History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - WEPA in the Morning - Cold War 2020: Trump vs AOC

Episode Date: July 24, 2020

Wepa in the Morning is your favorite Spanish speaking daily news show with fumare, bed head, and a whole lot of WEEEPPAAA!! This week we give you BEST OF the week in WEPA. It covers topics like Seattl...e protests getting WILD! China entering into Cold War mode and how the space race to Mars is in full swing. AOC and Yoho go head to head. Dr. Fauci throws a pathetic pitch to open the baseball season. Chris goes to the hospital while vacationing in Lake George. A Florida women squirts at police and Martha Stewart WERKS IT!Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Chris DiStefano. Hey, it's Giannis Pappas, and you are about to listen to the highlights from this week's Wepa in the Morning. Wepa in the Morning is our daily morning show every morning, 9 a.m. Eastern, Monday through Friday. All full episodes at patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys, but here's a little taste for you. What's up, everybody?
Starting point is 00:00:19 Buenos noches. Good morning. Buenos tardes. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Wepa. Good morning, buenos tardes. What's up, everybody? Everybody, I want to tip my hat to you because you are the most screwed in kids on the planet. Starting your morning with the Freaky Greeky and the coke addict. Guys, from now on this morning and while I'm
Starting point is 00:00:51 on vacation, just call me Tito, baby because I'm just Chrissy Tito's. Guys, let me just tell you something. I feel like I am doing a morning show with somebody who committed a crime is on the run because you're having a hotel Howard Johnson's coffee in a coffee cup that you find in the bathroom of a hotel room. Cuz, make no mistake, the hotel I'm staying at is probably free because it's such a shithole.
Starting point is 00:01:17 But as long as I got Tito's and a little blow, I mean, anywhere is the Ritz, guy. I mean, anywhere is the Ritz guy. But listen, there's good things that are happening in Texas town. Just removed a fence separating historically segregated cemeteries. So that's very, very good news. But you wonder why it took so long. I mean, it's 2020, baby. to adjust your watch to 100 years into the past. I mean, you know, when you go to a different time zone, you got to adjust your wristwatch. Well, when you go to, what's the name of that town? Fuck it. When you go to Humboldt, Texas, you got to set your watch back
Starting point is 00:01:57 300 years. So, it's a little town. Oh, Mineola. Mineola, Texas. There's Mineola. Mineola, Texas and Mineola, Long Island sound very differently, but politically probably think the same. Probably pretty similar when it comes to the ballots. I didn't even recognize that you were voting for Trump because you got your glasses on again. Well, because I got to protect my eyes from the blue light.
Starting point is 00:02:19 And speaking of Trump and, you know, these fucking, you know, this FCF governor Cuomo this uh pub puts Cuomo chips and salsa on the menu in response to New York rule on food and alcohol that's up here that's in Saratoga Springs we're gonna go to that place today Cuomo's fucking they they think he is fully charged up here I'll tell you that yeah so here's the deal you gotta order you gotta they're forcing you to order foods if you get a drink uh if you buy alcohol. So, right there, the owner of a Saratoga Springs pub, that's right up there by Chrissy. You can go look at the horse races at Saratoga Springs.
