History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas - WEPA in the Morning - Ellen DeGeneres is a boss!

Episode Date: July 31, 2020

Wepa in the Morning is your favorite Spanish -English speaking, daily news show with fumare, bed head, and a whole lot of WEEEPPAAA!! Yannis Pappas and Chris Distefano give you July 31st’s headlines.... Chrissy is moonlighting with the Baltimore Orioles, Ellen is about to be cancelled, the latest on Epstein’s Island, and Trader Joe’s will NOT change their product names. The boys also report the latest on Portland’s Wall of Moms, Mayor De Blasio’s latest BLM efforts and Elon Musk’s morning tweet. Want more Hyena content? Check out www.patreon.com/bayridgeboys where things get really WILD!Follow us!: 🙆🏼‍♂️🐕🙆🏻‍♂️🙆🏼‍♂️Chris Distefano on Instagram, Twitter, website🙆🏻‍♂️Yannis Pappas on Instagram, Twitter, website🐕History Hyenas on Instagram, Twitter, website Subscribe to the poddy woddy on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, and HH Clips

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Buenos noches! Good morning, buenos tardes! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:06 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:07 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:09 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:09 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:10 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:10 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:10 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa!
Starting point is 00:00:11 Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa! Wepa's Wepa in the Morning with Chrissy D. The original Chrissy Clarice is back. And Yanni Fatface. Yanni Fatface. And make no mistake, a new character was born yesterday on the Conspiracy QE's, which will be coming out soon, called Chrissy Christos, who's wild. Chrissy Christos. Let's explain what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:43 For those of you who are going gonna want to be in the know first and that's who you guys are the fans of Wepa in the morning yes and please and by the way please please please stay with us here at Patreon because they are being sued by Owen Benjamin yeah stay with us because if they're forced to spend all this money on a lawsuit with Owen Benjamin they may go under and then Chrissy Christo and Yanni P will be over at Fans Only Show and Feed. Show and Feed is what it is. So Chrissy Christo is a version of Chrissy Clarice that's a little. Yeah, there it is.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Yeah. Chrissy's back. He's happy. He's free. I'm free because I swear to God on the dance, I almost pulled my ball sack out. Do it, baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It's web in the morning, Bubba. We're fueled by Cafe Bustelo and Gay Gay Thoughts. That's our engine. I mean, listen, Elon Musk has made a car that's fueled by electricity because we are fully charged on not fully straight thoughts. It's what it is, cuz. Make no mistake, last night, I did not- But wait, let me tell the people about Chrissy Christo.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I'll tell, well, okay, yeah, okay, go, go, go. So quickly, just Chrissy Christo is a version of Chrissy Clarice that's a little more intense. So when he comes in real hot, if you don't have water to throw at him or to kick him in the genitals to calm him down venetia will just say cristo which in greek means christ so she's calling for christ because chrissy has gone off the rails and the amtrak is headed for a residential area it's what it is
Starting point is 00:02:18 cuz and make no mistake here we go here we go turn the background off i want to give a shout out to venetia's friends who gave me that little baby couch and make no mistake that was slept on last night with all the lights on, watching DuckTales and I woke up four times thinking there were ghosts in the apartments on back. So now that you're alone as a fully grown man who knows how to adequately throw hands.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah. Now that I'm alone I can say the last four months have been hell. Yeah, but I mean, you you know you're like john wick you walk right into that hell absolutely and you just start throwing hands yeah i just start throwing hands i start coming out whatever because every day i fucking walked from bedroom out to where i did wet by the morning i put on my poncho i had my umbrella I was dressed and ready for any weather situation that was going to come at me. Yeah, well, now that you're in your apartment,
Starting point is 00:03:10 I think I can just be free and be like, the last four months have been unpredictable and hell for me as well. Yeah. Because it looked like I was doing WEPA in the morning with a hostage of ISIS who was trying to hold up a newspaper to tell me what day it was yeah it's just what it is guys but we're free we're back and what can you do um and i'm not sure if i'm gonna get a message about this weapon you might
