Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 220 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Jack Carr Et al.

Episode Date: April 21, 2021

HAPPY 4/20 PEOPLE! This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Guest list: Author and Navy SEAL Jack Carr, Hilarious comedian Ali Macofsky and absolute badass endurance competitor Katie Sp...otz 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. Enjoy the show. Podcast. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created now with your hosts Adam Thorne my either the worst Go draw the show hey guys and welcome to another episode of the J.R.E. review
Starting point is 00:00:41 This week we have Ellie Mikowsky We have Jack car. have Katie Spots and there was one other but we left them off. Join us always by Garrett how you doing bud? What's up guys great day great day to be alive. Just got the verdict then what was that guy's name Derek what? Derek Sh Shobin. Yeah, he's going to jail For a long time I've been I imagine guilty on all three charges. Yeah, yeah What were all the charges third degree mode of what else? One I don't know the details those third degree second degree and I think one was related to manslaughter
Starting point is 00:01:23 So yeah. Oh shit. Yeah, well. Isn't that interesting? We were not that that, not that it shouldn't have gone that way, but we were just discussing how interesting the over time it would be right now if it would have gone any other way. Like being five minutes removed right now, things could be over. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:40 The other way. The verges and riots. Guaranteed. For sure. For sure that would really upset a lot of people. I mean it would be fucked up if he got off What he did was Like totally rightfully so horrifying Absolutely some Rogan news
Starting point is 00:01:59 Oh, did you see that article? I sent you that the. Yeah. Yeah. What was it? What is it called? Beta Allen beta Allen in yeah, so Come on Go ahead. No, it's the proponent chemical or like I believe the main ingredient Substantial ingredient and the pre workout so it's directly to the source I don't over discuss that prior to but it's basically that that ingredient just all that ingredient without all the sugar. Yeah, so it was some amino acid that that Olympic wrestler was talking about using and the sales of skyrocketed since they talked about it on Rogan and I thought that was funny because
Starting point is 00:02:37 I know you bought some and I was waiting to hear about it. I bought it. I bought it in the past. I knew it was good. Oh, it's really bad. Yeah, I've been using it off and on. I just never like to get my body to adapt to anything because it's just like anything else. If you start taking it, you have to take more for it to kick in and have the same effects as it did out the gate.
Starting point is 00:02:58 So I try and use that stuff very sparingly. But yeah, fair enough. I ended up getting some too, actually, and I've added it to my pre-workout. I don't know. I ended up getting some too actually and I've added it to like my Pretty workout. I don't know. I can't tell though. I don't know like I I had a direct correlation from this from this conversation to I wanted to discuss this with you over this platform as well
Starting point is 00:03:20 I know Rogan's constantly trying to be like I know Rogan is constantly trying to be like, just from a perspective standpoint, just talk about things factually and how California is, but looking at just that fact about how he talked about beta-aligning and how far that that stretch was, like it seems like the rhetoric and the narrative that he plays for California, which is not wrong. The tents are out there, the bums are out there. It is a different place than it once was. I'll give him that. But I'm thinking how much of an impact that's having on it. It's hard to listen to when he's constantly like, have you been to Venice lately? And I'm like, dude, I live in Venice. Like it's not like that for me. Like I know what you're talking about,
Starting point is 00:04:00 but you're painting this picture that's so universal, that there's just California is a wasteland. And I'm like, it is different. It is different. But when I hear him say that all the time, it's starting to like wear on me a bit. It's like, dude, come on. Like, you're not helping anything by talking about how shitty it is. Like, you're not helping the people that are living here that are trying to like make it. It's not, I mean, you can see how far of a reach it has. It is my point. So just the more recent ones that I listen to, it's become the common theme. It's like he brings it up every time. And it's like, I don't know what to say, man, like, you're not wrong, but it's not helping anything
Starting point is 00:04:32 for you to like just continually harp on it. It's like, what's fine to solution or do something, but just the continued conversation is starting to wear on me a little bit. I get it. But from the point of view of people that have left like me and you know, and saw it changing and knew it was going to become something different. I mean, I think he's just highlighting the fact that they fucked up and no one's going to hold them accountable. And this is probably the only accountability they're gonna get is him speaking about. Yeah, I try and yeah as far as blowback goes that I mean I guess that's one perspective to have too but I will say.
Starting point is 00:05:15 But yeah it's probably a constant and Venice and Santa Monica and a lot of the LA area a lot because people listen to this and they're helping the way. Yeah, right. Yeah. I mean, you can see the impact he's had on it already. I'm not being critical of that. It's hard to listen to a lot. I get it.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Like you said, but anyhow, I just had to get that out there because when you were, even when you made mention of that beta Allen, you know, my man, think about the stretch he has with the reason it's huge, there was another incident. So start with the Ali Makoski pod. They talked about some, my fans chick, Paters or something that Ali follows. And they were like, Well, my fans are only,
Starting point is 00:06:03 only, oh, is that what I meant? Only, I don't know, fucking useless. It's only, oh, is that what I meant? Only I don't know. I had a useless only fan, but either way, you know, um, I yeah, I yeah, he's a big fan of those fans. Um, so, so yeah, she came out and like made an announcement about how he was like, it's just Rogan like body shamed her or something because he was out not into that. And it, she was just obviously trying to get a lot of publicity for herself, like it's it Rogan like body shamed her or something because he was out not into that. And it she was just obviously trying to get a lot of publicity for herself and make a big point.
