Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 294 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Anthony Keidis Et al.

Episode Date: October 26, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Escapate como el homasotel abolónia de este 299 euros y descubre la región de Italia en Millea, Romana. Descubre sus ciudades del arte, sus rutas en bicicleta y sus playas. En Millea, Romana está lista para recibirte. Contrata tu viaje con You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You're listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn, he will be the worst podcast with the best one. One, go. Draw the show. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. If you want, if you can, if you feel like it all, you just want some free stuff.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Go over to our Instagram, link in the bio, and write a funny ass comment on any of the posts in there and we're giving away some free stuff to anything that makes us laugh. So we're gonna send you out some goodies. Some but then think about, be funny. Don't be a bitch, like Anthony Keeta says. Hey, hey, so what we got this week, we got Ryan Graves,
Starting point is 00:01:30 Anthony of course, and then Andy Stump and shoot. Mike Sirelli. Sirelli. Yeah, yeah, Mikey Wild Tough Guys. Wild Tough guys. My G has a new book, which he mentioned many, many times. I think he has a few new books. It's got a lot of books more than one. I could not be more excited to have another pilot on that's like, yeah, guys, there's fucking UFOs And everyone just it's what worries me about all this is I'm starting to think that
Starting point is 00:02:11 Because we're hearing it, you know, this is the second really legit pilot. It's come out and he's like yeah, they're all over the place and We're just like okay What do we do with this? I mean, they all have the same accounts too, right? They're all talking about it looking like a tick-tack, or it's looking like a box with a sphere around it, translucent sphere. Yeah. Those are the two things, right?
Starting point is 00:02:41 Or maybe there's another diamond shape. I mean, there's like triangle one bunch of them. But yeah, the pilots talk about those two. And it's interesting to their so different. Because in a way, that makes me think, well, is that like two different types of alien? Or maybe they just have lots of different shaped crafts. Like, I don't know, man. I can't make sense of, of much of it, but I feel like people should be more excited about it. I'm really excited about it. I just love hearing people come out and talk about it.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah. Dude, I know. Dude, I feel like we're close to the one that's like, oh, yeah. Two of those cube things crashed into into each other and we went and got one. And now we're like, we fucking got one. Yeah, it's crazy because there's so many accounts. If you look back in history, the amount of people that have talked about it, they all have the same account of what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:03:43 A lot of them are similar. A lot of them are similar. A lot of them. Yeah. Not all of them, but very similar accounts of what the craft actually looks like. But they all used to be like a disc shape object. Remember? And now we're not getting so many of those.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And even Bob Lazarus was like disc shaped. So he was kind of like the more old story. And yeah, I mean, they were very similar for a while. I mean, they know if we ever done a movie where there was like the cube with the like a spear and a sphere inside, I don't think so. No, it's always been the the fire in the sky account where it's that huge disc, a bunch of lights. Homey gets lost in the woods, what was he lost for like two weeks or something?
Starting point is 00:04:30 It's a long time, yeah. And then he came back and that was a cool movie. I didn't see it, I still had fire in the sky. You gotta watch that. Good interview though with Rogan, it was really compelling. Oh, that's right. Really compelling. I mean, look, the big thing here is the military upgraded the radar in what, 2014, they got
Starting point is 00:04:51 a new system, everything comes online, and then holy shit, all of a sudden these things are everywhere. It's almost like having, remember those magic eye images that came out like in the late 80s, early 90s where you're like, cross your eyes a little bit and then go blurry and you'd see a ship and like a squiggly image. The 3D thing. I feel like it's like that because I remember sitting in the kitchen with my dad and my family like and we all had these papers from this magazine
Starting point is 00:05:26 that had these images in and people were talking about how great they are. And we were all sat there for like an hour trying to figure out how to see them. And then one of my brothers would see it. And you're just there trying to figure it out, but then all of a sudden we're all on it. We all see it that it's in every picture,
Starting point is 00:05:47 you can make out what the kind of weird 3D images. It must be a kind of a, that's just what it reminded me of, like a weird wake up to like this moment and all these ships are everywhere. And you're just like, holy fuck. I've been doing this for some time, we've not seen this. Once you start looking for it, right?
Starting point is 00:06:06 Once it's in their head to start looking out maybe a little bit more, they actually see what everyone else was seeing. I mean, in some ways it seems like a dangerous distraction because they're out there for a reason. They're out there to keep us safe. They have mission priorities. They got stuff they got to do. That's real important. And now all of a sudden they're looking around and they have
Starting point is 00:06:32 this distraction that may have been out there for the last thousand years. Not interfering with us, not really doing much. maybe watching us, checking on us, but who knows? And now we're chasing around like monkeys. Well, maybe it's because we're closer to World War III, and that's why they're here. You know, they always talk about the aliens showing up above a base and the aliens showing up and you know disarming nuclear facilities. Yeah, I Mean didn't that happen in the 80s with the Russians there was like during the Cold War The aliens were messing with the controls. I think Russia. I think it was maybe I think it was before that
Starting point is 00:07:23 But maybe not maybe you're right. But in the 60s, supposedly, yeah, they came in and shut off a nuclear base. And we're just like, there you go. Nice. You can do it. Learning easy. It's probably like an app on that phone, dude. How much more advanced would you need to be? I'm pretty sure if you could go back to the 80s, we're like, my iPhone, and you
Starting point is 00:07:42 knew at a program, it you could turn off everyone's alarm, you could unlock everyone's car. Like you, you know, you could just break into everyone's bank account. You're like, oh, that took like two seconds. I look, at least they're watching out for us, man. I like these guys hanging out in alien crafts. They're here to help us.
