If I Were You - 33: Greater Britain

Episode Date: June 17, 2024

In this episode we discuss Premier League Football, premier travel destinations, and premier Hardly Working episodes.Advertise on Segments via Gumball.fm.See Privacy Policy at ...https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HITGUM original. Now here's one more effort for only positive motivations, they swear! Second! Another podcast! Second! Each app different from the last! Second! It's the Swiss Army Knife of Shoes! Now let's meet your two emphatic hoes
Starting point is 00:00:45 Seconds Back in the lab again. The LA lab. I wasn't paying attention. Was that the good theme song or the mean theme song? Good. It was nice. Oh, that was the nice one. Yeah. Okay, yeah. I've lost the thread entirely as to which one we started with, where we ended up, and now we're back, and then we're back, and now it's just sort of all mumbled together. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:01:06 We need that innocuous one done, but we have to pay Ferris money every single time, obviously, so it's a funny bit. Ferris munchie, as in he wants the munchies. I don't know why he wants cash for work. He should do it for the honor of being on our show. I think because he has like a very specialized talent and he is taking his time.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Yeah. So he wants to be compensated for that time. Right. Just like any job. Yeah. I didn't think of it like that. I should have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:36 I didn't think of it like that at all. Like doctors are also paid. Yeah, but not cash. Yes, not cash. But like most money is digital at this point. Right. Like you do work and then you see the number in your bank account go up. Yeah, that not cash. Yes, not cash, but like most money is digital at this point, right? Like you do work and then you see the number in your bank account go up. Yeah, that's weird Yeah, cuz like you're not even necessarily using that money. It's just like oh, I have a savings account
Starting point is 00:01:54 Now you have my you have some of my number and your number goes up Yeah, I'll have some of your number my yeah, like when you Venmo a friend. Yeah, it's just I'm eating a sandwich and I'm fucking baby birding it into your mouth. Yeah, you've been on me eight dollar All right, I have a hundred in my bed. I have 92 okay good. I have 108. Oh even mommy $20 Right now. I'm eight disgusting. It's just don't be it's disturbing. It's uncouth. It's uncool Just like let's just let's create a fake Venmo where the number goes up and down randomly actually I have this excuse fucking done. I had this idea for social media I Had this idea for social media where you have an Instagram that just says you have a million followers. Yeah, no one is there
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah, that's really close and your phone as soon as you hit post. No just explode this part Oh my god, you have a thousand likes in a minute. Social media, everyone is just chasing that feeling, but then you get lost in all of the toxic behavior and the mean comments. Just take that all off the table. No one is, it's all VR. No one's actually there.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It's augmented reality. You can make your lock screen positive notifications exactly that doesn't exist you know sometimes Oh, I'm not done Omg, you're so hot wow this looks like such a good time. Holy shit. How did you afford it? I'm not done. I know you're not you get a private change the subject Yeah, to stop your diet drive, and you're gonna go on a diet tribe no matter what I want to talk as much as possible Basically I feel like we're playing a game and the more I talk, the more I win.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Not unlike your social media idea. So the Venmo is fake, the Instagram is not real whatsoever. Everything is kind of fake anyway, but we are all playing at the same time, but we should just, everybody goes to their independent play. That's what, we're doing social play right now. Social play, I'm learning about social play and independent play for children and stuff.
Starting point is 00:03:52 What's the difference? Oh, like how much you can entertain yourself versus playing with others. Yeah, well my daughter's like not old enough right now for social play. So she's like. To like play with other people. Yeah, she doesn't know like if there's another baby
Starting point is 00:04:02 that they are playing. So she's just kind of experiencing independent play next to another baby, right? And what we're all doing we're all engaging in social play Yeah, but it's kind of not doesn't really feel like play anymore So because of what I'm doing or how I'm acting or like you're one of many like you're one of many I'm often thinking that it is I'm having my own conversation with myself Sometimes it's next to somebody that's talking
Starting point is 00:04:26 and sometimes you'll interject and say something. Exactly, and I don't have to listen because I'm glad. And it doesn't even have to be edgewise, it can even be right down the middle because the fact of the matter is, I am just writing a densely packed paragraph and you're trying to interject
Starting point is 00:04:39 or get into a little punctuation. But like the entire crux of the thick mound of the short, the amount of speech and dialogue that I have is so densely populated and then by the time you come in, it's like it's already too late. Argument, nice. Thank you for being here, by the way. This is Segments, my advice podcast. Sometimes it's just me, sometimes I got Jake.
Starting point is 00:05:02 You're more like advice podcast? Segments, your advice podcast. That's not even what the show is. I thought it was gonna be more like a therapy session. But I guess we're doing that. I do like that. I do like that a lot. We're doing the classic segment episode for today,
Starting point is 00:05:16 which is three segments. Each one's so different from the one before it. You'll get like emotional whiplash. Whiplash, yeah. You won't even be able to handle it. The first one is all about Venmo The first one will get you nauseous I'm actually kind of ill right now. Yeah, and then the second one is just a ginger ale nice
Starting point is 00:05:32 And then the third one is just completely separate. It's a game. It's like a fuck. Yes. It's a fucking orgy Yeah, I'm a guy in meets only fans. Oh my god. It's a fucking we'll be getting into purgine today It's a glory hole. That's right. It's a fucking will be getting into purgine today. It's a glory hole. That's right It's a glorious podcast is the glory hole of What does that mean you don't ever know what's going to come through the glory hole or who is gonna come on the glory hole The glory hole just a hole in a bat. Is it I don't know why are you asking me? Why do you think I fucking know all about, you know what a glory hole is.
Starting point is 00:06:07 You know what it is. The way I understand it is like, it's a hole in like a bathroom stall or like a little voyeuristic like peer into. Yeah. Did I just make up the bathroom part or do you also assume it was a bathroom? No, I think often it's in a bath.
Starting point is 00:06:19 You see them associated with bathrooms. I think they're also like clubs and stuff. Yeah. I think they've been around for a long time. They've definitely been, I think they were in the wild and now they've been appropriated into par. You're actually obsessed with glory holes. I'm not really, I don't, that's not my shit.
Starting point is 00:06:35 You're like an expert. I like having deep emotional connection during sex. But only for a short time. Independent play. Independent play. Or it's a social play. Yes, exactly, exactly right. But the impersonality of a glory hole is not hot to me.
