History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - 168 - Whitney Houston is WILD!

Episode Date: September 16, 2020

This week the hyenas jump into the history of Whitney Houston. This one hits home for Chrissy D because he's spent a majority of his life WERKING it to her music! YASSSSSSWant more Hyena content? Chec...k out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:49 That's.co, not.com. The last M is for you because you're a man. Whitney! Yeah, today's not about Britney, it's about Whitney. Welcome to another episode of the History Hyenas. Chrissy D, Yanni P, and today we're talking about my girl, Whitney. This is a special, special episode about one of Chris's favorite people. He's got the shirt on, he's ready to rock, he's got the Teen Wolf glasses on his head,
Starting point is 00:01:19 and we're going to talk about one of the biggest, most gifted entertainers in history, and also probably America's most famous crack user. Yeah, I'm trying to think who was more famous crack user than her. Number one. Smoke and crack. Well, listen, we have an interview from Diane Sawyer. Can we play that interview quick? Diane Sawyer interviewed with her.
Starting point is 00:01:42 She says she wasn't smoking crack because she's too rich for crack. And I believe her. Here's the difference between America and Canada. Our most favorite, our most famous crack addict is Whitney Houston. Yes. One of the greatest cigarettes to ever grace the earth in all of history. Right. And Canada's most famous crack user is Toronto Mayor Rob Ford. Yeah. and that should go more to tell you that, because we're just better at everything. Even our crack is better. Even our crack users. So let's play the Diane Sawyer interview.
Starting point is 00:02:12 This is Whitney Houston talking to our girl Diane Sawyer in 2002. And if it was now, that would be Cardi B. Yeah! It may be a bad shot, but this is real. I mean, the bones. She's gorgeous. That's real. Yeah, but this is real. I mean the the bone is gorgeous. That's real Yeah, my bones What are you gonna call the police you dumb home it's Whitney Houston, you know, this is what you start This is when you start crying. You say, leave Whitney alone.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Leave Whitney alone. Leave Whitney alone. Do you really know? Oh, God. Diane Soares, the original Karen. Thank you. What are you going to? Listen.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Anorexia. Leave her alone. She's happy, right? They've written it. No way. Bulimia. No way. Lies.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Here we go. That it's because of drugs. He's lying. Here we go. Look at her lie. That it's because of drugs? He's lying. Here we go. Okay. You know, here, it's a free country. Now, I'll grant you, I partied. So am I.
Starting point is 00:03:15 But there are times when I know I've gone through a lot of emotional stress. Yeah. Okay. And my eating habits were awful. Whitney dying. Crack rehab fails. Exactly. First of all. And my eating habits were awful. Whitney dying. Crack rehab fails. Exactly. First of all, let's get one thing straight.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Exactly. Crack is cheap. I do coke. I make too much money to ever smoke crack. Let's get that straight. Okay? Exactly. Don't do crack.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Crack is whack. So I still to this day do not believe that Whitney Houston ever smoked crack. But Bobby did and he gave her a couple hits off his Woola blunt. Yeah. And if you're not
Starting point is 00:03:49 from the 90s, you don't know that a Woola blunt is a blunt laced with crack. It's what, yeah, Woola blunt is crack. So this is Whitney Houston, the beautiful Whitney Houston
Starting point is 00:03:57 was born August 9th, 1963 in Newark, New Jersey. We're doing back-to-back episodes on people born and raised in Newark, New Jersey, Joe Rogan, and now Whitney Houston. Can you believe that? Back-to-back episodes on people born and raised in Newark, New Jersey. Joe Rogan and now Whitney Houston. Can you believe that?
Starting point is 00:04:08 Back-to-back episodes about individual American icons who were born in Newark. What is in the water in Newark? I don't know what's in the water there. But, yeah, so Whitney Houston. I think, in my opinion, in my opinion, the greatest singer of all time, better than Mariah Carey, better than Justin Timberlake. I think she's the best singer ever. Ever.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's better than Celine Dion, number one. My father cried when two people died, and only two people, one Mickey Mantle, two Whitney Houston. Why does your dad love Whitney Houston so much? And is that where you got, I know that's where you got your love for the Yankees because you grew up around All Mets fans, but you liked the Yankees because your dad liked the Yankees.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Right. And so you inherited a love for the Yankees from your dad, you inherited a love from Whitney Houston from your dad, and you inherited a debt of money from your dad. From my dad. Yeah. So it's just like, I think that, yeah, it must have been Whitney money from your dad yeah so it's just like so it's just like i i i think that yeah must have been whitney houston um uh from my dad also my mother listened to a lot of whitney houston
Starting point is 00:05:11 all my aunts love whitney houston um my boyfriend when i was a kid liked whitney houston so i just i love whitney yeah and it yeah it's whitney bitch i your your your mom strikes me less as a Whitney mom and more of a Lionel Richie soft soft hits in the house while she's cooking steakums kind of mom yeah I don't think my mom knows the difference between Lionel Richie and Whitney Houston I think she just all it's just the same yeah yeah yeah no my mom I wish I'd fuck I wish my mom did make steakums what was what was a big dinner in your house we would have Joe and John's pizza would be big. And then we'd have London broiled potatoes. When she cooked, it was London broiled potatoes?
Starting point is 00:05:52 When she cooked, it was London broiled potatoes. Just good old American food. Good American food. And once in a while, she'd cook spaghetti with sauce? Rarely she'd cook spaghetti with sauce. My stepmom would cook spaghetti with sauce. My mother just wasn't. She didn't really know how to cook italian so she would how about downstairs was did anyone ever walk anything up those neutrals to you no she would cook um what would they cook
Starting point is 00:06:15 down there plantainos aros y compollo and then uh and then yeah that would cook foods you know what this it's funny because i think yeah even i'm trying to think what we would eat i was thinking the other day like what did we eat a lot when we were kids and it's really just pizza i mean wherever the the construction man the the garbage menu for the recycling in my house was going to be a lot of pizza boxes outside that address in ridgewood that's just what we liked i just picture you in between basketball practice just in your room just i want to dance with somebody i want to feel the heat i'm also i'm just like proud of it i'm proud to be a whitney fan you know it's just what they also the 1975 my second favorite band outside
Starting point is 00:06:56 whitney houston is inspired by not for straight men it's not for straight men because your fucking playlist is not for a straight guy. It's gay, gay, gay. You got Taylor Swift on your playlist? I got, I love, I, I, uh, no, I don't love Taylor Swift. I don't hate Taylor Swift. I don't love her. But Whitney Houston in 1975 is perf, McGurk for me.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Um, and yeah, I mean, Whitney, she had a troubled life, unfortunately, as most talented singers, it seems like, do. This is what my theory is. When you look at Amy Winehouse, you look at Whitney Houston. I just think when you're born with that much of a gift, because her voice, when she opened it, it was like baby Jesus giggling and laughing. That's how powerful it was. It was like Jesus took over and took the wheel in her mouth. That's how beautiful it was oh my god it was like jesus took over and took the wheel in her mouth that's how beautiful her voice was when you're born with something that you never have to work for it's just you have it i think you never appreciate it so you just always feel like
Starting point is 00:07:55 your life's gonna be fine you're always gonna win because you've never had to really work for something therefore gain an appreciation for it so, you're doomed to kind of have a demise like her and Amy Winehouse. Because those are the two most gift voices you've ever heard. Because when Amy Winehouse, she looked like your accountant's daughter. She looked like she was just like, you're going to see your accountant. And she was just sitting in there. And then she opened her mouth. And you're like, why do you sound like Aretha Franklin?
Starting point is 00:08:23 It's a gift from Yahweh. I think they both worked hard. I mean, we got, go to the notes. Sitting in there, and then she opened her mouth, and you're like, why do you sound like Aretha Franklin? It's a gift from Yahweh. I think they both worked hard. I mean, we go to the notes. Whitney Houston was singing nine, ten hours a day in her basement. Amy Winehouse, working, working, working. I think some of the work ethic, how hard they worked, may have drove them to drugs and alcohol to do those things. Because they worked so hard. I mean, the thing is, a lot of people have gifts. But have gifts but you know it's like you got to work at it so i think that you know
Starting point is 00:08:49 i mean yeah what does it say here where we found out when uh when whitney said i remember when i was about 12 i would go in our base where my mother would keep her recording equipment i take the mic and put on aretha her she had her aretha franklin was a family friend and she called her auntie aretha so it's like having like being a basketball player and just have michael jordan be like uncle mikey and we go at it for hours she would sing with aretha. So it's like having like being a basketball player and just have Michael Jordan be like Uncle Mikey. And we go at it for hours. She would sing with Aretha Franklin. She said, I just close my eyes and sing all by myself.
