Kitbag Conversations - Proto Kitbag 7: You boys like shadow ban?

Episode Date: May 2, 2024

This week on Croatoan Report Cody and I discuss a variety of topics including:  - The projected future for the war in Ukraine  - The Germany-Poland dynamic for control in Europe - Unite...d States mid-term elections and its relationship with social media  - and the future of independent journalism on a increasingly censored platform (META) 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, welcome back, you're listening to Cro-Tone Report and this week we're talking about Ukraine. So Cody, how you doing? I'm good man, how are you? I'm doing pretty fine. What doctors would call hungover. But that's for another story So what's going on the zeitgeist bro, okay, so
Starting point is 00:00:36 Kind of delving into what is Ukraine right now and what is going on that? I mean, where do you want to start? Do we want to start with the military? Do we want to start with Russia? Do we want to start with non-profit? Let's start with nonprofits. Let's start with nonprofits. So obviously, war in Ukraine kicks off, right?
Starting point is 00:01:01 A bunch of foreign volunteers go into Ukraine. I mean, you could see pictures of, what is it, the press, nonprofits just crowding the streets in Kiev, Lviv, Odessa as well. I mean, they're all over. It's like an army of nonprofits has come to Ukraine, everything from diapers to aid bags to IFACs, a couple foreign military guys have come in and done training. It's incredible, right? Like you have this wave of support coming in, but after talking with like seven, eight, nine heads of nonprofits,
Starting point is 00:01:49 and these aren't small nonprofits either, these are guys getting pallets and pallets of supplies, you'd be surprised how little coordination is going on on the ground. I mean, I myself have talked to and seen probably five nonprofits on the ground in Ukraine. Some are as small as like EMT, like basic paramedics in the US to special operations medics from the UK and the US. And it's incredible, but it's kind of funny because you have like no coordination going on. It's just like somebody reaching into a pot full of spaghetti and just throwing it at
Starting point is 00:02:28 the wall and hoping it sticks. I mean, what's the right exactly is how I thought it would go. If you have all these optimistic organizations going, I'm here to help. And they show up with no direction and they have an end goal, but it's very lucid. And they go, all right, here I am. And they could run the risk of being a liability. And so you have all these international coalition of the willing running in the same direction, blind. You're like, okay, I understand. Hey, thank you
Starting point is 00:02:54 for the diapers. The kids in Mariupol are going to love that, but please just get out of the way. Yeah, and I mean, it's not bad, but if... So let's do... I know of four NGOs that I have talked to personally that have given supplies to Ukraine. I mean, military supplies, everything from uniforms to body armor to helmets to night vision goggles. And they're all giving it to separate people. So like, if you can imagine you're like, Oh, well, that's great. And it's like, well, hold on there high speed. It's like, if you give one platoon a set of nods, one platoon gets body armor, and another one gets uniforms
Starting point is 00:03:38 and boots. And then it's like the guys with the nods don't have new uniforms and boots. The guys with the body armor don't have fucking NVGs. And then like, there's just dudes walking around in uniform with like, you know, a couple of pouches. I mean, I've seen there's 700,000 Ukrainian soldiers, men and women on the frontline right now, walking around doing stuff. And some have body armor, some don't.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Some have fake helmets, some have real helmets, some have no helmets. Some are just walking around with four mags and a dream. And if they were to combine resources and work together, they could probably create like one and a half platoons worth of soldiers. Like instead of three platoons having random shit, you could create one and a half and send them to the front.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And that would be super lethal versus three platoons of random crap go. Exactly like you said. And I mean, that applies to everything, right? Like same with medical equipment. I mean, there's a hospital that blew up outside Odessa that I'm talking to some NGOs about trying to like build and they're all trying to collect supplies for this hospital that got hit by a cruise missile. And the amount of people collecting
Starting point is 00:04:50 IFACs and medical equipment, if they were all to work together for like two weeks, they could rebuild this hospital easily. But because they're all separated and then their own spheres of influence, it's like nothing really gets done. And it, it, it's kind of eerily reminiscent where there was that like, think of it organizational wise. It's almost the same thing as the Soviets did with their soldiers. They were like, oh, you don't have a, you don't have flack and Kevlar. That's cool. The next guy does. So if you die, guess what? He's getting your weapon in the name of it's just instead of a, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:25 a commissar rat over you telling you what to do. It's just a bunch of NGOs running around like I'm here to help. And they're like, could you all just get on the same page? Oh dude, this one would be over in all speak the same way. Dude, it it's frustrating because it's if they were to do that, you would see huge gains all across the board. And I guess we'll like shift focus because it's like, okay, why does this matter? Who cares? They're all helping.