Starting point is 00:03:38 um uh mayor bill de blasio um the uh the uh the president, the unanimous president of the Confederacy, paints another Black Lives Matter mural as shootings plague New York City. So thank you for that. As children are being killed in the streets and the city is going into economic collapse, I appreciate you helping out to paint another Black Lives Matter mural, which was started in Moscow, Russia in 2014. So thank you very much. Does anyone not see how much of just like a PR move this is? We get it. We get
Starting point is 00:04:13 it already. There's Black Lives Matter murals everywhere. They're great. But it's hollow. It's just a sign on the street. Get to work, de Blasio. Yeah, just get to work. You're too tall. to work you're too tall because you know it's one of those things where you he's the kid's too tall for office i mean lincoln got shot de blasio who knows i mean anytime a tall kid's in office things don't go well because i think the
Starting point is 00:04:36 mayor of new york city me and you are aggressively new york children right and i think that the mayor of new york at some, not only should debate, but don't you think he should play the other candidate in a game of handball or at least baseball on concrete with Budweiser's in a cooler? Yeah, I do 100% think that that's what should happen. You should have to be forced to do that. And I kind of just think I'd like to now start going back to our politicians and our leaders having to have military experience and having to be fierce warriors because Bill de Blasio is not a fierce warrior and he's just a pussy.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And I think as soon as he goes, then New York City will be free. And I'm being serious. He's the only mayor in history that I could think of in New York City that I think like somebody like wants him to go bad, like bad, bad, bad. They want him to go bad. I'm not sure want him to go bad i'm not sure but i
Starting point is 00:05:26 think i just heard my co-host kind of call for a military coup of new york city yeah that's what i did i went for the morning a military coup you just want one of the like generals at one of the bases at fort hamilton to just be like you know what fuck this you know what we're doing tonight we're not going to pippins although they do got good burgers tonight we're fucking taking over new york city follow me sean terry patty maroney i'm marching right down the fucking city hall and that is getting dethroned because i'm gonna tell i'm gonna walk down third avenue in bay ridge brooklyn and tell all the goombas that sit outside the cat their cafes and the pizzerias, all the fucking ex mafia guys. I'm going to say that, yo, I just heard de Blasio said,
Starting point is 00:06:08 he's painting a black lives matter mural on third Avenue, right here in Bay Ridge. And they're going to be fucking at his doorstep in about five minutes. Cause could you imagine I started that room? I started putting signs up black life, random, you're on third Avenue. Yeah. Cause I think I've seen the signs. You've been serendipitously putting up uh in bay ridge to be honest with you i think some people have taken some screenshots of your signs and thrown them on twitter oh that's that blamed everything on the chinese
Starting point is 00:06:34 yeah i yeah those bay ridge signs my you might be able to find them mikey just put in google chinese uh bay ridge sign remove whatever. But in the meantime, I want, you know, Giannis, I've also one of those things, you know, sports has started. And, you know, obviously, with the pandemic and all that stuff, I kind of, you know, wanted to, you know, get another job. I wasn't sure, especially now with Patreon, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to make this a career forever. So I did last night try out. Yesterday, I tried out for the Baltimore Orioles, and I made the team. And I was actually pitching last night against the New York Yankees.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And I just want to come clean with you here on Weapon in the Morning. Yeah, there you go, Chrissy. I mean, you're a guy who's got a lot of jobs, wears many hats. You ran off yesterday. You got a couch. You didn't eat a pizza because you were grossed out by a waitress and then you went and you pitched a fucking horrible game against the yanks and you got lit up i got lit up and i just i i went under the pseudo name of john means
Starting point is 00:07:38 um the pitch for the baltimore orioles i gave um i gave up a home run a couple home runs to john carlos stanton and aaron judge and the aaron judge home run, a couple home runs to John Carlos Stanton and Aaron Judge. And the Aaron Judge home run, I just was unfocused because, you know, when I pitched the ball, I was just looking at his nice, beefy cock. And I got distracted, and he hit one off me bad. You know what I've realized about you walking behind you yesterday? Because we were walking – I was walking behind you when we were coming from getting peeps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I realized that from the back, you looked full-blown Brother School from the back. The back of your head is just a big block. You look like Brother School from the back. Like, you just look a little F and B. Right. Incorporated. The same way, like, when I'm walking behind, like, an older woman with really long hair. