If I Were You - 556: So Random (w/Emily and Sammy!)

Episode Date: September 5, 2022

In this episode Emily Gonzalez and Sammy Smart from "Too Scary Didn’t Watch" are in studio discussing mass transportation crushes, extra sunglasses, and slowly moving into your boyfriend's apartment.... Advertise on If I Were You via Gumball.fm.See omny.fm/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a hit gum original three two one hey what's up guys just give me a second real quick yeah maybe you need some advice but not from your baby your peers maybe you're scared of the dark enough trouble shaking the fear maybe you're drinking too much could fill a lake with the beers maybe your girl wants to peg plans on gaping your rear maybe when you see your reflection you feel like breaking the mirror maybe she's pretty but her voice isn't you hate what you hear maybe your situation ain't yet fully gonna take but it's clear that you could benefit from reaching out to Jake in the mirror I think if I were
Starting point is 00:00:38 you show yeah you could easily be said these guys are too dope with their help you'll no longer be lonely and horny like some huge joke and get you some advice you puto I think if I were you show yeah you could easily be said these guys are too dope with their help you'll no longer be lonely and horny like some huge joke can get you some advice you puto I think if I were you show Wow wow that was a really gravelly voice that was me that was me it's beautiful wow so no longer be lonely or horny this is a great seal of approval on this right yeah those are two good things that you don't want to be don't
Starting point is 00:01:19 want to be yeah you want to be horny just for a small amount right for the right time that's right from like 4 to 4 30 that was written and shot written recorded whatever by sketch the bottom feeder is his name okay I got to assume that's a rap name right there's no way that's his communion name right sketch the bottom feeder let's see that birth certificate holy shit sketch the bottom feeder amazing parents namaste Emily and Sammy hello welcome to Los Angeles and the studio you guys live in LA though right we do okay cool so welcome to just the studio thank you've been here before too yes we have but it's nice to be
Starting point is 00:02:12 welcomed back before yeah it's not worth it I just sat on that coat couch before I have I have not okay welcome to that scene amazing co-hosts of a new headgun podcast too scary didn't watch yeah yes true or false true that's true it's a horror movie kind of rewatch but you guys have maybe seen yeah yeah so Emily and Henley our other co-host are too scared to watch scary movies and while they're getting braver over the course of doing the podcast but I love horror movies so I just tell them about them and really ruin their days some days some days are you still scared by the recap yeah depending on sometimes it's
Starting point is 00:02:59 worse sometimes it's worse your imagination there's some movies that it's it's better to hear about it than see it but there are some that like the detail and the imagination of like I would say anything like gruesome body like Evil Dead is a good example that dad is so easy to watch horrible to hear about I just like because you make it like much gnarlier and you're when able dad's actually pretty fun right when you're watching these details are like and then he chopped her up with a chainsaw and then oh yeah that's like there was a bite and it's spread and the veins got all black and it's like we
Starting point is 00:03:31 talked a lot about the fluids right but it's like the jump scare stuff that I don't like in horror yeah that's right is removed right that I see yeah when somebody explains a jump scare to you do you get scared and then you slam a mirror shut and there's someone behind there have been times we've been recording and we're like in a really this is warm we were recorded in person but pre-pandemic but there'd be talking about a really intense moment and like we did it at my apartment like my cat would make a noise or like something would fall and that I would like I remember you screamed in the conjuring
Starting point is 00:04:03 because it was a really scary moment we're building up the tension and then yeah I like kicked the mic or something and it made a loud noises yeah I'm not I don't like scary movies I don't like feeling afraid what is that what is the feeling that you that you enjoy about it what is it why like this I think it's a controlled experiencing and like a place to put my anxiety like I can funnel it into this film and the reason I feel anxious is because of this not because of anything else in life that's roller coasters it's kind of the same thing you know I used to really like roller coasters and I haven't been on one in a
Starting point is 00:04:39 long time I'd be curious to test that what about like Hollywood Horror Nights like not scary no that's the thing people say boo to you if it's real and there's like a person touching me I know they're not supposed to touch you but sometimes they do and it's really close and it feels like the touching yeah it sort of is there just closer to breathe you feel the breath I don't like that either basically if I could feel any aspect of your yeah presence it's especially during COVID times every house is sort of a haunted house remember when we used to did you guys ever do this where you would see somebody on the
