Juicy Scoop with Heather McDonald - Throuples, Touring, Hollywood with Keltie Knight

Episode Date: December 29, 2022

Keltie Knight from the Lady Gang is here. She gets real about what it was like to be on tour for weeks with the other Lady Gang girls and all the trauma that came along with it. How do you make a thro...uple work for so long? The secret to staying married in Hollywood. What the future looks like for Keltie? Will she still be a part of the Lady Gang in 10 years? What it is like to be the one getting canceled. Keltie was one of the many who went on the Bachelor to jump-start her career, a tactic that is now not as effective as it was five years ago and more. Enjoy. Get extra juice on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/juicyscoop https://heathermcdonald.net/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Heather McDonald has got the juices scoop. When you're on the road, when you're on the go. Juicy scoop is the show to know. She talks Hollywood tales. Her real life, Mr. Sigma, serial data, and serial sister. You'll be addicted and addicted fast to the number one tabloid real life podcast. Listen in, listen up. Woo, woo, and a McDonald.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Juicy scoop. Hello, and welcome to Juicy scoop. I have a real delight, a podcast or queen from the Lady Gang. Keltie Knight. Welcome to Juicy scoop. I know you came on once before, correct? I came on very early. Yes. We were the only two podcasts that existed for females. And our only advertisers were like cars and beer because no females. True car.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Yeah, true car. No women, brands, advertised on podcasts because there were no female podcasters. So like, we look fucking great. We're pioneers. You're welcome. You're welcome. Everyone who started a podcast in the last decade. Heather and I would like, you know, please give us our residuals. I remember we met at a gifting suite. We met at a gifting suite, which also don't exist anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:17 God damn it. And it was, wait, maybe it wasn't. No, it was you and your jacket back. Yeah, it was one and your jacket back. Yeah, it was one of your co-hosts. And you're like, oh, we're at the same podcast going to be two and we listen to yours and yes. And then, and I remember once we talked on the phone
Starting point is 00:01:36 about like merchant stuff. Well, and you were? I mean, what a fucking psychopath. But you know what? I know, listen, I'm not an idiot, Heather McDonald. I know how popular the show is, because I look at the charts every week, and I see that you are very high up on the charts,
Starting point is 00:01:53 and have way more fans than Lady Gang. So I'm not a fucking idiot. I am gonna wear my sweatshirt, and make sure everyone knows that there's a second podcast you could tune into if you'd like, if you don't have enough juicy scoop of your life. I like your Lady Gang sweatshirt. Lady Gang University, very cute, very cute.
Starting point is 00:02:09 You go to university and you learn about like yeast infection. Yeah. Getting out of the Dixand and like negotiating a higher risk. What does the Dixand mean? The Dixand's like when a girl is like she's having, she's in a sexual relationship with someone that she thinks is like gonna end up in a sexual relationship with someone that she thinks is gonna end up in a real relationship or it's just sex or it's messy and like she's blinded by the dicks
Starting point is 00:02:33 and she's stuck in the dicks and and she can't get out. Are there multiple dicks in the sand or just the one dick is so it's like quick sand. I mean, I'm not gonna judge you if it's multiple dicks, but I would think when I have been the, did you create this scenario? Yeah, we made it up. Oh, you made it up, a dicks. In the dicks, but I would think when I have been the new create this. Yeah, we made it up. Oh, you made it up.
Starting point is 00:02:47 In the Dixand, like, you know, you're like, you're, you're just like, with a guy and you can't get out and you should get out, but you, he just keeps pulling you back in. Okay. Got it. Got it. Dixand. And you're married. You're a married woman.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah. I'm married. I've been married. Um, for, oh my god, 10 years. Congrats. Thank you. Are you married? Yes, I've been married 22. Oh, yeah, shit. OK, so what's our secret Hollywood?
Starting point is 00:03:11 I said my secret is staying married has become my brand. Oh. And I like to stick with a brand that seems to work. I was just about to work. She's like, I will do everything for work. And even my marriage. And I appreciate that. Honestly, my TikToks with my husband get more views.
Starting point is 00:03:29 So I will stay married. Yeah. Yeah. People love it. People love it. I just remember, I actually am kind of adult. I mean, I know that we've met and it's been a few years, though.
Starting point is 00:03:40 I just like, it's some moments of what I watched, like when I was, you know, just getting into Hollywood and stuff, like I was so obsessed with like late night on E and like I just remember seeing you and I just, you know, it's like I can't believe I'm sitting with you. Like it's fucking cool. I did it. God, okay, great. Sorry, it's so embarrassing. But so, but okay, so you guys had your Lady Gang. Yeah. And you had a TV show, which I think was kind of what everybody thought when they started a podcast and might now, now it's so saturated.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Yeah. It really doesn't make, I don't even know if anyone's getting picked up to do a show, but that was always kind of my thought. Like, oh, maybe this will turn into a show. And you guys really did make it turn into show. I think yours did. And also, that other one with the guy that's now on 9-1-1, and his and the girl, they, anyway, they, they're funny.
Starting point is 00:04:36 I don't know if they still have a show. They got a TV show for a minute. And then it was to the point where people were pitching shows. This was like seven years ago. the agents and stuff would say, the only way you're gonna get a TV show is if you have a podcast first. And then you can prove that this was like a viable show. Yeah. And now I feel like that's not happening.
Starting point is 00:04:57 No one wants to hear about your podcast becoming a TV show. Yes. And you know what Heather, you have laid again to thank for that. Because we, so here's the, can I tell you the whole story? You actually got a fascinating and I know juicy scoopers love the inside Hollywood, so they really do. Here's what's happened. Becca, after she was on Glee, you could not get another acting job.
Starting point is 00:05:16 It happened with a lot of the Glee cast is that, you know, you were so famous and it was such a big show that like no one could see you as anything else, but like Kitty Wilde or whoever you were. So it was like all that cast just started auditioning and it was like, no, we know her too well, we want the next on Janu, we know what the next blonde girl, whatever. So she wasn't working. I was working at Entertainment tonight and I was miserable. I was so tired, I was so burnt out, I was like, there has got to be something else to do with my life and I was like, I really want to own something. Back in, I were having sad salads at the 101 Cafe.
Starting point is 00:05:46 We're like crying into our salads having lunch. What is your favorite salad? I mean, I hate vegetables. And I will avoid a salad like the plate. Really? God, I love a salad. You do? What's a sad salad?
Starting point is 00:05:57 I mean, a sad salad is like any salad. I probably was having some mixed salad. Oh, so you didn't have a favorite one that you ate when you were sad? No. My favorite salad would be French fries. Oh, okay. But we're having a sad salad because it's Hollywood. And I was like, we should have a talk show. We need a talk show.
Starting point is 00:06:15 We're so funny. You know how every girl sits around and they're like, we're so funny. And she was like, well, no one's gonna give us a talk show. We're not famous. And I was like, yeah, but I was really into cereal, the podcast. Like true crime. It was the first podcast that made me download famous. And I was like, yeah, but I was really into cereal, the podcast, like true crime. It was the first podcast that made me download the podcast.
Starting point is 00:06:28 I was like, what if we did a podcast and she looked at me and she goes, what's a podcast? And so I was like, hmm, so a pitch day, we started the show and on the second episode of the show, we had had two episodes air. We got a call for me. We had a call from a development at E and they were like, hey, we wanna talk about the show.
