Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Chris Franjola and Jen Shah Pleads Guilty

Episode Date: July 12, 2022

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Jen Shah has pleaded guilty to fraud. Criminal defense attorney, Shannon McDonald Goldstein (my sister) explains the case and what her attorney can do to get her the ...best sentencing. Then we have the exclusive audio of Jen Shah’s meeting with her attorney who convinced her to plea. Erika Jayne has a new legal complaint and is lit about it. Chris Franjola shares about his douche week in Montauk. Johnny Depp is singing songs about Amber. Brad Pitt can’t remember your face. Does Armie Hammer want to sell you a timeshare? Enjoy!  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a-ticks it fast
Starting point is 00:00:21 To the number one tabloid real life podcast Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I'm recording from Newport Beach. I have the best show for you because my sister attorney at Law Criminal Defense Attorney,
Starting point is 00:00:40 Shannon McDonald Goldstein is here. Hi Heather, I'm here live. I'm so excited. Go for up with breaking news that we're going to get into about housewives. And then Chris is in root and he's going to be the second part of the show. So it's going to be such a treat.
Starting point is 00:00:59 And so we're recording from this place for the first time, but we're filming it as well. And it's all super juicy. So, woke up this morning, you were still sleeping because we went on the boat yesterday. And Jen Shah, one week before her trial was about to begin, for her fraud case, real housewives of Salt Lake City, did in fact plead guilty. And, you know, I was like reading the,, in live time of everything that was going on. So why don't you just explain Shannon exactly what's going down for Gencha.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Sure. So her trial right now is currently set or was currently set for June 18th. July 18th, excuse me. So this is actually not unheard of because now we're getting down to the wire, right? And everybody, it could be her, which I, who knows, it could be her lawyers, but everything starts to get really real when it's down at the very end. So she was basically facing two charges. One had to do with what we call money laundering, and then other ones called with wire fraud, okay? Between the two of those main charges, there might have been various other ones too.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It basically meant that she was facing 30 years, a maximum of 30 years. And in federal court, once how much time you end up doing, if you're convicted of both, ends up being something called sentencing guidelines and that can vary. So my understanding, or it would certainly be my guess, is that through lots of negotiation, et cetera, one of those counts was agreed to be dropped. That would have been the money laundering. So now she's facing a maximum of 14, she would be pleading or did pleade to the wire fraud count. So at this point in time, if she pleads and she did plead, she has to admit some guilt.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And the reason why is because a judge cannot take a plea without a factual basis. So there has to be something that she said that indicates that she was guilty of something. Well, in reading it, it's pretty juicy. The judge Stein says, Ms. Shaw, what did you do? Shaw says, wire fraud, offering services with little to no value. We used interstate telephones and emails. I knew many of the purchasers were over the age of 55. I am sorry. Judge Stein, what is the reason they bought?
Starting point is 00:03:14 Shaw, misrepresentations regarding the value of the product or service of which it had little to none. Judge Stein, did you know it was wrong, any legal? Shaw says yes, your honor. So she does admit to all that and in reading it, interesting as like a lay person, you know, he's like, do you know that this means you can't vote?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Does this mean you're convicted? Fallen, you'll never be able to vote. You'll never be able to own a firearm. Are you aware of all this so that he, you know, and then also, are you, do you agree to not appeal your time if I sent into for 14 years or under, in which she said yes. And so, what else about this do the people need to know? Well, so if you notice what you read,
Starting point is 00:04:03 which is interesting to me, is a lot of that language is language that would probably come right out of the complaint. Usually they in a complaint, they'll give you, you know, exactly what the account is, and then it'll show factual basis of it of what they're trying to prove. So it's, if you see that, it's not like she's giving enormous amount of detail, except for the fact that she knew it was illegal and improper, and that she was, you know, praying on what we would call a more vulnerable part of society, which is 55 and over. So now what we're going to do now is we're going to, her turnee, or turnee team is going
Starting point is 00:04:38 to focus on sentencing, okay? Sentencing, I now believe, is set for November. So we got four or five months. So when we talk about a maximum of 14 years, we're talking about a maximum. So like I said, there is sentencing guidelines, there are minimums, there are maximums. So these attorneys are going to be doing a sentencing memorandum and they're going to be looking into anything they can to what we call minimize her involvement, minimize sympathize with her background. So my guess would be that she's the last person to take a plea.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Everybody else, there's no doubt everybody else took a plea. Now I'm assuming they took a plea and they're planning to testify against her. So obviously her attorney's probably said, well, this is going to be a lot of evidence. It's not going to look good against you. They're going to say these things of evidence. It's not going to look good against you. They're going to say these things. We can certainly cross examine them, but you have to consider a maximum of 30 and a maximum of 14.
Starting point is 00:05:35 That's a victory. So now what we do is we talk about, it's basically... But we know she's not going to get more than 14. We know she's not going to get more than 14. And even if she got 14, there's a chance that she could get out. I heard federal, you do a pretty high percentage of what you get.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah, so it's typically more than, but you know, federal prisons are different than state prisons, they are. That's just why they're nicer. They're nicer, absolutely. They're nicer, because typically federal prisons are white collar crime. You're not talking about money financial crimes. You're not typically talk, maybe drugs, but drugs when you're like the top edge of a person that's
Starting point is 00:06:10 you know, for sure type of cases. Okay. You're not talking murders, rapes, typically you're not, typically, you know. So this is, there's still a lot of work to do here. And they obviously must find, they must have something, and my guess is they're going to present probably a lot of work to do here. And they obviously must find, they must have something, and my guess is they're gonna present probably a lot of evidence to show that her knowledge was minimal. It was minimal knowledge. Through her defense, which, yes. That she was not the top echelon,
Starting point is 00:06:36 that she got dragged into something that she knew was probably, it was in proper, she's probably gonna bring in evidence that she didn't realize how hurt these people really were. I believe she is also being required to pay 9 million in restitution. That is huge. Personally, I've worked on what we call financial or embezzlement cases where I have been able to get it down to a little or no time based on how much money they're willing to pay back because a lot of these people don't expect to get any money back. So there's a way that this, I don't know how she's going to do it, but if there's a way that she can actually pay these people back, it is going to affect her time.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Well, I mean, we've seen the closet. It's pretty fantastic. There's fur, there's jewels, there's all labeled jewels, like Cartier and things like that. So that really do stand a great resale value. So I mean, I'm assuming they're gonna do that. I know they don't own a house or they maybe secretly owned one in some other country, but like they were renting that Shaw Shall I thing.
Starting point is 00:07:41 There must be some kind of proof to pay off that nine million restitution because that is a condition of this plea. So there has to be. So you better make sure before he she has sentenced that those people are made full. If they are made full, they have a much better argument. Then you throw in the stuff that's been in the media about all the stuff, all the, you know, charity work that she's done. You also kind of, I guess she's been doing some mental health, some therapy.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I know it sounds stupid, but these are the things that you, that you, as a bent attorney, you put in. Well, these are something you and I were talking about this morning, and I said, well, what, you know, if you were her attorney, what would you do? And so we actually, you know, I like to roleplay. So we have a little treat for you. We also filmed it so you can watch it on YouTube or you could go to my Instagram and tick-tock both Heather McDonald But here is behind the scenes of when Jen Shaw what we believe might have happened with Jen Shaw and her attorney Okay, she's here wish me luck Hi Jen
Starting point is 00:08:43 Hi lawyer. My Gucci scarf, sorry. That's beautiful. So what did you want to talk to me about today? Coach couldn't come. Well, as you know, and I'm sorry, coach couldn't be here. But as you know Jen, I am your support system. And I have been the last couple of months. Well, since I had to fire the last three because they were, I found out a few of them were following some
Starting point is 00:09:09 bravo blogs and I just felt like those people aren't my true fans. My two fans are the Shaw Squad and they're the ones that helped me create the merchandise. I don't know why you're not wearing the free gen Shaw T-shirt that I gave you. I'm sorry, I just came from court, so I didn't have much to do. Whatever, I think Kim Kardashian probably would have. She's all about branding. Well, as you know, I'm not a brand new. But I- Do you think Kim would like to do a Schimm's collab with me?
Starting point is 00:09:35 Well, let's talk about the matter at hand, Jan, okay? So as you know, we're getting very close to the trial day, just a week away. Yes. Well, I do have some good news. I have some really great outfits planned. A lot of people have sent me some things because I am a star and I didn't think what Amber heard were without really that great and I'm always known for fashion as you can see all the greatest designers love me. So I was thinking of Balanciago, you know, with the shoes that go all the way up to your
Starting point is 00:10:05 waist. Well, before we go there, let's talk about the legal because you are going to trial. All right. I've been working very hard with the prosecutor on this and even have spoken to the judge. Okay. So as you know, you're facing two very serious counts. Yes. And you're facing a maximum of 30 years. Yes. But I've made a lot of strides. My babies would be so old by then. And I'm actually happy to tell you that they have willing to dismiss the money laundering. And so you're only facing a maximum. I mean, I never even did my own laundry. How do they even have any evidence about that?
