Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 218 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Alex Honnold Et al.

Episode Date: April 7, 2021

This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Alex Honnold, Dan Gable and Eric Weinstein 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charit...y!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of the Jerry review. This week we have Alex Honald legend. He's dangable. Maybe more of a legend, how to say. And then Eric Weinstein genius but mostly exhausting to listen to. I thought that same way. It's because I'm too stupid. I don't. Yeah, he just don't know. He goes, I'm going to go off on those tangents from time to time, but he is very smart. Yeah, he does. He does. Let's start off with Alex, though. 1626. A huge fan
Starting point is 00:00:58 of Alex, for multiple reasons, not just because that documentary free solo scares the shit out of me. Like, it does, it gives me anxiety. I watch that on a plane and I'm sometimes afraid of flying for some reason. And I forgot that I was on the plane and I was just scared of falling off a cliff while I was watching it. It's definitely a trip to watch him do that stuff. He's, his mind is on a different level than the rest of ours, I think, to the focus that that requires. And just that he's so calm in all those situations, too. Like that takes a certain type of individual to be able to conquer that stuff clearly.
Starting point is 00:01:40 But. Well, I have to say it's slightly annoying that he even says that it's not all that stressful right the way he talks and I get it yeah But I guess it is I guess if you looked at it the way we probably look at it and in his shoes He can't look at it as it's that stressful because if he approached it that way then you wouldn't be as successful at what he does I imagine It's gotta be it right? Right. Oh he like we'd full off. He just like separates it.
Starting point is 00:02:10 He's like, all right here's my goal. How do I approach it? And how do I? I mean he's he's a legend obviously. He's the modern day best at what he does. So he's got a different focus to require. And I think you remember him telling that story about how he forgot his chalk on the way up and he had like borrow some chalk.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Like the one thing you need, it's just like, oh my God bro, what are you doing? Yeah. And then he said, yeah, well that's terrifying. Like you're telling me he wasn't worried then. Right. Imagine if they were like, I can't afford to share my chalk right now.
Starting point is 00:02:40 He's like, well I'm gonna die. You'd probably figure something out. I think he just comes to grips too, like with the fact that that's part of the deal. A lot of the people in that sport have died doing the sport, obviously. Yeah. Well, that's what I worry about, because I like hearing him on Rogan,
Starting point is 00:02:58 and Rogan always wants him on more. Right. It's like, let's do this more, because I think Rogan's constantly thinking about one day, he just checks this Instagram, and then he's fulling off a cliff. Right. It's like, let's do this more. Because I think Rogan's constantly thinking about one day, he just checks his Instagram and then he's falling off a cliff. Right. I don't know. He seems pretty calculated with everything that he does.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And hearing him talk this time, I remember the last time he was on, but he's so articulate and so well read. I don't know. He just seems like a very intelligent guy. Doesn't drink. He doesn't drink. He's incredibly focused on it.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Exactly what he wants to do. It's funny when we start another training session, he kind of just does what works. I mean, I guess that's what everybody does, but it doesn't sound like he trains incredibly hard. I guess climbing mountains and it's on right. Clearly is. He's got those, like, he was talking about those little
Starting point is 00:03:41 tendons and his fingers and like all the little muscles that you can't really work Just doing bicep curls and stuff. You know what I mean? He's doing finger pushups and finger pull-ups and all kinds of crazy shit Yeah, but I know what you mean It's like when you hear like the UFC regimen for trainers, right and and like fighters and how hard that pushing Yeah, all the time like it's this many hours a day and blah and we were just talking about that before the pod Like I always wondered with you like you often work out every day and your howl now 38 38 Yeah, I mean yeah, and I always used to just be like Garrett is pushing too hard, right?
Starting point is 00:04:21 But then you hear gogins and you know, I'm not saying you're a gogins, but like you have you you you you you never complain to me about being like so so worn out. You can't continue working out. I was just like, what do you do it? I mean, just taking that stuff. I can't. I'm telling you what I'm taking that cold shower and I'm in there. I'm just like, they're looking back on the past 10 years and thinking about kind of the progress and just the regiment that's been, I've kind of just imposed. It's like, you never, no matter what happens, if you're working your ass off after the workout, whatever was bothering you before is definitely going to be secondary and you're
Starting point is 00:05:00 going to appreciate how you feel at that moment, no matter what, like literally no matter what, I've never had a hard workout and then been like, man, I still feel like shit, or I'm depressed about that. Everything just seems so manageable after you complete something real difficult, you know. What do you think would happen if you didn't work out for a week?
