Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 325 Joe Rogan Experience Review of The Comedy Mothership Et al.

Episode Date: April 30, 2023

Recently we got the team out to Austin to check out Rogan's new comedy club The Comedy Mothership. For all marketing questions and inquiries: ...A portion of ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause.  This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bit of a different episode today. We took the team down to Austin to check out the mothership, Rogan's new comedy club. So we did some shows, we watched some shows there. And one of the shows we were lucky enough to get into was Killtony. And during the show, Tony did say to the crowd, you know, please don't give any spoilers because the Kill Tony show is released like two weeks after they record and Then we did a podcast just talking about our whole experience in Austin, which I'm about to play so out of respect for Tony because he's such a legend and that show is so great I just waited a couple of weeks to that show is so great, I just waited a couple of weeks to put it out. It really weren't any spoilers in there that I can remember, but just to be safe, I thought
Starting point is 00:00:49 since we were talking about what's happening over there and how fun it was, we just wait a little bit. So here you go and enjoy. Hey guys and welcome to a very special episode of the J.R.E. review. This week we are reviewing our team's trip to Austin where we got to check out the mothership. Didn't we Todd? Dude, did we ever, bud? Yes, we did. It was amazing. And we had some friends coming for the town, some good friends of ours, DavidDec. Hey, what's up? Travel Wall-On. You. And a real pleasure.
Starting point is 00:01:28 It's been a great, been a great for some. We had a fantastic time. So we're going to get into it. We're going to talk a little bit about Austin, our experience with comedy and what we got up to. Let's go. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience
Starting point is 00:01:50 podcast and pass them on to you. Perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your host, Adam Thorn. Might either be the worst but casual with the best one.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Two, one, go. Enjoy the show. Let's go. All right. So we got here on Thursday, our first night. It was just Dave and I. Yep, yep. So you're up, Dave.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh, man. Well Well I came in in town Thursday. Adam was already here for a little bit. We met up immediately started reconnecting. It's been a while. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We got into it, dude. We got into it fast. And then we had we had a Rogan show as seven. That was fantastic. Right. Those first those last minute tickets. Yeah, you know, glad that we got those didn't know what to expect. Yeah. This time in the mother ship. First time seeing Joe Rogan for me. Oh, it was.
Starting point is 00:02:57 It was. Damn. And what did you think? Do he crushed? I love the topics that he covered and his take is so solid on so many things. And to be able to pull so much comedy, so many jokes out of that stuff was unreal. How was it for you? You've listened to the podcast forever. You've seen him on the UFC
Starting point is 00:03:21 and then to finally see him live. I mean, obviously you've seen his comedy before, but like how did it, seeing it live in that environment? How did it hit? Oh man, he just crushed. He crushed, it was, it's seeing a absolute professional at the top of his craft performing in the club that he built in the new city that he loves.
Starting point is 00:03:50 That's like Homefield advantage. He crushed. Dude, it was so epic. And then right before him was Tony, which was a goddamn pleasure, of course. Now, you've seen Tony before or no? Yeah, one's live in Tampa. Okay. but I've been watching kill Tony like every episode for like the last year I love that and yeah, Tony is just he's so savage. It's so brilliant
Starting point is 00:04:16 It's unreal how quick he is with these Spada on picks at the person the act You know human Lucas the The the chemistry that they've got mm-hmm so good. Yeah, and Just floored it the club as a whole metsy's bar is beautiful bar security is spot on yeah, don't bring a pocket watch. It's no pocket. You can bring a pocket watch. You bring a pocket watch. Don't bring a pocket knife. That was my mistake. Yeah, no knives, no guns. Like security is spot on. Exactly how it should be. The whole place seem to be run like a well oiled machine and it hasn't been open that long. It was really impressive to see.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Yeah, the service was, they would like, wouldn't get in the way, they came to you at the right times. Polite, they were great. Yeah, I mean, there's kind of a dynamic because it's on six street where you have to like queue around the corner and, you know, I wasn't sure how that would go. I was like oh this seems like it did seem strange at first. Well I thought it like oh this is going to be clunky but it really wasn't they have a line set up everyone that works that knows it seems to know exactly what's going on. Yeah. Where you need to be, how you need to get the, they take you around the corner, they get you set up, it's just smooth. Everything ran so smooth, very impressive.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I mean, after being to a lot of different comedy clubs, they it's unusual. It's an unusually special place immediately. And the energy on that street, just in general for a party is exceptional. But then also if you think about it, it seems like there was a lot of intent in all of the building, everything.
