Jack - One Year Anniversary Midterm Supersode (feat. Natasha Bertrand, David Pakman, & Alex Niemczewski)

Episode Date: November 5, 2018

Ep #53 - Joining us this week is Natasha Bertrand (The Atlantic), David Pakman (The David Pakman Show), and Alex Niemczewski (BallotReady)! Plus, Jaleesa covers the latest on Michael Cohen, Jordan giv...es an update on Roger Stone, and AG breaks down a mysterious subpoena fight! Enjoy!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. Around table, the brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day. Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites and new voices to break down the headlines and give the insider's view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, Sidebar is explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Feds wherever you get your podcasts. Thanks to Stamps.com for supporting Mollershi Road. With Stamps.com, you can access all the
Starting point is 00:00:35 services of the post office right from your desk. Right now, use the code AG for this special offer. A four-week trial that includes postage and a digital scale. Just go to stamps.com, click on the radio microphone at the top of the homepage and type in AG. That's stamps.com and enter AG. You'll be glad you did. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said.
Starting point is 00:01:09 That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time, a tree, and that campaign. And I didn't have, not have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with Putin for having nothing to do with Putin? I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist!
Starting point is 00:01:43 No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red hairing. Like all members of the oldest profession, I'm a capitalist. Hello and welcome to Muller She Wrote. I'm your anonymous host, A.G. Back from my super secret vacation. I had an amazing time, but I missed all of you immensely. You guys are my family now, so my Muller junkies, I missed all of you immensely. You guys are my family now. So my molar junkies, I missed you all. Without you guys, I'm pretty sure everyone would just look at me like I was insane.
Starting point is 00:02:10 With me, as always, it's Jolissa Johnson. Hello. And Jordan Coburn. Hello. We have a massive episode for you today. I thought it was going to be all quiet and calm the week before the election. So I took a vacation, but no.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Everything's insane. There's tons going on with early voting, voter suppression, nationalist terrorism, the Mueller investigation, secret subpoenas, Roger Stone tapes, people trying to frame Bob Mueller. Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria. Today, we have David Pagman joining us,
Starting point is 00:02:39 along with Natasha Bertrand to talk about popodopolis in the Mueller frame job. We have the CEO of ballotready.org to talk about how you can and the Mueller frame job. We have the CEO of BalletReady.org to talk about how you can find all the midterm voting information you need. Jordan is going to cover this week in Roger Stonehenge. And Jelisa will be reporting on some stuff from Michael Cohen. I have some information for you on a mystery subpoena fight going on with Mueller. But first, I have a couple corrections from the episode two weeks ago. I have a lot of corrections actually. I have three corrections. I have a lot of corrections, actually.
Starting point is 00:03:05 I have three corrections. That's the most we've ever had. And it's because it was 8 a.m. and it was pre-coffee. We're human. And we can never do that. We can't ever record an episode without coffee. This was in our hotel room, right? Yeah, this is the one in the hotel room.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah, that was weird. First, dismissing something with prejudice means you cannot reopen the case. And I was wondering if Judge alas crazy judge alas had dismissed the ten charges from the hung jury with or without prejudice without prejudice means they can be retried at a later date so i got those reversed
Starting point is 00:03:35 also i said flin work for the d n i but he actually worked for the d i a defense intelligence agency and i also called uh... sammy the bull grovano jimmy the bull rock obam on And I also called Sammy the Bull Gervano Jimmy the Bull But before we get started, guys, on a more serious note, I wanted to take a minute to honor the men and women that lost their lives in a sacred place of worship in Pittsburgh at the Tree of Life synagogue this week. And also the two people that were gunned down and executed at the Kroger after the race
Starting point is 00:04:19 of shooter tried to enter a black church and kill people there. I'm not going to name the murderers. They do not deserve recognition. And neither does Trump, the Trump superfan bomber that sent 13 and counting packages of bombs to prominent Democrats and ex-presidents. We all know why these tragedies keep happening. It's the inflammatory rhetoric from the president,
Starting point is 00:04:37 saying things like Soros, a Jewish man is funding a care of handful of diseased ISIS people, or that the quote unquote, bomb stuff is distracting from his hate rallies, apparently. He incites violence with his rhetoric, and I honestly don't know what to do about it, except keep resisting. Keep calling out hate when you see it, and don't tolerate that bullshit from your racist uncle this Thanksgiving. Maybe a whole lot of small acts of kindness and interventions on behalf of awesome people around
Starting point is 00:05:07 the world might add up to something substantial. It's the only thing I can think because even if we vote and we put a house in or even flip the Senate, it's not going to stop him from his rhetoric. But I think if we keep marching, I think there's a big march today in Balboa Park, baby Trump is here at two o'clock. So that's really all I can think we know to do other than not name these people who are doing these things, who are perpetrating this. And this is white national terrorism. It's supremacy, it's white supremacy. And it's terrorism.
Starting point is 00:05:43 But yeah, I just wanted to take a minute because we had a heck of a week that those were really dominating stories over the last week and a half or two. And it's unimaginable what those kind of things are happening. I'm just, I'm really shocked by it. Yeah. Anyway, we have a ton of news to get to this week, so let's get it started with just the facts. Alright you guys, all the way back to last Tuesday, October 23rd, in response to Trump saying
Starting point is 00:06:17 he could show us 100 photos of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing. BuzzFeed News reporter Jason Leopold shared the Justice Department's response to a Freedom of Information Act request he filed with the FBI asking for photographs of Mueller and Comey hugging and kissing each other. The FBI says it was unable to locate any such photos of the former FBI director in the special counsel, counsel hugging or kissing. But if you're looking for something, here's a gay porn website. Like what? I could show you at least 100 photos. So no, there aren't any photos of Mallorne and Komi
Starting point is 00:06:51 making out or hugging it out. But there is that one with what is it, Trump and Komi? Yeah, Trump is Komi, but not really. He just whispered in his ear. Exactly. Then Wednesday, the 24th, the news started breaking about the Maga bomber. That's what i call him
Starting point is 00:07:05 uh... he's a trump superfan sending bombs to prominent democrats including hillary clinton bill clinton the obama's george soros james clapper maxine waters w osman shaltz and cnn to name a few uh... at first fox news and trump hacks said this was a false flag and i personally had a bunch of trolls tell me on twitter that they weren't even bombs and i should shut up about it and then the fbi director ray who's a Trump appointee and AG sessions, who's a Trump appointee, held a press conference and said these were not hoax bombs.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And the Maga bomber was charged with sending explosives in the mail and transporting explosives across state lines. And then these bombs were a direct response to Trump's violent and divisive tweets and rhetoric about his political critics, I think. Yeah, definitely. They refused to answer questions that were of that nature, but yes, I think so too. I mean, these are all people who Trump's named, who's called out. They did say that they could... it was pretty obvious that they were partisan in nature
Starting point is 00:07:57 the people they sent to, which I think is even surprising that they said that. That's pretty powerful that people of the intelligence community said that. Yeah, they do usually don't even get into politics unless it's absolutely glaring. The same day a buried lead broke about pop-up populace and that he would be appearing before a congressional task force Thursday to tell them all about nine people who contacted him that he believes were trying to frame him and surveil him on behalf of the FBI. Pop-up sent a list of nine names to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committees, the previous Monday, which included Mif Sud,
Starting point is 00:08:29 Alexander Downer, Stefan Halper, and Sergei Milion. He also named Azra Turk Aziz Chukri, and Charles Tawil, Terence Dudley, and Gregory Baker. I don't know who those folks are, but apparently they all framed pop it up So there's more pop it up. Oh, this news coming up later We've gotten Natasha to talk about that. It's gonna be pretty funny. He thinks Miff Sud frame Yeah, I think Smith said it was a FBI agent acting on behalf of FBI and they they entrapped him basically
Starting point is 00:09:01 To talk about dirt emails Thing He's really weird man basically to talk about dirt emails. Wow, it was self-important. He's really weird, man. Also on the 24th, there was a blip for a second about a different sealed subpoena battle in the Mueller probe that came out in Politico. This is a second person fighting the Mueller subpoena, a grand jury subpoena that came out right around the time, same time Andrew Miller held himself in contempt of court so that he could fight the legitimacy of Mueller's appointment in the Appellate Court,
Starting point is 00:09:28 and it also came from the same judge, Barrel Howell, and I'm gonna go over this in hot notes. Then, October 25th, the Daily Beast came out with a breaking story. We had reported the prior week about Trump and Mohamed Bonsoh, blaming Saudi General, Ahmed Assisi, for the rogue killing of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Kushokji. Still Wednesday it appeared that Trump and Saudi Arabia are going to blame a Saudi general for going rogue and killing Kushokji. Trump has been laying the groundwork for this alternative story all week and now it appears
Starting point is 00:10:05 the crown prince is parroting what Trump says. First, it was a flat out denial. Now they're blaming a rogue actor. Sound familiar? Oh yeah. He's like when Putin denied interfering in the election and then he blamed a rogue Chinese guy or a 400 pound guy in his bed somewhere. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:21 This is so obvious to me and that it's not obvious to Trump supporters is astounding kind of The most interesting thing about the rogue Saudi general his name is Ahmed a CC And he also just happens to be the guy that native child molester was dealing with on an election interference case or you know Working with him to to fund Interference Russian interference in the election So now it appears that Trump and Muhammad Bonsock and killed two birds with one stone quite literally. According to the new reporting in the Daily Beast, General Ahmed Al-Asiri met in New York with Michael Flynn and other members of the transition team before Trump took office
Starting point is 00:10:59 and those meetings were under scrutiny by Mueller for foreign government attempts to discuss policy on dismantling the Iran deal while still in transition. So what we reported on the week before was considered breaking news this week. So you can check that out. Wow. Lots of, yes, beans. Beans. Lots of Roger Stonehenge news broke this week and Jordan's going to be giving us those
Starting point is 00:11:21 updates later in the show. Got to like three pages as to see it. So many things on Stone this week. Stop breaking the law. Oh. Then October is so funny. He was on, we were out at my friends' birthday last night doing like a karaoke thing.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And apparently, I think it was Cuomo, Chris Cuomo, who had Roger Stone on, talking on CNN. And like one of my friends goes, who the fuck is that guy with the eyebrows? And I'm like, oh, that had Roger Stone on, talking on CNN. And like one of my friends goes, who the fuck is that guy with the eyebrows? And I'm like, oh, that's Roger Stone. He's gonna be indicted next week. And he's like, how do you know that? I'm like, I forget it.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Um. Yeah, that's the way too much to explain. Meet. Listen to the podcast and you've figured out. Um, that October 25th, federal prosecutors confirmed in a court filing that Michael Cohen and others are still being scrutinized in an open and ongoing federal grand jury investigation.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Dun dun dun. A while back, the New York Times filed a suit asking the courts to unseal the Cohen search warrants. We've been reporting on this. And this filing has the federal prosecutors telling the court not to release the information because there are numerous, uncharged third parties that do not know they're named in this thing and that Cohen and these numerous third parties are still part of an ongoing and open
Starting point is 00:12:32 investigation so Cohen could have more charges come out against him. Also, but he has been talking a lot with Mueller like he's been there like 50 hours or something I can't remember a lot of time he's been spent in a lot of time trying probably to not be charged with whatever that investigation is. Yeah, definitely. Also October 25th, a judge denied Devon Nunez access to secret depositions on the steel dossier. As you know, the steel dossier is what fusion GPS commissioned
Starting point is 00:12:58 from Christopher Steele. It was like all these memorandums on all the stuff that Trump was being compromised, being used as a Russian asset, etc. None of it's been debunked. A lot of it's been proven. And so basically, Nunez sought the sealed testimony in a South Florida court case back in September, but no one had the transcripts until last week when McClatchy got a copy from the Miami Herald showing the judge felt Nunez's effort threatened
Starting point is 00:13:25 to overstep congressional powers. Quote, I really need the Senate committee and the House committee to come here and explain to me why it's appropriate for them to obtain these documents. That's what Judge O'Sullivan said. And then denied Nunez's request. Nunez and Grassley wanted the videos of depositions from steel and Kramer last August Kramer is the McCain guy that helped McCain get a copy of the dossier and then they brought it over to the FBI and that Miami trial is set for November 26 So we'll keep you posted. I don't know like what's what why Miami? What's going on? It's weird. No idea. I love that though. Go back to your non-existing cow form. You
Starting point is 00:14:02 Which to your non-existing cal form, you bitch. Sorry, I'm trying to not say those words. You bitch. Secalous witch. Yeah, sorry about your ex-boyfriend. I know, man. He's in trouble. Denied. It's adorable how he keeps getting denied almost.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I know, it's sad. Yeah. Then October 26th, a story in the Atlantic dropped about pop-a-dopolis asking for immunity from the Senate and joining us to talk about the possible implications is Atlantic Staff Writer and MSNBC contributor Natasha Bertrand. Natasha, welcome back to Mollarshi Road. Thanks so much for having me. So I'm confused a little bit by this move because Pop-A-Dop has been coming across as this innocent pawn in a deep state FBI frame job. But now he's requesting immunity from the Senate Intel committee.
