I've Had It - Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb F**k

Episode Date: September 10, 2024

Back by popular demand: Dramatic readings from the NextDoor App. NEW TOUR DATES ANNOUNCED! For more I've Had It + tour updates, merch and more at linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast Thank you to our sponsors: A...SPCA Pet Health Insurance: To explore coverage, visit http://ASPCApetinsurance.com/HADIT *This is a Paid Advertisement. Insurance is underwritten by either Independence American Insurance Company or United States Fire Insurance Company, and produced by PTZ Insurance Agency, Limited. The ASPCA is not an insurer and is not engaged in the business of insurance. Shopify: Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at https://shopify.com/hadit, now to grow your business - no matter what stage you’re in. eHarmony: Give eharmony a shot and get started with their compatibility quiz, so you can find someone you can be yourself with. eharmony – Get Who Gets You! Follow Us:  I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Listen up, patriots, gaitriots, and natriots. We have a new podcast that has dropped. It's called IHIP News. It's Monday through Friday, every day, 15 to 20 minute hot takes on the political landscape of the United States of America, always served with a side of petty grievances. We are on all the available platforms, Apple, Spotify, Google, whatever, if you get your podcasts and YouTube. Please go rate, subscribe and review so that we will chart upwards with America's greatest legal mind pumps. Pumps, what does an eagle say?
Starting point is 00:00:36 Cacaw! A little bit more enthusiasm. Cacaw! That's it. That's, that's, Cacaw! That's the patriotism that this country needs right there. So we're supposed to start the podcast. Ready? One, two, three.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Welcome to I've Had It podcast, starring Pumps. I am her supporting, emotional support co-host. You're my bitch. I've Had It is a place where open-minded people can share petty grievances across the worldwide web. Pumps, what have you had it with? Okay, what I've had it with, and it takes us back to the whole food allergy thing. I fucking had it when you order something and you say no onions or whatever you say. And they say, is that a preference or an allergy? Who fucking
Starting point is 00:01:37 cares? I don't want it. And then isn't it incumbent upon people with allergies and gluten or celiac disease or vegetarians? Isn't it incumbent upon them to alert the staff about their food issues? Why does everyone have to go through a questionnaire about whether it's a preference or an allergy? Why can't we require the people that have allergies to tell people, to tell the server, I have an allergy because I get tired of answering that fucking question and it's not the server's fault. It's the food allergy people that want to make their problem everyone else's problem. Okay, I know a woman who has celiac disease and I've eaten with her multiple times. It's not
Starting point is 00:02:27 an issue. She handles her shit. Yes. People with real food allergies advocate for themselves and order accordingly. Our friend Bogie is allergic to shellfish and he always very casually, very non-dramatically, and I've eaten with him hundreds of times, lets the server know that he has a shellfish allergy. I think what we're talking about here are the fake food allergy people. And I've seen this firsthand where I've seen people claim that they are lactose intolerant, that they are allergic to gluten. Then they get all schnockered up, they get all liquored up. Then at 2 a.m., they're ordering a cheese pizza, which according to the records contains
Starting point is 00:03:17 both dairy and gluten. They have zero allergic reaction to either. So what's happening here is you have the fake food allergy people giving the real food allergy people a bad name and then hysteria is ensuing in the restaurants and these poor people that work there are interviewing everybody. Is it a preference? Is it an allergy? And it's completely unregulated. It's totally unregulated.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And I, too, have a friend that has a very serious, I mean, celiac disease. Very serious. We sit down. She's telling him, I have celiac disease. Please let the kitchen know. Da da da. I never know. Questionnaires needed. She just advocates for herself immediately. It's ridiculous. I hate it. Had it. Let me tell you what I've had it with. Okay, what?
