I've Had It - Butcher at the Barbershop

Episode Date: October 1, 2024

New York Congressman Dan Goldman finally admits we're best friends. NEW TOUR DATES ANNOUNCED! For more I've Had It + tour updates, merch and more at linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast Thank you to our sponsor...s: Quince: Get cozy in Quince's high-quality wardrobe essentials. Go to https://Quince.com/hadit for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. SKIMS: Shop SKIMS Bras at https://SKIMS.com. Now available in 62 sizes (30A - 46H). If you haven't yet, be sure to let them know we sent you! After you place your order, select "podcast" in the survey and select our show in the dropdown menu that follows. Horoscope Weekly: New episodes release every Monday, wherever you get your podcasts. Just search for “Horoscope Weekly with Aliza Kelly”. eharmony: Give eharmony a shot and get started with their compatibility quiz, so you can find someone you can be yourself with. eharmony – Get Who Gets You! Follow Us:  I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps Special Guest: Rep. Dan Goldman @RepDanGoldman  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Listen up, patriots, gaitriots, and natriots. We have a new podcast that has dropped. It's called IHIP News. It's Monday through Friday, every day, 15 to 20 minute hot takes on the political landscape of the United States of America, always served with a side of petty grievances. We are on all the available platforms, Apple, Spotify, Google, whatever, if you get your podcasts and YouTube. Please go rate, subscribe and review so that we will chart upwards with America's greatest legal mind pumps. Pumps, what does an eagle say?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Cacaw! A little bit more enthusiasm. Cacaw! That's it. That's, that's, Cacaw! That's the patriotism that this country needs right there. Ready? One, two, three. Gatriots, patriots, they triots. It is a great day in the United States of America as we head into the election season.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Pumps, what have you had it with? What I have had it with, and I've said this before, but it bears repeating, I've had it with TSA readiness. We were just traveling. We were in a line to go through security. This couple walks up. Kylie and Arshane there, they don't have their boarding passes out. They don't have their IDs out. It's like it's a social call. They're just going to walk up and they're going to say, hey, John, come on back. Then after 45,000 hours of them shuffling through their stuff and getting everything, they go to security. They have shit in their pockets. They have water in their bag. They have their shoes on. The TSA tells this same couple, who are middle-aged, so they have flown before, you have to take
Starting point is 00:01:52 your shoes off. This woman, first of all, she's barefoot. She has these nasty ass wedges on. She holds each shoe up to the TSA agent and says, this is my shoe, this is my shoe. And I wanted to go, fucking Karen, nobody wants those shoes because your nasty ass, dry skin, crested heel is all over the shoes and now the floor that people are on. And the level of bare feet I saw in the airport, it completely grossed me out, and I've had it with these travelers that act like it is the only time they've ever flown in their entire life in
Starting point is 00:02:31 their my fucking age. That's just not even true. I've had it. You suck. I couldn't agree more. I mean, I am shocked. Each time I go through TSA, and I'm in the, unlike you and Kylie, I'm in the TSA pre line because I have my global entry thing. And so if you have TSA pre, you're a frequent traveler. You know the rules. And we just got back from this trip and three different occasions, a person goes through the x-ray machine, the walking metal detector, and they have their cell phone in their pocket.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And I'm like, I know that you frequently travel because you have TSA pre. What part of empty your pockets when these poor TSA agents stand there at the top of their lungs? Make sure your pockets are empty. Make sure your pockets are empty. You start hearing the drum towards the back of the line. You hear it a total of a hundred times before you finally proceed through the metal detector. And these morons, these idiots have crap in their pockets.
