Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Johnny Depp Trial, Murdered Mom Mystery and Coachella

Episode Date: April 19, 2022

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard defamation trial is bringing a major juicy scoop. Was Amber a victim of domestic violence, or was she the aggressor? How fame-hungry was Amber? I go deep and give my theori...es and predictions. False rumors cause Rihanna fans to freak out that ASAP Rocky had cheated on her. A murdered mom is found, and texts to her husband are disturbing and mysterious. Coachella influencers are stranded and more thirsty than ever. RHOC concluded with a cringey performance. RHONJ might have secret security guards posing as extras. Tik Tok Swinger drama heats up. JLo loves the paparazzi, and Jen Gardner loves Donny Osmond. Julia Haart’s ex is love; can they be on RHONY?  Subscribe on Apple Podcasts to get exclusive Extra Juicy episodes every Friday and get all episodes of Juicy Scoop, ad-free Or get access to Extra Juicy on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email podcastadsales@sonymusic.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Head of McDonald Has got the juices scoop When you're on the road, when you're on the go Juice is scoop is the show to know She talks Hollywood tales Her real life, Mr. Sanctuaryal Data And serial sister, you'll be addicted And a tick-sit back to the number one tab
Starting point is 00:00:22 With real life hot cat Listen in. Listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald. Juicy scoop. Hello and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have got a jam pack. They have hot juicy topics for you. First, let's get into the hottest news from the weekend.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Justin Martin Dale, aka Duke of Martin Dale, and lady Heatherington, we went to the Bridgerton ball in downtown LA, and we got in our outfits. I have to say, this is a pretty cute thing to do, especially if you have a fan in your life that's huge Richardson fan and possibly like maybe if you've got a teenage daughter or something, it's pretty cute thing to do. A lot of people did not take it as seriously as we did. I mean, you heard we went to that costume house, we rented outfits that were like between like $1,5,000 to $200. And we got some compliments, but we still did not win the diamond.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Just in and I, I did a big Debbie Tott-Bow for the woman who's acting like the queen, who looks like the actress in the actual show, who plays the queen. And I did get a card that said, you know, you're in the running to be the diamond. I really wanted my friend, Krista, who, well, most of the time she purchased the tickets for us, but she really had like a beautiful white dress
Starting point is 00:01:50 on like the main lead in it. And I thought she had a chance, but there was this red head that the whole time was just really dressed to the nines, kind of looked like the lead. And in the end, she got it. So we were debating did this girl, did this girl work for the production? Also the woman she was with looked like an older mother or aunt type and she was all dressed up like really age-appropriate for the era too like for her age and like so she'd almost be like I'm trying to marry my daughter off. Anyway we've
Starting point is 00:02:23 done a deep dive because this is in other cities. And this girl's like, my friend won the diamond of the night. So I don't know if it's real or not. We had fun, we got drunk enough, we had a car service. So that was pretty good. Then I woke up early the next day to go to mammoth with my kids. And we had a wonderful Easter, beautiful weather out.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And next year, they do this thing at mammoth at the last day of the season. It just happened to be Easter. It happened to be perfect weather where people come skiing down. And then they skim across this pond. And Drake said that he will do it wearing the juicy scoop but dazzled ski helmet and so it'll be a big content moment for me next year so get ready for that it'll be fun oh hello i didn't see you there but you see me because you're watching this but have you subscribed have you told a friend have liked it? Have you copied the link and texted it
Starting point is 00:03:26 to someone you love or you just feel like being a nice person to? Please do that. It keeps us going. So if you like watching juicy skip here on YouTube, subscribe, like, and share. Also, traumatic weekend for Rihanna and ASAP Rocky fans. You know, as you know, they're an in love couple.
Starting point is 00:03:46 They're expecting a baby pretty soon now. And the news came out that and it was from this guy. This guy who runs interview, he's a writer for Interview Magazine. He tweeted it and he said that they broke up because she found out that he was having an affair cheating on with this uh... shoe designer this high-end
Starting point is 00:04:11 shoe designer woman then uh... he everyone was going crazy everyone was heartbroken the girl the shoe designer spoke and was like uh... this is a complete lie normally i don't get any of this any credence or anything but this is pretty hurtful being that you know reanna uh, this is a complete lie. Normally, I don't get any of this, any credence or anything, but this is pretty hurtful being that, you know, Rihanna is pregnant. This is just a mean room or to start. Um, and then the guys then apologize probably because he's terrified of being sued by everybody involved and said, okay, I was wrong. And I got
Starting point is 00:04:40 a little messy with my tweets and, you know, there was no cheating involved. And then ASAP, Rocky and Rihanna just went off and went to Barbados and is having fun and in love. So just take a deep breath there because that was just very stressful. Okay. Let's get into this trial you guys. I am very into the Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard trial. I've spoke a little bit about it last week. Now we're fully into it. You can watch it on court TV, you can stream it. You can get on YouTube. There's a lot of TikToks about it
Starting point is 00:05:17 that are just highlighting people's favorite parts. I have found on TikTok that there seems to be a lot more people that are on Johnny Depp's side and all this. And just to recap to you about this relationship and lawsuit, Johnny Depp, as you know, famous actor, he's 58 years old, he's won, you know, so many awards for his acting, just so successful and a really, really well-liked actor and musician, okay? He was married to this one woman for just a couple years and then he had this long-term partner for like 14 years
Starting point is 00:05:52 named Vanessa, I forgot her last name, she's beautiful French actress. They had two kids together, they never got married and when asked about it he'd say, well she has such a beautiful last name, why would I, well we don't need a piece of paper. And, but certainly it sounded in all the interviews that he would have absolutely married her, but I don't know, I'm even French. Maybe the way she felt about marriage, we were childhood. I don't know. She never had a real desire to marry him. We don't know why they broke off, but from from everything that we've seen, they had a very nice coat of coat, parenting situation after they split up. Then he meets Amber Heard and pretty soon after they get engaged, they were like secretly
Starting point is 00:06:33 engaged and then it came out. In some of the articles that I read back then, it was that she wasn't sure if she'd say yes, she kind of made him fight to want to get her to say yes to this marriage proposal. Let's just get into some of the stuff that went down in the interview in the trial. Okay, the juiciest stuff came out by this woman named Kate James. And Kate James used to be Amber Herds personal assistant going back to before they were married but while they were dating.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Okay, the whole time she was working for her, they were dating. So the service of 2012 to 2015 and this woman was 20 years senior to Amber Herds. She lived nearby, She had good experience. It was a part-time job. She had a young son. I don't know if she was single or not, but she had a young son who was only four. And so this allowed enough flexibility
Starting point is 00:07:34 that she could pick up her son and occasionally care for him even in Amber's presence. And so she goes on to take the stand. And you could tell from watching it that she is not a fan of her former boss Amber Hurd. She said that she had a very poor salary and the one time that she asked to get a raise, she jumped up and spat in her face and that was what we saw just from the actual trial. Since then, I've gotten thanks to somebody who posted this on Twitter, but this is the deposition, the Declaration of Kate James, which is just a longer declaration about her whole experience with Amber
Starting point is 00:08:17 Herd and Johnny Depp and what she knows and what she thinks and what the attorneys think is important to it. These are some of the things I found out that I thought were really interesting. She said that Amber didn't tell her who Johnny was, but she just referred to him in a disparaging terms and that she would say, oh, I'm dating this old man. Meanwhile, she finds that later it's Johnny Dapp, that's how she described him. She, Vika, which one of the greatest
Starting point is 00:08:47 clips that I saw on TikTok that went viral, is this moment where what I don't know if it was her or another witness said that she said she didn't enjoy spending time with Johnny because it was just him and his old boring friends playing guitar and they zoom in on Johnny's face and he just is like kind of smirking and laughing like almost remembering the fun times he had with his old friends but that she didn't like it. There were lots of mean things that she said in his sister also testified and she said that he said that I think it was the sister but it when asked Amber said why would Dior want you to be their spokesperson? You're an old fat man.
