Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A Review of Episode 1219 Bill Burr

Episode Date: January 11, 2019

Bill Burr is one of the greatest standup comedians of all time. He’s such a fantastic guest to have on Joe’s podcast and always a pleasure to listen to. He has a show on Netflix called F is for fa...mily and a brilliant one man podcast. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello there! This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Inka Butch. Inka Butch is a new kind of kombucha combining all the probiotic benefits of other kombuches with the antioxidant benefits of purple corn and fused tea. Purple corn has some of the highest levels of antioxidants in the plant world and combined with tea to make kombucha makes for a powerhouse of nutrition. Visit to check out the great selection of drinks, including Spiceberry and Ginger Coconut. Okay, so today's review of the Joe Rogan experience was podcast 1219 with Bill Burr. And Bill Burr is as pretty much everyone by now should know, one of the greatest comedians of all time.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Hilarious guy out of Boston, no Joe, a very long time, and I guess, according to Instagram, they recently went on a helicopter ride together, which is very cute. So, without further ado, let's get reviewing! reviewing. So this conversation as you can imagine was just great. These two guys are not only absolutely hilarious, but when they get together, the conversation goes from nonsense to something a bit serious, back to nonsense, and it's really fun. It really is a lot of fun. So, yeah, Bill took Joe up in a helicopter flight over L.A recently, and something Bill was saying is that LA is a lot smaller than
Starting point is 00:01:45 you think when you're up there. And that's kind of interesting because if you drive anywhere like many of us do around LA, you know that it takes forever to get anywhere. And what's cool about hearing that is like LA is not really that big. If you take all the traffic out, if you can just get all the people out, it's really not that big at all. You can get most places in no time. But yeah, and then he was talking a little bit about how, you know, helicopters are dangerous, but way less dangerous than driving. So statistically, you know, you're less likely to crash, but you got to know what you're doing, you got to be on your game. I don't know about that. I've been in a helicopter one time and it made me feel quite sick.
Starting point is 00:02:28 There's a very different feeling. The turns can be quite tight if the pilot's a bit of a dick and I don't know, it's a lot. But I'm sure flying over L.A. would have been pretty cool. Joe seemed to like it anyway. Bill was talking about how he It's known Joe a long time and he really likes that Joe is always learning something new You know the Joe that he knew back in the day was just a comedian and now, you know He does all these different things and it's about keep working on new things, you know
Starting point is 00:03:00 Bill But obviously has the efforts for family show which is fantastic and on Netflix, so he's doing this animated series. You know, it's kind of just like getting those creative juices flowing in a different direction. And when these guys get this popular as well, they have the opportunity to do all these different types of projects and, you know, why would you waste that opportunity? So I think it's cool that they get on that. They were even talking about things that you wouldn't think
Starting point is 00:03:32 Stimulating like even playing video games and Joe of course if you're a fan of the podcast you know the back of the day He was very much addicted to video games Quake especially. I think Quake 3, or I don't know, one of the Quakes he liked a lot. And he was talking about how once back in like 97 he got a T1 line installed in his house. Now T1 line for back in the day was like the fastest type of internet, but it was something that you'd get specially put in the ground, they'd have to dig your street up, and it would power like an office building so it gave you a lot of internet for You know just your building instead of like slow dial up, but I guess Joe got that done just for himself so he could play with big groups of people and play online and and you know
Starting point is 00:04:16 He's had some real nerdy moments, but Yeah, I think he said in this podcast that he got to a point where He realized one day. I guess that he got to a point where he realized one day I guess that he played until the sun came up and he just realized there's not where he needs to be You know his life was not Where it needed to be and and I guess even his manager called him and said that Hey Joe you're playing too much pool and you're not doing enough comedy so So we have to quit and make comedy number one and you know he gets obsessive with things. He talks about that. I think a lot of us do you know
Starting point is 00:04:51 and if you're not obsessive about things then you get lazy about things as well. So it's important to keep an eye on what you're doing for sure and focus on what you want and what he wanted is his career in a different place. And I guess 97 was probably before he did fear factor so maybe this got him kicked in the gear to go do a different show and that's kind of that. Bill and Joe talk a little bit about Joe's new studio and how fucking baller it sounds. You know, it's just very sweet. Joe says that he keeps the studio so he can collect things And you know his wife doesn't get too much too mad at him and he doesn't spend too much time there as well
