History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 167 - Joe Rogan is WILD!

Episode Date: September 9, 2020

Chris doesn’t have any hair gel, Yannis is going to have a baby soon and Joe Rogan is in Austin, Texas!Just the luck of the boys, as one of the Hyenas was on their way to Los Angeles, Mr. Rogan was ...outta there! So the guys thought it’d be fun to talk about the legend himself and how he came to be getting a YUGE deal at Spotify!Did you know that Joe Rogan used to live in faucken Boston?!  Then he moved to New York City to be a full time comedian!The kid has been successful conquering the sitcom, reality shows, comedy scene and now podcasts! Did you know that Rogan was banned from the Comedy store for 6 years because of a fight with Carlos Mencia?!!! But make no mistake Joe Rogan is now the Jonny Carson of our time!!! Listen to this WILD ep of the guys going through Mr. Roro’s life!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 everybody hello we're the history hyenas uh we just want you to know that it's september 9th we just want you to know it's september 9th two days away from when unfortunately the freaking the boys with the halal cards tried to take us down and they didn't way they didn't we are fucking the habibis we're the new Habibis on the block. Habibis with hummus. Now, you may be noticing some new microphones. That's because we're upping our game. Little by little, we keep ordering cheap equipment from China.
Starting point is 00:00:36 Yeah, because it's cheap, cheap, cheap. They're having parties in Wuhan now. I don't have any hair gel in my hair. No, you don't. Yeah, they're partying in wuhan who knows if they lock back down because it's september 9th yeah we're actually talking from the past we're talking to the future yeah vanity is pregnant in greece who knows what happened i mean you know who knows who knows what's going on yeah venti is in greece right now i'm gonna have a baby soon
Starting point is 00:01:02 chris is on the west coast i I'm in Los Angeles right now. And Joe Rogan's in Austin. He's got two feet in Austin. He's got two feet in Austin. And just like the luck of the history halal boys, the history hyenas, as I was getting to Los Angeles, Joe Rogan was leaving, and we just high-fived in the air, and I'm sitting in my Ramada Inn. It's what the situation calls for and is about.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And Binky can't find the memory card because maybe he's still looking under the couch two weeks later september 9th the situation's a simulation it's just what it is because listen it's one of those things well first of all i just want to say i just want to say um hello to um uh mich Yes. It was a couple of weeks ago, but you get a fantastic, fierce speech at the DNC. And it's just amazing to see you, girl. Save your drama for Michelle Obama. What? Guys, other podcasts, they like to strike low.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Here at the History Hyenas, we go high. Yes. Why do we go high why do we go high because we don't want to contribute to having to put ourselves on notice so we go high we go so high we can
Starting point is 00:02:18 touch the sky next time you see somebody appropriating someone's culture next time you see someone misgendering someone next time you see somebody appropriating someone's culture, next time you see someone misgendering someone, next time you see someone using a plastic straw, next time you see someone outwardly saying that they may, just a slight possibility, be voting for Donald Trump, you look them in the face and you say, you, my friend, are on notice. You're on notice. Notice. You're naughty. You're on notice.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Because we go high. We go high. You're naughty. You're a nudist. Because we go high. We go high. Yeah. We don't go for low humor. We don't go for low blues. Yeah. We go high. Flotus and potus, you're a nudist.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah. Everyone's a fucking nudist. No, you weren't supposed to curse in the five minutes. You fucking fat fuck. It's what it is. Cuz, we're going to do an interview today later with Chip Chipperson, but the fans don't want to hear about it. We tried to go on Patreon.com and do a fucking scandal and try to jump up to Patreon, but the fans don't care anymore because they've just had enough of the bullshit. The truth of the situation is this, my friends, is that a lot of people are just fucking dumb idiots. Most of us have had enough.
Starting point is 00:03:33 Most of us are like, listen, we want the police back. That's what most of us are saying. Yeah. Are we not? Clip it. I mean, edit it. Sorry. I thought that's what most of us were saying.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Sorry. No, actually, I think a lot of people are probably saying that. But everyone's on notice until then. Until then, everyone putting everyone on notice will keep order. Yeah, it's just what it is. You don't need people in uniforms carrying out strict orders from a dictator, pulling people into vans in unmarked cars. You don't need that.
Starting point is 00:04:10 All you need is the notice system. And that's what we have now. You put me on notice, I put you on notice, it keeps the peace. The only problem is we haven't put everyone on notice. Yeah, and here's the thing is the AOC, because she made a respectful decision that I support for her to not put Amazon into New York City last year. That would have given us 25,000 jobs and given the average New Yorker an average salary working at Amazon of $125,000.
Starting point is 00:04:37 She didn't want to do that because she said it's going to raise the rent. Well, now because of the Chinese, the rent has went way down and we could have really used an amazon factory but aoc i apologize that a congressman called you a bitch well no what she did say was that she didn't want she didn't want amazon to get the tax breaks yeah she didn't didn't want jeff bezos needs to put his head in a guillotine. And it wasn't just the taxes. I think she said she didn't want them to be paying no taxes or something like that. So that was her reason. I mean, here's the situation.
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah. Is the farther left you go, the more taxes you want to collect. It's what it is. That's all you really need to know. The farther right you go, the less taxes you want to give. It's what it is. That's all you really need to know. The farther right you go, the less taxes you want to give. It's what it is. Unfortunately, the people in the middle don't want to give too much.
Starting point is 00:05:32 They don't want to give too little. They want to give just enough to keep it moving. Yeah. Right now, the people who are in the middle have been pulled to the front and the back of the boat. Yeah. And the middle is empty. Yeah. And it's a nice place to be in the middle the middle is a nimesh patel concert on the ship what it is nimesh patel is by the way nimesh patel at this point it's just a joke he said he's coming on he wants to come on
Starting point is 00:05:58 we don't want him on no i want him on i want nimesh patel on and i yeah i want nimesh patel on just kidding the whole thing is. I don't know. This is all a joke. It's all a joke because I'm in the middle. I comfortably live in the middle. I'm a centrist. I'm Chrissy the Centrist. I live in the middle politically.
Starting point is 00:06:12 I live in the middle with my sexuality, and I live in the middle of Venetia's love affair. So I'm just in the middle. What? Yes, yes, yes, yes. And you guys, everyone's going on dates. We're all in love. Listen, listen. We're all going on dates. And I just. We're all in love. Listen, listen. We're all going on.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I went on a date last week. I went on a date last week. And then I'm just canceling the date we're supposed to have today. And Vanity is mad at me for canceling. But I just have to cancel. It's character peace. The thing about you is. She said, I need to be honest.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Well, listen, sister. The truth is, is I think you're a great person, but I just can't do it right now. I have too much anxiety. I got too many things going on. I got to paint the baby's room. I got to paint the baby's room, and I'm just questioning. The truth is I would go on a second date if you show up
Starting point is 00:06:59 and it's your brother. Wild. You're interested in cute guys. I'm interested in cute men. You're just not, yeah. I mean, you just can't bury, you can only bury the gay in pussy for so long. I'll read you the text that I sent Giannis the other day earnestly. You know, I was just, I was just saying my feelings.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yes. And then, yeah, I said, where is it? I said, where is it? I said, where is it? It's really funny. Is it? I said to Giannis. You got to scroll back
Starting point is 00:07:30 through a lot of my texts. Through a lot? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I said, and this was true, I said I was in Panetico, which is our
Starting point is 00:07:38 hardcore Bay Ridge Italian Goomba cafe, and I was sitting with my daughter and I overheard a man say exactly this. I banged a barbarian last night because when she took her shirt off,
Starting point is 00:07:50 I thought I was going to have to power wash her. Way, Jong-Jun. That's what I heard somebody say in public. And it's just the truth. Yeah. And then what did he say? Where else? Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Just keep talking. I'll find the text. Well, that's a good example of the word barbarian about how the meaning of words change and words that used to be offensive are not as offensive anymore or they change. Barbarian just used to mean, it used to be kind of a non-offensive word that became an offensive word because it just used to mean that you weren't Greek. You weren't a citizen of one of the city states. And then it just became a pejorative.
Starting point is 00:08:26 And now it means you need to be power washed. As I'm scrolling back to my text, I do see a text that I sent you that just said, maybe we should drop a nuke on them. I don't know what I meant, but I did say that. So it's just what it is. There's pictures of the Cheesecake Factory. Yeah, I think you're going too far back now.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Now I'm too far back. Because this was a conversation last night. I'm in the moment. You said something like you enjoy looking at. You don't mind looking at cute men. Something like that. Yeah. I don't mind.
Starting point is 00:08:54 But here's what I want to say. Why you find it. The fans who've been with us for a while. The new fans are going like, wow, Chrissy. Chrissy's going through something new now. You know, he's canceling. Oh, yeah. I just said this. I said, cuz, I i'm truly into men and i actually find pleasure in looking at cute men yeah and then you said cuz unfortunately i don't pick up any gay vibes from you at all yeah except i do think you will fuck men if that makes sense
Starting point is 00:09:19 that's what i said i said cuz i don't pick up any gay vibes for at all, but I do feel like you will fuck guys if that makes sense. Then you said my new podcast should be called Party in the Closet. Way, Jong-Jin. It's a little... I just got a text from Chip. See you at 2 o'clock, buddy. Yeah, it'll just be the three of us because the fans don't care. But the fans who've been with us for a while,
Starting point is 00:09:52 the ones who know our gossip, know our life, they know that you're just returning back to the way you were like a year and a half ago. I'm just kidding. You're a Chrissy hamster in a wheel. I'm Chrissy hamster in a wheel. Yeah, I'm Chrissy clockwise, counterclockwise, whichever way you want to go. It's just what it is
Starting point is 00:10:08 because the truth of the situation is this, is life is boring. And here's the truth. Here's the uncomfortable truth, is that, and I've read this in a book, but we already knew this already by Mark Ronson, but we already knew this. By DJ Mark Ronson?
