Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review 185

Episode Date: November 8, 2019

Reviewing Kevin Smith 1372 and Justin Wren 1374. Kevin has a new Jay and Silent Bob movie coming out that he's promoting. He will be going on tour with it, so look out for that. Justin is back with ...a new parasite on his mission to save the world. This guy is the nicest human being to ever live. His stories are incredible.  Enjoy the review folks! Follow us on Instagram at Please email us here with any suggestions and questions for future shows.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bro, ¿me das un sorvito de tu lata de refresco? Que lata, bro, si este es una lámpara. Que sí, bro, que una lata de refresco en el contenedor amarillo puede ser un montón de cosas. Ok, entonces ¿qué? ¿me das un sorvito de tu lámpara? Recicla tu lata de refresco en el contenedor amarillo y participa en la economía circular.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Reduce, reutiliza, recicla, eco-embes. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ¿Yor, listening to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. What a bizarre thing we've created. Now with your host, Adam Thorn, and Mark Hampton. This might either be the worst podcast or the best one of all time. All righty then.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I'm up and running technical issues aside today. It is just going to be me Adam on the JRE review. Still in Paris. And it's harder than you think to link up with somebody that is 9 hours away in LA to get some of these done. But fear not, I will battle through this. It's weird too because the time difference was 9 hours when I got here, then the time changed here in Paris. So it went to like 8 and then it changed again back in LA but did it a week later so then it was 9.
Starting point is 00:01:25 So the timing on all this was a bit shitty. It's alright. It's whoever it is. We've missed each other a few times and I'm like why are you not ready? And he's like, oh I'm shit, the time is different. It's mostly because I'm dumb. I've got to say. Couple of do'sies today. Podcast 1372, Joe's conversation with Kevin Smith. Kevin, of course, that Jay and Silent Bob Mastermind love that guy. Love it when he's on, he's such a sweetheart, such a great dude. And then, slightly out of order, I'm gonna do Justin Ren as well. Justin Ren is somebody that I admire a lot and
Starting point is 00:02:07 Joe does too. He does wonderful things for charity and he's a super just nice guy, just altruistic and and selfless but that's podcast 1374 and I get to that shortly. I'm going to put more links as well in the descriptions for all the podcasts moving forward just so like as a viewer like often when I'm either watching on YouTube or watching listening to a podcast, I mostly listen to them. The average snowden one I watched on YouTube of course because yet and it was just kind of cool seeing him kind of called in but Sometimes they talk about books they talk about just different things that pop up and and you want to have some links
Starting point is 00:02:57 somewhere I've always kind of wanted Something like that just to be able to like reference that podcast and be like okay What was like a good summary of what happened and something like that just to be able to like reference that podcast and be like, okay, what was like a good summary of what happened? And because in three hours, it's easy to kind of miss things and forget things and people don't want to be taking notes, you know, so I've fuck it. I felt like I-
Starting point is 00:03:16 And over the years of doing this, I just want to get slightly more concise with it and people have asked like if I could do things like that. I don't mind. That was the point of this anyway, so I'm just trying to figure it out as I go along. All right, so Kevin Smith, great conversation, really very chilled, relaxed, you know, on the knowledge end of things. I mean, it was one of the easing entertainer. You know, it's like Joe's comedian friends. they don't often drop a ton of knowledge sometimes they they often have good stories But you know, what do we get out of this one? He's obviously a legend I found it interesting that he said that he wakes and bakes wakes and bakes plenty of stoneers do that
Starting point is 00:04:01 I don't do that too much. I like to have a few hours in the morning, just to kind of feel tired and load up on coffee. Joe said the same thing. I don't know why. I just never really have. I think jumping into it, kind of being groggy and tired and then baked is is is odd. I like to, well, at least for me, I like to try and figure out what the hell I have to do that day. Look around and be like, oh, yeah, shit, I got these things. I like to well at least for me. I like to try and figure out what the hell I have to do that day Look around and be like oh, yeah shit. I got these things. I think it would throw me off too bad if I went in that direction I don't know doing his last movie