Starting point is 00:10:42 Well, as we've gone through this about 20 times over the last three months, that's not what money laundering is. It's lies. It's lies because they're jealous because I'm the most favorite housewife out of the 112 housewives that have made appearances on Bravo. Well, you know, I know that people are jealous. So let's get back to the matter at hand. Yes. Thank you. So we are now looking at, I think you should seriously consider possibly taking the steal. Now before you get upset, I know how important your
Starting point is 00:11:15 family is and I know how important it is that you maintain your innocence. But really what's more important, Jen, is that we try to get through this with the least amount of time as possible. And we've already... It's a three-sided one year and they held the show for her. And I am not done working for you, Jen. I want you to know that. If we take this plea, I will be working so hard for the next three to four months, as long as I can put it off. And we're going to put together a sentencing memorandum like you've never seen before
Starting point is 00:11:47 But I need you to do a few things. Yes. I need you to Maybe wear a few less purses Is that something you can consider? I mean, this is my brand and I love fashion and fashion loves me I'm the queen bee and the MVP and everybody's jealous of me. I Understand that but we want you to be a little more sympathetic and Sometimes less purses and less scarves Where's Mary crossby She's in trouble she created a cult and slept with her grandfather and had children with him
Starting point is 00:12:25 Will Mary's doing why isn't he why doing this. Why isn't she on trial? Mary is Eric Jane. Why is she living in a dollhouse and saying mean things to ourselves sons? Why aren't you going after her? Why aren't you trying to convict her? Why isn't it just me, the girl who has dark hair and brown eyes? Well, like you were saying, I think we can actually work that toward vantage. Your background is really important and unique. The changes you had to make,
Starting point is 00:12:54 what you had to suffer as a child. I really need you. I think I've never been a Polynesian housewife before. I don't think people know how hard it is to make Polynesian food. Well, these are the kind of things. Who is gonna to make that for my boys and coach when I'm gone? Jen, I need you to focus, Jen. I need you to write down all of the polonieshine foods that are the most difficult
Starting point is 00:13:17 polonieshine foods to make. We'll start there. Rice. Okay, I also... Do this. I need you to make sure that if I have to go to time, which you said I would if I made this plea deal, can you talk to Andy and see if they
Starting point is 00:13:32 can do one more ultimate girls trip so that I could experience that? And I'm a man. I don't want to be with Serena. She's really scary. But I would like Erica Jane to research you guys. I think Caroline man, so I don't know that she's done anything illegal, but I think she would be someone that could help me.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Can you spell the last side? He's got the last name of Teresa. What was that? Nobody knows how to spell it. What is it? Judice or Gucci or okay, I'll just say Gucci and I'll remember that. And or I'll just say Gucci and I'll remember that. And I mean I have, I think I have assistance because they're going to have to put my free Jen Shaw merch on sale.
Starting point is 00:14:14 Can you help with that? Can you post about that and share it? And okay, I mean I guess I have to do this just because my system was mad at me, even though I'm phenomenal at the nana and took care of this family. I think we need to concentrate on the time and you know that I am your best defender. I am there for you. I will protect you and I will fight for you, but I do need you to fight for yourself. So we need to take a new focus. And we need to think about sympathy, modesty.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Do you know what that word means? Well, I know a lot of Mormons are like that, and I have a lot of Mormons on my cast, but they're actually not very modest. I'm the one that... I'm the one that everybody loves. I don't know how my fans are gonna react, but I will take responsibility to extend. If you could just get it down to just a few years and I will, I mean when I was helping those tell those people, forget it, Forget it. All right, lawyer. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:15:27 You said you should go shopping. Before we go shopping, you had mentioned to me before that you worked on many charities. In fact, I think you were even on a board of a charity. The Gen Shaw Board. And the Gen Shaw Foundation. Are there any cha... And the Shaw Squad, the Shaw Squad, International Help for former Polynesian and Chair Leaders? Are there any charities you've worked on that maybe people have heard of
Starting point is 00:15:58 that don't have your name in it? One hit, wonders, housewives that would like to go on ultimate girls trips. Okay, that sounds good. And who did that benefit? I, women that have only been on the housewives one time, Peggy Salalian. This construction worker named Barbara. Barbara? Okay, Barbara.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Now, do Barbara have any children that maybe you supported while she was wearing a hard hat? No, but she does tick-tock dances. There's also... Does she happen to know some nurses? There's others who from O.C. Nuella and Dr. Gend. Any nurses there? She says Botox. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Anything that has to do maybe with a kidney donation. Something a little more sympathetic, Jen, focus. Um, I've had a urinary tract infection. Wow, you never told me that. I've got two years ago. Wow. I had to drink a lot of crampages and I was filming that day.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I hate crampages. And when I missed a scene, they all talked about me. I just felt like, so we're really making some strides here. This is good. This is good. I can get people to write letters about what a great person I am. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Can we get in there? I have letters from, like, definitely not the fashion designer who I screamed at. And he taped me about my outfit for the reunion. Don't call him. Are there any fashion designers from maybe something like a coals or a target or something where we're helping people start their own fashion line
Starting point is 00:17:28 No Okay Let me see we're good here Okay, anything else anything else that you can have you rescuing the animals No, oh the ones that I'm wearing, yes. Okay. We'll work on that. Okay, Jen. So, Nick, tomorrow I need to meet you in the courthouse. I need you to be there exactly a half hour early. There'll be a back door where you can go through. And at that point in time time I will have the plea deal written up and
Starting point is 00:18:05 will go through the fine details at that time. As you know, I am your defender. I am helping you. Everything is going to be okay, Jen. Thanks, Laura. I'm here for you. Thanks to whatever other head, Kim Kardashian. Well, we're still working on that.
Starting point is 00:18:20 You need to be in blonde now, so I don't even know if he wanna help me. You guys, I wanna talk to you about Thrive Cause Metix. They're high performance beauty and skin care products made with clean skin loving ingredients. And I love that the word cause, C-A-U-S-E, is in their word, cosmetics, because they help women and other organizations that really help women thrive. That's right, bigger than beauty for every product purchased, thrive cosmetics, donates to help women thrive, women emerging from homelessness, surviving domestic abuse, fighting cancer, and more. I love that, but I also really love their liquid lash extensions, mascara. You guys have to try this.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I know you've been there. You've gone to this salon, you've gotten the lash extensions. Maybe you put on fake lashes and you realize your own lashes are really suffering. Well, not with this because it's clean, nourishing ingredients and they support longer, stronger, and healthier looking lashes over time. Over time, your lashes will look better also so easy to wash off with just warm water and a washcloth. I also really love the Brilliant Eye Breiner, it gets your eyes a little lift, and the liquid lip balm lip treatment is,
Starting point is 00:19:35 oh, that is the ball. Let me tell you, especially during this time of year, really helps those dull dehydrated lips, pumps and smooth them. And right now, is a great time to try Thrive Cosmetics for yourself. Right now you can get 15% off your first order when you visit Thrive Cosmetics.com-Juicy. That's Thrive Cosmetics, C-A-U-S-E-M-E-T-I-C-S. .com-Juicy for 15% off your first order.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Well, I do think it's nice that it looks to be that she will be here for Halloween. She loves a great costume. I know that they, I don't know if they're filming right now or if they've already finished the season for Salt Lake City. I know that they were set to leave for ultimate girls trip in Thailand, which includes Heather Gay and Whitney Rose. And someone wrote me that was supposed to begin like July 11th or July 17th. So I don't know if they've left.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Also Meredith also from Salt Lake City and Heather Gay were in New York this week with Jen. So so much juice there would love to, I'm sure we'll find out more of what went down and if she said it, you and I pulled up up an Adam's interview from YouTube that I had never, that I just didn't watch because I just knew it wasn't gonna be that much, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:51 detail, he was very sweet to her. But one thing that you said was interesting is in telling her life story to Adam, she said, Gencha said, one time I had a corporate job and I was the only female, the only woman of color, and they wouldn't let me come to the boardroom and they said, oh, you can just send your notes or whatever. And she said, and that's when I realized, you know, I'm just not going to be able to succeed
Starting point is 00:21:13 in this man's world. I had to do my own thing. And you said that might have been some motivation for the prosecution, like this was your motivation to do something that on your own, with nobody telling you what's right or wrong or whatever. Right. So it's interesting because I thought it was such a tame interview and Adam was like so gracious and like really soft balls and stuff, which I could see what you would do that.
Starting point is 00:21:39 That is, I don't think it was a great idea that she did it. She did it March 9th and you said she fired three other attorneys. I don't know if if any of that or they left right right I think the attorneys resigned and it could have been a couple of different things One is I think there was a major motion that in the sense that they were doing a motion to dismiss And I know it was not granted then there was a lot of talk about a subpoena That they wanted they wanted all the background of that Hulu show Hulu Hulu show. It just isn't an attempt to get the witnesses that testified or say, you know, things that
Starting point is 00:22:11 were not shown so they could then, you know, do their investigation. That was not granted. So you know, things start to crumble a little bit. And then, and then I was telling you that then if you start doing interviews like that, even though technically you're not talking about the case, now you're going rogue as I would say. And there's no way any of those attorneys have said, yes, do this YouTube video on Adams Up and Up.
Starting point is 00:22:35 No way, no way. Yeah. They don't care how she, I mean, at this stage, I don't care how she looks because as, you know, we discussed earlier, now they're gonna care. You know, now we want to make her sympathy. Watching it was great creative inspiration for me to embody Gencha and how I felt that might, there are, there are previous, you know, improv might have gone.
