Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Harry Styles, Olivia Wilde, Jason Sudeikis, and the Nanny

Episode Date: October 20, 2022

I am on tour! Headed to Lax Vegas, Houston, Dallas, Boston, Philly, and DC! Get tickets at heathermcdonald.net Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis agree that their former nanny sucked. She told Daily Mai...l all the juicy scoop on their marriage, breakup, infidelity, sex life, and their passion for her salad dressing. I’ve heard rumblings of James Corden being a jerk, but it’s been somewhat proven if you’re a waiter at Balthazar. What is worse is that your guy cheated on you with a look-alike or someone different? Ramona Singer shares how Eboni told Bravo HR she was a racist. What is next for Ramona? Then Josh Flagg is here to share the revamp of his hit show Million Dollar Listing LA and his new book “The Deal,” Enjoy! Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juice is scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. Sanctuary, real data and serial system. You'll be addicted and a-ticks it fast to the number one tab on real life hot cat. Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. Okay, let's get into this crazy Juicy story that involves Olivia Wilde, Harry Styles, Jason Sudakus, a disgruntled nanny who's spilling the beans to daily mail, and a delicious salad dressing. Let's get into it. As we know, Olivia Wilde, the director and actress of Don't Worry About It Darling, and
Starting point is 00:00:55 Jason Sudakis from Ted Lasso and formerly SNL, they share two kids. They were never married. They were living as a family. Now, she started to direct Harry Styles in the movie Don't Worry Darling. And then later on, it was revealed that they were a cup that they were a couple. She has always said that there was no affair happening while she was with Jason, that she left Jason, that they she started working on the movie, that she left Jason, and then only after she was with Jason that she left Jason that they she started working on the movie that she left Jason and then only after she was separated from Jason and a single woman did she and Harry Styles who's 10 years her junior she was 38 he was 28 start to have their love affair
Starting point is 00:01:38 I don't think anyone believed this but I guess the nanny is proving that that, of course, was not true. So according to this nanny, which I don't know how she didn't sign an NDA, but she's now done a two-parter with daily mail. So information as I'm doing this is coming, more and more is coming out. But I think we can all agree she was a pretty shitty nanny, and this pretty much sucks, because she's revealing everything from fights that they had and so let's let me just start from the beginning. So the nanny saying that she went to go work on the movie, Jason had no idea that they were in any kind of relationship problems at all and that in
Starting point is 00:02:23 fact at that time according to the nanny, they were talking about actually getting married and making it official and for their younger daughter to be a flower girl and all of this. She gets the movie, she goes off start to film the movie. According to the nanny, she starts living at a hotel near set and not coming home because she tells Jason there was a covid situation so i have to stay at this hotel Jason thinks everything's fine and then he's like oh my god she came home and like basically just left me is as leaving me and he was so distraught that he like ran out to try to stop her and he laid his body in front of her car and
Starting point is 00:03:12 So that she wouldn't leave and it was dramatic and then a light you know fight and everything and the nanny's watching it all and He's revoked you know has these text messages to the nanny where he's so confused and he writes the nanny She left me and she took the salad and a salad dressing that she normally makes for our family and she's taking her famous salad dressing to bring it to Harry and That is what is just kind of crazy. So Someone found the salad dressing in some interview that she did once she said oh, I make this salad dressing from The book that Nora Ephron wrote about Who's the famous woman that's a chef. Anyway, let me tell you what it is. It's just Dijon Mustard, an expensive red vinegar, and olive oil, whisked up, like you whisked
Starting point is 00:04:01 up really fast. Anyway, her little kids love this salad dressing. Jason loved it. And it just really was like her signature thing was this salad dressing. And the fact that she left with the salad and the salad dressing kind of makes a sad thing sort of funny.
Starting point is 00:04:20 But the whole thing is that this nanny is just going off to talk about it. So now the two of them who are now co-parenting, now let's just talk about some other drama that's gone on with Olivia Wilde in this situation. She got a lot of trouble recently proving that she wasn't telling the truth about Shia La Booth. Remember Shia Booth, I'm just going to calm Shia. Can I just do Shia? Okay, Shia. He's had issues, right? I've talked about this in Shia before. So Harry Styles replaced Shia, but before
Starting point is 00:04:53 she got Harry, she really wanted Shia for the part, and Shia wasn't feeling it, and he pulled out of it. She believed that maybe the female co-star Florence Pugh had something to do with Chaya Levy. But the narrative she told later was, once Chaya got bad, you know, bad publicity kind of came out that he was, wasn't behaving right with women in public and on films. She was like, I stand up for women and I got rid of Shia and hired Harry Styles because we didn't want this problematic person on set. That was sort of the story she put out. Shia then said she's lying. Here is a video of her talking to me saying please consider doing this movie. Please, I think this is going to work.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And this might be showing Miss Florence Pue that this is a little less than her that she can't have it her way. Well, that's very different than what she said. So she just is like, brushed that off the drug, not true, not true. Now there's others, now it's kind of pairing that she was unfaithful and lying about this. So then
Starting point is 00:06:08 Harry starts working on the movie. She's staying at the hotel saying that there's a COVID situation when the nanny is I think alluding that may have not been true. So he's just completely blindsided Jason when she leaves and leaves with the salad dressing. And then she also reveals the nanny that they were sleeping together like after the production started with Harry. So could she have maybe been sleeping with both of them at the same time?
Starting point is 00:06:40 It's all really the most disturbing thing about it is that you hired this woman and she's saying all this stuff and then she goes and then they fired me and I've been a nanny my whole life and I had to I had no place to go so they put me up at some beautiful like four seasons hotel for months and picked up the bill, Jason and Olivia did. So it's, she acts like she, the way she starts to say the story is like, this was my whole career being a nanny, they fired me abruptly, I had no place to go. It doesn't sound like that to me. And so now they have come together and said, we just want to put this,
Starting point is 00:07:22 behind us, put this awful woman, nanny fucking from hell behind us. We have joined forces in the fact that we both probably hate her and feel really gross that she was in our home and revealing fights and intimate moments between us and things that happen in a family, whether you're getting divorced or perfectly happy or not, people aren't always speaking to each other beautifully. And you think that Nanny's watching your kid as fucking taking notes to go to the daily mail. Like, it's awful.
Starting point is 00:07:51 It's like awful. Like, are you kidding me? You know, it's, you know, hey, don't be jealous of the rich that can have Nanny and staff around. When you hear this, you're like, Jesus, maybe it is nice that it's just us in our walls and nobody watching. But you know, they've had their issues. He claims that when Olivia Wilde was served with papers about their Chalkasi situation while
Starting point is 00:08:18 she was on stage doing a speech or doing a panel, he's like, oh, I got, I had no idea she was going to be served that way. I just didn't want her to be served at Harry's house or when my kids were around and But I did not know that the process process server would server at that, you know moment in a public moment I didn't want that so there's their whole situation has been very public very Weird and ugly then we all saw that God is Harry is into her as before at can. I mean it's a big juicy mess and there definitely was weird body language at the film festivals and stuff. I saw the movie. I guess I can talk about it now because
Starting point is 00:08:58 if you didn't see it I'm feel like I'm not spoiling it. Can we talk about it Annie? Can I just spoil it? Okay, so I went to go see the movie. You know how excited I was to see this freaking movie, okay, which was about, you know, I thought, oh my God, this is 1960s date core, men are in suits. They're all wearing beautiful colored, you know, they're in Palm Springs with different colored doors and they're beautiful, you know, post-modern, like, decor of their homes and what is this juicy story about?
