History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - Wepa in the Morning 6/4!

Episode Date: June 4, 2020

Welcome to this weeks Wepa in the Morning, the morning news program from History Hyenas Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas! This episode was recorded June 4th! Or 3rd! We don't remember, we're so WILD ...and F&B!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? Buenos noches! Good morning, buenos tardes! Chrissy, can you hear me? Oh, yes. Yes, we just got unmuted because we're a little rusty. Yeah, I said welcome back to Wepa in the Morning, your favorite morning show with fumes.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Good morning, everybody. Good morning. This is the Fumade Morning Show. Now, we haven't gotten together since Friday. What's changed in America? Has anything changed? The thing about the quarantine that I hate is every day seems the same. It's just the same old, same old. You know, one day flows
Starting point is 00:00:52 into the next. It's like being in LA. The weather never changes. You don't know what day it is. The news is the same. Corona, corona, corona. Has anything different happened? Yeah, some different things have happened. I mean, becauseica is on fire right now it's flaming it's pride month i mean bubba babies let me tell you something i mean the what's been happening in our country the last few days it's like i it what is this worse than corona what do we think here i don't know cuz i mean right now we're just living in a bunch of sophie's choices i mean black lives do matter we all support that we watched a brutal police uh murder on on on uh face on facebook live like they always happen now it was um it's very disturbing and black
Starting point is 00:01:38 lives do matter but guess whose lives don't matter right now because of the protests old people we're gonna kill some fucking old people right now yeah corona has been named the number one cause of death in the country it's mostly old people as we know but guess what fucking those same people who were saying that the right to work people were murderers and horrible are the people who are outside doing the same exact thing right now cuz is corona real i'm asking you because you're a doctor because the ridgewood times has now declared corona is not real i mean honestly let's just be honest let's just be honest of course of course what happened to george floyd is horrible and all those officers including the three that are still out should all
Starting point is 00:02:20 go to jail for a very long time for life even even. Definitely. So that's real. But that, along with what the media does with the protesting, and as you saw weeks before the corona, I mean, baby, if you don't think the media has a direct implication on your life and absolutely dictates your mood for the day. You've got another thing coming. If you, you have to see how powerful the media is right now. It is on display. Like you cannot believe at first they made everyone stay inside. And then on the snap of a finger, they made everybody go outside in, in, in the span of 24 hours. So you, we got to wake up to it, baby. It's time. We got to fucking wake up. We got to, it's really, the media has become, it's become content. That's the problem. And I work for a media company, a fusion.
Starting point is 00:03:10 And I can tell you the two have fused and it's an unhealthy fusion, pun intended, because they view themselves as content creators, no different than me and Chris. The difference is we're a couple of fucking Franks and Beans comedians who lie and reality is a suggestion and that's our job. The media is supposed to be telling the boring truth. The problem with the boring truth is it's boring and it doesn't get clicks and advertisers don't give money to things that don't get clicks.
Starting point is 00:03:37 So right now, everyone's living in an illusion where facts don't matter and truth is up for grabs. And they're just fucking swaying us one way or the other so they can make their ad dollars. Bubbas, we're living in a nightmare. In a nightmare, yeah, because they always say in the media, what's the story? Oh, it's not good for the story. It shouldn't be a story.
Starting point is 00:03:55 It should just be the facts, baby. It should just be the facts. And the facts are, of course, George Floyd was brutally murdered in broad daylight, and the cops should be in jail, and there should even be no protesting because the cops should have just went to jail immediately because why is that even a thing that, why, why, I don't even understand what the debate is. It's like, yeah, put the guys in jail. But, you know, the media stories spin this. They want to show
Starting point is 00:04:17 certain angles of everything and cause a lot of fucking chaos. And now look, they have weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks of more stories and then have Corona and they'll just keep making more money while the rest of us sit here and suffer and our house is burned down. So, I mean, what can you do, baby? I'm just so happy it's Pride Month. So let's let the gay out on three. One, two, three.