Starting point is 00:05:09 other side of the street and like take a wide berth on those early walks you know probably harder to do in New York because where are you gonna go I we did used to do that the walk in the middle of the street and be like hit me with a car but don't breathe on people across the street in New York City because there weren't that many people on the road just crossing you got hit by a bunch of cabs I remember in March and April that's right if I want eight nine yeah but by messenger for sure yeah better than having somebody breathe near me I guess alright so this is a advice show it's kind of like a horror movie recap
Starting point is 00:05:41 podcast but these are actual situations right but like the horror movie where we're moved from them we don't know these people yeah they mean nothing to me I swear hello yes they're giving their anxiety to us exactly a friend and I once dressed as Niles and Fraser Crane for Halloween so I feel incredibly qualified there we go what did you do to dress as what did you do in life the amount of times I've just for Halloween basically been like just a man's suit yeah and nobody can understand who I am did they dress very differently we carried Freud and Jung books and Sherry glasses that was that was those
Starting point is 00:06:20 were the hints but nobody got it I see but anyways I'm gonna be really great at giving advice I cosplayed is not alright this is a 29 year old man living in Manhattan awesome try to put yourself in that great city that's right so Emily let's give this guy a fake name just so we can talk to him without sort of blowing up his spot we'll preserve his anonymity as I like to say right I'm Don Draper that's really cool that is cool the New York on Draper oh like the Mad Men right exactly like one to one pretty straightforward question here is it ever okay to flirt with someone on the subway and if you have a good
Starting point is 00:07:05 conversation with someone on a subway is it socially acceptable to ask for a phone number or an Instagram I'm a 29 year old man living in Manhattan and I don't have a particular woman in mind but sometimes I have a conversation with a beautiful woman on the subway and then when it's their stopper mind I awkwardly say well take care any thoughts Jake have you ever picked up a girl on a subway Amir have you ever met another chipmunk on the subway these fans troll me for whatever reason yeah it's mostly because of mine your cheek your cheek nuts for the winter a little bit yeah and I'm like very skittish you burrow
Starting point is 00:07:46 into a tree I do live inside of a tree but chipmunks oftentimes that's a misconception yeah they just sleep with a lot of chipmunk knowledge of all woodland creatures not chipmunks and both of your parents are chipmunks yes that's true well my dad's a squirrel we spend so much of our lives on the subway in New York Draper finishes I'm surprised that more people don't fall in love while on transit thank you guys you're the best from Don Draper have y'all lived in New York City nope have y'all been to New York City yes so you're familiar with the subway so familiar with the subway system yeah very
Starting point is 00:08:22 just familiar with the concept of flirting with a stranger in a you know limited amount of time yeah live in San Francisco buses and trains yeah the Bart as it were the Bart so try to picture yourself on a Bart train you're listening to a podcast a guy has a cool book in his back pocket whoa Steinbeck but the cover page is missing it's so worn in that's really fucking hot it's not a prop it's definitely not a prop why are you taking you so long to read the old man in the sea I just like to have it in my back pocket because I lost my wall this forgot it was there yes another gun in his other pocket so has
Starting point is 00:09:03 anybody ever hit on you or have you ever experienced that in transit romance someone asked me for my number in Trader Joe's once whoa would you do and they did with no conversation before no that's not okay that's not what's your number of flirt it was just zero hey you're really pretty could I get your number wow that's kind of exciting right I said no I panicked really yeah but I mean I did you give a reason did you give a reaseling great selection and great prices here a lot of confidence that guy had just walk up to you like you're pretty can have your number of conversation do you remember also once
Starting point is 00:09:43 at at Griffith Park at the observatory a group of three people came up to me two guys and a girl and they said they had a camera and they were like can you take a photo I was like of course thinking taking a photo of them obviously right they wanted a photo of me with one of the guys and I was so shocked and sounds like a tiktok prank I know I was going on take a photo with a stranger I asked why they didn't give me a I don't know no reason and I think I took the picture and then I was really pissed about it afterwards and he also asked me for my number and I didn't give it to him oh really there you go guys are over to if