Starting point is 00:22:56 Okay, so let's get into what's going on with Erica Jane. Okay. A, you know, a new legal document came out. How would you explain this? This came out at the end of last week. It was filed on July 6, 2022. Well, it looks like it's a complaint probably from another many of a victim and it really goes into detail and it basically talks about what Erica may or may not have known about,
Starting point is 00:23:23 you know, just everything, everything that using the funds that were reserved for the victims for her business, paying her glam squad, right, buying the earrings, which she has now been ordered to give back. What is interesting is they're using stuff from the show in this complaint. And my favorite part was using stuff from the show in this complaint. And my favorite part was, so Erica's bizarre new version of events, this is directly from the complaint, made her castmates who were still trying to make sense of the revelations uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:23:55 For example, after the episode, Erica's mate Sutton said, Sutton Stratk said, and this is about Tom when they first were hit with Tom's accident of how it was snowing and maybe that was when the sun went and how he got in the accident and he rolled and he had a concussion and all this other stuff. And then P.K. said,
Starting point is 00:24:14 you know, he's not a fucking sulcus star. Don't, don't deal with the brain, just fix the ankle because originally when he got in the car accident on the show, she said he got in a car accident and he broke his ankle or hurt his ankle. She never mentioned the head injury to Kyle a couple of season's back. And they quote Sutton in this complaint, which is much of a sudden freaking out, but Sutton says, I just don't know why we were all of a Sutton talking about this accident and why we're talking about this head injury,
Starting point is 00:24:47 it's a confusing story. I got a little uncomfortable. I'm not gonna lie. And then I think the rest of the girls who knew this story about some car accident were hearing new information from Erica this time around. I mean, that's juicy that they're taking stuff directly from the show because they're trying to say. So then, this is what's really interesting, regardless of whether her new version of the 2017 car accident is true or not. The timing of Eric's decision to provide the new details when she did, while filming on December 14, 2020, reveals that she is using her platform on housewives to assist with Tom's defense, because indeed, on the exact same day that Erica's new version of events was filmed for housewives and months before it aired, that is when Tom's lawyers
Starting point is 00:25:37 appeared for a hearing in the Lion Air case and raised issues about his mental competency for the very first time in court. When asked what happened to the lion, Erwin O'Rourke and Orphan Sellman money, Tom's attorney stated that Mr. Gerardy's 81 years of age and has had issues regarding his mental competence and requested an opportunity to have a mental evaluation. So that is extremely juicy. So basically they're saying that she chose to tell that day to that this would all line into what they were saying
Starting point is 00:26:10 in court right around that same time. So they're saying the timing is extremely coincidental. Or, or this accident happened. They concentrated on the ankle. They didn't know he had a head injury. He got older. His competency started to dissipate. Erica is trying to show that that's probably when it happened, although she did not know about it three years later.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I don't know if you totally get over the coincidental nature of about it three years previous. Right, but we're talking about it now because the lawyers have said wow We really are dealing with competency and she's noticed it too. She thought it was simply old age. Now it could have been a head injury, old age, dementia, other diseases. I'm just playing a devil's advocate here for you. But because what you're reading from, which is extremely juicy, is what they need to do to prove. I mean, what we're doing with the complaint really is we have to put enough information in the complaint so that there's enough evidence to move forward with this civil complaint. In other words, so if you don't have enough in there, then you can do something called a demeure and it basically is thrown out.
Starting point is 00:27:17 So her people try to get thrown out. Right. So what they're going to do is now we're going to go in another lawsuit, go through what we call depositions and erogatories. What else do you read? What else was juicy about this? Well, I think what's interesting is that, you know, you talk a lot about her business, and then you talk about your already keys.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And her glam squad getting paid from the company. Right. And I know her bills. The company is paying her expenses. The law firm. Right. Well, they're also paying her bills. The company is paying her expenses. Right. The law firm. So what they're saying, I mean, you could look at it two ways. You could say, okay, I have a law firm, but he's also my husband. And this is where the money comes and we're paying off our bills from the law firm. Okay. Or since it's such an extreme amount. 25 million, 25 million. Credit cards over the years. Right. All right all the and she wasn't an actual employee
Starting point is 00:28:05 How did she not know? But there are people that you pay your bills you pay your bills from your checking account You pay your bills from your from your your your your business account But because she was running her own business. Why wouldn't that be separated and by not having it's by not having it separated It does see would appear that they could then use all this money and say, well, this is why we're in debt. We're not in debt because we were stealing money from people, we weren't making money. We were in debt because Tom was so in love with Erica and he just didn't understand his
Starting point is 00:28:35 finances. Oh my God, you're paying what? For what? To do it simply, yes. I know specific makeup artists that were paid directly from Gerardi and Keese. It was always very generous and it was never late. And I don't think she's denying that either. Her defense is just like, I'm a stripper that never went to college.
Starting point is 00:28:56 My rich husband told me I could have this career and that these expenses would be covered because he does so well as an attorney. I didn't think that by me dancing and getting hair extensions, I was taking away from an orphan of a, you know, and they're saying, yes, you did. So that's really what it is. Right. But this was kind of juicy over the weekend. So Ron Richards who's no longer part of this case, but he is dying to be a housewife and he tweets about it all the time and she freaking hates him. And so in this particular thing she came after his wife and her name is
Starting point is 00:29:33 Lauren Boyette Richards is her name Lauren Bort Richards is a Ronald Richardson attorney's wife and she wrote at Lauren Lauren get back on all fours and take it in the ass from that beast that you're married to She tweeted that and Then she also wrote to To Lauren lame like you stay out of this you look dehydrated good luck Lauren He's going to turn on you be careful careful, free yourself and find a new life. You need to be careful.
Starting point is 00:30:07 He will turn on you. I'm not being mean. Protect yourself. And then she writes to Erica. What makes you think he would turn on me? He's nothing like Tom. Lauren, he is Tom. Take care of yourself.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Pleas. Thank you for your concern, Erica. Do you have any receipts to back up your comment? And that's when she said, Lauren, get back at all fours and take it in the ass from that beast you're married to. It's expensive to be me. E-E-E-E.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And Erica's had a bad week with the episode that was aired this week on Housewives. She's getting very, very lit. She likes to drink a lot with Alexa Pro and the booze. And she was real wet and horny for Garcell's getting very, very lit. She likes to drink a lot with the Lexapro and the booze. And she was real wet and horny for Garcell's older son, Oliver, who is married with a child that also a step father to his wife's three kids. So he was a family guy.
Starting point is 00:30:57 He's a good looking guy. And he's adult. He's an adult. He's like 30. Well, no, I have to be honest. I have not been following it. And when I heard about it on social media I'm like wait she has some reason I remember the two little 12 and 14 year old boys working out
Starting point is 00:31:10 She has twin boys who are 14 oh goodness all right this guy is from her first got it and And so he goes to her 50th birthday party and she shows up and she brings both the 14-year-old twins and Oliver, the older son. And so she is just sitting there and she's like, Oliver, Oliver. What are you married? You have a baby mama, what's up? Call her up, Taylor, DM me.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Let's do a three-way. Let's get it. I am a witch. And like, the wreath's like Erica. Amazing. And Garsell's like, what? What's going on? So then he's like, ha ha, I'm flattered goodbye.
Starting point is 00:31:54 But she was like so like coming like, hey, like just, so then they're like, oh, do you want to take your arrangements home? You know, Garsell. She goes, yes. So Chris goes, hey, to one of the boys, Jacks, can you help bring out these flowers, which you're right in front of drunk, harryka, and Doree. So he comes to get the flowers and she's like, what are you doing here?
Starting point is 00:32:16 Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of here. And the four little 14 year old goes, what I'm saying is flowers? And Gertzel is like, what is happy I'll deal with this later. So in this coming week we do see she confronts her because I saw a clip and I will give Gartsell some credit. She does, first of all she on a walk she's like oh please those little fuckers are 16. They're like actually Eric has their 14. And she's like oh and so she does go, I, I, you're right. That was awful. And people really, and she said, and by the way, your boys are really well behaved and really great. And I noticed that before I got so drunk and told them to get the fuck out of here, I thought he was kind of a delight for not being on his phone. So she says that.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Did she say him to get the fuck out because they were interrupting a conversation that was supposedly happening? Okay. But they weren't even talking. It was just like, and so then the story gets relayed to Kyle and Mauricio with PK and Dreet, and Kyle was not there in Kyle's defense, but she's laugh. She's like, I love this new Erica. I love this new, and they're like, wow, Kyle, you didn't love when Kim was getting drunk,
Starting point is 00:33:22 and you called her an alcoholic in the limo. Right. And, you know, and she said, you stole my go-dab, my god, you have a house. And she's like, you are like a fucking second wife. You know, like, so we see Kyle's behavior not great this week. So she's laughing in Kyle's defense. She's like, I didn't know that, you know, of course, in retrospect, like, because people were also like,
Starting point is 00:33:41 what if that was when your daughter's like, this is so sexist? Just because he's a boy, he's still 14, you can't talk to a boy like that. What if a man said to Portia, get the fuck out of here or try to hit on one of your daughters? What if one of these men were like, hey, Farah, you know, are you single? I'd like to have a threesome with you and your fiance.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Like how would you? But it is interesting because now, Erica's gonna make that excuse that she was drunk. And there really isn't anything different than what then Kim's bad behavior. Really? Yeah. So then another thing that Kyle did that was bad this week is Sutton is not getting along with the new girl, girl Diane Jenkins, who has some licking problem. Yeah yeah. Put it together. So, he's constantly looking all up, and she's got all this money, and she doesn't like Sutton because I believe that she is now the richest, then Sutton. Got it.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Well, I once was the richest. I used to have two jets. Now I live in a dollhouse with no earrings. So, Erica has no money, but she's just like, let me be friends with Diane Jenkins, because like that used to be me. So, and she hates Sutton for good reason. Like what you did, you read the latest complaint,
Starting point is 00:34:50 because a lot Sutton. So, well, there's nothing that shows in that complaint that Sutton said anything, but what she said online. I know, but why is she so mad at me anyway? Like, it's just anyway. So, she goes to try to talk to Diane Jenkins, and she's being a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:35:05 bitch, because Diane Jenkins said she wasn't able to come to Gourself's party because she had suffered a miscarriage and the doctor says stay home. But then she came. So then that was like, I thought you were going to stay home. And Diane Jenkins, like, really? Really? You want a new villain? I'm going to tear. You're going to talk about whether I can stay home or not. And of course women at home are like, don't fucking do that. Sometimes you're on Bud Rest, sometimes you're not. It's not your fucking business. But in talking to her, Sutton says, listen, I am so sorry. I too have suffered two miscarriages. Well, Kyle comes over there after she just was wiping the floor with her pussy. And by that I meant she did the splits and was like dancing around.
