Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 212 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Elon Musk

Episode Date: February 16, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Universe podcast. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorne and Garrett has this might be the worst podcast for the best one of all time Hey guys welcome to another episode of the J. R. E review Ah, my sound levels are all messed up as usual.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Join, as always, by my buddy Garrett. How you doing, Buck? What is up, guys? How are we doing? Good week. Yeah, good week of podcasting for sure. Um, anytime Elon Musk is on, I'm pumped. What a stud. Like, right? And have you noticed on Rogan's podcast, like kind of how he's changed a little bit? Like he's kind of changed. He was just so nervous that very first time he came on.
Starting point is 00:01:12 He's definitely loose. And now it's... Yeah, it just seems like a different version. I mean, obviously he's like friends with Joe now. They hang out, like he's probably more comfortable with the platform, but he was getting loose man, he was almost getting silly. Yeah, so he's like snapping his fingers and stuff, he's got funny.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Right. What was he talking about? He's not quite going. When he was talking about the virtual reality, I thought that was hilarious when we were talking about like when Rogan was, I can't remember what he said, something about a wall-way phone and you just press a button and you come I was like I that's gonna be a fucking weird time if it comes to that point Dude that's gonna be a dangerous app People I mean he talked about that girl like he's made reference to it before but that girl like it and calluses on her hand and like Freakin out whenever they get rid of the the the VR Yeah, right. It's like I mean it doesn't seem like that's not coming you
Starting point is 00:02:09 know what I mean that's the craziest thing. Literally coming yeah. Yeah metaphorically and literally right. Yeah you would just weigh yourself out. You'd be like forget dating apps. Yeah right. You're just gonna put this on auto push button. forget dating apps. Yeah, right. Just going to put this on auto push button. I mean, I don't know. I don't really want to comment on that. It's scary to think about that because I wonder how many people's relationships are actually tarnished just because of like porn,
Starting point is 00:02:35 let alone fucking orgasms and coming. But like, right. Well, let's get into talking about neuro link. Yeah, right. Which since the beginning, I've been so fascinated by it, but also terrified of it. Yeah, it's like, what kind of things are you gonna be able to kind of hack through there?
Starting point is 00:02:55 Obviously, he's gonna put limits on it to start with because you can't just be like changing everything in your system. But I mean, assuming that your brain is like sending out all the messages across your body. I mean, you, I mean, you just be jacking everything up. It'd be like a video game. You just like test us around 10. Right. I'll take a tape, go up them in 10, serotonin 10. Just like, coax out of your mind all day. right? Why wouldn't you? I mean you want to feel invigorated, but yeah like
Starting point is 00:03:28 It's wild it's really slow. Yeah, I was I was literally when you were just saying that I just like the the image that came into my mind Was like a huge waterfall and we're just going down the river and I can see the waterfall at the end And it's just like oh there's the fucking dip off the side You know what I mean? Yeah Well, it it it basically just like, oh, there's the fucking dip off the side. You don't know what I mean. Yeah. Well, it it it basically become like the new drug. Right. I mean, you know, forget the drugs that are out there, like we're always looking to get high and like manipulate us state of consciousness.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Right. And if now you can do it with an app, it's going to have a lot of its own problems for sure. Yeah, what are going to be the positives? And we obviously, well, I mean, yeah, well, but he's saying, you know, you can, like, for people that are paraplegics, you might be able to get them walking again, like, maybe people that have vision problems, you get them to see, I mean, there's going to be a lot of really good medical applications. I'm sure they're going to dive into first, right.
Starting point is 00:04:22 But then like anything, it's been, you know, this is how a lot of, I mean, definitely how like MDMA and certain drugs were created anyway, they were created for like medical purposes. And then eventually turned into raves. So it's probably followed the same lines. I gotta imagine that neural ink will just align with like, I don't want to sound pessimistic, but almost seems like the controlling aspect too,
Starting point is 00:04:50 like they'll know even more about you. And it almost seems like you've seen minority report, yeah? Yeah, huh, yeah. I mean, how far until, how far out is that? Because that seems like that could be a very reasonable possibility. Like, if they could foresee you doing stuff and like they could see the foreseeable future, it's like, where do you draw the line? Yeah, that would be so messed up.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Imagine if just a thought, like a bad thought, like in a crime. You know what? I mean, I want to punch Gavin Newsom in the face. And they're like, you're under arrest for thinking about punching. The helicopter shows up at your house, ready to fucking take you down. Like what? and punch Gavin Newsom in the face, and they're like, you're under arrest for thinking about punching a helicopter. Show's up at your house, ready to fucking take you down. Like what?
