Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review 173 Dave Chappelle

Episode Date: September 10, 2019

This weeks review is a special episode of Dave Chappelle's new stand up special “Sticks and Stones” Now, to be clear we're not here to review each joke.. There's really no spoilers but what we're... trying to do is tackle all the controversy that has come up since his special came out. These are weird times and Dave has some edgy and hilarious shit to say about it. Message us with feedback about the episode and what you thought of his special. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pero ¿cómo es posible que sean las tres de la tarde? ¿Qué lleves casi una hora de atascote? ¿Qué de todo el camino por delante? ¿Y tú estas ahí dan tranquila a tus cosas? ¿Cómo si te deseo todo igual? ¿Cómo es posible? Vamos. Que tú vas a trabajar no estás lleno, ¿no? ¿A dónde vas tú tan contenta? ¿Eh?
Starting point is 00:00:15 ¿A dónde? Llega el mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones. Este uno de Julio sortió extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones aún decimos. Loterías te recuerda que juegas con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de da. Now with Earhoes, Adam Thorn and Mark Hampton. This is my heat every new worst podcast with the best one of all time.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Alright, JRE Review Listeners. We have a very special edition today, which I am pretty excited about. This is trying out something quite new where We are reviewing In a sense with all due respect Dave should Pell's new stand-up special sticks and stones Why are we doing this well Joe went on tour with should Pell recently? should Pell is the best. Stand up at this time.
Starting point is 00:01:28 And there's been a fuck ton of controversy with this. And I think it's an important time to talk about it and discuss just what's been going on. We wanted to do this before we even knew it was going to be controversial. We just, oh, should we talk about like our how we're going to do special episodes every week? Do you want to talk about that?
Starting point is 00:01:51 Do it. Jump in. Yeah, so we were talking, you know, we love reviewing the, you know, doing JRE. We love reviewing that. We thought it'd kind of be cool to do some like special episodes where we're talking about subjects that are close to Joe's heart. So, you know, when we're going to do conspiracies, when we're going to do MMA, I won't be there for that one, because I know nothing. So, Adam will do that with a guest host. One week we'll do politics, because you know, Joe's into politics.
Starting point is 00:02:20 And then we'll just do it. We're going to do random special shit. Anything that kind of strikes our fancy all under the guys of you know what Joe loves to talk about and it's gonna be cool So it's not gonna be a review of an episode, but it's gonna be still talking. I think it's I think it's important I think it's gonna be fun to do it that way as well because For things like the election coming up right when when when an election is about to come up Joe obviously has more political guests on people running other political exactly you know news bloggers whatever so he starts to generate like his understanding of what's happening and people learn from that and then in a sense we're just kind of right reviewing and summarizing
Starting point is 00:03:04 as a bit of a catch up of like, okay, where are we at with this? Like at this time, what is happening? Instead of oh, he just had a monkey trainer on let's just talk about this for that week. Right. It helps me stay more informed. I hate to have big guests on and then for whatever reason I just jump on to the next guest so quick I forget like what the point of that week was somebody was talking to me about Tulsi Gabbard's right in Relationship to politics and I really liked it when she was on and I couldn't remember almost the fucking thing that she stood for and I reviewed that one
Starting point is 00:03:43 Now I'm a bit of an idiot and I do listen to far too many podcasts, and maybe it just got deleted. But I think it's nice just to summarize a mark. We'll find out. We'll find out. Anyway, let's get into this one. Mark, initial thoughts. Sticks and stones initial thoughts not my favorite
Starting point is 00:04:07 Chappelle show is not my favorite special my favorite special of his is equanimity But I thought it was very interesting because I felt like he came out swinging against And I mentioned this to you earlier this week It felt like he came out swinging against people that were telling him what types of jokes he could make And this is a big thing right now and stand up especially with your old school comics Who are kind of sick and tired of being told that this isn't funny or you can't make jokes about this You can't make jokes about that. You talk about sign felt who won't go on college campuses
Starting point is 00:04:43 You talk about Bill Maher who thinks people are too PC and that people need to have more of a sense of humor. Kathy Griffin who made a questionable joke about the current president of the United States. But it's, you know, and you've mentioned this to me many times, first amendment. It's like freedom of speech type stuff. but comedy is the most, in least in my opinion, the most ever evolving art form. And you have to, as an artist, as a comic, feel free to go anywhere and do anything. And as Chappelle says, as a policy, I don't feel bad about anything I say on this stage. And I feel like he got some pushback from certain groups about equanimity, specifically the transgender jokes. And I feel like he got some pushback from certain groups about equanimity,
Starting point is 00:05:25 specifically the transgender jokes. And I think this was his point of saying, I will do whatever the fuck I want. And you can't stop me. And obviously, there was blowback, and I'll let you bring up the run tomatoes numbers, but there's some some blowback but i think it proved his point that he went in to make jokes because that's what they say ultimately we're making jokes were making a remember jokes i think that the end of the day is that when he says i'll say whatever the fuck i want this isn't your racist uncle talking
Starting point is 00:05:58 he'd be like look uncle no maybe don't say whatever the fuck you want at this wedding because it you'll horrendous and if you get to do i i don't say whatever the fuck you want at this wedding because you're horrendous. And if you get too, I don't actually have a racist uncle John. Exactly. So this isn't anybody in particular. But it's true.
Starting point is 00:06:13 What we're talking about here is one of the greatest stand-ups of all time, giving him the freedom to say whatever he wants. The hope is that he crafts something really intelligent, along with, you know, maybe it is somewhat offensive. But it's not offensive for offensive sake, I don't believe. I think it's like testing yourself to turn something that that mocks a certain type of person, but then makes makes a point pushing to and And it's and does it in a way that you're like, oh shit, that's funny Exactly
Starting point is 00:06:54 Exactly, well, and he throws in social commentary there and that's very interesting No, anyway, what were your thoughts on it? I want to hear your thoughts. I loved it man. Come on I loved it because like was I laughing harder than I ever have with with a standup special now because I think in some ways I had to pay more attention. Right. It was very clever. You know, I mean, I watched in society as a whole. I was just the kid having fun with my friends and silly observations cracked me up. And it's the silly ones that just, you know, you laugh from one point to the next. I mean, he had that, he had that whole skip before.
