Judge John Hodgman - Live Dangerously, Look Terribly

Episode Date: September 22, 2021

It's time to clear the docket! Beard stubble, shower hair, Friendsgiving, sleeping while listening to podcasts, the difference between SUVs and trucks, and much much more! Check out Ryan McDonough's ...(aka "Cuervo Man") film LAST NIGHT IN ROZZIE at lastnightinrozzie.com! And check out Election Profit Makers, available where you get your podcasts! For more David Rees, take a look at Get Your War On! 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Judge John Hodgman podcast. I'm bailiff Jesse Thorne and joining me from Brooklyn, New York City, where they paint murals of Biggie is Judge John Hodgman. All over Park Slope. Yeah. You know, we got we got murals of Jonathan Lethem up in here in Park Slope. Murals of strollers outside bodegas, outsideo restaurants sorry so jesse look i am back in brooklyn maine is sadly in the rearview mirror and it is farther than the objects appear it is gone in my past for now thank you joel man thank you monty belmont, for anchoring that All New England episode last week. I'm back in Brooklyn. And Jesse, I got to tell you, I'm mad.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Really? I'm not mad about the geographical change, Jesse. That's okay. These are the emotional lurches of life that make life interesting. I'm mad because I got back to Brooklyn and I got an email. It made me mad. Wow. I got an email from it made me made me mad wow got an email from listener listener kate now we've heard
Starting point is 00:01:07 from kate before jesse because remember when uh remember when we decided to turn this podcast into an all condiments podcast because we decided we wanted to be really popular and millionaires yeah yeah and we were struggling for a name you know and kate came through with a pretty good name back in august uh kate came through with the name Condigents. Condigents. It's pretty good. It's pretty solid. For a Doughboys knockoff podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah. I'm still pretty sure we should do it, but we'll put a pin in that. Kate went from being my top fave to my fanti level problematic fave. Wow. Because then Kate followed up with an email on September 10th saying, hello from Vermont. Okay. So far settle a bet. Did David Reese write that beaches of Michigan segment?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Wow. Yeah. Wow. This is in reference of course, to a couple of weeks ago when I had to eat some crow, I had to munch on some crow because I had been on the podcast talking about how Lake Michigan has no decent beaches. I don't care whether you're in Wisconsin, Indiana, or Michigan. Lake Michigan has no decent beaches, and people were mad at me about it.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And I did some research. It turns out they have some incredible beaches, particularly in the Indiana Dunes. Did a whole segment about it. I was so happy about it. And then Kate wrote, did David Reese write that? Now, Kate, I don't want to make you feel bad,
Starting point is 00:02:31 but you genuinely made me feel bad. It's not... I was on the streets of Brooklyn getting ready to start my day and I checked my email. I'm like, what? I poured my ever-loving heart into that thing. Did David Reese? Look, I love David Reese. You know that, Jesse. Yeah, we all love David Reese. Wonderful man.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Wonderful man. Now more than ever, a good time to revisit David Reese's groundbreaking and still blisteringly funny and frankly prescient series of comics about the war in Afghanistan called Get Your War On. Go back and find them. There are books of them. Of course, David Reese is my very dear friend, and my colleague. We're working on a secret project together. I get nothing against David Reese. I'd be proud if David Reese had written a thing, but when someone wrote... There's nothing Reese-ian about that. My Great Lakes Beach Report was all Hodgman, Kate. It's all Hodgman. You know what I wrote?
Starting point is 00:03:25 I wrote back to Kate and I said, how dare you? That's what I wrote back. Kate wrote back and just wrote, shrugs, what can I say? Wow. Yeah. Ice cold. Ice cold up there in Vermont, Kate. Ben and Jerry's.
Starting point is 00:03:39 We're talking about frozen. Exactly. The deep freeze. Oh, boy. You know how Ben and Jerry's has those frozen core varieties of ice cream? Yeah. Where you have delicious ice cream, but inside is a rock hard, solid frozen core of some flavor you don't want? That's your heart, Kate.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Yeah. That's your heart. But it's okay. Just be careful when you're emailing a podcaster. Don't question the validity of it. Don't say that I'm plagiarizing David Reese for getting a ghost writer. I'd throw myself into this. Anyway, it's no big deal, Kate. I love you. I love you all. I love you, Jesse. I love you, Jennifer. It's great to be back on this part of my coast. Great to see you there in Los Angeles. Let's dispense some justice. It was a good segment reese reese wrote it right no not even as a joke not even as a joke
Starting point is 00:04:27 here's the case is an incredible writer but he doesn't know anything i'll tell you what i'm gonna text him right now i have his number just to just hang on you you you opened the store uh bail if you're gonna walk through it. David Reese texting him. What can you tell me about the beaches? You can hear I'm typing. Yeah. Of Lake Michigan. We'll see what he writes back.