Starting point is 00:04:08 Sharing. Sharing? Yeah. Let me, let me explain it to you like this. So if you're lucky enough to grow up and you have your own bedroom, you have your own bedroom from like zero to 18. Okay. And really a lot of time during that period, you kind of are scared to be alone.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You feel like you need more support. You're just a little cub trying to cut your teeth in the world. Right. And then you go about through life and then you get married and then you start sharing a bed, a closet, a toilet, a sink, a house, a bank account, everything. You share everything. And I've just kind of had it with sharing. Yeah, I have to tell you, as having been single for over a decade now, it would be impossible for me to think about sharing like my nighttime TV routine, my bathroom, my closet. I mean that ship has sailed because once you do it and then you're not doing it anymore, it's just an overwhelming thought. Like I'll share
Starting point is 00:05:18 a hamburger with you, I don't want to share personal space. And here's the thing, at first, when you first fall in love, the sharing is intoxicating. Yes. I mean, you're lapping it up like a lap dog, right? And then you start going through this relationship. And all of a sudden, things start pointing out. Things start going off in your head, like a particular exhale. You're like breathing.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I really don't like the way this person breathes. Maybe the way they chew their food. Yeah. The way they might make extra noises that are unnecessary. And then things start kind of shifting. I'm at the stage, and I love my husband Josh. I love him very, very, very much. I'm at the stage where I simply don't like sharing with him.
Starting point is 00:06:05 I feel very, you know how when a dog has a bone and they're chewing on it and somebody comes near it and they put their ears back and they go, arrr. I'm at that stage in adulthood right now where Josh likes to come through. I watch TV in the bedroom and he watches TV on the sofa because we're past wanting to watch shows together
Starting point is 00:06:29 at the exact same time. He's got to pause it for certain reasons, I pause it for other reasons. Nobody gets their feelings hurt. Josh and I are not emotionally needy people at all. But he will do a little peruse through my bedroom. And he liked, I would call it some Josh inspections. He likes to come see what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:06:48 And I always have on my nightstand a couple of these boxed water bottles. And I have some nicotine gum wrappers. And when you chew nicotine gum, the little packet that you take the gum out of also becomes the receiver for the chewed piece of gum. So Josh will come in and it's a very kind gesture on his part and he'll do a little pickup on my nightstand and he always goes, God, it's such a little fucking rat's nest in here. And he picks up empty water bottles because I drink a lot of water at night. And then he'll pick up all of my nicotine gum wrappers. But he picks up the one that is in transit. Meaning I've got a piece of gum in my mouth
Starting point is 00:07:30 and when I've sucked all the nicotine out of it, I need to put it back in its little receptacle. So he just does a big clean sweep and then I feel like that dog, and I'm like, no, I'm not done with that one. I want it back. And then I think, I'm a big girl. I can throw all my own stuff away. I didn't even want to pick up my trash. I didn't want to share that. I've had it with sharing.
