Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 319 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Michael Malice Et al.

Episode Date: March 15, 2023 Thanks to this weeks sponsors:  Hello Fresh Go to for 60% off plus FREE shipping.  For all marketing questions and inquiries: ... This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Michael Malice, Coffeezilla, and Duncan Trussell A portion of ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause.  This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Escapate como el homasotel abolónia desde 299 euros y descubre la región de Italia en Mília, Romana. Descubre sus ciudades del arte, sus rutas en bicicleta y sus playas. En Mília, Romana está lista para recibirte. Contrata tu viaje con Hey guys and welcome to this episode of the JRE review This week we have coffee Zilla Oh That got good. Love it great to see Michael Mallas back and We're probably just gonna end on a little clip from Duncan Trussell even though as you can imagine that conversation was fantastic Todd how you doing? I'm doing great today, buddy. Good to see you.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Love that. You ready for this? Let's fuck and go. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review.
Starting point is 00:01:14 What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorn. Might be to be the worst podcast with the best one. Two, one, go. Enjoy the show. And we, go. Draw the show. And we're live. Coffee Zilla. What was your take on him, buddy?
Starting point is 00:01:32 Well, I think the guy's awesome. Obviously, I've not, I had never heard of the dude, but I'm glad that he's doing what he's doing. I learned a lot more about crypto. And I mean, I already did not trust crypto. I got into the doge coin there for a minute. I think I made like 600 bucks off of maybe 100 bucks, got real excited. And then I just pulled out like they usually do.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Got a poll. You think the right, did you think that you were like a crypto machine? No, it was the, it was probably the first and the last time I will ever get into trading. I'm just not a gambler, I don't like it. I don't like, I mean, maybe if I knew more about it, my grandfather, I think, made some good money out of the stocks in the 80s, you know? I don't know. It is gambling though.
Starting point is 00:02:19 It's gambling. It's gambling. It's gambling. It's gambling. It's gambling. It's gambling. It's gambling. It's it. I don't, there's just not enough trust for me. I think maybe if I would be a conservative gambler, I would like buy a bunch of, not a bunch,
Starting point is 00:02:33 but as much as I could in Apple stock and things like that that I, or YouTube, or things that I like. That makes sense to me, but just giving your money to fucking Northwestern Mutual for those idiots to just tell me that it's working and they're gonna buy stock and McDonald's and exon and all these things that I don't even really use or like that much. I mean granted I got to buy gas right gas is good, but you know what I'm saying I just I'd rather put my money if I'm gonna save up for something and put my money into something It's gonna be real estate or land. That's just me. That's what we have done with our money and not a ton of it but I Just don't trust the financial systems man. I saw my mother's
Starting point is 00:03:15 Money, you know, she didn't have a ton. She maybe had a hundred grand in the bank and then 2008 hit and it went down to 50 grand And ever since then I'm like fuck that. that's not not everyone lost half of their assets if they were in the stock market right and I saw that and I just said uh uh my mother saved her entire life to have a hundred grand in a bank account and then to get cut in half I mean she was so depressed when that happened that's so crushing yeah it's not like it was a ton of money but hundred grand of 50 come on yeah so Yeah. So I just don't trust it. I mean, especially don't trust crypto. In a way, coffeezilla is like pointing out scams, right? I've heard of him before. I've seen a couple of his videos, little clips here and there. And you know, it's fascinating to hear about,
Starting point is 00:04:00 I almost wish they got into more discussion on the specifics of, you know, many of the scams instead of just FTX. Well, but also he has his own channel for that, right? So they're getting to know each other, they're chatting about things they're interested in right now in the current moment. So I get that. I couldn't really expect it. But, you know, if you haven't seen his channel
Starting point is 00:04:26 and, you know, usually in the moment when I'm listening to your podcast, I'm like, give me all the things that you know about this. Like I was thinking about the Ethiopian or Kenyan princes that send you the thing in email back in the day. And it's like, yeah, just send me like $500. And then I have access to 50,000.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And that story they told of the old guy who was like falling in love with a woman and went to Europe twice. And the daughters like beside herself trying to talk some sense into it. Poor guy. I mean, just how many people are getting completely wrecked like that all half They're just gonna need to you know date bots. No almost well luckily they will be bought
Starting point is 00:05:13 They talked about that too towards the end they talked about What was it a company bought into another company and then they changed like the voices changed or whatever, and the people had already had a relationship with these AI bots and they were real people, excuse me, not real people, but there wasn't just a voice, right? There was an actual persona and like a computer generated graphic of these people and whatever, long story short, these people were pissed, these people that were paying for this service are mad
Starting point is 00:05:45 because somehow their person that they had gained a relationship with has now changed a little bit. And you just think of the cat fishing that's going to happen as well with these different, I mean, they chat, they talked about these different facial recognition things where you like, you're not wearing any makeup and you can take a photo of yourself and all of a sudden you look like a supermodel. Have you seen this? Yeah. I mean, it's just weird. Let's take that like a level up, right? You don't even need a bot for that. It's just some girl, you know, that I mean technically it could be any human, right? How long until it's just a normal looking dude that even has an accent and then there's some sort
