I Don't Know About That - Astrology with Ricky Williams

Episode Date: February 9, 2021

In this episode, the team discusses astrology with 1998 Heisman Trophy winner and host of the "Curious Questions with Ricky Williams" podcast, Ricky Williams. Go to www.HeyLila.com for early access to... Ricky's new app, Lila, and make sure to check out the "Curious Questions with Ricky Williams" podcast wherever you listen to podcasts!See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The holidays aren't sleigh bells and mistletoe. They're also airports, shopping malls, and dining tables crowded with people, some you're glad to see only once a year. Give yourself the ultimate gift of a stress-free holiday with NextEvo Naturals fast-absorbing CBD products. NextEvo's stress CBD complex gummies and clinically proven to have four times better absorption than the standard CBD. No other CBD brand can promise that. I had some people over for the holidays,
Starting point is 00:00:30 bloody family and friends, which is normally pretty stressful, but I popped some Nextivo CBD gummies and before that, I just started to like the people. I started to like them. They go totally stress-free. Nexto smart absorb technology delivers cbd to your system in as little as 10 minutes unlike other cbd brands regular cbd oil works more slowly because of how our bodies process oil-based ingredients compared to water-soluble supplements and regular cbd only activates two to ten percent absorption so over 90 of what you're taking goes to the waste. Nothing. Smart Zorb upgrades CBD's natural absorbent power.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's scientifically formulated to deliver more CBD fast. The only brand clinically proven to deliver 30 times better absorption in the first 30 minutes. Help fight holiday stress with NextEvo's natural stress CBD complex gummy featuring ashwagandha. Ashwagandha. Clinically proven to reduce stress by 70%. Ashwagandha.
Starting point is 00:01:40 And CBD worked together to target the source of rising stress hormones like cortisol. Next Evo is the only brand that combines a natural patented whole plant ashwagandha that's eight times more powerful than regular ashwagandha. Believe me, than regular ashwagandha, believe me, than regular ashwagandha, and they're 100% US hemp-driven, smart-sorbed CBD with four times absorption than standard CBD.
Starting point is 00:02:17 That's wild. Get smarter CBD from NextEvo Naturals and get up to 25% off subscription orders of $40 or more at nextevo.com slash podcast. Promo code IDK. That's N-E-X-T-E-V-O dot com slash podcast. Promo code IDK. Padlocks. Pad tie. Regular pads. padlocks pad tie regular pads are they the same thing
Starting point is 00:02:51 we might find out and I don't know about that with Jim Jeffries if I was sure Kelly's a bit what are regular pads like a pad you ride on there's also menstrual pads Paddington Bear there's a lot of pads What are regular pads? Like a pad you ride on.
Starting point is 00:03:06 There's also menstrual pads. Paddington Bear. There's a lot of pads. I think what we found out is the word pad gets overused because welcome back to my pad. Here's my menstrual pad. Here's a padlock, although that does lock up your pad. Not really. It locks up your bike.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Dog sleeps on a pad. Yeah, yeah. That is true. Padio. Landing pad. And a launching pad. It's flat things, right? Just flat things.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Yeah. Or pads. Pad lock's not really flat. Jeez, it might be a good subject, pads. Write it down, Jack. I'll tell you how many weeks gone. I got a positive COVID test. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:03:47 What? Yeah, I did. I got a positive COVID test. And then I got a negative one an hour later. Then I got another negative one. And I got another negative one. Then I got four negatives and a positive. I kept on going back just to make sure.
Starting point is 00:04:00 But you got better tests as you went along, too. More accurate tests. I got a better test. Then I dropped back down to two shittier tests because I kept on, I just wanted to be safe and sure. When you called me and told me that you did positive, I said, well, maybe you got a false positive. I had no symptoms.
Starting point is 00:04:14 I wasn't confident. I just was saying it in a hopeful way, like maybe, because it is possible. Yeah. Thank goodness that's what it was. I had a friend who got a false positive HIV, and he said that was a hell of a week. Jeez. Oh, he went around ringing people?
Starting point is 00:04:29 Oh, man. Oh, God. I feel like I would procrastinate for a little bit more than a week. And then there was a false positive, so it's a toughie, the old hip. The old FP. Yeah, I got a false positive for a venereal disease. I want to say it was like syphilis or something. And I rang a girl that I was with at the time,
Starting point is 00:04:49 and then the doctor, hey, it's not that. But they had given me the injections. They had given me all the gonorrhea. They had given me the injection in your ass, which hurts, and all the pill and all that stuff. And they were like, ah, we made a mistake. And I was like, well, that would have been good information before I called up this girl.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I had the same thing. I had been with my wife. I hadn this girl. I had the same thing. I had been with my wife. I hadn't cheated. I hadn't done anything. And I had that inflamed testicle. Remember that testicle that swelled up when we were on the Jim Jefferies show? Oh, yeah. I had to cancel Conan because I said to him,
Starting point is 00:05:16 if you start me on the couch, I can be a guest, but I can't walk out. Because I was walking with a cane. I was like, oh, with me big swelled up testicle. Something happened. Something went down the thing, but I didn't have any STD, but they gave me the injection for gonorrhea and all that type of stuff, and it turned out I didn't have anything. So there you go.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Stressful. Stressful. So I don't have the COVID, everyone. I know you're all sitting at home thinking to yourself, you wouldn't live through that. That's how I feel as well, but I don't have it. But you start doing that thing when you think you have it, when you go, I reckon it was this fucker who gave it to me
Starting point is 00:05:52 or that person or whatever. I was blaming Jack. I haven't even seen him for like two weeks. I know. We talked on the phone. Gets to the lines. So I don't have COVID, but I almost had COVID and everything's fine. I've been tested several times since.
Starting point is 00:06:07 I get tested every few days, actually, because I just have my reasons. I'm a hypochondriac. He just likes the test. I'm enjoying the test. Since I've given up cocaine, I haven't, you know. Had something of your nose in a while? Just things being shoved up my nose. That nasal fixation.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm just like, I enjoy this. I can see the appeal of this. Whoa, let's go. Let's go streaking. What do you got, Jack? Well, remember the little song you made up, Stillborn Shark,
Starting point is 00:06:37 and you requested people to make a song? I want to not take credit for it. I just changed one word in the song. It was already a song by some Korean pop band or something. I just put the word stillborn into it. Anyway. Well, someone made it. I just changed one word in the song. It was already a song by some Korean pop band or something. I just put the word stillborn into it. Anyway. Well, someone made it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 To be fair, we're not going to play every song that everyone makes for the show, but you did say... He samples it in the song. The verbal contract is in the intro. This is created by Tasty Moss, and the two S's are dollar signs.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Someone can make an actual recording of Stillborn Shark and fill in all the blanks and send it to us. We'll split it 50-50. It will be played on the episode. Kelly's giving away money. Technically I'm taking money. Oh, I thought Forrest was saying they're eating. I did too the first time.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Stillborn shark. They're eating. Stillborn shark. Stillborn shark. Challenge accepted. Mr. Jeffries, a tip of the hat to Jack, Forrest, and Kelly. I don't wear a hat, that's just an expression. All right, Chuck. So soft you can cut it with a spoon I prefer that the mothers never see him Out of sight, out of mind That's some guilt-free eating The little dead noses don't smell shit
Starting point is 00:08:09 Bleeding, hope you have an appetite It's stillborn shark season Stillborn shark They're eating Stillborn shark They're eating Stillborn shark They're eating
Starting point is 00:08:21 All right I thought, I thought, what is Fro saying They're eating alright I thought what is Forrest saying they're eating over the top of the song and I kept on turning to him and he wasn't moving his lips
Starting point is 00:08:31 and I was like bloody hell he's a talented fella alright what's your what's your segment today Jack now I know about that maybe
Starting point is 00:08:41 alright we still don't have a song for that people I thought we did I never got one no two there's not a three song episode there's not a three song episode I know about that? Maybe. We still don't have a song for that, people. I thought we did. There's not a three song episode. There's not a three song episode. Too many songs. This is on the topic of James Bond, which is episode
Starting point is 00:08:53 19 with our expert Stephen J. Rubin. First question. Where did the name James Bond come from? It was from a book of bird watching from the home called Goldeneye which was in Jamaica which is where the
Starting point is 00:09:10 writer lived. Do you know what Goldeneye is? Goldeneye is the name of his house in Jamaica. But it goes further. Goldeneye is a type of duck. Okay. You might as well have just given it to him. He gave you so much information. I was like, wow, good job. Well, he answered my second question as well. So I had to follow up.
