Jack - The Comey Memos

Episode Date: April 23, 2018

MAIN - This week, Jaleesa gives us an Elliot Broidy update, Jordan covers the "mysterious" death of another Russian journalist, & AG breaks down the latest on the Comey Memos; plus all the week’s ne...ws! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Greg Oliar. Four years ago, I stopped writing novels to report on the crimes of Donald Trump and his associates. In 2018, I wrote a best-selling book about it, Dirty Rubles. In 2019, I launched Proveil, a bi-weekly column about Trump and Putin, spies and mobsters, and so many traders! Trump may be gone, but the damage he wrought will take years to fully understand. Join me and a revolving crew of contributors and guests as we try to make sense of it all. This is Preveil. Hello, thanks for listening to MollershiRote. I'm talking to you because we could use your help. There's lots of costs associated with creating a podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:38 There's editing, sound equipment, writing and research, hosting, shipping costs and merch, branding and web design, consulting, and IT, and I'm not too proud to ask for your support. Our patrons are the single source of revenue to cover these costs, and to be totally transparent we're still in the red. That's where you come in. By becoming a patron, you not only support our efforts, but you support women in podcasting
Starting point is 00:01:00 and media. And the best part is that it's not a one-way street. In return for your pledge, you'll get access to our bonus content and ad free episodes, you'll receive our weekly newsletter and our MSW Book Club membership. And you'll get all sorts of great rewards like T-shirts, stickers, reusable tote bags made from 100% recycled materials, and even our limited edition Polonium T from Russia with Love created just for us us by our friends at JoyceTSpoon.com. So please help us out and head over to mullershearote.com and subscribe today.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You'll be glad you did. This podcast may contain laughter. So to be clear, Mr. Trump has no financial relationships with any Russian oligarchs. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's obviously what our position is. I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time, a tree, in that campaign. And I didn't have, and I have communications at the Russians.
Starting point is 00:02:03 What do I have to get involved with Putin for? I have nothing to do with Putin. I've never spoken to him. I don't know anything about a mother than he will respect me. Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. So, it is political.
Starting point is 00:02:20 You're a communist! No, Mr. Green. Communism is just a red herring. Like all members of the oldest profession I'm a capitalist. Hello, and welcome to Molyshy Road. I'm your anonymous host, A.G. I work high up in Trump's executive branch, so I have to keep my name out of politics, so I don't violate the Hatch Act. Not to mention, I'd rather not alert the administration to what I'm doing for fear of retribution.
Starting point is 00:02:46 With me, as always, is Jolise Johnson. And this week, you'll be going over Broidy, being under investigation in the Ukraine. Correct, yes. And we have Jordan Coburn. Hello. And she'll be covering the Nastya Ripka lady and the journalist covering her. Yes. And what happened to that guy?
Starting point is 00:03:03 So, I'll be going over the Komi memos. So how are you guys this week? Good, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For 20, you know, was yesterday? It was. Yeah. I mean, for when we were recording.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I forgot. Yeah. Yeah, I was, I was telling you guys before they were recording, like, I forgot to smoke. And I'm a huge donor, but like, everything I should've been going so well. And like, we've been so busy that I literally just forgot to celebrate.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I wish I was just working. I wish I was just hustling. She's high on the pod. I was high on live, yeah. I learned it by watching you. Alright cool. Well I have a few corrections from last week you guys. First of all, I called Chuck Schumer Chuck Grassley. Oh, shame for shame. No one called me out on it though. They called us out on a lot of other shit, but not that.
Starting point is 00:03:45 They don't care about Schumer. They got their chucks crossed as much as I did. So sorry, sorry chucks. Also, I mistakenly said last week that our review of a higher loyalty would start today, but our MSW book club episodes come out Wednesdays. So oopsie, sorry. If you're looking for that, it doesn't exist yet. And finally, last week, Jelisa positive that Hope Hicks could be Trump's bastard love child. And we got a bunch of really nice email letting us know that her father is alive and well and Connecticut and their family history is really well established. So sorry if we weren't clear that we were joking. But man, you guys are on it. I promise to appreciate your candor
Starting point is 00:04:29 if you promise to let us joke around once in a while. Yeah, the day we start calling people bastard children seriously is the day we've gone too far. That's a sad day. I think we can agree. And besides, if we don't laugh, we'll cry, right? So again, sorry about that. And we weren't clear that we were just joking.
Starting point is 00:04:46 We were joking. I was surprised. Perhaps it was the genuine surprise on my part that, you know, made people feel like we were trying to report the truth. Yeah, right. I'm not sure. We're not Alex Jones. We don't use our tin foil caps for journalism.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Just for jokes. Just for other things. Just for jokes. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. Just for other things. invoice was found during the raid of Cambridge Analytica in the UK showing major donations to UKIP and Brexit. And that's the first, I mean, we had already talked about this.
Starting point is 00:05:30 We had assumed that they had funneled money into UKIP and Brexit, just like they funneled money, funneled money into our campaign, right? But this is actually the first documented evidence tying Cambridge Analytica to Brexit. So that was pretty significant. That was pretty significant. I'm not surprised. And there's neo-nationalist movement. Also very messed up.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Also it was reported by the Wall Street Journal that Michael Cohen used the same Delaware Limited Liability Corp LLC to set up payments in two secret deals relating to sexual encounters involving his clients. So Brody paid Cohen a total of $250,000 for setting up the $1.6 million abortion deal with the former Playboy playmate. I'm in the wrong business. That's an expensive startup, coach. I just need, like, my new goal is to hump the RNC chair and a finance chair and just see what kind of money I can get with.
Starting point is 00:06:23 I mean, the new reaction. But if the top RN and C don't, but if Cohen's in jail, I don't know how I'm gonna pull that off. Maybe I'll flip. Amazing that they're desire to get their sad dicks, what is stronger than they're gonna protect everything. They're afraid of, yeah. Well, you know, they say the power of, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:41 I wanted to say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I just didn't know if I could, but it's our podcast. Yeah, the power of pussy is strong. We're stopping at pussy, we say fucked. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I just didn't know if I could but it's hard podcast. Yeah, the power of pussy is strong We're stopping at pussy. We say fucked up shit on it. We say bastard children, but yeah, no, I'm yes They say we're working on it you guys. We are absolutely we're trying to be very no, we're not But yeah, and it's it's interesting to you see all these articles written by dudes usually who are trying to tell us how to make our vagina's better. And I'm sitting over here like, demand's pretty high.
Starting point is 00:07:09 I don't think we need to, if it ain't broke. Not as broke as Brody is after he made off this guy anyway. Nice. So then there was also the $130,000 payment he made to Stormy Daniels. And that came out of the same company. And I think that money didn't come from him. This is me, this is my level theory here. This is my Tim Foil hat. I think it came from
Starting point is 00:07:32 Shell companies. I think it was funneled maybe even from foreign donations through Shell companies into his LLC and we'll talk about that a little bit later in one of our mini-sodes where we talk about the six things to know about the Michael Cohen case about a potential slush fund being set up for the shit. Sounds nice. Slush fund. It does kind of sounds like slut fund. Yeah. Oh, I thought that Sonic slushes. Slut fund. Nice.
Starting point is 00:07:55 A charity like food for thought. It's called thoughts and prayers. Thoughts for tots. No, that's not. Oh, that's terrible. That's totally wrong. That's a Roy Moore foundation. We're drawing the line to get it. That's for tats. No, that's not. Oh, that's terrible. That's totally wrong. That's a Roy Moore foundation. We're drawing the line to get it.
Starting point is 00:08:05 That's for tats. Um. So anyway, there's even a record out there that $129,900 was deposited into Trump's campaign from Shell companies. Wow. And that sounds like a weird musical, right? $129,900.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I was very close to $130,000. So close. It might actually be like $129,948, $60,000 or something. I didn't, I rounded. It's close to $130,000. Two Trumps campaign from Shell companies. And that I feel is probably laundered Russian money.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Maybe UAE could have been in Baza. In those, what look so bad. That's all conjecture. Anyway, Sunday night, Trump and Cohen both filed motions in the Cohen case in the Southern District of New York to demand that they get to go through the rated materials before a Taint Team and take out what they think is covered by attorney client privilege. Yeah. Anyway, I'm sure any reasonable judge would let a criminal sort through the evidence
Starting point is 00:09:06 before the cops do. All of the picks of these letters in the newsletter this week for patrons, because they're just so funny. Anyway, later on that in the week, the judge summarily denied their requests, but may suggest the appointment of a special master. It's widely believed that the judge will appoint a special master
Starting point is 00:09:27 from the list that the prosecution provides because I don't even recognize the names on the list like each each side got to put a list up and said we want these guys to be the special masters and I don't trumps or coincide head I don't know. Side show Bob on it, like just weird, like probably nobody you would want to go through this evidence before the cops got hold of it. So also over the weekend, the House Intelligence Committee, GOP made a sneaky rat fuck move, and they demanded that the Komi memos be released from Rosenstein, knowing full well that the DOJ
Starting point is 00:10:02 isn't supposed to hand over documents that are part of an ongoing investigation. This is the, oh sorry, the Nunez camp? Yeah, this is Nunez, Gaudi, Gates, the fuck boys of Congress. Oh my god, the next boypin. That's pretty big. Congressional fuck boys. I think this is a setup.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Basically, they want to create a conflict where Rosenstein has to deny the request, right? Giving Trump a reason to fire him, setting up a pretext to fire Rosenstein. Right. That makes sense. Well, then magically later in the week, the DOJ sent the Komi memos to Congress. Rosenstein sent them calling their bluff like fine here. Have it. And the GOP could not wait to release them to the public, which is hilarious, because why
Starting point is 00:10:43 would the GOP want to do that? Because these memos completely corroborate everything that Komi has said. Well, it appears that they made a mistake and relied on a Fox News report that said the Komi memos were classified. And by showing them to the public, they figured they could prove that Komi leaked classified information when he sent the memos to his friend, Richmond, to give to the press. The hilarious part is that even though Fox said the memos were classified,
Starting point is 00:11:10 they were not. And by releasing them, the GOP has proven that. Yes, I love when fake news backfires. That's so funny to me. Yeah. And just that the fact that Trump gets his, basically his president's daily brief from Fox News is gonna be, could be his downfall, so.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Yeah, yeah. I like that Rosenstein and GOP were so blatantly not, working in a coordinated effort on that. That was nice. Beautiful. It's like, okay, good, you are separate. Yeah, uh huh. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:11:40 So much dick. So much dick. Too many dicks on the Senate floor. Yes, honestly. Yeah. If the dicks weren't dicks, it'd be another thing, but they're dicky dicks. Yeah. And you know, when you have some dicks, fuck assholes. Sorry. Is that a reference? That's a reference to Team America, world police. Oh my god. Yes. I watched how when I was like 12 way too fucking young Yeah, that's a little young for that vomit scene. I that's what I was gonna say it's scarred in my brain The puppets sex probably wasn't the problem Yeah, well that's normal. Yeah, I saw Pinocchio. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:19 Is that a some porn I'm gonna wear? I'm talking about the actual Disney film Oh my god We found out from the Washington Post that Trump was super pissed about the US kicking out 60 Russian diplomats You guys thought that was Trump's idea. It was not Trump's AIDS told Trump at Mar-a-Lago that we would be ousting roughly the same number of Russians as our EU allies Right and Trump said we will match their numbers. We're not gonna take the lead we would be ousting roughly the same number of Russians as our EU allies, right? And Trump said, we will match their numbers. We're not going to take the lead.