Starting point is 00:06:31 But it's like, you know, it was like such a small part of the podcast. I didn't even notice it happened. Really. Like, I remembered thinking, oh yeah, we should talk about only fans or whatever for a second, but for it to blow up into that kind of online thing of, you know, how dare he and all this, it's like, he talks for three hours. And just because he didn't jump all over your page, like get out of here.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Right, it's so, it's a wild time. And I think she makes like a million dollars a month, so fuck right All you have to do is say his name and I'll drop it. I'll get some hits That's the problem. Yeah, he's getting a little you know, you know what I mean powerful Joe Rogan So here we are talking about him anyway, Ali is is a cool person. I met her a bunch of times at the comedy store I didn't know her personally, but I saw her perform a lot and she started out, I think, like, really performing a lot,
Starting point is 00:07:33 like maybe about a year before me, but what was great about her is she was really good with writing these, like, one-minute sets that are very difficult to do and they were perfect for the Killtony show. So she became a regular on that. And I used to like watch that show quite a lot on Mondays. And she was excellent. They just bring her up at the end and give her her one minute. And it was very difficult to write like a one minute bit that gets them laughs and she was always good.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Right. And to hear her now like doing arenas, I mean, you know, it just shows the power of that place and then getting to work with people like Tony Hinchcliffe and then getting to know Joe and having them believe in you. I mean, unbelievable to get that opportunity. Good for her. Absolutely. I think it's great.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Like, my favorite kind of comedy is self-deprecating comedy. Like, when you can laugh at yourself and laugh at your own miscues and the things you do, she's great at that for sure. I think that probably helps her. Yeah, she's quite hard on herself, but it probably does keep her pretty level-headed, you know. She used to have a shaved head too. She looked pretty good with that. Did she? Yeah, she's got a good shaved head. Yeah. He's got a good, he's got a good girl. Yeah, she's a very funny person. I think she works
Starting point is 00:09:04 security up at the comedy store too. I used to see her on the door quite a bit. I like that, she talked about not knowing about taxes. So she's been doing basically all the work is like self-employed, you know, if you're comedians. So it's like 10, 9s. And just not knowing that she had to pay, like she's pretty young so probably just didn't come up
Starting point is 00:09:26 before, but anyone in that position, you don't have to be doing stand up, you can be an Uber driver or anything, you're working for yourself, you need to save a good amount of your money because they will come for you. The government wants their peace. They're coming.
Starting point is 00:09:42 They're coming, anyway. Yeah, anyway. Oh, yeah anyway. Hmm. She she As a relationship from tender date. Oh, yeah, we're talking about that. Yeah. Well, it hey at least some Tindy dates can turn out good I guess. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, if COVID taught us anything too, there's I mean that was kind of I don't necessarily say tender, but whatever, they're all kind of the same if you really want to look at it. Yeah. And one and choosing that doesn't really. It's really the only way you could meet people for a while. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. I will say it's interesting now that we have the extended dining and we've been able to die in and now like we have basically doubled the size of our
Starting point is 00:10:27 restaurant. So it's kind of like a it's been a blessing I don't want to say blessing in the skies, but like we've definitely benefited. And now that we've been locked up for so long and they've allowed for people to go out, you can tell that California is coming back to life. Or at least it's trying because like all these people that were cooped up are definitely going out and the beaches are packed and everything's getting back to normal as some extent. Does everyone still wear masks everywhere like even outside?
Starting point is 00:10:55 Oh dude it's so weird like the tables right at my eye level and they're not wearing a mask and I'm within six feet of them and I have a mask on. I'm like, what are we doing? Like it just is like, I- It's staying in the soul, sir. That, I don't wanna get on one side of the other of this. I've been on the same side since I jump, so I don't have any other narrative to play, but it seems like we're all a bunch of sheep out here in California when it comes to that. And it's like if you're not doing it
Starting point is 00:11:26 Then you're gonna have somebody saying you're doing the service at this point man If you want to wear a mask do it, but just like I said wear a mask But I am still a don't clear shit nature. I don't clear shit through you and you don't clear it through me I don't know what to tell you if you're if you're like skateboarding to work or whatever you do to get over that and you don't wear a mask And you're outside will people say something? I don't know. I haven't experienced that but I'm sure some people have. I mean I don't know what the actual laws on that. I ride down the boardwalk every single day. I have a bandana on just in case I want to pop in and grab a juice or something. I'll be the I'll play it. I don't want to cause an argument.
