Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 306 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Matt McCusker & Shane Gillis Et al.

Episode Date: January 20, 2023

Thanks to this weeks sponsors:  Hello Fresh Go to and use code JRER21 for 21 FREE meals plus free shipping. For all marketing questions and inquiries: This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Matt McCusker & Shane Gillis, Sonny from Best Ever Food Review Show, and Andrew Santino A portion of ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause.  This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Tienes derecho a ser libre a escaparte a disfrutar de tu tiempo. Entra en, la agencia o la indivíajes y experiencias y escapate a lanzarote, la isla diferente, porque lanzarote es un paraíso que está muy cerca, con playas de todos los colores. Y por qué hemos hallado vuelo más 5 noches de estancia en hotel 3 estrellas desde 339 euros. A experience podcast and pass them on to you perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You're listening to the Joe Rogan experience review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts Adam Thorne. He'd be the worst podcast with the best one. One, go. Enjoy the show. Hey guys, and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. This is the second half of the week,
Starting point is 00:01:10 since there was so many pots from a GeoRogan first off quick announcement. We got some new hoodies in that dope. They've got a logo on. If you're a listener, a long time listener, go over to our Instagram, which is Joe Rogan Experience Review, you know, ATT, whatever for Instagram. And DM us, if you want a hoodie, we got something to give away. I'd be happy to send you one. So just write us a message, like a few of our photos, that
Starting point is 00:01:39 I do it, and tell us your size. Cool. Well, they got to give us something funny though, right? The DM. What was the, what was the, there was a trick to it to get to win the hoodie, correct? Oh, yeah. Did we think of that? I forgot already.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I thought it was like funniest joke. Give us something, something. Give us a dad joke. Let's just go there. There we go. Funniest dad joke. Funniest dad joke. And also shout out to FloonRoll.
Starting point is 00:02:01 For making them. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Check out those guys. Link somewhere on Instagram, I'll put one on there. Guy is out of Florida, makes great MMA gear. And these hoodies are like sporty type hoodies. Good for working out.
Starting point is 00:02:19 For sure. Great geys, great no-gear gear, shorts,, you know, if you train, check out his stuff, it's awesome. Anyway, love that guy. All right. Andrew Santino, what a legend. Do that guy is so fucking hilarious. Also, there's great impressions and some outrageous ones. The whiskey ginger. Yeah, he's so good.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Whisky ginger. I've seen him at the comedy store many, many times and always just does a great job. His attitude on stage is just brilliant. It's super confident, dude. They started off talking a lot about golf. I guess Santino is pretty good at golf. And talking about practicing a ton and getting very good.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And just the levels, you know, the range of like how difficult it is and how long it takes. I mean, you play some golf, right? Yeah, I was laughing about all that stuff because I remember how frustrating golf used to be. It still is, but typically you're, let's say you're a little bit stoned or probably three beers to four beers deep at least I am when I golf. So I'm usually in a pretty good mood and I can just kind of say fuck it. I'm not that good at this sport anyways. I'm here to have fun. I'm here to lose 40, 50 bucks for nine holes of golf and have a good time and that's
Starting point is 00:03:40 awesome. But I did resonate with the, for me, it took about five years of just sucking ass. And then you'll par a hole. Like I remember my first, the first hole I pared, not exactly, but I remember like the year where it was like, oh, I can actually par a few here and there. Right. And then you just hooked after that. You just can't stop because as soon as you par one hole,
Starting point is 00:04:03 you're thinking I could par every hole now. What you've never do, right? But once you get it, believe it, once you get a few parts here and there, you, you hit a long drive and you actually like, can aim and you're not chipping shit into the woods and you're not making huge fucking divots in the ground. It gets really fun. Five years as a hell of an investment though. Takes a long time man. I've always wondered. I mean I'm way more in Joe's camp with that which is unusual. I just like so many guys who are into that.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's a lot of time invested for sure but when you're old dude what other sport are you gonna fucking play? You're gonna into in your 70s? You can. You just gotta go easy. Alright settle down down board ain't Exactly I mean I like I like that, but also you're gonna want to smoke some cigars You're gonna want to be outside you're gonna want to drink in some beer smoking some dubs Having a little fun on the golf course. It's just kind of like a men's it's a nice little men's group and not to sound lame But I think that frisbee one sounds more interesting frisbee golf is great. That sounds great. It's amazing. That sounds super fun. Not any fucking easier, really.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Yeah, no doubt. Honestly, have you tried throwing one of those Frisbee's? It goes all over the place. You got your searching in the woods for fucking hours for those things. Up in trees, I mean, it's fun. I'll put a flashing light on the top of mine. So I can find it.
Starting point is 00:05:22 I've lost a lot of Frisbee's in the woods. Well, you've played that. Oh, yeah. We used to do that in high school. A lot grown up in Michigan. That was the thing. We'd skip school and go play frisbee golf and smoke weed. But Christchers big into it. It's fun. Seriously, you want to put on like a really professional tournament. And I think Joe might even go. I would love that.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Not host it, but like commentate and you know, do it from the standpoint of not knowing what the fuck is going on, but just saying funny shit. Dude, that would make that sport blow up. Well, I mean, look at that last poll. They had that in that arena, when the waste management company, what is it? The just waste management sponsored that golf thing. The last poll was like a fucking party. It was great.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Oh, yeah. Well, what were they saying? They built like a 20, 30 It was great. Oh yeah. Well, what were they saying about that? They built like a 20, 30,000 person thing around the... I'm guessing that was the 18th hole of whatever... I don't know what golf tournament it was. The waste management tournament apparently. That's wild that they can just build a thing like that. They've just got like all this scaffolding lying around. I mean, that's such a huge thing to put together. It was fun to see.
Starting point is 00:06:26 It could be fun. The difference between old golf and new golf and when you look at the crowds. I mean, that kind of started with Tiger, but now it's now that, I mean, that's just over the top. I imagine it's just like a bunch of fraternity kids. Who knows? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah, I don't know. Anyway, nothing wrong with fraternities. I like top golf. How about that? Hmm that's as far as I've gone they have good food there too, but that's how they get you It's fun time. Have you been there? Oh, yeah, your bill in a nutshell the bill is never under $300 dude It was so much money dude for four of us. Yeah, and we only had like snap appetizers. Yep They get you on the food and the drinks. Yeah, those drinks though. We did that in Salt Lake a couple, a couple, probably month ago. It's amazing. But yeah, it's just fun. It was like $400 and some dollars for five of us.