Starting point is 00:09:31 And I guess I never took away, I guess we never revealed what it was about. So it was very, I didn't love it all the way through. I did go to a fancy movie theater and I probably had one too many glasses of wine. So I maybe I should watch it over again, but then Annie saw it and she cleared up some things for me and basically there's like a weird secret at the end you know like an M night Shama lot kind of a weird secret at the end and the secret pissed me off because it turned out this wasn't even real life. They were in like a vert like what do you call those things when you put the a virtual reality where you have the white things and you're at least see people like punching stuff in the air.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I guess in this world her. Harry who looks like this I've got the YouTube on here. This is him eating a salad, probably on set, because in the world of the night, so basically what it is, is he was like a loser, okay, in real, in the real world. He was a loser in the real world, and the character of Florence was a successful doctor. So she was coming home after like 36 hour shifts, and he had like greasy hair on a city face face and he was like listening to podcasts all day.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Seriously, that's what it was in playing video games. So somehow he subscribed to some groups, some real special Patreon that taught him how to tie his girlfriend up and like put these things out her eyes and put drops in her eyes so she wouldn't go blind and like open up her mouth So she so she can eat a lorick or maybe just be not dehydrated and then all day long They would have the ability to go play in this virtual world and so her character doesn't know that she's a doctor She thinks she's living in the 1960s. She thinks that her boyfriend Harry Styles is like some cute 1960s executive,
Starting point is 00:11:32 where all she has to do is drink martinis and like make a casserole all day. But then she starts getting like these weird flashbacks and these weird things and you're watching it go, going what the hell is this? This is like a rosemary baby kind of thing like what's happening and then in the end I still don't even know really what happens in the end, but that is the secret the secret is
Starting point is 00:11:56 That she was a successful doctor and he was like a loser gamer and Subscribe to this special patreon that said we, we can go to this virtual world all day and have a beautiful life and you won't have a city face and you'll have a better hat of hair and your wife will be totally hot and like want to fuck you because you'll actually be doing something with your day and we're going to go back 50 years to the 1960s and like have some fun. But it was like the secret came so late in the movie that I didn't enjoy it as much. I would have said reveal the secret earlier and have her somehow figure it out earlier
Starting point is 00:12:36 and then wonder what to do or something. The idea of it was cool, but it just came too late in it And, oh, and then there was this one cool part where the part of Olivia Wilde, she was in it playing a part and they're like in the virtual world and they now, they both know they're in the virtual world and she goes, come back, come out to the real world with me and the girl, the other Olivia Wilde lady is like, I don't wanna go there
Starting point is 00:13:02 because here my children are alive. So it's like, people went to this different virtual world for whatever reason. Like this character may have lost her children and she's like, I just want to go to a place where I can just, you know, live this moment and they're like, okay, there's this weird 1960s world you can go into. So anyway, speaking of another movie I saw in the plane was Elvis and I really liked it. I know it was really long, but I got to sleep in the middle and I loved the beginning. I loved the end and I loved the music.
Starting point is 00:13:31 And Tom Hanks completely transformed himself as this mean guy that like took all his money. And I loved seeing that he was in Vegas and some go to Vegas this weekend. Um, I hope you're coming to see me at the Venetian. But so who knows if they're going to stick together, the Harry Styles and Olivia Wilde, but if anything, she and Jason, you know, hopefully will come together. But I really do think it's really awful that this woman's doing this and I don't, I can't believe they didn't have her sign in NDA. Maybe she was there nanny so long or they didn't think about it and then felt weird about asking her
Starting point is 00:14:10 but I don't think she really revealed that much. I mean I think we knew that There was something going on, but I guess the secret is that we that Jason was so blindsided which makes sense Like I've always said it's so rare That a that a couple that breaks up are on the exact same level. Like either both heartbroken or both like, hey, we're good. You do you boo.
Starting point is 00:14:35 I do mean like it's always one person is way more hurt and then turns into like anger and piss and a little bit of vengefulness, then the other one. And so I think that's what happened with them. So yeah, here he is in the movie so ugly. Okay, so let's talk about another ugly little shit. Let's talk about James Corden. A story came out a couple days ago.
Starting point is 00:15:03 So James Corden, I have heard rumblings about him being a dick a lot and so to me this isn't a shock i think it's a shock to a lot of people because he's so delightful on a show and he's so things and he's dances he's married to a woman but you would totally think you would be happier with the man but he's married to a woman, but you would totally think he would be happier with a man But he's married to a woman and he sings and he's dances
Starting point is 00:15:28 So he's just like a delightful like musical dude. He's jolly He's a little chubby. He has an English accent. What is there not to love? You know carpal carry okay. He sings with everybody from Justin Bieber to Mariah Carey Anyway, I have heard that he can be a dick like to staff to other people. I don't have any specific stories. It's just like sort of like, oh, why am I not surprised to hear this? Anyway, he went to the owner of Balth's star went on the owner's own Instagram or the restaurant's Instagram and revealed the story. Kind of out of nowhere. I honestly don't know why he told it. I don't know if he does this with a lot of his customers. I don't
Starting point is 00:16:16 know where he's hoping to gain. I don't know if he was just like how to, we're something just hit him on that day and he's like, I'm freaking done with this. But he said that James Corden came to the restaurant back in July and was not happy with his service because he ate a whole meal and at the end of the meal he found two hairs. I think that's pretty gross. However, I recently served a meal to my son and he found a hair and I was like, well, sorry, give me a shitty health review. I can see how it can happen. And I'd be pretty grossed out by it. I think it, you know, but I have found a hair in my meal.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And I have not said anything at a restaurant and continued to eat it because I am terrified of someone saying I was awful somewhere. I mean, let me tell you something. I have never not put a shopping cart away. I don't care if it's fucking torrential rain because I know someone's watching me. I know this is a security camera at the Trader Joe's or something and someone's holding onto footage of me not returning a cart just waiting to ruin my life Waiting for me to be a bigger star so that they can ruin my life
Starting point is 00:17:29 So I've also been a waitress and I know it's really stressful. I know it's not a fun job. Alson was really hard to keep a rest for a restaurant to even keep staff and after COVID I feel like we really can't complain like we're just so lucky to be eating in a restaurant at all. But I definitely think, if the hair is in your meal, you gotta say something and be like, there's a, there was, okay, I know I ate the whole thing, but I did just find this hair, so pretty grossed out. And you know, what could we do? Well, he, before giving them a chance,
Starting point is 00:18:02 which I think they would have absolutely took that off and probably something else. Because anytime I haven't been happy with something, the person has come back and been like, we also took off that meal and you know, wanted to bring your dessert or something. He goes, he starts like screaming at the waiter, according to the owner, saying, you know, you better give us a free round of drinks and something else and so of course they're horrified, that's pretty gross. So then he comes back in October and he, um, his wife orders an egg oak omelette, just the yolk, no oak, just the yolk an egg yolk omelette.
