did 9-11. Then we got Squatchit, Adam Cristolini. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Squatchit is nice. Yeah. I'm going to give it to Drexler. It's one of my favorite Drexlers though. Squatchit, yeah. Then we got Adam Cristolini, Jeff Lawrence, Jake Walker. Then we got Chrissy, DP me,anni P on me, because make no mistake,
Starting point is 00:53:50 I got the marriage license signed for all three of us in a polyamorous relationship. So here you go. That's what it is. So I think, I mean, listen, let's read back who the winners are. But, I mean, I think the winner is going to be, I think, I mean, we can read the names, but why waste time? It's Marky Parties Fully Charged With Lip Gloss On His Stink Star Mook. Yeah, yeah. names but why waste time it's marky parties fully charged with lip gloss on his stink star mook yeah yeah i mean his name's marky mook i mean marky mook marky party's fully charged with lip gloss on his stick star number one of all time let's make let's give him the whole let's give
Starting point is 00:54:19 him right now who's been better ever who's been pure funnier than that there's a lot of people but i i don't know it's it's because the stink star and his name's marky mook he might have got on the list just with marky mook marky mook yeah and because he parties with lip gloss on his stink star meaning he just puts lip gloss on his ass and he dances around if his name was marty mook or if his name was just party if his name was just marky parties fully charged with lip gloss that gets on the list the fact that he did fully or if he just if your office name was just Party, if his name was just Marky, Party's fully charged with lip gloss, that gets on the list. The fact that he did fully, or if his name was just Stinkstar,
Starting point is 00:54:50 so any way you slice it, he's on the list. So that constitutes, might be number one of all time in the Jordan. That's what I'm saying. Because any part of his name mixed with any other gets on the list. That's what I'm saying. So he's a five-tool player.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Yeah, he's a five-tool player. I think he may be the Jordan of this list so far. Let's see if anyone can take his crown. There you go. All right. As always, patreon.com slash bayridgeboys for all our fun. Check our dates at christycomedy.com, yannispompuscomedy.com, historyhyenas.com.
Starting point is 00:55:16 August 29th for me, Monmouth Racetrack in Oceanport, New Jersey. Two shows almost sold out. Go get them, christycomedy.com. And then Yanni's at what's the date? August 12th? August 12th. I'll be in Royersford, Pennsylvania. Yeah, Royersford, Pennsylvania. Because he doesn't have the mic on.
Starting point is 00:55:34 So I'll just say he's in Royersford, Pennsylvania on August 12th. Go to YannisPopisComedy.com. And then also at the end of September he's at the Stress Factory with Vinnie Brandt. Yes. Yes! Thank you guys. Love you. Yes! Thank you, guys. Love you.
Starting point is 00:55:47 We really hope you enjoyed that episode, whatever it was about. This is just a stock thing that we're taping on temporary episode. So go make sure you rate, review us, subscribe, turn on your notifications, get jiggy with it. And go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys where things get really wild.

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