Starting point is 00:04:38 With the the one that he's kind of touring on now the J in silent Bob and Joe said it in a time don't have time. Sorry on now, the Jay and Silent Bob. And Joe said he didn't have time. Don't have time. Sorry, no, I'm interested. And it wasn't being rude, but I think it's that Kevin even praised him for. I think it's an important thing to reflect on is to say, hey, what is your time worth to you? And it's not to say that he doesn't have time for Kevin.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Obviously, he had hours for this podcast, but it was about going out there, shooting the film, hanging out, all the rest of the bits. Like Joe is as full busy as you could be. I think that's a good question no matter where you are in your life. Like if you find yourself watching tons of Netflix every day when you get home, you know, fine, but all means do what you want. Of course, it's a nice luxury to have that. But when you feel like you're running out of time for things, it's a good idea to kind of quantify your time to say to yourself, what is it worth? What is my time worth? I don't watch a ton of TV. Sometimes when I'm going to bed, I watch a bit of the office.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I haven't actually worked all through that season, so that's like a bit of a guilty pleasure just to sit there. But just binge watching shows and taking up my day off doing that, I'm too busy with just other activities that are... I don't know if I'm going to say they're more important, but they seem more productive. Like, going to Jiu Jitsu, at least least for me seems more productive than not doing that and then watching a show It's like if you do Jiu-Jitsu for 10 years you get very good at Jiu-Jitsu well, hopefully unless you really suck but You're certainly gonna get better if you watch 10 years with a TV you're gonna get better at watching TV
Starting point is 00:06:24 And I kind of like to follow those patterns. I like to at least try and get better. If you watch 10 years with a TV, you're going to get better at watching TV. And I kind of like to follow those patterns. I like to at least try and get better at some things as you go. You know, Kevin brings on some very, very strong weed, 45% THC Indica. I guess this is like a blend that like his his blend that he's working on with a partner. I guess you can buy it. I tried to look it up, so, and I don't know if it's like a good idea, even to put links to where you can buy Super Strong weed in the description since this podcast goes out all over the country and the world. I guess only the people in LA would be at a purchase it.
Starting point is 00:07:04 But there it is, 45% like holy shit. That's like the vodka strength proof of marijuana like you You don't want to be doing too much of that. I mean he even kept it even talks about how he like took down B. Real So B. Real does is like podcast smokebox, conversation that joded recently. It sounds like something that would take anyone to outer space. But I guess Kevin just, you know, outsmoked him. I, it does, holy shit. I don't
Starting point is 00:07:37 even know how that seems possible. And should anyone be smoking that much weed? What do you do then? Is it just that you get that use to smoking weed? That it just doesn't wipe you out in the same way? I feel like I wouldn't even know what my hands did. And that, to me, is a little too confusing. But again, maybe like anything, you can just build up to it. But that's almost the bit of a trap then. To build a patolerant so high that you constantly need that level of weed, it must be weird when you can't get a hold of it. It must be like, well what the fuck is this? Like, I can smoke. Just enough to get me just where I want to be and that works. Yeah, you know, each around everyone's a bit different, right? They even say Jamie can eat like a thousand milligrams of edibles and not even get that high
Starting point is 00:08:26 I'm like fucking Christ. I'd be high for a year That wouldn't be fun That would not be for oh this is a this is an interesting story so the float lab which is the Deprivation chambers like the what do they call isolation chambers the Joe often talks about the company that makes Is as float lab and they are in Venice They have another one in Westwood and I live close to that I can walk to it and I I've gone to that
Starting point is 00:08:56 Float tank many many times and it's wonderful. It really is very very good. I am not a good meditator I cannot concentrate very well is very, very good. I am not a good meditator. I cannot concentrate very well like that, but you get used to being in there. And the last time I went in there, and I have talked about this on the podcast, but I did a fairly strong edit, both for me. It was like a liquid gel cap. It was like 25 milligrams, not that strong. Okay, really isn't. But those last quite a while for me, and I took it a good hour before I got down there go friend Drop me off. I made some jokes about oh if this edibles too strong like you know make sure to come and check on me and blah blah blah Like I was just joking though. I knew that I'd be fine
Starting point is 00:09:36 I go in from my two-hour session and they in the facilities at float lab are Absolutely extraordinary. They are phenomenal. They really are very very good I know Joe talks about it a lot, but they're like nothing else I've ever seen when it comes to these types of setups the guy there crashes a genius He has a podcast the two parts of with Job way back in the day one of the early ones and You know, he's definitely mad scientist, you know a bit of a lunatic, but a great guy. And he knew I went there quite a bit, and I was one of the last sessions for the day.