Starting point is 00:18:43 I didn't even know this was a thing. Maybe it's kind of special because it sounds pretty like a lot of calories. I mean, you heard of egg white, which is supposed to be better for you. You heard of just an egg omelet. I'm thinking you would need like a lot of yolks to make enough for like a full entree. So that's just okay. But maybe it's super ducking and delicious and you're like, get it with some cheese and she wanted it with a salad and
Starting point is 00:19:07 As she started to eat it He noticed that there was a little bit of white in there and he was furious James And he screamed at the waiter and he's like there's yet there's white in my wife's all yoke omelet You better fix it now. So then it comes back and it comes with home fries instead of the salad. And then he's like, I might as well go in now with his English accent and make it myself and everything. Just really mean to the guy. And at that point,
Starting point is 00:19:42 the meal ends and that is when this, the owner of the restaurant said, I have 86 James Corted from my restaurant. Well, the story goes out, I think, on Monday, people are going crazy. However, I haven't had that much research, but I'm waiting for the TikToks to trickle in of their other awful stories, kind of like what happened with Ellen. Maybe there isn't. He, um, oh, we also in it threatened to like leave a horrible yell preview and like probably like don't you know I could fucking do a monologue on the hair I found. Add Balthazar on my show.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I don't know what he said, but he has sense according to the owner profusely apologized and then the owner said and you can come back whenever you want I I would be pretty embarrassed to come back. I don't think you'll ever come back Maybe he shared this to like get us talking about balthazar again, but I don't think it's a great story because of the hair I don't think anyone cares about the egg white I think no one would care if some egg white got into an all-own-lat and I think most of us are pretty concerned about his wife's heart. Like I would like eating seven egg yolks in like one meal, whatever. But the hair thing's like pretty embarrassing to say, but hey there's human error people have hair. Anyway, I have said this before.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Someone could literally bring me a Chinese chicken salad with like a human shitting it, and I would probably still like tip 20% because I'd be afraid of someone saying like, you and your fucking, but what I do try to order things the best I can. And the thing I do is you gotta ask for your salad finally chopped. Let me tell you, if you don't, it's so disappointing when you get like fucking almost like an entire like carrot or like pepper strings this long
Starting point is 00:21:42 and you're like sweating, cutting it up. So what I like to say, as I always say, can you please finally chop it? Like eat really, really finally chop it. And just make that very clear. And it is annoying when it comes in. It's still not finally chopped. I'm like, oh god, if I ask again, and someone's going to, you know, do a tick-tock about me, want a bitch out? But listen, everyone making a salad, if you just gonna, you know, do a tick talk about me, want a bitch I have, but listen, everyone making a salad, if you just finally chop her salad, and if, I've talked about
Starting point is 00:22:11 this before, and if you can get chicken from like a roasted chicken, your salad will be so much fucking better than a dry breast and something unshopped. That's my suggestion. But those are the things I do ask for. I breast and something unshopped. That's my suggestion. But those are the things I do ask for. And I always ask for a lemon wedge when I order fish. Can I have a couple extra wedges of lemon?
Starting point is 00:22:33 Anyway, he's leaving the show, so who cares? Okay, this was weird. I saw this TikTok. That's someone sent me, and it's going viral. It's like over 250,000 views or likes so far, which probably means it has a million views. But it's this suck and it's this girl. You see this blonde girl about with this cute guy and how much she loved him and it's like words writing on it with a song. And they're on vacation and they're like in a pool and then another
Starting point is 00:23:12 time it's her at a restaurant like stopped and looking really beautiful and I'm watching it. And it's just I'm like, did this girl get a new hairstyle? Oh, she's a little more clanned up here. Oh, and this is her more natural. It took me like four times to realize what this TikTok was about. And that's what's so funny about it. It's all the comments. But basically, he was cheating on her with three other white women.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I'm white blonde women. That all look the same they all had a photo right here i mean they look so familiar i want to say this one on the end looks a little younger than the others but they're probably all within ten years of each other they're all blonde they're all blue-eyed um... they all like to drink because they got together and had lunch after and made this tiktok
Starting point is 00:24:03 and then i guess they all but what one one thing I thought was interesting is they would have to have given their phone to their boyfriend and been like, can you just film me? Like, I'm so beautiful at this restaurant. I mean, I'm gonna do that with Peter next time we're out. I'm gonna be like, just film me like, you can't get enough of me like, stop it. Stop, I'm just trying to order.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You know, and so then, a lot of you cheats with like a bunch of other brunette comedian women, then, I'll know I wasn't special, but, um, anyway, it was pretty funny, but, because sometimes guys have a type. I always wonder that, is it easier to find out that you're, I cheated on a woman
Starting point is 00:24:43 that is very similar to you, look-wise, age-wise, intelligent-wise, or you don't want them to be similar, you want them to be superior, like, okay, well I can't compete with a victorious secret model or I can't compete with this woman who's so wealthy and also is a fitness model and also is a trust fund person or I can't compete with this girl who's 20 years younger than me and wants to bone every second. Like, that's what, or, oh, I can't compete
Starting point is 00:25:15 because she cheated on me with a guy. I was thinking, now I used to think that was the worst. That's the one I think is the easiest. It's just to be like, he's gay. It's clearly wasn't me. I can't compete with a dick, like please. So I kind of wonder that, what do you think tell me? I'm sure you're like, how they're cheating sex no matter what.
Starting point is 00:25:36 But I don't know. Or like, what if the person is like, I mean, I had one friend and her husband to eat an honor and married the woman. My friend was so much prettier and more put together. Like kind of just like an average like, like frizzy hair, kind of like frumpy, like definitely not like glam-ish at all. I don't know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I don't know if it shouldn't matter about looks, but just like the level of woman, what does it matter? But it's great if you can all get together, be friends, laugh about it, compare notes, and do a viral TikTok. I wonder if like now the one girl that posted it are the three others jealous, like, well, shit.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Like why do you get all the views? I could that posted it, oh the three others, jealous, like, well shit. Like, why do you get all the views? I could have posted it. It was my idea to go to the restaurant and put all the footage together just because you were more familiar with TikTok. Now, like, no, I don't wanna be your friend anymore. Okay, let's talk about Meghan Markle. I just wanna say, you guys,
Starting point is 00:26:43 I've been a little critical of Megan Markle lately, but can I please remind you what a pro Megan Markle person I was? Do you not remember that? I think the listeners of the show remember that. I thought I had so much to come in with her being that we were both Catholic, went to Catholic Old Girl High schools. We were both in, unlike kind of really average cable shows and she married a prince.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I she had a weird sister, she you know that she was a strange from that was trying to like be annoying during her wedding. I predicted what kind of drush she would wear. That was my first prediction that came true with evidence. And I was all for it and I was all like, oh my God, what are people like her when she's getting married. Then with the Oprah interview, I, I didn't really like the attitude and that, you know, boohoo, I, we don't have security. And we had to, what do you call it, surf, surf ride, couch ride, what couch we had to couch surf. You know, I just didn't, I just kind of thought
Starting point is 00:27:46 that the Oprah Winfrey interview, I had mixed feelings. I was shocked to when she said, you know, the awful comments about what she endured and her mental health. And, but then when I looked more into it, I'm like, all right, that kind of makes sense. If you're not going to stay in America, stay in England and do your duties.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Why should you have security follow you to other countries and all this other stuff? So that part I kind of understood and then it was boohoo. We didn't have any money for a while. We had to couch surf at Tyler Perry's, Manchins throughout Santa Barbara. But now obviously they're doing fine. They're doing fine. It all worked out. I think a hundred million dollar deal from Netflix,
Starting point is 00:28:36 and then another hundred million dollar from Spotify to create content. And I was a little bit like, I didn't know that Prince Henry was like, a big creator of content. And I didn't know that he had a bunch of sitcom or movie ideas or anything that would constitute $100 million of stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:59 So maybe if I lost a little bit of my love and worship for her, it's probably a little bit of jealousy Because I don't live in Santa Barbara, and I don't have a hundred million Spotify deal even though I've been doing this podcast for a little really long time And also when I saw this one speech that she did and it was so unoriginal and she uses a lot of the same words a lot she's always like we want to have people use their voices and
Starting point is 00:29:26 their voices. And it's a different voice. It's a voice we need to hear. It's voices. She also uses the word archetype a lot in her podcast apparently, but that is the name of the podcast. So I think that's cute to think, stick to a theme. So she said here that she doesn't love this docu-ser document that they did for Netflix, which is finally coming out in December. And I guess the rumor is that they allegedly want to take out parts, anything that they say negatively about the monarchy and probably the queen or anything that they may have said about his dad or now the who is now the king
Starting point is 00:30:08 Let's take that out Well listen as someone who's interviewed people on this podcast and You're interviewing them and you're getting some juicy shit So I'm I'm sympathizing with the the documentary and from Netflix. And you're like, this is good, this is deep, this is juicy, it's going to get people talking. Oh my God, we've never heard this before. They've never said this before. And they sign a release and you're like, I'm fucking golden. I can't wait for people to hear this interview. And then they're like, wait, can my attorney
Starting point is 00:30:46 listen to this interview? And you're like, of course, I don't want you to worry about it. But before I ask you the questions, you said sure, ask me anything. OK, fine. And then just like a couple hours before you have to submit the podcast, then they say,
Starting point is 00:31:05 oh, you need to cut out that whole anything regarding this person needs to be cut out. And you're like, okay, well, that's 43 minutes of the interview. We recorded yesterday. And then you have to call your producer Annie and you have to be like, uh, find some fucking topics to talk about. So anyway um but I also sympathize with the person that's like holy shit what the fuck did I say? I don't want to get in trouble and but so I don't know what this series will be like and I wonder if people are really that interested to see them walk around the beautiful home in Santa Barbara.
