Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - JRE REVIEW of 1305 with JD & John Witherspoon

Episode Date: June 5, 2019

John Witherspoon is a comedy legend and stared in classics like Friday. He's such a character and was absolutely hilarious on Joe's podcast. I really enjoyed this episode as it just put a smile on my ...face.   Enjoy my review folks!   Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up folks thanks for tuning into the JRE Review today is episode 1305 JD and John with a spoon John with a spoon is a legend if you're into comedy or I mean you might remember him from like the Friday movie and he was just kind of in all kinds of stuff but he's so funny he's just got this kind of attitude and energy about him that is just hilarious. Joe was cracking up like the whole pug. This is honestly is one of the funniest J.R.E.'s I had ever heard. It was so enjoyable and he's such a character. Today I'm with my buddy Garrett again. What's up? And yeah, let's start the review.
Starting point is 00:00:42 And yeah, let's start the review. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. What more do you want? So yeah, this guy, John. He was on with his son, JD. JD is a stand-up as well and is always performing the comedy store and that's how he mentioned that he was John with the Spoon's Kid and Joe was like, I love him, who would get you guys on and did not disappoint. One of the best parts was towards the end when he, they were
Starting point is 00:01:23 suggesting to him, why don't you do a podcast, right? Because this guy is so funny that he really should do a podcast. Great way for him to promote his shows and get people there and all the rest of it. And he was like, what the hell is a podcast? And they have to tell him, you're on one. There's what we're doing now. And that just cracks me up.
Starting point is 00:01:42 This guy was just in another... I'm curious if that's like a generational thing. I'm just thinking about that right now. Like, I don't give a fuck, but it's not like, don't give a fuck in a bad way. It's just like that's who I am. His character is just that's who he is. I think he just does him and he's not asking a lot of questions. He just shows up, does it, gets on with it? Like, he even talks about what, because he's talking about his money, his paper, his paper, and he loves calling the bank. So he calls him, puts his social security number in, and then they tell him
Starting point is 00:02:15 what his balance is. He doesn't even know how to use the app on the, like, he's his old school. I mean, he's probably got a flip boat or something. Yeah, he's not a young guy. I mean, obviously, but, you know, it's that it's not just the age thing. There's plenty of grandpas out there that that figured out their iPhone and know what a podcast. Right, right, right. But you know, this is what makes him him. He's it's not an act. Like the only time I've ever seen him before is in shows and his standup. You see that you hear him say has a stand up special that he just didn't release. Yeah, he didn't release it. Why? Because he's two.
Starting point is 00:02:50 He said, I don't like my belly. That's it. He thinks he's two. But he's hilarious. He's hilarious and slamming down what a bottle of wine a day. He's like a glass or two. He's like, what glass? His son does a funny thing with him where he had him like watch fights or watch like the the UFC and
Starting point is 00:03:13 He's like describing it, right? But he's coming at it from such an interesting angle one thing he said he did his son JD has a gamer channel and He had his dad on that I guess it's like a podcast or something on YouTube and he had his dad Describing the fatalities in Mortal Kombat and she just the commentary of this guy is like never seen these video games It just sounded hilarious speaking of I got to watch that guys. He said he had a cooking show to him Everyone he said oh yeah, yeah, what do I cook him for poor people? And he's like, anything tastes good when you're poor? He's like, chicken feet. How chicken feet?
Starting point is 00:03:49 And you have had chicken, no, but he was, I mean, think about how fucking tough that meat's got to be. I bought some once. I bought some and like, boiled it into like a, is it like a stalk or a broth? I guess in Thailand and like other like Asia, I think the way that he was describing it was that it's very popular.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah, yeah. Well, there's a lot of collagen in it when you're making good broth, but it looks fucking disgusting. Sounds not good. They were gross. I can't imagine somebody just eating. Eating the thing that you walk around on all kinds of shit.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Oh, there, that's fucking well. Chicken feet, they just like ate like dinosaur claws. You're like, what the hell, there's better things to eat people. I don't know. Who knows? Yeah, not a connoisseur, but I mean, I'm not opposed to trying anything once.
Starting point is 00:04:35 I love this story when he moved from Detroit. So he's originally from Detroit, and then got him to stand up because he wanted to make some money, which is an odd thing to get him to stand up for. He said he was a model first, I think. Something, right? He was doing some modeling. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:50 And then, I guess, way back in the day, they didn't mind short models. I told you, but anyway, maybe just look good. He said the reason he went to modeling, I think it's so good. Just totally goes along with his personality. He's like, I saw a guy on a magazine and he's like, I'm pretty your neck guy. I'm pretty your neck guy. I'm pretty your neck guy. I'll go be a model.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I was like, motherfucker, that's a great way to look at it. Why not? That's hilarious. So on his way to LA, he stops in Las Vegas. Right? I don't know why he did that, but why not? Right? You're driving through.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And then he gambles all his money away. Like, he's been to the movies every day. He's been to the movies or something. Something, yeah, a lot of money. But then he hit the jackpot or something the next day didn't he hit like some jackpot. Something he made a lot of money on one jackpot. Was that when when he left again? Ah, that's kind of I don't know for a fact. I remember him talking about that. I think that might have been I feel like he lost it all and then got it all either way. Fucking ups and downs, huh? But he was there for six months. Right. He said
Starting point is 00:05:43 he's stuck. He said he slept on his like girls couch for like a month or something like that So it right and his car is just like burning oil comes to lay burning oil have to put a fucking leader oil in there Probably learned a lot during that time. Oh boy. That's probably a huge like development thing and then he gets to LA He goes to the comedy store, which is really where you want to go back of the day And this was the beginning of the comedy store. So he knew Mitzi really well He knew a lot of the newest guys and he became the security guy there Which is this you know a lot of guys have worked up. I thought he said him and Letterman did something Didn't he I can't remember I think he said him and Letterman were like the hosts of the comedy store initially