Starting point is 00:06:43 We'd like to produce it out as a digital series. And I was like, no, thank you. I was like, this is a television show. We're good. I don't know who the fuck I thought I was. Sorry, I don't mean to swear. Oh, that's fine. I didn't know who I thought I was, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:58 nope, don't want a digital series because at the time, this was like six years ago, seven years ago, there was kind of like still a poo poo on having a digital series or a U2 or something. Right. So the webisode or something because you were still like, it's for people who can't make it on TV. Got it. Now, webisodes is like, it's for people who want advertising dollars because that's where people put their money. But anyway, at the time, and you want to own your own thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:21 At the time, it was like, eh, so we said no, and they were like, excuse me, what? And so then for two years we hustled and I was like, when we hit this many million downloads, I'm going to come back to you and you guys are going to give us a TV show and that's what happened. We went back, we developed the TV show, the production company, we sold the show and everything is going well, everything's going well except then, and this is where I ruined podcasting to television shows that everyone listened to our podcast and no one watched our television show. Like literally 0.0000008% of the people who weekly listened to Lady Gang tuned in to the show
Starting point is 00:07:55 on E. We had a lot of things against us. Our time slot was 11.30pm on Sundays. I got to be honest, at 11.30pm on Sundays, I've already taken a Xanax. I'm asleep. So let me tell you about that. I think it's really interesting, because I've had someone called me, and I wanna say they never published the article,
Starting point is 00:08:13 but it was after, who's the girl, oh my God, Samantha B. So Samantha B's show, I believe, was canceled. Yes. And so someone called me and was like, do you think that late night hates women and against women and Hollywood against women? And I said, no, I think that women go to bed. They work, they have children, They have children. They aren't these guys that might stay up till 1 a.m. to watch late night.
Starting point is 00:08:50 And that's just the fact. And I go, and I'm like, I just think that's it. And I go, even when we were on E, it was a half hour show. And there was a time based on when you got it, the latest that you could watch it, like we got it early, because I always got the East Coast food early. So we could watch it like seven or eight. I think the latest that anyone had to watch it
Starting point is 00:09:11 was 11 on the East Coast. And it was done by 1128, right, which really isn't that late, which is kind of the perfect thing. Get in a bed, turn it off. Anything later than that. So in executives listening, just trust me. It's not about people hating women.
Starting point is 00:09:30 It's just not. It's like knowing where the audience is. And I said this the other day to Natasha. Nope. So Natasha Lajero was on my show. Yeah, I saw. I watched. And she's like, thank you so much for having me on.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Your audience is so great. I got such a great response. Unlike a couple of these guy podcasts, and she's in the thank you so much for having me on. Your audience is so great. I got such a great response. Unlike a couple of these guy podcasts, and she's in the podcasting game too, a couple guy podcasts I did was just like awful. And now it's not the guys, it's not the host fault. They're audience or men. And they're never going to be into you.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Yeah, that's just it. Like, I'm never gonna let's do an ESPN podcast. I never am. If it was the last thing, a form of entertainment, I wouldn't get into it. I would look at the stars. Yeah, 100%. And I also think like, I mean, what you've done,
Starting point is 00:10:17 and like, even with Lady Gang, like, it's cool to be a niche thing. Like, I think that being a child born in the 80s, I was a child of the 90s, like I was, I came of age when it was like all or nothing celebrities. It was like George Cunia, Julia Roberts, Cher, like you're either the biggest star in the world
Starting point is 00:10:35 or you're nobody. And I feel like now in this day and age, it's like you don't actually have to matter to everyone in the zeitgeist to be incredibly successful and popular. Like it's not an all or nothing thing, but I also think I'm layered up in my 18-step screen school, like I do not want to be awake at 1130 watching television. Like I, if I was awake at 1130, I would probably be a better wife and have sex with my husband, but I'm too tired to do anything. I want to lay down, I want to take a sleeping pill and go to sleep. So you had this, yeah, this time that didn't work. Well, we did a
Starting point is 00:11:08 season and a half. So the first season, and I work at E now, so, uh, you know, I love E. But the first season, it's a lot of different people there now, but no, I don't think it's E. I don't. I mean, it's exactly what you said. And it's like, and your, our audience consumes content differently than they did 10 years ago. Yeah. And so that's another part of it. So the funniest part, and I mean this with love, was like our lead in was the busy Phillips show.
Starting point is 00:11:37 And I really enjoyed busy Phillips on Instagram. And similarly to no one enjoying us, Lady Gang on TV, I did not enjoy her on television. Well, I'll tell you my busy Phillips story. Okay. So I met Billy's busy Phillips when she was cast on White Chicks, which I was a writer on and I appeared on. And it was one of those days, so I had to go to Canada
Starting point is 00:12:00 because I was the girl that was the sales girl. And she and the two other girls and Sean and Marlon as the white chicks come into the store. So that's what I met her and you know I wrote that whole scene and wrote the scene for her and everything and we hung out in the trailer together and I remember I'm like so what's your story tell me your story and she, well, I was born a small white child. And I like dropped. I was like, you're so funny. Like she really started from the beginning. And so we had this like great day and we had so much fun. And then at the premiere, we had fun. Okay. And then don't keep in touch or
Starting point is 00:12:39 anything. I don't know the chair. I came on Chelsea. But you know, I saw all the different things that she was doing. And she was on the Courtney Cock show and this and that. And then I saw that, you know, I mean, you know, she became quite famous for being Michelle's best friend after Heath Ledger died and she got to be the plus one. Right. And then she had some funny Instagram moments of being locked out of her house and all this. So she gets the show.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And I'm like, yeah, I could see why E would choose her. She's like, you know, a younger, it's a younger, nicer Instagram friendly version of a blonde that we normed that we originally had. So it's like, okay. And so I was like, congrats at everything. And totally, I could not get on her show. I was pitched, I think I'm funny. I could have talked about hot topics, we could have talked about whatever. So totally ignored with that.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And then I think the final thing I did was I thought her show was so bad that then I did an impression of it. And I think a tagger and I think she was like, ha ha, whatever. So she had like a good impression of it. But it was just tagger and I think she was like, haha, or whatever. So she had like a good impression of it, but it was just, it was very much just like, oh my gosh, and you know that type of thing. And I also think on talk shows. Yeah. And I think this is kind of interesting to it. And
Starting point is 00:13:57 even for podcasting too. Because I was saying to my husband, I'm like, I don't know, maybe it's time that we like, just do something different with this space. Yeah. And I said, but I want a table. I don't want to be in a fluffy chair. Yes. Where any in style are having a cocktail, because I feel like after Chelsea lately, there was a bunch of talk shows that were like,
Starting point is 00:14:19 like, let's have a cocktail, let's get comfy. Yeah. And to me as a stand-up and as someone that delivers material, I feel like you have to be like, get your mind in the spot to like deliver that this isn't just a low, low conversation. It maybe can work for a podcast, just for me. Like, so I didn't think it worked for her that they were like lounging around on a couch
Starting point is 00:14:43 and having cocktails. I'm like, I think it should be a little more structured to like deliver the funny and deliver the stories and stuff. Yeah, and you know what, Heather, oh my god, you're just so smart, but it's the exact thing. I'm not, I'm trying to hide my hands because I have a horrific spray tan hand right now, and I'm just, I'm hiding them under my, as I can. Why hide it when now you've said it now if you want to see it?