Starting point is 00:06:12 So you walk into the lobby, there's all the legends on the left hand wall, all the great albums, but it's like classy, looks good, restrooms are nice, midsy's bar, on point. Like clean as fuck. Yeah, and the showroom is, like you know how Rogan talks about,
Starting point is 00:06:33 like he loves a club, like he likes doing clubs more than he does stadiums. He talks about that. Right, for training, yeah. Well, but like he talks about it because the energy is different too. It's a small crowd. He always talks about low ceiling, all those things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And he, you know that he put all of that thought into the setup of the club. That is Joe's expression of like, this is my perfect club. And he killed it. It's a great club. Yeah. It was so nice. So nice. There's like a little balcony in the big room. The rest of it is just laid out really well. I mean just packed out people wanted to see everything that was there just even getting a ticket. It's hard work very hard put in
Starting point is 00:07:20 you know if you guys are planning on going and watching a show down there Pay attention when those tickets come on sale and and you know they release it they say it's like whatever It's usually like 2 p.m. Austin time, you know you got to sit there and grab them. It's so worth it so worth a trip This was one of the most fun weekends I've had and I can't even tell you how long. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, what do you think, Todd?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Well, thanks for asking, bud. I would say that this was an incredible trip. Killtony tonight. We just got back from Killtony tonight. And Adam Ray absolutely crushed. He's one of the best guests I've seen as a sidekick to Tony. That was very impressive.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I will warn all you folks out there, do not order water, okay? When you go to the show because they're $8 a piece. Other than that, the club was amazing. But don't order but don't order don't order your liquid death water because it's eight dollars for a can of water. It's very true. And they're going to sneak it up on you. But we were lucky enough tonight to get in. We sat in the standby line for three hours tonight and we were the last four people into the club.
Starting point is 00:08:42 How's freaking dope was that so lucky so so lucky unreal. Um, what was it two nights ago? We saw. Uh, Holland Williams. Thank you. Harland Frickin Williams had the best crowd participation that I've ever seen out of any comedian. I mean, that guy talk about somebody who can work a crowd
Starting point is 00:09:07 and can get into just some of the best, unbelievable one-liners from the crowd. I mean, he would be like, oh, so how are you doing, ma'am, tonight? How are you doing, ma'am? I mean, I'm fucking that up. But, but, but, that guy, I mean, I just had no idea how hilarious he was. I've never seen him live.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I've never, you know, I've seen like what he was in half baked. Yeah. From like, what was that? 1999? Probably. Pretty sure that's the last movie I've seen from that dude. And he was weird. He had a twitch
Starting point is 00:09:45 Like no clue how fucking legendary his standup would be he's old G-Man He's been doing standup just forever for sure. I mean absolutely superb and I mean it was the show we watched last night was Montgomery Adam Ray and Holland and it was one of the funniest sets of three comics. Just like the funniest, one of the funniest nights of comedy I've ever seen. It was painful. Yeah, we were crying. I didn't know what to do. We were crying. Yeah. Now, Trevor, have you seen much stand-up comedy in your life? No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:10:25 A couple of times there now with Kirkie, but that's it. How would you describe last night? I know you are having a lot of fun. I could hear you behind me laughing. You can just feel everyone's energy around you as their body is just kind of full of the pieces laughing and enjoying the moment. They just kept hitting, man. One after the other just kept setting up and I just was laughing so hard. I was started to choke. I was like coughing. I couldn't keep my shit together.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Dude. Yeah. It's, I, I, I, I almost don't know how they built that kind of energy in that. I think a lot of it is that people have been so excited to see this club and go. And I mean, you know how excited we were. We were not the only ones, believe me. Like, so many people probably came from all over to see these stuff. Yeah, they're showing us more. Yeah. And legendary stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Well, I mean, okay, so that reminds me of a couple of the amateur comics that came up on Kill Tony tonight. Two of which out of what the 173 people that signed up to be on the show today. I mean, just think about that. 173 people were standing out back waiting to hopefully get their nipple. Now, now, Tony did say, while we're watching the show, not to mention a lot about what happened to show tonight. True, true, true, true, because it's not being released for two weeks. Now, we did already talk about Adam Ray opening up, but
Starting point is 00:12:00 maybe I should have said this before. I didn't think I needed to, but it already done. But just generally, the whole kind of like, how did I don't know how much Killstone you've seen, but what did you Todd think of like the whole setup? Just in general, like how it flowed, how much fun people are you know, I would say You know, I'm a music lover So I would say that that band holds the fort together. I mean they started out
Starting point is 00:12:35 It was you know, it was trippy. They had some great music, but during the performance, right? That just the way that the band vibes with the comedians and the amateur comedians that come up and the bits that they throw in, the cat sounds, the fucking whatever, like they just, they're just on point. The band really kind of, you know, brings the room together.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah, and the band does a great job at the very beginning of the show to get everybody kind of vibing The proper that played like what would you say like five six songs and it was all just amazing jam music? Yeah, I mean sometimes you would get a DJ at some places You know the comedy store maybe would open a show with a DJ, but just the fact that they have a band makes that show something very special. And there's just an energy in that room that Tony creates and that there are just so many moments that you can see how like absolute like he's an incredible human being. Tony. Yeah. The way he holds that show together, how quick he is, how funny he is, how he does his interviews, everything about, you know, what he's practiced on that. I mean,
Starting point is 00:13:53 they've done so many episodes. Yeah. It's like 10 years at this point. He's such an absolute professional. And now it's just, he almost doesn't know how to not crush it. Right? It's in his jeans. You keep like watching him at the table up front, just kind of directing everything. He knew exactly when to get the amateurs off. And for Adam Ray, and the regulars, he knows how to set him up. He knows exactly how to like,
Starting point is 00:14:25 egg on, haunts him, and William Montgomery. He knows exactly how to egg him on and something that he knows is gonna be super funny. It's like, oh, I know you got more, come on. Dude, he's so good. It's just exceptional. And it's such a different type of show as well. When it comes to like a comedy show in general
Starting point is 00:14:45 I mean usually you just get acts that go up and then it's like all right There's this act this guy this one bring up the next one that whole show is like a party It's like going to one of the best parties you can imagine it really is there was so much crowded interaction and enjoyment everybody was so on fire to just either enjoy watching someone eat shit in front of everybody. Or if someone crushes, the employee from the club that got on tonight, she did an amazing job. Yeah. We won't go further, but if you are a fan of Kiltoni, watch that because these are the people that Rogan picked for his club and he loves Kiltoni and he's trying to get these people into the scene.
