Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - 359 Joe Rogan Experience Review of Stavros Halkias Et al.

Episode Date: December 13, 2023

Thanks to this weeks sponsors: The Man Made Podcast – Listen and email us for a $20 Visa Gift Card! For all marketing questions and inquiries: This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. Review Guest list: Stavros Halkias & Derek more plates more dates. A portion of ALL our SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity!! Go to Fight for the Forgotten to donate directly to this great cause. This commitment is for now and forever. They will ALWAYS get money as long as we run ads so we appreciate your support too as you listeners are the reason we can do this. Thanks! Stay safe.. Follow me on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions, comments and questions for future shows.. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:50 Or our cousin, I forget his name. He got us something nice, better as it pertains. For last minute deals on gifts for people, you forgot to get past the free shipping at Amazon. You are listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets, treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast. We find little nuggets treasures, valuable pieces of gold in the Joe Rogan Experience podcast and pass them on to you, perhaps expand a little bit. We are not associated with Joe Rogan in any way. Think of us as the talking dead to Joe's walking dead. You're listening to the
Starting point is 00:01:20 Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your hosts, Adam Thorne. My interview to the worst podcast with the best one is on the show. Hey guys, I have a special treat for listeners of this show. I want to give you folks a $20 visa gift card for just writing a short email. Let me tell you about it. I've created a new show called The Man Made Podcast. It's all about improving your life and functioning better as a human. It's hosted by me in a brilliant behavior-a-health therapist called Sean Helvey.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Over the years I've had the pleasure of having many fascinating conversations with Sean, and recently I wanted to record them so that anybody could benefit from his knowledge. Sean has an incredible gift of helping people through times of anxiety, depression, adjustment disorder and ultimately guidance to a more functioning happier life. We discuss topics from healthy living, to sleep, cultivating strong friendships, to dating, and many more. And for my listeners who follow the link in the episodes description, listen to any of the conversations with Sean on the Manmade podcast, and then email this show with your thoughts on that episode, what you liked, what you didn't like, what you want to hear
Starting point is 00:02:38 more of, etc. we just want to make this show more beneficial to the listener. Anything constructive and the five best emails will get a $20 visa gift card. Follow the link in the bio to find the show and tell us what you think. Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. This is a show where we review Joe Rogan for those that are confused with the title. Joined as always, well recently by my good friend Peter. Hello, hello. Not bad, how about you?
Starting point is 00:03:18 You're not bad, man. Not bad. So I did get this review going. This week we got Stavros, I guess hilarious, Derrick of more plates, more dates. And if we have time to do some DC, good old Daniel Kormier, but to be fair we get to hear enough about him on the UFC anyway. Love that guy though. Love that guy. He's grown up quite a lot. Alright, let's jump. Yeah, you know what? He was actually like, hated on a lot, kind of early Ron in his career in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And it was really for no reason. He was such a nice guy. But it was because there was like the feud between him and John Jones. That'd be freaking everyone loved. Everyone loved Jones, dude. So, Jonesy, he's awesome. But you know, Daniel's awesome too.
Starting point is 00:04:06 He is, he is, legend double champ. All right, let's jump into the Stavros. New comedy special out. I watch like 10 minutes of it. I haven't had a lot of time this week, but it's brilliant. He's so good. It just, his, he's just, he's like pure comedy.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You know when you watch Shane Gilles and you, and like it just seems clear that he's like a step or two ahead of a lot of the up and comers, just because of like how relaxed he is up there. Like he really just plays with it. Yeah, and Stavros does the same thing. He just, he loves what he does. Everyone loves him. People, everyone loves him,
Starting point is 00:04:46 people love working with him, and this podcast was 40% him just cracking Joe up. I mean, he's a fun guy, for sure. Yeah, he's definitely likeable, super funny. He seems like one of your uncles, you just hang out with and sit down and have a few beers, or some grappaa because he is great He'd be he'd be a great uncle to have wouldn't he? He would Yeah Bless it. We got to get him working out though
Starting point is 00:05:14 You know we need to keep him around the long time worried about his yeah his BMI is a little dangerous Yeah Bit too many euros. You should go on the Mediterranean diet. I know, right? You're not surprised. He's not on it. Come on, get back to your ancestor.
