Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Are we Dating the same Guy! Chris Franjola and Sarah Colonna

Episode Date: July 28, 2022

Sarah and Chris are here together! Britney Spears is a nark. Jane Fonda is finally having good sex after 80 years. One of my favorite weird things happened again: “I didn’t know I was pregnant” ...story where a baby was birthed in the toilet. Crazy girlfriend fills cheating boyfriend's condom with habanero oil. Nick Cannon is a dad once again AF. Martha Stewart lost her peacock to some coyotes. The new book about Meghan Markle is full of juice. If you are ginger in London, you get to see movies for free. Love Is Blind contestant is suing the show for bad treatment. If you get a subway sandwich tattoo on your body, you get a free subway for life… Chris is considering it. Ricky Martin’s Nephew retracted his incest statement. The Bachelorette is the juiciest it has been in years. I just discovered there are Facebook groups for single women to find out if they are dating the same guy. The boy that faked floating away in a balloon so many years ago is back with a hot new single. Enjoy! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And addicted fast to the number one tab
Starting point is 00:00:22 On real life hot cat Listen in, listen up. Hannah McDonald. Juve Siscoop. Hello, and welcome to Juve Siscoop. I have your two favorites, Sarah Clona, Chris, Franciola together. Thank you for driving down.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Thank you. I understand, Chris, you drove because you didn't listen to the route that Sarah told you to take. Yeah, I guess. I mean, they came in just like a very heated and there's nothing I hate more than conversations about the route that you took. Different freeways, one-on-one versus the five versus the four-on-five. Well, if he would have taken the four-on-five, you wouldn't have to hear about any of it. I mean, honestly, it was like driving with my mother. It was every time I pressed a brakes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, And you know, this is law she's been in Los Angeles 30 years. It's traffic. That's just the way it is That's not true. I was on my phone and once in a while I would look up and like hold on for dear life Where I write when he was about to plow into the back of a truck sometimes I'm looking around you know, there's a lot to see
Starting point is 00:01:35 Looking cute they both have white pants on yeah, like we're you know, it's it's beautiful out some days It's cloudy. It's beautiful today. So we want to get to our happy hour. So let's get through. That's what we're here for our lunch. We're going to drive down here for, you know, not to do the podcast. Yeah. We just figured we get a nice bonus happy hour out of it.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Lots of juicy things to talk about. And one of our favorite subjects to talk about is all the shit that's going on with your girl. I know. Wild. Now it's gotten into, you know, they just is all the shit that's going on with your girl. I know. I know. Wild. Now it's gotten into, you know, they just see the end of the one post where she was just like,
Starting point is 00:02:10 you know what I like? Ratatouille, you see that? That was like last week. Yeah, like last week. I feel like sometimes she's watching like a movie and then she like plays it and then she's, it's just like, oh, I love this part of the movie. I just saw something else where she like
Starting point is 00:02:25 Featured um she showed I guess Michelle Fiverr when she was catwoman. Oh, yeah, and then she was like me out and like And she's watching it all does she not have new movies like those these movies are all 20 years old I don't know. Well, what's going on right now? The latest is Buzzfeed just wrote said this Britney Spears leaked the alarming text messages she sent to her mom, friend and lawyer in 2019 when she was being held in a mental health facility
Starting point is 00:02:51 against her will where she was asking to change her, lithium and what do you think? And then now the mom is like, what, I just wanna see you. And then, yeah, what was the Sam Lufty thing? He just... Oh, okay. Okay, anyway. So what are we thinking about all this weirdness?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Oh, Sam Lifty, let me say. He's always tweeting stuff. As you know, Sam Lutfi, Lutfi I was there on. He was the manager and we thought they were romantic. I think I don't know his sexuality, but I don't think they were ever romantic. But he is now like, now you think I was such a bad guy? Clearly I was like letting her live her life
Starting point is 00:03:36 and you guys try to get me out. So he's always like trying to expose the shittiness that her family did. So he just wrote, I have all the receipts. Brittany is 100% right. Lynn Spears is playing the same card she did back then. She's using the same word she used in O8 to trap her and enslave her.
Starting point is 00:03:56 I feel as she fell for it and got stabbed in the back myself. Lynn Spears is always a trap. Once a snake emoji, always a snake emoji. Wow. Because it a snake emoji. Because it's an emoji. I know, I just like that. It's a snake emoji. Yeah. Now, I feel like, she doesn't talk to him though anymore, right?
Starting point is 00:04:15 He's just taking it like his own personal mission to say. You're like clear his name, but then like I've asked her back, right? Yes, but then I've like, you know, he was at the wedding, they don't hang out, there's no photos of them talking. I've reached out to him and been like, come on, juicy scoop.
Starting point is 00:04:31 It's my understanding that he has signed so many like NDAs, he can't do anything, or maybe he's saving it for a book. I don't know what his deal is, but all I don't know what he does besides tweet some stuff. And then this other girl, I just noticed that she wrote back to him. Why did you ask Lynn to step in and be the conservator instead of Jamie, the dad, back
Starting point is 00:04:50 in, then into, you know, it's like, I can't keep track of it. I know. I mean, let's just be out. I think it all leads to my family had a lot of fun without me. They got to drink coffee. They kept talking about coffee. I know what she was, she loves a smell of it. Yeah. She loves the taste of it. She wasn't allowed to drink coffee. They got to talk to her about coffee. I know what she loves to smell of it. She loves to taste it. She wasn't allowed to have it.
Starting point is 00:05:10 She wasn't allowed to have coffee. She wasn't allowed to have glass of wine, take a ride in her car, fuck her boyfriend. None of it. Sit in a couch. She couldn't do anything. She couldn't have coffee during the conservatorship. No. She was just, but she does. She does smell nice. Sometimes she actually said she likes to smell more than to taste. She did say that and then she breathed her two weeks.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Like, breathed her two. This all came like one. And I'll see signs off just right there two weeks now. I don't know, but it's, you know, really going after the mom and everybody to say, like, you were never there for me. And we know that. We know that she, I don't understand why it keeps coming up,
Starting point is 00:05:45 but I guess there's a whole bunch of more, there's a whole bunch of things coming up legally that some judge is looking at. Honestly, I can't keep track of it. She did say that the mother, we're trying to have her understood this. She said that there used to be pictures up of the entire family in a kitchen.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Did you read that? Okay, that was part of the guess. And she said, but every time people came over, you took the pictures of me down. This is okay. I'm gonna say something, the fans are not gonna like this. That particular part we were talking about.
Starting point is 00:06:14 So she says in this long post to her mom. She's like, every night I'd go to bed, I would put a photo of myself up and then I'd wake up the next morning to know coffee. Yeah. And the photo is gone. You would put it away every night. I just don't believe that. That seems like, that seems like somebody in their own head being like, I didn't get any
Starting point is 00:06:37 Christmas presents growing up and my little sister got more. Like it feels really like in a strange way you're rewriting like I understand what happened with the what happened with the conservatism, but really you're at your daughter's house, you're all together and hanging out and the mom like wakes up early and is like let me put all these pictures down and Britney like in her head I think she thinks that happened because that was a way to make her feel bad and make her go crazy. I think there's a lot in her mental illness where there's some parts where she is remembering things wrong.
Starting point is 00:07:12 That's my personal case. Oh, I'm sure. Because I think that's very bizarre, the photo thing. Yeah, and what did it to fuck with her because she's a psycho? That's what someone else could think, like a gaslighting thing. What are you talking about? Yeah, the picture. I never put the pitch. Yeah, which is creepy and what it what is with all the news like who why are there so many fully now I saw her on the bed. I don't know if she's on vacation in Hawaii, but she's now she's rolling around fully nude on the bed
Starting point is 00:07:40 I know normally it's reserved for the sand. Yeah, it's in the sand. Now it's the bed and then she's like, I put, here's a little secret, I put the phone on a book and rolled around the... Oh, so it's not the husband taking pictures. No. Well, the bed is a better place to do it because you can get sand in like some really weird places and you can go around making it in the sand.
Starting point is 00:08:01 That's a good point. At least she's, you know, not having to worry about that. Right, and then I get it. Like, she obviously likes the 45 million people responding, but like, then you can't bitch and say, why don't you all just leave me alone? We can easily leave you alone if you just want to not post anymore. If you have to look for an emoji to put over your butthole, because there's several of where she puts it like, I don't know, a peach or something over your butthole because there's several of which he puts it like,
Starting point is 00:08:25 I don't know, a peach or something over her butthole. I feel like he should be like, I shouldn't post a picture. That should be a sign. Yeah, I shouldn't even post this picture at all. The fact that I'm having to look for a, the perfect vegetable to put over my butthole. And what emoji do you think is the best butthole?
Starting point is 00:08:40 I don't think, you know what? I don't think it's a snake. No. Because that's like, you imagine a snake coming out of your butthole. You have'm going in. I think a heart a peach Faced Oh, that's yeah I'm gonna have to go with peach I like peach. I'm proud to say that in all of my social media time
Starting point is 00:09:02 You never had to cover your but I, I have never taken off my top and gone water skiing or skiing or, you know, and been like free the nipple. I've never pushed for anything like that. I've never had to have Brandon or Drake show me how to cover a nipple with a, what would you use to cover? I would think I would do two fried eggs to cover my nipples. Oh, that's clever.