Starting point is 00:10:20 if the guy who asked for your number was objectively super handsome and hot would you have said if it was actually Don Draper if it was a six foot four inch cool dude I think I think the flirting before is kind of an important part of it I think just coming out of the blue and asking for a number is a little it's a it's a bit much regardless a lot of character to like flirt but not asked for the number so he's like confident and a little shy which is a nice attitude to have for a guy I think this guy yeah not the guy that asked yeah that guy sucked it's so tough cuz it's like on the one hand I think if
Starting point is 00:10:56 you're having a nice time with someone asking for their number as long as you're not being like it's it's so situation-dependent Don I don't know you but because it can often be you can feel very trapped as a woman sometimes being like oh no I'm appeasing this person and I'm stuck on the subway and then he's gonna ask my number and I'm gonna have to say no but then the worst that happens is they say no the best thing that happens is you made a connection with someone you get to talk to them again right the worst thing that happens is they say no and you never ever see them again stop thinking no I'm
Starting point is 00:11:27 for me I would never stop thinking about it for the rest of my life okay that's something to be explored I think yeah I think that that's an opportunity for a growth maybe maybe my mind is littered with thousands of women I'm 37 I'm not gonna grow now I don't think I've ever asked a stranger for their number in my life because I'm you know the crypto fear of rejection so how I would do it if I needed to now I would say I would give them my phone so they have all the control you know it's like do you want to put your number in here it can be fake if you want that's really nice you're already getting
Starting point is 00:12:06 this is what I've been calling prejection that's good which is subverting them getting rejected before myself a little bit so you can't hurt right it can be fake as long as you hand the phone back to me 555 and you give me the last four days give me four digits I'll call that a win here's what I think you do this just to encourage me okay okay I think you carry a pen cool maybe a pen cooler than the phone a pre-worn copy of your favorite that you have an additional one of so you can tear up the pages nice as the conversation is coming to a close this is my number write it down I really like to meaning you
Starting point is 00:12:46 here's my number do with it what you will that's also charming yes and then you're not like what's your information give me your and it's not you don't have to pass the phone it doesn't feel too like premeditated like hey hold on here's my number you can have it if you really being strategic you can have a pre-written and just act like you're writing it tear it out that's good you don't have a lot of time the doors open you don't have a lot like meeting you like could you give me your number and then it's like the doors are closing it's like she says no you just missed your stop you have to stand in the train
Starting point is 00:13:16 then you got to do the Craigslist misconnections thing right your number on your hand get off the train slam it on say I love you how do you like these apples because you're fucking sweating up a storm pull this move off you can't even handle it fall between the track and the train that's a really good idea is the here's my number the writing it down especially bringing back the book callback you have to be on the subway with the book otherwise you just sit in there yeah it could be why don't it's it's not a page from the book but it's your bookmark which is actually like the hours that you volunteer at the
Starting point is 00:14:01 children's yeah so it's like kind of like your yeah your like information packet from there yeah really good try to include some yeah personal details keep her curious or on a bank receipt where you just like fake deposit like $98,000 deposit in it well you go deposit like $100 you can like go in and put a deposit for like $100 but like when in the amount just say 98,000 and then they'll print out a receipt yeah and it won't be verified it won't say that's your new amount but it'll just say deposit that's actually how about this you literally deposit your phone number worth of cash my phone number is
Starting point is 00:14:46 exactly how much money I have yes exactly so the two of us have made your idea significantly worse start relationship off with a huge line if someone could scrub back then there's actually good advice in there all right cool that's good let's take a break come back answer more questions but so far you're one for one so it's good that you guys are here we wouldn't have thought about that one great thank you to Helix sleep for sponsoring this episode of our show hell yes thank you for making the sleep test the sleep exam and letting me ace it and become the doctor of the mattress yes yeah so Helix makes a really
Starting point is 00:15:29 mattress line and you take a little sleep quiz to see what mattress is right for you yeah right Jake's been bragging about completing this two minute honestly like Buzzfeed light quiz I don't sleep for the better part I do not I do not brag I don't brag about completing it I brag about acing it because you got the mattress and it was great or yeah I got the perfect mattress thank God thank God that's right and if you want the perfect mattress you can go to Helix sleep comm slash if I were you for 20% off all mattress orders and two free pillows amazing free pillows come on yes this is their best offer yet and no it won't