Starting point is 00:05:56 It doesn't, they're all doing good, Cody. God damn it. Let them do good. And it's like, well, that's great. But we're kind of seeing like the first push was Russian, right? Like, oh my God, they're right outside the gates of Kiev, Kiev's gonna fall. And then it's like, okay, the Ukrainians push back, they got their crap together, they got everything set, and they pushed Russia back to pre-war border, some back all the way to the Russian border. And it's like, okay, yeah,
Starting point is 00:06:20 Ukraine's kicking ass. And it's like, well, now Russia's gonna kind of, the momentum eventually does stop. And if once you lose momentum, it's hard to gain it back. And that's why you see like in World War II, there's like, you know, there's Normandy and then there's Market Garden and then there's pushes by Pat. And they're all trying to move supplies to the next spearhead to kind of break the enemy.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And if you've ever played Hearts of Iron, it's like, it's exactly like that. It's like, how do we manage and move regiments and army cores, so that they're supplied, they're ready to do a big push, settle, defend, and then do another big push. And I think what we're about to see in the next two to three weeks is we're going to see the Ukrainian movement stall. And then the other two thirds of the Russian army is going to get brought into Ukraine, because there's already rumors that a coup is coming. There's all these guerrilla attacks in Russia. And so Putin's going to have to double down. And so we're going to see the other two thirds of the Russian army come in. We haven't seen mobilization yet. Like we haven't seen massive drafts. And then you're going to see it's going to stall, and they're going to start digging in trenches.
Starting point is 00:07:33 And you're going to have the biggest thing that's going to happen in this war, which is the United States midterm elections. And for those of you that don't know, I think Biden has a 26% approval rating. It's horrible right now. Gas is $5. My gas. Yeah, I mean, you're fighting one of the biggest exporters in natural gas in the world,
Starting point is 00:07:59 Russia. So it's like, yeah, you're gonna get gas is gonna go up. But it's crazy because So it's like, yeah, you're going to get gas is going to go up. But it's crazy because if you look at Trump's war chest, which is the money he carries for him to get elected, not the Republican Party for Trump himself to get elected, it's like $120 million. I think the entirety of the Republican Party has like $10 million. And so I as- I have more. Huh?
Starting point is 00:08:26 As one of the two big political parties, but- Yeah. Well, yeah, hold on. Let me look up the Republican Party war chest, but it's crazy. Like Trump himself has four to five times as much money as the entirety of the Republican Party, because nobody's been able to see it
Starting point is 00:08:42 because he's been off Twitter and social media, but Trump rallies have brought in so much money and the Republican party is going to have to reel in all this inflation. They're talking about it already. If you look at Fox news and it's not to bash conservatives or liberals, what I'm saying is this is the political ebb and flow of America. They're going to cut back on all this spending, the build back better, all this crap that's been done in the last year and $40 billion or whatever in Ukrainian aid is going to slow down. And so what that means for Ukraine is we're going to start seeing, you're not going to see all those cool tours last forever. Those triple sevens, the M one one threes shit breaks down in the military. You and I both know what maintenance Monday is. Tell on earth, you got to go through all your humvees. You got to go through all your fucking the bottom.