Starting point is 00:09:25 That would be fun, right? Yeah. Yeah, I'm going to do that tonight. I'm going to do it half hour. I would like to do two over easy. So it's like a little, it's not a full yellow in the front. Oh. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:41 I don't know. I don't know the emoji. You can order them the way you want them cooked. No. I think that is come I don't know the emoji. You can you can order them, you know, the way you want them cooked. No, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As it, um, anyway, there's just a lot going on with her. But I did hear that she's going to be back in the studio doing a song with Elton John. So we might be getting actually getting new bringing music, which would be Peter. Peter said, would you increase to your own version of it? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:10:08 No, you know what's going to be like kind of like the do a leap at the end. Cold, cold, cold, cold. How does tiny dancer go? You sing a little tiny dancer and I would be her voice in the back. We have not practiced. Call me closer, tiny dancer. I don't even know the words. I don't know the highway. I'm the highway.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I don't know, you know, she's singing the other day and it, no one's gonna like me for this. It didn't sound good. Did you see that one? No. She was in the dark singing. I did see it. Oh yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:10:39 It's fine though. It's gonna be good. They're gonna like do a poppy part of it. Oh yeah, no. And it'll be huge. And the video is gonna be shot in her old house. Obviously, I hope you have access to that. Yeah, well, I mean, or on her bed. She's just part of it. I hope she announces it with emojis of the dancing lady. Oh, that would be great. You've a little red dress. Yeah, little red dress. Brittany, oh God. And I get a lot of people sending me stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I don't know if they think I'm not talking about her nicely or what. Well, I think we talk about her to the best. I mean, we're not clueless, which I think some people just go into it. Like, she's perfectly normal and everything's fine, which I don't think it is. So I'd say you're being real.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I found her like, you know, at least she can do it. Do it, you know what I mean? Like she's. Okay, I found the post about the coffee and the photos. Okay, I'm gonna do it with my best friend. But I'm grateful for this day. I get to have a hot fresh cup of coffee. It's brewing at the moment.
Starting point is 00:11:40 I like the smell of it almost as much as the taste of it. And then she did a monkey covering her eyes. Okaylecting back here are some pictures of my family. I'm reflecting back because it was during COVID when the conservatorship was still in place and I couldn't have the keys to my car or leave my home. But as you can see my sister and my dad are out together and my husband and his sisters are having coffee. I just realized that she's a COVID-nark. I just realized there's a whole other meaning to this. She is narkeying out her family for going out during COVID. Oh wow. That is... Wow. She's doing some narkey 2020 COVID shit right there. Your Britney Spears sounds a little bit like Dustin Hoffman and Tutsy.
Starting point is 00:12:21 20 plays the woman. Oh really. That's what I'm doing. I'm not doing a great one. Oh my God, it does. Yeah, yeah. So I haven't heard her speak much lately because we don't hear her talk. We just see her dance. Anyway, there we are with that. Your girl.
Starting point is 00:12:39 She's laying Maxwell. She's having a time of her life. She gets to transfer to a Florida prison, which sounds a lot nicer than what she was, she was in a really bad situation, awaiting the trial. Now that she's been convicted, she gets to enjoy movies, yoga, and the Florida sun.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I know. Well, sun, I guess they have like their outside time, what did she get 20 years? Is that right? I thought she got, can you look that up? I thought she got you that up. I thought she got like Okay, well good hopefully, but I wasn't sure I mean, is she ever gonna spill the beans. I don't think so 20 oh all right, well 20 years yoga. She'll look great when she gets out
Starting point is 00:13:24 So she'll be 80 when she gets out. She's sexy, so she'll be 80 when she gets out. Yeah. I mean, can't wait for her podcast in prison. Jane fondest says her sex life got better with age. I know what I want. You're 84. I hope you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Like, what the fuck? Do you remember when we went to the party and she was there? We went to a party with her there. I do. And she was that guy that I had gone on a date with. Oh my God. Do you remember that? Yes, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:13:53 We once? Yes, okay. So we go to a party and she's there. Jane Fonday, you were at the party. Chelsea's house. Yes, you were at the party and I'm dying because her boyfriend at the time is this former like record exec
Starting point is 00:14:09 that I ended up going on like two dates with because my friend was dating his friend and he was way older for me at the time. He was probably like 52 and I was like 26 at the time. And I was like, I don't know, I was kind of old and my friends like, um, you're 20, no, I was 27 because I remember she goes, you're 27 and you're like the oldest girl he's ever dated.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I don't even, like you really need to go out with him. He represented the Beatles or some old fucking. I remember like, go to the house, I see all like the frame, gold records and all this stuff. So anyone want to add the party, I'm like, go to the house, I see all like the frame, gold records and all this stuff. So anyone went up at the party, I'm like seeing, I'm seeing them and we're like having eye contact and I'm like, I wonder if he remembers. Did you say anything to him?
Starting point is 00:14:54 I know. No, I like avoid, I just avoided them, like even though it was like a walk around party so you could avoid people, but like, I was just thinking like, she's boning him and then I mean I don't know how great the sack you was. They were both like the- Are they still together? Who's like the- No like the man now.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Anybody she wants? Yeah. Obviously not. I mean you're broken up. For sure they're broken up. I mean I'm sure they're broken up. I mean I hope that I look anything like her at her age and that I still- Her body is so bangin'. It's so good. Her face everything and, and she still wants to have sex.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Like, do it. Good for her. I mean, I hope to have any of that kind of energy. Well, you have a lot of sex, but one thing I know that you hope that doesn't happen is that you go to the bathroom, have to take a shit, and a baby comes out. Aww. We had a nice, fresh one come out the other day.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah. This girl said that, first of all, it wasn't a situation that she was like a bigger girl and she couldn't see it. It was one of those where the baby is like growing like I don't know near spinal cord or something because she like passed all these things tests. She was gonna be a stewardess or whatever,
Starting point is 00:16:02 a flight attendant. And I mean, and she just said she thought she had her period every month and then she went to the bathroom thinking she was gonna take a big shit and got the shit out felt amazing oh so there was a shit also no she thought it was a shit instead she was like that that was an enormous if she thought it was a poop and it was a baby she doesn't know where her poop comes from because that's too different. But I think just insane.
Starting point is 00:16:29 She went to take the shit and then was like, maybe she was like, wow, that feels a little different than like a great and then turned around and saw feet and then was like, oh my God. It's like my nightmare. And then, and then was like, oh my God, oh my God. And then, you know, the umbilical cord and everything is like still coming out of her.
Starting point is 00:16:48 And so she's running through the house to get her phone to like, call 911. And, um. And the baby just bouncing around. Bounce it around. Yeah. Like a dog off a leash. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Yeah. Now, oh, you're right. This is like an episode of, I didn't know I was pregnant, which I know you and I both used go for leash. I know. Oh, you're right. This is like an episode of, I didn't know I was pregnant, which I know you and I both used to love that show. Yes. If this happens to me, I would not tell people. I would just be like, oh, I didn't tell you guys I was pregnant and just play it off.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Like I would not, in a million years saying, Oh, I missed. Oh, I took a poo poo and a baby came out and then I ran through the house while it was still attached. Like why are you giving the people these details that she should need to just shush, you know? I was always so jealous because like, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:37 there were those years after having Brandon that I was kind of like, do I go for having one more but I'm a little bit old. I don't know would my kids suffer, can I afford it this and that. And when I'd watched, I didn't know I was kind of like, do I go for having one more, but I'm a little bit old. I don't know, would my kid suffer, can I afford it, this and that? And when I'd watched, I didn't know as pregnant. I got jealous because I was like, that'd be so great. If I just like, I'd have to take a big shit
Starting point is 00:17:53 and I have a baby, I didn't have to have nine months of worrying if the baby was okay or if I shouldn't have this baby at the same time. And now I have a baby. Right. I would totally tell people I didn't know as pregnant. Also because I'd be like, you fucking drink the entire time. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And so you don't have to give up drinking because you didn't know. And you don't have to worry. And then all of a sudden you have this baby. Where's the father in this situation? They never mention the father. Yeah. So she's more embarrassed to the father than she is about. Well the father's gonna get a phone call now.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Oh, yeah. Jesus. I don't know. She said, once she felt a little cramping that she just thought it was like bad period cramps. She really had like, I mean, that's at least an easy birth other than the shock of a baby coming out of you.
Starting point is 00:18:37 We didn't know it was there. But it was really cute. Whole family's thrilled. Good. But it is one of those stories that then like, you know, like your kids always love hearing their birth stories. Like, oh, and then I went back three times and they're like, she's not like, my mom always always goes, she's be like, you were late and I'd go and they'd look in there and I'd say,
Starting point is 00:18:55 I'm not coming out telling you in 14th and all of a sudden, I've been imagining me talking like through a vagina and something like, what a weird story. But like every kid loves to hear their stories, you know? Even my kids, like, they like it. So, but this story is like, not when you necessarily want to tell your family and after a few years. Yeah, I dragged her to the kitchen and they're in billboard.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And you were covered in, peepie. She said it and the whole house look like a murder zone because like she was running around looking for her phone and the baby was there in the building, who could court. Doesn't everyone sit on the toilet with their phone these days? I mean, doesn't everyone have their phone with them?
Starting point is 00:19:34 I'm especially when you got to take a big dump. Yeah. You have your phone with them. That's part, that's part to scroll. She needed one of those, like they have in hotels, you know, the old school, right next to the toilet. Anyway, they're happy. Okay, um, New York Post is coming up with just basically New York, there's just someone that's just looking at TikToks at the New York Post because like half
Starting point is 00:19:54 of the stories are just like this person told this crazy fucking story on TikTok and now we're gonna write about it, which is fine with me. Yeah. Um, this girl, she said that her boyfriend was a cheater. And so she injected his condoms. She found condoms, which she's like, I wasn't using condoms, I was in the pill. So I knew this guy was cheating. So she said she injected, which tells me that she like, must have had like a needle. And she so that he wouldn't know it. So you'd have the packages right and you'd put a needle in it and inject it with habanero oil. To hell.
Starting point is 00:20:31 And then also I'm like, well now you've also made it possibly not worth it. Yeah, there's a hole in it now. And so he came back from the gym and he said, his dick and his balls are really hurting. It must have been from the shower gel in the gym. And she's like, I knew he never showered at the gym and I knew his dick and his balls are really hurting. It must have been from the shower gel in the gym. And she's like, I knew he never showered at the gym. And I knew his dick was burning because he used to con him.