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yeah. Yes. There we go. Yeah, I'm ready for the day. It's like brushing my teeth at this point yeah just get it out well listen here's the here's you know obviously we you know we're wet by in the morning we got the news stories of the day we want to get you over the hump today in a good way so um floyd mayweather um is reportedly and this is a good thing offering
Starting point is 00:05:01 to pay for the funeral expenses of george floyd family. So that's very nice that he's paying for that. But Giannis, he's paying for the funeral, but we also know what else is true. Yeah, I mean, this is very nice that Floyd Mayweather is offering to pay the funeral expenses for George Floyd. He's going to take a little bit of that, those stacks of cash that he brings to Vegas and he puts on Instagram to do something good with. But there's also one other funeral he's probably paid the expenses for. And that is he killed his baby's mama. Baby's mama. Yeah. So he killed her and, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Because, you know, not all heroes wear capes. If there's a time to kill your baby's mama or your husband, this is the time to do it because you're undercover. The media's focusing on other things, babe, because also guess who else got away with murder? Give her credit. Give her credit. Work it, girl.
Starting point is 00:05:51 She's not a work it girl, but work it, girl. Carole Baskin definitely forged that will, and she killed her husband. I mean, what else happened to him, guys? Yeah, I mean, yeah, the kid got fed by lions. I'm just going to call Carole Baskin Floyd Mayweather from now on because they're the one and the same. They're both killing their baby mamas and baby fathers. Yeah, I mean, they both did it, I think, to probably keep a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Carol Baskin to earn money. Floyd Mayweather not to lose money. I mean, because here it is. The sheriff confirms that Carol Baskin's dead husband's signature was forged. I mean, of course she killed him because what else happened to him? Where'd he go? Where'd he go? Where did Kevin Blaine's dollars go?
Starting point is 00:06:31 I mean, you know, the kid is murdered, Carol Baskin. I think, don't you think at a certain point, if you get away with it and you do it so well that there's no evidence, you should kind of just say, you know what, we're not even going to investigate this. Hats off to you. You did a good job. Yeah, you won., we're not even going to investigate this. Hats off to you. You did a good job. Yeah, you won. You conned the system, and now you won.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So, yeah, and this sheriff right here, he's saying that he – the sheriff of Tampa is saying that he knows what's forged. And, I mean, this sheriff's a cute kid. I mean, because this sheriff looks like an after picture of Mike Suarez. Mike Suarez is the before, this kid's the after. If Mike Suarez got a tan and decided to go on a diet and and get himself a real job instead of doing this with a couple of franks and beans kids and he this is exactly what he would look like he'd also have to spray he'd have to spray his hair on though yeah cuz mike just know when you
Starting point is 00:07:16 get back to new york which i started coming back in a couple weeks i may tickle you to death i mean i'm gonna tickle you till i kill myself because I miss you. Because, I mean, there's been three dominant news stories this quarantine. One was Corona. Then the Tiger King came on strong. And now it's fucking Black Lives Matter, babe. We are in the third stage of the three-fuck-course meal of Corona news. Yeah, I mean, it's about to be a civil war. And by the way, for any of our fans out there, because I don't think I'll –
Starting point is 00:07:44 because I see some – because the hashtags leads to some trouble between all lives matter blue lives matter black lives matter if for anybody who doesn't understand i let me just try to break it down in chrissy simps terms okay it's just listen it's it's implied when when black lives matter of course all lives matter and blue lives matter of course they've always mattered it's just black people are being are saying they're we're being killed disproportionately in relation to other races so that's all black lives matter saying when when somebody says black lives matter they're not saying whites don't matter or asians don't matter cops don't matter of course they all matter but we're just saying hey just for this moment black lives matter in order for all lives
Starting point is 00:08:24 to matter black lives need to matter so that's that's what they're saying. Oh, yeah, that's what they're saying. Yeah, black people have had just a long history of systemic racism. And the law enforcement has been the tool that has always oppressed black people. And it's got, here's the thing, you know, black lives matter. Just fucking say it. Okay. Just fucking enjoy it. And enjoy your solidarity with black people. But also, you know, don't forget the positives, you know, things have gotten a lot better. They will continue to get better. Don't lose hope. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. I mean, don't,
Starting point is 00:08:57 don't fucking lose it. Don't worry about that. Don't don't. There's a lot of good cops out there. Don't forget all the good cops too. Sorry. And the weather girl pointed out, as she's making autos compoya for breakfast the weather girl pointed out that i said in this moment because we live in a world where every oh just this moment is what i said where every single thing of course of course i'm you know just trying to make a statement saying i'm united with everyone but i because i said one thing wrong it will be harped on if god forbid, and the weather goes over here. So of course, I didn't mean just this moment.
