Judge John Hodgman - Live From Brooklyn , NY 2017

Episode Date: September 27, 2017

"Statute of Imitations" and Swift Justice live at The Bell House in Brooklyn, NY! Plus, music from Carsie Blanton! Carsie's raising money on Kickstarter to fund her game, The F'ing Truth! Visit TheFi...ngTruth.com for more info. Thank you to Amy Grzybinski for suggesting this week's title! To suggest a title for a future episode, like Judge John Hodgman on Facebook. We regularly put out a call for submissions.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Judge John Hodgman podcast. It's me, your Judge John Hodgman, here to tell you that this week's episode was recorded live at the Bell House in Brooklyn, where I live. Now, this week our musical guest is Carsey Blanton. Carsey's an amazing singer-songwriter. She's so much fun. Her performances were great. But if you are listening with children, or if you are children, please be advised that there's some strong language in the musical segments. Carsey and I also discussed the card game she invented called Bango, which is a little bit about hugging and kissing, and which she has launched on Kickstarter. You'll hear more about it in the episode, but I wanted to let you know that since the recording, her project has been relaunched under a new name, The F-ing Truth. It's not for kids.
Starting point is 00:00:44 So, let's go to the stage for some Brooklyn justice. Tonight's case, statute of imitations. Stella brings the case against her friend Jordan. They've started wearing matching outfits to certain parties and events. Stella thinks they need to start limiting it to specific occasions. Jordan disagrees. She says, it's always adorable and fun. Who's right? Who's wrong? Only one man can decide. Please, inside your minds, not literally, physically rise
Starting point is 00:01:25 as Judge John Hodgman enters the courtroom and delivers an obscure cultural reference. Judge John adores a minuet The ballet ruse and crepe Suzette But Jesse loves to rock and roll A hot dog makes him lose control What a wild duet. Still they're colleagues, identical colleagues, and you'll find
Starting point is 00:01:51 they laugh alike, they walk alike, at times they even talk alike. You can lose your mind when court colleagues are two of a kind. Dale and Jessie Thorne, swear them in. Stella, Jordan, please raise your right hands. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God or whatever? Yes, I do. I do.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Do you swear to abide by Judge John Hodgman's ruling despite the fact that he refused to wear a matching outfit with me this evening? Yes, I do. I do. Judge Hodgman's ruling, despite the fact that he refused to wear a matching outfit with me this evening? Yes, I do. I do. Judge Hodgman, you may proceed. I really wish that I were wearing a bailiff's outfit underneath these robes right now.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And I also wish I had to tear away justice robes. Producer Jennifer Marmer put those things on the shopping list for the podcast. Stellan Jordan, you may be seated. For an immediate summary judgment in one of yours favors, can either of you name the piece of culture that I paraphrased as I entered the courtroom?
Starting point is 00:02:53 Stella, why don't you begin? Wasn't that like the odd couple theme song? I'll just write that down. Wasn't that like the odd couple theme song? I'll put that in the guess book. It's a fair guess. It could be right. Jordan, would you like to make the same guess?
Starting point is 00:03:21 Is it Danny DeVito from the movie Twins? Is it Danny DeVito from the movie Twins? Is it Danny DeVito from the movie Twins? Let me just put that down in the guest book here. Please note at home that I am mocking writing on this podium with my fingertips. All guesses are wrong, I'm so glad to say. Because you're both, what are your ages, if I may ask? 26. 26.
Starting point is 00:03:48 28. 28. So you're both certainly too young for the original airing of this show, and even too young for when it was on Nick at Night in the early 90s. The Patty Duke Show, in which Patty Duke, that's right, we do have some elderly people in the audience. Patty Duke Show starred child actor Patty Duke as herself and her identical cousin. A thing everyone knows about. One of the great tropes of fiction. Patty Duke 1 was born in Scotland,
Starting point is 00:04:20 and Patty Duke 2 lived in Brooklyn Heights and loved rock and roll and hot dogs, which are not sandwiches. So, we have to hear this case. Wait, Judge Hodren, did you know she guessed the Odd Couple theme song? You know how in the 1960s and 70s the creators of television shows would write
Starting point is 00:04:37 lyrics to television? Did you know that there are lyrics to the Odd Couple song? I do know that, but I don't remember them, and I hope you do. Everywhere they go, they are known as the couple. That's all I really remember. That's going to get us taken down off of SoundCloud now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Stella and Jordan, thank you for joining us. Stella, you bring the case against Jordan, because you guys dress alike sometimes, but now Jordan is dressing like, well, matching your outfit more often than you would like. And let the record show, for those of you listening at home, Stella and Jordan are both wearing gray jeans, a sweater and black top, sort of matching black choker necklaces, and they're both drinking cans of Stella Artois as if it couldn't get
Starting point is 00:05:36 Stella enough up here. May I ask, was this arrangement planned, Stella, or is this a case where Jordan is overstepping her bounds? Yeah, we planned it. Okay, good. And how do you guys know each other? We were talking online and then we met in person about a year ago at a party. You were talking online, you didn't realize you were dressed exactly alike. And so you became friends. And how did this get started that you guys would dress alike from time to time?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Well, it basically started last Halloween when we wanted to dress as Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. And so we dressed pretty similar outfits. And then I thought that was totally appropriate. That's Halloween. You can totally do Wait. Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr? Yeah. From the hit musical 1776? Exactly. Yeah, it was like the costumes
Starting point is 00:06:38 from the show. Right. Not like anything historically accurate. Yes. Halloween is a dress-up time. Yeah, so that's fine. And then once in a while, we'd go to another party with a theme, and then that's okay, too. But then it started being like brunch.
Starting point is 00:06:57 When was the first time that Jordan showed up dressed like you, that you were like, what's happening now? Well, that's not exactly how it goes. So we are roommates right now. So we'll see what the other one's wearing before we leave the house. Jordan. And it wasn't like she just copies me.
Starting point is 00:07:19 It's like she's like, hey, do you want to wear matching outfits? So it's not like a sneaky... It's not like she's waiting to see what you're wearing and then she runs back to her closet and is like,'s not like a sneaky thing. It's not like she's waiting to see what you're wearing. Right. And then she runs back to her closet and is like, alright, here we go. Yeah, she always goes, hey, do you want to like match this time? Go ahead and say that, Jordan. How do you propose this?
Starting point is 00:07:36 I try to do it delicately. Yeah? I mean, I think it would be really cute to be the only matching couple at whatever event we're at. Right. And then, Stella, do you ever say, no, thank you? Yeah, often. And then, Jordan, do you do it anyway? No.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Is that true? You are under fake oath. No, it's totally true, yeah. Okay, all right. So she honors your request to not dress the same from time to time. You guys brought some evidence that I would like to review of you guys dressing the same way in, I would imagine, contextually appropriate situations.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Luckily, this incredible judge's bench is on wheels, so... LAUGHTER incredible judges bench is on wheels so when this five-hour energy kicks in I'm gonna be Melissa McCarthy in it all over the stage could we see the first piece of evidence, please? All right. Here you guys are in matching mustard jeans, but not quite matching tops. Stella, did you submit this evidence, or was this Jordan's?