Starting point is 00:05:29 We're a long way off, so let's not freak out yet. But there's gonna be pushback, you know? And I mean, in a way, that's what Elon deals with all the time. I mean, when he first made his electric cars, same thing, this one work, it's gonna run out of power, that's stupid idea, you won't be at a drive that far. And now that like the dopest cause on the road by far. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I believe he was talking about the roads that might be at a hover. Yeah. I'm like, get the fuck out of here. He's like, at least the meter. I was like, oh Jesus. I liked how he broke down. Maybe I'm just a simple minded guy and I couldn't figure out why you wouldn't want to go longer as far as like the mileage because 300 miles on the Tesla sounds. I mean to me I've driven cross country and I know you've done long distance journey. So 300 miles to me doesn't seem like a super long amount. But I guess on a tanky gas. That's a pretty solid amount and then he's like, well, how much do you really want as far as like because then you have to start carrying the extra battery pack and I'm like, oh, okay, that's why you don't need to have a thousand mile tank because then you'd have like an extra 500 pound battery pack in your freaking car. And it's like, what's the point? You know, it seems like the limiting factor is more about like, you know, gas, those charging
Starting point is 00:06:41 places are not as accessible as gas stations, right? So you can, you'll get down to the red in your car, no problem, because you know that there's a gas station around. I guess those, those Teslas do kind of say, hey, you're running out, you need to go over here now. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And, you know, so I guess it's just like getting used to it. But, I mean, wasn't he talking about making ones to go over 400 miles? Yeah, that's I mean, that's what we're talking about in the future because that's what Joe was referencing to is a cycle What when is it gonna be able to go longer and just what you had just referenced that that they're not as accessible So it's like I got to imagine in those Teslas, too I think that's the cases that they provide you with stops and options because they know that that's the case but
Starting point is 00:07:24 It seems like they've kind of worked out the vast majority of the kinks, but I think what you said, they're not going to have like a charging station in some rural town in Alabama or something, you know? Right. Well, it's like anything, right? They always say don't buy first generation products because they don't the kinks out, you know, like the first iPod, or the first iPhone. I mean, shit's not going to work. They got to figure it out and Tesla's been around now the first iPhone. I mean, shit's not gonna work. They gotta figure it out.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And Tesla's been around now, you know, I mean, if you're looking to buy one, like if you're a young guy and you're just like, yeah, I'm starting to make some money praying the next four or five years, I'm gonna have enough to get a Tesla. I mean, do you imagine where they're gonna be by then? You're gonna be flying all over the place, time traveling. Dude doesn't like the 10.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Doesn't the 10 last 10 15 years Feel like I mean, I guess every generation probably says this but it seems like so like Seems like Tesla just came out, you know, I mean like still to me It seems like all this stuff is still way brand new, but it's all been around for like 10 years 15 years now I don't know if it's just been a bit. Yeah, well, we just didn't see many Teslas And now it's like you don't go a day without seeing them. Right. Right. You know, they're just kind of everywhere. I mean, they're crushing it.
Starting point is 00:08:29 I'm excited to see the world. I mean, hey, they have to be. That's how you make the richest man in the world. Right. Absolutely. Those trucks look friggin' the first I was a hater just because they look so boxy, but I wouldn't mind fucking bombing down the road and one of those trucks. Do the pointy one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:44 The bulletproof thing. Did you hear what he's saying about the rocket, till he's like, he's like, I can't remember what the reference was, but he's like, we have to make a pointy because of Borat. Yeah. That's right. That was hilarious. You know, it is pretty dope that he is the wealthiest guy in the world.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And we always kind of think about it. There's a lot of conspiracies around those types of dudes. A lot of talk about them not giving a shit about regular people. And it's kind of easy to demonize the money they've made. But he seems really freaking down to earth and quite funny. I think Rogan's show might have been an avenue for him to become more of a people's champ kind of situation. I think that it's given him more of a platform.
Starting point is 00:09:33 Even though there's only been, I think only one or other time or two other times he's been on the show. I feel like you've seen him in pictures with Joe at comedy shows too. You can just tell that he's kind of like, I think Joe's influenced on him and maybe his circle is kind of just like loosened the reins a little bit up on Elon. Like watching him drink that little whiskey. He looks a little awkward. Okay, he drinks. But it's still a good thing. It's like, all right, man, you can, you've figured out that you, I mean, even with Lex too, you know, I mean, like the platform just allows people to be like, all right, I mean, even though that's
Starting point is 00:10:03 a big thing. Yeah, it kind of humanizes them a little bit more. I mean, you know, when you hear somebody as smart as him or Lex, you know, you do kind of feel like, oh, shit. Yeah. It's a smart guy. I don't know how I'd hold a conversation with him. But then they, then they get funny and goofy and relaxed and Joe definitely brings that out of them. Right. And it's a, it's a more fun way to be, you know, it's just like, it's more relatable. Absolutely. And that's definitely what he's becoming on these podcasts.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Totally. And, you know, why even bother advertising on the Super Bowl with a Tesla commercial? Right. And you can just go on Rogan and talk about all this cool shit for three hours. Absolutely. I, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Definitely changing that. I have a question I want. This is a segue from the Elon situation, but I've made reference to like, I'm curious to how the platform like relates back out. I always think about Newsom and you think about how much Joe talks about Newsom on and I mean, obviously, it's like give it a shit constantly.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Yeah, does that like get back to Gavin Newsom Because I've talked to some people and they're like do you think Gavin Newsom cares what Joe Rogan says and I'm like Kind of think he does because I mean given the platform I mean Rogan has more followers than probably I mean the amount of people watching CNN and Fox Are not the same number so it's like if I'm a politician or I'm somebody in power I'm probably curious as to what platforms are talking about me and how they're doing it. I'm sure somebody in his office is like, hey, check this out. Like, otherwise, it's like, what are you getting paid for? Like, I imagine the news.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah, due to 100% and if he's not paying attention to it, he's an idiot. Then that just speaks to his exactly. Right. He just speaks to his out of touch mentality. If he's only looking at like the New York Times. And he's like, Oh, good, no bad headlines about me today. I'm like, dude, I'm telling you 15 million people just downloaded a podcast that was ripping you to pieces. Just to me. Meanwhile, Elon Musk is moving out of your state. Joe Rogan is moving out of your state. Everybody that's bringing finances into your state is all, like just being, is all moving and they're telling everybody else to move. It's like, Jesus, what is going on here?