Starting point is 00:15:40 He's trying to make more professional comics. And that's really what it is. It's a staging ground, right? Yeah. That's trying to make more professional comics. And that's really what it is. It's a staging ground, right? And it may be the most important one in a lot of sense for like finding these unusual comics that I don't know. I mean, not to say that they wouldn't, they couldn't find their own path, like it would be like any comedian, right? You just do open mics and you work your way up, but that's a, that's a special place to have that spot. If you kill that one minute.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah, it's almost like they invented a new thing to make comedy greater and more prolific. Make it great again. Mm. Kill Tony's making comedy great again. I have a question for you guys. What do you like better? Do you like better when one of the amateurs
Starting point is 00:16:24 crushes the minute or do you like it better when they fucking bomb and get railed by Tony? But that's the thing. That's the beauty of it, right? But I think both are just as good. Yeah, I agree. It's like don't get me wrong. I love to see those minutes and when Tony sees a good minute, he loves to give all the praise because he wants to see those winners. But at the same time, he wants the, I think highlight how fucking hard this is. And just be like, yep, that's what we get. You're not funny.
Starting point is 00:16:57 You're not funny. But then let's find out who this person is, goes into that interview, and then there's still a chance for them. It's like him trying to find out who you are. Okay, you want funny today or you bomb today, which is often what people are gonna do, but the interview, if you're just honest
Starting point is 00:17:15 and yourself with it, oftentimes you get something really special out of that person. We've seen it again and again, where the interviews were way better than the one minute in a lot of ways. And then, you know, he's like, okay, there's something there because they're professionals. Like he's done this for 10 years, he watches comedy all the time, he sees what sparks are in there. He's good at pulling that out. Like you watch how closely Tony watches those
Starting point is 00:17:46 comedians, right? He's like, it's very focused. He's not really there just to destroy him. He's like, let's see who the fuck you are. Give it to me. Now, he wanted honest answers. And he always does that. And I love it. And it's a good chance for somebody to kind of really open up and Fucking just get right into it Yeah, speaking to getting right into it should we talk about the things that we ate last night or should we not we probably should I Think we should because that was I felt blinded by the light. Well, Todd, so what exactly did happen?
Starting point is 00:18:28 Because I remember watching some great live music at an amazing bar just down the road from Rogan's club. Well, let's send it. Let's send it to Seen for the whole day. Yeah, okay, okay. All right, so we had some great Moto GP racing. Yeah, that's why I was in town. Yeah, as a fan.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And watch the races, made it back into the town, Moto GP racing. Yeah, that's why I was in town. Yeah, as a fan and Watch the races made it back into town Aids some great dinner A barbecue barbecue. We remember all that place was called lambers lamb Lambers go to Lambert's on seventh street or yeah seventh street in Lamar. Yeah, get the muscles because they were Fucking unread shout out to Lambert's muscles. Take a loaf of bread to sup up the juice. That's how to get that one. That was absolutely right. Great sauce, too, for the fucking sausage,
Starting point is 00:19:13 dude, the polypaneu cheddar. Woo-ee! That was the next level. The barbecue here is amazing. Rote's some scooters around as well. We scooters. We scooters. Yep.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Like a bunch of lunatics all over the city. Yeah. So good. Hop some curbs. Yeah. So what a traffic the best we could. Don't go on the trails. Yeah, hit some rocks. You might hit some people. Yeah. Yeah. Let me go out watch some of the best comedy of our lives. We head to this other bar. And again, the name of the bar, I forget it. San Jan. Oh, San Jan. San Jan. San Jack. Oh, San Jack, oh, San Jack. You're right, sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:48 San Jack on sick. Yeah. You gotta go there. Yeah, it's a very skinny bar, not a ton of room. However, we saw two bands while we're here, the first night, the important night. Yeah. It was two sisters and then a drummer and a guitarist and they were an unreal amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:10 I wish I remember the name of that band. Sage Sisters or something. Sister Sage. Sister underscore Sage. There we go. Follow them. Hashtag. Hashtag.
