If I Were You - 229: Trump

Episode Date: August 15, 2016

In this episode we discuss sisters, stalking, and our Eurotrip.This episode is brought to you by MeUndies, BlueApron, and Tidal!See omny.fm/listener for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Don't wanna be Jacob and I'm in Being a goodie, that's all for the year I'd rather leave them to that stage I'd never be the hashtag wins Don't wanna be Jacob and I'm in Be a goodie, that's all for the year Rock and roll forever. I'm also rock and roll. That was so rock. That was punk rock That was punk rock It's so different and we're counterculture to the fucking guy and I'm like enough with the guy already I want to be like society not even society society's fine But like the man is the bad part. That's what I all right
Starting point is 00:01:08 It's like society includes me. So like I'm down with society man doesn't include you the man doesn't ever include me You've got a man either. It's my old man. Oh, dude And I'm a little boy and I'm lost. That's why I'm taking guitar lessons That's why I wrote that song. I actually didn't write it. That was written by Thunder the Covers. I Think we've used them before Thunder the Covers is a great name. Have I said that before? Maybe so there they're two brothers covering their favorite songs on YouTube under the alias Thunder the Covers And they made a bunch of songs for us. That was one of them We're gonna close out the episode with another one of their songs very tight Thunder the Covers. Thank you Tota for
Starting point is 00:01:52 Embodying rock and roll for us and I am a rock and roll. I am a rock god. Yeah, what I'm a rock god God You're ankle bleeding no, it's not what is it though? It looks like it actually fine It sort of is actually you have two tattoos on one ankle And I would have guessed they're on two different ankles which is weird because we've known each other for ten years at this point Yeah, this is a bad-looking one. You're getting them both removed. You're in the process of getting a both removed Yeah, it takes about over a year eight sessions eight weeks apart. Yeah. Yeah They usually they laser it right and it hurts when it's happening, but I can't really tell after the fact
Starting point is 00:02:39 But now it it's noticeably different. Yeah, today's session was a bit rough. It was a deep cut now My my ankle looks like a boil. Yeah, looks like I have one of the ten Boils of course You also have a tattoo of a locust on your other Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you have two of the ten play and then well This also sort of looks like the lamb's blood over the door. Oh, really smear not really a plague But still within the story. Yeah, within the story the angel of death will pass over Passover related so how much did this one hurt versus the other ones because this one looks like they're starting to scrape it with a needle
Starting point is 00:03:16 You know, it's odd. This one hurt the least. Oh, interesting But it showed the most yeah, and I don't entirely know what the logic is I think that the lady that was doing it said something about like She's sort of breaking apart like the outer rim of the tattoo now So maybe maybe that's it. Maybe that's why it's bleeding I don't know. She definitely spent a longer time with the the laser gun pointed at my ankle Yeah, she has before laser don't get tattoos kids Don't do it. Yeah, you're spending so much money getting it and then money removing it
Starting point is 00:03:51 It's not even the money. I don't I would pay double the money to just have it be gone triple the money Mm-hmm. Yeah, probably triple the money. It's the time. It's like the time in the effort It's like an hour and a half out of my day every six weeks for the next year and a half And how deep are you into the pros today was the sixth session of eight? Yeah, well, they think they predicted eight. That's what I paid. Oh, I see what's going on with they What they think it's gonna end up being is 11 But I only pay for eight and no matter how many sessions it takes I don't pay for another one But you still have to go I still have to go would you I probably have to go to ten sessions
Starting point is 00:04:29 Would you have gone if they're like it's 11? Yeah, I mean I this year in it for the long haul I have a tribal Sun tattoo on my ankle. I would go for a thousand sessions a thousand tribal Suns And it does burn like the heat of a tribal Sun the laser on my ankle Oh, so it's excruciating pain for like ten seconds on each side of my ankle more pain than actually getting the tattoo Oh, yeah, like ten times more pain than actually getting You former you hot heat at least the your eyebrow ring you could just remove right well actually I mean yeah, the eyebrow ring There's still a tiny little hole in my eyebrow and actually every every like a couple months