Starting point is 00:15:04 So here it is. Okay, so here I literally is my own spray ton from right aid. Okay, so anyway, what you're saying about sleeping, about just being too loud and jeep for a talk, this is the same problem that happens with every celebrity that started a podcast. Yes. They're like, I'm just gonna hang out with my friends
Starting point is 00:15:24 and have some real talk. And I was like, no, actually, the best podcast on the planet are highly produced. She's got a whole rundown, she's got a thing. There's sections, there's production value. You're actually boring. Hollywood is incredibly boring. People, in general, are boring,
Starting point is 00:15:39 which is why we're watching Game of Thrones like psychos. We're boring. We need other things to entertain us. So sitting around just for blabbing for an hour is the most boring shit I've ever seen in my life. And some of these podcasts are unlistable. Well, when I was pitching juicy scoop for a new home recently, I would drink this water.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Yes, that's a fresh water for you. Thank you. So what I would say was, I would say that that I pitch it. I go listen. I know a little before COVID is certainly different. Every manager and agent convinced their star. You just have to sit on your bed and talk to your dog for an hour on Tuesday nights and you're going to make a million dollars. Right. And so and you guys paid the million dollars. I mean it's I literally was saying this to the network. I mean, I paid the million dollars. I literally was saying this to the network. I mean, and you paid the million dollars.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yes. And of your return on investment of the 10, maybe there's one that's hanging on. And the rest have let that expire, let it go, whatever you didn't renew it, they didn't renew it. They realized how much work they got another series. They didn't keep up with this side gig. I'm like, this is my job.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Right. You know, someone wants a hand-me-ass to come. I'll think about it, but I'm not pursuing one. I'm not pitching shows. It's just UCScoop. So like, you might want to invest in me because I'll be Howard Stern till I'm 75. So like, what do you want to put your money in?
Starting point is 00:17:01 And it's just kind of interesting to see it. And I love that you see it too. Like, just when you've done a long time, it's like, I want to say, I don't want to be bitter betty that everybody's doing it. And I was a little bit. Now I'm like, the more the marryer you're bringing awareness, there's still people that have never done a lot of podcast. So if they go because they want to list a Megan Markle and they realize how that maybe is it for them, then maybe eventually they'll make it away to the, okay, what are these big good ones that people talk about? Let me listen to Joe Rogan and Juicy Scoop and Lady Gay.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Okay, let me find the good ones that have been around, you know, and PR or whatever, you know? So it's like, so I kinda see it like that. And at the same time, I'm like, it also if you are just someone that wants to do it because you do have that girlfriend across the street. Yes. Maybe a hundred people will listen, but what a great chronicling of your life, like if it is about motherhood or whatever, and you have it and you look back, or maybe you
Starting point is 00:17:55 do it for a year and you put it away, and then a year, you know, two years later, you listen to it and you're like, whoa, I just thought of a really good book I could write. So it's like, I'm still steaming the busy didn't put you on her show. I'm sorry, at this whole time, I'm listening to the story. I'm agreeing with you. You're absolutely right. Megan Markle's podcast is less than desirable. But, and I love Megan, but I'm still pissed about. I'm not gonna regret that bitch.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Okay. No, but I don't need it again. I don't know. Like it could have been, it could have also been like We're going for big stars or hey, I have so much pressure Also, he has never had me on since Chelsea lately ended and they they had me on to do Nightly pop right I was supposed to do three days. Yeah, and then after the first day They told my agent that I'm fired for the three.
Starting point is 00:18:45 What happened? I don't know. They paid me for the three days. It wasn't easy, but I did get paid for it. But when I got there, and the guy was like, I'm so excited that you're here. I've been trying to get you on for a while. I looked at him and I'm like, yeah, I haven't been on in seven years. I've had two specials.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I had podcasts. I've been pitched. Yeah. I'm thinking, well, I guess whoever hated me is gone now. You know, and then- The networks do the executives and the people in charge that they do turn over quite. And they have something, when people go, like, are you banned or whatever?
Starting point is 00:19:18 The banning can just be one person. Right, sure. It's not like 100 people got together in a room and voted and said, we were not gonna ever have Heather McDowell work in this town again. It doesn't, it's not like 100 people got together in a room and voted and said, we're not gonna ever have Heather McDowell work in this town again. It doesn't work like that. But there are definitely places like I've had publicists and stuff. Or someone's come to me and they're like, I want to be your publicist. And I'm like, if you can get me on the few or the talk, then I'll hire you for six months because I can't get on either one of those shows. Because they could really use you on the top. Because they say no every time.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And then I did that as an experiment. And the girl came back and she's like, I yeah, and I go do know why. Like, if I was going to die tomorrow, I'd be like, I would like, there are a few things I'd like to know. Like, and this is one of them. Like, I if I was gonna die tomorrow, I'd be like, I would like, there's a few things I'd like to know. Like, and this is one of them, like, I don't know. I think it's just whatever the thing is. Someone doesn't like me on it. Someone thinks I'm too recognizable as a Chelsea Latly for I don't know what it is, and I don't care anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Sometimes small daily actions really make a big difference, especially when it comes to caring for your hair. A little goes a long way. Yes, I am loving my way products. So whether your hair is fine, medium or thick, or whether you're looking for volume, shine, or hydration, their shampoos and conditioners are made to really give your strands exactly what they need. I am loving their detox shampoo right now.
Starting point is 00:20:38 I have found it's making a huge difference to really clean my scalp, give it that deep cleanse, and bring it back to life. Also adding strength and softness and shine, it's just that special combination of their products that just help to enrich and really you do get that build up, especially when you use a lot of hairspray, a lot of you know, different products I think the detox shampoo is so important. So get on your way to healthier hair one day at a time with shampoos and conditioners that are just your type. Go to thewaytheuai.com and use code juci for 15% off your entire purchase.
Starting point is 00:21:19 That's thewaytheuai.com code juci. t-h-e-o-u-a-i dot com code juicy. I just don't care anymore because of this because this is a success of this. I don't care anymore. I do love having a car pick me up. I do like buying a new outfit. Sure. I like being on TV with the perfect lighting. I like watching myself that night on the TVR. Yeah. I kind of miss it. But I'm also like accepting that it doesn't really matter anymore. And if you don't want me, it's fine. Well, this happened to me a few years ago. So I stepped away from working.
Starting point is 00:21:53 I was at an entertainment tonight in the insider at CBS for like over a decade. And I got to a point where Lady Gang was so big. I mean, when we were doing Lady Gang TV, which is why it's like so traumatic for me, I was, we were getting up at four in the morning doing Hairy Makeup. We filmed it in my house filming Lady Gang TV from which is why it's so traumatic for me. We were getting up at 4 in the morning doing Hairy Makeup. We filmed it in my house filming Lady Gang TV from 7am till noon that I was going into
Starting point is 00:22:10 ET, doing ET, and then coming back and podcasting at night with the girls in my closet. It was just in a sane schedule and I was doing so many things. When you were doing the TV version. So you weren't using any material that you would then use for the actual podcast. It had to be separate. Yeah, it was like extra shows. Yeah, extra shows. We had celebrity guests in a bigger way on the show.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Yeah, I saw it. It was just a mess. I thought it was a pretty cute situation. So she... I thought it was cute. I thought it was like, well, I thought it made sense. Thank you Heather. You know, it's crushing on TikTok right now.
Starting point is 00:22:45 I started putting up the old clips of the show and nothing's more popular. Like, we're so viral of all these old clips. Well, you mark down. I just came across some old videos of me on Chelsea Lee's. You have to put them up. People love that. And because he took them all down.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Right. Well, I shouldn't say this anyway. But anyway, I have a couple. You should put them up. It's amazing. They do so well. And like, they never put our show in streaming or anything. So it's just dead. And I'm like, no one sued me yet.
Starting point is 00:23:12 So I just keep putting them up. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. But yeah. So anyway, when I left ET, people were like, what? My parents were like, what do you mean you're quitting your television job to then work
Starting point is 00:23:25 in your basement on your podcast that we don't know what that is? Like they looked at me like you're losing your mind. And it's just, it sucks and you miss it and you're like, oh I'm not on the red carpet feeling like I'm important anymore and all the fake shit that goes with Hollywood that actually is like really fun, like the free facials and like all that shit goes away. But being in control and never, you know what you're like, do you want a facial? You're like, yeah, like always.