Starting point is 00:08:56 We both picked the evidence. Okay, what was the situation here? You're both giving a delightful thumbs-up sign, saying, we're still friends and not enemies yet. Nothing's gone wrong at this moment. Do I interpret that correctly? Well, this is an example of unacceptable matching. Oh.
Starting point is 00:09:11 So even though it's thumbs up, it's really thumbs down. Yes. Why is this unacceptable? First of all, because it doesn't match? Because one shirt is horizontal stripes and the other one is vertical stripes? They look more similar in person. No, they don't.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yeah, they do. There's no way I don't know the difference between a vertical and a horizontal stripe. But see, a lot of her stripes are vertical too. See on the sleeves? Yeah, I know, I know. It's mix and match, but I'm... It's a weird kind of motley vertical,
Starting point is 00:09:46 and, I mean, the whole thing looks like a test pattern on TV. You're too young to know what that is. Look, we're both a little confused on different medications right now. Yeah. But don't think that your dazzle camo has confused us to the point where we don't know the difference
Starting point is 00:10:03 between vertical and horizontal. Even though Jordan's shirt is about to give me a seizure, it doesn't mean that we don't know the difference between vertical and horizontal. Even though Jordan's shirt is about to give me a seizure, it doesn't mean that I don't know the difference between one shirt and the other. This may confuse Japanese torpedoes. Why is this unacceptable matching, Stella? Well, first of all, they're both my shirts. Oh. acceptable matching, Stella? Well, first of all, they're both my shirts. Jordan, do you routinely pilfer Stella's shirts in order to matchy-matchy?
Starting point is 00:10:36 Most definitely. Alright. Asked and answered. Let's move on to the next picture. Oh. So this is not exactly matching. You guys are both wearing clothes. Shorts and boots and
Starting point is 00:10:57 tops. The shirts both say nope on them. The shirts both say nope on them. Oh, I see. Oh yes, I saw one, I couldn't, I saw one that said nope and one that said up. I just assumed that one said OPP. And I was down with that. I feel like
Starting point is 00:11:19 the thing... I don't, I'm angry that that got applause. I feel like the thing that ties these two outfits together is less that they're exactly the same and more that they would both be appropriate in an industrially themed nightclub in a 1990s action movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Maybe barbed wire? Oh, I was just going to say that! God! Let the record show that I wheeled my podium over to Jesse Thorne in anger. So noted. That was truly uncanny. I was just about to say barbed wire. What was the situation in this? Was it a barbed wire theme party?
Starting point is 00:12:07 It was a combination comedy and pole dancing show. Combination comedy and pole... What universe do you guys inhabit, young people? Brooklyn. Where do you... Where do you live? It was in Manhattan. I forget exactly where. It was in Manhattan. I forget exactly where.
Starting point is 00:12:26 It was in Manhattan because it was retro? Remember how Manhattan used to be cool? Let's go and pretend it's cool again. Jordan, what do you do for a living? I work at the Department of Education. Fantastic. Fantastic. A very tepid woo.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I think maybe because they're like, you must be a teacher, or maybe you're the person who fires teachers. What do you do at the Department of Ed? I work in their operations, so like budgeting. Okay, very cool. So you're the person who fires teachers. I am the teacher hunter. What do you do for a living, Stella? I'm a private investigator.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Tell me more. I've been doing it for three years. It's not like as glamorous as it sounds. It's just like sitting in my car. I do surveillance. Sure, of course. So I'm just kind of sitting in my car all day waiting for people to leave their house. And then what do you do?
Starting point is 00:13:43 It's a video camera, not a... Yeah, but... But... Can you at least get an app to have it make that sound? So you can feel like a real private investigator? You know, a lot of law firms and courts employ private investigators. Would you like to be the
Starting point is 00:13:59 official PI of the court of Judge John Hodgman? Yeah, absolutely. Okay, good. Well, I find in your favor. All these images are going to be available on the Judge John Hodgman Instagram and as well on our website at MaximumFun.org, the Judge John Hodgman page if you want to check them out.
Starting point is 00:14:22 But how did you get these two different shirts that said nope and who was the original nope and who was the copy nope? We were both at a store and I'd seen the black shirt that I'm wearing and I showed her how cool it is and then we noticed that there's another one. It's like, what if we got both of them? That would be so funny. And was it so funny? It was sort of funny, yeah. All right. Let's move on to the next piece of
Starting point is 00:14:46 evidence. Alright. Matching sweater sets here. What's the situation here? Again, two thumbs up, but I'm starting to interpret thumbs up as thumbs down in the passive-aggressive thumb game that you guys are playing. These are
Starting point is 00:15:02 both my sweaters, again. And we were at We were seeing a taping of John Oliver of Last Week Tonight Sure, I've heard of him And you seized the opportunity To do some Paul McCartney Album cover cosplay
Starting point is 00:15:16 Like 70s, you know So Stella, at this point how how long had had this been going on in your relationship um that was like a couple months ago um so i don't know like uh seven or eight months or something i will definitely say and and the and the audience can check out these images themselves and decide for themselves but jordan's thumbs-up smile here seems very genuine. And Stella's thumbs-up and smile is starting to feel a little bit worn down. Would you say that that's accurate, Stella? Yeah, well, I was embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah. Yeah. Whose idea was it to dress the same at the John Oliver taping? It was more like it was cold, so we brought two sweaters and she was like, what if we brought both those sweaters? And that's all. It was sort of like...
Starting point is 00:16:14 It was her idea. Next piece of evidence, please. Oh. Here you are at the big show, Hamilton, dressed as Hamilton and Aaron Burr. How much cosplay is there at Hamilton these days? Because when I went to Hamilton, I dressed as Usnavi from In the Heights.
Starting point is 00:16:40 This was very humiliating. This was not appropriate at all. Oh, keep talking. Keep talking, gumshoe. So these were our Halloween costumes, and it was a few months later, and she was like, let's bring out the old costumes and go to the show.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Sure. That's how everyone went to see Hamilton. Just on a whim. Hey, I got this ruffled shirt lying around. I guess I'll go see Hamilton today. I'm going to put on the old ruffleroonie, get $1,700 in my pocket. I fired some extra teachers this week,
Starting point is 00:17:20 so I got some cash lying around. of teachers this week, so I got some cash lying around. So what happened when you went into Hamilton all dressed like this and dressed alike? People kept going, oh, are you guys in the show? Because the show seems a lot lousier than I imagined. Looking at you.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Did you guys jump on stage? No, we didn't do that. All right. And next. Oh, okay. Here Stella and Jordan are replicating on the New York City subway
Starting point is 00:17:59 a photo shoot from Cosmopolitan Magazine in which Judge John Hodgman, listener and friend of the show, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Leslie Odom Jr., who I don't know if you listen to podcasts at all, are hanging around the subway having fun and you guys are doing the same poses. It's very adorable.