Starting point is 00:09:30 And she'd say that to Johnny, which is really the first things that you hear about when someone is a victim of domestic violence or even in a verbally abusive situation. They try to break down your self-esteem so throughout this trial which is again he's suing amber for fifty million dollars because he uh... because after they got divorced and she got her seven million dollars which he said she was going to give charity there's absolutely no receipts that she ever gave any of it to charity and so that was one thing then after that in two thousand eighteen she wrote this receipts that she ever gave any of it to charity and
Starting point is 00:10:05 so that was one thing then after that in 2018 she wrote this article in the Washington Post about how being someone of a victim of domestic violence that how it affected her career in her life and it was kind of at the height of the me to like it was just rising it was a big way to to make a splash and got a lot of publicity and four days later
Starting point is 00:10:26 they fired johnny from i believe it was the the pirates the care being franchise and a couple of things that were pending so he all ready started to notice right away that he was losing all these opportunities so he is suing her she's counter suing him for $100 million. And first I didn't realize if we'd
Starting point is 00:10:47 have to finish his whole trial, then do a whole nother trial at her counter suit. But no, I understand that they're doing it together. There is a jury. And when this first I mentioned, I can't believe that they let this go on to a full jury trial. I can't believe he's suing her for the defamation. This is just such an ordeal and it's so expensive.
Starting point is 00:11:07 But now my prediction in looking at how people are reacting to this trial, I think he's going to gain so much love no matter how this turns out. But my prediction is that no one will get any money. That's my prediction. That they'll just say, no, it's just a wash. No one deserves any money. We's my prediction. That they'll just say, no, it's just a wash, no one deserves any money. We'll never know who did what, but no.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Because it is free speech as well as her ability to write that article. Anyway, that's what I think. But in the end, I think he will start to get hired a lot for a lot of things, and I think he will be more popular than ever, so maybe this trial was worth it just for that even if he doesn't see a dime. Okay, other things that this personal assistant said. So she, a couple of weird things that people have also noticed too, is that Amber from the beginning, all these witnesses and people
Starting point is 00:12:01 watching the trial feel that she is weirdly obsessed with Johnny Dept. He always had that Bohemian style. This assistant said she was trying to get a very Bohemian style going for her apartment. She got rid of all her paper books and only wanted curated hardcover books in which he purchased for her. She started wearing very similar clothing to him and would also use his name in which the assistant would have to get her Free clothes and all this stuff saying that oh, this is Johnny Depp's girlfriend You know she'll be photographed a lot. She was obsessed with the fame that came from being his girlfriend She and her sister according to this assistant would get all dressed up to go shopping at the Grove and then Miraculously the pop rots
Starting point is 00:12:45 would be there to take a photo of her. When the assistant's little son was around, she would take photos with the boy at the house, Amberwood, and send him to Johnny, almost to be like, look how maternal I am, but if there wasn't, you know, if there was no audience or whatever, that she had no interest in the boy at all.
Starting point is 00:13:04 In the other hand, Johnny Depp loved hanging out with the sun. Ta-da-da play guitar would bring him back gifts as well as his own kids. So, I mean, this obviously was not positive towards Amber herd. She said that she was screaming, that she was violent, that her, that she was violent towards her and the fact that she stood up and spit at the assistant.
Starting point is 00:13:27 She said that Amber's own mother seemed afraid of her. Let's see, oh, let's see. Let's, I'm just looking through all this stuff that I have been reading. They said that she Amber often smothered Johnny, like always was wanting to know where he was, wanting to make sure who was talking to him. We'll get into the drugs in alcohol in a minute,
Starting point is 00:13:54 but there were, shoot off and going to blind rages, where no one could reason with her. She was horrible to this woman on Christmas Day, make your run around do all these things on Christmas Eve with her son as well, working for her. She just said no respect for the fact that this woman was a mother and worked for her literally part time, even though it turned out to be a lot of hours a week
Starting point is 00:14:18 and wasn't paying her a lot of money. Now, this part's juicy, drug and alcohol abuse. Kate, the assistant said that she was taking a drug called Pro-The-Gale, which is a drug that is prescribed for narcolepsy. However she never witnessed her having any trouble with narcolepsy, which is like you fall sleep suddenly. But Pro-Vagol is quite well known in the industry as being misused as a weight loss aid, and it can cause a loss of appetite. So at one time, Kathy assistant took just a half a tablet, and she said she felt like she
Starting point is 00:14:56 had drunk 20 cups of coffee, so it's very much like a fetamine kind of shaky feeling. And then Amber would have to have a lot of wine to be able to wine down literally and fall asleep. She also took Acutane, which is for severe acne, which has been known to have a lot of psychiatric effects, including severe mood swings and violent behavior. And then she took both the provigal and the Acutane pills excessively during the time that Kate had worked for her.
Starting point is 00:15:28 She also, Amber, also took other drugs, including during the employment, including mushrooms, MDMA, and she was open about it, almost to point it bragging. One of the witnesses from the end of last week said that Amber had offered her MDMA, but that woman was removed from testimony and her testimony counting because she realized the judge realized that she had been watching clips and had too much knowledge of the case already. So she just outed her anyway.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Let's see. Oh, the other thing she would text her all the time, but she only wanted to do it like on some iCloud account so that she could delete it, knowing that she was so abusive with her assistant, Amber Wood. Let me see. Oh, she didn't know when it was, she bothered her on her birthday,
Starting point is 00:16:17 and the assistant said, could you just please, could I just have one day, it's my birthday? And she said, well, how am I supposed to know? It's your birthday. Luckily my assistant, I share the same birthday. So that won't be a problem. Because I'm so worried about like, you know, an assistant not liking me afterwards.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Okay. And being a trial like this, I mean, if anybody was thinking about getting a personal assistant, you'd be like, but Amber pretty much is awful. I mean, she is a pretty awful person. And she definitely was, you know, even Johnny had texted in one of the things saying, I'm pretty sure that she has, she acquired me for her fame and she seems very fame hungry. Let's see, I understand that the period of
Starting point is 00:16:58 my employment overlaps with the majority of the incidents in which Amber has alleged that Johnny was violent towards her. The assistant says, I never once saw any bruising, swelling, or any evidence of what could have resulted from violence. I would often see her naked and some I naked because of fittings and she never saw anything. Let's see. She, um, okay, that was, let me see what else here I got. She said, she's supposed to be this advocate and a Regal volunteer at the Children's Hospital, but she actually had the assistant cancel almost all of Amber's agreed upon volunteer
Starting point is 00:17:35 dates. And also to the recollection went only once, perhaps twice, to do volunteer work for the Children's Hospital in the three years that Kate had worked for Amber. So she's as full as shit. Then there's some stuff about some things that she did with dogs in Australia that I don't know I got a little bored with, but it was some shady stuff. It shows that she has broken the law and lied about some things. So that makes you question how honest she's been throughout this.