Starting point is 00:05:10 I can like squeeze a bunch of pus out of it like it's a zit. Oh dear. It's kind of awesome I'll show you after the shit Fuck you. Let's do it live. All right All right, what is this? This is an advice podcast It's a fire you the only advice podcast on the internet hosted by us. I'm Amir. I'm Jake We survived Europe. We're back from Dublin. We did back from London. It was a good old time. Wasn't it? I went to a spania you went to a spania. I went to New York City You went to the new wave of York wave of York for your birthday. Yeah, you're now 31. I'm 31 years old
Starting point is 00:05:39 When we started making Jake and Amir's you were 21. Oh, wow Decade yeah, it's all a decade. It's been pleasure to know your brother What do you do? Hey, dude, put down the gun I thought we had a great run. I think we're still having a good No, dude, I think we reached a dead Dude, we just got that couch Put down the couch man, don't shoot the couch All right, these as always are going to be real emails from real people
Starting point is 00:06:21 We're gonna give them fake names of course to preserve anonymity. You have to preserve the anonymity so for question number one all we need from you Jake is Boys name a boys name. Let's do a limpy Olympic athletes No, let's do another one. Okay, let's do No, that works. All right, great Michael Phelps. Wow most decorated Olympian in history my hero and on yours
Starting point is 00:06:57 Whether you like it or not. All right, Michael Phelps writes Hi guys, I was walking at a local park this week playing Pokemon go when I ran into a beautiful young lady in her car Who was doing the same thing? I'm 30. She looked to be around my age She had parked to attack the Pokemon gym at this park Okay, we got to talking and I bestowed some awesome Pokemon go knowledge upon her to help her take the gym She seemed very friendly Alas, I did not ask her out because I was a sweaty mess from an hour of exercising and not in a sexy way But here's like he was exercising at the Pokemon gym
Starting point is 00:07:39 No, I think a Pokemon gym is what it's just called when Pokemons are all there He went to an actual gym and in addition to that. Sorry got it But here's where things get sticky when a player takes over a gym in Pokemon go their character screen name is revealed I searched the name on Google and with a bit of sleuthing found her real name and Facebook profile Turns out we have a lot in common same favorite sports team and same career Can I message her and try to spark up some romance or was that too sketchy of a way that I stalked with her? Pokemon name and should I just accept that my opportunity to seize the cheese has passed? Thank you. Love Mike Phelps. Mike Phelps. You're a goddamn. You're a goddamn Greek God
Starting point is 00:08:25 You're a little bit. Yeah, this is this is actually a different guy. Oh, oh, I thought it was no Yeah, you forgot that you gave us he's in Rio. Of course. All right Is there too creepy of a stalking? I think the time hasn't actually passed But I am tired of these fucking herbs asking this question, which is what which is like Is it too creepy to ask her out now? I missed my chance, right? Like if you it's so much scarier to pull the trigger now like having done really this research No, I think it's scary to do it in person No, it's not it's like if you've ever met someone out and asked them out while you were talking them while you met
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yes, but isn't it so much easier to just like have this conversation you go apart and then you follow them on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook I guess if they give you like their name or something, but like this guy would dig a he did a lot of digging, right? So you're saying is it is it to well you say it's easier to do it in person. I Don't think either is easy. Well one thing is harder and the other things creepier, right other things lamar, right? So I can I guess my advice is if you find yourself in this situation I've been there too. Yeah, where you're like, I'm too scared to ask her out I'll try to do it later But you know you already know how much of a wiener you'll feel like reaching out to her just like
Starting point is 00:09:39 At least try to get some more information You know you don't have to say like hey, let's get a drink this week Yeah, like just some things a little bit of anything but But is it too don't let the pitch go by but there that's beautiful. Thank you serene Let's say I meet someone at a party and I don't end up Getting her name or number but later that week. She follows me on Instagram. That's different. She's following you She's okay, but she's doing it to me. Okay. Let's say I follow her on Instagram. She follows me back Is that fine flirtatious friendly or should I have done something at the party? I think it's also