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 You just expect when she turns around, she's going to be a little younger. Yeah. And then she turns around, you go, whoa, oh, okay. really long hair yeah you just expect when she turns around she's gonna be a little younger yeah and then she turns around you go whoa oh okay the long hair had me fooled when i walk behind you i go okay there's a look there's somebody franks and beans and then you turn around i'm going that face does not match the back of that head because from the back yesterday you told me i looked in shape yesterday i was lying to you because i mean your legs look in shape but i mean you know what i saw your tit pointing south yesterday from the side angle you can't control that tit that tit is rogue i can't control that tit and my ass i mean did you see the size of my ass yesterday i'm because i wore a bathing suit all day because when you slide you slide when you slide into the west
Starting point is 00:09:02 down fucking cute lucas chair that's on our set i i didn't want to tell you this but me and the staff me and binky and queen b we were talking about when you get in there it's like watching a fat person slide into the middle aisle seat of a twa flight yeah it actually makes noise as your shorts try to squeeze into the side yeah arm rails it goes there's like a noise yeah no they get real tight yeah you know but v tells me i'm beautiful and i should just i'm beautiful on the inside and that's what counts yeah v i mean have you noticed how big this kid's fat fucking ass is everybody looks beautiful and gorgeous you guys are my queens yeah yeah because i mean yesterday do we have to,
Starting point is 00:09:45 I don't know if we're going to, I guess for the 25s and up, we'll leave me going wild and calling Giannis a fat, fat. Here's the thing. How funny was, you came late yesterday, so you missed when Venetia started calling me Giannis. Yeah, Giannis. Yeah, so that I knew, I knew we were in trouble for the day because V started calling me Giannis. Yeah, Giannis. Yes. Yeah, so that I knew. I knew we were in trouble for the day because V started calling me Giannis,
Starting point is 00:10:09 which is the formal for Gianni in Greek for the Greek people watching, you know. And also she's Greek. So when a Greek, I speak to a Greek, they always call me Gianni. They say it with a certain accent or Gianni. So for some reason, at the beginning of the day, V started hitting me with like three or four Giannis's.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And even Binky heard it, even though, you know, the kid was, you know, he's the kid's always on another planet. So, I mean, he even, he heard it and I go Giannis. And then about three minutes later, she was like, at some point, can we talk about my vacation time? Yeah. It's what it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:41 It was coming. It's what it is. And I said, that's what the Giannis was about. Yeah, so we're going to give V a vacation. We're going to think about it in August. We're going to give V a week off so she has a work trip in fucking Macedonia, wherever she's going. Yeah, V needs to fuck.
Starting point is 00:11:02 She's trying to get to Greece bad. Bad. And she made her brothers go first to see and to get to Greece bad. Bad. And she made her brothers go first to see and let them deal with it. Yeah. And you have to quarantine, I guess, when you're coming to Greece. So she's going to do like a week there. And I guess she thinks that we're just going to deal with her quarantine days as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:19 So we'll see. Here we go. Speaking of Greece, Jeffrey Epstein. Some Jeffrey Epstein news. We got Bill Clinton confirmed to be on Jeffrey Epstein's island with two young girls, which is not like a shock. Like, people are coming out like, like I even saw Timmy Dillon tweet, like, oh, any conspiracy theorists, like, now it's all proven. It's like, we all know he's on Epstein's island. I don't know if that says anything.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Like, there's a lot of people that went to Epstein's Island, but that doesn't mean that's not proving, you know, raping girls. Yeah, well, I think we've got a new segment on our show we're going to call, in honor of Tim Dillon, this is what you call not good. Not good. Yeah. Yeah. Today,
Starting point is 00:11:59 this is called not good. And by the way, Tim Dillon, by the way, in two weeks, Tim Dillon will be in New York City, and he will be on Web web in the morning and one day i'm just going to turn my camera off and he's going to be sleeping in my bedroom so bill clinton yeah i mean with two young girls and uh at some point uh epstein laughed and claimed clinton owed him favors as we know bill clinton is a poon hound yeah so the chances that he didn't control himself yeah i mean i'm gonna call them about 17 i mean the kid's a poon hound he's a poon hound he's also been accused of like multiple multiple uh sexual misconduct allegations and i think one or two raps yeah i mean you know hillary called those women liars