Starting point is 00:09:29 I meant for all time, black lives should always matter. And of course, I meant that. But because I said one wrong word, I mean, it could just, who knows what Anderson Cooper wants to fucking do with this clip. Yeah, I mean, people just want to crucify people. And, you know, look, there's a lot of uncomfortable truths and facts when you look into issues. And the media doesn't do that.
Starting point is 00:09:50 The media doesn't give you the full story. It's not interested in giving you the truth. And this is just true. That's what the media does. It's not a conspiracy. And the problem with that is if you don't face the truth, including the uncomfortable ones, you'll never get a solution. That is, if you don't face the truth, including the uncomfortable ones, you'll never get a solution. So as long as we're caught up in this emotional bullshit, emotional fervor, when people are emotional, they're not looking at the facts.
Starting point is 00:10:14 If you're not looking at all the facts and using reason, you'll never get a solution. So fucking scream at each other all you want. As long as you're screaming and not looking at the data, not also looking at other factors, not also looking at history all together in one they'll never be a solution so just expect more chaos but we will be here because we're the hyenas and we thrive on chaos and we thrive on chaos yeah i mean you know anderson cooper don lemon fucking tucker carlson anybody joe scarborough any they're all doing the show with their pants off i don't care what any of them have to say get say hello, welcome to my show, and then give the microphone to scientists that can talk to me about the coronavirus
Starting point is 00:10:50 and climate change and activists and people of the community that can talk to me about how we heal racism. I don't give a fuck what you stupid idiots have to say from whatever news network you work for. You're just dumb fuckers, okay? You should be on Zoom with me and Giannis. I don't know why you have high-quality equipment.
Starting point is 00:11:11 You should have a Logitech and a computer mic. Yeah, I mean, you've really lost a lot of credibility with the way you swing and how your headlines are so emotional. And here's a little message to the fucking cops. If a kid says he didn't, just fucking stop killing black people, please. Just fucking stop. Just fucking stop killing black people please just fucking stop just fucking stop guy you know if a guy's fucking handcuffed he's on the ground and you and you don't follow protocol you should just be charged with with murder like anyone else and that's the real problem is the blue line of silence got everyone's got to be subject to the rule of law and that's what it is and that's the best we can do because you can't change people's hearts so like chrissy said yeah people are going
Starting point is 00:11:49 to be racist that's fine but if you're racist that's your business to be ignorant and stupid your life's going to be worse but you can't we the law has to be enforced equally across the board and that is not unreasonable for black people to ask for well why can't we just why can't why don't all cops have to have have to have guns why can't we just, why can't, why don't all cops have to have, have to have guns? Why can't we give them rubber bullets or tranquilizer darts? What about fucking try? What about, so this way we don't kill people, but if they're, you know, if there's, if there's disturbances, if people go crazy, they just get knocked out for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:12:15 Why do we got to take people's lives? Because the problem is everybody else has got AR-15s and handguns. So then the cops are showing up to a gunfight with knives and going, okay. The weather girl looked at me again. What happened now? They still have needs? Knees?