Starting point is 00:10:22 By DJ Mark Ronson. I actually, it was, the book is called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and I found it on the nightstand in Chris Pappas' house. Are you sure it wasn't called How to Have a Huge Career and Not Really Have Any Talent?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Yeah. It's character piece. Why, who's Mark? Mark Ronson, the DJ. We may have to cut that out. I don't know if he's a fan. Who's Mark Ronson? I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I love DJs. I'm just joking. I don't know. I mean, they do just press buttons and wiggle a little bit. And it's what they do. But here's the uncomfortable truth, as he said, and it's very, very true, is that most people don't care. A very select few group of people. Wait a second. Who said this? Mark Ronson?
Starting point is 00:10:58 I think his name's Mark Ronson. DJ Mark Ronson? Who wrote The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck or The Art of Fuck You? Some shit like that It's got F-U-C-K It's got an F-bomb In the title What's the name be?
Starting point is 00:11:10 Mark Manson Mark Manson Okay so Marilyn Manson Wrote this book Right The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck And I've read a few excerpts
Starting point is 00:11:16 And he had a very good point And we've said this a lot But he just said Look The truth is Most people can't accept Is that most people Don't care about you
Starting point is 00:11:24 Besides a very very very select few group of people. I've told you that a hundred times. That's what I'm saying. We've talked about this. And every time I say it, you say, fuck you. No, they only care about you for a small amount of time as well, which is what we've known for. And it's just good to let go. No, what we would talk about a lot is how you said really the only person that really ever cares about you is your mother.
Starting point is 00:11:42 That's true. Yeah. And then there's a small group who don't have an agenda. Right. I feel like everyone has some sort of- Some type of agenda. Whether it's bad or good doesn't matter, but there's an agenda for them. But then there's a few people who just kind of care about you with no agenda.
Starting point is 00:11:57 No agenda. Those are the ones who matter. Right. Everyone else is just kind of, hey, what's going on? What's going on? Yas, yas, yas. Yas, yas. No, I know so so it's nice
Starting point is 00:12:06 to just know that it's nice to be doing a little light reading because it's nice to just be in an environment now where i'm back to one day watch tv one day read a book so that's just what i've been doing that's my routine is one day you watch tv in my free time one day you read a book and it's been fucking it's just been nice it is a little uncomfortable though to step back on the scale and be comfortably at 230 again yeah well you'll get back this is right now this is this is your christy hamster wheel so it's always you go through stages and then you come back because it's a finite universe right you and the park is limited when the leash comes off you do run around the park but the park is limited, when the leash comes off, you do run around the park, but the park is limited. I will come back.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's fenced, yeah. But the good thing about the hamster wheel that I'm in is that I like, actually, if I stayed in this wheel for every year of my life, it's a nice wheel.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Making money, having fun, got the baby. Yes. And the good thing about being in this lapse of it is I don't have an STD yet. That's the nice part of this revolution is my pee pee
Starting point is 00:13:09 is nice and clean that level contains this this is you you're finding things that awaken you get your groove back you're spiritually aware what comes next is we can gamble on this we can maybe do it on the Patreon page
Starting point is 00:13:25 at patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys which Chrissy's coming next I'm calling Chrissy vegan I think you go plant based after this and that I think we're gonna go
Starting point is 00:13:34 plant based for about a month and a half well there's a new Chrissy now it's called it's called Chrissy fish sticks where I'm gonna go pescatarian so I'm gonna add fish that's why I asked for sushi before
Starting point is 00:13:42 that's why I'm eating the enemy's food because I've already embarked on this I started yesterday Chrissy the fish stick where I'm just eating I'm going to add fish. That's why I asked for sushi before. That's why I'm eating the enemy's food. Way down. Because I've already embarked on this. I started yesterday, Chrissy the fish stick, where I'm just eating mostly plants and things from the sea. Right. So I think that, yeah, definitely the next- Including used condoms.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Yeah. Wild. So I think it's going to be Chrissy vegan, Chrissy plant-based for about a month and a half. No. And then we're going to go to Chrissy, I don't know what that burn is. So that's stage three. Chrissy. Chrissy chlamydia is what we call it. No, Chris, no. And then we're going to go to Chrissy, I don't know what that burn is. So that's stage three. Chrissy, Chrissy Chlamydia
Starting point is 00:14:06 is what we call it. Yeah, stage three. No, I think Chrissy Chlamydia is behind me just because I'm very- I thought it was Chrissy Drip Drops. We call it Chrissy Drip Drops. Chrissy Chlamydia,
Starting point is 00:14:15 well, somebody in Disney World yelled Chrissy Chlamydia in front of me and my mom and my family while I was just trying to have a burger at Gaston's Tavern in Frontierland
Starting point is 00:14:25 and then somebody said, yo, Chrissy Chlamydia and my mom asked me what that meant. Do you want to know why we balance each other good? Yes. Because if we were
Starting point is 00:14:32 at Disneyland, right? And let's say we just shared an adopted baby and we were a gay couple. Right? The baby would grow up nice and balanced
Starting point is 00:14:40 because what you would say, you'd go take the baby to take a picture with Mickey Mouse and the baby would be really happy. Right. But you'd go take the baby to take a picture with Mickey Mouse and the baby would be really happy. Right. But you don't want the baby growing up being stupid.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Right. So then that's where Yanni Longdays comes along and says, there is a minimum wage undocumented Mexican in that Mickey Mouse costume. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:59 And the baby cries. Yeah. But it's for her own good. It's for her own good. So she got a little bit of the yin and the yang of life. Yeah, the yin and the yang of life and it's just, yeah, it's for her own good. It's for her own good. So she got a little bit of the yin and the yang of life. Yeah, the yin and the yang of life. And it's just, yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:15:09 So I think because I'm addicted now to the feeling of just, you know, not, my pee-pee is just nice and clean. Also addicted to the feeling of not having to do anything but hang out with friends and loved ones and family. Perea, Perea.
Starting point is 00:15:23 And my Perea. And not have to commit to anything. And not have to be like, oh, I got to go this and that and this and that. It's just me time. And it's nice. Like, I feel very good that even though I am in Los Angeles right now, that we will go. We will go to a pizzeria in Brooklyn after this.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And I don't have to worry about anything. Even though I'm in LA, depending on what type of weight stamp. My question is, V, how is he in LA, but he's also here right now? Because I just, I've been working on my cardio. I can run fast. Yes. My question.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Because you gotta, make no mistake, you got Republicans by Jordans too and much like your sneakers, Republicans are white. There's also a huge black Republican movement more than there's ever been.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Go listen to our episode, The History of the Black Conservative Movement. The History of the Black Conservative Movement about Thomas Sowell and the other ones. Yeah, start with Booker T. Washington. I'm just kidding. Booker T. Washington. There's a lot of big ones now.
Starting point is 00:16:16 The Hodgkin Twins. W. DeBoer. Larry Elder. Candace Owens. Candace Owens. There's tons of them. Tons, tons, tons. Tons, tons, tons.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Tons of black Republicans, man. Donald Rawlings in private. Yeah. Yeah. Sean black Republicans, man. Donald Rawlings in private. Yeah. Yeah. Sean King. Sean King. Donald Rawlings in private. Right, Sean King.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yeah, he is. The kid is. But what can you do? I mean, what can you do? He's nice in the kitchen. A lot of people are liberal for the gram. Yeah, what can you do? You get liberal for the gram.
Starting point is 00:16:37 It's all bullshit. We know that. But it's nice to know that it's all bullshit. It's really nice to know that most people don't care. But you haven't answered the question that the fans want to know our hardcore history hyena fans want to know how many brews are you cracking per night i mean is the vegetable draw see it action no the unfortunately i haven't been having brews because i gotta because i gotta lose uh 10 pounds um in time for the pilot that i'm currently filming in Los Angeles at this moment. So I'm currently in there right now, 10 pounds lighter probably, but most likely not because
Starting point is 00:17:10 I fucking like black and whites. Yeah, because it's just what it is. So I like that, but I haven't been having any brews. But what I have been getting my little paws into lately is tequila. You've been putting your papa paws on a lot of fucking tequila. I've been putting a little, I got tequilas, I got limes in my house and yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:27 and I've just been having a nice little thing with a nice little dash of tequila and a little lime juice and it's been nice. The thing I like about you is you're not afraid
Starting point is 00:17:37 to crack a cocktail by yourself. You're a kid who will sit down, I've actually come over to your apartment where you've left the door unlocked.
Starting point is 00:17:47 I've opened it up and you've been holding a Cosmopolitan with your feet up on the couch like that. Now, that's just you time and there's a candle on.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And so, I appreciate that about you. You're a kid who definitely, if he loses his groove, knows how to find it. Yeah, and what's nice about... Do you ever call Venetia and just talk?
Starting point is 00:18:08 And talk, yeah. Do you call girls to talk? Are you a guy who has conversations? Yes, Venetia and I have had multiple, close to hour-long conversations talking about absolutely nothing. And then it's great because I got my couch from Venetia's Padea, and I wanted a bottle of wine. And I said, oh, fuck, I said oh fuck I left my I left my uh wine opener at my old at my old house and then I just went like that and got sad and I put my hand in the couch cushion and pulled out a wine opener because because Venetia and Padea
Starting point is 00:18:36 just sit and have glasses of mer fucking low all day there's nothing when you get like two or three girls together, it's like a spiritual experience to have a bottle of wine. Because this is now the 20th time where you've said a word and put an extra letter in or said it wrong. You're going through early stages of dementia. I know. Because you just said Robots last time,
Starting point is 00:18:59 and now you just said experience. I mean, you're talking like a Chinese guy trying to speak English. Yeah, I mean, what did I say, Binky? Roll Brats. Roll Brats. And that was just said experience. Oh, yeah. Experience.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I mean, when women get together and they have a- Cuz, did you lose your wedding ring again? Because we're seeing- No, you're seeing the rubber one? We keep seeing the replacements. You keep seeing the CVS version? Yeah. You can get a pack of five for these right on the as seen on TV aisle.