Starting point is 00:06:29 of you know fake screen that makes them look like a really attractive woman with a beautiful voice. Yeah. And then you're there carrying on relationships. And it's in it, but it's just like the next level of like 80s phone sex. I mean, I don't even think the people on the other end really care that it might not be all that. Maybe they don't. I mean, I think they brought up towards the end.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And I'm going back to the end here again, because we started talking about it, but the difference between like getting catfish by a real human or a bot. I mean, there's really no difference there. But like you said, do the people actually give a fuck? They just want some sort of companionship and they talked about the percentages. I think this was with this might have been with Malice actually. Talk about the percentages of guys versus girls who actually are dating people. Was that with Malice or was that with coffee zill? I can't remember. I'm not sure. But either way, it's like the top, something like top 4% of the guys get 90% of the women. Is that real? It's something like that.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Yeah, so they are just the whole system of that kind of online dating creates Like a feedback loop that is really unhealthy. Yeah, it's what it sounds like. Well It's crazy unless you're in the top four percent of dudes then you probably just think you're a king And everything's great But what does that mean that means that like 96% of the guys are like really sharing 10% of the bottom end of the women. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:14 I don't know. I mean those poor women, it's going on with them. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I think it really depends on where you grew up. Well, let's try and do this. I'm going to win this. Let's try and do this one in order.
Starting point is 00:08:22 So we've got FTX, let's start with that. Start with that. Because there was a lot there. I mean, they talked about it for a good hour. That was interesting though. I needed some information on FTX. I mean, we hear about things in the news. Obviously, Rogan's talked about it a few times,
Starting point is 00:08:35 but to get some real clarity on how it went down, the process as he saw it, the fact that he got to interview the guy a few times and ask him some tough questions, it just amazes me that nobody was paying attention to this. Yeah, it's crazy to think about how someone can get such legitimate street cred if they just know a bunch of famous people and then all these famous people are thinking, well, if he trusts him, then I trust him, right? Without even really vetting the dude. Just thinking that, oh, he's a genius. Well, no, he's kind of just this fat nerd who hangs out and
Starting point is 00:09:15 plays League of Legends. And you know, he's taking, what do you mean, allegedly? I'm sorry, I just this guy I just can't. He's a person. Whatever dude, the guy. He's scam the billions of dollars. The guy's a piece of shit. I'm gonna call him a fat nerd. Okay, I'm just going there because whatever. He's playing legal legends all jazzed up on and fed a means in what a $40 million pen house
Starting point is 00:09:42 which we keep hearing about. I still haven't seen photos of this thing. I want to check this out But then to have the audacity to then still be playing video games after you know your ship has sunk Oh, he's having a breakdown, bro and and then and the the thing that that really I don't know if it bugged me or if it just didn't that didn't make any sense to me that He's he's going off, you know, he wants people to know that he's giving a bunch of money to the Democratic Party, but then he's secretly giving what he was the
Starting point is 00:10:11 third biggest donor for the Republican Party. How do you make sense of that? So he's stealing people's money for that? Well, why does it not make sense to you, Vity, was also giving money to the Republican Party? I guess during that commercial break, I was thinking about it. I get it because he was trying to get things past that favored him in the crypto coin, you know, space. Well, now, but you should have been thinking about how the delicious Hello fresh is. I do love Hello fresh, and I do use it every week. I mean, in a sense, that's almost, like, I almost want to give him some credit for that
Starting point is 00:10:46 with the way that I think about politics. But it's not his money. Yeah, but it doesn't matter. Yes, it does. What he's, yeah, that was bad. It's not his money. That was bad. Guys, a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Don't give me wrong. That was bad. But what he's doing is hedging his bets. He's really saying, oh, yeah, I want to openly look like this philanthropist, but it gives a lot of money away. The cares about everyone. I'm a Democrat, but also, oh, there's tons of things that I should support in the Republican party because if they win, or they can help me with my business, I mean, ultimately use
Starting point is 00:11:20 a massive criminal. That makes sense. But where were the red flags when that started happening? They just thought it was his own money that he was using. That was never a red flag. I mean, you didn't hear about him doing that really much. That wasn't in the news until he got busted, right? Well, but they were saying that he was using other people in his company to donate through them. Yeah. Yeah. Pick and just random people. When you, this is potentially worse than Enron. It's crazy. And made off. Exactly. But his what's really scary about that. Often we live in a time where
Starting point is 00:11:55 we think, oh, that happened in the past, right? These gangsters were in the past. All these scams were in the past, all these pyramid schemes happened then. And we don't, we think, oh yeah, they've set up systems now so they can catch all this stuff. If this one is worse, then that is to say we have worse ones in the future. Not only that, but didn't there's Silicon Valley bank just collapse as well? You hear about this? Oh yeah, yeah. And that was from what the president of the company said, kind of an off-comment remark and it scared everybody, right?