Starting point is 00:12:49 We're going to match. And when the numbers were announced, Trump exploded, but sadly survived. And then they assembled himself. They assembled like that lady in total recall. Are you ready for us, the bride? France and Germany were expelling for each, and we ended up kicking out 60. Trump seemed to believe that we would be kicking out four,
Starting point is 00:13:12 like we would equal them. And he was pissed that the media was saying we had by far the toughest stance on Russia because we equaled the entirety of Europe, not just like the average of what the Europeans were kicking out. I love that that pisses him off even though he's tried to go on record saying we're the toughest on Russia. Yeah, and then when we're actually tough on Russia, yeah, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Starting point is 00:13:31 He's back, fellas. Yeah. And he was so pissed, he was cursing, and his aides, he said his aides misled him, and I kind of hope they did. Lots of folks have misled Trump on purpose. Remember, remember when his legal counsel guy let him believe that he couldn't fire the special counsel wrongly? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Fucking hilarious to me. Yeah. No, you can't do that. And then he found out he could and then he never went and corrected the record. I'm just gonna let him think that. Now we can get to Monday. We learned another white collar criminal defender,
Starting point is 00:14:02 probably a regular at the white collar collar crime symposium. Yeah, you think we'll get an invitation next year? I don't know. I'd like to go. Yeah, I've got to commit some white collar crime, right? If we know any white collar defenders who could possibly... I know some white people.
Starting point is 00:14:19 We got to wear strap-ons. White collar defender sounds like a detergent commercial. Does. Anyway, this guy's name is Stephen Molo and he has declined to work with Trump. So that's fun. Nostya Ripka has been charged in Thailand in sentence for two to six years. I saw that in an interview, but I can't find it reported anywhere in ink. Then it was reported that the journalist covering her story in Moscow, mysteriously what fell
Starting point is 00:14:44 out of a window or something. Yeah, and then died from sustained injuries three days later. Yeah, Jordan's going to go over that later in the episode. Hot notes. Sad notes. Yeah. Also, 500 plus former Department of Justice officials going back to Kennedy. Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Signed, not Teddy. JFK. Signed a petition to Congress to draft legislate like urging them to draft legislation to protect Mueller and Rosenstein from Trump But Mitch McConnell of course blocked the Tillis Graham Coons Booker Bill on Tuesday Despite McConnell's chicken shit move the Senate committee has decided to take up the bill anyhow We would learn later in the week that seven more GOP members of Congress will back the bill, but even if they do force Mitch to take it up and pass it in the Senate, it will likely die in the House. But that puts House Republicans on record as refusing to protect special counsel, which I think will bolster the
Starting point is 00:15:41 pattern of obstruction by that body. Oh, for sure. In fun facts, McConnell's reason, and the only reason he's actually saying to the press is that he's just positive Trump's not gonna fire him. So I love that total projection and conjecture and why not the basis of our legislative process? That's good to know. Why not just, then why not do it? It's like hairs.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Right, exactly. Like, well, just let us. Yep. Fucking turtle. Such a fucking turtle. He's a turtle. Right, Jesse, exactly like we'll just let us yep fucking turtle such a fucking turtle He's a turtle right Jesse I wish he was one of the endangered ones No Endagent world wildlife Federation. We're sorry. We apologize sensitivity training
Starting point is 00:16:22 We're sorry. We apologize. We're sensitive to training. We're just going to get a mode turtle. We just wanted turtles with one of those six back things wrapped around his neck. Oh my God. Plastic in the ocean. Stop. Seriously. Yeah, we're Californians. So like, I mean, we see it pretty. Even if you like to get choked in the bedroom, doesn't mean this in the turtle does the turtle. So we know or design, but if the turtle does, you know, I wonder if there's one fish that's like, yeah yeah this is good mm-hmm I believe it
Starting point is 00:16:48 that's a good fish erotic expectation right there's there's some sort of protest in the ocean for the animals that were in the auto erotic as fixation that no longer have the means. It should be in the am our way to finding Nemo. Motherfucking finding Nemo. Yeah. Tell you this motherfucking fish in this motherfucking sea. Holy crap. 50 shades of Nemo. We learned that Cohen's third mystery client is Sean Hannity. Da-da-da-da. But we don't know yet the implications of that. I kind of heard that and I was like, yeah, so most reliable journalists
Starting point is 00:17:24 with integrity would be suspended from a legitimate news outlet for I kind of heard that and I was like, yeah, so most reliable journalists with integrity would be suspended from a legitimate news outlet for that kind of association, but Fox News' is not a legitimate news outlet, as we know. It's a bastard network. It's a great reality show. If they would just like admit that, they would be number one in my book. Yeah. They actually went to the Supreme Court with saying we want to be able to lie, and the Supreme Court allowed it. And we still call them news. Yeah, but somehow that's still a thing for people like, oh, the one who went to court so they
Starting point is 00:17:51 could lie. Didn't Canada ban them and some other countries ban Fox News as a broad like broadcast journalism? I would have to look it up. Yeah, I think so, but probably I would. I was Canada. Oh, yeah. Or do you have the country where you have the BBC? Which is like pretty awesome. Yeah, yeah channel four and BBC are great BBC Canada
Starting point is 00:18:09 So yeah, we decided last week that we prefer the term bastard over illegitimate So I like that bastard network is that we said yeah Okay, Tom Tillis called out his GOP colleagues for their hypocrisy Monday in their criticism of his wanting to protect Mueller by writing this legislation. He says, quote, spare me. The same people that would criticize me for filing this bill would be absolutely angry if I wasn't pounding the table for this bill if we were dealing with Hillary Clinton. So spare me your righteous indignation. Oh. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Fuck you. You're cool. And fuck you. I'm out. And big news Monday was that Trump was putting the brakes on Russian sanctions announced by Nikki Haley the day before. She went on a news show and announced him on Sunday because I'm sure she just thought that that's what the president wanted. I'm sure they didn't have any discussions at all. Of course, Trump being too big a coward to confront her himself, sent Larry Cudlow, who
Starting point is 00:19:16 accused Haley of being out over the tips of her skis and confused. What a weird old-ish reference. That's a phrase people are using a lot lately out over the tips of ones skis Yeah, I don't get the skis thing I think they're like like maybe it would be cooler if it was like out over the side of his snowboard I don't know. Yes. Yeah, because I'm imagining just the wooden plank skis Yes, because I'm imagining just the wooden plank skis. Yeah, that hurts. It's like saying, like, you're developed.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Like rolling on the edge of your roller blades, man. Nerds. I love rollerblading. Please don't email me. But Nikki Haley fired back, quote, with all due respect, I don't get confused. Spicey, spicy, sweet mull. Yes, so she's spicy.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And Cudlow crumpled like a smart car hit head on by a Buick and basically groveled with an apology, oh, you're right, I'm sorry, you're the best, I'm the dumbest, you're very good looking, I'm ugly. No, he just basically was super sorry. The insane part of this whole story is that in an interview on Maddow,
Starting point is 00:20:22 the newly awarded Pulitzer Prize winner who broke this story, said that someone at the White House called the Kremlin Sunday after Haley made the announcement and told them to ignore her. And I don't know, I misspoke. I don't know if they called the Kremlin or if the Kremlin called them and said what fuck and then they said oh ignore her. I don't know who called who. Maybe this was a back channel that set up by Manafort. I'm not sure. But yeah, to call up Russia behind our
Starting point is 00:20:50 backs, behind my back and say ignore the sanctions comment. That's insane. Yeah. Last big news on Tuesday was that Trump is wavering on talking to Mueller after the Cohen raid. We predicted this last week, I think, or maybe the week before, so you can take some beans off it now, I guess. Done and done, right? We reported that Mueller will likely file his obstruction report sooner now
Starting point is 00:21:16 that he won't be interviewing Trump for it. And of course, it covers the four areas of obstruction, including the intent behind firing Komi, dangling pardons of Manafort and Gates, dangling pardons of Manafort and Gates, dangling pardons is another great banning. Pressuring sessions, not to recuse, and of course drafting the bullshit press release on Air Force 1 about the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting.
Starting point is 00:21:35 So you don't think Mueller will try to get him to interview? Or not interview, just testify, I guess? He might, but I think that from what I understand from this report is that Mueller isn't going to subpoena him for the obstruction report. He wants to file and this isn't his final report. He can't make his final report until all the cards are played, right? This would be one of those urgent reports when there's a major update. There's like three criteria for filing an urgent report. One of them's like the press wants to know or it would have
Starting point is 00:22:04 an impact on the press. Another one is that it's something of, it's a major thing. I can't remember what the third one was, but it meets the criteria. It meets at least one of those. And so he's just gonna file this, it could be a recommendation for impeachment. He's gonna give it to Rosenstein.
Starting point is 00:22:19 And it was supposed to come out in like June or July because they were waiting for Trump, right? Because Trump had to get ready and prepare and learn to English you know. I want to read. Bone up on his bone up on my English. Get a little rose at a stone. I don't know. But now that's not going to happen. So I personally think now that this is going to come out sooner. And we'll talk about this later in our fantasy and dive at the end. On Wednesday, Trump contradicted himself in a tweet by saying he did not fire Komi
Starting point is 00:22:49 because of the phony Russia investigation. Did it take him a year to figure that out? I mean, who knows what's going on in his head? He is magnificently stupid. Mr. Madison, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul." But also Wednesday, an email sent to the PA police leaked, uh, leaked telling them this is an email that basically was sent to the police department in Pennsylvania telling them to prepare for a potential large spontaneous protest to follow Trump's firing of Mueller, and that the rallies would happen quickly and without much notice. Also on Wednesday, seven GOP senators moved to support the Tilles bill, as we talked about earlier,
Starting point is 00:23:50 to protect Mueller despite McConnell's denial to bring it to the floor. So I'm wondering if on that day, on Wednesday, we skirted and we came close to another Mueller firing, or Rosenstein firing. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. I bet we'd be like that. It could be like every day, they're not sure
Starting point is 00:24:02 if it's gonna be the day, and so it's just like pure chaos cuz we I mean you're in Washington the other day I mean, it's a feel like that is it feel like everybody's like it could be the day any day everyone was drunk Yeah, that's crazy that they're just thinking like they're not sure that you just don't know No, but nice pull They were all railing coke I live in understant. Where's a camera? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Put me on TV. I smell alcohol on your breath. No, you don't. Eric Schneiderman, this is so great. He is now trying to close the double jeopardy loophole for the state for state crimes in New York. So let me explain this a little bit. Right now, the Constitution does not
Starting point is 00:24:44 protect for double jeopardy. If you're tried in federal court for something, you can be tried for it again in state court. There's no protection for that. It seems like double jeopardy, but that's not what the Constitution says. Right. Because the Constitution is about maintaining state subrenity and the state should be able to do what they want, right? Well, a few states, I think 39, 29 or 39, I can't remember exactly, have taken it a step further and said, we are going to say that that's double jeopardy and we aren't going to prosecute anyone if they've been prosecuted for federal crimes. We're not going to do it in this state.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Well, Eric Schneiderman filed a thing with the Congress, the legislature in New York saying, hey, you guys should pass a bill that closes that loophole so that I don't have to, you know, in case Trump pardons. He'll be, he'll have the green light, too, just pick the key to back up. Exactly. So that way Mueller can go ahead and charge these guys with everything. Yeah. Because I feel like he's holding back some charges, like on Manafort, especially. And because I mean, Manafortes language in that last statement,
Starting point is 00:25:45 you're thinking the way that he explained, like in the case, how he wants to be parted, or you know, an apart and but he wants to be, oh, how he wants the charges all dropped. Exactly, future charges. He really, really clear about, yeah. So that was interesting. Well, that's future indictments too,
Starting point is 00:25:59 but also I think that there are current indictments that haven't been revealed to public. Well, no, that haven't been revealed. Right. Well, no, that haven't been made. The charges haven't been made by Mueller because he's holding off in case Manafort gets pardoned so that Schneiderman can do it. That wouldn't count as a future one. Because of the...
Starting point is 00:26:14 Right, no. This is... This doesn't have anything to do with the future indictments. This is more of the current shit he's charging him with and how it's not everything he could charge him with. He's holding back some of the charges so that the state can try him for that in New York because New York has this double jeopardy protection. Oh my gosh, you see that many levels.
Starting point is 00:26:29 But if they take away that double jeopardy protection, Mueller can charge him with everything he fucking wants to. And if Trump pardons him, they can charge him in the state. Yeah. But Trump would have to wait until the grand jury was impeannaled in the state to pardon him in order to get that to happen. So they have not yet impeanneled the grand jury in New York,
Starting point is 00:26:46 hoping maybe this legislation will go through closing that loophole. That's great. Great. If he goes through the state, can he still be sentenced to a federal prison sentence? No, that would be a state crime. So I don't think you can go to federal prison. What state? Prison is still suck, right?
