Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 250 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Ron White Et al.

Episode Date: November 27, 2021

Review of Guest List: Ron White, Peter Attia, Tristan Harris & Daniel Schmachtenberger  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio más cercano en Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio, más cercano en the J.R.E. review. Join us always by my sidekick
Starting point is 00:00:49 co-host Garrett. What's up brother? What's up guys? They call me clanker sometimes. Clanker he's gonna be clankin. I already heard him bangin and clankin around. Clank headed that out. I'm doing it for the wrong, but... Yeah, yeah. Interesting news this week, so firstly, it's always sunny guys release the podcast and it's gone to number one on Spotify. They kicked Rogan off this week.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Now it might just be a week, I think some of the algorithms work like this. Like if your growth is really fast, like you're a new podcast and everyone's tuning in real quick, you know, so it's doing, I think the algorithm kind of works with like, it's doing total downloads, but also like your growth rate. So if you think of Rogan, he's already has all the downloads, even though it's still growing, it might not be growing and that that kind of same. So we'll see whether whether thing ends up, but it's kind of cool because Rob on that show played Mac and it's always sunny. He used to train with me and my Gigi's who school. Yeah, so good for them, that's awesome. Yeah, good, good for them.
Starting point is 00:02:06 And I've heard some of it and it's funny. Those guys are good on that. Yeah, it's really cool just to hear them just chatting away. So yeah, we'll see how that goes. Bit of competition for Rogan, never hurts. For sure. Never hurt. I'm sure he'd say the same thing.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Good for them. Yeah, he's all about it. He's all there's plenty of plenty of people to listen for everyone. All right. Let's jump over to Ron white What a legend He's only getting better with age to yeah, what an absolute legend I didn't know that he didn't really get famous with standup until he was like in his 40s Yeah, well, he's been doing it a long time, but like you could imagine he didn't really get famous with standup until he was like in his 40s. I know how huge is that. Yeah, well, he's been doing it a long time, but like you could imagine, you know, if you've done it as long as he has, and it took you till you were 40, like I bet there was a point where, you know, he could have considered quitting before getting famous.
Starting point is 00:03:01 I feel like his explanation though, with the fact that he paid his dues, maybe behind the scenes a little bit, if you will, but he was doing his thing for however long. So when he had the opportunity to be put on, he was already prepared. He's like, I remember him saying, he's like, the worst thing to do is become famous without a real act, you know. Yeah. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And he only had to use a little bit of it on that show like I think he said like 10 15 minutes So he kept most of his material right genius genius. He's like I must be one of the only guys in that position to be able to do that because yeah Yeah, I mean that I remember when the blue collar tall came out and Yeah, it was massive. I mean, but I, I definitely remember thinking the wrong was my favorite. Like, he, his standup really stood out to me. I agree. The other stuff was a bit more hillbilly-ish. And they were some good jokes, but I didn't, I didn't really connect to a ton of it,
Starting point is 00:03:58 but Ron's stuff was just brilliant. I would second that for sure. I agree that he was the outlier for me in that squad. Yeah, yeah I remember this bit that he had about sunglasses hot and charging like you know $120 for some sunglasses and he was like you piece of shit to the guy like what? There's sunglasses like everything about that I love it. I love it when he impersonates his wife always like he's sunglasses like everything about that He's always like wrong
Starting point is 00:04:36 Butchering it but he does is so good. It's he's great. He's so good So good he started off with a bit of a cigar less and actually didn't he like how to light it? I didn't know that Joe that Joe was like, I've been lightening these cigars for how many years? I've been doing it wrong. I've been doing it wrong the whole time. Doing it wrong. I can't believe Ron quit drinking though. Like good for him. You know, to be at a time like going from drinking that much
Starting point is 00:04:56 to, I mean, he, I see him at the comedy store a few times. And dude, he was always walking around with a bottle of tequila in his hand. He, his own tequila. yeah, he's not messing around. I mean, I was ready to party. I guess looking back on it, maybe it was just the 80s or 90s, but I remember having conversations where it was like, if you had to choose one of drink and or smoke and you'd have to pick smoking because that's just going to be like a long, Jebady thing that's going to build
Starting point is 00:05:23 up over time. But I don't know. The way he was smoking cigarettes. Yeah, but those things he's smoking are like five fucking cigarettes, cigarettes, illos within one, right? That's a good point. Yeah, that's probably not good either. You're smoking a pack of cigarettes with each cigarette. I mean, not that liquor is good for your liver. I mean, I appreciate the quitting liquor for sure. Don't give me. Well, maybe he went from, you know, I'm going to give my liver a break and
Starting point is 00:05:51 wear my lungs out. Yeah. And I'll switch back. Yeah. It's got to be one of the other. That sounds reasonable. That's the answer. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:05:59 That's the answer. He plays golf, that's great. Yeah, just pick on a bit of a bit of something. It's like working your legs out one week, your arms the next. You gotta give it a break. It's funny. It seems like the vast majority of guests that come on to Rogan now have to have some explanation why or if they have like a workout plan in place.