Starting point is 00:12:46 uh yeah i don't know yeah it's interesting killed up steve it could have been and you know we'll never really know bill clinton he's just you know he's in the hall of fame for poonhound but he can't he you know if there's some of these allegations are true then it's no good. And also... Pardon me, Mrs. Pappas, but, I mean, the kid stuck a cigar in a girl's pussy. What? Uh, yeah. I mean, what could you do? I mean, that's what he did. Yeah, that's what he did. I'm sorry. I'm just stating what happened.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Yeah. Yeah, just what happened. I mean, it happened before you were born. I mean, the kid likes sticks. So... And also, speaking of sexual misconduct, Ellen DeGeneres executives are speaking of um sexual misconduct ellen degeneres executives are also accused of sexual misconduct hollywood's on fire i know everyone's fucking getting it the peace guns are out except they're not peace they're cancel guns yeah i mean what did what the fuck did he do i think this was a gay guy it says here we go let's go down go down a little bit mikey um go
Starting point is 00:13:45 down down down um oh here we go it says yeah multiple florida employees running the gamut on kevin lehman writer and executive producer said that he requested hand jobs and oral sex and then he also would make sexually explicit comments in the office including pointing out male workers bulgers in their crotches or asking questions such are you a top or a bottom so he was a gay gay kid just he was a gay, gay kid. He was just fucking fishing for cock. The kid's a $3 bill. That's a trouble now.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah, I mean, the kid is fucking, yeah, he explodes into four, eight, 12 quarters. I got to be honest with you, though. The one experience I had in Hollywood when I had the CBS pilot, which was trash, trash, trash. I had the CBS pilot. Can I just say something? I love watching that for the same reason I like watching, oh, which was trash, trash, trash. I had the CBS pilot. Can I just say something? I love watching that for the same reason I like watching.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Oh, wait. How's your Fubari? Wow. You just went full in on the Fubari. Yeah, not good. Because I went into bathing suit all day. All right, go. Yeah, when people ask me how was her workday, she's not bad.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I saw one of my bosses sniff his balls. Yeah, I feel like 10 years from now this is gonna come up in a misconduct um yeah i mean because your your sitcom i think it's funnier than it would have it's at now i think people watch it they know you and it's funnier for them watching it now that's why i posted it yeah then Than it would be if it was good. Oh, yeah. Because a good sitcom is just barely funny, but a bad one is really, really funny.
Starting point is 00:15:14 No, this is a thing I want to hopefully keep getting to the next levels of the careers, and then just show how they show that movie, The Room, when they're just laughing at how bad it is. That's what I want it to be. But anyway, in Hollywood, I not dealt with anything that I'm like allegations, but like the gay men, like the executive people of power are just fucking,
Starting point is 00:15:34 I mean, they say things to you that you're like, wow, guy, like, you know, like, where you're like, holy shit. I mean, guys were like, hey, wear those pants I like, or one guy was wearing a coat. He was like, you want to guess what's under this? I was like, what? Your shirt? It's just what it is in Hollywood. Yeah, especially because Hollywood basically sells sex appeal on all levels and all facets of what they make. I mean, you know, all movies, everyone's beautiful. I mean, what
Starting point is 00:16:01 separates a Jennifer Aniston for another person? Maybe her dad was in movies or what separates one from another? A lot of it's sex appeal. A lot of it sometimes is favors that they did for Harvey Weinstein. I mean, it's a dirty fucking place. Dirty, dirty. Marilyn Monroe killed herself with pills at the height of her fame. I mean, you know, people hang themselves. It's a fucking weird place full of narcissists and sex fiends. It really is the cesspool that most of America suspects it to be. And it's great to be untethered in the middle of a speedboat with a fucking German wild kid, a Greek tyrant,
Starting point is 00:16:33 and an absolutely workaholic, psychotic Irish kid with beautiful baby blues. Yeah, that's what it is. Let's work. Let's fucking work. Come on, man. Turn off these cameras. Let's what it is. Let's work. Let's fucking work. Come on, man. Turn off these cameras. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:16:50 So is it the right work, girl? You better work. Turn to the left. Work it, girl. Turn to the right. Do your thing. On the runway. Come on, girl.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Turn to the left. Work it, girl. Turn to the right. Do your thing. On the runway. Come on, girl. Work. You, work it girl. Turn to the right, do your thing. On the runway, I'm a girl. Work, you better work, girl. Yes. My wife just watched that and she kept going, come on, Chris, come on.
