Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 209 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Lex Freedman et al.

Episode Date: January 27, 2021

Fill out this survey if you're a fan of the show! This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Travis Walton, Tulsi Gabbard and Lex Freedman... Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorne my either the worst Go draw the show
Starting point is 00:00:35 Hello guys. Well loud. Sorry. Let me step back from the mic. Hello guys. Welcome to another episode of the Joe Rogan experience review All Rogan experience review or Rogan universe, whatever you want to call it. Join us always by Garrett. How you doing, bud? What's up, guys? How are we doing? Nice, nice, good week, bud. Yes, sir. And we've been talking before this, but it's nice to pretend that we haven't been right.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I've been doing a bit of traveling. I think I told you I just got back from Puerto Rico yesterday. I was there for five days. I was and then you say you had a COVID test. Yeah, that positive and a negative one. Dude, it's such a interesting situation because you're supposed to get a COVID test three days before you travel and then get it cleared. But I literally got it the day before and then I got my results the day after I landed in Puerto Rico and it came back positive. Obviously I was freaking out. And then I didn't feel it. I mean, I worked out every single day. I did everything I'd normally do. I had no symptoms, no nothing. The next day I went in,
Starting point is 00:01:43 took another test in Puerto Rico, and I'm kind of was nervous for the next. It took them like 48 hours to give me the results back. That one came back negative, so fortunately, I was able to travel back to LA with no issues, but... It was weird, I don't know. Do you think that you got it or not? Not at all, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:02:01 I don't, I mean, I know that Joe's talked about some statistics that like 70% of people that get it are asymptomatic, but it almost felt like a false negative of the fact that the next day I took a test and it came back negative. So I'm just like, I don't understand. First test, first test was oral, and then the second test was a nasal.
Starting point is 00:02:21 So I don't know, I mean, I mean, I don't know. Maybe you only have it in your mouth. Well, I think potentially, but I think Tulsi mentioned actually on her podcast that it has the tendency of like residing in your nose for a longer time. So even if you were to get the vaccine, did you hear that? Something about like like, they were talking about the frontline workers and who deserves to get the vaccine first and this and that. And she had mentioned that if you get it in your nose, it like sometimes like resides in your nose for an extended period of time and you can potentially give it to other people.
Starting point is 00:02:56 But mind came to mind. Who knows what to believe at this point? Right. I don't know. We should be more conclusive than that yeah anyway look let's jump straight in with what is probably the craziest story I never heard Rogan's podcast with Travis Walton 1597 UFO abduction right right so Joe's talked about this guy for a while I guess they
Starting point is 00:03:22 just made they uh, they recently had the guy on the road of book about it, I think, and then they made a movie. I think was a movie that fire in the sky movie. That's right. Yeah, I still haven't seen that. I want to see that. I remember that. I'm going to write that down. I remember that. But, um, yeah, crazy. I mean, there's so many parts of this that The it's easy to hear someone talk and then you know, you make a lot of assumptions Mm-hmm about them, you know like oh, maybe they're not that smart or maybe they're whatever Maybe they're trash or maybe blah blah blah, you know, whatever assumptions you make
Starting point is 00:04:01 But when these guys are loggers, right? You know the they're getting fights, drink beers and hang out. These types, I mean, these are like the, if you had to think about a friend that you had to tell a story to about being abducted, right? You don't tell it to your logger friends, right? They're gonna laugh at you, you know what I mean? So the fact that it these guys all have that same story. Yeah and Yeah, I found that really interesting especially the fact that he had I mean Joe makes reference to like people that tell stories and it's complete bullshit a lot of the time just because people are in different spots and
Starting point is 00:04:42 They may have seen something and it's a lot easier and it's fun to believe. But it's like when you're telling the same story for X amount of years and you're being criticized for it and you're being ridiculed for it, it's like what really is your motivation to lie as well as going through my head, you know what I mean? Yeah, I mean, if it was total bullshit, it's like why you keep at some point, you would just be like, forget it. I don't need to deal with this. It's not like he's been making money off this I guess he goes to like he goes to those like UFO conferences and stuff maybe get something there Right, but that's probably more to deal with the trauma. Yeah, that's it To like get through it with people that will believe him instead of just facing
Starting point is 00:05:22 skeptics and critics all the time. Totally. I mean, you know, it is wacky, right? And you've got a feel for the guy because like, regardless, I think he believes it happened, right? And I'm inclined to believe that it did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:39 But let's just say, let's say it didn't and he just believes it and it was some weird group elucination. Yeah. You know, unlikely, but let's say just for the sake of it. Well, then you have everyone that doesn't believe you. Yeah. For the rest of your life. And that's going to be... I mean, that's got to mess with everything, your relationships and work and...