Starting point is 00:06:23 Is that right? Letterman, okay the hosts of the comedy store initially. Is that right? Letterman, okay. I believe so. Yeah, he was like, this one Letterman had no money. And Letterman was there a lot too. I mean, it's crazy to think how many people have really gone on to do pretty awesome things from being at the comedy store. And even, you know, you just start at security, you get stage time.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Erish appeared in that. That's when Joe, first new knew Aries is working security. And I wonder how many people can still do that these days because the comedy stores got big now, real big. And they, I think they have like a private security firm come in, I don't think those guys are like comics anymore. Maybe some of them get into it when they're there long enough, but yeah, they're just big dudes now. Because it's just getting so big. So many days are selling out,
Starting point is 00:07:14 so many shows are selling out. What a great thing to get big too, honestly, not to just make a general observation, but I mean, what a great thing. Comedy. Yeah, I mean to have so many people want to do it. I mean, everybody always wanted to be a professional basketball player, but I mean, what a great thing. I mean, comedy. Yeah, I mean, to have so many people want to do it. Like, I mean, everybody always wanted to be a professional basketball player, but like Joe talks about he's like, no one's saying that whenever you're in high school, if you're the funny guy, a lot of the people aren't like, Hey, you could be a comedian, but now that's starting to be something that you fucking would think about now. Yeah, and there's different avenues for it. They're just like so many people are doing it. They're going to come up with new ways to make it happen. The only thing that's a shame is there's not really more clubs than they used to be.
Starting point is 00:07:49 And that's something that Joe talked about. There really isn't. So there's a lot more comics, same amount of clubs, and you know, it's hard to get time. It's hard to get stuff. You would always wear a lot of places with open mics though, isn't that part of the deal? Yeah, open mics, but oftentimes you can go and they do kind of like a potluck thing, where you just put your name down and they pick a certain amount. And when you've given up your night to go there
Starting point is 00:08:11 to perform and to like keep honing your craft, you don't get on. And then you don't get on. And it's like, it's almost a big waste of time. And another thing this frustrating too, is that the beginning of the night, there's a ton of people there. But once they pick out of the hat, if you're not picked,
Starting point is 00:08:26 a lot of those people leave right away, so the audience is almost nothing. And then depending on when you go up, people are leaving after their time. So you can go up and there's only like, fucking five people left. Do you run your jokes by your girl? Like, do you ever just have like a one on one?
Starting point is 00:08:40 I wonder if Joe does that. If comedians are doing that too, like you gotta say your shit out loud obviously, because when you're writing you're writing it, but you got to say it out loud. I mean No, I don't really I mean, I just I write it I try and find something funny and what you want to do is just go perform it. It's it That's the only way you're gonna know You know some of your friends can be like oh that's a good joke or whatever But you have no idea until you get up on stage and you have to set it up
Starting point is 00:09:03 You have to put it in the right spot timing. And of course, you know, you could have a really great line, but if it doesn't fit with like the other bits that you've put in or the energy of that moment isn't quite there, you can just lose it. So you know, you're always kind of working and that's why you want to be up there as much as possible. Just, you know, that's just how you want to do it for sure. Yeah. Practice. Yeah. One of the best things about Witherspoon's really is like his,
Starting point is 00:09:32 his conversations and stories with the old comics, like prior, so he knew prior back in the day, how fucking awesome would that have been? Like, he got to hang out with him every Sunday. He said he prior was making 250k in like 79 for those shows Jesus Do that is that so much? Now is that thought how much do you think that's what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:54 Is that like a million? Sun show you would think in the 70s, right 250k in the 70s is fucking a lot of loot How much how much was like a call that in the 70s? I don't know. I mean, is it like 10 grand? I was gonna say probably 10, 20 grand. Okay, so like six times different. Well then yeah, a quarter of a million would be like a million
Starting point is 00:10:12 I would think that would be probably appropriate. That's unbelievable. And imagine, imagine just going over to prize place, chilling out, having a laugh, being around like a great like that. He was also a total lunatic, probably doing fuck tons of blood. Just birds everywhere, unconscious in the house. It's like a level of rock star.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Completely. Yeah, and the fact that he was just in Detroit had no money and then stuck in Vegas. And now he's at the comedy store doing this. Yeah, unbelievable. Like really, I really do hope that not only the, with a spoon should come on again. He was a great guest. I hope he does. He should also definitely start a podcast. Oh my God. That's what he was saying too. He was like,
Starting point is 00:10:55 you were funny then, but there's certain people that are just timeless. Like, you'd be fucking funny now, just as funny as you were then. You know, dude, he could just talk about the weather. Right. He could just pick something just, uh, period. Just talk. He just, he could talk on his own. Right. Right. He's such a character. And the fact that all he had to do was just be him on stage and not be afraid of it. And just the way he kind of puts together his sentences, it brilliant. Right. So unique. Totally. Really, really unique. But anyway, check out that conversation It was a funniest hell if you smoke weed smoke a bit then listen to you'll be laughing your ass up But you're life anyway, you know, he's a legend a legend of comedy and it was great to have him on and you could tell Joe Was is a big fan and and just loved it really got into it. So anyway guys. Thanks a lot and Garrett
Starting point is 00:11:42 Thanks for joining me buddy. Thank you bud. you

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