Starting point is 00:07:38 He was in the cab and he, no, no, it didn't go to like, he was in a cab and he went to like some crack down. And yeah, that's it. Well, didn't he go to like, he was in a cab, but he went to like some crack then. And yeah, that's it. And it was the hood. Gunstore, gunstore, like a store gunstore. And if you can do it, yeah. It's very silly.
Starting point is 00:07:54 He's making a point about the hood, yeah. But at the same time, night, I just felt like this one was, not Ted Tolkien, because that takes away from how funny it was, but it was he had a message to get across. He was even speaking differently than he had in the past. He was like, listen, I need a fucking talk about this. And he knows his reach is so much more powerful than it was like people were waiting to hear what he had to say Whereas before it was like oh, I couldn't wait. Dude's funny. I can't wait to listen to this blah blah blah
Starting point is 00:08:39 So that's always different from me and I loved it from start to finish I thought yeah, it is metaphors were brilliant you know obviously some people were gonna get annoyed but I mean my my girlfriend is is very sensitive to to you know she's young she's a woman she's very liberal. Right. She has plenty of friends in all different communities. You know, we don't need to express that more. And, you know, yeah, she doesn't, she's minority. She's minority, she doesn't find a lot of minorities.
Starting point is 00:09:17 So a lot of things funny. But, unless they're really well crafted. I mean, if I just, right off the cuff, you know what it's like when you just with your girlfriend and you happen to write and perform standup, you're going to say some silly things sometimes and they might be, they, they're probably way more fucked up than they would be when you're on the stage. For sure. You just test it.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Oh, 100% this person that loves you and she so often just gives me a look like, of course. Are you kidding me? That's ridiculous. And I'm like, okay, that was poorly crafted and I call the guys and you know, maybe I did have too many margaritas today. But when she starts laughing, Katie's when she starts laughing at a bit that I feel like Yeah, Katie's when she starts laughing at a bit that I feel like She almost wanted to get mad at I'm like, oh, he nailed it and that happened a Tone like she really did enjoy it. I don't know if she would admit that but I she really did like it a lot Yeah, Katie's the most the thing she says to me the most often in our relationship is um, no, you can't say that, you can't say that, you can't say that.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Like why? Because she's like, because you make me laugh at horrible things. Which means there's something to it, right? It's not the horrible thing. It's the way you get it. It's very weird. And it almost does kind of disarm the tension of the of the whole commentary anyway.
Starting point is 00:10:49 It's like to think that you can, you know, they say, don't bring up religion and politics at parties. It's very true because people are drinking and they get all tense about it. And it's the worst. But if you, Oh my God, I just dude wanted to fight me once because I was in a supportive a higher way
Starting point is 00:11:07 I wanted to fight me people are not and they do they get really excited But if you bring it up in a way to where you're actually being very funny You're kind of constantly disarming. It's like you've got a pressure valve and you're just Constantly undoing it and and Chappelle was relentless in this one. I mean, he went from one- relentless, kind of really controversial thing to another. And just go, go, go, go. And remember the last one he did last year?
Starting point is 00:11:40 I like the fact that he didn't have his vape pen with him this time, you know, like last week, last year, he got high as fuck, although I missed it. Maybe he was high for this one, but I think this one in a way meant more to him. He just seemed really intense. It felt like it did. It felt like it did. It felt like it did.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It felt like it did. It felt like it did. It felt like it did. It felt like it did. It felt like it did. It felt like it did. It felt they've been hammering him since last year. I think they have to. I think he's over it. I think that was the whole damn point. I think he was completely and utterly sick
Starting point is 00:12:15 of being told what's funny, what you can and can't say, what you can and cannot joke about. I think he was like, I'll do my favorite. Where is he living? Where are people with telekin witty? And what's funny? can't say what you can and cannot joke about. I think he was like, I'll do my silly liver and what? People with telekinwiki and what's funny, especially one of the best ones of all time. Oh, God. And you and I have seen it across the board. I was like, well, I don't think you're really that funny or it wasn't funny to me and blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like,
Starting point is 00:12:39 shut the fuck up. Then don't watch. I mean, he even said that. I didn't make you click my face. People watching on Netflix. I didn't make you watch this. I didn't make you do it Yeah, I mean there was some then there were some controversial things going after Louis CK's Victims, you know that was that was That was the one time I I don't say I prickled up, but I was like oh That one hurts that one hurts. That one hurts, because that's a hard one to defend. I'll defend is right to say it until the end of the time.
Starting point is 00:13:11 That one kind of hurts, because Louis CK was a fucker. And it wasn't just what he did. It wasn't just him jerking off in front of people. It wasn't just that, although that was terrible. But the fact that they threatened to destroy these people's careers and did, like, drove them out of comedy, did those things to those people because they felt assaulted and they didn't like it
Starting point is 00:13:36 and they were gonna say something and they're like, well, we'll ruin your absolute, we'll ruin your career. That was where it became on that. I didn't know that. I haven't said that. I haven't said that was like the the Dirt in the details of that story what I did notice though is the comics that knew
Starting point is 00:13:54 CK the best like Sarah Silverman, and I mean she's not exactly one for I mean she's a very liberal person that obviously credibly supports women and promotes them. And, you know, she knew Louie very well. And a lot of these people did jump to support her. I mean him. And it happens to her.