Starting point is 00:06:00 I mean, right. Yeah. I mean, dating a girl and being like, wait a minute, you're the guy that got abducted by aliens, right? And you're like, yeah. And then she's like, all right, later that whole five day thing that he said he was gone for five days and then came back. That was fucking a bit to swallow. Like that almost hit home because then he's like, well, was there no remnants of, sorry about taking a do or whatever. And he's like, no, none of that. None of my clothes was dirty. Nothing. I was just like, well, was there no remnants of, sorry about taking a do, sir, whatever. And he's like, no, none of that, none of my clothes
Starting point is 00:06:26 was dirty, nothing. I was just like, came back five days later, more or less. And I was abducted by aliens. Right. Well, I mean, think about it this way, right? Who knows where we went? So let's say it was aliens and he got abducted. I mean, if they're like moving at incredible speeds speeds or they're taking him really long distances away, maybe time went fast on earth.
Starting point is 00:06:52 You know, just because of like how it was because his story wasn't a five day story, right? It was mostly, mostly just like he's in the ship on the Yeah, and then you know, there's a bit of a tussle He sees like the humanoid ones which was weird. That was weird like addition Yeah, like people that look like normal and blue suits and then they take him outside or into a hanger And then there's some more shit going on and they put a gas mask on him and then that that's kind of it They've taken back I mean like I that that's kind of it. They taken back. I mean, I guess that's what he remembers, right? I mean, I go center that that's a pretty extensive story to keep rolling the same exact facts on for however many years it's been now.
Starting point is 00:07:35 It's been what 20, 25 years since it happened since he said it happened. So I mean, in order to keep those stories rolling and then it's like, I mean've probably I mean you probably had some crazy ass dreams some super real realistic dreams But the way he was telling the story and the passion that he had about the story it did not sound like a dream For sure No, well is sounded like a fucking nightmare to me honest. Yeah, it was that's what he said He's I mean you want to deny it almost even to yourself you're like I don't want to believe that that actually happened but it's like that did happen then it's kind of hard to deny it you know I thought it was interesting what Joe said about
Starting point is 00:08:14 how we call our animals in the wild and then release them and then kind of study them you know go back like that's a hundred percent what we do there's no reason to think that you know know, the, yeah, I mean, it kind of makes sense, right? I mean, why would you just look at something once and then be like, all right, later, right? I never bother him again. I thought that reference he made too, as far as like, ants, it's not like you walk by is like, we're trying to make reasons why that they wouldn't pay attention to everybody's like, you don't walk by ant hills and try and talk to the ants. You know what I mean? And the way he was talking about their communication,
Starting point is 00:08:47 styling stuff, it was so far beyond, they didn't have to use words. It was what he was saying, you know? Yeah, yeah. Like just using thoughts, just using thoughts. I mean, this is why he assumed he was making a lot of assumptions Right that he couldn't possibly know like how because he hit his head hard They weren't able to like read his mind and I mean obviously he couldn't know that but to be fair
Starting point is 00:09:15 He's had to sit thinking about this for 25 years And when you have when you have holes in a story or you don't understand something He's probably quite comforting to fill those holes with something. Something that kind of makes sense, yeah. Yeah, that makes sense for sure. Have you ever seen a UFO or think you have? Uh, personally, I can't say I've ever had any experience that would give me the thought that I have ever had that.
Starting point is 00:09:42 I mean, I honestly, I see shooting stars, and we see stuff in the sky, but I've never thought to myself, who was that aliens? Personally, have you? See, I have a story, but I was very young, which just adds in that like, oh, there was probably my imagination,
Starting point is 00:10:01 and I just saw something weird. But my location was interesting because I was really close to West Stonehenges in England. And we were kids I must have been trying to think like eight years old, like pretty young. And there was a group, there was a bunch of us. And all the parents were like boozing it up in these tents just hanging out at this like festival thing and it was the night time and All the kids were we were all like playing in this field and You could kind of see like what was going on. I don't know if the moon was out I think it was like bright enough to where that was like you know
Starting point is 00:10:40 We could see what was going on and we just playing and messing and have them fun and stay up late and you know all this stuff right and I remember we looked up or somebody looked up and it was three lights like a big triangle shape which is quite common like seen but I'd never seen it or heard anything so I had this story and I remember later like seeing the triangle ships described and and being like holy fuck that was what I saw but again you know I was young I don't know. And three dots any three dots in the sky make up a triangle. So it's a good point. It's not really that I mean it doesn't matter what almost where they are you can still make a triangle out of it. So But what was weird is I do remember it turning and covering the stars, or at least that's how my brain
Starting point is 00:11:30 remembered it. Maybe I changed it to make it seem like a cooler story, like as I grew up, I don't know, I can't be sure, but we were all amazed by it. And it didn't make any sound, then it spun around, then I remember all these kids just going, holy, wow wow look at that whoa and then it just disappeared like zipped away like as fast as anything could move and we all
Starting point is 00:11:52 ran up screaming to the tents and I remember running up thinking wow I get to tell my parents that an alien spaceship was here and then after that everyone will believe in aliens well I was eight so it was very wrong my My dad just looked at me and was like, oh, I shot up kids, go back out and play and carry on drinking. I mean, what's your first reference of aliens even as like, like, what was the ET? Like, what would you say the thing that like you would thought of? That's the thing that probably, probably ET would have been my first experience with what pops up my experience with it right that's like the early 80s I definitely watch that movie yeah, so I'm sure that that was it and but you know, it's like so many of these sightings
