Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - The JRE review of 1262 with Pat McNamara

Episode Date: March 17, 2019

What a great episode to review! Pat is a badass and someone I’ve been following on Instagram and loving it. He’s super inspiring and getting the chance to hear him talking with Rogan is great. my review folks! Please email me with any suggestions and questions for future Reviews:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to another episode of the JRE Review. I had a bunch of technical issues this week mainly because I'm too stupid to use my programs properly on my computer and things won't record it. So all of my reviews for this week are kind of being plopped out together at the end of the week. But whatever, that's just timing on it. And, you know, I'm figuring this stuff out. But yeah, today is a review for Pat McNamara's
Starting point is 00:00:34 conversation with Joe podcast 1262. Pat, if you don't already following on Instagram, is definitely someone you should follow if you're into any kind of fitness and just general being a badass type Shit, he is freaking phenomenal. I think to do is like 50 years old X Special forces and just crushes it with workouts He's also super positive motivated his conversation with Joe who's great and really inspiring and the type of conversations that I love to hear. I know a lot of Rogan fans like to hear because they're just really
Starting point is 00:01:10 inspiring and yeah it was a great message to let's start the review. Welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review! Where each week I review every single episode of the Joe Rogan Experience. One more do you want? So Pat, like I said, ex-special forces. He got to, I think he did like 22 years in the military and got to do all kinds of crazy stuff, you know, as you can imagine when you're like a special, I think you call it special operations guy. I don't really know the ins and outs of what makes something special operations. I think you just work with a lot of special force teams and anyway, you do a lot of cool stuff like that. He is a really motivating guy though and a lot of it stems from the fact, obviously has
Starting point is 00:02:07 really crazy abilities to do high level, high stress, high physical activity stuff, and being very skilled at shooting and other difficult challenges. But the big message for me in their conversation and when you listen to that, you know, when you hear them talk, you'll get a feel for it is that a lot of what defines him today is his struggle after he got out of the military, like many people he got lost and disillusioned. So when you're a military or a government employee for one, you never worry about getting fired. Really, you'd have to really fuck up but you don't need to worry about losing your job and when he got out of the military he was doing
Starting point is 00:02:51 something he had some job and and he lost that job it was some veterans like help like assistance job or something but anyway he lost it so when he lost that job he didn't know what to do he didn he lost that job, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know where to turn. He didn't know what direction he was going in. It was depressing. It's lonely. It's difficult.
Starting point is 00:03:14 And then you start worrying about how you pay your bills or what you're going to do next or what you should have been doing the whole time. So many people come up against this. And obviously with Rogan's podcast, there's so many fans, right? So many people that like millions of people that download it. But like I've said a million times, it's not just the entertainment value of this three hour conversation. There's an underlying message that often pops up on his podcast and it's kind of a theme with a lot of the guests that he picks.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And it's just about, you know, the idea of people being able to kind of pick themselves up from difficult times. It's the hardest thing to do in life to reassess, to reevaluate and to get going. And there's these consistent themes that pop up, you know hard work is one right changing your mindset Being more positive thinking more positive getting rid of shitty people in your life You know, maybe not drinking as much those sorts of things right and there's many more But they all kind of go hand in hand then it's pretty consistent and these are the great messages that people reach out for because When you're lost and you don't know where to turn, it's very difficult to do it.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I mean, think of the skill set of this guy, for example. I mean, he is special operations. He could do a lot of very complicated, dangerous, stressful things, probably almost without even thinking about it. But when it came to being out of the military, not necessarily having a clear direction, being faced with losing his job, these are all new things that a lot of people have to go through, and it was very, very difficult for him to, you know, reorient himself, right? So he was able to do it, but how many others in a similar situation weren't
Starting point is 00:05:05 able to? So that's why these messages are so important. You know, because that inspiration shouldn't be taken for granted, you shouldn't just be like, Oh, it's another cheesy message. It's not, right? It's definitely not to those people that are really struggling with their direction. They desperately need to hear something like that and to be able to apply some of these aspects to themselves. And Joe, even on the podcast, said something interesting. I mean, especially, you know, social media gets a lot of shit these days like, oh, don't waste your life on Instagram. But something Joe said is, listen, yeah, but if you're following idiots, then that would be a waste of time.