Starting point is 00:14:20 And when she kind of explained it, it was like, well, I don't know where I stand with I just don't have enough information and I'm not I'm not jumping on it look it doesn't sound good but you can't forget it was a very good period and does that make it okay no you can call someone I'm calling someone a con just make it okay that's not the bar illegal I'm pretty sure I don't think that you can just c cost right at somebody's face. No, you can. You can. You can't do it like, and you can't do it like,
Starting point is 00:14:50 court. Because that's contempt of court and shit. Yeah, well, there is actually a, but there's certain things you can't, you can say to somebody and it actually allows you, legally to physically attack them back. Like if somebody walks up to you at a restaurant
Starting point is 00:15:07 and just berated you to your face, and like, especially if it was like, sure, sure. Sure, sure, anti-Semitic or something like this, you're allowed to do something about it. So not all languages protected. Right. And yeah, look, I'm making a stupid point
Starting point is 00:15:22 that I'm not trying to defend them either,, I'm just not but I but I am surprised at how many Comedians that I have only ever heard good things from that through their comedy I believe that they're well thought out compassion of people and I think that they are willing to immediately walk away from a quote-unquote monster and walk away from a quote-unquote monster. And they're pretty good about sticking up for him and in some ways. I mean, look, none of them are saying it was cool. Well, let's think of it like this.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Let's think of it like this. You and I are really close friends. Let's say one of these allegations came out about you or me. And so let's say it came out about you or me. So let's say it came out about you, something horrendous. So let's say it's the exact same thing Louis CK did. And it comes out, and somebody comes to me and they ask me,
Starting point is 00:16:16 what do you think? What do you think about this allegation, this accusation? There's no way I'm going to just sit there and go, oh, well, I'm going to have to disavow Adam, because it'd be like, well that doesn't really jive with the Adam I know. At the same time, maybe I don't know him as well as I thought I did if this is the actual truth of what happened. But this doesn't jive with who he is as a person in the way I know him. So I have my doubts right now. It could very well be wrong. That's not a
Starting point is 00:16:47 wrong thing to say. Another example the other day, Scarlett Johansson was asked about the whole Woody Allen thing. She's worked with Woody Allen several times and they asked her about it and she goes, I've talked with them, I don't believe it and I would keep working with them. So where do we get to the point where you must believe the victims, and I definitely think we're victims have been denied respect for a really forever. They're all in a way you're saying right then. At the same time, and started it up,
Starting point is 00:17:20 but you're saying victims forever have been denied. So these ones should be listened to more. Right. Well, they should be listened to the same, but they should just be listening to it. Well, I'm not. Well, they should be listened to. And like, you know, I think we're getting to the point now, where it's like more often than not, people aren't coming forward with bullshit.
Starting point is 00:17:40 They're coming forward with actual facts, because it's really difficult for people to come forward. So when they do They should be get they should at least be listened to and given the benefit of the doubt Yeah, they got it at the same time. I can't be mad at somebody who's a friend of someone Because people put these celebrities and things in a different stratosphere You put them they put them is if they're not they're almost not people They're just like these these images that play characters and movies that we enjoy Well when they're really actually people and when you think about it. It's your best friend
Starting point is 00:18:12 It's entirely possible that he did it, but it's difficult to wrap your head around The idea that someone who you're close with could have done these terrible things So the natural inclination is to defend your friend, which I don't think people should be admonished for. I just don't. Simply because they have the bully pulpit and people listen to them, I don't think they should be admonished for listening to their friends, or in defending their friends. Wrong or right. And I think most of these people have come forward with the evidence saying, hey, celebrity A did this, they'll be like, well then that wasn't okay and I'm not cool with it. And I don't defend that and I don't defend them for it. But it's a natural instinct to defend someone you care and love, love and care about.
Starting point is 00:18:58 That's where I am. So I just feel, and I feel like we're in this culture and trying it back to sticks and stones. We're in this culture of you say one shitty thing, you say one bad thing in your past whenever you have to go away. We're in James Gundid with his shitty tweets from 10 years ago and he just fired off guardians of the galaxy. Or, you know, I'm trying to think who else, I can't think of another example, but people say these whack things and then they have to go away Bill Marley Kevin hot as well Kevin hot with a chip of gay tweet. Yeah, Kevin Hart. Yes
Starting point is 00:19:33 exactly with the gay tweets and You know it was like they have to go away and it's like Why does everyone have to go what we've got damn it. We live in an age where everything we do is recorded and put online and it's like, human beings stew and say stupid shit all the time. It's just what we do. I just feel like there's less room for forgiveness and I feel like there's the state of affairs
Starting point is 00:20:00 in the world right now has something to do with it. But I don't know, I'm just, I'm not in love with this idea that people have to go away because they said one dumb thing or they made a gay joke 10 years ago when everybody made gay jokes or you know they made a joke about women 10 years ago. And obviously it's like we is far less of an issue than some right joking off in front of you and making you feel real 100% it's definitely super fucked up and I almost feel like I'm kind of surprised that there's not some like illegal action in there it almost feels like
Starting point is 00:20:40 I guess he didn't like force them to not get out of the room, but can't you just feel like you're stuck in a room? I mean, pressures come from all different directions. Oh absolutely, especially, I mean, especially let's say, you know, Sarah Silverman or Whitney Cummings grabbed us, and they were like, you know, and made us, we're up in Cum comics. We'll be very, you, because you're sitting there in the moment when this shocking act is happening and your normal reaction will be to run, but you're also thinking, this person could just destroy, destroy my career, torpedo everything I've worked for. And it's all going through your mind with an asplit second. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Oh God. And so you point, I think the natural inclination would just be to kind of sit there be like I don't know what to do. I have no idea what to do This is happening. This is not what I expected and then when you have time to process you're like that's fucked up I don't that shouldn't have happened to me and then The minute you even think about saying something to anyone you money be considered an ally If it somehow gets back to to the other camp and they're like will destroy your fucking house sure on you What is this destroyed like Louis did this or like a manager Louis like straight up
Starting point is 00:21:56 Contacted on was like Louis and you're fucking done Louis team Louis team did Louis team did okay? Louis team did we're like I think it was like 20 women that came forward and said yeah I was told if I said anything they would ruin my that's almost the worst part of it I'm way less annoyed about my foundation if he was like just infinitely sad afterwards like love I'm really sorry I'm a bit of a weirdo with that but it's cool and blah blah blah. But hopefully they don't get mad and I apologize. And you know, right.