Starting point is 00:14:53 What's going on? Yeah, weird, right? It's really weird. So essentially, he testified before the House to just sharing oversight committees a couple of weeks ago. And they're very sympathetic committees. Many Democrats weren't there. It was mostly Republicans who were questioning him and he wasn't there under
Starting point is 00:15:12 a subpoena. So his lawyer could essentially just say to him, you know, don't answer this question, don't answer that question. And that's exactly what she did. The Senate is kind of a different story because Poffatopoulos has said that he be willing to testify in public and the Senate may take him up on that offer. But it would look bad for him if you were to say to the Senate, you know, I'm not going to answer that question, I'm not going to answer that question,
Starting point is 00:15:36 and essentially plead the fifth. But if he said, if he gets immunity from the Senate, then he would feel free to testify about virtually whatever. So I think that's one thing that's at play here. Another thing is that if he were the fact that he's asking for immunity, according to legal experts that I've spoken to, means that he wants to discuss potentially another crime that he hasn't been necessarily charged with,
Starting point is 00:16:02 but that he might be implicated in, and doesn't want he wants to feel like he's free from fear prosecution for that. So there's a number of things at play here. We don't exactly know why he's asked for immunity, but the Senate is very unlikely to give it to him according to my sources. So we just really have to wait and see at this point,
Starting point is 00:16:22 but his whole thing now is that he's planning to apparently sue the US government because he feels like he was entrap by them in 2016. So like you kind of touched on, I guess this might suggest that there are other crimes he's committed or another crime he's committed that maybe Mueller didn't already charge him with or know about. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:43 And one of those things could be hinting an unregistered foreign agent of Israel. That is something that Mueller did not charge him with, but he has told me in the past, and he's actually expressed, I believe, openly on Twitter, the fact that this is something that Mueller has been kind of hanging over him. He pleaded guilty to one charge of lying to the FBI in exchange for cooperation, of course, that was kind of a very lenient thing. But now there's still the ongoing fear and his lawyer kind of confirmed this to me the other day that he could be charged again with a farab violation.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, I didn't even think about that. And for Israel, not Russia. Right. A lot of times we forget how heavily they're involved with Yeah, I didn't even think about that and for Israel not Russia, right? Yeah, you a lot of times we forget how heavily they're involved with you know, Styops and black cube and all that stuff Now I know that pop it up was testified behind closed doors like you said to the house judiciary and oversight committees last week Maybe something came up in that line of questioning that maybe led him to ask for immunity. Like maybe they asked him about that being an unregistered agent. He didn't answer it because like you said behind the closed doors, his lawyer did tell him, you know, don't answer this question, don't answer this question. And so maybe that kind of line of questioning led his lawyer and him to ask for this immunity.
Starting point is 00:18:00 It's definitely possible. I don't know the timing, for example, of when he asked for immunity. That's a really good question. But again, the Senate kind of said we're not going to give him immunity because he already testified before the House in Tall Committee, or before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee. So the fact that he already testified would kind of, you know, they were already not really willing to give him immunity. And then he also kind of waived that the rights even asked for when he testified before the house. So all signs point to the idea that since he got this new lawyer, Carolyn Polici, that she has advised
Starting point is 00:18:36 him to ask for immunity. And she's actually been, I think, advising him against rescinding his plea agreement and pulling out of his plea agreement, which is something that he's been openly toying with. But this all seems to have started really the immunity request he must have started since he got new lawyers. Whether or not it came before after his house testimony,
Starting point is 00:18:59 I don't know. Okay, that's interesting, because right after his closed door testimony, he went on Fox and friends and said, he was thinking about pulling out of his cooperation agreement with Mueller. And I think he had said it was based on recommendations from his new legal counsel.
Starting point is 00:19:13 So like, I'm not sure, you're saying that you think that his lawyer is advising him not to back out of his cooperation agreement. Right, I don't think that any lawyer, and again, this is based on lawyers that I've spoken to who have watched this case. I don't think that any lawyer would advise him to do that.
Starting point is 00:19:31 They pretty much, I mean his old lawyers have talked about it and they've said that it seems like a really, like it would not be a good idea. And people who are observing this say that it would, again, it would just kind of be pointless because he's already talked to Mueller and so it'd kind of be a, you know, trying to get back at them type thing at this point or saying that, you know, knowing what he knows now, he never would have pleaded guilty, for example.
Starting point is 00:19:54 But again, this potential charge of a far-of-vilation is kind of hanging over this whole thing. So if he were to pull out of that play agreement, there's always the possibility that he could be charged to knew as something else. Yeah. Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough, whether he's charged with something else
Starting point is 00:20:15 or if the Senate grants him immunity or not. But we appreciate you coming on. Everyone at Lanarkstaff Rider and MSNBC Contribute are Natasha Bertrand. Natasha, thanks again for joining us on Mola Sheerat. Thanks so much. You guys always amazing reporting contributor Natasha Bertrand. Natasha thanks again for joining us on Mola She wrote. Thanks so much. You guys always amazing reporting from Natasha Bertrand. We highly recommend you follow her on Twitter and follow us if you get a chance at Mola She wrote. We like you. Smooth plug right there. Right. Just kind of slid it in. There you
Starting point is 00:20:38 go. It's also Mola She wrote on Instagram. Oh, all. All right, outlet big enough for that plug. I don't know if we have one. Wapwap. Ah, ah, ah. All right, moving on to this past Monday, finally, we're within this week. Reuters reported that Ecuador wants to end asylum for Julian Assange and hand him over to the US. We've been reporting on this for a while.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I'm not sure what's new here. But this week, Assange spoke from the Ecuadorian embassy in London in a hearing for a suit he filed over living conditions in the embassy saying Ecuador was not being cool to him because they were required him to pay for his own medical bills and phone calls and they required him to clean up after his own pet cat.
Starting point is 00:21:17 A Sons. I don't know, you could bring pets into asylum. I didn't know that your country had to pay for their care. Like, come on, Ecuador take care of checkers. You know, I don't know with its checkers. He needs the crystals in the litter. I can't sleep with the cut piss. I don't know what his accent is.
Starting point is 00:21:38 But yeah, Asan just been in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for six years, avoiding extradition to Sweden for a sexual assault case and arresting Great Britain for violating his bail, which would result in him being handed over to the United States, extradited, where I'm sure there's a sealed indictment waiting for him in Mueller's office, or I guess technically in a court docket somewhere. Also Monday there was a brief court filing, changing the time of Andrew Miller's appeal hearing. It's still November 8th, but it's at 1pm
Starting point is 00:22:05 instead of 9.30am Eastern Standard Time. Everybody tweeted, what's this? Oh my God. Oh, like they just backed it up. Till after lunch, I guess. Everybody wants to eat first. I think we're about to set our clocks back so everyone can stop emailing me that it's technically Eastern Daylight time. I decided to stick with calling it Standard Time because I actually get more emails asking me what the D stands for than people who complain it's actually daylight time. So everyone I just want you to know, I know what time it is. Finally Monday and this week's installment of Beans come true. A couple of weeks ago I had put beans on the fact that Trump was sharpening his crayons
Starting point is 00:22:40 to answer Bob Mueller's collusion questions and writing, but that he would probably stall until after the elections. Jelisa, can you roll those beans? Oh, yeah. Roll that bean footage. And Mueller just recently has been talking to Cohen, not to mention he's waiting for those written responses to his questions from Trump. There's nothing stopping Trump from slow rolling those answers to those questions
Starting point is 00:23:06 to buy time to fire everyone at the top of the DOJ. So we can replace him with Brian Bunchkowski and Matthew fucking Whitaker. So we call him Matthew fucking Whitaker. I love that. So these major aspects could be wrapped up by Thanksgiving. Which cracks me up, because remember last year when Trump's lawyers were demanding the probe
Starting point is 00:23:21 be finished by Thanksgiving. Yeah, yeah. Maybe they meant Thanksgiving 2018. And this Thanksgiving. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Maybe they meant Thanksgiving 2018. Maybe 2020, you see. Well guys, this week Bloomberg reported that Giuliani said Monday that they were going to hold the answers until after the election. That's right, they're going to slow roll these answers.
Starting point is 00:23:39 He's been quiet recently. Giuliani has been, if you're Giuliani. If you haven't noticed, he's been real recently. Giuliani has been, if you're Giuliani. If you haven't noticed, he's been real quiet. And he has actually said that him and Mueller have a informal verbal agreement not to comment much during these negotiations. Oh, shut the fuck up. Bees.