Starting point is 00:05:42 But if you're following people that really inspire the hell out of you, that's not bad. It's not bad to look at those things if you feel more inspired when you're done. You know, often people are just looking at their friends that have more money and more baller lives and it maybe makes you feel like shit. So I'd say look at that. I'd say definitely stop following anybody that doesn't make you feel good when you're looking on social media. And it's not you being negative towards them or trying to shit on them or any, it's just that what they're not adding to any energy for you. So yeah, get inspired and Pat is that type of guy. He's super fucking inspiring. Oh, and also follow Joe Rogan's dog, because that's a cute ass Instagram, and it's just
Starting point is 00:06:30 really funny that Joe Rogan is so popular that even his dog has a quarter of a million Instagram followers. It cracks me out. It's kind of ridiculous. So something that Pat talks a little bit about, so what he does is he teaches like tactical shooting training that you can like, so all different personalities and types of lawyers, doctors, other ex-military, maybe cops, all kinds of people go to this training. And he shows some of this on his Instagram and it's pretty technical stuff.
Starting point is 00:07:03 And it's really interesting. One thing I thought was quite funny is that did anyone notice that this guy sounded a lot like Jocco Willink as well? Is that just a special forces thing? You get that kind of like super deep, gravely voice or is it just guys that are so like testosterone filled? That's just how they sound. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:24 That's what how they sound. I don't know, that's what I just thought. So Joe and this guy are about 50 years old and they both work out like maniacs. And something that they were saying is that I guess I don't know if they were referring to a study, but they were saying that people today actually can work like in their like 45 to 50 whatever they can work out harder than they ever could they can push to levels like it's the best time your mental toughness is the highest and you can really push it you know you got to warm up better because you can pull things get injuries but you know these guys are still crushing it into their 50s and no doubt I would not be able to work out well with Rogan.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And I'm a lot younger than him. I'm sure he would just, it would be crushing. It would be so tiring, but just thinking these guys can do that well into their 50s is really impressive. And that should kind of inspire you. There was a great inspirational moment where Joe was talking about, it just one day. And watch that over and over. I think they've even made like a little clip of it.
Starting point is 00:08:33 If you follow powerful Joe Rogan on Instagram, they did a little clip of, of him talking a pat. And they're talking about it's just one day. All it takes to make a change is one good day. So many times Joe says he could see himself slipping into the wrong direction as he sees it, but he's like, fuck that and he heads the other way. So slipping into the wrong direction is what he means by that is just that it's the type of small things, you get a little bit bitter after an argument or you get resent for you, you, you kind of feel like you want a little bit of revenge
Starting point is 00:09:10 or it, you know, it is, even though it just feels like a thought and that's all it is, it will build up, it will mount up. It's like filling up a room with all these bad thoughts, they still exist and it causes real thoughts. They still exist. And it causes real problems. So if you just ignore it, you say, fine, that's what it is. You move on. You don't let it like work. It's evil way into your life. So that you're, I don't know, you just, you're just adding to your troubles in that sense. And I think that's his message. You know, I never used to notice that actually. I never used to notice that getting resentful
Starting point is 00:09:48 was something that over time is just gonna build and build and build. I thought it was just the appropriate response to someone being a bit of a cunt to you. You're like, well, I resent that and I'm angry and fuck him but I'll go along my day. But it's not really how it works. It seems to just add up and it's like your choice and then this is like a dialogue that you hold in your mind
Starting point is 00:10:09 and it becomes a real, I don't know, comes a real pain in the ass. And one good thing too that I really enjoyed about this podcast and see if you guys think that it has the same value, but Joe talks about what does Pat do to kind of keep, you know, calm himself down, right, to keep himself chilled. And he said he's a bird watcher. He has been for a long, long time, just like chilling and watching birds. And that's a cool hobby,
Starting point is 00:10:38 right, ways to just chill out. And it really is just like anything that you want to do. You know, that's what's really cool. I mean, the boxer from last week, there was on Russell Peters, he plays chess. So, you know, if you like chess, play chess, if you like bird watching, do that. It's not necessarily anything, macho or not macho about it,
Starting point is 00:11:00 or Lennox Lewis, that was. But, you know, it's not about a macho thing It's about knowing what what it takes to kind of like just Keep you centered and keep you calm. You don't have to be go go go 100% of the time You just you know just work hard and a lot But you gotta have your time to chill out. I don't know about birdwatching. That's not for me But if he loves it good for him But anyway guys check this one out especially if you need some motivation and if you just into bad acery check out Pat's Instagram it's fucking good. Thanks a lot guys you

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