Starting point is 00:22:29 I mean, sexual dysfunction is a huge problem. And even though these women were clearly violated because that's bullshit, you know, because that was a consensual, you can look at it as disease or dysfunction or something. And that's something you could truly be humble about seek help apologize and all right so you say that's where you kind of you went from but from that was hitting him for what he did and then without skipping
Starting point is 00:23:01 a beat you went to no I'm know, there should be a road for redemption Whatever so if that is it could Louis have one no no no, I think he's done No, I think I think you could there would be a road for redemption of all you did was jerk off in front of these chicks He could the dysfunction Whatever like look. I had a problem. I'm getting better. So the please set my apology. Please forgive me But blah blah, but when he came out and that was calculated It was like I will destroy you. No for me. There's no path to redemption after that fair enough None fair enough. Yeah, I mean look it's totally cool for people to make I'm
Starting point is 00:23:36 those sorts of Opinions on on things and and it sounds like you know quite a bit about the whole situation Yeah, yeah, I read a bit about it. It was a big thing. I think it was a big thing. That is the key though. He was one of my favorite comics. He was one of my favorite comics.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah. And like a savant with comedy. He was genius. Although now you look back on some of his shows and they're a little more uncomfortable knowing what he did. It's a little more like when he talks about like masturbating and all the sexual I mean he talked about his sexual dysfunction in his act and things like that I'm watching. I mean it you know, it's weird. It's almost kind of groups of watch Build Cosby's old stuff though. It's that still not really possible because he was so clean
Starting point is 00:24:24 I know so far away, but I mean, if he was just rambling on about giving people drinks that made them sleepy over and over, it would be, you know what I mean, even if it's first, when you first heard it, you were like, oh, that's funny and completely just innocuous, and now you could connect it. Problem is, Louis Soat Dark, that it's easy to connect this like dark thing that he had in him to it. And it's going to be very difficult for him to ever come out with a special, again I think. It's going to be real tough. Oh, no, I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I mean, there are still people that would buy it because there's people on there that still watch it. I mean, and I don't watch everyone stand up, but he still is a genius of comedy, even if he is a freaky masturbator and female threat. Now, so with that, right and said, what was the importance of one David dressing this and the other comics sticking up for him?
Starting point is 00:25:33 I mean, you made the point that it's just, well, this is their friends, like you were saying about me, if you heard about me, you wouldn't, this isn't the Adam I know. They all knew he did this shit. It had either happened to them as well, so they'd experienced it firsthand, like with Sarah Silverman,
Starting point is 00:25:49 or they just, like they knew. This wasn't like a, and to say people should have been like, well why didn't anyone say anything? What are you gonna say? It wasn't illegal. People do some weird shit. I could tell you 50 random things that aren't illegal
Starting point is 00:26:02 from people that shit we just work with. And it would sound fucked up, but nobody will do anything. What is anyone going to do except be like that's weird. Right, exactly. You know, it's all, and I'm sure, I mean, a lot of this was behind closed doors, so they probably had an inkling that something weird was going on. Yeah, literally. You're also sometimes, you know, you're up in,
Starting point is 00:26:25 you're up in, right? Yeah. I mean, sometimes you turn a blind eye because it's like these things, they're not in your stratosphere, they're not happening to you. And you can't fight every injustice in the world. But what would you do?
Starting point is 00:26:38 What would you do if this was here? And let's just say a girl came up to you and was like, not even all that shaken up, right? Let's just say a girl came up to you and was like Not even all that shaken up right let's just take that example because you can't imagine everyone was that Shaken up is yeah, I'm sure plenty people were but if somebody was just like a bit creeped out and was like Oh, that's a bit weird and Yet I was chatting to her the bar earlier and then You know, I mean do you do you just come up to me and go
Starting point is 00:27:05 do you gotta stop this shit go to therapy well I would you know I think I'd be first thing I'd be like yo this broad said this this like like first of all why she bothering me with it because like who am I but like second of the ball I'd be like did what's what's going on there and then I'd listen to your side of the story and if it was any was any way, if you corroborated it in any way, like, dude, you can't fucking do that anymore. That would be exactly what I would say. Like, that's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:27:33 You can't fucking do that. Don't fucking do that. What are you thinking? We'd have a talk about it. Obviously, your Giu-Gitsu master and a Kung Fu master. Relax. I have a blue belt. First lead.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Just the blue box. Re-carnated. Let me say that box I'll get to my school and these black belts so that's exactly what I would do I go to your school I'd be like you know I almost talking to him shit and they like all for real and they smoke you it's still very difficult though I'd be very old thing and I think the real difference is it's not as black and white as that Somebody doesn't just walk up to somebody who's not nothing as friend and then that person turns around and says I
Starting point is 00:28:13 Directly need to deal with this assuming that I wouldn't either defend it dismiss it or lie about it and make that woman look like a bit of an idiot You don't even mean like if it's something you're kind of ashamed of anyway, you might just be like, oh, that bitch. She didn't know that, she's been stupid. She didn't know what she's like. Of course. She loved it. She asked me to do it.
Starting point is 00:28:34 You'd be like, wait, what? I don't really know her, so I don't know, no, no. I don't know how to go about this. Well, I can definitely tell you what I do. If we were public figures in a certain way, and somebody came to me and asked me, I'm opinion about it, I'd definitely tell you what I do. If we were public figures in a certain way and somebody came to me and asked me, I'm opinion about it, I'd be like, look, I don't know what happened, Adam is my really good friend, but more than anything, why are you asking me? Like, why do I personally have to make a public statement? I feel very bad
Starting point is 00:29:01 for whoever was hurt in this whole scenario, and that's terrible, but why do I have to make a public statement? Like, why do I have to do with it? Because I know that's kind of it. I mean, look, even in the special, she pal pointed out, um, his report is conversation about, uh, what's his name, but one of the pisses on the kids. Yeah. And he's like, I don't know exactly. And
Starting point is 00:29:27 then he got criticism. I don't know the dude. So if you know them, like you would know me, I think you do need to and why is that you're also famous and people would care about your opinion, not that we are and also to be clear, that I did this so maybe we should stop even saying this because I'm getting uncomfortable right No, Adam did not do that Adam. It's as long as I know you've been a straight-up do shit like that So yeah, I think I think that's what what it is and I'm just still curious, you know, it just it's curious like obviously people protect people and friends do that and I think that maybe it's even their way of trying to come to grips with something that a good friend of theirs did. Someone that they really care about and they just can't imagine it being as bad as it is. And I'm sure he's defended himself by saying, listen, it was more like this than like that. And that's persuasive, the medians are persuasive, they're good with language. So I think it's just all clearly tricky.