Starting point is 00:23:55 So, Mueller have a verbal agreement to not comment on an ongoing investigation. That's what he said. Thanks, buddy. Yeah, that's cool. I think everyone has had agreement with him. That's good. So wait, Mueller's not going to say a bunch of buddy. Yeah, that's cool. I think everyone has had agreement So wait, Mueller's not gonna say a bunch of shit. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:24:17 But that Giuliani's quiet is interesting that is a shocker. Yeah, I it's just like oh, we have an understanding of fuck you Also this week down junior says he's worried Mueller is going to fabricate charges against him Typical move by guilty people. I think someone should fabricate him a chin. He needs a chin. In this week, in Trump supporters can't tech. Even the super young ones apparently, Tuesday, a very serious, but very hilariously poorly executed plot to smear Bob Mueller unravelled.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Friend of the pod's got Stedman apparently got an email from a fake person saying she was sexually harassed by Bob Mueller. And Stedman was afraid Jacob Wall was gonna come forward with a story when he tweeted that big news was gonna come out about Bob Mueller and the Me Too movement. Stay tuned. Jacob Wall is a 20 year old piece of shit con artist. He's been banned from trading for life
Starting point is 00:25:03 because of his shenanigans. He's barely lived. He's true. He was a living adult for two years. Yeah, apparently he did he was illegal. He did a Ponzi scheme. He did a Bernie made off a few years ago when he was a kid. That's great. And he's been banned from futures trading. His origin story was herbal life. Oh, I started selling perfume on street corners. He and Jack Berkman, a conservative conspiracy theorist and friend of Trump. Berkman, incidentally, he's the guy that hosted that ridiculous fundraiser for Rick Gates legal fees from that banquet room in the holiday inn. Remember
Starting point is 00:25:34 that? The one where Gates had to join via Skype because he was on house arrest. And like five people showed up and donated like $7. That's Jack Berkman. Okay, so him and this little piece of shit kid, Woll, he's got one of those punchable faces like Richard Spencer. He and Berkman told Newsweek on Tuesday that they had spoken to five women who had credible accusations that Mueller sexually assaulted them. And then they held a press conference Thursday saying that they talked to all the women and one of them is legit and we're gonna have a press conference with her with her her and then none of the accusers showed up at Berk and Berkman's fly was open the whole time for the entire press conference. Apparently emails were sent to women offering them money in exchange for saying Mueller assaulted them. One lady got offered they paid to, sorry, they offered to pay off her entire credit card debt and they knew exactly what her credit card debt was to the dollar, which freaked her out.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And an additional $20,000 if she would sign an affidavit saying that Mueller sexually assaulted her. And a company called Sure Fire Intelligence was connected to the bribery attempts. And it turns out Sure Fire Intelligence is registered to Jacob Wool and the phone number listed, the reporters called it, apparently it goes to his mom's voicemail. And on LinkedIn, he created this whole Surefire Intelligence thing and he set up
Starting point is 00:26:51 as pictures of like the officers of the company, they have Christoph Waltz from Ingolary's Basterds, some Indian model and along with Wall, his picture, claiming to be somebody else. It's just the most ridiculous dumb. It's fucking dumb. And not only did the story flop, but Peter Carr, spokesman for the Special Counsel's Office,
Starting point is 00:27:12 referred the entire thing to the FBI. So you might want to put Wall in your fantasy and indictment team this week, because that's bribery. Yeah, that's huge. I want to submit. Oh, I was just going to say, you should take a pay that $20,000 of bribe money towards their bill money, right?
Starting point is 00:27:25 They could just switch it on over. Yeah, they're going to have to. You just imagine his mom getting that voice mail like, Jacob, are you plotting the downfall of democracy again? Jacob, wall? I love it. The full name. You know you have a good Patrick, wall.
Starting point is 00:27:40 I'm making. I don't know what his middle name is. Yeah, well, some people are wondering where this money was going to come from and they keep trying to make ties between the Trump circles and Berkman circles and there's connections, but I mean, I don't know. That would be super conjecture and I don't want to get into it, but that's definitely something that's going down at such a weird store, you guys. Crazy.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Also Tuesday, Trump started a campaign against birthright citizenship. And joining us today to discuss the implications is host of his own TV and radio show. Please welcome David Pakman to Muller She Wrote. David, thanks for joining us. Thanks so much for having me. So, I've seen you tweet in a little bit, and I know you're working. I think you said you were working on a story about wanting people's opinions about what's going on with the attack on birthright citizenship.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah, I think there's a few interesting elements to this. I mean, the first one is like with any of these stories that sort of seems to pop out and then take over the media discussion for 24 or 48, however many hours. I always am interested in thinking about, is the story distracting from other important stories, and that doesn't mean that these are planted distractions, but just sort of that they become de facto distractions sometimes from something maybe more pressing, like for example, the midterm elections. But the other interesting story for me about the birthright citizenship idea, which is using an executive order to end something
Starting point is 00:29:07 that at least appears to be according to legal experts codified by the 14th Amendment, is not so much, is it legally possible? Because that's sort of one aspect to it. But if you don't have birthright citizenship, how do you determine who gets to be a citizen? And it might seem really obvious because those who favor getting rid of birthright citizenship for the most part do so because of the way they perceive birthright citizenship to be taken advantage of by undocumented immigrants. And they may imagine that if you just get rid of birthright citizenship, nothing else really changes other than undocumented immigrants can't come to the US and have children who become citizens.
Starting point is 00:29:56 But the reality is that it's far more complicated. And once you eliminate birthright as a path to citizenship at all, then you actually do have to sort of think about, well, what becomes the law in terms of how one gets citizenship and I'm already going back and forth with a bunch of people on Twitter and sort of spitballing ideas for a story, I'll probably do on my show next week.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah, that's really interesting that you bring that up, David, because I feel like when I first heard this story if it seemed completely preposterous to me that he would legally be able to do this. There would immediately be lawsuits filed by, like let's say the AG of New York, Attorney General New York, for one who would basically challenge the legality of an executive order like that. But more interestingly is when Obama used the power of the executive order to grant asylum for dreamers. The Republican party flipped out and said he was abusing his power and a lot of people tend to agree with that.
Starting point is 00:30:55 I think that some of these executive powers should be dialed back. But to support that or to oppose that executive order, but support this executive order kind of makes me questions that question their motivations. No doubt about it. And there's like a secondary hypocrisy angle as well, which is just in general. We all know that the folks that are defending
Starting point is 00:31:21 the legality of these negative work to at least reinterpret constitutional amendments. Would I'm sure not be open to a president doing that when it comes to the second amendment for example, or others, but the second is sort of the one that comes to mind to me. The stepping back from the specifics of birthright citizenship,
Starting point is 00:31:42 imagine if President Obama had actually suggested or even said he was considering or drafting up using an executive order to reinterpret any other amendment, but in particular the second, they would not have that at all. So there's a level of hypocrisy here, but there's also a short-sightedness to it, both for the reasons that you side and also because it's not quite so simple if you eliminate birthright to determine in a way that even a lot of people on the right would be pleased with how you determine who is a citizen of the United States.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Now, do you know, have you done any research as to whether or not Donald Trump himself or any of his children have benefited from birthright citizenship? Yes. So this is actually a story that I don't know where it started. It might have started as a meme. I don't know exactly where I first saw it, but the argument basically was that some were making, hey listen, Trump's first three kids, Eric, Don Jr., and Ivanka benefited from the same birthright citizenship that Donald Trump is trying to get rid of because their
Starting point is 00:32:43 mom, Ivana Trump, didn't become a citizen until after they were born. And I've been very, very direct that the left should abandon that story 100%. If your point is to show that Trump is a hypocrite on immigration, we can do that talking about Melania's parents and chain migration. We can do that and talk about Trump's hiring of undocumented workers to work on real estate projects he's associated with, but this is a really sort of dumb story to get behind because no matter what the status of Ivana Trump at the time that Eric Don Jr. and Ivanka
Starting point is 00:33:22 were born, and of course, the citizen, but she was here legally. Their father was unquestionably a U.S. born legal citizen, and it simply is not a good story for the left. And the problem is that the way that politics works right now, as soon as the right successfully criticizes this argument that Eric Don Jr and Ivanka fully criticizes this argument that Eric Don Jr. and Ivanka benefited from birthright citizenship. The left is going to be attacked on all of their views when it comes to this issue, and there's going to be attempt to discredit the left. So I don't think that that's fair, but I think that it makes sense to stay very far away from this Trump's kids benefited from birthright citizenship story. Yeah, I agree 100%. If we then become birthers, the way Trump had said
Starting point is 00:34:08 that Obama was not a citizen when his mother was in fact a full naturalized citizen. And he was questioning her Obama's citizenship. So then we just become them. Absolutely. And you know what, if it were actually accurate, then we could say, well, it might sound like birtheurism, but it might be accurate.
Starting point is 00:34:29 But in this case, it's not even accurate. We shouldn't even be talking about it. Right, and it's something that I support anyway. I don't, you know, I don't, you know, sometimes we point out hypocrisies, but then the hypocrisies, or you know, we actually believe in those things, I'm all for family reunification or chain migration.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I'm all for birthright citizenship. Also, so is the Constitution. Not, let's not forget that, but, you know, it just, it makes us seem, you know, like we're going low when they go low. Totally agree. All right, well, that is the birthright citizenship argument. And I think, I think you're right. When I first heard this, I was like, totally agree alright well that is the birthright citizenship argument and i i think
Starting point is 00:35:05 i think you're right when i first heard this i was like this is i don't know if distraction is the right word but it's and it's just another pre-election talking point i don't want to get wrapped up in this it's completely illegal he'll never succeed at it but i know there are a lot of people out there who are worried that he could very well with now that he's i guess stack the courts with conservatives that he could very well make it happen but i i don't think he could very well with now that he's, I guess, stacked the courts with conservatives, that he could very well make it happen. But I don't think he could without a constitutional amendment.
Starting point is 00:35:30 He would need two-thirds, and it's all that we would have to have a constitutional convention to even touch that. Yeah, and I think that there is another interesting story that the birthright citizenship idea relates to. And that's something I've been talking about for a while, which is the sort of signaling that we've seen from Donald Trump and from his administration to extremists and white nationalists and white supremacists. And the idea of at this point, given the overtones of repealing birthright citizenship and how we specifically are sort of thinking about the migrant caravan, for example,
Starting point is 00:36:09 and brown people from Central and South America. This is the imagery that sort of goes along with the idea of repealing birthright citizenship. This is part of the signal package, I guess is what I would call it, that has really coalesced and catalyzed the neo-Nazis and the other extremists. And there's a very long list of these signals. Obviously, saying there's fine people on both sides of a neo-Nazi rally and counter protest was one of those really, really clear signs, but
Starting point is 00:36:39 there's a lot of others. From the campaign, we've got to shut down all Muslim immigration until we figure out what the hell is going on. I am a nationalist last week or the week before. The idea of we don't want people from S-hole countries, but what about people from Norway coming to the United States, sending the military to the border to stop Latino asylum seekers. So there's often these defenses of well, his son-in-law is Jewish and his grandkids are Jewish, so therefore something. But these are really clear signals. And I spoke personally to Richard Spencer of one of the more prominent
Starting point is 00:37:21 white nationals in the world right now, he said, he reads the signals from Trump on this issue. Derek Black is a former KKK member. He was recently interviewed and he said, I was part of this group and these are signals that my former cohort is going to hear and think about very, very favorably. So regardless of what's in Trump's mind, the more important thing is that the extremists are hearing the signals. Wow. Yeah, that's a really amazing point. David, I really appreciate you coming on today. Can you tell our listeners where they can find you and where they can watch your show? Yeah, the best place is just DavidPakman.com. We're on a
Starting point is 00:38:02 couple hundred radio and TV stations and on Direct TV and and dish and we've got a podcast in a youtube channel but the the central hub for it all is my website david packman dot com alright thanks you guys heard it go check out david packman dot com david really thank you so much for coming on muller she wrote thank you so much for having me all right on to wednesday halloween spooky uh... watergate historians and muller junkies alike got a treat in the form of an historic document unsealed from the Nixon grand jury. For the first time ever we
Starting point is 00:38:30 are seeing the roadmap the grand jury took during the Watergate investigation. As it turns out, we've all been speculating that eventually Mueller would hand a report over to Congress, but we didn't know we didn't really have a precedent outlining the method for doing that. Until now, normally, grand jury hearings are kept secret forever. The secrecy of the grand jury is sacrosanct. It's very important. It's like, it's sacred. But those hearings, or could they're used to determine if someone is going to be indicted
Starting point is 00:38:58 or not, but under Nixon, a judge decided that in this, or that unprecedented situation, they would allow the grand jury evidence to be sent to Congress. In Nixon's case, the grand jury had enough evidence to bring four criminal charges against Nixon, but rather than indict him, a judge decided the best thing to do was to hand that evidence over to the House Judiciary Committee. House Judiciary Committee. That is what led to Nixon's resignation. We all kind of were assuming that they were going to impeach him
Starting point is 00:39:26 and that somebody went to Nixon and said, we got enough to impeach you, and that's why he resigned. That's what I thought too. He was resigned because he was culpable for four indictments from the grand jury. And now we have the roadmap for how that information gets to Congress. There's a precedent set, right?