Starting point is 00:05:35 They open up with university professors basically fucking their students for grades. Now, interesting topic to get going with, but you know, you know, you know that was happening. It probably still is, but I mean, back in the day, that was like 60% of the reason any men wanted to become professors, I would imagine. Yeah, I'm definitely, it's sketchy, right? The power for a grade thing, it's just, you can't, you can't do that. It's, it's the power, and it goes both ways, even if the person isn't that naive and
Starting point is 00:06:13 vulnerable. The, the student, you still have one over on the professor in that case. You know, it's both ways, it's unsafe, emotionally, for sure. It's a sneaky one, right? And I mean, also, what is it doing to the girls? You know, they're like, they, they are doing some of the work, but then they're also learning, oh, all I need to do when I get to get my next job is sleep with him too. It's just like, part and parcel with like how you get through your career,
Starting point is 00:06:41 which, you know, leads to maybe only fans. Ineptitude. Definitely. Poor world plays performance. They're like you have three PhDs and you can't read. How is this possible? Meet me in the back office and I'll show you how I got those. Well, is that even legal anymore? Can, can professors do that? I don't think that there's like a rule, is there? There is not a rule.
Starting point is 00:07:12 There might be some institutions that have, you know, no PDA, sort of stuff like that, or it's probably up to the institution, but it's definitely sketchy. There might be some rules like it can't be a current or active student, you know at like something like that because that's that's a huge conflict but yeah, well I Mean I would if I could but well, I don't really want to bone any of my professors To get in a yeah
Starting point is 00:07:42 How badly do you want that a I'll take a B. I'll be fine with my B. Just study and get a B. It's fine. What about if it was a really hot teacher? And bear in mind, you know, you're a guy banging your female professor in this scenario, so it's not quite the same. But she's super hot and she basically says to you Okay, we can but I will actually have to lower you a grade point If we do it just ethically I feel like that's would it be worth driving for the a just a
Starting point is 00:08:18 Get a bit in there and then get that B. Gosh, it's tough choice. I guess depends how hard she is I'm not hard up. So I guess I might just skip that one. That's a great scenario to run though. I like it. I like the up. They jump over, they jump over to the doctors using all their own sperm to like basically impregnate a whole town. You've heard about that? This is a topic that, yeah, I've always been so fascinated with that. I think I've watched two or three documentaries on different people that have done this. I mean, there was one guy I watched and he had, I think, 107 kids in his town. And the reason they found out is because there was like some like
Starting point is 00:09:06 genetic imbreeding issue that it happened like because the town just wasn't that big that some people that were kids of his didn't know dated had a child and there was like this unusual genetic thing happening that only happens from member eating. That's kind of how they traced it back to him. Oh yeah, it's completely fucked up. If I remember correctly, he wasn't a handsome lad either. Kind of a front-be-looking middle of the road kind of guy, right? Well, I can't remember which one that was for their case, but yeah, none of them stood out as studs. They were all just kind of, what are the sperm doctors? Yeah, you can. No, like a failed gunner call just basically.
Starting point is 00:09:55 That's right. I like vaginas, but I like joking off a lot more. What is their motivation there? Like do they have superior superior genetics or their Mildly aroused or totally aroused by that Well, you know, I mean I guess there is an element of like wanting to literally sow your seed But there also seems like this Devious kind of I'm getting away with it motivation as well which is which is a really strange one. Yeah I don't see that I can't put myself in that guy's shoes to be honest. Yeah I think the quick solution would just be once they found out he
Starting point is 00:10:37 then owes back child support for a hundred and seven children and that will probably just clean out the whole system. Let it learn them for sure. Mm-hmm. Yeah. At Salesforce, we're all about asking more of AI. Questions like, where's the data going? Is it secure? Are you sure? Are you sure you're sure?