Starting point is 00:31:42 I wonder if people are really that interested to see them walk around the beautiful home in Santa Barbara. I don't know if we're gonna see the little cute red-headed kids. I assume the chickens will play a role. I don't think the chickens had to sign NDAs. I think they're probably gonna be exploited. They're rescue chickens, but you know, that'll be a juicy story, like which chicken is like the biggest diva or whatever. And because I don't know if you know she has chickens another thing that I
Starting point is 00:32:07 related to her on but now and now she has the podcast where you know page six writes about every single episode she puts out like three times so anyway and her latest episode she Megan Merkel talking, and I just listened to the small part of this. And it's about when she was a suitcase girl on Dealer No Deal. And I have to say she has a very calming voice, but she definitely is telling the story. She wrote it out. It's written like a book. It sounds like you're listening to an audiobook, which isn't a negative.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Everybody can do their podcasts their own way. Listen, you sometimes say, how do you fucking suck? Get your facts straight. Well, at least Megan Markle really has her facts straight, which we're just spending some time. And it's, you know, and she's like, basically, this was it. I'll just say, you don't have to listen to it. And she goes, when I first got this job to be a suitcase girl, mind you, on a hit show on dealer, no deal. Of course, I was thrilled. This meant that I had a regular
Starting point is 00:33:14 paycheck, that I didn't have to constantly go out for auditions and running around. I had health insurance. Like she has this little laugh, like, my God, that's how hard my life was. I didn't even have health insurance in this show, you know, provided health treatment. And as I walked around as one would, as a model for a game show, I didn't realize that I would feel so objectified. And there was, of course, we're models. We have to look great, have our hair together. In fact, they even gave us a certificate to get spray tans. Nail's hair, makeup, everything was on point.
Starting point is 00:33:57 As I was walking out, the main woman who never could pronounce my name right. She just called me Mackel. Megan Mackel. And she said, suck it in Mackel. And that's when I realized I don't want to be objected or objectified anymore. I felt like a bimbo. Now let's talk about the word bimbo as a female archetype. So it's very much like that.
Starting point is 00:34:26 And so Claudia Jordan, you may remember her. I believe she only did one season on, I think she was missed, I think she was Miss America because Kenya was on Miss USA. I know they had like a conflict that they were each. She was definitely a pageant girl, Claudia Jordan. She came off well on Atlanta. She just didn't stay, but she was an actress model, and she has spoken up since this podcast came out
Starting point is 00:34:53 because she too was one of the pretty girls to open the suitcase. And she's like, were we objectified? No, we weren't, but we were models. Like, we were to look pretty. I don't think like suck it up is a bad thing to say. What if someone said, stand up straight? What if suck it up?
Starting point is 00:35:13 Suck it up like suck in your tummy, right? That's what she said. Like suck it up girls, you're walking out, we're going to catch you from the side. What if someone says, hey, throw your shoulders back. Get your posture together is when you're a you know a model on a game show I Always I watch I used to watch a price is right and I was like oh my god That would be the greatest job ever to be one of those the showcase models and but then I did think like What do you do like when you just finally go okay I guess I should leave because the money so steady I think it's really hard and
Starting point is 00:35:50 anyway she did quit Megan did quit um probably for that reason of like even though this is such a great easy gig if I don't leave now I could be stuck here and then and then what happens when they cut you when you're too old, which would happen at the prices, right? But there was, oh, that's some juicy scoop history. Prices, right? There was a whole sexual harassment thing with Bob Barker and this girl getting older. And then there's of course the girl that's been on it forever, the woman's like in her 60s that co-host with Pat Say Jack.
Starting point is 00:36:23 What's Wheel of Fortune? Right? It's Wheel of Fortune. She's been on it forever and they're never gonna let her go. And I think that's great. But still, imagine the standard of like being in your 60s and really having to stay the same dress size and all that stuff. I mean, that's a lot of discipline. But anyway, I just think like there are jobs for people that are pretty and there's jobs for people that have physical strength and
Starting point is 00:36:51 There's jobs for people that use their brains and not everybody, you know is the same and like all your traits are the good and I kind of feel like now I didn't listen to the whole podcast so she might Go around and say exactly what I'm saying. So I didn't say, but I do think like, I don't know. I just think use what God gave you. And it does, if you are pretty and you're able to get a job like the girl I had on the show Tuesday, and you're able to work at a hooters, or you're able to use your sexuality to get ahead.
Starting point is 00:37:25 As long as you're happy and you're using the talents that you were given, I don't think there's anything wrong with using your God-given looks, just like, look, I'm never gonna be an astronaut. I knew that. I knew very young. I never said, oh, I wanna go to the space. I knew at like six, how much work that would be,
Starting point is 00:37:42 how hard it would be, how you have to be so quick and smart from a very young age To even think that you could be like a scientist or a doctor So I was like let me imitate my teacher instead. Maybe I'll have a podcast. I don't want to go to space But maybe I can do some impressions and talk some shit and look my dream came true But I'm just saying everyone's talents are different and it shouldn't shouldn't shit on somebody that won't you know that wants to Use that the fact that they're pretty like pretty people should still You know be able to utilize that and get work for it And I know there's pretty privilege and everything but then also we're kind of in an era where that's sort of like
Starting point is 00:38:22 They they have to also prove the fact that they have more going on than just being pretty and maybe that's what mangan was saying I don't know I just thought that was interesting brawn win is getting divorced brawn win from real house of O.C. it has finally happened she has filed for divorce from her husband Sean Burke on Monday according to court documents by page six. Now to remind you guys, I've talked a lot about her because I just don't think there's a better storyline than Bronwyn, even though she got fired after two seasons.
Starting point is 00:38:56 She came to the OC from Miami. I believe that she was a huge fan of the show. This is something she always wanted. She'd been with her husband Sean for over 20 years and they had seven children together. I think one set of twins in that. So a lot of pregnancies, she's attractive. In the show, she then reveals that she is... Well, first it started out that they were so horny for each other.