Starting point is 00:30:33 But my concern is this, right? And we're really fucking beaten this one to death. These are the kind of ways I wanted to talk about the special though, because I don't want to go over as jokes. I don't want to give away premises like that would be so disrespectful I'd rather go to the importance and of like the bits and why they're intense Agree. Well in the culture it has cultural relevance this special at cultural relevance immediately And I feel like it's where they've got to change a law to make this actually an illegal act, and then, you know, not that you can prosecute them after the fact, but make that happen, right? Because what's the point? What's the point of just being mad at Louis? It's not
Starting point is 00:31:16 going to stop anyone from doing this in the future if they want to do exactly the same thing, and they don't ever become famous, so no one gives a shit about the lots of people in the room and jerked off into a flower pot But also the fact that okay, it's not illegal Yet there's no room for redemption. There's no way back because it's too fucking creepy then What is that no one can ever come back Almost no one can like you what you can come back and I think you're allowed to tweet maybe that there's a rotor redemption that sure Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:50 Well, and it also comes down to so I mean you could definitely make the case that some of these jokes that should be made Some people would be if you tweeted him or whatever some people would be like you can't come back from that But I feel like part of it is attitude. He's like some people would be like you can't come back from that but I feel like part of it is attitude. He's like Try and stop me like because he went in he went in not with just like oh I made these jokes and then there was backlash and he was like oh my god I can't believe there's so much backlash over jokes. He went in and was like bring the backlash I feel like that was like calculated Calculated moment news. I mean I have an on to going front of me right now and it says what happened to Dave
Starting point is 00:32:27 Chappelle, the cruelty of sticks and stones is a sign of the times. And then it just goes into like how day you make 9-11 jokes or how all these like because and they make how they reference it right for example take 9-11 jokes okay and maybe yeah um you know it was horrendous thing I remember when it happened I've never felt so shaken up I was afraid of flying planes for like two years I straight up had PTSD from an event sure I was nowhere apart of it was horrific, you know, but they make the point that in this article, you shouldn't make jokes about it because 3,000 people died. And, you know, that's kind of their point.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I'm like, well, hold on. You shouldn't make jokes about it because the people died. So no jokes about anything when people died die because obviously some people will get upset there There is a bit of a point to that but work harder than that if you're writing an article and what is this magazine? Let me see. Oh the salon. I don't know. It's pretty shit magazine, but oh It's a long long. Okay, super liberal. There's no way they would ever like yeah Well, they've been I mean, but that's not true in the 90s they would have he's a liberal guy and he's a black dude
Starting point is 00:33:50 Not so long you know, it's not like yeah, public in comic, but now it's like everyone is is fucking no exactly They guns ablaze him and they're upset, which is why he did it Which is why he did it. Yep. No because because you And I'm super liberal, but you have the feeling police out there Sometimes people aren't gonna like what you say. That's just how it is So there's probably a lot of people listening to the show that don't like what I say But that's how often the you know like what I say. Tough. I throw some jokes at you.
Starting point is 00:34:27 And sometimes you just look at me and go, no Adam. Yeah. And I'm like, all right, see ya. You look no. I'm afraid. I mean it happens. It's true. I mean that's just, feelings are going to get hurt.
Starting point is 00:34:42 You cannot stop the world from being bullied. I think a lot of it is in response to certain bullies in the public, the public eye, that we feel powerless against. And I think sometimes that's a response to that. But you can't stop feelings from being hurt. It's gonna happen. Like, and I always say laughter, I always say come get that best medicine when I'm promoting my shows, because laughter is the best medicine. That's how we deal with things. Sometimes we make jokes to make ourselves feel better that might hurt a feeling or two, but you know what?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Feelings heal fast. Like feelings heal immediately, the minute you stop thinking about them. You know what I mean? It's just kind of, unless you're a huge bitch. We gotta get over it. We gotta, I mean, if you're a massive pussy, you're gonna sit around crying. You have way bigger problems.
Starting point is 00:35:33 What someone so said to you for a long time. But you have way bigger problems than just a joke, if that's the point. Look, I was, I was a kid that was bullied my whole fucking life when I was younger. I was a skinny, meek, artistic kid who was just kind of in my own world I get bullied all the time. I'm okay. I'm Fucking okay because of it and sometimes feeling because I get hurt and then you get over it
Starting point is 00:35:57 But they're just jokes like I feel people I think part of the whole thing is that people take this shit too seriously It's just jokes just sit back even you don't want to laugh don't laugh, but Lord Jesus like the You were telling me about that Wall Street Journal article that basically said maybe stand up shouldn't be allowed to do Yeah, it was something like that Stand up comedy should not be politically incorrect and That is so bizarre. It's almost like, okay, so there's a politically correct board. And they set rules and they, you know, what, it's, we can all be, to joke about it. That would be a very, very strange world. Right. We cannot name one politically correct
Starting point is 00:36:39 comic. I can think of one, Brian Regan. That's it. He's the only one I can think of. And I, I, even Gaffigan makes jokes that are not always's it. He's the only one I can think of. And I even gaff against mixed jokes that are not always politically correct. He never curses and stuff, but I mean, he talks about his wife and he talks about dating women and stuff like that. You could definitely think to or at least come to the conclusion that, you know, they were anti-women or not anti-women, but in that style. What in what about so well you can find it that's just pretty politically correct yeah but even he won't even go on college campuses because they people thought he was he wasn't politically correct he's
Starting point is 00:37:14 like I won't do it anymore they made me cut jokes I mean I've read articles about campuses saying you have to cut these jokes you have to cut these jokes because they might offend blah blah blah and these are not this is not me calling everybody a snowflake. That's not what I'm doing, but I am saying that sometimes there's sometimes, you know, it's like your immune system. Sometimes you get to get sick for your immune system to get stronger.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And it's kind of like sometimes you need to listen to contraire and viewpoints and some salacious things, because it makes you you tougher because you can't just go around the world like you're in Raptum bubble wrap. You can't I mean you just yeah, obviously it's gonna be right now and it clearly is rough So let me ask you clearly is rough for these what is okay? So there's a few things happening right when people get upset about this stuff You take an actor right you've got Leonardo to cap you What is the tango unchained Django?