Starting point is 00:10:59 Get answers you can trust from Salesforce at Yeah, and he has to go to all their birthday parties. Oh God. It's just Christmas is a nightmare for that guy. It just, is the worst. This whole house, it's just presents. I mean, can you even remember 107 people's names? I guess you could.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Not off the top of my head. If I saw their face, I would, it's one thing, but no. Yeah, there'll be a lot. That Christmas card is going out. Yeah, they jump into some comedy talk, of course. I mean, you know, these guys have put the work in, but talking about how comedy is like,
Starting point is 00:11:41 in a lot of ways seen as the lolliest art form, you know. And I guess that is true until you make it. I mean, when you're in LA for one, which is where a lot of comedians go to, you know, kind of, you know, hone their art, if somebody asks you, if you're like going to date and they're like, what do you do? And you're like, oh, I'm an actor or I'm a comedian. You know, I do stand up. It often was that kind of response. Like, I think even saying you're an actor, even when you've done very little, probably has more prestige than somebody that is doing
Starting point is 00:12:19 the open mic circuit, which is bullshit because it's so hard to do. They're both hard, they're both difficult jobs. But to see it as like, oh, you don't have anything going for you. I mean, maybe there's something to it if you're talking about dating, because women are looking for a bit of security, and it's tough to make it as a comedian. But it just is. It's like the low it as a comedian. But it just is. It's like the lowly art form perceived. Other people doing stand up appreciate it when they hear from other comedians,
Starting point is 00:12:54 especially if you put in the working, because we know how hard it is. But it's not until you make it, until you're making some money, until you're really getting in there. And then nobody cares. Nobody looks at it then as like you're an Uber driver. They're like, well done, you made it, that's incredible. Then you're just a standard.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Stand up guy that Ubers. You're right. Which is common. That's very common too. Either that or you just live in your car. Well, it is seen as lowly, but I don't get it because you're a writer and a performer. You know, you have to be your own critic, you have to take the heat and then give back up there.
Starting point is 00:13:32 It sounds tough. Actors get to practice written lines by set of comedians. They write their stuff, you know? Like, there's a guy that Joe always talks about who's one of the best standup guys, the Joe likes. I can't even remember his name, but he's solely devoted to writing. So these guys are behind the scenes. You can't diss that.
Starting point is 00:13:55 No, and that's a big thing. And also credit needs to be given. Like if there are plenty of people that say they're doing stand up in L.A. or they're a comedian in L.A. and they're not putting the work in. They're not hitting the open mics three to four times a week. They're not making it their life and putting their all in. And it is because it's hard and you can talk yourself out of it and it's a lot of discipline and you've got to be committed. When you're in that boat, yeah, I get it. I get it to say like you're just trying to say you do something But you're not really doing it. But any comedian regardless of how good you think they are
Starting point is 00:14:32 I knew this one girl and she was hard to watch because she had the most annoying laugh and she would laugh at her own jokes Yeah, it was one of those French however She used to organize and put on a bunch of their open mics. And she just was always there, always doing it, always there, and she got really good, really fast. And that's that hustle. And it's like, my whole attitude about her changed. You know, I had a lot of judgments the first time I saw and a few times afterwards
Starting point is 00:15:05 like, oh, she's so annoying. I don't even want to talk to her, which was totally unfaithed and even know her. But after I saw her hustle and like how much she would push to like get people on shows and get herself up there and then watching her improve, like that is the path. She put the work in. You can probably take, yeah, You can probably take somebody pretty unfunny and they could just hustle that hard and you're going to get significantly better. Will you ever be one of the main comedians touring? Probably not, but you have a good chance of at least developing your own voice and there's something really impressive about that.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I think is missed on people, you know. It's a lot of other paths for a person who cultivates that skill. Like, you take that fearlessness to anywhere. No doubt. Yeah, it crosses over. I mean, just in your public comfort with speaking and a lot of different things, it's a very useful skill.