Starting point is 00:39:41 And Nixon was facing those foreign diamonds, but like I said, what's important here is this gives Mueller a legal precedent for what to do with his findings once he has them from the grand jury. And now he has the framework to send those findings to the House, the House Judiciary Committee. So Mueller has two paths, something like the star report from Kenneth Star, which was awkward and conclusive, or what special prosecutor Jaworski did during Watergate, which is a fact and evidence-based report given to the House.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And now there's precedent on that is how you get it done, even if the grand jury's information is supposed to be secretive. There is now precedent saying it's not in these cases. That's amazing. Mueller can now cite the Watergate document when he presents his findings. In this case, the federal judge says the grand jury's secrecy rules give way to the Congress's need to know. And this is important to Mueller because this is going to be the same federal court as
Starting point is 00:40:31 the Watergate grand jury. The House Judiciary is controlled by the Republicans. Elections are two days away, vote accordingly. What I don't know is if both parties in the House get the report or just the majority. That's a good question. I think I would think both. I would think the chair and the ranking would get it or the gang of eight. But this specific document from Watergate says that it was given to the House Judiciary Committee.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So I don't know if it's given to the majority chair or the majority chair and the ranking member. Yeah, okay. But it's the House of Representatives that we have a chance to take back Right. I was gonna say thank God that that's gonna happen after the elections Well, you have to remember they don't get the gavils back till January 1st That's a point. So there's that two two month no man's land where if Mueller hands that report over does just new nests get it? Or does new nests and shift get it? That's a very good point. Or is that the House Intel committee?
Starting point is 00:41:28 And how soon could they make it public the way they did this one? Anyway, the Republican and the Democrat. Right. Right. Nooness and Schiffer are in the same committee. Right, but is that the House Intel committee or is that the House Judiciary Committee? I think it's the House Judiciary Committee. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Well, we can look it up. Yeah. But either way, I'm just wondering if it's just the Republican who gets it right after the elections or if the Republican and the Democrat get it, the majority and the minority, the making. Yeah. That makes sense. This watergate thing to the report is just coming out now, right, to the public. Yeah. We haven't seen it in 44 years. So if it does go to to Nunes, you know, and he tries to keep it private, it could still come out to the public, you know, just a matter of like how quickly, right? Like it could, they can release it to us if they release it to him. It's up to him. But I'm still checking to see if Nunez is the judiciary chair. It is not
Starting point is 00:42:11 intelligence. Who's the judiciary chair again? I should know this off the top of my head. I'm sorry. There's so many people, ain't all not gonna guess to you. Bob. I'm not even kidding. I look at the chairman. Bob serves as chairman of the House chair. Oh yeah Bob good You're gonna commit me. Uh, wait, oh yeah, Bob Goodlatt. It is Goodlatt, you're right. Goodlatt, okay. So that could cut it right. Thank God. Goodlatt. My reputation remains intact. Oh yes. It'll pop.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee? I think. Doot, doot, doot. And it's a good lot to do. Good guy, are we? Goodlatt, no. Oh, in that case, we, back to square one there. Yeah, you can see is Dooshaery and all of the hearings that were, what was his best showing?
Starting point is 00:43:13 What was he mostly creating? It's best showing. Yeah, I think it's Nadler, who's the house to Dooshaery, the New York rep from New York. Let's see, the ranking. Jerry Nadler, right? Yeah. All right. Do it, do it.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Okay. You did it. So does just, just forget again. So does just good lot get it or does Nadler and good lot get it? Because the Democrats don't take over until January 1st. If we flip the house, vote. You have to vote.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Or none of that matters. Right. This is a question. Sorry. Go ahead. I was just going to say, ideally, Mueller would. Yeah, actually, I forgot what I was going to say. You can go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Oh, man. It's just lost me like half a second ago. Sorry. This is a question we can find out the answer to, right? Or no, do we have to see that road map to know where it goes? I think I just need to look at the report. It might be in there. It might not be in there.
Starting point is 00:44:04 It just might be that the judge said it could go to the House Judiciary Committee. I assume it would go to the chair and the ranking member. Yeah. That'd be kind of fucked up. Yeah. Only the majority gets to see it. The majority gets to see it.
Starting point is 00:44:16 And if Nadler gets it, I'm sure we'll get it. Okay. It came back to me by the way. The parts of it. I was thinking ideally we would want Mueller to drop his report after like January, right? That's how it would be best, right? Okay, but where's his bet thing he's doing it sooner? I think he's gonna do it sooner and I'm hoping that this roadmap that they give it to the House Judiciary,
Starting point is 00:44:33 I'm hoping that the ranking member gets it as well. Right. Oh, so it's not just good luck. Got it. Because I have that guy. Yeah, but then it would be less squashed if the house had taken a demo, said, taken a house and then it gets, you know. Yeah, and I'm not sure, you know, why you wouldn't be able to bring it up again after January 1st, it's not like, it's, you get it and then it's self-destructs. Not allowed to remember anything that was in it, from bushes. I don't know, We'll see, though. Thursday we learned Aaron Banks and Elizabeth Bilny and other unnamed individuals of leave.eu
Starting point is 00:45:10 and Brexit fame were criminally referred to the National Crime Agency, and they are now officially investigating leave EU and better for the country or BFTC over suspected electoral law offenses. This is about time. This comes on the tail of Bannon testifying to the grand jury. And he's connected to Cambridge Analytica, which in turn is connected to Brexit, which in turn comes on the heels
Starting point is 00:45:31 of Manafort's cooperation agreement. Manafort cooperates and then we got Bannon, Corsi, Corsi, Bannon, coming into testify. They did it twice, I wasn't just repeating their names. And they're connected to Cambridge Analytica, which is connected to Brexit. And I think that that's maybe what is prompting this Aaron Banks and Elizabeth Bilney
Starting point is 00:45:51 and other unnamed persons. Aaron Banks says he's innocent, and this is conjecture. But if Nigel Farage is not one of those unnamed people, I think his criminal referral isn't far behind. Definitely. Thanks to our friends Crossepond. Hey. You guys are in it just like we are. Also on Thursday, the New York Times did a piece asking where the Russians are this mid-term.
Starting point is 00:46:11 According to the report, the National Security Agency has now taken to sending messages directly to Russian hackers reminding them that they're being watched. I love that. That's their defense. We can see you. The Robert De Niro little like finger. Yeah, I think. You two fingers in the eye the eye you describe that gesture
Starting point is 00:46:28 Card guy on you Still others say that the Russians are too smart to run the same con twice Some experts believe Russia's sitting this one out And this worries people because they could be waiting until the last moment to act you don't you who knows But the Russians haven't exactly gone away We've seen a few pre-election intrusions like with senator McCaskill jolissa you've been telling us giving us updates on midterm hacks and we had that reason indictment of that Russian
Starting point is 00:46:51 agent acting as a treasurer for a Russian agency not to mention Maria butina we've had that whole situation come up so and speaking of butina the senate has asked the nRA to hand over all the documents from their trip to Russia in 2015 when torsions group the right to bear arms organized the NRA to hand over all the documents from their trip to Russia in 2015 when Torshin's group, the Wright-to-Bair Arms, organized an NRA delegation to go to Moscow for a week where they met with former Deputy Prime Minister Rogozion, former NRA President and soon to be President David Keen and Peter Brownell. They were both on the trip, along with Milwaukee Sheriff, David Clark with all the flare, 15 pieces of flare on his uniform, NRA donors Gregory and the Gold Schluggers and
Starting point is 00:47:26 Jim Libertory the president of the outdoor channel remember when we talked about that guy so they the Senate's like give it give it We did to see all your documents and what what could they find because I'd imagine those guys would like try to destroy anything that would be Like how did what are they fuckery? Yeah, just travel itineraries or or you know There might be a might have been communications with the Russians about how about Bhutina maybe torsion about how to infiltrate or make donations you remember the $30 million that then our A gave to Okay, gave to Trump from probably Russia And just that kind of information because the Treasury's been asking for a while now to hand over you know all of the Money all your donation information
Starting point is 00:48:04 Yeah, we've been you know we've been asking them for that, Senator Warner, I know Mark Warner, and a couple of other senators on the Senate and Intel committee have also been demanding that they hand over their money, their dues. Like shows where you got $30 million. Exactly. A receipt. Yeah. Where'd you get this shit?
Starting point is 00:48:21 They're like, well, we have some Russian people, it's like $2,000. And they're like, yeah, come on. Okay. Now It's like $2,000. And they're like, yeah, come on. OK. Now where's the other $29,998,000? Exactly. So that's kind of, this kind of goes along the lines of this. They just keep demanding shit from the end of the night. So interesting.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Let's see. Put some beans on it. Then finally, on Friday, the citizens for responsible ethics in Washington, also known as crew, got a hold of a waiver that was written back in April and signed by Don McGahn that allows Noel Francisco to preside over cases that Jones Day the law firm might be involved in because that's the one that's representing Trump in the Russian investigation. So and Noel Francisco used to work for Jones Day, so apparently, and we didn't know this
Starting point is 00:49:07 until this whole waiver came out, he wouldn't be able to oversee the Russian investigation. So if Rosenstein and Sushin's got fired, he wouldn't be able to take over the Russian investigation because he worked for Jones Day, which is representing Trump, he'd have to recuse himself. But this waiver gives him the ability to stay on and oversee that. It gives him the waves that ethics rule and allows him to not have to
Starting point is 00:49:31 recuse himself. And a lot of people are like, oh my god, this is terrible. But I actually think this is good because we've been sort of hoping that Noel Francisco would take over if Rose and Stuyden sessions were fired because he's not Benchkowski, he's not Matthew Fucking-Wittaker, right? He's just, he's the Solicitor General, and if you remember, we did a story about how they did this public appearance, they all had a dinner together. Rosenstein sessions and Noel Francisco publicly appeared so that everyone would see them together, supposedly making sort of a public statement that they're all on the same page. And they did that at the end of February and then bam, a little over a month later, he
Starting point is 00:50:09 gets this waiver. So that's important to note because like I said, right after the election, presumably Wednesday, everyone's saying that Trump's gonna have a fire sale and basically clean house in the DOJ. And this waiver would allow Noel well-fronts to go to oversee the Russian investigation, but it was signed by Don McGann and it was back in April so I don't know kind of what the implications are, but I know that there's really no better choice as long as far as I can see It would be nice to have somebody that doesn't have any
Starting point is 00:50:46 nice to have somebody that doesn't have any conflicts of interest, but I don't know that that exists in the Trump White House. So anyway, you guys, that's one of those things that, you know, we'll just see how time will tell. We'll probably know this week. So anyway, we'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies, I want to take a minute to tell you about stamps.com, where you can access all the services of the post office right from your desk. They send you a digital scale so you can print the exact amount of postage
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Starting point is 00:51:44 Head to stamps.com and use the code AG for a very special offer. You're going to get a four-week trial and they will send you a digital scale so you'll never overpay for postage again. Head to stamps.com and the first thing you need to do is click that little radio microphone and then enter AG. So that stamps.com and enter AG. You'll be glad you did. All right, welcome back. Hot notes. All right, you guys, this week we have some really, really intense reporting. Amazing reporting from both of you. Aw, thanks. It's not we have some amazing reporting from Jordan but first let's get this
Starting point is 00:52:31 Jaliza crap out of the way. This is kind of how I unintentionally made it sound last week. It's all good. It's all amazing. It's all bigly, fantastic, tremendous reporting. And I know he said big league, but whatever. Never mind, that would give away my identity. Moving right along. Jordan, you have some stuff on Roger Stone today. Stonehenge, big news in the Stonehenge world. But Jelisa, I know.