Starting point is 00:09:35 You got to clean up and you got to clean everything. And so, I mean, we just sent them, I think it was like 7000 M fours and everyone's like, oh my God, this is amazing. I'm like, do you realize the amount of upkeep an M4 has versus an AK-74 like just get the AKs yeah which I'm seriously uh a 47 would be so much better than a M4 and or M16 that's been sitting in a warehouse in delaware so yeah and with the delaware national guard or something so it's like okay well what does that mean i think you're gonna see a slowdown republicans are gonna win the midterms they're gonna cut back spending especially ukrainian aid
Starting point is 00:10:19 i also think you're going to see russia play the long game because once they kind of pick up like, oh, midterms are right around the corner. The Americans will forget about this. Once the political bashing starts, they're going to start cutting spending. All we have to do is last till midterms, November, they'll get a like, like the political commercials will go up and then the Republicans will win. And that's what's going to be on everybody's mind. And then January is going to roll around all those Republican congressmen and women are going to get elected or sworn in, sorry, not elected. They get elected in November, sworn in in January. And then come February, there's going to, I mean, shit this month,
Starting point is 00:11:02 it's baby formula. Next month, it's immigrants next month, it's spending the economy is going down. I mean, monkeypox that are just it's infected two people in the country's wig. Yeah, monkeypox. Yeah. I mean, it's like the every day that goes by. In the beginning of the war, that's what we used to say, right? Every day that goes by is one more thing. That's one more day Russia doesn't get like they had a time clock to capture Kiev and take down Ukraine. I think it's switched now. I think that in the next two weeks, once you see the Ukrainian advance stall, that's when the clock changes. That's when the Russians have the time
Starting point is 00:11:46 and they can wait it out because the American influence and attention is going to shift. And we've already seen in my area, Ukrainian flags sort of coming down. It's like, oh, what month is this? June's coming up. No, I got to get my summer bod ready. I don't really care about Ukraine anymore.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So every day that goes by. We were talking earlier about the momentum in Ukraine kind of slowing down where I guess for the listeners where you have 72 hours in your initial push into a contrary invasion to get as much ground as you can. So the Russians had very mild territorial gains in that first 72 hours and then stalled and got bogged down in Kiev or Kharkov or whatever. And then they retrograded. And so that's that tactical retreat. So the Ukrainians just chased them. And so that's why they gained so much territory so fast.
Starting point is 00:12:41 It's not cause they were better soldiers or better trained. It's just because the Russians were running away and the Ukrainians followed them. And they're like, all right, well now the Russians are getting dug in. So what do you do? How do you attack a trench and can't use tanks? So dude, I, but uh, two things on that one. I found it as of two, as of February 28th, Trump has $110.4 million. The Republican National Committee has 45.5. Together they have $155 million.
Starting point is 00:13:14 The Democratic Party has 52 million. They have the conservative party in America has three times as much money, which in political spheres is that's huge. That's that's worse. That's more lead than Obama had over McCain as far as political funding goes, which is incredible. Not to see it like, but no, you said trench line. And I had back in my day as a cadet, I had a crazy lieutenant colonel from the 101st infantry who was just, he was far ahead of his time,
Starting point is 00:13:51 but like one of the things he did for like a field training exercises, he had us assault a trench line. And it was, I mean, if you can imagine a bunch of cadets who were prior service, like some of these guys have been like E-6s and E-7s and the army planning an attack on a trench line. And he like smashed these E-6s and these senior sergeants on their planning. And he's like, I had you guys do this because it's the hardest thing you can do. He's like, if we can, if
Starting point is 00:14:23 I can teach you to assault a trench line and clear one, he's like, you can do. He's like, if we can, if I can teach you to assault a trench line and clear one, he's like, you can do anything, clearing buildings, leading soldiers on a patrol, doing anything in the military. He's like, nothing is harder than assaulting a trench line. And he had us do it. And he'll have some manuals left over from the great war. Kind of sitting collecting dust somewhere. Dude.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Oh man. I do not envy whoever has to do that job. Like just, it's going to go from like- It's not fun. Yeah. Trunches are not fun. They're not fun to live in. They're pretty cool to defend,
Starting point is 00:14:58 but they're not fun to assault. It's like, I think I've done it once or twice and it's, it's not a good time. And you're, what, so what is defense? You need, was America fight five to one, three to one, three to one, five to one. When it comes to anything for a trench, any kind of defensive position, seven to one, maybe you just have to have so many guys and the Russians outnumber the Ukrainians by about a hundred million.
