Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of 1224 Adam Greentree

Episode Date: January 18, 2019

Adam Greentree is a world class bow hunter and outdoorsman. He has been taking a hunting and exploring trip around the US for the past 6 months with his family. Adam always has the most amazing storie...s and this podcast is no different. Whether you are in to hunting or just love hearing about it then this is definitely a conversation you want to hear. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of the JRE review is brought to you by Inka Booch. Inka Booch is a new kind of kombucha combining all the probiotic benefits of kombucha with the antioxidant benefits of purple corn and fused tea. Purple corn is one of the highest levels of antioxidants in the plant kingdom and combined with kombucha results in a powerhouse and nutrition. Visit, check out their great selection of drinks today. For this review, I will be reviewing the podcast with Adam Greentree, which is podcast 1224. I'm the big fan of Adam Greentree, ever since Joe has had him on as a guest multiple times. I mean, I don't know how many times Adam's been on must be
Starting point is 00:00:52 who knows six, seven times. He's great though. He has amazing stories, bear attack stories, crazy wild adventures. He's a hunter, outdoorsman, Australian guy, all around great dude, and they had a fantastic conversation, so let's review. So Adam is doing a very interesting thing right now. He's left Australia for a bit of time and with his family and kids he's taking a six-month trip around the US. Adam is sponsored by a lot of different like outdoors, sporting type companies, some hunting companies and all the rest of it. So I'm sure he has the capability to do it.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And then also because he's really a world class hunter and well known in those circles, I'm sure people are just a guest, but I'm sure people are paying for his service for him to kind of teach them and travel around and hunt the US. But it sounds like an incredible adventure and what an unbelievable time. And it's so funny in some ways to think that he's from Australia but knows more about the American wilderness and America as a whole than a lot of Americans. So get out there folks, travel, go to the national park, see these things, even if you don't need to be a hunter to go in the nature and just see the beautiful things out there
Starting point is 00:02:31 They start the podcast In a great way these two always have fantastic conversations they get into it about talking about Wolves and how super smart wolves are Adams had some major runnings with wolves so his understanding of how they behave and act is different than most people. He really knows these creatures and he has a lot of respect for them. He told a story about how a pack of wolves ran some sort of animal like an elk or something into a river, cold river. And after it did that, they just kind of held the animal there, not letting it escape, and they just kind of sat up on the hill and the sun drying off, knowing full well that this animal would just slowly
Starting point is 00:03:16 get cold, the hyperthermia, run out of energy, and they would be able to take it. And exactly what happened, Adam came back to that spot and found that animal was just, you know, bones and, you know, the smart creatures, they look at you in a way that suggest they're trying to figure you out, they're trying to figure out if you're a meal or not. And, you know, as you know, from this Joe Rogan's podcast, Joe's a huge fan of wolves and has a ton of respect for them. Another thing that a wolves will do is if they get a hold of a big group, you know, like a big group of elk moving in one direction, there was a story they told where he's elk were walking through the snow, you know, snowy and they were slowed down because of the snow and these wolves just killed them all.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Just killed them all left and barely ate any of them. And, uh, you know, it's good practice for the wolves, obviously, and if they're fully fed, then it's just what they do. I mean, they're not thinking about ecology numbers as a whole, but, uh, they're just, you know, they're a violent animal trying to stay alive. And this is what they get up to. So, yeah, it really though nothing goes to waste. And it's something that Adam was talking about, even if they don't eat it, it goes to the ground, something's eating it. You know, birds will come peck it, like you name it. That's kind of it. Adam really appreciates being out in nature. If you follow his Instagram like it's everything about it is hunting or just beautiful pictures of the outdoors he likes taking photography but he also does upload a lot of what he
Starting point is 00:04:56 does to the outside world while he's there or maybe he's saved some of it on his phone and I don't think he always wants to do that. He kind of implies that he just wants to be there with nature but he's also trying to bring something back for people that don't get to go there. He wants to give you a taste of what's out there and you know it's tough because he says phones you know they've improved a lot but it's much harder to get that you, get good reception and be able to upload things and so on. One of the incredible videos that Adam had, if you haven't seen it already, go to his Instagram page and check it out. It's when a bear,
Starting point is 00:05:38 mother, a female bear was with his cubs and started to charge him and was like charging at him Now he had a gun and he had it ready, but the bullet actually didn't fit in the chamber So he wasn't even ready to fire it. He didn't even know But luckily the bed didn't get close enough and was just kind of you know getting a kind of a feel for where he was but That was just just one of the crazy he was, but that was just just one of the crazy adventures that he's been in and he's been in so many and so unbelievable. He does have a podcast where he talks about a lot of what goes on out there and he doesn't get to record it too much, but definitely check out his