Starting point is 00:09:32 How many questions do you have? Five. Yeah. Okay. So nice. We played a song, so that's quick. You get- Yeah. Okay. Yeah. What gave James Bond books a boost in popularity?
Starting point is 00:09:42 It was read by JFK. He said that was when he was reading this and I think it was Dr. No. It was from Russia with Love. Russia with Love and JFK was reading it. And it was number nine on the list for specifics. Very good. He's going to know all these. You've got to pick a topic he doesn't know. Ask me why JFK didn't finish the book. He got bored.
Starting point is 00:10:02 One of the biggest tragedies. Why couldn't the producers use the book The Spy Who Loved Me as the basis for the film um oh cause uh
Starting point is 00:10:13 Ian Fleming writes the N word in it several times very good is that what happened no like something something
Starting point is 00:10:20 something something something something something something something something
Starting point is 00:10:21 something something something something something something something something
Starting point is 00:10:21 something something something something something something something something
Starting point is 00:10:22 something something something something something something something something
Starting point is 00:10:22 something something something something something something something something
Starting point is 00:10:23 something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something something else? Why would he be saying it so much? It's from Russia we love. He really wanted to get that out. James Bond
Starting point is 00:10:28 floating down the Mississippi River. He picked up some verbiage that we don't approve of. That was a reference to the Huckleberry Finn has been changed. I wasn't just wanting to. Anyway. The book originally was just about a woman getting attacked by quote unquote hoodlums on the east coast of the US and it isn't
Starting point is 00:10:43 until the last two chapters when James Bond just comes in and saves the day. Oh, right. It was just like a nice twist. What film? What? No, it's funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Someone just got stuck. And the movie goes like this. And all these cops come through the window. And one of them is James Bond. The end. He had retired and become a parking... What film did the producers think was so bad they almost shelved it?
Starting point is 00:11:16 Oh, it was so bad they almost shelved it. Hustlers. I'm going to say... They thought it was very bad at the time. I'm going to say License to Kill. It was Goldfinger Goldfinger and that's the best one
Starting point is 00:11:27 the reason was James Bond gets knocked out for 30 minutes in the movie and they thought oh we can't have our hero be knocked out
Starting point is 00:11:35 for 30 minutes we might have to scrap this movie that's when the Goldfinger-ing happened but apparently they went back in and edited it
Starting point is 00:11:41 and cut it up and made it better and improved it now it's one of the best ones around I agree with that. What would have happened for 30 minutes without James Bond? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Just planning? And then you get the sharks and the lasers. The hot chicks started making out with each other. Oh yeah, James Bond. And this is a bonus question. Who was J.W. Pepper? J.W. Pepper? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:05 I don't know. I can't remember that. Made a soft drink. J.W. Pepper was the Louisiana sheriff in Live and Let Die who keeps chasing James Bond. He was like the sheriff out of the Dukes of Hazzard. He was like, I'm going to get this guy. Oh, what, do you think he was Roscoe Pico trained?
Starting point is 00:12:21 Kind of. Jack was really into this when we did the episode. So he's like, bonus question. Bonus question. Something I like. What was the thing that I contributed?
Starting point is 00:12:33 J.W. Pepper. J.W. Pepper. Oh, God. Bring that up when you talk to a girl next to a party. Okay. Yeah, go on.
Starting point is 00:12:41 We do a podcast about different subjects. You might enjoy it. You ever heard of J.W. Pepper? He actually has a pretty good role in two James Bond movies he was in the first Timothy Dalton one she's just taking off her pants
Starting point is 00:12:52 as she says he says Roger Moore which one was it Roger Moore Live and Let Die oh Live and Let Die I thought you were thinking Living Daylights
Starting point is 00:12:59 what actor played him I don't know great yeah I didn't know. Great. Yeah. People at home are excited for the ads. And here they are. Would you Adam and Eve it?
Starting point is 00:13:18 Would you Adam and Eve it? Leave it. Leave it. He's not worth it. Free stuff is the best but free stuff will ignite your Valentine's Day even better. Check this out. When you go to adamandeve.com and select almost any one item, you get 50%- Oh, no, it's got to be 5%. No, it's 50%.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Fuck me. 50% off? Ah, that's amazing by itself. But here's where they load on the free stuff. Ah, that's amazing by itself. But here's where they load on the free stuff. When you enter my exclusive code, it's IDK at checkout. You put in IDK.
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Starting point is 00:14:56 You'll look like a fool. That's IDK at adamandeve.com. Green Chef. And we're done. After you're finished with Valentine's Day and you've done all that fucking, you're going to get yourself hungry. Greenchef is the first USDA certified organic milk kit company. Enjoy clean ingredients that you can trust.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Seasonally sourced for peak freshness. Ingredients, look at this. This is what happens with them. They come pre-measured. There's no like, have a half a cup of this, a little spoon of that, or whatever. It's just like, pour that stuff in. Pour that in.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Which is good. I haven't unpacked any of my measuring stuff yet. Perfectly portioned. Perfectly portioned. Portions that you're meant to eat, not the portions I've been eating. You keep all of your measuring stuff in the same box, like rulers? No, like cooking measuring. When have I ever cooked with a ruler?
Starting point is 00:15:53 Yeah, she's got like a measuring tablet. That's what she said. And a human weight scale. I haven't unpacked all my measuring stuff. That's what she makes with foot-long sandwiches. She needs that ruler. Green Chef makes eating well easy and affordable with plans to fit every lifestyle, whether you're keto, paleo, vegan, vegetarian, or just looking to be healthier.
Starting point is 00:16:13 There's a range of recipes to suit any diet or preference. Green Chef is the first ever. If you're in your car, pull over. You're already seated, but you're not the right type of seat. You could cause it because- Well, let's stand up. Everyone, come into the speaker. Come into the speaker.
Starting point is 00:16:35 This is your first ever keto meal kit on the market. What? Now, what's that noise? Is that noises of brains exploding? It that noise as a brain's exploding? It makes sticking to a low-carb lifestyle easy with recipes averaging only 14 net carbs each. What do you make off the green stuff? Do you do the green chef?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah. Yeah? What are you into? From green chef, Jamaican fried rice. I go to the balanced living section because I'm balanced. What are you into? From Green Chef, Jamaican fried rice. I go to the balanced living section because I'm balanced. Do you ever make that joke to yourself where your girlfriend comes up to you and goes, Jamaican fried rice? No.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Okay. Is it good? What is Jamaican fried rice? What makes it Jamaican? It's like it was a little bit spicier. Like jerk chicken in there or something? Now you're asking too many questions. But there was another thing. It was like penny and there or something? No, you're asking too many questions. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:27 But there was another thing. It was like penne and meatballs or something like that with this cream sauce I really liked. So it's really good. And, you know, if you don't want to think about cooking, you don't have to think about it. That's the thing. And it keeps you slim and it keeps you happy. And I don't know all my measuring stuff out of my box yet.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go to greenchef.com slash 90, I don't know, and use the code 90, I don't know. Why would we put 90 before? Surely they're not going to make you save $90. Oh, my God. You get $90, including the shipping won't be free shipping. Go to greenchef.com slash 90.
Starting point is 00:18:08 90. You're making money, people. Greenchef.com slash 90. I don't know. You've got to write the full words. It's not a 90. I don't know. And use the promo code 90.
Starting point is 00:18:21 I don't know to get $90 off, including free shipping. That's Green Chef. It's number one. The number one meal kit for eating well. All right. Please welcome our guest today, Ricky Williams. Hello, Ricky. Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:18:37 G'day, mate. I know who Ricky is, but let's do the theme song, Jack. Yes, though. Yes, though. Jack. Wow. Yes, though. Yes, though. Yes, though. Yes, though. Judging a book by its cover. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Well, I've already seen the documentary on Ricky, so I already know everything you need to know about him. Okay. Well, but he's not here to talk about. He's not here to talk about the NFL. There's a few things. Maybe. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I don't know how well you remember the documentary. The other one, I'm not trying to be rude here, but weed. Why would that be rude? I knew that was coming. I'm high right now. There's nothing wrong about that. I was high yesterday. I spent a Sunday where I was high from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep.
