Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 254 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Dr. Peter McColough Et al.

Episode Date: December 23, 2021

Sponsors: Wisdom app for Iphone: Join @garrett on Monday 27th at noon pacific standard time Diet Smoke: – Use PROMO code “JRER” This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as al...ways. Review Guest list: Dr. Peter McColough, Beeple and Marlon "Chito" Vera 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Enjoy folks! Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Follow Garrett on Instagram here:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Verano, verano, reciclar es tan humano Esa lata de aceitunas que te tomas a la una La crema que se termina cuando estás en la piscina El enbase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa La voy a usar en las patatas y del refresco la lata Un enbase de paella y del agua La botella, como ves es muy sencillo
Starting point is 00:00:24 Los enbases del verano Siempre van a la amarillo I'm not a bad guy, I'm a bad guy I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a bad guy I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a bad guy I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a bad guy I'm not a bad guy, I'm not a bad guy Welcome to the show where games are never as high What a bizarre thing we create Now, there's your host Adam Thorn And Gary Hats He's making it to the worst by chance
Starting point is 00:00:42 What a best one of all come No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. Join us always by a co-host in crime. Garrett. What's up guys? Dude, happy holidays. Welcome and the best year of our lives. I'm recording this one from England. It's currently nighttime. Nice. Garrett is in Venice and it looks way sunny
Starting point is 00:01:41 and then it was here today. It's about 230 isn't kind of a cloudy day to be honest, but I'll take it. Is that right? Yeah. Not bad. What do you guys have? So, we got Dr. Peter McClaugh. McClaugh?
Starting point is 00:01:59 McClaugh. Controversial stuff, bro. Yeah, I mean, initially when we first listened to it we're totally on board And I think there's a lot of merit till a lot of things he said, but There are some things the question and talk about that the thing that's interesting for at least me when you started talking about the vaccines He said I took all the back. I took all the vaccines my kids have all the vaccines I don't know if that was just being vague or like if you are saying that he has all the vaccines according to like in regards to COVID but he then like I want to say backtrack but they went on the other side of
Starting point is 00:02:33 it and said all these people that took the vaccines and saw these vaccine deaths certain race and red flags and started talking about the mass psychosis and I mean a lot of vaccines doesn't seem like proper gambit, it seemed pretty spot on for me. Yeah it's I mean it's a tough one with these things because you get somebody on that obviously has great qualifications, is smart, knows his field, you know, in a lot of ways as an expert. And then you get other experts in the same field that are saying different things. And people have come on and done other podcasts, kind of debunking some of what or attempting to basically like opposite ideas to what Peter said.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I have an example of that, just out of curiosity because I would just like to know what, because I know Joe raised the finger to catching COVID twice because he said that that was the one part where I know he raised a red flag, but do you have any other references? Well the bit, the bit that's difficult for me to put together is it's not so much like here's a point and then someone else says this is why that point is wrong and there's a real truth in there. A lot of this just comes down to say Peter saying why aren't we focusing on things that can make you better once you get COVID instead of just the vaccine and then problems with how the vaccine was made in x, y and z. Yet most people in the pro vaccine world seem to just say,
Starting point is 00:04:16 you know, using the data that they have, which obviously you and I collect and make no data, so we just have to believe other people. And they're like, listen, you get the vaccine? Yes, you can still get COVID, but your symptoms will be less. You'll be less likely to go to the doctor. So it's an overall benefit. And even if you're giving it to people that are in low risk categories, and to say maybe it wouldn't have affected them anyway, get having COVID, but it's going to make them spread it last, the people that would have more of a problem.