Starting point is 00:07:52 No, I've had it with sharing too. I just can't even imagine going back. You know what else I've had it with when you live with other people? It's the mess. Like, I can clean up my own mess. My area is policed. It's tight. But when you start adding kids and husbands and partners, you just got other people's messes. You've got more trash. Like I am sending kids back to college, so I'm by
Starting point is 00:08:20 myself. I have to say I like it. I can just, if I want dinner, I'll just have a piece of toast. I don't have to go through a whole rigmarole. Trash cut by 75%. I mean, sharing is overrated. It's overrated. I think as you're younger, it's like great. Oh my God, I want to share my bathroom. I want to wake up next to you, but it's not as great as you think it is. I don't give toddlers a lot of credit, but their gut instinct of saying mine, yes, whacking another kid over the head when somebody tries to take their toy. That's I've kind of circled back to that toddler like reaction. I think I just want to start whacking people over the head that try to steal my shit and just say mine. Mine. Yeah. It's mine. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. That's a great point, Jenny.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And then we have Kylie over here and the lesbian sharing is like next level. I can only imagine. I mean, when you've got two auras of estrogen in one place, I bet the sharing is just cringe worthy. It's clothes, it's makeup, it's feelings, it's everything. The feelings part would really get you off. See, this is why we know I'm not a lesbian right here, right now. I don't want to share feelings to start makeup, anything, particularly feelings. Yeah, the feelings aspect, like there are so many perks, I believe, to being a lesbian that are superior to being a heterosexual woman.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Where I draw the line would be the overt sharing of feelings. I'm not a real romantic by nature. I'm not emotionally needy and I'm very turned off by emotionally needy people. I'm not saying, listen up, Leszies, I'm not saying all Leszies are like this. I'm saying my own anecdotal research has shown that there is a lot of togetherness with the Leszies. A lot of sharing of feelings. There has to be a lot more care too taken with another female than your husband.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah. With their feelings. Yeah. Josh was driving me bananas last night. He was driving me crazy. He wanted me to sit down next to him and talk to him about things that happened in my day. I had already passed the point where I wanted to share anything with anybody in that day, which brings me back to my original grievance
Starting point is 00:10:49 sharing. So I sat down with him for about 10 minutes. We chit-chatted and then I looked at him and I go, okay. And he goes, are you done? I go, yeah, we're done here. And I walked into my bedroom and then he starts screaming my name and I just screamed back, Josh, shut the fuck up. And I will tell you what's so beautiful about my relationship with Josh, his heart smiled when I said that because he knows that I'm comfortable enough and that we love each other unconditionally enough to be truly authentic. I don't have to dress it up. And I think that
Starting point is 00:11:26 is when that's the point of a relationship that I like where you get where you can get where somebody can just go, I'm sick of seeing your face today. And the other person knows like this person loves me unconditionally. And I love them back that they get to have that because that's the most real thing I can give them. Absolutely. Yeah. Speaking of lesbians. Okay. I've got a five star review titled pumps should be gay. Oh, we've just established I'd be bad at it. MJ Tulsa Princess writes, I'm an elder millennial woman in Oklahoma and I cannot get enough of pumps. Get off farmers only and come plow me or I'll plow you. Pumps baby, my friend knows Kylie. So let me know if you want to link.
Starting point is 00:12:14 We can at least braid each other's hair if it doesn't work out. I don't know who it is, but let me know. I thought it was scissoring. So it's a plowing. She wants to get plowed. I'll tell you what, I don't think this case is closed just yet. I'm sure there's some heartless Leslie out there looking for a pillow prince that doesn't want to share emotions. No sharing of emotions. I can't talk about our feelings.
Starting point is 00:12:37 All right. Give us one more review, Kylie. All right. Last one. Five stars and it's titled actual MIMA approved. Listened to this podcast with my 70 plus year old mom who was called MIMA by her grandchildren. She said, well, they use the F word a lot, but they use it well. So I like them. Hashtag MIMA approves. How nice is that? That is so nice. I love having a boomer. That is so nice. I read a quote by an actress, she's a British actress, I can't remember her name, but anyway it said, we need to stop insisting that young girls have the burden of growing up to always
Starting point is 00:13:19 be polite. The first thing we need to teach them is the phrase, fuck off. Helen Mirren. Yes, that's exactly who it was. I saw that too and I was like, you fucking go. Yes, the onus is always on women to be everything. We have to be polite. We have to strike the perfect tone.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Yak yak, blah blah. Who gives a shit if pumps and I say fuck? If that's your biggest problem in your day, you're living a great fucking life. You have no problems. All right. So one of our Patreon members tagged me in something that's going to lead us into our episode today. And it is a tweet by Instagram account at American Dad Live.
Starting point is 00:13:57 And they tweet, my new favorite thing is to anonymously post in my neighborhood's Facebook page complaining about my own property to see who else wants to talk shit. It's brilliant. I kind of got to give him credit. I mean, my immediate reaction is, why are you in your neighborhood Facebook app? But if you're gonna be, that's the way to do it. This is brilliant.