Starting point is 00:15:24 So that's crazy. Oh my God. That's great. But it's like everybody's sitting there. They're like, well, like they got both actions. The Russians have both action rifles. I'm like, it's more than good enough if you're in a trench and everybody has to run across a wheat field. Like, yeah, that's so it's still muddy in Ukraine. Why would the US send them M4s if the Ukrainians have been treated in M4 and know that immediately after shooting it, you have to clean it. It's going to jam. In like one month, they're going to realize how like the biggest issue with all this Lend-Lease
Starting point is 00:16:00 stuff is not that the Ukrainians don't have the weapons or the means to defend themselves in one month. They're going to realize, Oh man, all this shit's broken. And it's going to be like, yeah, yeah, I gotta maintain it. I can't imagine, uh, running a high Mars. You open it up and then you take a look and you put your pinky in the barrel. You're like, this is black. When's the last time did you,
Starting point is 00:16:26 when's the last time you cleaned this? They're like clean? Yeah, they need to be cleaned. Oh God. I've used an AK-74 my entire career. I've never cleaned it. You're like, okay, well step number one, it's not an AK.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Yeah. It's gonna get, it's gonna get tricky this summer, man. It's gonna get real tricky. Speaking of- We were talking about it before. I don't know if it was on the pot or offline, but yeah, this summer fighting season is going to be brutal because that weekrider, also known
Starting point is 00:16:51 as Crimea, is not going to be a good time. And so once he wants it... Dude, I don't... So there is a book, I think I've mentioned it like a hundred times, but it's called Where the Iron Crosses Grow. And it's about the Russians. It's basically the entire history of Crimea. And it's about the Russians taking it over from the Tartars and the Ukrainians and committing mass genocide. And then it's about the Germans coming in to Crimea. And if you've ever seen a picture of a Nazi super weapon, like a rail gun, like this big, huge, like three story cannon on a rail, uh, like what the Nazis all hanging around it. That that's Crimea. They brought that to Crimea. There's these huge mortar tanks that the Nazis invented
Starting point is 00:17:40 called Thor and Odin. They brought that to Crimea because there is so much stuff in Crimea that makes it a natural bunker. Hitler called it the aircraft carrier of the Black Sea because it has mountains surrounding the southern part of it and the northern part. It's a valley in the middle. It's got multiple areas for like Ukrainian or Russian Marines to do amphibious assaults, which in World War II they did. They were constantly flanking each other with naval assets. And it's just this brutal fighting because there's also coastal batteries. Let's look back a little further. So there was the Crimean War, which was entirely located in Crimea. And the French went to Crimea with 300,000 soldiers and lost 135,000 soldiers.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Jesus Christ. In two years, two and a half years. Jesus Christ. That's insane. That's a lot. That's a lot of guys. And that's the same thing. They were dug in. They were trenches. And this is back in the day when there was just bolt action rifles. What was this? Like 1850? That was very primitive. And so if tanks are done, and you can't really use planes, and you can't really use drones and all these cool toys today, we're going right, we're regressing tactically back to that old Napoleonic era. Yeah, just line up, lay down, get dug in.
Starting point is 00:19:11 And so if it's just, it's crazy to think about. It's dude, I- It's gonna be a mess. Oh, it's gonna be, unless something changes, like if, okay, like how would you do it? Right? Like you'd probably have to train the balls off of whoever was going to fight in Crimea. Like they'd have to be the best of the best to take that thing. Because it's just, when I read it, yeah, Merrill's marauders. It's like, dude, it's, it's crazy because like you read, like I said, where the Iron Cross is growth, the Romanians sent theirhrmacht. And they did a great job, but even they were attributed to 50 to 30% of their total fighting force.
Starting point is 00:20:10 And it's like, at one point, you could be fighting on a beach in Crimea, the next day you could be fighting in the open plains, the next day you're in a city, and the next day you're in the mountains. And then you're defending against an amphibious assault. I mean, whoever, unless Russia surrenders, probably not going to happen, which by the way, if anybody has this idea that the Russians are just going to give up Crimea,
Starting point is 00:20:32 please hit me up because I want whatever you're smoking because I think they put in $80 billion worth of infrastructure to Crimea, like the world's longest bridge from Russia to Crimea, the gas lines. A lot of oligarchs have helped build up Crimea as like a tourist attraction and Putin himself in his first marriage honeymoon there and said that he had a spiritual connection to Crimea. And remember back in like 2014 timeframe, 2010 to like 14, that window where France was building these little aircraft carriers in Russia was like, I'll take two. They were like, what would you like the name to be? And he was like the Sevastopol.
Starting point is 00:21:14 We're like, that's not even yours. And they were like, is it? Well, dude, that's that. I mean, there's a reason, right? Like what the first thing he did, he took Crimea first. Then they took Donbass. Like they knew what they were doing. They're like, we're going to take the hardest.