Starting point is 00:18:05 She said Amber was a classic bully. She enjoyed making me feel stupid. She said in some ways I stayed as the assistant in order to try to protect Johnny from her. It was so obvious to me that she was manipulating him and using him. And she just said it was just a horrible experience but she had this young son and she
Starting point is 00:18:28 ended up staying longer than she should, but she's certainly not a fan of Ambers. The marriage counselor says that they were both kind of verbally abusive to each other, but that Johnny had a much calmer way about him and was really sort of trying. Oh, Johnny today showed up with his hair slick back. As you can recall from my previous episode, I thought the messy hair was not doing a
Starting point is 00:18:56 many justice, and I thought too many silver rings and things. But he's still keeping the rings, but he did tie his hair back into a nice like low man bun and just really showing off his face. And meanwhile, Amber, who's like wearing his, like wearing similar types of clothes, she shows up like, you know, now with her hair down and constantly the way the cameras are, she's constantly looking at him, constantly looking at him, trying trying to grab his attention and he is just like focused on the witnesses Another witness that came up with his really good like childhood friend who at one time kind of lived in the apartment and Witness Elon Musk being there with Amber because that's a whole other thing that she was having a fair with Elon Musk being there with Amber, because that's a whole other thing that she was having to fare with Elon Musk.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And he's going to be called to the stand soon. That's juicy. He also said that after one of the arguments in which she now claims that Johnny got physically abusive with her, he said that he never saw any marks or anything on her. And then her attorney was like, but did she? Do you know that she used amaca cream? Amaca cream to choose any amaca cream? And he's like this like New Yorkie guy.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And he's like, no, I don't know what amaca cream is. It was arnica cream, which is what you take. Like it's, homeopathic, and it's like right, like you're gonna hit your leg or get some Botox. You put it on your face right away, so you don't have a bruise. I honestly don't think it works that well. But anyway, it was just kind of funny.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And he seemed to enjoy hearing from his friend, who was like a painter and he helped him with his painting. Yeah, this was from the TikTok that was just my favorite one about them saying that Amber thought he was old and boring with his old friends playing guitar. And then one person that was Amber's really good friend did get thrown out of the courtroom because she was texting and tweeting about the trial.
Starting point is 00:20:56 So this says, a page six, Amber Herd's close friend, British music journalist, E. Barlow was dramatically thrown out of the bomb. Shell trial, she allegedly got into hot water with the judge for texting and tweeting from the front row of the courtroom, which is usually reserved for legal counsel. So it is just going. I'm so into it. I've got Jen, who is supposed to be here today, but she's a juicy story of how she cut her head up, but she's fine.
Starting point is 00:21:21 She told me I could share the story. She's going to come and we're going to get into more of it because she actually has a strong connection to the real Johnny Depp that we're going to hear about along with her Louis CK story, along with all of her other opinions. So she's coming next week and not wait next week, sorry, coming Thursday. But anyway, this is just super juicy. Also in today's testimony, the doctor, so he has always struggled with drugs in alcohol. That is not a secret about Johnny Depp. And at one point, he was trying to get off opiates.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And he hired this doctor, Dr. Keller, who then brought a register nurse with him, who was testifying today. Now, a lot of her testimonies testimony she couldn't remember. She kept saying, I don't recall. I don't recall. And a lot of it is about how he severed his finger. Amber says that he cut it off himself in a blind rage fight. okay? Johnny says she's through a vodka bottle at him which broke and cut off the top of his finger. I don't know, I don't really know what I believe. I mean, I think a bottle coming and slicing off
Starting point is 00:22:37 the top of your finger seems like that would be harder. Accidentally cutting off the top of your finger yourself seems like a much more likely thing. At the time of the finger incident He called this doctor and there's texts that say that he said I cut my finger What should I do when he went to the ER? He said I cut my finger with a knife But also if it was an abusive situation and he's a victim of domestic abuse a lot of people lie How many times has a woman said I I fell on the stairs, my dog
Starting point is 00:23:05 tripped me, you know, rather than say that her partner hit her. So, men can be victims of domestic abuse as well. And, but interestingly, this doctor was the same doctor that worked for Aussie Osborne with cis patient back in December of 2003 2003 and there was quite an issue with him being Ozzy's doctor. If you ever watched the Osborne's, Ozzy was always in a stupor, he was falling asleep, he was falling over. And later on, he said, you know, I was on all these drugs, volume, dexer-dene, all these things, Adderall, that were prescribed by the same doctor Keller.
Starting point is 00:23:49 That then all these years later was working for Johnny Depp. And the report I saw is that he was paid like several hundred thousand dollars, like six hundred thousand dollars to be his personal doctor, eighty four thousand dollars in prescriptions for different prescriptions to get you off of the narcotics, the opiates, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:08 But these Beverly Hills doctors that are like concierge doctors for celebrities is a common thing for celebrities. And you pay a lot for that kind of service to get exactly what you need. So I just thought that was sort of an interesting connection. Speaking of Elon Musk, Elon is trying to buy Twitter. I kind of find this whole thing confusing. So he wanted to buy it for 43 billion. Twitter is now going to do this thing called the Poison Pill, which I don't know.
Starting point is 00:24:39 It deals with stocks and stuff. It could probably explain it better for me. I don't know why someone would want buy twitter i kind of feel like god really it's that i mean there's out there's a bunch of other social media platforms down to get your voice out like it's not like the one and only thing but elan must wants to buy it he already has nine percent of the company and somehow this makes it that someone can't
Starting point is 00:25:04 get up to 15%. I don't know. This was a, I know, you're like Heather Miley's in your juicy scoop or like legal analysis and stock exchange. These are just the stories that have happened this week and I did a lot of studying to figure out how to explain it to you guys. So I'm just keeping you up to date and probably not a very good way. Let me get into something I do know.
Starting point is 00:25:22 There's a juicy murder that just happened. It's very weird and very sad. probably not a very good way let me get into something I do know there's a juicy murder that just happened this very weird and very sad this just happened over the weekend this murdered queens mom uh... with killed what happened i'll just say exactly what happened to the very pretty fifty or one year old woman
Starting point is 00:25:40 she's two boys thirteen and seventeen the dad was off with the 17 year old looking at places in Oregon. They live in a very nice home in forest hills of Queens in like a $2 million house. She's with the 13 year old boy, and she tells the 13 year old son,
Starting point is 00:26:01 I'm going to go see a show Friday night. I guess she doesn't come home, according to the boy, I don't know, she go see a show Friday night. I guess she doesn't come home. According to boy, I don't know. She doesn't come home Friday night. Now they're seeing she actually went to go meet another guy. I don't know if this couple is separated. I don't know if there's something romantic going or if these like the daily mail and two fabrics putting this together. Next thing they know Saturday morning, several blocks from their home, this guy is walking his two dogs and the dogs start going crazy about this like, double bag. It's just like left on the street corner.