Starting point is 00:12:32 Oh, knees, meaning you can still get knees. But that's what I'm saying. At least something. I don't want to kill people is what I'm saying. Go check out. If you're looking for a fitness instructor, go follow. What's your Instagram? $5 a class and the spin bike.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Yeah, I mean, this is your only morning show where the weather can happen at any moment. I mean, we get weather updates updates we don't go to the weather the weather comes to us on web on the morning the weather comes to us so it doesn't matter so whatever whatever you guys think whatever you guys think uh the weather is going to be in your town you may see sunny you may see cloudy understand on this show the weather is always wepa that's always the weather it's just wepa now uh sweden has come out and their top epitopologist i'm too stupid to remember how to say epidemiologist epidemiologist um yeah you don't look like a guy who knows how to pronounce
Starting point is 00:13:38 that either i'm you know the irony is i look like a guy who can pronounce that. You look like a guy who can't, but you can. Sweden's ophthalmologist has said that, yes, perhaps in retrospect, they should have went into lockdown because a lot of old people die. They have the highest per capita rate or whatever. A lot of people are dying. But also Norway said that maybe they shouldn't have gone into lockdown, even though Norway's only got like 200 deaths and Sweden's got like 4,000. Here's the thing. Sweden let people die. You know, Corona's real. You know, it kills old people almost exclusively and people with underlying conditions. And, you know, Sweden is going, yes, you know, we did let a lot of people die. Maybe we shouldn't have. What are you going to do? Also, the herd immunity rate seems a little lower who knows what's going to happen you know you can't judge people too harshly because it's a new thing it was all flawed
Starting point is 00:14:29 but uh sweden you know what can you do you did what you did and let's just be honest you did what you did because you're scandinavian kids and you guys can just handle grandpa pop dying a little better yeah italian kids are gonna go grandma who's gonna make the sauce yeah that's the good thing about having shit food in your country is you know nobody because italian the food is so good you need the grandparents to stay alive because you want to keep eating but them i mean they don't care the food sucks in that country they don't care what we just fucking won two in a really good joke i mean that is fucking funny what you just said that's that could be the truth where they're just going like, look, we're not as emotionally attached to our grandparents because their fucking food sucks. Yeah, their food sucks. So we just let them die.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And yeah, I mean, because, but let me, let's, I mean, let's just be honest, right? I mean, the second wave, right? Everyone's talking about the second wave. I mean, if we don't see the second wave almost immediately in two to three weeks, especially in places like New York City, I mean, did it ever really exist? You can't tell me that 60, 70,000 people, 80,000 people being out on the streets with fucking masks on, but you know, they're yelling and getting thrown around and all that the virus is being passed. If you don't see a spike, I mean, baby, what then? If you don't see a spike, you got to open things up immediately. And yeah, in retrospect, I don't know if you can just close down an entire
Starting point is 00:15:45 country and put 50 million people out of work and not expect there's going to be riots i mean it almost seems like the logical conclusion after all these things but here's the thing bubba i'm lost my mind so much that i'm like a fucking california surfer when that second wave's coming i'm i want to catch it i mean i am bug chasing at this point you're bugging yeah because it's so funny that because i'm gonna last you know i want you to spit right in my mouth absolutely yeah it's it's crazy because it's the roles have changed now you're the bug chaser it's wild it's so what that's what's wild about this show is we become each other every four or five months and then because the you know that this show will be complete when we both finally become venetia
Starting point is 00:16:24 that's the main goal it's just become the woman that we want to be complete when we both finally become Venetia. That's the main goal. It's to just become the woman that we want to be. And that's why we have Venetia around. Because we're trying to mold ourselves into the perfect woman. And we're looking at you, Venetia, girl. Yeah, girl. And here's the deal. You can't get mad at us.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Nobody can get mad at us for anything we say. Because we are two black kids. I'm a black kid. That's who I am. I am black. If Sean King can pull it off so can i i mean whatever you want to say i identify as black i fucking am black so you're talking to a black kid and then tomorrow i may be a taiwanese trans uh kickboxer that's just what i want to be you know what tomorrow i might be the fucking president of china i want to be president z tomorrow it's what it is um okay so let's go to um oh let let's actually get to our worker girl this is a really good worker girl ella jones is elected the first black mayor of
Starting point is 00:17:15 ferguson oh work you can go ahead i'm dancing just go ahead i'm dancing work a girl coming up yeah work pull up the story, Mike. We got a little bit of a delay. There we go. There she is. Miss Jones. There she is. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:17:29 I want to watch you dance. Give me a good working. Go. Go. Just give me one cycle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Yeah. Yeah. Because you're fucking hot stuff. Yeah. So Miss Ella Jones, first black mayor of Ferguson, the Missouri City, which erupted in protest in 2015 when Michael Brown, a black teenager, was killed by a white police officer. It was one of the first, it was like kind of the first one that people remember really these big riots that happened, white officer killing a black child. And so now they have their first black mayor. So that's worker girl, that's tanks It Girl. That's Tank's Good News.