Starting point is 00:09:10 And imagine I was on stage singing to a packed house. So it's just like I think that the girl was given. When you listen to Whitney Houston sing, I don't think it's debatable. You can't teach that. I mean, you can't teach that. The girl is an amazing fucking singer. Same with Amy Winehouse. The voices are beautiful.
Starting point is 00:09:27 But it just seems like, yeah, a lot of that talent up there, it just, musically, I mean, they just get into drugs and alcohol. I think it's a lot of the lifestyle is a big part of it, I think. And I think, do you think maybe just because this is a cosmic joke, this life, that when you're given that much of a talent, there's also an equal but opposite blind spot and that blind spot was for some good old big fat jailhouse former boy band good old dick dick bobby brown bobby brown's dick must have been fucking stupid bobby brown was her husband, late husband.
Starting point is 00:10:07 You know, a lot of people blame her death on him. What band was he in again? New World Order? No. What was it? MWO? New Kids on the Block. New Kids on the Block.
Starting point is 00:10:16 No, it was New Edition. New Edition. New Edition. Bobby Brown, who's from fucking Boston. He's from Boston. He's from Boston. He is believed to have gotten her into crack cocaine, but I believe we're all responsible for our own choices. So maybe, you know, he showed her it, but it was her choice to use it.
Starting point is 00:10:34 And we don't know why she was using it. I mean, the girl was probably escaping demons. She died very early at 48 years old, which I think was part of the plan. Yeah. I think she wanted to just get to the mountaintop and then go and die in the bathtub that she died in, which I actually went to the Beverly Hills Hotel about three or four days after she died. And it's ironic that you got into a bath and put Whitney Houston on to just unwind. To just unwind a little bit.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Why? Yeah. Whitney had to get, the paramedics had to come and get Whitney's body out of the bathtub. And the paramedics had to come in to try to pry me out of the bathtub because of my fat ass. In 2012, I was about 260. Yeah, when they take you out of a bathtub, it makes a noise. Like when your butt comes out.
Starting point is 00:11:12 Yeah, just suck out. Yeah. So you were telling me before that you feel like there's just as much of a chance that she was happy and she died and lived the way that she wanted. I think Whitney, because Whitney, because make no mistake, Whitney is also,ney is a is a woman we there is some rumors that she maybe was a lesbian but whitney i think does sing to your dad and his friends in the gay part of heaven because the gays love whitney yeah so whitney 100 sings in that gay part of heaven a lot and i think if we talk to whitney up there
Starting point is 00:11:42 i think that she would say that of course I don't think people want to die. Nobody knows that you're going to die the minute moment you're going to die. But I think that she probably enjoyed the successes of her life and everybody wishes they think things go different. But I just think, you know, it's hard to figure out a person as complicated as her because it's really you. You don't know what it's like to be that famous. I think it's really, really, really tough to understand. But I do think that, yes, she was snorting coke off Bobby Brown's dick. And that's just what it is.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I mean, Bobby Brown seems like an opportunist that hooked his claws into Whitney. But I don't know. I think she may have been happy. I think Whitney may have been happy with her life and just, you know, wish she didn't fucking do crack in a bathtub. Why? Bobby Brown. Why, John Jan?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Bobby Brown. I mean, Bobby Brown, let's not put, he's not Kevin Federline. He's not like some guy. No, he actually had some talent. I mean, and he had some talent, and Bobby Brown kind of threw his talent away as well. He didn't have a Ralph Trezvan voice. Now you're going, wow, Yanni, you are up on some of those former iconic black boy band.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Yes, I am. I was a fan of New Edition, and I loved it when Ralph Trezvan was my favorite lead. But Bobby, okay, I love Bobby's voice, okay? But Bobby was a star with New Edition. They were big. Yes. Belle Biv DeVoe, Ralph Tresman. I love Belle Biv DeVoe.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Bobby Brown. And then there's one more I'm forgetting. I used to date a girl that blew one of the guys in Belle Biv DeVoe. Really? Yeah, very interesting. So Bobby was a big star. Then he had one hit that I can remember after in his Whitney years. And I think it was at the beginning. And maybe she started dating him and got that dick during my prerogative. Then he had one hit that I can remember after in his Whitney years,
Starting point is 00:13:26 and I think it was at the beginning, and maybe she started dating him and got that dick during My Prerogative. That could have been My Prerogative. It's my do what I want to do. Didn't he also have that other song, Everybody's humping around? Was that him? I don't remember. Because my mom used to think it was,
Starting point is 00:13:41 Everybody's pumping the jams. And then one of her sisters had to be like, No, they're saying everybody's humping around. And she was like, turn this off. I just remember. Christopher can't hear this. That was the famous video. He had the mic like this on his face.
Starting point is 00:13:53 And he was dancing. And he was going, my prerogative. I can do what I want to do. And he was dancing. And everyone's going, oh, Bobby Brown's making a comeback. Bobby Brown. He probably got Whitney around there. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Because she was like, man, he's famous. I'm famous. And then from there, there it is. There it is. There's the famous, yeah, he's dancing. My dude, wow, the 80s were wild where you could just wear a space suit. You're just good.
Starting point is 00:14:15 And a flat top. Because, I mean, everyone's outfit in the 80s when they were on stage looked like they were in SpaceX and they were going to Mars. Yeah, they were going to Mars. Yeah, it's all Elon Musk stuff. Yeah, dude, I, that's, listen, if you were a black female singer in the 90s, I just,
Starting point is 00:14:31 Chrissy D listened to you. I didn't have an iPod then, but I asked my mom for CDs. We would go to Sam Ash store and I would buy CDs. Whitney Houston CDs, SWV, Sisters With Voices, En Vogue, Brandy, Moesha. I mean, I had the playlist of a 16-year-old black girl from Brownsville, Sisters With Voices, In Vogue, Brandy, Moesha. I mean, I had the playlist of a 16-year-old black girl from Brownsville, but that's just the music that I like, and that's the music I still like because nothing gets me pumped up like So Emotional by Whitney Houston. Nothing gets me pumped up by thinking about what was probably
Starting point is 00:14:59 the most popular graduation song sometime in the 80s was, I believe the children are the future teach them well and let them lead the way show them all the beauty they possess inside give them a sense of pride do you know it yeah to make it easier let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be. I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadows. If I fail, if I succeed, at least I'll live as I believe. No matter what you take from me, you won't take away our dignity. Because the greatest love of all is happening to me.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Because we can't sing. God did not bless us with that. God did not bless us with that. He didn't bless us with that. And are we going to get limited or no ads because we sang a cover? No, because they're going to listen to it and they won't even recognize that it was her song because we sounded so bad. All right. Let's get back to the n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n- who was born in Newark. Also, her aunts were Dionne Warwick. Now, is Dionne Warwick a singer, or is she the one that would read the tarot cards?
Starting point is 00:16:30 I think the answer to that, if it was multiple questions, would be both, all of the above. Because I always get Dionne Warwick and Miss Cleo confused. Way, Jong-Jin. It's easy to get those two confused because they both, at some point, were promoting medium hotline.
Starting point is 00:16:44 That's what I think. That's the reason why I think it is. But Dionne Warwick was Whitney Houston's what? Auntie? She was her, I think, cousin or aunt of her mom. Because the way it works is white people have aunts, Puerto Rican people have tias, and black people have aunties.