Starting point is 00:12:35 So many of them turn out to be nothing and then People's imagination just runs away with them. I you know, it's a little different when you disappear for five days. Yeah, that's what I'll say. For sure. And he said that the other guys all kind of had a similar recollection and the way he talked about how they were all pretty emotional at some point or another given the story. I mean, seems like there's some validity to it for sure. And the way he, I mean, unless he's like a professional actor, it's hard to come to,
Starting point is 00:13:04 like, he was about to come to tears a few times in the podcast. You could tell that I mean There was some shit there, you know what I mean? Yeah, well what really got me is how much of the trauma he focused on yeah like how much of a mess he was afterwards and it's like Well, that's yeah, that's what would have happened right? I mean I mean instead of just talking about the Yeah, that's what would happen, right? I mean, instead of just talking about the amazing parts of the story and the details, because like Joe kept having a push for the details. Yeah, right? And he kept trying to skim over it, because almost what's more important to him is like how it affected him, because that's mostly what he's had to deal with.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Totally. It was wild, man. I liked the conversation. I thought the guy, you know, he seemed genuine enough and with the reports and kind of how famous the story is. I mean, you know, Joe wasn't really like picking it up to pieces. No, he was the... I liked that he talked about the details, like you'd say though, like he would be like, well, how did it look? And what was that this and what was that
Starting point is 00:14:06 But now like you said the guy took up a few liberties there in his own story, but like you said I mean that would make sense You want to be able to justify reasons for why what was going on to some extent, you know Yeah, it really makes you think I found it fascinating though like what a cool guest have on. And I think this is the start of what Joe was saying by having kind of a UFO guy on every month. I hope he continues it. I mean, isn't it? I think it's a fun time for that. Don't you see, feel like it's so human and even more, like even more director specific, isn't it so American to think that we'd be the only things in the universe?
Starting point is 00:14:44 I mean, it kind of comes down to a vanity thing for me. the It's something like I mean it's hundreds of billions right it just in our Galaxy I think and there's like billions of galaxies. I mean it would be pretty naive to you know the only thing out there Yeah, but it's way different to say they're coming here. Are they taking people? Yeah, are they like that? nefariously close to our society like fuck. I wish we just had some real evidence like really good. I feel like it was so close and it's like still like chasing bigfoot. Right. What do you think the percentage is of I mean this is all this is just speculation, but I wonder what the percentages of that the vast majority of the cases are the the reflections like do they solely come from
Starting point is 00:15:46 the United States because I don't know if other people and I mean I heard a few other stories I think I heard one in England but and I think I heard one of the maybe in Africa too but it's like it'd be pretty vain to think they would only come to the United States as well you know. Yeah so yeah I mean it could make sense that they would go to the biggest cities or maybe where the most the countries with the most in Nukes would be. Yeah, it's good. So at least early on it would make sense that it would be like Russia and the US until other countries had them but as they check it out but yeah I'm pretty sure people are like reporting abductions all over the place, all over the world.
Starting point is 00:16:27 There's definitely a lot of sightings over England, for sure. And that's where the crop circle stuff mostly was, I think. Yeah, yeah. I think there's some of that shit was fake. Right. What's the motivation? All right, let's move on to, oh, gone.
Starting point is 00:16:44 What's the motivation for people you think in that scenario to make up fake stories just to just to do it Just to do it like what's the motivation behind it dude? I think it's like anything I think it's like a liar. They just want attention. They want to seem special I think Joe even says that like people want to be special without doing any work So they pray lie about shit. It's probably that with the lies. Or maybe it's part of like some sort of mental illness. They don't they don't even realize like it's real to them, but it just isn't true. You know who knows.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Who knows. There's some weird stuff in there. For sure. Yeah. All right, let's move on to 1599, Tulsi Gabbard. You know, every time she's on, I like her more for sure. I couldn't agree more. Like, she just seems really genuine, super cool. You know, she, I would, I didn't know that she was a former congressperson. I did I guess she stopped while she ran for president Yep, and then his decided not to go back into politics and she didn't really say why other than a lot of the podcast
Starting point is 00:17:56 She was kind of talking about you know how how corrupt politics is She didn't know I don't think yeah, basically Like the house of representatives, you know, they almost treat things like these in-group out-group mentality, and it's a bit like high school, and who are you talking to? And whenever she made reference to the fact of like giving this stimulus check, as far as the Democrats not wanting to give those stimulus checks because then that would have boosted Trump's like like ability and potentially got him reelected. It's like that is fucking scary shit To be honest with you like that was kind of blown away by that dude. That's
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's super awful to think that during the craziest times of COVID and the craziest times of most people's lives the craziest times of COVID and the craziest times of most people's lives that they would have used us like that. That's gross. It's really, really sad. It's not that hard to prove though. That's the problem. Yeah, I mean, the fact that they're good liars. Yeah, that's politicians.