Starting point is 00:20:50 And she found out he was fucking her friend. So then she was here, let me help you. She said, then she goes and gets ice from the freezer, but she likes spicy drinks. So she makes, normally, she does this anyway, which I thought was a great idea. You might enjoy it, Sarah. She makes spicy ice cubes that's a good idea that is a good idea so she like put the hob and oil in the cubes and then she put
Starting point is 00:21:20 those cubes telling him they're just normal cubes and rub that on his sore Dicks making it worse and he's like it's worse and she's like, oh, that's just cooling down Then to top it off she was like finally we broke up with him and Started dating his dad. Oh, and then she married his dad She's like and I'm so happy. I think my stepson, ex-boyfriend, cheating ex-boyfriend every day because if he had not cheated on me, I might still be with him. And instead, I'm happily married to his dad. And how old is the dad? Like, do they live together? Is she walk around in the morning like, you remember me I don't think that I don't think that the the ex lives there no but it is her stepson and she
Starting point is 00:22:09 found out her he had had sex with her friend why because her friends she was burning to like what she had as she's like god I got a habit you know what you know these tiktoks you only have so much time to tell you right so that was been a good follow-up question I'm sure if you read in the comments, someone says it and then they like answer it. Yeah, yeah. She went through his phone and they have Facebook messages. Oh, she went through the phone
Starting point is 00:22:32 and had the Facebook messages. I just had to, she knew. It's smart, the habanero early, I mean, oil is smart, all that stuff. It just seems like it could have been easier just to break up with them in the first place. Yeah. It's not as good of a TikTok story, but it's easier.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It's a good revenge story. Did you guys know that this is such exciting news, Nick Cannon, as a dad again? I saw that, yeah. So for Nick, her name is Bri T.C. Tessie, and she praises Nick. Okay, so she talks about, so she's this girlfriend. This is baby number eight, but I think it might be,
Starting point is 00:23:08 did you have nine? I think I had nine kids, but unfortunately one passed. Oh right, that's right. So this is I think ninth time being a dad, eighth baby. And I think there's five different women, because there's a couple sets of twins in there. And the way she wrote it, so she had a birth at home or whatever with no anesthesia.
Starting point is 00:23:31 And in her post, she wrote that daddy showed up as fuck or something, like cleaning, like, no, like, really showed up, like, you know, her with those powerful rules, yeah, she was like, you showed up at yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because she didn't have anesthesia, but I'm like, okay, so anyway, you know who else did have anesthesia? It was the lady that dumped one in the toilet on accident and nobody is calling that a home birth. Yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Nick can't his baby mama and that girl never sees Chomei's baby. Both of them, no anesthesia. Yeah, anyway, so they have a new baby, good for him. Is he that rich? People say he is. Well, I think he got a lot taken. I think he get, you know, he's got his hands in like
Starting point is 00:24:32 that thing on MTV where they do like improv. That's been on forever. I think he owned that whole thing. Nick Cannon's wild and out. Okay. And he's got turbine money. Lot of money, go stick A lot of tattoo money too. Yeah. And how old those kids he has in my eye? They got to be. They're the old ones. They're like
Starting point is 00:24:52 14. They're like, yeah, they're like 12 and then there's yeah. And then there's all the names. There's powerful queen. Oh, yeah, and some other king Zillion air I feel like that's putting a lot of pressure on your kids when he given that name I do too work at UPS with powerful queen your late Did you punch into the powerful queen Like King Cairo. Yeah, there bitch. Like King Cairo. Who's King Cairo? Or a Zillionaire? Like, yeah, that's not one unemployment.
Starting point is 00:25:29 You don't have any money for some reason, something goes south for you. Could you just shit out of baby Zillionaire? Yeah, I had no idea I was pregnant. Imagine if you're like, yeah, well, Zillionaire owes me like 50 bucks. That would be really embarrassing. Yeah, Zillionaire. Get a vet amount off for one. Zillionaire owes me like 50 bucks. Yeah, that would be really embarrassing. Yeah, Zillionaire is a big fan of mine.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Zillionaire. Yeah, also it's just like such a corny thing. Like, we are, nobody knows the Zillionaire yet, you stupid idiot. Anyway, good for them. This was the sad story. Oh, good. Martha Stewart had all these peacocks.
Starting point is 00:26:02 Yeah. And I assume a gang of coyotes. Coyotes got them. Had peacock soup, I don't know. Yeah. And, uh, is she living California? I thought it was in the Hampton. Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Connecticut. Connecticut. How many did it get to? All of them. That had to have been a very unsettling sound. I know, and there's like running around in the others. Yeah, I don't like that sort of them. That had to have been a very unsettling sound. I know, and there's running around in the letters. Yeah, I don't like that sort of thing. Peacock, why would the Peacock even make a noise?
Starting point is 00:26:31 Well, but yeah, when coyotes kill something too, it's like it's a terrible sound. A great white, white shark washed up on the Long Island beach, and I said, Chris was just there. I was. Yeah. Was it you? No,, Chris was just there. I was, yeah. Was it you? No, but it looked very fake. The shark looked very fake. No, it was dead.
Starting point is 00:26:50 He went up there. But I guess there had been a bunch of sharks. There's been a bunch of sharks spotted out of the wall. God, nobody being attacked. Not yet. One guy says he was attacked, but people think it's bullshit. Why would he lie about it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:27:03 He's using it to get press or something, because he had a peg leg. Yeah. No, it was just like a bump, he bumped it to shark, you know. Oh. Yeah. Was that the one that it kind of, it did look, it almost looked like the mechanical one in jaws,
Starting point is 00:27:16 like it's eye, it was eye, it's really wide. That one on the beach, yeah. Yeah, I mean, that's obviously, it just looked, it was very strange, but obviously it's real, but it, for some reason, yeah. Right, Very scary. Did you guys hear about the Dave Chappelle show was canceled?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Yeah. By a woke theater. Okay, so I looked it up. And I guess the theater, they had booked him and then they're like, sorry, we didn't realize how much shit we'd get or whatever. And so we go find another theater. Apparently it was like three messages written on the who of people who aren't going to the show anyway That's what I'm saying like well, okay, so now you're canceling a show because the voices of like three people That we're gonna go anyway, right and why would they want to go if they don't like his message?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Why would they go yeah? It was now you have to like cancel it for everybody else. How is that being like how is he? And then he just went, he literally went and played a theater down the street in the same city and just did the same show, you know, for. Yeah, yeah, because if I'm sure it was sold out. Yeah. So why would you, like, just don't go to it, right? Like, just go to.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I just want to know about the people that did it. Like, what are they like? Oh my god, like they call their friend. I was one of the three messages. Like, I did it. I spent the 15 minutes writing the thing, and they actually kicked out Dave's ship. I felt like, is that an exciting moment
Starting point is 00:28:38 for the person that complained and actually got something done? Yeah, I think it is. I think you feel like you've achieved. That's like graduating Karen class. Like that's like, yeah, thank you. Thank you. Well, what was your thing?
Starting point is 00:28:52 Yes, me. You took talk something last week about all the different stories you're supposed to go to. Right, next, right. Okay. Right. In my neighborhood, there's, I mean, it's like Karen College.
Starting point is 00:29:04 It's, it is home goods, Tuesday morning. You ever got to Tuesday morning? Oh yeah. A real shit job. Tuesday morning is like, kind of like a mixed batch of like home goods and stuff, right? Okay. It's like, it's like a little lesser than home goods.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Okay. And, and, and Joanne's fabric. Sometimes I, the only time I've been to, at Tuesday morning, it kind of looks like, it looked like they stole a bunch of stuff from my grandma's house. Yeah, the price tag on it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:33 It's like a random, like a little decorative bird house. Yes, yes. There you go. It's a lot of those inspirational signs that everybody's. Is that still happening? Those signs? It is. Unfortunately, I believe it is. I think we've done our best to try and stop it,
Starting point is 00:29:50 but it's still going. Good now it's not so much live love laughed as other inspiring things. Well, like this. I have a confession to make. You have a home. I have on our on our fireplace, we have a thing that says home is wherever I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:30:04 But like someone in our family gave it to us. That's okay, still you can throw it right in the garbage. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I feel like it's a lot because I wouldn't want to have like this house is blessed and stuff. Because like if we were like fighting like in our family
Starting point is 00:30:23 sometimes fights like with each other, the kids, me, they're like, and then looking around like, you know, family is where the heart and you're like, you should just you be like, you know, and then like I look up and it's like, this house is blessed, family is where the heart is. Yeah, yeah, there's a lot, they're doubling down on it in home goods
Starting point is 00:30:42 and Tuesday morning and. They feel like it might be over with to the get rid of it. I had a lot of on sale clearance. Like you're saying I could get a few bucks for my home as wherever I'm with you sign. You guys also have you have another one in there where it's like some sort of poem on top of a picture of you and John. No, that's it's not a poem that was the words to our first dance. Oh, that's right. Okay. Yeah. Can't take my eyes off of you. Oh,'s not a poem that was the words to our first dance. Oh that's right okay yeah can't take my eyes off you. Oh that your first dance. Yeah. What was your wedding song? So glad you asked. Somebody asked me that. I knew I
Starting point is 00:31:15 loved you before I met you. No no no no no. Don't you know that? No I don't. I feel like I know. I look it up. I knew I loved you before I met you. I want to say it's No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, we had that one. We also had Savage. Oh, I was there. It also had to be, it had to be you. It had to be like, it had to be you. Like, I think I had a Johnny Junior. I think that's the old one. And then for like the sexy song, it was the Lenny Kravitz. Do, look at Lenny Kravitz 2000 hit song. I wish it would have been, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:32:04 It's so good. It's so good. A closer by nine inch nails. That wish it would have been, it's so good. It's so good. A close-served by nine-inch nails. That's what would have been. Wait a minute. When do you play the sexy song? I don't even know when you play the wedding song. What was the sexy song?
Starting point is 00:32:14 It came out just like during the day. Oh, the first dance was a weird... I was there. I just don't remember. I don't even... Honestly, I don't... I think it was... Take you to paradise. D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh you. Oh, yeah. You belong to me too.
Starting point is 00:32:45 That is a good song. You make my life complete. Right. I can see. I can see Peter right now. This is worse than word art. Keep saying I got an image of Peter slowly taking off his golf shirt. Just slipping off.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Okay, wait, what was your song? Yeah, what was your first? I believe our first dance was a Portugal the man. It was like some, I don't even know. What's that? It's like they had a hit song. I forgot what it was. I really forgot what it was.