Starting point is 00:19:24 That's pretty much every day for me. I will say that, Ricky, I think you do consider yourself a medical cannabis advocate, but he's not here to talk about that necessarily. I mean, it might come up, but I'm not saying that. Okay, so Ricky was in the NFL. He enjoys weed. You can ask him questions. He's right there.
Starting point is 00:19:41 No, no. Okay, so does your expertise involve the human body? Not directly. Okay. Does your expertise involve something slightly supernatural then, like that the mind goes to? Yes. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:19:59 That was a great question. If it's not directly, that's what that means, right? Yeah. So it's not dreams. We've already done an episode on dreams. That would be some lazy-ass booking. Dreams too. We're doing dreams again.
Starting point is 00:20:14 So I would say, is your expertise the subconscious? No. No, okay. Is it something that we all have or, okay, okay, no, I'll rephrase that. Is it something that you have to learn to do or do we all do it naturally? Ooh. Um, you have, there's some learning involved. Um, is it, this is going to sound stupid.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Is it, is it tarot cards? Um, it's pretty darn. It's not, but, but you, but you're in the ball. You're pretty darn close. All right, so it's some hippity-dippity stuff. All right, here we go. I almost got a spit take. All right, so it's not so.
Starting point is 00:20:55 You're close. You're very close. Think of that in that realm. Is it a zodiac? Yes. Zodiac. Astrology. Astrology. Zodiac. Astrology. There you go.
Starting point is 00:21:05 All right. All right. Astrology. I know nothing about this. I, uh, I don't believe in it. Uh, if you do believe in it, I'm, I, he's here to talk about it. Of course he believes in it. I don't, but I, I'm open to suggestion.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah. Well, that's why we have people on the podcast so you can learn about it. So let me give you a proper introduction. Ricky Williams, uh, in 1998, he was awarded the 64th Heisman Trophy at the age of 21. After a career in the NFL, he became a medical cannabis advocate and turns his attention to healing people, both physically and spiritually. Ricky studied Indian and traditional Chinese medicine, and the insights gained from these studies gave Ricky the keys to his own healing. Ricky now shares his healing insights through his herbal formulations, healing body work,
Starting point is 00:21:44 wellness consultations, and astrology. His new podcast, curious questions with Ricky Williams launched February 3rd. Ricky is also launching an astrology based dating app. And I don't know if it's Lila or Lila. Maybe you can. It's Lila.
Starting point is 00:21:58 L I L a Lila. That's in beta. People can gain early access by subscribing to the site. Hey, Lila, H E Y beta. People can gain early access by subscribing to the site. Hey, Lila, H-E-Y-L-I-L-A.com. So it's a dating app, so they match up your astrology, what matches up with the person? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Ricky, I'm sure, could tell you better than I could. So how does a dating app work? Well, it's not, you know, when we first started, we thought dating app, but really it's evolved into a relationship app. And it all came about is, you know, I've been studying astrology for about 15 years. And in 2016, I divorced my first wife. And in 2017, I got remarried. And so I was in this kind of situation in relationships where coming out of a relationship and all, you know, anyone who's been through a divorce and all that stuff,
Starting point is 00:22:49 and then kind of falling in love and getting into a new relationship, there's just a lot going on. And during this time, I happened to take a class on astrology and relationships, and it just blew my mind. It answered so many questions. It gave me so much clarity that I just felt like I have to find a way to turn this information into something people can use to help them navigate relationships. And so it's really about relationships with any two people, friends, a married couple, people that are just meeting each other, family members. And it's using astrology as a tool to first understand ourselves and then to help us understand other people.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Because a lot of times in relationships, we're not really seeing the person across from us. You know, we're seeing versions of our parents or the, you know, kid that picked on us when we were in the second grade. So it's just bringing more consciousness, more awareness to relationships. I've always found that every time I date someone who believes in astrology or something like that, they say, what's your star sign? I say Aquarius.
Starting point is 00:23:51 They go, oh, we're not a good match. I'm yet to find someone who matches up with Aquarius. Are we just a bunch of bastards? It seems like, oh, no, you're not good with a Capricorn. Who am I good with then? Yeah, so this is one of our biggest tasks is trying to dispel all of these misnomers in the way that people abuse astrology. And for us, we don't say that certain signs match up with other signs. We say that anyone
Starting point is 00:24:18 could make a relationship work. We're conscious human beings. We just give you information about we're conscious human beings. We just give you information about, you know, how can it work? And, yeah, there are some energies that, you know, meld well together and there are some that create more tension. But, you know, if you look and think of a relationship where two people get along all the time, that's boring. No, no, yeah. I think our starting point is to understand yourself
Starting point is 00:24:41 and understand what kind of relationship would work for you. Me and Forrest have had a relationship now for 13 years and it's turbulent. I don't find it boring at all when I get along with people all the time. I can use Aquarius as an example and probably why Aquarians have a bad reputation when it comes to relationship. Because Aquarius is all about learning to think for yourself. And part of that is learning to not care what other people think. And so, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:12 to, to be happy in a relationship with an Aquarius, you have to have your own, you have to have your own stuff to get, you have to have your own life. Cause if you get clingy or dependent on an Aquarian, you know, that's,
Starting point is 00:25:23 that's not going to work so well. And so if you're in a relationship with Aquarian, you have to know, give them space. There you go. Let them be who they are. Let me be who I am. I don't believe in star signs because I've met people who are born on the same day in the same year as me and like the same hour and they're complete bastards. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:25:44 So, Ricky, here's what I'm gonna ask jim everything he knows about astrology and i'm gonna ask him a bunch of questions and then after that time we're gonna go back and correct them or or praise them for knowing it right or whatever um oh real quick before we go you have your podcast is launching um it's called curious questions ricky williams just tell us briefly what that is too so you can uh let people know what uh okay yeah so it's it's based in astrology actually so um you know i have guests on and i get their birth information before the before i bring them on and the intro is is i look at their chart and i just talk about what in their chart grabs my attention what i'm curious about and and then I put that away.
Starting point is 00:26:26 I bring them on and we start talking and, and I start asking questions about the things that I saw on the chart. And at the very end, after they leave, I wrap it up and I share, you know, what I learned insights and connections. Okay, great. Well, we'll have a link to that and make sure to check that out. Subscribe to that podcast. I think I know what's going to happen because my wife the other day said, what hour were you born? And I thought that was weird.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And she, I go, why? And I go, because she goes, your birthday's coming up, but I just want to know. And I'm like, what do you want to know that for? Now I know it's happened. I texted Forrest. I was like, do you think there's any way you could get his birth time and his birthplace? And then he said, he sends me 4 p.m I go you think that's a ballpark or exact he goes no it's probably my mother no my mother was induced so there was actual appointment so so I don't know I don't like that might be where the appointment started
Starting point is 00:27:16 but it would have been in that hour yeah okay so here's the questions after Jim's done answering these questions or telling us about it um it'd be about five ten minutes you're gonna grade them zero through ten on accuracy, 10 being the best. And Kelly's going to grade them on confidence. I'm going to grade them on et cetera. And zero through 10, knowledge and retrograde. I don't even know if this makes sense.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I'm just using terms. 11 through 20 on the cusp and 21 to 30 fully aligned. I don't even know if that makes sense either. I don't know anything about astrology either. I'm going to learn today. So, okay. What is astrology, Jim? Astrology is, it's the stars and shit, right?
Starting point is 00:27:53 And they all make up. Are you Wikipedia? Yeah. They make up very exact pictures. Like, whenever you see that one, they go, and it's a bull. See, there's a dot there and a dot there. And you join them up together. It's like if a simpleton did join the dots. I'm meant to be a water carrier. So it's basically, you're born in a month and it doesn't go to the exact month.
