Jack - Sun and Wynn Damage

Episode Date: May 22, 2022

This week: disgraced former National Security Advisor and twice admitted felon Michael Flynn filed a $50 million damage claim against the U.S. Department of Justice, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, th...e FBI, and the office of former President Barack Obama for malicious prosecution; plus more info on Roger Stone; Steve Wynn runs afoul of FARA; plus a pretty lit Fantasy Indictment League.Follow AG on Twitter:Dr. Allison Gill https://twitter.com/allisongillhttps://twitter.com/MuellerSheWrotehttps://twitter.com/dailybeanspodWant to support the show and get it ad-free and early?https://dailybeans.supercast.tech/Orhttps://patreon.com/thedailybeansPromo Codes:Thanks, Credit Karma. Head to creditkarma.com/loanoffers to see personalized offers.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, it's Kimberly Host of The Start Me Up Podcast. If you like your politics with some loose talk and salty language, you're going to love my show. I interview the coolest people like Mary Trump, Kathy Griffin, and DNC Chair Jamie Harrison. The Start Me Up Podcast has an easygoing, casual style and a strong emphasis on left-leaning politics. We also have Frank discussions about sex and more than a few spirited rants. Just visit patreon.com slash start me up or wherever you get your podcast and start listening today.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Please join me in thanking Credit Karma for supporting Mola She Wrote. Credit Karma, apply with more confidence today. Ready to apply? Head to credit Karma.com slash loan offers to see personalized offers. Hey all, this is Glenn Kirschner and you're listening to Mueller, she wrote. So, to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs.
Starting point is 00:00:57 That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I didn't have and I have communications with the Russians. What do I have to get involved with?
Starting point is 00:01:16 Food and fire, I have nothing to do with food. I've never spoken to them. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political. You're a communist. No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Hello and welcome to Muller She-Route. I'm your host, A.G. Ellison Gill. We have a lot to get to today.
Starting point is 00:01:50 There's a lot of Mueller news coming out right now because statutes, limitations are starting to expire and things are starting to happen. And we have a show today including a pretty lit fantasy indictment league as a matter of fact. And because of the amount of news, I will conclude the Val Brooks Mitt interview next week. We have new information this week about Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Wynn, and Tom Barich. We do have a lot to get to, so let's jump in with just the facts. All right, first up, disgraced former National Security Advisor and twice admitted felon Michael Flynn filed a $50 million damage claim against the U.S. Department of Justice,
Starting point is 00:02:32 Merrick Garland, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the FBI, the Office of Former President Barack Obama, and Jesus. I'm kidding, not Jesus. This lawsuit is for malicious prosecution. The claim is a prelude to a possible further lawsuit in a civil claim form first reported by just the news on Sunday of last week Flynn assessed five million dollars in property damages and 45 million in personal injury as a result of a lengthy
Starting point is 00:03:00 investigation and prosecution for lying to the FBI. The filing states Flynn, who briefly served as national security adviser to the former president, is seeking damages for, quote, lost past revenue and future earnings revenue, emotional distress, lost opportunity to be the president's national security adviser, significant restraints of personal liberty, attorneys, fees and expenses, and court costs in defending against malicious prosecution, abuse of process, false arrest, and some other things, activities of the FBI, DOJ, and the White House. Now, I know what you're thinking. Didn't Trump fire Flynn?