Starting point is 00:06:18 That they're thinking about doing or they're going to get a trainer or it's like, doesn't it seem like the vast majority of his guests that come on there that might be out of shape. I feel this obligation now. It's like, I'm going to do this and I'm doing this and I'm doing that. I'm good. But it's like, you know, I think a lot of them though are just either getting older or getting out of shape enough, right, to where they know they need to make a change. And Rogan's talked about it enough, and clearly now,
Starting point is 00:06:47 I mean, you know, when he started the party, it was like fifth, 41, right? So he was like close to our age when Rogan started. Now he's like in his 50s, and he's not looking like most people that are 50. So they're like, people can tell that he knows how to take care of himself and they're like, shit, I wish I could stay in that shape at your age. What are you doing? Maybe I should do that. He's always...
Starting point is 00:07:13 You know, eventually time just wears out. You start to get, you know, older, fatta, and pain, like getting slow. It's not fun. Well, that's what I feel like. That's why the decisions decisions you make now are gonna dictate the future in a lot of ways You know, especially when a hundred percent But I mean if COVID started sending you it's you got to do the preliminary work in order for the thing is not to Maybe take as big a toll on your body as they potentially would Yeah, yeah, and I well, I guess it was that eye wasca thing. He did that really helped him Quit that and that was an interesting story. I wouldn't have I knew he smoked some weed
Starting point is 00:07:51 But I mean it's really interesting the people that are believing in that type of Drug, you know, dare I say medicine? Honestly, I mean if it's helping people quit highly addictive substances For sure, I mean alcohols difficult to quit if you've been drinking a lot of it for a long time. Right. It's not easy. Yeah, I mean, I appreciate any opportunity that makes you get better and makes you grow. It seems like, I don't know, you think about prescription drugs.
Starting point is 00:08:21 That's one way to get to hell in the first place. So it's like, why not try some extra curricular shit, you know, 100% You think we're gonna have to send you on the Iowasca trip get you off the white clothes or I wouldn't be afraid to go on an Iowasca trip for sure, especially here. Yeah, you down there. I've heard you done it before. Hmm. I'm not opposed to that. I would try it. Yeah, I mean,. I've heard you done it before. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I'm not opposed to that. I would try it. Yeah, I mean, I would try it. I mean, it's not exactly one of those habit forming drugs.
Starting point is 00:08:52 It's not like you try it once and you're like, oh, man, I can't wait to do more. I was going, most of the time, you're like, okay, I'm going to give that a break for a while, that was intense. Well, the experience that they describe seems pretty fucking intense. I'll give you that. So yeah, yeah, it seems it seems really like you you can't help but learn a lot about yourself. And I think that's how important is that. I feel like that could help us all. You know, that's what when you think about when he talks about when he talks about microdosing and doing these other things that are alternatives, it's like, you have to have a frame of reference or at least, I don't wanna say try it, but you have to try something
Starting point is 00:09:29 before you already passed judgment on it. So it's like, all these people that are so passionate on one side that this is how it is, it's like, it could be, but if you try this, maybe you'd see something different. Maybe, I mean, it's a possibility, right? I don't know. Yeah, yeah, I mean, look, take the story that he told about Richard Jenny,
Starting point is 00:09:47 the comedian that he admired that he was opening for, or headlining one night when he showed up the club. He goes in to say hi to this guy, and he's like, really looks up to this dude. And the guy's like, how long is he going to be in my dressing room to the agent, okay? Imagine how much more impact for that would have been for Ron. If he got to tell that story and be like, Richard Jennings was really cool to me, was super nice, like,
Starting point is 00:10:13 encouraged me to do stand up and do do do do do and it just shows like that guy ended up kill himself. He had his demons and it's not to bash on him, but if he could have taken a journey like that and been able to reflect maybe and just kind of okay, got to be nicer to people, then I'll be nice itics and I think that the introspective nature that they provide With just like what you said learning about yourself and learning about relationships. I mean There's no really alternative other than to do it to understand the effect Yeah, you don't often get out of those experiences regardless of how they were whether they were like out of those experiences, regardless of how they were, whether they were like blissful, peaceful, and enlightening, or like a little scary and they kind of reset your thinking.
Starting point is 00:11:12 The first thing it makes you do is not jump on Twitter and say a bunch of shit about a bunch of people you don't even know. Like that's not happening. That's a good point. You know, just not like, oh, I'm gonna give this guy a bad review. Like what? That's what you're doing today? That's your day point. You know, just not like, oh, I'm gonna give this guy a bad review. Like what?
Starting point is 00:11:25 That's what you're doing today? That's your day. Well done. Enjoy your day, sir. Yeah. So, Ron's gonna retire from comedy in a year, he said. And even though we're all missing, fair play to him. I think that that sounds like a beautiful plan, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I appreciate people retiring from stuff like that I remember when Quinn Tarantino mentioned that too. It's like you don't need that I mean, I guess do you want the accolades for retiring or just be like I'm just gonna not do this for a while Like I'm you know what I mean? Why do you have to say I'm walking away? It's like maybe I'll make it up That's a good point like why it's a good point. I don't need to make a big big show and dance of it These professions provide you the opportunity to just be like maybe I'll come back I mean once a comedian always comedian right it's not like you need to two fucking 300 days a year but I mean you can still write jokes or do something I mean you don't have to say I don't know
Starting point is 00:12:20 I just don't think you ever retire in life especially when it comes to your passion I hope that's I hope that's something that I can keep my hope, you know. Yeah, I mean, it doesn't even live there in Austin. Right. I think he moved there. Yeah, he just said he saw the scene. Yeah, so if Joe opens a club, he can just go down the road, chill out, do some sets, and you know, I think it sounded like the touring part of it was wearing him out. And maybe he could just not tour.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Come to Ron White. You want to see him fly to Austin. When he was talking about his tour schedule, that sounds like intense. Nothing about that. Yeah, dude. He said he was on the road like, what was it? Like 50 weeks a year or something. He was crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:02 Yeah. Doing three nights a week. I mean, doing three shows a week, a night and stuff like that. That's not can be conducive to health, especially the way he was partying. And then just on the wear and tear, wear and tear in your body when travel comes into play is not something to scoff at either, you know. Yeah, but dude, when you're making, you know, who knows 50 80 grand a show. I mean, you could see how you would get pretty motivated to pull some of that money in for a while. Right. That's what he was saying.