Starting point is 00:07:15 I think six of a yeah, be prepared. Fuck my kid was having a blast though. He did what the ball would come out and he take it. He's getting so pissed. He's only two and a half. He's getting so pissed at the club He'd put the club down pick the ball and just throw it. I think I say Dude, I'm pretty sure I threw one once. How it's hot. Yeah, how about darts in England I didn't know until probably till I started watching Ted laughs so that darts were such a thing. Oh, dude Yeah, that's a big. No idea. Yeah, we used to have game shows as a kid, one called Bullseye. And it's like, was real famous in the 80s, probably early 90s.
Starting point is 00:07:53 And there would be this announcer that would just be like 1008G, which is, you know, when you get three other fucking tree Bullseye. That's tree Bullseye means, yeah. And it's huge. The tournament's there, a' eyes, yeah. And it's huge. The tournaments there are big time, dude. Yeah. It's just like pub stuff, though.
Starting point is 00:08:10 It's like snookers real big, then. Not the snookers, like a pub sport, but it's snooker. It's snooker, I always call it snooker. Yes, snooker. Americans. Two O's make sense. You can't say Worcestershire sauce either. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Everyone says word Chester Chire. It's like the fucking Chester Chire cat. Yeah, but yeah, it's a big sport. But we got some weird ones though. We have like bowls, which you know, it's just like roll a little bowl down. Yeah. And then you have a bowl, not a bowl, but it's different. It's just like solid.
Starting point is 00:08:43 You can't put your fingers in and you roll it down and it just curves in. And the man goes to, and that's super popular. That's not like, like what you see at like the, the old school arcades where you just roll it up and you gotta, it jumps up the little, the ramp and goes into the middle. No, I don't know what that's. I can't remember what that's called, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Not that, it completely different. I haven't even seen what you're talking about. What's it called? I'm gonna look it up. Just called like English balls, I think. English balls. Oh, we would just call it balls. How many A's do we have in that?
Starting point is 00:09:13 A few. But you know, you get that in old countries. Like you just get old sports that are. Yeah. Well, you were talking about the other day squash Because I told you I played racquetball my fucking shins were done after one two rounds of racquetball the next three days I felt like I had shin splints. It's hard work. Well that fucking court is so hard. I mean like skateboard shoes Yeah, it's the only thing that won't Does any thing because you were a good tennis player right back in the day. Does anything translate over to that sport?
Starting point is 00:09:48 Well, not really. I think the side decide kind of shuffling where you're like running around to get a ball, but it will fuck up your tennis game quickly because it's a completely different sport. Oh, I see. You're trying to lightly tap it into the corners and play the angles. Whereas in tennis, you're trying to get over a net. So what I'd keep doing and what I would fuck up my racquetball game, because I'm hitting
Starting point is 00:10:08 it hard like a tennis ball. And then the guy playing me is like hitting the back no problem. And he's like tapping it into the corners. I'm hitting it hard, waiting for the ball to come back. And all of a sudden, he's tapping it into the corner like six inches above the floor. And I can't get to it. I'm like waiting for a tennis ball to come back to me. Oh, I see what you mean, yeah. Well, it totally just was hitting it way too hard. Cause I like hitting shit hard. I'm not, I'm not into that.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I can't find your English ball. We look it up, we're looking up later. Oh, English lawn ball. That's fun. What else did we have here for Mr. Santino? ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno!
Starting point is 00:10:48 ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno!
Starting point is 00:10:56 ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno!
Starting point is 00:11:04 ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! ¡Qué bueno! alanzarote, la isla diferente, porque elanzarote es un paraíso que está muy cerca, con playas de todos los colores. Y por qué hemos hallado vuelo más 5 noches de estancia en hotel 3 estrellas desde 339 euros. A El museo Picasso Málaga presenta Picasso es cultor, al igual que en el resto de su creación, la escultura de Picasso se distingue por innovar en el uso de técnicas y materiales poco ortodoxos. Puedes imaginar cuáles y cómo descubrela. He kind of brought it up. I went on a little bit of a YouTube go through because they were talking about Paul McCartney playing Hey Jude for the first time in front of the Beatles. You watch that video, it's like they're listening and they start kind of joining in.
Starting point is 00:11:53 What I did not know is you know all the albums that they had and it made it seem like they were just like for a period of time they were around for like they've been here a long time. They did all that shit in like eight years. All of those albums, all of those transitions and changes. Yeah, it was like... Come on. ...something like the beginning to the end of the Beatles was somewhere around eight years. No fucking way.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah, I think up until they stopped kind of touring, but then they were still together a little bit making some albums. I don't know. To the end, it's like it does kind of make sense. I mean, if you look at, you know, Nirvana is a bad example. Somebody like Jimmy Hendrix. Well, he was famous for, I don't know, what, four or five years and then he's dead. And think of all the albums. And you just, you hear the same thing over in a room. I mean, similar with Nirvana, if you look at their albums, there's only like five.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And two of them, no one even fucking knew what those albums were because they become famous until never mind, yeah. That's true. But we hear all these songs and we think, wow, they have this big catalog, no, they don't. But Beatles has an enormous catalog. They did it all in that time.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Dude, bands today would go, right? They're going to hiatus for like 10 years. Right. And then they're releasing album and it's like, it took 10 years to release. And it's just like, the Beatles would have done fucking. Well, the Stones are, I mean, Stones have been, they have even more albums, do they not?
Starting point is 00:13:20 I mean, the Stones is probably the biggest. Yeah, no doubt. But to be fair, their stuff kind of wasn't that great after the 70s. McCartney said in a press release he was no longer working with the group. That was in the 1970. Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, not formalized until 1974. Yeah, I don't know. This is just talking about their breakup, but that's crazy. Something close to that, dude, it's wild. Either way, it's shorter than you would expect.
Starting point is 00:13:50 You know, I was like, he must have been touring and doing shit for like well over 20 years. But I do all that. Well, he changes. You think you think about that though, eight years in their practice and every day, they're coming up with a material every day. You're going to come up with a lot. I mean, it's similar to what I was saying about about Hendrix. The guy had a lot of material In the door still Morrison. I mean, you think of those bands. They weren't around that long Yeah, and they have a shit ton of content a shit ton of music that is so good
Starting point is 00:14:21 It's so good. It's so good. And you're thinking, man, if they were still alive, imagine, because all those bands would have came up with the same amount of music as the Beatles or the Stones. They're just one of the only bands that didn't fucking kill themselves or from drugs or whatever overdosing. If you think about that,
Starting point is 00:14:37 all those other famous bands we just mentioned, doors in the same era, there's plenty more. I mean, can you imagine if John Lennon never died? Oh, and then so much good music, they were all still alive. And we've lost George Harrison, we got ring going pull left. Yeah. Imagine if at any point later, like late late 90s, early 2000s, they had just come together for a one time, get together, tour, world tour.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Do that would have been the biggest tour ever. Or just think about the amount of music they would have each came up with even if they were, even if it was like the Eagles when Henley and Frye went and did their own thing, granted their 80s music sucks compared to their Eagles 70s music, but you know what I'm saying? They'd all have different songs that would none of us know about because it didn't happen. Yeah. Or Hendrix.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I think about that one a lot. And Irvana. It's almost like, it's a real bummer. It's a bummer. Like if someone is that amazing of what they do and then they just kind of stop doing it. Or they die. And to the whole they die. Well, but I think that's why.