Starting point is 00:08:03 I mean, it seems to me like the main reason they're here is to make sure that we don't kill ourselves and blow up the entire planet. That's when you see the most, you know, amount of alien craft is when, you know, the most sightings that get seen are near nuclear bases and near, I don't know, man, it's over like big cities. They talked about the account towards the end in the 50s when there was a bunch of sightings
Starting point is 00:08:31 of UFOs over the White House. I was surprised Joe hadn't heard of that story because I, you know, I don't follow these things too closely, but that had come up before that I'd heard that they were literally like multiple crafts just kind of flying over the White House back then and Take that same example imagine 20 years from now We have whatever radar technology they have on their planes. We have it on our phones So with there's already those Samsung phones that can take pictures of the moon, like really detailed in like a weird way. Imagine if we can just hold our phone up and it just does the scanning thing where it's
Starting point is 00:09:14 like, oh yeah, there's one of those things and there's another. But we're still so far away from capturing them knowing what they are. It's just now everyone can see them. Do you think that we're just, we're just going to carry on like normal? It's like, okay, there they are. We know it. People have talked about it. It's like, we don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Isn't that what the government wants? So they want us to, they want us to figure it out slowly rather than them coming out and telling us, but I keep going back to Snowden, not finding anything when he, you know, he searched the databases, he knew everything about the NSA, and he still came out and said that he did not find anything that had to do with an alien cover-up. Maybe they don't know shit.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Maybe the only thing that throws that off is Bob Lazar. Right? The only thing that throws that off is the Bob Lazar discussion. And it's like, oh, the military know, or the government knows. They've got a secret thing. And but, well, they've known since Raazweld, do. According to that stuff. But maybe they don't know anything. Pero pues no han visto mucho más de la razón, ¿no? Por lo tanto, no sé nada, pero no sé nada. No sé si es clúlose que nos estamos pegando en estos cosas.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Si es lo que más que alguien sabe es lo que los pilotes son pegando. Eso es lo que hace algo difícil de navegar este todo. ¿Cómo es posible que llegues a casa de trabajar y bajes tan contento al trastero? A mover una bicicleta a rastrar dos cajas de libros y levantar un ordo microondas, para coger una chancla. Ah, vale, vale. ¿A dónde vas? ¿Tú con ese chancla, eh? ¿A dónde vas? Llega al mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de julio, sorteo extraordinario
Starting point is 00:11:00 de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún de cimo. Lo terías de recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de edad. En Chris kept saying he that now that they can document it without getting in trouble or laughed at, so maybe we're just going to see more pilots coming out. I mean, that would be cool, right? Well, we got to close the stigma to it. I think now it's legitimized enough to where if people are seeing some things, you know, they aren't immediately crazy. Yeah, you're not crazy at all anymore if you see it.
Starting point is 00:11:34 They're everywhere. I haven't seen one. I don't think so. Not close up. Yeah, I think, I think, Yeah, I think I think I've seen some things that look weird But then I'm sure you can you know just just dismiss so much of what is seen by regular people but by someone as highly trained as this guy It's hard to dispute Well, and at least at the end he said there's nothing like an alien attack to unite the planet. He's got a good point there. Oh, yeah. If we want to unite each other as a whole, and not just the United States of America, but all of the earth together would unite as one person to figure out how to, you know, how to come together and fight the alien.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah. Like Rogan talking about the Reagan speech to the U.S. I mean, there is no better way. We love fighting with each other, but if they turned on us, we'd have to change direction real fast. I'm just glad he admitted at the end that it was not a human thing that he saw because he kept skirting the question. I feel like the whole time he was, he was just, he was just a Navy guy, so he's answering it like a cop, right? He's answering every question like a cop. And
Starting point is 00:13:00 you know, using technical terms and saying, well, I can't really answer that because I don't know for sure. It's like, well, what do you know, dude? Just give us a regular answer and stop acting like the secret service. I felt that. There's so much pressure, though, on these guys. You know, like he's well respected now and this almost could be something
Starting point is 00:13:24 where he goes back to his base or you know the aircraft carries on and they're like, oh there's that Waco and then Who knows people that work with him like we should take some of his clearance away off the rails Yeah, you think that would happen when he comes back from the Rogan show. I mean not now. No, he handled that well The other guy, um, Commander Frava, he wasn't keyed retired, I think. By the time he went on Rogan, I don't know if this guy has,
Starting point is 00:13:55 so he might have to walk a little bit on eggshells, which is reasonable. Is, did he make up the ultra-tress, Jolterie? He was the one who saw it go under underwater, right? That was friever. I think so, yeah. Yeah, he saw it go down. The mother ship, under the water.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Yeah. It's just, it's so crazy to even live in a time when we get to talk about this though. And like legitimately talk about it. This isn't like the conspiracy theory podcast where we're like, oh one guy said that he saw a thing in the woods and there's, you know, this other dude saw a big foot.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I mean, I almost don't know how anything could be more legit at a point where we don't have any physical solid evidence. We're just talking about sightings alone. How could there even be a more compelling story? You would think we would see if they wanted us to see what was going on. It's almost like the aliens know that if we were to see them and if they came into contact with us more it would screw shit up. But it also might be what Joe says a lot. They don't give a fuck. But if they didn't give a fuck we would see them more, right? Like what I'm saying is instead of just these airline pilots and well,