Starting point is 00:14:23 This is absolutely brilliant because they're in their neighborhood Facebook app to reverse troll the trolls. I like it. Yeah, it is. Got to be in there. That's the way to go. All right, so back by popular demand, we have our readings from neighborhood apps.
Starting point is 00:14:45 It's my favorite thing on the planet. It is. I am grateful. I have nothing but gratitude for these lunatics that get into the neighborhood apps and into the Facebook apps and onto the next door apps that leave us these delicious nuggets because it makes me feel like I am a really good person that has my shit together. It also makes me feel like, you know, I am not as petty as I think. I'm not bad rapping my neighbors.
Starting point is 00:15:12 All right. Somebody posts, a tutor for my child. And tutor is spelled T-O-O-T-E-R. So tutor. I need a tutor for my child. I need a smart, well-mannered girl slash boy to help my son with his homework as soon as possible. Well, I don't think there's, I mean, that's a pretty serious call because obviously she
Starting point is 00:15:37 can't do it. There's just no question. All right. And then there's an alert from the next door app that says trending baby dicks. Does anyone know what happened to them? Don't see them in the pond. What? I think baby, they meant to write baby ducks. It's a typo. I'm not the world's worst penile shamer. So they wrote baby
Starting point is 00:16:08 dicks and then of course it starts trending on the next door app and then the algorithm picks it up and then sends an alert to get everybody on it. It's fantastic. Today's episode is sponsored by the ASPCA pet health insurance program. Pumps, I love Tubby and Cha-Cha so much. I would pick up a mountain and move it to the other side of the planet to ensure their health, safety, and well-being. There's no question about it. What's worrisome is how expensive vet bills can be for pets.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Exactly, and that's why our listener needs to check out the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Program because they offer customizable accident and illness plans making it easier for pet parents like Pumps and me to help get your pet the care that they need. The ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Program has been around for over 18 years and they've helped more than 600,000 pets during that time.
Starting point is 00:17:09 They allow you to customize your plan, helping ensure that your pet's plan is as unique as they are. Because vet bills can really add up, especially when you're least expecting it. It's simple. Use their app to submit a claim, and you'll receive reimbursement for eligible vet bills directly into your bank account. Listener, to explore coverage, visit aspcapetinsurance.com slash had it.
Starting point is 00:17:34 That's aspcapetinsurance.com slash had it. Again, that's aspcapetins Pet Insurance dot com slash had it. This is a paid advertisement. Insurance is underwritten by either Independence American Insurance Company or United States Fire Insurance Company and produced by PTZ Insurance Agency Limited. The ASPCA is not an insurer and is not engaged in the business of insurance. Listener, for this episode of I've Had It, we've partnered with eHarmony, the dating app to find someone you can be yourself with. Our listener knows that we're unapologetically ourselves and don't feel like we need to pretend to be anything else. That's probably why y'all listen to our podcast. You stay true
Starting point is 00:18:26 to yourselves and have had it with pretending to be someone you're not. That's especially true when you're out there on the dating apps. Pops, what's going on out there on the dating apps? It's unbelievable how many people try to be something they're not on dating apps. And what I love about eHarmony is it's real people for real relationships. You heard her listener. That's why we've partnered with eHarmony because dating on eHarmony is different. eHarmony knows that to find something real, you have to keep it real. You can't be out here trying to be some fantasy Instagram version of yourself. eHarmony is designed to help you bring out your personality on your profile with their unique personality test.
