HR BESTIES - HR Besties Happy Hour - Eat, Pray, Love for Besties

Episode Date: April 26, 2024

Welcome back to another Happy Hour, Besties! We’re sure as hell glad it’s Friday. In this Happy Hour: Gymnastics More Questies from the Besties Sun-fudge moustache Eat Pray Love and adult su...mmer camp Cruise jail Your To-Do List: Grab merch, submit Questions & Comments, and make sure that you’re the first to know about our In-Person Meetings (events!) at Follow your Besties across the socials and check out our resumes here:  We look forward to seeing you in our next meeting - don’t worry, we’ll have a hard stop! Yours in Business + Bullsh*t,  Leigh, Jamie & Ashley Follow Bestie Leigh! Follow Bestie Ashley! Follow Bestie Jamie! Humorous Resources: Instagram • YouTube • Threads • Facebook • X Millennial Misery: Instagram • Threads • Facebook • X Horrendous HR: Instagram • Threads • Facebook Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Happy Friday TGIFF. We made it through another one, didn't we? Yes, we did. Ow. Well, it is time for happy hour. So it's time for a little R&R. Let me see this. Could you physically pat yourself on the back?
Starting point is 00:00:24 I guess I can do it with a cross arm. But not. Could you physically pat yourself on the back? I guess I can do it with a cross arm. But not... Are you flexible? Oh, I'm super flexible. I can put my ankles around my neck. Let's see it. No, I'm just kidding. Premium content about to drop. Oh my God. I'm not that flexible. I just have my shoe on almost at my desk and I hit my mic, but I could do the splits. What?
Starting point is 00:00:48 We need to get her drunk next time. I need to see the splits. Yeah. Okay. I mean, I'll do them without drinking, but yeah, I mean, you can still get me drunk. Oh, well, I guess I'm thinking like Kyle Richards when she used to drink. Oh my gosh. Yeah, back in the day.
Starting point is 00:01:00 I can barely touch my back with like one arm. Really? Yeah, I'm just not flexible. But you know, what was impressive, Ashley, is when we were at Hopscotch a couple of weeks I can barely touch my back with like one arm. Really? Yeah, just not flexible. But you know what was impressive Ashley is when we were at hopscotch a couple weeks ago and you were doing like cheerleading moves out there on that trampoline. That was impressive. Yes.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Damn. I'm not that flexible anymore, but I did. I did some toe touches. DuPont Manual High School National Champions. It was actually International Champions. I don't know that we had any other countries represented, but that's fine. You can always claim it. It's like anything like the Super Bowl. Exactly. That's universal champions in the solar system. We had no alien invasion, thankfully, that took our bring it on trophy away. But yes, back in the day, I did cheerleading before I
Starting point is 00:01:43 switched to field hockey. You can do that without flexibility? I mean, that looked flexible, you jumping and touching your toes. And didn't you do a flip on that thing? I was more like that. Yeah, they yelled at her. They came and stopped me before I could. They were like, no flips, no flips.
Starting point is 00:01:56 I was going to do a round off back talk. They're like, man, this is a museum and art installation. There's there's other people and children. They were like, it's allowed, but you're a 43 year old woman. So we don't want the liability. You are not a small child. In meantime, I'm like literally asking the kid next to me if he wanted to race. She's racing. Complete stranger. It was great. Yeah, like some 10 year old kid next to me. I'm like, you want to race? That was fun. And I fucking smoked him.
Starting point is 00:02:24 You did. You really did. She did not let him win. Oh, man. Anyway, that's it. Sorry. I know we hijacked that a little bit, like a typical meeting. Oh, yes. Well, that's the bullshit small talk at the beginning, right? Of meetings. But of course we're at happy hour now. You know, very, very loose agenda here. But I think Ashley, you did share that we have a listener question. Maybe we start with that. We did. And it's kind of like it's just kind of like one of our meetings because this is a listener question that's asking our opinion on kind of something that to her is a corporate cringe speak. And this is the term, a gentle reminder. Her point was like it comes because it's kind
Starting point is 00:03:06 of used passively aggressively. And she's like, why can't people be more direct and say like, get your shit together? I've asked for this three times and you still haven't delivered. That's example she gave. Or she's like, maybe use more corporate speak. Like, what are your blockers? Why is getting this done such a struggle for you? But she said she laughed that she saw someone see it and send it to like, kind of like, even like experienced people, even people senior to being like the gentle reminder. And so that's.
