If I Were You - 290: Worst Best Man

Episode Date: September 4, 2017

In this episode we discuss boots, best friends, and birth control. See omny.fm/listener for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If I were you, show, show, show, at gmail.com, come, come, yeah, if I were you, yeah, to tell the truth. If I were either one of you, two duty Jews, I'd grab a noose, find a Starbucks or a tall kind of benty, sleet of falafel, falafel, if you're bruised in, I'm gonna get fired from the Siege, quote unquote, quit, yeah, that's the right time to advise a bitch, keep your ravens and ask, quote unquote, bitch, here's one for the head, yeah, yeah, my fingers will never linger as long as there's a woman out there with similar features as my mama, sitting on the podcast trying to fuck me finally on the last day, yeah, yeah, yeah, man, yeah,
Starting point is 00:00:38 give me a hand, man, yeah, give me a hand, man, as if it asked me, mama, hope you're fine, man, wear the trench and the prostitutes go out the window, for real though, I'm sad, man. Gameboy, but his use getting played, a keyword search for a mere coy Diva Roach face, oh shit, there's only one result, I'm the Gameboy, in her fucking cell out, getting nature box crumbs on his me on D's, getting iTunes ringing, feeling head gum tease, with a burst of charge to read his podcast feed, with his quality degrees, will be charged for me as a thief, I'm just gonna search dude, yeah, we should do some ruts and crafts, we're gonna go to
Starting point is 00:01:04 failed comedians, make a podcast, give me the advice, they can just ask, and we can do stuff, I've got a question to what my fucking ass is, you know, I've given more advice in a one minute diss track, and these two guys are giving the whole podcast career, time to catch up, it's if I were you, whoa, was that nasty to us, is it still a diss track, is it still a diss track if I liked it, is it still a diss track if he raps so fast, I can't understand it, yeah, I bet that's the problem with Eminem, if he's like dissing people and he's going so fast, it's like, whoa, slow down, you're too good, you don't understand, I just said something really, really mean and clever, I didn't catch it,
Starting point is 00:01:42 I heard you rhyme something with my name, and that's pretty neat, damn Marshall, I didn't know you knew me, why does this guy have such post nasal drip, I have a pretty bad cold Marshall, god damn Eminem, you really fucking railed into me, oh shit man, what do you have against me, I'm just a freaking accountant, but fuck I appreciate it, I'm just a sick accountant man, game respects game man, you're the ghost, I love you Marshall, no he's a surfer, if you want to plug something for me you can check out my slightly inactive sketch comedy YouTube channel, F plus cinema, there you have it, boom, it's funny F plus, can you get an F plus, you never heard about an F plus or a D plus, well you hear, I've
Starting point is 00:02:32 gotten D plus, that's a D plus, it's a high D, like a 68%, yeah you bitch, how are you mad, because that was a lot of my grades there, D plus, could you get a D minus, yeah 62, at that point just give me an F, a D minus, no because a D is still a passing grade, at my school C minus and above was passing, D was not, really, yeah, D was like F's ugly cousin, well I think in my school if you got enough D's it wasn't passing, but you could skate by with a D or two, you know what happened once at my high school, let me know if this ever happened to you, there was this huge biology project, like we had to do this 70 page report and it took all semester, it's just a lot of research, a lot of this, a lot
Starting point is 00:03:19 of that, charts, graphs, everything, at the end of the semester you hand in the 70 page report, my friend procrastinated so much that he straight up didn't do it, did you ever procrastinate so much and just not do something, no, not at that magnitude, yeah, he must have got an F, he must have at least gotten a D minus, yeah, I remember doing the opposite of like no homework, but I did the big paper and that like evened it out, oh, like I know this is worth 70% of my grades, I won't do anything else, yeah, I think I always got the big assignments done, it was the tiny little ones along the way, that's beautiful, sure, alright, well thank you to Jordan Holmes is who it is, Jordan Holmes, gracias brother,
Starting point is 00:04:01 wrote that diss track, he's in Vancouver, so maybe we'll go visit him soon, as part of our crisscross Canada trip, yeah, this is If I Were You, the only advice podcast on the interweb hosted by me and me, I'm Amir, I'm Jake, this is a Labor Day episode, a Labor of Love Day episode, very nice, Monday, September 4th, 2017, what are your Labor Day plans? I'm gonna go to Santa Barbara, boring, fuck you, I'm going to Tijuana, me too, or I'm going to frigging Shanghai, I was kidding, how's that for boring, you piece of shit, Santa Barbara was fine, it was nice, that's a really cool place to be, really, I was just joking
Starting point is 00:04:44 about it now. Cause I could also go to Tokyo? No, you don't have to do anything, I was even maybe going to go to Mumbai, if that piques your interest, it's Saturday, isn't that one interesting, yeah, I mean they're all interesting, I have a Nova frigging Scotia, that one's a little less so, really? Damn Arshal, how'd you know about like where I grew up and shit, the private school shit was on point. Can I get a Kleenex man, by the way?