Starting point is 00:04:58 Michigan, question mark, send. All right. Now I'm putting that on silent mode. See what happens. Let's hear some justice. Here's a case from Kevin in Los Angeles. My partner and I have a dispute regarding how, and more specifically, where I trim my beard stubble. I'll sometimes go to the shared roof of our apartment building to shave off my short stubble with an electric razor. I only go when the roof is vacant and I go to an area where my fellow tenants do not
Starting point is 00:05:29 lounge and I let my stubble fall onto some gravel. I do this to prevent making a small mess of our bathroom, but my partner is exasperated by the thought of potentially having my tiny stubbly hairs blowing around where people may end up lounging. Your guidance, wisdom, and firm grasp on the scales of justice are needed in helping us with our hygienic differences. I let my stubble fall onto some gravel. Thanks, William Carlos Williams. That's exactly what I was going to say. Such a great line. Such a great Thanks, William. Carlos Williams. Yeah, that's exactly what I was going to say. Such a great line.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Such a great line, Kevin. But is it the correct thing to do? Jesse, you've got yourself a beautiful mustache and beard. Thank you. You keep them in trim. Yeah, I do. And this is timely for me because I woke up this morning and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:06:23 I got to trim my mustache because it's starting to crawl into my mouth and I hate that feeling. But I didn't get around to it today. So now I have to figure out, am I going to do it in my bathroom or am I going to climb to the top of a building like a daredevil or something? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like a Batman. Yeah. Where do you do your,
Starting point is 00:06:45 where do you trim and what's your, what's your process? Well, since I stopped going to the barbershop with the dawn of our current era, um, I purchased a high quality plug in hair trimmer. Oh, so you'd go, you'd have a person do it for you. Yeah, sure. Absolutely. Yeah, but these days I have a high quality trimmer. I go into the backyard, plug it into the plug where the sprinklers are. That's where the water comes out, Jesse. That's no good. No wonder that doesn't work. Luckily, you're not electrified.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It's powered by a water wheel. I plug into the plugs where the sprinklers plug in, and I do one half across the top, number four on the beard. And then once in a while, I do use a trimmer in the house to get my neckline. Right. And I'll use a little scissor once in a while on my mustache, which I do over the sink in my bathroom. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:52 But I wouldn't like doing much more than that over the sink. It would be a bit of a hassle because you really got to whoosh around and wet a paper towel or whatever to get the little hairs off. I look, I, I appreciate, I appreciate where Kevin is coming from because as you well know, and I know too, that if you're trimming your facial hair or any hair over the sink in your bathroom, it makes a real, it makes a kind of a hard mess to clean up. Yeah. You know, beard stubble is kind of the glitter of personal, personal grooming. Yeah, that's true. You know what I mean? Rudy, Rudy would not like it. Rudy would come into my
Starting point is 00:08:33 bathroom and see that beard stubble and it would stab him in the eye because it's hard to get rid of. Yeah. I, you know, Jordan, Jesse go is sometimes sponsored by a company that makes personal groomers. You can go ahead and say it. You can go ahead and say it. You can go ahead and say it. Get that extra money. Thanks, Manscaped. Use the code JJGO. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And the best quality of those groomers, I mean, they're perfectly good quality in general, but their best characteristic is that they're waterproof. So you can do your personal grooming in the shower where everything just goes straight down the drain. You don't get itchy or make a mess or anything. How about that? I would totally try one of those.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Now that I, because, you know, I've heard those ads on yours and other podcasts. And I find them gross. Yeah, they can be a bit much. It's just fine. It's like, I don't want to hear about this, guys. Yeah. But that's a really high quality uh add-on that's a that's a value up that their groomers that their clippers
Starting point is 00:09:31 are waterproof i would want to use that because back when i used to shave i would shave in the shower it made a lot like with a you know with a with a gillette or whatever but if you're if you're trimming over it's very hard to get it out. And here's the thing. When you say you do, what is it, half across the top? One half on the top, number four on the beard. You mean you're setting your trimmer guide to one half. Yeah. To zip off your top hairs. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:00 And a number four. So I, A, never had my beard professionally trimmed. This may explain a lot about why my facial hair looks the way it does. I've never had it professionally trimmed and I always freehand it. I don't put a guide on at all. Just freehand. I like to go outside to do my trimming, which I've done in the past, it's a real load off my mind because I'm not leaving a mess for myself or anyone else to clean up. Now, Kevin, I will give you a hint. This is a life hack that I came up with. If you put some paper towels into your sink basin before you're trimming, before you're trimming is the English way to say that, then you will collect most of your stubble in those paper towels. And then you just wet them and you just wipe everything on out
Starting point is 00:11:03 and you've got yourself a beard stubble dumpling that you can just throw away. But that's. By the way, have you had the beard stubble dumplings at Momofuku? Incredible. I can't. I can't. I can't. Every time I order them, they're like, we just sold the last one.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Ah, Jewish. Just sold the last one to Foodie McFoodie, whoever the most foodie person is today. I don't even know anymore. Yeah. But there's no need to do that because that's wasteful. That's wasteful of paper when you can just go up to the top of your building, plug in. And I would suggest, Kevin, and it seems like you're doing this. If you don't have a battery powered clipper, plug it into a plug, not the place where the water, the sprinkler gets hooked up to you.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Cause that's the water fountain or whatever. Right. That's the water line. You do that. You know, what's going to happen. You're going to get electrocuted. You're going to get turned into a superhero called water razor.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah. Don't want that. You want to be yourself, Kevin, you definitely want to clip discreetly. I think you're doing the right thing by going up there. And if there's someone else up there on the roof already lounging on a chess long or whatever, don't do it. Don't do it then. Ideally, I don't know what your roof looks like, but find like something to hide you.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Like if you have a HVAC unit on top, hide behind the compressor. Yeah. Just go discreetly out of the way, maybe behind the little hut where the door to the roof comes out inside a potted bush inside a potted bush maybe set up a separate little outdoor shower stall up there for yourself i don't know but kevin's partner i'm sorry that's nothing kevin's doing nothing wrong if anything he's saving you if anything he's saving you both some mess that one or both of you are gonna have to clean up and here's the deal rooftop lounge in another city you take your chances you never know when a pigeon's gonna fly into your face you never know when you're gonna like a flyer for some band playing that floated up out of the alleyway you never know when black street is going to be
Starting point is 00:12:58 singing the hook to a jay-z song yeah you never know you know there's lots of stuff up there you know like never mind stubble what about all that leftover spider-man webs that he's leaving around town all the time yeah fly right into your eye like that that guy's a menace yeah i'd pay good money for pictures of that guy i know it's very lucrative if you could get if you could have a job just taking pictures of Spider-Man selfies somehow, you could probably sell them to the newspaper. Probably. And also probably your stubble is being used by birds for their nests. Yeah. Good job, Kevin.
Starting point is 00:13:36 You're fine. Sorry, Kevin's partner. You're the opposite of fine. You're you're fine, too. But, you know, wrong. Here's something from Paul in Capriole, Ontario. My lovely wife
Starting point is 00:13:50 Samantha often leaves strands and clumps of her hair on the shower walls. Is this what we're going to do all day today? Hair disputes? I guess. You know what I call it when I shave my head out in the backyard? Feeding the birds. Feeding the birds.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Feeding the birds. They love it for their nests. Yeah. My lovely wife, Samantha, often leaves strands and clumps of her hair on the shower walls, sometimes for days at a time. It tends to dry out, expand off the wall, then get caught on me while I shower. This grosses me out. Please, judge, place an injunction on my wife to have her clean her hair off the wall after she showers.