Starting point is 00:23:50 You're like going to those like gifting sweets, the free shoes and all that shit that like, and you know when the Emmys come around and stuff, that was a fun time. And being on Chelsea and stuff, we did a lot of that. Exactly. I could like eat after show. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:02 So that kind of stuff, like you kind of miss and then you following everyone on Instagram, which I then not blocked everyone. Muted everyone's, because it was like, like making, I didn't have enough therapy sessions to like deal with all that. So, but when I left, like everyone was like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:24:17 I was like, I really believe in this. I believe I can do my own thing that I'll have the power that when I want to take three weeks off during the holidays and go to an island, I will. I can pre-tape the episodes. Just having that freedom because I worked every Christmas, every New Year's on my birthday. The day after I had a miscarriage, every single fucking day you had to work for someone else and you work for their brand. I love to do my own thing, which is why I have so much respect for what you've done, because to be honest, screw those shows that won't book you.
Starting point is 00:24:48 They're idiots, you're great television. Also, some of those shows, not the view, I would maybe say about the talk, is not to me in the most interesting part. It's like they need a little fire. People are so afraid. I think people are very still very afraid of women who speak their mind and are loud and podcasting. People love it.
Starting point is 00:25:05 So you're like, yes. Well, let's see because there's actually an audition for the talk. No, I'm Jerry's leaving. I'm with Sony. Okay. And they they said, you know, I know and that one of the reasons I went with them is just, you know, because I think they're great and It's just a good deal for me, but I do everything myself right, but I said So if Sony's bothering to listen I said let's see and they said why you think about going somewhere else I said I just think more people should know who I am. Yeah, I just don't get why nobody knows who I am and They were like okay, we want to do that for you. So then I talked to their PR person, we'll see. So far, nothing's come. Okay, so nobody has asked me,
Starting point is 00:25:54 and I said, you could pitch me to Tamar Hawley, you could pitch me to Jay, if I had to talk about women and podcasting, how to do it and why. Like I said, like the good things about it and that you shouldn't be intimidated and like, but also to be honest, like you're not going to make money unless you have a certain amount of people listening, but it can still be something that just like journaling or
Starting point is 00:26:16 posting on like it still can be a great way of getting your creativity juices going and and all that and um so far, I don't know. I don't know if they're gonna put, but like I'm a little bit jaded about that stuff. So I'm kind of like, hey, if nothing happens, I still like this deal. Yes. Because my Steve people can still listen.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Yeah. And I still do my extra juice to scoop on Fridays. And there's still all of that. Yeah. But I'm just so like, like nobody's ever gonna get, you know, I'm never, I'm just very unlikely to believe anybody's song and dance about what they can do for me because it's like it's been, I've just done it so long and, you know, and that's why I love having my own thing because I'm like, and then talking about like the Belenciaga thing.
Starting point is 00:27:03 I was like, I'll talk about it, and I don't really care. Right. And there's been times even when I've like censored myself that I'm not going to censor myself anymore about. I'm like, oh, it isn't interesting that we can now talk about this thing that we couldn't talk about 18 months ago. Now we can talk about it. Oh, now we're allowed. Right. Now we're not evil, awful people that thought differently from you. Now you're like, hmm, I just won't. The people that thought you were able to talk about that, they'll never go, hey, I was wrong.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Of course not. But they just won't attack what you're saying now. You're right. They'll just be like, oh, okay. You were right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We eat this crow. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:41 It's okay. And that's okay. It's okay. I mean, I think it's great. I think what you've done is amazing. And, and you know, it's just, it's a testament to just working hard and being in control of your own thing and that it's pretty ugly most of the time, but like actually has a rave sunshine. Being that it's been the three of you. Yeah. Was there ever a time because, um, troubles are tough. Yeah. Whether it's been the three of you, was there ever a time because troubles are tough, whether it's sexual or not, and as ever
Starting point is 00:28:11 bit of time where you didn't think that you could power through as a trouble. Yes, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, no, a trouble, business No, a thruffle. Um. Business women, three of you. Yeah, I'll be honest. We were just about to celebrate seven years. And for six years, people used to ask this question all the time. We'd be like, we don't really fight.
Starting point is 00:28:33 We're brutally honest with each other. And whatever happens, we just nip it in the bud, and it goes. And then we went on tour. And this year was a year of just maniac-level Celtieisms. So we had multiple really big brand deals and podcasting crazy back had a new baby via surrogate. So the baby like came into our world in February. She took four weeks off and then it was like go time to prep for this tour.
Starting point is 00:28:58 So tell me what the tour was. When did it start? So starting in September, we wrote our second book. Okay. And the book is called Lady Secrets. It's really freaking good. It's all these essays about us of like when I went on the Bachelor to get a hosting career. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Didn't work. I got kicked out of home the second night because I'm not that desirable. And like all these really funny essay stories, kind of like your books. You know what I mean? And then we also have community secrets. We asked the lady gang, we had a hotline,
Starting point is 00:29:25 1844 sexy lady, and people called in, and they were like, I pretend to fall asleep because I hate my in-laws. I cast, I cast fished my husband into marrying me like by pretending to be someone shitty online. Like, just weird stuff. And so, yeah, we put it together, it's awesome. And so we did this big book tour because we were supposed
Starting point is 00:29:41 to do a book tour for our first book, it all got canceled because of COVID. And we're like, we will be rock stars on the bus. So we did the whole thing. Now how did you do all this? Because you were just asking me how I do my tour. And I've always toured gone clubs starting over 12 years ago is kind of what I started headlining 12, 13 years ago around then.
Starting point is 00:30:03 And I would book a weekend on a club, like a Thursday, and then I come home on a Sunday, or whatever. And then when Chelsea Leigh-Landered, I'd do it a little bit more, but my husband and I were always like, we really don't, I really don't wanna go more than twice a weekend, but sometimes they'd be back-to-back weekends.
Starting point is 00:30:21 Sometimes it'd be three, but I'd really try to only do two weekends a month, what does it mean? Two weekends a month. And so with be three, but I'd really try to only do two weekends a month. What does it mean? Two weekends a month. And so with this last one, I'm like, I'm gonna do a live juicies scoop tour where I'm not gonna record it. I'm not gonna post it.
Starting point is 00:30:33 It's gonna be this great thing. I want Annie who produces my show to come with me. And, but what I originally told my agent was like, but I wanna do it like a real tour where I'm like gone for two weeks. I never set a bus. Yeah. But I thought like where I could go Wednesday, one city, Thursday, another Friday, so I maybe
Starting point is 00:30:51 have like a night or two to relax, but then do like five more and just be gone for like two and a half weeks. Don't even come home in between. Have the outfits, get the routine going. And I don't even know how you book things. I know my agent works really hard, but it just, it didn't make sense to get the big cities. And then I thought, oh yeah, maybe it would be hard to get a bunch of people to come out on a Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:31:12 I don't know, whatever. It is. So we did it. Or how about a Monday in Phoenix? So like, okay, I want to hear about yours. So the way we did it was, we would do two or three cities in a weekend. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:24 And then, but we did it over September, October, was, we would do two or three cities in a weekend. Yeah. And then, but we did it over September, October, November, and we would have some time to come home and we'd have weekends off. Now it's done. Yeah. So I never had that tour thing, but you guys actually
Starting point is 00:31:37 got a bus. We had a bus. Do you have a tour guide person that came with you the whole time? Well, we have a very senior producer of Lady Gang who oversees everything and she came on the bus with us and then we had also an assistant who came on the bus and then we had a tour manager that was working remotely like advancing the cities and getting what you need in the dressing room and what kind of lighting you need.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And then we had a trailer full of merchandise and our whole setup and our brand setups and we literally hauled that shit around a man. So you had a bus and a trailer and you slept on the bus? We slept on the bus. We did not have the bunch of hotels. merchandise and our whole setup and our brand setups and we literally hauled that shit around a man. So you had a buyer's house? And a trailer and you slept on the bus? We slept on the bus. We did not have the bunch of hotels. Do you have the bus wrapped thing Lady Gang?
