Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - A review of Episode MMA 48 Henry Cejudo

Episode Date: November 9, 2018

UFC flyweight champ and Olympic gold medal wrestler. Such a great conversation and make sure you listen if you're into training as you will learn a lot about how the top level guys are taking care of ...themselves. Enjoy the review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE review for this week for those of you that are new to this podcast This podcast is a review of the Joe Rogan experience review. It's kind of like what events are for the news Events in the world have no affiliation with the news the news just reports on said events. That's what I do too Sometimes I have guests on, people that are also fans of Joe Rogan that get inspired by his message or specific episodes and they would join me to just kind of go over things. And you know, I assume that everybody that listens to this is a fan of Joe Rogan. To be honest, if you listen to this and you're not it makes no sense. So stop listening to this, but You know, you must be and if you've listened to him. They're great long
Starting point is 00:00:51 Free-form conversation podcasts to go on for hours and oftentimes you'll have Questions and comments and things that you think about so this is kind of just like a moment to go over those things. And you know, I get emails about this podcast, just reflecting on certain episodes. So I take those on and and add those to my dialogue. And yeah, we go from that. So there we go, enjoy. This week we're talking about MMA podcast 48 Henry Soududo. He is a badass guy. He's the UFC flyweight champ. He beat Demetrius Johnson who had the longest winning streak or at least champion winning streak in UFC history, which is really impressive. Henry is an Olympic gold wrestler. One Olympic gold wrestling is a very difficult sport to do that with. I mean not like any other sport in the Olympics is is easy to engold him, but wrestling is to be the best in the world at a particular weight is absolutely incredible. The
Starting point is 00:02:06 conversation was great. There was a lot of information and it wasn't just about Henry, it was also about people that work for him and this company called Neuro Force One, which is really cool. Let's talk a little bit about that later on in this podcast. They immediately got into what Dmitrius Johnson was doing after his lost to Henry, and he's moving over to Asia to some sort of fight group. I just, I honestly can't remember the name. I usually write these things down, but I forgot.
Starting point is 00:02:42 It's like something F1 fighting, or supposedly it's as big as the UFC is, but in Asia. Now, what's significant about this is Demetrius, who now make a ton of money over the end, he'll be great for the sport, but it releases Ben Astron. And Astron is a, or Astron, Astron, I think. He's a phenomenal fighter, absolutely incredible. He has that kind of hebeb style, but maybe even more dominating in a lot of ways. I think he's a bit heavier than the hebeb. He's a beast and the fact that he's now in the UFC, I can't wait to watch the destruction that goes on. If you want to learn more about Ben, go back to Joe Robins podcast about Ben Ascoran and you will learn a lot.
Starting point is 00:03:25 He's a really cool guy, smart guy, and fascinating. So it sounds like a good move for everyone. It sounds like it's time for Demetrius to kind of move on, and this is Henry's time to just shine and fly away. Some of the advantages that he talked about with Joe was as a wrestler, he can cut a lot more weight than other fighters because he's just been doing it for so long. Ressillas are particularly good at doing it. At times he was cutting almost as much as 25 pounds, which is really significant because
Starting point is 00:03:57 he could be weighing about 150 and cut down to about 125, which is just unbelievable that anybody could cut that much. and cut down to about 125, which is just unbelievable than anybody could cut that much. He uses a very scientific approach now to his training. He was talking with Joe to say that he uses a meal prep company. And the science company that I talked about earlier, Neuro Force One is a newer company out of Arizona.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And the guy that is running that is like a physiologist and knows a lot of science and Goes into this thing called DC brain potential and Joe Rogan was like what the fuck is that like he was saying is this Daniel Call me a brain potential, but it's something to do with a nervous system It like it will measure your Electrical impulse or your output and kind of tell you if you're able to train at a high level or not for that day. So even though you might feel great, your body is strong. If your nervous system is not registering well, they will give that fighter a you know kind of a bit of a day off and That's controversial as Joe was saying because