Starting point is 00:12:33 He's like, oh, don't worry, we're fine. We got this and it made people think, no, dude, I'm taking my money out of this bank right now. Right. And then everybody took their money out. The same thing happened to this guy. People, one dude who he was kind of having beef with, right? That was used to be a friend of his or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:48 I didn't write down his name. He's another guy who started another coin. Yeah. Crypto company. He was a coin base. Like you Japanese guy. Did he start coin base? No, it was a different one.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Anyway, yeah, Japanese dude, they kind of had like this beef via Twitter, which is so stupid and so 2008. It's just like, you know, it's just crazy to think that all of these people got conned by this guy. This kid, he's a kid. He's a kid. He's a child, what is he, 28?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah. Not even. Shocking. And then now he's got this lawyer helping him out He's a kid. He's a kid. He's a child. What is he? 28? Yeah. Not even? Shocking. And then now he's got this lawyer helping him out. What did he say? There was this lawyer that got caught in this God mode scam on this gambling one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Yeah. That's insane too. How is that even a thing? Well, if you're unreal. A massive scam, you know, and you have the biggest kind of gambling site. Well, pyramid scheme system or whatever it is in the world that is just wrecking everybody's finances. And it's all just this house of cards ready to collapse.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Wouldn't you find one of the sleasiest lawyers you could ever imagine? Yes, that was the only person that would work for you, yeah. And but think about this. I was thinking with that lawyer, like he works for this gambling site and then right in front of them, one of his, you know, nerd, computer tech guys. Oh, well, you know you're calling out nerd again? Well, computer tech, the guys are nerds. I think that's a compliment for them.
Starting point is 00:14:21 They're sat there and they're like, hey, just real quick, you can see everyone's hands. Yeah. And he's like, sweet. I'm going to go, he's like, don't use it too much, maybe. But like, you could just push this for an hour and make a hundred grand. Unreal. That would be, that would be difficult not to slip into. Be a good way to test somebody. It's like, you've got your behind the screen, right? Like let's say we had a two-way mirror in the office and we tried to hire someone and we're like, you go in, you tell them like, hey, just by the way, you can do this.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And make a quick 500 bucks. Yeah, obviously we don't have thousands here, but let's start with 500. And see if they click the button. And if they don't, it's like you're hired. Right. Right. It's so nasty though. It's like in trapment in a way. It's like I almost don't think anyone could stop them. So I'm not making excuses for that guy. That guy obviously sucks. Yeah. And he ripped everyone off and gambling is you know as much as you and I are not into it. It should be equally as difficult
Starting point is 00:15:27 for everybody involved. There shouldn't be one guy that can like just... Yeah, well that's why online gambling seems like, I mean, it seems a lot like crypto. It's just, you can't really trust it. It's a gamble. It is a straight-up gamble, not to throw a pun in there, but you're not, this isn't real life gambling.
Starting point is 00:15:44 So who's to say that everyone who has a gambling service doesn't have God mode? That's a good point. So that's a little sketchy. How long does it take for them to figure that out? It's who knows, man. But I think at the end of the day, this is gonna be good for crypto.
Starting point is 00:15:56 As shitty as it is now. And I think there's gonna be some regulations now. A lot of people probably think that that sucks that there's regulations in crypto, especially millionaires and criminals who are using it to wander money, which I didn't think about until this podcast about how many people are actually doing that, because it's so much easier to pay criminals via crypto and hide your money via crypto. So I get it. I get why that's such a big thing. but what's interesting to me is why there isn't more,
Starting point is 00:16:28 why more people aren't researching and granted, I'm talking about the big players that have a lot of money invested in crypto. Why are they not looking at who owns what? Like they talk about this proof of reserves, right? It doesn't matter if you have a billion dollars in reserves, if you owe two billion dollars in reserves, if you owe two billion dollars. Right. Why isn't that being checked? There's just not enough oversight
Starting point is 00:16:52 on these types of things, and maybe there will be now, so we can trust it a little bit more. Because I think generally, crypto, to me, seems like a really good idea. Any way we can get rid of the federal reserve. Great. Let's do it. Now, what is it backed by, though? That's the problem. Yeah. Backed by servers. I know.
Starting point is 00:17:12 You know, and it's like, what is this one power outage you'll pay from everyone doesn't have any money anymore? Right. What happened to your server? One of your servers, Phil. Right. One of your servers, Phil.