Starting point is 00:18:15 So all this seems great. Very, very charming, very, very funny. Lots of thumbs ups. Jordan, you enjoyed all this, correct? Absolutely. What do you get out of this dressing up alike thing? I mean, we stand out. True.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It's unusual to attempt to stand out by dressing exactly like another person. I'll rephrase. I'll rephrase. How does dressing like Stella make you feel? Like solidarity and validation, kind of, a little bit. Keep talking. If people see me as a
Starting point is 00:19:06 kind of a team, as a joint unit with another person that I aspire to be more like physically and visually, then it's kind of a validation in my mind and it feels like a self-created solidarity in my mind. I will let the record show that Stella
Starting point is 00:19:22 touched her hand to her heart when you said aspire to. May I interpret that as being flattered? Yes. Yes? So why would you deny Jordan this validation of dressing exactly like you, single white female style? I mean, that's why I'm so torn on this, and that's why there are so many pictures of me dressing like her, because I do think it's fun,
Starting point is 00:19:49 and, yeah, it's like a fun friendship thing to do, but it just also gets embarrassing, and we can be friends without looking goofy and silly at inappropriate times. You seem like a real goofball. You seem like a real goofball. We look goofy when we're at a serious, regular thing dressed like twins. Was there a specific event where you were like,
Starting point is 00:20:18 hmm, this has gone too far, I have to take this to a podcast? Not really, it kind of just snuck up on me. And then there was a call for submissions, and I was like, let's finally deal with this. We'll settle it. Jordan, was there a time that was the ultimate, best experience of being dressed alike in your mind? Hamilton. Hamilton.
Starting point is 00:20:41 As you saw the glint in the eyes of those people who were there to watch the show, you knew. Was it the fact that you were stealing attention from the show itself that made you so excited? Absolutely. Is this disruptive when you're on a stakeout, Stella? Or can you use this to your advantage by faking out the people you're targeting? They're like, someone in that car
Starting point is 00:21:11 is watching me and she's wearing vertical stripes. Oh, wait a minute. There's someone with horizontal stripes. That must be the same person. Now it's safe for me to leave with my mistress. And then you're there, all vertical stripes. You can see how this could be to your advantage as a public, not public, a private investigator.
Starting point is 00:21:33 That couldn't be a private investigator. It's obviously the double mint gum twins. So have you ever gotten attention that you don't want because of this? It's actually never been a problem, like somebody made fun of us or anything like that. I just feel kind of personally, quietly embarrassed. But people usually think it's funny, or they don't notice. Is it more often the case that Jordan is dressing up in your clothes and sort of stealing your style? Or does she ever propose something for you to wear
Starting point is 00:22:07 to match her? Well, I have a lot of clothes. And she has less than half the clothes that I have. So we're always... I have two of everything. So it's... Isn't it a little on you that you bought matching sweaters? It's like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:22:24 I've got to make a clothes arc. I gotta get two of every kind. Just in case. It's only natural, given what a goofball I am. So you have a lot of clothes. Well, you're laying a lot of blame on yourself here.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Well, no. I mean, so that's... I want to say we always wear my clothes, but it's not because of anything besides that I have twice as many clothes. And Jordan, you say you aspire to being and looking like Stella. Can you tell me more about that?
Starting point is 00:22:59 That kind of has to do a lot with my transition and trying to validate myself in a public setting and how other people see me in these settings that we go to. So as you're transitioning, Stella is providing you wardrobe and moral support and guidance. Do I interpret that correctly? By chance, so not like deliberately. Right, because she's leaving all her dumb clothes
Starting point is 00:23:26 around. But yes. Okay. Stella, how does that make you feel? I think it's great. I mean, I think we're really awesomely great friends and our dynamic is super amazing. But yeah, so I
Starting point is 00:23:43 think that's great. Do you see this as part of your transition? This process of dressing the same as Stella for a period of time, and then you're going to start developing your own style, and you won't have to wear her clothes anymore? I mean, I feel like I've hijacked her style. Yeah, no, that's true. You're stealing her clothes and wearing them.
Starting point is 00:24:17 And anytime you guys go out, you're like, let's wear these two sweaters. And frankly, given your black crushed velvet shirts, choker necklaces, and cardigan sweaters. And frankly, given your black crushed velvet shirts, choker necklaces, and cardigan sweaters, you've both pretty much stolen Winona Ryder's style in 1994. It would be so exciting if Winona Ryder were here right now.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Yeah. So you've been stealing her style. I mean... Yes. To paraphrase, you. That is accurate, yes. And do you foresee a time when you're not going to be interested in doing that? Is this part of the process or just a fun thing you're doing for now or what?
Starting point is 00:25:01 No, it's fun and it's a way of building my own style and adapting it and making a conglomerate style process. What would you say is the best style tip you've picked up from Stella so far? Don't wear shirts that
Starting point is 00:25:20 look like an optical illusion. Yeah. Yeah. I learned that the hard way look like an optical illusion? Yeah. I learned that the hard way in the 90s when I was wearing a lot of magic eye t-shirts. What is an optical illusion t-shirt? You can't tell whether it's a vase or two faces. Is it an old lady or
Starting point is 00:25:41 a young maid? No, I was referring to the vertical and horizontal stripes. Oh, right, yeah. No, that was a terrible shirt. Was that one of Stella's shirts? Yes. I think you should... And you guys live together?
Starting point is 00:25:59 Yes. I think you should disappear that one. So, Stella, you've heard that you're a style icon to Jordan, and you've heard that this is part of her transition. You've heard that you are an aspirational figure to her, and you want to shut this all down. No, no, not at all. I mean, I'm really happy...
Starting point is 00:26:17 I have it written right here. I'm happy to provide advice at any time. But I mean, that doesn't necessarily end up with us wearing the exact same outfit. What would you have me order if I were to find in your favor? Well, I'm not exactly sure. But basically, I would just kind of want you... Because I'm conflicted too. Because I don't really know when it's appropriate and when it's not.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And sometimes it feels totally appropriate. and sometimes it feels very inappropriate. But there's like, I would love if you could issue a ruling of like, an easy way to figure out when it's weird or not. I mean, from my perspective, a good place to start would be to ask yourself, am I in a Mentos commercial right now? It would be very cis-white mansplaining of me to tell you guys when it is weird for you to dress one way or another. I need you to tell me when it is weird for you to dress one way or another. I need you to tell me when it is weird for you,
Starting point is 00:27:26 because that way I can then tell Jordan when it is weird for you. So non-weird, Halloween, we can agree, right? Yeah, right. Broadway shows. I may save this for my verdict. But tell me other times when you think it's weird. Okay, the Broadway show was weird,
Starting point is 00:27:50 but I was actually okay. I kind of had to. It was just too funny not to, I thought. So that's another example. Is that too embarrassing and desperate for attention to do that? Or is it just sort of like, maybe I shouldn't be so self-conscious about like how it looks
Starting point is 00:28:07 to everybody else? Can I explain something to you about musical theater? It's sort of a desperate for attention free space. It's really a world of people who are comfortable sitting within themselves. Right, but not for the audience, though. So you have a question mark around musical theater cosplay. Yeah, plus my mom made that jacket, and I'm really proud of it. It's a sweet
Starting point is 00:28:40 jacket. Yeah, for sure. Okay, so the weirdo question marks are Broadway shows. What other situations? Brunch. Brunch. If we're just going out to a dinner or to a bar or to a comedy show. Regular social outings.
Starting point is 00:28:59 Oh, yeah. And then also working out. Sometimes he wants to wear matching outfits to the gym. I'll allow it. Jordan, what would you have me wear? What would you have me wear? You're my style icon. What would you have me wear?