Starting point is 00:13:33 That's what he was saying, too, is like, I didn't know when this was going to run out. So I felt obligated to take advantage of it for as long as I could. Unfortunately, it hasn't ever ran out since. That story that he was telling about opening for Sam Kenneson, like what an incredible opportunity that would have been. Just to beat when Kenneson was on top, just to be around it and watch him just go out and captivate that kind of energy that he used to bring forward, I mean, what an unbelievable opportunity. Jim, Kenison was, I was early, early teens, I think. So in hindsight, I remember seeing him
Starting point is 00:14:13 and thinking he was the devil. I remember my dad saying something to that, something to that, something to that effect. You know what I mean? But in hindsight, I watch his bits now. They're obviously a lot funnier, but as whatever a young teen, I remember thinking back to him, that dude was a one-of-one, if you will. Oh yeah, we had super raunchy stuff, and I think he started off like fairly religious, I think. Oh yeah, yeah, he was a pastor. I remember that. Right. For sure. So he really flipped the table on it. And by doing that, I mean, yeah, he was upsetting a lot of people that were religious. Because he was pointing to the absurdity of it that he'd seen and making it hilarious.
Starting point is 00:14:59 So yeah. Kind of needs to be pointed out from time to time. Yeah, it's good to do. It's good to do even when you're wrong if it's funny. Yeah, just test the limits You know people People should have a better sense of humor. He was given all of it. So okay, you can make fun of me if it's funny I don't care. It's funny. Do it. I appreciate it It's like a term of endearment. Don't you think when somebody can make it? Yeah't you think when somebody can make a joke about you that you can laugh at? There's nothing more endearing that you took the time out to make me laugh at this.
Starting point is 00:15:34 That's how I look at it. I mean, fuck, that's funny. I like it a lot. All right, let's jump over to Peter at here. What a fascinating dude he was dude. What was his that guy? A just Thor of life in every aspect. Yeah Basically like who do you not know who do you not hang out with? What things? What are you not a doctor of? Unreal Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados. Descobre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio, más cercano en
Starting point is 00:16:34 Sí, sí, ¿qué fue? Era un MD surgeon por un tiempo. Entonces, él fue en la finanza, porque era una disillusioned and then went back to medicine and somewhere along the lines it seems like you got to know everyone who's everyone. Yeah, he's a great at everything he does. He was talking about his swimming regimen and his workout regimen too. I've been not to jump all over the place but he had the thing saying that guys should be able to hold the bar for two minutes.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Did you hear that? Yeah, that was an interesting long Jeviti metric. I've never thought about that, but it kind of makes sense after he said, why is it all going about? It's always been in the back of my head sense. So I'm trying to get my my hang game and check because I've never timed it. Oh, yeah, I don't. It's right. I don't know. Two minutes is a long fucking time to be hanging. I'll tell timed it. Oh, do you know? It's right. I don't know. Two minutes is a long fucking time to be hanging. I'll tell you that.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah. Well, Grip Strength is important in Jiu-Jitsu. So it makes sense that it would be connected to a lot of things. I like that he's, when he was talking about how a lot of shoulder injuries and shoulder pain can be reduced with a strong grip strength. I mean, that makes sense. I think that's why I'm starting to do it subconsciously. Now they mention that, started rough, but yeah. Yeah, no worries. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Yeah. And then what was the other one? Like, 45 minutes of cardio, three times a week. You know, that's a huge factor. And even, you know, they say diet exercise this and this. He goes, there's no no bigger metric than just exercise period Like it's if you're doing hard workouts not to say you can just eat garbage, but it seems to be the most important thing is just Exactly. Yeah, you're either eating salads all the time or you get to eat regular food and you just work out like a killer
Starting point is 00:18:27 I was exactly I feel like that makes up for a lot of the Different I mean lack lack there of in the diet Hmm exercise makes up for that clearly. Yeah, and it seems also You know, and he didn't really touch on this but like in in a sense he's taking care of his own mental health, too You know, he's out hunting. He's connecting with nature. He like understands that whole process He's got his hobbies down and he's like really into he's like taking care of his Mind to what were his views? Yeah, he's Obviously a stud hunter to he sounds like one of the best bow hunters to he's great. What was his thoughts on the vaccine again?