Starting point is 00:12:15 Yeah, 100%. I will. Look, if they're not paying attention now, they're gonna. Absolutely. I think it's just probably difficult in a lot of ways for them to keep up with the changes. Right. You know, it's the probably difficult in a lot of ways for them to keep up with the changes. Right. You know, it's the power of these platforms and people are really starting to pay attention to it, which to be honest, they should have been years ago.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Right. I mean, I don't know how you missed it. Right. Like, I knew, I remember listening to Rogan in 2010 in Chicago when I was in in school, Loyola, walking through the snow freezing I had like this trio phone that had like a little pen on you know like it was not it was like semi-smart phone before smartphones And it had this app that you could download podcasts and I was like what the fuck is a podcast and they were only like five And Rogan's was one of them and And I'd heard of him from the UFC,
Starting point is 00:13:05 and I'm like, oh, check this out. And I remember being stunned by what was discussed. It wasn't even the content. It was just the way it was being talked about. I was like, I've never heard a show like this. I've never heard anything like this. This is gonna be just something incredible. And it took my
Starting point is 00:13:25 dumbass like, I don't know, five, six years before I started the podcast to talk about it. But I mean, I had to see it changing too. And when it started to get really big, I was like, well, I want to try and figure out what the fuck this is all about. And now of course, it's completely undeniable. I mean, I don't, I don't think anyone's even close to his numbers online. No, I'm the biggest show in the world. And ultimately, what's better than hang out your friends discussing topics that influence yours and your loved ones' lives, ultimately? Like, what could possibly be better?
Starting point is 00:13:58 You know what I mean? I'm trying to come up with some solutions in the meantime. Yeah, for sure. Like, there doesn't. Yeah, for sure. It doesn't seem like a better occupation. Slash hobby slash just therapeutic. I mean, we've talked about it, right?
Starting point is 00:14:12 It's like therapeutic for pretty much everyone is what it seems like, especially Joe. Yeah, for sure. Hey, did you know that that car that he fired into space was his car from his garage? I didn't know that till he said it, but I found that very entertaining. He's like, yeah, my car's just up there in orbit. Well, he's like, I'm on the phone in my garage and talking to one of the engineers and they're like, what should we put on the thing?
Starting point is 00:14:37 What should the payload be? And he's like, I don't want to put concrete. And he's like, that's boring. And he's looking around and he just looks at his car. Like how absolutely bold a do you need to be? I was about to say. Just look at your car and's like, that's boring. And he's looking around and he just looks at his car. Like how absolutely bolder do you need to be? I was about to say, just look at your car and be like, I'm gonna just fire that into orbit around Mars. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I gotta imagine, he doesn't look at any material thing. It's like, I don't know, maybe I'm being presumptuous, but it seems like he could just look at literally anything and be like, nah, throw that out, throw that aircraft carrier up in space. What's that a billion? I don't see what happens. He's like, we're just, we're just sent that into space. Let's go that aircraft carrier. He tossed it up. He like looks at his neighbors lawn and it's like all messed up and he's like, yeah, I'm just gonna throw his Loma into space. They're like, Elon, where's my Loma? It's around Mars. Feel free to get it. If you happen to have rockets like I do.
Starting point is 00:15:34 I want to make comment on his like communication patterns too. I don't know. This was like resonated with me. It's so I got to imagine that I'm sure he gets banter and questions all over the place all day long But hearing him like just communicate in general There's only been a handful of people that I've ever ran into personally that have a similar similar communication pattern where it's like He really absorbs everything that like well obviously Rogan's kind of the only reference that I have to that But like Rogan will ask him a question and it will sit there for like 5 10 15 seconds and you're like does he not know the answer this and it's like no
Starting point is 00:16:10 He's just going through the files in his head and referencing all the files and then putting together the most like concrete conducive statement to what he just said and trying to give him the best answer So often it seems like people are just like waiting for their turn to talk like not even really absorbing with the other person is saying. But Elon really takes the time to just be like, all right now let me go ahead and give you my sentence back to what you just said. Oh, for sure, it's like we even have to practice that all the time on the podcast because we're not sat face to face. So you're talking, I don't know when you're finished. I think that your people don't like silence. I think it's uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And it probably is way more beneficial to take a little bit of time to think about what you're going to say before you blur it out some bullshit. I know I could practice that. It's same, same. I mean, in all aspects of life too, I mean, how influential would that be in people's human relationships with like significant others? Like if you just took five, 10 seconds to respond as opposed to just fucking firing back,
Starting point is 00:17:13 probably save a lot of divorces, to be honest. They don't 100%. Just one thing that I wanted to finish up with, there was like a thought that I had. It's like they were talking about like, you know, just kind of end of the world stuff. And that's kind of, that's kind of, Elon's motivation, I guess, for like wanting to get the Mars so the human race can continue. But at the same time, it's like, imagine if, imagine if like an asteroid or whatever is coming
Starting point is 00:17:49 if, uh, imagine if like an asteroid or whatever is coming and is gonna blow up the earth. And they like, who's the dude that's gonna make a spaceship that can take just a few humans with him? It's gonna be Elon. Right. And Joe has guaranteed a seat on that shit. You know what I mean? I mean, I don't know what your few seats mean, but I'm sure Joe wouldn't leave his family. Boy, you can't take too many people. It's