Starting point is 00:17:00 That's how it is, right? And also black people got, a lot of times, call people cousins who aren't really cousins. Or they say, that's how it is right and also black people got a lot of times call people cousins who aren't really cousins or they say that's my auntie but it's not necessarily her mother or father's sister right okay right it's very cool very i don't know and a lot of times when you go to eat you go to big mama's house big mama is a grandmom so wait a minute so dion warwick and sissy houston who's went used his mother was we're sisters v do do we have that? Is Dionne Warwick her actual first aunt? Because here's the thing about Dionne
Starting point is 00:17:28 Warwick. She did promote a medium astrology hotline for a while, but before that, Dionne Warwick was a hit singer. Right, but it's not, okay, so that's not Miss Cleo. Okay, great. I don't know who Miss Cleo is. I think Miss Cleo just always thought she could talk to dead people. Whitney was
Starting point is 00:17:44 surrounded by music from her infancy. Aretha Franklin, who we said before, who she called Auntie Rhi. So here's one whose Auntie Rhi was a strong presence in her life and a longtime close friend of the Houston family. So if you have Aretha Franklin just being close friends, I mean, she could teach you a thing or two. Aretha Franklin is Auntie Rhi. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Whitney Houston was also gorgeous. She was gorgeous. She was a model. And she grew up kind of middle class. She lived in Newark, and then there was some riots in Newark. And after the riots, her family and her moved her and the family to the suburbs. She was the first black woman to grace the cover of Seventeen magazine. The very first one.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Even though that's not a fact, we're going to say it is. Why not? Why not? And Whitney Houston. No, but we're going to say, I know she's one up,, we're going to say it is. Why not? Why not? And Whitney Houston. No, but we're going to say, I know she's one up, but we're going to say she was the first. And we're going to also say, since we're from New York, we're going to call her, although it's spelled Houston, we're going to call her Whitney Houston Street. Whitney Houston Street. Whitney Houston.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Whitney Houston. Whitney Houston started her modeling career when she was 16, and she worked with CLIC, a Manhattan modeling agency, Manhattan modeling agency, to showcase her poise and youthful beauty, and she was gorgeous. She really was. I mean, I think Whitney Houston was gorgeous even when she was telling Diane Sawyer she wasn't on crack. I just love Whitney. She is gorgeous, and she graduated from a Catholic high school.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Catholic high school. So, cuz, do you think, the Catholic girls growing up, cuz you went to Catholic school. Right. Now, the Catholic girls, I didn't go to Catholic school cuz I was a Greek kid and our priests don't do what your priests do. Right. So, I didn't know that, I always thought the Catholic school dresses were that short,
Starting point is 00:19:16 but what girls did was they rolled them up, right? They rolled them up, yeah. So, she went to graduate from Mount St. Dominic Academy. Catholic High School in Caldwell. I thought it was Dominican Academy. It could have been Dominican Academy. No, that's Dominican Academy and Sisters. It's a big, big school.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Also, Dominic is a real sauce monkey name. Fucking Dominic. Yo, where's Dom? It's a Catholic high school in Caldwell Banker, New Jersey. And she, yeah, she graduated from there. And yeah, the Catholic school girls, they, yeah, they liked it. There's a lot of sexuality that goes on
Starting point is 00:19:51 inside Catholic high schools. I went to an all-boy Catholic high school and we would run and fucking sprint to the all-girl Catholic high school, which was three train stops away of the Mary Luce Academy and just wait for the girls to come down the hill. And like on like a fall day when the wind Lewis Academy, and just wait for the girls to come down the hill. And on a fall day when the wind would blow,
Starting point is 00:20:08 we would just smell the girls as they walked by and then get back on the train and jerk off. Way Jong-Jan. When we were high school students. And it got to be such a problem that we would just run like little Malloy rats to go see the Mary Lewis girls that Mary Lewis actually pushed their dismissal time earlier.
Starting point is 00:20:25 So we, the girls were out already, and we were still in school. But guys would make up, like, illnesses or, like, say that they had to leave a last period just so they could get on the train and get off at 179th Street and smell the girls walking by. You fucking creeps.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Wild. Sometimes I think a lot of the religious repression is worth it just for how much of a sexual freak it turns you into. Sexual freak. And it's also just fun and interesting. You know, like, I just feel like, I just feel like, yeah, like, when you go to a Catholic school, you just have all these stories that just like, you know, it's just wild shit.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Like, you would only know if you went to Catholic school. But I mean, it's fucking nuts. Some of it you black out to so you can't remember those stories. Right, right. Yeah. We would just, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yeah. If I could get hypnotized, i would probably remember the real juice but really have some good stories if we get a guy with a with a pocket watch in here yeah but she's but i mean listen i i would imagine in the 70s going to a catholic high school in caldwell banker new jersey she must have been one of the only black students um so i'm sure she had a lot of white friends i would think right i mean that catholic high school but a lot of times these Catholic high schools were racist. A lot of them were racist institutions.
Starting point is 00:21:30 And also there's just not a lot of black Catholics. I mean, blacks are usually Protestant, Church of God in Christ, usually Baptist. Right. Yeah, black Americans are usually Protestants. She and her parents sent her to the school because they wanted her to have school to get, you know, because they wanted her
Starting point is 00:21:46 to have like a... White friends. A better life. Yeah. So she just scrolled down. Yeah. So they wanted her to have like, you know, get out,
Starting point is 00:21:54 get out of the fucking riffraff that's going on. So they sent her to Catholic school and that's, unfortunately, that's a decision I may have to make with my daughter.
Starting point is 00:22:00 It's like, what's the chances here? It's like either send her to Catholic school and then just hope that she turns into a fat lesbian and priests don't want to look at her. Well, she's a girl, so priests don't want her anyway, so it's safe for a girl.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Or you just send her to fucking public schools and she's got to go to school, you know, and I don't want her to go to school with the, you know. Wei Zhongzhen. Wei Zhongzhen. I'm kidding. Because when I say this, guess what I mean? Guess what I'm fucking talking about?
Starting point is 00:22:24 I don't want to go- You mean bad kids with bad grades. Exactly. Right. So that's what it is. So you motherfuckers thought that I was going to say something else, but I meant fucking bad kids with bad grades that come from bad homes where their families are not campaigning against Black Lives, are not campaigning for Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And that's what I want. I want to go to school with people that have fucking Black Lives Matter rallies in their fucking basements every day and most of those kids most of those kids are going to be going to catholic school and that's where i want my kids because the ones who are against it the ones who are for everybody else's lives matters then they can get away from me i fucking shout out kamala harris if you didn't vote for kamala harris or president joe biden then i can't have your kid going to school with my kid. Why? What you really meant to say, sometimes because you get very emotional, you don't say, what you meant to say is kids who have bad grades of all races and ethnicities included, the
Starting point is 00:23:14 most important part is that when you are discriminating against people you don't want around your daughter, that that group you're discriminating against has all races represented. Exactly. So that's what I want to send to a Catholic school. So if you were to see it in a movie and Chris is saying, I don't want you to be around those kids, those kids, we'd cut to those kids
Starting point is 00:23:32 and there would be an Asian kid, there would be a Filipino kid, there would be a Jamaican kid, there would be an Irish girl, there would be an Irish girl, not a guy. Yeah. And then maybe a Hispanic woman. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And all those people yeah and that and that's how it would be so yeah um her album sold nine million copies in the u.s and several million more world several several million more worldwide i mean the kid the girl sold some fucking tickets because you just sounded like yanni biden there for a second i know because you had a struggle you had a you had to struggle getting million out just like You had to struggle getting Millionaire out, just like I had to struggle getting Robots out, which are now apparently called Robrats. Robrats. Cuz she moved fucking big-time tickets.
Starting point is 00:24:11 When she did a concert for South Africa, one billion people tuned in to hear the angelic vocal chords of none other than Whitney Houston. And one of those people from South Africa was Elon Musk, and then he took the wardrobe that they were wearing in the music videos and made Tesla X fucking spacesuits. Because I think even Elon Musk said, growing up as a little white South African child,
Starting point is 00:24:37 he was so moved by Whitney Houston when she said, and I will always love you, he decided he wanted to go to Mars after hearing that song. Yeah, I just want to say, because we haven't said it in a while, Black Trans Lives Matter. Absolutely. I think that Whitney Houston, too, she was, her music videos, I think,
Starting point is 00:24:56 on MTV was the first music video by a black female performer to be placed in heavy rotation on MTV. So a lot of firsts for Whitney Houston. First black woman to be on the cover of Seventeen magazine. First black performer to be placed in heavy rotation on MTV. I mean, Whitney Houston's a first, first, first. She's the first absolute black megastar to die in a bathtub after fucking Bobby Brown as well.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I think she might be the first one. Yeah, I think that might be number one. I don't know. Can we go to Google for that? Can we pull that up, Jamie? Is there any other black superstars who fuck Bobby Brown who died in a bathtub in a hotel?