Starting point is 00:19:01 They're not here to like take care of us. They're here to get reelected. It's a job to them in a lot of ways, I think, and that's that that's a scary thing that we have our system set up that way, you know. It kind of seems like that. Yeah, it's like they want to talk about the things they did well, but they don't really seem to give too much of a shit about really helping people. No, that's not that's not part of the game. The game is to get reelected. And however way you got to do that, and we got to whoever you have to support. Or yeah, that was a, that was a tough pill to swallow. Listen to that thinking about how many people may have lost their businesses or suffered based on people's personal personal political agendas is just a,
Starting point is 00:19:40 that was a tough one. Yeah, well, you were talking about it earlier. So now Biden's in. Right. Case is still really high in California and isn't Gavin Newsom like opening stuff up? Oh. Did he just end a curfew or something? I think there is the conversation that's going in. I mean, it still seems like it's in limbo
Starting point is 00:19:57 and I texted my boss today and said, hey, just want to see if there's any updates. I've been reading the news and it seems like there may be a little bit of lift. And he just text me back, it looks that way. I'll let you know and keep you posted. So I was like, that was the first little tidbit of ever reassurance that we've had in this whole thing, which isn't even reassurance, but it was like, yeah, I mean, what would he know more than you, though, at this point? I mean and it's not like they're telling them much of anything yeah
Starting point is 00:20:28 that's true I think it's just we're all reading the same social media shit and trying to decipher it's like how do you decipher through what you're on what's not real anymore like that exactly that's the biggest I do like the to see said that she's starting a podcast I think that's a great platform for her. Yeah. You know, because people really need to get to know who she is, just like in this Rogan way. Totally. Because, I mean, people were all over her when she was running for president.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I remember seeing it like, oh, you know, a lot of my friends and people I knew that were like in the politics, had a lot of bad things that like shitty things to say about her and I'd only ever heard her on Rogan and I'm like this doesn't make any sense like that. What kind of things are they making? Dude there was some bullshit about her being in with a Russian and like yeah and that and that she's not even really all that liberal, like she's super in the middle and more independent and trying to separate her from the party.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And I don't know, man. It was all, but it was, it did make sense and there were way worse candidates. Oh my God, I would, like you said, right when this started, is that every time I hear her talk, it makes me like her more, that I couldn't agree more.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Like, and she served two makes me like her more that I couldn't agree more. And she served two tours. After hearing that, it seems like that should almost be a requirement in order for you to be the executive officer to tell other people to go die for this country. I feel like you should have been in that situation in order to tell that. It is definitely an argument for that. I don't know if it necessarily has to be mandated, but I mean, it should be a huge resume point. You know, I mean, if you have it, you should be in much better standing for running, for sure. Yeah, because you've seen people die. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:22:19 and that's way different than being like, oh, yeah, just send them over there. The Navy seals would take care of that. She made reference to that one guy. She was right in the bill with. They're doing something that said he lost both of his legs and his arm. And I'm just like, too, in my life, it could always be worse. You know what I mean? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Imagine that. Just one arm. And you're, and you're like making still making things happen. What if you were doing? What if you were doing that based on, again, you're doing something based on another political agenda. And it's like, I would just hope that that happened for a reason, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:55 Like, that's another one that it's just like, I feel like she's, I don't, I only know from what I've heard around Logan, but it seems like she likes the idea of hearing the Hearing the issue before she makes a judgment and that's why she never really fits in either one of the parties because it's like you're already Maddie. Yeah, she's definitely up for the debate, which I think that kind of leaves you open. Yeah, so the pit you know, maybe Just exposing more of yourself and in the world of politics You know, I and a lot of these people it seems like they want to be at a control whoever gets in
Starting point is 00:23:32 So they're like they're gonna play bowl or they're gonna think too much Basically think too much about the people they represent and if that's the case It's not gonna work well for our business or our strategy or our agenda. So we're just gonna go with the other guy. Which is fucking sad. I had so weird setup we got. It's so weird. But I think most countries are running like that. It's not like this is unique to the US.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Right. It always comes down to financial stuff. That's the scariest part. But I don't know if that's a survival thing or I don't know you would like to think that people in those positions are there to serve the people You know as opposed to their own of course you would but yeah, of course you would you know, but here's the thing like she speaks freely She's gonna stay close to the issues. She's keeping a podcast independent, like without going over to a service that forces any sort of agenda, which is a great idea.