Starting point is 00:10:20 I mean, it's fine flirtatious and friendly and also you're a little bit of a wiener, right? But isn't it also won't I I will posit this isn't it nicer to ask someone out over text because it doesn't put them on the spot. I Understand I feel like you're positing that because you're afraid to ask people out. Yes, I'm reverse You're your reverse engineer. Yeah, I'm actually nicer because I'm afraid Yeah, and it's convenient that I'm afraid because then I don't have to ask them out in person I think people have been getting asked out for like centuries so even if they say like
Starting point is 00:10:56 They there are polite ways to say no in you if you ask somebody out and you're saying like hey, let's go out next week They say oh, yeah, I'm pretty busy, but I'll let you know okay, or like yeah Text me a time and then they'll say no over text that people are good at deflecting. I don't think you need to worry about your spot cowardice Justifying my cowardice is my autobiography title, but what about this guy specifically is it? He's not saying is it too late? He's saying is it too sketchy that I stalked her in that specific way like he found out her Pokemon name without her giving it to Him and then he went back and googled it and found it on Facebook
Starting point is 00:11:33 It is it is sketchy, but I don't think it changes the future at all Like if she liked you in that moment, she'll be happy that you sketchily found her right and if she Didn't like you then there's no way you could have found her that would be cooler You know like I don't think she was on the fence and then because right you Stalked her sort of she would be like oh fuck this guy Yeah, it seems like advice is sort of meaningless people either like you or don't and Texts that you send or don't are Entirely dependent on whether the other person likes you or not careful about that advice because that could be the end of our podcast
Starting point is 00:12:13 All right, nothing matters It all depends if you're cool or not if yeah as long as true as long as somebody likes you There's no lame way to go about it like if a cute girl reached out to me because she stalked me and found me I'd be like oh, that's amazing look how much awesome The miracles of modern technology have brought us together right But if it was like a creepy lady that I didn't necessarily like and she's like hey I found you because I saw what shoes you're wearing and then I went to Google Store and went to the receipts and I found that you're Tight and I'll be like oh this girl is crazy. I'm not into it
Starting point is 00:12:45 I feel like this lady. She's playing Pokemon go. How nerdy sketchy can you get? Yeah? I think she's like she's in your world. This girl's in in the in his wheelhouse. Can she catch? Can you catch them all? Hey, this is the text. Hey, I'd love to catch you all No, no, it's fine. It's fine. This is good Gotta catch them all so you sent her an audio note I'm sorry dozing off man, but you are hard. Yeah. Yeah, I'm having a wet dream Specifically said can I message her and try to spark up some romance? I think we say yes Yes, you can you know what take a hard a nice long-looking mirror and tell yourself that you're good enough that you're worthy that you
Starting point is 00:13:30 Can ask people out in person or at the very least Flirt a little bit. Yeah set it up a little bit so it doesn't come out of left field Yeah, just get just get the it's like playing golf get the ball really close to the hole so later you can That's good. You can't you don't need a hole in one No, but he's like he's sort of just like left and now he's like trying to make a chip shot from the I mean, he's got the sandwich. It's a 38 footer love golf. It's going from the rough What else I was gonna say something that this reminded me of Oh, yeah stalking people online. I feel like it's a lot more common than people think. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:14:12 Everyone's like, ooh, I'm kind of weird. I'll like stalk someone online But everybody I've ever gone out with from a dating app. It's like always like oh, I saw all this stuff I looked at your Instagram. I looked at your Twitter. I did your Google research. There's gotta be a new word That's not stock. It's just I mean, it's just research. Yeah stalking stalking makes it sound negative, right? It's just it's it's just pathetic But nobody goes in completely blind like imagine just like you meet someone in person You're not gonna ever search their Twitter their Instagram their Facebook on Google for anything. You're going in blind I feel like that's a rarity now a day. Yeah, it is a rarity, but I would encourage it. I think it's kind of nice