Starting point is 00:19:12 They even highlight similarities with your potential matches. And that's when the magic happens when you form genuine connections and authenticity leads to intimacy. Listener, give eHarmony a shot and get started with their compatibility quiz so you can find someone you can be yourself with. eHarmony, get who gets you. You know Pumps, sometimes it's not the business that makes the business run. It's the business behind the business. And that might
Starting point is 00:19:46 sound confusing, but when you think about the way we sell our merch here at I've Had It, we use Shopify. It is the business behind our business. And we're not the only ones. Think about Skims. They use Shopify. Shopify makes businesses sell products better. We have had such a good relationship with Shopify. Nobody does selling better than Shopify, home of the number one checkout on the planet and the no secret secret with shop pay that boost conversions up to 50%, meaning way less carts going abandoned and way more sales going cha-ching. Listener, upgrade your business and get the same checkout as Skims. Sign up for your $1 per month trial period at shopify.com slash had it all lowercase.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Go to shopify.com slash had it to upgrade your selling today. Shopify.com slash had it. Here's a post on the next door app. My chlamydia has started to turn brown. What do I need to do? What? What? My chlamydia. I think she probably meant chladium.
Starting point is 00:21:14 That's good stuff. Okay. And then Kristen posts in the next door app, loose wiener, light colored wiener loose on the boulevard. Male man trying to contain nail. Dare I ask what she was trying to say or he was trying to say? A wiener dog pumps. See I didn't even go there. I'm just like, what is somebody doing with a wiener? Well, of course you did. They said wiener.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Everybody knows you're the most cock-hungry woman in all of podcasting. No surprise that you're just sitting there visualizing the mailman containing penises with nothing but envy. Right. I was just like, golly, maybe I need to be a mailman. I mean, I might be getting laid every other house. Last thing you were thinking about was a cuddly wiener dog. No, I mean a wiener dog never hit my brain. Oh, we all knew what me, Kurt and me,
Starting point is 00:22:09 ma was thinking right then and there. Chris Post, GoFundMe help needed. Hi community, I found out today that a friend of a friend, after he and his wife and son just recovered from COVID-19, will find out tomorrow that he will be furloughed in late January. To make matters worse, his daughter and her husband will also be out of a job. He will find himself deeply in debt after a string of failed businesses and with no income in 2021, he will be in bad shape. Any help is appreciated. www.gofundme-donaldjtrump. That is great. Clever. That's very clever. I like it. Somebody posts, an open letter to whoever stole my package. Dear thief, I hope you enjoy your chia seeds, small mirror, and coochie shave butter. You should probably order an extra bottle of the
Starting point is 00:23:15 shave butter because that stuff is amazing and one bottle won't be enough seeing as you're a giant asshole. Sincerely, someone who just had to reorder their stuff. Okay, what is coochie shave butter? I think you should get some for the Siberian husky. Well, that's what I'm wondering. It's like, you're a lesbian. Tell us. Is that what it is? It's just any woman can tell you coochie shave butter.
Starting point is 00:23:43 I don't know, but I didn't know if it's like a fancy one. I mean you're really struggling today. Am I? Listener, Mee-Maw is just every single thing you've had a question about. What's a wiener? What I mean who would have thought that would have been wiener dog? Everyone but you. Everyone but you and a few gay men. a few game in. Sonya Post and Caps Lock. Capital letters with question marks. If those of you would worry less about how I type and more of what I type, you all might know what's going on. I'm giving info and invites. How can you possibly feel I'm angry at you. One, I don't know you, but two or three of you, and I'm writing for hundreds to read. I shouldn't have to explain why I feel the need to type in capital letters.
Starting point is 00:24:33 It doesn't mean that I'm angry. Capital letters mean excitement also. Focus on the info, not the delivery. I'm doing this to help my community not to win a prize. I would love to make some friends, but I don't want to be judged and have to keep busy while my husband is at work. I'm new to the area, but not of this earth. Either you ladies want to help connecting or you don't.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's that simple. Let's move on from my capital letters and just read the words and have fun. Yay! I would immediately think she is a nut. I want no part of her. I immediately think when I see this, she's madder than a hornet. Mad, mad, mad.