Starting point is 00:26:37 So the guy just thought it was like, whatever trash. And they start going crazy, smelling it. So he opens it up and he sees like a leg, a black pants, a woman's waist, sees the blood, calls the police, and then they look at surveillance cameras around and they see a man, but it's not easy to see what this guy looks like, dragging the duffel bag. They go to the house, the thirteen year old boy is there
Starting point is 00:27:05 they believe that somehow she was killed in the basement there must be blood at evidence down there she was stabbed fifty eight times they take the thirteen year old boy the dad and the seventeen year old are looking at colleges they take the thirteen year old boy in handcuffs thinking that he killed the mom after talking to him they realize no he was an innocent victim I mean honestly the kid was probably playing video games from Friday afternoon until the one the police knocked on the door I mean that's not funny
Starting point is 00:27:33 But I'm just saying if I wouldn't if I told Brandon I was going out Friday with a friend and he did not hear from me until Sorry after you when the cops knocked he'd probably be like what? So I the now this is the other part, the guy, the husband got a text saying, your wife put me in jail years ago and now I'm back. He also sent another text from the wife's phone to the husband, saying, now your whole family is something to some threat about the whole family being a target.
Starting point is 00:28:12 This is just an insane story. I don't know like the jail thing. I don't know what she did for a living. If she had anything to do with some prosecution type of situation. If this guy's just an insane person who followed her home, if it was somebody that she was secretly seeing, just absolutely horrible and just like being a mother of teenagers, I just want an awful situation. Okay, let's talk about Coachella. As you know, all these influencers go to Coachella and just where a bunch of revolve clothes and post about it and it sounds pretty fun except there was stuff going on about revolve
Starting point is 00:28:53 uh... saying that it is comparing it to the for um... the fire festival in that all these people got there and they're they weren't getting the accommodation so they were supposed to get the buses were picking them up times they were hot there were thirsty they were wearing the kich the accommodations they were supposed to get. The buses weren't picking them up times. They were hot. They were thirsty. They were wearing their Coachella outfits. They were complaining. They were like, don't you know who I am?
Starting point is 00:29:10 No one knows you. You are just a social influencer. These were the tweets. This is bravoing together, put some of the tweets together of what made this juicy. So they said, sources on the ground telling us that there is a apparently drama going down at the revolve festival that stinks the level of fire festival in for stranded in the dirt with no water under the hot sun for hours waiting for the buses that aren't coming to bring
Starting point is 00:29:34 their them to actual festival alleged fight screaming everyone is busy uh... they told the police that only only in an L.Aachela edition security had crowds of influencers yelling how important they were and how they deserved the first seat. I mean, this is just like like jumping off the Titanic. I mean, I've been, okay, I've been at some parties where there's like a bus that takes you to and from
Starting point is 00:30:01 and you were just either dying to get there or dying to get home. More that get there or dying to get home. More that I'm usually dying to get home and I'm like, oh my god, I feel like I'm lady on the Titanic being like, I'm with child. Let me out this bus just to get the fuck out of there. Anyway, they said they spoke to security on the ground about the chaos and one of the guards said, I don't know who the F, these people are. I don't know who is actually important and who is lying or if any of them are important.
Starting point is 00:30:28 So then Bethany, Franco tweeted like, oh really, these influencers are complaining. Maybe be strong, should do something to help, you know, social influences at Ducala. I'm just kind of like, smizing her tweet, but she did remove it. Cause she probably realized, wait a minute. I know I really care about this petty shit,
Starting point is 00:30:50 but I am someone that's now providing myself and doing incredible charity work and like helping refugees. So I probably shouldn't make a mockery of my own, be strong charity just to be a bitch about it. And again, unless you were really there, unless you really saw these girls really bitching, who knows? I think it's just kind of funny because honestly, the little bit that I saw on social media, it seems like it was fine. I heard that I saw
Starting point is 00:31:14 another TikTok of a guy being like, it was really disorganized. Nobody knows what a park. Nobody knows how to get there. Um, people aren't even really like dancing to the music. I don't know. But then I've seen a lot of other things that look like it was pretty fun. I am going to that area. I don't have tickets to anything Coachella related except someone's backyard pool, which I'm pretty excited about. So if anyone wants to invite me to something, let me know. I'm all about a free hook up, but it has to be completely planned out. It has to be like meet me here at this time and Eric condition car picks us up. We take you to this place.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Here's some drinks, here's some shade. Would you like to sit down, let's take some photos. It has to be a complete pleasant experience. If not, I would just float in a pool and listen to some music from like, you know, the house speaker and be completely fine with that. Travis Scott, he did supposedly, according to TMZ, do a short set at a Kachela after party. So that was kind of interesting. Kardashians premiered on Hulu. They also had a lot of big Easter egg stuff that people are sort of disgusted by there.
Starting point is 00:32:30 How much each kid got a gumball machine, each kid got a bike, an Easter basket, a big giant chocolate egg, no one's going to eat. You know, come on, that's what they do and you enjoyed it. And you know what, it probably made it, it was like, it was Easter content for you who was squatting at home watching it so just stop your complaining anyway. This show seems to be very similar to what it was as far as following them but they break forth the fourth wall they talked to the camera more and the juicy thing that happened was, St. was playing some game called Robox. What is it called, Drake?
Starting point is 00:33:08 Roblox. Roblox. And there was an emoji of Kim like crying or something. And so I don't know. I guess they were gonna like maybe sue the company or figure out what was up with that. And then in doing it, they realized, by speaking to the attorneys that they're supposedly
Starting point is 00:33:26 a second sex tape coming that's out there, which as you know, that was like the world full circle when the show first premiered, which by the way, I was on the premiere episode. Thank you very much. The first couple episodes of the first season was about the sex tape and finding out about it and what she's going to do about it and she was flying to do tire banks and she didn't know what tire was going to ask her. So now we see I'm going to New York to do SNL and is this possibly happening and how do we get behind it and ahead of it and Sue and whatever. So that's some of the juice there. But people seem to like it and it's so it's
Starting point is 00:34:07 on once a week and I'm definitely going to be watching it as well. Okay. Oh, this was interesting. So someone in my juicy scoop obsessed group noticed that Kravis, that's Courtney and Travis, did this like weird photo that they posted Courtney right next to like a Coca-Cola vending machine. And then the other photo that went viral was Kim and Pete Davidson hanging out after the premiere at this place called Johnny and Vinnie's in which they were eating the Yeezy Pizza and having two giant coaks and then you saw the Coke can in the photo.