Starting point is 00:16:10 last long with Helix the better sleep starts now so regardless of how you sleep whether you like it soft medium or firm he looks as 20 unique mattresses just ready to go based on how you fill up that sleep preference and they'll send you the best one and if you go to helix sleep comm slash if I were you that's 20% off amazing thank you Helix sleep well thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring this episode of our show wow for years and years and years we've been ranting and raving about Squarespace because it's the best way for dummies like me and potentially you that don't necessarily know how to code or design to
Starting point is 00:16:47 create a professional looking website so if you're building an online portfolio for yourself or a loved one or you want to sell stuff online you can do an online store they have 24 seven live customer support email campaigns data you can even purchase a domain name through Squarespace for example I didn't even look this up but there's no way you can't buy a mere Blumenfeld is a good dude calm I bet that's available and you can have it today and you can buy it through Squarespace and build an awesome website dedicated to me or I guess dedicated to anyone else in your life maybe you want to give somebody a gift this season a
Starting point is 00:17:25 summer birthday coming up who doesn't want a website so the best way to do that is to go to Squarespace comm slash if I were you for a free trial and when you're ready to launch just use that offer code if I were you to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain again Squarespace comm slash if I were you free trial everything looks good let's launch it just use that offer code if I were you to save 10% off that first purchase thank you Squarespace and we're back hey Emily or Sammy do you guys have any oh it's a let's do it
Starting point is 00:18:01 I think Jake I'm the one that said gross at the end I'll take credit for that yeah unsolicited advice however big or small I have one that probably most people know but it's important one or just in general in general okay if you're just starting out with edibles oh this is good no this is actually important it's important to start to happen to both of us 25 milligrams is not a starting dose too high and it starts well but I would also go I would say I would take this up further and say read and reread that package you're gonna want to read it you're gonna want to really look at it you're gonna think you read it you're
Starting point is 00:18:56 gonna go yeah I get it so what's a good entry amount five I think five is pretty so you can start lower I started at 2.5 well I started at 25 yeah yeah I had a cookie that I think it had more it was listed more as nutritional information than like serving sizes and I think it was the whole cookie was this amount and I was like well I can't I don't eat the whole cookie so I eat half of it so the cookie I think was 50 milligrams and I thought like that's a yes 25 they shouldn't put it into like that's how it used to be even before all this I think most people know like don't eat a whole cookie but I was like one
Starting point is 00:19:35 cookie I had heard this story this was a Sammy story that I have known for a long time and then we got some gummies and similarly the serving size of a gummy is half a gummy you cut a gummy in half smaller but so I again I was like right I get it knowing this is happening to Sammy not thinking a thing of it the whole gummy and thankfully it was only 10 so I was like fine but I wasn't really like whoa I'm like actually very high but like I'm afraid of edibles I can't do it I've had I'm afraid of smoking smoking seems harder to gauge I just also hard yeah and I also don't like being high either so when the cookies
Starting point is 00:20:20 today's economy for me it's just alcohol and cocaine I don't like the eating you have no idea what you just ingested far more used to which is snorting you know how you'll snort a salad it's the situation only just regular snorting okay that's a good one 25 milligram is not way too high also good to know small you can't die from it that's I googled it it took me 10 minutes to type it into Google yeah it will pass it will pass yeah yeah all right you got one better than that no but I got one which is this is very it was very small and boring again but I've really taken to keeping
Starting point is 00:21:10 spares that live in my car I've got a car set of several things oh I love it I've got a car set of mints okay I've a car set of sandals yep that a car set of sunglasses amazing they don't leave the car they stay in the car yeah because if you're in a rush and you've gotten your on your way out and you're like oh I'm about to meet somebody oh no I just had lunch got my car mints or oh it's spray to cover car sunglasses sometimes you want to change to do a comfortable pair shoes well so I've got I've got so I have certain amount of masks in my car right now but yeah you got got car masks yeah and also just for safety you got