Starting point is 00:06:49 That's awesome. Yeah. It's cool to hear you say that out loud. Thanks. Because I know for a while you struggled with your own sexuality with regards to... You're going to go off on a tangent again. Okay, I want to talk about London. Since we spoke last.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yes. Since we recorded last in the New York studio, I went off to London. You did? Now we're back both in LA. And you know that I'm a bit of an Anglophile. Exactly. We had both been to London together. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But for whatever reason, this trip struck me as different than my previous trips. What was your last trip to London before this trip? Must've been like eight years ago. Was it when we went? Yeah, when we did like London and Dublin or something. Yeah, okay, so you had never really been there or hadn't been there in a while
Starting point is 00:07:31 since we've gone for like shows basically. Yes, exactly. All right, sweet. This was more of a generalized vacation. Got to explore a little more. Okay, this is what struck me and tell me if you agree or disagree. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:42 One, the biggest change since when we were there last, London always was more expensive than America to me, but because of the hyperinflation we're going through, London now feels cheaper than New York and LA. Interesting. Which is completely backwards from normal. I remember when we used to go, it's like a sandwich was 10 pounds,
Starting point is 00:08:04 and I'm like, oh my god, that's actually $15 That's crazy. Yeah. Now that sounds really cheap right like wow only $15 for a sandwich or like I would go to a grocery store and I would just look and it's like Boxes of cereal are two or three pounds and I'm like this would cost eight dollars at this point Yeah, you can get a sandwich at a Tesco for like four pounds Wow, and it was like a pretty good sandwich because they only have to make it. They don't mass produce it for everyone. So it's like kind of a healthy-ish sandwich
Starting point is 00:08:30 for less than five bucks. That doesn't exist in America anymore. Yeah, I mean, I guess I didn't notice that because I didn't go to London during the inflation period. Like since everything cost $20 here, now it costs $15 there and that feels kind of cheap. That's interesting. Even coffee is like three or four pounds and like you get a fucking iced latte, now it costs $15 there and that feels kind of cheap. Even coffee is like three or four pounds and you get a fucking iced latte here and it's $7.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And that's before the tip. My coffee is like $8 every morning. It's so expensive. Insane, that's crazy. So London, and by the way, people in London complain that it's like the seventh most expensive city in the world and I guess we just live that it's like the seventh most expensive city in the world. And I guess we just live in like the number one
Starting point is 00:09:07 and three most expensive cities, so it feels cheaper. What about rent? Real estate. Real estate, yeah. Is that cheaper too? I knew you would ask about that. It's roughly the same. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah, so it's still like $5,000 a month for a one or two bedroom. Yeah, okay. Depending on where you are. But yeah, just the cost of living there, and they're going through like a cost of living crisis, it is high in, I'm sure. But ours is more of an emergency. Yeah, ours is like even that to the tenth degree. So London feels cheaper than America. Cool. Biggest difference. Yeah. Two, there were so many people and things everywhere where like
Starting point is 00:09:44 even coming from New York, London felt like I would make a left and I would be like, you see this Chelsea Market overflowing with thousands of people. Then you go down the street, it's like old pub, people flowing out of the street. It's like 6th Street in Austin, like overflowing with people.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Then you go to like a movie theater, so many people. Then you take a bus 40 minutes and you're like at the theater district and there's just millions of with people. Then you go to a movie theater, so many people. Then you take a bus 40 minutes and you're at the theater district and there's just millions of other people. It's gotta be height of tourists. Was everybody tourists or was it just like, oh these look like? I think it was nice out for the first time.
Starting point is 00:10:15 So people just flocked. They're like, we gotta go outside and everybody just converged into the streets and into the restaurants and into the theaters and it just felt like come on mates There's only a four dollar sandwich over here Three dollar pints or whatever. I don't even drink and I felt like that's like half of the enjoyment of being outside Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:34 They'd have these pubs and then there would be like a velvet rope three feet from the entire Circumference of the pub and it would be densely packed like people like this like all like in a crowd Outside they're like, oh this is incredible, it's like 70 degrees out. They were so excited to drink outside of the pub together. So enormous, yeah. It felt like a new level of a video game, where I'm like, I know LA, I know New York,
Starting point is 00:10:58 and this is just, yes, but this is just like, so many crowds, inescapable, and unique, because it's like, it doesn't necessarily exist. Like there's pockets of it, like so many crowds, inescapable and unique because it's like, it doesn't necessarily exist. Like there's pockets of it, like you know some areas of Williamsburg are busy or some areas of LA like Hollywood are busy, but like this is just busyness everywhere.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Yeah, yeah. Even in New York you can like, if something is really busy you can just turn left and go down a few blocks and find some relief. No relief. That's wild. At least where I was. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And I didn't even explore like 10% of London. I like stayed in my little neighborhood. What was your neighborhood? It was in between Shoreditch and Angel. And then we would go to like where the theaters are, which is like a different area, like sorta near the water, central London. Cool.
Starting point is 00:11:41 West End, I'm not really sure. Okay. Another thing that America has gotten bad with specifically LA, New York Everything is like now just like a sweet green and a blue bottle. Yes. There's no there's like the homogenization of Everything is an Amazon and a Whole Foods now because nobody could afford to like have like a unique storefront. Yeah in London They're still like I'm walking and it's like, oh, here's a camera store We sell film like that wouldn't exist in America anymore. Here's a Sri Lankan deli,
Starting point is 00:12:08 and we only do specific food. And it's like, that doesn't exist. I understand why the crowds were flocking. Yeah, that would be a Chipotle. That would be an Amazon. And how much was the Sri Lankan deli sandwich? $2 for a hopper. Wow.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah, wow. $2 for a hopper. That is, I don't know why like two quid Mike two quid for a fucking thing I've never even heard of that wouldn't necessarily exist in America because I guess rent has gotten up so high to the point it's like you can only be a five guys a Shake Shack or a Sweet Greens to afford yeah I eat and I live at a dig in. Exactly. And if it was like, remember like in what Williamsburg used to be,
Starting point is 00:12:48 there was like a hat store. Yeah, yeah. And like the hat stores are gone now. Or like a camera store is a good example. It's like we sell like cameras, like Nikon and Fujifilm. Those are still around in London. Those don't exist in America anymore.
Starting point is 00:13:01 That's awesome. So whatever's going on there, like the capitalization, we're in like 10 years ahead mode. Yeah, so whatever is going on there like the capitalization We're in like ten years ahead mode and we're no no, they're heading there. Are we gonna they gotta be heading there? There was like bookstores there man. That's awesome a movie theater converted into a library that has like a membership in a pub and stuff Like that. Yeah, there's no way that's that's an AMC regal theater. It's a chain and it costs this much money to go. That's right. So everything in America seems to have
Starting point is 00:13:29 shot 20 years into this dystopian future. And London, even though it's still- Everyone eats the same sludge here. Yes. It's the bowlification of our society. Do you ever like- Acai or grains. Don't talk about acai. Acai is different. You still like acai. the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of the whole of The add-ons of like this would not be $2.50 if it was just in there. It's a scoop of peanut butter.