Starting point is 00:34:52 And she also gave them a cuter nose and a stronger jawline. She did like that face tune app. So people were freaking out about that but he does look cuter with, listen, I just wanna say if anyone wants to face tune me without my permission, if you're gonna make me look cuter with listen, I just want to say if anyone wants to face tune me without my permission, if you're going to make me look cuter, if you're going to give me a cuter nose and brighter teeth,
Starting point is 00:35:11 go for it, no problem. I find it's the Christian thing to do. They are Christians. So, you know, but who knows? He does look cuter. Another people think, no, it's an angle. No, she probably did it. She probably did it.
Starting point is 00:35:27 She couldn't help herself. But the theory is, do they have some secret deal with Coca-Cola? Like not a blatant, like, let me drink my Coca-Cola. Hashtag ad, but just putting Coke in a lot of things. I don't know. That's kind of interesting and kind of a clever way for Coke to do it.
Starting point is 00:35:45 It's just a conspiracy theory, just like the conspiracy theory that's going around now. This is just a conspiracy theory that Pfizer is coming out with an alopecia drug. Pfizer was a sponsor of the Oscars. Is there any conspiracy theory about that? I think for that, it's just coincidental. Of course, they have a drug for alopecia. They have a drug for everything. That's my opinion.
Starting point is 00:36:08 But this Coca-Cola thing, that looks like a real conspiracy theory. Then this was a quote. I don't know if this is an upcoming episode or not, but GMZ quoted Kim saying, what if I was fucking sleeping any second dildo at my ass? I don't know. I guess she's wondering where this second tape that RayJ supposedly has that's coming out. And I definitely think even the heaviest sleeper would wake up if a dildo was being shoved off your ass. Oh, this was got, okay, somebody sent this to me over the weekend. And it's this girl, Carolyn, Perry, 1, 2, 3, on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:36:47 She doesn't have a ton of followers, but she's like, oh, by the way, guys, I'm following Mason Dysek's secret account on Instagram. And this is wild. I totally do not believe that this is Mason Dysek. I read it all, I screen grabbed it. And then even then then she was like, I think someone created this account making it appear to be that hoping that someone would get it
Starting point is 00:37:10 and think they're getting on it. Because what this supposed Mason said was some really juicy stuff, some stuff that might be true anyway and just not out. Someone's like, maybe it's Scott because there wasn't one thing, and if you thing about Scott, but basically this Instagram account went through everything that's going to go on the Kardashians season. And one of the things was that Tristan was having an affair with this makeup artist that since all the Kardashian girls have stopped following. I looked up the makeup artist, she's a very pretty girl, and I went scroll down about a year ago,
Starting point is 00:37:50 yes, she was doing Chloe's makeup. So I'm like, that's kind of juicy, so we'll see. I'm not gonna say it, because I think it's made up gossip, but who knows? The other thing is there was a photo of a cute little baby boy in a car seat, and it said Knight, Jack Webster, meaning because we don't know Kylie's son's name.
Starting point is 00:38:10 I have heard that to be the rumored name Knight, but this baby was just some other cute, like, you know, baby that would look like their baby, like just a cute little boy. But I think that's why I think it's all bullshit. But it was kind of, it kind of made me, and then it tagged everybody's name in the story. So there's no way this was Mason. Also the words that that Mason used what's now this is wild. Do you really think basic, Dysic, who was like 11 or 12 is using the word wild?
Starting point is 00:38:41 No, that is a girl or a gay guy or somebody else is having fun with this site. But there, and then one of the things also in there was like, everybody thinks that I think Kendall is so boring. I'm sorry. I'm like, wait a minute, that's your aunt. Anyway, it was kind of funny, but I don't believe it true. Speaking of thirst, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Are we in another drought? You guys, because J-Lo, she is not happy with the lack of publicity that she got for her engagement. It just really got just glossed over with all the Kardashian stuff. And this is really reminding me of them 20 years ago where every, it seemed like every other day,
Starting point is 00:39:23 they would go shopping in Rune Deo, she in Ben in bed aflick all dressed up she'd slick his hair back and they'd be in like a different bed late ice water god every week well he comes home and she comes out the garage door and she's wearing this overalls which always looks cute and she greets about the door and gets out and she's just like grabbing a making out with him.
Starting point is 00:39:45 And the paparazzi just happens to be there filming it. And he's kind of talking to her, like sort of annoyed, like, can't, rrr, rrr, rrr. And she's like, just trying to kiss him, trying to, at one point I think when she first walked out, I saw eye contact with the photographer. And it's just really thirsty. Also, she's showing up in my TikTok
Starting point is 00:40:06 for you page for her J-Lo glow. And I'm like, I don't know how to stop those. I don't want to see them anymore. I don't like, can we have one fucking thing? Like, we can't have podcasts because every celebrity has a podcast. Can we have TikTok? Can we just keep like, can we just have our TikTok? Cut dammit. Anyway, meanwhile, his ex-wife, Jennifer Gardner, honestly, can I just say, and you're gonna go, how the hell that's so neat? I'm just gonna say it. She's just kind of a geek.
Starting point is 00:40:36 She's just, she's kind of a geek. I know she has 12 million followers. I think she's a really good mom. I mean, she dresses so dorky and then does dorky things. So, it's like baking and like, I mean, she does post like, kind of cool stuff. I can't, but I won't follow her though. I just won't.
Starting point is 00:40:54 But anyway, she is at this diner for her birthday. Wet hair, not a speckle of makeup, wearing unflattering jeans and a sweatshirt and a sweater and someone hands her a video and she's watching it and it's Donnie Osmond dancing to something that from what I could see looked like it was just like you could put anyone's song into it but it looked I guess maybe he was actually saying Jennifer Garner dance. First I was like got it she freaking out this hard so someone bought her a cameo, big fucking deal. Then he comes up behind her and she goes,
Starting point is 00:41:31 she hears the voice and just covers her hands like, wouldn't she mainly be turning around and be like, oh my God, no, she covers her hands like, I can't believe Donny Osman is here. Well, if you, you're that big of a fan, you should know that he's here. So then she, I'm to turn this off one second. So then I'm, first of all, I'm just like, hey, friends, if you're going to have Donnie
Starting point is 00:41:54 Osmond, say happy birthday to your friend, I guess he's married, but still, who's 50 and I still think single, her ex is marrying his love of his life. He just gave her some $10 million green ring. And you're like, I'm gonna give you the greatest gift ever. Donnie Osmo's gonna meet you. As a girlfriend, wouldn't she be like, Jen, I know it's just the local diner, but do you wanna like, I don't know, stop on some mascara.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Maybe a little blush. Maybe actually blow out your hair. I'm just, I don't know, just, some mascara, maybe a little blush, maybe actually blow out your hair. I don't know, just because we might take some photos or you know you're good, you're just good, being totally natural, okay, fine. So then they start seeing songs. It was just so, I really don't know how she and Ben ever got together in the first place.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I wanna look it up, so correct me if I'm wrong. I don't think they dated that long and I think she got pregnant. I think got pregnant and you know and then got engaged, got married, had two more kids. Obviously it worked for a while but I don't think she cares that she's not with them anymore. I think she's what kind of what Donnie Osmond kind of a wholesome milk and cookie dude can we find for Jennifer Garner because originally I wanted her to be with like a hot Green architect that only made like $50 million houses that were totally green. I thought that'd be good Oh, you know what I think she is dating some attorney
Starting point is 00:43:18 Well, where's that attorney? Maybe she's still dating that attorney anyway Whatever just hopefully they can eat milk and cookies together. Sorry, at least she's got her capital one card. She can go have some fun with that. Molly Shannon went on Howard's turn. She has a book coming out. I know you guys want her on Juicy Scoop. I've met her once when I went to the SNL show
Starting point is 00:43:42 a couple years, not a couple years ago. Like, you know, 25 years ago, I had so much fun. I adore her. I love her work. I'm definitely going to read her book. We have reached out to try to get her. So if anybody knows the Molly Shannon people, I would love to have her on the show.