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Starting point is 00:35:48 What about it? Oh my God, there are so many stories every day about this book that I have got to get and read. But now, yeah. I don't know if there's just any scoop I don't know yet. Yeah. So there's a book coming out and it's just everything we've heard except that she worked with you at that restaurant.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Basically everything else is in there. She flirted with Rory McElroy. McElroy. Gulf her. Gulf her. Yeah. He said, remember when they were doing the ice bucket challenge? Oh yeah. He's like, I nominate Megan Merkel and then she's like, well, come over and do it in person.
Starting point is 00:36:27 So, but this whole time, he dumps the ice on her, nips get all cold and everything they post about it. While she's living with the chef, then the chef is at the first husband? I don't know if they were the, I don't know if that was her first husband or just a boyfriend. And then like, they're like, oh,
Starting point is 00:36:44 and then we went on a jet with him and flew around. I'm like, well, didn't this chef kind of clue in? Maybe you shouldn't be so flirty with this guy when we're living together. But then I thought about if a famous golfer was flirting with me and asking for Pierre Nye to go on a jet, he'd be like, no problem. He would never even question. He'd be so happy to be part of something fun. Yeah, he probably wouldn't care.
Starting point is 00:37:05 Maybe the chef is, I don't really feel like care. But she flirted so much, she's, he was writing the book, like who's. Someone who hates her. Oh, do you think it's her, does it her sister hate her? Or sister hate to tune, I read that book. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And that one I was on Megan's side because I was just like, shut up. But now the more that I've realized, I'm like, she really, really wanted nothing to do with her dad or any side of that feeling because it wasn't the image that she wanted. Like, she wanted just her mom, the mom's beautiful, mom's educated, like that went with the narrative.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And then this other part is she begged Harry to like make sure that the story, like that she had the same plight and difficulty and everything as Diana did. So like throughout all the press, you'd see him going, please, like my wife is being hunted like my mother was. And like when it was according to the pop-up, it wasn't merely as invasive of what happened with Diana. And then if he said it, then she would say, that wasn't enough. Like you need to make it sound worse
Starting point is 00:38:16 that like my situation is so horrible. That's what we have to plead and all of this. And so, so yeah, Megan,, Megan is according to page six, like Megan insisted Harry compare her plate to Diana's and this is explosive book. And then my other the other one that was kind of juicy in here is that remember the whole racist comments that someone in the family said a racist comment, they wouldn't say who it was. What's the skin tone of the baby going to be or something? Something. Now they said that Camilla, his stepmom, Prince Charles's wife, said, I wonder if the baby will have a ginger afro.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Oh. According to the book. Yeah. And I have to say, I don't know, like even if that happened, and maybe have to say I Don't know like even if that happened And maybe the word afro is a little dated and not but like I was saying like and I'm not defending anything But is it so wrong if you if your child is Procrating with someone who is not of your ethnicity? Is it always racist or negative to just kind of go,
Starting point is 00:39:26 oh, this might be fun. Like, I wonder if my child will have green eyes. I wonder if my child will, you know, have a tanor skin tone. Like, is that, like, it doesn't sound like that was that negative. It wasn't like, if he has, you know, this child will be living in a basement with a cert, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I know I'm like, I think it's lightly, but like, I mean, treading not good, but I'm just I'm like, I don't know, like, even if those conversations happen, how do we know that they were necessarily negative conversations? Well, I think it depends on the tone. Exactly. And like, we never know. If they laughed high five, after they said it, that it was like, all right, that's not. Well, she, if she felt it was racist, it was probably their tone then. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:40:08 That's probably what the- I don't know if she ever heard it. I think who knows what it is, if the person's pouring the tea heard it, literally pouring tea or like, or like, or like, or what, but anyway, I mean. But the kids don't have a red afro, not the one of them. Well, they wish they did because you know what, but anyway, I mean. But the kids don't have a red afro, not one of them.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Well, they wish they could because you know what, right now, in England, they're giving free tickets to redheads. Yeah, because of the heavy, the heat. The heat's so hot, they're letting the redheads go. They're letting redheads go. Because redheads are more susceptible to the sun or are, I'm married to one. I feel like you're a sign.
Starting point is 00:40:44 It's a matter of fact, a lot of time. He was heckled, John Sarras-Huzbo was heckled walking down Yeah, I do. I'm married to one. Mm-hmm. I feel like you're just not. I love the movie theater. He was heckled. John Sarras husband was heckled walking down the street. Oh yeah. Yeah. We were told to be the fuck off. She said fuck you, Prince Harry. To my husband.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Yeah. When you were in England, we know, just like we were just at Marmalade and Sherman Oaks. Who is that? We tell this story. We were walking across this. There was this really, there was a lady
Starting point is 00:41:06 who was not obviously doing well in the mind and she was standing outside of a Marmalade cafe, wonderful place for brunch. Yeah. And they, as she was just yelling, she was yelling about her uber, she was yelling all kinds of nonsense and we just kept her heads down and went right to the crosswalk
Starting point is 00:41:26 And then we got across the street and she goes hey, and it was like Climb it clear that she was talking to us and we turned around she goes hey Prince Harry Fuck you and we were like okay, and then we just started laughing because he's with a slutty-looking blonde Crossing the street instead of a beautiful brunette princess. That's right. She was standing up for Megan. She's a woman, like she's women for women. That's what it was. I mean, that's the way you should have seen it. You're like, you're right. I'm not Prince Harry's wife, what the hell am I doing? Other than that she was just, instead of her just being a crazy lady, you're in Sherman Oaks. Yeah, she was. And she's like,
Starting point is 00:42:02 why are you in Sherman Oaks and not in Monocito? I wonder if Prince Harry is mad that he moved to Monocito and he'd get a free movie in England right now. I hate to shoot. Because of 14 bucks that go see Thor when I got to go out of her free. I feel like the red head thing could be like, really hard, because I see, I see your husband more as a blonde or strawberry blonde, which is not a full-blown redhead.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah, and it's gotten a little lighter since he's moved to California. I think it's gotten a little more sun in the, you know, like, put on a ball. But he's pretty much, I can verify that he's a redhead. If he's pretty red, if you know what I mean. I need a woman. If a woman right around his balls. Okay, if a woman right around is balls We got it. Yeah Woman died her hair red could she get to the movie for free? I'm gonna camp a match. It's a red that's tricked Well said well, I'm sure there's people ruining it I'm sure there's someone what you know pounding on the door of the theater going I'm sensitive to the to the sun to and I'm a brunette with fair skin
Starting point is 00:43:04 You like and I have a movie, you know, because we can have fun things. I was just trying to have fun in England and let's. Or the same people that complained about Dave Chappelle are going to write enough letters that they're like, sorry, nobody gets a free movie now. They've ruined it for us. Because it's seen as like a racist thing.
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah. Highlighting people that are, you know, there are just people ruin things. My husband and I was single-handedly, I believe, brought down movie past. Do you remember when there was movie past? It was like you could go, pay $9.99, and you could go see as many movies as you wanted a month.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah. And he went every day. It was the off season. And he had a lot of time on his football. Yeah, off season football. He had a lot of time on his hands. And he went to a movie every day and pretty soon, they were like, this is, we didn't make any money on movie pass, we have to close it.
Starting point is 00:43:48 And I was like, that was you. I totally, I totally agree. What Peter does is that he, he finds these amazing deals. And then he tells so many people about it. Like, we were part of some great deal that we would get like a really low tickets for Jet Sweets. There's something that if you like, we're in this pool. Anyway, that's gone now.
Starting point is 00:44:11 Every single thing, like, but he would tell everybody about it, like cocktail parties, like do this and we're convinced, like every good deal that we've ever gotten that he was too braggy about it. Right. Too many people knew and then they shut it down. Yeah. like every good deal that we've ever gotten that he was too braggy about it. Too many people knew and then they shut it down. Yeah, and yeah. That's what happens. I went to the movies a few weeks ago
Starting point is 00:44:31 to see Elvis, the new Elvis movie. How was it? I went over to the brand new theater and Woodland Hills. Oh yeah. But it's those seats that go all the way back. Yeah. And I gotta be honest, I don't like them. I think it's a little too relaxed.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Like I'm not, every but I look next to me, woman shoes off. Oh. And it was just like, this is still, you're still out in public. Right, I think you're gonna say what you're gonna do. I think you're gonna sleep. Yeah, like even that, and then just getting up and slow, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:59 yeeeah. Right. It's like I can sit upright for two hours. I don't need to lie down in the theater. And do you feel, cause I saw this thing where it's like I could sit upright for two hours. I don't need to lie down in the theater. And do you feel because I saw this thing where it's like this is why theaters won't come back after COVID because we're just like two years to just having the comforts of home and also the how expensive like a popcorn and a drink is and all that stuff and you can't bring your stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:20 But I still think you can. I always feel like my water and stuff and some snacks But we were that family that always went by like the candy store before we went to the movies Yeah, and like kid it like all over our bodies. It's also I don't know if they I bring They do they do the thing at this new theater in Woodland Hills Where you can order the food in advance and they'll bring it to you as you sit in the theater. But it's also strange like eating chicken wings lying down. It just feels it. Did you order food? Did you order food? I didn't because I felt like there was going to be a
Starting point is 00:45:53 disconnect between the guy. I ordered the popcorn from the guy he could barely like I could tell in his eyes that if I ordered chicken wings, they weren't going to get them I see. Like I feel like it's a lot to put together. I don't want someone eating chicken wings, they weren't gonna get them I see. Like I feel like it's a lot to put together. I don't want someone eating chicken wings next to me. I know. It's not. It's like nachos. I feel like it's a lot.