Starting point is 00:15:21 not just airline pilots, Navy pilots flying the most advanced aircraft in the world, they're the only ones who are reporting these on a constant basis. Well, look at it like this. So we have found some islands and also some basically kind of like untouched tribes. And they're really, there is a bit of a rule about like not just going in there and being like, hey, here's money, here's an iPhone, here's how to buy crypto, here's how to, let's buy your land and like just take over, I mean, we just leave and be because it's rare and it's unusual. It's just like, there's still humans.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Why would they not want the advances that we've come up with? They probably do. But also we just kind of leave and be, we study them a bit. I don't think we try and bother them all that much. And that's the same species. Imagine meeting a different type of thing that we just want to learn about. You know, when they make those nature shows, you know, like the BBC or planet earth or whatever, it's like they, we're just recording them from a distance and don't get me wrong, humans fuck with animal habitats all the time and mess with the way they live, I mean, we've done it
Starting point is 00:16:36 forever. But when we're capturing them, you know, on video and we just want to kind of set up an understanding of like how they exist. We're doing it from afar kind of out of the way. So it's something we already do. So it wouldn't be that weird for them to do the same thing. Not saying that they're all that concerned about us, they're just like, this is how we roll. We're just, we're just watching a far, keeping an eye on things.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Sometimes they see us, you know, sometimes the aliens will poke ahead behind the tree and one of the pilots is like, look at that. What is that? And then it fucks off. I mean, they're bored. They're like getting drunk and they're alien crafts and they're saying, hey, why don't we go to Earth today and just see what these idiots are up to?
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yeah. Let's check it out. Maybe it's that. Maybe it's just like V.O. goggles and it's like the teenagers of the alien world and they just curious, nosy and having a great time. Yeah. Fucking with us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's like us hanging out in Yellowstone watching the bison, dude. I think what we've really just discovered here is we have no idea. So anything is possible with these guys. Anything. But I thought it was compelling. I hope that this guy comes on again, oftentimes when people come back on Rogan and they haven't faced a lot of controversy, they get a bit more relaxed, you know? I mean, Elon was definitely, well, not that he wasn't relaxed the first time he smoked weed, but when he came back on, it was a different Elon.
Starting point is 00:18:15 I mean, the conversation was different. It was more chilled, it was more open. And maybe when this guy comes back on, we're gonna learn some other stuff or here throw some more of his theories out or who knows. I mean, definitely a smart dude. Yeah. Robin was having a hard time breaking into a more cozy conversation with this dude. Should have got him some whiskey. Something. Yeah. Get some whiskey, dude. Come on, you can drink in the military. All right, let's jump over to Anthony Ketus. My man.
Starting point is 00:18:51 What do you think of this guy? Dude, I mean, I love the chili peppers. I love Ketus. I love, uh, I just thought it was a really natural conversation. They felt like old buddies. I think they have known each other a lot. Didn't the kids go to school or something? He said their kids went to school together.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I didn't realize Anthony Kidd has had a kid. I don't remember that. I read his book and I don't remember him having a kid when he wrote that book, a scar tissue. He must have had him when they read it. When they read it. It was at least 10 years ago. I don't know how old his kid is, teenager.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Rogan's kid, the youngest too, I think, like nine and 12. So if it's the youngest, a decade ago he wouldn't have one. But dude, 60 years old, legend, come on. He looks 40. It's doing great. Fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:19:40 All those drugs and still looking that good. Yeah, but I mean, look at the Rolling Stones. Yeah, you know, Mick Jagger is, is old as the president and he's in a way better shape. Like, running around, putting on great rock shows, you know, I think that once these guys get, You know, I think that once these guys get, I would say past the demons that come from drugs, and I still don't imagine they quit them all the way. It seems like he's sober, Anthony is, but some of these guys still have dabbled and dabbled,
Starting point is 00:20:17 but once you get past the darkest moments of it, you know, they're thinking about how do we keep moving? How do we keep putting on a show? And you know, they're thinking about how do we keep moving? How do we keep putting on a show? And you know, how many nights are being exhausted, sweaty, getting fat? Do you think, wait, we need to switch this up, we need to get healthy, we need to be at a keep putting on these great shows. It probably like a pressure comes with some of the older bands. Well, with, I mean, with Kira, he's so into putting on a show and the drug is him on stage. He needs to be on stage. He needs to feel alive on stage. And that is his drug
Starting point is 00:20:59 now. I saw these guys in California and what a place to do it. When California Cation came on, there the place went nuts, pretty sure it was at the staple center and what a show unbelievable. They kept everything pretty simple too. Wasn't a lot on the stage when it came to kind of, the theatrics, the bands like to put on, they kept it really pretty simple and they rocked the fuck out of that place.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It was so fun. Dude, I watched that documentary about Woodstock 99. Did you see that one yet? Oh, well, it was like shit everywhere. Well, yeah, and then people started, you know, burning stuff and then the promoter of the show Talks to Kitas before the chili peppers were about to go on stage the promoter the show goes up to Kitas and this behind the scenes obviously Hey, man, can you try to calm down the crowd? You know, there's light and shit on fire cuz they they gave the crowd a bunch of candles
Starting point is 00:22:01 Oh bad idea right and so they're starting to burn burn shit. So Kitas kind of plays it off. All right, yeah, man, whatever we'll be fine. And then they fucking play Fire by Jimmy Hendrix. Oh my God. Just a little light stuff. Everybody, dude, savage. Just the total opposite of what he was asked to do, he's like, yeah, dude, no.