Starting point is 00:43:56 I know we have a lot in common. She was an old virgin. She's a Catholic girl. She's a sketch girl. It would be a blast. I'm going to read the book. But she told this story to Howard Stern saying that she was so excited to meet with this agent.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And the agent also represented Gary Coleman, who, if you try to remember who this is, this was the kid from different strokes, he's black, and he was super cute on the show when he started. He had some medical issues that kept him from going past like four ten k but he um... so
Starting point is 00:44:32 the agent leaves molly and him alone and he immediately starts like hitting on her and grabbing her stuff and really forcefully like god on top of her but you know he still he's little, he's little, but he's still a man and kind of heavy. So she was pushing him off of her. She was like, stop it, stop it.
Starting point is 00:44:51 And like, at one point, I think she threw him across the bed. I mean, the story is just so visually funny. He has passed, by the way. But I did have one incident with Gary Coleman myself. I was a waitress at the Carol Conner's place, and he and this very pretty young white girl was with him, and they were eating, and he was very flirty with me, which I thought was weird since he had a date.
Starting point is 00:45:18 And their bill was $33, and he left me 50. The most tip I've ever gotten, so nice. And then he basically had no money at the end. And I always felt so badly about it. I was like, dude, why were you giving me so much money? It was $35. You already had a date, but maybe it all worked out. Maybe he's like, thanks Heather,
Starting point is 00:45:45 because Molly Shannon just told a really shitty story about me on Howard's turn. So I had to tell one nice one on GC's cube. Real House of OC reality blur is reporting that the ratings have reached an all time low amid season 16 finale. And Vicki might come back, Tamra might come back. No, but he might come back to hammer might come back nobody might come back i don't know
Starting point is 00:46:09 but they ended the show with a they they all sing a song that daisy frentess and her husband richard marks wrote and they all got up and they that they had to go to a studio before in which they sang the lines and they had to go to a studio before in which they sang the lines
Starting point is 00:46:25 and then performed it and then they, I guess, put the auto tune over it. Of course, Heather DeBrow had the best voice ball. It was so cringey and so bad and that was the finale. I remember watching the show since day one. And every time they do the final party in the OC and they'd play that sad music, I would get so sad that the season was over. I can say I've never been happier to hear that fucking music. This season was difficult to get through.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I mean, I'd fall asleep numerous times. I don't know. I couldn't take it. Anyway, the reunion is coming and the reunion is all going to be about how Shana Bedouards dressed and show up. I mean, that was basically the entire preview. And someone had to run to a Neemons nearby and get her pretty cute pink dress and she looked to get in the end.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Another clip shows that Heather Dubrow says to Shanna, I knew about your affair before anybody else did, before you did, you know, and I kept it to myself. I knew about everyone knew about your affair, not her affair, but her ex has been David Bedouard's affair. And some people wrote an article about that. And in the article, it was reality. But that wrote about this potential moment in the reunion.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Kelly Dodd wrote a tweet, which I'm just going to summarize, but just wrote a comment under it, not a tweet. She wrote a comment under that story saying, wow, Heather, you know, people in the last house just shouldn't throw stones. Everyone knows that Terry had a affair with his office assistant, that's Heather's husband, and she wrote allegedly in parentheses, I don't want to be sued a third time by you, but everybody knows that it's a small town, so maybe you shouldn't talk. So then a couple other people put that and got it going,
Starting point is 00:48:09 started to talk about who knows, who knows, but this is why it might be kind of fun to bring some of these people back, because there's more action happening on Instagram about this show than actually watching the show itself. Oh yeah, this was the article, I'm just reading this. That's, anyway, she so had so Terry called Heather a hypocrite, but I mean, look, I am not saying that's true
Starting point is 00:48:37 or anything, they seem like they're extremely solid couple from what we can see and for what they portray and on the show and everything else, but legend rumors, who cares? couple from what we can see in for what they portray and on the show and everything else but legend rumors who cares um... okay wait and then margaret on real house president jurzy
Starting point is 00:48:53 uh... um... she said on kate casey's podcast that after teresa for those of you that are not watching the show teresa is you know, Theresa's one who went to prison. Joe Judis was her husband. He went to prison.
Starting point is 00:49:10 They came back. He laughed. He's in Italy. She fell in love with this guy when she was walking down the street. He zoomed up against and they're madly in love and they're getting married and they bought a house together. But there's all this shady stuff that's come out about him. His ex, fiancee's and girlfriends stuff that's come out about him. His ex-theonces and girlfriends
Starting point is 00:49:25 have said disparaging things about him. She thinks Margaret is behind it. And so she's like, I think you started the room is about Louis and Margaret's like, you're disgusting human being for saying that. And Teresa just gets up and smashes, just pushes all the drinks all over Margaret who is wearing a white dress.
Starting point is 00:49:49 So there's like cranberry and vodka all over her boobs and everything and it's just everywhere and people get up and are terrified. And she leaves. No one can calm her down. They show her going back to the house in Nashville and then she's like, come on Louis, we're going and she's in her pajamas. And she goes, we're going to the hotel we're going to a hotel and I remember thinking well that's really weird if you decided you couldn't stand to be around Margaret even on the same
Starting point is 00:50:12 roof and you're going to get a hotel room why would you get in your pajamas to go to the hotel well Margaret on the podcast on Kate's podcast basically said You know read between the lines and so really what happened is the producers insisted because of this violent outburst That Teresa could not stay in the cast house at Nashville So what I understand is probably she got there put on her pajamas was like ready to talk some shit More about the cameras around and then go to bed and then the producers were like, actually we're gonna drive you to a hotel, we got your room, and then she just left in her pajamas. So yeah, I would think that,
Starting point is 00:50:52 ooh, another super juicy thing that I, I don't know if it was a juicy scypher or not, but it was sent to me. Someone has noticed that this one woman has been in all these scenes in New Jersey. If I'll find it and I'll share it on Thursday's show. But she's probably just like a 50-year-old white woman, just kind of whatever.