Starting point is 00:16:08 And it's an incredible adventure that most people will never get to experience. Like, if you even kill on stage one time, and remember, this is relative, like killing your own mind, like you enjoyed it, they really felt, you really felt like the audience had fun, people were laughing. That's the greatest feeling you could ever have you didn't bomb essentially yeah you didn't bomb that's I could that's my my lover right now I didn't bomb I would say that's a good a good night that is a good night that's a good night for even the top guys I watch Bill Burr bomb once right and while he was at the top of his game,
Starting point is 00:16:49 he was on a, uh, John Delaney show in West Hollywood. He did it on purpose because he knew it would be like a hipster crowd. And there was this lady behind me that was just, like, audibly speaking, like, into the back of my ear, not to me, but to the person she was there with and it was going, oh, that's just toxic that's a top like really like there were some people in the audience that did not care for him and he spoke to it too he was like yeah you guys don't like me at all there like he was just he is the king of crowd killing bombing oh he was he was yeah he owned it like a champ but he didn't really enjoy it
Starting point is 00:17:24 you could tell he was uncomfortable even John Melaney came out after his bitter the set and was like, oh, I enjoyed that a lot like kind of Making fun of like five. Yeah, they have a great sense of humor all that What are your thoughts on cat Williams as a standup? Well, he has gone up and down in his fame and also in my opinion of him. And now it's back up, but I watched almost all his stuff. He's hilarious. There's one time I'm pretty sure he was just really high on crack for one of his
Starting point is 00:18:03 specials. I just was in the one way he was sweating profusely the whole time. He got some more. Bit of a giveaway. Bit of a giveaway. And then he had a downfall with like, you know, his anger and he like hit a kid with his bic helmet and like he was trying to buy a bic helmet off some kid in the store and the kid was like, no, I'm not going to sell you my bike helmet and he just he went down hill
Starting point is 00:18:27 but uh he seems to be recovered he seems to like make pretty stable commentary on on life he's so smart he's hilarious he is he's not a guy you want to get a word Smith battle with I'll tell you that no so so stavros brought up a video of some clip of him on the radio talking to some, you know, minor radio host that was trying to shit on him, and he basically just ripped her to pieces so hard for about 20 minutes that that chick's boyfriend like pull the gun on him at a show Like how hard do you need to roast someone before their boyfriend wants to shoot you? I just like that's not that easy. Oh, yeah, I just see him flailing about his his straight hair flying in the wind as he Scappers from the scene into some like random warehouse
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yeah, he's still pretty good. He's got it together. Like he's got his what's about him. He does. Can't catch that bell, Bucco. You can't. He can fit in all kinds of small areas. So you'd never be in a chaser. Just scamp her off. Well, he's a legend regardless. He really is. He really is. I do like him. Alright, what else we got first? Yeah, wait they did a Friday 3. It's a Friday 3 that he's in next Friday. Friday, Friday, next. Oh Yeah, I think it's the next one. Yeah, he's done some great characters, dude. He's a hilarious dude.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And nuts. Also, the bike helmet video, I think that was like in a Walmart. Yeah. And it's all greats. Like just everything about it was trash. Yeah. God bless him. That was his crack face.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I hope he's off the sauce. Hmm. The devil's down. It'll take you down. They talk a little bit of the end about dating habits, people that are into stavros, like buff chicks. You want some buff chicks. Talked about dating all the women that Boshu around.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Joe had that phase where he dated, you know, she was just like 25. She wasn't much older than him, but she was telling him he couldn't listen to certain music. Like he was into it because she was hot, yeah. If you ever dated an older woman that boss you around, have you ever dated any woman that boss you around? I like need a certain amount of bossing, and I accept it. In the areas where I would like to be bossed around,
Starting point is 00:21:08 I like a bit of bossing around. In the kitchen, in the bed is fine. You know, if I'm out of line, I do like a bit of, you know, well, maybe we shouldn't have the seventh whiskey soda. I'm just probably giving the keys or let's take it Uber. That's fine. But if someone's gonna tell me not to listen to white snake I'll tell them to fuck right off That's where I draw the line. Yeah, be like what?
Starting point is 00:21:36 You tell me I can't put on queen live aid on YouTube for the ninth time this week Like no Adam. It's the 80s, stop it. And then I just crank the volume to 100. Kissing queen. Get your little vest on and dance around. I'm a huge fan, I can't help myself. Well that's, that is amazing. Yeah, productive, productive bossing.
Starting point is 00:22:00 You know, there is a place for it, you know? Especially in my early days of like I think you're right Yeah, like trying to drive home if you've had a few too many and they're like I didn't drink I could just drive and you're like, oh, yeah, that's actually really smart and I should do that. Thank you We need them women are important for Rasklee fellows like us They really are and then they ended up with a Japanese sex study into squirting and That to me was fascinating
Starting point is 00:22:32 so they basically paid a few guys I Assume unless they did it pro bono one guy one guy one guy stud to and he just Had sex with women until they squirt it so they must have done a bit of a survey do you squirt? Yes, all right. You want to be in the study Meet this guy get injected with some blue dye in their bladder to To track it and Then it turns out yeah, it's probably 95% piss. We all know it's piss. We didn't need a study for that.
Starting point is 00:23:13 What is there a special gland that just no one else is using? That makes a liter of projectile liquid from a vagina? No, that's your idea. I don't even think that they need a study for it. Couldn't they just feed a bunch of women asparagus and just feel like we're gonna find out. Yep. You know, give them some beets, maybe. Okay. Little red dye?