Starting point is 00:18:08 not like you can take a million people with them. Have you been reading this spaceship going to be? Have you read Elon's book? He has books. I didn't even know he had books. Yeah, he has a, I think it's just a biography, but I listened to it on my cross country trip. He's got quite the story, man. Like from grade school, he used to just go to the library and sit in the library and read books every day after school. Everybody was doing whatever they were doing. Like, that's where his parents would find him, just like nestled in the back, like hallways of the friggin library, just reading books all day every day. And it's like, uh, makes sense. Well, huge nerd. Let's be honest. I mean, we can't throw that past them.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Yeah. You know what? If you throw in massive intellect with incredible work ethic, right? I mean, probably his understanding of all things, or so many things was immense. He's in, it's like a minor. What did he get into pay power first? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:19:01 He understood money, made a lot of money, and then once he has all that money, he could do all the shit that he really gave a shit about, which is spaceships. Yeah, I'm fucking dope as cars. He said planes are next. All right, he kind of, I don't know, he wasn't really committing to that. I was interested in the idea of it, but well, he goes, he goes first cars, then trucks, and then planes. But Joe was like, I didn't think of that. You think about the driving experience that's changed with Tesla. I mean, just about like, think about Ford Raptor trucks, like the innovations that have
Starting point is 00:19:36 come from different vehicles. But like as far as the planes go, Joe was like, it's been basically the same experience for the past 20, 30 years. And it's like, that's totally true. It's like, maybe the seats are... Yeah. Other than Wi-Fi, I think it's got sh the same experience for the past 20, 30 years. And it's like, that's totally true. It's like, maybe the seats are maybe the seats. It's been Wi-Fi. I think it's got shittier to be honest. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:49 The seats might be a little nicer in first class, but I mean, I don't, yeah, it just seems especially, especially traveling nowadays. It's like the, yeah, I don't know if you've been on top of that. What gives a shit about that? How many times you sat in first class? Zero. I mean, I give a shit. What is he exactly?
Starting point is 00:20:03 I mean, I'm like, never. They look cool when you're welcome by him. Is all I'm saying. I'm observing, all right. I'm with him. I'm with him. All right, let's, let's take a quick break and let's jump over to Francis and Ghana. You're under the man. What a journey that guy had. You're not a man. What a journey that guy had. This podcast is brought to you by TurboDead. Now, I've talked a lot about how in-depth I got because of COVID and having to move.
Starting point is 00:20:34 And TurboDead have been a great help. And that's why honestly, I'm proud to have them as a sponsor and I wanna pass this information on to you. Do you ever feel like no matter how hard you work, you just can't seem to get ahead. If you look back in the past few years, if you ever had some money in your account, but only enough just to pay your bills. That's not really the American dream that we all hope for, right guys? We know times are tough right now and a lot of people have racked up all sorts of debt whether it's credit cards
Starting point is 00:21:06 Solidation loans store cards even those payday loans that have Freakin interest rates over 100% we know life's been tough But the good news is turbo debt really is here to help think about how much you pay each month to credit cards first going into your savings account If you're paying 500 a month or what is that like 6,000 a year, in just five years, you would have 30 grand in cash in your bank if you didn't have to make these high interest rates. Well, if you owe over 10 grand in credit card debts or personal loans, medical payday loans, they can help. Go to slash Rogan. And Rogan is all caps. Oh boy. What a humble giant, huh? Dude, well first off, I'm a huge fan. Right. For sure. Um, he, a huge fan of him as a fighter, but a huge fan, even bigger fan after hearing him talk about his journey.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Oh man. Like I just can, like it just was impossible to understand how fucking grueling that must have been. Don't you hear those stories and you're like, I don't know, it sounds so trivial, but like my fucking towel fell off the hook when I got out of the shower. And then you're like, it's starting like that. And you're like, who in the fuck am I? Dude, compared to compared to people that do that stuff, we are about as soft as it gets. Oh my god. They probably look at us like babies so sorry. They're like, what are you complaining about? Right. I have you ever been walked out to the desert to die right? I'm like well my air conditioning broke
Starting point is 00:22:50 Yeah, I was really hot. I will say a new practice. This is small and very small But I France is kind of influenced this after listening to that It's just a small thing But even when I'm taking a nice hot shower I turn it on freezing cold for like 30 seconds just as a simple reminder of You have running water in colder hot. You should just as a simple reminder of you have running water in colder hot. You should just be fortunate for it. You know, yeah, it's like the problems that we have. We have to like orchestrate ourselves just to try not to feel so soft all the
Starting point is 00:23:17 time. Absolutely. It's he entered the UFC after only I remember when he first came around, he'd only been training for two years before he started fighting in the UFC. And that is like truly remarkable. That's just true. It's already I knew that this person was like beyond regular for even that level. And if you look at his career, like he's been smashing people left and right, he's had a few fights here and there that didn't go his way. Right. And but at the same time, I mean, you have to think he's he's really just so new to it. Then now he finally has this title. Like he just seemed to have that kind of mindset. It's like, yeah, I know what adversity is.