Starting point is 00:14:06 It's a scoop of peanut butter. That's the jar of peanut butter cost you're charging for the scoop. But I know that all these businesses aren't making a ton of money because their margins are very, very thin. Right, because the rent is also like $21,000 a month. Everybody's like raising their prices.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Imagine when we were working at CollegeHumor in the Park Avenue building, like going out and trying to find a bowl. No, there were no bowls. A grain bowl. There was, you could say. Honestly, it might be Chipotle. The burrito bowl might have been like
Starting point is 00:14:32 the forefront of bowl culture. Yeah, yeah, that's possible. And there was the just, there was the salads. There was the salads, yeah. The just salad or chopped. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, it's just, now it's just every single lunch. Asian bowl, Mediterranean bowl.
Starting point is 00:14:45 In even the unique places all have on their menu that most popular item, oh, it's the bowl. Yeah, you're gonna want a bowl. You're gonna want the bowl. It has to be a semi-sphere and it has to be $20. That's right. So that was what I was most blown away with, with London. I don't know if you've experienced that
Starting point is 00:15:03 or if people in London are sort of dealing with their own version of that so it feels like I can't believe, they probably can't believe that something is inexpensive there because they think it's like, you know, really expensive too and who knows. It seems like, I guess I don't really, I don't have a recollection of like
Starting point is 00:15:21 what my experience was last time, at least in regards to all those things. It didn't feel, I mean it was 2022, so it didn't feel crazy crowded, it didn't feel a lot cheaper. But I guess I didn't, I mean I always notice that I'm charmed by the stores and restaurants. Yeah, it's very old school,
Starting point is 00:15:43 in a way that doesn't really exist out here anymore. It feels like they're just a little more resistant to change over there than we are here. We're like down with change, especially change that makes our lives quote unquote easier. Yeah, simply. And if it like kind of conforms to capitalism. We're like, oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Oh, that's not a shake shack. Yeah, franchise, yeah, great. Well, there's a Sweet Green everywhere and it's like $3 cheaper than going to another restaurant. Then all the other restaurants close and then Sweet Green is like, that's actually $19. Well, those other places are gone, so I guess I gotta eat here.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Yeah, I guess we're the last game in town so we can jack our prices up. Yeah. Should we move? Well, I looked into it and you can't. Yeah, they don't really let you live there. Interesting. Yeah, that's another way of them keeping us
Starting point is 00:16:28 dirty Americans out is that you have to have like a reason or a visa or like a passport to live there for an extended period of time. Interesting. Well, don't we have, we have at least a specific skillset. What is that? I wonder, because what can you do that nobody else can do?
Starting point is 00:16:45 What can you do at all, period? Improv comedy. Give me any word. Salad. Imagine a salad so green that they don't need that in London, I don't think. I wasn't even close to Todd. It seemed like you were struggling, okay.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Give me any words. Wafer. Wafer, wafer, wafer. It's a wafer, so green. So thin. So thin and so green. So waifish. Like a blade of grass.
Starting point is 00:17:19 So you actually looked into moving? That's very me of you. Yeah, I didn't look into moving, but when Abhital came back from last year, she's like, it'll be fun to split some time. And I'm like, can you even live in a different country? Turns out the answer is no. So like the, what is, tell me why the answer is no.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Tell me what you ran into. Immigration. They don't want just open borders and anybody can live there. Right, what's the max amount of time that you can do it without a visa? Months, yeah. Months, but you can't make money there.
Starting point is 00:17:48 You have to, like, a place has to sponsor you and bring you over and fill out paperwork. Interesting, so it'd be a lot of work. Yeah, or you can become a citizen, which takes years as well. What if my grandfather is from there? There are countries where there are little lacks about that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:05 That's tight. Yeah, I think like, maybe it was like Portugal, where it's like, if you can prove one grandparent was born here, we'll give you citizenship. So if you, wait, but also because of Brexit, so if I was a citizen of, say, Portugal, say if I dapped into my Portuguese roots. That wouldn't give you access to London.
Starting point is 00:18:21 That wouldn't give me access to London. Sorry, yeah. Interesting, interesting, very interesting. But maybe you could do Australia or something. Right, I haven't been there in a while. Maybe that's sort of like the London of, but a little bit more inclusive. But I don't know if you'd move to Australia either.
Starting point is 00:18:38 I mean, I would love to move to Australia. But I think, last time I was there, I think maybe because Jill was pregnant, it felt further away than it ever has. Yeah, especially from New York. Yeah, so I could just never ever get my head around the time zone. It's 17 hours either ahead or behind, I forget which one.
Starting point is 00:18:56 After 12 it's a crap shoot, you have no idea. I'm just like, okay, I guess I'll call Jill. Is it 4 a.m. or 4 p.m. there? Tomorrow. Is it her tomorrow, I don't know. London is as close as LA is it 4 a.m. or 4 p.m. there? Is it her tomorrow? I don't know. London is as close as L.A. is to New York. Yeah, I should spend more time there for sure.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Oh, I went to a soccer match. Oh yeah, we have to talk about this. We have to talk about this. Should we take a break and talk about it? We can do it quickly, I don't have much to say. I have a lot to say. I have a lot to say. Okay, let's take a break.
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yeah. Jesus. Thank you to Schedule 35 for sponsoring our episode. Oh, new guys, huh? Yes. All right, let's hear it. We're talking about if you're struggling with a mental fog or you need more energy or you wanna be more productive.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Oh. It sounds like a magic pill could solve all that, but it's actually the magic of microdosing. Oh. We're talking about vegan capsules that are accurately dosed and designed to give you the edge you need to tackle your toughest days by microdosing psilocybin.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Very interesting. That's right, so you're not taking like so much mushrooms that you're tripping balls, you're just having a microdose that gives you the positive effects of psilocybin. I've heard good things. Yeah, I know people who do take psilocy a microdose that gives you the positive effects of psilocybin. I've heard good things. Yeah, I know people who do take psilocybin microdoses and it just helps them with their energy and clarity throughout the day.
Starting point is 00:20:13 So if that's something you want to try, the best way to do that is to go to schedule35.co and use the code segments for 15% off your order. Right on. That's schedule35.co. Use that code segments for 15% off. Gorgeous. Mental fog and clarity and energy is something that a lot of people are struggling with. We're living in a very inflammatory time
Starting point is 00:20:38 of our human existence. True. And microdosing has been proven to help. Amazing. So this might be has been proven to help. Amazing. So this might be your best bet to try it. Give it a shot and see if you like it. So for all their products, you can go to schedule35.co and when you're ready to purchase,
Starting point is 00:20:56 use the promo code segments for 10% off. Oh, 15% off. 15, yeah dude. Even better. Thank you, schedule35. Thanks. Thank you to schedule 35. Thanks. Thank you to Babbel for sponsoring this episode of our show.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yes. You want to impress people, you want to grow your brain, you want to be smarter, you want to be better, you want to learn more languages. See. And the best way to do that is with Babbel. That's right. Babbel has you learning a new language,
Starting point is 00:21:21 and you don't even have to pay hundreds of dollars for private tutors or waste hours on apps that you don't really help you. That's true. Babel has quick 10 minute lessons that are handcrafted by 200 language experts, myself included. Really?