Starting point is 00:21:45 to have some earthquake shoes an earthquake kit an earthquake what's in an earthquake kit like you can just buy and pre-made I bought mine like ten years ago now so it's probably unsafe but it has like a blanket and some like protein packs and like a water things like that if you have to run to your car and drive into the yeah basically I mean I think like honestly you're fucked but or if like you're in your car when our earthquake happens you can't leave for a while you know so yeah you've got like right yeah powder I do I really do want to bury a bag somewhere of stuff very yeah not have it on like in Central Park
Starting point is 00:22:21 make it I need it outside the city so I can just get in my car yeah drive to like my bunker or something yeah where that be like where outside of the city I you know I think I'd probably want to go north so I yeah we're all gonna want to go north eventually right yeah that's in Valley somewhere yeah maybe red hook that's nice okay well don't tell everybody okay actually it's actually okay you get there in the bag is empty just emptied it oh I needed to put stuff in the bag damn it all right two solid tips one is to keep sunglasses in your car the other one is to not have it's
Starting point is 00:23:10 having duplicates it's having the duplicates is really important glasses is important I'm gonna do that I have regular glasses in my car so I have to wear glasses if I go to the movies and it happened once that I forgot my prescription glasses it was to see baby driver and I only had prescription sunglasses and so I watched the whole movie it's so funny because people probably thought I was like I love baby driver so much that I also have to wear a leather jacket I feel like there's a Seinfeld episode about someone forgetting their glasses having to watch the
Starting point is 00:23:45 movie and sunglasses yeah I had to go to dinner with a friend who they had to wear sunglasses okay here's another question that we could potentially help with roommate dilemma another dude how about Sammy why don't you give us a fake name for this dude hmm I'm gonna say my roommates name Amanda so Amanda there you go a man named Amanda imagine that it's keeping it really insane what could happen yeah that's the name of this episode I've been dating a girl for Amanda and how weird would it be and it just recently dawned on me that she's been slowly moving into my apartment seriously I woke up one day and I
Starting point is 00:25:04 realized half the shit in my bathroom isn't mine she's just got more clothes in my closet than me and she probably spends more time in my apartment than I do could just be duplicates except for the truth sometimes you gotta have duplicates to be fair after we'd been dating for four months I gave her a key and told her that she can keep some of the stuff at my place to make it more convenient I didn't expect that you it would lead to this I confronted her about it oh she said living at my place is more convenient for her because my place is closer to where she works and does to school I guess I understand the
Starting point is 00:25:36 convenience factor but I didn't expect to be living with this broad so soon into our relationship to make matters worse when I told her I needed some space she accused me of wanting to cheat on her she said the only reason I could possibly have for not wanting her to live with me is that I could bring other girls home wow and nothing could be further from the truth I I just I think I switched sides I stayed on the side I am firmly what do I do do I suck it up and let her live with me is there any way to politely tell her to leave without feelings my space please thanks love Amanda both cut your losses break up
Starting point is 00:26:16 yeah I think this is I think probably you guys don't like each other seems like enough well she loves him so much that she's afraid he'll know she's she right she either to stop that's not love it's true she feels like she needs to guard his apartment yes on call and she can't even sleep a wink at any point in the night yeah are you peeing in there or cheating on me how did you know assuming best intentions okay I think you've got to just have a conversation you got to talk to each other just say I want I actually know just break up you should break up because to me this is it's basically it's happening at an
Starting point is 00:27:06 appropriate timeline it may be a little accelerated but like four months in you give the key you say you can keep stuff here if you want seven months later that's another three months there's more stuff and she's spending more time there that's like that is you set that up to happen but if you don't like if you don't like what's happened since then yes break up how you seen how to lose a guy in ten days she puts all of her female stuff in his drug closet not it not a tampon yeah it's not like a horror movie slams the mirror but there's no one behind her so you don't have to freak out the horrifying stuff is inside yes
Starting point is 00:27:46 exactly it's coming from inside in a scenario where it doesn't seem like you don't like each other then you would have that conversation hey I like you being here I've realized I need some time that's just my own can we find a way to work that out but I don't know but they have that conversation and she said they confrontation yeah that's true I confronted her about this feels like you're coming at it with the wrong I caught you with a dress in my closet I got you bread-handed that's because she moved her gluten-free bread into his pantry yeah it feels like there's there's issues outside of the living