Starting point is 00:24:06 That won't beat me. And you hear that from a lot of fighters. They take a loss and then never really the same. They take a few losses and they just cannot get back. And there are those real winners out there that just in many ways grow from their losses. Conor's kind of shown some of that. He lost an idea and really came back and did some excellent work. I mean, those sorts of champions are, they're the ones that are able to kind of get over it. So, you know, I mean, I'm super pumped for his fight
Starting point is 00:24:39 that's coming up and I think once he gets on top, I don't know. Him versus John Jones is about as exciting as anything I've ever heard of in my life. That sounds amazing. That would be epic. I'm not you. I'm terrifying.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Like there's actual explosions on the ring after they punch each other. His head just pops right off. Yeah. I don't know. He said in Ghanuz was the hardest punch that's ever been recorded. As far as I know, yeah, there's a machine that actually Rogan has it and can kick the
Starting point is 00:25:13 shit out of it. Is that the yeah, and Ghanu can punch it and he can punch it and I think his reading was like 142, whatever that means. I don't know what the units are, but that's not the end yet. You're not talking about like the bar game where you punch the thing are you? No, no, no, but it does something similar. It's like a legit pad for like actual, you know Got your professional striking feels the price and it and it takes a reading based on the force that hits it Gotcha, and yeah, and Ghana who can I think I'm pretty sure he has the world record for it. That's crazy
Starting point is 00:25:45 And then after what he did to Alistair Overbeams head when he just uppercoded him to death I mean, it's clear that yeah, he can do he can do some unbelievable things But I mean he started off working in the frickin' sand mines, right? That's you know hungry with nothing, working all day, not getting paid forever, trying to, I mean, it's just some of the stories. I mean, his journey from Africa to France, thank God that podcast was as long as it was because there was just so much detail that he had to put in there. It was exhausting listening to in this in this not really, but you know, I mean, it was like just like just trying to imagine what I must have been like
Starting point is 00:26:30 one thing after the night. Yeah. Yeah. Dude pressure makes diamonds. And what? Yeah, how he or the boat stories were really rough, how they would catch him. They're exhausted. They'd rest him drive him out to the desert I guess hope that they just die or whatever they would do it and then they just have to walk all night And then get right back to it. Yeah, and then Living hell Yeah Basically and this whole time like what kept him going? That's what I wish I knew.
Starting point is 00:27:05 I mean, it seemed to come down to just that idea that he's like, I'm going to get out, and I'm going to be a fighter, like, even though everyone's telling him he's crazy, which, you know, I don't blame him because people are probably dying left and right trying to do this. He just, like, how resilient that man is. It's really fucking inspiring. He speaks to his character. It speaks to his UFC career. It speaks to everything.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I mean, it's how he does one thing. It's how he does everything. It's kind of, and I just seems like that. That's definitely his MO for sure. I mean, it's, it's, it's really, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's. for sure. I mean, it's yeah, and even down to that story when he finally made it to France and that one trainer gave him some money so he could train. He didn't have a mouthguard and he didn't even care. He was just so happy that he got that. I mean, imagine what that feeling was. Oh, my God. I can't imagine his English got so good. I mean, I, yeah, I mean mean I immigrated to this country, but
Starting point is 00:28:06 Dude, my journey was like 1% is difficult as his right and it's still sucked Right, and you know just how he was able to continue and and keep going each step of the way I mean like being homeless. What was he saying he was sleeping in like a parking garage for one? That's rough. I mean It's got to make everything he's got right now that much sweeter, you know, but yes That's it. Yeah, it has to Imagine just how strong his mind must be. Yeah, that's the biggest that's got to be what is that? What does that do to a person to do that? And then he's the boat captain and he said he couldn't even swim
Starting point is 00:28:43 Right, what? And then he's the boat captain and he said he couldn't even swim right What sink or swim, but that's the deal right? It's crazy. I think I don't know what image just came into my head, but you think about like I'm I'm kind of related back to the Tesla thing like what if you Tesla broke down in the middle of the desert if you Francis and Gano You're like this is fucking dust off figure this out no problem, but for anybody else. Yeah, yeah, oh my god. He's like, I'll walk it. He's like, I'll figure it out. I'll fucking fly on a condor if I have to. I mean, you do have to think about that because he's already talking about like setting up Jim's back home. And you know, it's not like he's just flown off the off the reservation by buying, you know, humvees and jet packs and spending all his
Starting point is 00:29:27 money, you know, getting gold stuff. I mean, you know, he's already thinking of giving back, he's already thinking of helping others. That's got to be so much more valuable and just, yeah, I mean, I'm thinking about the market. Keep some grounded, keep some focus. He knows he has a lot of work to do. If you fall off the still to get on top. If you fall off the like he knows he has a lot of work. If you follow Still to get on top you follow the ego side that has a tendency of just taking you down a bad path obviously You know he's bought some cool shit. That must feel great for him to be able to just be like I'll take only nanny store and get whatever he wants don't look at it Imagine coming from that like the range that he's faced with poverty.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Oh my God. From like barely able to feed yourself and not having a pencil for school, right? To like basically getting, you know, anything sure you can buy pretty much whatever he wants these days. You want for, you know, look at the price tags anymore, I don't think. Well, I mean, he's in a heavyweight fight and the fight. Pay has gone up a lot. I mean, I'm sure if he wins that, like, I don't know what they're paying, actually
Starting point is 00:30:33 now, but it's, it's got to, it's a decent salary for sure. Right. It's freaking up there. I don't know, man. I'm pumped for the his fight. I can't wait to watch it, thinking of him fighting Jones, and just hearing this backstory is enough for me to be a big fan of what he is.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I agree. And that's really one of the best things about getting a chance to listen to these fighters and their journey and what it takes to do it. Because oftentimes you just go to the bar, you're drinking, you watch somebody brawl in the cage, and that's the end of it. You don't know who they are. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:09 What brawl they're made of. Right. And where they came from. Yeah, it takes a lot. It takes a lot. Right, let's move on to Michael Malas, podcast 1608. So he is, his podcast is called Gas, Digital Network, podcast. Right. I've listened to a few of
Starting point is 00:31:27 those. He's pretty funny. I love that him and Lex Friedman are good friends and Lex has a lot of funny shit to say about Michael. What is his backstory? I didn't read his like bio. What was his backstory? Well, he's like like a political commentary guy basically. Okay, he's like a political commentary guy basically. And just interviews a lot of interesting people. He has some really extreme ideas about things, which from what I can tell, seem to be a little bit misunderstood, but also slightly wacky.