Starting point is 00:04:53 So it's almost like, in a way, you can't argue with both of those sides of the argument. It's like a tricky one, right? I mean, Peter's saying is yeah, there's lots of people that don't need to take it and It was rushed, but will other people then get sick and who are they and It's I it's a strange one man I just it's it just gets more confusing and I expected to have a clearer picture by now. Exactly, and it sucks that this is still the central focus of what we're talking about. We just can't talk about other subjects because this is... So encapsulating, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:05:35 This is all going all the time. I feel like one day you're just going to wake up and snap out of this dream. It's like us to be over with it. But we have developed such a weird he talks about that mass psychosis and there where he's like there's four parts to it which seemed I mean it didn't seem woo woo it seemed pretty spot on he was like have a prolonged lockdown take away things that people like such as such as bars restaurants activities to go community and then he was like have one soul soul God reason that that brings you
Starting point is 00:06:13 out of it and then provide them with the vaccine it seems like bang bang bang bang but I don't know how where the room is well there's no doubt that happened. But is it this overarching massive conspiracy? Or is it just the process of how something like this would unfold? I think what gets me is the fact that they're just saying, well, they're just one solution. And it's that vaccine. And they really aren't pushing these other drugs that they barely even pushing Health still in England for example, I was talking to people about the vitamin D thing
Starting point is 00:06:55 And there's no son over here. So I'm sure everybody's levels are low and People here are pretty sure when I've talked to them that they are Well educated on the whole COVID thing Like nobody's like, oh, I don't really have an opinion every like a lot of the people I spoke to here are like, oh This is what you should do and this is what we know and I was like what what do you guys think about victim and desouplementation and they're like what? I don't know. I don't take it. I don't like, okay, but that's a very important part of health for your immune system to stay strong, to fight this thing. Like how are they, they're not talking about that here?
Starting point is 00:07:34 Nothing. There's like no talk about that. It's just get sick and isolate, that's it. They have no protocol in place to help you get better, once you're sick. They don't even say things like drink a lot of water It's just like stay home staying bad don't go around anyone Which does work too, I guess but there are things to help and if you're if you're
Starting point is 00:07:57 Potentially going to get very very sick you should take those things so you don't have to go to the hospital Which is what isn't that the big concern that everyone's talking about? Not going to the hospital. You try that first, at least try it, like give it a shot, especially now that we have the research that we've had, and we've had the quote unquote science, and at least the frame of reference to look back on and say what didn't work, maybe we try something new, and then try not going to the hospital. I don't understand this group's think. I don't know, it just, it's either you're this way or you're that way. And I, I was, I was having a conversation in the bar the other night with this guy. I was thankful for his opinion or whatever you want to call it. And we just kind of went back
Starting point is 00:08:41 and forth in this discourse and I kind of went down this road and he goes bro I'm double vaccinated and boosted and caught COVID and I was like Wait, are you but you took you told me that I should get the vaccine then right and he's like it's science He's like it's about the science and I'm just I I had no words. I had no words what to say to that. I didn't not that he's wrong, but I can tell you clear his day from the 30-second conversation that led up to that. I couldn't get behind what he just said. There was no way I could get behind it. I had no, I was
Starting point is 00:09:22 just like, okay, so the vaccines do work them correct. And he's like, it's science. And I'm just like, science is a work in progress from what I understand. And even Peter McCullough, like tapped on that too whenever he said to promote something, one way or the other without actually knowing that facts is what's the word just juvenile or bad business I don't know you know and he was talking about Sanjay being on Sesame Street and trying to convince these kids to get the vaccine the stories that are coming out now is this is fucking just over the top I don't know it's it's I will say even throughout all of COVID I didn't feel the way I feel now
Starting point is 00:10:06 looking back on it. Like I'm more, I think it's just a product of what's unfolded because now I feel so opinionated at some point and it's like it's so polarizing. It seems they're just pititting us against each other and What what's the term that's been? It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated now. That's how it somehow shifted and it's right I don't know. I don't well. I was thinking about this when I was flying here So it was a shit show like had the flight from Boseman to Seattle that canceled the international flight from Seattle like at the flight from Bozeman to Seattle that canceled the international flight from Seattle.