Starting point is 00:27:00 I mean, they can. I'm, you know, I imagine any prison sucks. Yeah, but when you're a millionaire, you know, I guess he might have a nice life. He'd been in prison, but at least he'll be in prison, right? I mean, they can. I imagine any person sucks. Yeah, but when you're a millionaire, you know, I guess he might have a nice life even in prison, but at least he'll be in prison, right? And I'm guessing on that. I'm not a lawyer, but it seems reasonable to me. Or like if they could try, can they try them? Maybe Jordan Parker, if you're listening, you can answer this question. If you get, if you go from, you know, getting pardoned on a federal level, and they try you on a state level, can they then escalate the case or in an appeals court process to the federal level?
Starting point is 00:27:27 Yeah, not if you've been pardoned for that crime. Yeah. Yeah. So, I mean, he's got a lot, hopefully they can just get him. You're so cute. Like, they'll get him on something. I think, I think, Mueller and Schneidermann are of the mind where they want to prosecute to the full extent of the law
Starting point is 00:27:45 to ensure that these malefactors serve their time. Worried of the weak malefactors, Preciant. Late book bastard. Rubble, love, love. Rubble cup. Right, both of them. Right, both of them? Yes, it's nice.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Weird. I love you. Late Wednesday, a bunch of Republicans in the house sent a letter to Christopher Ray, Hubert, that's a US attorney, and Jeff Sessions requesting investigations be opened into Comey, struck page, Lynch, McCabe, and HRC, Hillary Clinton. That's the fact. Here's my thought. This is to muddy the waters in the real investigation happening right now that Komi opened into the FBI New York field office against the agents that
Starting point is 00:28:29 blackmail Komi into reopening the Hillary email investigation 11 days prior to the election by threatening to go public if he did not. Sessions is recused, so I'm not sure how the fuck he can be part of this or why the GOP sent him the letter in the first place because I have to remind you you guys, sessions isn't just recused from the Trump Russia investigation. He's recused from anything that has to do with the election, because he was called a surrogate at a time of two. In my day. I'm hoping there's proof of this conspiracy between the White House and House Republicans to discredit the DOJ and the Komi-6 in the Cohen raid. And I think that's why Trump and Cohen wrote the letter saying, we want to go through
Starting point is 00:29:09 that shit first. Oh, yeah. And I think that would warrant a no-knock raid on Cohen, more than just FEC violations in the form of payouts to adult entertainers. That's one of those two, yeah. We said this a couple weeks ago or last week, last week, when this happened, I was like, why are they no-knock raiding a guy for payments to shut, hush money, payments? That's weird.
Starting point is 00:29:29 It's not why you no knock raid somebody. Also a story from Vox would come out Friday indicating that in January, Trump pressured sessions to fire struck and page. You guys didn't know this. This is brand new reporting. And when he refused, Trump asked the FBI director Chris Ray to find dirt on them. I don't know which came first, finding dirt on Ray. Actually, I think he told, he told Christopher Ray to find dirt on Struck and Page before
Starting point is 00:29:55 he pressured sessions to fire him. It might have happened in the same day, but I think it was that order. Anyway, according to two credible sources, Trump put that pressure on Sessions and Ray after he learned from Dowd that Paige was a witness against him in the Mueller investigation of course. Into obstruction of justice. Until this report came out this week, you guys, until this minute, well, whenever you read the report, or maybe if you're hearing it for the first time, we did not know that Paige is a potential witness against Trump.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Yeah. But she is. And now, and then the whole struck page text got released by the GOP in the house, and that's part of the conspiracy. You can go, I hope it's all in the Cohen tapes. Oh, yeah. Probably not, but that'd be great. You can make our own fantasy Cohen tapes, you know.
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah. We could. Fanfiction. Fanfiction, yeah. No peeing, please. No, no, no. No, no, no. Keep that out.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Thursday Cohen dropped his libel suits against Buzzfeed and Christopher Steel. So you guys remember back when the fusion GPS testimony came out and the Buzzfeed printed the dossier Cohen pseudom because it said Cohen was in Prague in August chatting with Russians about setting up undeniable cash or deniable cash payments to Russian trolls. And then they could hide out in Bulgaria. I remember we talked about this. But a lot of people are saying, well Cohen is saying it's because he's too busy to deal with those lawsuits. But I think that the raid is going to show proof that he was in Prague. The Maclatchee report says so Oh, yeah, and a lot of people don't trust the Maclatchee report. I do they're nine politzers
Starting point is 00:31:31 But anyway that he went to Prague and was conspiring with Russians to pay off these troll farms to interfere in the election so but in the other Cohen Defense was I don't have a stamp in my passport. So I wasn't there. That's like saying I don't have an STDE so I couldn't have been in Amsterdam. There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch. Yeah, so I just, that's the dumbest defense ever.
Starting point is 00:32:06 I don't have stamps. I've traveled in Europe and when we would go from like Germany, I went from Germany to Prague, which is where they, is, is how they say, co-engaten. I had to ask like chase people down to get a stamp and they still wouldn't give me one. So that's not proof. No, especially if there's any chance that you're there with any coordinated, you know, efforts. Yeah. So lies.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Then midday Thursday, we found out that the IG Inspector General sent a criminal referral to the US Attorney in Washington for my husband, Andrew McCabe. I'm not sure why they didn't send it to the DOJ, which is where you're supposed to send criminal referrals, but whatever. That like member Graham and Grassley, they sent the criminal referral for Christopher Steele to the Department of Justice, probably because Rosenstein would be the one accepting it
Starting point is 00:32:52 and he would think it was stupid. I wanna get to the bottom of the New York Field Office McCabe Comie story, I really do. I feel like if McCabe lied to the inspector general, it was because he was either protecting the agency or he wasn't allowed to discuss the ongoing investigation or he didn't lie But I'm not I can't I can't there's no way to know right now balance that with the IG report because the IG report said he lacked candor But it's interesting and what in this kind of ties in with the Komi memos too is that the member in the majority report
Starting point is 00:33:21 They wanted to make sure one of their remedies for this was to make sure that the head officials of the FBI weren't just allowed to authorize leaks to the press. But Komi has said in interviews this week that the director of the FBI and the deputy director of the FBI have the authority to decide what gets to the press. And this is an ongoing investigation, so I'm not sure Komi can tell us the whole story, and I really don't know, but I'm keeping him in the sexy justice calendar, so.
Starting point is 00:33:53 I stand by that as well. Are you gonna talk more about the Komi, Komi's opinions on the McCabe stuff later? I'm not sure if they come up or not. Okay, okay. Can I bring it over now? Yeah, go ahead. It should, well, I mean, I think it was you who told me this earlier,
Starting point is 00:34:07 but that he actually came out confirming that McCabe did lie. Well, no, his language is different. He didn't say McCabe lied. He said, if you lie, you should be fired or fired. I just thought it over. Yes, there should be some consequences. Yeah. He didn't say McCabe lied. He said, Or yes, there should be some consequences. He didn't say McCabe lied.
Starting point is 00:34:26 He said, McCabe didn't tell me about telling the press about the HRC emails. Stuff. But he has the authority to not tell me. I wish he would have told me. And then when asked if McCabe lied, he said, he didn't say anything other than, look, if you, all I can tell you is if you lie to the FBI or to the IG, you need to be disciplined. He didn't tip it one way or the other, really.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Got it. It was, it was very careful language. And I, I would like to think that Comey is deliberate in his words. So. Yeah. I trust Comey's choice of words too. Like very carefully, I think. So. Yeah. I trust Comey's choice of words, too. Like, very carefully, I think. So I'm-
Starting point is 00:35:08 I'm keeping McCabe and Comey in the sexy justice calendar. I'll send you stickers if you want to put it over their faces. If it turns out that they're lying bastards. Yeah, we'll get like round sticker- So you can put them around the face. But I have this feel- I just have a feeling about this. I'll just follow for us.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yeah. And later in the week, we learned McCabe is filing suit against the Trump administration and the FB- Trump administration and the IG for wrongful termination and defamation of character. So we'll see. And I just don't think these career legal minds and law enforcement guys that Republicans to boot would do this. I don't know. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. Muller probably knows. I sure. I want to know everything. Giuliani asked to join Trump's legal team to help negotiate the end of the Mueller investigation
Starting point is 00:35:53 this week. Now Giuliani is tight with Alpha Bank and is likely part of the Mueller investigation, and this is just speculation. So I don't think he'll be allowed to represent Trump. Also, you don't negotiate an end to an investigation. What years has the settlement phase? Yeah. The best you can do to wrap up an investigation is to step back and cooperate, which is what Dowd was advising the president to do, but you know, he pieced out. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Yeah, knowing Trump, he will for sure welcome him with open arms, even though he has ties to everything that's being investigated. And I wonder if he'll get away with it. I mean, you think he'll be stopped and I hope so too because it makes total sense, but now I'm certain no wonder like, well, what is Trump's plan that he actually know a loophole? Do you think he's just winging it? He doesn't have a fucking plan. I hope we're not underestimating him the way we did before.
Starting point is 00:36:43 I mean, Putin's probably the one really calling the game plan. Please bring in checkers to a chess fight. You might be right. I hope we're not underestimating him the way we did before I mean Putin's probably the one really calling the game. He's bringing checkers to a chess fight You might be right. I hope you're right. Yeah, and he's in here's the chess fight Finish him Here's he's no Roger Stone on turn Good what Here's the thing about Giuliani. He knows what happened at the New York field office. In fact, he went on TV before Comey went to Congress with the reopening of the Hillary case and said, uh, something big's coming. October surprise. Not going to tell you what it
Starting point is 00:37:18 is. Ha, ha. I'm fucking rad. But I'm talking to the FBI right now and then after Comey came out, he's like, see, I told you that's what it was. Like he knew he did that. Yeah, he not only did he and people were like, I'm excited. They showed the Fox clips of him saying something big's happening, something big's happening and all the Republicans were and the pundits were like, oh, you can't know that he was talking about the Hillary Clinton thing. And then they have a They followed up with a clip of him saying, yeah, it was about that. It was like, oh my god. You're so dumb. Yeah, like are they now coming out and like saying yeah He said it or they still trying to defend him in this weird. I don't know. They just shut up after that I don't watch Fox. I guess I should like you know know my neighbor don't bother
Starting point is 00:37:57 Don't I wouldn't but here but here's the thing. I mean, I guess if you I don't know I'll see clips I'll get the highlight. I tried watching the Scientology Network the other day in that same vein Hmm, no, I don't know. I'll see clips, I'll get the highlight. I tried watching the Scientology Network the other day in that same vein. No, they had a network. They do. I got pretty far actually. I'm embarrassed to say how long I watched it. No, no, I think that's actually really,
Starting point is 00:38:12 really noble of you. I think it's best to get sources from everywhere, even the tin foil sometimes. But Ferris Brewer's day off was a a good point. Their whole network is filmed like a lifetime reenactment scene. Met. Yeah, that's like the whole network is filmed like a lifetime reenactment scene. That's like the whole network.
Starting point is 00:38:28 On a very special episode of Scientology. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah, I don't know. I think Giuliani's in, I think Giuliani's under investigation because remember, Komi said in one of his interviews, he's like, he started, somebody said Komi started the investigation into Andrew McCabe. And that's not exactly true. Komi started the investigation into Andrew McCabe. And that's not exactly true.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Komi started the investigation into the leaks from the field office, the New York field office. Yeah. And, uh, didn't, and McCabe was, uh, involved in that, but I don't know if he was a subject, target witness, whatever. Right. But Giuliani, uh, clearly has shown himself to be part of that by his comments on Fox News before and after the the comi letter went to congress outing the reopening the Hillary email investigation so I don't think that he can legally be I don't think he can
Starting point is 00:39:16 represent Trump and be under investigation for leaking shit to the and let's hope lost you know can be upheld in this sense because Trump has clearly broken Quite a few already and you never know which ones he's gonna get away with because it's just so unprecedented It's just like oh well of course he can't get away with this and they were like wait how did he get away with this? We haven't many so this week about Trump the president not being above the law So check that out if you're a patron if you're not a patron make it happen. I will listen to myself I've got out if you're a patron, if you're not a patron, make it happen. I will listen to myself. The department of justice says that Manifort is being probed as a back channel to Russia.