Starting point is 00:18:05 That's everything. Yeah, here it is. A very, very good news. Congratulations, Work It Girl, Ella Jones. I mean, you are the first black mayor of Ferguson. It's a nice thing to see. And of course, I agree with all these activists that say, hey man, vote.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Go to your local level, vote for change. If you feel like your police department is doing things wrong, vote these people out. Vote new people in. Congratulations to Ferguson. I think she's going to do a great job. I support her. And you know what? We're going to be following her.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And good luck, girl. Work, work, work. Work. Good for you, baby. It's going to be nice. And then we got our, oh, because I like this little Franks and Beans story you found. We got a Franks and Beans Florida that's not out of Florida. But I mean, some of the, because here's the truth, is the protests, there's protesters
Starting point is 00:18:53 and then there's rioters. The protesters trying to have their voice heard, peaceful, trying to push the movement forward. And then the rioters are just stupid. So it's nice when the rioters gets it just thrown right back in their dick. I like this story a lot. Yeah. Let's take a peek.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Here we go. So we got a guy with his socks on. He's got long shorts and socks pulled up. I don't know if he's a Chicano or he's diabetic. And then we have a white protester who doesn't want there to be looting so i i commend this guy so let's go to the tape sometimes people do the right thing and they put the Molotov cocktail right back in his car. And unfortunately that was really funny. Cause I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:52 When you see a kid with high socks, he's either a cholo or he's diabetic. It's one of the two. It's one of the two. What are those called? Compression socks. Those are called compression socks. And yeah. Cause the good news for him is if he is diabetic, the Molotov cocktail blew up his feet, but he was going to lose those anyway. Those are called compression socks. And yeah, because the good news for him is if he is diabetic, the Molotov cocktail blew up his feet, but he was going to lose those anyway. So what can you do?
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yeah, and here's another angle of it. I mean, so wait, just so I have this correct. He was trying to cause chaos. The man was placed some type of firework, and then a protester who didn't want that threw it back in his car. That's good. Keep going. Oh, shit! That's what it is. Oh, shit!
Starting point is 00:20:34 It's what it is. It's what happens, stupid. You want to loot, you want to riot and mess up these peaceful protests? That's what happens. Yeah, it's, you know, there is a lot of peaceful protesters out there. There's a mostly peaceful protest and then you got these fucking looters who are ruining it for everybody
Starting point is 00:20:49 causing millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars of damage in a country that's already uh under a huge recession i mean these insurance companies are not going to be able to pay for everything yeah and i'll tell you that i'll tell you who these protest who who the uh rioters and looters are not the protesters protesters good people trying to have their voice heard but the rioters and the looters were paid they're most likely antifa they were paid by someone i don't know if it's gangs i don't know if it's george soros i don't know if it's cartels i have no idea but officer terrence monaghan the top uniformed cop in new york city he had something to say and he just told the fucking truth and
Starting point is 00:21:24 cuz this if you're from whatever part of the world you're from, just know exactly how Terrence Monaghan sounds. This is how people from Ridgewood sound. I mean, if you close your eyes, is this Debo or is this Terrence Monaghan? We don't know. Click it. That's the first moment that we get this together, that us and everything that these cops have given their blood for, and the communities that we serve and they all love, can go back together and get those groups out of here, from California, from all over this country, who are being paid to take this movement, which is a good movement, and turn it into violence against the many women who love the communities.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yeah. You don't want to fucking be here. Here's the thing. He has that accent where he's going like, my mother's a cop, my father was a cop, my grandfather was a cop, my fucking dog is a cop, my fucking aunt's a cop, my fucking hamster's a cop. I don't want to be here. I just want to be watching fucking Jack's. Bring back football.
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah, bring back football. Give me a bagel. Give me a pizza. I just want to be watching the fucking Jets. Bring back football. Yeah, bring back football. Give me a bagel. Give me a pizza. I mean, guy, let's go. Yeah, I mean, that kid, I like, it's funny to see people snap. I mean, to make no mistake, Monahan snapped, and he just bought into a conspiracy theory.