Starting point is 00:29:21 Jordan, what would you have me rule if I were to rule in your favor? Stella needs to not feel like she needs to take herself so seriously and just enjoy life. Not everybody is looking to judge you as whether or not you're a competent adult and
Starting point is 00:29:37 whether or not you're goofy or not. Yeah, but Stella is a peace officer. She's a public... She's a divorce assistant, basically. She's not gallivanting around over there at the DOE. She's a private investigator. I'm working on spreadsheets. That's you.
Starting point is 00:30:05 She's doing private investigator. I'm working on spreadsheets. That's you. She's doing something important. Breaking up homes. She wears trench coats and a fedora for a reason. She's got to look serious. You're saying that Stella takes herself a little too seriously? She's got to lighten up? Yeah, I mean, you take yourself seriously, but it doesn't have to be all the time. There's a time to be serious, and there's a time to cut loose or whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Sure. The most uptight expression of cut loose that I've ever seen in my life. You could barely bring yourself to make air quotes around that one. You know, cut loose. Foot loose. Maybe kick off your shoes. Do you think that Stella is a little uptight? Takes herself a little too seriously?
Starting point is 00:31:06 Yeah, just slightly. And do you think that dressing like her against her wishes helps her to come out of her shell? Well, when you put it like that, yes. So you would have me order no restrictions upon dressing up and matching outfits? I mean, yeah. Well, no. I just feel like she just needs to take it down a notch.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Take what down a notch? Her being uptight. Mm-hmm. Uptight come down. Got it. Okay. I'm so not uptight. Uptight come down. Got it. Okay. I'm so not uptight. Prove it.
Starting point is 00:31:55 We went to a unicycle festival over the weekend. You proved it. What did you wear? We wore matching outfits. Of course you wore matching outfits. What were the outfits that you wore to One Wheel Fest? They were, like, really colorful leggings and really bright colors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And tank tops. Are you a unicyclist? Yes. I see. I just feel like I already went to UC Santa Cruz for four years. And I don't know why in my professional life I have to be exposed to this. Do you perform stakeouts on your unicycle? I think that would be kind of conspicuous.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I think that would be kind of conspicuous. I think it would... Let the record show that I... Depends on which neighborhood of Brooklyn you're in. What else is going on? You mess with the devil sticks? Like juggling and tightrope kind of things. Yeah. Carnival acts?
Starting point is 00:33:25 I've never done an act, but I just kind of practice. Carnival arts. Slackline? Slackline, yeah. Yeah, sure, of course. Trapezing? Yeah, I've done that. I've done parkour.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And gymnastics and stuff like that. Do you mind if I dress like you? Not at all. Because you're the most incredible, interesting person I've ever met in my life. Stella, last name unknown. Parkour unicycle PI. Jordan, how dare you say that Stella is uptight?
Starting point is 00:34:07 Do you ride a unicycle? Yes, I learned that weekend. Oh, it takes more than a weekend, my friend. Do you parkour? No, she picked it up really fast. She learned it in the weekend. It's not about picking it up. It's about riding on top of it.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yes, I also parkour. You also parkour? Do you guys parkour together? Yes. In matching parkour suits? Yes. I've heard everything I need to in order to make my decision. I'm gonna go to my chambers and think this over.
Starting point is 00:34:42 I'll be back in a moment to read the next one. Please rise as Judge Sean Hodgman exits the courtroom. Jordan, if you could pick one dream matching outfit for the two of you to wear, what would it be? It would be Alexander and Hamilton for the rest of our lives. Stella, how do you feel about your chances? I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I mean, I think, actually, I might lose. Because he seemed pretty charmed by that. So, I don't know. Jordan, how do you feel? I feel the same way because I feel like he was very charmed with the PI and the unicycle from her. Stella, what's the craziest s*** you ever took a video of?
Starting point is 00:35:40 I haven't seen anything really crazy. People have boring lives, basically. The funniest one, the one that I come back to, is this... I shouldn't talk about this, but... It's okay. No one will hear it. No one will hear it. Just this one lady left her house with her big golden retriever dog in the middle of the winter,
Starting point is 00:36:01 and then she was on disability, so she said she couldn't really walk or anything. And then she was on disability, so she said she couldn't really walk or anything. And then she went into this field covered in snow and just rolled around with the dog and threw snowballs at it. And it was so cute. And they just had a whole
Starting point is 00:36:16 wrestling match. That sounds really cute. And you're like, oh, this is so adorable. I'm looking forward to ruining this woman's life. and you're like, oh, this is so adorable. I'm looking forward to ruining this woman's life. Do private investigators get really stoked to watch or do they get really mad while they watch the show Veronica Mars?
Starting point is 00:36:38 I've seen a little of it, but I don't know. I couldn't tell you. Stop doing parkour and start watching Veronica Mars. Get your priorities straight! We'll see what the judge has to say about all of this. Please rise as Judge John Hodgman re-enters the courtroom. I really wish that I had stowed
Starting point is 00:37:04 a crushed velvet top, sweater. I am wearing gray jeans and a choker right now because I want to dress like both of you so bad. You're both so admirable and terrific. And Stella in particular I can appreciate as a unicycling private investigator parkour artist and general kick-ass human being why Jordan would want to emulate you.