Starting point is 00:32:11 I wish it's $40,000. That was my dream. I tried to get a brand to pay for it. I was like literally it can be like waxyourbutthole.com plus the Lady Gang tour. Like please just give me $40,000. No, it's very expensive. The bus is very expensive. But so we slept on the bus, and then what kind of
Starting point is 00:32:28 then used did you do? So we really, thanks for bringing it up. It's like a really traumatic. We really fucked ourselves. So we normally were doing like city wineries, which is like 203 units, so did I. Yeah, and then this one I just graduated to theaters. But still, I was conscious of how big the theater could be.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I think the biggest one was Wilbur at like 1100. Yes. But most of them were not. And if they're a little bit smaller, like a 500 than I did two shows in the night. Yes. And that's probably because you've been touring for 15 years. And amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:03 So we also played the Wilbur, and I think we did about 400, 500 tickets. It's like an 1100 seat theater. So that's super embarrassing. They closed off the top. I mean, we got placed in, like we sold out the Grammar Sea in New York, which is 400 seats.
Starting point is 00:33:20 That's perfect for us. But we had a bunch of theaters that were like 800 seats, and we're like, well, even if we sell like 600 tickets, it'll be fine. And then everyone on their mother went on tour this fall, both of us were on tour, so many artists, and people are still not really leaving their houses. And so, you know, also noticed,
Starting point is 00:33:36 is even if we were sold out, people didn't come. They just decided not to come that night. Yeah. And I think it's like a different vibe. Also, I mean, Mountians, our mothers, summer older, and summer young, they wanna stay home. And I just think the day comes, and they're like, I'm not feeling it,
Starting point is 00:33:54 or my friend can't go on, I always encourage that juicy scurper to come alone. Because we're like, you will be sitting, you will be so many other people. But, so here, I did sell it out, and there'd be like empty seats in front. Yeah. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:34:07 God, I never saw that before COVID. Yeah, it's really weird. So it was like, there was so much pressure on us. So then the sales were like fine. Like I'm just gonna say they were fine. They were COVID fine, I guess. The book sales were pretty dismal. Like we just had a first book come out,
Starting point is 00:34:25 made The New York Times list made the USA today. Less like it made a can't the Toronto Star list. Like it was really successful, which is why they wanted us to write a second book. And people were like, we don't need another book from you. So the the book sales were like really tragic. And and so it was like all of the the most negative things were happening to us at the same time while we were together while I ripped back a Tobin away from her newborn. And so how much time was spent altogether to hit all these 15 so we had three weeks.
Starting point is 00:34:56 And like by the end of it, Jack and Becca were like, I'm just gonna fly into the city. Like I'm not riding the bus with you. And it got to the point where it was, I mean, once we didn't make the New York Times list and I had an epiphanel down on the street in Atlanta and like cried, then we could laugh after that. And so then, from that point on, we kind of had fun.
Starting point is 00:35:13 But it was just really stressful. And it's like, I think you feel the same way, which is why I really admire what you're doing, is like you actually really care about your fans. Like for me, I don't want, we call them the lady gangers, like we don't want those girls to come and not have the best show of their life We want the best merch the best freebies the best screen stuff like we want them to like really have a good time and meet friends And like you know, don't spend the money and then just be like oh that was okay Like you want it to be amazing and so you put so much pressure on ourselves and like I actually really care if people walk out
Starting point is 00:35:44 And they're like yeah, it was fine. Like no, I need you to have a five star experience. I want you to love this. And just doing like a Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday shows, like it's too much. We had, we needed time to like live and like experience a bad chick flay or so, I mean, I don't know chick flay, but like experience like the town's life
Starting point is 00:36:01 or something because what are we talking about? You know what I mean? There's nothing new going on. And so it was pretty bad. We had a really rough of... I do want to say though, I mean, I admire your honesty about it, and that is life and to reflect on it. And I think it's interesting because I know like a lot of people do the live podcast shows and stuff. And I have said, as someone who's a standup who brings another standup with me to do it, I was like, what are these other shows doing?
Starting point is 00:36:32 Because I'm like, besides me, like for like 12 hours before, I'm putting in all these hot topics, and do all this stuff. And then I'm saving juicy stories that I only will tell there. And like, I do think I did a great job. Yeah. But I did a great job
Starting point is 00:36:49 But I'm a perfectionist about it. I'm not a perfectionist about my home I'm not a super neat person. I'm not like perfectionist about other cooking or anything But the show I am so it's like if you know if I wasn't happy I would be I'd be bummed I was happy in the end I was very happy with the result of it, But like, it is a lot harder than people think. It's so much work. Yeah. Yeah. Really, it really like just PSA to everyone that listens and loves a podcast. Podcasters, shockingly, are just humans. Whoa! I know, it's a revolutionary. But like, we say shit that comes out wrong and we maybe don't think it comes out wrong in that moment, but then listening back like three weeks later,'re like, oh I don't know if I
Starting point is 00:37:26 should have said that or we also like need sleep and we're not perfect and like maybe you didn't like the psychic that we brought on like maybe you don't like the color green when you made a sweatshirt in green like I'm sorry I am a human being on this planet like we are doing our best yeah we are you know like people we have a segment on our show called Good Week Bad Week and people will like DM and be like um I heard your bad week and I just want to are you know like people we have a segment on our show called good week bad week and people will like DM and be like I heard your bad week and I just want to let you know that cucumbers are not a vegetable They're a fruit. I heard you talking about like I mean not that but like just like getting after us for the stupidest shit
Starting point is 00:37:57 And I was like hi I don't know how to be an adult. I'm trying to keep myself alive. I can't even keep a plan alive That's why I don't know how to be an adult. I'm trying to keep myself alive. I can't even keep a plan alive. That's why I don't have children like done. You know, like let's just give me grace. What was the final show? Where did you do it was the final show? We finished the show in Denver, Colorado, which we flew to.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So in, at the end of September. At the end of, in mid-November. Okay. So we had, we had, we had bus. And then we had, yeah, those ones were fine. We had bus, and then we had Phoenix, LA, and Denver that we flew to, like, three weeks later. Oh, you got rid of the bus.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yeah, we got rid of the bus in Houston. Houston was our last bus show, and it was like, literally, you should have been on the street after the show, everyone, because I was like, do you need a rack for your clothing? Here you go, and do you need, like, some bedding? Like, I was just giving do you need a rack for your clothing? Here you go. Do you need like some bedding? Like I was just giving away pillows off the bus because I was like, I plan this whole tour
Starting point is 00:38:50 so perfectly down to a tea where you're staying, where you're doing. And then we got to like three days before last date and Becca looks mean she goes, how are we getting all this shit home? And I was like, hmm, actually never thought about that. We did the extra merch and stuff and then. Everything that was left over like the flower baskets
Starting point is 00:39:04 and the back we had directors chairs. Well, because you brought like a set. And we had it all delivered to Chicago for the first show and then we ended up in Houston. I was like, how do I get this home? So I had a higher guy with a van to drive it for 47 hours. I have a giant vagina chart because we did this, like, name that lady part, like game.