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yes, yes he did. But Donald is not named in this lawsuit. Jesse Benal, an attorney representing Flynn, told Just the News that the civil claim is a prelude to a formal lawsuit. Benal said Flynn is prepared to sue the Department of Justice if his claim is rejected. In a supplemental filing, Flynn's team argued he first drew the eye of the FBI leadership in 2014 after he intervened on behalf of counterterrorism official Robin Gritz, who specifically named and accused then WDFBI director Andy McCabe and other top FBI officials of sexual discrimination. Gritz also accused McCabe of violating the Hatch
Starting point is 00:04:17 Act by campaigning for his wife's Virginia state Senate race. That went nowhere. Flynn's team further alleged McCabe and Obama's administration disliked him for differences in political views. He's a fascist and he's compromised and he's a national security threat. But okay, Flynn's filing noted a report by the Associated Press shortly after the 2016 election that said of all Trump's choices. White House officials said it was the selection of Flynn that felt like the most devastating blow, given the immense authority the National Security Advisor has over matters of Warren P's. A 2016 American Enterprise Institute blog post further said the Obama administration disliked Flynn quote because he warned them about the danger of Obama's
Starting point is 00:04:59 Iraq withdrawal and predicted a rise of ISIS and then after leaving office called Obama out for failing to heed that advice. Flynn's team argues that the Obama administration's disdain for Flynn was so great, quote, that they calculatingly and with actual malice and corrupt motives conspired to and did use the tremendous power of their positions in the executive office of the president to force me to lie to the FBI. No, they didn't say that last part. And use the executive office of the president to personally oppress and harm Flynn. Yeah, no one can take accountability or for their own actions. Flynn's team argued that the outgoing Obama administration's efforts to harm Flynn were combined with a broader effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. Flynn's team argues the effort to harm Flynn came to a head when the FBI agent Peter Struck and FBI
Starting point is 00:05:49 agent Joe, I think it's Pintka interviewed Flynn in January of 2017 about the call he had with Kisleyak. It says here, a call he had with with Kisleyak. Flynn's team alleged that though the two FBI agents notes show that they didn't believe Flynn was lying during the interview, special counsel Robert Mueller ultimately charged Flynn with lying to the FBI in November of 2017. That's not exactly true. Flynn did plead guilty to the lying charge twice, but his team who was taken over by Sydney Powell, who is now being sued for disbarment and has been sanctioned.
Starting point is 00:06:30 He argued. She argued the FBI had their assessment that he wasn't lying, as well as notes from the Oval Office meeting in which the FBI director James Comey said Flynn's calls with Kisley Acquired Legit. This is so ridiculous. And then Vice President Joe Biden suggested using the Logan Act to prosecute Flynn, despite the fact that the Logan Act had never been used to prosecute any individual in the United States since it's an actmen in the 18th century. That actually isn't quite the flex you think it is, Flynn. This whole area, anyway, discovery should be great. If it gets that far, it probably won't, but it'll be lit. If it does, Next up, the RNC has had some pretty janky finance chairs, including Elliott Brody, who Donald pardoned, Michael Cohen, who was convicted
Starting point is 00:07:12 in the Stormy Daniels Hush Money Scheme, and Casino Mogul Steve Win. In this week, the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit to compel Steve Win to register as a foreign agent for China. Let's check out the filing. Quote, the statutory injunction action is brought under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 as amended 22 U.S. Code Section 611 to 621, Farah or the Act, to compel the defendant, Stephen A. Wynn pursuant to 22 U.S. Code 168F to submit a true and complete registration statement and supplements there to the attorney general as required by law Defendant is obligated to file these materials by virtue of his acting as an agent of two foreign principles Sun Lee-Jun
Starting point is 00:07:54 Sun and the former vice minister for public security and the people's Republic of China and the people's Republic of China itself Specifically at the request of Sun and on behalf of the people's Republic of China itself. Specifically, at the request of Sun, and on behalf of the People's Republic of China, the defendant, Steve Winn, conveyed to former President Trump and his administration the People's Republic of China's request to remove from the country a PRC national who had sought political asylum in the United States. In so doing, from at least June 2017 through at least August, 2017, the defendant acted as an agent
Starting point is 00:08:24 for foreign principles soon and the PRC, that's a people's Republic of China, and engaged in political activities on their behalf in the United States. The defendant therefore has an obligation to file under fair on register with the Attorney General under 22 U.S. Code 612A. Nevertheless, after having been informed by a U.S. Department of Justice of his obligation in letters dated May 16, 2018, October 27, 2021, and April 13, 2022, boy, that's a lot of chances, the defendant refused to register.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Because his failure to file constitutes an ongoing violation of FARA, and given the likelihood that his violation will continue in the absence of a court order, a permanent injunction is necessary. Among the chief purposes of FARA is to inform the public, American public, of the activities of agents in the United States working for foreign principles to influence the US government, or the American public with reference to the domestic or foreign policies of the United States, or with reference to the political or public interests, policies or relations of a foreign country or a foreign political party. US agents of foreign principles must register with the Attorney General and make certain disclosures in the registration filings concerning their agency relationships and activities undertaken