Starting point is 00:05:18 I feel like you think you could do it. No, I mean, I could, but I feel like a complete trash, like especially just, I feel like it's an obligation to myself at this point And it's like medicine for my mind to just to be quiet for two hours and doing that stair climber we've been doing that they reopen that the golds now and they've got those stair climbers There's never a time where I've do 20 minutes in a row now you did that thousand steps now We're doing 1700 steps in 20 minutes every time time, just like right off the gays. Guys, a cyclose.
Starting point is 00:05:47 But you do that. And then right after that, you're like, all right, that 20 minutes was a fucking slap in the face. But then you're like, all right, I earned the rest of the day. And everything else just seems like downhill after that. Like you hit the peak and you're like, all right, I did what I had to do. And now I can move along.
Starting point is 00:06:00 That's what it feels like for me. So I don't think anybody that's training hard has a whole lot of anxiety or stress or Depression it just I personally don't know those people It's possible, but a lot of people that are like doing hard shit don't have the time for the other extra emotions like that a lot of the time I yeah them they might that has to be something to it. I mean you take Alex and like this pursuit that he's on right and yeah He doesn't drink like he's he's like cut out so like he said he didn't even have a TV right that was like He's just so single
Starting point is 00:06:35 focused on this pursuit that I mean okay it pays his bills and all the rest of it because he got so famous doing it But that's probably not why he started it like it was a passion clearly, yeah, and and when we listen him speak It's like, ah, it's like a chilled calm guy right yet. He does something that you would think would be But they would just terrify you all the time right,? It doesn't seem like the case the odd thing about that is like how long you do that? I guess you know if your game was falling off pretty quickly Maybe I don't know, but do you just keep doing that until you're fucking 60? I don't know
Starting point is 00:07:17 He doesn't seem like there's any time where he's like yeah, but because I remember Joe asking him something of that in that regard And he was like, yeah, I don't think I'm going to stop ever for any reason. Yeah, I guess you just thought to slow down, right? You can't do the same sort of holds that you did. And, right, you know, in a sense, he goes quick, but he goes slowly, because he doesn't have a rope. I've used so probably with each hold, he's going to be sure if he can hold on to it the same and that's going to change the way that he continues.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Dude, thinking about the climbing that on Free Solo right now is just like maybe my heart beats. Like when it's fucking pitch black out on the side of the mountain, just hanging there in a sleeping bag or a lot of the time They were still climbing like they wouldn't sleep for very long. They'll just be climbing throughout the night I'm just like It's one thing to climb the next day But a night just seems like a whole new ballgame, too
Starting point is 00:08:16 That's just nerve-racking thinking about it. Yeah, fuck that man. That's not my cup of tea But what's interesting about it is it's not like you hear it and think oh I hate that I would never do it in that stupid like you still have a ton of Respect that's what they do absolutely like it takes a lot of bars. I think that the The way he described it as far as influencing a whole kind of culture That's kind of a cool thing that and it was talking about how it's kind of like a primitive thing a little bit. It's like something that, not like humans like, I don't know, that climbing is more of a natural thing as opposed to like, say baseball, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Climbing might come like more adaptive to just humans from a prehistoric standpoint, I think, is what he was kind of like. Yeah, it's kind of like what wrestling is for sports. It's like the oldest, not competition, but the oldest like super physical thing that we did. I mean, obviously we were hunting most of the time. But when we weren't, we had to climb somewhere, I wanted to fight something. And people that could do that well You know it was very important. Yeah, so he has a podcast and he's talking about like I guess the climbing as God in the Olympics Yeah That's kind of surprised it hasn't been in the Olympics. It seems like that should be an Olympics for I mean now that it's exposed For what it is, but prior to it. It's like I wouldn have thought, I don't know how you judge that or how you,