Starting point is 00:03:32 Well, I only give abrasive reminders. Razor. But I don't call them that. Reminder, bitch. When is this stuff coming through? But when you think about it, like what cringe corporate speak really is, my opinion, is civility. Because what if we did not have corporate speak, right, or corporate jargon? We'd literally just be the biggest assholes to one another in the
Starting point is 00:03:57 workplace when you think about it, right? So that's like, like a way to control ourselves. That also feeds ego. Like it's weird, right? It's like, I don't know, I'm getting all existential about it, but a gentle reminder instead of what the fuck. Get your shit together. Get your shit together, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:17 Well, I do think one of her things in there that's helpful is like the asking of questions to try to understand what's happening. Because when you're waiting on something something and some often rightfully so, like if someone can't get something to you, like, okay, fair enough. That happens, but like tell somebody. Yeah. What are your blockers? But what are your blockers? What are your beta blockers? Like that's the corporate speak.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Yes. What are your exactly? Um, we should, that would be kind of a funny thing to do sometime. The Chat GPT, as you know, I love Chat GPT. The LinkedIn course is out there. LinkedIn Learning, keep still out. Become an AI-powered manager. Pew pew pew. But to put normal senses into Chat GPT and have Chat GPT to say us as corporate speak. Yes, that's a good one. I'm going to do it right now. Ask it to say, how can you say, get your shit together in corporate speak?
Starting point is 00:05:11 In corporate settings, conveying the message, get your shit together in a professional manner usually involves using diplomatic and constructive language, to your point, Lee. Here's how you might phrase it. Please ensure you're fully aligning with our expected standards and commitments. It's crucial to consistently manage responsibilities
Starting point is 00:05:28 effectively to meet our team and organizational goals. Let's prioritize enhancing our productivity and focus to achieve the desired outcomes. Good God, that's long. That is, that is. I would love to act that though. Oh gosh, oh AI coming in clutch here. Welcome to BMO ETFs. Where do you get your insights?
Starting point is 00:05:58 Volatility has continued to be a hot topic. I think the Fed does have other cards to play. Are these mega cap tech companies here to stay? Never before has there been a better time to be an ETF investor. BMO ETFs presents Views from the Desk, a show all about markets and investing with ETFs. New episodes every Thursday morning. I would love to divulge to the audience
Starting point is 00:06:30 that we are pre-filming this because you, Ashley, looking at you, no one can tell that. Feel it, my soul. So I better put words in there. You are on a cruise right now. That is true. Technically. You are on a cruise and we are honoring your vacation, of course, which everyone else could honor y'all's own vacations and those of others in the workplace and do whatever
Starting point is 00:06:50 to make sure people get real time off. Yes. Tell us about it. Yes, it's our spring break. It's very late for Atlanta this year. Yes, very late. So I've seen all of our friends and take spring break and have their all pictures from 30A.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Jamie knows 30A if you're from the South. It's like South Padre Island maybe, but maybe not quite as lively. It's like kind of bougie. I found places on there that are not quite as bougie. Yeah. I'm not a 30A kind of girl. You know what I mean? I'm the Walmart of the golf
Starting point is 00:07:25 shores. Where's that? Florida? Yeah. It's Dustin, but like the nicer bougier. Dustin Seaside. It's like where they filmed Truman Show. Panhandle. Yeah. It's in the Panhandle. It's beautiful. It's beautiful, beautiful beaches. Like when we were, God, why do I always talk about this? I mean, this is like fucking embarrassing, but I'm still saying it. When we were in Australia, we went to-
Starting point is 00:07:42 Oh God. No, just kidding. I was just going to go, just kidding. But we went to Huskison Beach, and they have a sign on this beach. It's like south of Sydney. They have a sign on the beach that says, World's Most Beautiful Beach. And I turned to Dan and my husband, and I was like, you know, 30A is just as beautiful, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And so... That's a lie. Yeah. So if you're over there, the accents aren't as great. But it is. It's beautiful kind of way. It's on the Gulf of Mexico, so it's lively. But anyway, I'm not at 30A. I am visiting my parents. I have visited them at the villages where my parents retired to, which could be a whole other podcast in itself. But we are going on our first cruise as a family. And I'm excited because I love a buffet. I am nervous about, you tend to see headlines.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Like I just saw one that's like 10 things not to do on a cruise or 10 things not to eat at the buffet. I'm like, well, my jet may make a list for that. So but yeah, I'm on my cruise. So we did in advance. We planned accordingly so that we could, I could take a little break. Where are you cruising around? So we're going on a Royal Caribbean four night cruise.