Starting point is 00:03:37 And I think, how is this possible? How are you this incompetent? How? How do you care so little about being a good traveler? I mean, my goal each and every time that I go through is I want those TSA agents to think that woman has her shit together. And let me tell you what I've started doing. After you go through the metal detector and your items go through the x-ray machine, so many people just think it's somebody else's job
Starting point is 00:04:06 to put up their tray. Our most recent flight, there were about seven trays just stacking up. And I looked at this guy who didn't put his up and he was putting his belt on. I looked at him the entire time and I remained eye contact on him because of my peripheral vision,
Starting point is 00:04:22 I could see the trays and I just stacked them one on top of the other and then marched them down like the Terminators, Jean Claude Van Damme, and put them at the end. I just stared at him like, listen up, MF'er. Clean up after yourself. Which brings me to my I've had it, and it's travel related. When you go to the gate and you're sitting down because you have 45 minutes or so until you board, and the person that was in the seat before you just goes ahead and leaves their trash in the seat
Starting point is 00:04:53 and doesn't have the decency to pick up their fast food, calorie-ridden, horrible American food snack and walk it over to the trash can. They just leave it out like it's somebody else's job to pick up the trash. So I've started, as I go through, if I just see some stuff sitting around, I just go ahead and pick it up. For example, we just came back from Philly. There was a Dunkin Donuts coffee cup in one seat, and about five seats down there was a McDonald's sack. Nobody was sitting in any of these seats. I just went ahead and picked it all up and threw it in the trash that would be cleared
Starting point is 00:05:29 for the passengers because I've had it. Pick up after yourself. If you're in the airport bathroom and you wash your hands, if they have paper towels, when you dry your hands, go ahead and give the sink a little wipe down. Right, because it splashes. I've had it. What is it? What are people
Starting point is 00:05:46 thinking? They're not thinking. But they're obviously sending a clear message with their behavior that somebody else is supposed to come after them and clean up. I think it is so rude. And I just think, would you want someone to leave their trash for you to clean up? No, nobody wants that. Pick up after yourself, it's so rude. It's just a better way to live. Like leave the place that you're sitting, that you're borrowing for that 45 minutes, or if it's the airplane bathroom or the airport bathroom,
Starting point is 00:06:16 leave it in a condition that you would want to receive it. And if we all did that, maybe we wouldn't all be such psychotic freak shows on a podcast with microphones. Heart rate increased because we have to deal with these selfish motherfuckers day in and day out at the airport. I've had it. I'm not proud to admit this, but when we were going through the TSA line and this woman and this man were so ill prepared when she ripped her shoes off and started telling the TSA guy that this was
Starting point is 00:06:50 her shoe, my heart rate was probably up 70 beats. I mean, I was outraged. In my mind, I was taking that shoe and I was pounding her over the head with it and saying, you stupid ass nut job. Nobody wants your fucking shoes. It's maddening. It is other madness and it just makes you feel like, okay, we're all in this together. Can you just do your job? It's a job to get through TSA. That's your job. It's a privilege to be able to qualify to fly, to not be on a no-fly list and keep your shit in order. Be invisible. Do your job. Don't grandstand. Don't showboat. Put all your shit in the tray. Put your tray up. When you go and eat, throw your trash away. When you get on the airplane, don't be a dick.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And, you know, act like a nut. I just, it's just exhausting. We travel all the time for this podcast. And just the selfishness and the lack of courtesy in the American public, it ruins what used to be a really fun thing, which is flying. And now it is like, I can't stand it because I have to deal with these selfish, entitled people that think that the airport is set up exclusively for them and all of their shortcomings and their inability to follow rules and put their trash in the fucking trash can. Right. I totally agree. I remember the days where you actually got a special outfit to ride on the plane and now it's just dump truck city incompetence, self entitlement. It's
Starting point is 00:08:35 just ridiculous. Welcome to I've Had It. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie. Cathy, our producer, is with us today. Cathy, what is going on on the World Wide Web with our reviews? We've got some new reviews. And I've got a one star for you. It's titled Worst Podcasts Ever. And Gigi writes, if you want to spew hate and feel misery, this one's for you.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I mean, you know what? Based on the intro we just gave, that's pretty spot on. Right. I mean, that goes perfectly with us today. Because even just thinking about my airport experience, my heart rate's a little up, I'm going to admit it. Yeah, Gigi nailed it. Nailed it, Gigi. What is it if you want to spew hate and be miserable? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah. Nailed it. We're your girls. I think we deserve two stars, but I mean, I'll take the one. I'll take the one. It's not easy spewing this much hate. No, it's not. Getting this worked out. Okay, this one is from Tate, and they write,
Starting point is 00:09:31 "'This is the only avenue I can find "'to locate my precious girls. "'Dear, dear pumps, with the beautiful golden mane "'that I emulate, I took a pic of pumps into a hairdresser "'and requested the same style haircut. "'I came out looking like an assisted living resident who sees a beauty school flunk out that cuts residents hair once a month.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I do not look like pumps, nor do I resemble any normal facing American woman. Now I am a lesbian intent on turning pumps, but at this rate, I'll have to settle for a blind desperate lesbian with a short haired dog face fetish, heartbroken in Fort Worth. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:10:09 There's nothing worse than a butcher at the beauty shop. Butcher at the beauty shop is the absolute worst. I remember when I was probably in kindergarten. My mother loved to go to the mall. And so, and it was in the era where you could just walk. Even though I was five, it wasn't weird at the time. She walked me into the beauty shop at the mall. And it was like a hair school where they were students
Starting point is 00:10:35 and getting trained. And so she dropped me. My mother's like an avid walker. And she said, Jennifer needs a trim. I'm going to go peruse the mall, and I'll be back in about 30 minutes. So this student hairdresser cuts my hair and she cuts the back in a bob.