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'm not a scientist, but I feel like that could help. Well, I'm glad that the Japanese got to the bottom of that. I know. Thank you, odd. Well, they cut an edge science over that. Delving into the real issues. They know what they're doing. It sounds like they did a very reputable study too. They had a lot. They had, it was very, by the books By the books methodical. Yeah, well if you ever seen a make tea
Starting point is 00:24:08 Takes hours come on. They don't mess they don't mess around methodical people all right. Let's jump over to Good old Derek more enjoy the classic taste of the holidays at Tim's with the new non-alcoholic Bailey's flavored holiday menu whether you're hanging holiday lights or driving up to your folks, you can enjoy your Tim's and Bailey's anytime, anywhere at participating restaurants in Canada. The more you lift, the more dates you'll go on, there probably is a pretty reasonable correlation to that. I could buy that. To some degree. Of course there is.
Starting point is 00:24:48 I can get behind it. Yeah, they open up with something Joa hasn't talked about for a long time, but Derek is lives in Canada, or at least he's Canadian. Doesn't really say too many of Boots, but that's good. I can tell though. I can still tell. You can't tell, can you? I can. It's just not as cool of an accent as the American accent.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I'll say that. I can. I'm English. Well, I'm allowed. I'll just let you take the lead on that one. I don't mind the Canadian accent, but it is it's a it's a part Well think of like cool shows from back in the day like Miami vice Imagine like Toronto vice. It just they wouldn't be able to pull it off Mm-hmm. The Ferrari would be stuck in the snow. Oh, yeah, they're all talking about Serup it just wouldn't nice
Starting point is 00:25:44 flannel They're all talking about syrup. It just wouldn't... Nice flat-o-lay. They're all apologizing to the criminals. Is Toronto the French side? I'm bad at my Canadian geography. No, I don't know. Yeah, let's not even get in the weeds without one. Yeah, it's the reeds next to the ice rink. Basically, nobody lives up there, really. If you look at where the people are,
Starting point is 00:26:07 there's just like most of the land is just nothing. Sess Quatches. Sess Quatches. What's that? Follow them. Follow them. But yeah, Joe's like, I don't wanna go up there. He goes, I don't care for that Trudeau.
Starting point is 00:26:19 They're trying to like talk about banning my podcast. Just seems wacky. You know, what are your thoughts on what's going on up there? Um, I think that Trudeau is trying to please somebody else besides his people. He's trying to cater to someone else. Like it look, he's taking Jiji Pings lead on holding down. This dopey in control. Yeah, he's trying to hold the peeps down with their... He froze bank accounts when they tried to donate to the trucker strike.
Starting point is 00:26:55 He is limiting the availability of media, unless you have Canadian content he's doing some very scary stuff for what reason, you know. But how is this stuff not obvious to everyone? Like number one, let's say you don't like the motivations behind what the truckers were doing, you know, and not that it was like all about the vaccine. It was just like the choice of these things and what freedom is, right? But let's say you're just like, right, I'm against that,
Starting point is 00:27:32 but also don't you also wanna live in a society that allows people to not want to do something they don't want to, they're not stopping you doing it. It's just like, okay, whether they don't like what I'm doing, and they don't wanna be forced to do something they don't want to. They're not stopping you doing it. It's just like, okay, but they don't like what I'm doing and they don't want to be forced to do it. They've gone beyond liberalism into fascism. Conservatives have generally been the ones to suppress action, banning abortion, say,'ll now it has gone beyond liberalism into the side that is fastest. If you don't obey me then I hit you with a stick. That's fascism. It's it's it's right or a total control in that regard.
Starting point is 00:28:17 That's what it seems like. It's scary and I got some friends up there. Good friends that are just they're looking at us and saying we'll be careful because Well, we're on the heading down the same track seems like Yeah Yeah, they're trying to grab this everywhere and and I think if other countries have it taught us anything it's like Once the certain freedoms are taken away It's rough and then to come back. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:28:47 It's much, much harder. Holding on to them, even if you're unsure about it, I mean, just look at all the TSA stuff. It's like before 9-11, it was just walking through, going to the airport and vacation was so fun. So much fun. It was like a celebration. You'd even greet the airport, you just go through, you've got everything, probably a gun on you and a knife.