Starting point is 00:39:50 No shit. I said this two episodes ago, we reported on this that we think Manifort faces super-seating indictments for espionage, or which is collusion, right? Right. And that's what you were talking about earlier, Julieilles said, is the future indictments part, right? This isn't the ones, these aren't the indictments that he's holding back so that in case they're pardoned, he can throw them up in the state.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Exactly, they're different. Yeah, this is where Manafort filed a suit saying, well, first of all, he was outside of his scope, Mueller was outside of his scope, but the judge said no, he wasn't and showed him this, you know, Rosenstein memo that said he was able to, right? Then he said he shouldn't have been appointed in the first place.
Starting point is 00:40:27 And if you find that to be true, I want, you know, to be released from all current indictments and future indictments. Exactly. I think the fact that the Justice Department is now saying that this is the Justice Department. This isn't Mueller's team, but Mueller's team is obviously part of it, saying that Manafort is being probed as a back channel to Russia. So neat. I imagine this is like when you're trying to prosecute mob bosses, you know that they have
Starting point is 00:40:52 all these other crimes, you know that they're first-year guilty and how it's playing out is just operating off the assumption that they're still more they could get you on. Yeah. And what's cool is when we start the higher loyalty, he talks about the kind of the parallels of the mafia and this administration. He doesn't directly say it, but you know he's in St. New York. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:41:11 Okay, I'm thinking we could do a little meme of Narcos, like the Netflix cover picture, and then put just narcissists or something like with Trump. I get, I love mob stories, and I'm just like, I hate Trump, but Manis is entertaining. Yeah, I know. Godfather. We also learned Thursday that Rosenstein informed Trump that he's not a target in the Cohen investigation. Again, target, subject, different. And Trump allies
Starting point is 00:41:37 have told him that their word Cohen will flip. Alan Dershowitz has said they'll threaten Cohen with life in prison and try to get him to sing And now the White House seems to be distancing itself from Cohen a little bit Oh, yeah, it was clean and pop it up. Yeah, they're like mad and no coffee boy. The pattern is real Can you like imagine Trump trying to convince anyone that he just doesn't really know Cohen that well? Oh my gosh I'm hilarious. Speaking of have you seen that video of Rudy Giuliani and Trump from decades ago and Rudy Giuliani's in drag? That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:42:09 That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:42:15 That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:42:23 That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute. That's kind of cute You know what? Okay, I'm sorry. I only saw the thumbnail, so I don't want to assume that it's not transphobic, but like, what part did you like about it? Just the idea in general. It's just a sketch. It's just comedy. It's just comedy. It's just comedy. It's comedy sketch.
Starting point is 00:42:31 It's pointing out that Trump assaults women. Oh, we're making fun of it. It's like a very meta-self-aware sketch. That's how to go into these. He's letter or something. Something right. I haven't seen that, but I gotta watch it. Yeah, you didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:42:44 But yeah, since there are assholes, it becomes potentially, like I said, transphobic, yeah. I'm gross. Thursday night, the Komi memos were released, and I'll go into that later. Sessions says he may have to resign if Trump fires Rosenstein. He made his position clear
Starting point is 00:42:59 in a phone call to the White House attorney, Don McGahn, a week ago. I think that might have been what stopped Trump from firing Rosenstein last week. And by Friday, the number of DOJ officials that signed that petition that I was talking about urging Congress to protect Rosenstein and Mueller jumped from 500 to 800. It is now 800. And of course, move on.org is organizing nationwide protests if such an event were to occur.
Starting point is 00:43:22 So keep an eye out for that. You guys, that is this week's news. We'll be right back. Hey Mueller junkies, I have to give some love to joistteespoon.com this week for partnering with us and making us our own signature Pallonium tea from Russia with love. An amazing Earl Grey which is perfect for making London Vogue's which I asked for personally because that's one of my favorite drinks. You can get this exclusive blend for pledging at the $10 level. And in return, I'll ship you the T for free, and you'll get access to the MSW Book Club, the mini-sodes, including the entire archive, our weekly newsletter, access to our closed Facebook group, some laptop stickers,
Starting point is 00:44:00 and the pure joy of knowing you're supporting a woman-owned business, women in podcasting, and act blue to flick it blue in November. We only have 50 of the Ploney MT sets, and we're running out. So only the first 50 people who pledge at the $10 level will get this gift. So head over to mullershiroak.com and click subscribe now. You'll be glad you did. Alright you guys, welcome back. It is time for hot notes.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Hot notes. And Jalisa, we have more news about your boy, Brody. Yeah, my bro, Brody. He's not really my bro, but I like alliterations. He, um, he has an update. He's anyone who was confused. Yeah, yeah. I'm all about wordplay first and then accuracy second. Right. Puns first, reality second. There you go, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:46 That wasn't a pun, but never mind. No, no, but it's just fact, just life. So the intercepts, they're in news organization. They reported that right after Trump was sworn into office, Elliott Brody offered the Russian gas company Novotech a $26 million lobbying plan with the purpose of removing the company from the US sanctions list. So as we know about our bro broady and the broady bunch, he was deputy finance chair of the R&C
Starting point is 00:45:13 until he resigned last week on account of paying off a playboy model $1.6 million to keep quiet about their affair. But in 2017 when he laid out his sanctions proposal for Novotech, he was, quote, acting as a well-connected businessman and longtime Republican donor in a bid to help the Russian company avoid sanctions imposed by the Obama administration. So just a quick reminder, the 2014 sanctions were referring to were implemented to punish Russia for annexing Crimea and supporting per Russian separatists News for Ukraine a lot of you guys know that so last year brody emailed a rough draft of his plan to attorney Andre babe
Starting point is 00:45:54 I don't know how to pronounce it. I think this is how do you spell it? It's be okay. So Andre I got right But then ba ev is the last name babe ba. Yeah,E-B-E. B-A-V-E. B-A-E-V. Oh, Bayev. Bayev. Okay, cool. That makes sense. Bayev.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Could be totally wrong. Yeah, just for that. It sounds about right. He's a... He's a... He's a... He's a... I love it.
Starting point is 00:46:20 It's like Russian phonics. So, he was a then... We gotta make that commercial. So, Andre Bayev. He was a then Moscow and London-based lawyer who represented major Russian energy companies and had already been in contact with Novotech about finding a way around the sanctions. So Brody suggested arranging meetings with top White House and congressional leaders, as well as creating articles and press favorable to Novotech, not to mention the full list
Starting point is 00:46:43 of lobbying activities that were achieved by Brody's consultants behind closed doors. So even as he was orchestrating all of this, Brody insisted that his company, Phil Crest Advisors LLC, did not perform lobbying services, but instead hired others to do it. He actually implied that those involved with the deal with signing NDA, shielding everyone's involvement from public scrutiny, and yet here we are somehow. So yeah, the whole plan is outlined in a series of emails that are now obtained by the intercept. And Brody and Bayev won't even deny the emails are real. They just claim the deal was never quote, consummated. And I always thought consummated was like a sexual term marriage
Starting point is 00:47:26 Yeah, right you consummate the relationship. Yeah, it's a it's a handshake deal interesting But you know brody has some issues with consummation. That's very true So 1.6 million dollars in issues plus a $250,000 legal fee Yeah, minor issue there issues plus a $250,000 legal fee. It's a little, yeah, minor issue there. So last month Bloomberg News reported on the story, stating that Brody, quote, offered last year to help a Moscow based lawyer get rushing companies removed from a US sanctions list, and quote, and Bayev commented on the story,
Starting point is 00:47:58 saying, at the time, when I was a partner of Chad Born in Park, LLP, I had very preliminary discussions with Elliott Brody with regard to possible engagement of him as a strategic consultant with regard to a possible instruction by one of my corporate clients. I think we should call Bay of Beav Beav. I like Bay of because like if there's bromance, it's like it's Brody's Bay. But Beavis and Brody, like the Brady, I see a lot of reference. Beavis and potential. Yeah, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Beavis and Brody. Definitely. I love it. Very nice. So I need to pay up a play model. It's like right before my time. I remember growing up to Beavis and Budhead when it was ending And then there was also Ren and Stimpy that I like just barely missed. You guys remember? Apparently the creator of Ren and Stimpy is a fucking pervert that's getting shorter than the sexual line.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Doesn't it? It's a least surprising thing. Yeah, I am Trumpolio. And P.P. for my mom. I need to be for my mom. I love you, EG. That's perfect. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:57 You're welcome. So, their whole idea was that the instruction was never materialized. The deal never truly happened. He also said quote, Nor did I or Chad Bourne provide any services to any other individual or entity and collection or, sorry, and connection with any attempt to remove any Russian company or any individual from the US agency list. Jesus run on something. Exactly. It's just a big nah-ah, but I think they try to like, you know, use these words to confuse people.
Starting point is 00:49:24 They should use commas. Yeah, it confuses me. I had to make my own commas in the quotes just to pause on my own. What if you were to breathe? Uh, split up your sentence as bevice? Seriously. So total denial, yeah. Oh, you're sentence structure sucks.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Totally. So, Bayev responded to Bloomberg News and Brody ended up responding to the intercept, and so Brody told them that Bayev did approach him about the proposal, but that he, Brody, decided not to go through with it for political reasons. So, here's the full quote. Brody said, at the time, Mr. Bayev had approached us, he was then a managing partner of a US major law firm, and the new administration had indicated an interest in normalizing relations with Russia and potentially easing sanctions. Subsequently, the geopolitical landscape changed and I made the decision not to pursue it. It's very eloquently
Starting point is 00:50:15 put for Brody, I'll admit, but here it's a very generous way of saying we got caught up so I quit my shit. And it's just, you know, plan simple. BF was introduced to Brody in October 2016. I need a pardon for my bonghole. Right? So they met in 2016. Taint team. We gotta get like a clip of you doing this impression and just like throw it in.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I love it, which is basically this, but like forever we need to do this. Just do a whole episode as Beavis. Honestly, yeah. No, that would be really terrible. Yeah vote it I vote it so they met in 2016 before Trump was elected and as we know at that time Brody Brody was a top fundraiser for the Trump campaign who would later become vice chairman of Trump's inaugural committee before transitioning to his most recent position as FUCT. So, he wrote a joke a little bit.
Starting point is 00:51:08 I did a funny. Brody also proposed a 25 step plan. Wait a sec, FUCT? Brody is FUCT. FUCT. FUCT. Alright, thank you. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So basically, Brody proposed a 25 step plan to kill a 25 step plan. Very simple. There has been a nice director level. Good 20,000 foot view. Yeah. If I went to an A meeting and they're like, all right, we have a 25 step plan. We're like, I'm fucking out. I can't do this. I'm gonna keep that in hand. Can we do like 12.5? I can't do that plan. That's too many steps. 25. So this plan was basically to kill or at least water down legislation. Hey, I have a fucking plan. Step one. Don't fucking break the law. That's a very good plan. I think he had a quote that was perfect for that
Starting point is 00:51:56 clip when he said, well, I'll go stop breaking the law. That's step number one. So this was actually from Senator McCain. He brought this legislation that was he was pushing through Congress to take the decision to lift sanctions out of Trump's hands and into the hands of Congress, which I guess timing was. Why did he do that? Congress has bigger hands. October 2016 is when he was trying to do this.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Okay. Trump couldn't hold it in his hands because it's too small. Yeah. For sure. Yes. So, of course, this wasn't a good thing for the Brody Bunch. And he brody created this document that included charts estimating expenses for the next three years pretty much the plan was to pay off a bunch of people to combat this legislation. So political experts lobbyist attorneys, they were all quote willing and able to work immediately on Brody, Bayevs and Novotex behalf.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Novotex sounds like something from Office Space. Or like Star Trek. You work at Innitro or Novotech. So, the plan included a list of issues for Congress that Brody mentioned would have to be overcome in order to implement the plan, and the list of issues included progress on agreements to resolve the situation in Ukraine, as well as Congress's request for information as to whether Russia did indeed hack the DNC and attempt to influence the US presidential election.