Starting point is 00:10:49 They were going to make us wait like an extra day. They couldn't rebook us right away because you need to get a PCR test that's valid for 48 hours. So if people were having the flight late the next day, some of their PCR tests would have expired. So they couldn't rebook everyone. So they were like coming to the airport in the morning, we rebookbook you and then it's 12 hours of the airport unless you go home But you can't stay at the hotel after 11 Blah blah blah. Anyway, there's hundreds of people there. There's multiple flights canceled I obviously came down to LA which you know and got to hang out Kind of the same thing there just multiple shit shows of not enough people like literally like half the people on the plane That it get up to get their ticket hadn't filled out their passenger
Starting point is 00:11:32 Thing Is like a passenger tracker Form me if the fill out to go to England some of their PCR tests want correct until they got the wrong test It was just one after another so so these planes won't even fill. The line was taken forever. Anyway, I get to England. That's a lot of flying, a lot of traveling, very exhausting. It's rough on your immune system.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And then I hear this Peter guy talk about how hydroxychloroquine from what some studies are showing them and they know that, you know, that is effective. Has the 60% efficacy, right? And it's very safe because it's been tested. Now, it's not a vaccine. It's a medication that you could take that gives you resistance during certain times. And I was thinking to myself, well, I took my Johnson and Johnson back in February. And they're saying that after six months, it's lost basically all its efficacy. Yet that's the only thing I needed to be on this plane, and now I'm around hundreds
Starting point is 00:12:30 of people. And I'm like, well, wouldn't it be safer for me to have a bunch of hydroxychloroquine with me? I can just take it for a few days as I fly to give me protection against this thing. And but nobody you think suggests doing it that way and that I'm kind of given throwing pharmaceutical companies a bone here because If you are sore you are having a rough morning I don't know what the side effects necessarily are for my proffin But I can tell you if I pop five six I be profan in the morning and I'm roughed up I don't do this anymore because I know I've heard that makes your insides kind of bleeding. It's terrible for you but
Starting point is 00:13:40 At the moment it definitely is a pain reliever So you think to my interior self, I'm'm sick right now, I feel sick right now, and I know that there's a, what is called the kitchen sink and drug or the hydroxychloric one or the monoclonal antibodies. I know that that could help me get better. Why wouldn't I do that in that time frame? Like why wouldn't I say I'm sick
Starting point is 00:14:00 rather than waiting all up until the time that I'm in the hospital? I mean, we still have this conversation I don't even not in hindsight it was just people rushing to the hostel because they thought they had this disease COVID I mean what would have happened if you just were like I got the disease. I'm gonna ride it out and Then we'll go from there For the right one because we were just I'm not I don't know because I know a lot of people did die from it And I I don't know but it is an interesting concept to think you wait all up until like your last moment and then bomb to the hospital
Starting point is 00:14:32 And hope that they have some kind of Dental later that you can pop on Granite it was all brand new so but now we have a frame of reference So now we can start like entertaining these ideas like how is it being shut down and how is it? Not being sure. Well, here's the thing that worries me We're supposed to learn a lot from things like this, but I don't know what we're learning I mean, there's still hand sanitizers shit everyone said that they give it to you when you get on the planes They've already said that it doesn't come from transmission from touching things and it's like well
Starting point is 00:15:04 Okay, but if you keep your hands clean, you know, you wash your hands more, you'll be safer. But safe, yeah, just a bit cleaner. You'll be a bit cleaner. But this isn't like the main thing. And they don't insist on, like, they should be like, everyone gets an N95. And this is why this is why and his the research and these the places where you eat I mean, I wear it and no one on the plane can eat or drink because taking your mask off It amongst hundreds of people if it's actually a problem makes no sense that you would do that for a period of time
Starting point is 00:15:42 If that was the actual case You if that was the case that it was that big of a deal and mass work that well, I would instigate a complete lockdown in that case. If it was that potent and it was that harmful, we're putting a fucking duck duck. Joseph says that he goes, this thing escaped from a Wuhan lab. And you think you're duck duck. Little face mask is is gonna save you. Like, it's clearly, it's clearly,
Starting point is 00:16:10 when I walk into Rostigo, Christmas shopping, it says, face coverings must be worn, and you've seen me, it's a bandana every time, so it's, there's nothing, it's literally nothing, and it's all for optics, and it's all for looks, and it's gross, and it's every day that it keeps going all for looks and it's gross and it's everyday that it keeps going on. It gets grosser and grosser and grosser because at some point