Starting point is 00:05:12 Damn, that was fucking sick dude, I need a fucking Sudafad bro, how'd you know I went to private school? He's like a CEO's son and like the CEO paid M&M $11 million to write a diss track, well he just paid him to write the track and then M&M was like such a shady dick, he just wrote a diss track, he's like give me the 11 million dollars, yeah I tore your son a new one. Did you ever see the defiant ones on HBO, the four part documentary on Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre? I'm still trying to get through the season of ballers, so yeah, I would stop ballers
Starting point is 00:05:49 and start the defiant. Well I am caught up now, so yeah, but it's one, it's great and two, there's a lot of stuff about M&M's first time meeting Dr. Dre and like video of them, like Dr. Dre is like hey, Marshall, see if you can rap over this and I was like dinnaut, dinnaut, dinnaut, and then it's M&M just being like hi, my name is like basically coming up with it on the spot. That's crazy, yeah and that was like his first huge hit and it was basically him like hearing it for the first time in freestyling, that's why it like doesn't really make a lot
Starting point is 00:06:18 of sense. Wow. Do you like violence? He pre-styled it? Yeah. That's insane. All right, so these are questions that you found, correct? Any if I'm wrong?
Starting point is 00:06:30 Yeah. Questions, these are Jake approved questions that I've never heard before. Wow. So, here we go, let's call this first guy, Dre. There is a celebrity that I would like to talk to and befriend. They currently don't have the username they want on Instagram. I talk to the dude who owns it and they want $3,000 for it. I can make the money shooting weddings as a photographer.
Starting point is 00:06:59 How do you book your first wedding as a photographer? The idea being I get the username DM them and then we talk because they would never answer me otherwise. Is this an okay thing to do? Celebs are just people, love, Dre. Do you understand what he's thinking? So he wants to, there's a celebrity, let's call her like Natasha Beningfield and he's like, oh, that girl doesn't own her name on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:07:29 She wants it. She is expressed to somebody. I wish I had Natasha Beningfield instead of Natasha Beningfield won. So then this guy DMs Natasha Beningfield on Instagram and it's some dude who wants $3,000 for it. So he thinks he can make that money shooting weddings as a photographer. So he's a photographer. He's like, I'll shoot a couple weddings, I'll get the 3K, I'll buy the Instagram name
Starting point is 00:07:52 from this dude and I'll gift it to the celebrity. Who will have to at the very least thank me for it and ideally maybe befriend me or take me out to dinner. The question is, how do you book your first wedding as a photographer? Well I think a larger question is, do you feel like this is an actual way in? Yeah, I think it would work. You think they would become friends? I think it would, at the very least, the celebrity would talk to you.
Starting point is 00:08:22 It would owe you something. What if they're getting so many DMs? Yeah, the hard part would be reaching that person to begin with but if you can actually convince them that you now own, maybe if they get the username and then DM them from that username like, hey it's me, I'm at Natasha Beningfield, I'll fucking give you the name. Name a price. A cup of coffee. I don't think you're going to be friends with the celebrity.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Yeah, but don't you think the celebrity would at the very least talk to you. He said he would like to talk to you and befriend. I think this would get him to talk to you. Maybe talk to you. Yeah, depending on the size of the celebrity. Maybe Natasha Beningfield, whose name I know but I don't know who she is. I guess that's possible. It probably depends on the size.
Starting point is 00:09:12 But if it's like a Taylor Swift, you're not reaching T-Swift. She has a team that's going to pay the 3K. Yeah, right. It's true. This celebrity won't even pay $3,000 for their name. I definitely am very curious to know who the celebrity is. We'll find out. Have you started looking into wedding photographers?
Starting point is 00:09:30 Do you understand how this whole world works or are you not there yet? I vaguely. You first have to get the venue. Yeah. As far as I know, wedding planning is about the big things first and then you get smaller and smaller and smaller. Right. Because right now you have the whole entire world, or in my case, the Northeast.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And then once you have the location, everything else falls into place. The date. Yeah, the date because they have certain dates available. Then you've got the date and the location. And then you find out, oh, these vendors work at this location or these people are close to New York so they can work with those. Then you start choosing the vendor, then you start choosing the food, then you start choosing the hashtag.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Then you start choosing the hats. Then you start choosing the milk and cookies they give out at 1 AM and everyone says, these are pretty cute, man. Where'd you fucking get that all the milk, dude? I'm doing like friggin' great. Em, dude, you've got to try these fucking snicker noodles, dude. I swear, Marshall, you're going to fucking go ham on these. No way, Marshall.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Have you ever had a crumpet before, dude? I went to England last week with my dad. Whoa, Marshall, you bumped into me, man. You're fucking masoned me, dude. Dude, M&M, you should get little fucking M&Ms with your name on it. I have an idea, man. Do you still live in Detroit? Does he?
Starting point is 00:10:54 You think he does? Check this one out. Because I'm just Marshall Badhurst, just a regular guy that doesn't give a fuck about me. I could do back-ups, Slim. I feel like I'm a fucking stan to you. So you don't know how much wedding photographers go for or how they get started. No, we're getting different quotes.