Starting point is 00:39:24 They had a separate condo that they would go to to bone it. Now we know this condo was probably rented or barred or I don't even know. First storyline. So the cameras are there and it's like, oh, I'll leave work early. That we know never knew what he did for a living. And then they'd bone. Then it was, I'm actually bisexual and into girls. And then she like was making out with camera a lot. Then she comes back and she's like, I'm actually bisexual and into girls. And then she was making out with camera a lot.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Then she comes back and she's like, I'm an alcoholic. And so we see, okay, now her journey is sobriety, which is noble and everything. And she says, the reason I had so many children is because those were the times in my life where I wouldn't drink. I was very conscious of having a healthy pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So every time I feel like I was drinking way too much, I'd be like, oh my God, I have to have a baby to force myself not to drink. So then, then she goes, I'm full-blown gay. Like, I am a lesbian through and through. I never want Sean's dick or any other dick, but we're gonna stay married and we're gonna do this nesting thing where I go live with my latest girlfriend in New York in her apartment and have orgasms like we counted up it's about 150 minutes a day so it was 10 orgasms a day that lasted 15 minutes each but she wasn't she's not on any show or anything so I guess she had time to do that.
Starting point is 00:40:46 And then he would stay at home in the OC and watch all the kids. And I think like two are maybe teenagers or old enough to sort of handle themselves. But the rest, there's like four that are quite little. So then she's had like three or four girlfriends. She's on like her fourth or fifth now. She seems very happy with her. I met them both at the bros premiere and she was like, oh, hi, you know, and the
Starting point is 00:41:12 girlfriend's pretty and she said the girlfriend is moving from Germany to be with her. And this whole time, I'm like, what is it that he, that he doesn't want this, he doesn't like want to make it official and get divorced because I would think for him It would be very hard for him to have a girlfriend where oh my my lesbian wife is coming back this week now She's gone. So I've got all five kids by myself. Well now she's back here, but she's got her girlfriend here So I have to leave the house anyway. I guess he finally said fuck it. I'm out And I'm curious of what this situation is gonna be because I think She doesn't really have a way of making money.
Starting point is 00:41:47 However, they've been together really long and they have all these kids, so he's going to probably have to support her lifestyle. But hopefully, her new girlfriend who's moving here from Germany, they can do something to gather. I'm sure there's a latent life lesbian reality show or maybe she and the lesbian can go on, like marriage boot camp or something. Is marriage boot coming back?
Starting point is 00:42:11 Because the other day I was very concerned for some reality stories that have no longer on TV and it doesn't look like anything's around the corner. And if marriage boot camp doesn't come back, I think they need to, someone needs to copycat it and make it something else. Because just like Ultimate Girls Trip, you get a bunch of these couples.
Starting point is 00:42:30 It doesn't matter they can be happy or not. I mean, Spencer and Heidi are the happiest couple and they went on it for the money. So, you know, even if you're happy, act like you're not, get the job. So you got like Brittany and Jacks. That would be juicy, have some therapy sessions of like, why didn't you, why didn't we go to Stasi's wedding?
Starting point is 00:42:48 No, I don't have a friend, Jacks. Go to hell. Like we could see moments like that. We could have Bronwyn and her new girlfriend, like newer relationships. We could have old married couples. We could have Monique, formerly a Potomac. And now she's on
Starting point is 00:43:06 uh... crows king show the dc show she and her husband they just said that they were getting divorced it went everywhere and now she's like no we're not speaking of that we could have david badaire and Leslie badaire they keep saying we're getting divorced we're not getting divorced no we he would he took away the filing now that's you know Shannon Badoire's ex we could have them on there I'm just I'm just trying to get people work you guys I'm just
Starting point is 00:43:32 trying to get um the unemployment rate down so anyway I can't do it all Teresa who I met and she was very nice that one we really have to work on. That I really want to have a sit down with Teresa because I've not had that. She looked great. She got new teeth and in person, she looks really good. He really does. Anyway, Louis and she got married. We will see their special.
Starting point is 00:43:59 That's no surprise that that was coming, but they didn't announce it at Brawvokon. And she did not sign a pre-knop. You know, the thing about the pre-knop is, I think she should have. I just think it makes everything easier. And I think especially when you have children, even if you don't have a lot, you really should have had
Starting point is 00:44:19 a pre-knop. But other times people say, it's better that I didn't have a pre-knop. You know, I wouldn't have gotten as much as I did. In the case of Erica Jane, remember she's like, I don't have a prenup baby. I married to Mr. Tom Girardi. He's gonna take whatever he wants.
Starting point is 00:44:37 So he didn't let her sign a prenup because and people like, ooh, Erica, you'll do so well in the divorce. If you didn't sign a prenup, you can just take him for everything after 20 years. Well, we saw how that worked out. I definitely think when you're two young people and one on Zakando and the other one owns a car, no, I don't think you need to get one. okay? But anybody that's like coming in with a business or especially if you have children
Starting point is 00:45:07 that you need to protect their inheritance and everything, then I think a prenup is the way to go. But anyway, so we'll see, of course, lots of drama there. Jennifer who threw the drink at Joe Gorgah in the lobby of the hotel they were all staying at. She has done a statement and also her makeup artist who was with her, I believe it was a makeup artist who was assistant, also confirmed everything she said that she was drinking
Starting point is 00:45:37 water and that they yelled at her first Theresa and Joe yelled at her first saying loser and she lost her cool. Her husband was upstairs asleep and threw a drink at him and one of the things she brought up is in the video how all the other men around, whether they are with Joe Gorgher or not, were kind of laughing and mocking and she was a single girl by herself.
Starting point is 00:45:58 But she wasn't totally by herself. She was with her makeup artist or assistant. But still, I don't know, listen, she, this is why the show is good. But I mean, Joe and Melissa, I don't know what they're gonna do with not being friends with Teresa. The season has been filmed, we're going to see it.
Starting point is 00:46:17 But I don't know what the next season is gonna entail if they're no longer, if they can't even be on a panel together at BravoCon, I don't know how we're going to film this show since they're both the stars of the show. Like, I think they're the three biggest stars of the show, Joe Melissa and Teresa. So, okay. Oh, so I got a lot of heat yesterday because I didn't talk about how incredible Jenna Lyons is. I wasn't aware that she's the greatest woman that's ever walked this earth. She is the new real housewives of New York. And I said, oh, she worked for J. Crew
Starting point is 00:46:53 and she's something executive. And she was married to a man and has a child now. She's married to a woman while I got a scathing, scathing letter saying, you know, she's this big hauncho at j crew huge and she's like designer and Michelle Obama knows who she has I don't even know then someone sent me a video of her on Oprah from 15 years ago When she was still married to a man and I'm like God. I'm sorry I hope she brings it. And all these people that love her so much, if Bravo does her job right, chances are you're gonna hate her
Starting point is 00:47:30 in about two and a half seasons. So we'll see, but this can be a very different show if this woman is as incredible and as accomplished and such incredible moral character. I don't have to show the as fun as what we've seen with the OGs. We'll see, but ROG Ramona went on Carlos King's podcast and she answered some juicy scoop.
Starting point is 00:47:58 First of all, she's pretty funny. And she was like, what, what are we gonna call it? The legacy we call the Loser Show? It's a Loser Show. Let's face it, you know what, you know what, we got call it? The legacy we call the Loser Show? It's a Loser Show. Let's face it, you know what, you know what, we got fired, you know, and you don't want us back. That's it, it's the end of an era, you know, it's not the same.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Wouldn't no matter what, real housewives of New York is no longer us. It's these other girls, these young girls, you know, so it's like, what are we? And everyone's like, but where's the legacy show which is supposed to have all the other girls? So, you know, like Ramona, d'Ariana uh... uh... so you know lewitt but lewitt so you know Ramona are the three that were in the last cast
Starting point is 00:48:33 along with ebony uh... liand lia ebony lia and who is the other one there are only five of them right so that so anyway andy when asked about that, said it was the worst ratings that the real house says in New York had ever experienced.