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yours truly. Yours truly. Charmed, I'm sure. Really, what language do you speak again? I speak the language of love. Nice. Franchet. Oh, oh, oh, Franchet.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Oh, Franchet.. Oh Franchet. Oh Franchet. Oh Franchet. No, the app and the programs are designed by actual language experts. That's good. And they got you learning, speaking a new language in as little as three weeks. Wow. Three weeks.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Count them three. That's the worst way to hold up three I've ever seen. No, and they can be any weeks you want. Yeah. So you put your middle be any weeks you want. Yeah. So you put your middle and your index down. Middle and index. Three weeks. That's so hard.
Starting point is 00:22:12 We got you three. Can I get three more over here? Three more. Thank you. So learn that language in as little as three weeks. And affordable too because with a special limited time deal for our listeners. Right now you can get 55% off your Babbel subscription.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Wow. But it's only for our listeners. But you gotta go to Babbel.com. Everyone else is gonna get charged extra. I guess. They have to make up for it somehow. That's right. If you go to Babbel.com slash segments, that's B-A-B-B-E-L dot com slash segments, you get 55% off. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Yes, their subscription. Love it. And start learning a new language as soon as off. Wow. Yes, there's subscription. And start learning a new language as soon as possible. Boom. Oh my God, studies from Yale said that. Yeah. Using Babbel for 15 hours is an equivalent of a full semester at college. That's incredible that they would say that.
Starting point is 00:22:59 That's like almost like you shouldn't go to college and you should just go to babbel.com instead. I almost at this point regret going to Yale. But I think it's still ultimately good that I went there. What did you major in? Social studies. That's awesome. Art, language arts.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Get 55% off at babble.com slash segments. Rules and restrictions may apply. Okay. Thanks Babble. Thank you. Babble. Babble.com slash segments rules and restrictions may apply okay thanks babble thank you babble babble babble bye and we're back glory glory Tottenham hot spur glory glory Tottenham hot spur glory glory Tottenham hot spur and the spurs go marching on. I was. Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen. Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Tottenham are the greatest team the world has ever seen and the spurs go marching on. Yeah, so when I saw them they lost nine one. Oh and the Spurs, really, go marching in. I went to my first Premier League match. Absolutely amazing. Savage. Tottenham, the Lily Whites versus Burnley.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah. The all but relegated Burnley club yeah they put up a good fight yeah I should say I was able the highs were that I was able to bet on the match right outside the stadium that's the kind of cool yeah very cool can't do that in America and sorry I can't do that in California okay and the
Starting point is 00:24:42 con the low that was that you couldn't get in. I was not allowed in for the first half. What happened there? So I go to swipe in after taking a 40 minute train ride. Okay. Crowd of people, I get to the front, they swipe my ticket, and they say, that's not a ticket, that's a picture of a ticket. And I said, oh, what's the difference between a picture of a QR code and a QR code?
Starting point is 00:25:03 He's like, this isn't swiping, like, what's the difference between a picture of a QR code and a QR code? He's like, this isn't swiping. Like, it's just an image. And I say, oh, I got this from StubHub. And he's like, yeah, I've heard of StubHub, but that's not a real ticket. I'm like, that's weird. Let me go to my email address. And I notice it's from stubhub.ie.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I'm like, huh, did they build an entire fake StubHub and scam me? That makes sense. It's actually pretty smart. StubHub.ie, so I go to StubHub.com, because I know that's real, and I do customer support. Hey, I'm stuck outside of a football match. What time is it at this point?
Starting point is 00:25:36 Like what time of the match, or what time of the day? Yeah, like, has the match started? The match starts at one, and it was like 1.15, 1.30. Okay, so you're missing the first 10, 15 minutes. And they're like. By the way, Tottenham's dominating possession but not creating a lot of chances. Looking a little toothless in the final third.
Starting point is 00:25:51 I think they were down one zero at some point. Not in the first 15 minutes. But they were down one zero at one point. At certain point, yes, Burnley struck on the counter. That's gonna happen. So I bet 100 pounds, nearly $150 on the Spurs to win. Only like 30 pounds because they were heavy favorites. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I can't get in and you're texting me, oh sorry about that, also the Spurs are down one nil. Yeah. So I'm fucking doing a chat with Stubbub. Hi, I have my ticket and I won't come in. Okay, what's your authorization number, like order number, and I give it to them. Like, yeah, that's not a real authorization number.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I'm like, oh, I did it with stubbub.ie. And they're like, oh, okay, that's why. I'm like, is that a real authorization number. I'm like, oh, I did it with StubHub.ie. And they're like, oh, okay, that's why. I'm like, is that a real website? And they're like, it is, but you gotta go to them and do their customer service. So then I'm on StubHub.ie, which I'm pretty sure is not a real website. And I'm like, contact a customer support.
Starting point is 00:26:40 And I'm like, what if they ask me for more money? And I'm just getting scammed on top of scammed. And they asked me to call a number. So I call a number and then as I'm doing that, some guys like- Just give us your credit card number. Yes, exactly. I'm like, I don't even know if I'm talking to a real person.
Starting point is 00:26:56 But I'm like, hey, I'm stuck outside this game and it's like Indian outsourced call center. And like, yes, let me call your seller and see if they will send you another ticket. I'm like, okay, do that. Meanwhile, my phone's about to die and I can't charge it anywhere, obviously. I'm in Tottenham, wherever the fuck the stadium.
Starting point is 00:27:14 North London. Yeah. And I get an email and it's a different ticket. This is halftime at this point, but I go to them like, is this a real ticket? And it swipes right in. So it wasn't a scam. So you did that as fast as you could, and it took 45 minutes. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Because chatting with StubHub, chatting with StubHub.ie, which I guess is the real site. I'm surprised that you really used it. You went for it. Yeah, I wonder if I would have just instantly gone home, really deflated. Well, I went to the box office, and they were sold out. And then a scalper came up to me.
Starting point is 00:27:41 He's like, I can swipe you in for 100 pounds. I'm like, oh, what if I get scammed twice yeah this would suck you should have been like I'll do it but you have to come with me he said he would oh yeah I would nobody's like I need the money now and I'll come with you I'm like no I think I would have tried that I know but I had just been scammed right Yeah, cuz like he could easily just run away right and I also My hand the whole way I'll give you the money You have to hold my hand you have to kiss you on the cheek and say enjoy the game
Starting point is 00:28:13 Sweetheart to bring me dude so so then I get to the stadium I get in it's really awesome by the way concessions Concessions another thing pretty cheap like yeah to a Laker game a chicken sandwich is $21 and like heroes like a hotdog and French Fries for eight pounds. This is great really really affordable. I remember that I get to my seat I start watching the match pretty solid. There's not a bad seat in the house. The pitch is enormous It's one of the it's one of the most beautiful stadiums. Yeah, I've been to we've been to some soccer stadiums But there's like one of the newest this is where they play the NFL games I think they play the NFL games like Beyonce Taylor Swift. Yeah, they go they play at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, right? It's huge. It's new. It's beautiful. So I'm just like sitting down by myself half frazzled
Starting point is 00:28:54 My phone's dying like trying to enjoy the match they tie it at that point So I'm like I'm just like I need one goal and I can win my bet and go back They tried it before halftime, right? Yes, Pedro Poro did it himself a real bull again I was on the phone with customer support, so I don't really know what happened. When I sit down, I have my fries on the ground next to me while I'm eating my hot dog, and some British ladies, like, excuse me, you're in my seat!