Starting point is 00:28:37 there's trust issues and insecurity issues communication yeah details it's the living together is making all of those things worse it exacerbates what's already there it's shown you the cracks are getting wider and it's time to break up that's unfortunate best of luck to you sorry Amanda actually this was sent a year or two ago I can ask for a follow-up I would love to know what if there's no kids now happily all it took was it's possible I mean it really would only take conversation like two years ago because if it what if this is like March 2020 and then now they're stuck oh my god they didn't know they moved in
Starting point is 00:29:18 they had two pandemic puppies there's probably a lot of couples like that that like accelerated their position my both two of my siblings one of my sisters and my brother both my brother's third date with his girlfriend was went on for three and a half months because they just like she met my parents like so fast into there but now you know they're still together it's like the relationships progress so quickly because you're spending all it's true I do feel like a lot of people through the pandemic I had like long people I knew who were in long-term relationships that ended because of it and then people who
Starting point is 00:29:58 really like said like locked it in yeah yeah you couldn't leave for like couldn't leave you either realize that's a good thing or a very bad thing I got married two years before the pandemic and COVID basically made me like really sure of the decision yeah totally I think I was like oh wow I couldn't be married to a better person because I had to live in just an apartment with that person for a year and a half yeah and not even your apartment right can you imagine disgusting okay I'll follow up and we'll try to get an answer okay yeah I wish I really wish them both the best I just hope it's with other people let's
Starting point is 00:30:39 get one more break in come back and answer more questions after these messages left-handed for some reason thank you to stamps.com for sponsoring this episode of our show visiting the post office and dealing with shipping and handling is probably one of the most stressful parts of owning a business but with stamps.com all you need is a computer and a printer and they can bring the post office in your office so if you need a package pickup you can easily schedule it if you need to sell products online stamps.com seamlessly connects with every
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Starting point is 00:31:57 the top of the page and enter code if I were you and that gets you a free four week trial free postage and a digital scale that sounds pretty good thank you stamps.com for sponsoring this show thank you to Aura Frames for sponsoring this headgum podcast you know Aura Frames is sponsoring not just this episode but the entire headgum network Jake wow that's correct I mean this might be the Goat Father's Day gift I think it actually is yeah yeah not just Father's Day but if for any not so tech savvy family member that you need a gift for soon these digital photo frames might be the best of all time yeah for me personally these
Starting point is 00:32:39 things are perfect I'll tell you why as you know I am expecting yeah my first child we got one for Jill's parents oh wow we got one for Jill's grandma holy smokes we got one for my parents so there are three of these bad boys in our family right now but they are they're great really easy way to like stay in touch with your family you can upload as many photos as you want directly into my parents kitchen it's really nice oh that's cool so you take a photo of anything perhaps a baby and then it goes to their digital photo yeah frame this is actually how we how we told Jill's grandma she was pregnant we got her the
Starting point is 00:33:19 Aura frame we plugged it in Jill's grandma was pregnant really nice asshole this was actually a really sweet moment for me and my wife and you're trying to make a joke of it I was just being goofy a little bit like this is how I told my grandma she was pregnant yeah yeah kind of like a she misheard it or something like that or the way you said it was kind of like could go either way by the way Jill's Jill's grandma is pregnant oh my god just grandma is 90 and pregnant it's pretty cool and you told me with a digital photo frame holy smokes and we let her know with an aura yeah thank you the aura announcement so you can
Starting point is 00:33:57 instantly frame photos from any device anywhere and invite the whole family in on the fun through the aura app add me to your aura app I'd love to upload just a picture of me like at a pool or something that could be funny yeah like your banana your dog alongside pictures of my daughter yeah yeah exactly even preload photos and add a personal video message that will display as soon as your dad or anybody connects to the frame yeah it's a great gift a really really iconic gift and right now you can save on the perfect father's day gift and visit aura frames that's a you are a frames dot com and our listeners can use