Starting point is 00:15:40 It's like, what was lost? These people were such geniuses. That's why they died young. I mean, granted, right? There's a lot to that. No doubt. geniuses, that's why they died young. I mean, granted, right? There's a lot to that. No doubt. I mean, there's a lot going on. You're 27, you're super rich, you're super famous,
Starting point is 00:15:50 you can't go anywhere. I wouldn't admit it. Everything you do and saying makes people fucking pass out because they think you're like a god, it's gotta go to your head. It's gonna make you a bit weird. Well, yeah, look at what, look at what's with Cobain. He went from the biggest nerd ever that never
Starting point is 00:16:05 hated and he was the biggest loner to everyone loving him, every chick in the universe wanting to bone him. Mm-hmm. He didn't want any of that. He said it in all most of his songs and all, they wouldn't do interviews. Yeah, you didn't want it. He hated it. It's what drove him to kill himself.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Probably. Unless Courtney did it. Oh, well, that's a thing. Oh, well, that's it. they get into like court jester talk. I can't remember how they like went down that. He always talks about that. Well, but it's like an archetype, right? If you're looking at like young in theory or whatever,
Starting point is 00:16:37 from psychology, it's like one of the archetypes. But think about how weird of a job that is that in a way, that's like what the first comedians were. Like they're not really clowns. Clowns are, they're, no, it's entertainment. Yeah. It's like, clowns are creepiest.
Starting point is 00:16:53 They're horrible, of course they are. But gestures are like, they mess with everyone. So you're in the court, they've got, they've got, you know, lords and ladies from other areas, they've all come together and this one guy kind of knows all the politics between it all. And just can kind of rip everyone and know one's can kill him. They're smart. Genius. Yeah. They got it. They have to be clever. You can't be a good comedian if you're not fucking clever. You got to be, you got to be fast full of quick wit. And you got to know
Starting point is 00:17:22 also carefully how to tow that line before someone cuts your head off. Yeah. You don't want to go to the guillotine, baby. Uh-uh. Well, back then. I mean, Dave even talked about it all the different ways that people would use to be tortured in the past.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Yeah. Oh, dude. That was fucked up. It's so bad. What I was thinking, right? It was cutting the little cuts. Dude. Thousand.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Thousand deathbuyers. You know, they're probably putting saltwater into those cuts too, or something crazy. Oh, the waterboarding, that would drive me crazy so fast. Dude. That one doesn't even sound that bad, but have you, have you, I can't remember when we did this, but I've fucked with that before, like when if somebody's dripping something on you,
Starting point is 00:17:59 like you're at the pool or whatever, that shit drives me crazy. If it's right in between your eyes like that. It actually did drive people crazy, right? People went out of their minds, because they couldn't sleep or whatever, and then just went nuts. Dude, speaking of, they brought up Jack Ruby again.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Whoa. Remember, that was in this one, right? Hold on. Because they started talking about the Vatican, and then they got into The docky series yet Jack Ruby was buried by his dad's house Let's see no jolly west. That's what it was so jolly west. We talked about this earlier in the week jolly west was in Jack Ruby cell and then he goes crazy and dies a cancer later right
Starting point is 00:18:45 What the fuck yeah Yeah, dude. So we didn't get that, I didn't get that right last week. I was thinking Jack Ruby came to somebody's cell. No, Jolly West, who used to work for the FBI, came to Jack Ruby cell. And then what was it? I don't even know. For a month later, something he dies as some sort of crazy cancer. It wasn't long, but he went crazy before that he gave him a massive. He had to have given him some.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Because they already, we already know from that other dudes book The chaos by Tom O'Neal that that he always talks about the mk ultra the mk ultra book, which I have to order Yeah, I've got to order that you know Now he was the same guy giving Charles Manson LSD And supplying him with LSD and letting him run loose they wanted people to Believe that the hippies were fucking crazy. They wanted to go against the hippies because the hippies didn't want to go to war And everyone was starting to follow that. Yeah, peace and love baby. Come on, right? Yeah, they wanted somebody like Manson who's fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:19:42 To do that Come on, that's so fucked. do that. Come on. That's so fucked. That must be us. All FBI sponsored, was it not? Yeah, I think so. It must be what's getting redacted from those files. I mean, isn't that a known thing?
Starting point is 00:19:55 Aren't those aren't those files known like this chaos book? Isn't that a known fact that they gave that he was part of MK Ultra mirror limits? Mm-hmm. Man, really nice. That is a weird Freudian slip. Yeah. Well, not really.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I mean, half of his name is from Charles guy's scary, but it's just it doesn't shock me. The scary thing is it doesn't shock me and all that our government was involved in all those things. I think. But we have documentation that this Jolly West guy was part of it. And we have documentation with Manson. And we have documentation of him being in Jack Ruby cell before he went crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:35 It doesn't take a lot to connect. And we're not going to connect those dots. We're not allowed to. Yeah. Come on. Who? How do you explain it? Yeah. Wake up. Talking Jolly West. I'm going to it? Yeah. Wake up. Fucking jolly west. I'm going to look this guy up.
Starting point is 00:20:47 No. The last thing I wanted to hit on was how Joe wants his death to be like cremated or whatever he wants the Tibetan sky ritual. Where the eagle's pick your body apart. Obviously he's just joking. I'm sure his daughter is, we're gonna struggle with that funeral, but just the idea that he's like, yeah, just give it back. Doesn't mean anything now.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Give it back to the land. That one's crazy to think that exists. Does it still today? Don't know. Like you go to Tibet, go to a funeral, and it's just like a dead body getting picked up. I mean, isn't that just, I mean, the Native Americans did that too, right?