Starting point is 00:53:00 But Jelisa, you have some really kind of shocking, yet not shocking at all, reporting. From Emily from Emily Jane Fox at Vanity Fair on Cohen some stuff that Cohen says So what do you got? Absolutely. I think it's it's not shocking in the context, but from the person that's coming from it's interesting So this week in a race to see the darnedest things Michael Michael Cohen he shines more light on Trump's racist past and present. Specifically, Cohen recalled a conversation at Trump Tower where he told Trump that one of his rallies, like the little vanilla on TV to which Trump responded, that's because black people are too stupid to vote for me.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Then Cohen said that following Nelson Mandela's passing, Trump told him, name one country run by a black person that's not a shithole. The United States 2008 to 2006. Oh yeah, we'll break this down. Not so many. Oh, I got some examples. I'm just going bullet points right now. Not to mention Cohen also recalled a conversation with Trump from a few years back while they
Starting point is 00:53:56 were traveling through Chicago. And he said that as they drove through a rougher neighborhood, Trump turned to Cohen and said, only the blacks could live like this. And there were other quotes, those stuck out the most. So just to unpack that for a bit, the black people are too stupid to vote for Trump comment is ridiculous. But I have a theory that maybe Trump actually means that black people are dumb to vote for Democrats because he's like, they don't care about you either, but that's just another unfair generalization by Trump. I feel like obviously there are plenty of Democratic candidates who care about black people like Andrew Gillum, who Trump recently called
Starting point is 00:54:28 a thief or Stacey Abrams, that Trump called unqualified, or even vaccine Walters, who Trump says to low IQ. So of course, Trump has no evidence to back up any of these claims, but he just thinks he doesn't even need any because all of these targets are black. He basically is just relying on America's racism to satisfy his assertions. And Gillin I think said it perfectly. He said it's not that he's saying Trump is a racist but simply that racist things he's a racist. Like you were saying AG so it's all in the language and as far as the other remarks only the blacks could live like this or name one country run by a black person. It's not a shit hole. I feel like even if you can't name one you know
Starting point is 00:55:03 or a city that probably speaks more to your ignorance of geography than this you know then then basically the history of racism as a hole. I feel like even if you can't name one, you know, or a city that probably speaks more to your ignorance of geography than this, you know, then basically the history of racism as a whole, I feel like black and brown people have been oppressed across the whole planet. And so it's not just here. If anyone thinks that black neighborhoods are ghetto because of just black people alone,
Starting point is 00:55:17 they're just ignorant of the nation's history or the history of racism in their country. And I feel like there's centuries-long consequences to slavery, there's real barricades. And we we all know this here but it's just Trump using this as like a way to just rally up races with stereotypes instead of focusing on the facts and basically Trump has never had to understand these things so maybe there's a part of it that is ignorance for him and not just fear-mongering but I just I think it's awful I mean I I can't even, it's the fact that he
Starting point is 00:55:45 feels like black people are just down because of their own merit and not because of resources, or the fact that, you know, his life turned out the way it is because he is a white straight male and he was born into wealth. And I don't think he actually sees the difference there. I think a part of him may actually be racist. Well, he's got, he's got a history of specifically when he's talking about black people calling them stupid and thieves that low IQ. That's, that's kind of the same theme. Yeah, and that's criminals and.
Starting point is 00:56:14 That's why these comments to me weren't surprising. They're horrible and they're awful, but that it goes with his pattern of referring to African Americans, black people, people of color, as low IQ. Yeah. And then you can go all the way back to the Central Park Five, and in fact, his father was trying to keep black people
Starting point is 00:56:34 out of their apartments. Yeah. He's got a long history of this. Absolutely. So it wasn't surprising. We know Trump is racist. Yeah. And we know he doesn't care about his racist comments.
Starting point is 00:56:42 But the question is, why is Cohen telling us this all now like you were saying I do I think I feel like maybe it's because the midterms are coming up Obviously he wants to clear his conscious or because he's awaiting sentencing and he wants to clean up his act and Either way, I know that Cohen's not the most you know just to see guys we put it in the live show But I do think that he's trying to do the right thing for whatever personal reasons and Cohen is the son of a hall concert driver You know, so I maybe after the attack on Pittsburgh with the 11 Jewish people ever killed for whatever personal reasons. And Cohen is the son of a Holocaust survivor, you know? So maybe after the attack on Pittsburgh,
Starting point is 00:57:07 with the 11 Jewish people ever killed, he was just like, I can't do this. He even tweeted about the incident. He said in honor of those sadly being buried today, resulting from anti-Semitism, let's follow the wisdom and thoughtful works of Rabbi Jeff Remires. It can't just be to say we need to stop hate.
Starting point is 00:57:22 We need to do, we need to act to tone down rhetoric. So, I mean, that pretty much explains his argument there, but he just sat through it all those years. Yeah, during the campaign specifically, you know, because all these comments are from before, and I think the most reason one was from the campaign. And then, yeah, the comments about the people on the trail, like you were saying, Gilliam calling him a thief. All those were like last week, you know? Right, but those are his public statements. Exactly. The quotes, the private ones are years ago, some of them.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Yeah. And, and I, you know, it's like what you'd be stuck with them, but that, you know, that could have just been greed. And that's just kind of guy Cohen is. Yeah. Yeah. He said he got so used to the environment that at first, he thought uncomfortable, but he just, you know, toughed it up for his job.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And I get that, but God, that sucks. Yeah. And now Trump has the audacity to say shit like black unemployment is a low since ever been and black voters love him and all this stuff. Right. First thing from the truth. The my African American comment, that one sticks to me a lot to you when he was pointing out the one black person in the crowd. He doesn't even know the right right like language to
Starting point is 00:58:20 use because he's so used to seeing as his things. He's like, that's my African American. It's like, just call him a person. I know you're not the most, you know, non-resist person, but like just try not to sound as racist, but I don't think that's his goal. His goal is to stir up that kind of, you know, he wants people to think like him. Yeah, it's dog whistle speak to white nationalist base.
Starting point is 00:58:37 It's the only base that he's got left. That's 100% behind him. Julie said, can I ask you a question, please? And please don't take it as being tokenizing atizing. Oh, do you know, go for it. I was just watching Trump rally and he alluded to he was like, black people love me. And then it turns to a black woman who's holding a sign. And she just gets so lit up by him saying this. It makes her feel like so good. Obviously. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm,
Starting point is 00:59:04 and I'm wondering like when you, when you see that as a black woman, what are your thoughts, what's your initial reaction to that? I hope that's what makes somebody act that way. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I definitely know black people that talk poorly about other black people in a racist sense. Like they are self-internalized with their hatred. Growing up, I suffer with that. I think a lot of people like to be the one black person that white people Are like oh, you're cool. You're one of the cool ones like we accept you and everyone else can you know go to hell?
Starting point is 00:59:35 So maybe she felt like oh, um, it's like a status thing You know like growing up I struggled with with just the idea of whiteness being you know the best thing And so someone like that. I mean, she could actually agree in the line with his policies, but then if that's not the case, if there's something else going on, because to me, it's like her policies, or his policies wouldn't help a black person per se. So she must just feel this connection, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:57 to the idea that she is a part of this thing, even if her role is just the token. She's like, I made it, you know, like, the idea of being with like a white person, sometimes like, I subconsciously, I didn't realize the idea of being with like a white person sometimes like I subconsciously I didn't realize it, but you would think like there's a status connected to it in this country and it Goes into anything relationships, you know being that person at the rally. It sucks, but it's real Yeah
Starting point is 01:00:17 Thank you for answering that. Thanks for the question. Yeah, it's interesting. Yeah, thanks for the reporting on that That's again, that's Emily Jane Fox. I think from Vandy Fair. Yeah, thanks for the reporting on that. That's, again, that's Emily Jane Foxx, I think, from Vandy Fair. Yeah. Put out that story. And, boah, man, this was not a quiet week. Like I thought it was gonna be. No way. Jordan, what do you got on the stonemeister?
Starting point is 01:00:34 Yeah, so stonemeister. Jack Frost, what characters he from those animated claymation evil villains? I can't even remember. Yeah, whatever. He's one of those. Nixon. Yeah. I,'t even remember. Yeah, whatever. He's one of them. Nixon. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:47 I, for the first time in honor of doing these hot notes, started watching the documentary, Gemi Rodgerstone. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Have you seen it? Yeah. Dude.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Good? Dude. Yeah. Well, good for like, he's a, like, I just didn't realize what a definition of a fucking troll he is. Oh, yeah. He, do you know what he did?
Starting point is 01:01:05 Okay, Julie, he did this one time. He got, he was working for a campaign and he went to a Democrat, or no, it was a, it was a Republican candidate that was running against a Republican candidate. He was helping I think. And he took a jar of coins and then brought it to them and got a receipt from that. He said he was with the American Socialist Party or something. Okay. And he goes there and makes them give him a receipt that says on record that they took money
Starting point is 01:01:29 from the American Socialist Organization. Wow. And just a jar of coins, he said. Yeah. Okay. All right. What a piece of shit. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:01:39 What a fucking piece of shit. And he doesn't. Oh my god. He's such a troll. I can't talk on this stuff too. Oh, 100%. Well, Nixon had foreign diamonds that we just learned about and he's his hero. So maybe he'll get four. He can it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 01:01:47 I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 01:02:03 I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. It's like 80% Nixon, 10% Reagan. It's like a really weird day of the dead. Oh, oh my goodness. It's like a painted picture. This is a weird personal version of Coco, man. This is the best stuff. And he just loves people to hate on him. So he's letting these people film him.
Starting point is 01:02:18 And then his mother who's 90 something lives with him. And he's like, mom, these are liberal filmmakers. Don't trust anything they say. Don't tell them anything. Don't tell them anything. Or his mom lives with him. Oh, I, mom, these are liberal filmmakers don't trust anything they say. Don't tell them anything. Don't tell them anything. Or his mom lives with him. Oh, I guess at that age, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Yeah. Okay. I'm going to just say he lives with his mom. Yeah. Even though that's probably the nicest thing that he does for anyone is true. How is his mother? Yeah. So when the movie was talking about how they have to get, they don't even like talking to him
Starting point is 01:02:42 because he's so charming that you can sort of fall into his charm. And then you quickly forget what a fucking troll he is. His house is under a bridge actually. Just like that. All right, so. So this week, downtown, yeah, under a bridge downtown. Yes. I don't know what. I'm sorry. I hate that sound. Under a British downtown. Yes. I don't have a lot of.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Sorry. That's not pretty. Continue that, Julie. Represented is. And their socks, their winner socks. All right. So here we go. A bunch of different stories came out. I'm sure you've seen it all trickling out. But the Moller team is really starting to focus on stone. A lot, lot, lot. Moller's team this week obtained new evidence suggesting that the right-wing conspiracy theorist, Jerome Corsi, A.G. was talking about him before,
Starting point is 01:03:30 may have had advanced knowledge of HRC's emails or the emails that were damaging to HRC's campaign had knowledge that they were stolen and given to WikiLeaks. So it's being reported that some of these messages that exist apparently indicate that stone and Corsi actually took credit for the email's release. Jerome Corsi is known as the founder of the Bertha Movement Fund Fact, so he's a real
Starting point is 01:03:51 piece of shit. Corsi was subpoenaed in September and he turned over his computer, his phone, and his email records. But whenever he's been questioned about the timing of the release of the emails, Corsi said that he just had figured it out on his own that the pedestrian emails must be coming and they must have been being saved for a quote on October surprise. In stone says that of course, he never told him before the leaks became public that they were coming.