Starting point is 00:28:16 I believe there's 12 different signs. There might be 11. And so I'll say 12. There's 12 different some signs. There might be 11. And so I'll say 12. There's 12 different signs. And in those signs, the planets align and the stars, all that type of stuff. And it's meant to be able to say what type of person you are, what your future may be like, what your day is going to be like, et cetera. Okay, et cetera. How long has astrology been used and how did it come to be?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Oh, it would be a long time now. I'm going to say astrology has been used 500 years. I believe it's probably they were doing some hoopla with the stars before that, but I believe that probably in the last 500 years they were looking at the stars going, oh, that's a water carrier. That one there looks like a scorpion. So they added it. I think it was around the same time that mushrooms were being used on the regular was probably when astrology came in.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Who was generally who was credited with the birth of astrology? Well, there's the birth of everything, our Lord Jesus Christ. He's credited with astrology? Because without him, Forrest, we don't have anything. Oh, yeah. everything our lord jesus christ he's credited with his credit with astrology because without him forrest we don't have anything oh yeah okay so so i'm gonna say our lord jesus christ or l ron hubbard okay i thought they were the same person yeah yeah they're the same it's just different interpretations okay or that or that fat prick bud. Is astrology a science? There's science involved,
Starting point is 00:29:50 but I don't believe it's scientifically proven. So I will say, no, it's not a science, but I believe there's science involved because astrology involves science. And there's, you know, there's degrees,
Starting point is 00:30:01 there's a lot of math being used and stuff like that. So there's a lot of science involved in it, but it's not a science. So science involved, but not a science yeah okay are astronomy and astrology connected um uh well yes and no um i i think the astronomers the question the astronomers is that a word right the people the astronomers who do the – what's the first one? There's astronomy and astrology. Okay, so astronomy is the science of looking at the stars and all that type of stuff. That's science.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Yeah, that one's more science. And astrology – I reckon astrology thinks they're involved with astronomy, but not the other way. I reckon astronomy goes, you're not involved with us. And astrology goes, we're all the same, right? We're all hanging out, stars and whatnot. But I believe one thinks that and the other doesn't. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Name as many zodiac signs as you can. You said there's 12, right? Yeah. See if you can name all 12. Okay. So Cancer, which I always thought was an unfortunate named one. Yeah. It's unfortunate. Okay. Yeah, it is unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:31:06 Okay, so Aquarius. I know about the Aquarius. Sagittarius. Pisces. Pisces, that's one. Libra. Leo. Is Leo one?
Starting point is 00:31:18 Libra and Leo. Sounds right. Sounds like your answers. Yeah, your answers. You're up to six. Yeah, hang on. I've got more coming. I'm just giving you help coming I'm just giving you
Starting point is 00:31:25 help I'm just giving you some queries God I know the other ones I don't even know what one my son is I know it
Starting point is 00:31:35 because he has almost the same birthday as Bianca so I know it is Scorpion have I done Scorpion you haven't done Scorpion Scorpio
Starting point is 00:31:42 Scorpio Scorpio yeah thatio. Scorpio. Yeah. What's her son? Taurus. Taurus. Like the car. That's pretty impressive.
Starting point is 00:31:49 You're doing pretty good. Taurus. You're a daddy. Yeah. God. You mentioned one earlier. You said Pisces already. I mentioned one earlier?
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah. Well, that goes on the list. What was that? You were talking about how Capricorns don't get on. Capricorn. Okay. So you't get on. Capricorn. Okay. So you have three left. Capricorn.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Sleepy Dozie and Doc. Sleepy Dozie and Doc. I'm a sleepy. You crushed it. Okay. How is one zodiac sign determined? You kind of said that. You just buy the stars and the shape of the stars,
Starting point is 00:32:25 and they get called a thing. How is yours determined? I'll buy my date of birth. Date of birth. Okay. This is an easy one. I don't even know if that's right. A lot of people say they're on the cusp.
Starting point is 00:32:36 It's like, I'm a heterosexual, but I'm on the cusp. You know what I mean? They do say that the zodiac signs are split into four categories what are they winter
Starting point is 00:32:52 summer autumn no okay there'd be something something weather ones weather based
Starting point is 00:33:01 so that's your water and the thunder and all that type of stuff crustaceans weather ones weather based so that's your water and the thunder and all that type of stuff yeah crustaceans because of the crab because of the crab
Starting point is 00:33:11 and the fish crustaceans yeah yeah okay land animals what the fuck is wrong with you land animals land animals
Starting point is 00:33:20 yeah and and air animals air animals okay what's Aquarius what about the seven dwarves Aquarius is people it's water carriers Yes, yeah. And air animals. Air animals. What's Aquarius? What about the seven dwarves? Aquarius is people.
Starting point is 00:33:30 It's water carriers and stuff like that. And dwarves. Okay, all right. What role do planets play in astrology? Well, in all truthfulness, nothing. It's not a real thing. But if they were to do it, I'm sorry, Ricky, and we'll obey this, but if they were to do something, when they align and when they move like i only found this out of my bachelor party when we're
Starting point is 00:33:49 on mushrooms that you can that you can see planets yeah wait wait you really didn't had never seen my mind i thought i would just look at his stars and then like your brother scott goes like this oh yeah well mars is very visible today'm like, get the fuck out of here. We're looking at Mars. Yeah, we're like, there's Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn. You're like, that's not possible. Yeah, I was like, I thought we were just looking at stars. Yeah, yeah, so you can see them.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So the planets move around. I don't know about anything. This is the idea of the podcast, isn't it? So the planets can align, and then someone can go, oh, Jupiter's in retrograde. That's why I'm feeling a bit horny today. Or they'll go, oh, I might lose my job. What does retrograde mean?
Starting point is 00:34:35 Saturn's in sight. What's retrograde mean? Retrograde means it's been held back a year. It's not too far back. Okay, a couple more questions and we'll get through it. What is a house in astrology? What does that mean? Oh, I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I don't know about that. Don't know. Good. That's the title. We should have a jingle when I say that. Do you only have one zodiac sign? No, you have one Zodiac sign, but then people start sort of fucking around with it,
Starting point is 00:35:08 going, oh, actually, because you're born this time, you're slightly more this Zodiac sign. It's not like Chinese years where it's just a block thing that you have. You're the rat. I'm a snake. 1977. I'm a pig. 1977?
Starting point is 00:35:23 Yeah, yeah, 77. I think I'm a rat. I think I'm a rat. 72. I'm not sure. What types of stereotypes are you familiar when it comes to zodiac signs? Like, for instance, cancers are crybabies. What?
Starting point is 00:35:39 This is just an example of that. They're always like, oh, I can't live very long. Do you know any stereotypes? I'm not a cancer. I'm a crybaby. You get cancer and tell me you're not a crybaby. So I'll say that Sagittarius is a determined people. Everyone's determined.
Starting point is 00:36:00 That's me. Yeah, very, very determined. All right. So, okay. Other ones. Sagittarius is not good at keeping to their diet. Okay. determined that's me yeah oh yeah very very determined all right so okay other ones are sagittarius's aren't good at keeping to their diet oh okay is this gonna be all about me aquarius's masturbate too much it was restoration all right what are you louise He's a Taurus. What about Tauruses? Tauruses, they like to drink a soda that's of an orange color that no one else likes. It tastes a lot like iron brew called Hippie Dippie or whatever it was called.
Starting point is 00:36:37 What was the name of that soda that you brought in? It was Inca Cola? Inca Cola. Yeah, okay. Yeah, he drinks Inca Cola. I drink Pashiona. Okay. Last question.
Starting point is 00:36:47 Are tarot readings a part of astrology? I believe that tarot readings would be involved with astrology. I don't believe that there's a person who does tarot cards that just goes, that astrology is bullshit. Fair guess. They may not be part of each other But they definitely Believe in both Okay
Starting point is 00:37:08 Alright Ricky How On zero to ten Zero to ten Ten being the best How did Jim do On his knowledge of astrology
Starting point is 00:37:14 Six Six Wow Six I feel like Everyone grades you so nicely What do you mean everyone grades No no no
Starting point is 00:37:21 Honestly though I mean probably I don't know I mean He knows a lot more about it Than he thinks he seriously yeah you've had
Starting point is 00:37:27 plenty of girlfriends you know about astrology yeah I know I've had a lot of girlfriends that tell me that I'm doing something wrong because of the stars alright
Starting point is 00:37:35 confidence how do you do Kelly I don't think he felt very confident but he did better than he than he thought he was going to do
Starting point is 00:37:43 so I'll give you a six on confidence. But I thought you performed like a seven. Oh. You know? There's room. That's like my sex reviews. I thought it was going to be fucking terrible, but it was slightly better.
Starting point is 00:37:57 You performed like a seven, but it felt like a six. All right. That's a total of 12. I'm going to give you, for give you for etc 13 in retrograde so that's a total of 57 I don't know what's happening what?