Starting point is 00:12:05 or something, I'll be the, I'll play it. I don't want to cause an argument. But I mean, I ride by cops every day and they don't say anything. Nobody says anything. It's like, if you're outside, even if you're inside, as far as I'm concerned, but if you're outside and you're wearing a mask, walking down the sidewalk by yourself, I'm just like, bro, like I'm just shaking my head, like what in God's name is going on? You've just been brainwashed as far as from my perspective. I mean, that's all I can speak on. But I don't know, man. Yeah, I think it's coming down, but you still see people in their cars wearing a mask on their own. Yeah. They're like the only person in the car. Yeah. I don't, yeah, that's a, you guys kind of got to shake your head at that, that situation. And as far as I don't want to get on the Vax conversation, but it seems like you, that's,
Starting point is 00:12:51 that's turned into the new political. If you're, if you're progressive and liberal, then you're going to definitely go get the vaccination. If you're not, then you, you don't believe in COVID and you're a Republican. It's like, you, you got to play one side. There's no, no free thinkers. It's one way or the other. That's how it feels.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Oh, maybe you just get an eagles. I'd maybe, but that's not really the case. I just don't, I'm just not playing along anymore. Unfortunately, I'm not playing the game. And I even see people posting on my Instagram. It's like, well, I don't want to have to wear pants either But that but but we're here now and that's what they were referring to masks And when I see that meme or that that sends on just like you guys
Starting point is 00:13:34 Not you guys, but the few individuals that are so Like political warriors on Instagram and Facebook that are so one-sided on anything It's just like dude give me a break Yeah, well who are you trying to keep up? Who are you trying to keep up with like what are you trying to do? Like you're gonna go to some dinner party and be like oh that was a really good comment you wrote on Facebook the other night I saw that like get the fuck out of you. It's those Russian bots wind him up Well as people that I went to high school with and dumbed like people that I have very little contact with because it's like I don't want to surround myself with people that are that
Starting point is 00:14:09 Pro or anti anything like I did just doesn't make sense. I mean It's kind of exhausting to be honest That's that's the that's the appropriate adjective that definitely it's Exhausting comes back to the same thing right whether it's like people are looking you not wearing it, thinking that you're endangering others. When really the real conversation should be exactly what Ali and Joe talked about, like what you don't want to get COVID, right? Well, then work out. If you did it before, then keep the same amount. If you didn't do more, do so so on us if you can get a whole of them, like actually see them as like something you should do. I'm pretty sure you need a
Starting point is 00:14:49 meditation is good for your 100% and that's completely free. You don't have to go anywhere. It takes a bit of discipline and don't eat a bunch of shit. Right. I mean, I even tell you it's like, people looking for excuses. I walk outside and go up and down the staircase on my apartment complex. Like, what else, what other excuses you got? Like, I don't want to hear them. Yeah, I just wish there was like a better measure for it. It was like, look, you do this much
Starting point is 00:15:21 and it's as good as doing the vaccine. If they could like gather that kind of information It will be so useful not saying don't get the vaccine if you don't like do whatever you want But like if they could just create this it's it's almost like everyone knows those things will be good for their lives But they just don't know how much and in what way and how to get started and whether it even make a difference and And it's just like, course, we know. I think we all deep down does that. Yeah, it's not like there's not like some secret code.
Starting point is 00:15:52 It's like if you work hard and you sweat, you feel good after it, a hundred percent of the time, like a hundred percent, a hundred percent. Yeah, you can even do like breathing. You can do like breathing, guided breathing, which is like really good for stress levels and there's videos on YouTube for that. And I always thought that was good for you.
Starting point is 00:16:13 YouTube Homework is hell. But it's not, it's good. I might even get into yoga. I've been thinking of it. But I can't be bothered. It's not too much. It's part of my daily practice. I mean, but I can't be bothered. It's got too much. It's part of it's part of my daily practice. I mean, I don't do a dedicated hour and a half, but I
Starting point is 00:16:28 incorporate the movements that my when I'm at goals for sure. Oh, that's good. Yeah, I might look into it. It's probably going to help with my jujitsu or stomach and injured. But, but these are the responsibilities we should take on. Like, that should be first. Do that. That's how you keep your, your self and the people around you safe. His keep you yourself generations. Right. They know that. I think that that fitness and health of be, I don't want to call them a fat. They've become a lifestyle. And especially when you're a different climates, like I noticed
Starting point is 00:17:00 outside the heat, inspires people to work out a little bit more. I imagine than being in the cold. But yeah, you need to just make a party or lifestyle. If anything, I mean, there's it's like, it's like eating breakfast. You need to do it. Yeah. It's a tough conversation though. I have friends that are overweight and I bring it up and they, they do go quiet. They don't want to hear it, but it's their balance. I think if you come from a play long, I'm like, hold on.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I think Joe has a correct approach. He's like, I care about you. That's why I'm bringing this stuff up. If I didn't care, then I wouldn't say it. It's not me pointing a finger. It's me trying to make you become conscious of what's going on and stop acting like it's out of your control because those things are going to affect you later on in life. Yeah. That's probably a better way of going about it.
Starting point is 00:17:47 But then I've done lots of crazy shit and they know about it. So they're like, well, what about that stuff you do? I'm like, well, yeah, but okay, good points. It's the yin and the yin. It kind of eats apples and oranges, yeah. It's like, yeah, that was a reckless move, but I was doing jujitsu the whole time. So chill out. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And in regards to like putting your body through some stress, I mean, if we party, it's like, I think that narrative, if every night, Saturday night, then every morning's Monday morning. I don't know where I read that, but it's been in the back of my head forever. Yeah, it does help if you can get moving the next day, if you like, drink and like that. What did you think about the the gone ask your question?