Starting point is 00:14:51 Yeah, that way you're learning everything on the fly. Yeah, what I wouldn't do which I hear some people do is do the follow Before the meat. Oh, yeah, no, that's not good at all I don't like you can't follow until you're like Basically engaged because then it's like I'm following all these people I've been on like three dates with and I have to unfollow them Eventually, when do I unfollow? That's another bit of advice. Don't follow until you're ready to legit pop the question and then when you do you Put as much into Instagram following as you do. Oh really? I don't I don't you definitely care about more than anybody I've ever met okay, maybe that could be you might be yeah, you could be right exactly
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, let us know us follow me on Instagram and send me a dm All right next question. We need a ladies name ooh Katie Ledecky have very nice USA USA USA I'm having an ethical dilemma writes Katie and I hope you can help writes Katie for the last year and a half or so I've had an occasional long-distance lover whom I met in the city where I used to live We at first dated casually for a couple months
Starting point is 00:16:02 He liked me and treated me well for the most part, but for many reasons I knew he wasn't for me Namely because he's not very smart and is kind of a racist However, we have had awesome sex right from the start. We just jive physically I soon moved to a different city But we've stayed in touch and have met up a few times since we barely talked between visits and our last romp was last summer He recently informed me that he's coming to my city in September Which excited me because I could really use a good lay, but then wondering what he's been up to I checked his Facebook page
Starting point is 00:16:36 Huh? And I was appalled though not surprised to learn that he is an avid Donald Trump supporter Coming I consider Trump to be the worst thing ever to happen to this country in modern times With this knowledge about my fuck buddy. I don't know what to do Should I stick to my morals or do my best to ignore this objectionable side of him so we can have fun together I just don't think I can let a Trump supporter inside me But this what but this one happens to be one of my favorite persons to have sex with What do you think about sleeping with someone you don't respect?
Starting point is 00:17:13 Hmm interesting twist Great question. Yeah, one of my faves. It leaves politics sex. Yeah, I don't want to turn this into a political Show, you know, yeah, let's not let's stay Bipartisan objective, you know, maybe fear slightly to the left of center or to the or to the right, right? No, one of us is liberal it is safe to say one of us is a staunch Yeah, one of us is pretty strong and the other one's a little kooky a little kooky one is staunch and the other one is just a launch Well, I Feel like I have sex with people who I don't respect all the time
Starting point is 00:18:00 Correct, but how in what way do you not respect? Yeah, that's the difference. I feel like While remating nonpartisan left of center Trump is one of the most vile hateable Loose cannon bigoted orange blob men there is yeah, so if somebody I knew liked him I do think I would Lose I wouldn't be turned on by them. You couldn't possibly be sexually attracted to someone who actually
Starting point is 00:18:33 Looks up to reveres and endorses this plump racist caring man. Yeah He's yeah, man. Yeah, he's a yeah man a sponge. He is a he is a blonde tooth He is a bean. He's a lime. He's a kidney bean perhaps. Yeah So you're saying you wouldn't even be able to be turned on but then I do I have always Loved to like have the last word via Fucking right you always say that best way to get back at someone you don't like is to sleep with them Yeah, but that isn't that also giving them what they want. Isn't that a W for them? Yeah, that's the that's I get I mean isn't that just you reverse justifying because you wanted to fuck somebody you're like, yeah, that's how you get back at them
Starting point is 00:19:21 That's true. Yeah, yeah So maybe it's not how you get back at them right maybe But then like what you you deny yourself something that you want and that gets back at them, but you're unhappy I think you should just try to find a penis. That's not attached to a Trump supporter. There are plenty of them Yeah, that's easy to say but this one is she knows it's great sex. I mean knows it's coming She doesn't even live in her area. I've that's two fuck buddies are not that impressive to have like it's not hard You can find somebody that you like having sex with maybe not find somebody that she likes this much
Starting point is 00:19:57 What if he's the best she definitely can't his penis is racist That's a racist penis way as a racist mind body and soul. So the the thing is just attached. Yeah It's it's a racist penis. Yeah, I get fucked by a racist penis. All right It's just like I wouldn't I don't think I'll go on record and say I wouldn't fuck a racist vagina. Oh, really? Yeah, I wouldn't do a really hot but racist vagina. I wouldn't do it You think he's can you be a Trump supporter or not be racist? Well, she said that this guy is racist a little bit racist And I guess I'm not yeah, I think you You're you have to be racist. Oh, you do have to at this point