Starting point is 00:10:12 So in he was there, he was like, all right, set you up, you know what you're doing, go in, they usually give you a bit of a talk, but he's seen me before. So he's like, go in, do you think? By now I'm pretty fucking, you know, getting pretty high. So I get in, I relax and laying there, and time goes weird when you've taken a lot of edibles. Sometimes you think time is slowing down, like you just kind of lose your concept of time a little bit, and when you're in there, you have very little, you've no like spatial awareness,
Starting point is 00:10:42 it's dark, there's no sound, like you've heard Joe describe it of course. And again, if you haven't tried these things before, I don't recommend doing edibles the first time, but definitely try them out. It's wonderful. Well, on a good edible, you're really kind of floating through the trip, and it's weird because you're not interacting with reality. You're not like walking around looking at a desk, talking to people, trying to do shit around your house, watch it a movie. It is very different than just being high on an edible, because now you're only concentrating on your thoughts.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And they're often far calmer than you think. Like I think that I would be, I get a little bit more panicking on really strong Edibles when I'm doing things definitely then when I'm in the the float tank because you just don't have the distractions Anyway, time seemed like it was going really freaking slow super slow and it was going it seemed like it was going on forever But I thought it was me panicking or like being a bit concerned or paranoid and just wanting to come out. So I said, you know what, I'm not going to give into this. I'm going to just try and lay there, but it went on and on and on and on and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:11:54 this is really two hours. I mean, how high am I? This seems like a fucking week. Well eventually crash calls me. He's like, hey, calls me. I get out. I look at the time I was in there four and a half hours. It turned out my girlfriend had to call down
Starting point is 00:12:10 and was like, hey, did a guy go in there a while ago because he was supposed to be home and Crash? I don't know. To his credit, he was just like, yeah, I just thought he was chilling. So I just let him stay in there. You know, mostly we just get up and leave when they want. Not everyone would finish the two hours.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But that's just like my funny story while being on maybe too many edibles. I think I would have to say too many because I couldn't figure out whether I needed a leave or not. It was pretty fucking relaxing though. I don't know if you can buy a 4.5 hour session over there, but uh, that's how I did it. Crash was not bothered. He didn't think it was a big deal. He was like, no, I figured you were fine. I was fine. But yeah, that's that. So, and that was no 45% THC, okay? I'll tell you that much. So, who fucking knows what that's going, but I digress. So, New J and Silent Bob movie, they go on on tour, which I think is really cool idea. So, he talked a little quite a bit about the financing portion of making these movies and I often wondered like, you know, they're very cult-oriented, like clerks was and more rats and all that, you know, they just were. And the appeal of them I think in a lot of ways that they weren't like the blockbuster I mean, I had a bunch of actors in.
Starting point is 00:13:53 You know, Matt Damon's Ben Affleck, because he's known Ben Affleck forever, I guess. So what kind of budget does he get, you know, how much money? And I guess not all that much. And he's getting kind of private investors to help him out. So he's doing an interesting thing to kind of pay for the movie. So it's not unlike a national release, it's just released in a few different theaters and then he will go around and some of the actors there, you watch the movie with them and do a Q&A, which is what he talked about. I think that would be amazing. I would love to know when they're in L.A. I should check that out and see if there's a link for it, but I'll put a link in the description when I find it so you can look at the tour days, probably just on their website. I didn't have a chance to look it up yet, but that'll be a quick way for you just to check it out. See if it comes to your
Starting point is 00:14:39 town and then you can get a chance to go watch it if you're if you're a fan of this guy and and you know, I'd say even if you're not, it's the ticket price. I don't think you have to pay extra. It would be a great experience and just to be with people that are huge fans of this whole genre of movies, maybe you'd get into it. You know, if you're younger and you haven't kind of grown up with these movies, check them out because Kevin Smith's stuff is brilliant. Even did like a couple of horror movies once and they were really good. Very bizarre, very strange, very strange indeed.