Starting point is 00:08:44 We did not do the Disney budget this year. I've understood a lot of people love Disney, but I've gone 20 years ago, I went on Royal Caribbean. I liked it. So we're going to Nassau and Coco-K or Coco-Kee. I don't know which one it's pronounced, but it's their little like private fun island, which appears to be much more fun than when I went 20 years ago.
Starting point is 00:09:06 We went to Kokeoke and all there was was like a little floaty thing in the water. My girlfriends and I, we were all like 23. I went with some of my friends from college and we were fine just to sit with like a piña colada on the beach. But this trip, I did it. At 23, I did like a 13-day road trip. I lived in DC. I drove down to Charleston, picked up my best girlfriend. We went to Savannah, spent a night there, went to Orlando, spent
Starting point is 00:09:30 a few days in the theme parks, went to Miami. Wow. Went back and did a cruise, a little three-night cruise, went back to Charleston, went back to DC. It was so amazing. I didn't have work email. It was like truly transformational. But one thing that happened, and God, I don't know if I have, I'm gonna have to ask my friend if she has a picture of this. I fucking do not. Like I get rosacea. Like when I work out, I give rosacea. Jamie and Lee have seen pictures like just after I've worked out or people on
Starting point is 00:09:56 Tik Tok have commented, but I'm pretty fair skinned. And so I don't know why we were in Orlando at like a theme park. My friend was like, look, and she's like, oh, we just had some fudge. She's like, oh, you got some fudge on your lip. And I was like, oh, whatever. And I tried to rub it and she's like, it's not coming off. We went to the bathroom. I got like a mustache sun tan in the sun.
Starting point is 00:10:14 I had like a brown mustache sun spot, like all the way across. I don't know. I haven't gotten it since, I mean, it lasted for like three days. It went away before the cruise. But it was like, I mean, this was in 2004. This is 20 years. I don't know. I literally do not know. Were you drinking stuff? No, no, I didn't have like a, like I didn't, I didn't have like an opening. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Like you put sunscreen on everywhere else but there? No, I think I did. I don't know. Unlike what happened. I don't know. I still have no idea. And I can't remember if I asked the dermatologist. I was 23. So I'm gonna assume I did not. But yeah, it was, it was, it was so embarrassing. And it was that dark. Yes. Yes. Yes. And it like appeared out of nowhere right after we had fudge. So I've had fudge since I don't think it was an allergic reaction, but it was
Starting point is 00:11:02 fudge stains. I don't think it was an allergic reaction, but it was like, Oh my God, that's hilarious. So embarrassing. Oh my God. Then you can probably, y'all can probably picture it too. They look like Mario or Luigi or something. Yeah, exactly. It's Ashley. And then I'm rubbing it real hard.
Starting point is 00:11:18 So of course it's not helping. Oh my God. Now it's red and dark and tan and all of that. And you were drinking around the world when that happened. Exactly. Oh my gosh. I love me some Epcot. Yeah. Damn. I've thrown up in a few trash cans there. But anyways, so I hope that you enjoy the cruise. Yeah, I am. I'm very excited and I'll give a full report in our next happy hour after that. Oh gosh. Yeah, I'm trying to figure out the summer thing, right?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Everyone's figuring out how to find some R&R, some rest and relaxation, like what's going on in the summer. Because everyone's scrambling on the work side. That's what I feel like. Everyone's like, you know what I mean? Like trying to complete whatever so that they can stop working over summer. Like I'm getting that buzz. Are y'all feeling that buzz from anybody or yourselves?