Starting point is 00:31:58 I think he likes to just upset people. Yeah, I got that vibe. In some way, yeah, he loves to troll and likes to... He made a reference to the people. Yeah, I got that vibe in in some way. Yeah, he loves the troll and likes to He made reference to he made Well, I liked that joke kind of called him out on that too like well, they showed him the Thompson griffing And he thought that was like hilarious and I was like, uh, I
Starting point is 00:32:15 Mean you could I did you've obviously seen that video where Tom snaps his arm It's like if you've ever been in pain. Oh, you're too. If you've ever been in pain. It's hard to be like Oh, that's funny Like I don't know. I'm not criticizing him for laughing at that because you can find some humor and some dumb shit And I like watching a kid get hit in the head with a baseball bat on accident from time to time but like It seemed to enjoy that Love that's like that's interesting and he was like talking about troll like talking about trolling like how much he enjoyed it and Joe is just like Yeah, that's not for me. He's like, I don't see the benefit in that whatsoever
Starting point is 00:32:48 He's like you don't and he's like no, and I'm like I don't really either dude like why are you wasting your time on dumb shit? like I don't know Yeah, well and if you if you hear the podcast like Michael seems to like to get one over on people Right, you know like either come across a smarter or just kind of give you some shit. Yeah, that's not working with Joe. No, I don't know. Where the Joe likes to troll or not,
Starting point is 00:33:12 he definitely is capable of doing it. Yeah, I'll be honest. He will shut you down real quick. Right, he's like, no, that doesn't make sense. And he's like, well, you don't see him. He's like, no, not for me, but not for me. And I'm like, I appreciate that. Because it's like, people need to hear that because I think
Starting point is 00:33:26 people are so quick. Again, it goes back to the communication, like, just processes. It's like, if you, if you find that to be a benefit to you or you find some like solace in that, that's something you need to kind of rectify. I, for me, because I don't want to find any peace in like trying to put somebody else down that just doesn't seem like It doesn't seem like a goal that you should set out to have and I don't know Michael mouse I'd I'd but it I did come across for for me that way a little bit I think it's just part of his is
Starting point is 00:33:57 Kind of stick strategy, and it's it's what he yeah, it's his stick It's like what he's made online of himself So it's like part of Two years how expresses himself Harry's got his audience. I get it. Yeah, you know, you need people like that too Just the bus and balls. Yeah, I mean well, I Don't need them in my circle, but I hear what you're saying All right, I'm calling that just kid. Yeah, he was I mean he was well spoken. He's a funny guy. I sure he's smart. I just that went. Yeah, I'll just leave it that Yeah, yeah, he's definitely a smart guy. I give him that but yeah, he could get annoying
Starting point is 00:34:34 Right, I would imagine he could rub you the wrong way, and he's a little guy so you don't want to Right, as you feel bad, right? He opened up a lot with the Corona control, like how it's really fucking with everyone and how it's a major problem. I know we hear a lot about it, but I don't think that people, I don't know, I don't feel like people put it together in the same way. Like it's almost like an excuse. Like my apartment complex, right, just decided to close the locker rooms. No. We have a sauna in there, steam room showers, but and they put a sign up and they said, because we wanted to protect the wellbeing of the, you know, the tenants and blah, blah, blah, we've decided for further notice, we shut it down.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Well, that's bullshit because the reason they shut it down is because the temperature dropped to negative 13 here in both the Montana and it froze all the water lines. So the shower didn't work, the like nothing worked, the faucet's one working. So now the sauna doesn't need that, it's just hot rocks in a room, so it doesn't need it. But because they don't want to fix it and pay for it, they put that sign up.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Well, you know what, that's a lie. That's a lie because it has nothing to do with what is really happening. Why not just put up the plates for those and it's too cold to even attempt to fix them and when we get them fixed fixed we're opening up again. I don't like this like you're trying to make yourself out to seem like you're taking care of us. But really what you're doing is just lying. It makes me sick to my stomach even to like think about that. That's just like why? Why have we got to this spot? I mean we still have any.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I guess it's like an easy way out for people. It's like sending a bullshit excuse on a text for why you're not going to show up. It's like no real accountability. And then they're talking about how on Facebook, they're like banning people for saying somebody's fat or something. We have really mistaken. Dude of all things, I mean, Grant, we have our own thoughts on the gym situation because it's the psych of all things you want to shut down. If you want to shut down every single thing else other than the gyms, I think the gyms in the library. It's like let
Starting point is 00:36:54 people learn and let people get fit. And if you, I mean, just makes me so sad. Like hearing the sauna situation for you, I've expressed you. That's the one thing that I really just completely miss. Joe talks about doing it like 20 minutes every day. And that was my, you remember that a year ago, that was what we were doing every single day of my brother's place.