Starting point is 00:16:31 you got to look yourself in the mirror and say, who am I saving? What am I doing? Like, is there a number you're gonna have? I just wish they had some numbers, man. I mean if they would like, right, this is this has been shown that inside areas, if you're wearing a mask and you within how many feet of anyone you're 40% protect I just feel like it's gonna come down to like a one or two You look back at it. It's such a weird I don't want to say religious or Christian anything to do but not even but to just like shut down fun events and in notion that that's where I was gonna spread to just like shut down fun events and in notion that that's where I was gonna spread. Why could you shut down the,
Starting point is 00:17:07 like in hindsight you couldn't, you had to shut because those people were having more fun so they're more per mischievous and they're drinking more alcohol or people are more people are fucking home depot. So that's okay. What's the difference at the end of the day? Close contact, nothing's been proven about that either. These are all assumptions and stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Well, what worries me is when he talked about that they're walking the line of bioethics, having people take a vaccine, you know, within the speed time. Like there's a reason there must be some bioethical standards put into place, right? And let into place, right? And let's say, right, testing has to be like this for this long, tested in these groups, for safety and these different things. And then at the same time, I guess you could say,
Starting point is 00:17:56 well, look, this was pandemic, it came very quickly. We had to act fast. So we break all these rules that we've set up and established that were important ethical rules for safety. We're just going to forget about them because it's more important that we just that seems like a dangerous path. It's like, oh, we're just going to do that every time now. We're just going to rush these things potentially every time. And therefore what does what what does bioethics mean? There is no ethics, that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:18:26 And he says it's like coercing people to partake in a research experience. That's interesting when you said that. You remember they talked about the breakthrough cases? He's like, that's never a way you describe something in science. He said that anytime that happens, they always think of it as this is the tip of the iceberg.
Starting point is 00:18:41 It only gonna be worse after this, not breakthrough cases. That was just a random fucking term they came up with. Normally, whenever you come in contact with that data, and he was also talking about, whatever you, he said, if 50 people die from a vaccine, he's like, it's pulled off the market. This has been the only time that's never been the case.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Is that interesting or no? Because he goes, it sounds, he goes, when you think about it, because we've all thought, 18,000 deaths that are directly related to the vaccine. And then you say, oh, but there's seven billion people. That's a small number. And he goes, no, no, no, no. He goes, that's like the white area and race
Starting point is 00:19:20 or something like that. He says, I can't remember the reference he made. But he was talking about somehow, I can't remember the reference he made, but he was talking about somehow, I can't remember what the reference was, but he said something about that. I'm just like, huh, that is an interesting thing. Well, he made it, he basically said that if there was this many deaths from a new drug or a vaccine, it would be a million. But this one was. So that's concerning. And he said, it's not a question of how many people take the drug It's just how many people have died from a certain drug in that way
Starting point is 00:19:53 But then Saying that I don't know that this is one guy saying that it's a concern Well, I said that he was one of the two guys that got the mandate like Well, I said that he was one of the two guys that got the the mandate by Pushback, I don't even know where it's at. I think everybody's just living in limbo for the past year and going on to it's Which is we're being lined led by an old dead guy But not even other people they have all these different stories going on to, the Gislaing Maxwell deals too. It's like all these things that they feed us with and what's going to be coming in contact with is just that. It's like the we live in a world of conspiracy. It's like that it's been kind of just seen and
Starting point is 00:20:36 how is it going to turn back? Because see, the believe this, you believe that or did you read that, you see that on Instagram? Did you see that? And then that's kind of becomes the story for us, unfortunately. Do you think if you went to a hospital now, you could get Monoclonal Antibus? Well, he gave you that way. Would they just give you? Would they just give him? Yeah, to say you have asthma or something. That's the thing. You have to find these angles to say stuff because it was not what he was saying. Certain people... Right. ... certain people that go. He even said the doctor told the one guy. He was like a younger white guy and she was like, sorry I can't give him to you. And he was like, what? And she goes, yeah, if you were, I can't remember either. It's different. He's