Starting point is 01:04:16 So, I think it's, well, we'll wait for a fantasy indictment link, but that's one small headline. Another one, just going a little bit more into a Mueller's intentions with Roger Stone's inter, or his investigation into Roger Stone's interactions with the Trump campaign officials and the timing of the WikiLeaks release of the Podesta emails. So just a couple more, you know, facts have come out about that. So Mueller's looking more and more at Roger Stone's potential knowledge of the hacked information that was damaging to HRC's campaign and obtained and peddled by Russia and WikiLeaks.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Moller's team is seemingly focused on if stone and the Trump campaign were working in coordination with WikiLeaks at all during these endeavors, including the timing, like I said, of the release of these emails. So the timing is so suspect because if you'll remember, when the grabbing by the pussy tape came out, a less than an hour after that is when all of the first batch of the pedestrian emails dropped.
Starting point is 01:05:14 So people are wondering, what's that coordinated that? That's like, I think that's really what's at the crux of Mueller's investigation into Stone currently. Among other branches. Last Friday, we learned that the Mueller team questioned Bannon about what Stone told him regarding his connections with WikiLeaks before the release of those emails.
Starting point is 01:05:32 When he was asked about what was said at this questioning, Bannon said that the prosecution has been very professional and courteous, and that out of respect to them, he will not be talking publicly about what was discussed at that point in time. Out of respect, gag order. Yeah, not be gag order. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Talking about anything gag order. Yeah, to Giuliani, it's because they have an agreement and to ban it. It's because he's just such a nice guy. They all have their reasons for not talking about it. Not great investigation. Yeah. Um, banning did, however, say to not believe everything you read because he he just had to slip some crazy shit in there, because he's a mouth shitter. He just has to say some crazy shit.
Starting point is 01:06:12 We also know now that multiple stone associates have been subpoenaed and testified before a grand talking about, Randy Cretico, we've talked about him a few times before. He's that New York-based comedian who is a huge Julian Assange fan and they're basically, the question is whether or not he was the go between Stone and WikiLeaks. He says that he was not. Stone says that he was. Investigators are particularly looking at that timing of the emails, like I said, in relation to the grab them by the pussy tapes, and this week Stone has been strongly denying having any knowledge of the Ptesta emails, and he said that he played no role in the timing of the release of those emails. He did say, I may have discussed it with Manafort at a time, but only after Manafort left
Starting point is 01:07:01 the campaign. And he said anything that he said about Wikileaks publicly was merely to generate publicity for the Trumps campaign. So troll. Also criminal though. Criminal troll. Just a reminder, let's not forget, on August 2016, Stone Bossa on on Twitter quote, I actually have communicated with Assange. Then on August 21st, he tweeted,
Starting point is 01:07:27 trust me, it will soon be the Podesta's time in the barrel. Yep. But now he says that this info was just stuff that he got from the course. What? Barrel. Yeah, I don't know what that tweet means, honestly. It's like, typo is fuck, but.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Yeah, I mean. I'm in the barrel. Like, like a barrel of fish or like a gun barrel Or like a barrel of suspenders that you wear going down Niagara Falls like what kind of barrel? I never think about those barrels. Yeah, those are old school barrels. Those are old school barrels We've had a lot more modern barrels. Yeah, we have all right Thank you for sticking with me. I have some a couple more exciting hot notes on him and then I will pass it back to AG Okay, so the next story that came out Mueller apparently has recordings of Roger Stone bragging about stolen Democrat emails
Starting point is 01:08:13 Mueller's team is multiple recordings in which Stone brags about his knowledge of stolen Democrat emails on conference calls Identifying himself as quote the ultimate political insider the factagbat Mueller subpoena, these conference calls, is a direct tip that his team is looking super closely at Stone's contacts with Wigileaks, and whether he or other members of the Trump campaign coordinated with Wigileaks, slash Russia, to damage HRC's campaign. So that's a pretty big revelation to know. They've actually subpoenaed those conference calls. You're gonna break the law. Don't have conference calls. Yeah, what is to, let me, yeah, just that big star in the middle of the table,
Starting point is 01:08:48 just broadcasting it out to everybody. I'm the ultimate political insider. Every single conference call I'm on. It's like this conference calls being recorded. If you do not agree to being recorded, don't get on the conference call. Thank you. Oh my God, that's so funny, that's true.
Starting point is 01:09:01 They're all recorded. Yeah, okay. Another, another medium of trollery that has come out Are some text messages that show that Roger Stone Has actually been working to try to get a pardon for Julian Assange So he sent some messages to Krediko who we talked about before who Stone claims as I said earlier is to go between Between him and WikiLeaks, credit code denises. Urging for this could be seen by prosecutors as an attempt to undermine the Russia probe
Starting point is 01:09:31 and conspiracy to obstruct justice. So if he's trying to say that Assan should get a pardon, a presidential pardon, and at the same time he potentially coordinated the release of the emails and was working with WikiLeaks, and then he's also advocating, you know, for him to get that pardoned, that could be, that's where the obstruction of Jess's piece really comes in. Cretico has said that Stone claimed he was even working with a Fox News personality,
Starting point is 01:09:53 Andrew D'Ampolano, to float the idea of a presidential pardon on his show, Napolitano Denysis. Stone does not deny that he advocated for a presidential pardon for a sange. He also says that he definitely did urge Napolitano to do so as well. So he's just really doubling down on this. And finally, newly revealed emails show how Stone was advertising himself to Trump campaign advertisers as a potential to go between two WikiLeaks who would hack the emails that were damaging to Clinton. A little refresher. What is ultimately
Starting point is 01:10:25 unclear still is how much the Trump campaign knew about the hacked materials or their interactions with far-right operatives to disseminate this information. So that's what's really being looked at as well. Well, the New York Times released some stone emails that very explicitly outlined some of these contacts and his attempts to secure financial backing to continue to engage in a campaign to damage Hillary Clinton. One of these emails happened on the night of October 3, 2016, and it was an email exchange between Stone and Matthew Boyle, who is Breitbart's Washington Editor. This was the day before Assange was set to have a press conference regarding the release of a new set of documents. The exchange reads Assange was set to have a press conference regarding the release of a new set of documents.
Starting point is 01:11:05 The exchange reads Assange. This is from Boyle to Stone. Boyle says, Assange, what's he got? Hope it's good. So this is proof that Breitbart's sauce stone is a credible link from the term campaign to WikiLeaks. Stone then responds saying, quote, it is, I tell Bannon, but he doesn't call me back. What a troll love story. Then Boyle, then Ford's the email to Bannon saying, Call Stone, but don't say this came
Starting point is 01:11:31 for me. So it gets forwarded. Then Bannon says, I've got important stuff to worry about. And just brushes it off to which boil response. Well, he clearly knows what a sunch has. I'd say that's important. So that's just one of the emails that is tipping off that there's clearly an Understanding that stone has information that other people do not have Regarding what Wikileaks was up to Yeah, Bannon just testified and on Friday, right? Yeah, and it might be that Bannon could be a link directly to Trump about this Or it could be Bannon didn't talk to stone and stone found another way to talk to Trump
Starting point is 01:12:05 But all of this is really just coming out from the Man of Fort Cooperation agreement. And a lot of it's going to have to do with Cambridge Analytica, a lot of it's going to have to do with WikiLeaks and Stone. It's going to be really interesting in the next couple of weeks to see what comes out after the election. Yeah, very excited. Woo! That was long, sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:21 No, it's cool, man. It was very rushing through that. It's a lot of stuff So anyway, all right as I mentioned earlier in the show Politico reported on October 24th that the special council appears to be locked in a sealed grand jury subpoena battle Other than Andrew Miller's if you remember Andrew Miller one of Roger Stone's associates held himself in contempt So he could appeal his grand jury subpoena and fight the constitutionality of the Mueller appointment.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Those arguments will be heard in open court on November 8th, at 1 p.m. not 9.30. However, a political reporter staking out the court and noticing someone picking up documents in a case involving an unknown person subpoenaed to the Mueller grand jury and a separate round of arguments from this case has been scheduled for December 14th. So this is a whole second thing and we found that out because that political reporter was there when somebody came and tried to pick up these filings. The case went to the US District Court judge Barrel Howell to the DC Court of Appeals and then back down to Howell and then back up to the DC Court of Appeals again. The documents don't mention Muller, but the Politico Reporter witnessed the guy
Starting point is 01:13:30 request a copy of the special counsel's latest sealed filings, so the man's law firm could craft a response. The guy would not identify himself and when the reporter said, here's my card, let me know. He's like, no, I'm good. Another clue that it has to do with the Mueller case is that the first appeal was rejected as premature. And when the witness's lawyer asked the full bench of the court to review the decision, there was a notation showing only nine of the 10 judges participated because Judge Greg Katzis had recused himself.
Starting point is 01:13:59 And Greg Katzis is the only member of the panel that was appointed by Trump. And during his confirmation hearing, he said he would likely recuse himself from anything pertaining to the Russian investigation. He would err on the side of, you know, basically I'll just recuse. So after this news dropped, I tweeted a thread that I thought the mystery witness was Randy Kretiko.
Starting point is 01:14:18 And I did this based on Kretiko's resistance to testify in the first place. But Kretiko has already spoken to the grand jury jury for a couple hours, memory brought his dog. And though we don't know what was said in that testimony, we don't know if he tried to claim some sort of privilege or if he denied to answer the questions or wanted to plead the fifth or asked for immunity. We don't know what happened. Everything in the grand jury is sealed, like I said. It seems that whomever this second person is that's having a subpoena battle wanted to refuse the subpoena, then filed an appeal, then was told he had to hold himself in contempt and try again. That's why it's went up to the DC court, back down to Judge Braille Howe, back up to the DC court,
Starting point is 01:14:58 back, you know, and that's why it went back and forth was because this person had to hold himself in contempt. So it had, it seems to have happened right around the same time Andrew Miller did that because you'd think if you were going to do this again that you would know, oh well based on what I learned from Andrew Miller, I have to hold myself in contempt of court and you wouldn't have made that error. I feel like the timeline and the public resistance from critical matches this sealed subpoena fight. That of Halloween political published some huge beans, biggest beans way bigger than my SEALed subpoena fight. That of Halloween, Politico published some huge beans, biggest beans way bigger than my beans,
Starting point is 01:15:28 suggesting the subpoena was for Trump. This piece was written by a former federal prosecutor from Southern District of New York who worked under Giuliani. And he feels that Mueller is secretly litigating against Trump for the right to have him questioned by the grand jury, probably an obstruction. He says we know now, thanks to Josh Gerstin's reporting at
Starting point is 01:15:45 Politico that on August 16th the day after Giuliani said he was almost finished with his memo sealed a sealed grand jury case which was initiated in Judge Braille House courtroom. We know that happened and then September that was August 16th and September 19th about a month later how issued a ruling and five days later they appealed it to the DC Circuit Court, and we know Mueller prevailed in that circuit court. He says the clues, that clues, this is Trump, are there's some clues, basically.