Starting point is 00:15:15 But yeah, check them out. Now Kevin had a haunted attack a while ago. I guess like two years ago, maybe a year and a half, I don't know. And it almost killed him. I was very sad to hear that and I'm glad that he is doing better. He's now vegan, all the way vegan, so that helps for him, I guess, even though Joe bags on vegans quite a bit, but maybe what he was doing before was obviously not helping him because he's not having a heart attack right now.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Joe says get a trainer, like he does with a lot of people getting shape Get healthy and Kevin kind of sounded like he was down He even said that he's had some athletes in his family. He had a boxer's grandfather was a boxer That might even be all it takes to get him motivated to do that And Joe even says you don't have to start off heavy. I mean this goes for anybody. It's just like it just seems to do that. And Joe even says, you don't have to start off heavy. I mean, this goes for anybody. It's just like, it just seems to be that the point between doing basically no physical fitness at all
Starting point is 00:16:13 and any is like, there's a big divide. It's like, there's people that work out and there's people that are like really intensely. There's people that do just, you know, a decent amount, and then there's people that do nothing. And the only people doing kind of like the little bits of in-between, like rehab people, very old people, you know, they do like, oh, let's just go for a walk or let's go to the pool and just do the pool weights,
Starting point is 00:16:40 you know, well, I guess they're not weights, they're just like little floaties. But yeah, there isn't this little in-between, like no one can say to themselves, oh, I'm they're not weights. They're just like little floaties But yeah, there isn't this a little in between like no one can say to themselves. I'm just gonna jog five minutes each day But obviously that's way better than doing nothing and you could start off nice and slow I think that's where a good trainer would come in because they get to look at you and be like me This guy's doing much day one. Let's go real easy. Really easy Kevin called out the fact that Joe's cousin is the lead singer of my chemical romance, Gerard Way. And I like that band. That's funny. I guess they don't
Starting point is 00:17:15 know each other, but they're first cousins. Both famous dudes, first cousins, brilliant. I love hearing about obviously when Joe first started doing standup and when he gets into it and he talks about how hard it was, you know, to go up and do and Kevin says the same thing though Kevin's standup was, he didn't really focus on that in his career that we did put one of his jokes, his's one of his first jokes in clerks, which I thought was quite good. But I mean, it's a huge part of why Joe is so good at so many difficult things.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Because of how hard that initial pursuit was, it almost makes other things look easy. And I always enjoy listening to that because there's huge benefits for anyone doing something different than what it is, but if it's hard, you're doing something of a very difficult pursuit, something that takes a lot out of you and often gives you those thought processes like, I can't keep doing this, I'm just going to quit, it's too difficult, I don't want to do it.
Starting point is 00:18:22 But if you can stick at it and make something out of it, maybe that initial pursuit isn't what makes it for you, but you'll be at a carry that kind of energy forward to any other type of project. You know, and I do like that. I do like that a lot. I would like to know what the, what the kind of ratio between Iron Man or people that run Marathons and like their own success in their careers is. I bet it's very high because it doesn't seem like you can just be really highly driven
Starting point is 00:18:56 with one thing. I mean, it takes so much to be like a competitive marathon runner, especially an Iron Man. I mean, you can't really have a drinking problem I wouldn't imagine. You're just not gonna have the energy for you, definitely not gonna smoke. I wonder how many marathon runners smoke. It's gotta be a very small percentage. Oh and then they recamp the UFO stuff. We're getting a lot of this in the moment guys. The lot of the UFO stuff is popping up and Fuck it. I think they're real
Starting point is 00:19:29 You know before the Bob Lazar thing I was like me. I don't know I don't know. I mean it was fun when I was a kid But now after having that commander on and then Bob Lazar and you know, who knows if there's little green men in there Right, but there's something there's something out there flying around and fuck. I wish we had more video of it. Now that there's cameras on everything, I really feel like we need to be capturing this. We need to be capturing more of that. We'll find out.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Next up, the man Justin Ren podcast 1374. If you listen to Rogan, you obviously know about Justin Ran. He talks about fight for the begotten all the time. He's a heavyweight fighter in Bellator. He's a bad motherfucker. Great dude. The cash app, which is one of Joe's main sponsors, gives five bucks to Justin Ran when you sign up, I guess, through the promo code of Rogan, which interestingly enough is actually a
Starting point is 00:20:30 Little bit more complicated than it seems. I once bought a square space web page and While setting it up, I didn't really notice where I was supposed to put the Code in and I can't remember if I was gonna put like where I was supposed to put the code in. And I can't remember if I was gonna put like, Joe Rogan's one or like, if I'd heard it, I may have heard it on my different podcasts, maybe Tim Ferris, but I wanted to put the code in because you saved the money.