Starting point is 00:37:28 And Jordan, you are equally worthy of emulation because you're a smart, capable person working for the Department of Education, going through a big change in your life, and I completely appreciate why Stella, as a wardrobe-ian role model and personal role model makes you want to wear the same clothes as her,
Starting point is 00:37:49 especially if they're her clothes. The elements of moving into her apartment and taking her clothes and wearing them and looking exactly like her have creepy overtones, to be sure. This is obviously the plot of many movies and TV shows. And something that I think that you need to be alert to as you continue developing a sense of feminine style of your own.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I think that it's adorable that you guys dress up in the same way from time to time. And even it seems that Stella gets pleasure out of it in certain contexts. And I think there are certain contexts where dressing alike is absolutely appropriate. Halloween, perfect context. This Halloween, you're going as the twins from The Shining. That's locked in. And I will come play with you forever. in and I will come play with you forever.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Broadway shows? Don't dress up as the characters. They're doing that for a reason. They're already embarrassed enough to be dressed up in a funny way on stage. You don't need to be drawing attention from the stage for that. Brunch? Here we get into a gray area. Arguably you shouldn't be going be drawing attention from the stage for that. Brunch? Here we get into a gray area. Arguably you shouldn't be going to brunch at all. Brunch is a vestige of a childless life that I barely remember. But deeply resent. Arguably, if you feel like the need to line up for a long time for cold, bad food in the middle of a weekend day, that's your choice. But I do think that this gets into an area where it is time now, I think, Jordan,
Starting point is 00:39:46 for you to be developing your own sense of style, your own clothes, and moving forward into your own coolness. I'm glad that you were able to... Did you do parkour before you met Stella? No. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Did you do unicycle before you met Stella? No. Yeah. So it's not just clothes. You have to be your own woman. And so what I'm gonna say is, Halloween, we've already established that. Other dress-up times? Once a month.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Once a month, you guys go to brunch dressed exactly alike. And I mean exactly alike. I don't want to see any of this. I don't want to see any of this vertical stripes and horizontal stripes. I want it to be completely matching. Completely. Head to toe. I want you guys to go out and get yourselves a brunch outfit that is perfectly matched, and I want
Starting point is 00:40:46 you to go there and eat your terrible hollandaise sauce and feel the eyes of the world upon you as they realize those two women are dressed exactly alike. Scientists call these outfits the fulmentos. the full Mentos. And through that aversion therapy, we'll call it, that might perhaps inspire you, perhaps with Stella's guidance, to go out shopping for your own clothes that you like and your own thing that's going on. The affection that you guys have for each other
Starting point is 00:41:17 is truly moving and wonderful. I wouldn't want to shut this down completely. Indeed, I'm just pushing it into the entire, the extreme, completely identical brunch outfits once a month and other than that feel free to ask Stella to borrow her clothes but I would I would tone down the let's do the exact same thing again today sort of thing because as as roommates and as friends you also need to have separate lives. This is the sound of a gavel. Judge Sean Hodgman rules. That is all.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Ladies and gentlemen, Stella and Jordan. Our thanks to Amy Gerzabinski for naming that case. Sheldon Jordan, thanks for being on the Judge John Hodgman podcast. Always brought to you by you, the members of MaximumFun.org. Thanks to everybody who's gone to MaximumFun.org slash join. And you can join them by going to MaximumFun.org slash join. The Judge John Hodgman podcast is also brought to you this week by the folks over there at Babbel. Did you know that learning, the experience of learning causes a sound to happen? Let's hear the sound. Yep, that's the sound of you learning
Starting point is 00:42:52 a new language with Babbel. We're talking about quick 10-minute lessons crafted by over 200 language experts that can help you start speaking a new language in as little as one, two, three weeks. Let's hear that sound. Babbel's tips and tools are approachable, accessible, rooted in real-life situations, and delivered with conversation-based teaching. So you're ready to practice what you've learned in the real world, and you get to hear this sound. It's not just like a game that pretends to teach you a language. It's also not a rigid, weird, hyper-academic chore. It is an actually productive app that actually teaches you while you are actually having a nice time. And you get to hear this sound. Here's a special limited time deal for
Starting point is 00:43:39 our listeners right now. Get up to 60% off your Babbel subscription, but only for our listeners at babbel.com slash Hodgman. Get up to 60% off at babbel.com slash Hodgman spelled B-A-B-B-E-L dot com slash Hodgman. Rules and restrictions apply. Judge Hodgman, do you feel like this is an appropriate time for a musical interlude? Yes, I believe this is exactly the scheduled time for a musical interlude. We have a wonderful singer-songwriter here for you tonight. She has a new album out called So Ferocious. She's toured with Paul Simon.
Starting point is 00:44:17 She's performed on this stage with me before. If you haven't seen her, you're going to really enjoy seeing her right now. Her name is Carsey Blanton. And she's going to sing for you at this very moment. Carsey Blanton to the stage, please. Hey, Carsey, I'm going to cover for you for a minute while you get your guitar up. Yeah, no problem.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Are you ready to rock the house? I'm so ready to rock the house. I'm pumped. Are you guys pumped? Ladies and gentlemen, stay pumped. Oh, wait, she's tuning. Don't pump yet. Don't pump. Just work up to being pumped in the next, like, ten seconds.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Boing, boing, boing. Boing, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Boing, boing, boing, boing, boing, boing, boing, boing. Perfect. Ladies and gentlemen, Carsey Blanton. Yay! Oh my goodness gracious, it's so lovely to see all of your smiling faces here tonight. I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself right here in this song.
Starting point is 00:45:24 It's called Vim and Vigor. I know I got a dirty mind It's in the gutter all the time I don't believe that it's a crime. I consider it a service. This ain't 1954. It ain't a man's world anymore. So what you want to tame me for?
Starting point is 00:45:58 Do I make you nervous? I roll up by them in vigor. Chomping at the bit, got my finger on the trigger I'm pitching a fit, all lipstick and vinegar Like, baby, do you dare me? Cause you'll lose streak like a drunken moxie I don't give a fuck if you find me foxy Do what I want to, cause I got moxie
Starting point is 00:46:25 And you don't scare me You don't scare me I know I got a lot of nerve I ought to get what I deserve A half a dozen men to serve me It stands to reason A couple of them feed me sweets A couple more to rub my feets And one or two between my sheets
Starting point is 00:47:09 If I find it pleasing I roll up by them in vigor Chopping at the bit with my finger on the trigger Pitching a fit, all lipstick and then a guy Like, baby, do you dare me Cause the blue street like a dunk in the dark See, I don't give a fuck if you find it dark See, do what I like to
Starting point is 00:47:33 Cause I got moxie And you don't scare me You don't scare me Well, I wake up every morning with something to say I got music to play And lots of good lovin' all day And you wake up every morning just hatin' on me Well, ain't it easy to see
Starting point is 00:48:02 Just hating on me Well ain't it easy to see Who it feels better to be I roll up, I'm feeling bigger Chomping at the bit with my finger on the trigger I'm pitching a foot, I'll lipstick and then a guy, like, baby do you dare me, cause you're loose, street like a dunkin' doxy, don't give a fuck if you find it foxy, I do what I want to, I you don't scare me. No, you don't scare me.
Starting point is 00:48:48 You don't scare me. R.C. Blanton, ladies and gentlemen. The Judge John Hodgman podcast is also brought to you this week by our pals over at Made In. Jesse, you've heard of Tom Colicchio, the famous chef, right? Yeah, from the restaurant Kraft. And did you know that most of the dishes at that very same restaurant are made with Made In pots and pans? Really? What's an example? The braised short ribs, they're Made In, Made In. The Rohan duck, made in, made in. Riders of Rohan, duck. What about the Heritage Pork Shop? You got it. Made in, made in. Made in has been supplying top chefs and restaurants with high-end cookware for years. They make the stuff that chefs need.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Their carbon steel cookware is the best of cast iron, the best of stainless clad. It gets super hot. It's rugged enough for grills or an open flame. One of the most useful pans you can own. And like we said, good enough for real professional chefs, the best professional chefs. Oh, so I have to go all the way down to the restaurant district in restaurant town? Just buy it online. This is professional grade cookware that is available online directly to you the consumer at a very reasonable price yeah if you want to take
Starting point is 00:50:32 your cooking to the next level remember what so many great dishes on menus all around the world have in common they're made in made in save up to 25 this Memorial Day from the 18th until the 27th. Visit madeincookware.com. That's M-A-D-E-I-N cookware.com. Hello, teachers and faculty. This is Janet Varney. I'm here to remind you that listening to my podcast, The JV Club with Janet Varney, is part of the curriculum for the school year. Learning about the teenage years of such guests as Alison Brie, Vicki Peterson, John Hodgman, and so many more is a valuable and enriching experience, one you have no choice but to embrace, because yes, listening is mandatory. The JV Club with
Starting point is 00:51:24 Janet Varney is available every thursday on maximum fun or wherever you get your podcasts thank you and remember no running in the halls judge hodgman yes i have a question for you ask Ask. Well, we've used, I mean, half of the show. We've only dispensed justice to two people. Yeah, that seems fine. Let's go home. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh. First of all, my Coca-Cola is kicking in.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Oh. You'll see a lot of foot tapping from here on out. Oh, you'll see a lot of foot tapping from here on out. Second of all, I think we could use the balance of the program to deliver a lot of justice to Brooklyn. A lot of justice in a short amount of time? Yeah, like swift justice. All right. Let's do three cases in just 12 minutes.