Starting point is 00:20:21 They are so taught. What did I do? What did I do? It's all did it. hashtag They are so taught What did I do? It's all did it I was on in the dance floor daddy was dancing Daddy was dancing so hard He he was directing traffic. He was
Starting point is 00:20:42 There was nothing taught it wasn't there a lot of second. Let me interject. Okay, tell us. This is what happened. So no one was fucking dancing until I started dancing. Okay, I was trying to get the vibrate and it worked. So there you go, you're welcome. It was great. Well, birthday boy was up there, but that was more flailing around.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Really, yeah. So a Mick Jagger song comes on the Rolling Stones. Todd gets in there does one of the best Mick Jagger impressions I've probably ever seen in my goddamn life. Just chicken dancing around the whole place. Fun. Yeah. Just like he would. Yeah, just like he would and Yeah, I think then what happened we decided Overheard someone saying hey, I'm getting shrooms Did I say that you said that okay, and then I said hmm? It's been a while But if they're gonna do shrooms, I wanna do shrooms.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Okay, so we buy some mushroom chocolates. These things. Did we pay for those? I paid for them. I feel that was your friend. I paid for them, you're welcome. I had to vent, I had to vent, moat for those. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:59 So we get some mushroom chocolates. We increment themselves. They come in this very, it's all right, we'll be fine. Very wonderful packaging, beautiful graphic design as a designer I was impressed. It was, but it said like, it said like, you know, small dose, medium dose large dose. The large dose said 0.6 grams. So of course, Adam and I decided to take two of those and
Starting point is 00:22:25 it's easy. Yeah, not only that. Yeah, it's six grounds. Oh yeah, these literally are about not even half an inch big square. A ton. Squared. They're very small. And they tasted like mint chocolate.
Starting point is 00:22:38 You couldn't even taste any mushrooms. Anyway, long story short, Adam and I both take two of those. These two guys take one, which was a much better idea within what 20 minutes, 20 minutes, yeah, within 20 minutes, we could not talk to anyone in public. Dude, it came on sofa. Sixth Street was an absolute nightmarriage. Street was an absolute nightmare. So we we decide instead of going to the park, which was our initial plan. Let's go to the park. We'll hang out. We'll hang out by the river Colorado River. Beautiful spot. Colorado River. the old is a brevah. It is the Colorado River. Thank you. I was right. Is it really? Yeah. So shut up Dave. Yeah. No shit. Colorado River. Thank you. No. There's multiple Colorado rivers in this country. It's a big fucking country. Thank you. Thank you Trevor.
Starting point is 00:23:38 So we don't go to the river. We for whatever reason decide we need to go to the capital building We walk what maybe four blocks from six street. Yeah, six blocks and we realized we're gonna fucking police state and Everyone's watching us now that could have been the mushrooms not sure. Oh, it was 100% either way either way We were in the matrix. It's bulls dude. Shripping balls hung out. Everything was moving, everything. To be clear, this was not expected. It was not planned. It was not planned. What we thought we were getting into was like a light buzz.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Small amount of mushrooms. And then we would just hit up six straight, carry on drinking, and the rest of this great night and just have a good time with like barely any mushroom Feeling in still instead it was mushrooms times a thousand Yeah, plus possibly aliens and video games. Yeah, so many video I mean it was it was really fun But wowser like we had to leave the area like what was it point nine miles from to leave the area. What was it? Point nine miles from six street to our Airbnb and it took us like five hours to get back.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I wish I had a straw. I wish we had some straw to look at. We made it so many like a complete maze. Well, we zigzagged back. We took the scene of it many times accidentally. So that was last night. Yeah, we got through it and then today we went to Barton Springs. What a spot. You gotta go that cool spot. If you come to Austin, you gotta go to Bond. Coolest spot. Yeah, very chill. Lovely. Yeah. Yeah, smuggling some beers if you can. Yeah, definitely. They don't ring a towel with that. Yeah, one of the cool things that I thought about that is that was my first opportunity to really kind of find or experience a mild cold plunge because the water is pretty damn cold. Yeah. And we sat in there for like 30 minutes or so.
Starting point is 00:25:41 Yeah, you were being a big pussy about that. Well, it's just coming off guard, man. It's coffee half guard. I was like, I'm not sure. Natural Yeah, you were being a big pussy about that. Well, it just caught me off guard, man. It's caught me off guard. I was like, natural. Natural spring, you know? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. But once we got out, I felt like I hit,
Starting point is 00:25:55 like it was a little bit of a buzz for, I don't know, like 45 minutes. It was amazing. Picture update. Yeah. Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah, yeah, beautiful Yeah, so we I feel like everything we've done this weekend has worked out and it's been great even though we thought we were just gonna
Starting point is 00:26:14 Take a small amount of hallucinogenic's last night it ended up being a goddamn whirlwind Go kef the scooters, you know the scooters I thought. This is my first experience with scooters in a city. What are you thinking about that, Todd? I absolutely love it. Oh yeah? I'm not scared anymore. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Did you have a good time with the scooters trap? Yeah, there's a lot of fun. Yeah. It's fun just cruising through the city, wheeling around, dodging traffic, almost running over a runner. She was very happy with me. What do you like most about this city travel? It's a beautiful city.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah, but what is it that you really appreciate? You've lived here. You've been here for a while. Just to hear. Yeah. It's just a cool place. There's a, you know, it's got its own scene. It's different than the rest of Texas.