Starting point is 00:35:48 And she's wearing just a one piece bathing suit with like a skirt over it. Pretty slutty outfit for Kyle, but whatever. Is it in her store? Is it in her store in El Paso? No, it's definitely not in her store. The store is just like long satin dusters. A lot, no, it's a very, it's loungewear. So it's a lot of flowy.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I mean, this is pretty flattering for like the pool, or if you, I mean, she looked good in it. Her body looked good. So she's getting drunk, okay? And she comes over and she goes, Satan, what do you mean you had to miscarriages? I, I, we're just hearing about it now, really, really. And then she, why she's doing it?
Starting point is 00:36:24 She's grabbing Satan, she's pushing her. And the slew said that they saw like a mark on Sutton's arm afterwards, and other people said, no, that mark was there before, whatever. She was physically, very similar to what she did in the limo with Kim. Right in your face, and like, as sisters, she might have been a girl
Starting point is 00:36:43 like got a little physical with her sisters. I don't know, back in the day we did too, you know. It's like, so she, so just can't, so just can't even Courtney, like they beat the shit out of each other. I don't know. So she's, and she's like, oh my God, she since has apologized on camera
Starting point is 00:36:56 and all over the internet. But here's my thing. Did you hear that, that the agency, Mauricio and Kyle have their own Kardashians coming. They're going to have their own show on Netflix. Right. We know I did. We're working in real estate with them, with him.
Starting point is 00:37:13 It's based in Orange County, right? They're Orange County office. No, it's going to be Beverly Hills. Oh, what is? It's buying Beverly Hills. And it's Netflix, not Bravo. It's called What? And buying Beverly Hills.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Buying Beverly Hills. So it's like selling sunset. But with Mauricio, probably a couple other people from his office. Two, the two older girls definitely work in real estate. I think the third might be getting a license or she's still in college and then of course Porsche is only like 14, the little one. So they're basically just highlighting the kids. They're not highlighting other agents like you see selling sunset or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:42 I mean, you know, I sold a show to CBS about me being a real estate broker with Mom and Dad. Now it wasn't reality at the time because reality TV was nowhere near. It was a scripted sitcom, but once again, who thought of it first? Okay. Anyway, but I think it's a great idea. And I do think that it's just very coincidental that Kyle who has basically been unscathed as a housewife for whatever how many years she's been on She's certainly not getting the best at it from bravo this year So I don't think they're so thrilled about her taking her whole family over to Netflix and maybe at this point
Starting point is 00:38:19 She might be like I don't I need I can take like a Bethany break You know when Bethany got her talk show, she left New York. Maybe she should take this little break and really try to give all her time and effort into making their reality show successful because it's twofold. Not only could they become Kardashian light, but then you're also growing this huge, you know, real estate empire where there's agency franchises everywhere. So if I was her after this season, I would be like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:38:50 Let me fight with my own offspring. Well, she's also by doing the thing with, by doing the thing, but by doing the thing with Sutton, by pushing and making a big deal about something that really was a total overreaction. Right. Well, now it's play for her.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Like maybe she doesn't look good for Bravo, but everyone else is talking about what she's doing on the show. So sometimes, in my opinion, she can come off as, you know, very level headed. She's the hop, you know, she's the top mama, she's the mother bear, she's the most normal, she's married, has a business. And now she's getting a little messy. And so now people might think, oh, this show on Netflix might get a little messy.
Starting point is 00:39:30 But if you're real good, I want to watch it. Because, yeah, because of it's just strictly about real estate. No, I mean, hopefully she, you know, hopefully there's some other realtor's like, her age that she could be kind of friends with or have to, who knows. But I mean, it's just crazy. Also, Best of Bravo is reporting that long-time Bestie's kind of friends with or have to who knows but I mean it's just crazy. Also best of
Starting point is 00:39:45 Bravo is reporting that longtime besties Teresa of New Jersey and Dina have had a falling out and it's because they're something with their husband and fiance Louis. And supposedly she's not going to the wedding. That would be huge because they have never ever had an issue in all these years. So that would be pretty tragic if that was true. The New Jersey House husbands, I don't know if you know this, but they made it a calendar, like as if it was 1989. Who the hell has a stud calendar?
Starting point is 00:40:15 Well, especially at their ages. I think it's for charity who cares. Nauwela and Dr. Jen have officially left the show, Real Housewives of OC, here in OC, guys, I'm on, literally boots on the ground. The rumor is that they're gonna go with some, bring back some classic ladies. And with Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip in Durinda,
Starting point is 00:40:40 I've really enjoyed seeing Tamara and Vicki again. And so maybe they'll even bring back Gretchen. Maybe they'll do something like that. And I don't know about Emily and Gina. But it'd be great to bring back some of the originals because Orange County was the original. If you have Heather and you have Shannon. And then Shannon and Tamar had such a good friendship, but they had a break because
Starting point is 00:41:04 I think it's really hard once one person stays on the show and the other one doesn't for obvious reasons. And why you hang out with that person, or when you talk on the phone all the time, then you're filming the show. You probably shouldn't be talking to the person that is no longer on the show. It's probably not healthy for her.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And so I think that's where Shannon and Tamara had this split. But I'd love to see them all be on the show and see the juice of that friendship, hopefully repair, but there could be some interesting things for us to watch. As you see two women that were that close, have to come back together. Well, I think that is always more interesting.
Starting point is 00:41:39 We're bringing new people in, where suddenly you're supposed to be starting this friendship, you don't know them. Right. And then it's on camera, and it just comes off as sort of disingenuous, and not that exciting, you know? And then you're bringing in a whole new,
Starting point is 00:41:53 just bringing the traditional, there was such a good vibe between all these people, even when it was destructive, it was entertaining, right? Yeah, they're just funny and we know them. It's hard to get to, that's why I think Dubai is struggling, because not only are we, you know, with all these other franchises, maybe one or two new gals joined in. And they sometimes don't even introduce like the second gal to like the fourth or fifth
Starting point is 00:42:14 episode. So you're like, okay, like right now, Garcell has a friend, Sherry, that's making it a couple of appearances. But it's like, it eased in. Dubai, we have to not only know a new city, but we have to learn like seven new girls, and people are not enjoying it that much, because I think it's a lot of effort, and it's not that, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:42:33 it's not jelling like other shows, but Lisa Rena said, got mad, she was left alone in a room, Harry Hamlin's, like doing a play, and she was dancing around and are free, the people's stuff, and went crazy on Twitter once again, and said, if Hamlin's like doing a play and she was dancing around at her free the people's stuff and what crazy on Twitter once again. And said, if you don't like Beverly Hills, let me tell you something. Go and watch Dubai. And it got interpreted because she said when I when anyone fights with Garsal, people accuse us of being racist, if you don't like it, go watch Dubai.
Starting point is 00:43:02 And I think she meant go watch Dubai Dubai like it's not as juicy as ours Right shut up if you like what do you want you complain that things are boring and then we give you something juicy and you You go below the belt to the fans. She sent said no, that's not what I meant And I've talked to a couple of girls from Dubai and we're all good Gonna go shopping into buy so there you go with that um Oh, and then Broadway mother of seven bisexual full blown lesbian recovering
Starting point is 00:43:30 alcoholic. She she's been in page six and stuff a lot. She said that she'd had was quite busy living half of her life in a studio apartment with her lesbian girlfriend and having what was it 10 10 to 15 orgasms a day, 10 minutes each. 15 orgasms a day, 10 minutes each. So that's 150 minutes out of your life. Okay. Anyway, it wasn't good enough, they broke up.
Starting point is 00:43:53 They broke up. They broke up. So I'm sure she is trolling around, just looking for any cameras in the OC, trying to get back on. I don't know. Do you think there's any chance that maybe she might take this time to spend more time with the children and miss? I mean, there are seven of them.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I don't know why she was living in New York besides to get fingered, but I think that she... I think she was trying to get on other reality shows out there. I think there were a couple of I heard on the street. There were a couple other opportunities like late in life lesbian, then we're trying to get a chaotic show about that. They were trying to get late in life lesbian to also don't drink. So she was like, I'm a double-header. It didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:44:35 So now she's back here. So yeah, I think it's good that she's back here. She still is yet to divorce the husband. They're best friends. They're not divorcing. And they were like, they were kind of doing the nesting thing where she'd leave and go to New York and come back to the house. But she's here. So she's actually an orange cow. Now I guess she is back. Because what's there? Nothing left for her?
Starting point is 00:44:51 Well, this might be very interesting. Yeah. We might be a new scoop right around the corner. Yes. So there we go. That's everything. Shannon, I just thank you for being here. We will be watching all of this. Yeah. And stay tuned on a more legal drama on other good juicy scoop. Chris is waiting in the wing, so we're going to do hot topics with Chris Frenjola now. Thanks, Heather. Hello, Chris Frenjola, you are back. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:45:19 One thing you always say about your role as the top of the pyramid of the juicy scoop verse. Sure, sure. That we constantly use you as the guinea pig. And once again, that's why you are my first guest here at the OC office. Sitting at some table, it looks like in the president of the United States. It was perfect because I had Shannon on it and she was being a lawyer. Yeah. And this is very much looks like a lawyer's office.