Starting point is 00:24:36 And over the years, people who are going to really get to know her and who knows, you know, she's a young man. You give it 10 years and she goes back When a whole new generation are like learning and listening and educating themselves In different ways maybe through podcasts or whatever. I mean there is the potential to be more informed These these days, you know by podcast. I think that I think that that's the vast majority I don't think you're watching CBS or NBC or CNN anymore like I don't know anybody that's doing no Dude I really hope that one I know they made a lot of jokes about Biden and Trump going on
Starting point is 00:25:15 Rogan to do the debates and Trump was up for it But I don't think it would be impossible in the future To have the debates with Rogan. And that would change the game. Without a doubt. Is there just gonna be no, yeah, there's gonna be no way for them to skirt the issue or talk some bullshit.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Joe's gonna be like listen. I'm already high and I'm not fucking standing for that bullshit. Yeah, don't, yeah. It's ever whiskey. Get some drunk, find that what they're really up to. There was, it was interesting whiskey gets him drunk finds out what they're really up to There was It was interesting to hear him talk about Biden only being in office for max two years Obviously, that's just speculation, but he I mean has a point into like I think he's gonna be 80 years
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yeah, he was like betting on him dying right? I was that was that was pretty funny. He's like not dying, but just not be present I'm like Joe you basically said I bet that he. He definitely did, but either way, I mean, yes, I think whenever he- Well, he might not, I mean, he's old, man. Yeah. Fucking old. He's 78. He's gonna be 80 and be a president. Have we ever had an 80 year old president? I don't know that for a fact, but I don't know. I think we need to we need to hire like some fact checker computer notes. We have our own Jamie. I like a little we call him mini, we James reach out to us if you got the skills on that.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah, yeah, you can Google shit really quickly. Actually, it's pointless for us because we never look stuff up. But yeah, I don't know. I don't think that we've had a... we probably maybe had one president like as old, but it's too old man. It's too fucking old. We need people that like can... we feel like could lead us into battle. I feel like if he walks down the step stairs too fast, he's gonna break his head. With that I feel like if he walks down the step, stairs too fast, he's going to break his head. With that, I feel like it's such a weird thing to think that he's like that. We've put this thing that he's like the ultimate savior of humanity, but like they were saying to us, people just hated Trump, right, infinitely hated it.
Starting point is 00:27:19 And they would have put a cabbages in, right, in replace of Trump. The trick had, let's finish this podcast that was something that Joe and and told him were talking about in like how they close the restaurants, right? Right. Because I think if they just open restaurants and bars and nothing else, at least in LA, like that would do so much for the people, for the businesses, I'm to be able to connect. And if there's no fucking evidence that you catch it when you're outside, then it's disgusting that they haven't, but they pointed to the fact that like
Starting point is 00:27:52 surfers were getting arrested. I know, right. And just think about that logic. I can't get over it. Like that is the grossest example you're on your own in the fucking ocean. I mean, I would challenge somebody, I would be like, okay, take someone with COVID, put them out and have them surf on their own, and give them a million dollars if they can give anyone COVID. Like as a challenge, like, do go ahead.
Starting point is 00:28:20 You wouldn't be able to, how are you gonna do it? I can give it to a dolphin. I can tell you that I just traveled back and there was a line of people waiting to get into the plane And the plane was completely jam packed with I almost every seat full in a monster airplane And then people can't surf like what are we what are we doing? Can't surf bro. You can't surf. you can't eat, but you can fly. And it seems like it had to be either one way or the other. I know there's gonna be some bounce back from that
Starting point is 00:28:50 because people have to travel and do what they're gonna have to do because those other things might be like options, but I don't know, man, if you're really thinking that scared, why are you allowed to go, we've made reference to it before, but why are you allowed to go to Walmart? Why are you allowed to go to Target? Why are you allowed to go to these places that are quote unquote essential? But you're going to shut down our restaurants and our bars because COVID runs more rampant in those.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Well, we need to redefine what's essential. I think going to restaurants is I do too. I mean, for people's mental, imagine, imagine why, like, think what what a restaurant is you have it so that you don't have to cook right It's it's a beautiful thing and I think Americans eat out maybe more than anyone else That's right and they're probably not good. What the fuck are they eating at home? Right you think all these people learned to become chefs while they're at home. No, they're just eating crap right They just like whatever at least when they go out They can be like oh, maybe I will guess right. I don't know. I don't I you know because they don't have to make it
Starting point is 00:29:51 They don't have to get all the bits. They don't have time anyway It's like oh fucking ramen ramen pots again I guess and if you're telling people to stay at home then people are joining each other at their homes From a like a rational thought process that if you're going to tell people they can't go out and the only thing they can do is be at home then you're going to congregate at home. This is going to happen. I believe, yeah, I believe. Well anyway, let's move on to Lex Friedman 1600 and this kind of segways anyway because they opened up immediately with the homelessness in LA and
Starting point is 00:30:26 how Absolutely out of control it is right. I mean you're close to it. You know what's going on I mean, you know you're doing this pod pretty regular now Your responsibility to give us an accurate L.A. Up there. Yeah, I mean like I mean, I've made reference to it before. I'm kind of in a tight little nook, but I'm down at the boardwalk every day. I mean, just running down the boardwalk and that has really gotten to be like,
Starting point is 00:30:54 almost like a pocket lip toe, to some extent. Like the people, the tens, it's like a community down there and I feel bad for it, but it is, I mean, even right now, and I was thinking that today, it's it's cold right now like super cold I got it got was like 45 degrees this morning. That's cold for LA. I'm thinking to myself. How are those people surviving? How is that going on?