Starting point is 00:19:08 I'm trying to think back to what he said. Well, he was saying that definitely you should take it right. Yeah, he was pro vaccine, but he was talking about the masks and he was like, Are you telling me that I'm gonna have to wear a mask in my Airport from here on out. Because it doesn't seem like. Well, what he was saying, I think, is that if the logic is, it's safer to use that now because of this pandemic, then really, if you accept that, then you should have to wear it forever.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Because everyone eventually is gonna get this. So it's like, we either to wear it forever, because everyone eventually is going to get this. So it's like we either all wear them forever or we just accept the fact that we're going to get it. And, you know, you just, yeah, it can't be. It can't now be the new thing for flying an aeroplanes, where we always have to wear one. Or every time you're in a government building or in the airport, you have to have your mask on. He's just like, really? We're going to do this forever, the whole world ever.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I don't know how it's not blatantly obvious and clear, especially when it comes to, I don't know if they're enforcing this stuff anymore. It feels like the enforcement power. If it was ever there, I don't know, because I didn't witness any of any of the enforcement, but it seems more of a threat and just see if people will abide by it because here in California, that's been like obviously we're under the like microscope for all this shit for some reason. And yeah, I mean, it seems I've made reference to this too. It comes down to the individual.
Starting point is 00:20:45 You have those, I was telling you the situation in the Walgreens, where I almost had like a altercation with an individual, because I wasn't wearing a mask at this point. And it's like, man, it's going to take individuals and change this, because if we all just buy into the other stuff that everybody else is doing Nothing changes. I mean it just seems like there needs to be some pushback as far as I'm concerned otherwise I mean it just doesn't seem like it show me the results that show otherwise
Starting point is 00:21:18 But nobody well, they just made it the problem is the dialogue they made it seem like it will be here for a minute and then what we'll do is we're just eradicate it and then it's gone. But that's not how it's going to work. It's going to be with us forever and we have to figure out a way to either vaccinate against it or get natural immunity and then be able to beat it but like there's no, there's no, it just disappears though. It's not going away. He didn't have kind words to say about Fauci either. I mean, it doesn't seem like a kind of a good thing. Beats it but like there's no you there's no it just disappears stuff. It's not going away
Starting point is 00:21:45 He didn't have kind words to say about Fauci either. I mean it doesn't seem like who's putting in their food I don't think anyone does right now what what's coming out of that gain of function stuff does not look good for him He's getting grilled. It's like we all kind of knew it too. It was kind of exposed that one point I remember talking about it on one of the pods. It was exposed. It's just whether or not people choose to accept it. I don't understand. It feels, I said this before and I'll say it again, it's the fact that people got, I don't want to say duped or taken down a road that maybe got way down, way too far down and don't want to look back and say that, ah, man, maybe some things went wrong. And maybe we made some wrong decisions and we needed like adjust the trajectory of what
Starting point is 00:22:34 we're doing. But that doesn't want to be the conversation, especially here in California, it's just keep doing the same shit. Yeah. That hasn't worked. So what are we doing? I can't be the only person that thinks this way either because the conversations on the individual level that I have on one-on-one basis, 99,
Starting point is 00:22:50 I could almost just say 100% because I haven't had any pushback. Granted, I'm in a bubble and I go to the same different places, but the conversations and the situations that I have are so rational. And everybody feels that way. I haven't met a person that's been like,
Starting point is 00:23:05 man, nah, should be wearing our masks outside or like feeding you know what I mean? Like, or mirroring our mass period for that fucking matter for being honest, but it's just you got to choose a line in the sand at some point and it doesn't seem like anybody wants to do that, especially like when we're referencing Anthony Fauci and we all know it's all bullshit. The fact that they touched on that case too with that $9 billion company without one chick and he was like gonna be her his right hand man or something, remember? Oh, the uh yeah, yeah, Elizabeth Holmes. Right. They had all those in there. Yeah, so she has a podcast where she does them, but they made one called the dropout and it's really good if you guys haven't listened to that
Starting point is 00:23:46 Check it out, but what's interesting about it now is they're running the the trial So they give you updates about what's going on? So I've been listening to the most recent ones It's crazy Like what when it was all a complete lie that thing never worked You know, beating the dollars were invested. It was just a complete fabrication. It was like a shoe box. You was like, can I see it?