Starting point is 00:27:06 It's kind of weird and they embrace that and they like the diversity of the country. It's a pretty cool place. Yeah. It seems very diverse and chill. Yeah. Like, I didn't feel scared anywhere I went. It's plain. There's a lot of cities, you know, have been to plenty of cities, and sometimes at night, especially on mushrooms,
Starting point is 00:27:27 you get a little scared, you know, maybe you don't know where you're going, or you know, what part of the city is safe, and what part of the city is not safe. This kind of felt like Salt Lake City to me, where I could sleep in my car in the middle of the night and not be worried about it. And that's cool. Well, a lot of it on the way back was empty.
Starting point is 00:27:50 Like so many of the places you were. It wasn't like people were just everywhere, you know? It was calm and quiet. And then really quickly, you have all these little streams around. I mean, they're not even rivers, most of them are just like little creeks that just work through the city. And then down by the bridges, you have like this, is that the Colorado down there? It's Colorado.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Love that. People just paddle boarding out, just chill. Yeah, it's beautiful. Have it a great time. Yeah. Yeah, it has a nice, like a really nice feeling to this. And how cool is it to see? I mean, just tonight, Monday night, we're downtown on Sixth Street, and the amount of
Starting point is 00:28:34 people that are just hanging out, we hung out for three hours to try and get our stand-by tickets today. And we thank God we got them. We got them. Yep, we got in but It's just really cool to see on a Monday I Feel like the comedy mothership is really You know bringing a new vibe to this town and people are very excited about it, and that's freaking cool Yeah, right it's bringing this new energy not only to the city, but kind of like reviving Sixth Street,
Starting point is 00:29:06 which is kind of a shit chill lately. I feel like I saw some signs that was like, you know, bring Sixth Street back and you know, a lot of crime and just people being fucking weird and on meth and whatever. And this is kind of like bringing some energy back to the city like some good energy, right? Well, Rogan has talked about, you know, when he first got out to Austin and other people have,
Starting point is 00:29:30 like, the amount of homeless people on Sixth Street. And I mean, I saw some. It wasn't, it wasn't anything out of control to any city I've ever seen. It was totally manageable. True. You know, they were doing that thing and they were just hanging. Nothing to be scared of. No. No, still good vibes. Yeah. Good bands, good music. Totally.
Starting point is 00:29:56 We finally made it to Terry Blacks. Yeah. We thought there was going to be a huge line and that was kind of like changing the odd timing for getting over there. And I was like, well, when are we going to be a huge line and that was kind of like changing the our timing for getting over there and I was like, well when are we going to get over that? Like what day or what time, you know, fitting it in. It didn't seem like much of a problem at all. I mean, yeah, it was busy, which it should be because it was fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:20 They run people through that light. Yeah. Real fast. They know what they're doing. Uh-huh You can't book a table dude those beef ribs. Oh my god Wow Fred flinston $57 rib and it was worth every penny Fred flinston, yes It was like the most prehistoric meal I've ever eaten that bone was like a pound and a half on its own
Starting point is 00:30:43 I was like am pound and a half on its own. I was like, am I eating a thornousal? Yeah, that's great. I didn't even know where to begin. I honestly was just, I was looking at Trevor and then looking at my food and watching him try and figure out how to get into it. And then that was it. I was like, I don't know what to stop with this.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Yeah. How much food did you even get out of him? You went so hardcore, it was an entire beefer, which is like about a pound of meat. And then what? Four sausages. Two sausages are four. Two sausages and then like four or five. Bunch of brisket.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Brisket. Yep. How did you even do that? Maybe three sides. Yeah, three sides. Because it looked amazing. What? I wanted all of it.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I wanted all of it. I've been wanting to go through this place for a long time. I was like, I gotta try it all. It's, of course. Yeah, I wanted to too. I was just so glad. I think when I saw Todd get his beef rib that was just ginormous, he got me excited.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Yeah, and I was like, it was like the entry ticket to the game, you know what I got one too. I just pointed at that and went, whatever that is, I didn't want it. Yeah, that's it. I already made my mind up about again a few other things. Yeah, I was like, well, clearly I have to get that. I know I was so disappointed because I knew like that beef rib was going to be super expensive,
Starting point is 00:31:52 but as soon as I saw it, I was like, oh, it's got to be done. Oh, amazing. It's got to be done. But then I saw you three fuckers get it and I was like, ah, they're not going to eat all that shit. But we did. You guys did pretty good. Todd was nice enough.