Starting point is 00:51:14 She always has a mask on because of course COVID. But for the last couple of seasons, this viewer noticed this girl within the scenes. And so we believe that she is actually security for the show. So when the females of real house wasn't at Jersey get physical, at like a bar, anything, and a public like she can actually be there where she'd blend in like a patron,
Starting point is 00:51:42 but she can actually be there to like break it up. Which I would think for the protection of everybody She'd blend in like a patron, but she could actually be there to like break it up, which I would think for the protection of everybody on set and Bravo and everything, you've got to have people like that. And maybe, you know, a typical looking male security guard can't blend into these like more intimate settings with women like some other, you know, like she could. So that's kind of juicy. Mike Shadid, who is on Shaws as you know, Shaws of Sons that has been officially canceled. However, I
Starting point is 00:52:13 think everything's pointing towards another show happening, but with maybe they'll call it something different, but keeping Reza and Mercedes and Gigi. So they're gonna do something and maybe like some new people and call it something else but Apparently for when I heard it was gonna be canceled before this but Mike like two weeks ago got arrested for domestic violence We didn't know if it was with his fiance Paulina However, that's what we'd assume then there was rumors that there was a third party in law, like maybe they are having a threesome. I heard that. She then made a statement saying,
Starting point is 00:52:52 we are working with my attorneys to get like the proper, you know, whatever the proper outcome, which sounded like she was, was the victim and pushing for some type of prosecution for Mike Then daily mail reports well actually Mike hits the beach of Cabo with his fiance Paulina Just weeks after he was arrested for domestic violence. So there just happened in love in Cabo having a great time. He's like with her kids So, you know, but the thing is though is it is people think that, oh, I guess you won't press charges then.
Starting point is 00:53:31 If it doesn't matter, if then as the person that originally called the police or said that my partner was hitting me, then you, it's just not up to you to go, yeah, I'm not going to press charges or not. That's what's changed over the last like 10 years. I know this from my sister, Shannon, the criminal defense attorney. If the prosecutor, the DA still wants to press charges, it doesn't matter. If you're like in love with him and married to him and it doesn't matter if they get married that Saturday and that Monday, he has to go to court to fight this.
Starting point is 00:54:03 If the prosecutor believes based on what was reported the night of the event, what the police report said, all of that, if they decide that they want to go forward with any kind of charges, then it's really not up to the victim of domestic violence to say yes, do it or don't. So be careful. Amber Herder, whoever, if you're going to say something that might not be true, might come back to haunt you. Oh, so Silvio Scaglia.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Scaglia. That is Julia Hartz from my unorthodox life. Came on juicy scoop. Took me to the Gucci fashion show, the tiny little thing that was part owner of the elite modeling world enterprises, Netflix show. As you know, she is divorcing her second husband, who's this billionaire guy who made her CEO of LaPurla and then made her co-owner of their business together. They're getting divorced.
Starting point is 00:55:06 He has claimed that she still took money from the company, spent it on herself for a boob job, took money out to pay the attorneys, took $850,000 out for herself. She says that's not true on Watch Around's Live. She said, I'm part owner of the company, so I'm not like stealing money from the company. Like this is what everything I'm doing is proper and you'll see.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Meanwhile, he's fallen in love. Silvio is in love with a New York socialite and this girl, her name is Heinemann and she's been sharing a little bit about their love affair on her Instagram. She's the founder of a lifestyle brand called Old Fashion Mom, which teaches readers how to apply old-fashioned values of traditional motherhood to a modern world. She's previously even married twice, the hedge fund founder, John Heinemann, who she has two kids with, and then a Norwegian financier,
Starting point is 00:56:06 Vijon, Acerod. My point is what I'm always saying is that these rich women, they just keep marrying other rich men. A rich man wants the ex-wife of a rich man. Like, I mean, I'm just telling you, it's just like the billionaire wife swap bounce, it's just amazing. But anyway, they're happening love. Please, Real House says in New York, I know you're already on this, but I hope they're approaching this woman to be on Real House says in New York because if she's on it with him, that's pretty juicy. And, you know, he was really pushing for Julie
Starting point is 00:56:49 a heart to do the Netflix series. So, he might be okay with it, or he might be like, ab, absolutely not. I hated it, it wasn't for me. But, from what I heard, he was down for it and thought it would really be great for their business and great for them, and he liked it. So I think we could get our own Real House of New York.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Speaking of swingers, there is TikTok swinging stuff that I've been hearing about. It is, um, if you just hashtag KM3, that's what it's about because that's what these people would call themselves. I'm going to explain it to you best I can. There are, oh my god, I actually get my notes here. There are two couples. And they're all over Tiktok called Swing Talk. Hold on. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:41 So the first couples are Christina and Mark. They were coupled married for 16 years. According to the TikTok things that I've seen, Christina couldn't stop cheating on Mark. So Mark and Christina decide, let's be swingers. And they meet Misty and Matt, who've also been married for 16 years. So Christina starts then screwing Matt, and her husband Mark starts screwing Misty. And they're all happy. They're like doing these TikToks together,
Starting point is 00:58:16 and they're like, we're in a polyqual. Polyqual, I guess that means like, short for quad, like a four, polyquad, maybe it maybe it's probably quad, that sounds more appropriate. We love it, we're happy, we're just one happy family and love, but like, but then you would see in the videos that Christina was super, super into that. She was just like, this is the love of my life and he's kind of tattooed and everything
Starting point is 00:58:41 and she's just like, we're just so in love. Anyway, they all go to Vegas and then days after Christina files from divorce from Mark and Mark and Misty are like, what the fuck? Like I didn't know that we're going to get divorced. Meanwhile, Matt, who's now with the second wife to be, I guess, Christina. Matt says, well, my wife gave me 13 days to change everything about myself, and I just couldn't. And then Christina's like, but I love everything about you.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I love all your flaws and you're all three of them. Oh, no. So they're all in love. And there's been people say that Matt, there's some claiming that he has stolen valor, which means he was like lying about some military awards or that it was in the military at all. So there's some shady stuff there.
Starting point is 00:59:34 The grandparents of one of these kids, people, they're like, can the kids stay with us? We feel like this is a lot. Meanwhile, so now, Christina and Matt are together. This couple, they swung and this couple stuck. And then the other couple, they wanna be together too. He's moving into the house.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Mark is now moving into the Christine Matt house. And Matt's like, good, moving to my house, dude. I think you're a great guy. I don't see what the problem is. So weird. So, I don't know. the problem is. So weird, so I don't know, I kind of feel like, hey, usually doesn't work out this perfectly, that everybody's happy, just swapping and sticking with it.
Starting point is 01:00:12 So I mean, do you remember that song from Shania Twain? Looks like we made it. And it was about how she was so in love with her husband. And then she found out that her husband was sleeping with her best friend. And they were like couple's friends. And so then they got divorced. And then Shania and his husband married that woman,
Starting point is 01:00:34 but then Shania ended up with her friend's husband. I mean, it's just really nice if it can work out. I'm just saying, I have no problem with this. I would only be sad if someone felt like they were screwed over but it all worked out perfectly there's actually a famous uh... story about it with these two baseball players that actually swapped wives and it stuck and they like they literally swapped wives and like got married
Starting point is 01:01:01 and lived forever happily ever after uh... this is not, happily ever after. This is not a happily ever after, but Lala Kent. She said she found out that Tom Schwartz, soon to be ex-husband of Katie Mahoney, that he was hanging out with Randall, and so she said, I'm out. I never wanted to talk to you again, Tom, like I can't have it.