Starting point is 00:21:29 So there's the real, there's only ethnic Russians here. They're like, because Stalin killed all the Ukrainians. No, and the, yeah. And the Tartar, it's like, you wonder it. I had not read that book yet, but if I had read that book when Crimea was taken, I'd have known the game plan right then and there. And I know that that's like, oh, Captain Hindsight. Thanks, Cody. But it's like, no, if you knew that one of the hardest fought places in Eastern Europe is Kursk, which is the biggest tank battle ever. And then Crimea, you'd be, and Putin has now both of those places, you'd be like, oh, he's about to pistol whip Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:22:11 Because it's like, he went for the hard, he took the hardest thing to take first. And then all that's left is the wide open spaces of Ukraine. And it's like, and that buddy fucked it up after that, but we all- Yeah, so the idea of trying to take a city, so you have 200,000 soldiers, plus or minus, you know. And so out of that, you have maybe 70,000 combat troops.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And then the rest are like rear echelon or support. And then you're trying to take five major cities at once. You need 200,000 guys for one city. So that's, I don't know. Like looking back, that just didn't make any sense. I understand they took Kyrgyzstan pretty quick because the Ukrainians just ran. They were like, there's no way we're fighting this. We'll just go defend Odessa. And Mariupol after what?
Starting point is 00:22:59 A hundred days just surrendered. And then, yeah, it it's it's crazy. I mean we talked about this and inside the group but we haven't put this thought out into the ether. The sacrifice of Azov at Mariupol for political gain. Do you want to explain that? Mari Opel for political gain. Do you want to explain that? Me? Yeah. So since. 2014, 2015 time frame, everyone always goes, there's this neo-Nazi unit running around in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:23:41 And so if you take one step further, you're like, OK, well, you know, A's off, that's the neo Nazi guys, but they also have the black sun tattoos, and they have black sun patches on their uniforms. But to them, it's very traditional, like, no, we're very Nordic, we're very historic base, we're not Nazis, or like, cool, can't really say that, because you have all the same iconography of the Nazis. So if they're the ones doing the nothing to do with Marines that were in Mariupol, but if Russia's whole idea of invading Ukraine is to get rid of Nazis, and you're the organization
Starting point is 00:24:11 that's been attributed to the Nazis, politically speaking, it might be in your best interest, interest, just to kind of cut them off. Even if, even if they're not, even if they've been incorporated into the regular Ukrainian military, politically speaking, they're like, okay, we can't be associated with these guys anymore. We got to lose them. And so losing Mari Opel and losing Azov, hey, Mari Opel's completely destroyed, no one can live there. Two They lost a's off. Technically speaking and politically speaking, that's pretty good because if you have this real Antifa led organization going, no, I can't support Ukraine. They're harboring Nazis there. And then at that point, you can just take a logical leap and go, maybe the Russians
Starting point is 00:25:01 are doing the right thing. So it's. Yeah, that's it might be a tactical win after Azov got rounded up. Yeah, a political game. I mean, I think it's funny also because, I mean, that's a great point. You know, sacrifice your your enemy to during war. But I think it's funny that the Ukrainians are trying to spin it as a win. Like, oh, we distracted the Russians at Mariupol for a hundred days. And it's like, you guys quit within 12 hours of being hit with white phosphorus. Which by the way, for anybody who doesn't know, I'm
Starting point is 00:25:45 not a bad ass. If I got hit with white phosphorus, the first white phosphorus rounder explode near me. I par le vifé, I'd say like the French flag be waving, I'd be surrendering. I'm not playing with white phosphorus, but I mean, it's like they defended all the way up to 86 days. And then the Russians started doing real war crime or not war crimes. It's just started riding the line with that white fuss. Yeah. Started using white phosphorus, which will burn you from the inside out. And then as I was like, all right, we're done. And I'm like, yeah. And then they're like, but we're going to spin it. Like we distracted you for 86 days. Like brother say what it is, man, you got hit with white phosphorus, you got shaken baked. Like that's not a good time. And so it's not even close. That is
Starting point is 00:26:32 the farthest thing. That's the opposite of a good time. And it's like, I think that it's kind of a disservice to sit there and say like, Oh, our job was to distract you. Like I think by like month two of as of and very opal, you were seeing those videos of them in the BTRs riding around and just shooting up T 72s and T 80s with a BTR, like they were crushing it. They were rewriting the book on urban warfare. Like in, I mean, we'll switch gears here for a second and talk about that too, I guess. But like, as of, like you just said, like, oh, they're neo-Nazis. No, they were a militia unit. One son's article written in 2014. Yeah. I called them Ukraine's
Starting point is 00:27:21 far-right neo-Nazi paramilitary organization. Boom. After that, PR is dead. You can't recover from that because everyone reads that. Yeah. You got to go from being like an infantry unit to like a civil affairs unit. We don't do direct action anymore. We just hand out teddy bears. The teddy bear patch. You got to change everything. No, I was going to say like they went from being like a militia unit to a special operations unit and held their own against entire, I want to say like the divisions of Chechens and Russians and they kind of rewrote the book on that one. I think we're going to see a lot of things come out of Mariupol, like a lot of lessons learned,