Starting point is 00:14:36 Thank you for your time. Jesse, this is gross. Yeah. This is a gross dispute. Very gross. But the solution to this gross dispute is gross. Yeah. This is a gross dispute. Very gross. But the solution to this gross dispute is obvious. But before I make my ruling, can I just clarify something, Jesse? Of course.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Where do Paul and Samantha live? That's Capriole, Ontario. Capriole, Ontario? Yeah. Really? On the Vermilion River? I think that's right, yeah. Oh, that's very interesting. They're in Ontario. Capriole, Ontario? Yeah. Really? On the Vermilion River? I think that's right, yeah. Oh, that's very interesting. They're in Ontario. Jesse, did you know that the source of the Vermilion River is an unnamed lake? Literally an unnamed lake. That's interesting. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:15:16 did you know? I didn't know that. And you know, I bet David Reese doesn't know that either. The source of the river is an unnamed lake. David Reese, did he write back? Oh, this is what David Reese writes back. Nothing. My dad knows those beaches from his childhood, though. Phil Reese. Phil wrote this segment. Yeah, Phil Reese got a big birthday coming up, but I don't think he's got time to be writing segments.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Thank you, David. I don't know. Not so sure. thank you david i don't know not so sure i don't think that even phil reese though would know that the vermilion the source of the vermilion river is literally an unnamed lake in a region of ontario that is literally called unorganized sudbury and i don't even think that phil reese knows that the vermilion river flows 200 kilometers is It's about 120 miles in length, first southeast, largely following the Canadian National Railway Transcontinental Line until it reaches Capriole, Ontario, at which point it turns west and then twists and turns its way through Vermilion Lake, McFadden Falls, the Duncan Chute, the Whitefish Lake, Six Ojibwe First Nations Reserve, the Whitefish Lake 6 Ojibwe First Nations Reserve, and then turns west and then southwest again via Rat Lake until it reaches the town of Espanola, Ontario, where it flows into the
Starting point is 00:16:31 Spanish River and finally out to Lake Huron. Hey, Kate, you think David Reese wrote that? No. It's mostly Wikipedia so far, but the rest is all me. John Hodgman, author of your second in history, Judge John Hodgman, Great Lakes Beach Report. Because as you probably know, Kate, Lake Huron was named for the Wyandotte Nation who lived there until they were killed by European disease and eventually dispersed by force for settlement first to Kansas and eventually to Oklahoma with a smaller reserve in Quebec City. The French called them Hurons. They were called the Wyandottes, the Wyndottes. It is the second largest freshwater Great Lake and the third largest on earth, if you don't count the Caspian Sea, which I assuredly do not. Who would?
Starting point is 00:17:21 And if you combine Lake Huron with Lake Michiganigan and why wouldn't you they're only separated by the five miles straight of mackinac and are hydrologically speaking one lake system lake huron hyphen michigan or lake michigan hyphen huron is the largest lake on earth kate now kate jesse jennifer you ask lake huron does this does this lake have beaches no i didn't ask that but go ahead look i don't know the answer why don't you ask the soft sands at sobble beach in the town of south bruce peninsula that was my backup plan south bruce peninsula in the county of bruce sobble beach was once the site of the Canadian National Beach Volleyball Championships and home to not one but two former National Hockey League players,
Starting point is 00:18:14 Lane and Curtis McDermid, brothers. Both of the McDermids. Why don't you ask Wasaga Beach? It only happens to be the longest freshwater beach in the world. Bite it, Caspian Sea. Wasaga Beach is not only the to be the longest freshwater beach in the world. Bite it, Caspian Sea. Wasaga Beach is not only the former home of Jason Arnott, another former NHL hockey player. Holy cow. Yeah. Fame for his Stanley Cup winning goal in the year 2000. He played for the New Jersey Devils and they won against a different team. Good job.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Congratulations. a different team good job congratulations this is jason arnott day in wasaga beach but also wasaga beach was once the home of adam copeland and jason reno or reno i'm not sure how you pronounce it because i know them better as you do by their wwe ring names edge and christian wrestlers canadian wrestlers hey kate why don't you go ask Grand Bend Beach if that's a beach? Grand Bend Beach, a.k.a. Florida North, site of the MTV Canada reality show Grand Benders. Did you know that one, Jesse? It was their answer to Jersey Shore. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Yeah. Yeah. I knew that some of these beaches had been featured on Much Music, but I wasn't aware of that MTV Canada show. MTV Canada Grand Bender is featured. So it was a reality show that followed the wild misadventures of Mickey Rappaport and his son, Justin, the owners of Grand Ben's rowdy Coco's nightclub. 2015 when both mickey and justin were arrested for allegedly assaulting sean evans a coco's dj who also happened to be a season 11 bachelorette contestant what a crossover here it's going down in grand beach yeah they were arrested for allegedly assaulting sean evans by throwing a brick at sean evans's head and not missing yeah i don't know what the state of that case is that's incredible ask
Starting point is 00:20:06 these beaches if there are beaches in lake huron and if those sands could talk they would say obviously we have beaches in our name but jesse jennifer the allure of lake huron is not just on shore it is also under the water for across the lake in michigan it's an international lake there is a siren who lures sailors to their doom jesse there is it's called it's literally called shipwreck alley there are so many shipwrecks in Lake Huron that they created the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in 2000 to protect the lake shore bed because Lake Huron has been killing ships
Starting point is 00:20:55 since the 17th century, including Le Griffon, the very first European fixed-mass ship to even attempt to navigate the lake. The first one, Lake Huron, killed it. Le Griffon's final resting place is unknown, but Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary has mapped and preserved the location of some 116 historically significant sunken ships from the 19th to the early 20th century.