Starting point is 00:24:11 Like, you know, I'm like, can I see in that now? No, I'm gonna be working for you. I would like to know like, I signed an NDA. Like, I would like to know what I'm doing. No, can't, I know your, I you're a medical professor whatever like it really intelligent dude No, I'm not gonna like it because he would have been like this isn't this is nothing. What do we know? Yeah, anybody like he's like this is full of pez you got you going on I mean, I don't want to say I'd give the lady credit
Starting point is 00:24:37 But that is some sociopathic bullshit, but man to be able to raise 9 billion in the street of investment without it with no product. Fuck, put it on Shark Tank. Yeah, right. 100%. I mean, unbelievable. I mean, look, thank God she got found out really. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Imagine if she managed to just get over a specific hump way. She was worth so much. And no one could even get close to questioning her. And everyone's just waiting for something to come out. And I mean, just scary stuff. It's scary stuff, but that was the thing. There were a few smart people that just understood that you just can't do that with one drop of blood Yeah, like this is just not enough of the thing to check and test Seems like that would have been a red flag for any
Starting point is 00:25:36 Scientists that that's really that was the one outlying thing I think it was for a lot of them, but they were just basically saying oh no, we found a workaround now We can do it with the wand. This is revolutionary. Yeah, this is the latest and we can't tell you how it works It's like super good magic super convenient shit, huh? Yeah, just magic. He was saying though that Peter was saying that there's like new tests where they can just take You know a vial of blood now and start looking for tests where they can just take you know a vial of blood now and start looking for markers of cancer which is you know really cool stuff you know if they can do that and just I guess it like floats
Starting point is 00:26:16 around in your whole bloodstream and then they can then they kind of you know work it back they're like okay what kind of cancer is this this is like a lung cancer style then they know to look at your lungs and I mean How effective is that going to be in the next 20 years? I mean, you know instead of waiting until you're coughing up blood They're able to just do an annual check and then they're like, you know, because he said a lot of the time as long as they catch this stuff early They can really do some good good work
Starting point is 00:26:45 with it. I'm all for preventative healthcare and that sounds good in theory. It seems that if pharmaceutical companies have taught us anything that if they see they're going to fuck it up. Yeah, and it sounds like something like a fuck up. You know what I mean? They're going. If I'm going in for preventative maintenance, it's like if you take your car in and you go in there for your break, so like your radiators
Starting point is 00:27:07 fucked your adult tornado needs to be replaced this down. Yeah, it's like they kind of do that show what your body to a lot of the time. Yeah, you know, like your web toes, you're going to have to take your toes off like, what? Slow down. I'm just a good swimmer. But I mean, it's it that seems to be the idea of marketing, right? It's like selling a problem and then selling the solution. You know, so I don't want to be negative because I do see I could see the benefit of that. Yeah, well, maybe they could just make those blood tests expensive and then they could make a lot of money that way. That's true. I do have a question though. And somebody that I know that is very close to me recently tested positive for COVID
Starting point is 00:27:49 Literally the day after I was hanging out with them and we were all together. I was sharing wine with them and Get your own glass My point is here How is it that she tested positive and either I have the antibody I not it shouldn't be as simple as that I understand but Given the whole narrative that they sold us it's like if you were even like came in fucking contact with somebody else that had COVID you were you were gonna get COVID So it's like how is it that I don't have COVID or if I do have the antibodies or a symptomatic or all these other fucking reasons
Starting point is 00:28:28 How is it? I'm not directly affected if that is the narrative that we just have the plague going on And if your nexus somebody you catching that shit like why yeah, I mean why even though with the antibodies now I mean that you there's still a chance you can get re-infected. So, you know, it's probably just that some people have better immunities than others. Maybe you already caught it, and so it didn't affect you this time. Your antibodies are strong, so that all you just happen to be someone that, when you get it, you're asymptomatic. You don't notice really at all. I mean, there's got to be a lot of those people Yeah, that's the point they don't know no one does they just like well, you know
Starting point is 00:29:16 So there's one of these nine things maybe it's nothing and you're like what? Didn't you go to medical school? Give us an answer I provided myself quite a few outs just in case Yeah, yeah, yeah, they covered the bases, bro. You got to, if you want a strong argument, you get to cover all the bases. Oh, it's sickening. And it's like nobody wants to admit it. I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:29:37 That's at least admit that some shit's going on. And especially when he was talking about, once you start having to enforce these vaccines, it's straight fucking profit. That's what he said. And I was like, Oh my God, like, how is that not clear as day? Once you mandate something or say that you have to get it, they're going to find a way to charge you for it. Or there, somebody's going to pay for it somewhere along the line. It's my point. Yeah, it's guaranteed revenue. There's not, there's not, not, somebody not collecting money on this. There's not, there's not, somebody
Starting point is 00:30:05 not collecting money on this. So the idea of the government was like, you need to listen to the Joe Rogan experience review podcast. It's now mandated. Then, you know, it's, it's likely that our numbers would skyrocket. But is it fair that people have to put up with
Starting point is 00:30:23 listening to us talk? No, it should not be mandates At all it's probably bad for your health anyway, but we do hope us We do have best. I mean you think about it from that perspective and especially the adverse reactions and all the other thing that's compounded it's like It it's not fair It's not reasonable and I feel like the sand is going to wither at the at the bottom at some point because people people are going to have to wake up and say
Starting point is 00:30:53 this something's not right here. Yeah but you know what on top of this there are things that we know to do that are important there will be other diseases that will be bad. And it's things like this guy saying, workout. Here's ways to monitor your workout. Are you getting, is your grip strength good, right? Are you doing 45 minutes, four times a week of cardio? Can you hold on to something for two minutes? And then on top of that, it's like, I think he was also saying that even if you don't drink, there's another type of non, it was called non-alcoholic fatty liver
Starting point is 00:31:33 disease. And it's coming from fructose. And the worst way to get fructose is drinking it or sugar in general. Like, don't drink sugars. I've been much more conscious of that. I mean, it's that with gatorier from time to time, but I remember when I was a kid, I thought that when I was drinking cranberry juice, maybe when you're a kid, it probably metabolizes a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Maybe, I don't even know, but it's crazy to think. Yeah, I think you can handle sugar better when you're younger, I'm sure. Because he made a good reference to that Paloma situation. He was talking about getting, I think it was 500 milliliters of grapefruit and juice from fresh grapefruits. And then he was like, you can take that in one gulp, but he's like, it took 10 grapefruits to get that.