Starting point is 00:12:10 I call it Maytober. Like just all the things that you have to do at the end of... Oh my gosh, yeah. Like we have end of the school year here. I got real day, I got swim teams starting up and it's a lot of that. So, but it is, it's like people trying to get stuff done. But I feel like people are like, like, oh, we're getting ready to take the summer off.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I'm like, how are, how's this happening? I know, excuse me? Yeah, I'm not in school anymore. Yeah, do, Jamie, do you calm down in the summer at all? Work-wise? No, actually. I don't know if I've ever had a job that was, well, I take that back.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I did have one job that we, she allowed us to do summer Fridays. And that was pretty fucking epic. Was that your boss or was it company-wide? It was no, it was just my boss. She let us do summer Fridays and that was pretty awesome. So then everyone hates HR even more. Yeah. That's what happens. Literally.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Yeah. All the other departments are pissed. And that was like pre-COVID. So like I wasn't necessarily chained to my phone email or my laptop email too. So, but we would take turns too. Like not all of us would just book it on Fridays. Like one of us would stay connected. So like if there was an emergency, yeah, that was, that was pretty awesome. But no, I mean, like same thing, May's bananas, May's like a Christmas, like a, like a December for me. With all the end of the school year stuff with the kids. My oldest is quote unquote graduating fifth grade. So we have, we've got, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Are you putting a sign in the yard? Oh my God. Don't see. Now I got to fucking do that. Great. Great. But I have that and then we have to do middle school orientation. He's got tryouts for all the middle school sports he wants to do. He's got some cool end of the school year. I mean, like just his schedule alone is fucking bananas in May. So. Don't stress. Just listen to it. Then there's no Jamie time. No.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Jamie time. Get it? Like Jamie time. Jamie time. Ashley time. That doesn't sound as good as Jamie time get it like Jamie time. Oh, yeah, Jamie time time Ashley time It does that doesn't sound as good as Jamie time Yeah, I know that's not cool Well, hopefully you get a funner summer, I don't know this year How do y'all prepare though? Like when you're going out like I've had experiences on either either end of it both when I've actually been able to like
Starting point is 00:14:22 Take out and recharge not bring my laptop like do do that. And it's, it has absolutely changed my life. I've also had those situations where I'm sitting there, especially on like a girl's speech trip. I have my laptop open, I'm downstairs, everyone else seems to be having fun and I'm like spending hours working on something. And those are some of my least favorite memories. Oh, yeah. No, I had someone send me an email from their employer last summer. Their employer put together, it was like a two page email. And it was, I believe in May, like ahead of the summer break, right? And it's just like a little appreciation,
Starting point is 00:14:58 but also some rules for summer behavior or whatever. But their big thing was congratulations. We are allowing you all to wear jeans on Fridays this summer. I mean, it was like two pages to just give that. But also, I don't want to wear jeans when it's hot outside. I mean, I know that's not the point, but that makes me feel sweaty. It was like two months of 115 plus temperatures here, and they got to wear jeans. Jorts. Wow. But they were so proud of, you know, like, wow, you know, but they were so proud of themselves. I was like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:15:29 What a fucking prize. I mean, gosh, do half day Fridays, get to a 410. I mean, do something, you know, like change the schedule altogether. But if you are an employer, if you're in a place of influence, I mean, don't be having big ass projects, you know, coming up if you can stand it. You know, people are in and out like crazy, right? Oh my gosh. Do some things. Allow some flexibility this summer, please. Well, yeah. Be mindful that people are more than likely going to be taking vacation. So almost use, I say those two months, really June and July, right? To like catch up and try to wrap up things maybe or projects, but don't expect.
Starting point is 00:16:10 That'd be cool. Yeah. Yeah. One thing that always kind of bugged me, I saw this like illegal when I'd be working on negotiations and like we may be on two sides of something and my team, my business team would be like, oh, well, they're business contact or their lawyers are out for this week. They're out.