Starting point is 00:32:09 He trained me one of my pork, like a little bit of my pork rib for a little bit of his beef rib. It was a match made in heaven. Thank you, Todd. Beef rib was better. God, I just- Yeah, it was way better. I just wish it was barbecue like that everywhere.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Everywhere. It's like, think about it. In every state, people are thinking about opening restaurants to make money. Yeah, who doesn't love barbecue? Open up. So good. If you, if your state doesn't have good barbecue,
Starting point is 00:32:33 I mean, Montana, Montana doesn't have any. Does it I found? No, not worth talking about. No, definitely not. I mean, there's some places. That's the same. Yeah. Go up there. Open a barbecue place, crush, crush.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I mean, they have all the buffalo. Buffalo ribs. Buffalo, Buffalo, Buffalo, yeah. Imagine how big those ribs are. Yeah, that's a whole new genre of barbecue. Genomous buffalo ribs. Get it on there. $800. I do do wish and I don't know if this is like an actual barbecue thing. I know some places have like really hot barbecue sauces which I do like. Right. There's that place in Albuquerque that it's on my gunnery. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it has like the volcano sauce. They do like a lot of things. No, it's not Buffalo. Well, that's on my go. No, but it's not. But for the loudwings. Well, that's on my go-kiss.
Starting point is 00:33:26 No, but it's actual barbecue place. Okay. What is that? Oh, whole house. Yeah, and it has like their hottest sauce. I think they call it volcano. Yeah, that's right, it's very good. It's very hot, right?
Starting point is 00:33:36 So I've just always assumed that comes with all barbecue, but at Terry Blacks, they didn't have any hot. Yeah, it was just three sauces. A little bit spicy. Mild. hot. Yeah, it was just three sauces a little bit spicy mild. I want you Was mild that's that was my only Bone to pick yeah bone to pick. Thank you. Oh your beef rib to pick with them If it was that beef bone, that's a fucking big bone to pick no because the night before at Lambert's there Their sauce was better. They had some sauce was better
Starting point is 00:34:04 But again, it was hot, right? It was like the hot was hot. But that's the thing. All sources need to be hot with barbecue, is that like how it works? Because that's what I'm thinking, but maybe that's not how it's- No, it's just a barbecue.
Starting point is 00:34:16 It's, you know, like his, both places had a really good mustard sauce, which I love. So it's just like, I feel like they were missing on that real hot barbecue sauce game. Yeah, because they're, the hot was not that hot. No, not at all. But if you mix it with the regular barbecue, it was good. Yeah. Overall, it was great. The sides were fantastic. The beans were unreal. All of the food that we've had here is fantastic. Yeah. You know what? If they would add one thing, like barbecue chicken, I would love some great barbecue
Starting point is 00:34:44 chicken from them. Terri Blacks. I bet they would crush that. like barbecue chicken, I would love some great barbecue chicken from them Terry blacks No, but they would crush that. They then I have any chicken. I didn't know turkey. Yeah, yeah, yeah Anyway, you should try it and you should also try lamb irts because they were both equally as good Very good. I mean that and there's like five other great barbecue places here that we even get to, they're sushi. They're so much. So much good food to me. Good food to me, Tom. Yeah. You just walk from our Airbnb,
Starting point is 00:35:10 we basically are on sixth. We walk past the whole foods all the way into town. It takes like 20 minutes into the city. And I mean, the amount of bars and restaurants that we walk by, it's like it would take you. It would be ridiculous to try and... Six months to catch up with. Oh, so yeah, so long. And the people here are fantastic. They love living here.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah. The quality of all the bands that we saw are just absolutely superb. I'm struggling to find something that annoyed me about this place. And I'm fine, I find something. I can give you something. It's gonna be the, yeah, your friend. I got one. Ubers.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Ubers in this, they have a rare fucking time. Yeah, but I think that might just be because it was a MotoGP related thing. That might have been. Yeah, it's like took forever to get over to the MotoGP and back. Yeah, that was a good one. It's like took forever to get over to the Moto G.P. And back. Yeah, that was awesome. You call an Uber and an hour and a half later,
Starting point is 00:36:11 it's like spinning around on your phone. Mm-hmm, right. At least that was better than our lift experience where you finally got the lift after an hour. And the car sounded like it was on its last leg when we got into it. And then when we got into it, the driver was not the driver on the app.
Starting point is 00:36:33 No, also didn't speak English. Not a lick of Spanish. Not a lick of Spanish. Not a lick of Spanish. Fluent Spanish. So a lot of low-conceibon somebody. Almost ebony somebody. It was the closest to a crash I've ever been in in
Starting point is 00:36:46 an Uber for sure. That was the first real road rage I've seen from a non-elegible speaking person first hand. He was pissed. Yeah. And the things he said were hilarious. Yeah, I wish I knew what they were. They were hilarious. Yeah, you sounded very passionate. And then about two to three minutes later, all of a sudden the car's overheating. Yeah. It said like something like 250 degrees or something. Sounds right. He had it in metrics.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah, it was 203 Celsius. I was like, how is that not melting? Good cook up brisket. Yeah. Honest. So really. So then yeah, we had to sit on the side of the road. Yeah. The car is not working.