Starting point is 00:28:10 because I mean, we have urban conflict in the form of Fallujah, Israelis talking about fighting, fighting in Gaza Strip or whatever. But I think as of, really rewrote the book on, can you have a World War II bastone completely encircled unit and how would that look? How would you fight in a city? I mean, Stephen pointed it out. There's catacombs in Mariupol that Asov was using
Starting point is 00:28:41 to run around, hide, pop out of the streets and shoot people and then go back underground. And I think for a little bit of time there, the US Army was exploring a mega city training ground where like you'd have to fight somewhere like New York City or Los Angeles or Chicago, which the idea of having to fight street to street, looking up like not like, Oh, I got to look up four stories. No, you got to look up 80 stories, or you got a clear entire sewer. Like, I mean, Stalingrad had some sewer lines, but I mean, like, I'm talking trains, man, like you can move entire BTRs and MRAPs and Humvees underground. Like I think we just saw how bad megacity fighting is with Mariupol. And it's not even a megacity.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And it's, yeah, I mean that's what's even crazier to me is somebody's gonna have to go in and clear that out of Russians too. Somebody's gotta go in and clear Mariupol. I'll put a hundred bucks down that says Russia puts the Chechens there. They just like leave the Chechens and Mariupol and then like back out and then like maybe they can hold it. At this will be better. I would do the move right? Like we talked about like smart because if they're guerrilla fighters already. Yeah, like I wouldn't say they're conventional fighters, but it's like, everyone always talks about Grozny. Hey, I was about to say, I mean, they're not the same
Starting point is 00:30:12 Chechens that were in Grozny. They're all like pampered princesses now. But I mean, if you had real Chechens from the nineties fighting in Mariupol, I'd be now I'm not going in there. Fuck that. Well, nothing to do with that. I don't know if I told you, but I know a guy, he's Russian, and he was a Russian officer for two or three years. Oh, yeah, I remember this guy. Yeah. So for the listeners, I know this guy, I met him at a bar,
Starting point is 00:30:43 and he was a Russian officer for two or three years. And last year, got told he was going to Crimea or Kirch and he was like, yeah, fuck that. So he went straight to Moscow and flew to the US and he was like, yeah, I just want to join the army. But he was like, yeah, the recruiting station goes, do you know any other languages? He's like, I know Russian, I'm Russian. They're like, are you in any other military? He's like, I know Russian, I'm Russian. They're like, are you in any other military? He's like, I'm currently an officer in the Russian army.
Starting point is 00:31:08 They're like, okay. But I asked him when the war started and I asked him again recently, I was like, hey, are the Russians going to stop? And he's like, no. He's like, they're going to keep going, even if they're losing, even if they know they're not going to win,
Starting point is 00:31:21 they're just going to keep going. Because that's how the military structures presented is like, yeah, you don't stop. You just keep going. Their whole call sign right now is to Berlin, which is a threat to like a Soviet world war two era battle cry from Stalingrad. They're like to Berlin. We're taking this all the way home and they're still saying that and waving those Soviet flags. And he was like, yeah, it's not going to stop. They're just going all the way home and they're still saying that and waving those Soviet flags. And he was like, yeah, it's not going to stop. They're just going to keep going. So I thought
Starting point is 00:31:50 that was pretty cool. I mean, we saw that in Georgia. We saw it in Chechnya. I mean, they just kept, there was like a video somewhere out there in live leaks, not a thing anymore, but they talked that they did that. There was a Russian pink commander who was ordered to go into Grozny and he knew it was a death sentence and his friends like, don't follow the order. And he's like, motherfucker, I'm Russian. I have to follow the order. Like, I know I'm going to die. Do you know who I am, pal? Like it's in my blood. And like, yeah, he's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:32:25 That's a good point. Like they're gonna have to, they'll go until the last guy with a Mosin and three shots is sent to the front line. Like they don't care. It's like, look at Harkov. They just stopped fighting there, knowing that absolutely everyone who was going
Starting point is 00:32:42 into that city was going to die. And they were like, no, I guess, no, I guess I have to go to the city to fight for absolutely no territorial tactical gang. They were like, no, I was told to, it's kind of my job. That was it. Like very single track, perfect soldier, if you will. They're like, I guess I have to do this. Yeah. Perfect Marine. Perfect Marine. Yeah. Up that beach. He's so proud. Takes the most casualties than any other fighting force. We did it ladies and gentlemen. We took Hill 573. Yeah. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Did you see the Polish president Duda went to Ukraine today? No. Yeah, he's a... Dear Ukrainians, your relatives, wives, parents, children who were forced to leave for Poland are not refugees in our countries. They are our guests. He's like, he actually addressed parliament, the Ukrainian parliament, which is fantastic. But I think after this war is over, because Ukraine's like, we're not going to join NATO, but we never resented our packet to join NATO in 2008. But I think after this is done, whatever is left or whatever happens, I think there is going to be a new subsection in NATO of like Slavic countries banding together, which would be cool to see. Like the Budapest eight, I think, and it's those eight Budapest eight block Eastern block countries that were Soviet satellites and now they're like, hey, France, not real a big fan of you. Don't tell me what to do. I know who the problem is.