Starting point is 00:53:09 So basically, Brady said, quote, Congress would require agreement with Russia that Russia will not do so again. So it's like, one of those, hey, Russia, did you actually do that? Well, could it out? Quit your shit. Now let's work together. So, that was their whole plan. Let's just at least get on the record that Russia did this and then just get them to say we're sorry and then we'll move on.
Starting point is 00:53:29 They thought that would be the whole deal. They didn't think Mueller would, you know, even be in the mix. But the series of emails clearly show that Nova Tech asked Bayev to discuss hiring Brody to help the company get off the sanctions list and Brody to help the company get off the sanctions list. And Novotech even specifically references Brody's proposal in the emails when Bayev received the letter marked confidential from Dennis Solovev, the director of communications for Novotech. The letter said, quote, I am authorized by the management of Novotech, or did I write that wrong?
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah, Novotech, to contact you and express our interest in your services related to removing Novitech from the US sanctions list. We would like to discuss with you your proposal roadmap." So everybody was in on this. Everyone has these emails now. They see that Brody clearly showed a desire to avoid publicity by registering under, or he didn't want to register under the lobbying disclosure act or fairer or farer, he pretty much just,
Starting point is 00:54:26 you know, in an effort to avoid those disclosures, he tried to fly under the radar. And he reached out to this guy, Elliott Burke, a different Elliott, who was an attorney that reviewed Brody's plan. And Burke basically said that, you know, I'm sorry, I'll have to red flag this whole thing, because you trying to avoid registering just is not gonna fly, it's not gonna work. And that's what the political conflict Brody was referring to is. He said his friend said, don't do this.
Starting point is 00:54:52 And so finally Brody was like, all right, I won't do it. But I'm convinced that by this time, on the timeline that he was already getting caught up. So I think that was just his way of trying to back out by looking like, I was just trying to follow the law. And my friend said, don't do it. So I stopped pursuing it. What was Burke's first name?
Starting point is 00:55:07 Elliott. Oh, okay. So it's not Bill Burke, the other one. No, no, that we talked about. Or Dr. Burke from Great Anatomy. I just, right. Thank God it's not him.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Yeah. So yeah, that's basically it. And, and, and Bernie says that because of all this, um, that, you know, the info from Burke, he didn't follow through. And even though that's good thinking, it might be too late because we just found out yesterday from Al Jazeera that the prosecutor general of Ukraine has launched an official investigation and to claim surrounding the multi-million dollar contract Brody has with George Nader.
Starting point is 00:55:39 So there you go, he's probably later. Yeah, it all comes back down to Muller and who's telling him what? And connect the dots. Follow the money. Nick the dots. Nick the dots. Nick the dots. Why is Peebe's healing so loud to do anything?
Starting point is 00:55:58 Hasn't he been convicted as like a sex predator? I mean, where are we going to do it? You dropped it off in a theater. That's it? Yeah. Yeah. I know. This liberal and already like it was like an adult theater too. I mean, what are you gonna do? Did you're talking to theater? I love that. That's it? Yeah, fucking. I know. This liberal and already like it was like an adult theater too.
Starting point is 00:56:08 You see what the yelling, I didn't set the levels for this kind of good point. But Jordan's very passionate about like the right to master bait an adult theater. I also, I was like a George Michael thing wasn't it? I think that's it. He didn't like fuck with kids or anything. You're right, it's pretty messed up because Trump, meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:56:23 all this, he's getting away with it. This is true. Yeah, why did that in when I read that news when I was a kid I it got imprinted into my brain as him being a child like they they yeah propaganda is a hell of a tool because he had a maybe a children show
Starting point is 00:56:35 yeah no that's definitely yeah no at the very end of the first TV show uh... he got his true wish to fly as he's is through the air courtesy of intentionally cheesy special effects Let's see the luckiest He walked into an adult movie theater Not nothing brings a star crashing to earth like the word sex scandal
Starting point is 00:56:59 He let's see look and look and look in pro peewee rallies have been held that's a way Pro peewee pro peewe look in Pro Peewee rallies have been held that's where Pro Peewee. Pro Peewee. I'm Pro Peewee. Yeah, basically he's jerked off an adult theater. Okay, so Louis CK will come back basically. I see people drink off from it. I see people drink off from it. In a lock-up. In a room. Yeah, no, that's not fair. It's still risky, but it's not fair that he was so tarnished, but that's what opera's not though, but they really he's a big mention of a lot of emotion like what Jordan was saying like people constantly saying like, well, you're a general and cares. You're right. My generation is, you know, protesting gun laws and yeah,
Starting point is 00:57:36 there's a hooligans hooligans. I'm kidding you damn bloody. Of course. Of course. Anyway, so Brody Bunch, that's interesting. Brody Bunch, here's the story of an asshole rich guy who was sleeping with some very lovely girls. All of them were playboy models, like their mother's probably the youngest one got pregnant. I don't know, I don't know. I like where this is going. I'm just making shit up.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And never, yeah, of course, I all for playboy models. In fact, I'm like, why didn't I do that? But like, I also feel like you still got time, girl. You're right. You're young. But night is young. I'll see you guys later. No, I think. I never mind.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I'm not going to talk about what I did for two days and how old I was when I did it, but. Off the record. We'll get to it. Girl, you can dance. Thank you. For inspiration. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Anyway, thanks for your bro Thank you. Anyway, uh Thanks for your boiD information. And that was the start of Jalice's down. Yeah, she gave up on podcasting and became a stripper If anyone wants to yeah, we're hiring apparently so if you're interested in being on the podcast Yes, no, we're not a new token Sorry, I'm a four sex work if we could do it in America in a way that wasn't shitty, then that would be great. Yes, this is a big thing. And I don't understand the battle between feminists and sex workers because that just makes no sense to me. If you want to go out this, some community, and I can't remember who it was, said, if God wanted women to prostitute themselves, he would have given them free will in a vagina. And he did it tongue in cheek, right?
Starting point is 00:59:05 Yeah. No pun intended. But why are we, why are feminists, I think it's not. I mean, I get it a little bit because when I was younger and I would see women stripping or selling their bodies or doing half naked pictures on cars or whatever,
Starting point is 00:59:20 I'm like, oh, that's so terrible. What a bad message for women. But really, it's empowerment. Yeah. And it's choice. And a bad message for women, but really, it's empowerment. Yeah. And it's choice. And in other countries way back in the day, I mean, I have a very fuzzy knowledge of history, but it sounds like the Puritans in the more recent years
Starting point is 00:59:33 like, you know, America being a country is like become more conservative compared to other cultures. Yeah, but why feminists? Yeah, Christianity is liberal feminists. I'm not talking about Christians. Yeah, yeah. Fucking feminists.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I think it's a religious and conservative social issue that usually stems from the religion and that culture of conservatism. These are intersectional feminists. They're women who are very socially conservative, but you wouldn't know it until they started talking about a certain issue. No, no, no, I'm not talking about conservatives at all. I'm talking about liberal feminists. Feminists.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Oh, okay. Against sex work because they're saying they're being exploited, et cetera, as if that was a thing. As if me neither until, but I have very good friends who are sex workers. And so I'm like, what? And they're like, yeah, yeah, they judge us because they're saying that we're being exploited.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Like we don't, like we're not in charge My brain almost couldn't even process what you were saying, right? I'm glad good. Yeah, I was like, yeah Okay, yeah liberals that's weird anyway. That's a completely different discussion for another day sex workers big ups Now we're gonna head over to Jordan You have an update on the sex coach speaking of sex workers. Yes. Nastyarita, yeah. Yeah. So you mentioned that you had heard in an interview that she got sentenced. I couldn't find anything on that corroborating that right now. That is written.
Starting point is 01:00:52 I can't find it either, but I heard. Yeah. I heard it. I mean, it would make sense at the very least that or something else, but I'm stealing Jolise's wine. Oh, no, no, no. Don't even look. It's time of the podcast.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Still Jolise's wine. It's a new weekly segment. So you smoke weed. I don't. but I'm stealing Jolice's wine. It's just not even looking. Don't even look. It's the time of the podcast. It's still Jolice's wine. It's a new weekly segment. So you smoke weed, I don't. So I have to make up for it.
Starting point is 01:01:10 You can get right. I'm this way with weed. I will steal my friends' weed. I'll just like reach over and be like, hey. Well, weeds for sharing. I think so. If you try to like reach over and steal my wine, things could get crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:21 Things could go wrong. Oh, good to know. French fries, take them. Oh, I get more territorial over could go wrong. All good to know. French fries, take them. Oh, now I'm high. I get more territorial over the French fries. Oh yeah, I will punch my best friend in the face when she reached her cross and ate my cookie. What I used to do to my ex-husband,
Starting point is 01:01:34 I used to, when we would get fast food, this is back when I ate fast food, I don't do any more, but I would get the bag, and I would hold onto the bag because he was driving, because he insisted that he drove, because I'm a female. I would reach in and I would get the bag and I would hold onto the bag because he was driving Because he insisted that he drove because I'm a female I would reach in and I would grab fries out of the fry container and drop them into the bottom of the bag So that I could have the bag fries later
Starting point is 01:01:55 Is that wrong? No, you know what I'm saying? That's so funny. People have been like emailing us saying they want to get his gifts and I was thinking like it's so funny how our Favourite things are weed wine and fries Like that's kind of the trifecta here. If I could throw pizza in there. Cheese, if I could just get some cheese so maybe some dill have already nice room temperature brie.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yeah, that'd be great. I'm older though, so. No, I'm down for that. But I understand the zah, you know, fucking love the zah. And what was the other food fries? Okay, I get it, they're delicious. For sure. Fries on zah.
Starting point is 01:02:30 Good. What? They have what? Fries on zah. I don't even, I can't even. Please, let's get into the second. I can't even, because I'm a car-prey over here. Yeah, except for wine.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Yeah, this is a good time for everyone to take a break and go get some fries and return for this nice and we're back. Okay, so Natsya Rybka, as we know, she is the Russian sex worker who is currently being held against her will. Obviously, that's usually how being in jail works. Oh yeah. In... Who's a family episode where they don't want to get out so they're trying to like do things this day. Yeah, that's Manaforts
Starting point is 01:03:07 quite but so she's in Thailand still To on Monday not today on Monday news came out that the there's a Russian journalist named Maxine Maxine Borodine who died so this guy was found badly injured by neighbors in his I'm gonna really try to fuck not fuck his name up. It's a Russian city. It's Yekaterinburg. Can I say it? Can I say it? I wanna try it. Where's that at? Right at the top. Oh yeah. Wow, that's a weird one. Right. It doesn't seem very Russian. Yekaterinburg. Yeah. that seems more Polish. Yeah, exactly or German or something. Yeah, yeah, maybe his father's side or something.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Well, it was a place. Oh, I'm sorry. Good old, good old Yberg. Yeah, Yberg, that sounds better. So he was found in this city in Russia, and he was taken to the hospital where he later died. People local officials say that there was no suicide found, no suicide note found, but the incident was unlikely to be of a criminal nature. What's interesting about this guy is he was an Russian investigative journalist who was pursuing leads that derived from Nostya Rybka's videos that Navalny Putin's one opponent, essentially, or viable opponent, was releasing to the public that was unveiling corruption and rush on the yacht as we've talked about.
Starting point is 01:04:32 I forgot my episode. It was in. Yeah. So he mysteriously turns up dead. However, a friend of Borodin said that he had actually called him the day before saying that his flat was surrounded by security yards and there was a guy with a gun on his balcony. And they were yeah, and they were all around the staircases that were in his flat and then he calls him later and says, oh, I guess they were just doing a drill.
Starting point is 01:05:03 But then the next day, he winds up mysteriously falling to his death. Russian authorities deemed that there was no foul play involved. Obviously, they said that the door was locked from the inside, which is proof that he did it himself. But he has a fucking balcony because murderers don't know how to lock doors. Yeah, exactly. Like they couldn't, yeah, pay off. I'm going to go in and leave the door open because I'm trying to set this up to look like a suicide.