Starting point is 00:37:32 Yeah, he's overheated. I'm already like, I don't even know what to do now. Yeah, we didn't know what to do. And then it comes to your window. And he had an app pulled up where he spelt out and translated. There's another car coming. Yeah, Google translate. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:37:49 And so the car finally shows up. And it's not to take us into town, it brought him a case of fucking aquafina to fill the way. We gave her. No, that's awesome. We gave him some mechanics. Yeah, yeah. We gave him things fixed.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yeah, but thankfully that's all that needed. And after about another 20 minutes, our arch was journeyed back into the city, was done. Yeah, we finally made it. Now it was some of you guys's first time watching MotoGP. I'd never seen it. I don't think Todd had.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Trevor, you'd never been. Now, Dave is the fan. He's the one that always sending us the Moto GP videos. You know, it was the first time I'd ever seen it. And when you have me watch videos here and there and just get into it, so you love this stuff, right? Oh, yeah. It's the only support that I follow. And I'm absolutely obsessed with it. It just comes from my love of motorcycles
Starting point is 00:38:48 Just when you ride a motorcycle fast through turns the sensation of pushing through a turn is something that you can't Understand until you do it. It's an extreme sport. It is so crazy Also, you follow UFC, so don't long in the spell cast. Well, that's fair. That's fair. But I would put those riders on par with the UFC fighters, with how much warriors they are, because when you see these guys going 215 miles an hour and going through turns at over a hundred miles an hour inches from each other trying to just get any advantage and they're literally risking
Starting point is 00:39:32 their lives. Watching that? Yeah. I had a blast watching it. What did you think about it, Todd? Well, the euros were great even though they were were $24. The footlong corn dog that sat all day wasn't so great. What I think about it, I thought it was great. I mean, I had a blast. It was super fun. There's a lot of people there. The energy was great. Watching, you know, like you said, Dave, these guys are going 200 miles an hour and they're, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:06 rolling through turns so fast and it's so loud. It's, it's fucking exciting. It's great. Yeah, when I first got that, I saw the smallest CC bikes and they're just zipping around, making tons of noise. And I just assumed they were the fastest ones. I was like, well, you can't go any faster than that, surely. And then Dave is like, no, dude, there's two more levels to this. Two more levels. And here we go. Now you, Travis, you sold this. We went a couple of days. What was your feel? I'm just blown by blown away by like the engineering of it all You know the the finally two machines you just hear and fucking revving up and just The way they shift and the the wine of the engines and you get smell the fuel. I love that just the the
Starting point is 00:41:01 Just the whole experience of it all. Yeah, they better not make just the whole experience of it all. Yeah, they better not make electric bike versions. Yeah, they're quiet, right? It's loud as fuck when they're with them. So much of that is important. Yeah, it is. Because all I was thinking is like, hey, Tesla's the way faster, right?
Starting point is 00:41:18 Yeah. Yeah, then most cars. So then you get the Tesla bikes out there. Yeah, they're way faster. But if they're driving by making like the jets in car sound? Yeah. It wouldn't be the same thing. No, but they're fucking screaming, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:34 They're screaming. Dude, dude, dude. And they're so finely tuned. It's amazing. It's not going to work. It's not. They'd have to put speakers on that, just to make them. So then they can't ever get rid of the gasoline.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah, it's fuel. No, fine tune, man. It's amazing. It's gotta be, yeah. And those guys are crazy. Those guys are crazy. Yeah, so they're all weird, dude. I think we're sold on that.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Do they do a race here every year, Dave? Yeah, so far they have been doing a race every year here at Coda. They used to go to Luguin in the second California. They used to go to Indianapolis. Hopefully they bring more races to the country. But yeah, for now, like they, they call it the rodeo and they love it. They love coming to America. It's so funny, especially in Texas, full that track. Yeah, they love that track because it's just so extreme. It's the longest track in the calendar. It has the longest straight of any track that they go to. So if they're
Starting point is 00:42:35 going to hit a top speed, it's here. And America is the biggest. It's the biggest. And the best. And why wouldn't I have the biggest track in Texas? Like, come on. Yeah, so what was funny is if you follow these guys, the racers on Instagram or anything, I mean, they're young dudes, mostly from Europe, and so they don't have access to guns. So all of them, all of them their first day here, go to like shooting rangers and stuff.
Starting point is 00:42:59 It's like, they're really? Absolutely. Yeah, they all have photos of like shooting AR-15s and like all these handguns and stuff. It's so funny. They're just like, yeah. Just get into it. Yeah, get into it.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Yeah, absolutely. Well, but if you think about it, and you're traveling around like they do, I mean, you would want to pick the, whether you're going to like a Paris track or, you know, one in England somewhere, you would want to just like, do the coolest shit you could do in England somewhere, you would wanna just like do the coolest shit you could do in each country, right?
Starting point is 00:43:28 Absolutely. That you'd like unique to that place. Yeah. I guess England you could eat fish and chips. I don't know. Yeah. Go to a pub. Yeah, go to the Red Rose, whatever.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Oh, yeah. The Red Rose. Throw that out there. They're not a sponsor. They are a sponsor at Killtony, but they do. The sponsor killed the Red Rose and the Yellow Rose. So legally, we did have to go over there and take a look at it. Yeah, it was a mandate. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I've not been to a lot of strip clubs, but I can tell you that this one, you would have to be a lot to be better than that.