Starting point is 00:19:24 I mean cause yeah If Joe needs a fucking washer to screw something in He could just use your ring Cause I don't know where my ring is No I have my ring Again you lost it No I have it The thing is this is just more comfy
Starting point is 00:19:34 Rubber's more comfy It's comfy wampy It's more comfy wampy than the metal It's outdated You don't gotta wear the metal anymore Just get it tattooed on your finger People have it tattooed on their fingers now Why not yeah
Starting point is 00:19:44 Seriously I mean why not It's what it is Absolutely But then the problem is the medal anymore. Just get it tattooed on your finger. People have it tattooed on their fingers now. Why not? Yeah. Seriously. I mean, why not? It's what it is. Absolutely. But then the problem is when you get it tattooed on your finger, if you want to go see
Starting point is 00:19:51 your Gumare, that's a tough explanation. That's a problem. Because your Gumare doesn't know she's a Gumare. But the Gumare usually know. Do Gumare's know they're Gumare's?
Starting point is 00:19:58 Should we do an episode The History of Gumare's? Gumare. If you guys don't know what a Gumare is, if you're not a fan of Italian culture, Gumare is a woman guys don't know what a Gumare is, if you're not a fan of Italian culture, Gumare is a woman,
Starting point is 00:20:07 is a woman, is basically a side piece. But the Gumare knows, to order to qualify as a Gumare, she knows that you're married and it's all out in the open. But you are comfortably
Starting point is 00:20:18 the Gumare. And for the most part, Italians legally, I think it's legal in Italy, you have a Gumare. I think it's actually in their. It's legal, yeah. You have a gumare. I think it's actually in their constitution that you're allowed to have a gumare. In fact, I think it's almost required. I think it's part of their laws that if you're married, you got to have a gumare.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Gumare. Because the truth is, guys, it's just once in a while, you just want to shoot a rope at another woman. Yes. I'm just kidding no it's just it's a joke it's just what it's true but
Starting point is 00:20:49 you're not supposed to do that I'm kidding around you don't do that you don't do that unless you're Italian unless you don't do that unless you're Italian
Starting point is 00:20:56 and then that's your culture and it's like you're just doing your culture it's just what you guys do guys who are married have a gumare and also Italians love cash. I mean, the kids love, nobody loves cash, a vegetable garden, and a gumare, and thinly
Starting point is 00:21:12 sliced unlins, and I just said unlins, than an Italian kid. No matter how much money you have, no matter how rich of a sauce monkey you are, when you take your wallet out, it's going to be three credit cards and stack of cash wrapped up in a rubber band. They'll never have a wallet. Sauce monkeys don't believe in a wallet. Everything's in a rubber band with their fucking cards, but most eat their cash. Yeah, sometimes Italian kids go and buy things
Starting point is 00:21:35 just so they can handle cash. Yeah. There's nothing more that they love. First of all, when you walk past an Italian kid who's over a certain age, you're going to get a whiff of cologne. Yeah. Italian guys like a spritz of cologne you're going to get a whiff of cologne. Yeah. Italian guys like a spritz of cologne.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Yeah, they like spritz of cologne. And that's why the pandemic went rampant in Italy because everyone had their fingers on the cash. That's the problem. There's a lot of germs spreading on cash. Yeah, I mean, kids love cash. The people who are most angry about Bitcoin and the digital economy are Sicilians and Italians because kids like to just, they like to call it lettuce.
Starting point is 00:22:05 They like a little fucking lettuce. Lettuce on a thing. Today we're going to do the history of podcasts, mainly the history of Joe Rogan. And what you need to know about Joe Rogan is the kid has been successful in every single decade that he's been in show business. Right? I mean, the 90s, he conquered the sitcom in news radio.
Starting point is 00:22:22 2000s, he conquered the reality show in Fear Factor. And 2010s, conquered the podcast. Yeah, this is the history of Joe Rogan today. We're doing something fun. Joe Rogan is 53 years old. He just had a- He's from fucking Boston. He's from Boston by way of fucking Newark.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Oh, he's from Newark. I'm sorry. I thought he was a Massachusetts kid. And he's not. No, he was born in Newark. Then he moved from Newark. I'm sorry. I thought he was a Massachusetts kid. And he's not. No, he was born in Newark. Then he moved to San Francisco. And then he ended up in Gainesville, Florida. And then he eventually settled in Massachusetts,
Starting point is 00:22:55 in some part of Massachusetts that sounds like Fall River, but it's got a fall in it. There's like a whole bunch. Actual Boston? Newton Upper Falls, kid. I'm from Newton Upper Falls, Massachusetts, kid. Yeah, he's from fucking Newton Upper Falls. I mean, he graduated high school in 1985 when I was in my dad's...
Starting point is 00:23:14 No, I was born. You were born in... I just got shot at. I was a frozen rope. Yeah, you were 84, right? I was 84. So actually, I was a baby. At that point, I was trying to maneuver my hand down
Starting point is 00:23:25 to touch my peepee to Dolly Parton. Yeah. No, he went to Boston University for a little while, but he dropped out. Joker went to school for a little while, and he said, this is bullshit. It's not for me. And he moved on.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Moved to New York City when he was 24. He did. He moved when he was 24. But the kid was born in Newark. He was born in Newark. And his pops was a Newark cop, which make no mistake, he was a cop during what I would call not Newark's heyday. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:50 There was a time where Newark was a hot city close to Newark, and then for most of the time that it existed, it hasn't been. Let's just say at Newark in the 70s, the movement to defund the police probably wouldn't have worked in that specific area. It wasn't going to work because the police,
Starting point is 00:24:12 they were having, it was a wild time in Newark. I mean, it was, the citizens in Newark were giving the police a long day. Yeah. If you were a cop and you had a badge,
Starting point is 00:24:22 it was a long day going to work. Yeah, and so what happens is, obviously most times, and Joe Rogan has spoken about this, police officers, long days of work, then the wives get disciplined. That's just what happened, and he talks a lot about the abuse that he witnessed. He talks about this in the podcast, not just, he talks about the abuse that he witnessed and how it kind of made him the man who he was and how he got himself into martial arts and made sure that he you know could protect himself yeah so yeah he doesn't remember much about his dad he says oh
Starting point is 00:24:51 did his dad leave when he was younger his yeah his dad he doesn't talk much about it but he's he doesn't complain about it either he says hey man i'd happy it happens it's part of his it's a part of the guy's life i mean you know what are you gonna complain about i mean i i told you i took fucking one off the crossbow from Father Bill. I mean, what can you do? What can you do? When he was 13, the crossbar. When he was 13, Rogan began practicing martial arts.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Within two years, he became the Massachusetts full contact taekwondo champion for four consecutive years. So the kid's just designed to be great. The kid has been winning since he made a decision. He said it was his deep desire for him to not be a loser. And that's why, to me, Tim Schill's so important because at the end of the day, the kid just made a choice. Yeah. And then he turned his body into fucking steel.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Yeah. And he kicks hard. He kicks hard. And that's the thing. Joe Rogan's a kid that can hurt you. He'll hurt you big time. He'll hurt you big time. By the age of 19, he won the U.S. Open Taekwondo Championship
Starting point is 00:25:44 as a lightweight champion. Because he was a lightweight champion. Because make no mistake, the kid Joe Rogan is jacked and he'll kill us all. But he's a squeak. I mean. He's a short kid. He's, I think he's 5'7". He's, that's defined as a squeak.
Starting point is 00:25:58 And he'll kick your fucking head off and feed it to your family. But the kid is a 5'7 squeak. Here's the deal when it comes to fighting. When you fight, you'd rather, I think, fight... If a guy... If you want a shot at a street fight, you'd rather fight a guy who's a little tall and lanky because there's more to grab onto.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Yeah. When you got a little shorter guy whose center of gravity is low, I mean, that's the guy you just don't want to fight. Because he's shaped and built like a fire hydrant and if he ever got mad at me, what I would want to do
Starting point is 00:26:29 is unscrew him and let him pee on me like I'm Puerto Rican. It's what the deal is. That's what we call Puerto Rican splish splash when you open the fire hydrant in the summertime.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I know it's a racist term, but I didn't make it up. The funny thing about Joe Rogan is he went... Way Jong Jang about Joe Rogan is he went- Way John Jan. Joe Rogan went from being an unbelievably fucking deathly handsome kid to a middle-aged guy. No, no.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Joe Rogan will still get softly kissed on the lips because he's fucking jacked. But look at how he looked. Let's pull up a young pic of Joe Rogan when he was in his heyday. I mean, the kid was an absolute bona fide fucking piece wow yeah now he looks like he's got a fighter's face like he looks like he's been a couple times he's got some scar tissue but when he was young he had hair i mean the kid had nice hair yeah he had nice hair and now he's got a shaved head but he's got this he looks good in the shaved head and obviously he's got the biggest podcast in the world.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And yeah, no, but the kid, listen, Joe Rogan is, I mean, listen, as successful as he is and as great as everything is, I mean, we all got demons. I mean, the kid sleeps in a fucking sleep deprivation tank every night. I mean, the kid fucking sleeps upside down like a bat. Because he hunts his own food. He hunts his own food. I mean, yeah. He sleeps in some cryonic chamber. I mean, yeah, he does DMT every day. I mean, we're all running from food. Yeah. He sleeps in some cryonic chamber. I mean, yeah, he does DMT every day.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I mean, we're all running from something. Yeah. I mean, Timmy Dillon told me he did the podcast. I'm calling him Timshel Dillon. Yeah. Timshel Dillon told me they did the podcast. It was like- Because he made a choice, Timshel Dillon, is to be fucking gay.