Starting point is 00:02:52 In order to loophole it, they, you know, they just added a dollar Cuomo chips on there. So, you don't gotta buy a sandwich or nothing if you want a fucking beer, but you gotta get a dollar Cuomo chips. Dollar Cuomo chips, absolutely. It's fucking stupid. My dad used to take me to the horses up here,
Starting point is 00:03:08 and he would tell my mom he took me to the zoo. That's just what it is when you degenerate white trash family. This is the police station in Seattle's East Precinct, the same police station that was attacked in May when Chaz was established. So they pour some gasoline in there, and then there's, as AOC would call, these are just some desperate people who are hungry for some food. Yeah. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:03:32 So then when there's unmarked people, unmarked federal agents grabbing people off the street, which is, you know, equally, I don't want to say equally, but it's scary. I mean, it depends on your opinion. It's scary as well. It doesn't fall from the sky. It's not out of a vacuum. It's called an equal but opposite reaction.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I mean, let's take a peek. Look at this. These kids are hungry looking for bread. Let's see what they're looking for bread. That's a bread line. Yeah, and those look like a bunch of poor, hungry kids, by the way. A bunch of fucking white kids in Seattle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I'm sorry, AOC. these are what you call anarchists they're antifa they haven't accomplished anything in life they don't know what they believe they're just burning it down they're burning it down they were there before police brutality they will be there after police brutality has about 10% to do with their raison d'etre. These are fucking anarchists. That's it. Let's just let them succeed. I don't care. I think most of the American public doesn't care if we have fucking Portland or
Starting point is 00:04:35 Seattle anymore. Let them be the new Confederacy, call it the Confederacy. We don't give a shit. Ray Jong-Jan, Ray Jong-Jan. The thing I love about you cuz is you say it first and then you say we can't say it which is why the people love you cuz because you're chrissy green lights and you go first and then you get the ticket afterwards and you pay the ticket that's what i like about you
Starting point is 00:04:56 is you do you go through the red light but when the cop gives you a ticket you say i know what i did and you pay the ticket it's what it is guys as you've told me many many times nothing in this world is free you gotta pay for everything because i was about to say i didn't know that mark zuckerberg had such a high and tight ass because he's got a nice high tight ass i'd like to fucking bend him over and fuck him the ass and call him a dirty mime because he looks like he's a geisha girl because he's a he is he's a little fucking geisha girl i mean what a dweeb i mean because i like to beat him with a fucking paddle is what i'd like to do i mean marky nothing i mean i'd love a shark to just pop up and bite his foot off.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Just real quick. I mean, his haircut looks like he's a robot. He's got the haircut of a robot. It's almost like his hair was stapled onto his head. I mean, the kid looks like a doll, but, I mean, he's got a nice bod. Venetia, are we here for? Is he hot or is he brutes? It's a bit brutes. It's's brutes so he will not get an
Starting point is 00:06:08 are you greek dm that's not gonna happen no it's not no yeah all right fair enough fair enough fair enough but he's got a high and tight ass i mean look at that he's got a nice ass he doesn't have a flat ass like yadi no asses i mean the federal government's coming in the army's gonna come in yeah i mean when he talked about all those yeah, those cities are really having a big problem and spike in murders and homicides. And especially in Portland and Seattle, there's still riots and looting and problems. And those are, you can't get more of a liberal city than Portland. I don't know if people have never been to Portland. I mean, there's a black female police chief there and they're,
Starting point is 00:06:50 they're riding against the police. I mean, that's the thing. You go like, okay, Portland residents, you do know how much power the city government and local governments have. That's, that's the whole point of America is there's this checks and balances between city state and federal. I mean, you're rioting against your local government. It's the most liberal place in the country. I mean, so what do you want exactly?
Starting point is 00:07:18 Yeah, I don't know what they want, but I'll tell you who they're going to get, and I'll work my fucking magic. Well, let me just say this. I'll tell you why they're going to get and i'm telling i'll work my fucking magic well let me just say this i tell you i'll tell you why they're they're they're rioting there and they're not riding in the countryside where uh you know where the people vote the other way is because those people will light them up with firearms you light them up so they're destroying their own shit because as soon as they walk out to any place where the deer are roaming they're gonna get lit up it's just what it is because yanni is a gun owner and he is saying he will light you up if you fucking step foot into new hampshire if you ever come
Starting point is 00:07:56 into new hampshire it's a different thing see that's the thing it's easy to say hey you know there should be no guns wearing in your city of course you're in the city And everyone has a gun on the train during rush hour I mean, somebody gets into a little fight The thing's gonna end like a Quentin Tarantino movie But when you're up here in the country And the cops fucking It takes the cops four hours to find your house Bubbas, you need a little semi-automatic weapon