Starting point is 00:32:17 So the idea, it's crazy, right? You know what I mean? You get glass of orange juice. It's like, and your body has no idea what to do. It's like holy shit. What is happening? At least if you're like mainlining sugar, right? But you think for some reason you're doing yourself a favor that we've been sold this idea that taking a glass of OJ in the morning or taking a glass of whatever is supposed to be good for you. Clearly not
Starting point is 00:32:41 Yeah, sugar is a real trouble. You know, there's a time and a place too. Like, let's say you're about, you know, you're about to hit the gym. Do that 45 minute workout. Maybe lift some weights for 20 minutes and then get in a sauna for another 20 minutes. All of those things, they're gonna ramp your heart up. They're gonna get you really working
Starting point is 00:33:01 and you need fuel. So if you wanted to drink some juice before that, that might not be the worst time to do it. So there could be time and space for it. But if you just sat in the couch, neck and OJ, yeah, I'd be concerned. I know that's probably not a good time to do it. Right. I would say, like you said, the main reference to you before, if you have a good exercise regimen, you can make up for a lot of other places that you fall short. Yeah, that is true. That is true.
Starting point is 00:33:30 And that's why I always recommend that to anybody, because it's like, look, you can make a list of 15 things that you change about your life, but that's hard. It's really hard. So why not just do the one that definitely has maximum changes? Maybe if you want to add one more thing through sauna in there, that doesn't really take any effort if you have access to one. And then, yeah, slowly work on your diet,
Starting point is 00:33:53 but I think the diet thing comes on its own. If you're working out the right way, the last thing you want to eat is McDonald's. Your body just does not want to. Imagine doing a stonkin gym workout we're talking like kettlebells or squats and deadlifts and then you finish you're depleted of your electrolytes and all the rest of it and someone says you want to go get a big Mac yeah you're just not gonna crave it then you're just
Starting point is 00:34:21 gonna go oh no that's not gonna work. That's not appealing. No, but if you're drunk and it's Friday and it's two in the morning, you're like, hey. Let me get 10. Taco Bell. Fire me up. Crunch, crunch wraps the cream. No, I really liked that Peter guy.
Starting point is 00:34:39 I thought he was excellent and I hope they get him back on to talk more about longevity. So he just, you know, you know, he's doing the work. You know what he knows? There's science behind it. He's tested it. He's work with people. He's not about coming on Rogan and lying about things that he, you know, he's just not
Starting point is 00:34:58 going to do it. I mean, it's valuable information, whether you, you know, listen to all of it or not. There's some gems in there. I hope that that's the seems to be the case because they know that over a three hour, four hour period, you are broken, always makes light of it. You will get seen one way or another. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:18 So yeah. There's no one. Let's jump over to the last one here And we'll get wrapped up that with and this one what a I hate to say Debbie down I but this one was freaking me out bro. So this is a Tristan Harris that did the Social day Shemakten burger I believe Shemakten burger That sounds fair Yeah, I believe. Got you. Mactenberger? That sounds fair.
Starting point is 00:35:46 Yeah, hell of a name. Now, you know, it rogans even hit the nail on the head. The social dilemma is something a lot of people watched. It freaked everyone out, and then we all forgot about it. I went straight back to Instagram. And it's important to be reminded of las problemas que este crap es causado. Si necesitas un taller de garantía para tu coche, Motrio te ofrece un mantenimiento multimarca sin sorpresas con mecánicos expertos altamente cualificados y formados.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Descubre Motrio, tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, motrio más cercano en It look, it has a place, I don't think it's all bad. I think in a lot of ways it's useful and it does keep people connected. But there is like an addictive negative loop that causes you to be on there too much, looking at nonsense and getting pulled into the negativity, especially when it comes to that feedback look of the information. You start going down rabbit holes, of just nonsense news, and before you know, you're a flat earfer.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Right. The way the algorithms designed is designed for chaos. It's designed to perpetuate the most extreme angles on any given topic. So when the algorithm is designed in such a way that's going to produce that same kind of rhetoric and it just perpetuates itself. When they were talking about those echo chambers, that seems to be so evident of what's going on.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Because people are so passionate about shit, they don't know how, don't know any of the details about. They just know the few clips they've seen on Instagram. I mean, I'm guilty of it too, but that's why I don't get it too attached to anything now. And when we talk about being attached to ideas, if you're gonna be attached to ideas, first of all, do your research.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Second of all, don't be too attached to ideas because those things are subject to change on any given day, given any situation. They could consistently change. Right. So, I mean, I think it's important to remember that, like Rogan says often, you are not your ideas. Right. It's just how you think right now.
Starting point is 00:38:02 And also, where did you get the idea from when you hear that what was it 19 of the top 20 Christian? Like groups on Facebook were all like East and European troll farms. You're like, okay Where am I getting my information? I think we have to be careful about these strong opinions that we start gaining and be like How much of this am I sure is even true? have to be careful about these strong opinions that we start gaining and be like, how much of this am I sure is even true? 100%. And if we've learned anything about the news, it all comes from, what's the word, they're already compromised that as it is.