Starting point is 00:45:44 It's very very Larry H Parker that's sitting behind the desk and I can get you money or call me, I'll get you money. Yes, so once again, you are the guinea pig. Drove down. Love you for it. From Los Angeles to where are we now? Currently Newport Beach, California. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:03 And here I am. About an hour and a half. Nobody cares. A lot of guests, you know, guests these days. are we now currently new for beach California? Yes. Yes. And here I am. About an hour and a half. Nobody cares. A lot of gas. You know, gas these days. I'm just saying that should be known. We are going to go to a cute lunch after
Starting point is 00:46:12 and I will be picking it up. Oh, good to know. Good to know. Yeah. Chris, so you just came back from a sexy time in the Hamptons. I enjoyed watching your Insta stories about you embracing your Hamptons' doucheiness. As your adduce influencer, you called yourself. I was adduce your at the Christian Dior pop-up.
Starting point is 00:46:31 I went to the Christian Dior pop-up over 30 years. Did you buy anything? Well, it is interesting that I don't, I mean, I know Christian Dior, I just don't know the real prices, especially like the Hamptons prices. You know the ones that they sell on Canal Street? Yeah, exactly, right.
Starting point is 00:46:47 The ones on the sidewalk. In New York, how are they doing that? Because it looks like it's only $5,000. It looks exactly what it's saying. It looks exactly what it's saying. Well, not only is it the same, my, I was with my sister-in-law, and she had a Christian Deer bag or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:00 One of those beach bags, one of those like Navy Blue big ones. So it's like $4,000 online. Right right and then I see her just put it in the sand and My wife's like there's no way that can be real she just put it down in the sand So I thought well I asked her you know, so I said is that a real one? I don't care anything about this kind of stuff But it's all fascinating and she goes no I got it for $25 on the sidewalk in New York City. See, when you're the person that bought
Starting point is 00:47:27 that exact bag for the four grand. Right. I know. That's why I mean, that's why I feel like that particular bag, I've seen so many people have, when I see like a 14 year old, like, you know, walking around them all with it. I'm like, there's no way that's real.
Starting point is 00:47:43 And then you're the person that bought the real. You're like, I mean, I think go buy the Gucci stuff. Go go experience. If you could afford it, go to the store and buy it. But buy something that's a little unique or for the season. Right. Not one that like everyone has. That's my advice. Yeah. You know, that's why advice. Like because it's just like, yeah yeah, they're but you wanted the D or thing and what happened? Anyone recognize you You know, I got to tell you a lot. I was getting a lot of people just yelling Franchilla from afar as I drove around Montauk on an electric bicycle if you ever go on an electric bicycle
Starting point is 00:48:21 We have one we have we have two scooters here and an electric bike and we've been going all around with the pedal You did pedal and it just moved you along. Yeah, I really have to pedal very hard. No, it's the greatest thing that has ever happened until my battery ran out the miles from home And I had to go up and down It was people will be like, you're like sweating. Oh, it was brutal I mean, I've hopefully nobody saw me there. Why didn't you charge it all the way up? Because I, the guy who I ran through
Starting point is 00:48:49 from giving me the wrong charger. I went and got the new, well, listen. No one wants to hear a charging story. Yeah, no, right. But you had a good time. Great time out there. I did go to a party. Do you tell him?
Starting point is 00:49:03 Kind of a party with the guy who used to date one of the twins from, Olsen twins, but he was also the brother of a French. He's the old French man. Docky, Sardousky. You went to his party. How did you get invited to that? Well, I went to a place where the party was at. I was in the same restaurant where his party was at.
Starting point is 00:49:25 So I wasn't there, but wait. So it was kind of a whole deal. And when, for me imagining you walking into his house out of a movie, to now you happen to wander into a private dining room at a restaurant that you were paying for. Yeah, but it's like on a dock. It's called, yeah, but he drives up in a yacht. Y'all pull up and then he like has his food and
Starting point is 00:49:48 Just walks down the dark gets in the boat and just drives it off himself. He was driving it So I mean, it's just like right out of like a movie. Just kind of lives the life You think he would live being the French prime minister's brother or whatever he is We were having dinner with our friends a couple who, who've been married as long as us. And there's this huge yacht. It's like a famous yacht here. And we saw the guy all dressed up like below deck with the owner who is a dapper gentleman
Starting point is 00:50:16 who's very old and he's in a wheelchair. And but my friend and I were like, there's our next husband, like who's gonna get him, right? So he goes to really buy. And I take my friend shirt, I like pull it down and she, and as he's just going by, like give her some cleavage. And she's like, I love your boat, and he goes, well, I love you.
Starting point is 00:50:37 And he just keeps going by. I don't like, well, there you go. There you go, if I do imagine, like that's what you do. Just to get on a boat, the boat gets old after a while. And so, it you go. There you go. I'm gonna imagine like that's that's what you doing just to get on a boat The boat gets old after a while and sorry just as old as this penis like it gets old. Yeah, yeah, but That's pretty great. So you had a great time great time. Yes fancy fancy people out there Finally, we're living the lives that we were supposed meant to be well. Yeah, kind of I'm pretty happy I know I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:51:05 I have this for a few weeks, so I'm like saving every moment. Yeah. No, we're having a lot of fun. We went out, we've been on the boat, we had dinner with Shannon Bedore, went to our house, she made the best barber kid ribs I've ever had. Wow. Just having fun. Like, this is like very, very fun.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Went to Ireland. That's right. I saw, yeah. Can you talk about that or no? Yeah, I mean, I can't say what happened in my episode, but I did name that tune. Name that tune. But I don't feel like you'd be good at name that tune.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Do you know, like, not me singing in a bad way? It's not a critical thing to say. Like, I mean, that's the thing while I was nervous about it, because I'm like, I feel like I know songs that I can sing it, but the last thing I know is the title or who wrote it. You don't have to know the artist, but you do have to know the title. And what era did you sing?
Starting point is 00:51:57 You could say the title, but if you say too much, you know, too long of a thing, instead of just saying yesterday, if you said, I loved you tell yesterday They'd be like that's wrong right so yeah, it's like a half hour show Okay, yeah, and we played for charity and so yeah went to Ireland and Playing for charity. Yeah, you don't have to tell me the real answer But I watch this sometimes I watch celebrity family feud Steve Harvey. Yes, and
Starting point is 00:52:24 I see some of the celebrity families on there but I watch it sometimes I watch celebrity family feud, Steve Harvey. Yes. And I see some of the celebrity families on there. I'd love to do celebrity family feud. You should definitely do it. I'm putting it out there, listen, I would, we would be good. I would have you guys have like me on and just say, because I noticed some,
Starting point is 00:52:37 no we should do it as juicy scoop celebrity. We should, they should do pod, top podcast, right like against each other. So it should be like juicy scoop against like Jeff Lewis's group. Or like your mom's house or whatever. Cause that should get further down the panel. You know, it's like, I was watching D Snyder and his family. And it's his wife and then it's his daughter.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And then as you get to the fifth person, it's Steve. Yeah. Looks at the, you know, works at the place. I bet they do that because I'm thinking you'd probably just want to put like the dumbest And then as you get to the fifth person, it's Steve. What's the next one? You know, works at the place where you can do that. Cause I'm thinking you'd probably just want to put like the dumbest person at the end. Yeah. So that you're like so far ahead, it doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:53:12 But the producers probably decide who they want to be number two and choose number five. I think, yeah, they certainly put the dumbest people at the end of the Terry Bradshaw family and the Deesnider family Because they didn't even know how the game worked. They were like wait what Wait, I was a family feud and the one guy's like no like I don't even know what I'm doing Oh my god anyway, my point is they were winning a considerable amount of money did Deesnider family won $25,000
Starting point is 00:53:42 Yes for charity, but I'm like I think Deesnatter family want $25,000 for charity? But I was like, Deesnatter's doing fine, I'm sure, but he's like, I'd like 25 grand. No, no, no. You definitely, they give to charity, but at least in the times that I've played with some other shows, they also make it worth your while, whether you win the money for the charity or not. Okay. So you get a little bit, no matter what for yourself, and your charity will get a little bit,
Starting point is 00:54:08 even if you don't win. But then you really have the ability to like really, like make a lot of money for the charity, if you're a star. Okay, yeah, so that's how it works. Yeah, I think in all those things, apprentice, whatever those shows were. Cause I always see for charity,
Starting point is 00:54:24 and then I'll like, well well some of these people are charity You know in some cases like hot bridges playing for charity is like I'm the charity But like when you do your paperwork you have to give you can't switch the charity You have to give the charity well in advance. They do all like the proper paperwork So it's because they're going to pay the charity so can't like because at one time when we were when we were at a name that tune we were in the green room and someone's like what's your charity? I go oh it's the Heather McDoll Foundation. It's giving plastic surgery to middle age women. I said do you mad? Do you have some celebrity just had their own foundation? They go yeah we've had that. I'm sure. Yeah. I'm like really? Okay. No. It wasn't the Heather McDoll Foundation.