Starting point is 00:08:19 Just in case Just in case And I think that it's time Portland, if they're not careful, I'm going to do my fucking witchcraft, my brouhaha. I'm going to talk to the Puerto Ricans in my family. We're going to get to fucking Santaria
Starting point is 00:08:31 and we're going to wake people up from the dead and one of those people is going to be Frank Rizzo and I'm going to send him to be the mayor of Portland. And he's going to start calling people crumb bums and then it's it. Yeah, I mean, that would be a fun social experiment to just watch. If we reanimated or cloned his DNA and made him again and just send him to Portland and let those two sides have at it.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Well, hello everybody. How are you? It is your favorite peanut headed ally who's puts himself on notice. Who's just signing on. I thought I was going to be doing the show alone, but guess who just showed up? Chrissy, how are you? We can't hear him yet. Chrissy is in the room. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Here we go. Cuz, are you going to drive in and do the show? I'm driving, doing the show, and this is a special edition of Wep on the Morning. Not only am I in muscle relaxers and pain killers because I was in a hospital at 3 a.m., this is Wep in the Morning meets no nets meets a hurricane because I'm doing it live with the weather girl on Saranta in Bluetooth. She's sitting in the passenger seat. Okay, well, it's a special, special Wep on. Just know this, uh wepa just know this you know this just know this anything
Starting point is 00:09:47 you say can and will be used against you in the court of law i understand that i guess we are in a situation now where wepa in the morning is on notice alive it's on notice city md and the medical community america has a file on you the way that Herbert Hoover had a file on Martin Luther King Jr. They just watch your moves, and they coordinate, and they know that there's a chance you might come in wherever you are. So the Bay Ridge City MD called Lake George Hospital and said, you may be getting a visit at all hours of the morning from Chrissy. I'm having trouble breathing.
Starting point is 00:10:22 You look very thin because your head is, I don't know if it's the camera, but your head is a triangle again. Yeah, no, I've been gaining weight, cuz. I've been gaining weight. It's bad. I was drinking beers, eating bratwurst. It was bad because every time I breathe or talk, it hurts my chest. Well, then don't. We don't want you, yeah, I mean, you got a chest contusion, but also your face is starting to look like, do you remember when the McDonald's used to have the moon logo? You look like the moon logo for McDonald's breakfast. Yeah, it's just what I know.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah, because I can't even do my thing. It just hurts my chest. Yeah, it's like we're on a wild horse right now. America's like a wild horse with no saddle. The saddle slipped off. And we're trying to get a grip of the main because the reins are gone. And we just can't reach it. And there's a very good chance we're going to fall off and break our ribs
Starting point is 00:11:15 and end up in a hospital in Lake Georgia 2 in the morning. So that's very possible. Kanye West is leading us into that reality. The kid has canceled reality. Make no mistake, cancer culture continues because Kanye has canceled reality. He's living in a few of them at the same time. There's only one person on the planet.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I love Kanye's music, but make no mistake, when you sign up to be in the Kardashian family, things are going to get a little weird i mean bruce jenner became caitlyn jenner so and and and and what's chloe who's obviously oj simpson's daughter i mean make no mistake she looks different than the other ones and she's got oj simpson's jawline so that is oj simpson's daughter and we all know that her mom had an affair with oj simpson that's the fucking rumor and you know he got in there because her and her her her husband and and oj were fucking like that so she turned into she turned into michael jackson now she looks like michael jackson and he's dead and she used to be OJ's fucking bastard child
Starting point is 00:12:25 and her whole face has changed so if you're with the Kardashians you're going to experience a huge shift in your appearance or your perspective they eat reality for breakfast and they do it on fucking tv the king of reality tv eats reality. That's what reality TV does. It eats reality. So Kanye tweeted this. Kanye's on a fucking roller coaster and Muffin Chops loves it. He texted me early and he was like, look at fucking Kanye. So Kanye goes, Chris and Kim put out
Starting point is 00:12:56 a statement without my approval. That's not what a wife should do. White supremacy. And we know that today we're going to be tightrope walking because our episode that will be being released next week is going to be about the black conservative movement and the history of it yeah and it is a little nervous about two white guys talking about black conservatives you know who's not nervous about two white guys talking about black
Starting point is 00:13:18 conservatives who black conservatives they don't give a shit well vanity i'll have you know just to protect everyone, I will be coming in. Do it in blackface. We'll be doing it in blackface. Do it in blackface, and I will be coming in with my high-heeled shoes, because I'm ready to tiptoe. I'm ready to tiptoe around, so I have on my high heels. He'll put on his high-heeled show. Vanity, he's going to put on his heels, because
Starting point is 00:13:37 he's tiptoe Chrissy, and I will do it in blackface to be safe. Is that cool? Do we have a deal? Sounds great. Thank you, Swiss Miss. Cause Dave Franco is set to play rapper vanilla ice in an extreme biopic. I'm a little upset. I didn't get an audition to play vanilla ice. Cause I feel like that's a role I could have just shown up for.