Starting point is 00:52:22 All right. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Glenn and Stephanie. in just 12 minutes. You ready? Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Glenn and Stephanie. Oh my goodness. Hello. Well, maybe I need to recuse myself because this is Glenn Tickle, the famous comedian.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Hi, friends. And his beautiful wife, Stephanie, whom I've met both of you before. I did not know that you had marital dysfunction and are about to get divorced over some issue in your lives. What is happening?
Starting point is 00:52:51 Not you, Glenn. Stephanie. Okay, so our refrigerator, he does not... Is it running? That's basically the argument. Is it running? Ha! That's basically the argument. Is it running? Does it function?
Starting point is 00:53:09 Is it running? It functions perfectly fine. Is it running? Is it running? Is it running, ma'am? The refrigerator is running. Great. Then your food must be cold.
Starting point is 00:53:17 It is. Ah, it's the old fliparoo. Okay, what's the issue, Stephanie? Okay, however, the auxiliary functions of it, the ice maker and the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, um, the, Stephanie? Okay, however, the auxiliary functions of it, the ice maker and the water dispenser,
Starting point is 00:53:31 in my opinion, are having an issue. The overflow when the water is turned on drips a lot to the point that I'm worried it's going to actually overflow the pan and hit the floor. And in maybe starting about four years ago, every time I changed the filter, it would just like water would pour out of it.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I'd have to prep by putting towels around the- Wait a minute, these things have filters? Yeah. This has never happened when I've changed the filter, by the way. How often do you change the filter? About as frequently as you do. We do it once every six months.
Starting point is 00:54:04 It's not like you do it every week. Wait a minute. Wait. Shh. Be quiet, both of you. You're talking about a refrigerator that has an ice maker and a water dispenser in it. Yes. And there's a filter you're supposed to change?
Starting point is 00:54:16 Yeah. Every time the light turns red. Just a quick question to test if you know, where is this filter? Where does one find it? Just to see if you know. I know the answer. Another question. If you don't change the filter, say, in ten years,
Starting point is 00:54:39 do you get tonsillitis? Sure. That's probably what did it. All right. So Stephanie has some, there's a vague problem with the potential of leaking. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Glenn, what's your dispute here? My lovely wife is convinced the refrigerator is going to leak because she heard dripping underneath the refrigerator, but that is a feature, not a bug. The automatic defrost function of modern refrigerators does that on purpose.
Starting point is 00:55:10 There's a pan to catch the water and the heat and motion from the fans under the refrigerator evaporate it. Okay, this isn't howstuffworks.com. Well, I have... Let the record show. To back me up, this is
Starting point is 00:55:24 an explanation of how they work. That's what she heard. She was convinced the refrigerator was leaking. She turned the water off to the refrigerator. Let the record show that Glenn Tickle has handed me a piece of paper titled, Defrosting Journey. I did not title it. That is from the
Starting point is 00:55:40 SF Gate article about this. Your refrigerator has a defrosting hose that leads to a drain pan under the unit during the defrosting journey. What? I don't know what any of this means. What? What is it you...
Starting point is 00:55:55 This is swift. What do you want? I want the water turned on to the refrigerator so I can get cold water and more ice because we have ice trays, but she does not fill them. I am willing to fill them. I will take full responsibility.
Starting point is 00:56:05 You have turned off the water because you're afraid it's going to flood. You want the water back on. What does it mean to you to have the water back on? It's frustrating when I have to get ice from a tray and not from the door because I know it's not broken, so I'm just giving in to... Did you grow up with ice
Starting point is 00:56:22 from the door? No. I didn't, and a friend of mine did and he rubbed it in my face. His name's Alan Yaver and so we had one and I was excited and now we still have one but I can't use it and it... Let me tell you something right now Glen Tickle. I did not grow up with ice in the door. Then I got an apartment where they had ice in the door. It's the greatest luxury of all time. See?
Starting point is 00:56:51 I am agnostic, but it is a gift from Dread Cthulhu that I would not live without again in my life. So I don't care what it takes. You are gonna have ice in that door. Yeah! I'm sorry, Stephanie. I find in Glenn's favor. Glenn and Stephanie, please welcome to the stage Morgan and Ben.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Morgan and Ben. Oh, I know you guys. Morgan, you want Ben to make up a bedtime story for you. Yes. Now, do you know how I know that? No. Because I hired a PI. I think I know her.
Starting point is 00:57:36 No, I know this because you wrote in, and I actually have resolved this dispute. You don't know the resolution yet, but I resolved it for the judge John Hodgman column net in the New York Times Magazine yet to be published. I have rendered my verdict in my head and on paper already, but you don't know what I have ruled and it is up to you to change, one of you, to change my mind. Can't wait. So Morgan, you claim that Ben is a very fine fiction writer. He's really talented. He writes weekly.
Starting point is 00:58:07 He writes short fiction. His brain is bubbling with stories. Let the record show that Ben is staring at the ceiling in great frustration now and embarrassment. That's how he looks when he's flattered. Is that your flattered look, Ben? You got it.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Ben, do you write beautiful short stories? I'm not going to say that out loud. You have to self-promote these days if you're going to be a millionaire short story writer.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah, right. Yeah. Working on it, I guess. I don't know. And Morgan asked you to make up a story for her at bedtime. Yes. And Morgan, you to make up a story for her at bedtime. Yes.
Starting point is 00:58:46 And Morgan, why do you put your husband through this? Well, some nights I can't fall asleep. Your brain is buzzing with work and everything that happened. You don't want to turn on the light to read or look at your cell phone. Right. So I would like a nice story to help me unwind. Yeah, but Ben is also unwinding. He's got a brain too.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah, but he can help me fall asleep. No, but... It works for children all the time. Judge Hodgman, do you think we're going to have to conduct some kind of empathy seminar up here? Ma'am, are you a psychopath at all?
Starting point is 00:59:26 Do you recognize that he is a separate human being who also needs to unwind at the end of the day? Oh, sure. Right. I will say, in her defense,
Starting point is 00:59:35 I sleep the untroubled sleep of a mediocre middle-class white man. And she is a teacher. That is a deep and peaceful sleep. It's the best. It's the best. It's so easy. Don't worry, honey.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Things seem scary, but it's probably fine for me. Man, it's awesome. It's pretty awesome. So you don't have any trouble falling asleep. No, and she is a teacher. Right. And she does struggle with sleep issues.
Starting point is 01:00:10 What kind of teaching do you do? I teach biology to high schoolers. You teach biology? Yeah. Very nice. We'll see if Jordan fires you before the night's over. I'm really good at my job. And you don't ask her to dissect a
Starting point is 01:00:26 frog for you before you go to bed, do you? I do not. And do you write beautiful epiphanic short stories for a living? Nope. What do you do for a living? I am a data analyst for a social media company. You could have just said white guy.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, I know brevity is the soul of narrative. Specificity is the soul of narrative. There it is. I wrote that. And you know what? I didn't get paid for writing that.