Starting point is 00:44:07 It was the best. Yeah, like the room wasn't giant. It was a fairly small club, which was nice. I don't like a giant place, you know? There weren't, it wasn't overcrowded, but man, the girls that worked there. Well, let me put it to you this week, guys. You were all there. No. There were put it to you this week, guys. You were all there. No, there were, so plenty of standing room, right?
Starting point is 00:44:29 We weren't like, you know, trying to push ourselves through the crowd, right? Because it wasn't really that crowded. And that was on Friday night or Saturday night. Saturday. So we go there Saturday night. There were more women there than people probably. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:44:46 So, that's all you have to say about that. Well, what was funny too is Todd, like, got a little bit back into the... What I do. Daddy's back. What I do? Just at the club, you were just like, you're owning it, man. You were having fun. You met the owner. Oh, true. Yeah, you're owning it, man. You were having fun. You like met the owner.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Oh, true. Yeah, you're like in all of a sudden he, so, so I was surprised the top would talk to everybody. Yeah, absolutely everybody. He wasn't like dancing. He wasn't like jumping up on the stage and dancing like he was at the other bar. However, the minute he talks to somebody,
Starting point is 00:45:21 like they're like, I love this guy. We're going to become friends. And then he introduces him to the owner and the owner's like hey, do you need anything? Yeah, well that was stupid because I was just like no Basically meant the mafia of all Right, we would have we could have done better, but I just said no. Yeah, sorry guys. I mean, great place. Yeah, absolutely. Fantastic views. And I would say if you have any sort of an issue
Starting point is 00:45:53 with strip clubs and your bank account, that place might not be just about to go to the club. You're gonna lose your money. You're gonna lose a quick. You may refinance your house. If your level of that is just interest, that's more of mine. Strip clips are not really my thing,
Starting point is 00:46:12 but it wasn't the worst view I've ever seen. I'm not gonna lie, and it was a good time. Then you can save your money. You just spend it on the bar and have a good time and mostly upset the women because they will come and talk to you and eventually find out you're not gonna buy whatever the hell it is that's saying. You know what, and also another credit to them,
Starting point is 00:46:35 my phone had dropped out of my pocket while I was sitting down and I stood up, realized it was gone, probably 10 minutes later, my phone. Does it wall or phone? Phone. gone, probably 10 minutes later. My phone. Does it wallet or phone? Phone. Yeah, all right, good. My phone was gone, realized it was missing.
Starting point is 00:46:53 And I was like, shit, I have to fly out of here in like two days. How do you pull that off without a phone? It seems to struggle. Yeah, and I'm like, I don't want to buy another phone right now. I went and asked one of the managers, and she told me, oh, it'll be at the front. It'll be at the front, not like, go check with the front. Hopefully it'll be there.
Starting point is 00:47:11 She was confident. And I went to the front and right when I walked up there, someone just turned it in. That was very nice. Does that surprise you though? I feel like people's shit is falling out of pockets all the time, getting out of the strip club. It seems like they ended the business of stealing phones.
Starting point is 00:47:29 What are you going to do with a stolen fuck? Could you even unlock it or fuck with it these days? I was I was panicking. I was very worried. Okay. All right. I think that has a little bit to do with the Texas charm. That was very nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:42 No, for real though. Yeah. That might be everybody here has been so goddamn friendly. That's a big part of the people just the energy that I've really enjoyed here and I've heard that before about coming here. Yeah, it's just like that. It has, it's a city with skyscrapers, you know, it's a big city, but it has like small town feel. It does have a small town. We're not far away from town at all.
Starting point is 00:48:08 We've got, we've just got this little, you know, neighborhood that we're in, these nice little houses around us, it's all peaceful, it's all chill, you know, cute little restaurants. I mean, yeah. Overall, it was like hands down one of the top trips that I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:48:28 It's been a long time since I've had a good vacation and this was exactly what I needed. I needed it. I agree. I needed this for sure. It's been incredible. What's his, fuckers? This was an absolute pleasure.
Starting point is 00:48:39 Cheers to all of them. I was gonna do it. Cheers to Rogan's new club. Absolutely. Good work, Rogan. 100% get down here, check it out, buy tickets, Cheers to all of them. Cheers to Rogan's new claw. Absolutely. Good work, Rogan. 100% get down here, check it out by tickets, make this a pilgrimage. I think we're probably going to have to come.
Starting point is 00:48:53 This may be annual. Once a year. Every year for MotoGP. Absolutely. And if not, I'll just move down here and you guys can just stay with me. We'll do it this way. Love it. Love it.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love way. Love it. Love it. Let's go. Thank you so much for everyone listening. I hope you enjoyed this. Come check out Austin. It's the shit. We'll talk to you next week. Later guys. Peace, peace, peace.
Starting point is 00:49:16 you

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