Starting point is 00:29:16 Because there was two open seats, and I'm like, oh, I guess these two tickets were trying to sell as a couple, and I just bought one of them so I can sit in either one, so I sat in the first one, but it was actually, I had to scoot over, I'm like, oh sorry. And she's like, yeah. And I'm like, and as I'm moving over, she steps on my bucket of fries and it spills over.
Starting point is 00:29:34 I'm like, you stepped on my french fries. She's like, oh. I'm like, are you sorry or you're sort of mad at me? So I'm like sort of just like eating a hot dog, fries all over the ground, watching the game, phone dying, battery's about to die. I don't even know how to get home because I took the fucking train,
Starting point is 00:29:48 which you have to use your phone to do. Oh my God. Watching the tickets, the minutes tick away, I'm like, they're gonna tie, I'm gonna lose my bet, I'm gonna lose my fries, I've only seen half of a football match. Yeah. That's when our guy, Mickey.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Mickey VandeVan, Mickey my VandeFriend, yes. Crowd was pretty into it, Mickey. Mickey Vande Ven, Mickey my Vande friend. Yes. Crowd was pretty into it, but then when the goal happened, they were really into it. It got really loud. Yeah. I mean, it was also, it was a really gorgeous goal from our guy.
Starting point is 00:30:15 You know, I couldn't quite see it. It was sort of, I was on the opposite end. So I was like, I saw that there was a goal action, but I couldn't quite see the details of it. So he is like 22 years old, six-five Dutch national, just like a hunk of a man. Usually plays left center back. But because of an injury,
Starting point is 00:30:38 he switched positions into their left winger. And the way they play is with inverted wingers. So the guys on the far left and right of the pitch and all the way back, rather than just playing as defenders, they will go all the way up the pitch and attack. Anyway, that didn't matter. So 86 and then they score.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I'm like, I gotta get the fuck outta here. I'm never gonna watch the rest of this match. He scores, I beeline it back to Fred bet, which is the fucking hole in the wall off-track betting style Betting place that I put my money on yeah, I get there, and it's the most depressing scene There's this horse racing on the TV. I'm like is the match over he's like I'm not really sure I'm like It's not on any of the TV like no we don't really like get that channel
Starting point is 00:31:23 So it's like an old Armenian man watching a horse race in Poland. I think there's actually laws in the UK because when they, like, these supporter clubs, they cared so much about ticket sales at the stadiums that when they started televising the games, they were like, well, this just means people will stop coming to the games.
Starting point is 00:31:42 So there's these old laws that don't allow games to be broadcast in the UK. So I'm at low power mode, 2% battery, and I'm asking him if the match ends because I can't refresh my phone or else I'll literally have it dead and I can't swipe to get on the train to get back home. You can always just go buy a charger somewhere.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Couldn't buy a charger because again, the entire city was dead, they're all in this thing watching the match. And then even if I buy a charger, I don't even know where to plug it in because I gotta get on this fucking train. So the match ends, everyone floods out, 80,000 people are all like cutting
Starting point is 00:32:10 to get onto the one train that gets down. I'm just like waiting for this guy to like get me my 30 pounds profit. Finally get it, by the time I get to the train, so densely packed, next train's in 28 minutes. Like shuffling on, phone's dying. I'm like, well, I'm in, so I hope I remember where to go slash how to get back.
Starting point is 00:32:26 One of the stations sounds familiar and I like walk all the way back home with a dead phone. But 30 pounds richer thanks to what was the name again? Mickey Van De Ven. Mickey Van De Ven. Yeah, wow. I feel like you didn't experience the game the way. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I had a hope that you would be going and you would come back a massive Tottenham supporter. Yeah, well they are, I guess, ahead of any other team because you talk about them so much that I know enough about them, now that I've been to a match. You saw an 86 minute match winner, that's pretty exciting. But it seems like they were playing
Starting point is 00:33:02 one of the worst squads in the league. Yeah, but you know, we talked about this before you went because you were going, I think you were gonna be there for the Tottenham versus Man City game. Which was the last game of the year. No, I think it was their third to last game. But the way it worked out was like, normally you wanna beat Man City right and they're
Starting point is 00:33:26 challenging for a top four position but Arsenal Tottenham's biggest rival was doing really well and we needed Man City to win every single one of their remaining games to knock them to to finish ahead of Arsenal so Tottenham if they beat or even drew Man City Arsenal would have been in position to win the league. So they're borderline rooting for their own team to lose. Not even borderline. I think a lot of Tottenham. I was not.
Starting point is 00:33:53 The match that I went to was not against Man City. Yeah, because I was like, I don't think you should go to this match because it's gonna be weird. And sure enough, the environment was absolutely awful. The coach was livid. Was that lady there, the one that stepped on my fries? She was, yeah, she was there.
Starting point is 00:34:09 She stepped on Ange Pasta Coglou's fries. Oh my god. That's why he was so pissed. So you went, I think, to a great game. Tottenham, I think they had accepted a fifth place finish, but Burnley still had a lot to play for and Tottenham needed to win that game because they had lost like five of their previous six
Starting point is 00:34:29 or something insane like that. So I saw them snap the streak. Yeah. Okay. You saw Mickey Van De Ven score with his left foot while moving right into the left corner of the net. I mean like that's in the 86th or 87th minute. Yeah, again I was kind of stressed out
Starting point is 00:34:43 about my phone situation. I hate that. You situation. I hate that. You know, I hate that. You should have been singing and dancing, but you were standing next to a lady who stepped on your fras worried about your phone and just wanting your 30 pounds. Yeah, I did end up winning the 30 pounds.
Starting point is 00:34:57 That's good, that's good. It would have been sadder if I lost 100 pounds on the match and also got scammed out of my ticket. Yeah, yeah, definitely. So it started really low and it ended kind of high. That's good. And I was able to figure out how to get back I lost 100 pounds on the match and also got scammed out of my ticket. Yeah, yeah, definitely. So it started really low and it ended kinda high. I was able to figure out how to get back to the place we were staying without any.
Starting point is 00:35:11 So you feel good about that. Yeah, I was able to navigate the scene a little bit. You should give me half that 30 pounds because I told you they would win. I said it was a sure thing. I mean, I think I still have the money on me, but can you break a 50? This is crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Does it need to be a 50? What is that? That's a 50? Here, sit here. But you're going to Venmo me 30 pounds. Yeah, Venmo me. 30? I wouldn't Venmo you 30.