Starting point is 00:18:29 I was just going to ask you I think this is probably an obvious answer, but isn't it interesting that Ali was talking about a lot of her followers and a lot of her peers. It's all like this woke culture. It isn't interesting how it comes from we we've discussed it before too. It's supposed to be like this progressive mindset. Yet the whole time you're judging people so much based on a progressive mindset. It seems like anti, it seems like it doesn't oxymoron from a metaphorical standpoint. You know what I mean? Yeah, it just doesn't work because it seems like it does when everyone's on your side, but how long before you say something that Some people don't like or the next generation they wait five 10 years and then decide that you said something messed up And it's just closing down conversation and controlling speech like it's just coming for people It's not even really, I mean,
Starting point is 00:19:25 I don't know how people don't see it like that. I get that the initial thought or the initial reason for wanting to do it is this like inclusiveness and support and helping those oppressed. I get all that and I love that. We should do that. But when you do it by saying, you can't speak anymore. It's like, wait, what? That's not how it's going to work. How long is it until someone tells you you can't speak? And then what? Right. Like that's not the discussion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:56 That crumbles quick. We're talking about like that oppression. They they brought up that video of the police officer arresting that soldier. Do you see that one? Oh, yeah, I did see that dude. How crazy was that? I don't understand how that's still like, it's happening all the time. It's happening all the time. It must be. I wonder what, I mean, I know they're just exposing it now more frequently, but I wonder.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Yeah, everybody's just in a rough spot too. I don't have any idea what what I'm gonna put my mind around it at this point. That's what we're just talking about too It's got to be an interesting time to want to be a police officer at this point like what are the incentives? I don't I feel like you know, you, I don't know if they should start selling cars that have cameras in that can just film the arrest from the other side or film the ticket. And, you know, it's almost like everybody kind of needs that. I mean, they were telling him to put his phone down.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Why couldn't he film? What was happening? They were filming him. Well, right. I mean, you know, the repercussions, not the repercussions. Well, I just feel like it would help the cops. It would make them more accountable as well. If they were also, if they knew every time, look, they're being filmed from the inside
Starting point is 00:21:15 of the vehicle, as well as the outside, like, you could almost protect them somewhat. Like if it, if it, those tezlers, like, automatically did it, as soon as there was an arrest or like you get pulled over, it's filming from the inside. One, to protect you and two, just to create evidence of like the interaction. I feel like there's a chance everyone can behave themselves then, somewhat. Oh, it's fucking interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:40 I don't know. I'm not a cop. I'm not a cop. I don't know. Let's jump over to Jack Car, 1634. Jack Car, obviously, Navy SEAL has been on Rogan a couple of times. I think at least one other time, for sure. I really liked him when he was on before.
Starting point is 00:21:59 He was a little bit more nervous and excited this time. He was a bit calmer, but he's still definitely jacked up energy guy and he's been writing a bunch of books. Chris Pratt's gonna play the character and what did they say was like an Amazon series right? It wasn't a movie. Yeah I think that's oh yeah that's what he was saying. He's gonna not, I can't remember the exact. Yeah, it's like one, one of those limited, what do they call it series or whatever? Series.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah, that's going to be bad ass. I mean, Chris Pratt is a legend. So I'm excited. I've never read any of his books though. Joe really likes them. Talk about, talk about that guy's journey from coming from the Parks and Recreation guy. I know. Was he on the office of that
Starting point is 00:22:47 No, it's part of the Okay, he said quite the transformation and quite the career shift Yeah, and you know what I think it came from the fucking Legos movie to be honest Really he just out of nowhere got the name part as the voice on the Lego movie and that movie just blew up. It became massive. And then that was it. He just started nailing all these parts like Jurassic Park and uh, what's the marvel one he's in? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. But I know what he's like. He's nice. He's nice. That's great. That is. That's a good thing. That's stupid. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I like that he said that he copied Stephen Pressfield's advice So Stephen Pressfield obviously the author of the War of Art and it's a great book and then like turning pro I think Right, then he said he said he misinterpreted what he said, but he's still used it to his benefit Yeah, well, he said he thought it was to do one word Sticky note of one word and he wrote vengeance and that's how he wrote his book. So I guess it does work. But then Steve and later I think said revenge. Yeah, I think he said revenge, but yeah, whatever. And then Steve eventually spoke to him was like, no, man, it's a sentence. So he was able to write something else.