Starting point is 00:46:11 We have one here called the lot, which is another one of those fancy ones. And I said to the words, I'm like, do you want to go? And then we just kind of looked at the movies and like saw the previews and I'm like, I don't know. Elvis is good. You would like it's good. I know, but then I hear it's like two hours
Starting point is 00:46:24 and like 43 minutes. It is, it's long. But it's good. I see only reason I haven't gone if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:30 I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:37 I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:43 I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like, I don't know if I'm like. I don't know why I have a problem with two and a half hour movies, especially right now. They're everywhere. It sounds like a nice time. Yeah. Mm-hmm. You said you used to bring food into movie theaters. I always used to bring little tiny bottles of vodka. But now you don't have to do that anywhere you can just buy it at the theater. You know, pull cocktail me?
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah. Well, not in the early, you know, in my early 20s or whatever. You said rolling down mid-movie. I think you just dropped the bottle. Yeah. Yeah, I heard you say, yeah. I remember the first time it occurred to me that you could drink in a movie theater. I was like with this small, this other mom, and she's like, I brought wine, and I'm like, yeah, why not? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:17 Why are we drinking up movies? Right. We used to call it smart drinks. And that's like the movie's better, just like you do on a plane. I always think a movie's better if it was. Oh, the plane movies are just yeah When other predictions came true, which wasn't I don't even think it's a juicy prediction anymore
Starting point is 00:47:31 But of course anybody that gets fired from a job that goes on to have a podcast and Chris Cuomo has podcast Yeah, I saw him announcing it with no shirt on Yeah, why was he announcing with no shirt on? I was confused but you know, he loves to work out I think people know that that'll get you attention. Yeah. Like naked. I mean, he is a handsome guy.
Starting point is 00:47:50 We're talking about Brittany. You know, if you're going to launch a podcast, do it nude. Did he have two little fried eggs over his nipples? No, I think he let his nipples out. Oh, this is kind of, did you guys, you watch Love is Blind, right? Yeah. So this guy on Love is Blind is suing.
Starting point is 00:48:09 I thought it was just kind of interesting about like how many hours they had to work and they weren't fed and they had drinks because it's not like a normal show. They're in these, Love is Blind is where they're in those pods and they're stuck in that house. And like all those types of shows would kind of make me nervous. Like as well, they're in those pods and they're stuck in that house. And like all those types of shows would kind of make me nervous.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Like, well, is it someone that worked on it or one of the, no contestant? Oh really? So he's like spoozing it and suing people. I feel like I always saw they had like water and snacks in their room. And like they would go in there with,
Starting point is 00:48:39 that's the one during the pods and like the studio, right? And they would have like wine and sit there and talk to each other through the wall. They said like, yeah, they got like limited time of sleep and almost just you know it's so that you're so like sleep deprived and everything that you're like almost you are falling in love because it's like well what else is there like this is the only thing like if I pick someone now can I get out of this room basically yeah that's kind of what they want yeah like you're to be so actually there was a good. Actually, I don't know what became of it, I don't think him,
Starting point is 00:49:08 but there was gonna be a game show that came out with people, they have people not sleep for like 48 hours and then quiz them. And it was being hosted by a comedian. What year was this? Just like recently. That's an awful idea. Yeah. I would be awful at that.
Starting point is 00:49:23 People, you know, it's like the big brother, I don't really watch big brother, but people talk about like celebrity big brother, you know, Ross did it and did really well. And as you remember Ross said at that time, maybe I don't know if it was COVID or proof of it, but there was no like going out in the backyard. So it was like the recycled air,
Starting point is 00:49:42 like an airplane. And that always freaked me out. But now they said, no, now there's like where you could like look at the recycled air plane. Oh, really inside. And that always freaked me out. But now they say, no, now there's like, where you could like look at the sky or whatever. Yeah, there's a backyard on it. I feel like maybe for the celebrity big brother, like there's not because it's fat. It, somebody probably watches big brother
Starting point is 00:49:58 and can explain it better. But I think it's because they go faster. Like it's a quicker. So they don't have time to like let you use the yard, which is usually set up for like games and stuff. But on the regular version, they have the yard, like sometimes during the week and then that gets closed down while they have to set up like the big events and games and stuff.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Well, I got, I got a little insight scoop, I can't say from now. Say it. But on one of these celebrity big brothers is, you know, the rules were don't bring any recreational drugs or anything like that, obviously. Right. But you're able to bring drugs that are prescribed by a doctor.
Starting point is 00:50:35 And some of these cast members were like, here I was like sober or whatever. And these other people would just pop these things and just sleep all day. Oh. Because they're like, who cares? Like I'm getting paid no matter what. and these other people would just pop these things and just sleep all day. Cause they're like, who cares? Like I'm getting paid no matter what. And they were just like sleeping all day.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Yeah, that's what I'm celebrating. You know, taking whatever monopause and X, whatever makes you sleep. Chris Katan was sleeping all day. That was one of the people that we're complaining about. Like you sleep, but that guy, he's got problems. Like I don't think he can move. He has to sleep cause I don't think he
Starting point is 00:51:06 Well, he's madly in love now. I know I told you. I don't know if we've ever talked about it. It's a strange Just thing he went he yeah, he went I used to extend up Chris Katana and he this is a story This is what I allegedly heard okay went and Did small small local interview to promote his comedy club. And now women, they fell in love. Like a morning host of the radio of the whatever he did. Oh, like a news show. He was doing like a local news show.
Starting point is 00:51:34 She left her husband and they're like together. Wait, what? There was kids, yeah. That's amazing. I mean, it's not, but it is. It actually has. Yeah, I've done a lot of morning TV and I could tell you I would never have fallen in love.
Starting point is 00:51:46 It's like the last thing you wanna do, all in love, when you get ahead of it. Yeah, and it was kind of like a small little, I don't even wanna say she was a locally. What I remember, I pulled up, it was like her own little YouTube Shabay. Oh, so it wasn't even like that. That wasn't huge views, but she probably DMed him
Starting point is 00:52:02 or whatever and was like, I'd love to interview and she was attractive. And anyway, they're like, they're like going on Disneyland together with the three kids. Good for him. I mean, I think he seems like a nice guy. I remember on that subject before anything. Never had kids. So like, yeah, all right, living his best life. Some ways offering free sandwiches for life. If fans want to get a foot long tattoo. Oh. Avasab, or just of anything that's a long, it says, no, to get a foot long tattoo of a logo
Starting point is 00:52:35 of its new Subway series promotions, very specific. Yeah. Fans are invited to go to a block party in Las Vegas where nine people will be eligible to have DJ Tom Bay, a two-time winner of ink or whatever that show is. Oh, okay. Cat too. He's, so what, you just get a subway sandwich on your arm?
Starting point is 00:52:53 Does it have any particular wine? It's part of the new series of subway sandwiches. So I guess it has to look like one of the newer sandwiches. I don't know what the newer sandwich is. You've got to meet both of them on your arm, right? If you were going to get one. No, I would get a sweet onion chicken teriyaki is my new favorite.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Oh, okay. I love that one. Yeah, I like a sweet onion chicken teriyaki. Like, is it Jared still in jail for being a pet of five? Of course he is. Well, I would, I would if he could get a subway tattoo. Like, what if that was like his punishment? Like the prison people like attacked him
Starting point is 00:53:21 and then just drew on him with their tattoo pens? I bet. Cause a lot of people couldn't do tattoos in prison. Well, so you get subway for life if you get a tattoo. That's the prize. I honestly think that's kind of a great idea. Because if you're somebody that's like fully tattered, right?
Starting point is 00:53:38 And maybe you have a couple kids. Right. What? Well, so what if you put a little subway in there? I wonder if there's probably, it probably has to be a certain size. It probably can't be this big. Probably has to be like whatever,
Starting point is 00:53:51 you know, half a ruler size or something. Or does it have to be the foot long size? That's what I think it means. Does it have to be that big? Oh, I still think if you're fully tied it up, who gives a shit? That's a lot of food. Still should if you have like a family home.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Can you go three times a day though? Yeah, how much can you get it or do you go to a bunch of different ones? Yeah, so like you and then you go to kid school and you give each one of them a sandwich Yeah, you could save a lot of money in the end. I feel like it would be hard to turn that person down They'd be like I have the tattoo like you have to give me the sandwich Yeah, like yeah, like someone like working there is going to be like, I'm sorry, sir. I heard you had one yesterday.
Starting point is 00:54:28 Yeah, yeah. No, yeah. I was going foot long for a long time, and then I decided to, because I was going, would you eat half and save half for later? It's something like that. I don't know what I decided to do, it was because I enjoyed two different styles.
Starting point is 00:54:44 I enjoyed the sweet-on-chicken terraria, I can enjoy the tuna. So I would get a six-inch of each. Oh, I mean, you should get these tattoos. But you can't get the deal if you do that. I know, this is where the money was rolling in. And I didn't. But they stopped the $5 foot long. That's done.
Starting point is 00:55:03 So now you get six- done, six inch done. I'll tell you what, you should be going to Jersey mics anyway. Oh, I do now. I do now. I've give, yeah, my subway is gone. I'm now Jersey mics. It's fascinating. Alabama resident.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Hey, what are all like? It's a firehouse subs, don't like? Don't like it? No. What about all like? Is that fire house subs? Don't like it? What about two mayonnaise? Jimmy John's. Yeah. I think you got no. I don't know if I had that one. All right. I was going to get it.
Starting point is 00:55:31 I will overfoot talk. I think this is just a promotion for the new Chuckie movie. Is there a new Chuckie coming out? There is a new Chuckie coming out. Yeah. There is a new Chuckie coming out. Anyway, there is this person that is a kid. It's a kid.
Starting point is 00:55:48 It turns out he was like a five year old kid, right? And the Alabama residents got really scared because this Chuckie was just like roaming the neighborhood. I know, but I feel like some people need to explain to the people of Alabama what costumes are. It's obviously like someone wearing a costume. It is pretty scary. I wouldn't like that though.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I would like a kid dressed like Chuck Chuck E is kind of my worst nightmare. So unless it's Halloween, if this is just happening in the middle of the summer, I mean, I do feel like maybe they should have given some warning. Yeah. Some people started hiring me to come to birthday parties and stuff. The little five year old? The little five year old? That's not an article.