Starting point is 00:38:40 They already have an agenda prior to, you know what I mean? They don't have a objective situation. They already have a narrative that they're trying to sell. So yeah, I mean, what about that AI they were talking about that could hold that conversation online. And then also, you know, throw out like maybe post, I mean, that was scary. You know, pro COVID versus, oh, pro vaccine, versus anti-vax, and then throw up all these studies. And you can't even tell
Starting point is 00:39:11 that it was made by a robot. And then they were saying that I can't remember what they were making reference to, but you could talk it into fruition too. Remember when they were saying, oh, the video game can make asteroids and write the code. I. That's terrifying. That is so scary. What? Terrifying. That just freed up a new, I remember when I thought of infinity, at some point, have you ever thought about the notion of infinity? It's kind of daunting at some point. I kind of got that same feeling when I heard that, like, that could be an option. Yeah. that, like, that could be an option. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:43 That sounds scary. Dude, if I had an app, right, that knew how I text, and it was in my control, and I could, like, I could just program something into the app, and it would just text back and forth with people I know, and I'm not even involved. Dude, I'd have it troll you all day long just to crack me up. I'd be like, text carrot and get him really upset about something. And I'll just check in later on the day and you'll be like, you saw it of a pitch.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I'd be like, dude, I was just kidding. I was using my AR troll app. Dude, you wouldn't even know though, would you? How quickly does this all happen? Because is it just going to catch up with us before we're not even expecting it because I mean We've made reference that metaverse before it doesn't seem and the way technology keeps on Going so quickly it seems I don't know how far out are we from this well? I think that they're saying that it's like it's happening so fast right that it's either just going gonna be the wild west of everything or the government's gonna try and
Starting point is 00:40:48 control All of everything we do like they were saying in China like they have their version of TikTok out there I don't know what it's called and in it like checks in on kids and only teaches them like education Not with smart or like I like that some other stuff and then it tells them to take a break, maybe go outside. I mean, that's not a bad idea. Dude, that is an amazing idea that I thought was brilliant. I'm not saying hey, we should be like China. I don't think they were saying it either, but like that's one example that at least for kids is probably not a bad move.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Right. I agree. Because they're the ones that are going to suffer the most. It fucks us up, but we're born in the 80s. We're still like, you know, we remember a time before all of this. And we'll be like, nah, we can't be doing this all the time. We see the writing on the wall a little bit more. These young kids coming into this world, you know, my friend just had his first kid just a couple of months ago.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And I've come down in Knoxville to see it for the first time and I'm like, she's, by the time she even knows how to do anything, understand anything. Like right now she can't even roll over. Once she can like speak and watch TV, the world is already doing this stuff. She doesn't know a time before this. Imagine what that's gonna do to her brain. Sure, can't move to Bosmana.
Starting point is 00:42:10 That's it. Get to the mountains people. Flea to the mountains. That's what I did. Not turning back. I left the beach and the fun and the sunshine for just a bit of peace and quiet. Real life. I don't know. I don't know what the answer with all this is. And the fun and the sunshine for just a bit of peace and quiet real life I don't know I don't know what the answer with all this is But I think what they're pointing out because they they were trying to throw in a bunch of solutions and Joe was not buying that shit You know he was like hold on that doesn't like why would anyone change like why would people put all that effort in and it makes sense They want good solutions
Starting point is 00:42:43 I mean, in humanity and theory, they're the only solutions really, because it's like, it seems like the title waves coming and just how it react is going to be true. I mean, it would be a solution if people followed it, but it's just not going to, well, it seems like it's either it just doesn't work like that. It seems like it's either, well, I think what's eventually, hopefully, if enough people see that they're going to need to think like that, hopefully they do. And hopefully this is going to be evident of that to the situation we're going through
Starting point is 00:43:15 right now. If you can be resilient, if you can be resilient now, you can be resilient the next time. So it's going to take good data that is well understood. So if you have the responsibility of saying like when they were talking about 2009, there were massive spikes in depression. What was happening then? All right, you've got the invention of the iPhone. Now, it wasn't technically the iPhone's fault, but it was the fact that you could get
Starting point is 00:43:42 all your social media in the palm of your hand. So now you can't disconnect from it. Do you think that has anything to do with the fact that the 2008 crash happened the year before? I mean, yeah, that's obviously super bad, too. So yeah, I mean, there's, think about it, there's always many factors to something. So you can't just say all of depression from that time is because of this one single event, but you know, you can kind of start to correlate between things.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And they're seeing a lot of teenage depression that they're linking to social media. Yeah, right after 2008 was a terrible time for a lot of people. So it was many factors that I'm sure that came to play but Yeah, no way that's good point. I didn't think of that the way he was describing it as a big ask for those situations especially I will say how amazing it would be when they were talking I don't know the specifics of what a blockchain specifically is but they were talking about how as know the specifics of what a blockchain specifically is, but they were talking about how as this sounds so reasonable and rational to have four taxpayers as citizens, why can't we see
Starting point is 00:44:52 where a tax money is going? It should be a breakdown or a frame of reference where you can see everybody's salary, you can see everybody's, I mean, all the details of what's going on with the finances, There should be a log of Cuz it's a secret Garam. That's my point, but that doesn't sound you're that doesn't seem anytime someone doesn't want to show you where they're spending money I'll tell you how much they make it's for a reason yeah, and the reason is if you knew you wouldn't like it exactly So if we all know that you would like it at all if we all knew if we all know that that's common knowledge Why in the fuck shouldn't that be passed in our?