Starting point is 00:10:53 And I told her I wanted my bangs just straight across the front. And as she starts cutting each time they're crooked, so she would go up and up and up and up. Finally I leave, my mother comes to get me and I have no bangs. So she would go up and up and up and up. Finally I leave, my mother comes to get me and I have no bangs. They're like a centimeter long. And then I have this little Dutch boy bob.
Starting point is 00:11:14 My mother picks me up and we walk out and I'm like, my hair looks terrible. I mean it was butcher at the the barber shop and it was leveling. And I have the school picture somewhere and I look ridiculous. Also that my mother could burn calories walking at the mall and she didn't have any oversight. There was no oversight by Linda. No oversight. Let me tell you this story. I just remembered it when you said that. So when I was in like middle school, which is that you look like shit anyway. You've got braces, you're awkward. Everything about you is unattractive.
Starting point is 00:11:49 So I go to this new hair person and I'm acting like a little snot hole. There's just no question about it. Very impatient, probably shitty. She turns me around and it was, she took my hair from like this long, like you know shoulder length, and it was so butchered. It was probably not one inch all over with a little bit longer on the top. And it was like, she did it on purpose. She was like, fuck you, you little twat. I've had it with you. And it was, and you know what? A haircut like that takes a year to overcome a bad haircut like that. I mean, it was so short. It was like, it was so bad that when I got in the car,
Starting point is 00:12:37 because my mom had dropped me off and then she picked me up, when I got in the car, she looked at my face, her face fell, and I immediately burst into tears. And of course she was like, I think it looks great. I really, really like it. You know, just lying to try to get me to not be so upset. Now a bad haircut's the worst,
Starting point is 00:12:54 but I wanna say thank you to her for trying to emulate me. I think that's the only time that's ever happened in the history of the world, but I appreciate it. I think it's wonderful. Okay, you know, we have been whistleblowers on a lot of things, right? Like, you know, that couples that communicate online, that it's a big tell, blah, blah. Well, the data is starting to catch up with our podcasts. I was on Instagram the other day, this popped up on my feed, and it is
Starting point is 00:13:26 a new study that claims that happy couples are less likely to post their partner on social media. And what I have to say to that is, it's a burden for Pumps and I to be right all the time. All the time, always right. We were telling you people, and here's what it is. They did a survey of 2,000 couples between the ages of 18 and 50, took a closer look at their happiness levels and social media habits.
Starting point is 00:13:54 The results found that those who share three or more couple selfies per week are allegedly 128% unhappier than their more discreet counterparts. But it gets worse. Only 10% of the selfie-crazed couples consider themselves, quote, very happy. Meanwhile, 46% of couples who are more private on social media said they were much happier. The studies suggest that quote, trust issues could be causing these unhappy couples to post more often on social media. And what I have to say to you listener is we fucking called it.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Totally told you if they're posting around all the time, somebody is fucking around. To prove a point. Somebody fucked around. Somebody found out. Interestingly enough, just this last week, I found out about a couple in this exact situation. The night before, I found out it was a fucking around situation. The door's blown off. Okay? Within 10 hours, the cheater is posting a montage of how much he loves and adores the partner. And I just thought if this is not in any kind of study, it should be because once again, fucking nailed it. Totally. And I think it's a total insecurity in a relationship when you have to prove to these people you don't genuinely care about, like you're the
Starting point is 00:15:36 people that follow you on social media. It's this imaginary thing we make up in our head that has value. But the fact of the matter is it doesn't have value. Nobody's going to be on their deathbed saying, I hope I didn't let my Instagram followers down. Right. I hope my Instagram followers know how in love I was. But there's just this, every time I see couples with overt love posts, I just always cringe and I just think something is amiss here. 100%. Who are they proving this to?