Starting point is 00:21:21 And unlike oceans, which ruin shipwrecks with rust and shipwreck-eating worms, true, the clear, fresh waters of Lake Huron, after they get done killing these ships, perfectly preserve them. And you can view some of them by a glass-bottom boat
Starting point is 00:21:38 and even snorkel through the LM Mason, which sunk in 1861. But others that fell victim to the so-called shipwreck alley remain hidden except to the most experienced divers. People come from all over the world, including Australia, to float around in ships like the Shamrock and the Harvey Bissell and the Knight Templar and a ship called the Dump Scow and a wooden dredge. I mean, if you're in the Antipodes and you hear about the dump scow and a wooden dredge. I mean,
Starting point is 00:22:05 if you're in the Antipodes and you hear about the dump scow, you book yourself the first flight you can to. Yeah. You'd call up Qantas airlines and say, get, get me, get me to get me to the Lake Huron. This is also,
Starting point is 00:22:20 also among the 116 in just this area alone, shipwreck alley, a wooden dredge called Heart Failure. I don't know. Weirdly, truly weirdly to my mind, there is only a single Google Maps review of the Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary. of the Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary. Lysiko Apakidze gave it one star and a one word review. And I don't know if I'm pronouncing this correctly in Swedish. It is spelled S-A-M-S-T with a umlaut above the a samst which according to google translates to worst that's it one review one star one word worst but i'm not sure i take lisico's word for it because lisico has only written two other reviews of places on Google. One was for the Paris airport Le Bourget, which is not the one I know. And he wrote Finfliegplatz, which means nice airport.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Okay. And then the other was for something called the Eiffel Tower. One star. Valbra. Well, good. I don't know if I'm translating this correctly, but I think Lysico is wrong. I think the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary sounds amazing. So forget Paris and get yourself out there to the largest lake on earth, Lake Michigan-Uran
Starting point is 00:24:03 or Lake Huron, Michigan, take your pick. It's one great lake. That's your Judge John Hodgman Great Lakes Beach Report, humbly submitted to you by John Hodgman, Kate, me. So anyway, about that hair in the shower. Oh yeah, it's gross. Stop doing that. We're going to take a quick break to hear from this week's partners. We'll be back with more cases to clear from the docket on the Judge John Hodgman podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Hello, I'm your Judge John Hodgman. The Judge John Hodgman podcast is brought to you every week by you, our members, of course. Thank you so much for your support of this podcast and all of your favorite podcasts at MaximumFun.org. And they are all your favorites. If you want to join the many member supporters of this podcast and this network, boy, oh, boy, that would be fantastic. Just go to MaximumFun.org slash join. The Judge John Hodgman podcast is also brought to you this week by the folks over there at Babbel. Did you know that learning, the experience of learning causes a sound to happen?
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Starting point is 00:26:28 Jesse, you've heard of Tom Colicchio, the famous chef, right? Yeah, from the restaurant Kraft. And did you know that most of the dishes at that very same restaurant are made with Made In pots and pans? Really? What's an example?
Starting point is 00:26:44 The braised short ribs. They're made-in, made-in. The Rohan duck. Made-in, made-in. Riders of Rohan, duck. What about the Heritage Pork Shop? You got it. Made-in, made-in.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Made-in has been supplying top chefs and restaurants with high-end cookware for years. They make the stuff that chefs need. Their carbon steel cookware is the best of cast iron, the best of stainless clad. It gets super hot. It's rugged enough for grills or an open flame. One of the most useful pans you can own. And like we said, good enough for real professional chefs, the best professional chefs. Oh, so I have to go all the way down to the restaurant district in restaurant town? Just buy it online. This is professional grade cookware that is available online directly to you, the consumer, at a very reasonable price.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah. If you want to take your cooking to the next level, remember what so many great dishes on menus all around the world have in common. They're made in Made In. Save up to 25% this Memorial Day from the 18th until the 27th. Visit madeincookware.com. That's M-A-D-E-I-N cookware.com. Welcome back to the Judge John Hodgman podcast. We're clearing the docket this week and we have a case from Julia in Greensboro, South Carolina. Greensboro, South Carolina. But neither of us can agree on when or what Friendsgiving actually is. I believe that Friendsgiving is a meal held before or on Thanksgiving with friends where everyone brings a dish of Thanksgiving food to share. It's typically for people who don't live near their families or for friends to celebrate together before the holiday. families or for friends to celebrate together before the holiday. My fiancé says that an actual Friendsgiving is always held after Thanksgiving and consists of Thanksgiving leftovers shared
Starting point is 00:28:55 with friends. He claims this makes more sense because you can serve leftovers and not have to cook a whole separate meal. We ask you issue an order as to when Friendsgiving should be celebrated. Have you ever done this, Jennifer or Jesse, Friendsgiving? I celebrated Thanksgiving with a group of friends when I lived in New York and I wasn't coming home for Thanksgiving, but I think we just called it Thanksgiving. We didn't give it this Friendsgiving name. We were just like, we're going to have Thanksgiving at Doug's house. Let's go. And wasn't Doug's giving the best Doug's giving he's ever had?
Starting point is 00:29:31 Yeah, hands down. We brought a turkey on the train from Bed-Stuy all the way to Astoria, baby. Yeah. That's the plot of that movie, The Warriors. Pretty much. The taking of turkey one two three the turkey of taking one two g it's the g train folks yeah thanks jennifer yeah did david reese write that yes yeah another david reese ghostwritten uh jammer what about john kimball wrote it, actually.