Starting point is 00:29:08 They're like, get in here with that. Out of we. 10 laptops. Yeah, just whatever you need. Full bottle. Full bottle lotion. I need that everywhere I go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:20 How dare you take through like, you know, 64 ounce water. Oh, my goodness, 64 ounce water. Oh, my goodness. Trim it all. Yeah. You know, they never even, no one ever even tried to blow up a plane with liquids. Or, yeah, or some chemists, no,
Starting point is 00:29:36 some chemists figured out that you could make a bomb with liquids. And they were like, well, that's theoretically possible. Well, isn't it theoretically possible to like, rub two dogs together really fast and then pour liquid on them and blow them up too? What does that mean? Can't take dogs on.
Starting point is 00:29:54 No dog rubbing. You can take lighters on. Couldn't you just like start a straw hat on fire and like throw it in the thing and make everyone choke to death on smoke or something? You know, there's no reason. No reason. He's like a terrorist.
Starting point is 00:30:08 We're gonna have to cut this out. Alright, don't be giving people ideas. No straw hats allowed either now. Yeah. Yeah. Can't even take on. I wonder, could you take on a metal fork? No.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Is that allowed? Yes. Yes. Yeah. Not a metal fork. No. Is that allowed? Yes. Yes. Yeah. Not a knife, though. Yeah, for. Even a button knife. Can you take a button knife on?
Starting point is 00:30:32 No. No. I feel like a fork is like a better weapon. It's like four little knives. I had a Swiss Army knife that they confiscated because it was a fork flip out. It didn't have a knife on it too, but I Don't know I think we're getting in the weeds of this one right now Well, I wonder that was just the thought experiment that I had so there we go
Starting point is 00:30:56 Video games as adults that's one thing they hit on we know Joe's been addicted to Quake for a lot of his adult life and Recently went back to it with his like, you know, whole LAN party that he set up and realized that he was just stressing himself out and needed to get away from it. You know, I like video games. When you and I had our place together in Albuquerque, we played a lot of Call of Duty, modern warfare, super dope game. Excellent game. Well, was it, no, what was it called, advanced warfare, I think? I get them all confused, to be honest. Yeah, we had some great nights playing that for many, many hours, a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:31:38 So I get it. I get the appeal. I never just got roped into it too hard though. You're right. You know, I guess I have my moments, but I just always saw it as like, I don't know. It just wasn't more fun than other stuff going on. It's like, you gotta be around the right people and it does, you know, it sucks away at the, once I started, stopped smoking weed heavily, I stopped video gaming correlation potentially. Childhood vaccines have been around for decades and are safe and proven to help protect children against 14 preventable diseases. Learn more at slash childhood vaccines,
Starting point is 00:32:20 a message from the government of Canada. Yeah, and the idea of watching other people online. I mean, I'm older now So it's like less appealing maybe if I was more into games and then that whole industry that's talking about where like really hot girls Play video games and then people are like all over watching that. It's just like I I don't want to ruin you good time kids but you know get outside. More plates more dates. Start working on it. Good point. Stop doing that shit. Yeah. I've not that this is about what I'm up to. This is about what Derek's up to but maybe we don't need any thirst traps on our phone either. Put your Instagram on black and white,
Starting point is 00:33:05 like you mentioned. Delete all the thirst traps. We don't need hotties on our phone. We don't need to be sexually attracted to our phone. Let's just live our life here in the now. Well, the power of only fans though, dude. Yeah, I mean, damn. That makes so much money.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Maybe I should sell feet picks. Are we in? Ah, yeah, let's go. I would like to know who they should do in a ward. A ward like ceremony for the person that spends the most money per year on only fans. I would like to know what the most addictive person is up to. Well, what do you reckon? Throw it a number. Oh, well, gosh,, it must I know a guy or rather I just read a story
Starting point is 00:33:49 about a bit coin millionaire who's spending Upwards of a hundred thousand Hundreds of thousands of dollars on one particular only fans artist So they it's out there. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. There is one guy grant a motto killed his whole family because he had spent all their money on and only on a on a mattress actress. Cam girl. So it ruins life. Wait, wait, wait, wait, why did he kill him all? Well, he had he was lying to them and he in fact stole credit cards lied about it, spent more than a hundred thousand dollars on a Bulgarian or a Slovenian cam model,