Starting point is 00:27:56 What? Which I support 1,000%. But it is a choice. It's a choice. It's a fucking choice. Way, Jon Jones. Yeah, I mean, I got to give- Oh, no, it's not a choice. You're bad if you say it's a choice it's a choice it's a fucking choice Ray Jones yeah I mean I gotta give
Starting point is 00:28:06 oh no it's not a choice you're right you're bad if you say it's a choice right do you have to say it's not a choice or it is no it's not
Starting point is 00:28:12 it's not a choice oh it's not a choice yeah so it's not a choice whatever I'm supposed to say whatever the fucking left wants you to say is what you have to say if you're in entertainment
Starting point is 00:28:20 if you're in entertainment you just have to be like I fucking love yeah the Democrats but then privately all your fucking favorite actors and actresses, they all vote Republican. So it's all bullshit. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And a lot of them are also secretly gay. They're all secretly gay. I was full of secretly gay. It's almost like if you're not a little bit gay, then I don't trust you. Yeah, you actually told me once that if someone's not a little gay, they're not really for you. They're not for me. If you're not at least a little gay, then unfortunately you're not for me. That goes for men and women. What qualifies a little gay? Just someone
Starting point is 00:28:47 who has interest in reading or socioeconomic... If you're a guy, you need to at least just, yeah, you need to, of course... Does that constitute a gay thought? Yeah, you want to go to museums and prance around and you like to go sit and look at nature or kind of like
Starting point is 00:29:03 be an undercover Democrat. And then as a woman, I just want to know like in your college days that you just got freaky one night and went down on another girl. That's what you want to know. That's what I want. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:29:15 You know what? I'm not going to hold that, your feet to the fire science wise because I'm not an expert. But to me, that sounds like it's sound reasoning. And I also, as a woman in a relationship, because I don not an expert, but to me that sounds like it's sound reasoning. And I also, as a woman in a relationship, because I don't know- Like if you go to a museum,
Starting point is 00:29:28 that's 15% gay at least. 100%. Yeah. And I need a woman, the woman in my life, because I don't know how to fix anything, I need a woman to be a little bit, act a little lesbian-ish
Starting point is 00:29:38 and know how to fix stuff and do carpentry work and all that. Well, why don't you just fix your life and do the thing that you've missed your whole time? Let's just fix it now. What? You want me to fix it? Sex scenes? No, I'll fucking fix it. What? why don't you just fix your life and do the thing that you've missed your whole time? Let's just fix it now. What? You want me to fix it? Sex scenes?
Starting point is 00:29:47 No, I'll fucking fix it. What? Okay, what you do- You're the DMIX from Long Island? No, that's not gonna work either. That's what Lynn's been trying to do. That's what Lynn wants, but that's Lynn's vision.
Starting point is 00:29:55 It's not gonna happen. It's not gonna work. I know you, so I will fix your life. You just have to do it. It's not what society wants, and you have to be at a point where you don't care what people think.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Yeah, I got one more- Your dad's's in Florida that's close enough to being dead. So you can do the right thing now. Yeah, and what is that? So what you gotta do, just fucking, don't go on Grindr. There's gotta be some other guy who's serious looking for another guy in a relationship. So you get in a relationship with a guy. That's what I got. in a relationship with a guy. That's what I got full-blown relationship with a guy Yeah, and that guy just has to understand you're gonna have an open relationship where you bang women and you don't bang him
Starting point is 00:30:32 It's just what it is You're gonna sit down and you're gonna talk to him and you're gonna crawl up on your counter and you're gonna have a little fucking Booze cup yeah, no with no socks on and you're gonna sit on your counter like a little fucking fairy that you are up with no socks on, and you're going to sit on your counter like a little fucking fairy that you are, and you're going to talk to him, and then you're just going to go out like Batman and fucking be a creature of the night. It's what it is. Because you're like Batman, but for sexuality. During the day, you're a gay man, and at night, you go fuck women.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Well, Batman is out fucking fighting criminals. You're out acting straight. Absolutely. But during the day, make no mistake, you're Bruce Wayne and that's gay. It's gay. So that's what you got to do because you're the Batman of gay men. Perfect. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Did I just not solve your fucking problem? Did I just not solve your problem? So effectively, if I'm the Batman of gay men, you could just call me Catwoman. And we are brought to you as always by our favorite headphone company, Raycon. Let me tell you something. My wife has just gotten into Grey's Anatomy. That is 16 seasons of hospital drama
Starting point is 00:31:37 with soundtracks playing in back of them. And here's the thing. We got another TV in the kitchen, right? But she's listening to that. What I do, I throw the Raycons in. Yeah. And I watch video countdowns. Because go to buyraycon.com slash hyenas and you get a 15% discount on Raycon wireless earbuds.
Starting point is 00:31:57 One of the best things I've ever done and what's a fun thing you guys should try at home is I have watched. I put the Raycon earbuds in my ears and i watched the ray j sex tape through the earphones and it's fantastic so rogan's career if you guys don't know because a lot of people think oh joe rogan just came out with the joe rogan podcast the newer the younger kids we all know him from fear factor and news radio but i mean look the thing that dominated the 90s was the sitcom and then he comes out to la gets a legendary manager jeff sussman almost immediately i mean he gets out to la and immediately in six months bang he's there full-time comedian um he does the mtv comedy half out mtv comedy show half hour comedy
Starting point is 00:32:36 hour which you gotta understand now they give half hour now it's like listen now you'll just get a comedy special if you're a white person that wants to go extremely liberal or you're a person of color that wears skinny jeans you will get a comedy special if you're a white person that wants to go extremely liberal or you're a person of color that wears skinny jeans. You will get a comedy special. That's just the way it works now. Way down, man. But he got comedy specials when you actually had to be
Starting point is 00:32:50 the number one requirement was you have to be fucking balls to the wall funny. And he got specials in the early 90s when it was really, really, really hard to do. You want to know
Starting point is 00:32:59 what I love about guys from Boston? Yeah. Here's the thing. Boston, I love Boston. We have this love-hate relationship with Boston because Boston and New York are so similar. Here's the difference between guys from boston yeah here's the thing boston i love boss we have this love hate relationship with boston because boston new york is so similar here's the difference between guys from boston and guys from new york without without question yeah without question guys from boston
Starting point is 00:33:13 and women from boston struggle a little bit with fashion right they just struggle a little bit with fashion because it's like a smaller town boston it's not like the fashion capital of the world like new york like even like the working class New York guys, they always look kind of put together. All Joe Rogan specials, and I actually loved his 2005 special or 2006 special, the one that Joe, I think it's Coco Diaz who introduces him. He's got a bunch of great bits on there
Starting point is 00:33:41 about how dumb people out-fucked smart people and stuff like that right but the kid always has an oversized dress shirt on right and it's like that's a dress shirt right he's wearing a shirt that is not meant to be worn untailored and without a suit but he's just got it on he's just got it on and i remember what his last special which i also loved i mean it was just big it was just a big shirt. And then when you look at Burr, who's another kid from Boston, like some of his specials, the kid's just got jeans and shoes on. Right. Like he's coming from work and taking the ferry back to Hoboken.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Yeah. I mean, the kids are... And then you look at the girls, and I've seen girls from Boston with like bell bottoms and high heels and a Boston Red Sox hat. I mean, Boston people's fashion is fucking Franks and Beans. It's Franks and Beans. And cuz, here's an interesting thing about rogan what you think a lot of people know but then don't realize what happened in 2005
Starting point is 00:34:30 rogan accused carlos mencia of joke stealing which he was and then in 2007 he confronted mencia on stage at the comedy store and now now you associate joe rogan with the comedy store and it's like he made it he built it and he did but in 2007 the comedy store employees sided with carlos mencia and rogan got dropped by his talent agent in gersh his man i think his manager stayed with him but he got banned from the comedy store and from 2007 to 2013 wasn't allowed in the comedy store for six freaking years and in that time frame he made joe rogan uh the joe rogan uh experience jre and the first time he came back made Joe Rogan, the Joe Rogan experience, JRE, and the first time he came back in 2013 was to support Ari Shaffir's first special,
Starting point is 00:35:10 so it's just like, you got to understand one thing, the Joe Rogan is the, is like, you know, we know this, but maybe the public doesn't know, is like the Johnny Carson of our time, like how you heard of Jerry Seinfeld and Ray Romano and all these comedians, Drew Carey, because they broke on the Johnny Carson show. That's what Joe Rogan was for Ari Shaffir and Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer and Theo Vaughn. They broke on the Joe Rogan show.
Starting point is 00:35:35 So they went on, were amazing, funny, talented, and then boom, you hear about them. Yeah, Tim Dillon. Tim Dillon, Andrew Schultz. I mean, all these guys work hard and have amazing things. And are funny. But the thing that got them to Rogan was their things they were doing before, talented and work ethic and all that.
Starting point is 00:35:50 But then the major platform to give them the success they have, much like Carson, is Joe Rogan. So, you know, we just, like many things in our career, we missed the boat again. The thing that's funny about, it's ironic, we talked about this on our history of news episode, but it seems like the farther we've come technologically, the more things have opened up, the more opportunities have grown.