Starting point is 00:30:06 It was about the skyline. Whoa. It's an election profit maker's deep cut reference. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Yeah. You know, one of the great things about election profit makers, and this is one of the great things about friends. Friends can give you joy just thinking about them. When I learned that John Kimball, co-host of Election Profit Makers with David Reese,
Starting point is 00:30:26 was really into skylines, sincerely and deeply into skylines, like he thinks about them and keeps a spreadsheet of the best skylines and has criteria for why a skyline is good and less good. And you got to ask him about it. Go listen to Election Profit Makers. But at some point, he received a letter from, I think, uh, an English language school in Singapore. They were listeners to the podcast and the kids were asked to vote on best skylines. And you know, what came in number two, best skyline
Starting point is 00:30:56 in the world in this class in Singapore, Hartford, Connecticut. Wow. And it was a big ha ha laugh on EPM until the next time. And here in my heart, until the next time I drove by Hartford, Connecticut, as I, as I often do where I 91 connects with I 84 as I'm go, as I'm going North to, uh, to Maine, for example, or South from Maine. I only tell you something I never thought about before. That is one majestic skyline. Looks great. You look at it from I-84, it's amazing. It looks like a real city and not just the haunted insurance capital that has no humans in it. Anyway, here's what I think.
Starting point is 00:31:38 First of all, Julia's fiance is wrong. You don't disagree with me on that. Do you, Jesse Thorne? You're absolutely correct. Friendsgiving is Thanksgiving when you get together with your friends instead of your family. Correct. It is not an after party. It's not Friends Boxing Day. No.
Starting point is 00:31:55 It's Friendsgiving. Yeah. It's not something you do later. I don't know where you picked that up, fiance, but you're wrong. fiance, but you're wrong. But here's the other thing I got to say to Julia is like, I love the idea of friends getting together when, you know, like Jennifer, you were in New York and away from family and they get together and they, and they sit down and they have this special meal together and they offer gratitude to each other for their friendship and what they enjoy. And it's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I love that. Right. But that's not the spirit of friends giving exactly friends giving in my mind, the spirit of friends giving and Jennifer, you're going to have to hit the button on this one. The true spirit of friends giving Julia
Starting point is 00:32:41 is Thanksgiving because that's why it has a different name. If you were doing Thanksgiving with your friends instead of your family, Jennifer, I'm not maligning you in this. You didn't know my feelings about this, maybe. No, I don't believe I did. Right. It's fine. Look, call it what you want. but Thanksgiving is a dumb offensive holiday that should be stopped. It is a celebration of a completely fictitious history of the United States, except for the genocide part. It's a true whitewash of almost everything it claims to celebrate, except for the horrible
Starting point is 00:33:20 stuff. It's a celebration, essentially, of genocide and cultural erasure. It's gross, just them genocide and cultural erasure. It's gross, you know, just thematically. Sorry, everybody. And before you go out there, yes, I dressed as a quote unquote pilgrim and chased a live turkey around on a photo shoot in 2008 for Bon Appetit magazine, no less. I'm your problematic fave. I'm sorry that I did what I did. I wouldn't do it today. I was stupid. I apologize for it. It was a mistake. It's going to be a great episode of Fanta. We'll just talk about that gif. You can find it online now or gif. I look at it and I regret it.
Starting point is 00:33:57 I'm like, that's wrong. Thanksgiving is wrong. Thanksgiving is a wrong holiday. And that's setting aside the fact that logistically it's just stupid. It's on a Thursday and you have to drive to your family on a Thursday? And then what, you get a couple of days off after that? And then it's only a couple of weeks before whatever big winter holiday you celebrate or don't celebrate? I mean, it's just too much. Between October, between Halloween and your big rush of your winter holidays and New Year's Eve in the Western tradition, you need a break. And what you don't need is to drive through traffic to eat bland food with family members who might be racist. It's bad. It's a bad holiday. Are we going to host my mother-in-law? Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:47 You know what I mean. But I'm trying to say that Friendsgiving is a movement. It's not merely an alternative Thanksgiving or one you do because it's more convenient. You should celebrate Friendsgiving if you're going to celebrate it at all instead of Thanksgiving, period. celebrate friendsgiving if you're going to celebrate it at all instead of thanksgiving period tell your relations i'm not doing it i'm not even gonna eat turkey i'm gonna have get together with my friends and eat what i want and be grateful for things i should be grateful for not this dumb fake awful american mythology and these yams. No offense, yams. Eat whatever you want. You like what you like. I can't stand the sweet potatoes or the yams.
Starting point is 00:35:30 I'm sorry. It's not in me. Ooh. A little hot there. Yeah. Jennifer, did I offend you by calling your Friendsgiving fake because you called it Thanksgiving? No. fake because you called it thanksgiving no i think that we all gathered you know to celebrate each other and be thankful for our friendships and that's why we never never for one moment were we
Starting point is 00:35:55 like you know doing the pilgrim thing and all that no i I wasn't suggesting you were wearing Jennifer, you were wearing a pilgrim suit. Well, that was the fashion in 2007. It was 2007. You couldn't get away from that in New York. It was like vice do's and don'ts was all just different ways of wearing pilgrim suits. But no, I judge I completely agree with what you're saying. It's a big time for pilgrim suits and electro clash. I didn't mean to single you out exactly. I just meant to say- No, I didn't feel singled out. Yeah. That Friendsgiving as an idea, it's a kind of gross word. I don't like to say it, Friendsgiving, but as an idea as a cancellation of Thanksgiving, that is at its greatest value.
Starting point is 00:36:42 That is the spirit of Friendsgiving. I think we all should celebrate it. And once again, I really, really am sorry that I wore that pilgrim outfit and chased that turkey. It wasn't great for either of us. It was mean to the turkey. It was insensitive of me. And I apologize. I like Thanksgiving. I'm sorry, Jesse. Me and John like it. Well, look, I like being with my family. Yeah. If you like being with your family, great. If you love traveling with your family,
Starting point is 00:37:09 great. Redefine the holiday, however you see it. I mean, yeah, that's more or less what we do, but I like Jen's family too. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:17 we're great. My family's problematic. So it's nice to spend some time with Jen's mom. Obviously I'm not invited to Jen's. You're always welcome. I think I really Jen's. You're always welcome. I think I really blew it. You're always welcome. My dad, I think, would be happier to have you there than all of us. You know, people say that Jen's mom is just a mother, but she's also my commercial real estate agent. They do always say that. One of the great sayings.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Okay. Here's something from Marcella in Mount Kisco, New York. Dear Judge Hodgman, my husband and I go on long drives sometimes, and I regularly take naps while listening to podcasts. Specifically, listening to you and Jesse be kind and funny makes me feel safe, and I often fall asleep. When the show ends, my husband puts on shows he likes, often The Flophouse. Invariably, this wakes me up. I request an injunction that while I'm napping during drives, my husband only chooses podcasts that help keep me asleep. chooses podcasts that help keep me asleep. We even have a playlist in our podcast player app called Marcella Car Rides,
Starting point is 00:38:31 which are podcasts we both enjoy listening to. Well, I'm grateful, Marcella, that we could be your narcoleptic fave. Yeah. The tryptophanic podcast that puts you right to sleep. I've heard this a few times, Jesse, that people like to listen to this podcast. And they put a little sleep timer and they put their little headsets on and they fall asleep to us. And that's a real, I consider that a real compliment. And I'm glad you can enjoy that. And I'm glad that you put a sleep timer on so that we're not invading your dreams.
