Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - JRE REVIEW of 1309 with Naval Ravikant

Episode Date: June 10, 2019

Naval is a brilliant man with a lot to share. This has to be one of the most enlightening podcasts I've ever heard. Joe gets in deep talking about everything with Naval and he drops knowledge bomb knowledge bomb. I really loved reviewing this one and today I'm joined by long time Rogan fan Garrett.     Enjoy my review folks!   Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future shows :

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. Today I'm reviewing podcast 1309 Naval Ravacant. Did I say that right? Yes sir, yes sir. Excellent. So I'm joined here again by my buddy Garrett who's been doing a few podcasts recently. He's a big Joe Rogan fan and has been listening to Rogan for a long time, so it's nice to get a bit of a dialogue going. And before I'd listened to this one with Naval,
Starting point is 00:00:33 Garrett pointed out just how fascinating this person was and really made a big point about it. I didn't know who he was and I wasn't expecting a lot. I didn't know this great thinker was coming on, but I have to say I was absolutely blown away by his logic and the way that he thinks. And it might be one of the few podcasts I listen to again and again, there's a lot of great information in there. Absolutely, absolutely. And, but anyway, let's kick off, start the review.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I just want to give a quick shout out to everyone and say thanks for downloading, I really appreciate it and the support. You guys can email me anytime, or contact me on Instagram at the Joe Rogan Experience Review. Follow me on there and you can always message me with feedback and ideas and things that you like or don't like or whatever. Try and have constructive criticism. It's not super useful if you're just like you suck dude but if you make it funny then I'm always down to listen to that. So anyway let's get into it. What was your first impression of Naval Garrett? I mean enlightened, enlightened, it's super enlightened guy.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Just listening to him talk was, I felt like I was almost like medicine I think is the way to approach it like Life is perspective, right and his perspective on life was so Spot on like he's like a rich dude, but Thinking like rather than just being like money solves the problem rather than just being like money solves the problem using his thoughts like can change humanity. And just the language that he used and the back and forth that him and Rogan had
Starting point is 00:02:31 was so like just a breath of fresh air, I think is the way to put it, you know what I mean? And now that I've listened to it and I think this is life in general, once you start hearing things, you have a certain responsibility to live your life in that kind of form if you decide so. So when you hear certain enlightened thoughts, it forces you to start thinking that way and start using those thoughts and using them to influence other people
Starting point is 00:02:57 in a positive way. Yeah, he had a really interesting way of breaking down his thought process and it almost was like all these separate tools that he is identified that he knows to be true like for example when at the beginning of the podcast when they're talking and he says it's better to be rich and anonymous rather than poor and famous right and that's kind of fascinating because a lot of people obviously people want to be wealthy but people also really want to be famous as well, but it's like overly exposed and not having the freedom is kind of what You said you and I were just talking about that and I was even thinking about that It's like is being famous a desire that you have because you want to be liked or is that just like because a lot of people are famous for a lot of
Starting point is 00:03:42 Fucking different reasons probably to be liked. I think that's what it comes to. It comes down to be. Yeah, get attention for doing nothing. Right. Show up and be seen as like, you know, the cool kid on the block. I was even thinking that it's like, we were saying I were at a party the other night, we saw some famous actor and I'm like, just sitting there chatting with the dude, but it's like, you always think about an even Rogan Or they talk about it. It's like you're always thinking about what other people will think that's what Instagram That's what Facebook. That's what all this shit is. It's like you want to make these posts because of what other people think
Starting point is 00:04:15 It's like and then I was in that moment hanging out with this dude and I'm like, fuck it I'm just gonna be here in this moment like I don't need to have a picture to identify this moment later I'm just gonna enjoy this moment right now. Yeah. Right. And that is definitely the healthier way to do it for sure. Like he talks about the things that you need in life, right? Be happy, be wealthy, be healthy, right? Right. He doesn't put be admired. The way he talks about happiness too. It's like if you're smart, you should hold yourself accountable to have to be happy because that's if you're gonna Qualify yourself as intelligent you should Take the responsibility of be happy and spread that happiness to other people, right? Sure
Starting point is 00:04:54 Well, and if you're smart, but still depressed He's saying maybe you know that smart yeah, right? Because it's up to you to make the decision like happiness is a choice. It's not like an outcome It's a fucking choice you decide to have. Like don't act like external things will dictate your happiness. It's up to you to be happy and whatever that you need to do in order to do that, do that shit. Right?