Starting point is 00:22:21 We're gonna play the song that's gonna fire everyone up and Let's go. Yeah, let's have some fun and calls things to burn down real fast Well, it just goes to show the energy of The chili peppers. I mean and musicians in general, but the chili peppers just have that punk rock Ronness to them. I mean, K just was talking about how, you know, he grew up listening to Black Flag and Grandmaster Flash and Henry, you know, Henry Rollins was one of his, I mean, obviously that's the singer of Black Flag, but they were listening to that shit. It was way funky and like hip hop style back in the day. They were just playing house parties
Starting point is 00:23:05 and it was this new sound. It was such a new sound. Yeah, Rollins is a super interesting guy. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean Rollins is a crazy motherfucker. Yeah, for sure. For sure. He's known Rogan, I think a long time. Rogan always talks about the incredible sound system
Starting point is 00:23:25 that guy is at his house. I mean, it's literally like a $200,000 plus system for just him really, you know, is purely a sound can be created. Just chilling to that at his place. Well, and he just is a music historian, right? Yeah, super smart guy and incredibly intense. Like on major lunacy level too.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Didn't he talk a bit about hunting like he wants to get into it or he's thinking about it or he just appreciates the process. Nope. He said he couldn't kill any animals. He's a softie. Kitas is a, Kitas says such a huge heart for animals, but what he was saying is that he he will eat any, he's on a new diet now where he's just eating like snake and frickin wild boar. He said wild boar was the major thing. So he appreciates that like how that meat is good. He can't do himself, but he understands why you should get it like that way.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Yeah, he gets it. That's the best meat you're gonna get is the wild animal. Well, he went to a, he went to what was it? I got him. I know it's Aaron Cochran was his, she studied his genes, right? She took his, his 23 and me. Uh-huh. Like, what is that? The 23 profile? Yeah. And, and once she looks at your profile, she looks at your blood and your genetic history and can tell you what it is you should be eating to be at your optimum level. You really think they can do that?
Starting point is 00:25:16 I don't know, but I want to try it. I want to try it. I want to try it. Well, what did they end up with? You need to eat more rattlesnake? What does that mean about you? She basically said, key, this is a fucking wild animal. She needs to eat more rattlesnake. What does that mean about you? She basically said, key this is a fucking wild animal.
Starting point is 00:25:25 He's the evil animal. That makes a lot of sense. Look at the guy. That makes a lot of sense. What Joe brought up when he first went hunting on meat eater. That's when he first got into it. And it's cool for me today,
Starting point is 00:25:40 living in Bozeman is actually your brother and law and I going to meet the season 11 launch party over at Schnee's where I bought my boots. Is that telling? Yeah we got it six. Nice. So I got to meet Steve and chat with him. Something really cool happens when people not necessarily get into hunting, but start to see the value of the type of meats and then therefore the pursuit that it takes. And I really appreciate that. Because they're not all coming from walks of life that are like You know, they lived in Wyoming anyway, and they just
Starting point is 00:26:31 Eventually got into hunting. I mean this guy is California throwing through like He should be a vegan at this point Yeah, that shit doesn't work at this point. Yeah, but then that shit doesn't work. He tried to be a vegan. I mean, it's kind of like Rick Rubin, same thing. They tried. He tried it. He thought it was the right way. No chance. It reminds me of just going back to what it is to be your best self, and that is to take into account where we came from, and what drove us in our ancestors.