Starting point is 00:21:26 Isn't or some of them, not all of them. The similar thing, right? Where you put, you just have you up in the sky on, it's like on a, you know, I don't want to say stretcher, but it's like a stilts, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think something like that. I don't know. I think I'm back to the sky, baby.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Giant bomb fire for me. Put me on the top of it. I don't know. The back to the sky, baby. Giant bomb fire for me. Put me on the top of it, like guy forks. Just, I mean, it's pretty cool what Hunter S did. Fight out of a rocket or cannon. Cannon, yeah. Thanks to Johnny Depp. He paid for that, you know that? Pretty dope.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You told me that. Yeah, wild. Pretty dope. I mean, sad that he had to go to the yeah To kill himself but to kill himself to in order to do that But getting shot out of a can is pretty dope. I think I'm gonna put that into my Into my will. Yeah, I want you guys to party. I want you to wear all white at my funeral and shoot me out of a fucking can Excellent into the mountains and also you also you only serve spaghetti,
Starting point is 00:22:28 bolognese, and red wine. What's that? What's the significance of that? Because everyone's wearing white. They're just going to be nervous and spilling it, and splashing it. Really liquidy sauce, too. So there's no way to eat it with a gill over the sauce. I think you just serve MDMA on a platter and a lot of waters.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Okay. I mean, come on. I want it to be love, love fast. Everybody's just hugging each other. We good. Have a good time. Well, in that case, then. Take a week off of works, you're not depressed for six days.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Don't die too old, because otherwise it's probably gonna do my heart and if I'm doing a bunch of NDMA you're funeral. Alright, let's jump over to sunny. Hopefully it'll be legal by then. Yeah, probably sunny. Did you know this guy? I had not heard of it. I love him. I like his style. I thought it was like really kind of sweet in a way that he was like describing how nervous he was at the platform. Yeah, right at the beginning. And he kept adjusting,
Starting point is 00:23:27 but he was really good at describing it too. He didn't pretend that he wasn't. He was just like, yeah, yeah, this is a lot. I'm just kind of, yeah, that was good. A lot of people are listening. I love the honesty when people talk. Yeah, it's beautiful. It's probably what makes him so good at his food show
Starting point is 00:23:39 because you need that. What's his food show called? The best food show review. Yeah, and it has a shitload of... Let's check it out. Subscribers. The best food show review I didn't check it out yet. I do love how Joe asked him about his bandana right off the bat
Starting point is 00:23:54 and he's like, fuck it, dude, it's just what I do. Yeah. And then... Because he's sweating all the time. And he's like, I don't want to be a douchebag. It's just something I got into for the show and then I started wearing it all the time and it was just interesting to me funny. I think it's good to have like that kind of iconic little persona
Starting point is 00:24:10 Yeah, yeah, you got to have it. You got to have something that stands out and fair play How difficult is that to like make a show, you know, especially something that big? Well, I just love the origin story. This was actually one of the Better in my mind one of the better, in my mind, one of the better, how do you say it, just a better interview process for Joe, and it's because it's the first time Sonny's been on, so it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You know, Joe gets a lot of the same guess, and for someone like me who hasn't been listening religiously for years and years and years, I just started listening to this show religious. Oh, you missed all that. I missed a lot of the origin stories like Mike Davis, for example, from last week. I had no idea you'd been on the show like eight times or whatever. I might call the fuck as our bakers. Yeah, yeah. Had no clue. And so I really enjoy when there's a new guess because Joe goes through the origin story. Did the same thing with Sam and Colby, which is fun for me.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I like that. I like to know what's happening. Obviously, he's not going to do that every time when he has new guests. Sure. I really appreciate when Joe's going through those origin stories and I liked how sunny. He's a Minnesota boy. He's clearly the rest of his family, you know, his brothers, I think he was saying.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Like lawyers, maybe a doctor, they were all successful. Poor Sonny was trying to live up to something and you know, he kept, he just didn't have the self-esteem. He sounded like it, yeah. And without the direction, and he didn't have the education because he hadn't finished college. Back to your point though, maybe on a week when Rogan takes off, or we just don't have as many shows to review, we should go back and
Starting point is 00:25:49 look up some guests who have been on the first time and maybe we're just run through a review for that. Yeah, I hadn't thought of that really, because most of the people that I know that listen to Rogan have done what I've done, listen since the beginning. So they kind of, they, they caught up with it. But yeah, you coming in, I guess, and, and new listeners out there that are coming in, are probably messing these little kind of backstories. I like to see the way he described himself listening or excuse me, eating some of the food and Trying to be respectful of the culture like when he's talking about eating that tofu There's no fucking way I would eat that that sounds so good that stinky slimy like putrid is the word term for that tofu sandwich
Starting point is 00:26:36 Oh my god, and he's going he's like closing his eyes thinking I can get through this This is for the culture like I'm just trying to be a normal guy. I don't know how you do that. I would just throw up. I couldn't do it. It's fear factor shit right there. That is some fear factor shit for sure. I mean, I would think that if your body is rejecting at that hot, that this probably a reason.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Yeah, I mean, I'm watching one right now. I'm looking at this. He's, this is on the food show. They got scorpions and shit. Oh, eels. There's sunny right there looking good, but... Yeah, just a fun guy, man. He's a sweetheart.
Starting point is 00:27:10 What a cool story. He loves Asia. He's got what? Vietnamese wife, or was she just Korean? I can't remember. I'm sorry. Yeah, but he wasn't... He wasn't Vietnam now.
Starting point is 00:27:21 He was going back and forth from... Was it Korea, South Korea, and Japan to keep his to keep his visa Yeah, and Like that's a cool story like the way he described the nine year customs Because if they I guess catch him once and they're like hey, you're never gonna be cool back. You can't come back He's like wow, I'm fuck now, but he kept hustling. Yeah, he kept doing it, making his content, like, working up to it, and he was brilliant. I mean, this show looks amazing. I'm gonna have to watch this now,
Starting point is 00:27:50 because I had never watched it. I had never heard of it. I loved boarding. He's just gonna make me hungry, though. I loved boarding. But boarding is the best. He's the best. So clearly, he was inspired by boarding.
Starting point is 00:28:02 I didn't know the other guy he mentioned that he was inspired by. It was another cooking inspired by boarding. I didn't know the other guy he mentioned that he was inspired by. He was another cooking show. Yeah, I can't remember either. Wasn't going Ramsey. No. I do like a kitchen. Is it kitchen confidential or kitchen nightmare? Kitchen. I do love me some kitchen nightmares. I thought it was interesting when he was talking about steak. You know, I feel like you and I know how to cook a steak.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I could run you through it right now. You know, you let it sit out, you let it get, you know, up to regular room temp or not room temp, but like you let it sit out for 20 minutes, salt and pep, five minutes on each side, maybe four if you want a little bit more rare, let it sit for five, lots of butter, salt and pepper, want a little bit more rare. Let it sit for five lots of butter salt and pepper done Fucking perfect done every time though. He thinks what cooking camel is easier
Starting point is 00:28:51 Well, no, what he was saying was most people would fuck it up and you know for someone like you and I who cook a lot of steak or Rogan who cooks a lot of steak. It's easy for us. It's very simple We don't even think about it. You get follow instructions. You could do it But most people would fuck that up, they'd over cook it. That's true. It would suck, it would be raw, it would be no flavoring, no spices.