Starting point is 00:09:45 I'm sure they're coming up with systems, but I'm curious to see how that happens. Who climbs the highest fastest, or is it more like technicalities? It's stuff, I don't know. Well, they have like that speed climbing. Oh, yeah. Well, they fly up the mountain, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:01 they do whatever the plastic wall, like as quick as they can right that shit's pretty dope I mean it looks like they're running right have you done any climbing before like not really when I was younger I did some bouldering and then some of the stuff where you like a tied in right at different places like on actual actual mountains. And it's very fun. Like, it's very interesting and it's super difficult. But, I don't know. It didn't really, it didn't like reach out to me
Starting point is 00:10:36 in a way that like, oh, this is all I want to do. Right. So interesting, the free solo, like, concept to it. It's one thing to be climbing the damn mountain with like a harness that can hopefully support you if you fall But to just be like nah, I don't want to do that either That's a yeah, now I'm good on that. We're already climbing the steepest like flatest fucking rock But I'll just not do it with a rope either why not? Seems like a desens kind of I don know. It has been for many people. I wonder what the what the draw is to that. I mean since he doesn't seem like an adrenaline
Starting point is 00:11:16 I was even said. I was in adrenaline never gets high. I'm like what what is it just the challenge like the chess verse death? Yeah I mean, that's a hell of a... I don't know. It's like playing chess, and then at some point, they can be like, now we shoot you because you made a bad move. Right, I don't think I'm gonna play this game. That game does not seem appealing to me.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I like doing a lot of adrenaline stuff too, and that just, I don't know, maybe it's the heights, I don't know. I've done bungee jump, skydive, pericel, like Rick, like, I can't remember what it's called when you I don't know. I've done bungee jump skydive pair sale like Rick like Can't remember what it's called when you like decline on the rocks with a rope. That's pretty fun too Just the whole idea of trying to be laying. I think there's something like that. I don't know I can't remember. Maybe that's what the person does at the bottom. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:59 That stuff is off. I mean it was fun experience but yeah, far as climbing goes, I'm probably gonna have to pass on that. I liked how they mentioned, you know, there were those, like people that like staying on the side of the mountains, but in those, uh, glamping, uh, little hotel things or whatever they are. Yeah it does bring up like the whole Instagram of life that they were talking about. You know, it looks exciting and dangerous, but it's not and it's just for the pictures. And then it's kind of bullshit in a way because so many people have to live like in this really difficult existence where they have to make a campfire and set up
Starting point is 00:12:47 base like Bear Grills and they do it for nothing. They're not doing it for a show, they just do it to survive. Like this is like half the world. Right. He was talking about not glamorizing it. He doesn't like the idea that that's kind of been glamorized. I don't know. Yeah, I don't really care for that either. Yeah, I don't know if it's, yeah. I mean, I see what he's saying. I get it, but he has like, Well, there were two points to that.
Starting point is 00:13:12 I didn't really care for like, one, they were talking about like, you know, for solar flare, like, took out society. And we had to be ready. And then they started talking about all the earthquakes that Yellowstone has. And I was working up in Yellowstone at the time
Starting point is 00:13:29 Thinking about these fucking earthquakes like oh shit wait what right how many earthquakes? We and they weren't any but you know I'm there so you're thinking it but not only that I'm digging out these platforms out these platforms that like after move all the snow all this ice and they build like a deck on there like the other people in the team right and it's hard work and it's grueling as fuck and it's all for like glamping like these yeah these tents have like electricity toilets like they just feel like super wealthy people. I want to feel like to yeah to like Instagram the the way around and I'm like okay cool. Yeah. I mean yeah if I go to stay at a hotel I heard what he said I like it when it's beds made and the
Starting point is 00:14:22 towels are nice and crisp and everything's nice that That's why I go to a hotel not to I don't know that seems like what our whole call speaking of earthquakes to by the way I think we had one on Sunday night like a couple of my fucking Things fell off my wall. I think it's pretty light one here. No, but we had one Oh, you did interestingly enough some of them a wild about that man I'm usually... I... I...
Starting point is 00:14:47 I run it. We have slept through all of them, so... I don't know. The shaking hasn't affected us. Yeah. There was one day I was, uh... With this bird I was dating in the front room. And my roommate, I think, was with her boyfriend, like, in a bedroom.