Starting point is 00:31:16 And it seems to just be exponentially growing the longer and longer we keep this shit shut down, you know what I mean? Yeah, I don't know what the cost. What what are like you can say like things to be open again in six months where people get the vaccine blah blah. I'm like wait a minute. Do they have do they have like vaccine plans for the homeless? Yeah. And also what are they going to do with them all? They didn't do anything with them in the four years I lived that that seemed all that useful those numbers still grew and That was mostly normal life. Yeah, and now it's what three four times larger and there's no There's no plan. No, they barely have a plan for the COVID bit. Yeah, that's the thing too. It's like you could
Starting point is 00:32:00 I'm not like siding with homeless or not siding with them But it's like what are you gonna tell them you can't stay here anymoreiding with them, but it's like, what are you going to tell them? You can't stay here anymore. And they're like, all right, well, where do you want us to go? And where do you tell them to go? Shelters, I get, I get, we've, I mean, hopefully there's enough room for people in shelters. I don't know what the numbers are on that, but I got to imagine those places are pretty full because so many people that don't desire to be homeless have been put in that situation.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Now, so they're probably, I mean, reasonable people that aren't like, have a mental issue or a drug or alcohol problem are probably at those shelters and I go to imagine those numbers have exponentially grown, you know? Yeah, I just don't know. I mean, I'm sure it's not good. How could it be? Right. You know, those things that got to be full And they probably have massive restrictions on those places too,
Starting point is 00:32:46 because that would be a huge breeding ground for a COVID if you just put a bunch of homeless people in those things. I mean, there's an argument for that. There's an argument for that, but it's also, I don't know, their immunity could be better. I don't know, it just doesn't seem like that. I don't, yeah, I don't know how you do that. They're not gonna be going to get tested anyway, you know?
Starting point is 00:33:09 No, no. Well, fuck, I don't know. I think, you know, I mean, we were never coming out with solutions, but it's something that people think about. And I think about it because I live there, and it's a shame it went like this. And I do, I feel bad for for the for all of them out there like it sucks I wish they didn't have to be there I wish that were better solutions I don't blame them really I mean you definitely definitely
Starting point is 00:33:35 blame the government for a lot of it yeah they have to have a better of our gem for once on it have a part of our gym influence on it. Oh, how are you? What did you think about him, uh, Lex, massaging Goggins and then getting roped into this fucking 48 mile run thing? I got fired up. I thought about just doing it after I heard he's doing it, but I haven't ran in while I still do cardio, but 48 miles out of just out of not doing it for a long time could be a bit rough on the knees.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Oh, the, the tone-als a full off. Yeah. I mean, it's do you think, but. Oh, the, your toenails are full off. Yeah. That'd be brutal. I mean, it's due, you think, but if you, I was thinking I was breaking it down. If it's 48 miles and 48 hours, you could potentially just walk the whole thing, but you'd be walking for 48 hours, you know, even if you walk a mile and twirl. Uh, no, because don't you walk it like three miles an hour? I was gonna say you probably walk it like you probably get a mile in and 20 minutes if
Starting point is 00:34:24 you were at least moving a little bit. So that's a good point. So you could do what's that? You're doing three miles an hour. I don't know what the math is on that. I guess three times 12, because six, three times. I mean, yeah, it could be a lot less. We'll put it that way.
Starting point is 00:34:40 But at the end of the day, I was thinking, it's very feasible. If you were drinking like energy drinks or just stayed awake for 48 hours, if you had to utilize the whole time, you could get it. Yeah. Dude, you could walk it. Yeah. You could walk it. Let's, let's, let's figure it out. Three miles an hour. So, so if you go how much are you going to,
Starting point is 00:34:57 16 hours, you'd be awake full. Right. That's right. That's doable, but you wouldn't be stopping by here. Yeah. But it's doable. So, yeah. I mean, let's assume that you could do 16. That'd be a long day, and it's a fuck time of walking. I wonder what God is doing. And if he's doing four in an hour, and then just chilling for three hours, or how he breaks that down.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Oh, dude, he's probably fucking sprinting. Right, the first. He was telling him, too, he's like, I'm gonna have to do other stuff. It was funny that he said, he called him within, like I can't remember the amount of time that it right after he wrote the comment He wrote I'm in and then got like four seconds reached out to him immediately and he's like come with me And you're like oh shit what I get myself into Well, look Lexus Lexus about us anyway like a legit black belt in jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:35:43 He talked a lot about his Jiu-Jitsu. He's also careful. He has an average of injuries, which is really unusual for black belt. So he takes care of himself. And like, he's a deep thinker. Like he's an incredibly intelligent man. So he's, you know, and he's training his brain.