Starting point is 00:20:34 Let's say at this point. I think you do. Yeah, maybe not at first Yeah, but I think if you're still supporting him now, you're you got to be a little racist just a little bit It doesn't have to be full-blown. No, no, you don't like KKK. Yeah Yeah, but it could be like but you do have to recognize that the candidate that you like Has given the KKK a voice is retweeted right white supremacists. Yeah You know didn't denounce David Duke for a little while So you do support that guy. Yeah, so it's like adjacent racism subtle second-hand racism I would say that supporting a racist rather than being racist to yourself
Starting point is 00:21:16 Sure, which is they go hand in hand. Don't they? Yeah, so the advice for this person specifically is maybe don't sleep with him Yeah, I would say don't sleep with him because It'd be nice to piss this guy off a little bit. Trump supporters aren't angry enough Yeah, this guy's this guy's mad. So maybe you'd be like hey because you like Donald Trump I can't sleep with you. Oh, that's a nice way to and then he'll be like the tie Yeah, he's like wait, but Trump's the man. What are you talking about? I really thought he was gonna get me late It's funny because we don't as as much as we don't know personally any Trump supporters
Starting point is 00:21:51 I bet a lot of Trump supporters don't know any Hillary supporters. Yeah So I guess it's almost not a great thing that we're keeping these two people apart Yeah, we should at least guys could bridge the gap. Yeah reach across the aisle. Hmm and a reach around across the aisle That's not a bad idea. Do you know any Trump supporters? Not personally, right? No, I even like conservative people that I knew from back home that used to do like, you know Make the anti-Obama Facebook statuses and stuff. They're kind of mums the word on yeah The most you can be into Trump is sort of a silent supporter. Yeah, you can tell that someone's a Trump supporter when they're just a Hillary That's masquerading, right? Yeah, you you hide. They're both awful. Yeah equally if I may say so myself
Starting point is 00:22:37 I mean neither candidate is good this year What did you say so? They didn't sort of look alike Nobody's really said that before. Yeah, nobody's tweeting about that But I feel like I take off my glasses and I'm looking at a picture of Hillary or Trump. It's very similar It's actually two two baked potatoes. Yeah With their little you remember the old chicken nuggets the old chicken nugget Cartoons. Hmm like the little action figures that were chicken nuggets
Starting point is 00:23:04 I do so imagine Trump is sort of a chicken nugget with a little blonde wig. So there you go It's all in my face. So now Your choice is clear America Uh, all right, let's take a break And we'll be right back with more questions and answers after this This show is sponsored by better help. Thank you better help if you're finding yourself in a difficult anxious stressful situation talking to a professional licensed therapist is the best way to navigate yourself out of that
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Starting point is 00:26:04 And we're back in alia back in alia Back at it again. What did you think of Dublin? What did you think of london? Did you have fun? Yeah, at a great time shows were crazy shows were crazy Thanks to everybody who came out. I love that we did that Dublin show 200 people in a fucking tent Yeah, that was a unique experience here and then the The old Fancy theater in london the victorian o2 shepherds bush empire
Starting point is 00:26:31 Always a pleasure. Always love meeting those those foreign fans. It's funny whenever we walked around Looking a little bit hung over in Dublin. Everyone asked us the same thing which was you didn't go to coppers. Did you yeah? Tell me you didn't go to coppers and that's fair question. We only went to coppers twice We're out of three possible nights. Yeah So one night we we were stumbling around trying to find the best thing in town And then at 2 30 a.m. We stumble into taken to really to coppers. What's it called copper? Copper face jacks copper face jacks. I remember I remember someone told me don't go to coppers no matter what you do and then Then I didn't really it didn't register when we were like on our way to coppers that that I was going to where they
Starting point is 00:27:13 Everyone told me not to go. Yeah Um, so I didn't go in with like any attitude or skepticism. Uh-huh And It was it was great. It blew us away exactly what I wanted It was exactly what I wanted a wall to wall never been I've never been to a crowded crowded year a more crowded dance party Uh, it was overflowing with people floor was sticky drinks were cheap Everybody just yeah the closest thing to an irish greco orgy. Have I ever seen when we first got there?