Starting point is 00:15:01 And then the apartment just kept shaking and shaking. And we kept looking at each other like damn they have been a good time in there and but it just kept going on and then it would stop and go again I'm like god damn they are going for it and it was just awkward whether they come out and they're like you guys feel that earthquake? I don't know I was like oh shit yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, there we go. That's why I never I don't think I've ever really experienced one Like when I was awake. I thought I was something all of them. I was a couple of miles in Vegas and since I've lived here in California None that I have been privy to either way. I think sometimes it depends on like how your way your apartment is like if you're high
Starting point is 00:15:42 up in the building and My remember my place was like on Stilts above a parking garage so you know you just feel it a lot more yeah yeah a bit different another thing that they talked about that I thought was interesting was one the VR climbing game and how he's starting to do that. And I've seen it for the Oculus Quest, that Jibby that I got. Like, people really like it, but I just thought
Starting point is 00:16:12 how stupid would that be, like, just to kind of reach up, and then it pulls. So you just can't imagine it as fun. I thought that sounded crazy awesome. Like, especially I saw that I have been researching that thing since you told me about it. But that climbing game looks pretty pretty cool. I know. Yeah, it's kind of changed my thought process on like how good it could be. But then one last
Starting point is 00:16:34 thing before we move on is like how he was talking about so whoops strap sponsors his podcast and uh, sponsors his podcast. Right. And the, his REM sleep is like through the roof. Wow. Like that's, that might be the key to like, the peace in his life. Well, why, why was he saying it was just because he can gauge what good sleep is now from the whoop strap?
Starting point is 00:17:00 Is that what you have? Yeah, he can, he gets a reading from it. So I have one of those and I notoriously have pretty bad REM sleep and like when it is good I feel the best for sure but I was like can that really be it dude I imagine so when I sleep good I feel way better during the day too but that's an interesting thing to like associate your body with when you wake up and look at that you're watching you're like I wonder if today's gonna be a good day or a bad day based on the fact right you look at it you're watching you're like I wonder if today's gonna be a good day or bad day Based on the fact right you look at it. You like it's gonna mess with it. It's gonna mess with your psyche a little bit
Starting point is 00:17:30 Like oh, I only had 20 minutes of room sleep. I'm fucked for the rest of the day or it throws you off Yeah, if you start associating the two right then that's not really fast. I Do all right, let's move on to 16 20 said you have something else No, no, I said I think I might need it. I'd like to gauge my sleep. I think that it's Incredibly vital and I'd like to do those moves. Travis are pretty dope. They're not cheap, but they're not it's not expensive It's like cheaper than Starbucks like I think the data one day will be important You'll be at a run it back or like doctors who can examine it. I think they recorded all their system, basically forever, so you just get info forever. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:08 All right, Dan Gabel, 1627, wrestling legend. I've been excited about this one for a long time. I thought he was an awesome guy, like very sweet. You know, he, he really thought a lot about what he wanted to say and he spoke a lot Did you notice how quiet Joe was during that podcast a lot? I mean Joe didn't say much of anything I'm sorry. Yeah, I was just I was listening to that one the past few days and I Notice that now you say that
Starting point is 00:18:39 I mean he was sharing a lot of stories that were I didn't realize we're part of his life, but I mean, he was sharing a lot of stories that were, I didn't realize we're part of his life, but he was getting into some details there that were just like a big insight into what drove him and also what affected his life early on. Yeah, I love what his coach said. When with humility, lose with dignity, the damage.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Don't lose. Don't lose, allow't lose. Along that. How dope is that? That's the appropriate, or later, approach everything, right? Yeah. Well, so much of what he, how he sees life is like with a strong mind. Yeah, right. And that strong mind is built through working hard physically.
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah. He was talking about when he was younger, working on those job sites with his pops and how he'd hear in the respect of the other guys there, even as a young guy. It's like that stuff goes so far. My brother was talking about one of his little kids that he coaches. And it's like, there's something in children
Starting point is 00:19:38 like certain guys that excel at things, especially from a young age, where you kind of adapt this thought process of I'm going to show up even when everybody else isn't showing up. I mean I wish I was that way when I was a kid in hindsight. I felt like that way I've kind of gained that growing up but that's something that you have at a young age that's a total advantage. Like it's carrying those three bags or just out running everybody on those job sites. I was just like that probably had a lot to do with how successfully it was as a wrestler as well,
Starting point is 00:20:05 you know. Then wrestling all the big guys and kicking their ass. I was an afraid of the 250 guy. It didn't matter. He's like I can get leverage on everybody. I was interesting here and talk about that last match in that interview that he had. The one that he lost. Whenever she was like, whenever he had to go through that interview that he had already won prior to winning the match. That's like got him as the friggin psyche, right? Oh, for sure. Saying that you're undefeated and you never lose and then you haven't had the match yet. That's a, that's it seems like a aggressive piece.