Starting point is 00:05:07 Trainers hardcore trainers Well, you know, we're just basically saying no, you're not having a day off like you're ready We fight hard every day. We push hard every day and that's that's exactly what we do But this new style of training is saying that if your DC brain potential is off and your nervous system is out of whack, you're not going to train well, so you can't do it. They're going to give you a different modified training session, maybe the day off, something like that. A big focus of Neuro Force 1's company is probiotics.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Keeps your immune system strong. Make sure you're creating only the types of neurotransmitters Joe often talks about that He eats like more kimchi than any human I've ever heard of and he really believes in it You know loves that kombucha stuff, too He says it makes his immune system much stronger And that's significant, you know Joe trains so much and works so hard that he notice, you know, those differences and he wouldn't be wasting his time if it was just kind of hearsay, hippie bullshit that people are talking about. Another thing they do is they have these monitors on the body that kind of check a lot of
Starting point is 00:06:20 different things and it measures acceleration. So one goes on your shoe and one I think on your wrist and it measures the differences in motion. And what they're hoping that it will eventually do is kind of it will monitor your form, make sure you're lifting with good form, moving with fast acceleration. And it allows you to like train less and slow things down
Starting point is 00:06:43 but get better performance, which is unbelievable because in a way you hear about you know these MMA guys and high level athletes talking about training and all on fighting and all the rest of it and you know it's about out doing the competition working harder than them but also you're getting people like came Velasquez that are constantly getting massive injuries and really struggling. So, hopefully, this is a smart, a type of training. And I really think this is where this body measurement stuff is coming from.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I mean, take the sober October challenge that Joe just did with Erie, but in Tom, they're wearing that device that's called like... What was it, M3? No. I can't remember the name of the body device is called like, what was it, M3? No, I can't remember the name of the body device that they have, but it goes around your chest and it gives you a score for all the types of workouts that you've done. When away, I think those things are gonna start
Starting point is 00:07:36 measuring more things, more accurately, giving better details and also helping you with recovery, what you should eat, you know, how you're doing things which is really cool. I mean the idea that you can train less and slow things down and get better results, it could also be the catalyst for getting people that are too lazy to work out or just can't do it consistently. Like honestly, I am most of the time and getting them to train better because they don't have to feel like they need
Starting point is 00:08:06 to push as hard, you know, constantly. The last bit of the podcast that they got back into talked a lot about where Henry plans on going now who wants to fight is looking possibly at a TJ Delas shore fight. That's like a bit of a super fight. It would be really cool. They kind of have a bit of beef with each other and there's some tension there, which is always makes for a super fight, it would be really cool. They kind of have a bit of beef with each other and
Starting point is 00:08:27 there's some tension there, which always makes for a good fight, but they're both, you know, respectful enough to where they keep it classy. And then he got into a personal story about a time in California where he got stuck in a fire. And he was at some sort of vineyard and he like went to sleep and uh the fire stormed over the hills started burning everywhere he heard smoke alarms but he ignored it just thinking it was false alarm and the second time he woke up fire was so close he had to jump out of a window he had to burn his foot real bad eventually made it down this hill he jumped over some fences cut his leg, I think and Eventually got to where there was some help
Starting point is 00:09:14 50 people ended up dying in that fire. So you know, wow what an incredibly awful time that he had to go through and thank God he made it out so that he could become You know the incredible fighter that he is but to finish on a bit a positive note, because you don't want to hear just about people slowly burning to death, one of the awesome things that he does now that he's a champ is he sets out and he does speaking events or like speaking tours in a sense for top companies. The war street companies, banks, and just companies
Starting point is 00:09:44 that have a lot of money, where he gets to go and talk about what it takes to be the best of what you do the mindset that it takes and all the things in motivation to Just be really the very best that you can be with all the regular Adversities of life and I think those things are very important You know, it's why a lot of people listen a rogan or listen to jocke a willing or Jordan Peterson or really any of these people that are just super inspiring. And this is really the message of this podcast. It's it's just to show that appreciation. You know, it's one thing that they give us this message, but you know, the fans and
Starting point is 00:10:20 people that listen want to be able to say thank you. And, you know, that's a thank you to Henry. For putting that message out there and continuing the spread, these messages of positivity, motivation, and getting people up and moving. So, thank you guys. I really appreciate you listening. And stay tuned. There's going to be a lot more this week. Cheers, love you guys. on this week. Cheers, love you guys.

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