Starting point is 00:39:04 and you're and i and i'm glad that you put a sleep timer on so that we're not invading your dreams because marcella you probably don't know this because you fall asleep about two-thirds through every episode of judge john odgman but i usually do a post-credit sequence uh which is just wild um subliminal advertising yeah wild backward Wild backward mask, demon worship, weird soundscapes, stuff that will really mess up your dreams. So make sure you sleep time it off because you could awaken an agent of Hodgman and you don't want that. I also understand why the Flophouse wakes her up,
Starting point is 00:39:43 right, Jesse? Yeah. I mean, you don't have to tell me. I'm friends with Elliot in real life. I mean, look, I'm friends with all three of them in real life, but me and Elliot's kids play on the same Little League team, you know? I didn't know that. That's adorable. Yeah, they're really cute.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Oh, wow. That's adorable. Yeah. And Elliot's adorable, too. So if you don't know, do know the flop house is a podcast on the maximum fun network it's a little bit more popular than this one i've learned to live with it three friends watch a terrible movie and then talk about it it's just that simple they've been doing it for more than 10 years it's elliot calen uh and dan McCoy, my friends from when I worked at The Daily Show,
Starting point is 00:40:26 both incredibly funny writers. And Stuart Wellington, their friend and now mine, a very, very funny, smart and handsome fella. And he and his wife Charlene own and operate a few bars here in Brooklyn, including Minnie's and Hinterland's Bar. Both are terrific bars. If bars are part of your life, please check them out. And often you'll see Stu working there. Tending Bar, they call it. And they're so funny.
Starting point is 00:40:52 They're so smart in movies. They talk about her so bad. This is a delight, but it's not a soothing podcast. It is a riffing podcast. It is a everybody's jumping onto jokes podcast. I could see why it wakes you up
Starting point is 00:41:02 kind of podcast. And for me, Jesse, I know that we have a rule about how to listen to podcasts, but I do listen to the flop house three times every week. Do you know why? Why is that? Listen to it one time through to enjoy stew. Then I listened to it again at one and a half speed so that Dan sounds like he's talking at a normal pace.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Right. And then I listened to it again at half speed so that Elliot sounds like he's talking at a normal pace right and then i listen to it again at half speed so that elliot sounds like he's talking at a normal pace after having a few drinks i just got to get them all in fact as our uh terrifying soundscape for the end of this episode at the post-credit sequence jennifer marmer will you grab the latest episode of the flop house as of this writing it is uh elliot stew Dan, along with the incredible writer Jamal Bowie, talking about Andy the Talking Hedgehog. A Tara Reid and Dean Cain vehicle. A recent Tara Reid and Dean Cain vehicle that was like beyond straight to video.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Like, who knows? It truly looks like they made the poster out of stock photographs. It looks like, you know, like when you buy a hammock on an e-commerce website that's drop shipping directly from China. And there's just a picture of an attractive mom, like with her with her fist next to her head, resting her head slightly sideways. And then there's a clearly slightly out of scale hammock next to her head resting her head slightly sideways and then there's a clearly slightly out of scale hammock next to her in front of her fireplace right that's what the poster looks like yes i want to make a movie about this lady in her hammock oh jesse i've just got an incredible idea i'm gonna buy some ip i'm gonna buy i'm gonna. I'm going to buy, I'm going to buy, I'm going to option a very, very major piece of intellectual property to adapt it to a major film
Starting point is 00:42:50 franchise. Are you ready for the Vermont country store catalog movie? Yes. Do you think we can get Kevin Sorbo? I think we could probably get Kevin Sorbo. It's all about a guy trying to find the last existing bottle of Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific brain shampoo. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:43:12 These pajamas are flannel! Anyway, yes, please grab a selection of that podcast and play it at half speed after the credits just so we can hear Elliot Kalin at half speed. It's a real delight. It's a real delight. Yeah. And put some psychedelic music, some stock psychedelic music under it as well. That way, the next time Marcella falls
Starting point is 00:43:35 asleep to the podcast, she'll have terrible dreams. In the meantime, Marcella, I got to tell you, there's a long settled precedent in Judge John Hodgman. The person driving gets to pick what's on the stereo system. And what I would say is, and I appreciate your husband could be very considerate and only listen to soporific podcasts like ours, but if it's a long drive and he needs to engage with his friends, the floppies, I'm going to allow it. I'm just going to suggest that he adjust the balance and fade in the car so that it is right. The sound located right at him and offer you, I hope some rest and maybe put in some headphones. Let's take a quick break. When we come back, we've got a completely new and entirely original segment that no one has ever heard of called Car Talk.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Hello, teachers and faculty. This is Janet Varney. I'm here to remind you that listening to my podcast, The JV Club with Janet Varney, is part of the curriculum for the school year. Learning about the teenage years of such guests as Alison Brie, Vicki Peterson, John Hodgman, and so many more is a valuable and enriching experience, one you have no choice but to embrace because, yes, listening is mandatory. The JV Club with Janet Varney is available every Thursday on Maximum Fun or wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you. And remember, no running in the halls. a laugh and you're on the go try s-t-o-p-p-o-d-c-a-s-t-i hmm are you trying to put the name of the podcast
Starting point is 00:45:26 there yeah i'm trying to spell it but it's tricky let me give it a try okay if you need a laugh and you're on the go call s-t-o-p-p-p-a-d-i it'll never fit no it will let me try if you need a laugh and you're on the go, try S-T-O-P-P-P-D-C-O-O. Ah, we are so close. Stop podcasting yourself. A podcast from MaximumFun.org. If you need a laugh and you're on the go. Welcome back to the Judge John Hodgman podcast. We're clearing the docket and we have a case here from Miles.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Your Honor, I drive a big, obnoxious four-wheel drive vehicle. It's a 2012 Nissan Xterra Pro 4X, which is based on a pickup truck platform and shares almost all of its mechanical parts with a pickup truck. It has serious off-road capabilities that I put to the test often. It has a body-on-frame platform, four-low, locking differentials, descent control, skid plates, and a winch, to name just a few of its features. Whoa-ho-ho, go greased lightning. My buddy John insists on calling it an SUV, but this vehicle's core and essence is that of a truck. So is a truck strictly a pickup truck as Americans tend to describe them?