Starting point is 00:20:42 So he said he didn't really warm up properly for that not that he got cocky But like he just didn't prepare in the same way and then he had that pressure And it just shows what pressure can do Absolutely, I mean It's why people miss free throws at the very end of the games, right? Yeah, of course. I mean it gets in your own head It's like you you then are your own worst anime. Did you watch the End of that UCLA game by any chance? I know you don't watch basketball, but it was crazy
Starting point is 00:21:13 They wanted to overtime and right at the end of overtime They had like a half-court shot Gonzaga did and like everybody was just pumped those UCLA fam thinking we were going into the second overtime And they hit the half-court shot and you hear just like the whole friggin restaurant just go Oh my god He was insane. He was an insane moment. So they they won who won that? This is much madness. Yeah, I can zag actually ended up winning Baylor one last night and are now the national champions They be in Zagga, but
Starting point is 00:21:43 That was a crazy game. I mean, they weren't missing any shots. It was pretty entertaining to watch. That's for sure. It was, yeah, it was an unusual match, man. I guess it's like often a bit of an upset and a lot of ways where I think it was top teams don't win. I haven't done the research, but I think this has got to be one of the few times where both number one seeds made it. Usually there's some kind of upset throughout, but to have two number one seeds from each division was, I don't know what the stats are on that, but I don't recall in the recent years that that's very prevalent. Somebody ended up losing usually throughout the tournament.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yeah. Anyhow. That stuff's important, man. I'm glad that they were able to put that shit together Especially with all the COVID stuff. We've had them like yeah, it's important bring sports back So give us something to do I know this guy walks up to me at the restaurant. I just thought of this the other day I had the mask guy and it's such a weird thing to like try and tell somebody to put on a mask I struggle with it myself just leaving it on so it's like if anybody does it
Starting point is 00:22:44 I just don't like being the guy to be like, put on a mask. So this guy will also be with that of mask and he's like talking to me for an extended period of time across the bar, what you're not supposed to do in the first place and I was like, you're going to come tell you you need to put on your mask.
Starting point is 00:22:57 He's like, when is this over? Like was such sincerity? And I was just looked at him and I was like, you tell me about, I'm ready. I'm like, I don't know. But I think that's where the temperature of this is at now, especially even out here. Like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You're part of the problem, get it? Sure, no. So it's not whatever you're enforcing. You're just getting a job. But yeah, it sucks. I get it. Like, I don't like telling it. I'm glad I'm not in a position where I have to tell anybody.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Especially them walking around, around golds. Like, there's there's a couple people and I'm sure they can't enjoy telling people to put their mask over Their nose, but it's like they have this recording it. You have to do that when you walk out. Yeah, even outside I mean they I to their credit like they're not walking around like fucking crazy's But I mean if I'm sweating it almost feels like you could have like a heart attack of what those doing those steps and having a mask on on top of it It's like it's rough breathing. It's like especially Yeah, it seems restrictive. Can you wear any type of mask? You can wear like I haven't worn it like band-out I want all of the worners to band down the whole time So oh yeah imagine a whatever they call it the 90 in 90's., oh, that would be, I guess I should just say.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Yeah, one of those on the stairmaster. I'll count my lucky stars that I don't have to do that. Let's just put it in the background. You pass out and go, they're like, thank God he was safe. The whole time. I saw this meme about a guy wearing a mask on a motorcycle but wasn't wearing a helmet. I was like, how true is that?
Starting point is 00:24:21 Like, brilliant. I've seen that guy too. Oh my God. And he has one of those external phone cases that makes you look like a huge dog. You're like this guy. Like where have we got to the point where it's like, oh boy, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:36 What did you think about Dan's story with his sister? I've heard that story many times, and I, and that was in a lot of ways like the turning point for his focus and his training but Man that that's that's an emotional thing to listen to I know that's hard here and to listen to here and say it to here I mean, I'm sure he holds a lot of that guilt but hearing the the story up into that point, like, there'd be no way for him to ever think that that was actually. Dude, yeah, he... I mean, it's because he loved the loss and thinking back, you think, what could you have done,
Starting point is 00:25:13 but like, there's no way he couldn't... What was he supposed to do? Be that guy up immediately? I'm not even knowing what the hell was going on, it's like, we can't foresee the future. And even that guy said, he's like, I didn't know I was gonna kill her but I was gonna kill somebody It's just like wow I wonder how many humans are running around with that mentality that that's gonna happen inevitably someday. I hope I mean Oh, hopefully not man, right? That's terrifying shit really is like, oh, incidental of those some damn and I have to kill somebody Jesus But yeah, yeah, I mean it kind of makes kill somebody. I mean, Jesus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Yeah, I mean, it kind of makes you think, right? And like, you, I guess you don't want to live in a society where a government can lock you up before you do something like that one Tom Cruise movie. My idea for it, yeah. Yeah, because, because how, you know, then they could, they could definitely take advantage of that whole situation, just lock up whoever they want.