Starting point is 00:29:11 What's weird is I've cooked so many steaks. Yeah. That it's like the thing I cooked the most. Me too. I can just kind of, it's weird, it's like I can just guess where it needs to be. If I've got like four steaks to make someone's like I want it rare I want it medium. I want it this or that it's it's just never a problem for me to
Starting point is 00:29:33 Even on different grills. I mean it won't maybe won't be perfect But it just amazes me when I get um When I get uh oh, just watching. Sorry, they're cutting some eels, is that what they're doing? We're watching Eels Cutoff from Sonny Show. Sonny Show here, that is. Yeah, we're gonna put that away.
Starting point is 00:29:53 Yeah, it's too much. But no, it just amazes me when I eat at a restaurant or really even any person's house and they just fuck a steak out. It's like how did you manage that? It's sad when that happens. It's all done for you. It's like the one you manage that? It's sad when that happens. It's all done for you. It's like the one type of food that has everything you need.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Like, let's be honest, to make a good salad, you've got to put a lot in there. Yeah. Or a good roast, or there's a lot of flavors and spices or a curry, there's just a lot to do. All you need is really salt. Salt, pepper, butter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Gotta have butter. Gotta have butter. You have to have butter. You should. And you don't need steak sauce ever. Now What did you think what did you think about him? I resonate this resonated with me the Achieving the goal like if you achieve a goal this happens to me when I finish him a magazine sometimes I'll get I'll have this goal you get to it Then I get depressed after I finished the goal that I've been wanting to finish,
Starting point is 00:30:45 it's almost like you get to this high dopamine level and then boom, and then it tanks. He was mentioning that, like he thought, he didn't need anything else. Once he was making X amount of dollars doing this cooking show, or I think he compared it to, he was doing some executive videos in Korea
Starting point is 00:31:04 where they were actually paying him like four grand a month or something or four grand a video. I can't remember exactly what he said. He's thinking, this is all I've ever wanted. And then for whatever reason, you get to that point and then there's this low. Well they say that with people that graduate with certain degrees, especially grad students and sometimes PhDs like big, you know, bigger level degrees and at least PhDs like longer ones where it's like this is all you've ever done, you put everything into this moment.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Drs. And now you have to go into the workplace and you know, there's just like this kind of strange, this chapter is over, I don't know what to do with myself. I move feeling that happens. Probably the same with projects. I've always looked at it like this, and I would say this about you, if you don't mind. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:31:55 But you work so hard towards the end of one of those projects. I feel like it's you were sprinting so hard, you just exhausted. It's exhaustion. And it's like a break. If you had a smoother buildup. you just exhausted. It's exhaustion and it's like a break. If you had a smoother buildup. That's true. It's like kids at school with finals I used to see.
Starting point is 00:32:12 They cram, cram, cram, do the finals, everything stressful, get their grades and they don't want to fucking look at a book for a long time afterwards. But I feel like if the transition is not as intense, that's true, you know, but maybe there are other factors. Well, but Rogan topped it off by saying, if he says this a lot, you just continue to do good work and you're gonna stay happy. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:32:34 So yeah, maybe don't push yourself too hard or just don't fuck up those deadlines and wait and wait and wait and procrastinate. Yeah, just try and make every, like if you think about it, everything, it's literally like this. You've got to walk 10 miles and you have a month. Don't wait till the last day.
Starting point is 00:32:49 If you just did, you know, like 300 feet every day for the whole month, you probably do it and you wouldn't even notice you did it. It would be piece of cake. I think it's like spreading it out like that. So there's not like ever just this one moment that, well look at Rogan, right? He does these arena tours of comedy, or his film, a special.
Starting point is 00:33:13 He's not talking about it on his podcast before it happens, like, oh God, guys, I've got like a 20,000 Cedarena to do. I can't do any pods this week. Like I'm just so stressed about it. No, he just, he just, he just, he spaces everything out. He's used to it.
Starting point is 00:33:27 He's done it a lot. It's like kind of not a big deal. Yeah. So I think that's kind of helpful in that sense. Totally. Also Sonny's talking about this kind of early Iran. When he was getting his foot in the Dorian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Or he finally got his foot in the door after a year, it sounded like five or six years of really, or really trying really hard and having no money. Yeah. He followed what he wanted to do, man. I mean, you got to give the guy credit. He's crushing it. He's crushing it. But, man, I don't think he wants to go back to Egypt again, huh?
Starting point is 00:33:56 No, fuck that. That sounded like shit. I mean, they stole all his camera gear. Dude. Why are they like that? Don't know. It says that, well, remember, they said they changed, they've changed their laws. No, it doesn't make me want to go there.
Starting point is 00:34:08 No, I mean, I love to see the pyramids, but I feel like, I feel like there's some unrest that I'd be a bit worried about. Maybe not. Maybe it's cool. They don't trust white boys and red bandanas. That's for sure. Well, I don't think we should go into a podcast. If we go over there with any of this equipment, they'd be singling us out. They want to know who we are. They think we were like actual reporters until we explained to guys we have no skills like that. Believe us.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yeah, I could read a story, but. That's true. Yeah, yeah. You probably qualified. So they'd arrest you and I'd be free to go. Beautiful. Okay, mad honey. How much do you want to try that shit? I'll try it right now if you had qualify. So they to rest you and I'd be free to go. Beautiful. Okay, mad honey, how much do you want to try that shit? I'll try it right now if you had some. Should we try and get some?
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah, sure. Is it legal? I don't think it is. So what is the deal? Let me look it up. Let me look it up. The bees are eating magic mushrooms. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Roan adentron flowers. Is that what it was on these cliff sides? And like in... I feel like if you could just grow that flower, though. China? Is it China? If you could just grow that flower and you just stick a bee hive next to it, you could make this, anyway,
Starting point is 00:35:15 assuming the flower would grow. Just get a greenhouse. How many people do you think have looked up Mad Honey in the last few days? Five million shit. So many. Gastro Obscura. Oh, is mad honey hallucinogenic?
Starting point is 00:35:30 That sounds like the technical name for centuries. People have used mad honey. Gastro Obscura, watch out. But high doses cause hallucinations. And in rare cases, death mad honey is still harvested and sold today, though it's illegal in some nations. We don't know which nations. Let's say, oh, it's in Nepal, not China, so close to China. Nepal and Turkey, bees produce a strange and dangerous concoction, Mad Honey,
Starting point is 00:35:59 comes from the largest honey bee. This dude from Vice, I ate two teaspoons, the amount recommended by the honey hunters and after about 15 minutes, I started to feel a similar height of weed. Okay. Didn't take enough. I felt like my body was cooling down,
Starting point is 00:36:17 starting from the back of my head and down through my torso, a deep icy hot feeling settled in my stomach and lasted for several hours. That doesn't sound good. The honey was delicious and though a few of the hunters passed out from eating a bit too much, no one suffered from the projectile vomiting
Starting point is 00:36:33 or explosive diarrhea I'd been warned about. Okay. Wow. No, it sounds like it's a lot different from a lot of people. Rodin Dendran is the flower. It's a very beautiful pink mountainside flower. It kind of doesn't sound as old that word.