Starting point is 00:05:15 It's hard though, right? I mean, we hear these things again and again on these podcasts and people take them in. People that download this one, or once again hearing it from the podcast with Joe. And why I like to do these is because, you know, when we're not that guy, we're not Rogan, we're not the other guy, we don't have that knowledge base, we don't have that experience, but I just want to give a voice to the fan. Like there are a lot of fans
Starting point is 00:05:45 out there that hear all these things and they are important and they are good and they can motivate you, but are they? Are they change it? Like I find myself, sometimes I'll listen to a podcast and like I pick up on some good things and I'm like, oh this is great. I love the energy behind there. So I love this lesson that they've given me, like, make sure you write 30 minutes a day if you're a writer. But then I find myself not doing it. So there's also that individual accountability. Like you can't make the changes just because you listen to the podcast or read the book.
Starting point is 00:06:20 So what is the catalyst to get going? And for me in a lot of ways is to repeat it in this like review fashion and give a voice to what I heard and I hope that it resonates with the people that listen for them to maybe find a step to get them closer to changing some action that they wanna adjust. I think what he was talking about too
Starting point is 00:06:42 at the book situation where him and Rogan were talking about I'm reading five six seven different books at one time. Like that kind of made it me feel like comfortable with the fact that I'm doing that. Because I have five six books going on audible and it's like you read these like I'd rather have a hundred good books and read those books over and over again rather than be like, I've read two thousand books. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's like, yeah, I kind of do that.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I kind of in and out of it. It's good. It's like, fucking read the shit that helps you. Read the stuff that helps you and provides positive energy for you. Focus on that stuff. Just a whole bunch of shit doesn't do anything for you. It's like, keep it simple.
Starting point is 00:07:18 What works? Use that and move on. Well, he does kind of say too. It's a little bit of a like show off thing like I read a book. And that's what I struggle with that all the time. I always we just watch that Instagram photo of that guy fucking flexing and the immediate responses douchebag, but it's like in order to get there. That's there's a reason that we call that guy a douchebag is he's flexing because it took a long time to get to that spot And now in his mind, he's like, now I can do this.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Now I can put it on Instagram and now I've succeeded. And it's like, I battle with that too. It's like, I mean, you want, I mean, even that's what everything is. Stand up comedy. You want to show people that you're funny. Sure. You know what I mean? Like it's always about like somehow.
Starting point is 00:08:00 But that I think that's the point is you want to show them with your standup. You don't want to just talk about the fact that you're funny I think when somebody is Talking about the fact that they've read a lot of books. It's like just read the books then right? You know if that's your thing just read the book All the people that work at walk a lot of five Ks every time I see anyone doing like a charity walk or walk five K I'm like Everyone here just can't wait to tell everybody that they did it.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Instead of just do it. But when people do do those things, it inspires me. You know what I mean? If I see somebody walk in five, five Ks, I'm like, man, I need to get out there and do one. Yeah, there is that inspiration factor for sure. But my point is, I think that there's something about it that puts you off to right right right a little bit if you're struggling to get moving right whatever the catalyst is for like what Navale is talking about and getting all these
Starting point is 00:08:52 things done this thing that holds us back it's like you watch a lot of people doing all this amazing shit and there are plenty of people out there that just go I have fuck I don't have the energy to even start this and it's okay it's better just to know that people are doing things and then get them going and then you know You have you have the kind of dialogue that he's throwing down right? So for example, he talks about socialism not working right? It doesn't work in different countries aspects of it Can like socialize health care in the US you have the fire department and the police that's socialized in that sense.
Starting point is 00:09:27 But overall, it's harder to make it work. But where does it come from? Well, socialism in a lot of ways comes from the heart. It's a very caring thing if you really look at it, but he points out that we're too greedy, right? And there's a lot of people that came back to that universal basic income thought process too. Like initially when I was thinking about the Universal basic income I was like, oh that might be a good idea
Starting point is 00:09:49 But then the way he pointed it out you're only gonna vote the guy in that fucking wants to raise your income, right? So if you're gonna get 15 you're gonna vote the other guy and you're saying I'll give you 20 and it's like don't become Comfortable I think is the idea it could be one of those things where people, you know, you give them an inch and they take a mile. I don't know, I don't make a lot of money. I'd like a $3,000, but at the same time, I also try to be very careful about things that are enabling me to be comfortable.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Right, I don't want to be comfortable. It all that often, like don't get me wrong. I love comfort. We all kind of strive towards it. But I don't want to be comfortable enough to where I can't do really difficult things Right, and a bit of discomfort is important for I think I think ultimately Out of the three things you mentioned like happy healthy and what was the other one fit They all kind of coincide with one another right if you being fit, your personality's gonna be a little bit happier.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Like show me it, that's what we were just talking about. There, it's like show me a depressed person that busts their ass two hours a day at the gym. You don't have fucking time to be depressed. It will not allow that. And life is all perspective. So it's interesting whenever you hear people say depressed, it's like what'd you do today?