Starting point is 00:21:21 like, you were Hispanic or African American, I could maybe get into it or I could give them to it like Just to even have that statement Known outside of the hospital seems how that speak could even be like a normal thing that's accepted seems so fucked For anybody if a human But another human goes with another human even if she's like I couldn't do that. I would if I was her That's got to be a moment in time. You said this doesn't make sense This is gonna I be curious the like I wouldn't necessarily want good to speak to this guy and I have a conference What but you know have like a conversation but like someone is
Starting point is 00:22:04 have like a conversation, but like someone is equally in the know and goop to maybe, to be honest, goop it didn't seem to do very well against Rogan just on his own. Rogan has no signs. But to get this guy with Rogan in front of somebody else, the way they can really bounce these points back and forth, I think would be fascinating. It would be a little, excuse me, a little difficult to hear, because you know, they would be fascinating. It would be a little Excuse me a little difficult to hear Because you know they would be this paper verse this one this study verse that one I'm sure would be a long drawn out pod But maybe it would be helpful because it's just a little tricky when someone comes on and they just have their information
Starting point is 00:22:41 and I mean it's hard for Joe to push back. Sancho didn't do himself any favor. You know he's compromised. That's the problem. Everybody's compromised in his positions now because you either have to fit. Oh no doubt. You either have to fit what the story is or you can't have a free thought when that was what journalism was supposed to be and that's why people were so... I don't know. You looked up to them a lot of the time. Now you look at these people and you have an alternate agenda
Starting point is 00:23:13 or not even alternate, just you have your own agenda. That's the thing and you guys are supposed to be telling us the news as it unfolds, not have a way to think about it prior to. Hey, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:23:32 It was just a money too, they were talking about a 33 billion for Pfizer. What was that? One year? Like a massive amount of money. And you've got to be a little suspicious about this. I saw this meme that just had this circle and it had this guy walking through like two boobs and it one was walking through the variant and the next one was walking through the boost and he just kept going around and circles through the variant, through the boost, through the variant, through the boost and I'm just thinking to myself a lot of people
Starting point is 00:24:01 are in that at this moment, right? Uh-huh, like a lot of people are in that at this moment right? Uh-huh like a lot. Yeah I have conversations it's the normal passing conversation. Oh yeah I get my boost on Monday. There's something I'm just uh okay cool and then sounds good do it every every more. Do it. Keep doing it. But I don't know. It seems that when they say the new normal, I'm out on the new normal.
Starting point is 00:24:32 That's the case because I'm a keyboard old school. Keep it woot. What the funny thing about the booster is, like, I don't think you're on any sort of like nobody's set up like a reminder to To be like oh it's six months your efficacy is at 8% you took it before You know you should be scheduled for this Yeah, I guess you have to go in and just tell them and then get it. I feel like I need to get boost you Don't allow a little low. And you quit boost. I just don't want to feel sick again like I did last.
Starting point is 00:25:12 It was like a whole day of feeling the right thing to be sick. And I'm like, do I have to do that every six months? Because then technically that's more sick than I usually would ever normally feel. When you say that it's only one or two or three days. But I haven't been sick and back on wood for 15 years. I mean, I've had a few down days where I felt a little weak with sick days.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Don't not a fan. You have a few sick moments. Yeah, let's jump over to Beable because it's less the processing well bless him what do you call it jizentix I I feel this guy was interesting I've liked following him on Instagram for a while I had no idea what he looked like and it was funny that Joe was like you look exactly like I thought you would I must have been out of it. I think he was basically saying you look like a nerd But he was great. I thought he had a good attitude. He laughed at himself. He had a great kind of
Starting point is 00:26:18 sense of human and outlook and and to be fair. Yeah, he's made a hundred million so that's a Super dove good for him like that's a ton of Selling NFTs I'm excited to see what the NFTs are you just feel old not old but just Interesting you're like even after the description of what it was. I still don't feel much more clear You know, I didn't walk out of that one being like, oh, that's what an NFT is, it's a moment in time.