Starting point is 00:36:01 That's a lot of what I hear from him when he's on Rogan He's obviously inspired by Rogan, but like pushing himself hard is something he's really into so obviously took this challenge up and You know, I think that he's probably in a good position to do really effectively with Gorgins Gorgins will break him obviously, but It it be a hell of learning experience. Absolutely. For sure. That'd be that'd be wild. I mean, how cool is that just being his position where someone like him would like be like, yeah, come see me. Right. Let's do this. Do we know how old he is? Do you know old Lexus? Seems young. Probably like late 20s or the 30s, late 20s, yeah. I feel like he grew up a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:49 I mean, he's done a lot. He seemed like he grew up a lot since the last podcast for some reason. I don't know, I just felt, and not physically, but it just seemed like the way he was talking to Joe wasn't so much, it was funny. You know, it was more peers today, or like on that podcast.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I felt like when he was first on, he was almost like fan-boying out, a little bit too hard. People often do that when they talk about other podcasts that other Rogans, because it's like, they're so into Rogan, they're like us. We know all the different ones, and then you bring up those examples instead of just having your own conversation.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Right. In this one, it was more like, and I really thought Joe did a good job with that. It's good that you bring it up because Joe was like, oh, it's going to wear a suit like you. You know, like, really showing like, hey, buddy, you're my friend. Like, you're not just a guy that needs to come on here and be an all of who I am. Like, we're cool, we're tight. You always, you know, and... You know, and...
Starting point is 00:37:47 He always references his podcast with a few other guys too, like with Lexo, Joe, like, not always, but I've heard him make reference to you guys should check out Lexo's podcast with so and so. So definitely... Yeah. Sees the value and I'm for sure. Yeah, so in a way, Joe's like a fan of Lexo.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Absolutely. He's listening to his podcast, which I think is dope right and Yeah, it's really cool. I've never I've only seen little clips of his podcast. Yeah, it's pretty good It's heavy though because he's you know, they're like he's a smart guy, so it's like they go deep right Yeah, for sure for sure What you was interesting hearing him talking about Silicon Valley and how everybody is just I think Joe and Elon are probably a lot closer than they give reference to The fact I mean, oh yeah, those those guys are talking off for sure Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:39 Here Eli a long pride being on again. I'm sure family saying sure He alive a long and probably be on again. I'm sure fairly soon sure, but I mean they were hanging out in Vegas I saw that recently when Dave Chappelle got Covert I saw that picture. Well, yeah, that and I think that there was a recent picture on wait Did I say Vegas? I'm asking it. I didn't know yeah my bad and sorry Dave got COVID Yeah, he got it, but so they had to cancel like the next show I think yeah I the That's what they can reference to. Yeah, talking about other legends, they bring up Cameron Haynes. Joe is just kind of giving that example of these beast mode guys. Cameron has always been, obviously, for your fan of Rogan, Cameron Haynes and one of Joe's best friends.
Starting point is 00:39:39 I mean, that guy is beast mode in so many areas and he seems so fucking nice and humble. And I'm just like, what the fuck is it? Are you made of? He's Joe's age. He can run the Moab 240. He pulls a 90 pound bow. He probably is the best, or one of the best bow hunters in is in the world which Joe pointed out right. I mean
Starting point is 00:40:09 Any works an eight-hour job and he brings up three kids and ones like special forces and I think another one broke Gorgins pull up record. I mean what the fuck is that guy made? Doesn't he run like almost a marathon every day to or something crazy like that? Yeah, that's fucking nuts. Yeah, I mean he will make you feel lazy no matter what you do. Right. Like no matter how hard you push. It's good to surround you. My body would just fall apart. It's good to surround yourself with those people though because it sets the bar high. And that's true. That's true. Or it just constantly reminds you that you suck at everything.
Starting point is 00:40:48 I don't know. Well, either you break or you'll find a way to make it. That's for sure. Yeah, do all die. It's definitely inspiring. Yeah. Definitely inspiring and really, I mean, very cool stuff to hear. I mean, just the fact that he pulls a 90 pound bow. I can't imagine that They make reference to that. It's so heavy. You make reference to that carnivore diet
Starting point is 00:41:10 I kind of took heed to that too. He was like I love it so much when I'm on it And I was gonna bring this up to you earlier But he said that the drop off after he doesn't do it is so so distinct that it almost makes it worse you know Yeah, but I mean you've got to kind of look at it in a different way, I think. It's just like, um, imagine taking a healthy Adderall, right? It's like, you, Adderall taking it all the time is probably not a great idea, but when you're on it, you're focused and you're working and you go in.
Starting point is 00:41:44 And when you take a break from it, I mean, it makes sense. You're slower and things don't work as well. I mean, that's the result of all the types of eaters. My question is, can you maintain carnivore? I was gonna say, is it really less than that? That's sustainable, I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I've never done it. I mean, I don't know if I could eat, I don't know if I don't know. I've never done it. But I don't know if I could eat, I don't know if I could eat meat all day every day. I mean, maybe. Yeah, you can. I'm sure I'm sure. I'm sure. I'm sure I could.