Starting point is 00:20:56 And I think I got through it all and didn't even notice. So sometimes when you're trying to use those codes, like just be careful, put them in. It might just be that I'm dumb and I didn't figure it out. I'm not good with a lot of computer shit, but yeah, it's not like it just gives you a list of people at the end and you just click on one of them. I guess that would be too easy and it wouldn't suggest maybe that you heard it on their on their podcast or whatever. Fight for the Vagantan is getting big though. It's really opening up. Joe obviously gives them a ton of advertising time in a sense.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I mean loads of shout out. He really believes in it. It's the pygmy charity. So they help them get water. Kind of takes care of them in it. And when you're listening to Justin around, Joe's's podcast you realize he does so much more than that. He has a bullying program that he's all about, I think it's called Heroes in Waiting and again I'll put a link in there so you can click on that and check his website out and I really do encourage you to give to that charity just because it does so much and it's the type of thing that should should be encouraged, you know, and sure maybe you sit around and you're like, I don't know, I don't know, the pig needs don't do it for me. I kind of want to work on shit at home, or the bullying thing is at home. And at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:22:18 it's just helping people that really need it. Like he's all about that. And I mean this guy when you hear Justin talk, it's almost difficult for Joe to keep him on track because it seems like he doesn't even like talking about himself. That is kind of the sign of a selfless person. I would say he keeps giving shoutouts to everyone else, he keeps describing other people and what they're doing. Joe has to keep reeling him in. And I find that it's almost cute because he's just so giving that he just wants to talk about other people. But once Joe really locked in to Justin and he's like, okay, tell me about you. You know, Justin's been very sick. He's got malaria a bunch of times. He has these parasites that wiping him out. There's
Starting point is 00:23:01 like odd brain activity going. I mean all this shit is from like time in the Congo, drinking funky water, maybe eating some weird food, and just time and time again he goes back. It's astounding, it really is. And in a sense, I mean, you know, it's not like he's an accountant by day and then every few weeks he goes off and does this. I mean, he's a professional athlete, a heavyweight fighter. He has to fight against the toughest, strongest men in the world. Yet, he puts himself through this process, these like charitable adventures that just wipe
Starting point is 00:23:44 him out. And he knows it's gonna happen. He knows it could keep happening. But he's not about to stop. You know, he says that this charity is bigger than him. And yeah, I love it. I really do. I have a lot of people listening and I've been thinking about setting up a Patreon page
Starting point is 00:24:03 for my podcast, but not for my personal benefit but for to give to Justin Ren's charity and I feel like that, you know, it's important because these kind of podcasts are a unique, right? They only exist because Joe's podcast exists a lot of people only know to listen to this after this probably searching for Joe Joe Rogan's podcast right and I have to appreciate that you know I'm not sat here giving myself credit I just like this process I like doing this so
Starting point is 00:24:38 so it is what it is and I feel like it's important to give back, obviously. And I will think that I'm going to make Justin Ren's charity, the focus of that. So then you might think well why not just give it straight to Justin Ren or you can do that too, do whatever you want. But it's a nice gauge for the people that are listening to this podcast and fans of this podcast to be able to kind of like buy into the experience to say, hey, thanks for doing this and I'm getting, you know, I'm getting a lot out of it and I get good summaries of what's going on. So, you know, here's a dollar, here's $2, here's $5. But also knowing that I'm not just
Starting point is 00:25:20 sat there saying, great, thanks, I go straight in my bank account. Cheers. Like, this is certainly not for money. This is for something that I just enjoy doing. I really enjoy doing it. And I would like to be able to, you know, then send that money to Justin Ren and be like, look, look what this community has created small one That it is but it's it's just nice to be able to do that