Starting point is 00:16:06 Because it's not to each other, because if it was to each other, it would be so much more meaningful done in private. But when it's done on the internet, it's for an audience to make up for some shortcoming that you have in your relationship. And it's just you see it often, but I always know couples that do this, the curtains are starting to close. This relationship will not have longevity. It's not going to stay the course. Now listen, listener, I have had massive relationship problems and I have not shied away from sharing those with you all because I think anytime you're in a relationship, you're bound to have problems because it's just part of the human experience.
Starting point is 00:16:49 At first, you're in love, pheromones are going bananas, you're screwing like rabbits, it's great times, and then that subsides a bit and then you have to share things like oxygen, for example. Bathroom space and closet space. And it can feel suffocating. And so all I have to say about this is there's no question that I can always tell when I see these couples online. And you always know it's even worse, too, when there's a post and then they comment
Starting point is 00:17:22 to each other instead of saying it to each other in private. Thank you baby. Oh, you're my baby. Oh, I love you. The back and forth, you're just like, oh my gosh, that thing is imploding over there on their street. I immediately, I just cringe. I just cringe and I think, oh my God like you are doing this for this imaginary audience because there is a deep seated shortcoming and desire to prove to people that genuinely you don't care about. I have to say, I cringe but I like it. Same.
Starting point is 00:17:59 No, I do too. I mean, if it wasn't out there, what on earth could we, how could we earn and garner these one-star reviews? Right. How could we do it? How could we be so hate-filled and miserable and give the people what they want without these nut jobs and these performative relationships on the internet? And now we're scientific. Totally. Now it's statistically proven.
Starting point is 00:18:26 That's right. Okay, listener, today we have a guest that we have become friends with. I'm going to say he's our friend. We're friendly with him. I was going to say we're friendly. I wouldn't say we're friends. I think he would say we're friends. I think friendly.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Okay. All right. He is a congressman from the great state of New York. And you may remember him from Trump's first impeachment trial. He was the prosecutor for the government in that case. And of course, as you know, he won. And he was impeached. But this man then ran for Congress
Starting point is 00:19:03 in the great state of New York. And he has a really cool district. It's like lower Manhattan to Brooklyn, like a really cool area. So without further ado, let's welcome Congressman Dan Goldman to I've Had It. Pumps, our ability to suck and then wake up the next day and suck more than the previous day is undefeated. It's unparalleled. We are the champions. If you would like to see how bad we suck, please join us in New York City in November
Starting point is 00:19:35 for just some world-class shit talking. That's right. Live. Live and in person. That's right. Pumps, I am so looking forward to this crisp air because I love to roll out my cashmere sweaters, specifically Mongolian cashmere sweaters that you can get for just $50 from Quince. I was just looking in my closet, getting it ready for fall, and I found my Quince Black
Starting point is 00:20:09 Cashmere sweater. I can't wait to wear it. I also love their washable tanks because they're wash and wear ready. Quince items are also priced 50 to 80% less than similar brands. So it makes it super easy and affordable to inject a few new sweaters into your fall wardrobe. That includes beautiful leather jackets, cotton cardigans, soft denim, and so much more. Get cozy in Qu it to get free shipping and 365 day returns quince.com slash had it. Listener for this episode of I've Had It, we've partnered with eHarmony, the dating app to find someone you can be yourself with.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Our listener knows that we're unapologetically ourselves and don't feel like we need to pretend to be anything else. That's probably why y'all listen to our podcast. You stay true to yourselves and have had it with pretending to be someone you're not. That's especially true when you're out there on the dating apps. Pops, what's going on out there on the dating apps? It's unbelievable how many people try to be something they're not on dating apps. And what I love about eHarmony is it's real people for real relationships.