Starting point is 00:11:16 So far, it's like maybe 2,000 to 8,000 or something like that. Yeah, but I bet it's about starting small. You do stuff for free, then you get a portfolio, then you start charging more, and then you start charging more and more depending on how good you are. It's funny, he's like, I need advice on talking to this celebrity, but he also wants advice on starting a small business. Yeah. And I don't think that it's necessarily going to pan out like you'd be fronting a
Starting point is 00:11:43 celeb, but maybe you could be a successful wedding photographer and that'd be fine. 3K a wedding, that's a pretty solid weekly gig. If you get it. Is the celeb married? Maybe you could shoot their wedding someday. Holy shit. Full circle. All right, let's call this guy M&M Marshall.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Marshall writes, I've been dating my girlfriend for eight months. A relationship has been amazing, and it goes without saying that she is an absolute smoke show. However, there is one thing. My girlfriend has an IUD, which for those of you who don't know is a form of birth control that is over 99.9% effective. Because of this, my girlfriend lets me go to town raw. However, she still makes me pull out, despite the fact that there's no difference in the
Starting point is 00:12:27 chance of her getting pregnant if I were to just bust inside her. The few times she let me, she freaks out and is convinced she is pregnant even after getting her period numerous times, which doesn't make sense at all. My question is, how do I convince my girlfriend to let me shower the inside of her ham wallet more often? Alternatively, am I being too casual about this whole thing? I really wouldn't want to have to shut out the dough for an aborsh. Thanks, Marshall.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Thoughts? I was on the guy's side until he said, shower the inside of her ham wallet more often. Then he made it so I couldn't root for him anymore. There was a more polite way to write this question that would make me a little bit more sympathetic. But it seems like he's just a crass dude who doesn't deserve to shower the inside of any ham wallet for now. I think he made an off-color joke at the end, but he lost me before that. I feel like I understand the desire to ejaculate in someone because nothing in the world feels
Starting point is 00:13:36 better than that, but at the same time, it's 100% her call. Yeah, but why do you think she has the IUD to begin with? Because she's clearly worried about pregnancy. So she's like, we need that 99.9% and then also in addition to that, maybe a condom, maybe a pullout, maybe a whatever. I guess IUD combined with pulling out as long as he pulls out accurately is more effective, right? You're a math person.
Starting point is 00:14:05 If it's 99.9% effective in an IUD and 98% effective when you pull out. Right. Then it's like one in a thousand times two in a thousand, which is like two in a hundred thousand. There you go. Yeah, I don't think you can convince someone to shower the inside of her ham wallet more often. Alternatively, am I being too casual about this whole thing?
Starting point is 00:14:32 Is he being cash or is he being business casual about it? I feel like he's wearing jeans instead of dockers for sure. Oh, so he's a little bit too cash about this whole thing. But at the same time, some people are casual about this kind of thing. Have you ever been casual about it? I try to stay safe, but I haven't had too many or haven't had any legit pregnancy scares. Like no missed periods. I've had several.
Starting point is 00:15:04 And I'm casual. I can't be more casual. I'm wearing board shorts and a tank top. I often am. I'm so casual. Yeah, I think at this point, your girlfriend probably knows what your deepest desires are. But I think you cannot continually ask, and plead, and beg, and manipulate to get there. You just kind of have to like, you've expressed what you wanted.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I like having sex with you no matter what. It feels best for me when I come inside you and I did all this research about IUDs and it doesn't seem like it's that scary. I mean, I haven't done a lot of research on them. So I mean, show her what you find. But then also, you have to be like, she's the judge, jury, and executioner here. Yeah, it's like the risk on her end is becoming pregnant, which is all on her. She's carrying a baby.
Starting point is 00:16:00 And then the difference on your end is whether you get to nut inside her ham wallet or come somewhere else. Yeah, by yourself a fleshlight, that's cheaper than an abortion. He also said, I don't want to really pay for an abortion. Yeah. So if you're not willing to deal with any of the bad outcomes, you shouldn't really enjoy the good. Yeah, he wants all the reward and none of the risk.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Fair. You don't get that, unfortunately. Not in life, not in relationships. Not in Trump's America. Hurrah. All right, this one's from a lady. We'll call her Stevie Nicks, who's also part of the documentary, The Defiant Ones. Why?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Because Jimmy Iovine worked with everybody, including Stevie Nicks. Neat. She writes, I'm a young lady residing in her early 20s. I've been dating this guy who I have now been official with for a couple months. He's a bit older than me, seven years to be exact, and he is definitely more seasoned in the bedroom than myself in particular areas. He's previously mentioned to me that he's been experimental with butt plugs in the past, and he's even shown me some of his collection.