Starting point is 00:55:04 It wasn't Heather for Heather's either. It was a real charity which was my charity is Hill sides which helps kids that have never been I mean just a lot of things But easy to explain it is like if the kids never been adopted out of foster care and now they're a young adult Okay giving them the tools to be successful adults without having a family Yeah, good one and Dr. Drew and Susan introduced me to it. Okay. So that was the same one that I did for Guy's grocery. So like, I feel good.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Like, I feel like I know about it. I feel like it's a good thing. It's been around for like a hundred years. Okay. So not some like weird thing that's going to come back to bite me in the ass. Yeah. Some priests are involved. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I know. I know we were coming up with it. We were like, okay, let's make sure. Oh, no. Yeah. I know. I know we were coming up with it. We were like, OK, let's make sure there's no shady business. OK. Yeah, but Ireland is so fun. I mean, it's not so fun.
Starting point is 00:55:54 I was only there for a few days. I'm just saying, it's very clean. It's very nice. I was in Dublin. I walked around. If I got lost, people were very helpful. You know, they were like, glorious, glorious. This is grand brilliant.
Starting point is 00:56:07 And I go, why you guys feel me here? And I'm like, is this the new Atlanta? What's happening? Why are we in Ireland? Because when I first got asked to do it, I thought I was doing like an Irish version of it. And they said no, like during COVID, they were in another country, and then they ended up here. And it's just, they're so wonderful to work with that it's just worked out.
Starting point is 00:56:27 The end up production company that they paired up with and everything it's like. Those are your people you're back to your motherland yeah so I hope I get to do more stuff because if I had a little more time and if we didn't have this plan for the summer. Like about known three months ago then maybe I would have brought the boys in Peter and we would have like gone to a couple other places. Because it is a far away to go. Yeah. I thought about bringing Drake as my companion because he's always wanted to golf there. But I wasn't willing, they weren't offering a companion ticket and I was not willing to suffer with what a dick he would be if I put a six four person that doesn't travel a lot
Starting point is 00:57:02 in coach for 11 hours. Yeah. So I was like, it's all right, I'll just try to go by myself. Okay, good. I flew with everybody. We had a whole thing going to New York. Listen, I think five hours is a lot.
Starting point is 00:57:16 So for me, 11 hours, I was getting a little stressed, getting ready to go, because I was like, oh my God, even though it's so nice and it's like lay down and food, and I always eat everything they give me in first class, every, and I'm like, Heather, God, even though it's so nice and it's like lay down and food and I always eat everything they give me in first class. Every, and I'm like, Heather, you're not even fucking hungry, you don't need a cheese plate. I know, but I'm like, but it's here, it's three, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:32 Did you do it because you're bored? You're doing it because you're bored. And you open every stupid little packet in the other, what are these olives? This is like four out. Oh, I'll eat every single one. Everything, the mint, the every thing in that box. I know, I utilize it, I brush my teeth,
Starting point is 00:57:47 I put a hand lotion. I'm not in first class, I'm back in coach, but there's a new thing, American Airlines has something where it's like, all the seats are, have you been on that plane? No. They're not first class, but they're bigger, all the seats are bigger.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Well, that's nice. Because I feel like it's hard, if you're a big person, I because I feel like it's hard if you're a big person. I don't know how big. And if you're a tall person, you kind of fucked if you could have to be in some tiny seat. Sometimes I see people walking past me, walking past me because, and I'm like, this note, that guy is going to be miserable for five hours. Yeah. Well, I wasn't at a good time. I ran into Teddy Melling Camp real house vice- vice- vice- vice- How was she doing? I heard she was getting some people or she was on a red carpet recently Oh, yes, I had some cellulite and some people were discussing it and she said that's who I am
Starting point is 00:58:37 So that's who I am and my dress looks like dancing with the stars And you know what I'll save it when you hire me and did she? Oh, she I think she would, would want to do it. She likes doing this. She's very, she's very competitive. Right. Oh, good. Which I was like, all right, okay, get over yourself. Like she's no, she's very competitive. So she was really fun.
Starting point is 00:58:54 And then Cynthia Bailey from Atlanta was there. And we all ate and had fun. No, doing the thing in Ireland. I didn't know any, and then all of a sudden, I'm seeing from other people going, Ross is also there. Matthews? Yes, like all out. I'm like, oh my god, we couldn't, we couldn't just go to Hollywood Center Studios. I know. Everybody lives three blocks of each other. Like really, really Gavin, you make it so hard we can't just film the show here, make some
Starting point is 00:59:18 more sense for us all to go to Ireland. But anyway, it, it was fun. Like, you know, and then came back and I'm okay, like with the jet lag and stuff I've recovered, it's fine. Oh, that's exciting. So, anyway, hopefully I'll let you know in that air and that was a good time. And then, but I saw some shitty movies on the plane. I watched some TV shows. I watched Mary Me.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Oh, so did I. Through a seat. I don't know how people else said you're still watching something. And then you start watching somebody else's. I know. Yes. Somebody was watching Mary me and also I'm not hearing it. No sound. I was kind of into it.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I'm like, oh, this is. That is with that was with JLo. And Owen Wilson, who then I looked it up and he had to replace Army Hammer because Army Hammer was eating, was asking to eat people's ribs. So can I just say, worst casting choice ever, if it was Army Hammer prior to him being a creep, like if he just got, I would have been probably really kind of enjoying that movie because I think they could have had some good chemistry. I love watching J-Lo, she's gorgeous.
Starting point is 01:00:28 But Owen Wilson looks like Ellen. Okay? And he said, like, this long blonde hair. And the nose has always been fucked up. And because I'm no stranger to Botox and injections, the whole time I just wanted to take a fucking needle and fill in the divot in his nose and just like make it, I have to plastic surgeon that once I go, it must be hard to just like go out in the world and see people's faces that you know you can like fix like that. I go, do you imagine and he's like all the time. All the time I just
Starting point is 01:00:58 imagine like lifting this and filling that. Anyway, he's like, he's like a math teacher. this and feeling that anyway, he's like, he's like a math teacher. Yeah. It was just so bad. It could have been good. She must have been so buffed. Do you imagine like you see you're doing me with Army Hammer and then your agent like that Betty Medita's or whatever her Medina like is like, Hey, um, she's like, yeah, I'm ready to like, you know, get on with Army Hammer.
Starting point is 01:01:20 And yeah, um, yeah, he's been DMing girls asking to eat their ribs and but great news. We got Owen Wilson. But when you say eat their ribs, not ribs that they've cooked to like not the Shannon Bedore ribs. No, not not like I'm a great I'm a great department doing ribs. You should have them. Oh, I would love that he's talking about actually their ribs. Yes, I mean, I was super involved in the Army Hammer, Cannibalism Stories, and the DM, and being like very 50 shades of gray and all these girls, and I've listened to interviews with the actual girls, and the Gloria All Reds involved,
Starting point is 01:01:55 and there's a documentary coming out all about it that features his aunt who I also interviewed, and but it's like, and he was you know he was doing weird stuff he was in Joshua Tree and he was like doing construction and building a like a redoing like an old motel out there and now he's in the Cayman Islands where his ex-wife and parents live and kids and TMZ said Army Hammer is selling time share. And then there was this flyer that said, regards Army, this is my extension, I'm your host.
Starting point is 01:02:32 And the photo is just him like smiling, looks like a passport photo. I was like, this can't be true. The flyer I said it couldn't be true. Then the TMZ, I'm like, is that just a look alike? So what have you read? I read the company that that flyers from said, this is not real.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Somebody just used the likeness or to fake flyer. Okay. And that was before I saw this picture where he's standing behind like a desk seemingly. But I don't even, that could be a look alike too. Or, you know, some. Here's the thing. I mean, listen, he's got, he's got a couple of bucks.
Starting point is 01:03:03 It's not like he needs to be taking his second job He didn't get didn't take his money away. It took some rolls away, but Here's the thing though the dad his dad is also a freak and I remember in all my research and all the DMs and everything I got that like people had had conversations with the dad and he was kind of a dick about army's career Yeah, and and you know, he inherited too. It comes to the grandpa or the great grandpa. So his own, no, it comes to the great grandpa. The real money comes from his great grandma, grandpa.
Starting point is 01:03:36 So his dad was like a trust fund kid, kind of. And he's a bad person too. And in my opinion, from everything I've read, don't come after me, whatever. So, if he's in the Cayman Islands and he was known to do construction, I don't know. I could see him doing construction versus talking to people one on one.
Starting point is 01:03:58 I don't believe the time share thing. Well, I think that's so weird that you would be like seeing, like trying to convince two 35 Worlds to for like you know for only $400 a month You can you know guarantee yourself a vacation to free breakfast or offering a free breakfast They never leave you alone. I mean if someone was actually bought a condo from army They would have already been on 12 podcasts right so I say I think you're right
Starting point is 01:04:23 I think it's bullshit, but I think it was a fun story to have over the holiday. Yeah. It is. And, you know, and Owen Wilson's no prize either. But I was just gonna say this. Yeah. To not to ruin yours,
Starting point is 01:04:36 but I believe Owen Wilson is the biggest star of the Nomey Hammer. Am I wrong in saying that? Like I feel like the first choice should have been Owen Wilson in that movie. I know the chemistry is not right, but Owen Wilson is a bigger star than army camera. I feel like Owen Wilson was really fun to watch like 15, 20 years ago. Right. Because with the voice and he's kind of that stoner guy. Now like being like the 50 year old dad, at least in this role. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:02 There was just nothing to it. Right. I mean the movie is like he's a single dad he's divorced and he teaches math and his daughter hates him. Oh I saw the trailer. I know what it's about. He's got to go to the concert with Sarah Silverman who broke up with her girlfriend because of of course we gotta have, you know, gotta have a gay character. Yeah. Yeah. Which she shows up in things. I'm always like, is she gonna be the real sour, so much?