Starting point is 00:21:41 You heard her, listener. That's why we've partnered with eHarmony because dating on eHarmony is different. eHarmony knows that to find something real, you have to keep it real. You can't be out here trying to be some fantasy Instagram version of yourself. eHarmony is designed to help you bring out your personality on your profile with their unique personality test. They even highlight similarities with your potential matches. And that's when the magic happens when you form genuine connections and authenticity leads to intimacy. Listener,
Starting point is 00:22:20 give eHarmony a shot and get started with their compatibility quiz so you can find someone you can be yourself with. eHarmony, get who gets you. Okay, let's welcome to I've Had It, our friend, Congressman Dan Goldman. And before you say anything, we were arguing before you came on, which is no shock to our listener. But I said to Pumps that you were our friend because we bonded at the DNC. And Pumps disagreed and said we were just friendly with you.
Starting point is 00:22:54 We're friendly with you. We're not like friends. Yeah, no, I think we are friendly on our way to being friends. But you do need more than one meeting in order to truly become friends. So maybe now after this, we are friends. How much do you love that political answer? I mean, that was politics 101. It's really good. So I'm going to circle back at the end of this episode and check in with you to see if we have entered friend zone. Okay. Because we're in friendly zone right now. Friendly moving. Okay. I was telling our listener that you represent a super cool district in New York. And what barriers is that? So I have lower Manhattan,
Starting point is 00:23:37 which is pretty much below 14th Street is my district, which means I've got the village, Soho, lower East side, financial district, Tribeca. And then I have a huge chunk of Brooklyn, Northwest Brooklyn, downtown Dumbo, Brooklyn Heights, Park Slope, Brownstone Brooklyn, all the way down through Borough Park, Sunset Park and Red Hook. And so it is unquestionably the coolest district in the country. And I'm working very hard on being the coolest member in the country. You know, when I think about like co-workers and, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:22 workplace grievances, I would imagine that you have a lot of those, particularly when it comes to the self-described Freedom Caucus. Can you tell us what it's like working with people like that? You know, it's, I get along with most of them very well personally, which is always surprising to a lot of people because in committee rooms or on the House floor, certainly I don't hold back in attacking their political positions and their their views. But there's no point in making it personal and because we work together and we're here all the time.
Starting point is 00:25:09 And at some point down the road, we may find a silver bullet on an issue that we both agree on, could be for totally different reasons, but I wanna make sure that I'm able to work with everyone in order to actually get stuff done when the time is right for that. You've just perfectly articulated why Pumps and I could never be politicians because we're
Starting point is 00:25:35 way too petty. See, you just described the high road and on that high road is Congressman Goldman and he's just walking and he is able to separate personal feelings towards policy differences. I'm a petty person, and if I ran into some of these Freedom Caucus members in the elevator or something, I think I would be like, seriously, what's your deal? What is your problem? Who hurt you?
Starting point is 00:25:59 Marjorie, who hurt you? I don't want to mislead you. I, you know, I'm not going out to coffee with Marjorie. But, you know, if you're someone who actively tried to overturn the 2006 election, I mean, 2020 election, it's a little bit harder to have that personal relationship with.
Starting point is 00:26:30 That makes sense. Yeah, you know, they really identified themselves like the freak flag, red flags, you know, via their vote for the election results after the insurrection. So that's kind of, you know, that's kind of a benefit because sometimes people can't identify their crazy coworkers. They have a hunch. But let's get on to the matter at hand. We like to talk about grievances. Congressman, what have you had it with?