Starting point is 00:38:12 I'm just saying numbers no you did pretty good Jim we'll give you a 20 there total okay so Ricky Jim said astrology is stars and shit and
Starting point is 00:38:21 what else did he say there? Kelly? they turn the stars into pictures. There are 12 zodiac signs and it's meant to tell you what type of person you are and what your life will be like, etc. What exactly is astrology? Honestly, that answer is quite accurate. It's quite accurate.
Starting point is 00:38:39 What's interesting about this interview is that awareness you had at GMO that you can see the stars, and that was a very similar awareness that the first astrologers had. And they probably did say, oh, shit. And they started paying more attention. And I think that's really how astrology started. So astrology, astro logos. So astro, stars and shit.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Stars part is exactly right. The logos doesn't mean shit. It means language. And so it's the language of the stars. And it's exactly that. They looked at the stars and they allowed their imaginations to create a drama or a theater or a dialogue. Do you know, Holland, stars and shit is actually how I explain the American flag as well. It's a versatile answer.
Starting point is 00:39:29 That's for sure. Carry on, sorry. Yeah, and so it activated the imagination. And so it became a symbol system. And that's really what astrology is. It's this idea that most of the time we live our lives and it seems chaotic. But they started to look up and realize there's some kind of order in the stars. And if we can superimpose that order in the stars on our lives,
Starting point is 00:39:52 it can help our lives make more sense to us. Okay, that makes more sense to me, actually. I never thought about that. No, Rod, I mean. You convinced him. How long has astrology been used? Jim said 500 years, but they were probably doing some hoopla with stars before that.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah. Yeah. Again, again, the 500 years is way, way off, but the, but probably before then is actually very accurate.
Starting point is 00:40:19 So the, the first codified system of astrology is dated to, you know, 4,000, 35, 3,500 BC. And it's attributed to the Babylonians or the Mesopotamians. But there's,
Starting point is 00:40:35 but there's evidence, something called moon sticks that shamans 60,000 years ago were tracking the phases of the moon. But that's still, that's just tracking the moon and tracking like the day and how long it goes and the stars. But when in the modern era of Sagittarius and Taurus and all that, when did that come in?
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yeah. So that would be 35, 3,500. Okay. So I was off with that. That was only 500 years ago. Yeah. Actually 500 years ago is when it is when it uh went underground
Starting point is 00:41:08 um because at one point in time astrologers and astronomers were one were one in the same but during the enlightenment right after the renaissance when science and logic became king then uh astrology went underground what star sign was jesus then because i know i said jesus invented it but what star sign was j then? Because I know I said Jesus in Benedict, but what star sign was Jesus? Wouldn't he be a Capricorn? Because his birthday's on Christmas, right? So is he Capricorn? Is that Capricorn?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Sagittarius? Well, so if Jesus was born on Christmas, then yes, he'd be a Capricorn. Do you reckon the wise men came in with their fence? Ooh, he's a Capricorn. You know what they're like. He's going to be God to all men. All Capricorns are.
Starting point is 00:41:50 That's actually quite accurate. A lot of Capricorns think they know the right answer. Why does the wise men talk like that? The wise men were all just northern sort of slightly, slightly fey men who just shut up. I brought some presents. Merry Christmas, as it will be known. And then,
Starting point is 00:42:11 so who is generally accredited with the birth of astrology? He said, Jesus Christ or L Ron Hubbard. You were, is that, yeah, I think you kind of answered that right. The mess,
Starting point is 00:42:18 but that was, that one's it's, that's pretty, that's pretty far. I can't make that one work. Yeah. It's the Mesopotamians. Yeah, but L. Ron Hubbard was one of those aliens who came down in that period
Starting point is 00:42:28 and then came back again now. So it could have been L. Ron Hubbard. You can make the argument that he reincarnated as one of the Mesopotamian priests, astrologer priests reincarnated as Jesus and then later as L. Ron Hubbard. So L. Ron Hubbard, I'll take a point for that. And then he came to Hollywood. You're a nice guy, Ricky. You're making Jim feel welcome.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Is astrology a science? Jim said there's science involved, but it's not a proven science. That's a very good answer. That's a very good answer. So there is science involved and this will connect to, I think to the next question is it's very much connected to astronomy. So astrologers, we get our data from astronomers, you know, astronomers tell us where the planets are and you know,
Starting point is 00:43:17 how fast they're moving and where, where they're going to be at certain dates in the astronomer astrologers, we interpret that information. And so it's not accepted by traditional science as a science, but if you understand really what science is, astrology is definitely a science because it's people over the years have made empirical evidence and made observations and passed their notes around. And there's some consensus on what the sun means and on what the moon means and on what it means to be a Sagittarius. And this is a consensus that has lasted for 5,000 years.
Starting point is 00:43:53 So by definition, by that definition, it is a science, but it's not something that's taken seriously by science. So in that sense, it's not a science. Yeah, because I remember when somebody explained it to me, the mathematics that were involved, kind of like you were saying, like over time, like all of the evidence of people's personalities and put into like, not computers, but whatever. And like they looked at for patterns and stuff like that. And it made more sense. Yeah, before computers, you had to know trigonometry, you know, even to be able to draw up a chart. Okay. Yeah, because that birthday book, there's one of that thing, the birthday book you read. computers you had to know trigonometry you know even to be able to draw up a chart okay yeah
Starting point is 00:44:26 because i that birthday book there's one that thing the birthday book you read like that one when i read my actual birthday and the people that were born on it and the and the character traits that one really nailed me i thought so i was like oh but your birthday so my birthday is the 14th but because i was born in australia it's really the 13th in America. When you do your birth chart, it correlates to whatever the local time is where you were born. Yeah. Yeah, but the birth, that doesn't, you can read the book here and still be like, yeah, I was
Starting point is 00:44:54 14th. His birth chart's backwards because he's from Australia. I'm born on the 13th here and the 14th there. Doesn't matter. You're born on the 14th. 14th where you were. Yeah, where you were. He was the 13th here when I was born. It is, that's true. You were born on the 14th. 14th, where you were. Yeah, where you were. He was the 13th year
Starting point is 00:45:06 when I was born. I know, but I feel like when they do readings, I don't know if I'm wrong, you always include the city too, right, Ricky? Right, right, exactly. The time zone, yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:15 All right, okay, including the time zone. Oh, I'll concede. We're fighting so much. It's not like astrology was invented here and we have to do it California time.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Well, do you know, like in astrology, we see the stars different in the Southern Hemisphere. We see them different. Yeah, you can't even see the planets there. And the moon's upside down as well. Oh, my God. It took me a long time to get used to this moon. What if we can get used to it?
Starting point is 00:45:39 In the Southern Hemisphere, it looks like a face. The craters and the man in the moon, your one doesn't look like anything. Useless. It's the same moon. No, upside down moon. Bloody terrible moon. Is there anything better in America than in Australia? Lobster rolls.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Lobster rolls. Comedy clubs. Okay. Comedy clubs are better. The weather. I don't like the Australian weather. You get sunburned. 100% UV.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Weather's big. Weather's big, man. Yeah, okay. All right. Only time I ever burned was in Queensland. Yeah, you burn there, man. I tell you what, that's like no UV. And also, I prefer the American women.
Starting point is 00:46:21 There you go. And I'll tell you why. Because I don't want to have sex with anyone with my accent. I don't like it when they're like, oh, that's wonderful. Keep doing that. It's just so off-putting. To all our Australian listeners down there, love ya. Thanks for listening. But apart from that, the food's better in Australia. The food is very good in Australia. The food's better in Australia. And Australia's more chill.
Starting point is 00:46:46 Yeah, it definitely is more chill. All right. Name as many Zodis. Oh, wait, I'm sorry. Astronomy and astrology, you mentioned it a little bit, how they're connected. Is there something else you wanted to say about that? No.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I mean, that's it. That astronomy measures where the planets are, the movements, et cetera. Astrology interprets what astronomers, the data we get from astronomers. You said it went underground, but then when did it go to being printed in newspapers? Because that was really mainstream. Yeah, this was in the 50s and the 60s.
Starting point is 00:47:16 And it was during the 60s, this big cultural revolution. And there were some academics that were really getting into astrology and they decided to really study and started writing books. And also at the time, astrology was being translated into psychological language. And so it was more accessible to people and it made more sense.