Starting point is 00:16:29 But when I'm out, the expectation is still like, I'm turning things around. And I'd be like, huh, how does that work? And so just remembering, I think within organizations, you can see that of leaders saying, I'm going to be out and this, but then not really expecting some employees that aren't probably compensated for it to like be checking in and things like that. And I just think across the board, I mean, even like, I actually, I don't, I don't believe in bringing people down.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Like, I don't think any, anyone in any title CEO otherwise should always be responsive. I don't think that that's healthy. I think it's, that's a really bad example. And I just think everybody should be able to recharge and planning for it. And so that'll be responsive. I don't think that that's healthy. I think it's a really bad example. And I just think everybody should be able to recharge and planning for it. And so that'll be good. We'll talk about that in an upcoming regular staff meeting about prepping for time off and all of that. I think that's probably a good business topic. It is right? Like somebody write that down. I'll write it down on this. Let me write it down on a piece of paper. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And then throw this paper away. And then completely forget about it. Never look back at it again. I need to schedule something. Like I'm doing LA Memorial Day week, because I'm such a city person. So I will go into a huge city or somewhere, and then I'm just like busier on vacation than I am at home because I don't do shit here. Right? I mean, I'm such an introvert. I like barely leave the house really, you know, so then I come back tired as hell. Like I need a vacation where I go and I literally just lay out and have a pina colada or something. I need something chill
Starting point is 00:18:05 as opposed to something where I'm clocking 25,000 steps a day. It's not relaxed. It's fun, but it's not chill. I never plan anything chill. Maybe I just suck at relaxing. Do you all relax? What do you all do? Annually, that's really sadly only vacation we ever take as we go to the beach every summer. Like as a full family, like your whole thing. Yeah. I'm not kidding when I say it's literally the only vacation we take. And I do relax because we like mostly either, of course, my kids want to be at the fucking pool. I'm
Starting point is 00:18:40 like, why did we drive six hours to set at a pool? That's funny. pool. I'm like, why did we drive six hours to send it a pool? You know, I like to sit on the beach and try to relax. And so that's like our thing. You're a beach girly, right? Yeah. We got to do a girls trip. Like, that's not just like, podcast, getting together podcast recording. We got to do a girls trip. Let's think about that one. Yes. No, I think, you know what I think would be really fun? Ashley. Okay. This was Ashley's idea, I think, is do like an adult summer camp. Thank you. How much freaking
Starting point is 00:19:12 fun would that be? Please validate me. My goal is to have an adult summer camp and it's an HR besties thing, but it's all fun. Maybe we'll do a little bit of like, we'll do an educational part for a sherm credit so you can get it expensed by your employer. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Expense for it. But it'll be fun and interesting, not boring. And but to have like activity, like have like an adult getaway, have someone cook HR Besties summer camp. And it ends with the besties bash night. Yes. We just get fucked up. We can tie dye shirts. We'll serve besties bevs our wine, our new upcoming wine brand. Oh, exactly. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I'm manifesting this is no, this is not a real thing. But I know, yeah. I bought the domain as I do. I love that. I do. I love to like relax on vacation. I actually, I don't want to get me wrong. I love to explore.
Starting point is 00:19:58 I love to travel and explore, but I love, I will sit and chill. I will read so many books on vacation. Like I, I get like, I mean, I'll bring like a stack of them. And I love like a book exchange. If I go somewhere and they have a book exchange. Did that last year on vacation. I think I read like four or five books. Like I just sit and I become obsessive.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Not healthfully probably. Yeah, I do love to really sit and decompress. Like I turn my phone off and just chill. So. See, I kind of like off and just chill. So. Mm. See, I kind of like going hard on vacation. I only ever go hard.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And most of mine are around food. Yes. Like I always have a list of like fine dining places and then I want to stay out late. I want to dance. I want to... This is an idea I have in my head as I talk out loud is I think it'd be fun if we did like an like eat, pray, love, but three other'd be fun if we did like an like eat pray love But three other words, but if we did we do a vacations
Starting point is 00:20:47 I mean this is like a future a futuristic a futuristic thing because this is hopefully HR besties listeners No, we all do have like real jobs like Jamie works works for company in HR Lease, you know, you have some other fun stuff on your horizon, but you also do your toxic work survival my few LLCs here. I'm building empire. You got a few. I have managed methods. I do manage your training.