Starting point is 00:42:15 But I would think that I'm a must- Get a state go for it. I think I'd be like, all right, I'm doing it from this time to this time and I'd have an end date in my mind. But that's probably a good idea. That's probably a good idea with anything, you know, just to kind of break it up and
Starting point is 00:42:28 and like give yourself an out. I think if you tell yourself, it's like this forever and I'm never stopping. I mean, you're not going to stick to that. Yeah, it's a good point. Joe talks, and this is really one thing the resonated is, like he talks about morning L.A. Yeah. Like he moansns it like it died yeah
Starting point is 00:42:47 and I'm telling you man that was why moving up here in so many ways was such a difficult adjustment because there was that yeah it was like this longing but I knew it didn't exist and I just have to accept it was like I miss everything was when we lived there well when I lived there and we were all together hanging out and everyone was doing everything that we loved yeah but it's not that was like, I miss everything it was when we lived there. Well, when I lived there, and we were all together hanging out, and everyone was doing everything that we loved. But it's not that, it's not that. Now, it just looks the same.
Starting point is 00:43:12 It's like, L-A-E was like being at Disneyland. It was so fun. And everything was there. But now, when you go back, it's like being at Disneyland when all the rides are closed. Yeah, that's them., it's like being a Disneyland when all the rides are closed. Yeah, that's that. It's like you can see them all and they look cool, but you can't ride them. The one thing about that they made, so they made reference to is like people that are always living here are searching for fame and whatnot, not that
Starting point is 00:43:38 not that I wasn't trying to pursue some creative opportunities, but I got to be honest the weather and the beach were the two things that always were my main factors of wanting to move to California when I was living in Arizona. I always thought I always just wanna live by a body of water and have the opportunity to just have great weather year round. That was my motivating factor from the jump.
Starting point is 00:43:58 But I see what he was saying about everybody that's here is either trying to be famous, or I think it made a good reference to the way he said that a lot, whenever you approach fame like you're either trying to be famous or you're trying to do something that you love that makes you famous. And that's, yeah. There's definitely a healthier approach for sure. Like be awesome at something and then have fame be a thing that comes.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Rather than I'll do anything to be famous, which kind of makes it grow. Yeah, I agree. He was, I mean, pretty accurate, too, I imagine. Our circle wasn't really like that, but at the same time, I'm sure that's the vast majority that people want to be here because that's where the market was for that stuff. For sure. For sure. Well, let's wrap this one up. For sure, for sure. Well, let's wrap this one up.
Starting point is 00:44:46 I mean, at the end he read that cage bird, sings a freedom, you know, the poem or whatever. I thought it was cool because freedom is what we're all fighting for right now, really. To be free, to go do what we want and have normal life. Yeah, so I thought that was a cool poem. And I like that that's a little tradition. That that's, that's just his that he kind of created.
Starting point is 00:45:11 It's like heartfelt. While coming on the show. Yeah, I liked it. I think that I really like Lex. I think he's also, he's a badass. I'm a big fan. And he's, and he does. He is getting better on the podcast too.
Starting point is 00:45:23 I say that every time he comes on. I agree. That was a pretty special moment when getting better on the podcast too. I say that every time he comes on. I agree. That was a pretty special moment when Jill gave him the watch too. Oh yeah, his favorite omega. That's another example of what I'm saying. He's like, dude, you're my friend. Like, you're my friend. And I want to give you my favorite watch.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Like, how dope of a gift would that be? That was pretty special for sure. Like, it's just a dope move. It's just a badass move, like really for anyone to do. I agree. To anyone else, you know. Hey, it was a, it was really good. I like that one.
Starting point is 00:45:52 It was refreshing because, I don't know, man. Some of these fucking long COVID talks, wear me out. So that's what we were talking about when I was in Puerto Rico. I was like, what do you think about the past sentiment in my buddy? It was just like, I am just tired what do you think about the past sentiment and my buddy was just like, I am just tired of the only topic is always starts with COVID. And then we kinda digress,
Starting point is 00:46:10 but it seems like that always seems to be the forefront of every conversation. And it's just like, it is what it is. Yeah, but it's a... Well, I try to stay more focused on like, it's happening anyway, so let's not completely ignore it. But let's talk about what people can do.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Are there like, when certain guests come on, I'm like, are they giving us solutions? Are they giving us alternatives? Are they giving us things to think about that can help us through these times? And, you know, that's why doing this podcast is important to me, because you get to kind of reflect on that and continue that conversation.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Absolutely. Because we're all fucking thinking about it anyway. That's the true. Anyway, dude, thank you. As always for joining. Thank you, everybody, for listening. We got some things in the works and some new intro stuff and some little bits of things. So the podcast will sound a little bit cleaner coming up, which I'm excited
Starting point is 00:47:14 about. And as always, reach out to us. Joe Rogan experienced review at You can reach us on Instagram, the links are all in our little bio there and otherwise we will talk to you next week Thanks guys. Thank you

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