Starting point is 00:17:15 She wanted to see you work. She likes it when you work. Work, and I was just working, yes. Portland's wall of moms crumble amid online allegations by former partner. So what are we saying here? The Portland's wall of moms, which they weren't fucking. What were they, cat moms? Nobody's actual mothers go into a fucking protest because guess what they got to do?
Starting point is 00:17:39 Raise their kids. They actually have responsibility. Unlike these fucking idiots who have no real responsibility and just make believe that they have all these problems like you're not going to know what problems are until you're a fucking parent no but mom's got the real energy if you're a good mother to get out to a protest yeah and a lot of them could have just been guys that said they identify as moms you never know yeah i mean because a lot of those guys bodies are a little very similar to females bodies yeah some guys out there just pump estrogen through the vents just for fun.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I mean, they take it like a drug in Portland. Yeah, one of their names is Giannis Pappas. Yeah, exactly. But this was really funny. This is very funny because the Wall of Moms, as most of these riots, mostly white in Portland, obviously Seattle. So then they started getting criticized for – they started infighting and said that it was a problem that they were mostly
Starting point is 00:18:28 white and they were promoting anti-blackness, some of the leaders, because they wanted to get the feds out of Portland more than against police brutality. So it became sort of like, you guys aren't really for Black Lives Matter. You guys are fighting this. There's no black women. Can we get some quotes here?
Starting point is 00:18:51 If we scroll down, is there something? Because this is a fun story. Here we go. Go back. Let's see what Ted Alexandro said, because I know he's one of the moms. Anthony, yeah. After leaving vulnerable black women downtown after marching,
Starting point is 00:19:03 failing to support those in the grounds that put trust in them wall of moms leadership also found time to make three registration uh the lies are finally clear we are sad but ultimately not surprised that anti-blackness showed its ugly face with the wall of moms uh yeah it's a fucking shit show yeah shit shit show who gives. Shit, shit show. Who gives a fuck? It doesn't matter anymore. Let's get Portland off the map. Um, here we go.
Starting point is 00:19:31 Let's do, um, this story, uh, with the, um, cervical American cancer society now recommends cervical cancer screening starts at 25, not 21. I just want to take us to the article and read the first line. You should scroll down a little bit. So the first line says, individuals with the cervix are now recommended to start cervical cancer screening at 25. So, I mean, it's wild.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Individuals with the cervix. Yes. Women, you have been canceled. You are now called an individual with a cervix i fucking love it i love it i love it work it girl yas yas yas finally fucking women that women have been too sexist not allowing fucking everyone into their group now yeah you fuck you. You're an individual with a cervix. You've been a closed group for too long and we've pried you open and integrated women.
Starting point is 00:20:30 And I love it. I love it. So read the rest of the article on your own. It's something about cervical screening cancer later in life. You don't need to go at 21. So I guess it's a good thing, technology and all that. But yeah, so if you're an individual with a Cervax.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And also, I like this story from Trader Joe's. They've said, they've made a public statement saying, fuck you, we're not changing the names of our products, you Portland mom fucking cunt dyke bitches. V? V? Way Sean Sheehan. V! I'm trying. Way Sean Sheehan. V? V? V? I'm trying. Get the fucking butt ready.
Starting point is 00:21:11 The kid's got a loaded gun. I'm sorry. I'm horned up. Thank you very much. I was just kidding. I shouldn't have said the C word. I'm sorry for saying the C word. It's a character piece.