Starting point is 00:25:14 I mean, that screams angry. Somebody posts M, Cox. Anyone having issues with Cox going in and out the last two days? Anyone having issues with cocks going in and out the last two days? No, I'm having a lot of trouble with it actually. What's your interpretation of that, Memaw? Cockazinia. Remember another word, like a name? What?
Starting point is 00:25:40 My cocksinia, that's what it is. Like my cunt from when we were young. You know what I'm saying? Mm-mm, no. Do you remember that? No, it makes perfect sense. But how did you perceive this? Their internet's going down. It's flashing.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Oh, she's back, listener. Patriots and Gaytriots, Memaw is back. Her episode, her mini-stroke has concluded, and she is back in action. Okay, S post. Hi everyone. My girlfriend insists on idling her car for more than the legal time limit to warm it up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Am I wrong to call the police? What? She called it on her girlfriend? That's unbelievable. Oh my gosh. Okay. Debbie says, looking for workout buddy, looking for middle-aged buddy to work out with at the pro club cannot be in shape or try too hard.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Must not be overly religious or into pyramid schemes. Also must enjoy basic bitch discussions. Bonus points if you're not dressed up too much. Fucking love her. I want to be her friend. Sign me up. Fucking love Debbie. Must not be overly religious. Way to my heart. Must not dress up too much.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I mean I like her. She just tells you exactly what too much. I mean, I like her. She just tells you exactly what she wants. She I would sign up to be her friend. OK, then somebody posts on the Neighborhood app, please help. I'm out of butter. Please drop a stick at the corner of Main and First between 2 and 4 a.m. today, Sunday. I don't want to meet people. I don't want new friends.
Starting point is 00:27:26 I just need butter. Butter is important to me. Well, that's an odd bird. You know what? I like it. Do it between 2 and 4. I don't want to talk to people. I don't need people.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I just want to stick a butter. Yeah, I just think, wouldn't bugs get on the butter if it was left out there for two hours? That's the butter receivers problem. I might just leave it out there to see who it is. Okay, somebody posts on the Neighborhood app, wanted Abraham Lincoln impersonator for a private event, cannot be over five foot eight inches, must be able to hold your breath for up to two minutes interesting trades considered I don't know what the fuck
Starting point is 00:28:13 is going on there I would love to know it wasn't Abraham Lincoln like one of the tallest press yes he's like super tall yeah okay yeah something something kinky is going on there okay Okay, Ross Moore posts on the Neighborhood app, anyone know how to make their own toilet paper? Looking to make vegan slash gluten-free toilet paper. Anyone know how? I'm just going to go out on lemon say I hate that person. I mean, just enough, enough, enough.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Okay, somebody posts a picture of a cat and they write, Molly is fine. Molly is fine. She lives on Main Street. Stop calling and texting me. I got six phone calls tonight while I was at work. I worked nights about her. She is fine. She is an outdoor cat and loves attention.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Please just pet her and go about your way, y'all. She's well cared for and always comes home at night. I've been getting numerous texts and phone calls per week. I appreciate y'all. And I know she sounds desperate, but don't believe her lies. Thanks, for real. Do not call me unless a coyote is trying to eat her or she's in an emergency. She's an alpha female and can hold her own. But also she is a Virgo slash Libra
Starting point is 00:29:34 cusp and just loves attention from strangers. You know, I appreciate, I appreciate she is an alpha female combined with a Virgo Libra cusp so that people can really wrap their head around the personality of Molly. Right. Thank goodness she's an attention whore, as everybody knows. As everybody knows. A Virgo Libra cusp. These people are goddamn nightmares. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:02 They're just whoring out all the time. Just pussies out there just, you know, begging for people to stroke nightmares. Right. They're just whoring out all the time. Pussies out there just, you know, begging for people to stroke it nonstop. I kind of love that. Are you a Virgo Libra cusp? No. OK. All right. Somebody posts in the Neighborhood app trash can put to curb too soon. I need to sincerely apologize to all of my neighbors for offending them with the slide of my trash today, Monday, April 27th at noon.