Starting point is 01:05:30 Yeah, exactly. And so on this guy on top of investigating this Navalny story that broke, he's also recently been investigating the case of hundreds of Russian mercenaries that actually died in Syria fighting with Assad. And so they were known, there's this group called the Wagner group which provides Russian mercenary soldiers. And they reportedly were killed in Syria on February 7th in a confrontation with US forces, actually.
Starting point is 01:05:59 It was a couple hundred of them. It was in Provinc, Dal Azur. I think so, you say it. Probably not. That's close enough, yeah. And so this guy was investigating this, and he's investigating this, he's investigating the Navalny thing, and then he just suddenly shows up dead on Monday. Really hard to not think that it was foul play, because Russia is ranked 83rd out of 100
Starting point is 01:06:23 countries for press freedom by Freedom House. They have a history of assassinating journalists, like the least press freedom, right? Like, 83 is bad. Yes, absolutely. Number one would be the most press freedom. Who I wonder who number one is. That is a good question.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Not us, these days I can look. No, it's not. No, it's not. It's definitely not. It's not. Am I, did I hear the wrong list? Well, 100. You were right in the extremity of it.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Okay, okay. But they would be 100. Yeah, no, it's probably like some European, Switzerland, Sweden situation. Yes, Switzerland. I think everyone is one piece. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. They battle for the number one, like, best of the one time they fight.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Yeah, exactly. Nope, we four neutral. So, yeah, Russia has a huge history of assassinating their journalists. Sorry, I know I keep getting mad. Sorry, you can cut that out. No problem. So, 108. So, for example, one of Russia's best known investigative reporters, you might recognize
Starting point is 01:07:21 her name. As Anna Poletkoveskaya, she was shot dead in her elevator and her flat in 2006. She exposed Russian human rights abuses in Chechnya. So that happened to her two years later. Journalist Mikhail Bekatov was left brain damage. He had highlighted corruption and fought against the planned destruction of the Kim Kee Forest near Moscow to make way for a road. The Kim Ki Forest. I've been there.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Kim Ki. I live there, you know. Who was the one who was shot in the head out front of the Kremlin? None, none cough. I remember the person. Yeah, I have, I have a, what year was this in like 2015? It was recently. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:04 I have a 2010 death. I have a mother 2010 death. I was I've a stab in the neck. I have a severely injured in an assault and a long scale. I have yeah, let's see. There's there's a lot of lists. I was telling my girlfriend about this when I was reading a similar article and she was like, are you guys sure you want to keep doing this podcast? And I'm like, well, there's a lot of people that I think would be ahead of us. I feel like Putin goes for the ones that are the real
Starting point is 01:08:28 investigative journalists, and then there's so many like sources in between, which is great. We just read what we, you know, find. I mean, we're not out in the field, but these people, these freaking heroes are being murdered. And it is insane. It is pretty, yeah. There's just such a strong history of people doing
Starting point is 01:08:45 investigative journalism work in Russia, doing anti-corruption work usually. And then they just mysteriously die. And there are multiple people that have died from getting pushed out of their flats. It's never confirmed, of course, because it happens in Russia, and they're not going to release that. Obviously, there's people that get poisoned, there's people that get stabbed, there's people that get stabbed, there's people that get... There was one guy that got tortured. The lawyer actually of Magnitsky. He was extremely tortured in prison. Yeah. And
Starting point is 01:09:13 there's another really good article that was published on CNN. They're like real-life villains, you know? It's just happening all the time. Yeah, it's mob. It's just mafia stuff. And our president loves this guy. It's a Nemtsov. Boris Nemtsov. Got it. He was he was a Russian politician opposed who opposed Vladimir Putin. Oh wait, that's a politician. Not a... But Nemtsov sounds familiar to me. Yeah, yeah. We've talked about a few and that's the crazy things that we can't even keep up with how many there are. It's this is insane and that's just the ones that we hear about you know the ones that are really making ways right right Yeah, yeah, sorry go on Jordan. Oh, no no worries There's just another article that gets Published after this story breaks and it's essentially looking at Russia's history of murdering journalists or
Starting point is 01:10:05 essentially looking at Russia's history of murdering journalists or they don't assert that it is for sure that they murdered them, but that it is unsolved and they've essentially just closed the case preemptively and said there was no foul play and one has to wonder because it's always journalists that are uncovering clear. Russia usually blames somebody else England, United States, Hillary Clinton, whatever. Which is why when they blame us for the election, I'm like, okay, I know that we're at a fault, but this is what Putin does. It's not just him speaking the truth. Like, yeah, America, look in the mirror.
Starting point is 01:10:29 It's like him using his tactics of propaganda. Oh, he uses what about it, which is the tool that most Trump supporters use, and they learned it from Russia. I hate to tell you guys that, but you have been taught by Russians how to act. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:45 And the death of Borodin, it really mirrors the case. That happened 10 years ago with this guy named Ivan Severanov, who was a military correspondent for the Comerson newspaper. He fell out of a window on his fifth story apartment and died. They ruled it as a suicide. But all of his friends and colleagues denied he was ever depressed or had any reason to take his own life He was looked into he was looking into a corruption and hazing in the Russian army. There was no suicide note
Starting point is 01:11:13 That's that's the equivalent of I didn't have a stamp in my passport Totally, so I wasn't there. Yeah, exactly He was looking into yeah the hazing in the Russian army as well as Russian weapons exports Which as we know they've been giving weapons to Syria and Iran for a really long time. And sometimes what it was discovering would prompt legal action by the state. Two weeks prior to this guy's death, he went to an arms expo in the UAE to investigate supplies of Sue 39 jet fighters at Tissieria and S-300 service to air missiles to Iran. Wow.
Starting point is 01:11:45 Upon return, reporters told his editors that he was able to confirm that Russia signed a deal with Syria to supply a Panzer S1 anti-aircraft missiles, MIG 29 Fighters, and Iskander E. Ballistic missiles. Migs. MIGs are Migs. Oops. She topped them. Nope.
Starting point is 01:12:03 I did not. I said, MIG. We gotta do this. You said MIG. My boy, she wrote, watch this like movies. We gotta do something like that. He got a big two o'clock. Yeah. Come on. Nice, right? Oh, yeah. I have seen that movie actually.
Starting point is 01:12:13 That's just like, oh my god. Oh, I know. I know. I know what it's about. That's super, super like, uh, gay volleyball scene. You like, there's a gay volleyball scene in top gun. Well, it's pretty hot. It's homoerotic. Oh, top gun. Well, it's pretty hot. It's
Starting point is 01:12:31 homo erotic. Yeah, homo. Let me know the timestamp. It's the volleyball scene. I I'm gonna tell you the timestamp. So watch you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, watch the plays are going on. Yeah, I'm gonna be on that whole thing. Like do I have to watch the entire thing? Yeah, we do a mini-sode about it and be gone. Do we be done with it? A molar minute. Yeah. So this guy was recalling to his friends that the people were telling him that if he on, the things that he unleashed led to international scandals, the FSB will certainly initiate a criminal investigation into this dissemination of state secrets
Starting point is 01:12:59 and will take it to the end, quote unquote. And then last year, lawyer Nicolay Gorokov fell from Nikolai Gorokov, fell from the fourth floor balcony of his Moscow apartment. Oh, a fourth floor, clearly not the Russians. Yeah, they're fifth floor dudes. I have an idea. Let's just buy all these journalists flats
Starting point is 01:13:17 on the bottom floor. And then when they fall over, I'm sorry, that's a bad show. Oh no, that's not good. That's a good recommendation. Russian journalists, if you're listening, live on the first floor. Please, just do it for justice, too. And don't drink tea.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Yeah, don't drink tea, unless it's from... Well, she wrote it for me. But then one girl got stabbed in the neck in the radio station that she worked at. Oh my goodness. It's just like, they're just going to get you. They know no boundaries. Let's see, so gun laws won't work. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:44 But yeah, so this guy won't work. Yeah, sorry But yeah, so this guy Nikolai Gorakov He's the one that I referenced before he was the the Russian attorney or a Russian attorney for Sergei Magnitsky Who as we know died in a Russian prison in 2009 Magnitsky's death is what led to the Magnitsky act in 2012 Do you listen to episode two? A lot of them, but started at two. Two, yeah. And take note of how our sound has improved. And we, yes, it have to thank our patrons for that.
Starting point is 01:14:13 Seriously, yeah, most definitely. And so, yeah, that got once the Maynaytsi Act gets passed, it becomes, you know, Veselinetskaya Putin, the lot's soul mission, essentially, to get that overturn know, vessel in that sky, I put in the lots soul mission essentially to get that overturned, because it's punishing Russians that we're seen as responsible for the corruption leading to this guy's death for investigating this, supporting it, not supporting it, but, you know, investigating against it. And basically, Russia kills their reporters constantly.
Starting point is 01:14:43 And if this guy was not killed by some sort of foul play, that would be very surprising. And I'm sure it all started with hashtag fake news. Yeah. So you got to kind of keep in mind that that's what one of them would have said. Yeah. Thank you, Jordan.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Yes, thank you, Earl. That was really wonderful. All right, I'm going to go into my hot note. Now, we're going to talk about the Comey memos, you guys. We'll have a link to them, the actual memos in our weekly newsletter. There's a lot of redacted stuff in there, but it's good to read.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Head over to moshirout.com and subscribe so you can receive those newsletters every Wednesday. Jordan puts them together. They're fantastic. I have to say it's spectacular. So you're welcome. All right, so for almost a week, House Republicans like Nunez and Gaudi and Gates were demanding the release of Comey's memos like little bitches. We want them
Starting point is 01:15:32 memos. These are the memos that he drafted. Comey drafted contemporaneously after multiple meetings with the Trump with the Trump, where Trump said weird things to him. He felt he needed to document because he thought Trump would lie about them later. That immediately says a lot about this man. So at House Republicans demanded the memos under threat of subpoena, right? They said, we will subpoena you
Starting point is 01:15:54 if you don't send us these memos to Rosenstein, the Department of Justice. And I think they did that because they believed Rosenstein would refuse to release the memos as they are part of an ongoing investigation into obstruction of justice. But Rosenstein would refuse to release the memos as they are part of an ongoing investigation into obstruction of justice. But Rosenstein called their bluff as we reported earlier. He sent them over. He's like, here you go. Fine. Motherfuckers eat it. And of course as soon as the house got the memos,
Starting point is 01:16:16 they were leaked to reporters within hours because that's what Congress does. They're little bitches. They can play about leaks. It's weird. There are seven memos in all, totaling 15 pages. And all they do is corroborate Komi's testimony, along with the testimony of the Komi 6, the six individuals that Komi told about his conversations with the president. And the handwritten notes we recently got a hold of from Maddow, thanks to Rachel for that, that they were deemed unclassified
Starting point is 01:16:46 by the Department of Justice, the Dana Bente wrote after phone conversations with Comey. And there's also handwritten notes from Prebus about conversations that he had. So all these notes are just corroborating everything. The memos, they also back up the assertions Comey made in his book, A higher loyalty, which will begin reviewing this week for our patrons.
Starting point is 01:17:08 And all the things Komi has said in multiple interviews and his testimony to Congress. So Jamie Raskin, a house member from Maryland said, quote, this is a tactic that has backfired. From what I've seen of the Komi memos, they bear out completely the authenticity of his reports and his own credibility. So he did, he did shit. So the memos document conversations Komi had with the president, including how the president asked for Komi to let go of the Flynn investigation
Starting point is 01:17:36 and for Komi to publicly clear him in the Russia investigation. Like, that was his big thing. Like, go, I need you to go out and tell the public I'm awesome. Exactly. There's a passage that says at one point, pre-bis-asked Comey if Flynn was under FISA investigation. The answer is redacted, but it's longer than no.