Starting point is 00:27:43 It was just like Taylor Swift is blasting huge crowd of people Guys just like power walking through the dance floor pushing people is shoving and and I Usually like hate that but I was sort of like into it So I was just like standing up as rich most like as ridges that I could yeah not letting anyone push me We went to the bar and there was like that girl had ordered like Uh a couple shots and like she had one she was trying to give one to somebody else And I just kept on not moving and finally and she kept on like pushing And finally she was just like do you want to take this with me?
Starting point is 00:28:19 Yeah, it was a drunk festival. Oh, it just changed the whole entire night. It was great And we didn't even I didn't even realize how big of a deal coppers was it's like it was voted like Best bar or club in europe it makes like what 50 million euro a year or something Jesus and uh, I just googled it and it was like the first thing that came up is 12 reasons why coppers is such a bizarre national phenomenon National yeah, everybody in ireland seems to know about coppers. They all have it Everybody tells you not to go and then everyone's there. Yeah, they're like don't you didn't go? Yeah, I spent a lot of time there too. All right. I was there last night also You were at coppers. What time I was there also it has a three star yelp average review
Starting point is 00:29:02 That sounds about right because everybody that's in there loves it But then some people are there once and never and never go back. These reviews are great You know what that's because jesse was there with us and he would have given it a one star review And I would have given it a five right, but then we went back the second night and he really liked it Oh, perfect So maybe everyone's a little bit of everything maybe Half of them say did I just step into a frat house and half of this said I have to admit it I had a great I hate to admit it, but I had a great time at coppers. Yeah, I mean they're playing gangsters paradise
Starting point is 00:29:31 That's another thing. They don't give a shit about like cool popular hip songs Well, they play those too like they'll play but I don't think any place in la would ever play gangsters paradise or like Fucking they're playing like one direction Right, totally. They're playing like the like the most like, you know kendrick lemar drake like current rap songs Yeah, and then all of a sudden they'll play one direction. It's like it's like a cool club mixed with a dumb karaoke bar Right, they played like saline d on at one point. They didn't give a shit or uh, a lannis morset It's like the dj is just as drunk as everybody At the bar dj was a wasted ipod from 1999
Starting point is 00:30:09 But we loved it and the shows are great and london was also awesome. Um, yeah being shortage is just like It's just like living in uh, uh, brooklyn all over again Yeah, the hardest thing to find is that that sweet iced coffee that seems to only exist in america We love our sweet iced coffee here. Um, yeah, I in uh In london ice it wasn't terrible. You just got like the iced americano, but you know, it's not perfect It's not the same. It's not perfect. It's just not the same. It's not it's really not the same I love starbucks, uh, but thank you for coming to those shows everybody our next one. I think is in toronto on the 28th or 27th And then we are going to the midwest in october. We're going to chicago
Starting point is 00:30:52 minnesota and detroit First time ever in detroit dope And the first podcast ever in chicago and minnesota. Oh, wow. We've never done the podcast in either of those places. Yeah, I don't think so Hell yeah, heck. Yeah. Do you want to drive or fly to those cities in between? I was thinking, you know, I I might want to I was thinking I wanted to drive but it's like what 300 miles between each Yeah, it's like a six. It's like l.a. to savers. Let's go every day. Oh, yeah, probably not because we'll be hung over Maybe we should fly. All right. Thanks, man