Starting point is 00:30:29 For multiple reasons, I've disclosed to the HOA via email I had to put it out six hours early. I know this is offensive and contrary to the values of our neighborhood. I want to thank the individuals who stood up for justice on this trash can issue and reported me to the HOA. Without you in my business, I'd truly be lost. I'd also like to thank the HOA for the kind, non-passive, aggressive email warning me that my despicable actions would not be tolerated for reminding me that my beloved leaders have the power and authority to find me up to the point of placing a lien on my property. Remember folks, no trash cans out too early."
Starting point is 00:31:13 Fucking hate that neighborhood. Hate the HOA. Like who gives a fuck? This is a huge problem that's going on in the suburbs. There's no culture. So they are concerned about what time people put trash cans out. What time are you supposed to? What if you go to work in the trash? I mean, I just, I can't wrap my head around this.
Starting point is 00:31:36 The larger issue is these people are not reading books. They're not interested. They don't have activities or culture. They live in cookie cutter houses that all look the same. And so what they do is they become interested in each other and stupid petty shit. Like what time your trash can goes out. Yeah, that's just, that's too much. All of this leads to Trumpism. I have gotten an email about my trash cans. Like according to the covenants or HOA, whatever it is, the trash cans are supposed
Starting point is 00:32:08 to be behind the fence. So you know what I did? I had cement poured next to my house as a little platform next to my garage for my trash cans. Cause I'm just like, fuck you. And you know what? Everybody on my street did it too. That every, we're rebelling against the HOA.
Starting point is 00:32:26 You're just a trailblazer. I'm a trailblazer. You know what I think it just... Fuck you. You know it would be fun for us to do one night, just to go to your HOA just to get content for the pod. Yeah, I mean... We could go and maybe we could start driving your neighborhood
Starting point is 00:32:41 and making some notes. Or like being like doing bad stuff in the neighborhood so that there's a purpose. Like an on like an emergency HOA neighborhood meeting or whatever you call it. Yeah I mean fun stuff to do would just be to go back to like junior high level type stuff like we could put signs in people's yard like Jim Bob watches porn after his wife goes to bed. That can be fun. 38 B's banging 38 C. Yeah, that would be fun. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. The woman in this house let her dog run away from home and doesn't give a shit about it. Right. And he's somewhere
Starting point is 00:33:19 in this neighborhood. Somebody posts, Wi-Fi. To whom it may concern, I promise if you and or others were stealing from my network, I will find out who you are. I will use you until you lose your house, car, slash cars, et cetera. You will have to barrow, B-A-R-R-O to barrow money from a church or the homeless or friends and family just to buy a last look at what you used to have, including the memories. That's a fucking psychotic net job. Here's my deal. Isn't don't you just have to lock your Wi Fi with a password? Isn't it that easy? Right? Yeah. So why didn't you just have to lock your Wi-Fi with a password? Isn't it that easy? Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:06 So why didn't she just lock it out and save herself all the turmoil and outrage? Here's the fundamental problem with that. You're applying logic to the person who wrote that statement and put it on the worldwide web. Right, yeah. So, I mean, applying logic to somebody that's this fucking nutty is nutty in and of itself because this
Starting point is 00:34:25 person doesn't understand logic. And she's getting all riled up and she likes it. Oh yeah. I mean she's having fun. She's making people barrow money. Barrow money from your church. That's right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:39 L Post, I think groceries were accidentally delivered to my apartment on Main Street. If you were expecting groceries from Aldi and never received them, comment below. And somebody comments, you need to call Aldi's. And she responds, I don't, quote, need to do anything. Good for her. She's trying to be nice. I mean, she's trying to nice, come get your groceries.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And he's like jumping all over her, making it her problem. All right. Somebody posts on the Neighbor neighborhood app. Sex in the woods. To the two people having sex in the woods just off the path of Tuckahoe Creek Park, you may want to be aware that all those bird watchers carry cameras with powerful telephoto lenses. Just saying. That's pretty good stuff. That's great. That is great stuff. Okay, and then Adam Post's yard work.