Starting point is 00:09:36 within the United States on behalf of their respective foreign principles. Ferra's quote unquote agency determination is a two-part inquiry that considers first the relationship between the agent and the foreign principle, and second the activities that the agent performs in the principal's interests. Agency relationships for purposes of Ferra include situations where there's an indirect relationship between an agent and a foreign principle through an intermediary. As relevant here, the term agent or foreign principal under phara means, any person who acts as an agent, representative, employee, or servant, or any person who acts in any other
Starting point is 00:10:12 capacity at that order, request, or under direction or control of a foreign principal or a person, any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in a whole, or in major part by a foreign principle, and, who directly or through any other person, engages within the United States in political activities, for or in the interest of such foreign principles, or within the United States represents
Starting point is 00:10:35 the interest of such foreign principles before any agency or office of the government of the United States. That's what the law says. Then we get to the factual allegations. And guess whose name shows up? Quote in approximately May 2017 during a meeting coordinated by foreign national low-teak Joe, also known as Joe Lowe, soon asked business person and former finance
Starting point is 00:10:59 chair of the Republican National Committee, Elliott Broiety, hip-hop artist, Praz Michelle, and business person, Nikki Loom Davis, to lobby, then President Trump and the Trump administration to convey the PRC's request to cancel the visa of or otherwise removed from the United States. A PRC business person who left China in 2014 was later charged with corruption by the PRC and sought political asylum in the United States. Here and after, they will be referred to as the PRC national. In approximately June 2017, Broidy on behalf of Soon, elicited the defendant's help in the lobbying effort.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Defendants served, that's when served as the RNC finance chair from January 2017 through January 2018 and met Broidy through that work. Brody believed that the defendant's RNC experience combined with the defendant's business dealings in the PRC, get that combined with Steve Wins business dealings in the PRC and friendship with Trump would be helpful in getting access to Trump administration officials. Brody told the defendant that the PRC national was a criminal wanted by the PRC who was hiding in the US, that the PRC wanted him arrested, and that his visa was due to expire soon. Broidy informed the defendant, Steve Wynn, that Broidy had received this information from soon of the PRC's Ministry of Public Security, and that soon requested the defendant's help
Starting point is 00:12:22 in bringing the issue to the attention of the Trump administration. Brody provided the defendant with the PRC Nationals passport, photos, and interpol red notice along with links to various news articles about the PRC national. In or around June 2017, Sun spoke by phone with the defendant, Steve Winn, and requested Steve Winn's assistance with seeking the removal of the PRC national. The defendant agreed to raise the matter with then-President Trump and Trump administration officials. Defended had no prior connection to the PRC national or independent interest in his removal. That's very important. Steve Wins had no prior connection to this PRC national or independent interest in his removal from the United States as an asylum seeker
Starting point is 00:13:06 from the people's Republic of China. Also in June 2017, Sun threw Elliott Brody, saw the defendant's assistance in having the PRC national placed on the no-fly list and having his new visa application denied. During a dinner, honor about June 27, 2017, when then President Trump and other administration officials were in Washington, D.C., the defendant conveyed to Trump the PRC's desire, the China's desire to have this national remove from the United States and provided the PRC nationals passport photos to then President Trump's secretary. Defendant's conduct was motivated by his desire to protect his business interest in the
Starting point is 00:13:46 People's Republic of China, that Steve Wins' business interest, in an undated text message that Defendant told Lume Davis to advise a PRC official to have the People's Republic of China Ambassador in Washington, D.C. contact two senior level NSE officials directly. Defendant wrote in the message that he had spoken with both individuals and received assurances that all parties in the White House were fully sensitive to the timing of the issue and the relevant USA procedural law involved. Lume Davis was indicted alongside founding Fuji's member, Prasma Shell, by the way. according to public reporting in 2016, shortly before the conduct described above occurred, the Macau government, that's part of the PRC, restricted the number
Starting point is 00:14:31 of gaming tables and machines that the defendant, Steve Wins, Casino could operate. Also, according to public reporting, the defendant was scheduled to renegotiate his licenses to operate casinos in Macau in 2019, subsequent to the conduct described above. So, why a lawsuit and not an indictment? That was my first question, and I spoke to some experts on phara, and it is what I suspected. This is indicative that the Department of Justice did not meet the criminal elements of a fair violation to charge Steve Winn. That requires intent, which is notoriously hard to prove. However, do not underestimate how badly this will fuck Steve Winn if the Department of Justice wins this case, which I predict it will. So, that's what's going on with that.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Everybody, stick around, we have a lot more to get to. We just need to take a quick break from our sponsor and we'll be right back. Hey everybody, in today's world, a good credit score can considerably improve your ability to navigate the financial choices that impact our lives the most. From emergency expenses to long-term planning, building your credit can be the difference between frustration and following your dreams. I should know, in my own experience with finances, building my credit has opened doors for me to things that I would never have been able to achieve otherwise. I am thankful I started early and I've stayed focused on it, the benefits cannot be overestimated.