Starting point is 00:31:23 Or we can just uber who gives a shit, right? Oh, that's true. So we'll call it money money money money money $1,000 the copperface jacks It's really hard to spend $1,000 the copperface jacks. I know it takes like an hour and a half to get Well, so I didn't spend any money according to everybody that's been there. It's all cops and nurses So it would have been really easy to tell on somebody who robbed you. That's true. You just walk up to a nurse and complain Cops rob people all the time. Anyway Uh, let's answer another question Let's do it. Uh, this guy is a guy his guy. This guy's name is
Starting point is 00:32:03 Oh me another olympian. Yeah, no problem Ashton eten. Really? Yeah Track and field hasn't started when we're recording this so it's it's weird to imagine people running on land That's true. It's been all gymnastics and swamastics. Uh, I'm very excited for track and field though Ashton eten's been like in every single commercial. Oh, really? He's a big deal now more so than your boy tray I don't think tray made the olympic team. Wow He injured his uh hamstring or his uh achilles or something. You hate to see that But ashton eten won the gold in uh, london, uh, and he writes hi. My name is ashton eten
Starting point is 00:32:40 Anyways, I have a legitimate problem So I landed myself a date with an amazing girl. We'll call emma this date went really well And we've been talking practically non-stop since then as any normal millennial will do I stalked the shit out of her instagram account. It's funny. There you go three in a row Uh while I was creeping on her instagram I came across a few pictures of her with a friend who looked very familiar I did some more detective work and sure enough. I discovered that I drunkenly made out with emma's friend at a halloween party I thought this was kind of bad
Starting point is 00:33:08 So I did some more investigating and here's the real kicker turns out that this friend I made out with is actually emma's older sister Very close friend Unless emma is insanely chill. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know that I made out with her sister When and how do I break the news to emma? Do I tell her before things get too physical? Because sooner or later if I keep seeing her I'm gonna meet the sister. Is there any hope for me? Thanks for your time ashton. I think that Um, he's getting ahead of himself
Starting point is 00:33:43 Again, yeah, I mean you can't he can't tip his hand and be like Uh, I dug through your instagram very deeply and I think I made out with your like just let this stuff come out naturally So pretend he didn't see it and one day he'll run into her sister and be like, oh, this is awkward But he doesn't have to say I made out with your sister one day. They'll one day. They'll meet each other I mean if You know, she probably already knows because she probably told her sister about you And her sister was like I made out with that kid once. It's not a big deal. I don't think she knows I don't think they know. I don't think she would know it doesn't matter them
Starting point is 00:34:18 Like they could just just let it progress naturally and like when you actually meet her you say, oh, we've actually met before You know followed her leads you So you're saying there's no need to come out ahead of the story I don't think so. You don't say by the way. Just so you know, I know that I looked up with your sister too much Making a weird like You're making a weird all the way too early So and then also if you wait if you delay Maybe it's less of a big deal
Starting point is 00:34:47 Like you're not maybe you're not going to go on a second date with someone that hooked over their sister But if you've been like dating this guy for six months, that's like Something you can get over exactly. I don't think making out with somebody's sister is that big of a deal It's a pretty big deal. Have you ever made out with two sisters? uh Maybe I don't think I can think of right now. Yeah It's if I think it's a unique thing. I mean, it's cool. It's awesome But I don't think that it's like a deal breaker to anybody. It's only making out. What if somebody made out with your bro