Starting point is 00:17:04 This isn't my first rodeo, as one of my ex-boyfriends had come out to me previously. However, I'm now up in the air if my current partner is expressing that he wants me to get brown and down in the bedroom, or if he's just showing off his trophies since he had mentioned it had been a while since he stuck one up there. Although I've never done anything like this before, I'm pretty open to tickling his tootsie. What do you think? Should I catch him off guard in the bedroom? Perhaps an element of surprise is what I need to shake things up.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Jesus. Thanks again. I forgot that part. Yes. Come to Toronto. My partner wants to be part of the crisscross candidature. You definitely don't surprise someone with a butt plug, right? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I think she wants to surprise him with a tickling his tootsie. Yes. I don't know if you like surprise anybody by just going right for the asshole. Yes, but do you think she should have a talk about it, or does that make it less sexy? I think there's probably a sexy way to talk about it while you're down there, you know, breathlessly being like, do you want to get one of your butt plugs? Yes. Again, this is another butt plug question, and I'm always a little confused about the
Starting point is 00:18:12 primary reasoning for a butt plug. Is it a sex toy? Is it an in-between sex thing? Is it a self-pleasure thing? Yes. Regardless of what it is, I feel like if you show someone a butt plug collection, she said he showed me his collection of butt plugs. She thinks he's passively into butt plugs.
Starting point is 00:18:39 That was him dipping his toe. Zero butt plugs is being passively into them. One is being really into them, and the collection means you're in the top 1%. He loves butt plugs is what I wanted to tell this person. So what do you think? Should I catch him off guard? I guess he probably won't be caught off guard because he is anxiously awaiting something going in his ass.
Starting point is 00:19:04 One of his or one of her own? He probably has a favorite. So when she sticks something up there, he won't be like, ooh, what was that? He's like, finally! It is time. Shower me in anus plugs. Have you ever seen a butt plug IRL in the wild? I don't know if I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:19:24 No, I don't think I have. Me neither. I mean, I've seen one in a store. Of course. I've never seen one as not a joke. Yeah, exactly. Should I catch him off guard? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:19:41 There's a lot of questions on my end that I'd be afraid to go for it, but maybe he's into that. Maybe she should catch him off guard. How about that? Perhaps an element of surprise. I mean, yeah, you can explore butt stuff without needing to have a conversation and go straight to the plug. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:19:59 While you're hooking up, you can just tickle his butt with your finger. That's what she means by tickle is, whatever she's, hoo-ha. Tickling his tootsie. Tickling his tootsie. That's fine. Yeah. Maybe she can dip her toes in. Literally.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Yeah. So what she does is get her little pinky toe up towards her hand, and then... Dips the pinky toe in his ass. That's right. And what position is he? He is a downward dog. He's downward dogging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:28 So his elbows and wrists are on the bed, and so are his knees and toes. So that's child's pose. Okay. So he's in a child's pose, and she's standing above him. Yeah. Standing above or sitting down next to him, and then she's lifting up her leg, and then sort of trying to separate the rest of her toes from the pinky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Because the pinky is the smallest little nubbin. I wonder why she needs to do the pinky toe and not just the pinky finger. Oh, and then just go one knuckle deep. Yeah. I think because the pinky toe... Does it make a butt plug the size of a tic-tac, a suppository of sorts? Yeah. I think you're just supposed to use tic-tacs.
Starting point is 00:21:09 That's cool. Yeah. An anal tic-tac. That's nice. Yeah. I really think she should dip her pinky toe in his asshole. I know that's what you think. And I'll tell you why, because the nail is less involved in the toe.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Really? Yeah. You got a pinky nail, right? And that sort of goes all the way up to the end of the rounded flesh bulb at the top of your pinky. Right. But you got a pinky toe. It's like a little seal where it seems like more of a tadpole.
Starting point is 00:21:36 It's more toe. Yeah. And then you got a little sliver of a nail on the toe. My pinky toe is like, it's kind of callused and triangular. Yeah. What are your toes like? Let me see your toe, man. No, I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I don't need to show you my toe. Let me see your toe. I don't want to show you. Can I see your nipple? All right. Here's my toes. Wow. What?
Starting point is 00:21:56 The pinky's the longest one. On your right foot, there's way too many, and on your left foot, there's way too few. I'm getting three toes on the left and right foot has nine. Yeah. So I have 12 total, which is in the acceptable range. It's just not distributed evenly. Man. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:22:12 The toe goes up. There's another toe on your ankle and then one on your knee. Yeah. All right. Yeah. That's why my nickname in high school was Tony. Very, very good, Tony. Toe coming knee.
Starting point is 00:22:28 All right. Let's take a break. Right now, thank you for your sponsors, and we'll be back with more Tony after this. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Thank you, BetterHelp. If you're finding yourself in a difficult, anxious, stressful situation talking to a professional licensed therapist is the best way to navigate yourself out of that difficult place. And it's not necessarily easy to find a therapist, especially one in your area, but BetterHelp
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Starting point is 00:24:43 I bet that's available and you can have it today and you can buy it through Squarespace and build an awesome website dedicated to me or I guess dedicated to anyone else in your life. Maybe you want to give somebody a gift this season, a summer birthday coming up. Who doesn't want a website? So the best way to do that is to go to Squarespace.com slash if I were you for a free trial. When you're ready to launch, just use that offer code if I were you to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain again, Squarespace.com slash if I were you free trial.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Everything looks good. Let's launch it. Just use that offer code if I were you to save 10% off that first purchase. Thank you. Squarespace. Marshall, dude, you fucking rule bad big ups and we're back. We got a few smaller questions about Hurricane Harvey, which reminded us to talk about her Hurricane Harvey relief.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yes. How are you relieving Hurricane Harvey victims? Yeah, I heard Red Cross is the way to do it. Really? Because I hear lots of different things. It's like, no, don't do Red Cross, do like smaller shelters that will, you know, give the money more directly. And I heard that too.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And some people like, no, actually give to Red Cross because Red Cross is there and giving relief. Right. Even though Red Cross did some shady stuff before, they are still the best at the triage that is needed immediately. They have the best infrastructure. Right. And then which one is if you text, it goes to them.