Starting point is 00:21:26 Once in a while, my friend Patty Mulroney will take over for Chris DiStefano and the Spanish kid, and that's just what that was. Yeah, and the Mexican fat kid. Yeah. Yeah, but can we pull up that thing with Trader Joe's? If more people just started doing this, it'd just go away quick because how many people you think really cared about Trader Joe's names? Yeah, and it's also like, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Not go to Trader Joe's? Every other supermarket's closing down because it's a pandemic. So it's like, you know what? Fuck you. You're going to eat the fucking Trader Joe Mexicana, whatever the names are. You're going to eat it or you don't eat. So what's the problem here? Yeah, and I love how black people should be the most mad about this stuff because it takes away
Starting point is 00:22:08 focus from what the real issue is exactly is you know cops roughing them up too much and police brutality and cops not being held accountable yeah it's not trader joe's guacamole that's never been the issue it's not it's not the it's not time to fucking focus on uh trader what is it trader mings or whatever it's not yeah what is it you yeah who gives a fuck yeah so what's the names uh yeah here we go they want they want to remove racist packaging uh following inaccurate reports the petition prompted us to take action so it was some petition that went around our line that said that they need to remove this and people are mad and then the fucking trader joe just said no they said for example we named our mexican beer trader joe trader jose premium and something else a guacamole product called avocados number in a reference to a mathematical theory and we're just going to keep
Starting point is 00:22:54 it that way so good for you trader joe's yeah good for you now now i'm gonna go shop there yeah it's just like you know jose's just uh it's a latin name and just shut your mouth just shut up shut up this is just we're living in a time where it's just uh it's a latin name and just shut your mouth just shut up shut up this is just we're living in a time where it's just revenge of the non-successful people that's what it is they're like oh i can't i've never been good at anything in my life so what can i do that's free and it takes an it just be outraged at everything and then i'm fine yeah i mean it's like you're not even who thought who really was living in a world thinking that Ellen DeGeneres was not a bitch? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Who actually believes, look, the people you see on television, the way they act, they got there by being a bitch. That's what most people are who are, and I'm talking about guys included. If you climb that high, you're not just like a care, go free people.
Starting point is 00:23:43 You know, the best people sometimes you're going to meet in your life say the worst words it's what it is you're just gonna have to just reconcile yourself with that mikey homeless pimp we got to spin the wheel new story mikey hit us with it elon musk tweets aliens built the pyramids of so it's what it is elon musk our most forward thinker is now that fucking crazy greek guy from ancient aliens just going off yeah and now if you don't know what spin the wheel is it's a new segment we haven't introduced it yet spin the wheel is when mikey surprises us we did it yesterday did we yeah because you are fucking yanni onsets yanni alzheimer's, guys, it's going to be interesting when you and your baby are both in the crib. Yeah, I mean, Elon Musk can't stop tweeting. It's like, it's almost like he's
Starting point is 00:24:33 become the Donald Trump of like, entrepreneurs. I mean, the other day, he tweeted me and Bill Gates are not lovers, despite rumors. It's like, shut the fuck up. Every tweet you do is going to affect your stock price. Yeah, it's just what it is. But yeah, so he's saying aliens built the pyramids, which, cuz, he may not be wrong. I mean, he may not be fucking wrong. I mean, we were just looking at pictures of the Parthenon yesterday
Starting point is 00:24:55 at our dinner while I was dry heaving. And we said, and we, I mean, Greeks just built a Parthenon. You're telling me these guys just put on their fucking bedsheets and sandals and put olives in their hair and built a beautiful Parthenon? No way, that helps me aliens.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Yeah, no, Greeks just figured it out. If you look at the statues and everything, we were way ahead of our time. And Greeks just were, I mean, basically you were living in the 21st century before JC was even around because Greeks just figured it out. We just figure it out because we will figure it out.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Because HHFOD today on July 30th, 1965, too bad today's July 31st, you frights and beats. But President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare, a health insurance program for elderly Americans. You got to listen up, Yanni. It's a law. And at the bill signing ceremony, which took place at the Truman Library in Independence, Missouri, former President Harry S. Truman was enrolled as Medicare's first beneficiary and received the first Medicare card. So work for Medicare today, 1965 is when it happened. And yeah, so that's a good program that we have but
Starting point is 00:26:06 it's socialism yeah that is so that's a good example of socialism that you know if you're a little more left you say hey that's good and listen most people like medicare because when you get older you're gonna have expenses medicare pays it also i'll give you a little tip as your parents age if there's anything in their name get it out of their name tell them to get it out of their name go speak to uh or else you're gonna them to get it out of their name. Go speak to. You're going to wind up like Yanni and his brother. Yeah. Just, just go speak to a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Go, uh, it's a, um, go speak to an estate lawyer, figure it out. You want to start arranging your finances, thinking about care for your parents down the line. If they're smart, they'll get everything out of their name now so they can be eligible for long-term Medicaid. Where is this fucking Squeak? There he is! Yeah! Squeak of the week.