Starting point is 00:47:37 So really starting in the 60s, it's really started to take off. Okay, so I understand that you believe in astrology and you believe in the astronomers. Okay, so I understand that you believe in astrology and you believe in the astronomers. Is there some astrologists who are like a mystic Meg type person who just goes, today you'll meet a tall, handsome man, where you go, oh, that's just bullshit. That's just someone writing it down.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Are there people who take the piss with this science of yours? Yes. I would say at this point a majority of the people are. A majority of the people are. And I think part of it is because of the tradition, that it went underground. And so you have to have a certain courage to not care what people think in order to be able to study astrology.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And you've got to be smart to really be able to understand it. And so, you know, a lot of people like symbols, and so they'll just riff off of symbols, but it's not astrology proper. Again, to really understand astrology, you have to be, one, open-minded and curious, but you really have to be intelligent because it's a lot of information. Because the stuff I'm always given is very similar to that of like a fortune cookie, right?
Starting point is 00:48:42 The stuff that you just read in a column and they just go, remember that fortune cookie you had once that we decided was racist? No. We were having Chinese food. We had a fortune cookie that we decided was racist. Where? Like you were at my house. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Because the opening sentence was fortune cookie says. Oh, yeah. And we were like, that doesn't feel right. Fortune cookie say. Fortune cookie say. Yeah. And we were like, that doesn't feel right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fortune cookie say. Fortune cookie say. Yeah, right. And we were like, no, just get to the message. Don't do that bit first.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Oh, yeah. I remember that. We asked Jim to see if he could name all 12 Zodiac signs. He got nine of them, right? Yeah. Nine of them. Then he said sleepy, dozy, doc. I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I actually don't know which ones you missed. You got cancer? Aries. Aries. I missed Aries. Aries. Virgo. Virgo.
Starting point is 00:49:31 I've been trying to forget Virgo, so. I haven't dated one of them in a while. Virgo's easy to forget. Wait, so we had cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Aries. We're missing one. Gemini. Gemini. From the movie The Gemini Man.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Plus, I used to drive a Holden Gemini. It was my first car. How'd you blow that then? Yeah, I know. You've got to give it up for the star signs. They get named cars. You get Tauruses and Geminis. I've got my Honda Cancer outside.
Starting point is 00:50:09 That's it that's only there's only two I bet you you'll find more I'm looking Pisces Aquarius there's no Sagittarius
Starting point is 00:50:15 Libra Leo there'd be a Libra well the name there's a lot of the words are used in a lot of pop culture movies
Starting point is 00:50:23 things like that well cancer's kind of tropic. Cancer and Capricorn. Capricorn, yeah, yeah. That's pretty good, yeah. And a disease. Don't forget the disease.
Starting point is 00:50:34 The tropic came after the PR people were like, this isn't good for us. Yeah, the cancer people should go, why is it not called Aquarius? I've got bowel Aquarius. Yeah, the cancer people should go, why is it not called Aquarius? I've got bowel Aquarius. Yeah, I still don't understand why it would be called cancer, but I guess it was called cancer before.
Starting point is 00:50:52 What happened was when they named it, there was some guy who was going through a divorce, and his wife was a cancer, and he was like, I don't know what I'm going to do. And then he goes, I'd like to call the disease Carol. You can't call it Carol. Well, when did all these names, was it that far back 3,500 years ago that the names for the signs came up too, Ricky?
Starting point is 00:51:12 Yeah, it was that far. It was that long ago. Cancer got you after though, because I'm like, I'm a cancer and I have crabs basically. Like the symbol for cancer is crab. It's just not a good combo. No. Well, Sagittarius.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So there's a couple of stories about how the disease came to be named cancer. And one of the stories is that when people had a tumor or had cancer, whenever they walked, they'd have to walk in ways where they took the pressure off of the tumor so they weren't in pain. And the way they walked, they kind of walk like a crab. And so they called it the disease of the crab. Oh, wow. And the Latin word for crab is cancer. Wow.
Starting point is 00:51:53 My carrier is a water carrier. That's why my posture is so bad. It's like I've got a bucket on my neck. I'm Sagittarius. Isn't that the half man, half horse guy? Yeah. Which is pretty. I dressed up like one of those.
Starting point is 00:52:11 It's the archer. And part of Sagittarius is, you know, the idea of if you're an archer and you pull the, and you pull the bow back and you let it go, once you let it go, you know, you don't know, you don't know what is, what's going to happen. And so a lot of Sag is about living a life where you're willing to take risks, saying yes to life, willing to shoot a lot of arrows. Does that also include not making good decisions?
Starting point is 00:52:33 That's exactly, honestly, honestly. That's textbook, that's textbook Sagittarius. I'm a Sagittarius rising. What are you, Jack? I'm Cancer. Cancer. Does Cancer get a lot of pussy, Ricky? What happens there?
Starting point is 00:52:46 Sounds like a good one I'm cancer. Cancer. Does cancer get a lot of pussy, Ricky? What happens there? Sounds like a no. It depends. I can tell you they don't. There's two kinds of cancers. Jack doesn't. There's extroverted cancers and there's introverted cancers. Extroverted cancers, yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:58 They'll tend to because, you know, cancer is about the home. And so you meet an extroverted cancer and within, cancer and within half an hour you're back at their house watching Netflix. You know what that turns out to be. Alright. Slow down with the accusations. Jack is actually fairly extroverted. He does stand-up comedy. That's an extroverted thing to do. If you talk to him
Starting point is 00:53:19 you are home in his house doing Lego pretty quick. That's true. Poor Jack. But your sun sign, from what I know, is not necessarily indicative of your relationship life, right? What's the sign that is more telling of what your relationships will be like? I would say the moon.
Starting point is 00:53:38 I'd say the moon. Because the moon is where you feel a heart connect, where you feel simpatico, where you care about somebody. And so you see in relationships, either close friends, people you can live together, these are moon connections. You got to feel comfortable around someone. And my moon's upside down. I forgot to ask that question.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I'm sorry. Like, what's a sun sign, moon sign, rising sign? Yeah. Do you know yours? Oh, my, no, I'm Aquarius. what's a sun sign, moon sign, rising sign? Yeah. That's what you just told me. Do you know yours? Oh my, my, my, no, I'm Aquarius. That's all I know. You don't have a sun sign or moon sign? I don't know. I don't know what that means. I know yours is four o'clock is an accurate.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I don't know what a sun sign or a moon sign or right. What is that? What does that mean, Ricky? So, so this idea of, and we'll get to, I think, one of the upcoming questions about planets. And so when we're in school, we learn whatever the planets in the solar system. And the word planet, it comes from the Greek word that means wonders. And again, it's exactly that image you had, Jeff, where they noticed that when we look up in the sky, we see a lot of stars. And those stars, they move together in these shapes, what we call constellations. But they noticed certain stars would move by themselves, and they called those wanderers or planets.
Starting point is 00:54:59 And so when we look at a birth chart, we look at when you were born, where were all the planets? And because they're wanderers, planets include the sun and the moon. So when you look at all 12 signs, the planets, the 10 planets that we use are scattered throughout your birth chart. And so you have a sun sign, which is when people say I'm a Gemini or you're an Aquarius or you're a Sag or you're a Cancer. We're talking about our sun sign. But the moon was also in a sign. Mercury was in a sign. Venus was in a sign. Mars was in a sign. Jupiter, et cetera, et cetera. They were all in a sign. And we interpret all of those because each of the planets, this is to answer the planet question, each of the planets represents a part of us. And so we know the sun because the sun represents our identity, our ego, right?