Starting point is 00:26:04 But maybe there are some certain markers, certain people, certain brainstack scans you could do. And you're just like this person needs help. I don't know. They're going to do something reckless. I think it's real slippery to have one human to another human. I know. Yeah, I don't like it. But then I don't want my sister to get killed too. So, you know, I agree completely. It's slippery slowback. Right, let's move on to Eric Weinstein, 1628. This guy, every time, like, he's a fascinating dude. Super smart.
Starting point is 00:26:37 You know, I like a lot of his points. I like how he, I don't know how to describe him, like, he's a truth seeker for sure. Like he will look at the data and be like this is what it means and oftentimes when you do that goes against things like woke culture, cancel culture, all that stuff. And it makes some enemies like when he said he fell out with that mental that guy that he really liked that yeah right so so for that about him I like right but he you know it's not uncommon for him and Joe to get an argument so go on longer than I want to listen to him. I was gonna say it's like there a lot of back and forth Yeah, yeah, I think I've listened to him one other time
Starting point is 00:27:27 He's just like he's a hard guy to follow as seems like he knows the platform now, so I don't know if he's a little Seems like he's a little hesitant to say certain things, but then he still says and then he was like talking about his book and whatnot Yeah, it's interesting. I don't know how to, how to, like, when he gets onto the, what was the thing, the infinite circle? Right. The makes the light. And then he's like talking about his theorems.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Yeah. You know, at first I thought that he did it because like, oh, he's just trying to show how smart he is and blah, blah, blah, blah, we get it. But I think he's trying to tell people something right but there's such a disconnect between like what he's trying to say right and so it's there's two things like most people just aren't gonna be smart enough to know what he's talking about and he's not able to explain it to
Starting point is 00:28:23 regular folks like Joe is like I'm lost, bro. I have no idea what you're talking about. I want to understand. I don't want to be bored of those bits. I'm just like, you've lost me completely. What we're talking about eight dimensions, like where are we? I was having the same, but I don't know if I'm smart enough to know what he's talking about a lot of the time No, I definitely am not it definitely am not I It's good that he again like it's it's an important thing that he points out with like mask wearing like where That how that debunk it like the New York Times trying to debunk the Lab release of COVID whereas like the top guy in the CDC says
Starting point is 00:29:07 it's more likely than not that it came from that and there's still like this pressure in the news to be like no it didn't you don't want to create racism look I don't want anything that creates racism either but I think it's fucking important that we know where this came from. Absolutely. I don't think anyone should argue about that. Yeah, why is there any ego involved in saying, hey, maybe we might have been wrong. Like, why is that? I get it that that seems easy from outsideer's perspective, but why is that? I would appreciate that so much more in the news and politics and everything.
Starting point is 00:29:43 If you admit you're wrong and maybe we'll make some adjustments and figure out what we can do to be better in the future, as opposed to just saying, I'm right, like I don't understand, I just want to learn, I don't need to be right. It's like let's try and do what's new. Yeah, well, I think they word that it's going to create like hate against Asians, right?