Starting point is 00:11:00 What'd you eat? How'd you interact? Yeah. Because those things are gonna affect the fucking end game, right? A lot of the time There are some people that have The old real depression. I mean like Inbalances as far as I can tell so it's a little tricky for them I don't know that I and this is might sound naive meatheadish, but it's like I don't know anybody that is busting their ass
Starting point is 00:11:24 That's depressed like I just don't like I don't but those really depressed people struggle to get in the gym Right, but like for example take Neil Brennan Neil Brennan does Ketteman therapy. He does ECT electric Policive I think he has started to I was gonna say I don't think that he's not like a he's not like a gym round Like your mind has so many Like in the way he talks about your mind has finite amounts of fucking space, right? So if you're taking up that time and like I think that's a Buddhist mentality once you suffer and you see what suffering is If you self inflict suffering not drugs or alcohol, but physical output Everything else is easy. I think some people just can't do it though, like in the state that they're in.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Right. But to depressed, like they would physically get to the gym, have an anxiety attack, and then they would freak out. Well, I guess that's what you need. You need a guide. Maybe that's why personal trainers are so valuable. Sure. And I, he has one, Neil Brennan does.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Also some people have real physical issues, and there's not always the road to That's why I like the diamond balance Phillips Yoga because he's taking these people with really bad and giving them like a road map like it if somebody with Two canes and bad knees shows up to a standard gym, you probably don't have the expertise and the knowledge in the personal trainers to like really help them without giving them an injury. I mean, possibly, but it's tough. I think it's, you've had this like ear thing going on and it's like, it's interesting with how quickly life will put life and perspective for you like yeah so so folks just to clear that up so you don't think I have like one ear or so I just
Starting point is 00:13:09 had a really bad science infection for over a month and my ear was killing me it was so painful on the side of my face I had to go I went to the dentist to see if it was a tooth issue ear nose and throat person did two rounds of antibiotics and when that shit's going on that's the only thing you're thinking about. Like, and if you're not feeling good, it doesn't matter anything else. You're like, oh shit. And then once you get better, you're like, oh man, I need to not take this for granted. Yeah. What do I need to do to keep this going as opposed to let those other little
Starting point is 00:13:39 blips in the radar happen? You know, when the valve talks about this, he talks about, be careful of your desires. They are the root of your suffering. Only have one desire. And that really blew my mind. I resonated with me because there's like 10 things I want. And he said, you can have a lot of things until you get sick. And then you only want one thing to be fucking healthy. Yeah. In any way, it's like way better to just focus on the one thing and I love that even drop the Confucius line every man has two lives the other starts when you realize you have one right obviously Confucius is a bad motherfucker but that's a beautiful thing and the fact
Starting point is 00:14:18 that it's just like it plays in his forefront of his mind it It just like I think these quotes and these values close, but he doesn't just know what they mean or like he doesn't just know how to say them. He really knows how to apply them and it's important. And he holds himself accountable. You know what I mean? Yeah. That's important. I ultimately, I think that accountability sets everyone free. Like if you have things that you have to do, that you've self-imposed, everything else becomes easier. True. Everything else becomes easier.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Now, we're getting a bit preaching on this one. Like we have it all figured out. No, we're just repeating it. But where do you let yourself down? Where's an example that you miss out? Well, he's a common sort of thing. He comments on it himself. He says the main problem with man and where
Starting point is 00:15:06 everything stems from is man can't sit still quiet for 30 minutes. And it's like I have that fucking issue 100%. Do you try to meditate ever? I mean like I said in the sauna and whatnot, I do my breasts, but it's like I just need to sit. Do you do my breasts? I do my breasts. I do it. That's the time where I'm sitting there and quiet and I go you do your breath and I go in out okay and even when I'm trying to sleep sometimes late at night like if I have my my mind will be fucking racing and I'm like just think about in and out in and out keep life fucking simple right everything else is easy when you're simple and the idea when he was talking about like My coffee's not cold enough. I don't find the parking spot It's like I literally go to the grocery store now and I see people driving up and down looking for spots
Starting point is 00:15:54 I go out of my way to park as far away from the fucking place as I can because I have legs I'm lucky enough to do that sure like I get that option. You know what it gives a fuck anyway. Right, far. Everything takes five minutes. Everything. Take the struggle away. Even the shit it worked too. It's like, yo, everything is five minutes
Starting point is 00:16:13 and everything is whatever you make it. Look at it as a challenge. Look at life as a challenge and you overcame that challenge. Just reading a book and putting the book down be like, man, I just did that. Or just sitting quiet or writing or anything It's all right. So once again what what challenge you you struggling with?