Starting point is 00:26:57 Well, the number one thing I've had it with right now is all of the doubters of my New York Liberty, the best team in the WNBA, proud season ticket holder. And there just is not enough of a resignation and acceptance around the country that they are going to win the title this year. And too many doubters, to win the title this year. And too many doubters, too many haters, and I've had it. I love that. I see, I'm a big women's sports fan and I love watching the women and how good, I mean, they're getting so good at this game
Starting point is 00:27:36 and the Liberty is fun and exciting. Now, weren't they in it last year, but lost? Yes, yes. So this is their time. It was a crushing loss. I was there with with my kids in the final game. We are now season ticket holders. I have four girls and we love going as does my son. And so we're we're pretty excited. I will say, you know, obviously, Caitlin Clark has brought
Starting point is 00:28:04 a tremendous amount of attention and excitement around WNBA. I'm actually going to go to see her play tonight in Washington against the Mystics. But if you have not been to the Barclays Center to watch the Liberty play, you really should go. It is a fabulous environment. It's a lot of fun. I like it. OK, let's shift gears and back to your coworkers. And one of the things we had emailed with your staff about prior to having you on
Starting point is 00:28:34 is the duplicity of your coworkers, where they say one thing to the voter. But when it comes time to vote, they do something differently. Particularly, we just saw this with IVF. Yeah, I mean, it's one of the other things I certainly have had it with is the hypocrisy from the Republican Party, and especially many of the so-called moderate Republicans in the House, a number of whom are in New York, who try to portray this thoughtful, moderate, reasonable approach, especially to reproductive freedom,
Starting point is 00:29:17 but then vote against abortion access. And then you see it in the Senate where every single Republican voted against a bill that would guarantee the right for anyone to get IVF. And I found the explanation for that vote to be troubling because the rationale they gave is, well, IVF is legal in every state. And my response is, well, two years ago, so was abortion. And we now see that there are more than 22 states where abortion is illegal. And the same rationale and the same sort of religious fanaticism that drove the Dobbs opinion applies in a different but equal way to IVF. And so if you are asking me or the American people
Starting point is 00:30:17 to have faith that the Supreme Court will ensure a woman's family. It's not just women, it's a family's right to use IVF. Then you are calling us idiots because you would have said the same thing about Roe v. Wade. And in fact, all three of the Supreme Court justices that Donald Trump appointed did say the same thing about Roe v. Wade during their confirmation hearings before then they flipped around and voted against it. So the fact that the Republicans will say we support IVF. Donald Trump says he supports IVF. But when it comes time to vote, they do not vote for it. And that should tell you everything you need to know. And that's why voting
Starting point is 00:31:14 records are so important is people can pay lip service to lots of things. But when the rubber meets the road is when you have to vote on a bill to show what your true belief is. And once again, in this case, the Republicans have voted against families, have voted against reproductive freedom. And that is a consistent through line that scares the heck out of me as we move forward. What do you think this obsession is on the other side of the ticket, from the top of the ticket all the way down to a local level, with controlling women's breeding and reproduction? What is this bizarre obsession? You hear JD Vance constantly demeaning women that maybe haven't given birth, but they have stepchildren, demeaning an entire
Starting point is 00:32:08 species of an animal, cats, and attaching them to women who don't have children. And it just seems to be like whatever they say at the top, it just starts resonating down through it, like they get their marching orders. And this obsession with controlling women, do you think it's to keep women in poverty or to keep women out of positions of power? What do you think their end game is with this? First of all, I think it's important to know that around the country, more than 80 percent of the votes at the state level to ban abortion have been by white men.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And when you then think, OK, they they want to force women who don't want to have a child to have that child on the abortion front, and then they want to prevent women who want to have a child from having a child on the IVF. The only way to reconcile it, as you just said, Jennifer, is that they just want to control women. And it is part of a pattern where this Republican Party wants to return us backwards to the 1950s, where men dominated. You could not love who you want or marry who you want. Women had lesser rights.
Starting point is 00:33:38 People of color had lesser rights. And it was a very paternalistic, antiquated country and society. And you can look at many different you look at immigration, you look at reproductive freedom, you look certainly at LGBTQ attacks and rights. And it is a clear through line that they want to take us backwards. You look at even their anti appliance legislation. They're against modern technology making stoves more efficient and more energy efficient. I mean, they literally want to take us back to, you know, 75 years ago. And it's a little scary. And that's why I think it's so important that Vice President Harris
Starting point is 00:34:34 has framed this election in a very simple way, which is that we're not going back. We're going forward. And the Republicans want to take us backwards, and Vice President Harris and the Republicans want to take us backwards. And Vice President Harris and the Democrats want to take us forwards. You know, pumps, I've always hated underwire bras for years. It would be the first thing I take off when I got home. I've even seen you rip one off on an airplane before.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Absolutely. But I'll tell you what, that has changed with my wireless form push-up bra from Skims. And let me just tell you, the Sag and Dragons are perky because of Skims. You know, I love the Fits Everybody Plunge Bra. The cups of this bra have a really unique shape that makes it perfect for different necklines. I was looking for a bra like this to wear under all of my low cut tops because I hate it when my bra peeks out from under tanks, but this one doesn't and it's so good. Listener, you've got to shop Skims bras at skims.com, now available in 62 sizes ranging from 30A to 46H. And if you haven't yet, be sure to let them know that we sent you. After you place your order, select podcast in the survey and select our show in the drop-down menu
Starting point is 00:35:54 that follows. Hi, listener. It's Jen and Pumps of I've Had It Podcast and we want to share a podcast with you called Horoscope Weekly, hosted by the brilliant author and astrologer, Eliza Kelly. Horoscope Weekly takes you on an insightful and personalized cosmic journey. Every week, Eliza interprets the latest astrological events bringing you cosmic insights for the week ahead, along with detailed guidance on what you should expect this week based on your unique zodiac sign. Listener, Eliza can also give you tailored advice across love, career, health, and more each and every week. Whether you're an astrology enthusiast or a curious newcomer, let Horoscope Weekly with Eliza be your guide through the stars.