Starting point is 00:13:58 And they'd be like, yeah, that's him. I think that is the one role. I mean, you got the same haircut. The only thing is you would have to get AIDS to be able to fill that body. Well, it could happen to Lake George. So, yeah, I mean, that's the only way it could happen. Because, I mean, the kid is he's a fucking skinny mini. And you just you're built like a fucking football player. Are you ready to work?
Starting point is 00:14:20 I am always ready to work. Are you ready to work? I'm ready to W.E-R-K. Yeah! Work it, girl. Get on your camera, Becky. Turn to the left. Becky, I want to see you move.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Turn to the right. Come on, Becky. Do your thing. Yeah. On the runway. Yeah! Turn to the left. Work it, girl.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Turn to the right. Do your thing. Yeah! On the runway. Yeah, girl. Work. You better work, girl. Yes.
Starting point is 00:14:47 Because Binky danced like there was a bunch of mosquitoes at his head and he was trying to get rid of them. The working girl is all-girl robotics team in Afghanistan, works on low-cost ventilator with car parts, specifically parts of a Toyota Corolla. I have a Toyota Corolla, so I'll give you my parts, ladies. F&B Florida. We have a nice F&B Franks and Beans Florida.
Starting point is 00:15:05 It's always nice when our Franks and Beans comes out of the state of Florida, which, you know, it's not that hard. We have a Miami stripper arrested for squirting vaginal fluids at police officers in self-defense! In self-defense, so that's why I stand by her. Because do you think this is just promotion by Marvel?
Starting point is 00:15:22 They're going to put out a new character? Yeah, called the Squirter? Yeah. She's like a superhero that can squirt at people, Do you think this is just promotion by Marvel? They're going to put out a new character? Yeah, called the Squirter? Yeah. She's like a superhero that can squirt at people like Spider-Man from her pussy? She was performing at the Camel Toe Strip Club. That's a nice name for a strip club. Yeah, come on down.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Hey, everybody, come on down to Camel Toe. Camel Toe Strip Club. We got a fucking full bar. We also got a goddamn, we got a buffet there. We got all types of vegans options if you're a vegan or a Democrat. Come on down. Also, the gun range is open. So see the strippers while you shoot guns.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Come on down. It's Derek, baby. Come on, Tallahassee. We're open, baby. Yeah. Is this... Oh, here we go. Knowing full well that she was exposing the police officers
Starting point is 00:16:00 to a number of sexually transmitted diseases and potentially HIV. I'm sure those cops didn't have their mouths open. Move Your Monkey Monday, Thirst Trap, Martha Stewart's sexy pool thirst trap is making Instagram swag. I mean, Martha Stewart, the girl is in her 70s? Wow.
Starting point is 00:16:18 I mean, wow. Who says? Construction boot, yeah. Yeah, black don't crack, but Martha Stewart don't leak. Make no mistake, that is a federal inmate. She committed a crime. I think Snoop Dogg banged her out once or twice. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:16:36 No, that's the sex tape that we all want to see, Snoop Dogg, Martha Stewart sex tape. If that comes out, then, I mean, I'll be free. I'll truly be free from the tyranny. Yeah, because when you're so loaded like that and you're a wasp like she is, that comes out then i mean that's i'll be free i'll truly be free from the tyranny yeah because when you're so loaded like that and you're a wasp like she is you're gonna i think you're gonna have some fetishes for rappers i think that's what that's how it goes babesicles here we go judge today wait a second wait a second what was that babesicles babesicles yeah i mean you just you
Starting point is 00:17:02 just spit out a hit and you were ready to move on. I thought I called you Babesicles before, haven't I said Babesicles before? I've never heard Babesicles. V, have you heard Babesicles? Yeah, I've heard you say that a lot. See, I've called you Babesicles. Calling somebody Babesicles has just moved to the front of the line. So we're gonna make a t-shirt Babesicles with our faces on ice pops? Let's get the fucking t-shirt ready now.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Babesicles is fucking it's babesicles has just clocked in she does not hey hey whipping into shape not appropriate you cannot say whipping into shape that term has been canceled did i tell you that my uh a friend of mine did i tell you that story out somebody uh one of my aunt's friends said whip into shape at at uh at the hospital they work at uh as like a term you know like to uh an employee like a new employee and they got fired did i tell you that you told us in private but why don't you tell the fans because it's a wild story of the wild story yeah i'm not gonna mention names but she worked there for 30 years the woman that i know worked in a hospital for 30 years, had an intern come in, a black intern.