Starting point is 00:36:50 I'd rather just eat mushrooms. Yeah. I don't want my stomach to feel hot and cold. I like I see how on my back not my stomach. Yeah. Well, sometimes with the shrooms too, if you take a lot, you get that weird and my hungry and my thirsty and my like, it's just a ton of confusion. Do I need a poo?
Starting point is 00:37:08 Sweaty. You don't even know. So hot, sweaty, cold. Everything's clamming. You could be outside in like 20 degree weather in a t-shirt and you're like, damn, it's hot out here. You definitely have no idea what's happening.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Hot! So confused. Where do I live? Two seconds later, like, it's fucking freezing in here and you're inside. Well, that, he was, his brother was texting him, right? That's the take-in. Great text.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Six spoonfuls. Six spoonfuls. And it starts off okay, and then by the end, it's dread, terrible idea. Don't do it. Yeah. Yeah, he went. Maybe I should eat a banana. He went down a rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Bless him. I thought it was cool though, that Joe's like, fuck it, yeah, I'll try a half. Yeah, I would have tried it. I would have tried a full spoon full come on Well, he had a show he had a show I get it if he didn't have a show he would have done a How do you describe it? He goes I don't want wobbly legs. Yeah Don't wobbly legs. I've seen people do stand up and open mics on shrooms. It's usually terrible. That's a horrible bad idea Oh, you can't talk on shrooms. I didn't think brave. That's what uppers are for. And beer. Beer helps, but no more than three. Yeah. At least for me, that's
Starting point is 00:38:12 what I always do before I have to talk on stage. I got to have three beers in me, dude. Oh, mandatory, right? You get on stage sober? No, not me. Yeah, I mean, I don't like it. is for comedy might be pushing to you could do a shot and a beer shot. That's pretty good. There you go. You're Brendan and Shob and Joe do that shot beer smoke. Can do that. Yeah. Yeah. Have a secret. SIG. The secret say get you kind of pumped up a little bit. Weed is actually really good. If you practice, but you got to be like use the smoking weed
Starting point is 00:38:44 and comfortable with it. But you can get quite stoned and go on stage and you're pretty funny. It like really honed you in. It does make the bombing worse though, because obviously you're a bit more paranoid. Because it's slow you down. Slow you down more. You're just chill and thinking it through and just really kind of feeling the crowd sometimes. I mean, I wouldn't say every time it is better, but it's a fun way of doing it. It's a good challenge to kind of push yourself and get up there.
Starting point is 00:39:11 It's been definitely a scary though. You're like, ooh, shouldn't be. Ooh, wobbly legs. Yeah, you're just like, okay, let's get back to it. Weed is one of those things for me. At same of shrooms, I can never get a good, I can never get the dosage right. Oh, you just got to start small. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Just every time small, give it a few minutes, though, no one ever does this. No one does it. And then just sit there and see how high you are. And then whatever you say, definitely don't be like, oh, I'm not even that high. I'm just going to really rip it. Yeah, I do. Just keep adding a little bit and don't ever do an eighth grade hit. Go from there, yeah, bad.
Starting point is 00:39:49 And also, edibles is the worst because people wait an hour, sometimes don't think they're that feeling much and then they just double down and that's how you can go, you can go to space. Yeah, scary space. No, they want to shake it. The last thing I wanted to talk about on this, because the sunny asked them just kind of like, hey, how do you do your videos and blah blah blah. And Joe was talking about how people on YouTube will cut up his videos and make different versions.
Starting point is 00:40:23 And I've never heard Joe talk about that before for click pay I assume that Joe really didn't mind and it was probably not like he did like that right so it makes me think you know as we move forward with different projects and bringing things to our audience and other Rogan fans like we kind of have to be respectful of that because I wouldn't want someone to do something to this show that didn't wasn't representing us well. So I don't want to do that for him. True. I don't think we are.
Starting point is 00:40:51 I mean, a lot of people think we're ripping him off by doing this, but we're just fans. Yeah, we're just fans talking about it. And if you actually listen, then you wouldn't say it's a lot. It's like haters. It's not a lot. Three. It's not a ton. Nobody's getting two words up about it.
Starting point is 00:41:04 They're just jealous. they don't have this job because it's people who aren't doing the shit that they're supposed to be doing. So they're mad at themselves. So they got to be mad at somebody else. I would say that there is not one person that has ever been really upset about this show or upset about many other things
Starting point is 00:41:20 that is like doing well in their own life. If you haven't looked at it, they're just like sad people. I mean, even if you're annoyed, who the fuck has the time and energy to like write a shitty comment? I always see it on Instagram. I'm like, who even bothered to do that? Like why? People sitting in bed depressed.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Probably. Yeah, they're not happy people, are they? Definitely not. No chance. But yeah, something to think about. So no clipping at stuff. Yeah, so Rogan, if you ever listen to us, we are fans, buddy. That's it.