Starting point is 00:36:50 New episodes release every Monday wherever you get your podcast. Just search Horoscope Weekly with Eliza Kelly. Okay, let's shift gears now. We're going to play our game, Had It or Hit It. And I think we played this with you at the DNC. So you remember it. Oh my God. Welcome to Had It or Hit It. I would hit it. Had it. I hit it every day, sometimes twice a day. Okay. Had it or hit it, Taylor Swift. Obviously hit it. Hit it. Everybody's a Swiftie now. I wasn't even a huge Swifty. Now I'm 100% a Swifty.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I have been co-opted by my children and have become a strong Swifty. I love a good male Swifty. I do too. With his daughters. Okay. Had it or hit it, inspirational quotes. Hit it. See, we're anti-inspired. This is why you're in charge of things and we're not. Right. This is why you're good at your job and we're petty podcast hosts right here.
Starting point is 00:37:53 No, I think you get a lot out of those inspirational quotes when you think about them. I get a lot of increased heart rate and misplaced anger. But again, this is why you are good at being in charge of people and we just have these microphones which I don't think is a good idea, the latter. Okay, had it or hit it, Elon Musk. Had it. Had it.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I've completely had it with him. He just gets crazier and crazier. And you know what? On my Twitter feed, I don't follow him and he always shows up in my feed, so I just blocked him. Yeah, he's gaming the system. He's a nut job. And now it's gotten so bad.
Starting point is 00:38:35 My disdain for him has gotten so bad. Now when I see people driving Teslas, I immediately have disdain for them when they're just trying to save the planet. I do too. I'm just like, oh, I see a cyber truck and I'm mad. It's such a waste of a brilliant mind. Why could he not put his money and his mind in solving cancer or Alzheimer's disease? Why does he need to do, you know, take this Twitter to a really, really awful place. And, um, again, you know, likes to, uh, stand on his, um, soap box, but what he, his actions are very different than his
Starting point is 00:39:15 words. Okay. Had it or hit it Android users. And we all know what happens when you're texting with an Android is you get a green bubble Had it for sure my only hesitation on this is the people who I know who have Android users are Actually used very often the most tech savvy of my friends and they all swear that the Android is much better than the iPhone.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And I always say to them, you may be right, but you lost this war. So just get in line so I don't scream anymore. I'm with you. And the same thing like the guy who does my audio visual at the office or my house, he swears by the Android. I'm like, you ruin every group text we're in. You are the skunk at the garden party with your green text bubble. I've had it. Okay, last one. Had it or hit it? Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Hit it. Hit it. Got it. They're on fire. We are we're gearing up for the next seven weeks.
Starting point is 00:40:28 And I think the biggest and most important thing that your viewers should remember is what Vice President Harris says, which is that they are focused on representing all Americans and they are focused on lifting up all Americans all up and down the spectrum. And the other side is focused solely on helping big corporations and the uber wealthy, and you look at their policies and that's all it's focused on. And you look at the opportunity economy and what vice president Harris and Tim Walls say they want to do with our country.