Starting point is 01:17:54 Oh, yeah. And in fact, some people have put out like Photoshopped versions of what different things would look like in the redacted. Like actual, like how much space it would take up? Not actual, not actual. Yeah, like predicting what it could say. Seeing here's how big the type faces and here's everything. And the answer in the only answer that fits is yes.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Like basically, why is he like having characters? Three. Quote, yes, unquote. Oh. Well, what about like, uh, no. Quote, no, unquote. No. For no question marks. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Oh, question mark, question mark. So everyone's assuming it's yes. And that Flynn was under FISA surveillance. We didn't know that. That actually came out because the Republicans were so hot shit to get this shit released. And that's, we didn't know about that. That's one of the things that came out in these memos
Starting point is 01:18:53 that we didn't already know. A lot of the memo stuff we knew already, from Comey's testimony and from journalism and stuff. Common sense. And the memo's also go over the loyalty asks from the president. Most interestingly the memos document the obsession that Trump had with the salacious piece stuff right yeah. Trump had repeatedly brought this up to
Starting point is 01:19:13 Comey because he said it was upsetting Melania and if she even believed it 1% that was too much. Democrats in the house say that the memos prove that Comey isn't just some disgruntled employee making up stories, which is what Trump's assertion is. Jackie Spire tweeted, quote, thanks to the House GOP for urging the release of the Comey memos. Oddly, you've proved Comey's consistency and bolstered arguments for obstruction of justice and collusion.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Perhaps finish the job and call for the release of Trump's tax returns. Yes. Trump and the Republicans are trying to say that since the memos don't mention collusion, that that means there wasn't any. Okay. Trump is also harping on the fact that Comey leaked these memos to the press and that they're classified. But the director and deputy director of the FBI, first of all, have full authority to speak to the press. McCabe also falls in this category, as I mentioned earlier, who Trump also, he worked very hard to discredit him as a witness in the obstruction case against him.
Starting point is 01:20:13 But even though Trump is all pissy about Komi leaking the memos and had Mikaib- Pissy about Trump. That's beautiful. Thank you. Landy had Mikaib investigated for speaking to the press. It's documented in the memos that Trump actually encouraged leaking, specifically when asking Comey to leak to the press that he wasn't under investigation. He said, quote, Comey, and this is Comey's memo, quote, I reminded him that I told him we were not investigating him and that I told him the congressional leadership the same
Starting point is 01:20:43 thing. He said it would be great if that they could get, if that could get out and several times asked me to find a way to get that out. He talked about the guy he read about in the Washington Post today. I think he meant Sergei Million and said he didn't know him at all. He said that if there was some satellite, meaning some associate of Trump or Trump's campaign that did something, it would be good to find that out, but that he hadn't done anything and hoped I would find a way to get it out that we weren't investigating him, unquote. So Trump was encouraging Komi to leak. Just putting that out there. Komi said any announcement like that would have to go through the acting attorney general who I believe at the time was Dana Bente. The assumption by Trump that Komi leaked classified documents rests solely on a Fox News report
Starting point is 01:21:34 that states that Komi sent four memos to the press. We talked about this earlier. That report was incorrect and none of the information Komi gave to the press was classified. Thank you Fox news. I didn't know that this to put all along. Exactly. Get him from the inside. Another thing we learned from the memos
Starting point is 01:21:52 is that the White House actually had serious reservations about Flynn, despite Trump publicly defending him. After a January 27 meeting, Comey wrote this in his memos, quote, he then went on to explain that he has serious reservations about Mike Flynn's judgment and illustrated with a story from that day in which the president apparently discovered during his toast to Theresa May that redacted head called four days ago. Apparently, during the toast, the president said that Prime Minister May had been the first
Starting point is 01:22:23 to call him after his inauguration, and Flynn interrupted to say that blank had called him first, redacted. That name is redacted. It was then that the president learned of redacted's call, and he confronted Flynn about it. Flynn said the return call was scheduled for Saturday, which prompted a heated reply from the president that six days was not an appropriate period of time to return a call from the blank of a country like blank. It's like a hip hop explicit out here.
Starting point is 01:22:54 This isn't blank we're talking about. He said, Trump said if he called blank and didn't get a return call for six days, he'd be very upset. The president pointed at his head and said, this guy has serious judgment issues. All right, so let's look at these blanks. Let me fill them in as I think it went. Yeah. Apparently during the toast,
Starting point is 01:23:12 President said that Prime Minister May had been the first to call him after his inauguration and Flynn interrupted to say that Putin actually called him first. It was then that the president learned of the Putin call and he confronted Flynn about it. Flynn said the return call was scheduled for Saturday, which prompted a heated reply from the president saying that six days was not an appropriate period of time to return a call from the president of a country like Russia. This isn't a monaco we're talking about. He said.
Starting point is 01:23:41 Trump said that if he called Putin and didn't get a return call for six days, he'd be very upset. There you go. So that's what I think. Oh, thank you. That was so much easier. And they're redacted. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:52 Finally, I don't know what other country would even go in those blanks. Exactly. Yeah, and I'm going to tell you I'm guessing. Yeah, but I'm probably wrong. Educated? Yeah. Probably right. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Finally, Comey's memos reveal how confusing it is to talk to Trump, quote, the conversation, which was pleasant at all times, was chaotic with topics touched, left, then returned to later, making it very difficult to recount in a linear fashion. Normally, I can recall all of the pieces of a conversation and the order of a discussion with high confidence. Here, given the nature of it, there is a distinct possibility that while I have the substance right,
Starting point is 01:24:31 the order was slightly different. It really was a conversation as jigsaw puzzle in a way, with pieces picked up, then discarded, then returned to." And I'm personally, I'm surprised Trump hasn't latched onto that saying, see, Lion James, Komi, memos are fake because I don't make any sense. Right. I mean, maybe tomorrow we'll find out if he tweets that. We'll see if you called it. Right? Like, it just seems like that would be the thing to grab onto. So you'd like, look, I'm so non-linear and idiotic that you can't. Yeah, it's not me. Yeah, it's not me. I'm sure they will. like look I'm so non-linear and idiotic. They can't, yeah, it's not a chore.
Starting point is 01:25:04 I'm sure they will. You're probably right, yeah. That would make sense. Well, if I hope there's a court, anyway guys, sit tight, we'll be right back. Hello, this is A.G. from Muller She Wrote. I would take a minute here to thank all of our subscribers, but they can hear me right now
Starting point is 01:25:20 because they don't have to listen to this shit. Our patrons are truly blessed, you guys. They get access to all of our mini minisodes, including the entire archive. They get our weekly newsletter that Jordan creates, and that includes my research notes. And you'll become a member of the MSW Book Club this week. We start a higher loyalty by James Coney. And, the first 50 people that pledge $10, we'll get a two-ounce bag of our limited edition from Russia with Love, Luzleaf, Earl Grey, Polonium Tea.
Starting point is 01:25:47 Blended exclusively for Mullahshi Road by JoinsTispoon.com, a woman owned, responsibly sourced tea company that believes in the soul of the tea. There's only 50 of these, so head over to MullahshiRoad.com and click subscribe now. And thank you for listening. All right, welcome back. Are you guys ready for the fantasy indictment leak? Yes! All right, guys, I think that once Mueller prepares this update report for Congress on obstruction of justice, the indictments will start dropping. That's what I think. And we've talked about this several times and his, I just slapped my knee, sorry.
Starting point is 01:26:38 It's a knee slapper. We've talked about this, what we think is going to be the timing of everything. He could indict the Russians before then, the Russians that hacked the DNC in Podesta, and he might. But now that the president isn't going to talk to Mueller, the report that would have been ready in June, maybe July, could likely be sent to Rosenstein this month or in May. So I'd start looking for indictments next month and what I would like to call a mullermay eye.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Oh, single date, no, it's not gonna work. Sikode mullermay day. Mullermay day, mullermay day. I don't know, yeah, but yours is better. Yours is better, yes. Anyway, so that's what I think is gonna happen. You're gonna see, once hemits this report. It might be It's the report on the four obstructions of justice, right? And it might be or what did we call it a cafe-fay of obstruction?
Starting point is 01:27:33 Oh, beautiful. And it might be a recommendation to impeach, but he's going to give it to Rosenstein. Rosenstein has to give it to the four guys Lady of three guys and lady and then He'll decide whether to release it to larger Congress or whatever. But at that point, once he files that, I think he will then start dropping these indictments, drop out like the base. Particularly, at least the Russian indictments on the hack into the RNC and the RNC and the cadesti emails and Stone, Wiki, Lee,aks and Assange, and I think he might do the super-seining man-afford indictments on collusion
Starting point is 01:28:08 or goose-y for two. He's one of the red-eggisars. He's not gonna flip, yeah. And conspiracy. So, which really honestly, the collusion charge would be espionage? Sure, so. And I'll volunteer if he wants me to testify.
Starting point is 01:28:20 I'll be like, this is all fucked up. You can hear me like, I really know. You know what? Here's what I say. They'd be glad to hear from you. Oh yeah. Alright, so I don't know what you guys have anyone do you want to add to the indictment team? There's people who are probably forgetting because it's just like a whole sims universe of people involved here, but like I think we'd name the major people and those are the ones
Starting point is 01:28:40 that I imagine would come after that report. So yeah, those I think we got. Prodigy's already on there, right? Yeah, yeah, okay, cool. Yeah, we named pretty much everyone who was in the minority report. Okay. And everyone we've done a story on. I mean, pretty much, you know, like Simpsons
Starting point is 01:28:53 like picture when all the characters are in there. I think the Russian investigation needs like a picture of everyone in life. That's your generation. My generation would be the Muppets Take Man Hatton at the wedding between Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. They had it on every single Muppet. Beautiful. In the church. We need that for the Muppets Take Man Hatton at the wedding between Kermit Frog and Miss Piggy. They had it where they have every single Muppet. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:29:06 In the church. We need that for the Moller investigation. Yes. I imagine there are more term campaign aids too that we don't know the names of that new things. Absolutely. There's tons of people we just can't even imagine. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:19 I don't know. Every week I could freeform Crop and just add them to the cluster and then when it's all done we'll just see how many. Well, the ones that we know about, there's for every one we know about, there's probably two that we don't. Oh, right. So if we have 80 or 90 people,
Starting point is 01:29:32 there could be close to 200 people we don't know about that are not just gonna be undyeded, but could be subjects, targets, or witnesses. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, you guys ready for sabotage? Yes. All right, so this morning Trump tweeted something stupid. I know. I know you're all shocked. He said, quote, the New York Times and third rate reporter named Maggie Haberman, known as a crooked H flunky, who I don't speak to and have nothing to do with,
Starting point is 01:30:08 are going out of their way to destroy Michael Cohen and his relationship with me in the hopes that he will quote flip. Our president ladies and gentlemen spelling names wrong he spelled Maggie Haberman's name wrong. Admitting he's done shit people can flip on him for and witness tampering. Three cheers for stable genius. Yeah. He piped trees in. I don't know. Pip it. That's great. Anyway, so that's that's my sabotage. It's not going to change my fantasy indictment
Starting point is 01:30:36 team at all. Yeah, that is amazing though that it's another self-incriminating tweet. Yeah. Although I'm wondering now if Maggie Haberman is a witness. Oh, he spelled her name wrong. Yes. Although I'm wondering now if Maggie Heyberman is a witness. Oh, he's spelled her name wrong. Yes, he corrected it, but he corrected it. But then left the shittin about him about Cohen flipping. Yeah. He's just so. He's nobody's smart. All right, you guys. Let's get to questions about that. Yes. At K-R-R-M-C-C-A-S, quote, rundowns on pardons, what's currently allowed?
Starting point is 01:31:06 Who's currently eligible? Predictions and what's this new legislation? I think we covered this. The whole Schneider Men trying to close a loophole in New York so that you can be a tried in state for a crime that you've been tried for. For sure. Yeah, and I think it's the top dogs that would get pardoned,
Starting point is 01:31:22 not the smaller and dited. No, yeah. And he really, it was really it was it was manifold gates Maybe Flynn maybe Cohen, but even that wouldn't help because I think he has state charges. All right. Of course Scooter Libby because that's totally relevant. Yeah Just a jab at Komi. Yeah. Yeah, so Carmel Simpson asked Simmons. Excuse me. Carmel Simmons asked, quote, why did Cohen drop his defamation suits? And I think we covered this too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:48 Because there is proof that he was in Prague. That's what I think. Somebody stamped his shit. Proof of Prague. Yeah. Broad proof. Can't really fill up at Hoki Horn, one of our lawyer friends says,
Starting point is 01:32:01 hey, it's your law buddy with a couple questions. Would love your opinion on this instead of impeachment. Let's say Trump is indicted, tried, and found guilty, and sentenced to more than a year in prison, because he has sentenced to more than a year on a felony in most states he's considered incapacitated for legal purposes. Dems then file a writ to scotus
Starting point is 01:32:21 to remove him from office under the 25th amendment. Also, another question is with the Department of Justice turning over Comey's memos. I think the obstruction part of the investigation is near end and a report to Rod Rosenstein is eminent. Do you? Yes. And yes. So you would have to indict a sitting president, however, and I'm not sure Mueller would do that under because DOJ rules currently.