Starting point is 00:30:03 It's like Asian hate, but I'm sure that more of any animosity is coming from the denial. Does that thought even come in here? It's like there's this group of people that are saying it probably came from there. You've got all the China saying it did it. And that's the government, remember? Not the people, the people are just people there. They're just trying to live too. You shouldn't hate them. I was gonna say this is that thought even cross your mind Like that I don't even associate those two things whenever you just
Starting point is 00:30:33 But I don't I'm not sitting but I'm just saying I Doesn't even seem like remotely something I could even be like who came from China. I hate Chinese people like it just seems so like that isn't I don't that seems so, like that isn't, I don't, that seems so far off. I guess that it's possible, anything's possible these days, but it just, bit of people, people can do that, right? I get, I get, I guess, people, you know, like the people that storm the Capitol, like there are people out there that are just, they think, right, they're thinking in that way.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Living in some, and they don't separate the fact that it's a government trying to do this. Not, you know, it's not the people that, it's not, it's definitely not Chinese Americans. They're Americans. Right. Like they live here. It's pretty far off and ignorant
Starting point is 00:31:20 to even let that be possible narratives in the story, but I guess I don't know what the I don't know. I don't know. It's I think it's just part of this culture of like you know There's so much fear that hatred could be made towards this group Which I respect because I don't want any hatred made towards anyone. But we can't then start looking at facts. The same is what they talked about with Tim Kennedy recently making that announcement that like there's no room in. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:58 There's no need for like Walt Coacher. Special forces with trained killers. Yeah. That's something goes out the window. And the fact that you can have that concept in that setting, why wouldn't you take that approach to everything? Like, whatever is whoever's the best and whatever's the best outcome for whatever situation regardless of who the actual person is is what should go
Starting point is 00:32:22 down. And that well, yeah, that's ideal. But the problem is, is what should go down. And that, well, yeah, that's ideal. But the problem is, I mean, if you're just taking like regular workplace, you know, then who's making that decision? Like it's, it's some subway manager hiring his staff. And if he has any prejudice, he's going to just hire towards who he wants. So it makes sense because you know what, your subway sandwich at the end of the day is not going to make too much difference who
Starting point is 00:32:48 made it. No offense to people that make subway sandwiches. Like you got to do a good job of having some battles. But you know it's it but when it comes to very specific skill sets that require you you know, an admission that is incredibly difficult and should, then yes, you should only take the very, very bad. Same with. I mean, if they did this in sports, it would be madness. Like you take the greatest soccer team in the world, you've got, you know, messy. And then they're just like, yeah, we put in this person with one leg What I was thinking more no offense with one leg, but I mean you're not it's it's the game's gonna change Get it. There's a reason we want like the very best
Starting point is 00:33:37 I'm thinking in a different situation like let's just think about doctors like people that are saving lives Like don't you want the most skilled people in those positions as well? Like, I don't know. You'd hope so. Yeah, well of course. Of course, but you know, you can even have some diversity there. I mean, I like the fact that they do that with med schools, and they open it up to like, yeah, someone may have had slightly better grades, but again, it's not that being a doctor is making a subway sandwich, but there's more room for like The ability to train like if your grades are close enough and you came from a tough inner city And you haven't had the privileges of other kids like that I Don't say I disagree with some levels
Starting point is 00:34:26 of affirmative action. Like, too much of it is gonna be an issue, right? If it starts affecting the workforce, but I think on that level, you know, it's important to open it up to people that have like, imagine how much harder it would be. You're like, South Side Chicago, in a city kid. Like, you didn't have a lot of the opportunities
Starting point is 00:34:50 and you're like a couple of grades lower than some kid that had all of the opportunities. Right. Like, yeah, it sucks for that kid, the opportunity kid because he worked hard too. And he's gonna have ups. Yes, he has other options. I mean in that regard too I think you're right about affirmative action and not to downplay the issue of race in that regard but I think that's done a lot for like gender roles as well as far as like females
Starting point is 00:35:17 progressing in the workplace a lot as well too you know. Oh for sure. For sure. Dude, some of the my best bosses. That's always winning. Yeah, they like there's definitely traits that I saw that I'm like, yeah, women are much better. Right, right. You can see the benefits of having the diversity in those kind of roles for sure. For sure. For sure. What do you think about the bit where Jamie was recognized of the restaurant I mean that's pretty cool I guess like that's I wonder what Jamie seems like he's just like a low key dude I mean he's the son of the background I don't yeah I think it freaks him out he's like no right I just want to get on with it's probably what Joe has in there because he's not other than
Starting point is 00:36:03 selling his t-shirts he's not constantly trying to be not with it. It's probably what Joe has in there because he's not, other than selling his t-shirts, he's not constantly trying to be fainting. He's just to help me. That's what's so nice about this show is that it's always just a bunch of people hanging out and not having to feel any pressure from any outside sources to say certain things. Mm, you know.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Yeah, but then Joe talked about, like he doesn't hate being faintings. He likes. Obviously. But in a way, you can't not be if you do what he does. I mean, you wouldn't get the gas for sure. He wouldn't have the same exposure. For sure, they realize how much influence he can have
Starting point is 00:36:37 on anybody's career, even when he's just like, well, not now. Or whenever they're like, yeah. Well, that's the same as Eric, though. I mean, in a way, Joe is made Eric famous and that's given him the type of exposure to defend points of his life, which he does a lot, like things that have happened,
Starting point is 00:36:56 and also give him access to meeting different people going on different podcasts, like bringing these interesting people to the forefront. Right. It's you have to do it. Like you have to have that kind of, uh, it goes hand in hand, right? Absolutely. Lastly, I wanted to point out just Joe, like, I think this was the biggest podcast. He kind of expressed how he felt about making the comedy scene in Austin. You know, we talked about his club, just most like wanting to break even, which is unheard of.