Starting point is 00:41:51 We just like you. We like your guests. We're gonna keep talking about your show because we like it. Yeah, it's good. And hopefully we don't misrepresent stuff. Yeah, you know, that's really kind of it. I mean, we're not here to be negative shit talkers.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Even if a guest comes on that's sometimes a bit boring, I still do my best to get... Get the best out of it. ...the enjoyment out of it. It's like, why there's a reason that person's on it. Maybe they don't speak as well as others or they're not as clear about things or... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:21 But it's like, yeah, let's just try and find the best. It doesn't mean that we condone everything that they do, you know, it's just like it's just a person that came on. Yeah, we're about you know, Fedor Fedor Fedor Fedor, we didn't even talk about him last week. I don't think are two weeks ago because you know, there wasn't much to talk about, but it's because Joe loves playing pool. That's right. That's made sense for him to be on, but we're both kind of like yeah. Well, it was interesting actually, but we had enough. We had enough. It was a lot going on. It was a lot going on. We know what I'm saying. I still took the best out of it. Exactly. When I was listening, like, it was still interesting. Just wasn't, wasn't, you know, Neil deGrasse. Let's jump over to Matt McCluster. Matt McCluster.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Shane Gill. Shane Gill. Shane Gill. Very funny, guys. I like the style a lot. You can tell they've been friends a while. Matt has, we've seen Shane a ton. And if you like Shane's comedy, which a lot of people do, he does have a very unique style.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Like he has just some mannerisms and some ways of going into jokes that just always make it funny. He's just a great guy for that. He's like built for comedy. I agree. Matt has some of that too. Like you can tell that they're kind of similar.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I feel like if I heard Matt just shooting this shit and telling some jokes that I would hear a bit of Shane in there, you know what I mean? All vice versa. I'm not saying who got what but he's a good storyteller funny. He didn't just sit back and let Shane talk which I was expecting. Yeah, he was fully into this great. He had great stories. And they had fun. They were like making fun of the fact that he brought something up on this giant platform and they're getting upset about what was it like pocket tickets? Oh, yeah, somebody's it is like dad has the same name as his brother and his brother got this dad's car taken or hit no the brother got his car taken We said he had like his dad at the same tree old shitty cars like
Starting point is 00:44:21 Toyota Corolla repossessed. Yeah, Camrys. Yeah. But did you know the Saudis bought WWE? I'm just going to start from the beginning. I don't know. Yeah, Brad's the other thing. Yeah. So they're doing WrestleMania. I guess.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I didn't even know that shit still was around. I remember watching Hulk Hogan and Andre the giant back in the 80s. Dude, the Saudis just bought Ronaldo. They're trying to buy Messi for $460 million a year. They're going to buy him for their team. Half a billion a year for him to play because Messi is the biggest. Yeah. So now you've got Messi and Ronaldo. I mean, they are pumping money into that world event. They're trying to buy both of them. Yep. They already have Ronaldo. I didn't know that. Dude, trying to buy all the things. They already have Ronaldo.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I didn't know that. Dude, how much money do they fucking have over that? All of it. I wouldn't take it. I wouldn't want to go live there. I guess you don't have to live there in Saudi Arabia. No, they've got some there like kind of backwards customs for us. Like and they don't treat women great. I just don't like the desert man. No, thanks too hot well, maybe and I don't like I don't like how women can't Express themselves so there's so many reasons why I wouldn't want to live there. I don't care how much money You're giving me dude for four hundred and wouldn't do it would do it. I would be happy you would live underground No, you would live in a happy you would live underground. Nope. You would live in a cave.
Starting point is 00:45:46 You would lose those caves. Relentious. I'm going to hang you upside down in a cave in the dark. I would just turn into a bat. I turn into a turn into a bat for half a bill. Don't come at me with this. I'm not coming at you with anything. I'm just saying you could probably do it for 150 grand. Bro, there is no fucking way
Starting point is 00:46:06 I am a winter sports person Build you a ski slope No, they could not they could make amount in there are there one it sucks It's like five stories hide sucks. All right. Well that maybe that bill anyway enough about that But hopefully hold on no they are building a ski resort. You should look at that. No, you showed me, you showed me. That's gotta be better than five stories. I mean, it's still not the same thing. It's fake snow in a building.
Starting point is 00:46:34 It's basically a parking garage covered in snow that you go around down and circles down. Better than nothing. Yeah, better than nothing. All right. I'm sure the air conditioning in there is real cheap to make that happen. I don't even know how they keep that shit cold. That's like, you just make a cooler basically out of the building.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Pretty much. I mean, when you have like infinite money and power, electricity, you could do that. No. You give me... 100 grand, 150, 750? Yep. I'd go to, I'd live on an Epstein's Island and get some hot ghosts. Oh, yeah, they're gonna What were they selling that for 55 mil 55 mil I mean
Starting point is 00:47:15 That place looked dope, but there's that a lot of creepy shit happening out there of Nika wagura nika say that Nika ragwa there we go. You know that no of Nicaragua. How do you say that? Nicaragua. There we go, you know that. It's like 12 miles off the Nicaragua. Nicaragua. I'd like to go there.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I've heard that's beautiful. But there's an island for like half a million. I saw that out there. It's like five acres or something. You better find somebody who's Nicaraguan to cover the cost and figure that out for you to funnel the money through them so that you don't get fucked over as a... X-pat. X-pat. They come out and rape my island.
Starting point is 00:47:49 I've just... I've heard of... You know, not always, but I've heard of people X-pats I've talked to in Mexico, where sometimes a deal goes wrong. It's like you're never seen, you're fucking money again, and you're fucked. Oh. You know? Yeah, you got that.
Starting point is 00:48:02 It depends on who you're rolling with. I don't know. I don't know enough about it. Yeah but I have talked to expats and this again This is in Mexico not Nicaragua no idea about South America probably worse. I would think but I don't know. Yeah, who knows 55 millions Does that seem like a good deal to the island? Who know? Like who is gonna want to buy that? That's kind of some other creepy peto Who is gonna wanna buy that? That's gonna kind of fuck that up. Some other creepy petto.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Some other creepy, for rich guy who's running a fucking ring of young hot women. I mean, it's disgusting. Yeah. The guy was such a creep. How weird must it feel though to be walking around? It's a big island, you know, well, big-ish
Starting point is 00:48:40 for like one house. I'd rather have Neckar Island. But like, yeah, if you just walk it around it, you go from one side to the other. It's like, this is all yours. No one can come here. It's like, what? No, you're just one person and you have a fucking island.
Starting point is 00:48:53 How are the hurricanes though? Because anytime I've been to Mexico or I've been to South America a couple times, but the two times I went to Mexico was during hurricane season and our flights got delayed. Shit was fucked up, Storms were crazy. And if you've looked into Richard Branson's, uh, Necker Island, that's been
Starting point is 00:49:10 completely destroyed several times. Hmm. From hurricanes. Mm-hmm. So you got to think about that. I don't know what insurance is for that type of stuff. It's a good point. It's got to be a lot of dough, but just to have to worry about hurricanes every single
Starting point is 00:49:24 season. Yeah, I mean, no thanks. When I went to Puerto Rico in September last year. We hit a hurricane going, we just miss one going in and just miss one coming out. Like, that's how crazy that was. So, so Rogan's probably not gonna buy it. Rogan's not buying that.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Nope. It would also be quite a lot of his money. I think you need to be in the, you need to be like a billionaire or close to it to be spending 55 million on an island. It's too far away. Too much. Imagine the mortgage on that ridiculous. And like I said, the insurance is probably insane.