Starting point is 01:32:47 Don't clearly state that that's his... Prevent him from doing that. Yeah, yeah. So, I'm not sure that he would indict him. I think we're going to see the obstruction and recommendation for impeachment report, go to Congress, go to Rosenstein who has to take it to Congress, at least the four guys with three and a lady. And then we'll see indictments drop on everyone else, super-seating indictments on Manafort,
Starting point is 01:33:12 conspiracy and espionage and indictments. But I don't know that he's gonna indict Trump directly. And Komi has actually said he doesn't want Trump to be impeached. He wants him to, um, to suffer. What? No, he, he is saying he wants the voters to kick him the fuck out. Um, yeah, I just let them see him as an unfit leader. Right. Yeah. Like, take responsibility for our own power. And I want Americans to, to do it. Yeah. Which is great. But then again, if Trump isn't gone, then how are we going to stop the Russians from hacking our vote anyways?
Starting point is 01:33:46 That's a that's a big thing. Yeah, and what he's actually criminally liable for his actions. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. But I do appreciate that thought. Call me. Yeah. Thanks for thanks for making us do it. Given it's given us. Honestly, if the longer this goes on, the more, I think it's going to happen like that because of just the length of the investigation. And then he might be indicted after, but like with Nixon, right? He actually gets it. He gets it. He's like, yeah, he he he starts.
Starting point is 01:34:13 I don't think Trump will be elected into a second term though. I don't think so either. I think he's not going to be a let. No, I don't think he'll be elected. I mean, it was a forever ago and politics and headlines, but like a few months ago, didn't he have like high chances of as in It's two years from now. You're right. I mean anything in him and now and dinner and I don't know what that was a rasmus and pull I think you're quoting 50% yeah, that's a very conservative. That was concerning me. Yes. I'm glad that's not the case. Yeah, I don't think so. I don't think
Starting point is 01:34:38 I feel but I think he I what I'm saying though is I don't think that it will come to a conclusion before the election happens. And then I just think he's not going to get elected to 2020. You don't think he will. His ship will come to conclusion. Other people should. Yes. Yeah. That's what I think.
Starting point is 01:34:53 That makes sense. And so be it. If he's out then, you know, that's fine by me. All right. Amanda Flieger wants to know what we say to the opposition in a debate. So here's her situation. Her, her, her family members say that the investigation is hoax. She says, I have found some Foxwatching right-winged family members, or excuse me, I have some Foxwatching right-winged family members who have a hard time listening
Starting point is 01:35:13 to the truth. Also, a lot of these folks are big on using, as AG calls it, what about isms. Very frustrating when I want to have an actual dialogue with them. Man, I have given up trying to anyone who still supports Trump to me clearly is beyond redemption and I have given up trying to bring them over to suicide. I know it's silly because I totally agree with you with the frustration that this is impossible to change their mind, but I've realized that the one thing that all groups agree on is death. So it's funny because we don't want to start with fear, but like if we somehow like start from like the only thing that we can say is like inevitable and be like, hey, well
Starting point is 01:35:54 we don't want to die, right? So like let's try to figure out like kind of work backwards. Like well, Trump could potentially do something that makes us all die. So let's just they won't believe it. They're just going to call that sensationalist. Yeah. Yeah. You think so? For sure. As they're like,
Starting point is 01:36:07 mutilized and like blowing up. I don't know. He's really in power of some crazy stuff. Like anybody would, I think, be as afraid of that, right? Yeah, but I think that we have a defense mechanism, mechanism in our brains that will not allow us to seriously contemplate that before we would actually have a rational conversation. I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:36:26 But I think of the what aboutism too, if just advice, because I have a lot of what about your super conservative tea party candidates, like they would have left just family members. Yeah, family members. Yeah. And they are super what about us. And they're smart people though. So I don't know if your family you would identify as smart people but if they are if you could maybe just tell them hey
Starting point is 01:36:49 I understand that you have these other issues with these other things that are problematic for you but within the context of this that actually doesn't have any bearing on what we're actually talking about. Yeah or just say that doesn't make this okay. Right. So let's take the logical, let's follow the line of logic to the end of this. Or can you see it? Yeah maybe Obama wasn't as tough on Russia as you could have been but that doesn't mean make this okay. Right, so let's take the logical, or follow the line of logic to the end of this. Or proceed. Yeah, maybe Obama wasn't as tough on Russia as you could have been,
Starting point is 01:37:08 but that doesn't mean that this is okay. Or yes, maybe Hillary did this, but that doesn't make this okay. Start with maybe Bill Clinton assaulted women. Yes, I hear you, maybe Bill Clinton assaulted women, but that doesn't make it okay for Trump to do it. That's right, are you? I hear you is really important.
Starting point is 01:37:22 If you will, we'll check out if you don't give it. If you acknowledge the first thing you can do when there's a debate is to acknowledge something that they are saying and support them and say, you know what, I think you're really great at this or I think that this is one of your strengths. However, have you considered this? Totally. If you compliment them before you argue with them, not insult them, but criticize. To debate, not even criticize, just debate with them or show them another side. They might be more willing to hear you. And that's true for anyone.
Starting point is 01:37:52 That makes total sense. At Kyle Crayon, Astis, what are the odds that Rudy Giuliani is a prime target in the Mueller investigation? I don't think he's a prime target. Same. I think he's definitely a subject. Andy J, at 021 O Jag, wants to to know is MM refusing, that's Mitch McConnell refusing
Starting point is 01:38:09 to take the Mueller bill to vote because of loyalty to party, hiding his own skeletons or hoping to push Trump towards firing and then ensuring the GOP can break up with Trump and be salvaged. Oh, all three, maybe. Yeah, I don't think there's any number of reasons. I think it's personally, I don't know, man. Yeah, I haven't seen evidence that makes me believe he's beholden to them in any sort of financial sense. I don't think this is re-election. I don't think he's being blackmailed or anything.
Starting point is 01:38:37 Yeah. Not like the House GOP, but yeah, probably the latter. Push Trump towards firing and then ensuring the GOP can break up. They can be salvaged. Like he's trying to save the Republican Party. I think it's problem. Oh, well that's Adam or me. It's over.
Starting point is 01:38:58 At science v. Trump asks, when Komi says things like Trump shouldn't be impeached, doesn't that suggest that there's no immediate threat that comes with him being in the White House? Yeah, and that's exactly what you were saying, Julie. So you're like, hey, but we could all die. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, so yes, it's a great thing to think the American people should get them out, but it's just not always the best chance. It's also this weird thing where this is a continuing investigation about what has happened
Starting point is 01:39:25 meanwhile things are still happening. So when Komi's talking about, you know, but not getting him impeached or something, it's sort of blind to the fact that the consequences of what he's getting, you know, investigated for are still playing out and are still affecting totally everything. Yeah. Yeah, it's, that's big. and are still affecting. Totally. Everything. Yeah. Yeah. It's, that's big. And okay, at Sam Stanton says, it's hard for me to say. He wants to know, quote, what in the absolute fuck is going on? I love when we get those questions. Yeah, so great. on a fort and Giuliani says he was brought into negotiate the end of the Mueller investigation and his resignation would definitely end that. So, well, I wouldn't end it. It would end it for him. Maybe? I don't know if Mueller would
Starting point is 01:40:37 be willing to grant him immunity if he resigned. I don't think Mueller works that way. Like, Mueller... I think Mueller wants to see every investigation through to its logical and legal conclusion. Yeah. Yeah, that's a little too political of a motivation. That's my personal thought on it. Carl Welch asked, quote, is it a coincidence that Trump pardoned Scooter Libby right before
Starting point is 01:40:57 Comey's book was released, which happened to mention how Scooter Libby was convicted for obstruction, perjury, and making false statements to the FBI in order to protect Cheney. Yes, and not only that, but he was investigated by Jim Comey. No, not a coincidence. No, not a coincidence. No, at all.
Starting point is 01:41:12 No, no. No, not a coincidence. No, at all. Yeah. No, nor was it a call to metaphor it, to enflin, to, you know, stop talking. Chris Bliss asked, does the DNC civil suit involve Rico? The answer is yes. It is based on Rico charges, so good question.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Totally. Good job. Meredith Papa says, quote, a comprehensive narrative that helps regular citizens make sense of the indictment, stossies, and news, and general Trump White House corruption. Five stars. Yay. Thank you. Thank you. That wasn't a question. That was a...
Starting point is 01:41:45 Yeah. Arraiding. Then, holy moly, you guys. Someone named Trombone Repairman. Mm-hmm. E-mailed me. That sounds dirty. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:55 E-mailed me and said he was sure I was a woman named Desiree Shell because our voices sound so much alike. You guys can be the judge. Julie said, can you roll that clip? Oh, yeah. I was an activist. I started out with environmental groups, but I changed my focus to anti-poverty work and somewhere in there I found the labor movement. I've been a full-time union organizer for the last five years. Yeah, holy mjolie guys, that sounds just like me. Except she says a boat, she's got a Canadian
Starting point is 01:42:25 or some sort of a North Dakota thing. Yeah, that is nuts. It sounds just like, I'm gonna have to reach out to her and be like, hey, we're buddies. Yeah. She's a very, she looks absolutely nothing like me too, which is strange. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:38 She kind of looks like Maddo. Yeah, she's a tiny, short brown-haired person with glasses. I am none of those things. Thank you so much, you guys. We hope you enjoy listening to this podcast as much as we enjoy making it. Head over to iTunes, please, and subscribe, and rate us.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Rate our podcast. We would really appreciate it. Until next time, I've been A.G. I'm Julie Sedgonson. I'm Jordan Coburn. And this is Millerer She Wrote. Muller She Wrote is produced and engineered by AG with editing and logo designed by Jolisa Johnson.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Market consulting by Amanda Rita-Rate Unicorn Creative, our digital media director and subscriber manager is Jordan Coburn. Our partners are fastgras.org, joistyspoon.com. Fact checking and research by AG was support from Jolissa Johnson and Jordan Coburn. This week's episode of Mola Shiro is written by AG, Jolissa Johnson, Jordan Coburn, Sarah Hirschberger Valencia, Jesse Egan, and Sarah Lee Stein. Our web design and branding is by Joel Rita with Moxie Design Studios, and our website is molashirot.com. Music
Starting point is 01:44:00 Season 4 of How We Win Is Here. For the past four years we've been making history in critical elections all over the country. And last year, we made history again by expanding our majority in the Senate, eating election denying Republicans and crucial state house races, and fighting back a non-existent red wave. But the Maga Republicans who plotted and pardoned the attempted overthrow of our government now control the House. Thanks to gerrymandered maps and repressive anti-voter laws.
Starting point is 01:44:32 In the chaotic spectacle we've already seen shows us just how far they will go to seize power, dismantle our government, and take away our freedoms. So, the official podcast of the persistence is back with season 4. There's so much more important work ahead of us to fight for equity, justice, and our very democracy itself. We'll take you behind the lines and inside the rooms where it happens, with strategy and inspiration from progressive change makers all over the country. And we'll dig deep into the weekly news that matters most and what you can do about it,
Starting point is 01:45:08 with messaging and communications expert, co-founder of Way to Win, and our new co-host, Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona. So join Steve and I every Wednesday for your weekly dose of inspiration, action, and hope. I'm Steve Pearson. And I'm Jennifer Fernandez-Ancona. And this is How We Win.
Starting point is 01:45:29 And this is How We Win. you

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