Starting point is 00:25:36 Wei Zhongzhen. Wei Zhongzhen. I mean, we're making jokes. It's tragic we lost Britney. No, you're making jokes. I'm not making any of those jokes. You're making the Whitney Houston jokes. I'm not making any of those jokes. You're making the Whitney Houston jokes. I'm not because Whitney is my fucking girl.
Starting point is 00:25:48 She's your girl. And it's just horrible. Like a lot of people blame Braby, but I brain, I agree with you. She made her choices. And I think, I think Whitney was happy the whole way through. I think she was happy the whole way through. I think she did what she wanted to do. Cause what that thing was, was smoke a lot of crack.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It's what it is. Smoke a lot of crack. Yeah. She was just, yeah. I don't fucking know. I wish I knew. I wish I knew Whitney Houston. I mean, I just wish.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Look at her in the, uh, towards the, I mean. Yeah. It's no good. That's no bueno, but she looks happy to me. But it's one of those things where it's just like, you know, but look at how beautiful she looks there. Gorgeous. I mean, it's one of those. I it's just like, you know. But look at how beautiful she looks there. I mean, it's one of those. I think that was the beginning, though, of the crack.
Starting point is 00:26:28 Of the crack. But. Oh, that was the beginning, and then she pulled herself back together after that? But the thing is, though, with Whitney Houston, with the people around her and the money she has, she could have gotten help if she wanted to. It's just. She did. It's just, yeah, it just takes over you.
Starting point is 00:26:41 It just takes over you, you know. Because it's. The thing is people always judge you for doing drugs and stuff like that drugs have to be really good that's why people do them like it's like they just maybe they just value the drugs and how it makes you feel more than life right so it's like they what's the big deal about that right everyone like i agree with you people aren't going to live forever anyway right it's like if you want to do some drugs and and go out of 48 that's your business right that she gave the world her gift like you said what else do you want what else do you want this fucking
Starting point is 00:27:13 lady to do yeah then autotune came out and all these fucking ai robots you know copying her voice people copying her style what else do you want to do i mean you gave us your angelic gorgeous beautiful voice you know i have T-shirts. I'll get a Whitney Houston tattoo. I don't give a fuck. It's like if you went in a bathtub before 50, I mean, most of them don't make it. You know, Prince, Michael Jackson, Whitney. It's like seeing a tall, older person. You know, it doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:27:38 You don't really see rock stars living to their 70s or 80s. There's a few, but most of them go out early. And it's sad, but it's just kind of par for the course i think you know every time um they show bill russell in like at a game he's still alive he's still alive bill russell wow but i always think about that i'm going like the guy's tall i mean this could be the last time they show him yeah i mean those guys don't make it long time neither do gordo people what's gordo fat yeah yeah i don't know though i mean late late more and more now you're seeing fat old people because the diabetes and the heart medication is so good that's the
Starting point is 00:28:10 thing good point that's the thing good point um houston was scheduled to perform at the 2000 oscars but she just flat out didn't show up so i've been in that situation before not the oscars but i've just not shown up to things she probably called the the Oscars and said, hey, hi, I'm sorry. My apartment's upside down and I can't be there right now. It's what it is. Yeah. Here we go. So she actually was in a 14-year relationship with Bobby Brown.
Starting point is 00:28:38 They met when she was very young. He was like seven or eight years younger than her. They had one kid together, but they got divorced, I think, in 2007. So girl got out of that toxic relationship eventually. And then the tragedy, too, is their daughter. Her daughter also died. Her and Bobby Brown's only child also died of similar circumstances as her mom. And what was her daughter's name?
Starting point is 00:29:05 Bobby Brown. B-O-B-B-I Brown. Yeah. B-O-B-B-I Brown died of a drug overdose, and a lot of people think there's a conspiracy that her boyfriend or husband at the time may have caused that death on purpose or inadvertently. I mean, who the fuck knows?
Starting point is 00:29:20 Now, here's the thing about her boyfriend, who is very controversial in the Brown family. They really didn't like him and didn't like the relationship because whitney houston adopted him and raised uh bobby and him together so it was kind of like her brother like her adoptive adoptive brother so that her family viewed it as incestual but they were not related but they grew up kind of as brother and sister yeah they grew up as brother and so we got a little bit of a woody allen-esque situation here right except not not that way just brother sister way right right this is just yeah i mean i don't know i mean but if they're not blood related i mean right if it's not blood
Starting point is 00:30:02 who cares way john jen watching game of thrones i think even even relation is right? If it's not blood, who cares? After watching Game of Thrones, I think even relation is on the table. It's almost like, though, speaking to the mic, you're saying no? He was adopted by Whitney Houston. She took him in as her son-ish. He was 19. No, not Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. We're talking about Bobby Christina Brown. Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston. No, not Bobby Brown. Bobby Christina Brown. Yes. Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston's daughter and her and Bobby Christina Brown's boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:30:33 The boyfriend of Bobby Christina Brown was adopted by Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. Yes. Those two. These kids. So Bobby Christina Brown. What's the boy's name? Gordon. Ben Gordon, right?
Starting point is 00:30:43 Not the basketball player Ben Gordon. The other one who went to UConn. Nick Gordon. So, and just to let you know, give you a little update on Nick Gordon. He has also passed away from a heroin overdose. Yeah. So, the Browns just, there was drugs around. There's just drugs around.
Starting point is 00:30:58 There was drugs around. There's just drugs around. Yeah, just like when we're around in the studio and I'm around, there's Fumare around. Yeah. The Browns, there was just drugs around. There was just drugs around. Yeah, just like when we're around in the studio and I'm around, there's Fumare around. Yeah. The Browns, there was just drugs around. There was just drugs around. So, you know, it's just like, it's tough. Let's just say the Browns vegetable draw looked a little more hardcore than lit.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Than lit, yeah. So, finally, cuz, sports are back. They're back. And I just made a little money because i was predicting hopefully that jokovic was gonna hit a judge in the throat with a tennis ball it was very specific bet and i won it yeah and you freaking won it so what you're gonna do now is go to my bookie and use the promo code hyenas h-y-e-n-a- And if you put in, let's say, 60 bucks, they're going to match it.
Starting point is 00:31:47 So you're going to get 120 to bet. So they're going to match any bet you do. If you go to my bookie and use the promo code hyenas, they're going to bet. Like I, this morning, was like, you know what I want to bet on? I bet you that Odell Beckham Jr. likes to get poop on his chest.
Starting point is 00:32:01 And guess what, baby? It came out today that OBJ likes to get pooped on his chest. And please welcome the Cleveland Steamers to the field. Guys, you can bet on any sport, anything. MyBookie.ag is the website. Go, enter that promo code. You know, bet on, because I want to, like, there's got to be, you can bet on anything.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Because you can bet on whatever the hell you want to bet on because i want to like there's got to be you could bet on anything you because you couldn't bet on whatever the hell you want to bet on football baseball basketball coin flips i mean how low do you want to go look let's just be honest there's three levels of enjoying sports right one of them is you're just a sport fan and you're watching the sport right the second one is you're watching the team that you love, so you're emotionally invested. The third and best one is you got a little scratch on it. You got a little juice on the game. You got a little juicy, juicy on the game. Because my bookie, promo code hyenas,
Starting point is 00:32:54 they're going to match your bet. Let's do it. You could parlay to par day. Do whatever the hell you want. The winning seasons are back at my bookie. Yeah. Come on. It's been really hard with COVID.
Starting point is 00:33:05 We could all use a little fucking adrenaline rush. So let's go. I got 50 on the fucking football season. Yeah, I got a hundo that says China already got the vaccine because they made the virus. New customers can sign up with promo code HIENAS to double their deposit and receive an instant cash bonus. Survivor Street Contest begins week two of the NFL season. Make bets against the spread every week until you go bust. Only $5 re-entry.