Starting point is 00:21:11 And I care very deeply about all that. That being said, I'd love to have a point in time and we do like a three-part vacation and we each plan it. Like Lee takes us to a city. I take us to a beach. Jamie, you take it. Oh my God. Jamie and I both do beaches. But like I'll to a city. I take us to a beach. Jamie, you take me to beaches. But like, I'll do a retreat anyway. But this is a this is my dream. I'm going to manifest this. I'm
Starting point is 00:21:31 going to write it down. Like people say to do like I'm ready next week. Like I'm crazy in that way. Like I'll do solo trap. I'll just drop my shit and go somewhere. Like I'm kind of weird with that. You know, I love that. I have some logistics I got to figure out. But yeah, same. I know I do crazy I love that. I have some logistics I got to figure out, but. Yeah, same. I know, I do crazy shit like that. I got too many fucking kids, but. And pets.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah, oh my God, and pets alone. You and your 10 kids and 20 animals and farm and all that. Yeah, literally 20 animals. All that drag coefficient. Yeah, menagerie. For real. Menagerie. So eat, pray, love.
Starting point is 00:22:04 What would our three words be? If you want to eat, pray, love, trip, we each come with a word, no? Laugh. That's a good one. Damn. Oh, live, laugh, love, Jamie. Come on. No.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Alive. What was it? Alive, aha, fuck. Yeah. Like a murder, fuck, kill. With shampoo. Shampoo. Fuck. Yeah, like a murder fuck kill. With shampoo.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Shampoo massage. Mine would either be read, read, laugh, read, laugh, read, hard. Long, long, laugh, long, read, oh my god. We got to think about that. We're going to do it. We're going to do this at some point in time. I literally wrote down, eat, pray, love. No, but if it's like a thing where like we each plan a trip, right? Then we're each responsible for one of the words. One of the words, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:49 So like what's y'all's individual word you think? Is yours going to be read, Ashley, really? You're taking me on a trip that's called read? It's a boring AF. My mom became a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. I'm a librarian. Like what's y'all's individual word you think? Is yours going to be read, Ashley, really? You're taking me on a trip that's called read?
Starting point is 00:23:05 It's a boring AF. My mom became a librarian before she became a lawyer. And so I used to elicit her. I didn't know that. When I was in middle school, my mom got her her bachelor's when I was in elementary school. And then in middle school, she became a librarian. She was actually at one point her job title. She was the head of adult services for the
Starting point is 00:23:26 Global Read Public Library. Which is that. Which sounds sexual. Yeah, but she brought in, she brought in like, speakers and things. And so, I mean, I would totally go on a vacation called Read, but I get that I have to market this. And so I'd say recharge. I'd say recharge.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Oh, okay. Okay. So is there a spa involved? That's what that sounds like to me. There can be. I'm not really a spa person to be honest with you. Me neither. Oh, I am. I'll spend days there. I've never had a massage in my life.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Really? Oh, no. It's fine. I probably should try to. I've never gone on like a spa vacation or anything like that. Yeah, same. Gosh. I'm the Walmart version of y'all. Let's be honest. I'm like, what am I? Maybe I'm Target. You're Target. Yeah, you're Target.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Okay, that's fine. Please leave. Please leave. Neven Marcus. I'm the Walmart version of y'all. Let's be honest. I'm like, what am I? Maybe I'm Target. You're Target. Yeah, you're Target. Okay, that's fine. Lease, please, Neven Marcus. It's Lease, Nordstrom. Yeah, oh, Neven Marcus, yeah. Nordis. I'm the Walmart. Like, we go to Gatlinburg, get in the cabin. I have no problem with that. I've absolutely been to Gatlinburg and loved it.
Starting point is 00:24:18 You want to go camping? No. No, fuck no. Gatlinburg is like, I don't know of a good way. It's like the Vegas in the woods. Maybe that's the best way. It's- A wooded Vegas? Yes. Like what happened in Gatlinburg stays there. Yeah. We'll go to Dollywood. Oh, I would go to Dollywood. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I have a soft spot in my heart for Gatlinburg because when I went to the University of Tennessee, it's only like 30 minutes of, well, it's a little bit longer. It depends on how you go. But we used to, me and my friends would just like go up there and like, hey, you could go to gift shops and see bears, like random ass shit. Yeah. It's like Pigeon Forge is kind of, it's very touristy and kind of tacky, but I love it. We got in Georgia, we have Helen, which is like a German town just north of Ben Our North. Although in the fall when the leaves turn nice, it's about a four hour drive to get
Starting point is 00:25:09 there because of traffic. Yeah, of course. That's like Gatlinburg too. But same, it has like, you know, gift shops with like, but they're like bears in like, we took one, there's like bears in like kind of cages. I like that so much. Yeah. And it's like not, and I don't know why I paid to see that. Now, granted, I haven't in recent years, but back in my college days, like we would go and pay a dollar to see the bears in like deplorable conditions. Oh, bless. Oh, they were alive. I thought stuffed. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:25:36 No. Like, you know, standing there like- Yeah, no. There's some of those, those too. Like all sad stuff like by the door. No, matter of fact, I don't think that they exist anymore. I think PETA shut them down, thankfully. Oh, gosh. But that's what's happening in Gatlinburg.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Got it. How did we get on this? I don't know. But I think that that's where my eat or eat, pray, love. Mine's going to be tacky. Can't we just do that in Vegas, though? Do you like Vegas or no? I don't mind Vegas.