Starting point is 00:35:37 It would be 35, right? Okay. Well, do you know what the exchange rate is? 30, I wouldn't bet on you 30, it would be 35, right? Okay, well, do you know what the exchange rate is? Actually, why don't you give it back to me and I'll figure it out. Hey, I could buy 20 Tesco sandwiches with this, man. You just made the biggest mistake of your life. I actually don't know where to exchange this money in America.
Starting point is 00:36:06 That also used to be a thing. Remember before you went abroad, you're like, you gotta exchange the money and don't do it at the airport. They give you the best rates at the bank so you have to call your cell phone and call your credit card and make sure that they know you're going abroad.
Starting point is 00:36:18 All that stuff is gone. I go there, I don't use cash at all. I don't tell American Express, I don't tell my phone. It's borderline everything, it's just the same. Open borders. I do remember when I was going to Iceland, like driving out to the bank, getting Kroner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Do you guys have Kroner? No, but this one bank does. You're gonna wanna get it because it's the best exchange rate. You don't do it at the airport. What is the exchange rate? Like, how much money am I losing versus gaining by driving out to the bank?
Starting point is 00:36:44 It can't be that much, can it? I guess it depends on if you're exchanging a thousand and they're giving you 1,500 or they're giving you 1,100 that you're missing on 400 of these units. That's true. And then they also chart, like some of the places at the airport charge you in addition to the exchange. But then if you just bring your debit card abroad now,
Starting point is 00:37:01 you can just pull out. Yeah, I didn't use cash at all. That used to be like, some places only accept cash, no. But you know what I like doing is when you're traveling, or when you get back, you just, whatever cash you have left, just fold it up, put it in your passport, and then next time you go somewhere, you remember. Like, oh wow, awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:19 It's like finding money in your coat. Oh, another cool thing about London that I didn't even mention. There's a casino. There's various casinos just downtown. Like you're walking from pub to pub and there's a fucking casino. Were you going to a lot of casinos? I went to one.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Yeah. I mean, I met a friend and I'm like, I'm just gonna walk by and look at this casino. Did you place bets? Yeah, I played poker. For how long? Three hours. Did you win any money?
Starting point is 00:37:43 I did. How much? I won. How much? I won 50. 50 pounds, but you don't necessarily deserve it. Me? It was fun to play poker in a different country, I'd never done that before.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah. We all spoke the same language. Yeah. Gambling. But they couldn't read your signs, your tells. No. Because you just had interesting American tics. Actually a funny poker story. the same language, gambling. But they couldn't read your signs, your tells. Because you just had interesting American tics. Actually a funny poker story.
Starting point is 00:38:08 And then we really got to get off London, enough's enough. I was playing poker, blah blah blah, normal fun times. And these two 18 year olds sit down, and they're very nervous. And you can't really play poker in America unless you're 21 and over. 18 year olds are buying in for 100 pounds, and they're really excited to be America unless you're 21 and over. 18 year olds are like buying in for like 100 pounds and they're like really excited to be there
Starting point is 00:38:28 and nervous to be there. And like within two hands, I was dealt four of a kind. Or I was dealt pocket kings and the flop was king, king, nine. So I'm like, oh my God, I have the best possible hand. That's never happened to me. And this kid is like nervously betting into me.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I'm like, oh God, yeah, call, call. And he's like, oh, I'm all in. I'm like, call, I have four of a kind. He's like, okay. And then he just left after his second hand. I'm like, sorry, I'm sorry. I've never gotten that before. That was really bad luck on your part.
Starting point is 00:38:56 That's good though. Now he's got gambling scared out of his system. No, he sort of, I saw him sort of crying at the ATM. He's like, maybe I just gotta play bigger stakes. Yeah, yeah, that's gotta be it. They wouldn't let me play bigger stakes. That was Mickey Vandevent. Vandevent's not much older than that kid. How crazy is that? That's awesome. Yeah. Luka Doncic is also 25. Makes no sense. Oh wow. Doncic? Yeah. Anthony Edwards, 22. That's wild. Same as the Vandevin kid. I guess we're getting older after all. I guess so.
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Starting point is 00:40:08 Yeah, dogs, yeah taken. Really? Yeah. Okay, how about the time dog? The time dog. The time dog, or no wait, time dog two. Time dog, the number two? Yeah, number two.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Available. Really? Yeah. Time dog two folks. That's really cool. That's good, you can get something over on whoever has time dog one. Number two? Yeah, number two. Available! Really? Yeah! Time Dog 2, folks. That's really cool. That's good, you can get something over on whoever has Time Dog 1.
Starting point is 00:40:28 If he wants to do a fucking sequel. Actually, you might, is Time Dog 1 available? Time Dog 1 is available. Amazing. Actually, anything and then add the number one to it. Google 1? Hope there's a sequel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Yeah, Google 1 is taken, of course. For sure, yeah. For sure, that makes sense. Right on. I was gonna say Viserman. Viserman? Yeah, it's like a cool band. That's awesome, are they willing to sponsor my band,
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Starting point is 00:43:04 Yes, yes. Let's give the people what they want okay um I will discuss a meal I had in London finally oh I finally bit the bullet and had a chicken pot pie a fishy chippy for the road and can you microwave it I don't want it deep fraud at all Soft is better than my teeth. I think we definitely both go in and out of an Australian Doesn't matter because we're fucking American. Yes. It really does not matter we talk normalist Exactly, and they talk fucked up whether I do like a weird fucking Scottish blah blah blah blah blah Scottish Mike Hey, that's also Australian. They're all headed towards us. Yeah, so we'll see you at the finish line anyway enough about the UK England Slash London. Let's do something. We do on our patreon which is watch classic videos and comment on them
Starting point is 00:44:01 But this time we're watching hardly working. Yes, because people have been asking us to talk more about college humor. Yes, exactly. So we are gonna watch an old college humor Hardly Working video, which ran tandem with Jake and Amir. And the lines were blurry at some point. Sometimes we're still kind of in Jake and Amir-ish character, but it was called Hardly Working.
Starting point is 00:44:23 A different show with the same actors. Doesn't really exist like that on TV. And we're about to watch The Perfect Woman, which you wrote. Yes, I wrote it and I remember I was kinda nervous about it, because it makes fun of, it's based on a very misogynistic joke, and I remember even at the time, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:44:37 is this mean? I hope people don't think that the joke is that the women are like that. It's certainly not going to have aged well. Yeah, but hopefully we make fun of the person that talks like that the women are like that. It's certainly not going to have aged well. Yeah, but hopefully like, you know, we make fun of the person that talks like that, so let's see.