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Starting point is 00:16:45 That's creditcarma.com slash loan offers. Alright, everybody. Welcome back. It's time for sabotage. Alright, our sabotage today. It was known as FOS, or Friends of Stone. And while its members shifted over time, they were a motley cast of characters. This is the opening from the New York Times article. This week, they were stopped the steel organizers, right-wing influencers, Florida State legislative aides, and more than one failed candidate loyal to former President Donald Trump. One participant ran a website that promoted disinformation about the Capitol attack.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Another was an officer in the Army reserves, allied with Mike Flynn, Mr. Trump's formal national security adviser who we talked about at the top of the hour. At least three members of the group chat are now facing charges in connection with the riot at the Capitol in January 2021. They include Owen Shroyer, the right-hand man of the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and Rique Tario, the one-time chairman of the Proud Boys, and Stuart Rose, the leader of the Oathkeeper's Militia. But the focus of the chat was always the man whose photo topped its homepage, Roger Stone,
Starting point is 00:17:57 a long-time political operative and advisor to Donald. While little is known about what was said in the chat, the membership list of Friends of Stone provided to the New York Times by one of its participants offers kind of a road map to stones associations showing the scope and nature of their critical period, the critical period, after the 2020 election. During that time, as we know, stone was involved with strikingly wide array of people who participated in the effort to challenge the vote count and overturn the election and participate in the coup. Some of the 47, 47 people on the list are identified only by nicknames or initials, and
Starting point is 00:18:31 Mr. Stone has pre-existing political ties with many of them. Still, this prosecutor's deep in their inquiry into the stormy of the Capitol, and the conspirators at the top, this list suggests that Mr. Stone had the means to be in a private contact with key players in the events of January 6th. Political organizers far right extremist and influential media figures who subsequently played down the attack. Played it down.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Didn't happen. Rewriting history, right? And while the oranges of the group, the origins of the group, chat, remain somewhat obscure. Friends of Stone has existed since at least 2019 when Mr. Stone was indicted in connection with the Russian investigation by Robert Mueller. And that's according to one of its participants, Pete Santilli, a veteran right wing radio host. According to Santilli, the group chat hosted on the encrypted app Signal was kind of a safe space where pro stone figures in politics and media, many of whom were banned from social media could get together and trade links and stories about their mutual buddy.
Starting point is 00:19:27 In recent weeks, the Justice Department has expanded its investigation of the riot. Actually, it's done this month ago. We just learned about it in recent weeks. Be careful with your words, New York Times. In recent weeks, the Justice Department has expanded its investigation of the riot from those who physically attacked the capital to those who weren't at the building. Now see, this bums me out because Enrique Tariot's indictment wasn't in within recent weeks and he wasn't at the capital. Stuart Rhodes was not in the capital and he was indicted a long-ass time ago. Anyway, so now it's expanded to look at the leaders, right? Investigators appear to be interested in finding any links between organizers who planned pro-Trump rallies at the Capitol that day and right wing militants who took part in the assault.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And it says here, investigators appear to be interested. They more than appear to be interested. They've issued fucking subpoenas. I need to write for these papers. The group chats membership list includes several people who fit that description, by the way. Named on the list are activists like Marshall Lesard and Christina Skags, a leader of a group called the Virginia Freedom Keepers,
Starting point is 00:20:29 who helped organize an anti-vaccine rally scheduled for the east side of the capital on January 6th. Miss Lesard and Miss Skags worked with another anti-vaccine activist, Ty Bolinger, who is also on the list. And with that in mind, it's time for the fantasy and diamond league. I'm gonna be a dinosaur! No, it is gonna be okay! I'm gonna be a dinosaur! I'm gonna be a dinosaur! I'm gonna be a dinosaur! I'm gonna be a dinosaur! I'm gonna be a dinosaur! I'm gonna be okay! Just calm down! I can't calm down! I'm gonna be a dinosaur! All right everyone, if you had super-seating Tom Barich indictments on your team this week, give yourself a point. Congratulations, Touchdown. Spike the ball.