Starting point is 00:56:22 That's not an article. I feel like that's not cool to your five year old. You're pimping on that party. So you're just put on this hot, it's Alabama in the summer during like global war, you're gonna put a mask on your five year old so they can make some money. No one also do, I mean, at your kids birthday party, shouldn't you have like a unicorn or a snow white
Starting point is 00:56:39 or something fun, not chucky? Like you want a chucky at your kids birthday party. He'sie at your kid's birthday party. He's a murderer. I just remembered something. Okay, my brother, my brother and lawn sister, whether kids were little, they had a restaurant in downtown LA and this is a long time ago. So you think it's it's bad now, but it was really bad then too. It's hard for us. Like criminals and bigger and poop scary people. Anyway, so they were having a party and I saw this girl walk in
Starting point is 00:57:13 and I went to SC, so I saw the stream people all the time. And I was like, excuse me, you need to get out. Like, you said it? Yeah, because I thought she was going to the bathroom to shoot up and do drugs, you need to get out. Like, I- You said it? Yeah, because I thought she was going to the bathroom to shoot up and do drugs, you know? Uh-huh. And then she was like, I'm Snow White! And I felt so badly.
Starting point is 00:57:32 She looked like such a... Oh, what? Was she in the Snow White outfit? She hadn't gotten her outfit yet. Oh. But like, yeah. I was like, oh, you're... This is not, like, you're definitely or not pretty enough to be like a kid party,
Starting point is 00:57:46 still white girl. Wow. Yeah, and then I felt really bad, badly, that I was accusing you of being like a crackhead. Well, sometimes the uniforms get a little, member of Chris Frenzel and I used to see on Hollywood Boulevard of the Spider-Man and the Superman. If you got a little up close,
Starting point is 00:58:02 the ones that are right out there on the walk of fame, they weren't getting dry clean. Yeah, no, they weren't getting them dry clean. They're out there all day. Yeah, and I used to live right by, I used to watch them walk by it like six in the morning and they were, I was like, oh, that costume needs just a quick wash.
Starting point is 00:58:17 That was so... I so wonder when we were getting arrested one time and they were putting him in the back of the police car and he was wookie, Chubaka. And they had the Chubaka head on top of the cop car and then they took to Chubaka head and put where they arrested Chubaka. They arrested Chubaka. But the Chubaka head wouldn't have been able to fit in the back seat. No, so he couldn't go in with Chubaka.
Starting point is 00:58:39 But he still had the rest of the car. Yeah, everything else on. They took the Chubaka head off, put it on the, to move for the car, put him in the car. They took the Chubacca doll, put it on the, to move the car, put him in the car, and then took the Chubacca handle, gave it to him. Oh, that is the worst way to get a rest. And now, by far, have you heard of E-N-M? It means ethical non-monogamy. What is that?
Starting point is 00:59:01 That means where I guess you are with your boyfriend, girlfriend partner, whatever. And you are non-monogamous. So you're screwing other people, but you're like ethical about it as far as like make sure that you're I guess using protection or getting tested or like being open or honest. Isn't that just an open relationship? It's not just dating at this point. Yeah. But anyway, it's becoming a big thing. Really? A lot of people are into like the, I just talked to someone who's doing a reality show,
Starting point is 00:59:31 producing a reality show about, um, polyamorous. I go, what do you mean? Because like, there's so many, and it's like, all these couples go to, it's Miami couples or whatever, they go to Miami and they they go there knowing that they're gonna bring in like other people into their relationship. They're gonna seek them out. And then like someone moves in, and sometimes it's a, you know, two gay guys have a third gay,
Starting point is 00:59:57 sometimes it's the girl. Yeah, the girl gets to share the girl too, the girl has to, I always feel like, oh, I'd be so, if you're the girl dating the couple, and so you're screwing that man and you're screwing the wife, it's just like, oh my God. I mean, I know housing is hard, but how bad do you need a free room?
Starting point is 01:00:19 Like, Jesus Christ. It's like, it's so tired. And then like, can I have one night off? And they're like, no. No. We're both meeting it tonight. Yeah, that would be a lot. You have to service everybody.
Starting point is 01:00:33 It's like, yeah. Yeah, that's why I don't stay at people's houses. I don't like to, I always feel like, I always have like, feel like there's something going on. You know, I'm going to try to fuck you. I feel like, I always feel like there's some weird ulterior motive. Like a pattern Peter tried to get you to stay here at night. You would think that.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Actually, I would, to be honest, yeah. Yeah, next thing you know, Peter's playing some bloody crap in song. And I'm like, Take you to paradise. I belong to you, Chris. He's like a perjump with me. He's like a dance with me because I got the fancy ice cubes. Yeah. I know I always get that five. I feel like that's that's why I
Starting point is 01:01:13 stand hotels. Yeah. You know, I'm because I can go home and um I well there's a juicy thing going on right now. Um that I want to talk about which is you know how people always go. Uh and that's why I stay single, you know you always hear. There's so many things that I want to talk about, which is, you know how people always go, and that's why I stay single, you know, I'll be with you. There's so many things that I see in the news that go, and that's why I'm staying married. I think it is way worse out there. For singles?
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yes, so there is this thing going on in San Diego, this girl DMed me, it's called, are we dating the same guy? And it's these groups, we dating the same guy? And it's these groups, and there's like 35,000 people in some of the cities, and the one that my juicy scupor is is in San Diego, and so she sent me some of the messages that are growing on, but it's all these groups
Starting point is 01:01:58 in all different places. And so you're like, are we dating the same man? So let's say you go on Bumble and you see a guy and you're part of this group. And you're like, before I even meet this guy for coffee, he throws face up, you're like, anybody know this guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:13 And guess what? His name's not John. And maybe someone will chime in. I dated him for six months. He loved Bommi. He said I could have a car. Then he took the car away. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Another person, much worse. He's a narcissist. I got physical, he's awful. Then some people will just volunteer it and go, hey girls, this is my ex-husband, doesn't have a dime, total piece of shit, wasted six years of my life. And then people are like, oh my God, sorry. So it's like kind of great that it's like tipping people off.
Starting point is 01:02:41 It's like dating app, Narks, I like it. I'm all for that. But then I was like, okay, wait, let's just play like devil's out on the other side. This essentially was what Nick Richie was doing with the dirty, like 20 years ago. Do you know what the dirty was? It was like kind of before Facebook,
Starting point is 01:02:59 and it was, he was living in Scottsdale, and it was like this website where people would call out girls that were hooker lights or slutty girls or this girl has a veneeral disease. And that's all awful. But like, I mean, you know what I mean? It's awful. It's almost like our version of the revenge porn
Starting point is 01:03:18 that guys do. I mean, that's revenge porn is really bad because they're like, you know, secret whatever they're studying. I'm just like, but like, and this should really bad because they're like, you know, secret, whatever. Right. Setting it up to say, but like, and this should be allowed because it's still, you're, you know, hey, the guy's awful, we should know about it.
Starting point is 01:03:31 It's your opinion, your story, but I'm just saying like, but also you could, people could, there's no, how do you monitor it? Like to make sure that someone's not just like, burned by someone and then that goes out in trashes that I'm like, I guess you could, like that could be the flip side is you don't have any I
Starting point is 01:03:45 Mean I'm for it cuz I'm like shit. It's so bad out there. Why not you know, and sometimes it's just like oh he's okay kind of boring When on two gates are not all awful, you know not every single person do sometimes like one one person scumbag It could be another person's mr. Riders miss it right, you know That's what I think like if someone's like um no, you know? Well, that's what I think, like if someone's like, no, you know, he's real awful. It's a nice outlook on life. You know what I'm saying, like, yeah, I mean. You could write that person back, you know, okay, listen,
Starting point is 01:04:10 I want a couple of dates, like, what happened? And then you kind of wonder, but is this girl your friend or is she still a little but hurt and doesn't want you to date? Right, I'm sure. And I was gonna make it sound worse so you're like, you know what, there's other fish in the sea.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Yeah. I'm plenty of fish, goodbye. I think it first started thinking it was more of like a friend worse. So you're like, you know what? There's other fish in the sea. Yeah. There's plenty of fish, goodbye. Yeah. But the first time I was thinking it was more of like a friend group, but you're saying it's like thousands of people who don't even know each other. So right.
Starting point is 01:04:32 So then either it's no like, but it's San Diego based. The one that I'm looking at is San Diego based, which I think is like, just kind of funny that it's like San Diego. Is it just, our meeting, is meeting in bars just completely over? Is that happening anymore?
Starting point is 01:04:47 Like is there ever a time where you, I feel like it's all online now. I don't, when I go out with any of my single girlfriends, we don't, there's nobody, we don't talk to anybody. Not out, yeah. Like we don't talk to, you know, any, like, I kind of feel like it's like any kind of shopping. Like if you're gonna go look for, you know, bedroom furniture,
Starting point is 01:05:04 the first thing you would do, you're like, hey, John and I let's get a new bet The first thing you would start looking online, you know, and then you're like, okay, I like these five beds. Okay, let's go. Okay Now we'll go sit on them in person You know what I mean? I think it's the same, I don't think they're not ever, it's not like you're never gonna walk into a mall. But when you're specifically looking for something, you probably will do some online research before you go, same with houses, cars.
Starting point is 01:05:36 Yeah, but you know, I don't think people are used to, like now it's become such a regular thought, that's not like they won't talk to someone at a bar. Right. But their majority of their search in finding love is happening on their phone. Because you can have these looks for some more information about them,
Starting point is 01:05:53 but at the same time, like most people that I know don't even want to, they're like, I don't want to waste a decent night off with some lame days that ends up sucking. Like I'd rather go out with my girlfriends. Right. And then spend the time out with my girlfriends. Right. And then spend the time laying on my couch searching for fresh day.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah. But like you know, but I mean, to actually meet with someone in person, like when I was single, I remember being like, well, I don't want to go. I want to, I have like, this is like my free night of the week. I don't want to go on a date with somebody and then end up being like, well, fuck,
Starting point is 01:06:20 that was my, you know, my one free Friday night. Oh, God, the waste of time. And yeah, I think it's a time. So like this one girl wrote, and I'm not saying who this is, but whatever. This is, this is my husband. He's a sex addict. He's a porn addict. He sent thousands of dollars to sex workers over the years.