Starting point is 00:39:21 So we pulled up this giant, by the ginas that was named 1 through 15. And then we had three straight guys come on stage, and like they get to win merch if they could name things correctly, which by the way, nobody, literally nobody knows where, anything but the asshole is, which says so much about so many things.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Anyway, so we had this giant vagina, and we're like, I'm like, how am I getting the giant vagina back to LA, like you can't fly with a giant vagina anyway. So, I mean, you probably could, we didn't. I heard a guy didn't yeah anyway it was a disaster I'm so glad it's over I've never had more tears I've had so much therapy about it we're good now lady gang will continue but I think the fans picked up on it because they're like when I announce I just I just went back I just went back to entertainment news so I started on e-news just as a correspondent and and people were like does
Starting point is 00:40:03 this does this mean what I think it means? Lady gang is over and I was like, oh shit, they picked up on the tension. No, we're fine. Lady gang's fine. We're going to be OK. And so the three of you get together and you do one show week? We do two shows a week.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And so we sometimes back a little bit in Austin now, show come to LA and we'll sit in our studio and do a bunch of episodes, or we'll do them on zoom You know, we don't really have guests anymore like we just kind of do us Every once in a while we'll have a guest which by the way you need to come on So you know like every once in a while we'll have someone if they're funny and great But like we just got burned by having like actors who are like I'm an actor Just asked me about my acting and you're like boring
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah, I would just rather have like reality stars, batcher people, like that kind of stuff. As psychic. I had a, I we have a really good money episode coming out after the holidays from this amazing tiktokr called Your Rich BFF and she tells you all the things to do with your money so that you can be rich. I love that. Yeah, that just really helps.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah, really important. And especially for women and in a way that women can understand. Yeah, you know, because we do a lot of that. The amount of times that someone's boyfriend tried to explain the stock market or crypto to you, and you just are like, wrong. But if you get someone to, like, get this credit card because in one year,
Starting point is 00:41:15 you'll have enough points to fly to Teedie. Like, that's what I need to know. Like, actually, my son is 20, and he is a finance major, and he explains stuff better than my husband, Ken, to me. And so he's like, Mom, this is why you should do this. And, you know, he's like, you could do, you could invest this yourself. I go, well, why don't you just do it?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Yeah. I'm like, I trust you more, like, at least I know it's not going to go, like, you're, it's not going to disappear. Right. He doesn't make that much money who cares, but like, fine, if you want to you really take this little chunk of money and see what you can do with it. And, you know, because it doesn't, it never really interests me and it's always kind of scares me. It's so scary. I know that it's important. So I love that.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Yeah. Tell me about your other show that you created. This is exciting. I'm just doing lots of things. Tell me about Superfan. Is it available to watch now? No, so Superfan's a show format that I created. I sold it with my partner, Jody, a couple years ago, to CBS. We filmed it in April.
Starting point is 00:42:10 It's going to air right, actually wait, I can't tell you when it's going to air. It's going to air early 2023. Okay, great. On CBS. On CBS Prime time. And it's a music series. We have six episodes. And my husband's music manager.
Starting point is 00:42:24 And I, if I had any talent, I would be in a band, a hundred percent. Like, my only talent was like sleeping with guys and bands, but like, I have no musical talent and I'm tone deaf, but I've always wanted to live that band lifestyle, hence why we got the tour bus. So it's called Superfan. I also want to say if you were to go back, was the tour bus not a wise idea. Would have been better if it was- There's so much sort of flow in just like hotels. And like what we should have done is hired someone to drive the trailer to each city
Starting point is 00:42:52 and we should have flown and been in nice hotels. Because it's like you can't poop on a tour bus. I put my pants on like the third day of tour. It was disgusting. Heather, your face. No, I know. I know, like a load in your underwear. I'm not supposed to eat gluten and we were in,
Starting point is 00:43:06 fucking somewhere in Ohio. There was nothing but a Jimmy John's. We all ate sandwiches. I was like, I know that my stomach's gonna get set, but I didn't know how upset. And we were wearing these pink sweatsuits and Jack made three pink sweatsuits just for the three lady gang. We did black for everyone else that wanted to buy them.
Starting point is 00:43:22 We're in black, so we had three special sweats. And I was like, we're trying to go to tar or get, or something to get something, and I was like, can we hurry up, Jacks, take so long to get ready. She's never ready on time, but can we go? I'm gonna put my pants, and then I was like, no, I am gonna put my pants. I walked out, I picked up a cardboard box from beside the trailer, and I ran into the corner, but I didn't make it in time. I pooped all over my sweatpants, I had to take them off.
Starting point is 00:43:42 Becca videoed me the whole time. She played it at the shows. For everyone to watch. Now that was fucking terrible. That's the lemonade out of the lemons. Anyway. That's the sh- that's cherry on the sh- The sh- ice cream. It really is.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Something out of it. So anyway, superfan is- That's the best one. So it's not part of people. Superfan is like essentially- So the show essentially is like Shani Twain. I'm the biggest Shani Twain fan. I grew up in Canada.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Shani Twain comes on. She's on the show. Six of or five of her biggest fans, we've scoured the country and they all compete to be named the number one superfan of Shani Twain through musical challenges, through trivia, through guessing what Shani would do in a situation. Shaniya performs the fans do an epic lip sync, America votes, and then we crown the number one superfan and the superfan gets this like once in a lifetime thing like We had glory as Stefan on the show who's incredible and just like I want her to be my mom. Yeah Her prize is like all this stuff You get the Konga from the Konga video you get this like giant portrait and then you get to like go to her house
Starting point is 00:44:38 She's like you're gonna come to Miami. You're gonna come to my house. You can pick which house Vera beat your Miami Beach come to my house. you can pick which house. Ah! Like, I'm gonna go to the water, yeah. Vera Beach or Miami Beach, come to my house, I'm gonna cook you dinner, you're gonna have dinner with the whole family. Like, so the prizes are like, LL Cool J's on it and his prizes are really for a super fan. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Everything you'd want, yeah. The prize free. The prize free. LL Cool J's like, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna pick you up in LA in one of my cars. We're gonna drive down the Pacific Coast Highway. I'm gonna play you track by track my new album before anyone else hears it. And I'm gonna tell you track by track my new album before anyone else hears it.
Starting point is 00:45:05 And I'm gonna tell you the story behind each song. No, do the cameras follow that? They will. Okay, but eventually, but we're not airing yet. So when they air, we definitely and then there'll be a little update in the next season. Hopefully.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I love that. And then good feeling about a season too. And then when does SuperFound podcast version come out? I mean, that's such a good idea, Heather. Would you, do you have time in does super fan podcast version come out? I mean that's such a good idea Heather. Would you, do you have time in your life to maybe produce that out? Sure. You know, make that a thing. I have enough jobs. So I had no jobs. Yeah. And then I was like, well, better creative and make some jobs. So yeah. Now I have too many jobs again, which is what I like, but it also feeds my mania. So I have to like maybe calm down a little bit.
Starting point is 00:45:52 So I'm going to have no new jobs. Okay. I don't think it would actually work, to be honest. I'm not for TV. I think it could be a fun thing to do if like YouTube wanted to do it. It would have to be a platform that has podcasts consumers on it. And I don't think that's regular TV. But I think Facebook, live or YouTube listened to me. I think it would be good for them to do it. And then, you know, and you have like, you know, the birth crisis. Right, you have the Lady Gang.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Right, you guys. Right, you guys. You have a crime person. Right, you have crime junky. Yeah, or the, like, the smart junkie. You got the smartest guys. Yeah, smartest guys. And you have like can of them. Jack Shepard, whatever.
Starting point is 00:46:31 And that would be really cute. Yeah. It's a really fun format. And actually, my highlight of my year was that I got to go to this thing called Mipcom in France is where you go when you have a show format and you get to sell it all over the world. So I get to sit for two days and I met with like every country in the world
Starting point is 00:46:48 in their television stations and we already sold Superfan in two countries and have a third on the way. So they'll be like Superfan, Italy, Superfan Greece, Superfan Australia. And so for me, I'm really only making shows that are formats because that allegedly is how you get rich. So I'm like, we should do reality shows. No, no, no. How can we make this a competition show that also works in India? And Ireland.