Starting point is 00:18:05 And, you know, the woman I know, the very kind woman, didn't mean anything by it. Just said, the intern had asked a question and she said, oh, don't worry about that, honey. You know, after a week with me, we'll whip you into shape and you'll never have to worry about that again. And then the intern said, excuse me, whip into shape, excuse me, and complained to HR. And the woman after 30 years was fired. So it's just what it is yeah i understand that term is no good and where you know it's based but then it's like also it's like okay so cancel that what about the movie knocked up are we going to cancel knocked up because you know
Starting point is 00:18:35 what knocked up means bubba's do you know what knocked up is what knocked up is a term that comes from slavery when a a woman is pregnant a slave was pregnant with the baby her price was knocked up so it's knocked up out do we have let's cancel why is the movie knocked what is that title when are we going to protest that title because that's based in fucking horrible things too yeah i mean people just aren't adults anymore they don't understand that the meaning of words changes and things move on what is true though is what has been confirmed the great late chris poppins did uh did in the Korean War shit out a frozen turd that ripped open his asshole on the battlefield.
Starting point is 00:19:09 That is proven. My dad ripped his asshole out because at night in Korea, in the mountains there, Yanni, it gets really cold. So I had a turd. This thing, it was like a frozen steak trying to come out of my sphincter. And this was even after Privatekins tried to cornhole me one night one night in honolulu yeah so yeah i mean my dad yeah my dad tried to take a shit outdoors while it was his because they had to take turns outside my dad was an officer and he uh he took a shit outside and the shit was so cold, the shit would freeze as it came out and he
Starting point is 00:19:46 tore his asshole. Taking a shit while your asshole heals in Korea, he told me, by the way, if you're wondering, not fun. He said it was not fun. He said not good. Yeah, he said it's not good. All right, Bubba.
Starting point is 00:20:00 I just want to say this. I told him, Dad, that sounds rough, but guess what happened at the hospital the other day? There was a woman that told an intern that don't worry after a week, we're going to whip you into shape. And he said, are you fucking kidding me? He goes, what has happened to the world that I fought for? And I said, God damn right, Chris Pappas. God damn right. Just feel as if, uh, yeah, Corona, even though it still is very prevalent,
Starting point is 00:20:26 people are just starting to get sick and fed up with it. So I feel like that means, guess what's coming? The second wave. Second wave is going to be brutes, magutes. It's not going to be cutes. Yeah, I mean, people... But I will say this. I will say this, because I'm on your side
Starting point is 00:20:41 and I do believe in the coronavirus. I wear my mask. I keep my butt plug in. I'm not letting it in i'm outside with yank new york yankees mass and american flags but i will say as regards to the second wave i mean there was no second wave after all these protests and i don't know that they're outside with masks on but bubba's if hundreds of thousands of people were in conjunction sweating yelling ripping down the mask and there's still no second wave then that has to mean something, no? Yeah, it means something. And I don't know who I'm fucking talking to here,
Starting point is 00:21:08 but if you notice the pattern, who's getting the fucking coronavirus? Fucking Republicans, right? It's going to the fucking Republican states here. So who is the protesters? Fucking your producer, your fucking producer's in, Tifa. And these fucking people, these fucking Democrats, they're not getting it.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Why? Because they fucking created the virus and gave it to the fucking Republicans. Where's your fucking head, Patty? Yeah, they're not getting it. Why? Because they fucking created the virus and gave it to the fucking Republicans. Where's your fucking head, Patty? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. And you know what? Speaking of that, this is Aladdin 14. Hello, I'm Patty Maroon.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's my friend, Sean Terry. Well, you know, as always, I got my baseball jersey on because I'm fucking ready to go. Guess what happened? New York Yankees came out of the gate swinging. They won their first game. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. The Squeak Fauci, Dr. Anthony Fauci threw out the first pitch
Starting point is 00:21:45 and make no mistake the kid throws like my mother let's see that pitch yeah why didn't they move the mound up for him yeah i mean what is this kid i mean yeah that's what it is i mean they should have had a t up there i mean the kids looks like a fucking t-ball player see look at that i mean that's what happens when a democrat comes out there and throws the first pitch now let's see what happens mikey when a republican comes out there and throws a first pitch. Now let's see what happens, Mikey, when a Republican comes out there and throws a first pitch. Yeah, I mean, look. Yeah, they should have moved the mound up for him. I mean, also the kid's 70-something.