Starting point is 00:33:28 What I really love about our new sponsor, Hawthorne, is they got a bunch of products that make you feel like a man. Yeah, it's Hawthorne with an E dot co. And they made us take a little quiz and make no mistake because they want to know what kind of skin you have. They want to know what products you like on your skin. It's a skin product company. It's all about the skin, skin, skin.
Starting point is 00:33:46 What I love about them is they make it easy. Because when you're a guy, you just want an all-in-one. Just give me a freaking quiz. Let me answer it. And then you tell me what I need. Send it to me all in one. They give you a cologne that's for play, for work. Lotion, skin products, soaps.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Make me smell like a man. It's what it is. Because when I took that quiz, when I said, oh, Hawthorne's gonna send me a quiz, make no mistake, I dressed up like Britney Spears from Hit Me Baby One More Time, and I sat down and took that quiz, and I was smelling fresh, cuz for the first time all summer, I have absolutely no fumade, because I put Hawthorne on my skin and on my taint. That's what it is. They sent us a beautiful package. You guys can get it too.
Starting point is 00:34:27 We love this product. It's all in one. You don't got to think. Take the quiz. They send you the package. Lotions, soaps, colognes. I love the one cologne for work, one for play. If you want to get crazy, you can switch it up and use the one for play as the one for
Starting point is 00:34:41 work and vice versa. Here we go. And it's Hawthorne.co. Hawthornewith an e.co co use our promo code wild to get a discount 10 off your first purchase and i know that this product is good and i know that it's well thought out and thorough and the pro and it smells so good on your skin and i know that the company is most likely ran by women because make no mistake we did this ad already and then it made us redo it because we forgot one word and they're very very very they pay attention close attention to detail, much like our producer, Venetia, does.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And we're doing well. So Hawthorne's doing well. And that's what it is. Go women. Trust the matriarchy. Yes, this is such a good company with such good male products that it's going to get put on notice for supporting the patriarchy. get put on notice for supporting the patriarchy. Go to wholethornwithane.co, no M, dot co, because the last M is for matriarchy. I got to tell you something that's exciting for me right now. I needed a new mattress and this sponsor lined up perfectly with me needing a new mattress.
Starting point is 00:35:39 This was an amazing experience. You take a two-minute quiz. They ask you all types of questions about how you sleep. Are you a hot sleeper? Do you like it firm? Do you like it medium? Some things I like firm. It happens I also like my mattress firm. Well, I got to be honest with you, Giannis.
Starting point is 00:35:55 You, for the first time— I am honest, Giannis. You're honest, Giannis Biden. For the first time in about two years, your eyes are a little bit more open than normal. And I think it's because you're getting a good night's sleep on this Helix mattress. For the first time, I came in, I said, wow, I could see Giannis' eyeballs. They're actually, actually starting to move a little farther apart. And I think that's what's been missing in my life is the right mattress.
Starting point is 00:36:17 And that's why my eyes keep sinking into the middle. So let me ask you a question. So this mattress, this mattress works for anybody. Even if you're fat, fat, fat like you, it still works? This is the best part about Helix is you take a quiz. It only takes about two minutes. The questions are easy. And they tailor the mattress to your sleeping needs.
Starting point is 00:36:39 So you finally get the mattress that you want. Let's say you got a little bit of a jiggle in the middle. Yeah. And you need a little medium softness right here. Boom. Helix sends it to you. It comes in a little box. I dragged it in myself, opened it up.
Starting point is 00:36:53 I put it all on the frame by myself. It's really simple. There's a 10-year warranty. What? And right now, because they're offering $200 off mattresses and pillows, if you listen to our show and you are a listener, you go to helixsleep.com slash wild. Helixsleep.com slash wild,
Starting point is 00:37:15 because the only problem with Helix mattresses is because you're getting such good night's sleeps on their comfortable mattresses, you're getting so cute that I'm going to kiss you softly on your glasses. Listen, I took that Helix quiz and they asked me how hard do I want the mattress and I said I got such a soft butt and such soft man boobs that I wanted a hard mattress because the truth of the situation is this, and I'm just going to be honest with you if you're listening dad, it's just the truth.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I like things that are hard on my butt. So you went firm. I went firm things that are hard on my butt. So you went firm. I went firm. I went firm on my butt. Here's the thing. We got the mattress for our guest room, which is really going to be my mother-in-law's room. Yeah. And the mattress is so comfy-wumpy that I've been sneaking out of my wife's bed to go cheat on her with the Helix mattress.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It's just what it is, cuz. It's what it is. Yeah, I'm going to sleep sleep over your house too and i'm gonna sneak out of whatever room i'm in and sneak right into your pantry and eat all your black and white cookies helix helix sleep.com slash wild here we go oh but also i mean the bodyguard most famous movie i mean whitney i mean 1992 whitney houston's movie the bodyguard i mean what i would do. Could you imagine? Could you fucking imagine being on that set and just getting to see the magic work?
Starting point is 00:38:30 And imagine just being able to kiss Kevin Costner in a scene. I mean, that's the thing. I mean, Kevin Costner, he was in Dances with Wolves. Dolly Parton, 1970s Dolly Parton. First girl I ever jerked off to. She was the original big natty celebrity. Yeah. And those were natties, right?
Starting point is 00:38:48 Yeah. Oh, here's a fun fact. Saddam Hussein loved Whitney Houston's rendition so much that he used it in Arabic version of I Will Always Love You as his re-election campaign theme. So he used I Will Always Love You in Arabic as his re-election campaign theme. Saddam Hussein.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yeah. That's hilarious. who won that election fairly that was a hard tightly contested election that he always seemed to win Yeah. We're going to get limited ads on this puppy as well. So Saddam Hussein was a big, big fan, and that's the most important part of the story, that she inspired the people of Iraq to elect their beloved leader once again.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Absolutely, and we still are honoring that contract to the people of Iraq. Yes. So that's very interesting fun fact. 1992 movie, The Bodyguard, fantastic film. Soundtrack to this movie still holds the position of number one best-selling soundtrack of all time. So fuck you, anybody else who's had a soundtrack. Yes. Soundtrack to this movie still holds the position of number one best-selling soundtrack of all time.
Starting point is 00:40:07 So fuck you, anybody else who's had a soundtrack. Yes. And it was a great love story, The Bodyguard, between, it was interracial. Yes. Between a white bodyguard who was protecting a black superstar. So at the time, there wasn't a lot of interracial lead rom-coms around. And so this was historical to watch. Kevin Costner, who is way below the standard of the beauty of Wendy Houston. But in some ways, it kind of was autobiographical in that she was a superstar marrying some guy or falling in love with some guy who fucking didn't deserve to be with that queen.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I'm talking to you, Bobby Brown. You may be watching this because somehow you're still alive. You were not good enough for Christie's fucking queen. That's my queen. Queen, queen, queen. Yeah, she, yeah, it's just all sad and shit. But you wonder, though, like, you know, all the drugs in the family and all that stuff. It's like there's got to be some type of
Starting point is 00:41:05 chemical reaction in people's brains that make them want to do that because you know obviously we all know you shouldn't do that but it's just like i don't know i wish i could i wish we could really explain it well you tell us you did a little blow recently how was it it was good yeah i mean it's nice to just do a little blow. I've never done blow. What's it feel like? Ah. Your shoulder? Yeah, my shoulder.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Yeah. It's, uh, to do a little blow just feels like, um, you know, I don't know, man. You just do it. I just do it, and then I just feel like I just... I feel like as soon as I do a line, I just have the answers, and I want to just go on Instagram Live and start telling people what I fucking think. But because my hands are so jittery, I can never hit the Instagram icon.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Well, we always get a text message when you've been having a little too many vegetables on a day. Yes. And it always goes, Venetia, sign me out from Instagram. Sign me out from Instagram. Venetia has my Instagram account. So if anybody has ever been DM'd
Starting point is 00:42:03 and it's not been responded to, just know it's not me, it's Venetia. What happened? It should, people should know. Look at this, look at this.
Starting point is 00:42:12 There's a case in England. Whitney Houston's, this woman was playing Whitney Houston's song so much that her neighbor took her to court and she got seven days in jail.