Starting point is 00:35:37 I'm not sure who Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumbfuck are, but stop using leaf blowers at 8 a.m. Believe it or not, I like to sleep. Well, I mean, I think 8 a.m. is okay, don't you? I think it's fine because it's especially in the summer. It gets so hot. These poor yard workers, like they got to start early. And I'm, I'm, I, you and I are the most, you know, the listener, patriots and the most, and you know, the listener, patriots and gay triates, you know, the people that you fucking hate that wake up at five
Starting point is 00:36:10 and just start crushing life and are real smug about it. Those are the hosts of this podcast. Right. Yeah. We love a good early call. We have done Wordle, Connections, the New York Times, many trolled Twitter, trolled Instagram, trolled TikTok, watched Morning Joe, done everything before 6 a.m. Absolutely. I mean, I feel like it's a really productive hour of the day. Yeah. All right, Patrick posts, this is why I should have never joined this crap email site.
Starting point is 00:36:42 And then somebody responds, Patrick, first of all, this is not an email site. And then somebody responds, Patrick, first of all, this is not an email site. Get your facts straight or I will sue you. Oh my gosh. All these neighbors. You know, one thing I did as a baby lawyer. So they have what's called victim protective orders in Oklahoma against people that used to date or whatever. Well, another class of protected people was neighbors. Well, I never knew that people will just go to fucking war with their neighbors. Like I have witnessed in my first year of practicing law, I mean, people sabotaging each other's trash cans, throwing shit over the fences, like all this shit's
Starting point is 00:37:25 going on with neighbors. So now they have just this avenue. I mean, I just have never been that interested in my neighbors. But a lot of people are. If you or somebody you know listener is being harassed by their neighbor, contact Meet Curtain Law, 1-800-Meet Curtin Meemaw will fight your battles. We will sue your neighbors and we will take them down. What do eagles say, Meemaw? Cacaw! Alright, Neighborhood App. Fart found. If anyone lost a fart today, I found it. It was lingering casually in the potato chip aisle at Kroger around 1215 today. Obviously had not been there very long. Caused me to lose my balance and blurred my vision for a bit. Probably still there. Please keep your fart
Starting point is 00:38:15 secure. We have laws. I hate being crop dusted. There's no question. I don't think I would take the time to post, but it's a pretty great post. Okay. So somebody posts, this is the last one. Somebody posts an image on the Nextdoor app that two neighbors posted on their door. Okay. And it says, it's a sign that says, your house and yard be so ugly. And it has a like a frown face. And somebody else doubles down and puts a note
Starting point is 00:38:56 under that. Your house is an eyesore. It looks dirty and looks abandoned. Clean it up. And then somebody comments to this, which is exactly what I would do. Oh my God, that is so rude. Can we see a pic of the house? That's exactly what I would do. Oh my God, that is terrible. Can I see a pic of your house? Let's see. How bad is it? Love it. All right. Listen up, Patriots and Gaytriots, Memaw, Kylie and Seth. Please in the future, if you see any of these crazy ass posts on Nextdoor app, please share them with our podcast because this stuff is five star entertainment.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It really is. I like seeing how crazy people are. It makes me feel like, you know, we're pretty good people. Yeah, and we have a lot more to do than these people that are sitting around in their neighborhood app. Exactly. We read what they do. That's right.
Starting point is 00:39:59 We're very busy. They need to get busier so we can stay busy. Right. Keeping busy bodies so we can criticize how pathetic your life is by reading about your life. Okay. Nailed it. All right. Listen up. Our Patreon post show starts right now. Pumps, tell them. We will see you next Tuesday or Thursday or both. I'll tell you what I've had it with. Let's hear it. I've had it with that.

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