Starting point is 00:26:49 They're saying receipts and all this other stuff, I guess. But he was an interesting character. I must have been out of the loop on him. He seems like he's all caught up in Hollywood doing all kinds of cool stuff in this moment. Right. He's that where he's based? He's out there. He said that he was setting up a big warehouse or something. I don't think he said it's like large models. I don't think he said he was in Cali. I don't think. I know he says he's going to do a deal with Madonna though.
Starting point is 00:27:19 So he must be odd. Those videos are so interesting though that he makes. I mean, it's cool, creepy artwork. And I also like that he was like, he just said, I don't know what it means. People think that it means something, and they say, he's like, I don't know. I just thought of it and did it. And you can look at it controversial.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Right, sir. He's just picking people that are kind of impactful in society, I think, or at least in this country and makes crazy stuff out of it. It is great. He's probably just putting down random thoughts that could coincide and like probably have some sort of tap into people's mainframes or their minds because they can relate to it in some weird way. You know, you see Hillary Clinton on some robot or whatever that is and somehow that like connects with you. You know?
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah. But because it's one of those things that we hear about all the time. Like during an election, you're seeing whoever the party candidates are constantly. So now it just shows them doing something crazy in the future where there are robots and there's buildings on fire and people are going to get worked up. They're going to be like, Hey, is that pro-my-candidate or anti-my-candidate? What does this mean? I think he just lays out something interesting and allows people to just make whatever they want out of it. It's kind of fun to do that. Just provides a friggin sketch and that people talk about it.
Starting point is 00:29:00 So the same thing, like within NFT, I thought it was just pictures, but it could be anything because he made like a little model. So it just means that it's just one of those of X amount that you made. And it's made by a specific person like selling any art. And then it comes with like a certificate and that's there we go. Yeah, I heard Gary Vee talk about NFTs the other day that he's buying all kinds of them and it's the next wave of the future He said watch mark my words in 10 years. This will be this will be the future So I don't know maybe we're just gonna keep
Starting point is 00:29:37 Hunting and gathering but but the future of what the future of I mean, I Don't even know what the platform is or what you would say to that it seems like everything the way Jamie was describing it to he was kind of saying it's gonna be everything okay I don't know I think art is where it starts is what they were saying and then it goes oh I see and then all of a sudden everything becomes NFTs right huh is interesting. It's like everything soon would just be NFTs and Bitcoin. Two other things I have no idea how they work. I'm like, all right, great. Lost. I'm checked out. That's just moving to an island. Yeah, island boys. Later.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Well, I mean, look, if he made a hundred million in a year. He can't be the only one. I mean, he's obviously very successful, but That's something that Jake Paul fight segway. Oh Dude, he not did he? Woodley the fuck out that was a rig Completely I don't know. I mean I doubt it you think you took a dive I don't know I mean there is a but there's obviously a bunch of conspiracies going and I mean it is pop over the other one now if you want but Yeah, we watched that fight and that was This podcast is brought to you by the wisdom app that's WIS
Starting point is 00:31:02 TLM app. Wisdom app is a social app in a community where professionals host audio office hours. So basically, as a podcaster, I'll go on at a set time, tell my audience, they can join in and either talk with me or Garrett about whatever you want, questions about the podcast, complain to us about Garrett's clanging around, sound issues issues or just questions that you have. What's great about Wisdom is you can connect with so many different types of professionals, join their communities, log in and have real Q&As with them. It's a really interesting app. There's a lot of people on there too.
Starting point is 00:31:41 We're gonna be hosting our first, I guess, office hours, that sounds really nerdy, but we're going to be doing our first one on Monday. There's coming Monday at noon, Pacific Standard Time. So log in at noon, Pacific Standard Time on Monday through the Wisdom app that you can download in the App Store for your iPhones. Right after that, my manager goes rigged because you know, who would I believe there are them app that you can download in the app store for your iPhones. I think he knocked him, but why was his hand down? You would never leave your hand down that situation from just I'm not a boxer, but Well as far as I can think woodlee never got knocked out like that in The USA so it seems strange that he would have got knocked out that bad in a boxing fight. I mean I guess we're doing the the Maul and Vera um, at the end of the episode now, we can't just jump straight over there.