Starting point is 00:55:48 How we shine. Our moon, you know, the moon rules the night. So the moon rules kind of our heart, our feelings, the things that we tend to hide from people to protect. And we only share with people once we feel safe. Mercury is about the way we communicate. Mars is about the way we assert ourselves. Venus is about the way we communicate. Mars is about the way we assert ourselves. Venus is about the way we relate and create relationships with people. So each of these
Starting point is 00:56:09 planets represents a part of ourselves. And we look at what side it's in. And then the other question, we look at what house it's in. And we get information about how to understand the experiences that show up in our lives. You're a Capricorn moon. I'm a Capricorn moon i'm a capricorn moon i always knew that yeah okay but but here's the thing though so the rising sign all right the right what the rising sign represents is which sign was rising on the eastern horizon at the time and place of your birth and so that's why when we ask for your information we have to get the time and the place so that we can know the rising sun see but that's this is this makes it more impressive to me too
Starting point is 00:56:51 is that so when you are giving somebody a reading you have to take all that into into account and so all those records have to be kept too of where everything was aligned so that's exactly exactly who keeps the astronomers keep these records or is or is it who keeps the records well again this this is what we get from nasa this is what we get from the astronomers is they tell us where are the planets where are they going to be tomorrow where are they going to be the next day and and so that's why you know what sometimes is called prediction or fortune telling is astrologers can look in the future and say, you know, in six months Jupiter is going to be on top of your
Starting point is 00:57:27 sun, right? And so you can plan ahead. Am I going to get a rating? I don't know. I think you might do his podcast and get a rating. Alright, I want a rating now. You've got to come online for a rating. Yeah, we have talked about it. That's why
Starting point is 00:57:43 I asked Tasey about it, but it probably is going to take more time than we have on the podcast. I just want to, I don't need a big reading. I just want to know, all right, birthday, date, age thing. You're a cool dude. I don't know. Ricky, what do you feel about this? Because I feel like horoscopes that are printed in magazines and newspapers or whatever have done a huge disservice to astrology in general because people look at that and it's like
Starting point is 00:58:08 this vague sentence that anybody can relate to but when you get a full birth chart reading or have that information that's when you're like holy shit this stuff is like frequently accurate yeah yeah I haven't met anyone who's who sat down and I've talked to about their whole chart that didn't walk away with their mind blown about how accurate it is. And, you know, it's it's it's interesting. I think in one way, yes. You know, I poo poo like, you know, sun sign horoscopes in magazines and most serious astrologers do. And most serious astrologers do. But the truth is we owe Sun Sign Astrology a big debt because I don't think astrology would have become as popular if it wasn't for newspapers, especially in magazines. You believe you can read what a person is like. Do you also believe you can read their future?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Well, I don't think you can necessarily read what a person is like. Let me give you an example, and I think this will also answer the question about two people born even the same time. I have a twin sister, and we are extremely, extremely different. Extremely different. And we're born a minute apart. So conventional astrological thought would think you guys are somewhat similar, but we're not. She didn't even play for the NFL, I heard. Exactly. And she's, you know, she's twice as big as I am. But what a chart shows is it's a map of
Starting point is 00:59:39 the experiences that you're going to encounter. Okay. So if I say, if I say on Tuesday, you're going to meet a bully. Okay. I don't know if the bully is going to beat you up. I don't know if you're going to run away. I don't know if you're going to punch the bully in the face, but I know on Tuesday, you're going to meet a bully. Okay. That's the kind of quote unquote predictions we can, we can do. And invariably when Tuesday comes around, whether it's, you know, a bad habit or your kid's yelling at you or your boss is yelling at you or whatever, there's going to be that kind of experience is going to show up in your life. And if I look at, okay, you know, the last 10 times in your life where you've met a bully, you know, you ran away. I can predict, you know, there's a good chance that
Starting point is 01:00:22 the 11th time you meet a bully, there's a good chance you're going to run away. Or I can predict, you know, there's a good chance that the 11th time you meet a bully, there's a good chance you're going to run away. Or I can say, if you can reflect on these last times, did you learn anything about how to stand up for yourself? And if you did, you're going to be tested on Tuesday. That's the kinds of predictions we do with astrology. All right. Because an example, right, they notice in the bully analogy would be referring to the planet Mars.
Starting point is 01:00:45 And it's over centuries, you know, astronomers have noticed when Mars gets to a certain point or Mars activates something in someone's chart, there's some form of violence, right? And you... Whether that's emotional, physical, someone has an accident, a car accident, these types of things. And you believe in alternative medicines and herbal medicines and Eastern medicine. That's what Forrest was saying in the intro. Do you think that these things and astrology are intertwined or are they completely separate things? Well, that's a good question. I understand astrology as a language.
Starting point is 01:01:23 So as a language, it's intertwined in anything because it can help. It can bring insight or help you understand something about yourself. You know? Yeah. And so this idea of belief, you know, to me, I'm the kind of person where I only believe what I see. And so the way I use astrology is just to give me a different perspective, a different way to look at or understand something. And it's useful that way.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Right, so you only believe what you see. That's why Jack still doesn't believe in vaginas. I've seen them in magazines. He's still going back to that. That's the best part. Not even the internet. He doesn't use the internet. He's so old school.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Jack's sitting at home listening to The Grateful Dead, looking at an old playboy. That's so Jack. Oh, I'm going to buy some cigarettes today. So with the Western medicine thing, now I'm not the first person to say this, but like, you know, the herb medicine, the alternative medicines, right?
Starting point is 01:02:26 Richard Dawkins said a similar thing. Okay, so why hasn't these things become actual medicine? I know this is a separate subject, but I'd like an answer on this. So penicillin is molded in orange, and then it gets tested, and then the FDA approves it, and then it becomes medicine. What's the difference between that and another herbal thing that hasn't been given the okay by the scientists? Well, I think part of it is just timing. It's like if the
Starting point is 01:02:56 right person has a certain experience with the plant, then it's taken seriously. If people who don't have a voice or aren't taken seriously have been saying something for years, you know, it becomes, it becomes a political thing. You know, and again, I don't, I, you know, I can appreciate Western medicine because I've broken my ankle, I've broken my arm, I've torn my pec. I've had instances where I've needed Western medicine to put me back together. And thank goodness they could put me to sleep and numb me. Otherwise, you know, that would have sucked. And I've been on the other side where more chronic
Starting point is 01:03:30 issues of being a professional football player, you know, going the Western medicine route, you know, tearing up my tearing up my liver and the lining of my stomach. So I had to be I had to be more creative about finding ways to take care of my body that didn't do more damage to my body. So I came across alternative medicine quite organically, and I was shocked at how effective it was. I broke my arm and had to have it sewn back together, and they gave me morphine in the hospital, and it made me really sick. And my neighbor suggested I take homeopathic Arnica, and I kind of laughed at her, but I said, I don't like the way I feel. And so I tried it. And it was, it only, not only did not have side effects,
Starting point is 01:04:13 it was more effective than the morphine. More effective than morphine. I've got to get me some of this stuff. I have Arnica in my house always. I always have a tube of Arnica or like little pellets. It's like, yeah, my mom was the one that turned me on to that. My mom was a quote unquote hippie. Literally have arnica right here.
Starting point is 01:04:27 I've never even heard of that. It's made from a flower, basically. But my mom had cancer for a long time and, you know, she suffered and she was in pain and whatever. But she also, she used Western medicine. Obviously, there was like chemotherapy and things of that. But she also did like homeopathic, more like Eastern kind of stuff. And it would be funny. We'd go into the doctor's office and be like, yeah, yeah, you're doing really good.
Starting point is 01:04:52 And we can't even explain some of this stuff. So just keep doing whatever you're doing. That's the way it's said. Keep doing your cute little things. It was like almost like condescending. I was like, you know, but I think some of it's money too. It's like, you know, aspirin is they sell. at some point someone decided to make aspirin and sell it but before that they used to chew on the branches of willow trees because that's where it was
Starting point is 01:05:13 salicylic acid and so no one was making money off that and someone was like hey if we figure out how to refine this i was a little bit more black and white on this subject up until they legalized weed really yeah and then i was like it was helping me with things with sleep and stuff like that or if I had pain I had to use the CBD oil or whatever like that in joints and all that stuff. And I actually found that it was working. I got arthritis in my hands and I found that weed was helping with that as well.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah. And so until then, but like even like so CBD isn't legal in Australia, they're still not using it. We're good old-fashioned speed and methamphetamine type of people in Australia. If heroin can't fix it, we don't want it. All right. So I don't even know where we're at here. Oh, I don't know where I'm at, Kelly.
Starting point is 01:06:02 I sidetracked with medicine. Zodiac signs are split. We did all the signs. Yeah. And then planets. Oh, you know what it was? The zodiac signs are split into four categories. You said weather-based crustaceans, land animals, and air animals.
Starting point is 01:06:13 Yeah. Actually, you know, if I'm grading kindly, that's three out of four, which is not bad. The crustaceans we call water. The weather we call air. The animals we call earth. And the one you call air. The animals, we call earth. And the one you missed was fire. Oh, it's the air sign.