Starting point is 00:06:16 podcast. If you're a hunting fan or you want to learn more about hunting, just like Steve Ronello, you know, and even Cameron Haynes. This is one of the guys that really represents that whole sport and hobby well. So you'll get to learn a lot about it. He was saying that he wanted to detach from social media in some ways. It takes up a lot of time for these guys that are getting quite famous and gets addictive and then people talk shit and that becomes a whole issue. And Joe was kind of into it as well. He gave the example that Bert Krushen, Erich Fierre, are already paying a company to deal with their social media. So I guess they just send things to them that they want to upload and this company does it for them. So you don't have to keep checking and obsessing about social media all the time, which is kind of a good option.
Starting point is 00:07:07 You know, really is. It's just, it saves a lot of time, for sure. And these guys need time, they're busy. One thing Adam brought up, which was really cool, is that, I guess there's like two types of fun that you can have. And I never really thought about it this way. But just generally in life, there's instant fun, like being on a roller coaster. And that's something that you're like,
Starting point is 00:07:30 wee, this is great. But then there's the fun of thinking back to an adventure. So look at some of the things that Adam Greentree go when he survives, like a very scary or stressful or challenging time out in the wild. When he gets done, he looks back on it and gets great joy out of it. So, whereas you wouldn't look back to your time on the theme park and think, wow, that was such an amazing time 10 years ago, you probably just forget it. The joy has been had. But when you've survived, you know, a great adventure, it really kind of comes back to you that that was something
Starting point is 00:08:08 really worthwhile and Was something that that was just a part of your life that you would never change even though it was very difficult during that time and it speaks volumes to the challenges and the kind of gratitude and fulfillment we get from such things, which I really do think is very important. Very important indeed. He moves on to talk a little bit about the mountain lion situation, which I find fascinating, because he has been paid to hunt mountain lions in recent months. And he has done it with dogs. And part of the reason he does that,
Starting point is 00:08:49 one because you just can't chase him or track him without it, they're too elusive. And this mountain lion have been killing a lot of this rancher's cattle, so it had to go, because it was causing a lot of problems. And, you know, at least this is how the rancher saw it. I'm not saying I agree the way. But you know, it was a problem for the rancher and he had the right to do it. So he brought in a professional and they chase with the dogs, the mountain line up the tree, and that gives
Starting point is 00:09:17 them time to check and make sure it's the right one, like the right age, the right sex. It's really the only way to do it, according to Adam. And then they kind of talk a little bit about how the meat is delicious. You know, the meat for these things is just incredible. Joe hasn't tried mountain lion meat. I never have, but Adam talks about it being good other hunters do. I guess kind of like a very tender chicken. I wouldn't be opposed to it as long as it was killed ethically and all the rest of it. I mean, you know, it's kind of odd, right? Big cat, but that's kind of it. So one thing they were saying is
Starting point is 00:09:55 mountain lion hunting has been banned in California. Yet they still have to kill as many, but they do it with, I guess like the park rangers or something. They come in and they take care of it. I don't know exactly how they do it, but they they kill as many as the hunters did, but I guess in some way because it's, you know, not regular people just going out hunting. It's better for society. I don't really get it because that meat goes to waste and no money is made by the state. I think that with proper regulation, it could be hunting like anything else and done appropriately. And I don't know their methods. I'm sure that I don't think that they're using dogs that have to look into it, but to say that one's more ethical than the other. As long as it's still ethically sound and the way that they're getting killed, why not make some money out of it in the sense of something that then
Starting point is 00:10:51 that can go back to the park systems and the hiking trails and just keeping that habitat in really good shape for the existing mountain lions while also kind of controlling their numbers. You know, I mean, that's what I think that would be good. Adam talks a little bit about trying to get Joe over to Australia to hunt. This is ongoing dialogue that he's had for a long time. Joe is against it because he thinks all the animals are too dangerous.
Starting point is 00:11:22 But since his time in America, Adam's saying there's a fuck ton of dangerous animals in America too, so you got to watch out rattlesnakes bears everywhere, which I kind of found quite funny, and then they finished up with something really interesting that is a great part of the podcast and definitely worth listening to, for anybody that is not gone hunting but is kind of into it, kind of into the idea of it. They talk about how when people go and Joe gave the example of Brian Callum being this way, when they first got an animal and they started to gut it and open it up, it was something that Brian said. He'd almost felt like he'd done it before, like it was in our was in our DNA and really I mean you go back long enough
Starting point is 00:12:05 We were all having to be hunters like this, you know The weren't vegetarians way back in the day We just you know we had to go from animal to animal and hunting was a big part of who we are And it's like built into us and Joe gave the example of how his daughter loves the fish and One time was fishing and had a tough fish on the line, cabeli pulled it in and Joe said, hey, do you want me to help? And she insisted no. She wanted that, she wanted all the fulfillment, she wanted to learn the skill and being able
Starting point is 00:12:34 to do it. It was just very important for her from start to finish to do that whole process. And I really think that that was, you know, that's like a cool thing to hear about. And I would love to hear back from anybody who goes hunting for the first time, or has been hunting and has felt that same kind of thing. You know, does this resonate with you? Does that make sense? But again, it's a great podcast.
Starting point is 00:13:01 If you're an outdoorsman or you're into hunting or just a fan of atoms you got to check it out. Thanks a lot for listening, I this review is brought to you by Inca Boots. Go to to get your drinks today. you

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