Starting point is 00:26:08 So they have like an easier way to donate text to Red Cross. I mean, just Google and find out the right one for you. Yeah, it's hard with charity, but the important thing is that we all give something. It's funny that like people, is this a thing that people talk about but like charity shaming? Oh, like, oh, you gave to that charity? Right. Like I did something. You fuck.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Why am I in trouble for that? You really should be Googling the local charities. Yeah. New York Times has a whole article. There's local organizations, the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund being the easiest one to memorize. Oh, and then the American Red Cross is accepting donations. If you text Harvey to 909999, that donates $10.
Starting point is 00:26:52 And I think it's from your phone plan. So it's, you know, there's a chance you're not even having to pay for that. That's like forcing your parents. That's mommy and daddy cash. Yeah. So why was this bill a little high? Let them pay for Harvey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:05 But they can't get mad at you because you're just donating money to a very important cause, which is... Cha-ching, cha-ching, cha-ching. Hurricane Harvey Relief. It's crazy that it's still raining there. Well, at the time of recording, usually these hurricanes come and go. Still raining? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:20 It's still raining in Houston. Jesus Christ. So, yeah, donate if you can. Have you found a place for your wedding? Yeah. Really? Yeah, yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:27:30 Top of the Empire State Building. Holy shit. On the fucking needle. That's impossible, right? I don't know. How would you get that many people on the needle? Dude, anything for a dime, that's what they say. No, they don't.
Starting point is 00:27:42 But what does that mean if they did say that? Anything for a dime? You have the cash that can make it happen. Got it. You think if I had unlimited funds, I couldn't get married on the Empire State Building needle? Yeah, I think not. I think you couldn't get it. For a trillion dollars, they couldn't make that happen?
Starting point is 00:27:56 What would they do? How would they put the people on the needle? It seems like it's more of a physical possibility. It would be just me and my fiance. But I'm standing on one needle? Yeah, we'd like climb up. I don't know how wide it is, but you clip in. They rig something.
Starting point is 00:28:13 They rig some sort of what is it called? Like scaffolding or something, no matter. We get up there. There's a tiny little platform, but we're clipped in with carabiners and ropes. So it's nice and safe. And then our wedding party is down on the platform below. It's not going to happen. You're not going to get it.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I'm just saying for unlimited money, it could. All right. If I had a billion fucking dollars, you think they would let me do it? All right. Let's get back to the questions. No. Let's not get back. This is the most important question.
Starting point is 00:28:46 All right. My friend's car got booted. Do you know this one? This is the question you're going to like. All right. Let's call. Cash. Let's call this guy Bruce as in Bruce Springsteen, who also worked with Jimmy Iovine in the,
Starting point is 00:29:00 and you can hear all about it in the defined ones. Last night, I was out to dinner, writes Bruce with a couple of friends. We split the bill at dinner based on what we had eaten. Later, we were driving around and my friend who was driving in the car decided he wanted to go get cookies from Insomnia Cookies. We drove to an area of town that I was unfamiliar with. And after briefly looking at street parking, we saw. We saw a parking deck that was attached to a grocery store and it was free.
Starting point is 00:29:26 He said he had parked there before and we would be fine. So we walked out, got our cookies. And when we got back to his car, when we got back, his car had been booted because the parking was only for the grocery store and there was a small sign that said people who left the area would be booted. The booting fee is $75, which my friend, the driver, paid all of. Should the rest of us offer to have split the fee with him? He was the one driving and the one who made the decision to park there.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And he was the only one of us with a job and income. The rest of us are students. We all equally could have noticed the booting warning, but he was ultimately the one who decided to park there. There's the fact that he's the only one with an income matter at all. Thanks for your help. Much love, Bruce. What do you think is the right thing to do there?
Starting point is 00:30:14 It seems like everything is leaning towards this guy paying it all. I can't believe a car was booted so quickly. Yeah. Usually late night, you can get away with an hour of leeway or some warning. Why are you using a boot? Come on out. Is that quickly? That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:30:32 That happens so fast. I think boots take some time to install. It definitely seems more effective than a ticket because people just wouldn't pay a ticket, right? Yeah, but a boot is also fucked up because it's the opposite of like, oh, you parked here? Now you can't leave. Yeah. It's like a weird big thing.