Starting point is 00:21:05 P-A-T point after indictment. P-A-I. Here's some highlights from this 55-page indictment. This is super-seating. Mind you. Let's start on page 8. Part B is in bravo. Entitled the National Political Party Platform. Now, if you'll remember, we talked at length when we went over the Mueller report and in the year or so two years leading up to the Mueller report, the RNC platform at the Republican National Convention and the meetings with Deerburn and Mashburn and Deerborn and Manafort and Bannon all trying to change the language of the R&C platform to pull out that lethal language in support of Ukraine. And a bunch of Republicans saying, excuse me, US policy is to help Ukraine and not Russia, however, that's what went down.
Starting point is 00:22:03 So we talked at length about that. But in here, in the indictment, honor about May 30th, 2016. So place yourself back in May 30th, 2016. Okay, this is before the election. Person one, email the defendant, Tom Barich. Now, person one, by the way, is Paul Manafort. So Paul Manafort, email Barrick stating, we need to talk about language for me to put in the national policy party platform at national convention. Can be much more expansive than what we did in speech.
Starting point is 00:22:29 US person one added that the platform language would be based on what you hear from your friends. His friends are the UAE by the way. Honor about July 13th, 2016, a couple months later, the defendant Tom Barrick forwarded an email to the public. He said, the public is not going to be able to what you hear from your friends. His friends are the UAE, by the way. Oner about July 13, 2016,
Starting point is 00:22:46 a couple months later, the defendant Tom Barrick forwarded an email from Manafort to Al Malik, his co-conspirator who's also indicted here. The email from Manafort advised that language, quote, that was anti the Saudi royal family was removed from the platform of the US political committee associated with the candidate. That's the RNC. The removed language had quote called for the release of 28 pages of sensitive documents gathered during the investigation of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, which quote allegedly contain information that asserts involvement by the Saudi government. In his email to Al Malik, Tom Barak stated that
Starting point is 00:23:28 Manifort's email was very confidential, but you can share with HH. Please do not circulate any further since it's very sensitive. Thereafter, Al Malik forwarded the email to Emirati official four. Tom Barak also advised Emirati official five of the information provided by Manafort stating that the information was really confidential, but important. Really interesting. So they fucked with the language on the Saudis in the Republican platform as well as Ukraine. Next up on page 36, this is the section that interests me as well. This section is entitled, The Defendants Efforts to Obtain Investments from the UAE Sovereign
Starting point is 00:24:09 Wealth Fund. At the same time, the defendant, Almalyk and Tom Barich and Matthew Grimes acted at the direction of the UAE officials and aided and abetted one other in so acting. Tom Barich and Grimes also made numerous and concerted efforts both directly and through Al Malik to solicit the assistance of the UAE officials, including Emirati official one and Emirati official two, in obtaining hundreds of millions of dollars in investments for company A, which in this case is colony capital that's Tom Barrick's company, by UAE Sovereign Wealth Funds.