Starting point is 00:44:49 Do you remember though, like why I didn't write it and why it wasn't a Jake and a mirror? Cause it's kind of seems like it could be. The borderline is a Jake and a mirror, yeah. All right. I think we all wrote Hardly Working. So like this one was, I wrote it and you wrote some other ones and Dan wrote some
Starting point is 00:45:04 and Pat wrote some. So like sort sort of there was like a group meeting and whoever we would like read hardly working pitches, right? Yeah, I think at a certain point we would sometimes pair up and write hardly workings But a lot of time we would like people would just write them on their own and then like send them out to whoever they like Randomly cast like punch-ups and yeah like that. I guess it was kind of like SNL, model, light. All right, let's check out are they working the perfect woman? ["The Perfect Woman"] Don't stop believing.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Ah, that's like five in a row you got, good. Hey, you guys hear about this? Scientists have discovered the perfect woman. Oh yeah? Tell us about it. Yeah, agree. Tell us about it. Okay, okay. She's three feet tall, double D's, no teeth, and a flat head so you can rest your beer on her. What?! I'm yelling. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is the perfect woman.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Oh no, no, wait. I'm a perfect ass. Oh! Absolutely. I like that. although three feet is a little short actually I prefer a girl who's a little bit taller so when we hug her head is right below my chin now that's really cute very comfortable yeah very nice I like that no way man no she's got to be three feet so you can rest the beer on she's also got a challenge me what do you mean though what do you mean by that you know she should challenge me to be a better person
Starting point is 00:46:26 Inspired me that self-esteem it takes to attain that level of self-improvement Sorry, she should also have a flathead. Yeah, you got a rest of beer on something Actually, she can just hold the beer. I mean if she wants it's not real. No no way She's gotta be on her head like a human end table Actually, she probably stop Every time you talk about this woman That's a famous joke by the way, it's like a bumper sticker a t-shirt like I found the perfect woman and it's those measurements No teeth
Starting point is 00:47:01 So you can get good dome. Yes, exactly Like the traditional classic joke is obviously bad yeah you fucking David is like David it's into it but that kind of making his own amendments and then as we gave it guys over yeah I'm like means you're like wait a minute David David sort of onto something and you're not what you're not willing to lose the fucking you guys are you're so Impressionable you were on my side when the joke was funny And then as soon as he's like I wanted to I wanted to challenge me steers like oh, that's interesting rest the beer on her
Starting point is 00:47:36 Wanting away a high five yeah, let's keep watching just about that I mean, I'd give anything to fix that head when we'm gonna talk to some scientists or something. The same scientist that discovered the perfect woman? No, probably different scientists. Oh actually, my dad's a physician I'm sure if you wanted a recommendation I can put a phone call in. I would love a phone number. Okay, sorry so start over. Okay so scientists discovered the perfect woman. What does she look like? I guess she's average height.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Good. She should have a normal head. Yes. And challenge me and inspire me. What does she look like I guess she's average height good She should have a normal head. Yes, and challenge me and inspire me. You know David's thing is actually more fucked up Oh, it stop it David's thing is actually more fucked up The perfect woman needs to be average height with an average head I'm saying that's it's fine to we could remake this now And it's like a perfect woman is someone who's confident in themselves and whoever's whatever they look Yeah, or if they're not confident that's fine, too
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah, perfect woman is whoever the perfect woman is every woman exactly who are we to judge and we're the imperfect man Yeah, why are we even talking about? Perfection is fucked up There's like like objective good and bad. Don't talk about perfection while you're not even perfecting yourself. Exactly. Smaller, it doesn't really matter to me. I mean as long as we're best friends and we get along, that's all that matters.
Starting point is 00:48:59 As long as you got that flat ass head so you can rest the beer on it. Come on. To be totally honest, I don't even like beer that much. Thank you! OK, he said it. That's you. It's sour. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:49:13 It's sour. Bitter. Stop it. So you could tell that I wrote it. Because it's ultimately about beer being not that great. It's funny that my character is so fixated on the head. I haven't mentioned the teeth. I think I call back the double D's I call back the beer a lot But I don't I don't talk too much about the getting good head
Starting point is 00:49:34 Which is ultimately you didn't want to be too grass Enjoy a nice glass of red wine with our best friends without feeling so Preaching the choir choir, man. Seriously, seriously. What about the no teeth? Oh, yeah. It was like three feet tall, no teeth. To be honest, I was not feeling that.
Starting point is 00:49:54 I didn't get that whatsoever. I mean, I prefer a nice smile. Yes. No, I think, you know what it is, we were agreeing with it. And we never... What are you saying? Head. What?
Starting point is 00:50:04 It's cold so she gives you better head come on man serious? Did you ever feel bad Yelling at an office of course yeah, of course say you felt a little subconscious going ahead Hey, she can give you better ahead that beer on her while there's like You know 50 year old sales ladies for match.com. Yeah. Yeah, and also young, you know interns. Yeah I I mean I think I Think I might not have felt bad during this this one Was normal for the time there were ones that I felt like when we did Jake and Amir muscle tea and I rubbed my lips
Starting point is 00:50:47 and spit out milk as if I was masturbating. That I remember feeling bad about. I was like, I can't laugh because then I'll have to do it again. And someone might see it. Yeah, so I think we ended up doing it twice. But this I don't really remember feeling self-conscious. I feel like I'm delivering these lines pretty loud.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Yes, loudly and proudly. I guess because your character's getting scolded for it. Maybe you felt that way. But you know, it was always about when you had things like this was just like powering through. If I really committed to it, then I would only have to do it the one time. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:21 We didn't run it a lot. What's wrong with you? Okay, I'm dating the perfect woman and you guys are just shitting on her. Wait what? Yeah okay here's a picture of us. Oh my god. Wow. She's beautiful. Yeah. She's your best friend too huh? What do you think man yeah she's my soul mate shouting out head and then bleeping the entire sketch you're talking about a fucking goblin that sucks your dick for three minutes and then like she's my fuck beaming soul mate do not use that's my one note on this entire hardly working it otherwise perfect. I feel like in a new version of this, she comes out like, Jake are we going to the movies?
Starting point is 00:52:10 I'm like, I'll be right there babe, I fucking love her. She fucking, she bleeping challenges me. We're going to see an art house movie which I don't necessarily love, but ultimately I wanna make her happy. Yeah. She scoots in like fucking r2d2 She has a Gatorade on her head cuz it's like not you know you're not drinking yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:52:40 But she does put drinks up there I Don't remember the little picture part.'s oh, yeah, I remember that You're over who did the art for that It looks like a wing the exact same outfit. I'm wearing at the table, so we did it like just before right It was a frightening image three feet tall flat L. No teeth. It's like a horror movie and Three feet tall, flat L, no teeth. It's like a horror movie. And wet hair so she can climb out of the TV. We could write that as a horror movie.