Starting point is 00:30:51 No parking here. I'll go when you put a fucking boot on my car. That's right. Now you can't leave the parking spot. It's kind of like, I caught you smoking cigarettes, now you got to smoke a box. Yeah. It's such a weird thing. There's four different boots on your car.
Starting point is 00:31:04 If you wanted to park here, now you're here forever, jokes on you. So there's a booting fee, which is $75 to take the boot off your car. So I think this guy is responsible. Not only was his decision to go to Insomnia, it was also his decision to park there. It was also he has more money than everyone else. So I think it's okay that they didn't try to pay. I guess the alternative is you offer and then the guy hopefully says no. Yeah, that's what I think.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I think they should have offered. But if it was the other way around where it's like, my friend wants us to pay, I'd be like, that's kind of fucked up. Yeah. But I mean, I would understand that too, but only a little bit, I guess. I guess the right thing to do is to offer. It's funny. I mean, $75 is in the grand scheme of things, not a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:31:54 And people have, people will lose friends over. This is like, I don't know, 20 bucks each or something like that. Yeah. Well, if you have a job, $75 is less than if you're a student and you don't have a job. Even if you're a student, isn't like $20 not that much money? Yeah. But you know how much money you have. They didn't go to Insomnia Cookies and out to dinner.
Starting point is 00:32:16 So you have some money for cookies, but you don't have some money to help your friend out who got a ticket or a boot. Why do you think he mentioned the split the bill at dinner based on what we had eaten? I guess to show that everybody in this group is cheap as fuck. They're not willing to split it four ways. They figure things out down to the dollar. And then there was a booting fee of $75, which my friend the driver paid all of. I guess the best part of having a job when I was like after high school and I got a job,
Starting point is 00:32:48 it was just not having to worry about splitting everything down to the cent. Right. It's like, oh, it's okay if we all pay 20 bucks instead of like you pay $17.50 and I'll pay $23. Yeah. And then like, oh, you get this round of drinks, I'll get the next one and it'll all even out rather than like, hey, let's each all go buy our own individual drink at this bar. Right. All right.
Starting point is 00:33:11 So you think they should have offered and then he should have said no? Yeah. I think you guys should have offered. But like it is, it's interesting if he's not asking. He probably knows. He feels bad. That it was on him. But then he's the person that drove.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I feel like you got to give the driver leeway because like in that situation, anybody could have made that mistake. You know, like if it's, he did it, anyone could have done it. And if you were in his position, wouldn't you want everybody to split the, split the burden? Yeah. Well, is it, I don't like rules that require you to do one thing and then the other person to say, never mind. Like the whole, if you get your food first, you're supposed to say, oh, I don't want to
Starting point is 00:33:54 eat this food. Right. And then your friend is supposed to say, please eat. And then you say, oh, okay. Yeah. Or you can just eat. Yeah. So I say, it's fine that you didn't offer to pay because he made all the decisions to get
Starting point is 00:34:10 there. But if you want to be extra nice and do the hundred percent nice thing, you know, there's like good guys in the world. He's a good guy. I feel like the, he's a good guy guy would have offered. Right. So do you want to be a normal guy? Do you want to be a good guy?
Starting point is 00:34:25 That's, I guess that's the question. Do you want to be a nobleman? Yeah. What do you want? I don't think it's shits. I think it's normal. A fine man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:34 A fine man. He's a fine man, but I wouldn't say, oh, he's the nicest guy. Oh, he's all right. Yeah. I would say he's all right. He's not like the kind of guy that actively seeks out, oh, I hear you're moving. Can I help you move rather than like waiting for somebody to ask him for help? He's like the guy that's like, oh, can you help me move this weekend?
Starting point is 00:34:51 He's like, I'm out of town and you're like, well, I can move next weekend too. He's like, oh, all right. I guess I'm caught. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, but at the same time, he's not actively trying to be nice. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Yeah. All right. Well, I think you should read the next question because it's a similar tone. You don't even know what the next question is. He's a bit more of a villain. I think I do. You sent me like nine. Wow.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Which one are you thinking of? Concert one. Oh, okay. A concert cash quandary. That's not it. Really? Not it. There's a more specific concert one.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Oh, this one's from a lady. Concert credit quandary. Yeah. Okay. Oh, Gwen Stefani. That's not who I was thinking of, but he also worked with her. Cool. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Gwen Stefani writes. Hi. I'm a 19-year-old female and I'm about about a month ago. My friend asked me to go to a concert with her, but the tickets cost $180. I'm a full-time college student and I do have a part-time job as an aide in special needs classrooms, but the minimum wage I get is used for rent and groceries. I just can't afford to shell out all that money on one concert ticket, so I said I couldn't go with her.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Cut to about two days before the concert, she said she bought two tickets herself and couldn't find anyone to go with. And again, asked if I could go. I said I still couldn't pay for it, but this time she said it was fine. Not to worry about it. She just wanted someone to go with. So I said yes. And when we went, I did pay for her to fill up her gas tank.