Starting point is 00:24:49 According to records maintained by a company A, Colony Capital, Colony Capital raised no new capital from UAE Sovereign Wealth Funds between 2009 and 2016. But in 2017 and 2018, as part of a result of the efforts of the defendants, Tom Barrack, Matthew Grimes, and the assistance of the defendant, Al Malik, and UAE officials. Colony Cabo raised approximately $374 million from the UAE Emirates, the United Arab Emirates sovereign wealth funds. So nothing from 2009 to 2016, but in the two years of 2017 and 2018, as a result of the efforts of Tom Barrack, et cetera, and then his buddies, $374 million from UAE into Barrack's colony
Starting point is 00:25:34 capital company. On December 13, 2016, the defendant Matthew Grimes emailed himself a document summarizing the structure of their proposed investment fund, which stated in relevant part, while the primary purpose of the investment fund will be to achieve outsized financial returns, it will also accomplish a secondary mandate to garner political credibility for its contributors to the policies of the President-elect. That's Trump. We will do so by sourcing investing, financing, operationally improving, and harvesting assets in those industries which will benefit most from a Trump presidency.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Not for nothing, but we also know Kushner got $2 billion from the Saudis for harvesting assets. for harvesting assets. So I'm looking forward to perhaps an indictment there. And with that, my picks for this week, and I haven't had him on my team in years, Jared Kushner. And I'm bringing back Paul Manafort. He's off the DL.'s often disabled at up banning Okay, Roger Stone with his connection to the The FOS the friends of stone is such a creative man Bring it back stone Rudy been on my radar for a really long time up there in the Southern District of New York, where he used to be the US attorney. I'm gonna go demitry Fertosh.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Okay, and that's all got to do with Fraud Guarantee and Rudy and Levin Egor, which means there might be a Levin Egor plea agreement. And look for that, because their previous indictments were about other stuff. Tonzing, Victoria Tonzing, whose phones were also seized in the Rudy raid, in April of 2021, Matt Gates, for public corruption and child sex trafficking, LAK, who got a fishy contract with Joel Greenberg who's sentencing hearing just got pushed back again
Starting point is 00:27:50 This time the judge said August 2022 latest y'all and Then Alex Jones his Alex Jones is directly connected with the Oathkeepers and it was supposed to have we were supposed to see a third superseding indictment for the Proud Boys according to an Enrique Tario filing We were supposed to see a third superseding on the Proud Boys Probably what I thought was going to include seditious conspiracy by May 20th
Starting point is 00:28:18 It is May 20th as I record this and I still don't see it We'll keep you posted although Although the oath keepers now in the oath keepers case, the Department of Justice has filed a thing saying, we got a lot, we got a lot to go over, we got all these cooperating witnesses and we are cool, they are cooperating in huge detail and we are going to give you an update, a status update on the cooperation of these five individuals, these are oath keepers, we're going to give you, uh, earth keepers and proboys and some other people. We're going to give you an update status update on October and October. That's how big this is.
Starting point is 00:28:55 They aren't picking October because they're slow walking it. They're picking October because that's how much time they need to get the proper of all these people. I mean, think about it. They've been profaring Joel Greenberg for almost a year. You think maybe the coup is a little more complicated? Yeah. And they've got multiple defendants. They need to get proper from. So I wouldn't expect any high level indictments, super high level indictments before then.
Starting point is 00:29:25 So that means after the election. So don't base your vote on whether or not the Department of Justice tackles and handcuffs. Donald Trump, please don't do that. We can't afford it. All right. That is my fantasy indictment league ending with Alex Jones. Please check out the MSW book club out today with the first couple chapters of Allow me to Retort by Ellie Mistal.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Check out last week's episode, interview with Ellie if you haven't yet. And of course I'll be back tomorrow for the Daily Beans with Dana Goldberg. Until then, please take care of yourselves, take care of each other, take care of the planet, take care of your mental health, and boat blew over Q. I've been AG, and this is Mullershi Road. And this is Mullershi Road. Mullershi Road is written and produced by Allison Gil in partnership with MSW Media. Sound designed in engineering or by Molly Hockey, Jesse Egan is our copywriter and our art and web designer by Joa Reeder at Moxie Design Studios. Mullershi Road is a proud member of MSW Media, a group of creator-owned podcasts focused on news, justice, and politics.
Starting point is 00:30:26 For more information, visit MSW Media.com. Hi, I'm Harry Lickman, host of Talking Feds. A round table that brings together prominent figures from government law and journalism for a dynamic discussion of the most important topics of the day. Each Monday, I'm joined by a slate of Feds favorites and new voices to break down the headlines and give the insider's view of what's going on in Washington and beyond. Plus, Sidebar is explaining important legal concepts read by your favorite celebrities. Find Talking Fedsware every you get your podcasts. M-S-O-W-Media.

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