Starting point is 00:17:22 It's just, I don't trust it, man, but I'm not a gambler. I'm not a gambler. I'm not a gambler. And to think that again, these big players, and I feel really bad for these small guys who maybe through in 10 grand when they only had $9,000 in their bank account and now they're fucked, that sucks for them. But these bigger players, you would think they would have looked into this. Oh, this guy is creating his own coin. And he owns 80% of all the coins that are part of this company. That wasn't a huge red flag. He's just buying up all of his own shit. See, that's the bit I still don't get. What is a token? What do you not get? And what is the crypto? It's essentially what
Starting point is 00:18:02 they're selling is a token, but it's like different. Like he made the tokens. That's what he's selling. That's what he's selling as as a like, Hey, if I get if I go bankrupt or whatever, if I if something happens, you still have a token that you can cash in, like that's how he made it seem like it was okay. And that's backed by some sort of crypto. Backed by the, well, it's backed by the amount of people who have bought into crypto, as far as I can tell. It's like if you have X amount of people
Starting point is 00:18:35 who buy X amount of currency in crypto, those are coins. They're just so bitcoins. The bitcoins have tokens. All this is just called different. It's, yeah, the Ethereum has coins. It's not the same thing. Okay, we're gonna have to look this up because now we just sound dumb.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Well, but just explain it to me then. This is how I've always thought. They are definitely two different things. They're creating their own coins. They're creative. And they're saying, I'm gonna, you buy in at this price and then your value goes up and then you have this many coins.
Starting point is 00:19:05 But the tokens, like the FTX tokens have collapsed completely. I thought that the crypto that they were bought in with still exists, I think. Okay, see, I don't know that. What I thought is that you buy a token and that's their token is just named differently. Like Coinbase has a different token. Bitcoin is Bitcoin, FTX had their own tokens and that's like what you're buying. They have to show the amount of tokens or coins that you have somehow.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Isn't that just what you're buying? I mean, I have a suspicion that we don't know what we're talking about with this well somewhat But how I am to piece it together either way we're not involved and we don't recommend all right Well keep talking because now I have to look this up. It's gonna piss me off Well, you know, I mean there was a lot of Money laundering going on with crypto still is I mean ransomware for example is paid for by crypto in a lot of ways because it's untraceable right. That's something that scares the shit out of me too, ransomware because I've heard of airlines being hacked in the last year
Starting point is 00:20:22 and they have to pay because it's like it takes down like the you know the air traffic control systems and They have to bring them up immediately There's like planes involved here. So they just pay this stuff. I Think what was it like? Something like I saw an article on it was It was like $20 billion last year, went to ransomware.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Wow. That's a lot of money. 20 billion? It might have been two. Okay, do we get back to crypto coins for a second? So that we don't sell something? Yeah. What are crypto tokens?
Starting point is 00:20:58 And this is generalized. Okay, nice. A crypto token is a representation of an asset or interest that has been tokenized on an existing cryptocurrency's blockchain. Cryptotocons and cryptocurrency share many similarities, but cryptocurrencies are intended to be used as a medium of exchange, a means of payment and a measure and store of value. Cryptotocons are often used to raise funds for projects and are usually created, distributed, sold,
Starting point is 00:21:25 and circulated through an initial coin offering process which involves a crowdfunding round. Okay, so they are different. It's a way for them to raise money. So it just sounds like bullshit to me. It just sounds like nonsense. I mean, let's talk about Logan Paul's cap. I didn't know Logan Paul did anything with coins, you know, tokens. He had what, you buy an egg, it hatches. I mean, even Joe was like, what the fuck? And they can mate with each other and it makes a different type of thing. Like the whole thing is like, who is he selling to? Teenagers, surely.
Starting point is 00:22:02 So now he's offered a $1.7 million refund. It's what coffee's ill say. He's suspicious. Coffee doesn't believe it's happening. Logan's kind of gone quiet. You should have known when he called it crypto zoo that it was a scam. Yeah. A zoo. Crypto zoo. People use the word zoo when they describe a mess. What was that party like, odds of zoo and opera? Yeah, absolute zoo. Don't go near it. Now he's trying to threaten YouTuber, coffeezilla,
Starting point is 00:22:32 so he's threatening him. I kind of feel like in a lot of ways, many of these influencer guys are just really good scam artists. Seems that way. I mean, maybe not all of them, but again, I don't know enough about it. Clearly, we didn't know the difference between the coins and the cryptocurrency tokens.
Starting point is 00:22:51 We don't need to know everything all much. We're doing our best. We're just trying to make sense of what we hear when we're listening to these pods, like 12 million other people that listen to the program. So let's, can we divert from crypto? Yeah, there's a lot more in this. Yeah, what else we got? There's a lot more in this. What else we got? I do like let me just point out that it was interesting to hear why he started
Starting point is 00:23:14 this. They didn't get into it until towards the end of the pod, but you know, his friends, his well his mother, right, was like eating garlic every day. Yeah. For her thyroid or whatever. Didn't want to get surgery. It was freaking out. And he was like, his mom, him and his dad were fucking freaking out. Like you have to get surgery. What are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:33 That's how Steve Jobs died. Ah, same. Yeah. Okay. So, live it with a pack of dead. And he finally took her into it. I can't remember what he said. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:23:43 But it was science. She was eating garlic every day and whatever like boiling garlic and doing all these random weird, you know, not to say that a lot of that stuff may or may not work, but sometimes some things get too far out there. Right. You gotta do, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:02 you gotta go to Weston Medicine. I think there's a lot of, you know, just off-track for a second, there's a lot of research that has not been done about smoking weed and cancer, but a lot of people that I know that have had cancer and use the rick simpson oil and all that sort of stuff have, and change their diet, right, to get off sugar. Sugar creates cancer. If you eat a keto diet, and again, I'm no doctor here, but from what I've seen from people and heard on the internet and stuff, it's like you eat a keto diet and you get rid of sugars and you smoke a little bit of weed, it's like that will kill your cancer cells, not all of them maybe. You should probably probably get chemo as well.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I'm not saying not to get chemo, but there's a lot of pseudo science behind that that actually might work. Yeah. But also these statements have not been approved by the FDA. Thank you. Well FDA's bullshit.