Starting point is 00:48:52 So it's your fault that you didn't watch it, basically. So we have to do something, we have to shake it up. But sure, legacy's coming. But there's been nobody's got in a contract. Nobody says we're going to start filming then. So as I I said before we don't know that this is going to happen but Ramona put up a great real video of her just showing great clips with blue what is it green river blue river playing, is a Blue River or Green River. Anyway, you know that song.
Starting point is 00:49:26 La da da da da da. And then they had the voice of Carrie Bradshaw for Sex and City, Sir Jessica Parker, kind of being like, it was the end of an era. And I got so upset that I just started to cry and we filmed it. I had to put it on there because I was like, this is so sad, you know?
Starting point is 00:49:47 Also, Ramona said what happened with Carlos said, what happened with the you and Ebony and not doing the reunion? For those of you that don't know, Ebony was a new cast member, she was an attorney, she's a beautiful black woman. And they had a beautiful black woman. And they had a lot of differences, they had really nothing in common, a 25-year-age difference.
Starting point is 00:50:12 But there were times where Ramona really seemed to try and Ebony was trying, but they definitely had a lot of weird moments together. And according to Ramona, Ebony leading up to the reunion went to HR and accused Ramona of being a racist. And Ramona said to Carlos and the interview, she goes, you know what, you could say I'm a lot of things, you could say I'm rude, you could say I'm just mis-sive, you could say I forget people's names, I'm big-subs names, okay? But racist, I'm not, okay? It was really disturbing. And she goes on to say that she made up these lives about her that she has proven that are not true.
Starting point is 00:50:49 But in doing that, they decided not to have a reunion at all. And so all the girls, it's my knowledge, my source. All the girls miss out on a very big paycheck. That's an extra paycheck for attending the reunion. And so, I mean, if you're like a senior girl, paycheck you that's an extra paycheck for attending the reunion and um... so i mean if you're like a senior girl we're talking a huge chunk like a lot so
Starting point is 00:51:12 and then the filming never happened after that and that was it now remona sixty five she's a realtor i've said let's get her uh... doing a real estate show that's here doing something else. Maybe they just go on the ultimate girls trip I don't know, but You know, we'll see with that. Oh, I was asked I wasn't asked this question happened while I was there while I was at Brobacan, so see I have a two-part question.
Starting point is 00:51:46 One, what is your favorite piece of memorabilia in the clubhouse of Los Angeles? And two, as a loyal, juicy, stuvert, when will you have Heather McDonald on the show? So that was to ask Andy, and he's like, oh yeah, sure. You know, she was, she was on, I'll have to have her back. Well, I was on like at least 10 or 11 years ago. I have never been asked since. However, of course, I'd love to go on. I'd love to go on with anybody. That would be very fun.
Starting point is 00:52:19 But if I don't, it's also fun at a great time. Attending Brawbakan, doing my show, doing my own thing, seeing all the girls, and I had a few questions that you guys asked that I will ask answer right now. What was the worst and the best part of it? I don't know that there was anything that bad for me except that I really would have liked to have gone and done all the fun photo opportunities that you've been seeing.
Starting point is 00:52:47 I got to do that three years ago and I felt like because I didn't have an artist pass and believe me, I love anyone coming up to me, it was just going to be a hard thing for me to do and go around and see all the booths. Because the fans really love getting photos, that's their main thing. If you listen to anyone's review about, it's about getting the photos. They're happy if they got a lot of great photos.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And they're really pissed if they waited in line and didn't get their photos. So the photo thing is huge, which is why I love to have my meet and greets because you're guaranteed meeting me in photo and all that. But so that was it. Okay, I need to know more scoop about Gen Shot. Did you see her?
Starting point is 00:53:25 I did not see Gen Shot, but I did hear Saturday night about the whole her trying to crash it and how she was no longer was never asked to be part of anything, but she went up there anyway. And now I found out that she had guests was staying with Heather Gaye. I don't know if she got her own hotel room or she crashed in Heather's gaze room there which is kind of funny, I don't know if that's true.
Starting point is 00:53:51 The this person asked, I didn't see you hanging out with Jill, meaning Jill's there in the picks at least. What was up with that? Well, I'll post more photos, I guess we haven't even, like I don't think I posted my one with Kathy and that Kathy Hilton Kathy Hilton Remember I said I went to her Chris's party. So I said I really want to go to your Chris's party Kathy Again, you remember I went a long time ago, and I think you wanted me to perform she goes I did And I go okay, well if I come back can I you'd write me if she like yeah, but you've got a perform so I'm I'm gonna do a stand-up thing all that will be pleasing to her. So I'm going to put it a mic a note.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Annie that I'll do a conga line. I'm friendly with crystal who's friendly with Kathy. I really want to go to this party and I will do like a 15 minute stand up set. But Jill was there. Jill and Ali came backstage to my show, my live show, and they were great. And if you watch the streamer, they gave us these sweatshirts that they made 12 sweatshirts of each girl from Ultimate Girls' Trip with Jill.
Starting point is 00:54:55 And they couldn't sell them because it was the other girls' names and the girls were like, you can't sell them even for charity. So she told me that a long time ago and I go, would you bring them to the show and can I give them out to my juicy scoopers? Yes. But anyway, they're great sweatshirts
Starting point is 00:55:11 and she's got lots of fun sweatshirts that you can get that you can buy. One being team, Jill. But lots of other scary island and all these fun stuff that, and top top quality of the material, which I really love. So she was great. So they were backstage and they were in the audience with all of you guys and I think a lot of people got a photo of them while they're in the audience.
Starting point is 00:55:34 I never ran into Andy. That was a question. Do you have any interaction with Andy Noydenik except for that question that Boston Juicy Scupper asked. Who was the least pleasant person to you? Nobody. Everybody I met that either approached me or I approached them, they knew who I was and they could not have been more delightful. How tall is Teresa Judice? I think she's probably wearing platforms,
Starting point is 00:56:01 but like I said, she looked really good. I'm guessing she's probably about five four. probably wearing platforms, but like I said, she looked really good. I'm guessing she's probably about five four. Did Shannon address the David Bdore divorce drama? No, I talked her about it at the USC game at that point. They were getting divorced. Since then, she Leslie posted a photo that they were like in like Wyoming together with a baby and then took it down. So I know one can keep track of it. No, I didn't ask her. Was anyone having a meltdown not that eyewitnessed? Who was being a diva? Nothing that I witnessed. Who's a girl's girl? I mean I think every I mean I think people are really excited to see each other.