Starting point is 00:47:13 You know what I mean? So that's my new goal. Good for you. I just smart. Good girl. Now, when you have these other huge successes that could possibly happen to you, is there
Starting point is 00:47:25 ever a part of you that's like, they may come a time where I'm like, I'm done with Lady Gang, or do you new make a commitment to each other as a as a thoughtful podcasting trio? We will never stop doing Lady Gang, no matter how many kids someone has, no matter how many kids someone has no matter how many millions another person has will never stop or does each year or two like you guys have a sit down and like say what are our goals do you have anything like that I it's such a good question and I will bring it up in therapy tomorrow thank you for prefacing that I I don't know. I think there's an end for everything,
Starting point is 00:48:10 but I don't feel like we're anywhere close to it. And my whole thing is like I just turned 40 and I'm like, I really have this goal for myself that's like freedom 45. Like I see myself at 45, like having these formats working around the world, having the podcast, and not being on television, I would like to get a neck lift. I would like to hide in, take my husband to an island, and live far away from people, and just have goats, and raise my own animals, and things like that. Podcasting is the thing you can do from anywhere. You'd be stupid to give that up, because TV is so fickle.
Starting point is 00:48:44 There's like seasons where you can't get anything made on TV. And then there's seasons where you're like, oh, wow, look at all these networks that are mad that I'm on the other network. That's a blessing, you know. And also if there's another pandemic. Right. It's like, I mean, nothing was better than being a podcaster in the pandemic. Yeah. Woo, that Coca-Cola money, people were pulling out a television, giving it to the podcast. Yeah. But, you know, I just, I don't think we're there yet. I think this 2023 is gonna be here, where we really pull back. So you think you'll ever go on tour again
Starting point is 00:49:13 with the Lady Gang? I never want to go on tour again. I'm never writing another book, and I will never tour again, but I would do what you did. Like I do fly out dates and like go one two, but it's just like, I actually hate people. Like I don't like even being around other people. My husband is like basically mute, which is why we've stayed married. Like I don't like being around people.
Starting point is 00:49:36 So being around people 24-7 was like really hard for me. Okay. So I don't like, I mean I like the fans and I like meeting them, but that's also like, oh my god, what if I'm disappointing? What if I don't smile? What if I look tired? What if I'm yawning? Like, you know, I don't want to yon when I meet someone and then go home now, I'll count the yon. I'll have so much pressure. Yes, yeah, yeah. Now, um, you mentioned Sean Menendez. Oh, Menendez. Well, I was talking about touring. So like, I'm, it's very cool that you were doing, like,
Starting point is 00:50:07 double shows and cities and stuff, because no one can sell a ticket right now. Like, if you really, Taylor Swift is basically the only person that can sell a ticket. I know firsthand, there was a client that a friend of mine worked with very closely, huge major artists that has hit songs on the radio. And they put up a show at an arena, and it sold five tickets. The first 24 hours when you put up a show are like, you're literally on TV now. And on TV. And on TV.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Five tickets, and they had to cancel the show. Like an arena. Like what you thought an arena tour would do. Like I mean, I think it wasn't an arena like the bombers, but it was like, you know, one of those hometowns, Charlotte, arena or whatever. Yeah, 10,000. And because I was crying all the time, like about our tour tickets selling, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:52 because not every city was a home run. And I'd be like, oh my God, I'm such a failing husband who were some music business was like, let me tell you a story about a tour that we just had to go out and like five tickets and had to cancel. And that made it, did make me feel better. I mean, is it true? Maybe he was lying probably, but just the ability
Starting point is 00:51:08 to sell tickets is so hard. And I was saying Sean Mendez canceled his tour and like, listen, I'm a huge mental health advocate. My brother is bipolar and I've talked a lot about this on the podcast and my struggle with him throughout my whole life. And like, if it was for mental illness, I believe that, but I do believe a lot of these tours are getting canceled
Starting point is 00:51:25 just because people can't sell tickets. Maybe next with the stress of that, because that's gotta be really hard in your mental illness, but everyone went on tour this fall, and there's only so much money in people's pockets and nights available during the week to go see a show. Yeah, I do think that's true. And then, so I just saw something, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:51:43 if it's true, because somebody said it to me and it was like a weird publication I heard of. But that Sean Mendez is dating his female chiropractor. I saw that too. I just love. That's just such a weird story. First of all, I'm one of my kinks, which I don't think it's been diagnosed as a kink,
Starting point is 00:52:04 but I think it should. It's watching chiropractic videos. Wow. I mean, I can I'll settle in and I will watch like 10 10 15 minutes. Wow. It doesn't freak you out. No, but I it's like the Dr. Pimple Popper for you. But I don't, yeah, I don't like Pimple Popping. Yeah, I like just, and go to a character. I, my other, but my, as much as I love to watch
Starting point is 00:52:36 a chiropractic video, I have a fear of being, my biggest friend life is being a quadriplegic or paying paralyzed. Okay. So, I kind of don't want to fuck with it as much as I love it. Love watching it. Do you be... I went to it once about a year and a half ago to my favorite chiropractor watching videos.
Starting point is 00:52:57 He's really cute. OC chiropractor. Okay. And he did a great job. But... I'm scared. Did you get paralyzed from the car tractor? Believe me, there's a story or two out there.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Okay, sure, sure. Not from the OSE car, not from anybody. Yeah. And I mean, more like I want to ask him, do you, how do you know what to do? Like you feel on your fingertip like a pop, like I'm more like want to know, how do you know?
Starting point is 00:53:23 Because I have also self- up self cracking, okay? And then I could self cracking. I could self crack. Wow. And then when my kids were little, you crack them. I would crack them. Fun.
Starting point is 00:53:37 And, and then one day, one of them was like, I don't wanna do that weird thing that we do anymore. And I felt like very like weird. Yeah. Yeah. I don't wanna do that weird thing that we do anymore. And it felt like very weird to me. Yeah. Yeah. I don't wanna do that. And we're doing anymore, mommy. But they can do it.
Starting point is 00:53:49 Like they can go like, I've two boys and they can do like that. And I'm so jealous because I can't do my neck or anything. But anyway, I could see how you could be attracted to your chiropractor, because by a point. But it's kind of a physical thing. Yeah, it's intimate. And someone's like, you know, if this was like
Starting point is 00:54:07 35-year-old male chiropractor and a 26-year-old female or whatever not that it was like a big And then they started dating people would be like was this grooming? What did this sick fuck try to do like it's just so funny when it's the other way around and then also people Don't think that he's entirely straight, so they thought that was interesting. Sean Mendez is, and I just wanna say this for everyone, I've met him and interviewed him many times, he's lovely, and he's truly
Starting point is 00:54:35 his just Canadian. He's, and I mean not with love, like, listen, I don't know. That is so funny, that could be your new game show. Is he gay or just Canadian? I think it's like, I think it's like, I mean, it's not my business, but whether he is or is he isn't,
Starting point is 00:54:52 but like, I grew up in Northern Canada. And so I understand like the kindness and softness that comes with you're either like a fucking hockey player or your Shawn Mendes growing up in the year in band like I've dated those guys like you're just you're just artsy yeah it's like so weird like my best friend Jeff is kind of similar and he's just so nice and he's just like when you see him on the carpet he's like hi how are you doing and you're like oh and you're like you know you're used to like two chains rolling up and like grunting at you, you know what I mean? So it's like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:55:26 I think he's just lovely. But I think that if he's getting it on with a chiropractor, I will say it's the right ages because if she's that eight, I don't know what age she is. Yeah. I mean, she looked cute. There's a photo that her cracking him. And so I don't know. When you're that famous, there's no one around you. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:55:57 I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. really crazy because like it's very much that scene in the Bradley Cooper Lady Gaga stars born when like Bradley finishes the concert and they put him in
Starting point is 00:56:07 the black car and then he's like all alone and it's silent. Oh wow okay that's what? 24? And she's 50? 50! 50 years old remember that? Oh my god let me crack my back just thinking about what? I feel like this can't be true. Anyway, the point being is that when you're that famous, you're very isolated. You spend a lot of time alone in hotels to the car, to the bus, to the car, to the hotel, to the plane. And you're like, it's just your little entourage around you.