Starting point is 00:37:13 And it's like to take that away. It's, I mean, I don't want to sound spoiled. Yeah, I've been going for what time's a week. Right. Like I was actually agitated today. And I don't like getting worked up like that. I'm like, it's not a big deal. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:37:26 I still got a lot of other cool shit. It's like, I think of Francis and Garnos' troubles. And I'm like, what am I getting upset about? Like, don't be a baby. But at the same time, it's right there and it's a bullshit reason. If it was taken away for a legit reason, for actual public safety, I'm like 100% on behind it. It's all good. I don't want anyone to
Starting point is 00:37:45 get sick and die. If we, if there was like, well, there's four cases linked to the sauna. So we got to close it. I get it. But if you just get a lie to my face, then I'm going to call you out. Like I don't like that shit. Yeah, it doesn't seem reasonable. That's not cool with me. I don't know if it's just the time situation, but as far as this is just dragging out, but it's like, this sounds selfish again, but I don't know. And I don't want to step on toes, but it's just like, I think that this thing
Starting point is 00:38:17 has taken its course and we've done what we could do. And if anything, we've learned that if you want to stay home and you're scared about it, then you should stay home and figure out a new way. But if you want to go out and live your life, like we have been for centuries or whatever, it's like decades, it's like, we should be entitled to the option to make our own decisions. It's just like, it's amazing to me that- Yeah, right, within reason. We're not saying, hey, we want to go out and rave with nine other hundred other people. I think even the people that want the freedoms back aren't going to be necessarily incredibly careless about it. Like there were precautions that make sense
Starting point is 00:38:54 and are mostly cool to follow. Like I'm down. I wash my hands a lot more than I ever used to do. Like I think about that stuff. I'm pretty happy wearing a mask. I'm like, yeah, whatever. I'm wearing it. Dude, the thing is about, if his run I'm pretty happy wearing a mask. I'm like, yeah, whatever I'm wearing. Dude, the thing is, if his run it's course for me too, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:09 But the fact that we have outdoor dining and we have all those things outside and it's like, if you sit down, you can take off your mask. We have high top tables. So you're literally bending your knees at a 20 degree point. And you're like, what? There's no science there's no nothing I don't know man it in being on my side I'm bartending inside of a restaurant and then I have people that are coming in to use the bathroom and
Starting point is 00:39:35 half of them are drunk so it's like they forget their mask and it's like I'm barking at them from across the bar to put their mask on but it's like you've already came in the place you've already breathed it's like, you've already came in the place. You've already breathed. It's like, what's, it's just like a piece of mind thing. Is that what we're doing now? Like is that all it is? The placebo piece of mind like, oh, you got to wear your mask. It's like, what, what you just didn't have your mask on three minutes ago and you coughed. So what's the difference between you putting your mask on now?
Starting point is 00:40:02 It just seems like if we don't figure out what it is, it's going to be this forever. Right. And I'm like, I don't, I don't think it has to be. It should be. I know. I just, I can't figure it out. I want to, I want to lean on the sympathy, safety side. I really do, but they've just taken it too far completely new level. It's like, I don't know what you, yeah, to where it's like, listen, I still support the idea of it, but you go into follow this. This is nonsense It can't be an excuse for everything and if you want to wear a space suit To then you think it'll keep you safe go ahead. I just like it's any other thing I don't care like you can do anything you want that's that comes back to the whole notion of I don't clear shit
Starting point is 00:40:40 Like I don't expect people. I mean, it's my mo and my thing that I say all the time when I'm faded or not But it's like I don't clear shit through you that said I don't expect you to clear shit through me either do whatever you want like literally go I'd literally don't care what you do as long as you're not hurting. Yeah, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna shout as somebody full wearing right. I won't be like, hey, nerd, take your mask. Not at all. No way. Do anything more. And sometimes you'll talk to people too, and they're like, they're like, back up a little bit and make sure they have their mask on and keep separate.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Hey, all good. Yeah. If you feel more comfortable doing that, I'm super happy about that. I have no problem with that. And usually I applaud you. I do the same. I'm like, oh, don't worry, I'll keep my mask on.
Starting point is 00:41:22 If you don't feel comfortable. Couldn't agree more. I'll play to the crowd, but I'm not gonna like don't tell me what to do. I'm not telling you what to do. Don't tell me what to do. I don't know what to do. Well, don't tell me I have to be home at 10 o'clock. Right. Like, when did I start? Like, that is absurd. I don't remember hiring new parents at some point to tell me like, what
Starting point is 00:41:41 shap around shit I should be doing. I pay my own bills. You don't pay my bills. I feed myself. You don't feed me. I don't clear shit through you. So like, when did the line in the sand decide, now I got to start asking my curfew. It's like not a chance, bud. I think it's, it seems like it feeds into certain insecurities too. A hundred percent. You know, and that's another thing that Michael and Joe were talking about. They were talking about plastic surgery, right? Like how men will get certain types of plastic surgery
Starting point is 00:42:12 and women do, and like, if you think about it, like some are acceptable. Like you don't really judge someone too hard for getting, like if a woman gets that boobs done, especially in LA, it's 100%. It's like, I guess there's a bit of judgment like, oh, okay, you're being secure or whatever. But I mean, it's more normal.
Starting point is 00:42:29 But then you see those guys, and we used to see him in around Santa Monica, like older. They've clearly had a lot of work done. They barely look like a human anymore. Or had you like this. For it doesn't have it. What? Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:42 It's like we had shine going on. That's just like trying to keep up. But they're a little bit. That's always what it is. Yeah. Like what are you trying to do? But I mean, what is the acceptable? You know, I mean, if somebody has like a physical,
Starting point is 00:42:57 like a disability, you know, or like a burn victim, like they should definitely be able to have that surgery to fix themselves, you know, injuries like 100%. So in a way, I guess there's like positives that come from these like really vain approaches because it makes the market big. There's a lot of money in it.