Starting point is 00:46:57 Or does the essence and function of a vehicle override the meaningless propaganda developed in marketing departments to sell more vehicles. Please see attached for three photos, including one with our friend Drew's Xterra on top of a mountain in Northern California. And we'll show these photos, of course, on the Judge John Hodgman show page at MaximumFun.org, as well as on our Instagram page at Instagram.com slash Judge John Hodgman. And these look like, I mean, there are two photos, including the one that's on top of a mountain that look like photos that you get when you go to the Xterra.com website to buy one of these vehicles. I almost called it a truck, but I haven't ruled yet. That's a suspense. That's a tease. And then there's also a photo of an exterra with its hood
Starting point is 00:47:46 open and i guess this is miles's exterra because i think this is his exterra and he seems to have plugged in his tire to his engine i'm really sure what's happened do you you know about cars jesse don't you car talk why is this why Why is the yellow curly extension cord running from his tire to his engine? Yeah, he's plugged his tire into his engine. Oh, okay. That's how he makes the tires go? Well, otherwise the tire would run out of batteries. Good point. You know, I've heard enough to rule on this, but before I could, I then got an email from Miles's friend who's named John, who was very upset that I had not ruled yet because John is on the opposite side
Starting point is 00:48:27 and he feels it was very important for me to hear his testimony. And here's what he had to say, Jesse. John wrote, it has come to my attention that my friend Miles had submitted a request for a ruling that his Nissan Xterra is a truck. From my understanding, the chassis used on Miles's SUV is the body onon-frame type.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And yes, most trucks use this body-on-frame. But would the 1972 Ford Econoline van be considered a truck because it utilizes a body-on-frame? No, that's a van. Dress it up with a winch, still a van. Maybe take a new generation E-Series van with a four-wheel drive, a winch, decent control, and lift package? Go grease lightning so you can hit the Arizona desert? Is this a truck? No, this is an adventure van.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Or, I venture to say, and this is Judge John Hodgman speaking, the Judge John Hodgman tour bus for 2022. Awesome. I agree his SUV is built on the bones of a truck, but it was created as marketed and sold as an SUV. You can bring up all the truck similarities you want, but at some point you have to ask miles, is this just some sort of ego trip? All right. We've heard from both sides,
Starting point is 00:49:35 Jesse Thorne. Now, Jesse, I had to go to Wikipedia to learn what a, what a body onon-frame chassis means. And what I learned was that a body-on-frame chassis is the oldest way to make a car, where the wheels and the drivetrain are attached to a rigid,
Starting point is 00:49:58 old iron, hard-butt chassis frame. And the body, the thing you sit sit in is placed on top of it that's how they used to make my beloved lincoln town cars and crown vicks with the very very famous ford quote-unquote panther chassis a beloved frame on body construction that limousine drivers and taxi drivers and people who own fleets of those cars loved because those cars would never die. And passengers love them too, because one of the benefits of a body on frame chassis is you don't feel the road so much as a unibody, which is the way most cars are made. Since the 1930s, most passenger cars are made, certainly not trucks, but passenger cars are made of a unibody type in which the body and the frame are made together as one piece. Because it is more economical to make them that way.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And they're lighter and you get better gas mileage out of them. Car talk. I only mention all this stuff because Ford, as you may know, Jesse, is based in Michigan. And there's a lake named for Michigan. Have you ever heard of that? It's time for an up. No, I'm not going to do it. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:51:16 I was just talking about cars so that we could understand some of the terminology that is being used here. I mean, you're describing, I mean, you just described my favorite truck, the Ford Crown Victoria. That's not a truck. Oh, I see what you're doing, Bailiff Jesse. It's absolutely true that the Nissan Xterra, which was manufactured by Nissan Motors from 1999 to 2015, which was manufactured by Nissan Motors from 1999 to 2015, uses a body-on-frame construction that is most common and almost exclusively used nowadays by trucks.