Starting point is 00:24:03 I don't know what he wrote lots and lots of revenge maybe but He's got a lot to draw on from his experiences, huh? Yeah, for sure. I think that's why his books like Took off in a lot of ways obviously the story must be good But he's bringing a lot of legitimacy to that it will be like if Jocco wrote a book like he obviously has but like if he wrote like a fiction. A fiction, but yeah. Yeah, he's just talking about work ethic and stuff when I was listening to them while I was working out and that got me fired up to they know some of those same guys Jocco and Goggins and just to make mention of those guys again as well is do it's
Starting point is 00:24:44 talking about their training regiments is Pretty outstanding. Yeah, I just love that every seal or any special forces guys that know either Jocco or Or Goggins is always just like yeah, they're a hundred percent exactly that I'm like they can't be real I just cannot believe I don't know. I believe is, but it just doesn't seem to make sense. I believe it so much that I'm like, I can't be fake. That's how I look at it. Right. I got an interesting story, too, now that we're just talking about that. Whenever you're at Gold's Gym, it's like, I think I was telling you, I've made reference in this. They say, over the loudspeaker, it it says here at Gold's Gym we not only lift weights but we lift our masks over our nose.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Isaac and I are, and I'm literally like I'll start laughing like out loud like I can't hold it back but Isaac and I are on the on the stair climber like soaked in sweat doing the no touch like we always do and like people like the guy will look at me and he like looks at me and my face is just soaked in sweat and he tries to tell me to put my mask over my mouth and my nose while I'm having a difficult trouble to breathe as it is. So I'll do it and he's like, all right good and then it walks away and I'm like, all right, let's pull that back down so I can actually breathe and not get water-borted. And then on top of that, the kicker is they don't have the water fountains working at the gym because of COVID. At a gym, they don't have a water fountain and it's outside and it's hot as balls here right now. And you have an order and they don't accept cash because they're looking out for the
Starting point is 00:26:18 clients. You can't give them a dollar for a bottle of water. You would literally have no way to get water other than out of the sink in the bathroom otherwise. Well, dude, because they don't think you're doing exactly the same thing Rogan is doing, but at the beginning you were trying to defend it. You're pointing out the ridiculous shit that happens out there with all the changes. And what was they trying to defend? What, you would say you'm trying to defend the air.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Dude, I don't want to put up with that shit. My gym is not here. No, I hear you. Like that's okay. I hear it. And it's nonsense. I agree. Like that's the bullshit that he's been talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:57 I agree. I agree. I'm just saying whenever he talks about to every guest, you don't want to go out there. I hear what you're saying. I'm not saying you're wrong and it is a pain in the ass and I think there's a lot of bullet, a valid things that he's saying, but it's, again, just with the stretch, I don't want to go back to that again, but it's rough because it's like, dude, you're right and there are these dumb things.
Starting point is 00:27:17 And I was thinking about just calling them and being like, hey, you guys realize the weirdness that if I didn't have any money, I couldn't drink water. And when I'm sweating my balls off, like, can you imagine people can have a heart attack there if they didn't have it? And they don't take dollars, you have to have a credit card to do it. Well, they make money.
Starting point is 00:27:34 And it's probably not them. It's probably the state that decided that should they have no choice. Potentially, but my brother brought up a good point. You know those like water machines that they have a majority of like nicer gems that you just stick your bottle underneath and that fountain just comes down. Yeah, yeah. The sensor, you know what would be the, what's the downfall of that?
Starting point is 00:27:56 Oh, you get COVID, bro. Full of COVID. Of course. COVID from, wow. Yeah, get it. It's messed up, man. It's messed up. Right. I'm not visiting you anytime soon, so it has to get better. It has to. That being said, it's 86 degrees here right now. It's amazing. All right. So all. So all this conversation. So don't worry about so all you haters out there. Yeah, it's just cook in the homeless dude. Better all over the street. They're getting that vitamin D. That's true.
Starting point is 00:28:36 They probably don't have deficiencies there. Oh, they talked about with this like police training, right? And just like the police getting out of control like they went to that guy's house for that tweet that he did and and then on top of that they talked about that the female cop that video is heartbreaking when she thought she had a taser and she shoots that guy. Oh, I haven't seen that video that I've ever been about. Oh, dude. She's like, I got to tease him and then she shoots him. And you're just like, you've got to be fucking kidding me.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Don't they keep those in different places? Like, I would assume. Can't they make him a different color? Put a flag on him like something. So you know, they got to have different triggers. There's a lot of, you'd hope so. I know they look like the shape is a gun, which is probably not a great idea. Right. Well, that's just that that comes with nature of the beast. Isn't it interesting that highway patrolman showed up at that guy's house? Like not like FBI agents like whenever that was one weird thing that I thought about it tweet. He was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:42 then to highway patrol officers showed up and on my whole thing was weird, man. I don't know what was going on there. I wish I knew more about it, but it does. It sounds like the type of slippery slope that you definitely don't want to get into. I mean, they even talked about like different governments in different countries, like doing experiments on people, like a mosquito experiment. And it's just like this, this kind of like government control is terrifying. And then they bring up like the COVID death rate is what? Like 0.3% or something. It's not hard.
Starting point is 00:30:15 Right. And then he was like, imagine if it was like much higher. He said like 90, but imagine if it was 10%. Dude, they immediately get to like imprison us in our own homes without question instantly. And that's really what it is. I mean, kind of.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I don't know. Where do you stand on that? Like, I don't know. I don't know that I'd be other than you're holding like a gun to my body. Like, I don't know that I'm going to be doing like taking a whole lot of orders from the government. But we all did it already. We already showed that we're willing to do it. Well, that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:30:53 I already experienced that once and I fool me once. It's kind of my thought process. Have you already showed me once what I could be was capable of and what you were capable of? So I'm going to wait a long. I don't know. I feel like people would just do it again. Some people would try and speak out, and that'd be really pressured.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And look at it as like, you're endangering everyone. And I just don't know, man. Yeah. I don't know what to say about that. I mean, I'm definitely not the person to tell you to put on a mask or tell you to do anything. I don't want your coffin on me, but I didn't want your coffin on me pre-COVID either.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Yeah, that's a good plan. I don't know what to tell you. Cover your face. You know what I mean? And then along those lines of deception and that kind of shit from the government, they get into people lying. They talked about Biden lying about it.