Starting point is 00:34:26 So there's all those satellite states, it's like the Baltics and Romania and those guys. I think one of them, they're like, no, we're gonna band together. So they call it like the Budapest eight, but that's like the frontier of NATO. So it's almost like, it's been a, like a pseudo or quasi. Yeah. Alliance or subgroup.
Starting point is 00:34:48 But yeah, you're absolutely right that here in the future, it's gonna, it's gonna become a lot more solidified. Well, it's a, okay. So I'm looking at a map right now. It'd be like Poland, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia. Yeah. Okay. I can see that. Like the front with Czech Republic, probably. I mean, I was when I was in Afghanistan, I had a Polish special operations officer explain that to me. He's like, you know, they never really they still fucking hate Germany because Germany is still trying to take over Europe, but they're doing it through economics, right? Like, they're, they're trying to win by, they're trying to win civilization by the economy, right? whatever we want. And I think I've explained before on this show that countries like Germany and Italy have taken over roles in NATO actions to use that as leverage when the United States goes to like G7 summits or NATO summits or whatever. Germany has that like, well, we helped you in Afghanistan. We took all of the Northern provinces. And then if you ask anybody, it's like, well, you did shit for all there buddy but
Starting point is 00:36:06 yeah it's funny about the Germans in northern afghan because they went up there to the old northern alliance territory and hunkered down and claimed victory where there was um no combat and they were like yeah i don't know what the americans issue are down in the south yeah down in the South. Yeah. Oh, the Brits in the helmet, they're having a hard time with who? Yeah. They would say, dude, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:36:31 the Brits got like the hardest butt fucker ever. It's got the most difficult region. And then they gave it to the Marines who had the most atrocious of times. Yeah. Camp Leatherneck. Like, not a good song. Like even after I left that, I was still learning things. Like the fact that like saying in Hellman had never been stabilized ever. In 20 years, through the British, through the
Starting point is 00:36:59 Marine Corps, through everything, nobody had sat there and been like, okay, saying in province and Hellman is safe. Like never. They were all like, Jesus, don't go in there. Like, and so, but meanwhile, the German pound for palm, the best fighters in the world are the British army. And within that it's the British Royal Marines. And if they couldn't do it, I don't think anyone could. It was also funny that the Germans always dog on the Americans and NATO. They're like, I don't know why you guys had such a hard time. My tour was pretty simple. We lost two guys in 20 years. They're like, yeah, go fuck yourself, dude. Oh my God. We could talk about that forever. But I mean, yeah, I could, Jesus Christ, I could, I can see.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Talk about the most mischievous people and the next door is the most paranoid people in Europe, the Polish. Like, there's a book about them like being like a hidden treasure. Like they're like their economy's solid. Their government is it's good. You know, there's not as much corruption as like you'd see in like far farther Eastern European countries.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And I mean, but that's just because of the Soviet Union and the problems that that's created, but it's like, Poland's probably gonna be a superpower here in the next 10 years, especially if they get to help rebuild Ukraine and like become partners. And like, I mean, it's kind of like the Marshall Plan after World War II, where America helped rebuild, destroyed Europe, and
Starting point is 00:38:33 it ushered in what is called the Golden Age of Capitalism, where one job could afford you a house and two cars. It was because Europe was buying American labor and products at a premium to help rebuild the country as fast as possible to help fight the Soviet Union. And I think if Poland kind of stiff arms, it would be actually great if the Budapest Eight, you called them, actually did like a Marshall Plan with Ukraine where it's like the Baltic triplets, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, all were like, no, us Slavs are going to rebuild Ukraine. And then you just have this boom in the economy and then Poland can tell Germany to shut the fuck up. It'd be so great. What's interesting about Poland is they've prided themselves for years about they have, they have no domestic terrorism, there's no Islamic insurgency in their country. They don't take any immigrants.