Starting point is 00:36:15 They've come again full circle to the beginning. Right. Because now, yeah, I mean, I don't think now if you're a stand-up comedian, I don't think you even really have a chance as a stand-up to reach a wide audience at all unless you go on the Joe Rogan experience because there's no show tailored for comics like that that give you that exposure.
Starting point is 00:36:36 The algorithm doesn't really fuck with funny content the way that it used to. Now it does all, it affiliates, so it's going like, this person liked this type of content. So it's not, the algorithm is, like this type of content. So it's not, the algorithm is so overwhelmed too by volume. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:49 So now he is, Joe Rogan, ironically, by going into an alternative medium has somehow become a comedy gatekeeper and maybe the sole comedy. So it just shows you that
Starting point is 00:37:03 you can't run, the farther you run you come back to right where you are that's what welcome to my life christy hamster wheel christy hamster wheel so that's what it is that's and that's why it's extremely important for us as comedians to have someone like joe rogan because like janice mentioned the gatekeepers there used to be people who were gatekeepers to get you into this festival get you on this tv network and do this and they could they held your career in their hands, but they weren't comedians. Joe Rogan now being a gatekeeper who is a comedian, and it's kind of like real recognizes real. If you're talented and you're good and he respects you, he gives you an opportunity by just
Starting point is 00:37:37 saying, come on my show. And then, you know, you listen to the episodes, especially with comedians, he lets the comedians talk and showcase their skills. He doesn't try to get the last word in, or he knows what it is. He's become the platform in his own way so he's very you know we're all appreciative even if you know we never yannis i've never been on a show we hope to someday but even now we haven't it's like it's just amazing to to know that there's if if if a network a tv network or somebody wants to say nobody can cancel you or take your career away as long as you got Joe Rogan and his show behind you. Yeah. I mean, his career has been interesting because he didn't, at the beginning, supposedly he
Starting point is 00:38:13 didn't even want to, he didn't see himself becoming a comedian. He saw, he thought he was going to become like a kickboxing instructor. He stopped fighting around age 21 or whatever, dropped out of college. Stopped fighting around age 21 or whatever. Dropped out of college. He saw, his big inspiration was he saw Richard Pryor's special, and he was blown away by how funny he was, and that's what made him want to become a comedian.
Starting point is 00:38:37 He started comedy in 1988. Yeah, 1988. Kid's been around for a long time. I mean, yeah. And the kid moves tickets. But I mean, when you look at him now, he's still, they're both handsome, but they're two different type of handsome yeah one is like a little more pretty boyish and this is the kid who just looks like he will fucking he will go outside and kill the bear that's in your lawn either way he's going to get softly kissed on his lips yeah he'll get softly
Starting point is 00:39:01 kissed on his butt cheeks if we ever get on that show. Because if he gets too fucking aggro with us, we will de-escalate him. Yeah, I'll de-escalate Lieutenant Lollipop and Sergeant Snuggles will show up and I will jerk off Joe Rogan live on the show
Starting point is 00:39:10 and his producer Jamie Too will get jerked off. Yeah. So here, he started hosting Fear Factor in 2001 and the main reason Rogan accepted
Starting point is 00:39:19 the Fear Factor offer he said was to obtain observations for his comedy. Hold on a sec. Joe Rogan spent four years in New York City. Yeah, four. Because you got, here's the truth.
Starting point is 00:39:27 The same way that I believe, I believe this, that to get a career in this, you have to at some point, it seems, go through Joe Rogan somehow. Not necessarily, but it's a nice thing. No, but it's a nice thing. But the point I'm making is you have to kind of go through Joe Rogan, you know, to really be accepted and really kind of get the chops up. And the same way when he was here, you have to go through, when he was coming up, you have to go through New York City
Starting point is 00:39:52 to really get funny. You go, you get real funny in New York City, and then you become a superstar in LA. That used to be the way it was. And, you know, even just 10 years ago, when I first started comedy, 10, 11 years ago, it was like New York was like all the funny comedians, all the people with bigger careers were in New York.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And then LA was like, oh, if you want to do movies and TV shows. But now a lot of the funny people and obviously the big stars are in LA because of Joe Rogan. Yeah, yeah. He's going to Austin, so things are going to change. Yeah, he's leaving Los Angeles now, which is why we're doing the history of Joe Rogan because we're following his trajectory.
Starting point is 00:40:24 His trajectory started in Newark, took him to San Fran, all the way down to Florida, back up to where he grew up and went to high school, which was some Fall River place
Starting point is 00:40:35 in Massachusetts where he learned how to say ca. And then from there, he did his first open mic somewhere and then two years into comedy,
Starting point is 00:40:44 88, 90, he went to New York from 90 to 94. He was doing spots. He was going the road. Bob Levy. Yeah. He became friends with Jim Noren. He would do the Jersey gigs.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And then he decided to move. He moved to L.A. in 1994. So the kid's been in Los Angeles for a long, long time. And the kid just had visions. He just had visions. I mean, look, after Fear Factor, Rogan focused his career on stand-up comedy and concentrated on, focused his career on stand-up comedy because he said, doing TV, he didn't feel like he
Starting point is 00:41:18 could write, and he was like, you know, takes up too much time. So with the money he earned from television, he hired two people full-time to film him and his comedy friends on tour and release clips on his website for his joe show which was a web series like 10 years before anybody ever thought a web series was going to be anything and releasing clips on his website which is what everybody does now he was doing it so the kids just fucking screwed it he's got alien dna yeah well well, him and Louis adapted quick. For their age and the internet, they started doing stuff on the internet immediately.
Starting point is 00:41:48 I think he put his special on his website just like Louis did because he saw Louis did it, and he was inspired by that. Louis was really the first one to put that special on his website for like five bucks. Right, Binky? Yeah. But before that, because Joe Rogan was on a really funny sitcom called News Radio. I've never seen it. Have you ever seen it?
Starting point is 00:42:08 Which originally the role was supposed to go to Ray Romano, but then it didn't work out with Ray Romano. Joe Rogan got cast, and they kind of rewrote the role a little bit to be like, as he described it, I think a very dumbed-down version of himself was his character. His role wasn't as big as the others, but he became really good friends with Phil Hartman on news radio and that affected him greatly because he was trying to convince Phil Hartman to divorce his wife. And he's spoken about this, but Phil Hartman
Starting point is 00:42:35 said he loved his kids so much so he didn't do it. And then he got shot in the head. And Joe Rogan was really affected by it big and stopped doing stand-up for a while. He was really affected by it big and stopped doing stand-up for a while. He was really upset about it. Was Rogan, was News Radio, I've never seen it, but was Rogan a big part of the cast?
Starting point is 00:42:54 No. He was a cast member, but his role was smaller than the other ones. It was, Phil Hartman was, I mean, it was a great show. One of the kids from Kids in the Hall was on it, the one who looks young. He looks like he's got, he looks like Webster. I mean, he was a great show. One of the kids from Kids in the Hall was on it, the one who looks young.
Starting point is 00:43:08 He looks like he's got, like, he looks like Webster. I mean, he's a tall kid, but he looks young. I don't remember his name. One of the kids in the halls was on there. Joe Rogan was on there. Phil Hartman was on there. It was a really funny show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And then Phil Hartman. Oh, Andy Dick was on it. Right. Look at that. Joe Rogan was a young kid. I mean, look at him. I mean, he's a handsome kid. Young, hot piece. Joey Rogan yeah andy dick andy dick is now is andy dick straight or or andy dick is like the originally sexually fluid guy nice i mean he claims to be straight but i mean
Starting point is 00:43:38 i mean joe rogan looks like a different guy in news radio than he does right now straight i mean is andy dick straight does he claim to be straight? Or is he just everything? I know that the kid loves drugs. Wild. So if that's a sexuality, Andy Dick is that. Yeah, I mean, what can you do? Is there a sexuality where it's just, I just love drugs?
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, so he's straight. He's a straight kid. I like these kids. He likes drugs. He used to like drugs. So Joey Roro. Here's Phil Hartman. Yeah, there's Phil Hartman, the great Phil Hartman, RIP.
Starting point is 00:44:06 So Joey Roro. Oh, and there's the, what's her name? She's the wife from Liar Liar. I forgot her name, but she's a great actress. Tiffany Haddish. Yep. So how long did he take off after the Hartman thing? That affected him for a while.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah. Because it was close. And then, oh, can you just go up a little bit, V? In 1999, he did his first stand-up album, two shows at the Comedy Connection, which used to be in Faneuil Hall, Boston. Now it's in Providence, Rhode Island, in a bank. And it's where Yanni Nets,
Starting point is 00:44:36 it's where the name Yanni Nets came, it's where he passed out in front of a sold-out crowd. And I had to get caught out in front of the whole crew. And then the owners called me, and then I let his wife know at 2 o'clock in the morning, and then I owners called me and then I let his wife know at two o'clock in the morning and then I hung up the phone and cried. I never went down though.