Starting point is 00:53:09 A comedy horror movie. The perfect woman. The perfect woman. So the title's right there. Yeah, and it's like two guys joking around like that. And then she comes out and exists. And then she fucking kills them both for being misogynists. She gums them to death.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Should we watch another one? This one I have no recollection of at all. I just scrolled through different Hardly Working's until I saw one that both of us were in. So I have no idea if it's good, bad, or what, but it is Hardly Working Agreements. It looks like it stars me, you, and Pat in the original College Humor office,
Starting point is 00:53:43 225 Park Avenue South. Old school. Yeah. It's always weird to see HD videos of this era. Right. Because this is like when we were shooting on our digital cameras. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:56 I just assumed that office was always grainy. Yeah. But these were like the nice camera versions, but still shooting in that office. It's true. I haven't seen it, but I heard it was absolutely amazing. Yeah, all my friends are like, this is the best movie of 2008.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Didn't it win a People's Choice Award or something? Jumper? Yeah. Oh yeah, wait, pause for a sec. Yeah. Doesn't matter. For a long time, we did like a five second intro where every single Hardly Working,
Starting point is 00:54:21 we were talking about the movie Jumper, starring Hayden Christensen. And it was because Pat and I saw it. Also, every sketch, I think, starts with like, two people talking about something unrelated to the sketch before somebody walks in. Right, and it's usually, sometimes it's something like, really, really dark, weird, like some really offbeat non-sequitur.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And for a long time, we made it exclusively Jumper. Jumper themed. Yeah, all right I will see any movie with teleporting. Let's rent it. Hey if you rent it, I'll provide the vegetables and dip Solidify this agreement way we always do no by breaking Jake's mind Fuck! All right, pause it. Yeah. Pretty funny. Is he wearing a tie,
Starting point is 00:55:10 because it's like an office space thing, or like we think he was just unrelated wearing a tie? I have no idea. I really have no idea. Let's solidify this the way we always do. Instead of a handshake, we break your monitor, which I guess we've done before, because you were quick to say, no, please.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Wait, don't. This happened kind of often in this office. We would often get word that we could destroy an old electronic thing. And then we were back into the sketch. Yeah, yeah, exactly. That's what a hardly working phone fight was. We were like, when we moved into this office,
Starting point is 00:55:41 we all had desk phones. And at a certain point, we were like, we don't need these. We're gonna get rid of all of them. So we like shot a sketch where everyone was chucking them at each other. Why, Jake, this broken monitor acts as a constant reminder of the agreement between Patrick and myself. Like the shards of glass that were once your screens.
Starting point is 00:56:00 So were the promises Amir and I made to one another. I never agreed to this, all right? You can't keep on breaking my monitors. Maybe he's right. How about Jumper? No, he didn't say Jumper. Wait, or not s- did you? No, I said stop breaking my computer.
Starting point is 00:56:13 No, you- he said J- he said Jumper- he said Jumper or something. He didn't, alright? Look, I'm serious. This is the last one. Pause it. Perfectly sealed, you removed the film. This is the last one. Let's be convinced tomorrow. Pause it. Perfectly sealed. You removed the film. This is the last one.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Look how new it is. Just getting a last dust speck. There's no way we don't destroy this monitor in the next 12 seconds, right? Yeah, of course. Of course. And figure out a new way to solidify our oaths. Yes. Alright, I can do that.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Then it is agreed. Nice. We agreed to come up with a new way to agree and we have to break your last monitor. Yeah, exactly. Let's see, is there a post script where Pat hits the monitor for another 10 seconds? Probably.
Starting point is 00:57:00 Fuck! Nice, we needed that. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Starting point is 00:57:10 Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Starting point is 00:57:17 Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Starting point is 00:57:24 Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It looks really dark. The hair plus the tie combo looks like, it's like Shaun of the Dead style. For sure. Yeah, and it is very cathartic to like break something with a hammer, you don't get to do that very often. Totally. I feel like I've seen that on TikTok. There are like places where you just go there and destroy things.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah, I've seen that too. Should we? It doesn't look that satisfying to me. Wouldn't you like to take a fucking baseball bat to a vase? Not really. Really? It doesn't do it for me. Actually, I'd like to take a fucking baseball bat to a vase? Not really. Really? Doesn't do it for me. Actually, I'd like to be there after the fact
Starting point is 00:57:48 and glue it back together. That's more of a- A different escape room. You go to a place and we put things back together and it's right next to the place that destroys shit. That and axe throwing, I feel like, it had a moment in the last five years. Yeah, axe throwing is a weird one
Starting point is 00:58:03 where I still see axe throwing places and I'm like who's still doing it You already did the fucking gene building thing at the axe throw. Uh-huh. That's enough. It's like the it's that and poke All of these places are how are you still around? Yeah We got to start tracking their real estate. It's gonna be on the soon. You don't like poke. I think it's fine I just don't see it being it brings us back to the bowl thing. Yeah Yeah, another bowl thing sushi bowl. I is not that different than poke probably yes It's all the same amount of sugar inside of yeah, it's just still like that site. Yeah Alright, so if you liked that we're doing that a lot on our patreon patreon.com
Starting point is 00:58:42 All right, so if you liked that, we're doing that a lot on our Patreon, patreon.com slash ja. We're making our way through every single Jake and Amir episode. And send us suggestions for Hardly Workings too, because we could watch them here. That was a treasure trove. I wonder how many Hardly Workings there are. Yeah, because there's like 800 Jake and Amirs.
Starting point is 00:58:59 How many Hardly Workings from our era? Because they definitely made a lot more after we quit too. I assume like 100 or 200 or something hundred yeah so but we should only be watching the ones that we at least had a hand in no I'd like to watch ones that we didn't let's watch one from 2019 they really jumped the shark yeah who's this guy no that one's still you oh Yeah, you just looked different at the time. Okay, that's it, that's our episode. That's right. Three segments, couldn't be more different
Starting point is 00:59:30 if you think about it. That's true. Next time we'll talk more about Tottenham because I feel like that was really, The tip of the iceberg. Yeah, it was dominated by the Fry Lady. That's so, don't you understand she's still winning? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:43 You're still letting her get to you. That's incredible. She was so unapologetic It was insane. Yeah, it was like it was I was in a sketch where like an annoying British one's like get out of my seat Oh You hit my fries whatever Yeah, that's absolutely insane. You don't care Although she was a huge fan. She was like cursing them and like chanting and singing along I respect that a lot of a lot of songs during the play. Yeah, what was it?
Starting point is 01:00:10 They all sound like a famous song, but they're like the words are replaced. Yeah, did that what did they sing the Mickey vandivan? I don't know. Vandivan Mickey vandivan. Yeah. Yeah again I had to do a beeline as soon as he left. Yeah, and I stepped on that woman's shoe just to show her I was a real American bloke, and I wasn't gonna take that shit anymore. Come on, you Burnley! Okay, thanks for watching, thanks for listening. We'll be back, of course, next week, as always. Still in the LA studio.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Ciao for now. Peace. Bye. That was a Hidgum Original.

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