Starting point is 00:22:13 I mean, give him a break. He's 4'7". There we go. Yeah, so Donnie T is going to come out. Donnie T is going to come out and throw that first pitch. Yeah, he's throwing with Marin Rivera. But, Mikey, send him that video. Pull up that tweet that I sent you before. When when a real fucking american president comes out there throws the
Starting point is 00:22:28 first pitch how we do it how we get it done do you have that mikey i tell you donnie t looks like he's played a little baseball little league baseball well donnie t's a big big kid he's a big six four kid and make no mistake i mean listen dr anthony that was an embarrassment but you know what cuz he still got i'll tell you, that pitch was still closer than his pandemic predictions. I'll tell you that much because the kid's been way off. So here's the deal. He's the president of the United States. No country's handled the pandemic as bad as we are.
Starting point is 00:23:00 It's your fucking fault, Donny T. I'm sorry. No, we got 350 million people Bubba's okay don't forget that we got a big big country I go to the top I go straight to the top shit rolls downhill fuck you Donnie T with your handling of the pandemic it's on you
Starting point is 00:23:16 Bubba's the first couple months you were going China China China I don't want to hear about China Bubba I want to get back to fucking telling jokes to chicken fingers Bubba's do we have that? Do we, Mikey, do you have that thing I sent you? The tweet or no? I want to look in your face when I say that again, Chrissy.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Let me look at your eyes. You guys want to, you want to know how Chrissy votes? Watch this. Look at me, Chrissy. Fuck Donald Trump. Yeah, it hurt you deep. It hurt me deep. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Let me get this thing. Hold on. Do the next story because I just want to show how Donny Titor is at a first pitch. I mean, the kid is just a powerhouse. Let's take a peek. And also, while Chrissy's searching, I'll let everybody know, Chrissy waited many years in his friendship to let me know that he had a menage a trois with fucking Mariano Rivera.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Like, it's no big thing. Cuzzy, you hung out with Mariano. You batted a pitch for Mariano Rivera. Like, it's no big thing. Cuzzy, you hung out with Mariano. You batted a pitch for Mariano Rivera. Yeah. You also hung out and had dinner with Cal Ripken Jr., and it was no big whoop to you. Yeah, and I also did comedy at Bernie Williams' 50th birthday party, but Bubba's make no mistake.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Like we've said so many times, I'm a dog. I live in the moment. I don't even remember i don't even remember meeting mania mariano rivera and doing that day until somebody tagged me in a clip of it on instagram and i'm like oh yeah that's what i did but here's donnie t he's like daughter first pitch you come up with the helicopter and you go fucking strike baby damn absolutely and the kid came in the chopper too yeah oh damn it wait yeah see that's unfortunately that you're gonna get four more years of that as Nixon once said he feared he had created a Frankenstein by opening the world to the CCP
Starting point is 00:24:53 and here we are wow Pompeo's speech comes after a week of escalating U.S. China relations with Washington so there we go there we go That that's a historic moment right there for some Secretary of State to openly say something so derisive. So Bubba's who knows where we're headed, but this is, as Tim Gillum would say, not good, not good. So, yeah, so I it's one of those things
Starting point is 00:25:22 where we'll just have to see. I mean, they just went to Mars trying to launch the mission to Mars. So it feels very reminiscent of the Soviet Union trying to beat us and do that. And hey, listen, I'm all for friendly competition because I think, you know, human beings getting to Mars is a good thing. Yeah. And here's their rocket. This was fired from Canal Street. It's not a real rocket. Ten! That's a ten! Yeah. It's it may. A lot of people predict it's just going to fall apart