Starting point is 01:05:30 She's gonna be the sour, so much that does that voice. You know, she kind of did the voice. Like, hey guys. Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah, she was doing that. She was doing that voice, I know, and it's like that. So they're best friends, because everyone hangs out with their best friend
Starting point is 01:05:45 from the school that they work with. And she goes, come to the concert with me. He goes to the concert with his still tie on from because he teaches the math to Catalan or whatever. And then her boyfriend, who's 20 years younger than her, fiance, they find out he's been cheating with her assistant. That's the answer.
Starting point is 01:06:02 So she's like, marry me anyway. And then like does a whole PR thing. And and he's like, I don't know how to do it. And then one night they bone and still no chemistry. I feel like you really have a beef with Owen Wilson. Is it just the nose that's given you an issue? Because he's had he's been in real life. In real life, it's he appears to be not a great father.
Starting point is 01:06:24 He's been in some good movies. What? Oh, it's he appears to be not a great father. He's been in some good movies What oh my god, I mean, we'll say it oil tenon bombs bottle rocket Yeah, exactly a long time ago. I they're all they're all on time ago the one with where he behind enemy lines I'll keep going what else not at the museum. Well, all right. That's not the best one No, you're not at the museum. Not at the museum. Well, all right, that's not the best one. No, you can't just tell you what. Not at the museum really quick though. I was telling Shanna's this the other day. I go, you know, there are all these things that like,
Starting point is 01:06:53 I didn't, I tried to do as a parent, but then I'd kind of like half-ass it. And one was Boy Scouts for Brandon. And so they were gonna do night at the museum after that movie came out. They were actually going to go to the natural museum of arts and sciences in downtown LA. And we get to sleep under the dinosaur bones or whatever. So I bring McKinsey, Brandon, and Drake bought the four tickets and we're driving down there. Peter is less like, no, like he's just like, I'm not going, okay, I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 01:07:29 But I'm always like, oh my God, I was just on the road for two weeks, like let me be that mom, right? So I go, you know what you guys? Let's get all the sleeping bags and stuff out right now. We'll leave it in the car, and then when we're ready to go to bed after we have the pizza and look at the dinosaurs and you guys play your scavenger hunt thing,
Starting point is 01:07:48 then we'll get it and we'll sleep here. I'm just like, oh my God. I can't get my kids in a way where I'm like, you know what would be, would you guys just rather get ice here and then just go home and sleep in our own beds. And they're like, okay. Thank God. I heard from people. Imagine, you know, the moms didn't go. Yeah. We guess the dads are supposed to go, but Peter's like fuck that, right? Right. It is. They said, oh my God, Heather. It was the worst experience. It was a hundred slightly overweight, middle-aged, snoring dads in an echoey museum through the die. Can you imagine just like a symphony? There was no way to escape it. Literally no one could sleep, including the kids. They said it was the worst night of their life. Even the dinosaurs are like, what the fuck? Oh, like that sounds awful. Were you like a scout leader? Never a scout leader. I never even, we were supposed to go camping
Starting point is 01:09:00 and like, you know, near Santa Barbara and my other friend, she's a single mom, and her Ted blew away. She said it all up, she didn't know you're supposed to like put it down on the things. And then we just laughed, we didn't say the night. And like I was just, yeah. I think my mom one time tried to be the Cub Scout leader and we did, and she used my father's New York Times
Starting point is 01:09:22 to paper her shade, some shit. And we ended that. Where's that New York Times to paper mache some shit and We would that ended that like where's that New York Times? I was saving Oh for the coupons or something and we shredded it up to make like a From a shame. Remember paper. She was all the rage. Yeah, the paper Anyway, I'm glad that uh, you know that That's over so you so marry me uh... thumbs up or thumbs down thumbs down the only thing that's worse than that movie is the uh... Gucci movie house a Gucci the worst
Starting point is 01:09:53 i got a hated at something great but i didn't have to do something with the juice was nothing there was absolutely no juice yeah to brothers they got the other one involved she liked nice things he cheated on her and then she hired someone to have him killed And we see none of her defense We see none of like her trying to make excuse it wasn't her. They're like the next thing was she was sentenced. I'm like Yeah, what I felt it was it's a good movie to fall asleep if listen if you're on a long flight go watch it
Starting point is 01:10:21 It might fall asleep. It was so bad. I liked it. I watched the Jennifer Aniston and Reese We're the Spoon that one with an apple. Yeah, on apple. I like that. Yeah. Was it real good?
Starting point is 01:10:33 Did you watch it? No. It's good. No, I know. I know I would like it. It's basically the Matt Lauer story more or less. I feel like we have apple, but I don't know my passcode, so I don't know how to watch it.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Well, I watch it. I don't Well, I watch it on a plane. And then the one with the, about the WeWork guy with, but the scripted one with, and the way. Yes, did you like that? Yes, that's good too. Jared Leto, also very good. Okay, I watched one episode and then I never went back to it. I watched two episodes, and I'm into it. Well, Johnny Depp has a not-so-hidden message to Amber,
Starting point is 01:11:08 according to TMZ, he has new songs with Jeff Beck and some of the lines in the songs are, I think you've said enough for one mother fucking night. I think he's talking about her. And let's see, one of the tracks is penned. So is penned. Sad mother fucking parade. And in one line, things, you're sitting there
Starting point is 01:11:28 like a dog with a seven year old, oh wait, I think I missed the quote here. Anyway, he's just talking about dogs and turds and stuff. It doesn't be the worst thing I've ever heard. Has done if she makes us listen to Johnny Depp songs. Like, nobody wants to really listen to Johnny Depp music. You know, well, he's going on tour. I we out with he's been on tour.
Starting point is 01:11:51 He Hollywood vampires with, you know, him and Alice Cooper and and Arrows Joe Perry. They've been on tour forever. Well, the latest on that is she's trying to say one year they're trying to like throw out the case. She's fighting against it. We don't know if she's trying to say, one year, they're trying to like throw out the case. She's fighting against it. We don't know if she's gonna have to pay whatever. I stopped at the TJ Maxx that she was spotted at.
Starting point is 01:12:12 Which one was that? It's in Bridge Hampton, Long Island. And did they have good stuff? What did you get? Well, did you stop there on the wheel like first sweatshirt or something on the way out? I'd be cooler than I thought it will be. You know, evening.
Starting point is 01:12:26 So it's like your last stop before you get into your, you were recently in the Berkshires. Yes I was. And you know there's right now, there's on peacock. It's the real housewives ultimate girls trip. And it's all former ex housewives that are no longer on the show. They've all been let go.
Starting point is 01:12:47 And they all go to Dorenda's place in the Berkshires. Yeah. And she's a real nightmare. She is over there. She is. Dorenda. Yeah. She's one of those, ever stay at someone's house, someone's house, where you're so happy to be there.
Starting point is 01:12:58 You're so honored to be at gas, but then there's so many rules that you're like, I just want to go and do it. I know it's shocking to me that you still do it sometimes, and I mean, it's our night, but I can't have somebody like a whole I need to, you know, to get it up in the middle and I'd go to the bathroom and I don't, I just can't. What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:13:15 I don't need to ask for an apple. You know, if I want an apple, I'll get a hotel and I'll eat an apple if I want to. I know, I think, I think it, well, in this case, it was really hard because she said, there's here's some roles, here's some roles, so I should talk. And she's drunk from all day, the stirinda. And she goes, and she's like, you know, so proud about what a great host she is. So she gives everybody a gift box on their bed with like monogram pajamas, a copy of her book, make it nice, which by the way that has no juice in it either. And like maybe a coffee mug. And then these four cupcakes with
Starting point is 01:13:54 their faces on it. So then the girls, even though there's a sign that says you're not supposed to eat in the room, a couple then after drinking all day, go over to the cupcakes at Nacktimes. And she's like, to Tamara, she goes, you know what, girls, I don't know where you grew up. I don't know, but this is a beautiful house. It was built in 1902. You know, maybe you had the class to realize that there's rules. If you eat up at stairs, there's not got a rap problem.
Starting point is 01:14:21 In terms of like, okay, I'm sorry, we didn't know, but like the butler also brought us frozen yogurt. And she's like, it doesn't matter what the butler did. I told you what the rules were, girls. I told you what to do. And you still proceeded to break it, because I don't know where you were raised. I don't know if we were in a trailer park. Or, I mean, it was, so it's pretty juicy.
Starting point is 01:14:43 And then Vicki is like, you know, she lives in the OC. So she's like, you know what? I thought it was kind of old. I thought it was kind of, it's not my topic and it's like, you know what? You like to get your body dirty. You like to date old guys that lie about cancer that leave you for young girls.
Starting point is 01:15:00 You'd like to stand on a table and dance in a port of our, yeah, you know what, you don't know what class is mean watching it so drunk anyway thought about you know the one woman said the breaches are old bicky said it feels the house is old so the nice house not my vibe that was very old you stayed at the red line in that is where to rind up on a first job and they go there for dinner was it good? Yeah, I mean it's it's literally from 1914 or and it's they haven't changed the thing like I stayed in a room that looked like it was 1940 I think people live there it does like old people walking up and down the
Starting point is 01:15:37 always with walkers and stuff I think they live there so it isn't a fun vibe. No, not at all. It is like a sad. So Vicki is right. Yeah, Vicki is 100% right. Yeah, that's when you were first mentioning, I'm like, is anybody gonna mention that the breakfast is a fucking old weird town? I'm sure that's a nice area. I went in it.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Well, because the other girls got to go to Turks and Kekos. So these girls were a little bit bummed to spend eight days under the reign of Dorinda. Yeah. And she's pretty mean. And so, isn't there also like eight franchise of restaurants called the Red Lion Inn? No.