Starting point is 00:36:21 I paid for parking and I paid for her dinner after the show to at least compensate at least some of the money. However, the next day she texted me and asked me to pay for her full, uh, pay for her in full for the ticket, even though she originally told me not to worry about it. I asked her if we could work out a compromise and I could pay for a half because I paid for gas and parking, but no. She wants the full 180. I wouldn't have gone with her if I knew I was going to have to pay that amount.
Starting point is 00:36:49 I even said no when she originally asked me. Not only do I not have this money at the moment, but even when I do save up enough, I kind of feel like I don't owe it to her. If I didn't go to the concert, her money and extra ticket would have gone to waste. Should I just cave and pay for the ticket? What would you do? Thanks. Love.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Gwen Stefani. She's getting extorted. Yeah. I want, I want to follow up from this question so bad. I want to ask, I want to talk to the girl that paid to be like, so what's your side of the story? This is our other podcast where we should, like it would be much more highly produced, but where we get the whole, the full scope.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, because this, this doesn't make sense unless the quote unquote friend is this nefarious enemy woman. Like there's no way you trick someone into paying $180 if you're an actual friend. What could she possibly say that would make us be like, oh shit, you're right, it is more complicated. Yeah. I don't know. Like maybe she never asked her originally, maybe, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It seems like one of this stuff either has to be a lie or the other person has to be just completely bad and mean. $180 concert ticket. That's a Gwen Stefani thing. That's a lot of money, 180 bucks for a concert. Yeah, you don't owe her any money. Don't cave and pay for the ticket at the very least. You're getting extorted.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yeah. I mean, it's, that's completely insane, especially, I mean, this girl's going to come out on top if you pay her for the ticket and for the, the parking of the gas and dinner. Like you don't want to pay for more of this concert as a guest. Say you should, she should not get $180 from her. You should donate it to the, to Hurricane Harvey relief. Yeah, that's right. Text 9-0-9-9, nine times.
Starting point is 00:38:35 It's right. Whatever it was. Yeah, text Harvey to 9-0-9-9 and then 18 times. It's not even $180 for two tickets. It's $180 per ticket. Unless her friend is extorting her even further. The ticket was $6. Face value.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It was a small, intimate venue. All right, let's see. Yeah, if her friend wanted the ticket money, she could have just like, sold it on Stubhub. Yeah, and gone alone. But alas. All right, last question. Worst choice for a best man? Ooh, relevant to me.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Right. It's EZE. I lived with my best friend from high school for the, for the first three years of college. We did everything together. Then he started dating my girlfriend's best friend. Perfect, right? Yeah. No.
Starting point is 00:39:21 All of a sudden, they stopped talking to either of us, never hung out with anyone else and even moved out on me in secret. Seriously, I came home from work one night, went to turn the lamp on, and it, as well as all of his stuff, was gone. We stopped talking altogether and he ended up getting deployed. I learned he got engaged and halfway through, he came back to the States for a family funeral that he asked me to be a pallbearer for, which I did. We reconnected over the weekend and he asked me to be his best man, which I reluctantly
Starting point is 00:39:49 said yes to despite the past year. A month ago, I was included in a group text asking if we were still planning to be part of the wedding. Mind you, this is the first I've heard from him since the funeral and first learning the date of the wedding, which was in two weeks. I straight up said in a text that I wasn't going to go. At this point, I have also moved out of state for work. Was this a dick move on my part?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Or do I have a good enough argument against going if I ever see him again and it comes up? So the timeline is best friend for three years, moves out, spends a year away, invites him to a wedding, doesn't talk to him for a year, invites him to a funeral. He says, will you be my best man? Then he doesn't hear from this guy for a year and then two weeks before the wedding is like, oh, are you still down to be my best man? And this guy's like, no, I'm not going to your wedding.
Starting point is 00:40:36 I haven't heard anything from you. Yeah. Yeah. Let's make a plan so much in the future and then there's no follow-up for a month and a half and it's like, we still on for tonight? I don't know. What are you talking about? I don't remember this plan.
Starting point is 00:40:49 He didn't follow up at all. Did he not get an invitation? He just got an oral invitation. Maybe he... I wonder... You should re-examine if any of the miscommunication is on you because sometimes that happens. People are like, I haven't heard from them in a year. And I didn't reach out to them either.
Starting point is 00:41:12 The problem is this guy, his friend moved in with his lover and then they got married. I think that's such a funny detail. Yeah. That he just left in the middle of the night. Like... The cover of night. Yeah. So that hopefully nobody finds out.
Starting point is 00:41:26 But then he didn't make any new friends. So like, his best man idea is the same guy from college because for the last year, he hasn't met anybody else. It's just his lady. Which is weird because he got deployed. Like, don't you make your best friends at war? Oh, yeah. Why don't you ask one of your soldier buddies?
Starting point is 00:41:47 But then to go from best man to not going to the wedding. That's a gut punch two weeks out. So you still want to be the most important part? I mean, what do you say? I think when you say you're going to be the best man, that's like a pretty firm commitment. Yeah. But I didn't hear anything or maybe he did. But he didn't notice.