Starting point is 00:32:47 But yeah, I don't know. I didn't see the whole fight, I haven't really read a lot of press line. I just saw that highlight and I thought it looked very real with the way that he felt. I mean, he went flat. It looks very similar to the first fight up until that moment. I will say a lot of hug in and you just wanted to see that moment but it showed its face. Right. A lot of boxing is like that though often anyway. And in a way these guys aren't professional boxes. This is kind of like amateur but just with a huge stage. I mean those two brothers are gonna make they're gonna be billionaires probably. Like, look how popular they are. They can do five of those fights a year.
Starting point is 00:33:29 He said he had four pay-per-view pilots in the past 13 months. That had close. That's the same. So much, I don't know what the number was, but I saw this meme where they were talking him and Logan and Logan says, or Jake said, who are the best? I had the best year out of both of us. This, that, and the other, and then he goes, I fought, and then Logan goes, I fought Floyd,
Starting point is 00:33:51 and then this is like Mike Drop. When is his brother fighting next? Is brother, I think, is fighting Anderson Silva? Oh, is that the next one, huh? I think I saw that. Oh, maybe it is. Have you ever seen Anderson silver box though? That seems interesting. Yeah, he has been boxing and he's good.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Nice. Yeah, like his whole career just for this particular event. No, he mostly boxing, I mean, he mostly did MMA, but since he's retired, he's had I think one or two boxing fights, but definitely his last one he fought in X pro Or some of them may still be pro in Anderson litama. I mean, it was really impressive When I think of so he's definitely one of the better MMA boxes I've seen for sure I was gonna say for this game. I always done those long leg kicks, but That's mainly what he does, but I mean if you take him away, he still moves really well as a boxer his foot works always good Talking about good strikers. I mean Marlon Vera
Starting point is 00:34:57 What an interesting character. I mean he was it it was a good podcast I thought he's an intelligent guy Good fighter love watching him try I mean, he was a good podcast, I thought. He's an intelligent guy. Sure. A good fighter, a love watch in him, probably. I mean, what he's done to people in the UFC is really impressive. His rise is going to be excellent. His attitude is great. He's always super positive. Works really hard. His striking is a killer.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Yeah. His story is outstanding. It's really good. You could have went down a much different road I think he just harness that energy rather than going down the gang kind of a road, you know Oh, yeah, just getting in fights in the streets like not right. It's like go fight that guy. Okay There's probably not a lot to learn and takes a long time You know in it on it and it's obviously exciting all the rest of it So it's it's like one of those disciplined consistent activities, you know, you can't just go out It's not like scuba diving right I can scuba dive twice a year for three days at a time and be decent enough at it
Starting point is 00:36:21 with with surfing you need to be doing it a lot all the time. And since you worked at that surf place, how often do you go out? I haven't been out in a long time, to be honest. I haven't been out. I put my surf board all the time. Like I need to go there, but just kind of over it. Not over it since working there. Not over it.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Just spend my day, a lot of my day. Just have the gym. I'm a creature. You know what I mean? Like time a lot of my day just at the gym. I'm a creature I have you know, I mean like I kind of have my day planned out when I have my days off and I just work a lot too So fine and fun was I'm to do it is not I need I need to make time to be honest, but We'll give yeah, it's definitely on the very nice very nice I like hearing that a big motivation for Verra starting out in MMA was Chuck Norris. It's always interesting to hear people's, you know, what got them into it. Joe talks about that often with Bruce Lee.