Starting point is 00:27:13 Like, what did we actually do back in the day? We fucking hunted, dude. We were insanely intimate with our, with our, with nature, and just with our, with the animals, with the fucking plants. I mean, we are so disconnected from that now. I feel like people are just realizing that what makes us human is the shit that we eat and we're eating so much garbage and people are just realizing again, oh yeah, all we really need is some protein
Starting point is 00:27:46 and some veggies and some plants and we feel great and maybe we should not take too many drugs like Anthony Keetus did and we'll feel better. But being humbled by that and then being humbled by the cosmos too and being on monoloa, they talk about being humbled by that and then being humbled by the cosmos too. And being on Monoloa, they talk about being humbled by the cosmos. Yeah. And how much you can see and how much we don't see because of the light pollution anymore, that tripped me out. Because you see some of those photos from Hawaii and Monoloa.
Starting point is 00:28:22 I mean, it looks like you're in outer space, which obviously we are, but we forget. We forget, we forget, dude. We are just floating through this. We don't separate to space. But our aunt, but that brings me back to my point about like hunting and being a part of this world. We don't understand how we're a part of nature anymore. And the cosmos, dude how we're a part of nature anymore.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And the cosmos, dude, we're floating around on a fucking rock. And... Do you think that's the other side? So let's go back to Rick Rubin. When he spoke to, talked about him, and obviously Rubin was on last week. He was saying that Rick worked with him like that stuff. He didn't hear from for a decade or so. Oh, right. He talked about it. When he comes back to him, you
Starting point is 00:29:12 know, we Rick was a beautiful soul. Let's be honest. Just a master class of human being all around. And someone that really goes from his feelings, his connection, right? He's someone that never stopped looking at space or like being as close to that kind of nature end. Even when he was a vegan, he was doing his best there. And he saw them on drugs in a dark place and he said to Anthony, I felt like you were gonna kill someone or yourself or whatever you said, right? There was just some darkness there.
Starting point is 00:29:49 There was some detachment from the thing that you're talking about. That's what I thought about with it. And I really enjoyed that. I was like, ah, Rick had almost like he had his finger on his own pulse, on the pulse of connection and his path. Like in the truest way, even though it didn't always work for him, but it wasn't like he went to the darkness of drugs and problems. Well, he didn't even know those guys
Starting point is 00:30:27 were on drugs at the time. He just could feel the energy was negative. And he was something was wrong, right? How about the, so when Keeht is first got his start, he talks about when he was 21, he hadn't ever sang before. He was just going to shows. He was friends with these guys, he's party and
Starting point is 00:30:45 he's dancing. And then he said one of his gay black friend brings Anthony up and tells everybody in the room. This is in 1983, like let Anthony sing, just let him sing straight up and and flee. And I don't know who else was in the band then. It was John in the band then. I don't even think no, Chad wasn't in the band. It was just flee and whoever else to others. And the promoter at the time, they let him sing one, they let Anthony just get up and sing one song and the promoter was blown away and said, come back next week and sing a couple more songs.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And that was it. It was of that one time. It was just Anthony's buddy told him, hey man, why don't you just get, why don't you guys let Anthony sing? Did he have songs ready? I don't, I don't fully remember that. I just have it starred where it's,
Starting point is 00:31:38 I just wrote gay black friend telling Anthony to sing a song in 83, let Anthony sing. And then, you know, he started writing a ton after that. And that would, and that was it. And they were a band. And Anthony was the singer. Because he was talking about how much musically, how musically inclined everybody else was in the band and how they all went to, you know, I don't know if it was Juilliard or whatever, they'd all been musicians. And Anthony's dad was an artist.
Starting point is 00:32:13 So he always kind of had that inclination to be an artist, but he was never trained as a musician. But once he got on stage, it was, it was just undeniable. He just felt it. It was undeniable. He said that minute he got on stage, it fucking just every ounce of his body told him, yeah, let's do this. Imagine that feeling.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I can't even imagine. Like, thank God he did it. Where will we be today if he was just like, nah, I'm not into it. I'm too nervous. I'm not willing to make a fool of myself or fail. I'm just gonna just, you know, thanks, but no thanks. Yeah. That would suck. Or it would suck even more if Rubin didn't push him to do under the bridge. You remember him talking about that? That was Rubin.
Starting point is 00:33:08 He goes, what else do you have? What else do you have? Right. And that was when he got him, that was the first time. That was Blood Sugar Sex Magic, right? That's where I under the bridge is off of. That was, I mean, that's the most iconic song, the Chili Peppers. I mean, there's so many other just as amazing songs,
Starting point is 00:33:27 but if you were to ask some Rando on the street, what is your favorite chili pepper song? That's the one. Love that. What are you talked about, like, you know, hanging it, driving through the, on the freeway on his motorcycle and seeing some hard ass motherfuckers listen under the bridge and they're convertibles.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Like amazing. Oh man. That must be so wild, you know, for him. I mean, especially still living that. I know you were saying the other day, like, people might not recognize him all that much, but they're they must immediately. If he went into a coffee shop or when it did something and it resonates through generations, like he's way old now compared to people still really enjoying his music or just finding it out. It's timeless in a lot of ways. And it's so fun.