Starting point is 00:42:04 At this point, I've also moved out of state. This is a tough situation. Although he already did it. He just wants to know if it was a dick move. Right. It's over. The wedding happened. No, this actually, this is a very recent question.
Starting point is 00:42:17 So the wedding has not happened yet. Oh, okay. So is it a dick move? I think it's a little bit of a dick move. Yeah. If you're, if you're driving distance to this wedding, I think you should go. But what if it's like, if it's an expensive flight, then fuck it. Really?
Starting point is 00:42:32 Even though he said he'd be the best man? I mean, if you, I guess, if it, if it's really going to put you out, like if you were going to spend cash that you don't have, I don't think you have to do it. I straight up said in the text that I wasn't going to go. It's definitely set like, all right, ring bearer, officiant, and best man all canceled on our asses, Cheryl. We have to elope, babe. We really shouldn't have alienated ourselves in the dead of night.
Starting point is 00:42:58 I shouldn't have taken the lamp without talking to fucking EZE. I've been noticing as I'm like forming my wedding, like our guest list and stuff. Like weddings are either a time for you to reconnect with old friends. Like I can reach out to people that I haven't seen in a while and like invite them and it'll be very, very nice and we'll get drinks and dinners like throughout this next year. Or I can not invite them and that closes the chapter on our friendship forever. Not only that, but you hope to God they don't reach out to you in the next year because then it's really weird.
Starting point is 00:43:31 I mean keeping people at arm's length when I see them and I haven't seen them in a while and they're like, oh congrats on your engagement. I'm like, oh yeah, whatever, whatever. Don't get any ideas. I'm not planning anything about a wedding. Don't make me rank you. It's a small service. It is a weird part of the wedding.
Starting point is 00:43:46 It's part that I don't look forward to in getting married. It's like, all right, you got married. Who are your top four friends in order? Let's start now and then your top 80 other friends and then cut off somebody. At a certain point, someone will have to get a phantom. Because then it even comes down to like the seating placements. Did you get the good table? This person got the invite, but we're putting them in a corner.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Right, exactly. So it's like, awesome, congratulations on deciding to get married. Rake everyone in your life. Top 200 starting from the number one, going all the way down. Don't forget you're going to have to tell your parents that they can't invite some of their best friends. Oh, and your fiance's parents. You have to tell them that they can't invite people because you want to bring this friend.
Starting point is 00:44:25 And then all the planning is like, I sort of can't go to bat for anything that I want because somebody else is paying for all of it. So in theory, they should be making the entire guess list. I want many cheeseburgers and they're like, we really want hot dogs. I'm like, that makes sense. You're the boss. You're the boss of me. Or you can just spend your entire life savings on one part of yourself.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Yeah, Jesus Christ. It's the price of a down payment. Yeah, would you rather have a house or an awesome wedding? But so many people kind of make that decision in the opposite way. The crazy thing is looking at wedding albums and after looking at how much certain venues cost, I looked at the White Hotel in Brooklyn and found out it's like $100,000. And then I see these wedding albums of people at the White Hotel and I'm like, you guys are rich as hell.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Yeah, like, holy shit, you guys have 100K to burn. I guess a lot of the people that do do those expensive weddings will be like, don't worry, we can also afford a fucking house. Yeah, yeah. I don't think a lot of people are choosing between like $100,000 wedding or $100,000 down payment. Right. But it's got to be some people that do that.
Starting point is 00:45:34 I guess so. Like if you only have a little bit more than that. All right. That's it. Right of time. Thanks for listening. Boom. Labor Day.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Hopefully you're listening on Labor Day. But if you waited a whole day, that's fine too. We appreciate it. Thanks for writing in. If you have your own questions, it's ifirishow at gmail.com, your own theme songs. We're running low on theme songs. So if you've been sitting on one, now's the time to send it in. Odds are we will listen to it.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Odds are we will play it if it's good enough, of course. Like this one from Nikia Camp. This is a great song, but it was a little more low key. So I thought it would play it at the end of the episode. Love it. Nikia. Nikia has a SoundCloud page, Nikia Camp, and a Facebook page, Nikia Camp Music. So thanks, Nikia Camp.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Thanks to Jordan Holmes for writing that opening diss track. We appreciate it, dude. You're the fucking man, man. Thanks, Marshall. And if you have your own theme songs, the email address is all the same. Ifirishow at gmail.com. Ta-da. We'll be back next week.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Enjoy this holiday week day. Bye. I've got some questions. Could you answer them? I've got a problem. Could you please help me out? I've got a quandary. And I think you might be the ones to see me through.
Starting point is 00:46:47 It's Jake and me. We're gonna help you out. We've got knowledge. Finished. Knowledge. But I'm not Jake. But that's another story. I'm sort of seen up in midnight.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Ifirishow at gmail.com. Ta-da. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.
Starting point is 00:47:03 We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.
Starting point is 00:47:11 We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.
Starting point is 00:47:19 We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.
Starting point is 00:47:27 We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.
Starting point is 00:47:35 We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.
Starting point is 00:47:43 We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.
Starting point is 00:47:51 We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out. We're gonna help you out.

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