Starting point is 01:06:36 I had a miscarriage last year in the day after my surgery. It was back at it on the webcam sex. You know, he abandoned me. I mean, it's horrible. And then she also, and then she also added added also he's been caught taking up skirt photos of women at the San Diego Trader Oh, no Yeah, that's the information we need to know Yeah, that one okay, but like I don't know if there's the little details of like hey, you didn't let me have an appetizer
Starting point is 01:07:00 Right, I would definitely not that's what I'd go on there about. Yeah. Yeah. Like, he acted a little cheap about the food, or when I ordered a third glass of wine, he was like, whoa. Yeah. Which is also valuable information. The thing is, it says, phone.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I feel like after getting caught once, you've got to move over to Whole Foods. Yeah, you got to start going to a new. That's sad. This is also juicy and sad. There's all these sex torsion cases against CEOs, celebs. These attorneys are saying that they are getting all these wealthy clients, these guys that go on the sugar baby websites or something similar or meet girls, maybe it's DMing, whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Maybe they pursue them. And this one guy said, you know, I spent 40, this one CEO, CEO, I spent $40,000 showering this young woman who assured him that she was legal age when they met with gifts. After they broke up, she revealed that she was, in fact, underage and threatened to name the man on her social media accounts, quote,
Starting point is 01:08:01 I'm going to blow you up and your business, she texted him. I am like, wait a minute. So there's a, there is a girl that's 17 in high school, like reaching out, screwing CEOs and then blackmailing them. I mean, I don't know like I'm like, that's pretty savvy. And then also that the guy, first of all to the guys, if you have to have the girl you're dating, assure you over and over again, that they're over 18,
Starting point is 01:08:33 probably because they don't look over 18, you're fucking creed. Right. So yeah, and maybe look at their idea. If you're really looking for like, barely legal looking chicks. Go, yeah, we'll go 24. I mean, you know what I mean? There's like how much, yeah, you don't like it.
Starting point is 01:08:48 It's so weird to go by a camp at a high school campus that not's the first problem. Yeah. Yeah. And I'm just like, and with these girls, like my god, like so savvy, this, I think I saw a lifetime movie like this. It sounds like a lifetime movie to me. I'm like, it's almost like for a man.
Starting point is 01:09:07 I swear to God, I think I saw this. And she tried to say she was pregnant and the guy, yeah, and he was like married with a wife and then the wife like, oh my God, I totally remember the movie. Okay, so- A little to silver stone, wasn't it that one with Harry always? There's been, it's this classic story,
Starting point is 01:09:25 but the young girl starts screwing the guy, she gets pregnant, the wife can't have a baby, he's awful anyway, in the end, the wife and the mistress like raised a baby together, not as lesbian, but just- Well, I'm about put a different time that was when we were all sexing, like we were really, they were really sexing up Alicia Silverstone
Starting point is 01:09:43 and like videos and stuff when she was like 15. Yeah, when the um Yeah, with And then she was in like movies where she was like a 15 year old kid in a bikini and People No, that was Steven Tyler. Steven Tyler did that video where it was a
Starting point is 01:10:09 lecious silverstone and live who he just found out he had like a month before. Put her in a video and they were like wearing like Catholic schoolgirl uniforms running around. Running around in the water. They were like betweenies and yeah. And then it just was pointing,
Starting point is 01:10:26 this has always been out there, but people bringing up stuff, that he had met some girl when he was on the road, when he was like 27 or 30, that was like 15 or 14 or something, and he had her parents sign over the rights to him so that he she could go on the road with him. Oh, Stephen T. B. Lee. Stephen Tyler, yeah. And go on the road with him. Oh Steven to believe even style
Starting point is 01:10:45 Yeah, and the parents did it. Yeah. Oh my god. I probably wanted free tickets to show too I mean are some it has a lot of hits The parents were like wow that's a good show A little update Ricky Martin's nephew. I know. I feel like that story, like I feel a little bit, that story kind of felt like bullshit from the get-go. And I feel like I got so much pressed at like- I gave it a lot of press. I know, but when he brought it, right?
Starting point is 01:11:14 Yeah, and I feel like Ricky Martin, you know, some people just don't, that's gonna be the thing they think about when he ever think he's Ricky Martin now. Um, yeah, so that's, that's, you know, too bad. But he drew, yeah, he withdrew the incest claims. But my question is, so did they, so did they never have a relationship? Was it all made up?
Starting point is 01:11:34 Like Ricky said, this guy's mentally ill. And he said he wanted to talk about it earlier, but he had to be very careful in following his attorney's guidelines, like not to do interviews or anything. Let's work with the officials to realize that there's no evidence and therefore please drop this. But yeah, but also people withdraw things. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:59 I'm just saying. I had people also make up stories. Exactly. So I don't think we'll ever know the truth. Right. Vivo live in loco. Whatever the name is. Who's playing the Hollywood Bowl last night? So I think he's back. Good for him. Yeah. Did you know that Margot Robbie is the highest paid Barbie alive? Well, I spent actress. Oh, she's playing Barbie. It's paid Barbie alive. How much does she get?
Starting point is 01:12:27 And how much of this movie are we gonna see them filming on the streets? I feel like I've seen the whole thing. I already figured out what the, I predicted what the plot was and someone said, yeah, you're like very close. Wasn't this supposed to be Amy Schumer? Oh, this was.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Remember, she bailed out like last minute. Why did you cheat really? Yeah, this is Amy Schumer was gonna play Barbie I was I think it was I mean now it's like a comedy. Yeah Yeah, like it was gonna be that that she didn't have the Barbie body right I guess I don't know But it was Amy Schumer original Yeah, she was supposed to be the it was ago. Yeah, she was there. She's supposed to be the it was ago. Yeah, she was going to be Barbie. That is like a completely different angle and story. I think. Margot Robbie is how much does she making for it? I heard 12.
Starting point is 01:13:17 Wait a minute. I know. A lot of people made a lot more than that. Yeah. I think currently it's she's the highest paid because I heard that I heard that Sandra Bullock made 20 million for something recently so I don't know I guess just maybe they just met she's the highest paid Barbie person That's ever played Barbie That's exactly right so she is Oh 2022 well, yeah, I don't think I mean I think there's like this big huge paychecks You got to have
Starting point is 01:13:45 you do like 12 other things. I got to get to a point where I can turn down a 12 million dollar movie. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I mean, Schumer, you think she was getting I think she was getting 12, but no way. Yeah. Anyway, um, what else do you want to talk about? I don't think we see there's anything else. Oh, a naked couple was film-timey rooftop sex-storing record heatwave. Why would you want to be naked on the roof? It was so hot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:13 You need to be inside with air conditioning. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Possibly in a movie theater for free in London. Mm-hmm. I am not watching the bachelor. And I feel like it's gotten absolutely no buzz at all. It's bachelor red though.
Starting point is 01:14:27 It's two bachelor's. But last night something happened. It's something. So I will tell you. So the two bad, I'm not watching an either. Yeah. But so there's two girls, they're cute girls. They love each other.
Starting point is 01:14:40 They're like best friends. There's no like hating on this. And so they're like, this is going to be so exciting. We can get to meet all these guys. And the guys are dating both of them. But then last night, they decided like one guy on the date was like, I'm really more into this girl, not you. And then they got back, the two girls got together and were like, you know what, maybe we need to tell them that they need to choose right now who they're going to pursue,
Starting point is 01:15:08 that they can't, one guy can't pursue both of us. Like, we need to know who's 100% in for us. So, so they change it. But then the other, then the one girl gave out three roses and three of her guys, like maybe she gave out like seven roses and three of the seven said, I got to reject this because I'm actually more into her. So now that she's crying and the fans are like, you know what, this was a horrible idea. Right. You acted like it was empowerment because the two girls were best friends and we're going to have, you know, dual weddings and all the stuff. But now, Bachelor, you have made it even worse because these girls are being now rejected on camera
Starting point is 01:15:48 and it's no longer their choice because the guys are rejecting them. So they, I don't like you, I like you. So I thought, I was, I didn't know how. No, both staying till the end. I was not about that one leaves. They did that once years ago. No, this is like, they both stayed till the end,
Starting point is 01:16:02 but now they, I thought I read this morning that the bachelor's has decided that two was a mistake. So one of them's leaving. That's what I thought I read, but I would. Yeah, right. They're like, we made a mistake. Anyway, on with the season. Yeah, right. I mean, I don't think it is a mistake. Now, I'm kind of interested in watching it. Well, I didn't know that's how it was working. I thought they were like showing both their stories. I didn't know that they were both dating from the same pool.
Starting point is 01:16:34 They're dating from the same pool and the four that were on a date and then halfway through, they're like, let's switch guys. And then they're like, switch guys. And the guys are like fine, but then, I guess one girl is clearly like a little more likable than the other. And they're like, you asked, you know, you will keep the whole story.
Starting point is 01:16:54 The producers are always like, be vulnerable, show your vulnerable. So this girl shows her vulnerability and kind of, I guess has a little bit of a fucked up like childhood and past. And now that girl is the one that's getting rejected, because it's like, I don't know if I want to really get into this conversation.
Starting point is 01:17:08 I watched a little bit of it last night, then I went over to beach shazam, and I was into it. Have you watched Shazam with that? Have you watched Jamie Foxx host Beach Shazam? Wait, it's kind of like, name that tune. Oh really? We're on the beach? No, it's beat, you know, Shazam.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Oh, beat. I think it's a beach too. No, beat, beach shazam. I was like, why? way beat I think the beach to no beat What so playing y'all rock and yeah, you play a bit of a song and then you got to guess quickly what the song is like name that tune But but they must tell the people in the audience the the people in the studio audience They must tell them to dance to the song people in the studio audience, they must tell them to dance to the songs. You know that it's so strange. Because the song only plays for like a split second. People just go, that's just...