Starting point is 01:16:14 He's like, I think it's Trump and here's why. First of all, the speed and alacrity with which the case moved back and forth, and that Katzis recused himself, because he's a Trump appointee. Now, empty wheel seems to see this differently. She wrote a piece called, no, molar probably didn't supine a trump yet.
Starting point is 01:16:30 She asserts that the supine is likely for a White House figure like John Kelly or Don McGahn or maybe a lawyer like Garton or Fudafoss, Fudafoss, or maybe even a journalist like Chuck Hansen Lee, Stranahan or even Hannity, Sean Handy. She says, and I tend to agree that the speed and the laquerity aren't that convincing of an argument because they pretty much match Andrew Miller's appeal process. And she says, the timeline does.
Starting point is 01:16:54 And she says that the guy who thinks this is Trump didn't consider that on October 11th right in the thick of the litigation, CNN revealed that Mueller had given Trump a set of questions pertaining to conspiracy and Trump had finished them but was holding until after the election. He was slow rolling them. But mostly she feels that if this were Trump, someone at the White House would have leaked it. And I tend to agree with that because the White House is the leakyest leak fest of all. So I think it's someone in Stone's group. I think maybe credit co. Hannity would would be nice too though. What do you guys think? I don't think it's Trump. Oh, love where it's being Hannity. He's so knee deep in this shit. I just wonder like what's his angle all the time. Yeah. Because just being one of Cohen's, you know, clients isn't enough for him
Starting point is 01:17:36 to feel so riled up like this. So that's a good, I think, to get theory. Yeah. I honestly don't know enough about how the schedule of those work, those cases usually work, but the speed and the lacquer thing was what was convincing me that maybe it was someone that was a super big fish, but if she's saying that that's what happened with Andrew Miller too, then I don't think that yeah, the the plausibility that that makes it Trump is less. Well Miller's hearing is November 8th, and this hearing is December 14th. So it's, it actually might be a little slower. Yeah. Depending on when the first initiated, you know, thing happened, and he had to go back and
Starting point is 01:18:14 hold himself and attempt to go forward again. And we're going to hear those arguments on November 8th in court, 1pm, not 9.30. Yeah, I think it's fun to think about, but I am not convinced that that is what's going on. Yeah, I think it's just one of those stone guys. You know, we're just any of the other people that I see Marcy Wheeler, I think her name has named Empty Wheel But I tend to think it's not Trump, but we'll see. This is the cool thing is that we'll find out on December 14 Yeah, you know, they get's anyone in the White House either though.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Because you think it would have been leaked. It could be a McGahn, but I seriously honestly think that if it were a White House person, we would have heard about it. What about like Kushner, DTJ? No. I just I feel like we would have heard that. Yeah. And the timing is and it's Judge Braille House Court, it's right then when Miller was trying to do the exact same thing. But who knows?
Starting point is 01:19:10 Who knows? Anyway, we'll be right back. Hey, Mueller junkies, do you want ad-free episodes? How about my personal research notes in our weekly newsletter or access to all of our bonus content, including 80 plus bonus episodes? We have a closed Facebook group and a fantasy indictment draft. Do you want to play that?
Starting point is 01:19:27 And membership in the MSW Book Club? All of this can be yours for as little as $3 a month by heading to patreon.com slash mullershirope. The money goes a long way towards helping us with production costs, kicking a little more, and we'll have thank you gifts including t-shirts, reusable tote bags, coffee mugs. Or if you just want the merch, you can get it directly from our online store at mullersheeroke.com. And if none of that blows your hair back, do us a favor and subscribe to us and give us a rating on Apple Podcast.
Starting point is 01:19:52 It really helps us out a lot. Thanks for supporting women in podcasting and women in media. You guys ready for the fantasy indictment league? Yes! Alright, Mueller junkies, it's crunch time. The election is Tuesday. We're gonna be on high alert mode for indictments. The minute the poll's closed. There's like a three hour gap between the polls close and midnight when Mueller could slide in some indictments. I'm like, I've been dreaming that he's going to do it.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Like because I feel like Rosenstein and Sessions are going to be fired Wednesday. But if Tuesday night Mueller can drop some indictments right before the after the polls close, that would be intense. Super sweet. I'd probably not going to happen. People were betting on Thursday at this,
Starting point is 01:20:44 there's office pools. Everyone's got their money on something. So based on this week's news, I'm going for sure with DT Jr. Ivanka, Eric, Stone, and I'm trying to decide between Wall and Arando. I think the Wall investigation is two new. Investigations usually take about four months. So I think I'm just going to have a rando on there. So Junior, Stone, Ivanka, Eric, and Randow. I'm going for the big points. Okay. I I think I'm just going to have a rando on there. So junior stone, Ivanka, Eric and rando, I'm
Starting point is 01:21:05 going for the big points. Okay. I'm going, um, sorry. Now remember Cohen Cohen is still part of an open and ongoing investigation and a bunch of unknown parties in that. And, you know, there's so that could also be it could it Cohen could also still be charged with shit that even though he's only been charged with one thing or Eight things eight counts. Do you have all the the Trump kids? Yeah, I got an eight-poor thing. I've got I put Eric in there because you get 20 points for a Trump family member
Starting point is 01:21:35 Yeah, yeah, that's a good idea because I was thinking that something dropped about that recently to you about the Trump foundation Yeah, he's he's a he's an executive at the Trump foundation and the Trump organization So that's why I've got all the kids yeah, and stone and a red leaf Tiffany's the rando That'd be crazy shit into shit bearing no, they're fine. They're fine. All right. I'm gonna go Oh I'm gonna go with all the kids Kushner I guess he's a little step child nobody wanted and then Yeah, Rando because that Jacob thing like I would have said it if you didn't say it was fresh because that's a good point
Starting point is 01:22:09 Yeah, Randall for me too. So no stone. Oh, that's all my five though, right? Yeah, no stone for me Not yeah, yeah, stone you get I think you're gonna want to have a lot of water Yeah, I think you're gonna want to have stone on your thing this week. I guess yeah I think he's gonna be one of the first people and died it as soon as the elections Yeah, cuz I got the other kids so I'm just gonna take off Eric who cares about him anymore Okay, so you're gonna do junior Avaka stone We want the first people in dieted as soon as the elections are over. Yeah, because I got the other kids. So I'm just going to take off Eric who cares about him anymore. Okay, so you're going to do junior Avaka Stone Kushner, who I think is still a 20-pointer because he's married to Ivanka.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Yeah, yeah, and then Rando. And Rando. Yes. Roger. Okay, I'm doing Stone, for sure. I'm going in Corsi. I hope. God, that guy said such a powerful.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Yeah, that's also. Oh, my God. Oh, him and that broady such a funny asshole. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh DTJ Ivanka, Kushner and Arando. That's six. God damn it. I know I was like, we had six man, I'd be on it. But I'm going to take off. The roundo is the lowest point.
Starting point is 01:23:15 He's Ivanka. I know, but I don't think, but I think I could stand to gain a point. Yeah, I'm trying to play this strategic thing. But if you're going to have Eric, if you're not going to have Eric, you might as well take Ivanka off too. Oh, good point. Or if you're going to take gonna have Eric, you might as well take Ivanka off to. Oh, good point. Or if you're gonna take Ivanka off, you might as well take Eric off to because they're gonna get in touch together. You know what, I'm gonna take Ivanka, Eric wasn't on there.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Okay, okay. Yeah, so I just have a stone, corsie, Kushner, DTJ, Rando. Got it. Yeah. The Trump org is for less points than an individual, right? Because that would be too easy. The org itself is for fewer points.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Okay. Yeah. All right. I'm good. Same thing. Yeah. All right. You guys ready for sabotage?
Starting point is 01:23:55 Yes. Yes. All right. This week we have a very special sabotage. Rock to you by Jordan Cobur. Dun dun. Oh wait, that's just the fact. Dun dun dun.
Starting point is 01:24:11 That's what I meant. Okay. Alright, so this is about stone. That's why I got this. So an article came out by one of our favorites Natasha Bertrand at the Atlantic that since September 2017 Since since those hearings that Stone had before the House Intelligence Committee in September 2017 Roger Stone has changed his testimony three separate times Every time a new story came out every time a new story comes out exactly
Starting point is 01:24:40 He's he's tried to switch his story to mold what's happening. This is classic This is classic loop the is classic. Loop the truth But he's doing it when he is under oath. It's like Don Jr. change in his Expensive financial statements every time somebody finds something. He's like oh yeah, I meant to put that on them Exactly. Yeah, exactly An example of one of these switch changes is in 2017. He denied ever having a direct line of contact to wiki leagues but now these new emails have been revealed showing that he told at least one senior Trump campaign official about wiki leagues plans to release emails and his story is now changing yet again seemingly as a result of that story breaking.
Starting point is 01:25:18 He failed to tell the committee about him telling Bannon that a load of emails were to be released and as the press got a hold of that fact that he did do so. So it's changed his testimony to fit what comes out in the news like so it sits away. I think this is Roger Stone is going to he's purgered himself multiple times at this point and more beans. Yeah, he could easily be charged with lying to Congress multiple occasions. I can't wait until that becomes a thing for them because sessions right now. I'm like, how is he still- That's why I'm saying-
Starting point is 01:25:51 That is why I'm saying. How do you like, why the fuck does it take- How is he called a lie to Congress? He's going to be the agent. The highest like lawyer of the land is what- No, or he's like the highest like law enforcement. Yeah, pretty much. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:03 Yeah, I don't understand why, why, why why perjury isn't something that's just like Boom there you go cut and dry Yeah, just anyone else I think it would be and people that are not in this white collar world I think just another reason we need to flip the most because they will hold them accountable Yeah All right, and I don't think that I mean we all have stone on our Draft so yeah, that's abtage isn't gonna change it. It's just gonna solidify that.
Starting point is 01:26:28 If I could put like two stones on there though. The whole stone. The whole stone and stone. Yeah, yeah, he's definitely going down. He's. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Yeah. That was fucking solid. I think that was our best one. Me too! To date, dude. All for you, Roger Stone. Hell yeah. You are going downtown, Nixon Backfucker.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Alright, you guys, it's time to flip it blue. I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the I was the vote. And I want to see everyone's voting pictures. So tag us on Instagram and Twitter both at Mueller. She wrote that's your call to action this week. It's pretty simple. Go vote, bring five friends, take a picture, tag us at Mueller. She wrote. And now I'm talking to you, California. We always feel like we don't need to vote because everything will go our way because we're so blue, but not this time. We have a ton of toss-up districts for the House of Representatives and how we vote in California will most likely determine whether or not we win the House back. And when the House back means we get control of the House until committee, we get to take that back from Devon Nunes and give it to Adam Schiff.
Starting point is 01:28:00 We'll have subpoena power to get a-holes like Zinky and Price in for questioning. We'll be able to subpoena. We'll have subpoena power. We a holes like zincie and price in for questioning. We'll be able to subpoena. We'll have subpoena power. We can subpoena Trump's tax returns and Maxine Waters would be the one in charge of that. We get to control the House Judiciary Committee. That's the good lot guy and the NADLAR guy. They switch places.
Starting point is 01:28:16 We can fully investigate the Jim Jordan allegations from his time as a wrestling coach when he failed to report a known child molester. California, do not stay at home and expect everything to go blue. We can vote out Roarabacher, we can vote out Duncan Hunter Jr, and we can vote out Devon Nunes. These are just a couple of the races that could make the difference between getting the house back.