Starting point is 00:26:51 The kid's audio is always off. He's got his chain-out guy. He's changing angles. Cousin, are you still drunk from Lake George? I might be. I might be. Why? As soon as we left Lake George last week,
Starting point is 00:27:03 fucking gonorrhea in the lake. So whose fault is that? I don't know. I can only – one person's still up there, not me. Oh, yeah. I know. Fucking fly ball. Because Patty Fly Balls went to work, was in Lake George four hours away,
Starting point is 00:27:16 drove back to do a shift at work at his firehouse in Harlem, and then went right back to Lake George. That's a true story. Devo, that's true. He drove me home. He drove Devo home and then went back to fucking Lake George
Starting point is 00:27:31 after his shift. Well, because it's summer. You eating those watermelons, Devo? I'm eating fucking cherries, bro. What's going on tonight? You want to hang? I got the baby. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I definitely want to hang now. Where are we going to go? We'll go to Far Sills. Let's hang out. Yeah, when I get out of work. Oh, you're working today? Yeah, man. I got to work sometimes. The fucking birds are in the sky today? Birds are in the sky. How, uh, is it,
Starting point is 00:27:55 are people flying? Is there a lot of people flying? Do they all wear masks? Masks? They're wearing hazmat suits, face shields. It's insanity. Fucking full insanity, guy. What's that shirt you're wearing? Is suits, face shields. It's insanity. Fucking full insanity, guy. What's that shirt you're wearing? That's Worm's business, right? Spin FF?
Starting point is 00:28:10 No, no. It's nobody. You got to spin it. Spin FH. Yeah. They got to start paying. Then I'll start wearing more shirts. Go follow them. Spin Farsills. Bubbas, what's your squeak of the week today? I sent you the video, so if you're going to play it, you better play it. Let's play the squeak of the week today? I sent you the video, so if you're gonna play it, you better play it. Let's play the squeak of the week.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Tell Deebo how hard this made me laugh. This made you? Okay, so let me just set up. This made Giannis laugh harder than I'd seen him laugh in a long time, and this is live-action footage of Deebo at Lake George with me on the boat last week. So let's press play. Go, Deebo. Bonnie!
Starting point is 00:28:41 Bonnie! Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie! Boxing! Oh, no! I love the way he just froze when he fell down at me. Yeah, he just stiffed him up. Guy was hammered, but yeah, Bubba's. All right, I'll hit you up later, Deebo. I'm going to fuck it. I'm not coming to Forest Hills. All right, man.
Starting point is 00:29:13 All right, bro. I got to watch that video again. See you later, bro. Go follow him, longfellowdeebs31 on Instagram. You know, ladies, he's single. Yeah, fellas, too on Instagram. Ladies, he's single. Yeah, fellas too. He's single. He's single. Have a great weekend, everybody.
Starting point is 00:29:32 What a week of WEPA. The skies have cleared up in the world of Chrissy D. We'll see you for now. For now. For now. WEPA! WEPA! In the morning. For now. Well, for now. We really hope you enjoyed that episode, whatever it was about. This is just a stock thing that we're taping on every episode.
Starting point is 00:30:07 So go make sure you rate, review us, subscribe, turn on your notifications, get jiggy with it. And go to patreon.com slash Bay Ridge Boys where things get really wild.チャンネル登録をお願いいたします

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