Starting point is 00:26:05 I like Vegas. I like, I love Blackjack. I'm not a gambler though. You're not? I mean, I would. I mean, I've just, I don't go there for that though. I like watching people play slots and piss themselves because they don't want to lose their chair, which is sad as hell because it's like addiction.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Oh my God. I saw a video of a guy on his wheelchair and it was like four slot machines and he just kept going in circles, hitting the button. Oh my God. I think I saw it on TikTok. Yeah. I was like, wow. Okay, buddy. He's going to have to plug in eventually. Yeah. And he had that bitch on full blast, hitting the buttons. I wanted to share with you, Ashley, before we end this riveting vacation conversation that
Starting point is 00:26:45 I did see a TikTok last night of someone who just came back from a cruise. She's probably in her 30s or so. And she said that she spent three days in cruise jail. I think I saw that too, because she got in a fight with someone because of her mom. She got in a fight with someone who was bullying her mom. Her poor 67 year old mom was being bullied by this other lady. And I guess she got in a fight with her and they threw her in Cruz jail. What? They're just jails on the boat. I mean, I guess that makes sense. Like a holding cell type thing. Because what are you going to do? Throw them overboard? Hopefully not. But yeah, they do have those. I would a hundred percent go to cruise jail as someone we're messing with with, with my mom. Oh, if my mom, oh, fuck yeah. I'll throw a bow.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I would do, I would do it. I would do it as someone messing with y'all's moms. I would say, you know, Jamie would be like, girl gang. We will beat your ass. I'm glad we're recording this before my cruise and I hope, I hope I don't come back looking ragged and have a cruise jail experience. But how many views did she get? Did it go viral? I know exactly, right? That's right, getting cruise jailed. Just put me in there.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Just let me take a picture. Oh damn. Well, gosh, we hope you have a happy cruise. I do too. Stay out of jail unless you need the views. Then anything goes. Oh, damn. Well, gosh, we hope you have a happy cruise. I do too after. Stay out of jail unless you need the views, then anything goes. Now, do you karaoke? I love karaoke. I will go and I'll probably observe it first. Like I do feel like on a cruise,
Starting point is 00:28:16 you kind of got to, there's a lot of people around, you kind of got to like, you censor people, I would definitely watch them. But we're, I'm going to see some shows, some comedy, I'm not performing stand up, but I'm going to see some shows, some comedy. I'm not performing stand-up, but I'm excited. That'll be good. You need a break. Yeah. I sent them a text their day. I was like, I needed it. I just needed it. I'm over it. We've waited. I haven't had a real break in a while, so I'm ready. Oh, well, y'all have fun. For real, stay out of cruise trail. I will. I actually will say this to my whole family. That's guys.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I know. I know. And if the newsletter sucks next week, it is completely mine, Jamie, and Lee's fault. Oh, give a fuck. Yeah. I mean, if you want me to chat GPT stuff, then I will, you know? But- You better not do a newsletter, make a chat, you'd be like, damn, that was the best newsletter of all time. Don't take my job, chat, GBT, don't take my job. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Well, gosh, we hope though that if you were listening to this, you're planning something. We hope you take a little break, even if it's a staycation or, you know, sitting out in the yard, however you like to relax. But boy, we all need a break, don't we? Yes. Take care of yourselves, put yourself first, all that fun stuff. It matters. That PTO is yours.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Use it. Happy Friday. Happy Friday.

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