Starting point is 00:49:59 How about the depression not being caused by any imbalances in the chemicals in your brain? I hadn't, I, maybe I'd heard this before, but I pretended not to. They basically are saying that now, so that it was never, there's not such thing as like this hormone imbalance or what, it just comes down to, you have a lot of trauma, a lot of PTSD maybe, or you're just thinking is not in a good way. Or your actions are bad. Let's say you're like constantly spending all your money and then you're just thinking is not in a good way. Or your actions are bad. Let's say you're like constantly spending all your money and then you're super broke
Starting point is 00:50:28 and then you're worried about money all the time, that's gonna depress you. You eat like shit, you're overweight. I mean, a lot of, I would guess. I think, call me an asshole, but I would guess if you're not healthy, in all sorts of ways. I think if this is your best, and people should be excited about this data because
Starting point is 00:50:49 it actually puts the power back in your hands instead of being a victim, which people like to be victims. Now it's like, hey, you can fix this with the right help from therapists or good friends or better behaviors or reading the right books or listen in a robe and grow up who called pool sauna. Yeah, workout. You can fix it. You don't have to feel like this. Love that. But they they they but then the next topic they're talking about how there's so many people who cannot think for themselves. So they think that a pill is going to save them when it clearly won't. It's like a shot. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:51:24 I'll save them. The fucking back scenes going to gonna save you bro. You're good. You're gonna be fine, right? It's this fear fear why work out why eat better? Why change anything when you can just do one thing Give me a pill and then I'm fixed. No, it's not ever gonna work like that. It's so dumb I mean, I dude I tried was on, after my mom passed, I was having a hard time and I, they put me on well-buterin. I had that shit apparently, it was an anti-depressant. I was on it for two months, I was sweaty, as fuck, I was gettin' twitches in my arm.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Ooh. Didn't these weird twitches kinda like, just like your eye? It's happens to me sometimes if I'm dehydrated or if I smoke too much weed and like I'm getting kinda nervous, you get like the nervous twitch. Oh yeah. I'm like, I'm dehydrated or if I smoke too much weed and like I'm getting kind of nervous You get like the nervous twitch. Oh, yeah I'm like I'm never taking this shit again. I fucking threw him away
Starting point is 00:52:10 Didn't call my doctor back to you. That's why I was I didn't I'll never take it again And hey for some people if that stuff works for you great But I what I did is I started working out more I started drinking less I mean I'm not telling you what I'm doing is is right for everybody. It was good for me. Working out is right. I'm not saying it's gone. Yeah. But guess what? If I'm depressed, I better get the fuck out of bed and go to the gym. Good. Yeah. And I feel so well, I think that they've said the workouts are more effective than SSRI's. Absolutely. Like a workout. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:52:46 And remember, it's all relative to what you can do. Let's say people could be like, oh, I'm disabled. Or I'm going to, well, okay, you're in a wheelchair. Do your arms work? Does anything move? Anything to get sweaty. You can design a bit of a strenuous exercise for anything.
Starting point is 00:53:01 It gets sweaty. Mm. But yeah. Well, I think that's promising. That's good. No, it's cool. I mean, people have an option now that there is no evidence that it has anything
Starting point is 00:53:11 to do with your brain chemistry. Wow, I'm gonna look into that. That's wild. It's the first time I had heard it. Well, I always wondered that when they were like, yeah, it's homeowner balance, I got checked for it. I'm like, what the hell are they checking? Well, your homeones.
Starting point is 00:53:22 How? When? Do we even have the fucking real signs for that? Like, what the hell are they checking? Well, you're hormones. How? When? Do we even have the fucking real science for that? Like, what are they drilling into your brain and taking a core sample? It's like, no, no. Well, then people would say, I've heard a lot of people say, oh, it's just, you know, the salts in your brain chemistry,
Starting point is 00:53:39 like, the salts are off. It's just salts, you know, like, it's just like a pill of a salt. Which craft? It's like, no, that's actually... My shaker is not aligned. That's actually math. It's math. It's always math. Mmm, come on. What else did I write down? Oh, the, yeah, the beef jerky and the hard boiled eggs, good trick. I've never had a hard boiled egg from a gas station, but I'll fucking go beef jerky and ramen all day.
Starting point is 00:54:05 If I'm starving and there's like nothing else open, you're on a late night road trip, beef jerky, and yeah, ramen. Throw some of that beef jerky in the ramen after you cook it. Ooh, baby. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, the school system being fucked. I mean, they've got, they went all over the board with stuff because they're all homies. just kind of like you and I do. But yeah, the school system, how do you change dumb when the school system is dumb in this country? You can't change it. That one kills me, especially now that I have a child. I think you got to take an active role as a parent.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yeah, and it doesn't really matter what your intelligence level is because as long as you show enthusiasm to some sort of learning Remember even if you're not very smart or well educated You're definitely going to be smarter than your kid until he's like five or six Probably. Maybe even a bit older. I mean, he till he can read or your she's that's too young. Or it's so, you can get them excited about learning and do it in a fun creative way that you two can bond with. And then you can, you know, as you take a step back
Starting point is 00:55:13 and they go into, you know, public school system which isn't great, hopefully they've got a bit of excitement towards learning. Totally. And they continue that. Or as a parent you say,, Hey, man, you know, Hey, son, daughter, this, this school system may or may not be the best school system ever. But that's why we have books, you know, don't believe everything here. That's really what it comes down to. Don't believe everything. You're, you're taught. And don't listen to the stupid teacher who sucks.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Okay. Are you really going to say that? Imagine if they're a school and they're like, my dad said not to listen to you. Because he's stuck that advice. I take it back. But the teacher who thinks that they're amazing, I mean, we've had it. We've all had amazing teachers and we've all had teachers that I can't stand. I would just say this, the ball had it.
Starting point is 00:56:06 To my kid, I'm the most right and your teacher is the second most right. Yeah. And we'll go from that. All right. And they, and go to gym class. Get some of that anger out. And workout.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I hope my son doesn't get my temper. And workout, yeah. He probably will. His see it, modulate. And it'll be wonderful. Wonderful. Well, you well you know what though i'm gonna be taken uh i'll be taking steroids like Vince McMahon because holy shit did you see his legs dude 77 if you guys didn't see that picture ridiculous he is g.a. oh and as a reminder have to watch the new bivism butthead movie haven't done it yet oh yeah yeah and i, that's another one I was mad about.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Remember when Mike Judge was on like a year ago, whatever that was. Wasn't that long ago, six months ago. Yeah. He didn't even talk about the new movie. They barely did. Yeah, they barely did. He even talked about, they brushed over it,
Starting point is 00:56:57 but I need to watch it. I've actually heard it's quite good. Oh, I'm sure it's amazing. Let's get it. Let's get it. We got to watch. And on that note, let's call it a day. Good week. A podcast. Great week. Keep an eye out. We're probably going to be doing a couple a week from now on.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Just to break them up and then we can focus a bit more on them. Also, don't forget, if you want to go to the Instagram, write a message, do that thing, tell us a joke, collect some pictures, and we'll send one out. That dope. They're worth having. We'd like to having we'd like to we'd like to send you some right now latest later

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