Starting point is 00:05:30 So he has a good balance and that kind of works for him obviously they get into comedians and what makes a good comedian and Joe is saying that the comedians are often very angry. You know, and you look at comedians like Seinfeld or maybe Brian Regan and they've got a gym gap again. They've got very clean acts and you often don't think that they could be very angry at all, but there's anger in all of them because, you know, in so many ways this is where you see the absurdity of life and you want to power through and make this
Starting point is 00:06:09 Just just make a joke out of the of the nonsense for sure Bill was also talking about how he never drinks before he performs and you definitely don't want to perform drunk Joe, I guess we'll have a couple of beers maybe he's not afraid of that, but Joe, I guess, will have a couple of beers, maybe. He's not afraid of that, but really is a bad idea to get up there and be slurring and your timing is off. You just can't do comedy drunk. You definitely can do it stoned. Joe does that plenty, and so do plenty of other comedians. But being drunk up there is no way to do it. You've got to be nervous. You've got to feel the crowd.
Starting point is 00:06:44 You've got to know when you're fucking up You can't just like start yelling at people and and this and that. Joe Joe talks about Bill's podcast a little bit and The Joe really likes the way Bill does his podcast where he just talks on his own kind of like how I'm doing when I don't have a guest He just talks away and And yeah, he just kind of rattles things off. And Bill was saying that he started it just by saying a few things, maybe announcing tall dates and so on, but eventually it just became like this rant that he continued with.
Starting point is 00:07:18 And he doesn't need anybody and he really doesn't need anything. And the rambling speaks for himself and he does a good solid hour. I mean he goes over everything sports, you name it. It's funny, it's interesting. He's just a cool guy to listen to. So if you have time, definitely check out Bill's podcast. And Bill says in a lot of ways when it comes to responsibility, as you grow up, you become your own parent. So, you know, and he was talking about going back to church and thinking about going back to that, you know, saying that there's something bigger than himself. So, you know, in a way, he's not really going back
Starting point is 00:07:54 for the lessons and all the rest of it, but he's just going back for kind of, I guess like a normality, he grew up in the church, he did that, and he just wants to be I guess a more responsible adult now that he has a kid. So, you know, I don't know, I don't know what I think about that. They started talking about Joel Olstein too, the mega church preacher who bought an arena, which is insane, and Bill made the joke that he says he keeps his eyes closed all the time because
Starting point is 00:08:28 he's so full of shit that he can't look at the crowd and it's quite funny I thought that was a great way of putting it. I had no idea that that guy was as massive as he is and I think that's truly unbelievable. I just cannot fathom, you know, he's like a rock star preacher and I just wonder what the big fans of him really think are going on. Do they think that he's like the second coming in Christ or I don't really, I don't really know, I don't really get how those mega churches work and just seems like a lot of brainwashing, a lot of taking old ladies' checks. But anyway, whatever, maybe it makes some of those old ladies happy.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah, who knows. And lastly, they somehow move into fighting, as Joe always does, and he talks a little bit about how many times he's been kicked in the balls, and he says he's been kicked in the balls over a hundred times from sparring. I think they got into that by talking about like those monks, or those karate guys that can like, you know, suck their balls up into themselves, or take like a solid shot. And, you know, Joe was just talking about how fucking painful that is from all his years of sparring. I've seen those videos of those silly guys like taking a shot to the nuts. It seems insane. I don't know who the first guy was that thought about that.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Maybe these monks aren't using their balls much for anything so they don't really care about them and it's like, I don't know. There are ways to show that you're tough and there are some things that are ridiculous and that is definitely one of them. But that's the show for today. Thank you so much for listening. There will be more reviews coming up. Joe is pumping out the podcast so in a way I'm trying to keep up with him. But thanks for listening and once more this review is brought to you by Inca Booch Come Booch, go to to order your drinks today.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Anchor Boots Come Butcher. Go to Anchor to order your drinks today.

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