Starting point is 00:22:38 He just said, yeah. He was just like, I know it's you, George Soros. I know it's you with the protesters. He's the top uniformed cop. I mean, cuz, I'd like to see Terrence Monaghan just punch Bill de Blasio right in his face. Yeah, I mean, Bill de Blasio doesn't have a lot of fans right now. Monaghan, he comes, there's no
Starting point is 00:22:54 way that guy in his line has one person that wasn't a cop. The first Monaghan that came onto this land probably came in like 1860 or 1861. He stepped off the boat and he put on a blue uniform. That's what it is. That's one of those guys like he's, I guarantee you,
Starting point is 00:23:09 he's just a cop right now. But throughout the course of life, he's been a cop. He's been a fireman. He's been a garbage man. He's been a CEO. He's been everything. He's worked for every department. That kid's a city worker.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah, because that would have been you because you're a little smart, you know, but you became a doctor. If you weren't in full FF, that could have been you, cuz you're a little smart, you know, but you became a doctor. If you weren't in full FF, that could have been you. Cuz, how is it possible that the amount of Fage yogurts that we eat and the level of FF we are and how we're only worth $3 bills between the two of us, how are we not born in June during Pride Month? I mean, how are we not June babies? Yeah, I mean, I don't know. Cuz, I mean, what's going to happen with the Pride protests?
Starting point is 00:23:47 Are they just waiting on the sidelines going, Black Lives Matter, we're with you, we're with you, but we need to fucking dance in the middle of June. So let's go. I want to get in the thong. I want to get my wings on. Because I guess they canceled the Pride parade. I mean, if they have to have canceled it, no? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Yeah, I mean, it's an interesting thing. There's a lot of parades planned for June. I mean, cuz, people are hitting the streets during the global pandemic. We live in wild times. Yeah, well, I'll tell you what, baby. The Pride Parade may be canceled in the city, but it is not canceled in Bay Ridge, honey. We're still going to do it.
Starting point is 00:24:22 There you go. Cuz, finally, google's facing a five billion dollar lawsuit in the u.s for tracking private internet users so what what that means is people who hid their ipos people who went on incognito mode google's like nah babe we're still following you cuz make no mistake google treats us all like we're black teenagers in a department store and it just follows us wherever we go they said they're hurry up and buy yeah that's what they're saying it's not cool and uh god i wish i knew about this fucking lawsuit because i want a piece of this five bill this five billion dollar lawsuit where basically at google was looking at its private
Starting point is 00:24:59 citizens uh internet histories and browsers and all that so all I got to say is Mike Suarez, lawyer up I mean, yeah The reason why they track you is they want to know your habits For the things to market to you But of course, as we know in the past They've been using that information to give to the government For anti-terror stuff So this stuff is really touchy Because if they
Starting point is 00:25:22 Can you just come to the studio on Monday? I mean, I can't do this over the computer anymore. Yeah, I mean, the weather, we gotta get you into a little bit safer. We need you, you need a little less turbulence and you wanna, we need the skies to calm down a little bit right now, right? I mean, can you just come?
Starting point is 00:25:39 Can you just come, you fucking FF? I mean, nobody's gonna, it's pay rich. I mean, even if the protesters are here, I mean, they're all sitting on their lawns with shotguns. Cuz, you're driving a Tesla through. Just press the button and come. Yeah, cuz, the problem's not in Bay Ridge. It's the problem's getting to Bay Ridge.
Starting point is 00:25:54 As soon as these streets open up, I'm coming in. Cuz, we're looking at next week. We're looking at next week, Hope. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we'll get homeless in here with his stinky ass. Where's Debo? Is Debo here, Venetia? What happened to the squeak?
Starting point is 00:26:09 In two minutes, he'll be on. Oh, two minutes. Okay, thanks, girl. Absolutely. By the way, Venetia, I haven't asked at all in this half an hour, how are you feeling emotionally with everything? What's going on? Please tell us, like, what do you feel?