Starting point is 00:31:43 How many times? Yeah, they talked about Biden lying about his college career and then getting caught on that years later and then Different what what did they call it stolen valor where like people pretend to be in the special forces and Shit like this or like fake black belts. I'm like how do people get it in that mindset? Like we're live now and again, but how do you get so delusional? You're like, yeah, I'm a doctor. I'm like, no, you're not. I'm like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:32:13 How do you spend time by yourself with that narrative playing in life? It must be, it must be a mental illness. Like, one that they can do mostly normal things with and maybe some people just don't figure it out, but it's gonna catch up with you in the end. That's no way to exist. Like what a lunatic. Maybe though they just get in so deep, they're so invested in their own bullshit that maybe even they can't tell the difference between the line
Starting point is 00:32:40 or some of those folks. But then not just that, maybe it's like, who knows, maybe they come up with it because they pride is so gentle and delicate anyway, that once they've done it to get cold on it, is like too much, like they couldn't even take it all coming out. So it's like they've doubled down and now they're fucked. And if you know those people, you know people you know what I mean. Oh, yeah, I know some I'm not lawyers for sure. I'm not being fooled again fool me once
Starting point is 00:33:14 But I will pick up on the type of behavior that you are projecting and we'll make the proper adjustments They seem like dangerous people you don't need in your life for sure. Yeah Cosmo or chaos than anything because it's a bunch of hollow shit, you know what I mean? Yeah, I think you were what you said, I want to make reference to what you said to her there. I think that that's how we need to start looking at people. I've never heard that. Like look at people as stocks, like investments. Like if you look at people like that, like in my, how's my portfolio of friends? Like if you start looking at like that and you start taking that perspective of who I'm, who I'm surrounding myself with, what are their values, they're going to affect me.
Starting point is 00:33:54 What do I desire? I gotta start making the consciousness. Yeah, I like that one because because when you kind of when you get a stock, right, I don't have many stocks, but when you get one, you're in a way thinking, I'm investing for life, and then I'm gonna pull from this in retirement. And if you look at the people in your life in the same way, it's like, yeah, they're fun right now, but it's not an investment that I should put
Starting point is 00:34:19 a lot of effort into, and I definitely shouldn't invest in them because they're chaos and then when imagine yourself as like a retired older person, can that person still be in your life then and if you already think that they're not good for you but they're just fun to hang out with or fun to party with, then you're like you're not gonna be my friend when I'm a granddad. Like, you're not going to be in my life. Like, I don't even need someone like you near my family to be honest.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Absolutely. I think getting older, that's one of those things you realize is that your time is finite and you need to really start cultivating the people that you want to be around and be the influence on those people the same way you want them to influence you. Yeah. They're just, some people are losers.
Starting point is 00:35:06 I mean, it sounds awful to say, but they choose, they choose that life, like they're choosing it. And, you know, they can either drag you down or just really fuck things up for you. I mean, you just gotta be careful. You gotta be careful. Talking about people that aren't losers Katie spots 1635 nice transition. I like how I did that shit. So she rode she rode across the fucking Atlantic now when I first heard Yeah, I thought that the so the 3000 miles at three miles an hour took 70 days I thought that she would have had like a boat next door So she could like sure get pulled in she sleep, if the weather got bad, take a shit. No, she's just in the boat going. Rock, rockin' it out. Yeah, they didn't ask her actually how she took a shit. I guess that they probably didn't want to get into that, but I would have
Starting point is 00:36:00 been curious. I'm like, do you just lean over the edge? Probably I bet you just have like a flap You got a pull under your butt or something who knows. I'm sure they thought that Which is yeah, of course, yeah, they didn't just throw it out there and she's got all these buckets of the other end She got some routes, but she'd be wearing a wet suit, right? Like that's not easy to take off True, I'm sure there's a time sure there's some design that made for her specifically. If anyone out there is a rowa and can do long distance rowing
Starting point is 00:36:32 to where you would need to take a shit, shoot us an email and let us know that fact. I would like to know how it's done because I do not want to get there. Is there any feet like that? I like the question that she has, Joe. And obviously the time frame is one thing, but like, are there any extraneous feats
Starting point is 00:36:50 that you have a desire to do? I'd like to run a marathon one day. Yeah, I'd like to do that. That sounds dope. I've done a half marathon before. I've done 20 miles on it. I don't know. What's it called? Treadmill?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Treadmill, yeah. Well, that's pretty fucking good. That's almost a marathon. Yeah. Did you tow an L's full loss? No, I, not at all. I didn't experience any trouble. I think what she said to us so critical, like even today I I told you it's like I doubled my PR on my stairs. It's like
Starting point is 00:37:28 Once you start getting some momentum, it's like once the motivation she says that you need the motivation for the first mile and an after the first mile It's like maybe you start like absorbing the motivation, but all these people are like searching for like what's gonna just drive you or Say you just need to put your shoes on and go outside and then start doing it and then once you get the ball rolling and you get the sweat moving then you're like oh this is the happy spot. Yeah it was it was interesting that she said that when she first started she just wanted to run one mile and like that was this goal that she set and then after that it just put her in a mindset of like, okay, maybe two, maybe blah, maybe blah, blah, blah. What I like about the breakdown though is like, she didn't
Starting point is 00:38:10 really start. Like often people would do that, like, I'm just going to run a mile, but they still have the marathon in mind. And I think it's probably just a better plan, just to enjoy the goal for the week. Like don't think about anything else. Even if your plan is at the end of the year to build up to a marathon, once you break that down, just don't even think about it. Just think about what you have for that week. Like I'm going to do two miles and enjoy it. Yeah, get finished and then just be like, wow, I did two, not like, oh, I've got to do 24 more by the end of the year.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I just do that. And then who knows where you can build up to. I mean, absolutely. Imagine the strain that it takes to go that 3,000 miles. I just cannot fathom it. I don't want to be alone for 3,000 miles. Dude, 70 days. I mean, two days. Seven days.