Starting point is 01:01:02 But it was still work. Creativity is labor. No matter what, even if you're not paid for it. You said, well, telling a story to children works for them. Yeah, but parents hate doing that. Do you have children? No. Oh, you'll learn soon enough. Do you know why there are children's books?
Starting point is 01:01:24 So parents don't have to make up stories. Just because Ben does it for free and on his own time as a hobby doesn't mean it's easy for him to tell a story. He deserves to wind down too. So get a book and read a book to her. Do you know that books exist? Yes, and that is one of the things I have requested. So get a book and read a book to her. Do you know that books exist?
Starting point is 01:01:48 Yes, and that is one of the things I have requested. When he is reading a book and I'm trying to fall asleep and the light's already on, so we're already arguing about that, I'm like, can you at least just read me one page? But a lot of times I'm saying, on chapter eight of a book. I don't want to just jump into the middle of it. I'm not sure what small complaints you guys have with each other now. Because I just got this huge array of the lights on too much,
Starting point is 01:02:21 but I'm in the middle of a... Just read a short story to her before bed. Is that a problem? That would be excellent. Do you want him to make up a story because you don't care what you listen to as long as the light's off and he doesn't have to have the light on
Starting point is 01:02:33 in order to make up a story? That would be perfect. Oh, no, no, no, no. Stop it. But I'm willing to bend a little bit because I've already asked for a story with the light on, like the dim reading light. I would be willing to bend for a story read to me
Starting point is 01:02:50 as I cover my head with a pillow or something to block the light. Who's your favorite author of short stories? Ray Bradbury. I like where this is going. Objection, pandering. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to get an electronic book version
Starting point is 01:03:14 of some Ray Bradbury stories. You're going to turn it on very dimly on your phone or your tablet. And you're going to read her. She's going to be asleep in like 200 words, dude. It's true. Just read her a little bit. And don't ask him to make up a story on command.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Because that's like telling a comedian, hey, see someone funny. It's terrible. That's a terrible thing to do. Do you understand? I understand. Stop being terrible. Start being good. That's my order.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Morgan and Ben, ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome to the stage Mitch and Joan. Mitch. What could be a gentler lullaby than short stories by Ray Bradbury? Yeah, that's right. I want to listen to the Martian Chronicles before I go to bed. Mitch and Joan, how do you do? Funny, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:01 I'm in terrible pain, but thank you very much for asking. Who brings the case against the other? Joan, what is your beef with Mitch? So Mitchell and I live in a house that he purchased before we met. It's in a part of Brooklyn that's not quite as cool as the part of Brooklyn you live in. Thank you very much. And neither of us like this part of Brooklyn. Neither of you like this part of Brooklyn?
Starting point is 01:04:24 Right. And neither of you are going to name it for me right now? Marine Park. Marine Park. I don't know anything about it. Exactly. What's the story? It has no cultural advantages. It has no good restaurants. No place to get organic food.
Starting point is 01:04:38 Oh! What was that? Someone in the audience is standing up for Marine Park. Wait, wait, wait. What was... Who? Raise your hand if you... And do you know Mitch and Joan? Come up here, please, right away. Ma'am, please come here.
Starting point is 01:04:54 Please come to the stage. Please come to the stage. For the benefit of the at-home listener, I'm pretty sure this is Terry Gross. So, as our advocate for Marine Park takes the stage, let me clarify. Your dispute is not with the neighborhood of Marine Park, but with each other. Right. Ma'am, please come around here and you can be at this microphone.
Starting point is 01:05:32 What's your name, ma'am? Sandy. Hi, Sandy. She said Hurricane Sandy. That's dope. Hurricane Sandy, ladies and gentlemen. Sandy, before we go to your expert testimony, if I understand the affidavit that was made available to me, Mitchell complains about Marine Park.
Starting point is 01:05:58 Yes. Constantly. And obviously you do not dispute this. No. And you would like him to stop complaining and just swallow all of his feelings inside well I would like him to stop complaining come to some sort of peace with the decision that he made
Starting point is 01:06:16 20 years ago to purchase this house and help me fix it up to make it an oasis of tranquility in the desert of southeastern California. And by fixing it up, you mean you're going to install some nice restaurants and night spots in the basements? No, just some walls in the backyard and fix up the interior so it's beautiful. I've got some bad news for the desert.
Starting point is 01:06:44 The hurricanes are coming. Hang on, Sandy. Okay. Mitchell. Yes. You know what? I'm not going to ask you to complain about Marine Park. Yes. Joan, do your best version
Starting point is 01:07:03 of Mitch complaining about Marine Park. I would prefer not. I would prefer you did. So ordered. You don't have to do a vocal imitation. Just what will he say? Okay, well, keep in mind, I don't have the Brooklyn accent. No. Are you from Brooklyn? Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Actually, I grew up not far from Marine Park in Mill Basin, where somebody was just fished out of the water with cement on his feet. Yeah. You know why? Because he picked a fight with Staten Island. Alright, you know what? I want to hear more of Mitchell's fantastic Brooklyn accent.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I want you to look in the eyes of Sandy. Okay, all right. And I want you, and I, excuse me, this is normally a family-friendly podcast, but we're here in New York. I want you to talk some about Marine Park. All right, and that's, I could do it for days. I could do it for days. I could do it for days.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Yeah, well, we only have two more minutes. Right, okay, all right. And here, go right into this microphone. I want everyone to, yeah. Hey, so I'll put it this way, Judge. In your forthcoming book, Vacationland, you talk about how in Marine Park- Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Vacationland, available October 24th, 2017. In Vacationland, you talk about how in Park Slope, people would climb over bodies, run over bodies, to get to moral high ground. In Marine Park, they would climb over the run over bodies to jump into the depths of human degradation. It's a neighborhood. It's a neighborhood. Keep going, keep going.
Starting point is 01:08:46 It's a neighborhood where nobody parks. Everybody double parks. It's a neighborhood where steering wheels are adjuncts of the horn. It's... Wait, wait, wait. Or, to sum up the neighborhood... To sum up the neighborhood, this is Brooklyn. Remember, this is Brooklyn.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Remember, this is Brooklyn. This is the Brooklyn that you were talking about. Six miles from here, we found written on a lamp post today, Democrats lie, liberal left-wing party, I can't read my handwriting, hate, intolerance, and violence. Yeah. It's a neighborhood that voted 70... You're saying Marine Park is as bad as Twitter.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Right. It's a neighborhood that voted... It's. Right. It's a neighborhood that voted... It's Brooklyn. And it's a neighborhood that voted 70% for Trump. However, however... You think this didn't happen in Brooklyn? Oh, I grew up there. You know where you bought your house?
Starting point is 01:09:44 Well, I did. And by the way, how'd you know all that stuff from my book Vacationland? Because it's not even been published yet. Seems to me like Marine Park is full of literature thieves. Time travelers. I went to October 24th. What? I jumped ahead to October 24th.