Starting point is 00:42:20 How wild is that? Because that would be me. That would be me. My neighbors in my apartment building i mean i fucking blast whitney houston her greatest hits and the 1975 so much and i should be put in jail for seven days whitney houston um i think holds the record for the most consecutive number one hits on billboard i believe oh that's at seven in a row.
Starting point is 00:42:45 Number one. Here we go. And here are the drug answers right here. There were sexual abuse allegations. A former employee of Houston's claims that Whitney Houston confided that her cousin, Dee Dee Warwick, would molest her when her mother, Sissy, was away drinking, was away performing with the sweet inspiration.
Starting point is 00:43:01 So there you go. That's probably where the drug use potentially came from is there was some sexual molestation when she was a kid. So Dee Dee's a guy. I know it. Dee Dee Warwick. No, Dee Dee Warwick.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Yeah, maybe a guy. Oh no, her cousin. I don't know. I don't know if Dee Dee Warwick. Dionne Warwick's a girl. Yeah, Dionne Warwick's a girl. Who's Dee Dee Warwick? That's a girl.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Oh, it's a girl. So she was molested by- She was molested by Dee Dee Warwick? That's why. And then there was rumors that she was aested by she was molested by Dee Dee Warwick that's why and then there was rumors that she was a lesbo Whitney Houston right before she married Bobby Brown
Starting point is 00:43:29 so yes so there's just some things that happen to people that it just makes their life come at them in a different way yeah I mean the Houston's definitely had life come at them in a different way
Starting point is 00:43:39 they had life come at them in a hundred percent in a different way so what happened a statement from Houston's mother. Neither Whitney nor Dee Dee are here to deny, refute, or affirm.
Starting point is 00:43:49 How can that be fair to my daughter, to Dee Dee, to our family? Dee Dee may have had her personal challenges, but the idea that she would have molested my children is overwhelming and for us, unfathomable. So the family's saying no. So, you know, Whitney's brother, Gary, stated that Dee Dee molested him
Starting point is 00:44:03 between the ages of seven to nine. Wait, so Whitney's brother said Whitney molested him? Whitney, they're saying that this girl, Dee Dee Warwick, molested Whitney and her brother, and Whitney's brother actually wound up playing for the Denver Nuggets. Did he really? Yeah, it's wild. Whitney's brother, Gary, played for the Denver Nuggets.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Are you serious? Yeah, yeah, for a little bit, yeah. Whitney Houston's brother was a professional basketball player? Yeah, he played for the Denver Nuggets. I don't know the kid's name. I didn't know that at all. Yeah, but Whitney Houston's brother, Denver Nuggets. I mean, the kid was an NBA basketball player.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Wow. There's a lot of talent in that family and a lot of accusations. Gary Garland is his name. No relation to Judy. And that's her full brother? I think her half-brother. Wow. Yeah, I think it's her half-brother. Wow. Yeah, I think it's her
Starting point is 00:44:45 half-brother. I wonder if Whitney was an only child because I'm an only child and it feels lonely. But when you're an only child you make up a lot of stories and things in your imagination to keep yourself going, right? You have to. Did you talk to dolls? 100%. Talk to imaginary friends, make up stories, this is
Starting point is 00:45:03 how my life's gonna go, and blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I mean, it's just what you have to do. But it gave you a strong imagination, and it made you a fun guy. Yeah, exactly. I mean, yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:11 it's like, you know. But you did get plenty of attention, because usually, I felt like ignored, because I was the youngest, my parents were always working. Maybe that's why I became a comedian. You got plenty of attention, though.
Starting point is 00:45:23 No? Like, why are you silly, you think? Yeah, I definitely got attention. Like, what was the inspiration for the first time that you tucked back your nuts and did a lapus in the locker room of the boys' basketball team? I'm trying to think why. Well, my dad's a funny guy. My dad's a funny guy. I mean, I don't think he was doing a lot of pusses, but my dad's a funny bunny.
Starting point is 00:45:41 And my mom. Your dad's a little funny with the money. He's a funny bunny. He's a funny bunny bunny. So my mom. Your dad's a little funny with the money. He's a funny bunny bunny. So my mom, I don't know. I think I was just always a silly fucking kid. Yeah. I was just always silly. And yeah, I don't know why I veer gay, though.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Might be an all-boy Catholic high school. Yeah, I think how somehow some people come see you in a different way. Right. I think you just come at life in a different way. I come at life, and it's just in a different way. So, yeah, but it's fun to come at it in a different way. So that, you know, I just don't, yeah, I just got to stop doing blow. Yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 00:46:22 The Houston family, a lot of talent and a lot of demons. I think oftentimes you'll find where there's a lot of God-given talent, there's also demons because we live in this cosmic joke of balance. Like, whatever the Lord giveth, he also taketh awayeth. Like, Justin Timberlake has so much talent in so many different areas. The guy probably definitely has either a web foot or a micro penis. He might. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:46 You can't have everything. Just balance. Yeah. And I think he just had a third kid. So shout out. Shout out JT if you're watching the show. Yeah. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Dude, you know what's crazy is like a lot of those guys have so much free time that a lot of them do listen to podcasts. Right. You'll never know about it because they'll never reach out because they don't want to get called out or anything. But like Tim Dillon has told me there's like a few celebrities or actors. One of them is Ryan Phillippe. One of them is Ryan Phillippe that like just listens to the Tim Dillon show.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Yeah. I mean, well, I mean, but also, I mean, the Tim Dillon show and those shows like that, I mean, they're fucking, you know, they're like the entertainment. Like, I mean, these guys, you know, like we've said before, like. Well, that's what I'm saying. These people, like, especially if you're an actor you you have a lot of all you do is work out all day and that's it and just like post post uh socially conscious posts on your social media accounts so the rest of the day they're probably listening to the hyenas yeah i
Starting point is 00:47:36 mean what else can you do what can you do when he used to was the youngest of three children so she did have uh brothers and sisters she had her half brother gary was in that was was on the nuggets and then um yeah i love that every time i'm reading something on the notes venetia scrolls down to another page of the notes and then just makes me have to make up the third fact so one of her one of her brothers was on her half brother was on uh was gary played for the denver denver nuggets then she had a half sister uh she had a half sister who umister who is now, she works at a bank in Newark, New Jersey. Yeah, she works at Banco Popular now because Whitney Houston didn't give her any of the money.
Starting point is 00:48:12 So there you go. So Whitney Houston probably one of the, is definitely one of the most decorated singers of all time. She went on to have like seven or eight number one hits. And Bobby Brown also went on to have about seven or eight number one hits and bobby brown also went on to have about seven or eight other children with other babies what it is they both got hits in their own ways yeah whitney houston had seven or eight number one hits um at the top of the charts and bobby brown just had seven or eight seven or eight hits of fucking crack after whitney died
Starting point is 00:48:42 yeah and he had a few other kids with another woman. I mean, the kid's got kids. He's got kids in different area codes. He's got baby mamas. So at just 24 years old with her string of hits, she became the only artist to accumulate seven consecutive number one pop hits, surpassing records set previously by the Beatles and the
Starting point is 00:48:59 Bee Gees. Which was very good because those bands were way and she dethroned them. So Yas Queen, Yas down with the straight white male patriarchy. I only know like one Beatles song and one Bee Gees song. I'm just not into that time of music. I don't know why. Like I know the Beatles are so good and the Bee Gees are so good.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And I know they have a lot of fans and respect them. And Lynyrd Skynyrd or Lynyrd Skynyrd. I just don't, I don't care about their music at all. Is that, am I gay? Wild. That's a question that I heard you asking your gay friend yesterday. It's a question. It's a perpetual question. Is Chris DiStefano gay is like asking, is there a God? I don't know if we'll ever know the answer, but I think the answer might be in the question. If that makes sense. Yeah. The answer might be in the question. Right. makes sense. Yeah, the answer might be in the question.
Starting point is 00:49:46 It's sort of like, I don't pick up any gay vibes from you, but I do think you're going to have sex with men, if that makes sense. I pick up gay vibes from me. Yeah. Benetia, is he gay? Are we gay? Am I gay? Who's gay?