Starting point is 00:37:33 And how he wants to bring out as many people as he can to Austin, comedy-wise, which we all kind of knew, but like he's just getting so much closer to like really revealing what he's trying to do out there. And it really seems like it's for the artful. Which I love. You know what's going to be great is that he's going to be great because I appreciate him saying he just wants to break even, but the amount of exposure I want to go out there right now and whenever it opens and obviously go to it, I know I'm not alone, so it's like me having those thoughts, I know there's millions of other people
Starting point is 00:38:10 that I wanna do the same exact thing, that place is gonna flourish. Yeah. No doubt about it. Yeah, well, especially in Austin. Look, you don't get a hundred million dollar contract with Spotify without knowing how to make a lot of money. I pretty I'm sure definitely knows how to appreciate the break even thing, but that's not going to be the situation.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I appreciate it. But it's a solid commitment, right? You know, he said it to himself like even if it did, like he doesn't know, you can't know they could close everything again. It and if it happens that way, he's like, I don't give a shit. I could like, I'm going to hold to this point. I made this commitment. And if it does weigh better, then what would it take?
Starting point is 00:38:55 The fact that Texas stayed relatively open for the whole COVID situation, granted I wasn't down there. So I don't know exactly what the vibe was, but what would it take? If they were like, we're going to shut it down again. I can't imagine Texas being like, all right know exactly what the vibe was, but what would it take if they were like, we're gonna shut it down again. I can't imagine Texas being like, all right, we'll shut it down this time. It's like, nope, not doing it for sure again this time,
Starting point is 00:39:12 especially. Yeah, I think given enough of a break this time, like once it really kind of opens up again, I'm kind of starting to, like, I don't know, I believe this before and it didn't happen But I think now people would be like no we're not doing it the same way you need to come up with better ways Joe made reference. I wasn't sure whether it's on a rick's or one of the other two We did but he made reference to how
Starting point is 00:39:38 Florida remaining open and the like Case per capita situation is not like and the case per capita situation is not like, it's like tons more than the ones that were in super lockdown, right? I just chopped that up, but I think... Well, super lockdown created its own purpose. I mean, especially in New York and the old people's hearts. I killed a lot of people there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:02 So, I just hope we can look at that more kind of Honestly, then we examine the many other things not to not to you know to conspiracy theory But how much of it do you think was related to getting Donald Trump out? Oh, it seems like a lot like a lot. It seems like it was very political. I mean so much so that I mean, so much. So that, I mean, we're back to if you wouldn't know for certain, I mean, if you came into my spot, I'm not trying to blow it up, but I mean, every spot's open at a certain capacity now, but it's so interesting to see people are allowed to sit down at tables. And then I'm across the way, almost at eye level. And I'm wearing a mask, and the thought is this, I just like a puppet, like I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:46 It's my own thought, but I mean, especially when you hear state six hours away, left in the mask mandate, it's like, how are we been going about this so long? That people tell us what to do. What point do we do that? You should say where you work. A lot of people in LA listen to this, they could come in and say hi to you. It's up to you Yeah, I'm it's it's Cabo right here in Venice come check me out It's a dope off. It's good. It's worth safe and it's a good time
Starting point is 00:41:14 You'll recognize Gary looks like a 40-year-old skateboarders slasso Do I look 40? Yeah Not a day over 39 Fair enough All right guys, well, thank you as always for listening email us Messages find us on Instagram follow Garrett. It's all in the bio and yeah, let's Break and get to it next week. Thanks for your care guys. Peace and love.

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