Starting point is 00:34:28 It's one of the funnest types of music. It's chili peppers. Well, yeah, because like I said, it has hip hop, it has funk, it has rock and roll, there's dance. I mean, it's all over the board. I love that guy. I've got one last note though. I thought this was cool. Dude. When he went, he gave his last 10k when he first went into rehab. He had 10,000 bucks
Starting point is 00:34:53 in the bank. That must have sucked. Goes the rehab. Kits talked into it or whatever. Realizes he needs to go out of the 30 junkies. Like the guy that was running the rehab, you know, the first speech that he gave out of 30 junkies, one of you is gonna get sober. And memory said, that's gonna be me. I'm fucking, that's me. That was fucking, that was intense. And he had, what do you have like athletes,
Starting point is 00:35:22 you know, stock brokers, like all walks of life, which isn't, it was, that's a really important message to give out. Everyone that is never experienced those drugs likes to just be well, that's for losers. Right. That's for people like homeless, whatever, and it's, hey, no, not always true. It can be all sorts from all walks of life that lose control of these things. And that was what was in that room.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And that type of commitment too, I mean, I guarantee that's something that he drew strength from for years to come. The fact that I want that spot. I mean, could be desperation, but it also could be motivation. I mean, actually, it was music, baby. If he didn't have music, he'd be dead. Right. That's the purpose. Something to live for. Yeah, like something really just strived towards.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Love that. Something live for yeah like something really just strive towards love that Well on that now let's jump over to some highly motivated motherfuckers and the stump and Shit, I forgot the other guy's name. I feel terrible Mike Mike. He's surreal. Really there we go Yeah these guys It's surreal, it's really. There we go. Yeah. These guys, well, they're savages. If you're, if you're special forces, you've put it in. You've seen some things, you've done some stuff.
Starting point is 00:36:57 So now they're out, you know, one of them's writing multiple books. The other one is, you know, Andy inspires a lot of people. He's got, you know, a world record that he doesn't hold anymore, but it's for basically the craziest thing I've ever heard. That's the speed suit, right? Yeah, that squirrel suit. The squirrel suit. Yeah. What was the world record? Just as like the biggest first distance ever traveled. And I think it means not vertically, right? Obviously, because you could just jump out of a jump from space. It means like horizontally, the furthest distance.
Starting point is 00:37:36 So we obviously jump from really fucking high and then just kept zipping out there until, you know, hopefully didn't freeze the death or pass out. But yeah, squirrel suits, dude. If you're in a squirrel suit, you've got to be asking yourself some serious questions. How did I get here? What am I trying to achieve? And hopefully you don't have a lot of kids because that's kind of a response. They didn't talk about having kids. I don't think they do, do they? I don't know if Andy does. He didn't bring it up.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Well, the special forces guys, and usually a pretty like family focused, you know, in a lot of ways they got families. So I wouldn't be surprised if he does, but no, he didn't really talk about him. He lives, Andy, I think lives in Montana, lives up north near great force. I think. Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm. I'd buy callus, but somewhere or in great force. Maybe that, yeah. You're, well, your geography of this place is better than mine, but yeah, we know some guys here that know it. And yeah, this is where he wants the chill. Maybe to get some hunting or just get away from it all, I don't know, but he's a fascinating dude. They, you know, both these guys, they had a lot of bro talk. You got to give it to them. They were, they were growing out. They were growing down. They were growing out giving each other a hard time Constantly, which I like you could only imagine how much shit they give each other just when they're off the air
Starting point is 00:39:12 I think they even turned it down Wall doing the pod and it was even a little much. I was like, oh Jesus dude chill out Yeah, there there was there was some bro talk. I mean, it's, you know, there it's a fraternity of sorts, right? You're in the sale team. I mean, yeah, definitely. These guys go through 26 weeks of grueling training. I didn't know what to expect with this conversation and it definitely made me rethink the importance of pushing people to their limits. I mean, look, you think about what the SEAL team has to go through. I don't know exactly what they go through. I know it's fucking grueling, but after hearing these two and talking about hell week and the gassing and getting shit for it and
Starting point is 00:40:09 Realizing the people that When they talk about the people that get through it That you wouldn't expect that's what that's what I love I love to hear about that that dude the Asian dude who is an astronaut and who got through it. And Mike was saying, yeah, when I was, you know, going through with this guy, I thought for no fucking way as this dude gonna get through hell week. There's no way.