Starting point is 00:50:00 Is Debo gay? Are we sus? Are we sus? What can you do? So, by the way, Whitney Houston's, I wish we could play stuff, but YouTube is a fucking communist organization. Now, if we play any of the music, we'll get flagged or demonetized by some fucking Indian guy just sitting there in fucking Bangladesh
Starting point is 00:50:19 pressing buttons, and it fucking annoys me because I wish we could play Whitney Houston's music, but it's just what it is. That's exactly how the computer works. That is my friend over there. His name's Patrick Maroney. He understands. He took a course at the fucking Learning Addicts about how the computer works and is a fucking
Starting point is 00:50:35 Indian guy. And that fucking Indian guy sits over there fucking India and he pushes fucking buttons. Ladder 14, Canarsie, Ladder 76. It's what it is. So, yeah, but her rendition of the national anthem that she sang, I believe in the 1991 Super Bowl, made the players cry. I mean, that's how good it was. It was one of the best recordings of the national anthem I've ever heard in my life.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I mean, even when I listen to it, it just, you know, I get the fucking chills, and it makes me just want to really, you know, say some things to some of the other countries that we've had issues with yeah after i after i listened to that rendition of the song yeah it's really it's a real tribute to the boys and i would say it's almost as good as fergie's rendition of the national anthem during the nba all-star game what's fergie's rendition you don't remember that i don't remember that piece of news was it it just her voice cracked? Did she forget the words? It was just her.
Starting point is 00:51:28 She didn't sing well, and so the players are just sitting there laughing in the warm-ups. There's this, like, you cut back, and you see Steph Curry laughing. They're all laughing because it's so hard. Can we play a second of it or no? Here is a bad one. Here it is. Here it is. Here it is.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Here it is. Here it is. Draymond Green. Draymond Green cracks. Jimmy Kimmel. It's so bad. What is wrong with people? She doesn't have a lot of talent.
Starting point is 00:52:04 That's the problem. What is wrong with people? She doesn't have a lot of talent. That's the problem. Just sing the national anthem. It's like everybody always wants to make everything their own and stick out in some fucking stupid way. Just shut up and sing the song, okay? It's the national anthem. Sing it the same exact way that our fucking forefathers sang it. Just sing it the same way and stop trying to make everything your own and i just
Starting point is 00:52:25 want to put my spin on it shut up nobody cares okay let me look into the camera and tell you people crystal clear no matter what field you're in no matter what career no matter what you think you're doing nobody truly cares besides a very very small select group of people for a very very small select group of time so and that, very small select group of time. And that includes us. That includes what we do here. Nobody cares. So stop thinking that you're above this or below that
Starting point is 00:52:52 or this or that or you want to change little things here and there to make your own. I have to put my twist on it and I'm going to do it this way. Nobody gives a fuck but you. But you care about you and that's great. But guess what?
Starting point is 00:53:04 The rest of us don't. Way, Jong-Jan. Yeah, and you care about you, and that's great, but guess what? The rest of us don't. Way, Jong-Jan. Yeah, and for more of that, go to patreon.com slash bayridgeboys to join our channel for bonus content. Yeah. Go see Chrissy. Go see me, christycomedy.com, historyinus.com.
Starting point is 00:53:17 I'm doing my comedy, and it's a different kind of show. You've never seen anything like it. I'm putting my own spin on my own jokes. He's coming at you a different way. He's putting his spin on it, and he wants you to care bad. Yeah, care about it. You can see me in New Brunswick at the Stress Factory,
Starting point is 00:53:31 October 1st to the 3rd. My last show is before my baby little girl is going to be born, so get your tickets at yannispappascomedy.com. Yeah, Whitney, we love you. We miss you. This is before Binky and Venetia's time.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Do you guys even remember Whitney? Do you know who she is? Or are you too fucking young? Because your age makes you a squeak. Do you remember Whitney? Yeah, I remember. I even remember Diane Sawyer and her songs. They're just amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:01 So wait, yeah. So in January 2015, let's get this right, Bobby Christina was found unconscious in a filled bathtub in her home which is wild because whitney was found in a filled bathtub in the beverly hills hotel again i'm reading it and you're scrolling up yeah yeah but after being in a coma for nearly six months well you know what yeah now i don't have the notes so yeah bobby christina keep scrolling in a filled bathtub in her home, and you know what? She fucking died. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:54:27 I don't know why. She just died, and you're going to have to just figure out how it happened. Oh. Being in a coma for nearly six months, she died from low-bar pneumonia in 2015, and she was later, Gordon, her husband,
Starting point is 00:54:39 was later found guilty by a civil court for her death and was ordered to pay $36 million to her estate. So that's interesting. Yeah, there was a, she, but she also, they say she died of something, blah, blah, blah. But the truth is she had cocaine, alcohol, and morphine in her system. She followed, unfortunately, as we often find in her mother's footsteps, and she died tragically the exact same way her mother died, which is a little creepy and a little weird.
Starting point is 00:55:07 A little weird. Or you say, did she do that because she missed her mother so much, she loved her mother so much, that she wanted to pay homage to her mother in some way? That's what I say. Because what is the chances that she died exactly the same way as her mom? Very tragic. Very tragic.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And the, yeah, you know, that's what happens. Your parents were our parents' children. Years of cocaine use. Oh, here we go. And then we got autopsies revealed on Whitney Houston when she died, when she died, you know, at 48 years old. They say that the scalding bathwater had burned her face. There were bruises on her forehead, chest, and upper lip.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Numerous scars on her body. And years of cocaine use had burned a hole through her septum, and she also had heart disease. So she was banged up from the drug use, and, you know, and I don't know. It's either that or she ate a lot of pizza, she had high cholesterol. I don't know, but it seems like, you know, it was bad news bears inside her, and she was probably going to die anyway, which sucks. Toxicology tests showed residual use of marijuana, Xanax, Benadryl, which, listen, we've all taken a Benadryl or two,
Starting point is 00:56:06 and other medications in her system at the time of death. So she wanted to go to sleep. She didn't want to be here anymore. She felt like she gave her gift to the world, and then there was a hole in her septum, so she knew she couldn't have her gift anymore. So then you just went away. So then you just want to go to sleep, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:56:20 And you can't blame somebody for that. Yeah, and I love how they like to throw marijuana and blame marijuana. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. It had nothing to do with Whitney's demise. Yeah, it had nothing to do with it. Yeah. And you can't blame somebody for that. Yeah. And I love how they like to throw marijuana and like that blame marijuana. Marijuana is not a gateway drug. It had nothing to do with Whitney's demise. Yeah. Nothing to do with it. She died in Beverly Hills, California at the Beverly Hills Hotel. I mean, if you're going to die in a bathtub, you want to die in a first rate bathtub.
Starting point is 00:56:37 I mean, dying in the Beverly Hills Hotel bathtub beats the shit out of dying in a Ramada Inn bathtub in Uniontown,sylvania which is how i'm gonna die which is how you're gonna die doing a soul joel gig doing a soul joel gig yeah so it's just yeah soul joel uh go check his out he's got a comedy festival going on in uh in the park it's b-y-o-b and also b-y-o-c bring your own chairs yeah he's also and because there's no other comedy soul joel is crushing the bookings. He just booked Jim Brewer. I mean, a bunch of great comics are doing it. Shout out Soul Joel.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I'm so proud and happy for him. His comedy club is right there. Go check out his comedy club, Royersford, PA. Royersford, PA. 14 years in the making. He works so hard. Such a great guy. Love you so much, Joel Richardson.