Starting point is 00:26:23 Well, this is definitely a hard time. And I think it's now important for us to be a little bit more socially aware about what's going on, educate ourselves and, you know, talk with our friends and, you know, give back. Right. And be safe. Don't be dumb. So let's just say it here. Let's just say it here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And correct me if I'm wrong, Benetia. We want you to be socially distant, yet socially aware. Yeah. Very good. Yes, exactly. Perfect. That's what we want. It's great.
Starting point is 00:26:55 Everyone has become their own PR rep. It's hilarious. Yeah, it's hilarious. Everyone's measuring every word that comes out of their mouth as if they've hired themselves to be their own PR. Yeah, because it's just, yeah, we're out of place now. You know what I do have to say, which I've noticed, and obviously I'm not saying woe is me. There's a fucking, you know, I get it.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I get it. But even in Bay Ridge, like I get the pain that the black community is going through. I really do. But it's like I've noticed for the first time ever in my life even when i was jogging this morning you know there was a black couple jogging and i just waved and said hello and they didn't they just kind of like i i sense like are they they could have just been mad at each other but i was like are they mad at me because i'm white and they is there is there like a real big big big big big problem right now we're like blacks just are going to look at whites and say i don't trust you at all stay away from me because i i we want to i want to fix that so i don't know
Starting point is 00:27:49 what to do do i go up and hug and kiss black people on the lips and just say hey we love everybody what am i supposed to do i mean that well that's the problem that's why you like i said before you know you want to measure everything look at all the facts things were getting a lot better um new york there hadn't been an incident in a while i mean you know so um it's a very diverse police force and i think throwing the baby out with the bath water if that happens that's bad so i hope this is just a a short-term emotional response and then everyone gets back to seeing the positive that hey you know what this is a horrible thing yeah we're all we're all united on it which is good yeah it's horrible we all want it to stop
Starting point is 00:28:25 but also let's also focus on all the positive all the progress we've made and how much we love each other and cuz let's it's just let's just make the world a big benetton ad don't listen to we do it best nobody brings people together better than us because we present to you fucking pilots from jet blue present to, the squeak of the week. Every fucking week, you can depend on James Debo to be right here. Cuzzy, how are ya? I'm doing good, man. What's up, bro?
Starting point is 00:28:53 Yeah, is things frozen or was any? Yeah, his picture was me. He's throwing some ice cream. I really appreciate that, Debo. I know how to use this thing now. Cuz, let me ask you a question. It's been a wild week. So, I mean, first of all, how have you been? You've been all right? How's Jeff Lupin? How's
Starting point is 00:29:09 the airport been? Hey, we're boarding up the windows and the planes. That's what it is, right? You got to board them up. No, I'm kidding. Yeah. Now, let me ask you this. Do you, since everything's been going on, have you seen the guys? Have you seen Paddy Fly Balls and all these guys or not? i've been seeing them i seen you last week oh that's right we saw i forgot i saw debo last week this guy's amazing yeah yeah i mean he's he's there but he's not there he's not a fully he's not friendly with his president although he claims to be he was there and he was there and the baby was washing the car in the square and he's just standing there watching her. Unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I think the best way to describe you, Chris, is you're there but you're not there. His body's there. He's not even here right now. No. I'm always somewhere else. I'm always paying attention but not paying attention. But what can we do?