Starting point is 00:56:38 It's very difficult to meet new people. Unless you're having some hand-lerb years be like, go find me a girl in the audience tonight. Or because you can't get with fans, they're gonna tell everyone. So it's like, you get limited on like, it has to be another star set up by your publicist or your DMs or if you're Sean
Starting point is 00:56:54 and you're just like a nice guy, who are you meeting? You're meeting the people that are doing your catering, your stylist, assistant, and the chiropractor. Like it makes sense to me. I have, okay, so your new job at E. Will you, you're not doing great carpeting more? You are for like a Oscars, you'll be there. Yeah, so I'm doing, it's really cool.
Starting point is 00:57:16 I took this position and they were like, what do you wanna call yourself up? I'm like chief correspondent. And as the chief correspondent, I get to decide which, so basically like I get a month schedule of like, who's coming to town, who's doing press? And then I can say, I get to decide which, so basically, I get a month's schedule of like, who's coming to town, who's doing press, and then I can say, oh, I want to do this Will Smith event, I want to do this Harrison Ford event, I want to do this sit down with Mandy Moore, like I can pick which interviews I would like to do and then pass on like the
Starting point is 00:57:38 Dancing with the Stars red carpet. No offense to Dancing with the Stars, I'm good. Dear, just a little over that. I've done it. I did it for 10 years. It's just not, I want to sit down with like, I want to ask real questions. I want to ask real questions.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Yeah, have a minute. Have a moment. Yeah. Hard to watch sometimes. I think really nobody really gets canceled unless there's like actual like prison time. And even then, it has to be for something pretty heinous. And it has to be for pretty long.
Starting point is 00:58:05 For you not to come back, they all, everyone seems to come back. I think all this cancellation stuff is like a bunch of bullshit because everyone comes back. And then except for like a Matt Lauer. And with a Matt Lauer, no offense, Matt Lauer, you're totally replaceable.
Starting point is 00:58:24 Well, that's the thing. You're not a musician that writes incredible songs that we all sing and dance here for the last 30 years. You're not an incredible actor, like a Will Smith that just couldn't like, you see a scene and you instantly cry, because it's so good at his craft. You were a decent looking guy that had, I believe, I think, morning and daytime TV is an easy job.
Starting point is 00:58:50 I think it's a pretty fucking easy job of out of the jobs that are there. And it, and so when it became this, and at the height of the time and everything, it was like goodbye. No one's gonna not watch our show because Matt Lauer's gone. He's of a man of a certain age, All of that. So I think people like that probably
Starting point is 00:59:09 will never come back to any capacity. Could he start a podcast out of the Hamptons? Sure. People might listen. I don't think he should bother. Right. Because I don't think people will want to come on and be interviewed by him. Right. Enjoy your money. Do something else with your time. Be a grandpa. Whatever. It's kind of like the first hair sun of it all. Yeah. You know, it's like, okay, I'm canceled. I'm not going to like try to yet. I mean, maybe it's too soon. I'm not trying to like do my redemption tour and host another show or start a podcast or whatever it
Starting point is 00:59:36 is. I'm just going to sit here with all my money. Let it sit. Yeah. You got a lot of money. Yeah. I enjoy that money. You know, I've met him several times and I kind of think his situation was a very much of sign of the times and a little like an unfortunate situation that he put himself in. He wasn't even supposed to do that interview.
Starting point is 00:59:56 I know. And the whole thing. He's a good guy, so you're just like, oh my God, I stopped. I stopped. And he was a dad. He had kids in college. It like again came on a day where you're like,
Starting point is 01:00:08 you know what I am gonna tell the truth. I am gonna say how I really feel. And it was at that time. And then, but I think it's all fine. And I think it does come back with something fine, but he may not want to. Like that was a lot of time and travel into go to Europe, into go to all these places.
Starting point is 01:00:28 And now he's, I don't know if he's engaged. He's engaged, I don't know if he's married, but I met her and she's great. And his ex-wife is great. Like they all get along, kids all get, like the kids are good. And good, like if I don't say I'm gonna be like, who cares, like just do your thing.
Starting point is 01:00:46 And then if in like a couple of years you wanna do something that maybe is in the same line of like maybe doing something dating with older people, I don't know if that would ever be a hit if people would wanna watch that. But like definitely I think the bachelor as a show is definitely not as popular because that wasn't the only change.
Starting point is 01:01:06 You know, they tried to do a lot of other changes. They had a bisexual girl come and, you know, they're trying to do this one time. Trying to get to this time. Yeah, the two bachelor rats, and they're trying to like, change it up and everything. And so I think like, I don't know. It's still probably a big enough hit
Starting point is 01:01:24 that you wouldn't want to get rid of it I'll think it's such an expensive show like with a million actors But it definitely Doesn't have the spark and I feel like the people that were super into it That were that stuck with it like me. Yeah Like I was already married the first season and I watched it and talked about it the whole time and just recently. And I was even on it. I was probably that was probably the last season I was on. I was on what's her name Katie's. I was like Katie's season. And that was a COVID season. And we were in
Starting point is 01:01:56 this resort that was like not extremely attractive anyway. So I watched it because of that, but I really haven't watched it since. And I don't feel like people in my world are watching either. I don't feel like there are so many people are talking. We got more housewives, and now we're just living in housewives. Yeah, and then I thought,
Starting point is 01:02:20 what about all these people that went on bachelor to get a jump start of a cohort. I don't think it's a bad idea. I feel like that has over two. That's over two. And all those people got podcasts and I feel like the only people that are surviving in Nickfile.
Starting point is 01:02:37 In Nickfile. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Caitlin and Nickfile. Maybe there's a couple, like Ashia, I know, and Jared, they're not gonna have their thing cooking. And then there's maybe like, but I really don't know of anybody else
Starting point is 01:02:50 that's like, there were so many Iort ones and so many combos of people. And like, what else are you talking about? And then they do the paradise and it's like, there's just so many of them that's like, yeah, it's too much. Yeah, it's too much. And you know, it was back in the day when I went on it was 16 years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:11 And I had an agent that was like, if you want to get into television, you have to go on the bachelor. And I was like, great. I will do whatever I'm told. And at that time, it was like Ali fed a Towsky, it like built her big career. And all these people like it was really a thing that could happen. And now I think they become influencers on Instagram, which no shame on that game,
Starting point is 01:03:30 because you can make a fuck ton of money. But it's just really hard. It's hard like I was saying before. It's hard to slice cut through in any genre right now, because there's so much content and everyone's so neat. So true. Not everyone has to watch this thing at this time on television.
Starting point is 01:03:46 They can be like, I don't even want to have a TV. I only want to read maps. Fine. Read a vintage map as your hobby line. You know what I mean? You can do whatever you want, even if it's weird. I'm just going to do the small things TikToks. All I'm going to do is watch tiny little mini plates of food
Starting point is 01:04:03 and mini houses on TikTok. Like that's a whole thing. Right. You're watching Chiropractic videos. Yeah. I didn't even know that was called Chiropractic. Yeah. Well, I'm sure Chiropractic OC is like really happy.
Starting point is 01:04:15 He's more followers now and he's probably like, oh shit, I'm crushing it. Yeah, and cracking it. But I'm shh. Anyway, I so enjoyed. You Thank for you for the honesty. Tell everybody where they can find everything. Well, I'd love if you don't listen to Lady Gang, hop on over to Lady Gang with new episodes every Tuesday and Thursday. And I'm just at Kelty on social media and mediocre.
Starting point is 01:04:45 So come on over and hang out with my mediocreness. But the podcast is really good. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. you you

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