Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of 1229 Richard Rawlings

Episode Date: January 27, 2019

Richard is the owner of Gas Monkey Garage. He rebuilds muscle cars and has a lot of fun doing it. His conversation with Joe was light hearted and very funny. They got down drinking some Gas Monkey Teq...uila and you can imagine where it went from there. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello there! On today's episode of the review, I will be reviewing Joe Rogan's conversation with Richard Rollings podcast 1229. Richard Rollings owns Gas Monkey Garage, which is a car show that you've probably seen. I was a little bit familiar with it. I've seen a few episodes, some of them are really quite good. And if you're into those types of car shows, muscle car shows, and the rebuild shows, it's definitely one of the better ones out there. Joe starts off his conversation, actually before during his intro, he says how he and Richard kind of got off to an awkward star and it was it was quite an awkward Better conversation, but then they eased into it
Starting point is 00:00:48 I'd never heard Joe say that before that I can remember and I really didn't feel like That conversation started out that way so I wonder why Joe thought that but it was great conversation So let's get reviewing review it. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. What more do you want? Now Richard explains early on that he actually wasn't originally a huge Mechanic car guy in that sense and what does that mean? It not that he doesn't know how to work on cars But what really got him into the idea of pitching gas monkey back in like 2004 was just that he was doing he was basically a marketing guy and
Starting point is 00:01:41 he saw he felt like there was a missing part in the market for kids and, you know, housewives to enjoy car shows. He felt like they were, all the other shows were kind of far too, you know, male dominated, noriated and he just kind of wanted a show that maybe the whole family could sit down and laugh at and have fun with. So he pitched it for a while. I had the garage set up and it about 2012 he got his show. And obviously in the meantime, I learned a ton about how to work on cars and put things together. Though he does say he's more of the business end of things. He sees the ideas and kind of works with it. He's from what he was saying to Joe is quite a huge entrepreneur too, owns many many companies restaurants,
Starting point is 00:02:33 bars, he owns like a healthcare service as well, which I found quite interesting because that's like way different. But he said he had thousands of patients and does some sort of healthcare thing for them for like retired people. He talks a little bit about his dad being in a retirement home which I felt was really quite funny and he gets into that talking about how there's a lot of SDDs, a lot of chlamydia, a lot of those sorts of things in the old folks home and and that his dad, even though he has quite bad dementia, is actually just railing through women in this old folks home that he's at, and Richard finds that quite funny. Joe was cracking up too. It's a funny bit of the podcast, and it's quite silly to hear that because it's just something
Starting point is 00:03:26 you don't think about going on in those old folks. But hey, there are people too, folks, and you know, late in their lives and they're not getting pregnant, maybe they're not thinking about protection and you know, this is how it's like rampant SDDs being spread in these in these areas but yeah one thing that that he really focuses on in his garage so a lot of times he's rebuilding muscle cars if you've seen the show he rebuilds these cars and he's rebuilding them selling them anywhere of upwards of like $300,000 putting a ton of money they make some pretty incredible cars
Starting point is 00:04:07 out of that garage and on that show. And what he's trying to do really is kind of make about 20% on each sale, but at the end of the day he has his show. So even if he's not making a ton of profit on the cars, he's getting paid for the show and that probably covers a ton of his overhead. He says that obviously he prefers the old car feel.
Starting point is 00:04:34 So one thing that Joe has, is Joe Rogan's talked about quite a bit, he has some sort of early 60s Corvette that he has modern technology in. And I guess this is fairly common when people that can afford it is they get all the cars kind of redone with you know traction control and Bluetooth and power power steering and just better suspension so that the ride is actually really comfortable and feels modern and is safe even though you have the look of a much older vehicle. But Richard is saying that
Starting point is 00:05:06 he actually prefers the older feel and the older car. One of his favorite cars, a car that he said he would never sell and I love that he brought this up because it's always been one of mine, is he rebuilt an old Mustang for a guy, a friend of his wealthy guy that looked exactly like the Mustang from the movie the Thomas Crown affair with PS Bros. Now if you've seen that movie or you haven't seen or you own it Just go to the scene where he takes the girl in the movie whoever that is a camera Rename to some sort of island they go to like a Caribbean island. And the car that picks them up at the airport