Starting point is 01:10:01 He's claiming to be a time traveler, Your Honor. Madness has encroached upon our courtroom. I think I've heard enough from the Doctor Who of Brooklyn. That Joan, who's beautiful and sweet, is not a native-born
Starting point is 01:10:20 New Yorker, so she doesn't understand that it's a God-given right as a New Yorker to complain. And that she thinks that I'm unhappy. Sandy's in. Let the record show that Hurricane Sandy is smiling. And that it's only when I'm, as a true New Yorker, it's only when I'm complaining that I'm happy, and it's the way we survive. Joan is from St. Louis.
Starting point is 01:10:46 She's sweet. She's kind. She's beautiful. She don't get it. She's the gateway to the West. Sandy, what can you tell us about Marine Park? Well, it's near Coney Island.
Starting point is 01:11:03 It's Marine Park. We can jog. And beautiful park, lovely neighborhood. And do you think that Mitchell's contempt for Marine Park is acceptable or unacceptable? I know a lot of people would love to live there. Yeah. Where did you grow up? Bensonhurst. And so why did you feel the need to defend Marine Park from this man? I just feel that there's no reason to put it down.
Starting point is 01:11:38 I don't like to complain all the time. You don't like to complain all the time? Right. But will you defend to the death his right to complain all the time. You don't like to complain all the time? Right. But will you defend to the death his right to complain all the time? Yes, definitely. All right. Thank you very much, Hurricane Sandy. Hurricane Sandy.
Starting point is 01:12:00 Let me say this. Two New Yorkers have spoken. I am not a New Yorker. Joan, you're from the show-me state. You're a Californian. True. I have to defer to the New Yorker on this. The right to complain is inviolable.
Starting point is 01:12:16 But I will go further. You may complain, but you have to get out into your neighborhood and know your neighbors. We need more people like you in red places voting, dude. and know your neighbors. We need more people like you in red places voting, dude. You are... You are the point of the spear of outreach. You gotta turn some votes over there. You gotta get with your people out there.
Starting point is 01:12:35 You bought that house there 20 years ago. Own up to your responsibility. Show them that we're not all contentious elites who just talk behind their backs in bars and go honest. Sorry, John. I find it Mitchell's favorite. Hurricane Sandy.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Thank you very much. John, you want some more music? What? You want to do some more music? Yeah, I want to do some more music? What? Want to do some more music? Yeah, I want to do some more music. I don't want to do any music. Let's get a professional musician to do it. Good thinking.
Starting point is 01:13:13 Carsey Blanton to the stage, please. Woo! Carsey Blanton. Now, look, Carsey. John. Blanton. Now look, Carsey, I've mentioned your latest long playing record, So Ferocious. You did, and I appreciated that. And you probably have a website. I'm going to guess it's
Starting point is 01:13:35 carseyblanton.com. That's amazing. I know. That is really impressive. I was prepared. I had things written down. You also have a game that you are, that you have invented. Yes, I have a game. You know, you mentioned you would have a checkbox about whether you're the practical one or you have a scheme. Is that what it was?
Starting point is 01:13:54 The reasonable one or the one with the scheme. Okay, I'm definitely the one with the scheme. Oh. 100% of the time. The schemers do not tend to fare well in my court. Well, luckily, I don't have a case before you today. That's true. I'm here to tell you about my scheme, folks.
Starting point is 01:14:09 My latest scheme is a card game. And can I say the name? Yes. Yes. It's a card game called Bingo, okay? And it's similar to two other games you may have heard of. One is Bingo. Are you familiar with the game B games you may have heard of one is bingo you familiar with the game bingo yes and the other is never have I ever okay but
Starting point is 01:14:31 this game it features questions and all the questions are about hugging and kissing yeah special friends hugging and kissing special friends hugging kissing so if we were playing this game... Hypothetically. Hypothetically. I might draw a card and I might say something like, have you ever hugged more than one person in a 24-hour period? It doesn't say hugged. And then theoretically, if we were playing this game,
Starting point is 01:15:03 you would have a bingo board with numbers on it, and there'd be a number that you could cross off if your answer was yes. So that's how the game works, right? I have played this game in a bar, and it was fantastically humiliating and exciting. And he had no warning. This wasn't like, let me show you my game.
Starting point is 01:15:21 It was like, I played on this stage at the show, and hey, you want to have a drink? And we all went out, and then I was like, okay, everyone me show you my game. It was like, I played on this stage at the show, and hey, you want to have a drink? And we all went out, and then I was like, okay, everyone. Bam. This is happening. Bango is its name-o. Bango was its name-o.
Starting point is 01:15:34 D-A-N-G-O. And so you have a Kickstarter to raise money to produce this game commercially. Yes. And you can go to the Kickstarter now to support it by going to... Playbango.com There you go. So it's a really fun game, and I hope you guys will check out the Kickstarter and support it if you're interested.
Starting point is 01:15:52 I hope that even more than he does. For obvious reasons. But now you're going to sing a song. I was hoping that too. Gosh, we're so on the same page today. Love it. Yeah, you know, I thought on the theme of hugging and kissing, there's actually also a lot of questions in this bingo game about the self-hug. Are you familiar with that? When you hug yourself, you don't need another person to hug you. We're all about self-care here. I thought it'd be fun to play a song about that. What do you think? Ladies and gentlemen, Carsey Blank.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Oh, this song also mentions a lot of important local landmarks. Take a good long drive down the NJ Pike Thinking why you gotta be the type of boy I like Why you act so dumb with all the books you read Got a body like that and you're living in your head I make a quick pit stop at the Molly Pitcher You say you got a girl but I don't see a witcher. You say you want a drink, but I want something stiffer.
Starting point is 01:17:10 You say I ought to keep it clean. I ain't a Swiffer. I like your shirt. I like your jacket. I like to think about you when I whack it. It doesn't hurt. There's nothing to it. Call me when you had enough of thinking
Starting point is 01:17:25 Honey, let's do it When we met last week in the elevator Said I gotta feed a meter But I'm gonna see you later In the bar you were chewing on a swizzle stick I said you look so good You're about to make me sick So we tried to take a walk But it was too much
Starting point is 01:17:56 You only wanna talk You know I'm gonna wanna touch We tried to have a chat But it was too scary You're just a democrat I'm a revolutionary. Like your shirt. I like your jacket.
Starting point is 01:18:09 Like to think about you when I whack it. Doesn't hurt. There's nothing to it. Call me when you had enough of thinking. Honey, let's do it. Let's do it. Woo! Gonna do it to ya.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Ha! Thank you! It's me again, Judge John Hodgman. Carsey Blanton's game is now called The F-ing Truth. You can pre-order it at www.thefingtruth.com. That's thefingtruth.com. Or by running a search on Kickstarter. She's also touring California and the Pacific Northwest this October.
Starting point is 01:19:02 She's also touring California and the Pacific Northwest this October. For tour dates and more info, visit carseyblanton.com. C-A-R-S-I-E-B-L-A-N-T-O-N.com. I cannot recommend her work more highly. Thank you so much to the litigants for joining us on stage and sharing their cases with us. And thanks also and always to the staff at the Bell House, my home away from home. This episode was recorded by Benjamin Frisch, produced by Jennifer Marmer, and of course my bailiff is Jesse Thorne. That's all. Until next time, I am Judge John Hodgman, and this has been the Judge John Hodgman Podcast.

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