Starting point is 00:25:45 once it gets to the tip of the atmosphere, but it looks like a real rocket. Yeah, it's going to explode into $5 DVDs. Wei Zhongzhen. F-H-H-F-O-D, or History Hyena Fact of the Day, which, by the way, on our Twitter, we do a new fact, a History Hyena Fact of the Day, today in history, every day, so check in.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Machu Picchu, I don't know who the fuck that is. I thought that was like a banquet hall in't know who the fuck that is i thought that was like a banquet hall in sheep's head bay yeah i thought there was a pokemon character yeah who's machu picchu i don't know guy but it seems like a nice guy yeah machu picchu ruins i guess they were discovered by american archaeologists on this day uh and what's machu picchu the american archaeologist's name is hiram bingham i mean what a dumb fucking name yeah so oh so machu Picchu? The American archaeologist's name is Hiram Bingham. I mean, what a dumb fucking name. Yeah, so Machu Picchu is an ancient Inca settlement in Peru. That is one of the world's top destinations.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Should we get out there and do some ayahuasca after the baby's born? Should we open up the third eye in a little Machu Picchu? Only for the top level tier members of our Patreon. What's the story? China orders U.S. consulate closed and tit for tat move. I mean, are they saying China's got a tit tat? Because man, I'm listening. No.
Starting point is 00:26:50 So we closed the consulate in Houston over spying, espionage charges. The Cold War is heating up. China has now closed a consulate and let's go for it. Well, it's tough to know who the good... Yeah. they're also harvesting their organs too so they're doing that so that that's another thing that they're doing because there's a shortage of organs there for organ donors so they just yeah they take the ugar muslims organs and they just put them in
Starting point is 00:27:17 other chinese people you ever because you ever think about like on iphones if you're chinese how like your does does your phone just recognize everybody's face way jong-jan way jong-jan way jong-jan way jong-jan way jong-jan I mean that's just that's a real report you could do for tech crunch magazine I mean that's a really good tech question a working girl She stood up for herself and told that guy that called her a B-I-T-C-H because the B-A-B-I is right next to me, so I can't curse. And she told him what that she wanted to say. Name Yoho. You're on notice.
Starting point is 00:27:56 Everyone's on notice because strong women will not be talked to. Not be talked to and make no mistake. She's putting all white people on notice As she always does Except her live-in boyfriend Because make no mistake She likes to hate FECK Yeah, and here it is
Starting point is 00:28:11 She wants you to know how strong women are And she will not be talked to The way men talk to each other Because she's a strong woman So treat her like a lady And Representative Yoho Put his finger in my face He called me disgusting he called me crazy he called me out of my mind um and he called me dangerous well you're not wearing a mask and then
Starting point is 00:28:37 he took a few more steps and after i had recognized his uh after i had recognized his his comments as rude yeah he walked away and said i'm rude people are being murdered go ask the fucking family members of the little child that was murdered whether they care about what pompey or whatever the fucking name is woho said to her on the stairs do you think that that family cares about what he said? Or do you think they're a little upset and want a little bit more police reform and more plainclothes cops on the street to prevent the murder of innocent people? That's an actual thing happening,
Starting point is 00:29:15 not words being said. This has been Weppa in the morning, and I fucking lost it. Time to move your monkey. My wife just gave me a standing ovation because she doesn't hate all cops because she's not a fucking maniac like you've all turned into.
Starting point is 00:29:29 The whole fucking world is going to shit. Shut your fucking mouth because as soon as someone climbs over your wall into your house, you're going to call the cops, you little hypocritical bitch-ass virtue signaler. Whip it. Hit it. We'll see you tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Whip it. Whip it. In the morning. Whip it. In the morning. Whip it. In the morning. Whip it.
Starting point is 00:30:03 In the morning. Thank you guys so much for watching. We hope you loved it. Don't forget to click subscribe and turn your alerts on. And go to patreon.com slash payrichboys for more fun where things get really wild.

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