Starting point is 00:37:18 You know, it's just these TV action stars with... I really like Bruce Lee, but I didn't know about him before I knew about Jackie Chan movies. I used to watch a lot of Jackie Chan movies as a kid and I hadn't seen too many of the Bruce Lee ones for whatever reason but my my one brother always had these Jackie Chan movies and they're funny too like he's silly but I always love watching his fights. So that was probably the first thing that made me think. And then to be honest, like the karate kid, which is kind of, the karate kid movies is silly, but I was young, you know, I'm like, oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:56 that's also a beat of the bully. For sure. Even what's Goggin's talks about that rocky moment when he sees Rocky fall down or whatever, and he gets, and any looks back and gets up And then he's got a bunch of those moments. I think anybody that yeah Almost anyone not inspired by Rockies not paying attention come on
Starting point is 00:38:19 I couldn't believe that one manager he had wanted to take 50% of his You that's the craziest thing I've ever. Well, you think about being in such a vulnerable spot when you're coming up and you look up to your mentor, the guy who's supposed to have your back and you're, I didn't even think about the age dynamic, but you're what? Probably late teens, early 20s. That's a pretty formidable time in your life. So if you have somebody at the spot, somebody look up to us, basically God,
Starting point is 00:38:51 and this profession you've chosen, then obviously you're going to take their word as bond. I mean, I'm not going to say obviously, clearly he made a good decision and then do it. Yeah, but you're likely to trust him, you know. It's just such gross feeling to like have some take advantage you so no turning back I just like you give them you give them your trust You're caring and then they just go ahead and say yeah, I want half of everything Well, you just like what wait a second what I Wonder what an ad manager usually gets 10% wonder if it's like 10% that's pretty standard right and 20% I think it's 10%. I wonder if it's like 10%. That's pretty standard, right?
Starting point is 00:39:23 10, 20%. So now he's been training at Jackson's in Albuquerque. Grace bought. I live there many years. And I mean, you're with everyone there. You're with all the killers. And just hearing him say, like, if I fucking every day for 12 weeks, he didn't even win around.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I mean, it's brutal. But that means he went to the right place. Like you want to go where everyone's going to be better than you to find out how good you can be and don't quit. And then that was it? A coach there told him, maybe he should do something else. And he was just like, fuck off. He should maybe should give it up.
Starting point is 00:40:01 That was a great inspiring story to hear that. Because a lot of people wouldn't come out of the other side of that like that. Sure. That's definitely one of those cross-road moments, right? Okay. Believe him and quit or see this as a test and be like, I'll prove you. You can draw a lot of people and go and say what you just said.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yeah. No doubt. Well, with that same mentality at the end of the pod, they were talking about how you need to cut lazy people out of your life. And then the Joe was talking about that mindset of losers and how contagious it is. And it is true. Like, look, people can have tough times, tough moments, but they need to be open to advice, especially if they're talking to you and they trust you or a friend.
Starting point is 00:40:44 And they need to do those actionable things to get out of it. Because if you see that they're not and they keep getting themselves stuck, you kind of got it. You can't keep them around for too long. It sounds cruel to say it, especially if you care about someone, but you're like, listen, man, you're making this choice. At some point you gotta realize that you're enabling them to, you know, that's what comes down to. Because even if they really do care about them, at some point you gotta cut them off. And be like, I guess you need to figure this out.
Starting point is 00:41:13 We'll circle back if that's how it's supposed to be. Yeah, I mean, don't let people keep making the same skills. Because if the, and then watch them, they don't jump on that advice, then you just gotta move on. I mean, that's, it does seem cutthroat, it does seem harsh, but it's hard enough to keep yourself focused, and it's not your fault
Starting point is 00:41:36 that choosing that route, especially if you've tried to help. And this is coming from two people that, you know, in a lot of ways, are winners in their their own fields and they didn't get there by Surrounding cells of the bunch of people that aren't gonna do well. You know, it's not part of the recipe It's really not it's not a lot. All right. Let's let's call it on that one. It's Christmas time And we got Christmas coming up in a few days Merry Christmas to everyone. Thanks for a great year with the pod and yeah let's look forward to a great 2022 of Rogan stories. You some love guys. Happy Christmas. Happy holidays. Happy Christmas. All right,
Starting point is 00:42:21 ladies. I'm gonna have to eat with you. All right, ladies.

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