Starting point is 00:44:51 You never knocked me down, Ray. Yes. I didn't go down officially. I think it might have been better if I did go down so I wouldn't have had to be carried out consciously on a stretcher
Starting point is 00:44:59 and get a standing ovation like I was an NFL player who was picked off the field. And then I think in April, May, over Zoom, we did an episode. We did an episode on this right here with Giannis' opener that night, who told us a lot about it. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. On Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 00:45:15 So if you're looking for a good thing to put your kids to bed in, listen to that episode. Because a snoozy. No, it's just a little different. Yeah, it's just, you know, sometimes you it's just you know sometimes you're just you know we've had a couple of fucking snoozies yeah i mean that's if you just purely want to hear about what happened that night yeah it's good it was good absolutely it's good smoke a little weed yeah get a good night's sleep yeah um and uh and yeah so uh so yeah then can you go down a little
Starting point is 00:45:41 bit me yeah you hosted the fear factor you know he hosted fear factor then you know that's when he that's when i knew joe rogan i was like oh fear factor and at first you know when you watch fear factor first because you don't understand you're like why is he being like a not a dick but why is he's being like you know mean to the contestants and then you realize like you know he's just being fucking snarky and witty as fuck with his comedy and then once i got into comedy and i watched joean back on Fear Factor, I'm like, this guy's hilarious, just crushing these people. But if you watch it not in a comedy mind,
Starting point is 00:46:10 you're like, oh, he's being mean to the contestants. Dude, he's had an interesting career because he's, at certain points, he's kind of done everything. He hosted, he acted, podcast, stand-up, reality show, web series. He's kind of done every aspect of modern entertainment he's delved into in some way. And you know what else I like about Joe Rogan?
Starting point is 00:46:38 We're watching a clip right now of him on Fear Factors because he's just very much like, you know, I don't care to the contestants. And I was like, wow, this guy's got balls. And then when you look at his history, it's like if you're the fucking national taekwondo champion, you're just going to say whatever to these dumb volunteer firefighters jumping around on Fear Factor. Because you know they'll just kick their fucking faces in. Which I like. Joe Rogan was also kind of like, when he stood up for comedians who were getting their jokes stolen from Carlos Mencia,
Starting point is 00:47:02 for comedians who were getting their jokes stolen from Carlos Mencia. Big. He really did it out of principle, which is something you just gotta respect the guy for. I mean,
Starting point is 00:47:11 not even trying to be obsequious, just being objective. As a comedian, Carlos Mencia was massive then. He was doing arenas. Mind of Mencia was on. They put it on right after Chappelle.
Starting point is 00:47:21 He had been stealing, being accused of being a joke thief since like 1993. Nobody was approaching him. Nobody was doing anything about it. And this was at the height of Carlos Mencia's fame that Joe Rogan did this in a comedy club
Starting point is 00:47:34 and it was like because of the internet, that changed sort of Carlos Mencia's career because it went on the internet and it was something that happened in a comedy club, the confrontation went on the internet and it was something that happened in a comedy club the confrontation went on the internet and it just kept going
Starting point is 00:47:47 it was like one of those things that went viral because when something goes on the internet it doesn't go away for better or worse many millions and millions of people just kept seeing that
Starting point is 00:47:55 learning that about Carlos Mencia that he was stealing those jokes and that was it Carlos Mencia went from like performing in like fucking arenas to like back doing weekends
Starting point is 00:48:04 after me at bananas yeah it's what it is so and it was because of that yeah and then and then he hosted in in uh in 2013 he hosted joe rogan questions everything on the sci-fi channel which sci-fi gave him the the show without even doing a pilot they just said hey we're gonna give you control it only lasted a season but then in 2000 and then uh and then you know because he got the show on the Sci-Fi Channel, but he was talking about stuff on his podcast, and I think that people just liked his podcast better than the Sci-Fi Channel thing, because the Joe Rogan experience, initially, I didn't realize this either. You stream.
Starting point is 00:48:35 He started it with, yeah, with Brian Redband, and then it was just like, he was like, look, we just started out initially to be like, we're on a bullshit and fucking around talking about conspiracy theories so if you listen to the original joe rogan episodes it's really just a couple of guys just being silly willy and then by 2015 it was getting downloaded by 16 million people an episode i mean he's fucking actually amazing joe when did it turn from like that you stream show to the studio? Not that many years, only a couple of years. Because I remember he used to stream it, and it wasn't that many years ago. So I think probably half of the time. I mean, it started in 2009.
Starting point is 00:49:16 It was kind of like, I remember he would stream it. They were on a couch in a living room. I remember Burr being a guest, and he was just sitting on a couch. The studio is not that many years old, and the podcast has evolved from like they would smoke weed and like joke around and stuff like that to him now like interviewing like astrophysicists, astronauts, you know, titans of industry, scientists,
Starting point is 00:49:41 and then everything changed. You got to say probably when he interviewed Bernie Sanders it really hit the mainstream I mean the kid the kid's name now trends like at least once a week or something yeah now
Starting point is 00:49:52 it's like then he had Elon Musk on famously yeah I mean Elon Musk puffed the fucking Elon this is how you know
Starting point is 00:49:58 how powerful how big the reach got is Elon Musk shared a joint with him and then it affected Tesla's stock. Yeah, it went down 9%. Tesla's stock plummed 9%,
Starting point is 00:50:08 because the kid took a puff on it, which is also like, come on, really? I mean, the truth is, and Joe Rogan now just picks and chooses what gets he wants, rightfully so, but it's like, if he had, whatever presidential candidate does better on the Joe Rogan show is who will win.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Like, if Trump came on and did better, then Biden and Trump would win. That's just how it would work but i know he doesn't want to talk to either one of them i understand that and he's got every reason not to but it's just that's how powerful he is this is what i love to be honest about joe rogan's career is it seems every step of the way he's kind of been guided by what he wanted to do yeah which is interesting he's like i want to do this he was offered some mtv gig early on he's like he just didn't want to do it i want to do this was before he was big and he turned it down yeah because he started well
Starting point is 00:50:47 no but but look yeah before he's big because a lot you know look when he started the podcast in 2009 i'm sure he already had a lot of money because he was already doing fear factor and all that but that even more so to say he started the joe rogan podcast just because he wanted to do it he didn't need to do it no so that's why he has all that he has because he's not following the money he's not following anything else but his own heart furthermore people people were saying because he it's like a three-hour podcast yeah and he he does it like three or four of them a week and people were going hey it's way too long he was doing that at a time where everyone was going shorter yeah going like your clips too long your clips too long your clips too long you didn't care your
Starting point is 00:51:20 clips too long uh he went the other way and just went along he's like this is what i want to do and then he started interviewing what you would think are boring people. Going like, who wants to sit there and listen to an astrophysicist? But you know, I always thought the opposite. When I used to watch those late night shows, I'd be like, why the fuck do I care what Natalie Portman ever has to say? She's a woman who has a career reading the lines of other people in a make-believe story. who has a career reading the lines of other people in a make-believe story right i would rather listen to an astrophysicist or an astronaut for two hours answer interesting questions it's almost like he does the podcast for himself because if you listen to it he's such an intrigued guy he's
Starting point is 00:51:57 so curious that he has people on yeah who he's interested in he doesn't care about the ratings anymore there are he could he turns down celebrities all the time. Yeah, he doesn't want to do it. From what I understand, like publicists will call him because they know how big it is now and be like,
Starting point is 00:52:09 do you want to have this actor on? He's like, no. He just says no. Yeah, just no. And he goes like, I'd rather talk to Joey Coco Diaz about fucking...
Starting point is 00:52:17 And I'd rather listen to Joey Coco Diaz. Yeah, so he just does what... He kind of does what he wants. UFC, it was a passion thing. Dude, when he started as a UFC commentator, Dana White offered him the gig. And he turned it down at first because he said he just wanted to go to the fights and drink.
Starting point is 00:52:33 So he said no at first. Then he did it the first time in exchange for free tickets. That's how small the UFC was. So Dana White gave him free tickets for him and his boys. And he did it for free. And then he ended up being a commentator for free for a little while. How long was it? He was actually doing it for free for a little while, and then finally he liked it, and so he accepted money for doing it.
Starting point is 00:52:57 So for a while, he did it for free. Yeah, I mean, Joey Roro, I mean, it's just like, I mean, the guy goes down in history. And, yo, he was also, at the time, I remember there was always these, you know, ESPN would always play up these, like, MMA versus boxing. And this is when everyone was talking about how violent and horrible MMA was and how much better boxing was. And he was going, like, he always used to say boxing is a limited form of fighting. He likes boxing, but MMA is a little bit more complete. And he was one of the first
Starting point is 00:53:25 people saying that mma or projecting mma will get as big as boxing look at it now i mean we went from like uh the gracie gracie guys fighting different weight classes some guys were wrestlers wearing shoes on steroids fighting brazilian jiu jitsu guys uh and nobody knew about it they were they were headbutting each other in the face. It was illegal in a lot of places to now it being one of the biggest sports with massive international stars. I mean, Conor McGregor is one of the most famous people on the planet. And you think Rogan's directly responsible for that? Not directly responsible.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I'm saying he's the color commentator from the beginning. He was there from the beginning, and he's still there. I mean, the reason comedians love MMA so much is 100% because of Rog beginning. He was there from the beginning and he's still there. All the reason, I mean, the reason comedians love MMA so much is 100% because of Rogan. I mean,
Starting point is 00:54:09 that's Rogan putting that out there and then, look, and then, you know, look, of course,
Starting point is 00:54:13 you have the super woke left saying that Rogan legitimizes fake news and blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like,
Starting point is 00:54:18 it's almost like he's so above it all. I mean, they've tried to take it down so many times. It's like, he's actually at a point now where it's almost like
Starting point is 00:54:24 we're at South Park where they're just above the criticism. They can, they've tried to take him down so many times. It's like he's actually at a point now where it's almost like we're at South Park where they're just above the criticism. They can do and say whatever they want because they have the majority of the people. So it's really impossible to take these guys down, which is good. Yeah. And it brings us back to our episode of the History of News. It's like he's a comedian being held accountable by journalists. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:54:41 But journalists never hold each other accountable. And when people turn on Joe Rogan, they're not going like, hey, I'm expecting to hear Joe Rogan tell me the truth. They're listening to whoever he has on, and he's a comedian by profession. He's not a journalist. He's not an accredited journalist
Starting point is 00:54:59 who went to Columbia Journalism School. So it's like... He's a kid from Newark. He's a kid from fucking Newark who made it big. You know what I mean? He had a dream and he made it big.