Starting point is 00:39:05 I mean, two days is a lot. It's like, what the hell? She's a badass chick, for sure. Full show. Very impressive. I respect. I had such a different construct because everybody brings up Goggins to her too
Starting point is 00:39:19 and shows her that he's like, Stay hard, Merry Christmas. She's like, well, can you just be nice? I like that attitude but for some reason I'm just drawn and I guess it's like Joe makes reference to how it's like a lot of guys just like want to see you can take the most pain and I it sounds so meatheadish, but like I am of that I am of that bloodline for some reason like I know that sounds meathead It's just feel probably a motivation factor, right? Like, her motivation is different than his. Like, she wants to enjoy the experience and the event.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And men often are drawn to that, like, warrior type process. But I say it's what, I don't, you know, it doesn't necessarily have to be like a difference between men and women thing. Like, I'm sure there's men that draw from the beauty and I'm sure there's some women that are like, fuck yeah, let's fucking go. So it's really what motivates you to do that experience and get through it. However you need to.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I think he enjoys it, though, too. I know he shouts a lot, but I think Goggins, he loves that. I know because it's like once you accomplish, like he says that phrase, choose your hard. Now is he put that in the back of my mind? It's like, you can either choose hard things or hard things are going to find you. Yeah. You might as well just might as well go go like to flame yourself rather than trying to just sit back and watch it unfold for you. You go ahead and attack it. And here's the thing about Goggins too, because it's so true for it's not bullshit. Even she was like, yeah, I respect that.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Like you got to, you just have to. Like he's a beast and it's just, it's just dope what he can do. I mean, it's unbelievable. How old is he now? Is he in his 40s? Oh, yeah, I remember when he first came on, he was like 43, I think. So he's got to be maybe 45 between 43 and 46. I imagine. God, when is knees just going to blow out? I don't know. That's a good question
Starting point is 00:41:18 because I being 38, I have like this. I don't know if I told you about my ankle has been like giving me hell and like I think I might have broken Like a little bone in it, but like it still works It's just like I feel the pain every time that's why whenever I was talking like some guys just like to see pain It's like I could have not done the workout this morning and just said maybe I should take a day off and I Don't know I don't know what's right or wrong, but I know for my mental not necessarily my physical But my mental like well being the workout is worth the like a little bit of pain That I might have to go through. I don't know if that's what it is about to it
Starting point is 00:41:51 But you can also like, you know, don't do a bunch of high impact shit with your foot, you know, maybe ride the bike more You know do a different type of something until it gets a bit better But stopping is a problem like because that is just a pressure. If you just like couldn't do anything, like, you know, I've seen people in the gym and like a lead cast like using that bike. It's not a bike thing, but use your arms, you know, and you kind of spin them. Like they're doing, they're doing what they can. And I always have a lot of respect for that.
Starting point is 00:42:24 I'm like, like fuck fair play I don't think I could be bothered I'm like man. I watch some movies That shit gets all quick I like that she did so she obviously did this for charity and she did it for like a clean water project rated it raised like 400 grand. That's a lot of money Um, huge and and wants to work on more charity things I love and it was great that Rogan said that he was gonna sponsor her for her World record attempt that she couldn't talk about it was a secret and get it and get it those leg compression things I would love to try those have you done done those? No, I have them. My good friend though, you know, Ash, he uses them all the time. I don't know where
Starting point is 00:43:11 he has them, whether he has them at his house or they're quite expensive, right? I can't imagine that cheap. I'm sure that yeah, I can't imagine that cheap. Maybe he goes to a gym, but he likes him, he swears by him. I told you the five minute pour plunge, yeah. Oh yeah, you did. I tell you about that. So they have ice, they have ice. It's not ice, but it's freezing cold. It's freezing cold water right next to the infrared sauna
Starting point is 00:43:34 at this place. My grow works at pod pause here in Venice. Do you know how cold it is? I believe it's 50. 50? Oh, it's not that cold. 50 degrees. It's fucking. Is that not cold? Weak. I'm gonna's 50. 50? Oh, it's not that cold. It's fucking.