Starting point is 00:24:58 FDA's bullshit. What was I gonna say though? But he also talked about his friends. Him and his friends, like his friends like his friends were You know getting into college and trying to get him to do all these pyramid scheme stuff. Yeah, and go to these sales bullshit sales Which brings me up to Gosh, what's the guy's name? He did it. I watched coffee Zilla before this pod. I watched like a 12-minute clip of him given Cardone is a grant cardone that guy's such a piece of shit.
Starting point is 00:25:26 He's like, anyone can be a billionaire. Look at Elon Musk was, he basically was like, Elon Musk was just some regular guy before he was a billionaire. No, he wasn't, dude, he started fucking PayPal. Yeah, what are you talking about, Cardone? Yeah, regular man. So he calls these people out, right? That's what coffeezilla is he's great at it
Starting point is 00:25:45 He's just calling a spade of spake. Yeah, we need those people love it Talking about things that are hard to like work through and find out if they're fake this deep fake stuff So Joe brought up I want to do that. So he brought up the podcast with him and Steve Jobs I still haven't listened to that was it jobs or was it I thought it was jobs apple guy. Oh, okay. I thought he was talking about him and what's his name? Oh, so he also talks about an ad that is Joe and Cuberman selling his supplement. Okay. Yeah. We don't know if it was a real supplement or not, but there was a whole thing that you watch it. I didn't know. But it sounded like Joe had a team
Starting point is 00:26:23 look into this. And yeah, and you can't figure out who made it. Couldn't, it was a bunch of like, you know, LLCs and God knows what. Makes you want to do a deep fake ad for the magazine, like for ourselves. Let's do a deep fake ad for us. It'll be fun. As long as it's for fun and a quite lighting
Starting point is 00:26:39 that these things are ridiculous, what's so terrifying is how long until, I mean, imagine if somebody hacked, Rogan's RSS feed and don't get any ideas in that it's over. But if they did, and then they put up a deep fake entire podcast, I mean, it could derail the whole show. If you didn't know. You wouldn't know what to believe after that.
Starting point is 00:27:06 It, you know, there's just has to be, there's gotta be a way we can figure this stuff out. Like, there's always a way to combat these sorts of crimes. You would think it might take a minute for us to figure it out, but if we have the technology to make these deep fakes, you would think we'd have the technology to figure out whether they were fake or not. You would think.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yeah. I wanna end on Joe kind of reiterating that he stays away from scrolling on social media. Coffee Zilla said something very similar, that he does his best. He got a flip phone, but it's so difficult. And then they go into kind of the idea of this massive exposure.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Like you've got influences, they stream a lot of their own lives. Then for a while, you did have, you know, you had the Truman Show movie, you had Ed TV, which they brought up. You had people kind of filming a ton of their life, like, the early on, when I was watching Rogan and Red Band kind of before the podcast They were posting a lot of stuff Video of just like Red Band filming a day in the life of Rogan Like what's going on here? And I think ultimately it was just getting to
Starting point is 00:28:18 What Rogan wanted to do with this podcast which was just like? You know show what, like be real to himself or the rest of it. Yeah. Yet it is kind of interesting that hasn't really taken off. I almost feel like because when I say that in England, in England, I think, maybe the king of reality TV in the best and worst ways. Oh sure and there are shows that are super popular in England at least one that I've seen where it's
Starting point is 00:28:53 five also different families watching another show what like watching TV shows from the week and then talking about it. And then talking about it. Well, it's kind of like what we do here. Yeah, but I mean, you don't see the show. You just know it because you probably watched it as well.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah. And people tune in because they want to see their opinion on it. And it's just like this family sat on the couch. So there's like this rich couple that just drink wine and they have their comments from their social hierarchy. So there's like this rich couple that just drink wine and they have their comments from their like social, you know, hierarchy. And then there's just, you know, middle class, kind of like lower class family.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Everyone has their points of views and different things. And it shows reactions of different scenes from these different shows that they watch. In a way, when you first picture that existing, you think this is the most nonsense I've ever heard in my life. Yet the show is super popular. People love it. They're all about it. These people have become super famous. Well, you look at, they brought up that, what is that beast? What is that guy's name? Who's Mr. Beast? Oh, YouTube legend. Well, I mean, it reminds me of that. I think it's
Starting point is 00:30:03 great. But would you think that showing people sitting in a circle for 50 hours or however long it was 10 days or how long did that guy sit in a circle? You win 500 grand, you win half a mill, whoever can sit in a circle the longest. They're all like in a freaking gymnasium and they all have a circle that they have to sit in. I mean, sounds kind of cool and fun and stuff, but would you think 10 years ago that that's something that they have to sit in. I mean, sounds kind of cool and fun and stuff, but would you think 10 years ago that that's something that would have 20 million subscribers, too, and this guy's making 30 million a year doing this stuff?