Starting point is 00:55:08 But it's like, these journalists holding him accountable because of what was said on his podcast or who he had on. Who's holding you accountable? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Nobody. That's the stream. So we'll see the Spotify deal. Now he's going beyond the paywall, which is nice. He got about 100 mil for that. 100 mil that was recorded. That was reported.
Starting point is 00:55:25 We think it's about 300 mil from our sources. Who the fuck knows? The Rogan deal pushed Spotify stock to a 52-week high, almost 180 bucks a share. It's the biggest deal, bigger than even Howard Stern, or as big as, close to as big as Howard Stern. And yeah, and it's just, you know, Spotify's effectively rounded out
Starting point is 00:55:44 what has turned out to be a near comprehensive invasion of the podcast space after Joe Rogan, they signed Kim Kardashian. So great. Kim Kardashian, by the way, is doing a lot of, a lot of people don't know about this though, but she's getting like people out of jail. Yeah. She's like doing good work.
Starting point is 00:56:04 KK, good for you, Kimmy K. I've never had a problem with Kardashian. She's like getting people out of jail. Yeah. She's like doing good work. KK, good for you, Kimmy K. I've never had a problem with Kardashian. She's like getting people out of jail. To Trump, they're like, Kanye said later, he's like, yo, I was just like kind of trolling you. I was trying to like get people out of jail. That's what he said.
Starting point is 00:56:18 She stands by her man, Kimmy K. She stands by her man. But she's doing actually some really good work, which is interesting. So shout out to her for that. She deserves credit for that because she's gotten a few people who were wrongfully accused out of prison,
Starting point is 00:56:31 which is like, she deserves a work it girl for that. So I'm going to give her not a story of the day, work it girl. I'm giving you a like overall job work it girl. Job work it girl. But wait a second. I'm seeing here,
Starting point is 00:56:41 he's already bought a home in Texas, he says, and he's building a podcast out there. And with him, when he moves from LA to Austin, Texas, a lot of comedians will follow, which is great. But it says he's number two on the list of top podcasts. Who has a bigger podcast than Joe Rogan? It's got to be like-
Starting point is 00:56:55 Is it some fucking NPR bullshit? There's a few big ones, you know? Bigger than Joe Rogan? He's up. He's one of the biggest ones. But who's the number one podcast? Who's the number one podcast? Like, who's the number one podcast? Who's the number one podcast? Like, who's the top, top, top of the Chiz Arts?
Starting point is 00:57:09 I know Bill Simmons has a big sports one. Before Joe Rogan signed to Spotify, I know Bill Simmons signed for like $150 million too or something. Oh, okay. So Bill Simmons might have been the first huge sign by Spotify. But if you look at Joe Rogan's career, you've got to give credit that he was a part of things that changed. He was a part of something new, and he carried it through.
Starting point is 00:57:34 It was like UFC, he was there at the beginning, and then UFC became huge. Podcast, he was there at the beginning. Now, at least as far as being a comedian in the comedy scene, he's gotten like that first big what used to be sitcom money for a comedian that's not there anymore so he was the first in ufc in podcasts uh fear factor was a new different type of reality game show which was kind of unique at the time i mean the kid's been at the forefront of new things. The kid likes new adventures.
Starting point is 00:58:05 It's what it is. Go follow us, patreon.com slash bayridgeboys, christycomedy.com. I got shows coming up in New Jersey and then Connecticut. Check out the website. Yanni's going to have a baby. Oh, but Yanni's going to be at the Stress Factory October 3rd and 4th. October 1st through 3rd. I'll be at the Stress Factory October 1st through 3rd.
Starting point is 00:58:24 It is my last shows. My only shows this summer before I have my baby girl Gianna. So come out to Stress Factory New Brunswick. Get your tickets. That's it. That's it. Get your tickets.com for all our merch. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys for everything else. Stay gay.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Alright. As always, go to Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, the newest members of the matriarchy. We read your names out. The best name gets the PPW, the pseudo-penis of the week. And here we go. Here are the newest names. Okay, welcome to the matriarchy.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Jordan Rapp, Shannon S-L-O-K-S Barata, Aaron Richard. Then we got individual with a cervix. It's what it is. Can you pap smear my puss, babe? Yes. It's on the list. Yeah, throw him on the list. Then we got two with a cervix. It's what it is. Can you pap smear my puss, babe? Yes. It's on the list. Yeah, throw him on the list. Then we got two slices and a water.
Starting point is 00:59:10 That is Drexler. Then we got fully charged flamer, a.k.a. the cock and ball torture. There we go. Chrissy cracked me like a glow stick. Then we got Patty, the deece Latina, defaulting on my lease to move out my niece. It's a situation. Yeah, that's the... You're on the list.
Starting point is 00:59:29 That's what you call the head contender, lead contender right now. Then we got Jay Pat. Then we got Noah, a sauce monkey, but make no mistake, I'm headed straight to the back, Amoroso. Then we got Kelly Hamstra. Then we got Dirty Q's mushy foreskin infection. Then we got Mikeirty Q's mushy foreskin infection. Then we got Mike. Well, oil.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Then we got Mike. Well, oil, beef hooked. Father Bill glued my smashed beans solid shut. Ruan. It's what it is. Okay. Then we got,
Starting point is 00:59:55 if you don't think I'm the muzzy that supplies meat for Akash Singh's halal cart, you got another thing coming. Throw onto the list. Then we got Chunky Potato Monkey and my fumes are funky on the list on the list yeah here we go you know it's hard to have a potato monkey have fumes yeah
Starting point is 01:00:10 we're fucking heating up i like it yeah then we got kristin ratcliffe mariella and luciano then we got patrick davis evan ross then we got brian make no mistake my name is wade but i look like an aztec warrior. Then we got Jonathan. Then we got plant-based potato monkey, number one. Sorry. Plant-based potato monkey. I like my drugs like my women. White?
Starting point is 01:00:36 On to the list. Okay. Then we got Andrew Antifa, Bofifa. Let's grab a slice, but please don't touch me there, Corey. Drexler. Drexler. Fence Jump and Squeak. Fence Jump and Squeak is a nice chicken figure that's going into the Drexler list.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Then we got Yanni Beef Curtains. Yanni Beef Curtains is funny. It's a Drexler. This is a Drexler-heavy situation. Then we got Really Facts. Really Facts. Then we got W-E-B-D-E-B-O. Drexler. Then we got Harold-E-B-D-E-B-O. Drexler.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Then we got Harold and Fumar go to White Castle. Harold and Fumar go to White Castle. But we saw that already. I mean, it's already a winner. But you're already a winner. You kind of won, but you sent it to us already. Yeah. I mean, is that the same guy or a different one doing the same name?
Starting point is 01:01:21 No, this is Harold and Fumar go to White Castle. That's the winner. That was the winner of last week, this is Harold and Fumade go to White Castle. That's the winner. That was the winner of last week, I believe, right? Well, you're a winner. One of you White Castle ones won. Then we got Suicide is Badass. All right, we have a hotline. You should call that number.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Then we got Taking $3 Throat Shots, No Chaser, No Facer. Good, good, good. Then we got Mickey, I Squirt Marinara Out My Glue Gun, Makes the Pizzeria Uno More Fun, Don't Forget the Oregano Pills, Cos, good. Then we got Mickey, I squirt marinara out my glue gun, makes the pizzeria uno more fun. Don't forget the oregano pills, Cosminati. That's a callback to the oregano pills with Paul Gassi. Throw him on the list. Then we got Nader, the statue toppler, Krauss.
Starting point is 01:01:58 The only thing that could stop this FCF is a stern tug from Lieutenant Lollipop. On to the list. On to the list. Then we got G Cosmos 211, Elizabeth. Then we got Went Out to Dinner With and Got Cracked Open by Tim, $3 Billion. Funny, but Drexler. Oh, no, $3 Billion. Like Dylan, but $3 Billion.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Ooh, bad read. Yeah, it's got Cracked Open by Tim, $3 Billion. Still good at Tim Dylan, Tim Dillon. Tim Dillon. Yeah. Sorry about that. What can you do? Then we got Kev.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Then we got Andy Dufresne's cute two-choose. Then we got Ori Shittyot. Then we got Shane, my balls smell like a Jewish bakery. Make no mistake, Father Bill wants to take a ride on my Nish disco stick. On my Knish disco stick. It's a good try. It's a good try. Effort for A.
Starting point is 01:02:44 A for effort then we got four cups of bustelo deep and don't know where i am it's what it is i like that guy he's getting a drexel for just i like it yeah then we got hannah m then we got three dollar bill cosby three dollar bill cosby that's a new one wow yeah that was out there for the take in throw him on the list with a fucking nice, clean, homemade chicken finger. Yeah. Then we got Joey Pops and Pervy and Blitzkrieg, my asshole. Kamasta.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Throw him on the list. On the list. Joey Kamasta. Holy shit. Then we got Khalid from Australia, the longtime toot, first time non-toot. Bring back Wei Shanxian. We absolutely will. Wei Zhangjian.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Once Vanity settles her divorce with Zach. Yeah, it's back. Then we got when her moon hits your thighs with her divorce with Zach. Yeah, it's back. Then we got when her moon hits your thighs with her greasy hair pie. That's Fumade. Onto the list.
Starting point is 01:03:31 Onto the list. You got a white power sign from Venetia. Yeah, she gave me the okay sign. She went like that and you're legally not allowed to do that anymore.