Starting point is 01:01:22 I'll probably get some scoop on that soon. Now, we all know that these Tinder Swindler stories, thank God, are making people aware that they are as packed being swindled. And this article came out from ABC7 that this girl got told her friend, look, I think you better watch Tinder Swindler because I think you're being Tinder Swindler. And she's like, oh my God, thank God, I think you better watch Tinder Swindler because I think you're being Tinder Swindler. And she's like, oh my God, thank God I watched it. The exact same thing happened to me.
Starting point is 01:01:48 I read this article and the woman, this woman, exact same thing. Guys started to talk to her online. Immediately he's texting her every morning. Good morning, beautiful. Hey, wifey, he's successful, he's fabulous. Everything's going great. He cannot wait to see her. And then oh my God, I can't believe I'm in this predicament. I'm stuck at this place. And my wallet was stolen. Can you lend me this amount of money to get out of this situation? Then the next thing is like,
Starting point is 01:02:20 I'm, I need this money for permits to get out of here or my work visa and then so she gives some more money. Then, oh my god, I can't believe this awful things happened to me. I'm sick, I'm in the hospital, how are we going to get married and spend the rest of our lives together unless I get this surgery? I need $20,000 and then she's like, how am I going to get $20,000? I don't have that kind of money. Baby you can do it, can you refile your house, can you borrow it from a credit card?
Starting point is 01:02:46 In the end, she never met this guy, and she gave him $92,000. I just can't believe that people still get sucked into it, but I know that they do. Ooh, one of the people that I interviewed from a while ago, she had a dirty John situation, and she was a single mom, and she was a single mom and she was divorced and she met this guy and it was absolutely fabulous and you know he was everything her husband wasn't so he was super charming and great and she came on make sure and she told
Starting point is 01:03:18 the whole story. Some of you are a little bit a little bit critical about it but again it was like looking at houses and then they're gonna buy a house and it, but again, it was like looking at houses, and then they're gonna buy a house, and it was ready to close, and he like screwed her with the down payment. And anyway, she found out he had like multiple girlfriends, no money, all this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 01:03:35 He didn't take that much money from her per se, but just really messed with her heart. But he did do some illegal things, and she wrote me over the weekend and she said he got three years in prison. And she met a mom at her school that part of that mom's job in Homeland Security is out to find these Tinder-swinler dirty John types. Because the reason it has gone on so rampantly for the last decade is because I think mostly men that have been brought to cases are just like, so what?
Starting point is 01:04:11 You weren't hit, you weren't murdered, so what that this guy cheated and took your money, you were dumb to give it to him. I don't think people were really sensitive to it, but then when these people have multiple, multiple victims, you see how devastating can be. So I think all these shows, and me talking about it, and people just being more aware of what to look for. Hopefully, they're gonna have to find a new strategy. I did see this one thing where this girl then started to screw with the sky.
Starting point is 01:04:39 He started to texture and like had a cute face, and then was like, baby, baby, could I have, and then she was just calling them on them. She's like, gosh, she don't even know me, really? I'm the only person you can ask for a thousand dollars. Like we just met, we haven't met in person. We've only talked, like she's, and then finally, he was like, you're just a horrible bitch.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I forget it. I don't wanna date you anyway. And it was so hilarious and she like shared all of it how she knew exactly that this guy was just, you know, who knows how many people he's reaching out to trying to like get any money from. The Hillsong Pastor Carl Lents.
Starting point is 01:05:17 This is Hillsong is a church. There's a documentary about it. It is fastest growing church out of America, Australia. It's like a rock and roll good looking hip church that like Justin Bieber was part of. And this guy, Carl Lance, who was like part of it, got exposed that he was a serial cheater. And Perez is reporting that that actually all these like Christian publications are reporting the juice on this story exposing how awful it was but at one time Carl Lentz and his wife had a nanny a babysitter and i guess they were having an affair and she saw
Starting point is 01:05:57 some snuggly happen like you know i don't know if the girl admitted her not but she was like oh i you know i was falling asleep and his hand was on me or whatever. And the wife actually punched the nanny. That's allegedly being what was accused. And she's like, leave us alone my life's tough and tough. Anyway, I just love it when a religious pastor is just revealed to just be a complete fake piece of shit. Oh, this is another awful horrible crime, you guys.
Starting point is 01:06:28 It's so bizarre. This was out of Jacksonville, and this cute guy is like 33. He has twins, nine-year-old twins with his first wife, and then his second wife, he has a baby, two little kids with. And he was going, he dropped off the twins at the ex-wife's house and he was driving on the street and there was a big tire like in the middle of the street like that he had to stop and like get out I think he stopped and got out of the car maybe didn't get out of the car
Starting point is 01:06:57 but he stopped because there's this tire was so obstruct he's gonna have to pick it up and move it and then he was just shot like a bunch of times, like execution style. So they definitely think that it was a setup and that the tire was there, but they have no clue to who's any enemies were. I mean, he did well. He was a Microsoft exec, but it wasn't like he was a billionaire. And so there's just no clue. It seems like he and the ex-wife seem to have a decent relationship.
Starting point is 01:07:27 What's really sad is that the two-year-old was in the car seat, like wondering like, what happened? She's talking about the bang. That was just really sad. So that's another weird story coming out of their reported by Daily Mail. I'm gonna finish on another horrible piece of clothing
Starting point is 01:07:44 that is out. This is by Sheen S H E I N and it's a body suit that it's like a cat body suit and then it just has one whole bear leg and one so it's leopard. So it's like a whole but you're supposed to just wear this out. Like so one leg is covered the whole pant and then it's like a whole but you're supposed to just wear this out like so one leg is covered the whole pant And then it's like up up like complete like vagina cleavage up over the hip and you're supposed to be like strutting Or with a full ass cheek out full ass cheek and leg go out and Have some fun and get you know get your husband. I have no idea that what these people I mean the Fupa like highlighted
Starting point is 01:08:27 spanks and now this and the under-tit look, I can't take it, it's just horrible. Oh, Britney Spears is posting a lot. I mean, she's just every post is about this baby and then she posted a photo that was clearly from when she was pregnant with one of her two boys. It's clearly from 15 years ago. So that's pretty interesting rows. And then she did like four different grid photos of her just holding this baby like this dog, like a baby. And then she wrote, he's a person, no lie.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Well, he's not, Brittany. He's not a person. He's a person, no lie. Well, he's not, Brittany, he's not a person. He's a dog. And there is a difference. But that's okay. Still happy or free? Still happy or free, everybody. And I think that's it, you guys.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Oh, let's look at my cute merch, you guys. I'm wearing my keep dreaming, work the secret sweatshirt. I have new adorable coffee cups, juicy scoop. I've got so many different clothing items. I also have a really cute hat. I wore this out, drinking in mammoth this weekend, hearing Brandon's words, what kind of monster
Starting point is 01:09:40 listens to their own podcast. We'll cut a monster where's their own merch out, this kind. That's right, you can get all at Heather McDonald dot net also of course join my patreon over four years of ad free the juiciest juice get ready you will love it I appreciate it and everything's at Heather McDonald dot net thanks a lot take care see you Thursday Thank you for watching. Remember to stay up to date. Thanks a lot. Take care. See you Thursday. Yn yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw' yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'n yw'

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