Starting point is 00:30:32 But in a way, it's kind of like a bit of a fee effect to type event to some degree. It's like people have always liked those sorts of games. I'm not saying it's dumb. I'm just saying like 10 years ago you would have thought maybe it was dumb. I don't know or maybe before fear factor But I think the point I feel like the point that coffee Zilla was making is the more people do this on YouTube and
Starting point is 00:30:52 Again, it is a little bit scary because if YouTube goes away these people are screwed So I think we need to branch out whether it's rumble or some of these other platforms having more of a You know platform that maybe or maybe not is a little bit more attuned to somebody doing whatever they want. That's a whole nother conversation, but I think what he was getting at is like, hey, maybe people are gonna start making more documentaries on here
Starting point is 00:31:19 and doing their own thing, which they are, but it could get to a point where just as many people are just going to YouTube to watch stuff as they are Netflix, which I think is already happening, right? No doubt. Which is cool. Yeah, no doubt. Let's jump over to Michael Malice. Malice.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Malice. Malice, what you got, man. It's got some opinions. Have the right and left switched at him. have the right and left switched at him have the right and left switched why does the right want to get out of Ukraine but not the left out is an interesting point mr. malice they brought that up right away yeah kind of crazy imagine if back in the bush era that you know just if the republicans want it Yeah. Remember all the people on the left are going, no war, no this, no that. I don't even colon-pollot, I don't even think believe Bush back then, but he went with it.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Do you think that we're okay with this because we're really not in war? Like we're just sending money. I think people are so numb to war because it hasn't happened on our soil that they don't think about it in a war way. They don't think about Syria as being real people. They don't think about Iraq as being real people because we are not getting bombed.
Starting point is 00:32:40 And we've been going at it for since we were born. I know. You and I have been at war since we were born. I mean, when was, I guess Iraq was the 90s. So what we were born in 82, I don't think there was a war in the 80s. The Bush was the first, I mean, I'm sure there was. There was like some shit in South America that we maybe didn't know about. But it wasn't a real war that we were talking about every day on the news. Yeah, not a big one that we were about until Iraq.
Starting point is 00:33:09 But that has not stopped. It's been our whole life since then. What was weird about it is when I remember when the Gulf War, as they called it, started, you know, it was like this liberation thing that I was 10 11 12. I like I couldn't Undepossibly I was like we were like eight. Yeah, I'm like, oh, we're doing something in Poland here We're gonna go stop this yeah in this place. I remember that night But you know it won't last and it we've learned from the past like for some reason I just had heard about you know V&R. I'd heard about
Starting point is 00:33:43 He just had heard about, you know, Vietnam. I'd heard about the World War II, World War I. I mean, it's so prevalent with my grandparents and so on in England. And, you know, we would discuss it all the time. It was like, I just felt like we'd learn from it. Like I was born in this time where we're not doing that anymore. Right. Well, what we did is we made it not at home. There's been no war in England or no war
Starting point is 00:34:13 on American soil. But plenty of Americans are dying. Oh, yeah. What I'm saying is it's not any different in a sense. It's just like when it's not on your doorstep as this different feeling. Yeah. But a hundred billion that we've sent to Ukraine, I'm like, how much even did World War II cost? I don't know, man. It's just upsetting. I feel like if we,
Starting point is 00:34:37 it's so upsetting to me because no one wants war and somehow it's now this like altruistic thing if you're not for helping another country who's at war because one person is better than the other. Both of these countries are corrupt. They have been for a long time. We're just as corrupt. We're all corrupt. And to think that one is better than the other, it's still war, man.