Starting point is 01:17:51 Like musical chairs? Yeah. So weird. I'm like, all right, you know, to dance every song. Yeah. But it's pretty entertaining. I was into it. I, okay, I've not been watching much like regular TV here, but have you heard of claim to fame? No.
Starting point is 01:18:08 This is a show that I think is after the Bachelor that took famous relatives, like a brother and nephew, whatever, and puts them in a house. But for one of red, it's like no, and then you're supposed to guess who's who. But it's like so weird that the references like and the age range like people don't know like a young person like doesn't know
Starting point is 01:18:31 Right we know like someone who's like 23 is not gonna know a reference we know and it's just like it's just one of those things You know like we were always obsessed with like Frank's to loan. Yeah Yeah, like when someone had or like even asked in Kutcher has like a. Tom Hanks had a Jim Hanks. And it's always like looks like them, but like one comes off. Yeah, like it's just a little. Don Swazie, Patrick Swazie's brother.
Starting point is 01:18:53 Yeah. But he worked a lot. He looked like Patrick Swazie, but a little off. Yeah, yeah. Never is cute. Never successful, but a little could like get a part or something. Right. I think that's where it is. Look at the quays.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Randy and Dennis. Dennis Quaid was like gorgeous. Yeah. And Randy was. Randy. Didn't Randy like lose his mind? Yeah, now he losing count of the big beard. I was talking about crazy hoax and someone reminding me of this hoax.
Starting point is 01:19:18 I'm going to end on this one because you guys are going to remember it. Boy. In a balloon. In a balloon. You know, it's funny. In a balloon? Oh, yeah. It was. I remember watching it. We were a balloon. You know it's funny. Boy in a balloon. I remember watching it. We were on Chelsea Laila watching it live on like the news. This is what happened you guys. This guy had a couple of sons and a wife and he was
Starting point is 01:19:38 like an inventor and he created this big aluminum. No, yeah, aluminum helium helium balloon that was like silver. It looked like a jiffy pop popcorn. Yeah. It's sort of like a UFO. And he says, calls, now I want to go, oh my god, we were filming the fact that I invented this thing and it was going to float around, you know, and we cannot find my six-year-old and my sons think that the six-year-old and my sons think that
Starting point is 01:20:05 the six-year-old is in the balloon because it was that big, that it could carry a small child like that. The news is following it for two hours straight. I mean, my heart, everything was like, oh my god. I think they had to call the military to me. Yeah, yeah. Everybody following it. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:23 So that it wouldn't get lost. Oh my god. And finally it starts to lose air and it goes down and everyone's like cheering and this guy's like trying to grab it and They get in there and they're like you know, oh, they have an ambulance there. We're pretty sure you guys He's in there and he's gonna be safe. He's gonna be safe. He's not in there Later on they go he is safe. He was hiding in the attic, or whatever. So then they go to do an interview, and it's the wife, the husband, the three boys, and the youngest boy
Starting point is 01:20:54 who was hiding in the attic. And the interviewer goes, so I'm saying, attic? You're saying attic? You're saying attic. I was like, that's so too. And I was like, I was like, it's attic. Atic I was like, I think it's like addict.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Addict. Addict. ATIC. ATIC. Yeah. Flowers in the attic. I knew you added it when you added it. You were saying he was hiding in the attic.
Starting point is 01:21:13 He was hiding? Roll the tape. Yeah. He was hiding in a room. High up. So they found him and they said, why, you know, and why did you decide to hide that day? We were so worried about you, the interviewer said, I'm looking good.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Yeah. I did it for the TV show. You told me you said, that you told me to daddy or something. Yeah, I got all the same. Oh no. I'm talking to do it for the TV show and they're all like, so they realize,
Starting point is 01:21:42 oh my god, this family's already been on a wife's swap. And they're trying to get a reality show because this is like more than 10 years ago. So this is the height of like, react like, you know, if you do something off. Yeah. And like these families were making a lot of money. It was like honey boo boo, all that kind of stuff. And so anyway, I I looked up where they, so they had to,
Starting point is 01:22:07 they, she, he did some time in prison, not long, like maybe like two or three months, they had to pay like 36,000 back for like all the trouble they had to go through. And, but they said it made them like, really become kind of reclusive to homeschooling whatever. In 2014 2014 the boys
Starting point is 01:22:26 released a heavy metal song with the balloon behind them, like the video. Sure, that's a great song. And that's yeah, 99 red balloons, that's a good one. Yeah, and that was like, so that was so it. Speaking of honey boo boo, apparently she's going to get a gastro bypass surgery. Yeah, I've seen pictures. Oh, okay. And she's like 16 and she got a boyfriend. Oh, she's about 17.
Starting point is 01:22:52 The boyfriend's gonna get it too. She got 22 real boyfriend. Yeah, you're gonna get it together. Well, I'm like, first of all, I don't think it works. Okay, I mean, no, no. Sometimes you eat right through it. We'll call. No. I knew Will Carnie Wilson, remember she got it.
Starting point is 01:23:08 She was in Playboy magazine. Yeah. She was, you know, lost all this weight, was like a size went to from size 22 to like a size four. And over the years. Yeah. Chris Christie from New Jersey. He got it.
Starting point is 01:23:23 He didn't lose a pen. No, yeah. I also like, he got it. He didn't lose a pet. No, and I feel like he got that young. Yeah, I don't know. And that doesn't sound safe for her. And also, didn't even work for her mom, right? Didn't the mom get it? Did she, I don't know. I don't know, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:23:39 Maybe they should just go on the bachelorette together instead of. Honey Boo Boo and her mom. Yeah, and instead of. I can't believe this show's still going on. Is it still going on? Honey Boo Boo? Yeah, I think it moved to like we.
Starting point is 01:23:49 I think it went from TLC to we. Oh. Guys, what's going on with you? Tell everybody where they can find you, what they can listen to, what is happening. Go ahead. Okay. You can go to saracolona.com for tour dates
Starting point is 01:24:02 that will be updating. I have some starting in October, but I will be adding more so please go to those Please listen to are you my podcast? We do married at first sight. We cover merit at first sight. So you fans out there merit at first sight. You will enjoy it and It's it's football seasons coming so get your clutchwomen.com. Oh, that's right. My handbags that are stadium approved for concerts, games, all the stuff. Clutchwomen.com, juicy scoopers get 50. 20% off with juicy scoop.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Thank you, full 20%. That's right. And Chris, what's your love for me? What's this coming on Thursday? It's coming on Thursday. Today's Tuesday. So this, I'm right now, Thursday. I'm at Brokeridge Comedy Club in Belmore, Long Island., I'm at Brokeridge Comedy Club.
Starting point is 01:24:45 And Belmore Long Island. I will be at Brokeridge Comedy Club and Belmore Long Island, then this weekend, Friday and Saturday, I'm at Laf Boston in Boston, then I'm at... I'll be fun. Comedy Off Broadway, Lexington, Kentucky, and on and on and on.
Starting point is 01:25:00 Frenchola.fun has all my dates. I got Rochester, Syr Albany, Syracuse, coming has all my dates. I got a lot coming out of me Syracuse coming all of it. I can't believe you're here But really you're also currently in Long Island. Yeah my hometown of We're gonna go for a cute lunch. Yeah, happy hour. It's a little after a little bit. How there's gonna pay Are you paying Now how much can we get? I can't even you want. Are you going to roll your eyes when I order a third glass of wine?
Starting point is 01:25:29 We have a hint state. We're a ripet. Did I tell you I took my family out in Montauk a few weeks ago? It was very expensive. Very, my nephew, who's 11, ordered a $75 steak. I couldn't believe it. I didn't say anything, of course, but he's like, I'll have the filet. I was like, what? You know, 11 years old. I mean it was shocking. You didn't say something like, wouldn't you rather have a hamburger?
Starting point is 01:25:55 I have to say that's the greatest thing about my kids to the point where like they they go mom like no, this is to this is too expensive No, no, no, really that is good. Yeah, and then I feel like no, come on too expensive, no, no, no, no, no, no. Really, that is good, yeah. Yeah, and then I feel like, no, come on, it's a special thing. But yesterday we went to South Coast, Fashion Island, and we went to this restaurant, and I looked at the prices, and I go, you know what, this is too expensive for a Monday lunch. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:26:18 No, I'm like, we don't need to do this. Well, let's not do that now, because we've trove three outlets to get here. We've got to afford it. Yeah. I said, I'm saving my money for the people that will enjoy the lunch. Okay. They were fine going to Panda Express. What do Panda Express?
Starting point is 01:26:32 Two sides or three sides. They get the, it's so gross. I know on the moms are going to write me. Okay, go ahead. They get the orange chicken and sometimes Drake does it a three. Three things. Three, helping of orange chicken. That's disgusting. I agree. That's why they don't go there often, but it is a lot cheaper than the restaurant we're looking at. Oh, do you go into in a mall or stand? I feel like going into a stand alone pan
Starting point is 01:26:59 to express is like this. But last night it was at the yesterday it was at the little square. I'll tell you a quick story about Pannexpress. One time I'm driving the adventurable of art and I see fortune walking down the street just a couple of years ago. And I was like, what are you doing? Say, I don't know. If you want to know the truth, I'm going to Pannexpress. And there was this stand alone one right over by the way.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Oh yeah, yeah. I think it's still there. she was all over way there. And she's like, I can't believe you caught me. I was heading to pick it. I think I think you should have done it. Sometimes you get a craving. I think she's gonna billies on the beach. Great.
Starting point is 01:27:33 All right, really good cocktails. Okay. Oh, that sounds good. You're gonna salad halibut, a poo poo platter. Oh. They have poo poo platters. Okay. It's kind of Hawaiian.
Starting point is 01:27:44 Yeah, sounds nice. Okay, wait. All right. Okay, bye. Pupu platters. Oh! They have poopu platters. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:48 It's kind of Hawaiian. Yeah, that's nice. Okay, wait. All right. Okay, bye.

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