Starting point is 01:06:28 I'm an air sign, although I'm the water carrier. I know that much. Yeah, I'm an air sign. There you go. Okay. And then, okay, so yeah, we did all those then. Okay, and then what the stereotypes. Jim, what did you say again?
Starting point is 01:06:40 You're a chronic masturbator? Aquarius? Aquarius, Angry masturbators. Sagittarius can't stick to their diet. And Taurus is drinking weird sodas. Everyone in America was born the same month. That was eerily
Starting point is 01:06:58 accurate. The argument for Aquarians masturbating is Aquarians, again, this idea of not caring what people think. Aquarians do well by themselves. That's not a bucket of water we're carrying. We're just cleaning out our bedroom. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:16 And if you can become really good at masturbating, you don't need anyone else. And life is easier for an Aquarian. Mission accomplished. As far as is Sag for an Aquarian. Mission accomplished. As far as is a Sag not sticking to his diet? Yeah. Sag is saying yes to life, saying yes to life. And a diet is saying no. It's called being an addict. Sounds very positive.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Very addictive tendencies. Yes. Yes. And then, and the interesting one about, about Taurus, and I wouldn't say soda, but I will say Taurus is related to comfort and food, but Taurus is also related to indigenous people. So the fact that the soda was Inca, that brings in. Luis, you can't see him off camera. He is Mexican, but not Peruvian. But still, that still checks out.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Right, Luis? Yeah. And I'm a Taurus moon and I'm drinking from the indigenous Dr. Peppers. I wasn't saying that you were Peruvian, Luis. I think Luis is upset. Yeah, he hasn't responded. He's unhappy. I mean, I guess.
Starting point is 01:08:21 I don't know if we have too many indigenous sodas. Jarritos. I don't know if that counts. Yeah, thatas Jarritos I don't know if that counts I think he's angry because I knocked the Inca soda It's better than Pachio You had Mexican Coke
Starting point is 01:08:33 What are you talking about? Yeah I like Mexican Coke It wasn't anything against Mexican It was just the Incas that I have a problem with With their fucking half-assed pyramids.
Starting point is 01:08:46 Go to Egypt, see a real one, you stupid Inca. Are tarot readings a part of astrology? Jim said, yeah, he's never met anyone that would say, I like tarot cards, but astrology is stupid. You know, they're loosely related in the sense that they're both what are called auricular arts, meaning the reading of omens. You know, as an astrologer, we say that, you know, Jupiter coming over your Venus is an omen, whereas a tarot card says, because when you sat in front of me and I set out the spread, I turned over, you know, the four of hearts, and they interpret that. So they're both interpreting omens.
Starting point is 01:09:25 I've had a tarot reading that was very, very close, like scarily close. I still don't believe it. I just think it was really close. It was talking about people in my life and this person was going to screw me over and this person was going to be good and a job opportunity was going to come. All those things happen. They all happen.
Starting point is 01:09:45 But I just think she was very good at reading me. What would it take for you to believe? If somebody was that accurate in your reading? Yeah, it was very accurate. It was very accurate. But I still just think. Literally didn't miss a thing, but don't believe her. I get shit all the time.
Starting point is 01:10:03 It's like if I probably came in like this, oh, I'm worried about my relationship. You're having problems with your relationship. Like I probably, I give things away. I give things away. I'm an easy read, me. I try to go in there all sort of like level, like I'm not going to tell you anything.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I'd like to talk about my job. Oh, your job's going okay. It is going good. But the Jim Jefferies show will be cancelled. And she goes, but I didn't ask your name. I was like, whoa! What were you saying, Ricky? Something about Aquarius?
Starting point is 01:10:32 I was saying, yeah, I was saying that that's part of the whole Aquarian idea is Aquarius needs to question everything. They need to be somewhat sceptical. And also a Capricorn moon. My wife also a capricorn moon you know my wife has a capricorn moon and at its worst it's like uh grouchy smurf so this this this need like prove it to me show show me it's you know that's that's part of it yeah that is being proven yeah and the tarot cards my girlfriend uh likes tarot cards and she read mine one time and she explained it more to me
Starting point is 01:11:05 it's not more about like trying to nail who you are but it's kind of like helps to kind of guide you through like yeah i know you're making a face at me jim but do you believe in tarot cards uh i haven't done enough of them to really make an opinion i got it i got one recently and it was the day we put the offer on the house and it was i i see a new home in your future blah blah it was the day we put the offer on the house and it was I see a new home in your future blah blah it was the day we found out it was accepted one that was and that freaked me out the one that was really like exact with me talked about things that were happening in my life and also a prediction and it hasn't happened yet but killing spree oh so yeah we'll see well comedy right yeah I hope that doesn't happen.
Starting point is 01:11:46 I get the twitch. Okay, so this is a part of the show, Ricky, where at the end we ask for something called a dinner party fact. If you have something that's obscure or interesting that most people might not know about astrology that they can use to impress people. Yeah, that celebrating our birthdays is an astrological phenomenon so so in in astrology what a birthday is when the sun returns to where it was when you were born and the sun represents vitality brightness celebrate individuality celebrating ourselves and typically on our
Starting point is 01:12:20 birthday that this is what we do we celebrate ourselves of course yeah i didn't really think about that though well it's the date as well yeah but it's more about where the it's but that's the calendar and the calendar but the calendar is based off even the calendar is an astrological phenomena is based on it's based on what we learn from watching the sky no the calendar 100 it's how long the earth takes to rotate the sun and the moon takes to go around us and all the wonderful things that happen on this flat planet. Exactly. But so if you're buying into the calendar, you're already sort of buying into it. I am buying into the calendar.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Exactly. Okay. So do deck of cards, because I know deck of cards are related to the calendar because you've got the four suits, the four seasons, the 51, 51 weeks, and all that type of stuff. And there's a deck of cards. Are they based around astrology as well? Do you know that one? Yeah. So you mentioned it earlier, and really the elements are based on the seasons.
Starting point is 01:13:15 And so astrology is based on the seasons. When someone says they're an Aries, what they're saying is, I was born the first month of spring. Someone says they're a Taurus, they're saying I was born second month of spring. Someone says they're a Gemini, they're saying I was born the third month of spring, so forth and so on. So what the signs are, are really just ideas we use to describe times, parts of the season. Like an example is Taurus, okay? Taurus is associated with calm, you know, with relaxation. And Taurus is really about learning how to calm down and learning to trust your instincts. If you think of what the weather is like, and this is in northern hemispheres.
Starting point is 01:13:52 This is a weird thing about astrology. This is in northern hemispheres. In the Taurus time, the weather is starting to warm up and it's starting to stabilize. In spring, Taurus time is a beautiful time of year where it's easy to relax. The other time of year ruled by Venus, the planet of relaxation, is Libra, which is the first month of fall. And same thing, first month of fall in the northern hemisphere, the weather is starting to cool down.
Starting point is 01:14:19 The leaves are changing. It's a calming, peaceful time of year. And so the signs are really just describing season so my son completely different because i was born in the in the southern hemisphere because i was born in summer it's it's it's this is one of the interesting things about astrology is to remember that it's a symbol system so although it doesn't it doesn't match up factually in the southern hemisphere the symbolism still works. I mean, it's a mystery, but it works.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Well, I think this will be a really interesting podcast, Ricky, because you're going to give somebody a reading and then you're interviewing them and talking about you have so many places to go from that reading. It's not really a reading. It kind of is.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I've looked at enough charts to know that there's certain things about a chart that jump out, and I become really curious about how is a person doing? How are they managing this? Or, wow, they're an expert in being a student. I try to bring out interesting things in the guests that, you know, their, their fans might not have seen, but something that's these patterns that are hidden and bringing those out. And I think one, it's very interesting conversation. And two, it helps people understand how astrology actually works. It's called curious questions with Ricky Williams. And also be sure to check out the Lila app. It's the astrology based dating app called hey lila.com
Starting point is 01:15:45 is the is the website h-u-y-l-i-l-a.com uh thanks a lot for being here thanks for being on the show ricky oh if you want me as a guest i'll have a reading any day i'll come on i'm up how do i just hire you for a reading all right ladies and gentlemen if you're ever at a party and someone comes up to you and goes, ah, bloody Mars in retrograde, you go, I don't know about that. Good night, Australia.

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