Starting point is 00:45:32 Constitution or whatever the fuck I don't know like yeah, I mean there could be a lot more transparency I don't really see the reason like sometimes they say well you can't know what the Military is spending money on, right? But I'm like, well, you could with some of it. Not all of it is like black ops and missiles. Like, it's generalized generalize the categories. It doesn't need to be like detailed. I get that. That there could be some Describe and see with that. I could. Yeah, here's a massive R&D budget. His payroll, his transportation, his this and that. It's the problem is they probably barely keep track of it. That's the problem. The fact is, too, it's when you're a politician and you're
Starting point is 00:46:14 making 90 grand or whatever a year, but for some reason, your net worth is 50 million. There's got to be some fucking discrepancies. Sorry. Yeah, yeah, there's some fucking ago in on bro. That doesn't seem like too deep of knowledge to figure that out. Well, I think Congress people make like quarter of a mile a year. Right. Yet some of them, like you said,
Starting point is 00:46:34 worth like 40 million. I'm like, wait a minute. Let me just divide 40 million by 250,000. Are you 700 years old? You just made a good investment. How have you made this money? Just had a couple good investments. That's convenient.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Yeah, that's it. Couple of good investments, which I didn't have inside knowledge about. I promise. And also I bought all of the Bitcoin. It didn't make sense at the time, but come to find out it worked out well. But yeah, yeah, anyway,, I got to go later. It's like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:47:09 cheers. Right. I do kind of like some of the shit they was saying about Apple. I mean, look, Apple gets a bad rap. They have like, the way they make their phones is the issue. They've got that plant that people want to jump out the window of. They're a massive company. But I mean, they are doing better with privacy than most other companies like your personal privacy. It is cool, kind of, that they haven't jumped on the social media bandwagon. So that's pretty dope because they're not, they're not kind of encouraging this stuff and therefore censorship, really.
Starting point is 00:47:45 And they're not big on censorship. Think our podcast is hosted on Apple. They've never given us a hard time about anything that we said. And I don't even know how they would be even profit off us. They just allow it to be on there. And they're like, good, do you think? Like, have it.
Starting point is 00:48:03 I mean, I don't know, bro. It's kind of something that I'll think about the next time I update my phone. And I might be like, maybe I'll jump over to Apple. Yeah, somebody think about people who are so virtuous on so many things, it's interesting to think that we're all walking around this computer in our pocket.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Joe's made reference to it before too, that had so much blood on his hands, to some extent, you know? But, you can be. Yeah, there's no way around it. Joe's made reference to it before too, that had so much blood on his hands, so some extent, you know, but. Yeah. Yeah, there's no way around it. It's unfortunate. It's a little brutal. You know, I mean, we're making a podcast using laptops
Starting point is 00:48:35 that I'm sure all of this wasn't organically sourced. No, this wasn't grown from the ground. No. Some people said. No. Somebody was mining somewhere in a sand mine mine bleeding, getting paid almost nothing. Francis and Garno is working hard for this. Yeah, it's not pretty stuff, man.
Starting point is 00:48:55 It's not pretty. And this is why sometimes you need these guys like Tristan to pop out and just be like, hey, just real quick, I know you've been having fun listening to these podcasts for a while or this week, but I'm now on just to remind you that there's a lot of fucked up stuff going on in the world and you need to be aware of it because it's not good for your health. I felt like I was definitely enlightened after listening to that, to a lot of things that I maybe not have saw the impact or that what was going on, but it seems that that that train's coming, you know. Well, you know, in the end of it with an important point, like, like, Rogan, you know, your show
Starting point is 00:49:33 helps people make sense of the world. And for right or wrong, I think that that's a big part of what draws people to Rogan's show. And I agree with it. I would say that I think that it does. draws people to Rogan show and I agree with it. I think that it does. I'm on board with that sentiment for sure. I mean, it certainly helps him make sense of what's happening and, you know, and I've kind of always felt that and it's great that he gets to have people on like this, get these messages out and the more he chooses to do it, just like the guy he has on for the Innocence project, the more he brings these people on look
Starting point is 00:50:05 we're all outraged by that stuff. We just don't hear about it. We don't know what to do. So he gets these guys on and they come on multiple times and it's like enough to remind us oh shit this is important. We need to keep... We should figure something out. You know, and the power is always in the individual working together with a bunch of other individuals. Absolutely. That needs to be more spread. I agree. I couldn't agree more. Yeah. It's just good reminders. These reminders help. We're all having a good time. We're all having fun a lot of times. Well, a lot of people are struggling too, but it's just good to kind of take a minute and be like,
Starting point is 00:50:45 okay, this shit is wild and it's going to be a problem. Yeah, it is, but we're going to navigate it. We're going to make it work. Oh, that's all we're going to do, right? All right, brother. Well, that'll wrap it up for this week. You're going out to dinner tonight, a fancy place. Where are you going, the room?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah, we're going to hit some place up in Santa Monica I'm gonna wear a three mask on my eyes, I think Excellent cover your whole head. Yeah, my please Glad you are glad you are well you guys have a good time and everyone. Thank you as always for listening Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Enjoy it and love you all happy Thanksgiving fan peace and love later Me encanta y te encanta. Te gusta, te encanta, te encanta, te encanta. Later. de la gente. Descobre, Motrio. Tu taller para todo lo que necesitas. Encuentra tu taller, Motrio. Más cercano en La piscina, el embase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa
Starting point is 00:52:06 La usaré las patatas y del refresco la lata Un embase de paella y del agua La botella, como veces muy sencillo Los embases del verano Siempre van a la marillo Ecoemelso

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