Starting point is 00:41:04 But Vice President Harris and Tim Walz say they want to do with our country. And it is all about building, continuing to build out the middle class and lifting everyone up from the bottom all the way to the top so that we can make this country the place that we all want it to be. Congressman Goldman, are we friends? We're definitely friends. Yay! We made it! Next time we're in DC, we can go for coffee as friends do. I won't hold you to it. We won't be that psycho, I promise. But anyway, thank you so much for your time and for all of your insight and for all of the hard work you do in Congress because for a lot of people in red states that are in right-wing media bubbles,
Starting point is 00:41:52 they vote against their own self-interest. And I always remind them, one day your daughter or somebody you love might need to have private OB-GYN appointments. And there are people that are fighting for you right now until you realize you actually need that right. And you're one of those people that fight for all of the girls and women outside of your district that live in a red state like ours who have had our rights stripped from us and it means the world. Absolutely. And we will continue to do that. And I look forward to continuing to talk to you all and make sure that we get the word out there,
Starting point is 00:42:28 that the policies the Democrats put out, put forth, are designed to help those who need the help the most. And that's where we're focused. All right. We believe in you, Congressman Dan Goldman. Thank you. Thank you, guys. Great to be with you, Congressman Dan Goldman. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Bye. Okay. Could you imagine every day you get up and you come to work here and you've got me whom you can tell to fuck off anytime you want at will. You've got Cathy and Seth and other people, the dogs. Could you imagine getting up and going to work at the United States Capitol and looking over at Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Lauren Boebert. Lauren Boebert? I mean, just all this, Mike, that those are your coworkers. In my mind, it's immediately a toxic work environment. Immediately. Because, number one, these people are so radicalized that they don't even represent the majority of the Republican Party. I mean, the MAGA party, 100 percent. But just like normal people that call themselves conservative, they're not even on that.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Plus, they're fucking crazy. I mean, and you cannot argue with crazy, and you cannot argue with stupid. You can't fix it. It just is what it is. And they're just this loud, never ending, constant, just yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. I don't know how you don't just go in there with a baseball bat. I mean, that's what I'm doing in my head every time I watch it on TV. We can't go in there with baseball bats because that's what they do. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:44:03 I know, but in my brain. What I would want to do is if I were a congresswoman and I was at work and the Freedom Caucus was having a little meeting, I'd like to accidentally just walk into the room and go, oh, I didn't realize y'all were in here. FYI, the earth is billions of years old. You know what we could do? Just doing a little fact check.
Starting point is 00:44:26 We could do like just slip notes under the door every night. Like the Bible's not real. You're not Moses. Science is real. Earth is not flat. Just little reminders under their door that what they're saying makes absolutely no sense. All right, listen, subscribe. And I don't know if you all know, but we are trying to get 15,000 reviews. We kind of lulled out. We stalled around 11,000, didn't we, Kathy? We did. With this big push to 10,000. And then y'all even overperformed. We got to 11. And now it's been this big, it's like idle. It's plateau city.
Starting point is 00:45:05 It's plateau city. And listen, me, Kurt and me, Ma is not going to be on this earth that much longer. Can you at least get her to see when she pulls up Apple reviews to see that 15,000 people love her? Is that so much to ask America? For the record, I don't even know how to look at how many reviews we have. So don't do this for me. Do it for Kylie so that we won't browbeat her. I thought her name was Kathy. That one time, I made a mistake one time and I have to live with it every day.
Starting point is 00:45:34 What's the governor of Kentucky's name? Randy Brashear. Andy Brashear! Oh, that was such a mean trick. God, I hate you so much. Yeah, I do. I call him Randy. I don't know why.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Because... Because secretly you revealed to the listener that when you were growing up as a teenager, you desperately wanted to marry a man named Randy. Yeah, when I was in middle school. Andy Bershear, no disrespect. And I'm not, I'm just saying he is an attractive, marriageable man. He's attractive, he's kind. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:04 He's a take home to mom, dad. Look at this great prize that I found. And I think it's a Freudian thing. It could be. That's a great point. That you just made him a Randy. Made him a Randy because he fulfills my middle age. Because he's that decent of a person.
Starting point is 00:46:18 He's a wonderful person. Because you know what? All the decent people. Come on this podcast. Well, yeah. Except for us. I was going to say fight for democracy. But I like the narcissism, Pumps. I like it. Listener, y'all have created a monster. Do you see where that default is? All right. Subscribe, review, do all this stuff. Click our link in bio. Make sure you're registered to vote. Vote,
Starting point is 00:46:38 vote, vote. Pumps, tell them. We will see you next Tuesday and Thursday.

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