Starting point is 00:34:33 code head gum to get up to $30 off plus free shipping on the best-selling frames there it is oh wow this is timely the deal ends on June 18th so don't wait terms and conditions apply that's aura frames a you are a frames dot com okay go get your parents something all right and use the code head gum for $30 off plus free shipping thank you aura and now back to the headgum podcast you were listening to and we're back okay we need a lady's name so you guys can just sort of shout one out together at the same time let's try to see if they can come up with the same name oh
Starting point is 00:35:20 that's cool okay I'm a 25 year-old female right Sammy Jacqueline and I've been dating my boyfriend for almost nine months pretty early into the relationship he established that he had for lack of a better term a panty fetish which to him is just liking a specific kind of panty and this has been an easy way for us to connect intimately however he was scrolling through some old photos on his phone and I noticed he had some scandalous pics from his past girlfriends of course that can be excused since I know everyone has their past but the weird
Starting point is 00:36:28 part is I noticed in the photos the ex in question was wearing not one but two of the exact same panties that my boyfriend has bought for me not just the the exact same brand slash style slash color ever since that ever since I saw those photos I have not brought it up but it messed but is it messed up of him to buy the exact same pair of panties for different women or is he just not over his ex I'm fine with most fetishes but this seems strange to me thanks lads hope I can see you soon all right let's do yeah well if he has a fetish of this specific kind of underwear he buys it for all of it yeah
Starting point is 00:37:14 including yeah for the course I'm wondering when how did she see these text messages I guess he was scrolling through like on an airplane probably and then she's like what are you looking at and he's like nothing don't worry about it but kind of angling it towards her so she could see it nothing yeah and he so she's kind of offended that it's the exact same brand slash style slash color I don't think you have to worry about that I think it's it's it's fetish right like I feel like that's what it's consistent he didn't just come up with this fetish brand new during your relationship yeah in theory he's kind of like he has this
Starting point is 00:37:57 and now he's applying it to your relationship I think there's something that's like I mean I would have to know more about the underwear is it like the shape or is it like actually this is the brand and color that is the fetish because if that's the case then there's not like almost you shouldn't even be surprised right yeah yeah I also feel like there's all probably a good chance this guy just knows that website and is like purchase purchase I know which ones he has an Amazon subscription these are the ones I liked yeah so you could easily just buy similar ones that you like that you don't have an association with with
Starting point is 00:38:35 the X I think ultimately once again you should probably talk about it you should that's that's blanket answer for most questions we get is like talk about it with someone besides leave us alone you saw the photos you could there's a way to bring it up saying like hey so I saw these I don't want to you know I just have to express to you that it made me feel a little insecure can we get is there a pair you'd be into that you could get for only me and we could do that one right you know I just want to feel what's your second yeah I have a fetish it's you not fantasizing about your fucking ex that gets me off you know
Starting point is 00:39:20 I would fucking love do you think the old photos on the phone is no bueno would you delete them that's I just it sounds like they're more recent they said she said they've been dating for nine months yeah yeah I feel like it's going to go I don't just scroll pretty far yeah yeah you gotta be looking at those photos at that point right because what else do you scroll back that far for I think it's fair to also ask maybe he has an album it's gotta be out of us from the cloud from the cloud to come in decency to to kind of like at least try to hide those secrets from somebody right like leaving them right on the phone and like in a
Starting point is 00:39:59 place where someone could see them and be hurt by them is the lock screen that's too like in your lock screen is way too near yeah yeah the home screen home screen not great yeah don't make it my contact photo yeah I think shielding someone from scandalous photos from your past is is the bare minimum you don't necessarily have to delete everything from the cloud right that's a little that's a little much you might want that later we don't know but yeah I think just like being a little more discreet on his end and expressing that on her end probably is the best way to go but you probably I probably wouldn't be okay if there was