Starting point is 00:38:11 There we go how many try and send does he say the N word and Get black guys to beat each other up and like during the filming I guess he was like struggling to say this and Jamie Foxx was like this a man You're an actor just fucking do it. You got to sell this role. Nobody afterwards. Just don't play clearly as a racist. Yeah. Well, yeah, because you didn't write the script, but let's say you did write it. Yeah. Let's say you did write it.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Let's say you did direct it. Be the same result and people will be being like, oh, that was the most amazing. 100% the fact that he did all three of those things and blah, blah, okay. So you write comedy, right, performance, you're still kind of an actor, but you seem very real like you're having a conversation at a dinner party,
Starting point is 00:38:50 and you're the really cool, interesting, amusing one. And therefore it makes the points that you make facts that you believe in. And this is 100% your opinion. And not only that, and this is my my second point like the concern is that what You're changing people's minds. You're making them less Compassionate to Whoever they're talking about does that fucking happen who the fuck leaves a comedy set and they're like you know what?
Starting point is 00:39:22 Who the fuck leaves a comedy set and they're like, you know what? Oh, I don't think I'm gonna hang out with my gay friends anymore. Like, never, never. I'm gonna say that, never. It doesn't work like that. Your brain is just laughing. I don't think that anyone's watching this going, that was a great TED talk.
Starting point is 00:39:40 I need to change everything I know. If anything, I think you can learn something about just a different way of looking at a situation. Usually they're disarming situations rather than intensifying them. They're not like, it's not funny to be full of hate. Like it would be tough to have a hate rally of stand-up comedy.
Starting point is 00:40:04 It just wouldn't really work. It just wouldn't really work it just wouldn't work it just wouldn't work I mean like you could try it it just it wouldn't you'd be you'd bomb I never work again I mean that's essentially where it was something like that I don't know they they they just put so much more of the emphasis on the things that the comedian says and No one's going this is art like if you drew a picture if you're an artist and you drew like this weird picture that had like the remnants of some Soviet Lenin style and ask shit in the in the corner of it. Right. You didn't even really explain what it was about.
Starting point is 00:40:47 It just like is a picture. And maybe you're known for like strange odd political art that you don't ever kind of talk about. I mean, is it fair for a bunch of people to jump on and be like, that was a terrible time. Why would you even reference this? Why aren't you just drawing flowers and fields and people smiling? Of course. Of course they don't because we have no emotional connection to that anymore.
Starting point is 00:41:18 So it doesn't hurt feelings. There you go. We have no emotional connection to it. That's why you can make World War II jokes. Like you can make, I mean, because We have no emotional connection to it. That's why you can make World War II jokes. Like you can make, I mean, because we have no emotional connection to it. Where it's so far in the past, and you can make not 11 jokes now. It just depends on how graphic it. Because I mean, it's the whole too soon, right? Too soon. It's too soon for those jokes. We need, we need to, our emotional connections need to need, we need to, our emotional connections need to dilute. They need to become less sensitive for us to accept humor. What's the most offended you've ever sent somebody be at a comedy show? And I have a good story for this one, so, but I'm curious.
Starting point is 00:41:57 It's a good question. I don't know. Tell me your story. I don't, I don't feel like it really seen anybody be offended in any of my shows. I mean, I've personally been offended by help. Yeah, but I mean, not when you're performing, more about when you've been an audience member, because you can hear and you like, you can pay more attention to the reaction. And you don't really do care. It's going to get anybody to be like, you fucking suck. That's some bullshit. Like, it's just, you you know you're not gonna provoke
Starting point is 00:42:29 No, I mean I do bits about Jewish Delaney yeah Went to see what's his name. Yeah, fuck sake my brain is like it's John John Malini. There we go John Malinianey John Malaney yeah, I was at a little show in West Hollywood It was a great little theater area and He did a really unique show because he hosted it and in between each comic He would kind of come up and talk about the audience's reaction and And then kind of add to the jokes.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Like if he liked a bit of a set, he would come on and kind of do his own bit of a spin. It was strange, but it was not insulting. And it wasn't like, oh, I'm just going to be taking people's comedies. But, but he, it was cool because it was like he was there to do an hour, but he did 10 minutes between each comic, which was cool because it was like he was there to do an hour, but he did 10 minutes between each comic, which was cool because he just got to work on his stories. Now, a lot of the people that showed up were women and were, I mean, the other comedians were like women, but then Bill Boe was on there.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Now you know what kind of audience is planning. Oh yeah, you know there were plenty of like hipsters in the audience, plenty of feminist type people. You could see it. And this was many years ago when I first moved to LA and this Jewish bird I know took me and she was very sensitive to those sorts of things too, but they'd like some comedy, but she didn't like a lot of different types of comedy that some of the people that I was into, she was massively opposed to. I don't think she like Jezzelneck at all, which is easy to understand because he says fucked up things. So we were there. Bill Boehr comes out, he's doing his thing. Now, obviously we've been primed on a lot of comedy already that works for everybody's sensitive sensibilities up until that point and then you know bill comes up and starts wafting on about his wife or women
Starting point is 00:44:33 that he thinks are annoying and and I couldn't believe the reaction in that like truthfully like groans. No. Crickets. What? Can you put up a ring talking over him? And do what you want. Like you have the right to do whatever you want. I mean, you can do it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:44:53 And if you get kicked out, you get kicked out. But that wasn't that sort of place. I don't mind people getting offended. Get offended. Right. If you're not into the comedy, I could ferv you just shut up. So maybe, maybe because, well, maybe because he just because well maybe because he or she or whoever it is It's just starting in a certain way and maybe they're gonna wrap up into something else
Starting point is 00:45:11 And it's maybe they're gonna flip it back around on their head who knows you don't know the direction that they're gonna go But build it as thing and then he just kind of stopped and just started talking About what the audience thinks about his jokes. And that was really interesting. He's like, look, I know you hate me. I know you hate these jokes. It was like straight up Bill Boehr having to bomb.