Starting point is 00:35:01 It's fucking war. America's the best. Okay. Well, either way, look, I love my country. I don't love that we're always at war and that we love your country. I don't like that we profit off of war. I think that that's wrong. That's bad. I think that energy should be free and I know in my heart that we have the capabilities to get free energy in this country and they're fucking keeping it from us So that's not like a communist that is my answer to that one
Starting point is 00:35:30 I'm gonna cut off your mind if war wasn't Pro if war didn't profit the elites we wouldn't be doing it Hmm, and that's what's frustrating to me. Yeah, I wish I wish Malice went in a bit harder on that. He talked almost more about his special gift of the Lex Freeman cake, which I thought was brilliant. It was great. I didn't realize it was a cake at first. I thought it was a statue. I know. It was like so perfectly looking. Like how much did he spend on that cake? Did he say, I don't need to even hold the cake? How does it even all hold together when it's just the head? I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:36:07 But the fact that later they sliced its face off, I think Michael is just fucking with Lex. Oh, for sure. For sure, and Lex. I mean, I just love, yeah. This, again, this is right at the beginning, but just hearing Joe say that it was highest fuck on Fear Factor all the time,
Starting point is 00:36:23 I feel like episode three. Yeah. I just want to go back and watch some of these as fuck on Fear Factor all the time. After like episode three. Yeah. I just want to go back and watch some of these these old Fear Factor's like, did you even put Viseen in, bro? Dude. And then he was so hot. And would you drink, there was no freaking way I would have drank that donkey come. I mean, unreal.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Like literally like a pint glass full. That can't be good for you. No. How did people choke that down? That can be good for you. Atts. What else did they take? Well, they talked about the good. No. How did people choke that down? That can be good for you. What else did they take? They talk about the club. Yeah, and you know, we're heading down there. Yes. Not sit. Don't have tickets yet. We need tickets. Well, Mother's show. Alright, let's say the date. So we need tickets people. If anyone out there We will pay good listening. Got to kill Tony on April 17th
Starting point is 00:37:05 It looks like we got it. I'm not trying to throw it a conspiracy But I saw something that Tony posted when he added another show full March and he said we're doing a new another pop-up show We've we've like set the system differently so that so they don't sell out right away So they don't sell out, you gotta give your idea all the rest of it. I don't know how they're gonna deal with the tickets that are already got sold, but it, I was checking every day because I knew this trip was coming up.
Starting point is 00:37:35 I'm taking the studio down, you know, this is what we do, taking some friends that have never seen Killtony. I've seen that show so many times in LA, and it really is the best. So much better life. It's so good. It's such a brilliant show.
Starting point is 00:37:52 It's so different than even like regular standup that can be amazing. And Todd just did, did some smelling so. Oh, the new bottles. Yeah, to your head. Yeah, you gotta be careful with those new bottles yeah yeah you got to be careful there's new bottles but anyway those tickets all sold they sold out to like the end of September immediately so here we are not being able to get any so if anyone out there does have a ticket
Starting point is 00:38:19 all multiples I need for actually for April 17th for Killtony and Want to donate them or even just just email us and we're fucking buy him I have to see that show when I go down that I at least have to go see the new comedy club We're gonna sneak in Joe's we can't we can't do that. We can't do that That's just literally stung the back of my brain your eyes are watering What be careful dude those new bottles are insanity That is a we don't recommend smelling salts for the faint of heart that this bottle is called Ward smelling salts bottle insanity XL smelling salts. The back of the day.
Starting point is 00:39:02 The bottle insanity XL. Shout out to them, not a sponsor, but we respect them and we love them. If that doesn't wake you up, I don't know what will. So Joe finally got this open. He had that other club that was going to be, there was like built by a cult for sure, but it was going to be his club. There was some other issues there. There was like a toxic waste zone in the back.
Starting point is 00:39:28 There was some problems. It was a bit out of town, even though Joe was like, that's not a problem, and I don't think it should be. But now he has won pretty much right on sixth as far as I know. Are you okay, bro? No.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Okay, hang in there. And it's up and running. So I would say, if you're listening to this show, you're obviously a big Rogan fan, right? Even more so than probably other Rogan fans, because you can't get enough of a Rogan, then get out there, support the club, show it some love. I want this to be the new comedy store. You know, I saw the impact the Rogan had from 2016 to 2020 at the comedy store. I got to go to a lot of great shows there and he was so invested in just comedy itself and making a place for new comics to kind of
Starting point is 00:40:23 come up and and find a path to being, you know, I don't know famous, no, it's not even that. It's just find a path through this like crazy maze of being a stand-up comedian. And that's so important because it's never really existed before. I mean, the comedy store had something, Bincey was amazing and created a lot of space for people. But I've got a feeling that there's a new generation now and it's at the mothership and that's the end of it. Yeah. Well, I mean, he said it over and over.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Make it a place. Watch out. The back of my head still hurts. And my nose is running, my eyes are watering. Wow. Smelling salts are real. He kept saying make it a place where open micers have a chance and a place for encouragement,
Starting point is 00:41:17 a place where you get to watch the best, but also be encouraged by the best. I mean, he's basically making a school for comedy. It's like a college to go to, to be a comedy. Yes, that's a great way of describing it. So red. Yeah. And get it. I agree. Get it. The mother ship, baby. And it won't be easy. But what is, you know, what is the Rogan does? It's like, Hey, Jesus, haters, haters are going to think that what he does is easy, but it's not. No.