Starting point is 00:56:43 Lisa Rena was very nice to be backstage and she looked great crystal was really nice to me um... i saw the million dollar listing people tracy and the two joshes oh garcel was great i went up to garcel it in her like meet and greet i'd cut i mean i was like can i see her and they said yeah
Starting point is 00:57:04 and she did you know she looked stunning and she was killing it oh Sutton was really fun Sutton says she wants to come back on the show yeah everybody was was just really great let's see and was anyone dismissive to me no not at all. Brandy was very happily buzzed and she was a good time. And she looked great. At one point, I thought she was wearing nothing under dress, but she had a nude body suit. But I was like a little bit scared at one point because I thought from looking at the stage,
Starting point is 00:57:39 I was like, did I just see her, but I didn't. And she looked really good and she was enjoying her time there. So, you guys, I have just a quick, funny, little juicy interview with Josh Flagg. He's going to tell you all about his latest endeavor, his new show that's coming out, everything is going on in his life. But remember, I still have tickets this weekend available if you're going to Vegas. The Venetian, it is Justin Martin Dale, Chris
Starting point is 00:58:05 Franjola, Brandi Julie, and me, all the hottest juicies topics. Just for you, it's a beautiful intimate room. There's not a bad seat in the house. I'm very excited to go back to the Venetian. I've played this room before, though it's been a few years, very excited. Of course, you still have like one or two days left to watch the streamer. Everything is at Heather McDonnell and .NET, along with a few tickets left for second show Dallas a few tickets left for Houston and then Boston Philly and DC there are tickets still left for those but not a lot and that is with Chris Frenzel everything is at Heather McDonald.net and now for my friend Josh flag.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Hello and welcome to Juicy Scoop. I have a return favorite. TV star, realtor to the stars, an old soul in an adorable package. Welcome back, Josh Flagg. I'm so happy to be here. Josh, I'm excited to see you. I saw you with the rest of million dollar listing L.A. along with Candy Spelling hiding in the back. Now these are quick, this is not a great photo, but we were backstage, I got backstage through Lala or something and everybody was there and I was talking to as many people as I could.
Starting point is 00:59:15 But of course I saw you, Tracy, your friend of me, Josh Altman, and then of course legendary Candy, who's like one of your really really really good friends. Yeah. Yes I you know I got to get her here. We'll get candy in. I asked her and you're gonna work on it I think she's a little apprehensive so you have to let her know that I'm only gonna ask her about What it was like to live in that home Meet Aaron the the 80s excess The the best party she's through the the craziest thing that ever happened
Starting point is 00:59:49 I'll tell you all that stuff dynasty moments in her own home Why like she was the first one to create the wrapping room the very first so I want to hear it all But so what was your overall feeling of this weekend? Are you exhausted? Was it fun thoughts? I'm exhausted because it was panel after panel after panel, where they were working on like animals. It was like all day long, you know, walking from stage to stage, golf carts from here to there.
Starting point is 01:00:14 I mean, it was incredible. I don't even know how many people were there. It was insane. 35,000 I heard. 35,000 people. It was exhausting. I mean, it was really cool though. I think this was the biggest one they've ever done.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Actually, it wasn't sure. They've only done two. And the first one was 2019. And that, it was it was really cool. That was I think this was the biggest one they've ever done Actually, they've only done two and the first one was 2019 and that was only 5,000 people I went Did you go to that one? Yeah, and it was just basically just in that one Theater where they did the watcher happens live that was the only place that you could see a panel and then you had to go Blocks away to go to the other fun stuff. No, this was yeah, this is insane. I'm never saying anything like it in my life And what was your favorite like panel or moment? way to go to the other fun stuff. No, this is insane. I'm never saying anything like it in my life. And what was your favorite panel or moment? It was funny. One of them I came late because there was traffic.
Starting point is 01:00:54 And so I was at one of the panels and all the other cast people were on the panel, not cast people from my show, but from other shows. And so I just walked on stage and they all started cheering and everything. It was really funny. And then I sat down and said, sorry, I was stuck at the bar. And then I was laughing. But I couldn't really hear anybody in the audience for some reason. Like my oh, and they did questions. You mean, well, they did questions. I couldn't hear anything. So people, I think people thought I was bored because I was just sitting there like not doing much. I was just kind of looking like perplexed. And they all, one person came up and said, are you stone the whole time? I said, no, I wish I was stone. I just couldn't hear anything
Starting point is 01:01:27 anyone was saying. So I was just sitting there. So that was pretty funny actually. Yeah, actually, I mean, those are the little things I think they'll figure out next time, but there were audio issues at those panels because Brad Gorgetski was, he was hosting the Beverly Hills one. And they all had mics, but then he just had the Lavalier mic. And he needed to have a mic too, because the women on the panel couldn't hear his questions. We could hear him.
Starting point is 01:01:54 So every time he'd be like, Doreet, what did you do to the, then she'd be like, what? So all those things that I think when they come back, they'll be able to figure out a little bit better. So of your panel, what was your most fun though? I liked the, I liked the, one of them I was having a mental breakdown backstage, it was crying about something. Why?
Starting point is 01:02:16 Cry about something, you got to know what you're crying about. Yeah, just like assistance that are quitting. So it's just really, really rough at the end. So I was having a mental breakdown and Tracy was like holding me, I was crying. And so I then we had to go on stage. And so I immediately had to wipe my tears. And I went on, but nobody could tell. I was just crying.
Starting point is 01:02:29 So it was really like an old stripper. It's show time. It's show time. Yeah. And so I got on stage and was with Heather DeBro and Kyle Richards. And what was that one of the game ones? It was, no, it wasn't one of the game ones. It was, what's her name I like her so much?
Starting point is 01:02:44 She used to be Andy's assistant. She was hosting it. What's her name? You know that really nice girl? Yeah, I forgot her name, but she was good. She's really good. And Josh and Trace, see myself, and that was fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:56 But yeah, no, it was a lot of fun. Okay, so let's talk about this Netflix. Now you just said you saw Kyle. You obviously probably have known Mauricio through real estate for many years. Yeah, of course. I think this is a good idea for a show. I've heard a little bits about it. I had actually heard it's really good and that it's a lot about it's a lot about like Maricio and the two daughters that work for him. Yeah, I haven't heard anything. I don't know anything. I just know it hasn't come out yet. I know someone who saw the screener and told me that it is good.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Got it. Because I was like, are we gonna get sick of this? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island?
Starting point is 01:03:35 Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island?
Starting point is 01:03:43 Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? Is this island? the dynamic between the sisters and all that kind of stuff and They share a lot so because I was like I said are am I gonna am I gonna be sick of like the slutty realtors in tiny Alpha's I'm wearing a tiny realtor alpha for you today. Yes, I so just a blazer tiny skirt pumps, you know But is this formula and getting get old because of the Sailing Suns because of the selling Sunsets and your show is so different from these I said which is why it's been on for fifteen years because i'm i always and i've said that because i've interviewed a lot of other people i'm like what i like about million dollar listing liais that
Starting point is 01:04:14 we you know josh is so knowledgeable of these like you know historical homes or old homes and we get to see them and it's not all the same modern thing. Right. You know, and the fun that you guys have, who is on the cast? Because they got rid of some people, right? Yeah, they got rid of Frederick. They got rid of, or they, I don't know what may be, they did presigned, I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 01:04:41 The Brits are no longer on the show. The English friends. Yeah. But it's now the three banditas. to preside, I don't know what happened, the Brits are no longer on the show. The English friends, yeah. But it's now the three banditas. It's me, it's Josh Altman, and it's Tracy, and it's so special because I don't think the show has ever captured before our friendship. The three of us are best friends, and we never captured that on the show because think about it.