Starting point is 00:51:53 And some of the larger SUVs that are in the market, particularly Toyotas. But this is not, to my mind, a truck, Jesse. Would you call an Xterra a truck? No, it's absurd. I mean, the category SUV, sport utility vehicle, was created specifically to describe this type of vehicle. It's not a car and it's not a truck. So they came up with a name for it based on the very activities that are being described in this letter. Yeah, yeah. And the ones that they still manufacture as trucks,
Starting point is 00:52:33 they do to avoid certain emission standards because they're very, very popular in this class. And lots and lots and lots of people, Miles, who would buy a Nissan Xterra would never, ever, ever buy a truck. So Miles, yes. people miles who would buy a nissan exterra would never ever ever buy a truck so miles yes i mean what what you have is a sport utility vehicle and now you know sport utility vehicle the terminology is mutating as well because it's coming to describe suv style vehicles that are built with unibodies for the same reasons you build any car with
Starting point is 00:53:06 unibody. It's more efficient in terms of its fuel mileage. It's cheaper to make. The number of SUVs that have what your beloved Xterra have, which is these truck bones of this body on frame design and all the other descent control and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Those are becoming the exception and no longer the rule, but it is still a sport utility vehicle in the same way that a hot dog is not a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:53:29 If you sent someone out to get you a pickup truck and you gave them a Nissan Xterra, they would hate you. The truck, a Nissan Xterra is a, it's fun for sports and apparently there's some utility because you can charge your tires right from the engine. But by almost any definition, I mean, a pickup truck has to have a cab and a bed. It's got to have an open bed. Even if you cover up that open bed with a bed cover, and I'm not talking about a duvet, but you know, one of those caps that you can put on the back of a pickup truck.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It's still, that's still a truck. It's got to have a, it's got to have a dedicated cargo, cargo only area, cargo, cargo, cargo, cargo. It's used for moving stuff around that are not human or dogs. And you have a nice picture of your dog that you sent in your Xterra. We'll put that up on the website too. It's got to have, it's got to have cargo space. That's not what the Xterra is all about. Even if you have a truck that you don't use as a truck, like those people who drive around in those fancy pants Cadillac trucks
Starting point is 00:54:32 that have an open bed in the back, but they never ever put anything in there except like their Gucci handbags. Boy, I'm a real anti-snob person now. Those are trucks, right? Because it's a truck. You know what a truck is, so stop it. Sorry, Miles, you're wrong. John, you're right know what a truck is. So stop it. Sorry, Miles.
Starting point is 00:54:45 You're wrong. John, you're right. Have fun driving to the tops of mountains. Be careful out there. Take it from me, guy who's owned two Chevrolet El Caminos. Is that a truck? That's an interesting question. That's an interesting question because that has an open bed in the back.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Yeah. What about a Subaru Brat? God, I'd love to have a Subaru Brat. Or a Subaru Baja. A Subaru Brat. And let me ask you this. Yeah, okay. The other day parked on my block
Starting point is 00:55:18 was a cherry AMC Eagle. Is that an SUV or a car? We'll never know. We'll never know. Hey, we have to admit gray areas in this life and respect the gray areas.
Starting point is 00:55:33 Does your Nissan drive through a twilight between truckness and carness? Of course, that's what an SUV is. Enjoy driving through twilight. Enjoy driving to the tops of buttes and canyons. That's what you're, that's what it's there for. driving through twilight enjoy driving to the tops of buttes and canyons that's what you're that's what it's there for i'm glad you're using it hey you know who's always wanted an exterra who's that ryan mcdonough my friend ryan mcdonough aka cuervo man whom i profiled on this american life back in 2000 2001 he was the guy who was the brand ambassador for cuervo who used to
Starting point is 00:56:06 pour shots into i'm presuming graduate students mouths at college bars yeah and who was himself a recovered alcoholic uh-huh one of the sweetest funniest guys in the world uh and they and they gave him a captain morgan's because there's the same brand they gave him a captain morgan's because there's the same brand they gave him a captain morgan's pickup truck to drive around when he would go from bar to bar and he's like this is crazy i should have a tequila colored exterra i always think about that the guy knows how to make things and you know what he made a feature film ryan went out and wrote and produced a short a semi-autobiographical feature film about growing up in Roslindale, Massachusetts called Last Night in Rozzie.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Then went out and made it into a feature starring Jeremy Sisto from television and stuff. And it's out now available on all your streams and platforms. It's a great movie. Ryan's a wonderful guy. He's truly just an incredible... Go back and listen to Another Day in Margaritaville, the piece that I wrote about Ryan on This American Life from 2001 or two. Actually, it was 2002. I remember now. And then go check out what Ryan is up to now,
Starting point is 00:57:17 some almost 20 years later. Truly lovely guy. And a former Princeton Tiger Tone to boot. and a former Princeton Tiger Tone to boot. I subscribe to a subreddit called Battle Cars. Mm-hmm. And it's people who turn their cars into semi-fantastical off-road vehicles. Mm-hmm. Typically, they actually use them for off-roading. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:39 But they sort of have a Mad Max homemade quality to them. And they off-road right to Burning Man, right? Yeah. No, no, not at all. No, not in the slightest. These people are not going to Burning Man. These people are going to the Gathering of the Juggalos. And the other day somebody posted
Starting point is 00:58:01 they're like lifted, knobby tire, skid plate, fog lamps, Toyota Avalon. And I loved it. I loved seeing it. The ultimate for when your grandma is ready to take on the world. Right. That's incredible. because we had a little bit of recording trouble. So we had to use a little bit of backup tape,
Starting point is 00:58:47 but probably you didn't notice. If you did notice, congratulations, you've got great ears. And I just wanted to mention it because I didn't want you to think that you were hearing things. Follow us on Twitter at Jesse Thorne and at Hodgman. We're on Instagram at Judge John Hodgman. Make sure to hashtag your Judge John Hodgman tweets, hashtag JJHO, and check out
Starting point is 00:59:06 the Maximum Fund subreddit to discuss this episode. Submit your cases at MaximumFund.org slash JJHO or email Hodgman at MaximumFund.org. We'll talk to you next time on the Judge John Hodgman Podcast. I'm just mad I refused to watch it because it's clearly a rip-off of my pitch, Pep Boy Island, where the ladies have to decide who's worth keeping and who's a pep boy. And it's relatively obvious because the pep boy is a huge head and they only want to talk about auto parts. I was just saying, the pep boy just mechanics?
Starting point is 00:59:57 Yeah, this. But sometimes that can be romantic. Which one of you is the pep boy I think it's me ma'am are you one of the alpha energy
Starting point is 01:00:18 no I'm the surviving car talk brother close oh man Surviving car talk, brother. Close. Oh. Oh, man. But now I imagine a sad scene where one of them goes to the doctor, and the doctor's like, I'd like you to sit down. I called you down because the test results came back.
Starting point is 01:00:45 You were a pet boy. Oh, man. And he's like, I am. And he's got a huge head. He's in black and white. And he's dressed like it's the 50s or whatever. Uh-huh. Yeah. MaximumFun.org Comedy and culture.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Artist owned. Audience supported.

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