Starting point is 00:16:29 I mean the creative part. It's like I want to do music I want to do comedy and it's like all these things. What are your desires? It's like well, why don't you just sit down and do it? Yeah, could that be a reflection of too many desires? Probably a lot of different things. So you're doing any of them. Right, exactly. I mean, the only thing that I do do is the gym. But that is my medicine. Well, we're on a podcast, man. Thousands of people are going to listen to this.
Starting point is 00:16:54 So make a commitment to yourself now. Absolutely. And then when we check in again, and we do another podcast in a month or so, because that's what we're talking about here, figuring out how to apply this, let's make something happen. So what are you going to do? I need to identify exactly what I mean, I just want to write a song first and foremost like that's like been in the back of my head forever. It's like I have the words I have the notes. I have the lyrics. It's like sit down and write it really in a sober mind I think is the idea because when I get drunk, I'm like, oh, this is what I'm gonna be creative And it's like nah man when you when you have a clear mind is when you should be sure
Starting point is 00:17:27 It right okay, so a month from now it is now the 10th of June I'll have a song I like 10th have a song deal have a song works on and you don't have to sing on the podcast Don't worry. I won't I won't put my Listeners through that deal deal, but yeah, like just one of those things to apply in that sense. Yeah. And for me, I'm going to finish, I'm doing a running pilot. And it's the first one I've ever written. And I'm kind of stuck on a point that I'm almost using as procrastination.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And I'm going to try and apply some of Neval's techniques to be more positive with it, you know, not think about the haters, not overthink it, but get myself into a groove and get it completely finished to like as best as I can do with the skill set that I have, which for writing pilots is very, very limited. I think we all we all think about perfection too. Like, we're always like we want everything to be perfect. It's like, don't always't always I mean strive for perfection But just eat some shit for a while. Yeah, she didn't know what I mean like I think that's the biggest problem
Starting point is 00:18:31 Is I'm like is the song gonna be good enough? Is it gonna be good enough? Is it gonna be good enough? It's like just do it. Yeah, and people people appreciate the action of doing something It's gonna be your first one So it's not gonna be good and if you continue to get better It technically is actually gonna be your first one, so it's not gonna be good. And if you continue to get better, it technically is actually gonna be your worst. And that's a good thing. Right, absolutely. That's absolutely fine.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Totally. So anyway, yeah, let me just have a quick, anything else you wanna finish on from what he was saying. I did wanna say that he talks about one thing, being that happy thoughts drop quickly out of your mind, negative thoughts linger, so watch your thoughts. And I think we often get negative thoughts. Well because all about survival.
Starting point is 00:19:17 So if you're happy about a thought, you don't need to dwell on it because it's not going to affect whether you survive. You're just going to be a happier surviving thing. Negative thoughts, the ideas I assume, they stick with your mind so you can reanalyze and make sure you can survive through that process better. So they kind of have to stick around. They just don't feel good. But survival doesn't need to be feeling shit all the time. I also don't think it should be feeling happy all the time It should just be a calm if you're lucky which I am nowhere near But I do like that idea. I don't like it when those negative thoughts linger like you said when you wake up in the night Your brain is running. It's not from happy thoughts. Well enlightenment is peace. That's what that's what they talk about is being able to be peaceful
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah, right? Yeah a bit of peace is nice. I don't want it. I like a bit of chaos, but let's get some peace. That'll be nice. But anyway, Garrett, thanks for being here and being a part of this conversation. Guys, thank you so much for sticking with us. And downloading and listening and sticking with us. Remember again, follow me on Instagram at Joe Rogan Experience Review. And that's really the easiest way to message me with any comments and on the rest of it and
Starting point is 00:20:30 That's it. Yeah, definitely check out this podcast. There's a lot in there if you can Listen to it a couple of times. I know Joe has a ton of podcasts coming out But I really think this is one of the best conversations he's ever had. Be great today, guys. Cheers.

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