Starting point is 00:57:24 The Kung Fu Panda is what we call Soul Joel Richardson. Or the Coog Whisperer. The Coog Whisperer, yeah. making he works so hard such a great guy i love you so much joel richardson the kung fu panda is what we call soul joel richardson or the coog uh whisperer the coog whisperer yeah he likes older women he likes older women if you're in your 80s or 90s and you want to get dicked down go to souljoelcomedy.com souljoelcomedy.com for a good comedy show and also he'll put his hand on your knee if you're over 50 it's what if you're over 50 you're gonna get put the hand on the knee but the good news for you is you're so old you won't be able to feel it.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah, Soul Joel's comedy, bring your mom, I'll fuck her. Yeah, that's what it is. And if you want to see Soul Joel do his act, then you can make sure you get there early
Starting point is 00:57:55 because for the first two minutes he'll do three jokes and then read an out and then bring up your hoes. Who there's an 85% chance will be the great James Matter. The great, great, great James Matter. Check out his podcast, The Commissioner of Comedy. Commissioner of Comedy great James Madden. The great, great, great James Madden.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Check out his podcast, The Commissioner of Comedy. Commissioner of Comedy. Yeah, so, I mean, listen, patreon.com. Because was this hard for you? Because I know Whitney is a big part of your inspiration for cocaine use. She's a big part of my inspiration for cocaine use and a big part of my inspiration for the new bathtub I'm getting. And she literally, I would say, I would say, for cocaine use and a big part of my inspiration for the new bathtub i'm getting and she and she
Starting point is 00:58:26 literally i would say i would say the the between whitney houston i would say whitney houston the 1975 and ace of base are the three bands and singers i listened to when i'm on like a road trip like when i just went to boston a couple weeks ago it was whitney houston ace of base uh the 1975 and a Russell Brand podcast. And that's how I did it. So there you have it. That's how I did it. Ace of Base, Whitney Houston in the 1975,
Starting point is 00:58:53 the Holy Trinity of... Wei Zhongzhen. Wei Zhongzhen. Clip it. It's what it is. Go check us out. We got live dates coming up. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:03 We got just all these live dates. Just go to our websites. HistoryAenas.com, ChristieComedy. Oh, yeah. We got just all these live dates. Just go to our websites. HistoryAinas.com, ChristyComedy.com, GiannisPapasComedy.com. And we got the patron names. And I have V's phone open. I'm going to see what she's saying to her.
Starting point is 00:59:13 But hey, yeah. Yeah, see what's going on. I'm kidding. And I just want to say rest in peace to the great Whitney Houston. It was a big tragedy. We made a lot of jokes in this episode. We're just having fun.
Starting point is 00:59:22 But in all seriousness, what a loss. What a life. We love her. Love Whitney Houston. Yes, We're just having fun. But in all seriousness, what a loss. What a life. We love her. Love Whitney Houston. Yes, queen. Love Whitney Houston. Is that a disclaimer?
Starting point is 00:59:30 Disclaimer for the comedy. The best. Love Whitney Houston. Okay, here we go. Here are the newest members of the matriarchy. Patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys. These are the people. They're here.
Starting point is 00:59:39 They're fierce. We love them. Here we go. So we got Purple Axe Handle Gorilla Cock. Thank you. Welcome to the matriarchy. Then we got Mark Axe Handle Gorilla Cock. Thank you. Welcome to the matriarchy. Then we got Mark Beattie. We got Tara Dactyl.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Then we got Sean Sniffing Yanni's Seat Up Ladder 14 to put out the fire on Chrissy's Meat, Terry. It's a good attempt. There we go. We got Fully Fumed Francesca. Fully Fumed Francesca is a Drexler. That's a goodie. Then we got Paige Straight to the Back Come See see you in a different way. Diaz.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Okay. Michael. Megan Rose. Martin. Sarah Rupnik. Tristan Kiowa. Then we got a limp dick sneeze.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Then we got Davis B. It burns when I pee. Call me Chrissy D. Then we got Sean King's very light skinned father. On the list.
Starting point is 01:00:22 On the list. Waiting for a creative one and it came. Then we got Kyle Gerber. Then we got Schultzy Waltzy's Fragrant Toot with Tika Masala
Starting point is 01:00:30 Weishan Chien. Okay. Okie doke. Then I got I Like My Ass and Yoga Pants but Make No Mistake I'm Straight.
Starting point is 01:00:37 On the list. Then we got El Chupacaca. On the list. Okay. Then we got Hilton Hardwick Fully Charged Fumed Up Fourth Avenue FF and I May Have To Come See You in a Different Way. Okay. Then we got Hilton Hardwick, fully charged, fumed up, 4th Avenue, FF,
Starting point is 01:00:47 and I may have to come see you in a different way. Okay. Drexler. Then we got N-U-G-L-R-D. I don't know. Then we got Eric, the cum dumpster, cutie, tickles, stick your booty, eating a ya-ya cookie, blasting all over the wall, Trump 2020. You know, sometimes if you take just a piece of it and go for it,
Starting point is 01:01:06 the cum dunkster and Yaya's cookies, if you somehow created that, good attempt, though. Then we got Albert, roses are red, I'm an FF, so I like it, same, same. Father Bill gave me the drip and not a confirmation chain. Woods. Guy's a Catholic because he knows of the confirmation chain, and it's just for the self-awareness you're getting a Drexler. Jonathan Bergen, Ronan Turner, Drew Lynch, Jason,
Starting point is 01:01:29 my Portuguese piece is for Chrissy's crease with a dab of grease. His depression will decrease. None yet. Drexler for the rhyme scheme. Then we got Billy Dean, Luke Schmidt, Nico Del Vado, George, Ross Anderson, Andrew Ciccarello. Then we got Jace hitting big mitts, practicing for Yanni's big tits, Jensen. On the list.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Then we got Patrick O'Haya, Joshua Gwynn, Ashley Perrin, Phil Bear, Danny Dick Fumes, Ed, Pamela Laurie, Maddie, Dylan Kingsford, William. Then we got Kamala, Antifa Fumes hit just right, but make no mistake, Sleepy Joe's got the stank Harris. Good try. Then we got Steven the Aryan Barbarian Schultz. Then we got Bob Fumarli. On the list, front runner. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yeah, there we go. That's what we're talking about here. This has been pretty much a quiet list until we got here. Bob Fumarli. Bob Fumarly. Bob Fumarly woke up the boys. Yeah. Then we got Daniel Portillo. Then we got the two Roman councils couldn't make it to Chrissy's two huge tonsils.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Okay. Then we got Stephen Thomas stamps. Then we got Jake DeJani wearing potato monkey that'll come see Chrissy's uvula in a different way. So we got a lot of different ways now, which is good. That's nice. You guys are catching on to that. Go check out the Mafia was wild episode. If you haven't already.
Starting point is 01:02:49 Then we got Smalls live, Maurice Carter, Kevin class. Then we got Brian Vangelin. Then we got 1942. Ain't true. Yeah. We can't do that.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yeah, we can't. That's sorry. It's just too. Yeah. Can't read it. Yeah, we can't. That's just can't read it. Sorry, it's just too, yeah, can't read it. Yeah. So then we got Colleen, make no mistake, I got cracked open and screwed in by an Ashkenazi Pease Cohen. Then we got Steakhouse Manager, Alanis Bindels. Then we got Bobby, half sauce monkey, half potato monkey,
Starting point is 01:03:19 but make no mistake, fully charged and fully erect McGivern. Then we got Christine. Then we got Tom, a then we got tom aka not an ff but i'll let yanni and chrissy castrate me when the patron hits 20k elegabullis 2020 drexler drexler yeah then we got danny the chicago garbage man still no fumes torres appreciate your we preach you appreciate your patronage but the winner and that's the list the winner i think it's not even debatable is of course bob fumarly bob fumarly But the winner, and that's the list, the winner, I think it's not even debatable, is of course Bob Fumali. Bob Fumali is the winner. Guys,
Starting point is 01:03:48 go to historyhyenas.com slash merch to our merch page. We got all types of new merch up. The one I'm excited about is we finally got Woke and Dope up there. Yes. So if you're Woke and Dope, go get yourself a shirt, a mug. We got a new one, Yanni Long Days.
Starting point is 01:04:04 We got Baby Gorgeous, the Hot Cellar Ladder 14. Reality is a Suggestions, another new one that's flying fucking off the shelves. And, of course, we got Wep on the Morning Mugs, shirts, stickers. And, of course, we got Smithtown Water. Water. Yeah, the woke and dope. Go get those t-shirts. And, yeah, that's it.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Do we have to do any fucking ad reads? Fuck. Also, Weishang Sheehan shirts. Hot Cellar. Yeah. and yeah that's it do we have to do any fucking ad reads fuck also Wei Shang she insures hot seller yeah we really hope you enjoyed that episode
Starting point is 01:04:30 whatever it was about this is just a stock thing that we're taping on temporary episode so go make sure you rate review us
Starting point is 01:04:38 subscribe turn on your notifications get jiggy with it and go to patreon.com slash bay ridge boys where things get really wild.

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