Starting point is 00:34:36 thinking they were in a relationship. Very, but it ruins lives, whatever the story ruins people's lives. Oh So when he got caught he was so ashamed he killed them all essentially, I knew we're gonna cut access to funds a cut access to the the computer Yeah, I bet she has a big house in Bulgaria. Yeah, that much is a Bulgarian house. That's blood money right there though I don't know a couple well bull guards. Is it her fault? No, it's not Gary, yeah, that much is a Bulgarian house. That's blood money right there though. I Don't know a couple of bull guards. Is it her fault? No, it's not I mean she just she wasn't asking for crazy people. She's wanted some money Yeah, I think to each their own of course, but let's try to curb our addictions True, but I bet if you had a lot of Bitcoin money and you were like super awkward you could probably get some of those ladies to come visit you with a nice donation to one of our nonprofit well how much is how much is an escort
Starting point is 00:35:37 in less of it escort cost and less of a guess probably a thousand dollars yeah probably $1,000. Mm-hmm. Yeah. You can save some money. Save some money. Invest it more Bitcoin. And just like, hit the streets. Hit the gym. Try it. Hit the gym. Work out.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Do some, spend that money on steroids. Hair implants in steroids. There you go. Mm-hmm. All right, we got to hit Elon's interview in that New York Times event. Epic, it's been going around online. Basically, he was asked about Disney
Starting point is 00:36:15 and some of these other, you know, woke companies pulling their ads from the, you know, Equal pull X formally known and he just said go fuck yourself you're gonna blackmail me with with money money yeah he says it like what is this yeah money the richest guy in the world what is this and he threads them to do it he would like them to do it and it will fail he says if they pull all their, it's gonna be a failed enterprise if they pull their money. And he said, and it's on you.
Starting point is 00:36:50 You want this, don't you? Like, people want X, they want Twitter. And if it goes, it's gonna be on it, dude. If it goes away, it's not his fault. It's the woke crowds fault, or rather the advertisers. I also like another thing. I've got it. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:37:06 No, no, I just love the energy behind that. It's like how much power do the advertisers think they have? Do they get to control all of the companies? I don't know if you watched the interview recently where Dana White went on Theo Vaughn's podcast, which was amazing. And Theo said that, yeah they uh peloton pulled my my um the ad or they said they would if if the rfk interview stayed up and it was like
Starting point is 00:37:37 an old interview and this whole thing so he did it and he was annoyed dana fricking lost his mind if you guys haven't seen that, watch it. I'll put a link to the video of that in the bio, so you guys have instant access. So actually it's so good. Stop listening to us, we're idiots. And just click on it right now and watch it. It's like five minutes long.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Dana loses his mind. He's like, hey, he gets one of his guys. He's like, do we have Peloton's in the UFC gym guys like yeah, we do I like him and he's like get him out of there Tobin the garbage throw him in the garbage He doesn't want to sell him. He just wants to throw away Trash him and then also talks Mad shit about their CEO who also like just laid off 500 employees He's like that's the kind of guy that guy is which reasonable right just fired a bunch of people you asshole
Starting point is 00:38:31 Legendary stance though like what Dane has always been that guy too and you know You see these companies over time just kind of like go with whatever's cool And this is why they all get more and more woke. And the UFC didn't even shut down during COVID. Everyone else had to shut down, every sport. Everyone else said you can't do it. And he said, all right, where can I do it? What will you allow me to do? We will buy an island.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And they did basically just fight it out on the island. They did. They had fight island near like Abu Dhabi. It was literally one of the only sports that continued through the pandemic. He just kept it going legend dude. Now he loves him or hate him legend. That's a guy that gets shit done. Yeah, I like you.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And on the whole thing too. Well, I think because of that, Elon gave him a cyber truck recently, and he gave it away. He has like a raffle thing going like a competition right now with Dana's given a cyber truck away. I'm sure it's connected. Yeah, I'm sure it's connected to this whole,
Starting point is 00:39:40 this whole like go fuck yourself, ads. I like Elon's attitude about the whole thing. He says about the whole thing. He says about the whole virtue signalling. I would rather be concerned with doing actual good to be concerned about being perceived to be doing actual good.
Starting point is 00:39:57 So he's trying to do good things. Literally do be a good person. Come on. Right. Poison attempt thing it, you know Whereas you got someone like what's his name Bill Gates Trying to push fake meat on you that's like made of nothing but seed oils and God knows what else Yeah, and yeah cricket meat. It's just like does it does it sound like you're doing good?