Starting point is 01:28:36 And we need to put this check on the president. And if you're confused like I am by all the double speak in your local measures or want to know what Senator or what representative to vote for, I'd like to welcome the CEO of ballot ready.org Alex Nimchefsky Alex welcome to Mueller she wrote. Thank you for having me. We're really glad you're here, especially this critical of days before the the election. It's really important to go on and I jumped on your
Starting point is 01:29:01 site on ballot ready.org and it's super easy. You just enter your address and it brings up all of your local measures and representatives and basically everything that's on the ballot and explains it in a really nice, non-partisan way. And what voting yes means and what voting no means. But can you tell us a little bit about ballotready.org why you started it and basically just kind of how it works and why you did it.
Starting point is 01:29:27 Yeah, so right before the last midterms, I knew my ballot was going to be long. I knew I was ready to vote for the candidates at the top of the ballot, but I had no clue about what a comptroller even was responsible for. There were all these candidate names I didn't recognize. So I wanted to, I made a site just for myself to prepare myself and it was very ugly and simple back then, but after I talk to people, anybody I talked to about it was like, oh yeah, I guess, I guess when I vote or I leave blanks and a lot of people I talked to you know, didn't even realize there were going to be more offices on the ballot than like the senator or
Starting point is 01:30:19 candidates for governor so our goal at ballot ready is to make it really easy for you to be informed about every race and candidate on your ballot so that you complete your entire ballot without guessing. And there's a lot of attention in the news and media around, you know, around the House and the Senate, but this year we are electing over 80,000 people for office, and we know local elected officials have a lot of power over our lives, so votes in those races matter a ton, so people should be informed of that. Yeah, I agree. I think we talk a lot about this on the show that local politics speaks to national politics,
Starting point is 01:31:07 and it's super important that you are aware of or at least educated on what the initiatives are. Particularly, I know in California, we always have a ton of ballot initiatives. And sometimes the language, they put double negatives in there, and you aren't quite sure. Like, if I vote yes, I'm not doing something that won't happen what happens. It's really confusing so I really loved your
Starting point is 01:31:30 site and I'm really glad that you decided to put it together and I think it looks great by the way. I know I know the feeling when we first started we were pretty low-budge so I get the feeling so but it looks great now and I think it's really important like you said local politics kind of really has more of an impact on our lives. We're not necessarily more, but more specific impact. It's right here. It's how we live and the things that impact us directly. Right. Exactly. It's stuff like they decide, local elected officials decide funding for schools, for health clinics, pot holes, but also gun control. They have more power over our lives than we realize, but also often the policies that are created at the local level become federal level policies, and the local elected officials later on become candidates for higher
Starting point is 01:32:26 offices. So it's really important, you know, for the immediate future, but also for the long term of our democracy for people that be informed about what's going on at the local level. Yeah, that's a great point. There's a lot of, for example, there's a lot of ballot initiatives and a few states to raise minimum wage. And I know that when you do that, like two years ago, when there were a lot of states with legalizing marijuana on the ballot,
Starting point is 01:32:52 that, you know, if you've got 37 or 40 states who have legal weed, it makes it, it makes an impact on the national level. And I think the same with the minimum wage. And also it lets you know kind of what those things are in the ballot. Like, do you know that you could vote for yourself to get a raise? You should probably head to the polls. Exactly. And to your point about ballot measures being difficult, they're sometimes purposefully written to be deceptive. And sometimes they're written in all caps. So it feels like they're yelling at you. So we try to just make it really easy to understand what a yes vote means, what a no vote means,
Starting point is 01:33:32 and deeper information and arguments from the side that wants you to vote yes and the side that wants you to vote no. Yeah, and it's also true that a lot of opposition or support for these ballot measures comes out. And it's like you said, purposefully designed to confuse you. And your site just breaks it down. Here's what he has.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Vote means. Here's what a no vote means. And that's to me is super helpful because of that deceptive tricky language. You know, like I said, the use of double negatives or, you know, just the really confusing language and that they purposefully use. So it's very helpful. I've found it to be, I used it. I've got my little sample ballot that I got at home.
Starting point is 01:34:17 It takes a long time to go through those measures, but especially in California. So it was really helpful. I found it very helpful. Thank you. Yeah, it does. So I live in Chicago and my ballot has over 70 judicial races on it and going through those, you know, it takes a few minutes. It's not like one minute. It's a little bit long. Yeah. Yeah. It definitely is. And I
Starting point is 01:34:41 sometimes I think that that's also designed to confuse people. Just the sheer size of your ballot can be intimidating. And sometimes measures are put on there. That nobody really gives a jack about, but they're just there to beef up the ballot to make it look intimidating. So it's, yeah, it's really important. And I really encourage everybody to check out the website. So I really appreciate you taking the time to set it up for people who, so they can go and just educate themselves.
Starting point is 01:35:10 That's the most, that's what I think this administration fears the most as an educated electorate. Yeah, we just wanted to be super easy for people to be totally informed. And even on races where they might not know what that office is for, or they've never really thought about that office before, we want people to be able to see that one candidate has this policy proposal and the other candidate has this opposing policy proposal so that they can build a stronger narrative of what happens in
Starting point is 01:35:46 local politics so they can be more engaged. Great. And it also helps. I think it's inspiring like, oh, hey, if this guy can run, I can run. So yeah. That's actually something we're working on for next year is using our data to be able to tell people, given where you live, these are all the offices that you can run for. Here's how to file, to run, here's the eligibility requirements. We're also gonna show here's the salary of this office
Starting point is 01:36:19 because sometimes it's more, sometimes people assume that holding a local office is a volunteer position, but it's paid so that's another way we're gonna start using our data. Great, I appreciate that. I love it when women start taking charge of stuff. It's about time so everyone head to ballotready.org, enter your address and get started and don't forget to tag us when you vote at Mollarshi Road on Instagram and Twitter. Alex, thanks so much for joining us on Mollarshi Road. Thank you so much. And don't forget to join us election night for our live results watching party. We'll be video broadcasting, video. You can see our faces live from the second stage
Starting point is 01:37:00 or the gold stage or whatever the second stage is called now at the at the comedy palace from 6 to 9 p.m. Pacific time we changed it it was going to be 8 to 11 but we wanted to I was afraid some of a lot of the races would be decided by that so we moved it up to 6 p.m. We're having a show on the main stage Tamar Katan me Jordan, Jordan, Jolissa, Jesse Egan, Zach Miller, Dallas, McLaughlin, but some beans on it, all the homies. And that starts at eight, doors at seven. And once that shows over, you'll be able to come back and watch us do the live broadcast. And if you're at home, you can go to our YouTube channel, you can go to our Facebook page, MollarshiRote, search that, and you can search for us on YouTube. And I think we have a Periscope.
Starting point is 01:37:45 We do have a Periscope. Yep, it's Mollershi wrote. And we are also in the process of creating a brand channel on YouTube and switching over all of our original stuff over there. So I would say to be extra safe, check out our Facebook for sure, because that will be completely right. Yes. The YouTube stuff we're working out right now. So before you subscribe to us on YouTube, give us just like a second to switch our brain channel and switch it all over. Yeah, but yes, Periscope, Facebook, we'll put it out on Twitter, like the links and everything. Yeah, Twitter and Periscope are a leader together, so it'll definitely be there. All right, great. And, and you know,
Starting point is 01:38:18 I think it's basically kind of what we're going to be doing is we're going to be watching the results as you guys watch the results. So flip on MSNBC, CNN, whatever you flip on. And this is kind of a companion. So on your computer, your phone, you watch us watch the results. And we'll be having interviews and doing stories on voter suppression, voter turnout. And we'll just be reporting as the night goes on for those three hours. And we hope that you tune in. And if you want, ooh, we have a GoFundMe.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Hi, yeah. You can search Election Night Live for GoFundMe. Kick us a couple dollars. If everyone just gives us a dollar, we will be able to pay for this production. Seriously. I didn't know it was gonna be as expensive as it was to do video.
Starting point is 01:39:00 Like, so that you can. Quality video, yeah. Yeah, like this is not, I mean, you know. Are you our best? Our patrons help us out so much, but this, this production, I don't know how people afford television. It's crazy expensive. Just like one camera is $8 million.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Yeah. Well, we were getting the quote from the guy. I remember you were like, as long as it's not like, you know, ex-a-beta dollars, and it winds up being like, 80% of that, yeah. I was like, holy shit. I laughed out loud. I was like, I'm a right-gen-ass bitch. You too.
Starting point is 01:39:32 I was like, that was a hyperbole. Yeah, this isn't gonna be like, it's really dollars, right? And then it tried out to be a dollar. Yeah, and then, but that's what they're worth. I mean, these guys do a lot of work. They work very hard. It's what they're worth. And so if you can just chip in a buck or two,
Starting point is 01:39:44 go find me at election nightlife. It would be good for the fans to see us like in quality video, like not just shitty iPhone cameras. Right. We could broadcast on live for free, but like, I just wanted to bring you guys some graphics and make it kind of cool. So it was important for me to make it professional.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Yeah, and it's historical. So it'll be really good to have good video. Yes. And so it's going to be a companion to make it professional. Yeah, and it's historical, so it'll be really good to have a good video. Yes. And so it's going to be a companion to watching the results and we'll have that feed in our ears too. Anyway, if you're in San Diego, come down to the comedy palace. Join us. We'll have a live comedy show, like I said, on the main stage.
Starting point is 01:40:19 We got Donald Smoklawflin. I don't know if he's going to put beans on her, if he's going to be in character that night. He's always got something really awesome up his sleeve You get a discount at the door if you have proof you voted and Whatever the outcome will be there together. So vote take five friends. This is the moment. We've been waiting for this is our last chance Remember how you felt November 9th 2016. This is your time to take that back So get to the polls bring friends and we'll see you Tuesday night. I've been AG.
Starting point is 01:40:47 I've been Jolissa Johnson. I've been Jordan Coburn. And this is Mollershi Road. Mollershi Road is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo designed by Jolissa Johnson. Our marketing consultant and social media manager is Sarah Least Diner and our subscriber and communications director is Jordan Coburn. Fact checking in research by A.G. and research assistants by Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. Our merchandising managers are Sarah Least Diner and Sarah Hershberger Valencia.
Starting point is 01:41:17 Our web design and branding, our by Joelle Reader with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is mullershoerope.com. Season 4 of How We Win Is Here For the past four years, we've been making history in critical elections all over the country. And last year, we made history again by expanding our majority in the Senate, eating election denying Republicans and crucial state house races, and fighting back a non-existent red wave. But the Maga Republicans who plotted and pardoned the attempted overthrow of our government
Starting point is 01:42:09 now control the House. Thanks to gerrymandered maps and repressive anti-voter laws. And the chaotic spectacle we've already seen shows us just how far they will go to seize power, dismantle our government, and take away our freedoms. So, the official podcast of the persistence is back with Season 4. There's so much more important work ahead of us to fight for equity, justice, and our very democracy itself. We'll take you behind the lines and inside the rooms where it happens, with strategy and
Starting point is 01:42:41 inspiration from progressive change makers all over the country. And we'll dig deep into the weekly news that matters most and what you can do about it. With messaging and communications expert, co-founder of Way to Win, and our new co-host, Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona. So join Steve and I every Wednesday for your weekly dose of inspiration, action and hope. I'm Steve Pearson. And I'm Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona. And this is How We Win.
Starting point is 01:43:19 media.

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