Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - The JRE Review of 1244 Colin O’Brady

Episode Date: February 14, 2019

Colin O’Brady is a world class triathlete and world record holder for being the first man to walk across Antarctica on his own. He travelled over 1000 in 53 days. His conversation with Joe is full o...f inspiration and is truly a testament to what you can achieve when you set your mind to something. I really enjoyed this one. Enjoy my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE review. Today I am reviewing Joe's conversation with Colin O'Bready for podcast 1244. Now, if you've never heard of Colin O'Bready before, which I hadn't before this podcast, he is one extraordinary guy. A bit of a backstory on him, so he was a college swimmer. He went to Thailand and burnt himself very badly in an accident. I was told that he wouldn't be at a walk again. A lot of different types of things that doctors will say just to make him miserable and put you off life. But supposedly he was up against it. He had some real challenges and he decided thanks to some help and positivity from his mother
Starting point is 00:00:49 that he would not only get up again and start moving, but he'd also go and win triathlon and then climb Mount Everest and go on to do some really incredible things. This guy is truly inspirational. And the conversation that he had with Joe want to do some really incredible things. This guy is truly inspirational and the conversation that he had with Joe is one of those ones where if you kind of interrupt or a little down on yourself or a little frustrated it's definitely
Starting point is 00:01:15 one of those conversations that's gonna make you say, how yeah let's do this. Let's get up and go. So I love those. You know, they're super inspiring. It's a great example of of the inspiration that Joe's podcast has for people. But anyway, let's get started with the review. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan experience. What more do you want? So like I said it was a very positive conversation. It really was and you see where Colin is kind of getting his strength from is just from all the type of positive energy and thinking that he has trained himself to have.
Starting point is 00:02:08 So the reason he was on Rogan's podcast is because he recently went all the way across Antarctica on his own for 54 days pulling as sled the weighed like 350 pounds was mostly food for him and he was completely on his own. Now he had like a satnav phone some other things but it was basically a challenge that had never been done before and sounded truly miserable to be honest. End incredibly difficult. It's unbelievable to me that that somebody could do it just the isolation alone, being alone that much and knowing that really any day something could happen that would really fuck you over and kill you, right? I mean the conditions down there are just so brutal that any minute, you know, a storm could come in or what have you and you're in big trouble.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I don't think there's any nice times to be traveling across Antarctica, but it's these things, these stories. When you hear people doing these incredible things, it does kind of drive you to think, you know what, there are some difficult shit that I have to do, but maybe I can do it. And then when you hear that, in a sense, these people are like, they may have some natural gifts, right? Athletics and all the rest of it. But a lot of it is just a determination, willpower, strength, planning, and execution, you know, which obviously all sounds easier than it
Starting point is 00:03:46 is to kind of pull off, but there's really nothing superhuman about the people that do a lot of this stuff. It's just that they're getting out there and doing it, and I think that's an important message for a lot of people to have and to hear, which I think is why it's so important to the Rogan talks to these people and does that. So, yeah, Colin traveled over a thousand miles in that time. So, a long ass way. I think he said that it worked out the somewhere like 20 miles a day. I'm not sure, but I mean, that's a marathon a day, even though it is walking, like he's obviously not running,
Starting point is 00:04:26 but I mean he's having to drag that sled and you know sometimes the snow is probably real tough to get through and it's quite amazing that anyone can move that much that long. I think he said he was eating somewhere in the range like 7,000 calories or something like that. And he had these custom energy bars made for him that allowed him to kind of get through that whole challenge and keep himself focused. But some of the really interesting parts of their conversation that got me and the big takeaway that I enjoyed from it is when he was talking not so much that got me and the big takeaway that I enjoyed from it is when he was talking not so much about the challenges of the trip in Antarctica, which obviously were incredibly difficult, like the freezing temperatures, that on the last day he went like something like 70 miles
Starting point is 00:05:20 straight and you know some of the issues he had were putting a tent up in a blizzard and that at times it was like negative 80 but it was it was really the story that started it all and I think that's the key behind these super motivating people like whether it be like David Goggins or Jocco Willink or you know it's like what what turned the switch on and for Colin it seems like it was when he got burnt in Thailand he was giving up hope and even though his mother was very sad and upset about what happened every time she entered his hospital room she'd be positive and she was giving him ideas for goals that he could make and it didn't matter how silly the goal was how
Starting point is 00:06:05 you know exorbitant like whether it was climbing up a mountain or break a world record or whatever she would sit there and start researching it with him and then before you know it he was able to go off and start training for all these different things. And, you know, who's to know what really helped them get over the massive burns that he had? Maybe he was just lucky, you know, and the burns healed up in a way that the doctors didn't expect, and that's how he was able to do things. But maybe also, it was possible that because he was able to keep such a positive mindset through it or and in set these Determinations like I will do this and I will do that challenge it like forced his body to kind of heal up and Get him to a position where he could do it. They're really cool part of the story was with the Chicago triathlon
Starting point is 00:07:02 They leave it all different times so when finish, you don't always know what position you were in. So he did the triathlon, which is like the swimming, biking, and running, basically like an Ironman, and I don't know if the distances are all the same, I'm not really sure what it is, but yeah, he got done and he was with his grandma and he went over to one of the tables that has the sign in and said, hey, I just wanted to see where I came. And it turned out he wanted and he came first. And it was a real shock. It was his first triathlon.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And he just put in that training and was able to do it. And, you know, from that point on, he was a national runner and it really set the way for how he was training, how he pushed himself and all these kind of world records and amazing challenges that he's been able to do since then. It's very, very impressive stuff. And it is one of those stories that just, it does. It keeps you, it keeps you super motivated, you know, it also helps that he surrounded himself with the right people. He had a trainer called Mike McCasel. And this guy is significant because he happened to have beat David Goggins pull-up record.
Starting point is 00:08:19 So, Goggins was on not that long ago on Rogan's podcast, talking about his new book that has come out and which from what I've heard is very good and Gorgins had a pull-up record where he did X amount of thousand pull-ups in however much time It's incredibly like incredibly difficult like I can't remember the numbers But you just look it up. It doesn't even sound real like any person could do it. Well I guess this guy Mike McCasso had been training Colin O'Bready through a lot of what he's gone through. Actually beat Goggins and did it wearing a 30 pound weight vest, which is even more insane. The fact that he had a weight vest on. So you know it's not just that Colin thought positively and I went out and just happened to be so good that he had a weight vest on. So, you know, it's not just that Colin thought positively and I went out and just happened to be so good that he could break all these records. He started
Starting point is 00:09:11 with that and then used that to motivate himself to train, but he's also gone ahead and found all the best people to be around, which is obviously part and parcel with like really getting up and doing it. But it's an incredible conversation and a really kind of moving and motivating message. So yeah definitely check it out and like I said it's one of those ones where if you're in a rut or you're finding it difficult just to kind of get focused through a project or anything you've got going on your life this is the conversation that you want to listen to out of all the ones that I've heard for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:09:48 But anyway guys, thanks for joining in, and downloading, I appreciate it, bye! you

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