Starting point is 00:40:32 He's also a doctor. Right. Doctor and he was an astronaut. Or both how do you do both of those things? Two. I mean, if you met this guy and he's like, yeah, so basically I'm a doctor in space,
Starting point is 00:40:50 but also a Navy suit. He'd be like, nah. Unreall. Unreal. Legend. Joe should have him on for sure. Just to, you know, wow. Like, I don't know what kind of drive that is,
Starting point is 00:41:08 but that just shows the level of, you know, achievement. I hope he gets that dude on. They did open up though about the controversies with the training and how, I guess they had a kid that died. And that's awful, right? I guess there's like two things that I wanted to cover. One, I agree with them when they say because they know that it should be that intense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:47 say because they know that it should be that intense. Yeah. It should, I mean, maybe not the exact like circumstances that led to this person's death, but it needs to be as hard as possible. They can't baby people. Right. It needs to be hard. They've got safe guards. They've got medics out there. They've got people checking vitals. They've got people on them, you know. So there's a balance there, but I just felt like there's a balance there because there could easily be some nuances that lead to people dying and it shouldn't be potentially a path to death as well. I didn't really know how to think about it, but remember I'm coming at it as a fucking podcast of what the fuck do I know?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Well, like they said, are you coming at it as a civilian, you don't realize what you go through until you go to war? So none of these guys even realize until they go for their first deployment. They don't fucking know what they're going to see when they go to war. So as hard as it is, I don't know if we have the ability as civilians to even make a choice on that matter because we haven't been to war. So I was in a griance as shitty as it is
Starting point is 00:42:59 and as fucked up as it is that you have to go through that and sleep for two hours a week. What do they say during hell week? You get two hours of sleep on a Wednesday? It on real. What? But if that's what it takes for you to go overseas and I've seen you on two days in a row of not very good sleep. Oh, it's horrible. You're useless here. And I try not to even put myself in that situation, and I'm pretty fucking useless sometimes too. Like, it's so bad.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And these are deadlines that have nothing to do with physical endurance. It's, I cannot believe that people know how to hold it together under those circumstances. And I guess the only way you would to hold it together under those circumstances. And I guess the only way you would is if you were put in it. Yeah. You know? I just do hope that they are monitored, right?
Starting point is 00:43:53 Let's say I would, I would even be happy for them to raise the bar in difficulty, but increase how well they're monitored. And it's not to say that someone comes in and gives them a hug when it gets scary. I don't mean that, but just really watching is closely as possible. So that they just, if they can't handle it, they get the opportunity to quit or the advice to do it. And then the very strongest can just be really closely monitored and they stay pushing forward.
Starting point is 00:44:26 It's just a shame that people have to die in a training program period. Maybe I'm being too soft. No, I don't think you're being too soft. I just wish that there was a way they could give these guys a bit of a break. I mean, let them go through hell, maybe three nights and no sleep, but seven fucking days, a two hours of rest, that to me just seems so crazy. But also saying that, put yourself in the situation
Starting point is 00:45:02 to where you've got a team you're out in Afghanistan. Yeah. You've had nine days where you're like cut off. There's a storm, you're in the hills, you just running out of supplies, you've been under attack, it's almost 10 days in, almost no sleep. You would hope and really pray and require that at least everybody
Starting point is 00:45:30 there has trained close to that point. That's true. Because otherwise things would just fall apart really quickly. You would imagine. Yeah. I mean, you even take simple tasks, you know, of like some stuff we do around the studio. We've got to list the things to do for the day, you know, one of us hasn't slept well. We've got, oh, I've got to make these calls, reply to these emails, like I've got a bit of a headache.
Starting point is 00:45:56 It's stuff falls apart fast. And it's only through even just kind of being consistent within this realm, this like small environment that we have the way we're like, yeah, we're gonna push through today. We're gonna really make this happen in the studio setting, which is honestly the lamest example, but it makes more sense because most people listening will work in cubicles,
Starting point is 00:46:22 they have regular jobs. It's like, they know the difference between people at their own workplace that can push in those the cans. And the only way those that can do it is by training it. Yeah, and it's as a team, right? He talks about it. This, it enforces people.
Starting point is 00:46:45 It like it brings them together when they're doing it. As a team. I mean, if they've all been through the same shit, there's just a camaraderie that you don't get through anything else. It's shitty as it is. It's fucked up as it is for you to go through that. If you've all been through it together You are brothers for life. Yeah, brother sisters, whatever. I mean
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah, it's you just have that commonality of something you've been through before and We can't understand but we can't understand the shit that they've been through and I liked I liked when they said that some things maybe should kind of just be left in more of a secretive fashion, like they used to be. Why does everything have to be transparent? Why did Obama say it has to be transparent?
Starting point is 00:47:37 And I don't think that we should like film and make all that type of training, you know, accessible to everybody. I mean, think how secret of the CIA is. And then there were no sorts of different stuff. It's like they don't, we don't have to make it known what kind of hacking, you know, procedures we have in the US for hacking other places. And honestly, I'm glad we do it. If people are hacking us, hacking back, if people are attacking us, attacking back. But the way that we do it should probably be secret. They should keep your secret. Yeah. I think that's totally reasonable. It, it would be, you know, it's almost a little bit scary to, to think that we
Starting point is 00:48:24 would just put it all on the table. This is how we do this. Here's the movie, the new GI Jane, like this is the training. I did like that they talked about MMA fighters and gave a breakdown of them and then kind of like raise the level to what they do. And they're like, yeah, those guys are crazy. What they can do is nuts. Getting in that octagon, doing that, and that's just a sport. Right?
Starting point is 00:48:54 I mean, at least Stump could respect it though. I mean, because he's been doing training himself. Mm-hmm. He could see even if somebody's rolling around on the ground for 25 minutes, there's actually a ton of skill in that. Well, it's kind of what brought him into it. Yeah. I think that because he's someone that loves to challenge himself, he's like, hey, there might be another level to this.