Starting point is 00:05:49 is this like raised Mustang that almost looks like a little beach buggy or kind of some sort of off-roader. Now it's a, I believe that one is a Shelby. It's like a Shelby, but with big tires. And it really is one of the coolest fucking looking cars It's so good Google it if you get a chance It's a brilliant car. I've always loved it and I really liked that movie too to be honest
Starting point is 00:06:13 and He asked the borough that car back from the person that he built it for When the show started few years after he built it because he wanted cars that he'd made You know in the showroom, a few years after he built it, because he wanted cars that he'd made in the showroom and he got it back, I guess he got it shipped to him somehow and he said everything in the car was really fucked up. Because the owner was just not taking care of it, not driving or the rest of it.
Starting point is 00:06:35 So he told this guy, listen, you're a terrible owner. What have you done to this beautiful car? And this guy actually just gave it back to him. So that's cool. That's a cool story and, hey, it's nice to have rich friends, I guess. But, you know, now this is one of the cars he said he'd never sell. He really loves it. And it's, yeah, it's a badass, right? I don't blame him. Richard lives on a country club and he was talking about living on there quite a bit. I mean, it was a silly conversation. These guys bear in mind with drinking
Starting point is 00:07:04 the whole time They were drinking the gas monkey tequila that Richard makes and Joe was saying it's real good I guess it was cinnamon flavor try it if you see it Joe really liked it So they're getting lick it up and he's telling this story about when he was on his living on his country club And he was coming home one day and he's always like kind of getting kicked out of that and causing some trouble And he throws a barito at the gate guard and just carried on home with his friends not even thinking Well the police came to his house and rested him and took him down to the gate For throwing that barito. They wanted to get him on assault and Joe brings it up to listen
Starting point is 00:07:41 If you're trying to get people on assaults, they throw a barito at you. You're a bitch There's no other way looking at it that is such a bitch move horrific really embarrassing but a funny story a hell of a funny story one of the things they talk about is like people running for president being president and the changes that could be made and Joe was saying that there's some poll online that actually has him quite high up amongst a lot of other people for running for president.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That's really no surprise because at the end of the day, Joe says it's a popularity contest and Joe certainly is very popular. And, you know, he's not just popular in the, you know, Kim Kardashian way. He's popular in a speaking, talking, educating himself, meeting, fascinating people type ways. So, you know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:34 It would be a crazy choice, but it wouldn't be the worst. I mean, he would have to be more qualified going into with the Donald Trump, I think. I mean, at least Joe's definitely spoke to more intelligent people. I don't know, who knows. But yeah, it's a popularity contest. So who knows who's going to be president next? Probably Kanye West. Some of the best cars for both of them,
Starting point is 00:09:01 and being their big muscle guy cars, but even with some of the not so modern but kind of modern-ish cars, they were talking about the M3. So the turn of the Millennium M3's, like 2001, 2002, a lot of power, hell of a car. And really the best car they were talking about ever was a 1960 something Mustang boss and the picture they brought up you have to watch the podcast to see it but it's a really badass Mustang I mean to be fair it probably is the best fucking car I've ever seen and yeah it was wild it was great it's it was wild, it was great. He was also talking, Richard's also talking about how he doesn't like
Starting point is 00:09:55 the car from Fast and the Furious Eleanor, that like Shelby 500, he says it's too overdone, too many people have it, blah blah blah, that might be true, but it's still such a freaking sweet car. I mean, to say that it was only cool before the movie because it was less popular doesn't really make a lot of sense. I mean it's the same car, it's just as cool. It's not like I see him a lot. I live in L.A. I don't see those things driving around all that much. So maybe he's just bored of it or bored of like putting him together, wants something more unique, but I really felt like that car is still one of the baddest cars in the world. I don't know, what's your favorite car? What's yours? You know, let me know if you're into muscle cars and you love to see these
Starting point is 00:10:37 rebuilds. Check out Richard Rolling Show, Gas Monkey Garage. It was great. And this was an awesome opportunity to get to know him better, get to see kind of how silly he is. And him and Joe had a good time, even though by the end of it, they were pretty wasted on the queueer. But anyway, check it out. Thanks a lot, guys. I appreciate you listening.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Talk soon. Bye. you

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