Starting point is 00:25:52 I Don't know give me some feedback tell me tell me what you think about that But I think I'm gonna set one of those up for sure That's that's definitely important to me That's definitely important to me. When Justin is talking about some of the adventures in the Congo, they seem fucking horrific. He talks about a 47 hour drive once. I guess they have no roads out there. And maybe that's not a surprise, anyway.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I figure they'd have some somewhere. He's just like dirt, muddy tracks. He saw like a semi truck cover up to its window with mud and you know they have to just trek out into the woods, into the forest and unbelievable. I mean, was so spoiled. I get stuck in traffic for like 10 minutes I'm complaining, but a 47 hour drive. I guess that is kind of extreme. That's like the longest one that he ever did. But that's beyond anything I can imagine.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I don't think that I could handle working through that at all. And then on top of that, when he gets home, Justin is doing bullying, anti-bullying stuff, which I didn't know that he was doing that, but I guess he was bullied a lot as a kid. He said, I think he said that it made a suicide, or it definitely made him very depressed. I'm sure that's why he got into fighting, because it seems like fighters get into fighting for bullying sometimes. I know GSP's story was a lot like that. It's kind of crazy to think that somebody bullied these guys and they can
Starting point is 00:27:27 fucking smash anyone you've ever met. But yeah, he has this program now called Heroes in Waiting online. It has a lot of advice and information on people getting bullied. Talks a lot about being a bystander and you know, if you're filming on your phone and the impact that that makes like step up and do something and it's difficult. Some people aren't as outspoken, they're outspoken, they're outspoken, maybe you're shy as so you don't want to get involved but there are always actions you can take.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Even if you don't want to call someone out in the moment you can be a witness to it after the fact and look, it's not fucking snitching. Alright, people that are getting bullied, they have a big part of it, they feel like they have nowhere to turn, no support, it's awful for them. So really what you're doing is just supporting somebody that has had a real tough time and that's something. One thing I'm looking forward to is Joe said that they're gonna try and put a charity event together. Sometime in 2020, first quarter, I don't know what month, hopefully not February,
Starting point is 00:28:35 because I think I'm out of the country again during that time, but it'll be in L.A. I would imagine. He get a bunch of comedy store guys together, comedians and they're gonna do a charity event at some kind of theater auditorium for Justin Ransfight for the begot for the forgotten so that'll be a big charity fundraiser and A lot of people can go to those things. I saw Joe Rogan at a theater in Santa Barbara once and it was there was a fuck ton of people there I mean it was a big place and you know when everyone's paying. I don't know what you'd pay 50 bucks a ticket
Starting point is 00:29:11 That shit adds up fast. So that's fantastic that he is doing that and putting that together Again, I don't know exactly the dates on it, but I get I'm sure Joe's gonna talk about it. So that a pop-up and up and that's really nice. And, you know, at the end of the day, what Justin Ren does is really inspirational. If you don't do any charitable work, but you want to and you want to start thinking about giving back and doing a little bit of something then you know I mean there's so many directions you can go in but just do something, firing something to do. I mean it inspires me to do that for sure and even if it's something like just like
Starting point is 00:29:54 that Patreon page I mean every little bit helps. It's just about putting it together and yeah I definitely want to do some work for that organization. There's a really cool video that he plays at the end. If you listen to the podcast, you don't get to see the video. If you sort on YouTube, then you already saw it, but I'm still gonna put a link to the video in the description of this podcast because somebody's already cut it. I think it was like Jamie does the Jerry clips and he already cut it. So you can just watch it.
Starting point is 00:30:26 It's very moving. It's very emotional. It just kind of sums up a lot of what Justin is doing. But check it out if you can, if you didn't already see it. It adds a little bit extra that just listening to it on the podcast doesn't give you. And I had just listened to it when I was doing it. I was just, what was I doing? Just walking around Paris and listening to the podcast.
Starting point is 00:30:49 So I wanted to watch it as soon as I can. When they put that clip together, I really got a lot out of it. So I wanted to put the same thing forward. Really, I think it's important to see. And kind of, I guess my job here is trying to bring you guys as much information as possible. So you can get the most out of a JRE. You know, I don't expect you to sit around and take fucking notes like a huge nerd like me.
Starting point is 00:31:12 But, uh, at least the information is there, or you have to do a click on it. Make it nice and simple. That's what we like, keeping it simple. Anyway guys, just me today. thanks for letting me ramble on, but two great guys, two really interesting podcasts, and again, what Justin Ren is doing is super inspirational. I can't wait to have him back on the podcast again, and I hope to God that he's able to sort his health problems out because, you know, I want to see him back fighting again. That's what he loves to do, and that's what he's great at so anyway guys thanks again Mark and be back later in the week we should be able to organize something probably yep something recorded today but won't post it
Starting point is 00:31:56 till for a few days the thanks is always cheers Thanks.

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