Starting point is 01:03:38 You're not allowed to do okay anymore. So we got then we got Elliot Gladden. Then we got Raw Dog and Ryan. John Noble. Then we got Nashville Nate is such a squeak that even Father Bill wouldn't plop his meat between these cheeks.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Okay. Well, Nate's taking some shots now. That's what it is. Then we got an FF coming at you in a different way, Sean Sheehan. Put him on the list. He's on the list. Jesus Christ. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I always say this, but we got some of the most original ones we've ever had. Yeah. Then we got Yanni the Greek Sweak, Anto Canopo. I forgot. I don't know how to say it. The Greek Freak. The Greek Sweak who makes Shaquille O'Squeal. Go, Knicks.
Starting point is 01:04:18 That's a good one. Yeah, Shaquille O'Squeal is funny. Yeah, that's a good one. Then we got Victoria Greer. Then we got Johnny Screwed and Nontude who will crack you open and clean you out if I think you're cute. Got it. A.K.A. Fumar Odom. Fumar Odom.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Did we not have that already? We've never had Fumar Odom. Put him on the list. But you're on the list, so that's funny because the name wasn't going to make it. And then you came in Fumar Odom Lemons. Yeah. If you don't know, that's a playoff of Lamar Odom. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Then we got Leon My Foreskin Never Had a Chance McCormick. Put him on the list. He got circumcised. He's a Catholic kid. that's a playoff of Lamar Odom. Yeah. Then we got Leon, my foreskin never had a chance. McCormick. Put him on the list. He got circumcised. He's a Catholic kid. He's a Catholic kid. I mean, Jesus Christ. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Then we got Squishy Squeak. Kelsey Kiefer. Then we got Fumeless Trans with an empty lap. Fumeless Trans. Drexler. Drexler. A good Drexler. Then we got three-fifths of a dollar, but when it comes to the buttholes,
Starting point is 01:05:05 I don't compromise Jenkins. On the list. On the list. Then we got Ben Conner. Then we got, make no mistake, Chrissy D's farts say yas. Then we got the first Saudi to join the matriarchy. Let's give him a Drexler just for being from Saudi Arabia.
Starting point is 01:05:23 There you go. Thank you. Then we got a butthole-y Nicoli here for Chrissy's Mastachioli, but my friends call me BH. What? She went for it. Okay, then we got Landon Wilkins. Then we got Average Cuzzy Wuzzy, Ain't Fruity,
Starting point is 01:05:37 but I want Chrissy's booty. Kevin Burke, Matt Wong, Melanie Bavon, Frank. Then we got Tyler need an Obama speech to crack open Chrissy's cheeks until he squeaks, Smith. Then we got Kasim Omar, Nikki G, Poppy with the hot ass and hotter fumes. Then we got Brandon, my MC mother, banged out
Starting point is 01:05:55 my beta cuck Mexican dad on spring break. Build the wall, Flores. Drexler. Yeah. Then we got Christopher McGregor, Alex Goodwin. Then we got Dilly Blue Balls. Then we got Christopher McGregor, Alex Goodwin. Then we got Dilly Blue Balls. Then we got Nikki B from Hoboken, New Jersey. Nothing but love for Chrissy Dignani. Gotta keep it cute and use the hazel on the shoot.
Starting point is 01:06:14 The hazel's funny. Yeah, use the hazel on the shoot. He's on the list. Then we got Benny Low T, high E with the bar B, and my balloon knot Mott. Drexler. Then we got Steve Voic. Then we got the fumes, the proud, the matriarchy squeaks.
Starting point is 01:06:31 It's Maura. The fumes, the proud. It's funny. The fumes, the proud, the Marines. If he would have stayed there. He went off. The fumes, the proud, the Marines. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:39 I mean, the fumes, the proud, the Marines, but he kept going, right? Yeah. Then he said the matriarchy squeak. Yeah. Almost there. almost there. Then we got Stephen Hunley. Then we got It Slices the Garlic Thin or Else It Gets the Hose Again. We've had that before.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Oh, we've had that one. Maybe they upped their pledge. Wait, no, no, no, no. Wait, no, no, no, no, no. That was the one I gave a shout out to because it was so good or no? Throw him on the list. Yeah. Then we got MMO710.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Then we got After Listening to the Potty, I Realized I'm Gay, Now I Have to Come See Guys in a Different Way. Drexler. Good. Drexler. Good. Drexler. Then we got, Chrissy, call me Rosa and order me straight to the back at Wooter. I mean, it's a Rosa Parks joke. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Say it again? Say, Chrissy, call me Rosa and order me straight to the back. Is it a Rosa Parks joke? It is a Rosa Parks joke. Let's give it a Drexler. It's a real Parks joke. It's, it, for, let's give it a direct, it's a real thinker. It didn't come with the funny heat, but it's a thinker. Then we got Keefy McGee.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Then we got came to see you in a different way. Then we got Carlin. I'm Polish, but my sausage is more like a cooked breakfast link. Hans, hashtag JoeListDick. Then we got Yanni P gets in mish to put his floppy Greek fish inside Chrissy D's delish lunch lady Chocolate starfish
Starting point is 01:07:47 Good good mouthful good Then we got Eric I dropped out of PT school Cause I'm an FF and now I need a job Hit me up padea Funny Then we got Chan the man with the plan to crack open Chrissy's cans Then we got Messed with the boys Get turned into chopped tuna at the bottom of
Starting point is 01:08:03 Timmy D's poke bowl Then we got Josie Reyes Boys, Get Turned Into Chopped Tuna, At the Bottom of Timmy D's Poke Bowl. Then we got Josie Reyes, Christian Smith, and last but not least, My Peace Leans Left, My Heart Leans Right, Tucker Carlson, 2024. Okay, we got a lot of goodies on the list. We're just going to have to hear a bit until you read all of them again right quick. Just the ones on the list, a few. I can't see them.
Starting point is 01:08:21 You can't see them? Come on, V, you can do it. No, it didn't. Oh, wait, I did, I did, I did. It's fun to hear V read them too. Do it. Come on, V. You can do it. Oh, wait. I did. I did. It's fun to hear V read them, too. Come on. Do it. Individual with a cervix, it's what it is. Can you pap smear my puss babe? I mean,
Starting point is 01:08:35 want me to read these? Yeah. If you don't think I'm the muzzy that supplies meat for Akash Singh's halal car, you got another thing coming. That's a good one. Ch got another thing coming? Good. That's a good one. Chunky potato monkey and my fumes are funky.
Starting point is 01:08:50 That's funny. Chicken finger. Plant-based potato monkey. I like my drugs like I like my women. White. Funny. Mickey, I squirt marinara out of my glue gun. Makes the pizzeria uno more fun.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Don't forget the oregano pills, cuz, Minotti. Good. Still Halal Carton. Nader the Statue, Toppler Kraus. The only thing that can stop this FCF is a stern tug from Lieutenant Lollipop. Okay. $3 Bill Cosby. That one. There we go.
Starting point is 01:09:20 I think that's the winner. There we go. They're up there. There we go. That's who it is. Joey Pop, some pervy, and Blitz in Blitz Creek at my asshole Kamasta. That's nice. Nice, but it's between these two so far.
Starting point is 01:09:32 When her moon hits your thigh with her greasy hair pie, that's fumare. Nice. Another good one, but it's getting dropped off. Chris is like, I'm sleepy. And F coming at you in a different way. Wei Shan Xin. That's funny. That's a funny one.
Starting point is 01:09:47 John screwed in Nantude who will crack you open and clean you out if I think you're Coyote, a.k.a. Fumar Odom. That's not going to make it, but Fumar Odom is funny. If he just went Fumar Odom. If he just said Fumar Odom, I think he might win. He might win, but I don't know because we got we got the other stuff yeah and we got $3 Bill Cosby Leon my foreskin
Starting point is 01:10:07 never had a chance okay that's the third one that's funny Nikki B from Hoboken New Jersey nothing but love for Chrissy D
Starting point is 01:10:16 and Yanni gotta keep it cute and use the hazel on my shoot calling it the hazel is funny I think I think actually
Starting point is 01:10:22 calling it the witch might be even funnier yeah they're both good both good and it slices Calling it the hazel is funny. It's funny. I think actually calling it the witch might be even funnier. Yeah. Yeah. They're both good. Both good. And it slices the garlic thin or else it gets the hose again.
Starting point is 01:10:32 That's another good one. That's it. That's another banger. We like. So we're between four. Ashkash Singh. He provides the meat for Ashkash Singh. Hold on, Corey. $3 Bill Cosby.
Starting point is 01:10:43 $3 Bill Cosby. $3 Bill Cosby and then what's the one that gets the hose again? That might be the winner. It slices the garlic thin or else it gets the hose again. It slices the garlic thin or else it gets the hose again. I mean, it's a Buffalo Bill joke. Yeah, who would you choose there?
Starting point is 01:11:02 I guess let's do it because we've had so many Father Bill, $3 Bill variations. I mean, $3 Bill Cosby is $10 there and that I guess let's do it because we've had so many father bill $3 bill variation I mean $3 bill Cosby's 10 but I think it slices the garlic thinner it gets the hose again might be the most creative innovative and funny yeah that's the winner that's the winner congratulations slices the
Starting point is 01:11:15 garlic thinner else it gets the hose again patreon.com slash Bay Ridge boys history hyenas calm for all our stuff and then we got a fucking read another bullshit Hawthorne ad we really hope you enjoyed that episode whatever it was about this is just a stock thing
Starting point is 01:11:30 that we're taping on to every episode so go make sure you rate review us subscribe
Starting point is 01:11:36 turn on your notifications get jiggy with it and go to patreon.com slash bay ridge boys where things get really wild.

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