Starting point is 00:40:22 Are you really trying to improve people's health? Or are you trying to do something else that we can't figure out? Because he's rich enough and smart enough to have been able to find out if that type of food was healthy or not. And it doesn't sound like he gives too much of a shit about the health of the individual eating that garbage. He doesn't look healthy anyway. He does. He does stock on that, that, what is it called, that fake meat?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Oh, beyond meat. Yeah, yeah, it's like down like 90% dude. They have all kinds of litigation宀. They have to, their stockholders are pissed. Yeah, well, this episode is brought to you by Smirnoff Ice. Here's some advice. The next time your friends invite you over for a game day or a holiday party, bring a Smirnoff Ice party pack. Don't let their promises of a scary good spread
Starting point is 00:41:20 low you into a false sense of security, bring a delicious variety of flavors. You know they'll enjoy. My advice? Choose Smirnoff Ice. Available at your local retailer. Please drink responsibly. Smirnoff Ice premium flavor malt beverage, the Smirnoff Company, New York, New York. What, what were you thinking? Of course, investing that, though. Echo Chambers, people of that wealth potentially can be only surrounded by people they employ. of that wealth potentially can be only surrounded by people they employ. Yes, manning and echoing their words, so he probably is in an echo chamber. Yeah, no doubt. No doubt. Let's finish up this one with Joe talking a little bit about his podcast and the production of it.
Starting point is 00:41:59 I thought it was cool this came up and I like the way Derek discusses, you know, just has questions on the Jerry like he's comfortable. He's been on there a few times. He knows Joe likes him. He doesn't have to tend to be anything. Yeah, he's a good dude and and he he just wanted to know he was like, you know, you guys run this like pretty low production and it's and it's comfortable There's not a bunch of people walking around even though it's the biggest show ever He's been on other shows where like there's four guys running the camera and it's like trying to stay in this little zone And none of that we got Jamie who's a genius just like doing like the job of three men at least and It was cooler here some of the backstory of how Jamie and Joe met and it seemed pretty
Starting point is 00:42:50 chill, it was like just a like a Random encounter to comedy show where they started talking to each other and then boom Joe was like how yeah It was audio production. We need it Yeah, it's cool. We don't we don't get enough behind the scenes no and Jamie and people experience I had no idea about Jamie's involvement. I've only ever heard the podcast with him on there I don't really know much about the precursing precursors there. It was cool to hear. Well, it was, yeah, before him, it was, uh, it was Redban. So Redban made it. Who does the Killtony show now?
Starting point is 00:43:31 And Redban's on all the time on Rogan. And, um, yeah, I think it was just that Joe needed to kind of step up his game with a pod, obviously. I mean, when something's worth $100 million for a contract, you got to take it seriously. I like that they don't want to overproduce. It is perfect. Essentially. Well, it's perfectly set up for a really good conversation. You know, they're not trying to like get that sound bite, they're not trying to get that hilarious one minute clip. Like, they're not trying to put in different segments.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I mean, it's really like nothing else that's been created in radio and all podcasting. People have tried to copy it and emulate it, but they just don't do it the same way as Joe, and this is why year after year I mean just Recently like I think the global podcast shots came out and again Rogan is clear number one and there's good reason if it ain't broke Why would you fix it? Why would he change anything?
Starting point is 00:44:40 Exactly and he even mentions Howard Stern is being one of the four runners and how he's fallen off because he's the same guy he was in the 80s. Rogen doesn't try to get crazy sexual, which was Howard Stern's thing basically. It was just all weird sex stuff on his show. Well, yeah, he was like super wild and super against the grain and then somehow became like really woke and really concerned about getting sick with the pandemic and telling everyone what they needed to do, which is like anti-how it's done
Starting point is 00:45:17 and then ultimately just painting and hanging out with his cats. So I feel like he lost, he lost touch. It is mine even. He lost touch. But let's not take anything away from how. He was a legend. He was a legend. The always will be.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And he made, he really in a lot of ways opened that him, OPEN Anthony, I mean, they created what we see so much of with podcasts now. So gotta give him their dues, but yeah, he's a bit nuts. All right, well, we'll call it that. Listen to the DC one. If you're a big fan of anything UFC, we're not gonna touch on it because we're gonna get a time,
Starting point is 00:45:56 but yeah, DC's great. Always fantastic to have him on. Love anything that him and Joe do live at the UFC and Just some good insights with upcoming fights and they're training the rest of it. Check it out. It's worth it Thank you all for listening as always. We appreciate you. We love you. We care for all of you Peter Pleasure to see you my friend. Namaste, bro Was that a Japanese bow? Oh no that was more yoga. Indian. Okay. Love it. Alright, later guys. Bless y'all. Bye.

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