Starting point is 00:43:17 There's a lot of research, the surgeons practice all the time. So when it comes to like helping a child, they got, you know, fucked up in a car crash or whatever, those applications and science can be applied to that to fix them. So in a way, it's like, I'm kind of supportive of it either way. And again, it comes to freedom, right? Like you said, like, hey, I'm not going to do it. But if you want to change whatever you want yourself, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Yeah. I don't have a problem. I don't mean. I mean, if you look like a lizard afterwards, like I might talk some shit behind your back, but I'm not going to make you feel bad. We're probably your face of your, my friend. But yeah, that's this is how it works out. Go moving forward, always moving forward. And I think you hit the nail on the head. Again, it just reverts back. If you want to and it makes you feel good, I might have my own perception on it, but I don't have to like put you down because of it, but I'm allowed, I'm entitled to my opinion, just as you are two years. It's like do whatever you want. Dude, I knew, I knew a kid in high school that had like the biggest ears of any human I've ever seen, it'd just pointed out weird. And he got them them tucked back. And he was like really handsome after that,
Starting point is 00:44:26 and just looked normal. I'm like, well fuck yeah, good for you bro. I mean, like why the fuck not? I don't wanna be vain, I'm sure we all have those. I mean, not just no homo, but you look a lot better, there was no 30 pounds. Like I sent that picture that you gave me to our buddy Sam and he was like,
Starting point is 00:44:41 wow, and he just sent me that to that and he was like, you know that, but, I mean I have like a viking. Yeah, I was getting a bit fat. I always think if me that to that. I was gonna let you know that. But I mean, I have like a bike. Yeah, I was getting a bit fat. I always think if I could get my teeth fixed, I don't know where they're not like ruined, but it's like I wish that they were a lot straighter and a lot just nicer.
Starting point is 00:44:55 It's like, we all have this certain vanity things where it's like I wish we had this that and the other. But I mean, at the end of the day, I'm... I think some of it's okay. Yeah, I think to, I mean, it's, it's normalized too. Like nobody really thinks about teeth as like a vanity thing. Like people get that shit fixed because so many people do. I'm gonna say I could relate to those ear situations.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It's like that, I mean, it makes you feel better. It gives you a little bit more self confidence than okay. If it's not something you can control, as far as like diet exercise, getting out in the sun, the stuff we always hit on, it's like, just don't be lazy, like just try. Yeah, I mean, there's stuff, well, I mean, yeah, if you're getting like, peck in plans, just do lift weights,
Starting point is 00:45:36 unless you've got like a weird genetic thing going on, even though you just don't even have a peck, I get it. But I mean, there's always people that take it too far. And that's where you got to be. Yeah. Kind of careful about for sure. They kind of ended up with a little bit of political. So I guess it was all political, but like they were talking about who the fuck could be president. Right. And then of course the rock comes up again. What do you actually think of a rock presidency? I don't think he's intelligent enough to make like political policy and stuff. I mean, I think he's well-spoken.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I think in theory, it sounds good to have a big buff, smart, handsome, happy, motivated guy as the guy. I don't know. Every time I see Elon or I don't know the last two guests that he's had that Mark guy, the astronaut guy, and Elon, I'm just like, why don't we make one of these guys president because it seems like they're always like right mark Mark will be doing what makes the most sense always it always comes down to the narrative what makes the most sense without all the other Lobby and bullshit like what makes the most sense is if that's always on the forefront You can't lose. I don't think obviously Obviously everybody has their own interest, and you're going to lean one way or another.
Starting point is 00:46:49 But if you're being well thought out, mine was some foresight. What makes the most sense? That theory never really works. Well, that was kind of Michael's breakdown of it. He wasn't super impressed with the idea of the rock doing it. I think Joe is more behind that. Michael probably had a bit more of a balanced opinion on that, but I mean, just the rock social media reach would probably be enough for him to gain some momentum.
Starting point is 00:47:17 And, and who knows, half the time on like, how smart does the president even need to be? I mean, if anything, the past four years is fun enough. It's fun even need to be? I mean, if anything, it'll pass four years. It's fun to know anything. You know, I mean, I guess, anyway, a lot of people could get it or shout for sure. One thing I want to talk about coming up guys, people have been reaching out and wanted to kind of engage more with the podcast
Starting point is 00:47:38 and, you know, kind of expand the conversation with Rogan. Basically, we're working on this streaming tool that it's probably a few weeks out, but we're doing our best, but just a bit of a heads up. And it's something that basically what we'll do is we have these sorts of conversations, but just for anyone that logs in to that streaming service. And you'll be able to talk to us like we're talking to each other and expand on the week's podcast and kind of put your own, you know, two cents. I'm excited. And it's cool to get the feedback and it's cool to hear other points of view.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I mean, I only get to hear Garrett. So, you know, gets annoying. That's not safe. Yeah, I'm excited. I'm excited for the platform. I'm excited to engage with some guys. I was with a lot of the people out there. That'll be great. Yeah, so stay excited for the platform. I'm excited to engage with some guys. I was with a lot of the people out there. That'll be.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Yeah, so stay tuned for that. We'll be talking about that more in the next few weeks and see what we can do with it. It's a lot of work on that end, but I think it's important for people to spend the time to listen. We appreciate you guys and we want to hear back from you. So thank you. As always, again, you can email us at the Joe Morgan Experience Review at Gmail. You can get us on our Instagram, the same thing. Joe Morgan Experience Review or JRE Review, I can't remember which one,
Starting point is 00:48:53 sorry. The link's all in the description. But as always, thank you Garrett and stay tuned for next week fellas. Thanks guys, appreciate you love you. Be great to that. Stay tuned for next week fellas. Thanks guys. Appreciate you. Love you. Be great to that

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