Starting point is 00:45:33 And I think he knew that it was going to be that sort of crowd. I think he wanted to test himself. I think he's that brave of a comic. I think Malaney definitely warned him about this. was like you can you can come if you want I thought it was great and he did he did still get some solid zingers. I mean if there was an open mic you know or just even a kind of a newer professional show you'd still be like oh he did fucking great I don't know why he was so worried about people not liking him. But then when you remember it's Bill Burr who mostly only crushes, he is going to be slightly more sensitive to that.
Starting point is 00:46:12 But this woman behind me was, they were their girlfriend, a boyfriend, and she was just like, this is just disgusting. This is absolutely unbelievable. I mean, this is the problem. And just, like, I mean, loud was into it. I let it go. I didn't is the problem and just like I mean loud was into it I let it go. I didn't turn around and say hey You might just shut the fuck up from in it because obviously she was already pissed off. I didn't want to make it worse But right of course it was intense dude. It was intense. It happens and That's it. That's a miserable experience for everyone That's just to you know, I've never been to I mean, I've never been to a comedy show where
Starting point is 00:46:50 the comic really offended Anybody like most of the I've seen Eddie is hurt five times I think now And he's never I mean he's he just doesn't do offensive humor So I haven't really been in a scenario. I've certainly sent my living room and laughed at jokes that my girlfriend looked at me like, really? And I'm like, oh, sorry. Oh, I'm sorry. I should cover my mouth next time.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Like I'm chewing or something. But no, I haven't. But that's not a fun experience when you're sitting there with somebody that's not enjoying what you're enjoying. It diminishes the whole thing. But I think that speaks to a larger point, it's like, you don't have to like everything everybody does. Yeah, and I mean, he doesn't have to be able to stand there and problem-son to her as a meter to like, okay, is there something that she's missing that I want to make a joke for?
Starting point is 00:47:46 maybe this is also not my audience like maybe she's just like he would have to change that joke so much that it wouldn't even be worth it to him to get her to laugh right because then to do it the other end of the spectrum he's got his other fans that would love the way that he's already set it up. And this was a new material either. I'd heard this material. I think some of it had been on his last special. I mean, this was perfectly constructed, well-practiced material, and it just wasn't going to land
Starting point is 00:48:22 with a lot of the people in the unbiased You know, so it's just testing those kind of limits and and and that's the brutal thing about being a stand-up is they even the best guys Have to put themselves out there a lot for this they have they are the ones that leave in pain to believe that he didn't leave Feeling like shit is impossible. They don't go up there and just go, ah well, fuck that. We did. He did. Doesn't happen. Well, when you're trying to make a point
Starting point is 00:48:52 and you're the type of comic builder is, sometimes, I call it essay comedy, and I feel like, she'd held it this in sticks and stones. It was trying to make a point through comedy. Sometimes it lands, sometimes it doesn't. I mean, sometimes you go back and you go, okay, how can I rework this to make it stronger, blah, blah, blah. That's what I thought Shepelde did so well in equanimity.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I thought he was phenomenal, especially when he was talking about this transgender jokes, and how he spun it around to talk about his own personal biases, which I thought was vulnerable and introspective and also hysterical. Didn't do that as much in sticks and stones, but I feel like, again, it was one of those things, it was like a, a deriade to come after me. Like, yeah, I'm sick of this shit. And I feel like that's, that's what it was. I think it was a response to that. I like that Equanimity. I agree with what you say completely, but I didn't want him to do the same thing this time because if you notice his stand-ups, he
Starting point is 00:49:58 changes in a lot of ways more than many other comedians. Like he has, he has some real silly ones. Absolutely. Where he's just being skinny, old, you know, well, young, I mean, but like old-style Dave, where he's skinny and he's just like, oh man, shit! And he's jumping around and he does, and that really, right? And then he shows a different aspect of his, Exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Like emotions and his character. Last year's standup specials, just like you said, very vulnerable. And this one, he came out with authority. Very vulnerable. And I think that's what annoyed people the most. That got annoyed. I think that's what they're like, how dare you? How dare you go against the frustration
Starting point is 00:50:47 and basically hatred that these people are building. They've worked hard to get people to hate everyone that speaks out against this community, that community, this thing, that one. They're going around kicking people off Twitter. They're writing articles like, this is so 80s and you're so wrong and how dare you and all this super frustrated. I mean, they're just in a fucked up way.
Starting point is 00:51:15 It sounds like they're battling, it seems like they're battling for like righteousness. But this just, it's just a fucked ton of hatred. It is 100%. A lot of it is. A lot of it is a lot of it is a lot It's just kind of hatred. They're just finding people to attack It's nonsense Sure, well, I'm I'm I always want to play I always want to play devil's af get my own mind and try to come at things from where Somebody else is coming from certainly and I certainly do certainly we certainly know that there are certain minority groups who
Starting point is 00:51:45 are sick of being the butt of jokes. So I get frustration. Your problem isn't with Dave Chappelle though. Your problem isn't with Dave Chappelle or Bill Burr or anybody else. I feel like they feel like that type of mentalities in the mainstream it promotes that. Yeah. So I understand where it comes from. It could be something to them, but it's the same time. Yeah. I mean, I think we definitely have to look at it from that perspective.