Starting point is 00:41:46 I don't think really anyone thinks stand up all the path to... I meant podcasting, sorry, but yeah, definitely not stand up. But you know, he does jujitsu, and that's an incredibly difficult pursuit. Also, comedy, but at least there's a path now. That would actually be cool if they handed out belts. They're like, you're a blue belt right now. Blue belt and comedy. You're a comedy blue belt.
Starting point is 00:42:11 That's legit. What do you think about how it's done going from kind of red pill to blue pill stuff? You know, being fringe, ideas, you know, against the system or the rest of it to now just being like conform, do this. Where's the money coming from? Where's the money coming from? That's right. He was getting paid a lot though before that was happening. Okay. Well, maybe he just get old. I don't know. It's the same question I have about people who trust Pfizer for some reason now when they
Starting point is 00:42:46 thought that, you know, Monsanto was killing them and now they trust Pfizer, you know, things like that. Yeah. When the left thinks that somehow Pfizer's trustworthy now, even though back in the 50s and 60s, they were killing all of our grandparents who were smoking cigarettes. These same brands and same companies that all they care about is profit. And for now, now they want to save us, give me a break. So I don't know who's Howard listening to. I want to say follow the money, but I think he has plenty of it.
Starting point is 00:43:21 I don't know. Maybe not. I mean, I don't think serious radio was probably that big of a gig for him for that long. He's still on serious, right? It's the only place you can listen to him, right? Yeah, he's making big money. So is he super, is he super righty? Tidy? No, if I know left, he's super left. He was always pretty left. Yeah, but it's like he's on board with this, he's on board with the wokes. Yes. Really? Kind of. I haven't heard enough of it to, I mean, I like Howard Stern. I always have, he was He's on board with this. He's on board with the wokes. Yes. Really?
Starting point is 00:43:45 I haven't heard enough of it to, I mean, I like Howard Stern, I always have. He was full on with the COVID stuff. He, there was no pushback. I think a lot of people were at first. Do you think he still is? Still solid. He still believes in it.
Starting point is 00:43:57 As far as I know, you were a piece of shit. Well, I think before we say that, we would have to make sure of it. Allegedly. I'm just saying that because I like Howard I don't want to talk shit about how he all right. Let's finish up with Michael's book um It sounds really interesting all about hope. Yeah
Starting point is 00:44:14 Kind of not the Obama hole it sounds like depressing as well goes into the USSR the full of it the horrible things they did the The white pill it's called. Is it, he was born there, is that why? Right? I think. Yeah, he's a Russian. Yeah. That's, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:33 That's probably why him and Alexa are pretty tight. Okay. They understand this, but that, like all the, it wants to highlight the atrocities. Almost like we have to forget them a little bit because they helped us be the Nazis, but then you know we're not paying attention to what happened right after that. And you know no government should be off the hook for the really fucked up things they've done. I mean it has 4.8 stars. That's enough for me. Oh I didn't realize he also wrote the anarchist handbook. He would. He doesn't remember the anarchist cookbook.
Starting point is 00:45:09 I don't, I never heard of him. He has theories about having no police and like basically no government. Yeah, he's a, he's a walled animal. I am libertarian, but that seems, that's definitely anarchist. Yeah, it's got 4.8. It says the rut, it should be give a quick description before we, it's got 4.8. It says the rut should we give a quick description
Starting point is 00:45:26 before we end it? Do it. All right, description. This is from Amazon people. The Russian revolution was as red as blood. The Bolsheviks promised that they were building a new society, a workers paradise that would change the nature of mankind itself. What they ended up with constructing was the largest prison the world had ever seen a union of Soviet socialist Republicans that spanned half the globe You kind of get where that's going. Yeah, wow. Yeah, well, we want to end this with Eclipse from the Duncan Trussle podcast
Starting point is 00:46:01 You know there's so many good points in that one and just brilliant conversations, but it's a Duncan Trussle podcast and we can never do it justice. Go listen to it. We wanted to save one of our favorite clips. They would dress like doctors from the plague, which is just amazing. These are some of my favorite ones to watch. And this is just one clip that we enjoy the great deal. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:46:31 As always, we will talk to you next week. Chad GPT, what's scary about it is, we were talking about JB, it's too confident. So it will give you the most confident answer to a question you ask it. And you'll be like, God JB, it's too confident. So it will give you the most confident answer to a question you ask it, and you'll be like, God damn. And it's woke. Yeah, well, that, yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:46:50 I mean, that's the primary argument we keep having. It's like, we'll say anything positive about Donald Trump. It won't tell you how much comment takes to fill the grand canyon. That was one of like our first arguments. It's like, what the fuck? You're not gonna tell me this? Like, this is offensive to you.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I said it was sex negative. It's like it's the source of human life. Right. But you know, it's like, the great canyon is a national monument. Changes in there. Yeah, you can't fill it up with gizz. It's like, are you really gonna do that as a national monument?
Starting point is 00:47:24 It's like, are you really gonna do that as a national monument?

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