Starting point is 00:49:16 He didn't get out of the military and then say, oh, yeah, I'm the baddest mofo. He went, oh, I got some other things to learn. And he talked about how humble he is all the time, or constantly humbled, constantly just beaten up with all their skill sets. It's like, that's, that's a good thing. I mean, Jocco talks about this so much. Just, oh, you know, you think you're tough. Yeah, I watched the video today. It was great. I think it's on his Instagram Where he was talking to Theo Vaughn, which is always great But the fact of those two are holding conversations makes me happy in my heart. I just wish Chaco had a had a mallet like Theo
Starting point is 00:49:58 Right, imagine Chaco the wallet, but he's talking and and he's how long do you think it had to take to tap you out? And this is before Theo did any of you. So and Theo was like, Oh, I don't know a couple of minutes. And Jack was like, no, dude, no, I would smash you. And he wasn't trying to be a dick. Yeah. He was trying to lay down some reality. And he ended it with, look, man, when I first started that,
Starting point is 00:50:27 I was already a Navy seal. And I thought it with, look man, when I first started that, I was already a Navy Seal and I thought I was tough. And I went in thinking, yeah, well, I'll be okay. I'll do some minutes and blah, blah, blah. And he goes, I was destroyed constantly. And it's, I think it's such an important humbling lesson, not just you did so, but like realizing that anything you don't really know or you haven't trained, you're not gonna, you're just not gonna be able to do it. You can't just imagine.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Well, it's a different set of realities when you go into a ring with someone who's been trained to kill you. Yeah. Well, Joe specified that. with someone who's been trained to kill you. Well Joe specified that. He was like, yeah, it's just a different thing that you haven't done. Like of course, you're not gonna be able to do it. Like, you can't just take one skill set
Starting point is 00:51:16 and think, or even multiple and be like, oh yeah, in every area, I can apply this. No, it's not gonna happen. Not gonna happen. I want to end up on the charity thing that they were doing. Yeah, I was just going to mention that. So now they're jumping out airplanes in the North Pole. Fucking like in Antarctica.
Starting point is 00:51:36 Something. I guess that's the South Pole, isn't it? Was it there? Why are they doing it that? Because you can... Sounds cool. No, because the air is so thin there, right? You would see the air full thinner that you fall faster.
Starting point is 00:51:52 That was that was what I why they in such a rush to get to the ground. More fun, more, more exhilarating, I guess. So it's a million dollars. Fucking way colder. God, is it going to be cool? The it's a million dollars to tandem with Andy. And you can buy, I guess, a bunch of other positions within the team trying to raise $7,000.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It's a lot of deal. Oh yeah, but good luck to them. I hope they get it. I hope some rich asshole out there buys that million dollar one. That'd be sweet. It'd be dope. I mean, that's a hell of an experience. And good for them.
Starting point is 00:52:32 What are they giving the money to? Oh, damn it. This is like a one job talk. No. I was too busy thinking about the coldness of the air and how fast they were jobing out of an airplane. It's got to be for troops or people. I thought it was for people coming back from war that don't have a dad.
Starting point is 00:52:57 So families. So he was talking about families that have lost their father from combat. Oh, that's right, yeah. You get $400,000 from the government when that happens, you get this life insurance policy basically, which 400 grand is not enough for someone who loses their dad when they're 18 months old as a child. And then you have a single mom.
Starting point is 00:53:22 So that's what the money's going towards. That's also. Pay a support. Well done. Now to thank you. Support them. And also, if you go to the podcast, where you heard this, the Rogan's podcast, there's a link to that charity. You know, make an effort. Get in there, put some money in there, you know, even if it's 10 bucks, 5 bucks, it doesn't matter. Like if enough people did, you know, so many people can do 5 bucks, every single person listening to this podcast now can afford 5 bucks. If you just went on there and gave that 5 bucks, it, it'd be something big. For sure.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Like, and fuck it, these guys need it. Like how brutal is that for them to even go through? I'm, yeah, I mean, we're ending on a family's, the family's needed, but no, the bummer, what are you talking about? It's not, it's not a bummer to jump out of a plane. That's fun.
Starting point is 00:54:22 We're doing fun shit. Yeah. And it's helping veterans as well. I mean, you're helping families of vets. Yeah. I'm going to commit right now the pods are going to give some money to their cause this month. And we get to, we're fortunate enough to give to a different charity each month. We mostly focus on fight for the Vagantan, which I love, Justin Ranch, shout out, love that guy. But I think this month we're gonna give to, we'll also give the fights, but we're gonna give something to the Skydiving Challenge. And also I have no interest in skydiving over the North Pole.
Starting point is 00:55:09 That's just me. Where you at, Todd? I would love that. I was trying to look up the actual name of the charity. I'll put the link in the bio. It's on Rogan's thing. And, you know, he already said it. Triple seven expedition love that
Starting point is 00:55:26 Yeah, 100% of the funds raised during triple seven go directly to folds of honor. That's what it was okay dope dope, I'm gonna go in and give it now all right guys on that note. That's all we got this week Thank you for listening as always and Tune in next week, if you want. Love ya. Stay awesome. Thank you.

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