Starting point is 00:43:47 Is that not cold? Weak. I'm gonna Google it. You know what? 50 does feel cold, but the plunges I did up here in Montana and the winter were like barely above freezing. I don't even know if that's good for you at that point. That was probably not good for you, but 50's very doable.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Right. But that's good. You should do those. Those are great, man. It's said, yeah, I think that's the best for recovery too. There's no time where you don't, we sat in the sauna that infrared for like 50 minutes straight. Because it doesn't get as hot, but once you start sweating, oh boy, it unfolds quickly. It's a different feeling there, infrared. You can stay in there longer, too. It's like
Starting point is 00:44:32 definitely. Yeah. And they can't, I think they say that it's like better for you in some ways because of the way the heat like penetrates. I don't know though, that might all be abortion internally with your organs and some, I've heard that, but you and I are of the same like old school, we like to heat. Yeah, I think I think the sauna, my gym was like two 25 today, brutal. Right. Yeah. I've been that's that's that sounds so delightful. I am. It was great.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Pass the past past the past 30 days, like right after I get done working working out one of the non-negotiables that I've had going is Cold shower right out the gate like the first minute It definitely gets easier because you just know like you embrace the suck as Goggins would say But it's like I just go I just go in there turn on the cold water and I just start down from 60 And I just take a nice slow 60 second 59 58 and I'm just sitting there talking to myself like man how great is this you have running water. Right. It goes through my head.
Starting point is 00:45:32 You can build up to it too. If you, yeah right, even if you struggle with that, if you just make it a little colder each time, you'll eventually get used to it and then it's, it's, you know, it's not the hardest thing. It's a great way to get your day going. I do like a ice shower here because it's so cold. It freezes every night here still. So the cold water here is frickin' unreal.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Like it is, fuck it. And it's great to just stand in that shower and just kind of freeze your ass off. It's way easier than any cold plunge Even a 50 degree one. His shower is really nothing compared to the plunge. I Don't you're not fully submerged. I agree. It's a whole different mindset. I mean talking about your injury like Joe talked about being Told by the doctor not to train martial arts anymore because he like got his knee done and it's like 22 I think. Yeah, he's obviously going to be like fuck that. I'm still going to do it.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yeah. And that is nonsense. Like I just get more surgeries and and yeah, I kind of I agree. I mean, people could say that's really reckless and go easy, but you, you're eventually, you, it's going to break anyway. It's going to break. So why not get another, I love that phrase. Why not get another surgery? Let's listen to the full. Get it. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Do you really think you said that he could teach her to do the splits in 30 days? Do you think that's possible? Yeah. God, I guarantee it. I don't think it is. I've tried it. When I was younger, I was like really disciplined about it because I was doing martial arts and I was like, I'm just gonna every day just fucking dude, I didn't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I think some people just can't do it You know how big of a guy I am I'm fairly close to doing it if I focused on doing it I could probably do it Hmm all right. We're looking I might give it a shot for 30 days that and see I was gonna say he's he's set an hour and a half a day That's a long time he's not I was say, he wasn't saying it was any small feet. I mean, it's definitely. But what does he mean by an hour and a half? You're not just sat in the split position for an hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:47:51 No, you're just doing a, you're just doing, you do it. Like that thing I was telling you with the bands and your knees, you're just working those little teeny fibers. And once you can like make those like elastic, it's so much easier. Like that's what they teach you in yoga. That's why you hold those poses for so long You're just like stretching those muscles
Starting point is 00:48:08 I get it Well, it's that right there. It's mainly what they talked about like you work out It comes from your motivation to get moving and then you're disciplined to do it every day It's the same thing. It's like the theme of that podcast. So I was inspired by it and I might give it a shot. We'll see. Yeah. It's not going to be bad. The way they were talking about this. No, the way they were talking about stretching out, they were like, it sucks. And I'm like, I've really learned to like love to stretch, to be honest with you, especially that I've gotten older, like I really enjoy like, just feeling loose and limber. Like I guess the actual moment where you're doing the specific stretch
Starting point is 00:48:46 might be a little strenuous but like you know what it's gonna feel like after so. I fucking hate stretching. I'm so lazy but yeah I like feeling loose and limber but I just don't like stretching. In fact my buddy here that used to do some MMA fights back in the day and he's like a boxing kickboxing coach. He just got a job at a gym and hit me up and he's gonna run me through his stretching program because he needs to get some hours in. So I'm gonna do that tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And I'm hoping after listening to this podcast too, that is the start of me getting into a routine of it. Because I really need to. I can't train like I do and then expect to my age to not have something break. It's gonna just snap at some point and I'll be like, fuck, I should have stretched more. Right. My brother turned me on to this book called Core Performance, which is like basically just vast majority of stretching and just lightweight stuff. And I mean, it makes all the difference.
Starting point is 00:49:45 I even get a good good sweat gone if you get a good stretch gone too. I was going to ask you another question too. I've been hitting that speed bag. I showed you what he talks about those egg weights. I'm thinking I might pump on Amazon after this and swoop some of those. Have you ever tried any of those? Oh, the weighted things for shadow boxing. Yeah, that's so I haven't.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It sounds like a good idea. Right, I'm worried. Definitely does. Check him out, let us know what you think. All right, I think that will do for this week. Thanks everyone, as always, for listening and your feedback is always appreciated. Yeah, like I said, if anyone out there is a row
Starting point is 00:50:24 and knows how they poop, let us know because that will be fired up. That's it. And otherwise, see you next week guys. Have a great week. Thank you. Take take care guys. Happy 420 pace. Later. you

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