Judge John Hodgman - TEASER: Members Only Mailbag May 2024

Episode Date: May 30, 2024

As May comes to a close, the J Squad returns with a brand new Members Only Mailbag! In this teaser, you will hear one of many questions that John, Jesse, and Jennifer discuss. For the full episode, ch...eck your members only bonus content feed! Not yet a member? It’s easy to become one! Go to maximumfun.org/join and become a member at $5 a month or higher.Don’t know how to access your bonus content? Click here for instructions!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Judge John Hodgman podcast. I'm Bailiff Jesse Thorne with me, Judge John Hodgman, the titular Judge John Hodgman. Oh, Jesse, I've never been more titular. So titular to be here for this, I believe our second members only mailbag. I like to call it the Membo mailbags because it sounds gross, sort of. Kind of as gross as titular, if you think about it. So, Chachman, I hear we've been approaching the titularity. Repeat offenders is our new segment on the member mailbag. First up is Sasha.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Sasha is asking for a clarification on a ruling you made in the New York Times magazine. Oh, OK. Sasha says, My friend Joe Allen hosted a pie themed party. Awesome. Joe Allen ordered a pizza pie. I brought empanadas and Karen brought a coffee cake. In the New York Times, you ruled in my favor and said Karen's offering was not a pie.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Since then, he's maintained that both Joe Allen and I did not bring pies either. Please tell Karin he is wrong. Let me make sure I understand. Joe Ellen hosted a pie theme party. Which is frankly a terrific first sentence for any short story I would read the whole thing. Joe Ellen brought a pizza pie.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Sasha, the author of this letter, brought empanadas and Karin brought a coffee cake. This all makes sense to me. The pieces are falling together in front of my eyes. Yes, this is like one of those logic puzzles from grade school. Joellen brought a pizza pie. Sasha brought empanadas. Karen brought a coffee cake. Which one of these things is not like the other? I stand by my ruling. Obviously it was correct, coffee cake is not pie.
Starting point is 00:01:51 But now Karen wants revenge. Is pizza pie pie and are empanadas pies? Maximum Fun. A worker-owned network. Of artists-owned shows. Supported. Directly. By you.

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