Starting point is 01:04:59 It's an hour show, 45 minutes with commercials divided by six cast members. You're left with segments of the five minutes, five minutes, five minutes. You only can just focus on a house here a house there how now it focuses on a relationship together It's like a family and we're all really really close and we're all it's it's just such a it's like three-s company It's a totally different show now. Yeah, in the best of ways. It's always it's what we've always wanted But we couldn't do it because there was so many cast members That's cool and so do we see more of like Tracy's dating life because she's still dating the hot guy. Yeah. And her daughters are, are they, do they get to be on it? Daughters are on. Okay. Everyone's on. Cool. I'm so happy for you guys.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Thank you. Now speaking of real estate, um, oh wait, first we have your picture of your boyfriend. Yeah. Very cute. He's a USC grad too. Um, okay. Yeah, you have a book coming out Yes, it is. Talk about your book What is it's called the deal? It's called the deal 51% for me 49% for you. Oh, I love that. Okay, and and it's I mean There's so many real estate how-to books that are so stupid and they're just this is how you sell a house So you multiply the square footage times the size of the property and listen It's like it's a how-to it's boring. It's like you fall asleep. I Took every single deal I've ever done in my career wrote them all down and then took the best hundred
Starting point is 01:06:21 Stories and made a book full of examples the good good, the bad, and stories that you can learn how to negotiate my mistakes, things I learned to correct them, all the good things, and it's really, really funny. And it has, it's got a tremendous sense of humor. It's tons of knowledge, and it's actually really, really interesting. I really think that sounds great. Yeah. I remember really happy for real estate book.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And it's about negotiating and it's not just for real estate. You could be negotiating anything in this book applies. Give me, give me like one of the stores or one of the simple thing that people who are not in real estate should know when going to negotiate any kind of deal. I mean, such a broad question. I mean, do you... Oh, the broad just bring up one tip then.
Starting point is 01:07:06 One tip. I mean, one tip. OK, a tip that I always do is, in terms of, like, for instance, when I sell a house, or I'm going on a listing appointment, I go in there, and I always immediately recommend to the seller that we do an inspection on the property ahead of time.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Why do we do that? Because if I have an inspection report in hand, and when the buyers come in and make their offer, I give it to them up front and say, make me an offer non-contention or make me an offer based on what you think it's worth. And then there's no negotiating after. So you've got, with a lot of times you'll open up S-Grow, then they'll say, oh, the roof needs worker, the plumbing needs this, that we want a million dollars off the purchase price.
Starting point is 01:07:44 And I'm like, well, if you have an inspection report ahead of time, you don't really have much leverage. How are you gonna claim that why you deserve that money if you knew about it upfront? So it takes the leverage away from them. So that's a really good tool that I use. And great. Yeah, that is really great.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yeah. So you get millions of dollars. Yeah, because that's also true when a house has fallen out of this growth. And then they put that inspection report like there when you walk into the open house. I'm of escrow, and then they put that in-spectrum port like there when you walk into the open house, I'm like, oh my God, I love that. There's no secrets.
Starting point is 01:08:10 There's no secrets. You know what it is. And okay, so now let's talk about the fact that people are starting to go, what is going on in the market? I saw you wrote a really good, great, long, written explanation on your website, but is there a bubble burst?
Starting point is 01:08:26 What is going on right now as far as the market you know in L.I. today? It's definitely softened. I was just looking yesterday at the report of all houses sold over 5 million in the last month. It's like a third of what it was. I think people are going to get acclimated to this new normal.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Look, look, people are spoiled. They were printing money, okay, but keep in mind before they were doing that, this is kind of what interest rates were. And people were buying houses. It wasn't like the house, the market just shut off. So it just went crazy when interest rates went so low. So guess what? Those times are over.
Starting point is 01:09:00 You had to accumulate to the new normal. People did it during COVID, remember COVID hit, and then the whole market shut down, and then all of a sudden people were like, okay, this is the new normal people did it during COVID remember COVID hit never the whole market shut down And then all of a sudden people were like, okay, this is the new normal then the housing market spiked again I'm not saying it's gonna spike like COVID, but I'm also saying it's not gonna be like 2008 where it just crashed like Interest rates are still relatively low. They're not like what they used to be it used to be at 9 10 percent, right? Okay, so we're at 5 percent six percent okay that's not awful yes it is a huge difference from two to three percent but that was just a strange moment in time and you got lucky if you bought a house then right yeah like
Starting point is 01:09:33 in my neighborhood my neighbor just sold his house and he sold his mother's house which was next door like five months ago and he had sixteen offers on that house and then he had one good offer on his, and it's sold, it's sold, it's so it went, and it's still sold in two weeks, but it wasn't 16 offers, which is still a great market. But exactly what you said, I think it was just an insane time. And so it's better for buyers at least,
Starting point is 01:10:01 they have a minute to like think and see stuff. Yeah. But also if you don't act on it you'll miss out yeah i look at the market's not gonna shut off people still need to sell their houses people get divorced people die people to get going to disparity the three days you know people uh... move away they relocate it's like it's not like everything just shuts off it's just not as quick and fun as it used to be
Starting point is 01:10:24 what about the people leaving californ? Do you think they regret it? No, they're paying a far less taxes wherever they're going. But what if they, for the really rich people that could come back and like still spend some time here? But I'm saying for people that left California for good, I'm seeing a lot of things that people are not as happy, not they've left. Why would they be unhappy it was not a reason but not a replacement of foreign because i think you realize that i think you realize how great california and yeah i mean i would never
Starting point is 01:10:51 leave california so it's hard for me to get to me yeah i would i would be really i would never want to leave this is kind of cute kyle richards um she had the see the label on the bottom of her shoe a lot of people hold on sorry a lot of people don't know that you have to check that when you do a tv show that's the price and uh... that could be a man that that that people tried to zoom in we couldn't find but uh... normally that means that she they're probably designers shoes
Starting point is 01:11:17 but that she did get like on the like a discount rack like even if it's like it meams or something they put the sticker on but you really got to make sure, especially when you're like, this is the panel. It's tag. No, they wouldn't have it like that. It doesn't matter who cares. And if you want to learn about all the juicy detail, you can read the deal and you can learn all of it. Now, I'm really excited because you are a really good writer. I was reading your stuff on
Starting point is 01:11:43 your website too about real estate and your thoughts. And you are funny and you have so many great stories about great people in the city and the history and you have such a plethora of people around you. And so I think this is going to be really great for anybody. That's a fan of the show. It's a really fun show. And it's about like growing up here, living here, being a fourth generation Los Angeles. It's, that's why every age can read this in joy because it gives so many references to things that are from the past, from the present,
Starting point is 01:12:16 and just, it's just, it's a really good book. Yeah. Well, and is it available right now? It's available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles. You know, you name it. Did you sell it at Robocon? No, I didn't. Oh.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I didn't, I forgot, I guess. I know, you should have, because you could have had someone just in the booth selling it for you. I guess I should have done that. God, I was sure you would have talked to me before. I didn't, well, you didn't tell me. But I did, it was on the today show.
Starting point is 01:12:42 It was, we had a great little run there, so. All right, good. And so how long has it been out? Came out on October 8th. OK, good. Well, listen. I guess you sent it to me somehow it's missing. I'm definitely going to read it.
Starting point is 01:12:56 I'll send you another one. I'm excited for it. And I'm so happy for you. You look really cute. And you know what I think is different about you is you don't wear your glasses. I got a laser eye surgery. When? A couple months ago. That's a big difference. I think you're cuter with that glasses. You look a lot more attractive with that glasses.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Because you're new eyes. Yeah, now I can see you. Oh, good. Were you scared at all to get the laser surgery? It's a little weird when they do it to you like that machine is going down you know that noise It's kind of like a fuck this is really creepy, but it's fine to nothing Well, okay, well, I'm really happy for you. I'm excited for the show comes out in December Million dollar listing L.A. with the Thruple the Thruple of you company you three is company $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 I love that idea. I'm gonna make a note. Make a note and put in that you better invite Heather because God forbid I don't remind you like two weeks before
Starting point is 01:14:07 and then I see an Instagram. I love you guys having a party without me. Get ready. I'm gonna put up a big screen on the tennis court. We're gonna do anything. I love that idea. You're welcome. Who else should we invite? Everybody. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I'm excited. All right, thank you, honey. Everybody, Josh Flagg on Instagram, his website, if you need to real estate, obviously, but get the book, change your life. Change your life. Yeah, love you. Love you.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Love ya, love you.

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