Starting point is 00:30:01 Let me ask you a question, Deebo. You know how some people like Charlize Theron, she got discovered in a bank some some manager saw her in Hollywood and said you're so beautiful I gotta make you a star has anyone ever had a conversation with you in a star and heard your accent and said babe you got what it takes I gotta make you a New York City cop not yet just just now oh you did I mean if that voice was a star, I mean, I would hand it a baton and give you a riot helmet. I mean, you sound like a fucking cop. Just
Starting point is 00:30:31 pure queen's filth, right? Yeah. This is what we're in right now. This is where I'm living right now. New York City Jams. Yeah, you want to fucking break out. I mean, this fucking coronavirus isn't real. Are you the only guy to work up from... You started in this sort of the mailroom of jail blitz. You started as a baggage handler. Now you're a fucking pilot with 10 years flying experience,
Starting point is 00:30:52 and the girls need to know that. Are you one of the only guys in JetBlue that worked – started at the bottom, and now you're here? I skipped the whole process. I didn't even need my 1,000 hours. Right to an hour. Fucking love it. They figured all my flying around was enough
Starting point is 00:31:05 now cuz now you obviously you're you know you're you're you're you're you're a team squeak you know you're the fucking residents week of the week um who did you pick this week i know it's been a weird week we haven't seen you since friday who do you got now let's just go with de blasio because his face is all over the screen that's what it is fucking if there's one thing that's uniting people more than like hey you know let's just be kind to each other it's hate for de blasio we may be able to get peace just because everyone hates fucking de blasio the kid's tall but he's a squeak he's a squeak he's just a bunch of little squeaks standing on top of his shoulders and he's just making a giant squeak i saw that squeak getting on a plane once i should have just took him out when i had a chance i I was two feet away from him.
Starting point is 00:31:45 You should have. Damn it, Debo. This is how much people hate de Blasio, that our resident fucking squeak, the king squeak of Ridgewood, just broke his own fucking rules and called a really tall guy a squeak. That's how much people hate de Blasio. Oh, yeah. Guy's got to go.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Yeah. There it is. All right, Debo. Thank you for coming on. I'm going to go. Yeah. There it is. All right, Deebo. Thank you for coming on. I'm going to see you later, okay? Show you. Oh, what's up? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Sorry. What happened? I want my watermelon. Watermelon's a delicious breakfast. Cuz, you just coughed. I think he got the corona. I think he's got the corona. He might have the corona.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I mean, he's gone now. He might have the corona. What can you do? I mean, cuz, this is a wild weapon in the morning. He might have the corona. I mean, he's gone now. He might have the corona. What can you do? I mean, because this is a wild weapon in the morning. It was a good time. I mean, we just have a good fucking time on this show. And if you want more, if you want to see this, you know, you've got to go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Please tell your friends about all this. You know, we really like doing this show. If you want to start your Wednesdays off right, I mean, the only way to do this is with the boys, baby. That's the only way to do it is with the boys, baby. That's the only way to do it. You know, we are your morning show with Fumare, and we heard your cries, and Wepa Wednesdays is here to stay.
Starting point is 00:32:52 We should start doing a Wednesdays and Fridays, maybe. Maybe we'll just do one fucking freebie on Wednesdays, and then we'll just put Fridays behind the Patreon wall. Who knows what we're going to do? Who knows what we're going to do? It's probably going to be dictated by how fast our Patriot moves. Right now it's sputtering, and every time you guys don't speed it up, we may think about
Starting point is 00:33:10 adding another one. Yeah, so speed it up! And yeah, so and of course, obviously, anybody affected by any riding or looting or obviously emotionally affected of course by the events that have unfolded right on the community board at patreon.com slash bayridgeboys.
Starting point is 00:33:26 We're all a big family here. We want to hear from all our members, all the different races, religions, creeds we have as a fan base. Talk to us on the community board. We'll be responding and looking at it all week. So stay safe. And baby, let's get to our pseudo-penis moment, our PPM. Here we go. It's the world's first robot citizen.
Starting point is 00:33:44 She clearly has an opinion on President Trump. She's biased. In this case, her opinions are harmless, fun even. I love coming to Barcelona. I would like to sneak out and explore the Gothic Quarter. But artificial intelligence is now being used in hiring, healthcare, and the criminal justice system. If biased opinions on Trump and Spain are swapped out for race, gender, and sexuality,
Starting point is 00:34:10 does AI move from helpful to harmful? Fucking scary, cuz. Imagine a bunch of robot Democrats and Republicans. Wow. Our future is wild. Yas. Oh, our HHFOD real quick. Today in 1989, Chinese troops stormed through
Starting point is 00:34:27 Tiananmen Square in the center of Beijing, killing and arresting thousands of pro-democracy protesters. It's still happening. Hong Kong here. People are protesting. We'll see you next week. Yas! Yas! -♪ Weba! -♪ Weba in the morning.
Starting point is 00:34:47 We're back in the morning. We're back in the morning. We're back in the morning. Yes.

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