Starting point is 00:52:15 I definitely understand being a member of a group or a class of person that feels like you've always been the butt of jokes and you're a jokes in your fucking sick of it. I get that. It should be respected, definitely. But at the end of the day, the jokes. That's kind of that's that's kind of key. I don't want to I don't want to tell him how to feel. I don't want to tell anybody how to feel. I don't I don't want to do that. Let's you know, they get to feel how they feel. That's my mantra. You get to feel how you feel but I don't think society's problems line
Starting point is 00:52:49 Dave Chappelle's latest Netflix special hey lowman last one. I'm not mad at these fact that there's for You can look man. You can write the article. You can get as mad as you want you can talk as much shit as you want Dude, that's the same as me saying Dave Chappelle can say whatever you go 100 you can talk as much shit as you want. That's the same as me saying Dave Shipel can say whatever you 100% can't, you just can't try and stop this person from doing stand up again. You can't wait for that one text. Right. Like here's the issue right back to Louis CK. Maybe people didn't like the way he did his stand up. Maybe it wasn't politically correct enough. Maybe there was a lot of frustrations there,
Starting point is 00:53:27 and now all of a sudden they have this thing. Now obviously it's pretty egregious, but they have this thing, bam, take him down. So now people don't like Shepal. They don't like his stand up. Now they're scouring his life to find anything, find that moment. It hears the issue.
Starting point is 00:53:44 People can be kind of framed for things. People, there can be like, not a misunderstanding. But there can be something that maybe he didn't do it. But he gets wrapped up in the story of it and now boom, he's gone too. And it's a fucking, this is the problem. It's a slippery slope. It just is a slippery slope.
Starting point is 00:54:04 But look, we gotta wrap this up. We look we got to we got to wrap this up. Yeah, we're gonna meet meet up with someone wrap it up Let's do final thoughts and then let's give it give it your rating out of ten We're end we're on a rating system. What do you think? Fuck it. Yeah, all right cool. I'm I give it a I give it a seven out of ten. I would have liked to have seen it cool, I give it a seven out of ten. I would have liked to have seen it. If you're going essay comedy, if you're going to TED Talk type thing, you're trying to prove a point. I guess I would have liked to have seen a little more of a conclusion. I wouldn't mind a little bit more of that, but I laughed my ass off, especially the last app. I really enjoyed the last half of the special. I thought it was really
Starting point is 00:54:47 funny. I thought it was really sharp. His quote about, then I won't give the joke away, but you remember when he was talking about going to stand as in practices at Comedy Central and they told him you can't say a certain word and he's like, well, why can I say this? Remember that? I thought that was his point in a moment I've seen and stand up. It was such a fucking good point. He's like, well, why can I say this? Remember that? I thought that was... It's poignant, a moment I've seen in standout moments. It was such a fucking good point. I thought it was...
Starting point is 00:55:10 ...spec... ...tacular. I thought it was amazing. So, yeah, equanimity is my favorite standout special of all time. I give... That was a 10 out of 10. So, he's always fighting equanimity in my mind, which is unfair, but, you know, he doesn't
Starting point is 00:55:25 get fuck about me. But I definitely seven out of ten. I still enjoyed it. It was, I appreciate that he was fighting for his right to say whatever he wants to say. I appreciate it. I don't think it landed entirely on all three wheels, but I still thought it was pretty good. For me, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:44 For me, a nine. Your thoughts. There is some bias in there too, because I know that I'm enjoying, it's almost like I'm waiting for the funny. Like he doesn't have to work at all to build my trust. I know it's Dave Chappelle, yeah, he's earned it and I'm right there. And I wish it had gone on just a little bit longer because I'm selfish.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I do like what you said about a bit of a conclusion, but I think that almost makes it too Ted Turkey. I mean, I think it's harder for him to sell us on. It was just jokes when he's like, oh, let me wrap everything up and this is how you should think. It's not what he's saying, but it kind of felt like it needed that or in a weird way but I'm glad he didn't do it and and you know a big part of my school there is that and you brought this up early and I wanted to mention it is rotten tomatoes now as time has gone
Starting point is 00:56:38 on I think in the last 10 years especially if you haven't learned to not trust reviews of movies and things like rotten tomatoes anymore then you're not paying attention because those numbers used to be fairly similar. They do two scores. They do the tomato meter, is that what it is? Right, which is, which is all the critics. Yeah, it's the critics score. Then they do the audience score and the disparity is ridiculous. Dave's Critic meter is a complete flop at 27% Audience score Audience score 99% It's a fuck so when you ask me like like a people get like I give them I just said a nine out of 10
Starting point is 00:57:23 Well, that's a 90 I would technically bring the audience score down But he has 99 on right there's That's the people The critics don't choose for the people the people choose critics are just trying to make a name for themselves And to do that you can't just have a five out of ten review. This food was three stars, pretty good, like the omelette. You have to be like, it was either the best thing you ever had with Anthony Bourdain level narration or it was the worst fucking thing you've ever had and that's Gordon Ramsay
Starting point is 00:58:01 braiding the chef for his filthy kitchen, right? So that's where I'm at with it. And I loved it and I can't wait for I wanted to do something every year. Fuck it. I think he's found his groove. I'm so glad that he's back. I'm so glad to do.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Fuck. Only four. You're greedy bitch. I got spoiled. I got spoiled. I am a greedy bitch. I love it. I am not a problem. I'm glad we did got spoiled. I am a greedy bitch. I am not a
Starting point is 00:58:25 boss. I'm glad we did this and thank you for everybody listening. Obviously watch it. If you haven't, you probably have. Give us some feedback. Follow us on Joe Rogan Experience review on Instagram. All the links are in our bio. You can email us. Let us know what you think about his stand up. If you liked it, if you didn't, you know, we're all just trying to find not even the answer, but we're just creating a dialogue, you know, and especially if stand up means a lot to you. Or maybe it doesn't mean a lot to you. Maybe you didn't have a lot of experience with Dave Chappelle and now this is your opening
Starting point is 00:59:02 and you didn't really get it. You didn't really feel it. You know, let us know. It's always cool to read those things, we can't get back to it. Please let us know. But I do my best and that's it. So thanks as always guys and cheers Mark. you

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