Starting point is 00:35:16 Would you be there? Yeah, I've made out somebody that made out with me and my brother. Oh really? Yeah. Oh was that triple kiss at coppers, right? Yeah, between me and my brother I was the girl we got sloppy that night. That's what coppers will do man You did you you've hooked up with somebody that hooked up with your bro. Yeah, that's awesome, dude. Thanks, dude Who's the lucky dude? you Right, right
Starting point is 00:35:42 Sorry about that No, but can you name the girl just on the podcast just so I know I don't want to say her name I'll give her instagram handle. How's that? That's great. Yeah, cool. Yeah. Yeah, cool. Hold up. Let me find my phone Okay, I'm on airplane mode. Oh, yeah You may be going on airplane before the podcast. I don't know. That's okay. You can still use wi-fi Oh, really? Yeah, hop on the wi-fi and find that uh that late lucky ladies instagram handle Hold up one second. All right, cool. Oh phone's dead. Why is it dead? My phone died. Well Here use mine that way you can I probably follow her, right? You're on airplane mode. No, I'm
Starting point is 00:36:15 Three hours later All right, so don't say anything I say don't say anything and then just act surprised. You think he's good at acting surprised. Oh What? Oh my goodness Oh, when you see the sister do you still say I don't remember? No, I don't think you'd like take it to your grave or anything. I was like, oh my god I did not know that you guys were sisters. Whatever. Yeah, that's so random This is such a random occurrence. Yeah, it's all good
Starting point is 00:36:44 See see man. It's all good. It's all good, man. Uh, let's get to one more question Can I yeah for me so I gotta it's it has to be like a 60 second question quick one ready. Yeah Hey, mains. Oh wait guys name Um, Ryan Lochte love that Got it. Do you like Ryan Lochte or is he kind of a tool to you? Um, I think he's cool that he's 31 or 32 And he just keeps on getting better. I think that's cool. I think he used to be a tool But now it's cool. He's a cool tool. He did bleach his head for the olympics Kind of lame, but whatever. All right
Starting point is 00:37:19 Who am I to say I'm just a comedian. Anyway, Lochte you rule. You're not a tool. You're cool Got a complicated situation on my hands and I need some input So I currently live with my best bud in Chicago and I and we have been for two years About a year into my roommate ship He starts dating this girl and now at the end of our lease he's moving in with his girlfriend His girlfriend has a single roommate who I never who I was never really attracted to despite my roommate inquiring If I'd be interested a couple months ago I did get really drunk and I dunked my d in the previously mentioned gals v
Starting point is 00:37:52 We parted ways and didn't really talk about it. Uh, and we saw each other a few times after the fact She texted me a few weeks after and says, let's just be friends Which I'm totally cool with the problem is I hang out with my roommate and his girlfriend and the girl that I banged Every other weekend and I'm finding myself getting more attracted to her every time we hang out And recently she asked me if I'd be down to be roommates as my current roommate's girlfriend is moving out My question is should I do it and should I try to get over her instead of making it happen again? Or should I just say fuck it and well Fuck it your pal ryan lockedy easy answer. Don't move in with her
Starting point is 00:38:27 See this little attraction through though. Yeah, obviously like her a little bit But I think moving in it's gonna insane ruin anything insane Insane to move in with someone you've hooked up with once and that you're like sort of growing attracted to yeah It's like a one in a thousand chance that turns out well. Yeah prove us wrong actually Don't do it. Don't you dare do it lockedy All right, cool. Thank you for listening everybody. Thank you for writing in everybody If you have your own questions or theme songs Just like thunder the covers had that email address is if I were you show at gmail dot corn
Starting point is 00:39:04 Nicely done. Thanks everybody. Uh the opening theme song. Oh, yeah thunder the covers closing one is called digital witness By thunder the covers toad out and we'll be back next week later. Oh Ah That was a hate gun podcast

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