Starting point is 00:40:38 still old sexy photos of boyfriends past on my girlfriend's phone I'd be like what's the point of having I'd want those in a hard drive in the closet at least yeah yeah and yeah he's off the cloud so nobody does yeah my cloud keeps filling up and they're like yeah just part of life what am I supposed to do and it'll always fill up okay thank you for letting me know once I like bought a little more storage and then I was like it's full again I don't know what to do that's where I'm at right now okay great thanks you're in between like because it's like two gigabytes or nine terabytes I'm like I'm not doing it I can't go
Starting point is 00:41:19 through all the you know how many videos I take of a dog sort of sunbathing I can't and that's your that's your fetish yeah that doesn't fun so yeah so you would you would your advice specifically for this lady be like talk to this guy and say you shouldn't have old photos or just say she's asking about the old photos right she's asking if it means he's still into his ex which I think to say this point not necessarily right I think he's really into these panties I think he's really into these he wants more right he's just a panty fiend and that's maybe I also say like send him some pictures of you send some better
Starting point is 00:41:57 replacements that's good so yeah out with the old in with the new mm-hmm I never understood the panty fetish what's so exciting about underwear panty fetish is one of the it's one of the tamest ones you can I need a winter coat like a fucking yeah I do like that goes all the way down to the ankles arctic wear subzero negative 60 graded sleeping bags I could get into that I have an ice climber fetish they need to be just like you know like south bar carrot crampons and strap on crampons that was really good did you guys hear that let's roll that back I guess come to think of it it doesn't fully rhyme
Starting point is 00:42:57 right the way you sort of yeah I only laugh it rhymes right I have a slanty fetish so the more things sort of don't rhyme the more I have at that as a picture on my phone okay remind us one more time about your podcast it's called too scary didn't watch it is available on headgum nice and if you're interested in scary movies if you're not willing to watch them we're there for you if you love scary movies we're there for you too because it's just more scary movies and what's the most recent few that you've seen we all just watched we did a rare everybody watches the movie this past week for a special treat for prey
Starting point is 00:44:01 the new predator franchise it was great and we got to interview the director Dan Trachtenberg which was oh totally awesome we tried to get him for this podcast and he wrote in the panty fennel yeah and that was great there's a lot of new releases this summer so we've done open bodies bodies bodies did you guys like nope it did yeah sweet same and we all liked it we all like equally all I didn't see it so I don't have to even I have heard good things about bodies bodies bodies super love bodies bodies yeah great time all right sweet so check out Emily and Sammy on too scary didn't watch thank you for coming on
Starting point is 00:44:48 this show thank you guys for having us would love to watch a horror movie some time with you guys let me know I can't do horror but okay okay like sort of a wacky week that you guys do so when you said if you'd love to watch a horror movie with us that you don't mean not that not horror not an actual horror movie kind of like maybe something kind of scary movie we could do that we could do scary movie because it is kind of scary enough we've done Sean the dead and some other like we did we'll be doing shadows shadows basically yeah but that's a way way way too scary for me like not even close all right sweet
Starting point is 00:45:34 thanks to you guys for watching we should have said that we're in studio and you should yeah watch this show on YouTube but at this point they know they know you can go back and watch it which would have been really above and beyond so thank you guys for doing that thanks for listening to it one more time the opening theme song the closing theme song the theme song is by oh gosh do you remember his name I something oh oh the bottom feeder scrappy the bottom feeder scrappy the bottom that was definitely a naming a goldfish there's no way elbow the bottom feeder there's no way scramble bottom scrambles the clown it was
Starting point is 00:46:24 sketch the bottom feeder thank you guys thank you sketch thanks to everybody for watching we'll be back next week bye hey what's up guys just give me a second real quick maybe you need some advice but not from your baby your peers maybe you're scared of the dark enough trouble shaking the fear maybe you're drinking too much could fill a lake with the beers maybe your girl wants to peg plans on gaping your rear maybe when you see your reflection you feel like breaking the mirror maybe she's pretty but her voice isn't you hate what you hear maybe your situation ain't yet fully go pick but it's clear that
Starting point is 00:46:58 you could benefit from reaching out to Jake in the mirror I think if I were you show you could easily be said these guys are too dope with their help you'll no longer be lonely and horny like some huge joke come get you some advice you puto I think if I were you show you could easily be said these guys are too dope with their help you'll no longer be lonely and horny like some huge joke come get you some advice you puto I think if I were you show that was a hit gum original

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