Starting point is 01:16:16 Well, the Red Lion? There's a Red Lion, I think. What is a Red Lion? It's like a burger joint, right? I think so. Can you look up the Red Lion restaurants in California? Tell me. There's a Red Lion pub like down my daughter's stadium. I think you. Can you look up the red line restaurants in California? Tell us a red line public down by Dodger Stadium. I think you might think of that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:28 Anyway, yeah, not great. Anyway, it's a juicies show. Red line tab. Okay. That's the one down by Dodger Stadium. Good. Oh, listen, have you heard about what's going on with Brad Pitt? No, that he's wanting bucket hats. Can you tell me what is the disease that Brad Pitt has? Can you look it up? He sees people's faces. But he doesn't remember them. He doesn't remember them.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Yes, he says he has any people laughing at him, but he says it's a real disease if you get the name of it. But yeah, hell, so basically, it's him basically saying. That's why I'm kind of rude. Yeah, I might be, and he said a lot of people think I'm a prick. And he also said, I want to face blindness. And he also wants to find somebody that also has the face blindness thing,
Starting point is 01:17:13 like to date, I guess. So then I guess that's like a 51st date situation. Nobody remembers each other. I don't know. But I would think that would be the last person you'd want to be with, because you kind of need someone to be with you. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:25 To be like, Brad, that is my sister-in-law. Oh, okay, right, right, right. Yeah. You don't need another person that doesn't remember faces. I think I have pretty good face. I have nameblindness. I'm not good at, yeah, I don't remember names as well. But I think I'm good at faces.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I'm enjoying this era that we're in of late in life diagnosis is to get you out of shit. Yeah, I'm late life diagnosed Peter about four years ago. It's really helped our marriage. What is he have? I think he's just on the spectrum in general. I'm not qualified to clinically say what part of the spectrum it is, but I think it's the spectrum. Yeah, a lot of people have late in life discovered the spectrum because we didn't have it when I was down. No, but then, but if you can diagnose your spouse, is that then you can say,
Starting point is 01:18:13 oh, that's why he's can be insensitive. Yeah. Or that's why he doesn't think to do something considerate. He doesn't talk at all. Yeah, that's why he doesn't, you know, want to talk long to me, or that's why he says weird inappropriate things to other people. That's a good, drunk at a party because it makes him more social because he's on the spectrum. And then you're like, now?
Starting point is 01:18:32 Now? So then you have all the excuses just like if it was your child, you would love them just the same, right? But when you late in life diagnosed your partner, then you're like, all right, let's just stay married forever because I can't leave you now.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Yeah. Now that I know that you're a little... I feel it started with restless legs syndrome. What? That we're like, is this really... Is that why you like... That became a big deal. Is that just a shaking leg?
Starting point is 01:18:57 As far as I know, I mean, I see commercials for it where we got restless legs syndrome. I know it's probably most serious than that, but to me, it's not like that. There's a reality story on Southern Charm Shep, and I interviewed him, and he's always doing the shaking leg, and people think, what's he on? And I'm like, why is he on in the middle of the day,
Starting point is 01:19:14 and he was doing it? But in every interview, he just has it. Now, I don't know if that's restless leg syndrome or you're nervous, or it's just a comforting thing for you to do with your body body while you're just sitting there. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, I have noticed that a lot too.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Well, I tried to tell the world that I remember being diagnosed with a phonics problem and that's why I fuck up so many names and everybody just came back and was like, shut up, try harder, you dumb bitch. Yeah, those are different times. Now you'd be, you'd be a hero, you'd be writing. And why did you fix her? Tell her she said the word wrong.
Starting point is 01:19:57 Like, fuck, I'm sorry. You know what? Now that you're out, like you're this like your summer to be out, you going to restaurants and stuff. What do you notice? You know what, now that you're out, this is like your summer to be out. You're going to restaurants and stuff. What are you noticing out on the social scene? I was out for the last nine days in Montauk, out every night at restaurants and places.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Yeah. And what are you noticing in noticing? Older people, younger people. What are you noticing? It sounds like you've got something to say, and then let me piggyback a little bit. Well, I noticed a lot of face timing. Everybody is face timing for a long amounts of time,
Starting point is 01:20:28 which I was getting real annoyed by in mom time. I hate when someone face time's name. I know, so do it. You know why? Because I don't have the arm strength. I don't like to go like that. That's why. I need people are on for, so they're just both doing,
Starting point is 01:20:44 going about their lives. But you have the phones on the table. How old are the people FaceTime at all the time? Are they like 30? Younger than 30? Yeah. Yeah. Annie, are you a big FaceTimeer with your friends?
Starting point is 01:20:55 Huge. See? Oh. So now wait a minute. If you're going throughout your daily routines, you just put the phone on the table and you're both doing your thing. So why not just put on speaker phone? Well, it's just what people are doing.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Okay, well I said to Drake, he's going to have a new roommate. Okay, he was like on a waiting list to get into this like place apartments where all people, all the college kids live there from the college, but you do have your own bedroom, okay? Which is nice. So he's been he's joining three other guys. And he said he found one guy and he DMed him, but he I'm like, well, not everyone checks DMs. And I go, why don't you just call him? And he's like, what do you mean, call him? What would I say? And I go, listen, I know it's a pretty aggressive form of communication these days,
Starting point is 01:21:45 but face time. But wouldn't face time be more aggressive? That's what I think. Isn't face time more aggressive than just a call? That's awkward as you can see their face whenever you're on the phone. But what if you're Brad Pitt and you don't recognize it? That's why I brought it up because it reminded me of it. But I was just shocked at how many people were face timing for long amounts
Starting point is 01:22:05 of time. Like it was driving me a bit insane. Oh wow. Okay. Maybe it's a younger person to end talk texting. Everybody's talk texting. And I was sitting next to one guy who was trying to talk text. Yeah. Emissions. Emissions. That's the word he was trying to. And obviously the phone didn't understand emissions and he was Convent a feminine guy and he goes not omissions He just got fed up and he goes play lady Gaga born this way and then just a phone just a blasting. Bones and move a restaurant. Like what? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:47 I feel like I haven't really, really gone out, gone out. Like I looked around, you know, we've talked about this before. Being here, I, you know, there's still a lot of the heavy lashes, which I'm really trying to get people to get away from them. I think what we talked about it. I think I do think I think we did take a chunk out of the industry.
Starting point is 01:23:11 I think I know. And I don't want to hurt people that are doing lash extensions. I just don't want them so thick and ugly. Just a lot of crop tops, I don't know. A lot of crop tops. And I think I need to go out a little bit more I think I've just been it was like such a whirlwind since I've been here like with like set plans I need to like walk around a little and like go I had not gone out to like quiet woman or like a night club situation since I've been here
Starting point is 01:23:39 Okay, but I guess Brandon had a rant the other day when I wasn't here where he was like, what every night you just, what every night you just go to a Jeff Lewis party. And I'm like, Jeff doesn't even live here. I go, I'm not going, and he goes, where are you going tonight? I said, oh, tonight I'm going out to dinner. So I have to go out to dinner with them a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:23:59 But we do fun things. We've gone to the beach, boogie boarded. We've gone out to breakfast. Right. It's fun. Nice. Chris, what's going on? Do you have shows anyone wants to go see?
Starting point is 01:24:10 Coming up in July. Okay. I got some Boston coming back to Laf Boston. That's going to be exciting. That is going to be exciting. A lot of people talking about it. Then I'll come, Long Island, brokerage comedy club, my hometown of Long Island coming back to 28th of July,
Starting point is 01:24:24 brokerage comedy club, and then Laf Boston to 28th and 30th comedy off Broadway Lexington, Kentucky in August 11th, 12th and 13th. Love it. And then so many more coming up. Chris French, oh, I'd also like to announce right now I have a show in New York that I'm doing October 15th, go to Heather McDonald dot. Where in New York? The pall doing October 15th, go to Heather McDonald dot net. Where do you work?
Starting point is 01:24:46 The palladium. The palladium. Yes. Like just announced it. I don't know. I used to go there as a kid like it was a club. Well, it's a place I'm doing a show. Saturday October 15th, get your tickets now and then I'm going to have a couple more dates
Starting point is 01:25:02 that I'm probably going to announce on Thursday's show.. Wow that's exciting. Thank you. It is. All right you want to get a cute lunch by the sea. Let's get a cute oh by the sea. Well sure why now? It keeps getting better. Yeah I'm gonna wait other boys coming. Absolutely not. Yeah because there's been a lot going on here. I got to tell you everybody this experiment that I am now a part of because I don't know if anybody else would put up with what we've been putting up with. Well I do because I know you have to but we've had to cut a few times they've been beating the shit out of each other screaming. Well I mean you know yeah they're boring because there's
Starting point is 01:25:40 nothing to do here. Right. You can't paddle board, you can't go on a scooter, you can't go boogie board, you can't ride your bike. Yeah, so what else would they do, but like touch each other? I'd just be in trouble. And I have them said to stop and scream at them about 10 times. It's amazing. Podcasters, just like us.
Starting point is 01:25:57 They're just like us. They're just like us. Thank you, bye. Hey, you guys, hold on. You gotta stop talking where we're recording. He's recording me. Drake, I'm recording right now. Can you guys hold on you got to stop talking where we're recording. Drake I'm recording right now can you stop wrestling with him shut the door go on the scooters go away.
Starting point is 01:26:21 That is awful. That is awful.

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