Starting point is 00:39:31 That's really cool. Remember back in, it was election season last year in Europe. It was like November timeframe. And the COVID bailout fund was coming out for the EU, and the Poles built their 10-year governmental plan on this EU bailout. The EU went, you have to take an immigrants if you want to do this. They were like, absolutely not, we're not doing that. They're like, well, you don't get any money until you take an immigrants. Then out of nowhere,
Starting point is 00:40:00 5,000 Caucasians just are dumped on the border of Belarus and Belarus is giving them notepads or like, this is how you get to Warsaw. So it almost forced Poland's hand to bend the knee essentially, and kind of corroded their what's a good term? Almost because their identity has been like, no, we don't take shit from anyone. And they had to, even if they had to open their borders to get to Germany, you still had the same issue where now they're like, we support Ukraine, we'll give them planes. But I don't want my fingers on these.
Starting point is 00:40:40 So if you could meet me in Germany, and then the Americans sign the paperwork and you pick it up from them and fly over Poland, then you can have it. It's. Poland's been put in a real weird position right now because they want to be completely self reliance. But then you have Germany next door. They're like not happening chief. What are you doing? Yeah, because they know because that's how Germany is trying to be number one in the EU. But it's like, it really is like a liberal Germany versus like a conservative Poland. And I think if
Starting point is 00:41:19 the Budapest eight actually teamed up and became the Budapest nine with Ukraine. Oh my God, like Germany would it be like Eastern Europe. It might actually be a way to fracture NATO, right? Like you have Eastern NATO and you have Western NATO and it's like having. Let's even bring in a picture, Finland and Sweden. Yeah, I don't think they would, I don't think they would join. I don't think they would want to be with the Eastern Europeans. They want everything to do with Poland because they are very progressive and they are very modern and Poland keeps regressing, not culturally, but geopolitically. They're like, geopolitically, they're like, what was Bush doing in 2000? I'm going to do that. Yeah. Jesus. I mean, right? You're going to have the good with the bad. I mean, I think that, you know, like Poland has a great military that's worth a damn, but then it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:21 like you said, they're like bringing back the Bush era conservatism. Germany has these great benefits and socialist safety nets, like healthcare for all food. I mean, housing, all, I mean, their social network is great. It's amazing. But at the same time, their army's not worth a fucking- There are two things when we're looking at this, where Germany has this phobia of being pointed as the bad guy because they have two world wars under their belt. They're going to. Yeah. So hey, they started both those and they didn't really look good.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And anytime there's any parade for the German army, anytime there's any Fesche or anything, even the word Nazi is like, kind of like jokingly thrown in their direction. They completely doubled down. They're like, no, that is not who we are, but you know, they're trying to run Europe. But then on the other hand, you have Poland who's been known as Europe's punching bag for about 3000 years. And now they're in a position where they could start calling the shots and they're like,
Starting point is 00:43:26 no, I don't give a shit. So it's almost in the same position as like Germany in 1910, where they were like, I'm going to do whatever I want. You can't tell me what to do. I mean, they've relied on other other countries have told them what to do, right? Like in World War II, they were like, yeah, well, we'll do what you're saying. We'll fucking, you know, Britain and, uh, we're so uprising sounds like a good idea. Yeah. Like we, we trust you Britain and France. You'll come to our aid. Never happened. Never happened. Like in Germany and Russia, cutting them up into pieces. I mean, Poland pretty much has to be on its own market garden. He had what the Polish brigade and the Brits were like, okay, we're going
Starting point is 00:44:06 to use you to go seize the bridge at Romagen. And it was the entire Polish brigade was just annihilated. Yep, just still in the air. The Germans were like, oh shit, who says and just blew him out of the sky with their 88. And so the Polish at any combat experience, Polish soldier was gone. Like that was it. Like the Poles have been. Polish any combat experience, Polish soldier was gone. Like that was it. The Poles have been, and then, you know, the Soviet era,
Starting point is 00:44:29 they were put under that real tough iron thumb. And after liberation in the nineties, they were like, what do we do? We can do anything. What do we want to do? I don't want to do what we were doing ever again. Yeah. I mean, they can't, nobody's ever fucking like, anybody telling
Starting point is 00:44:45 Poland like don't worry, we'll be there for you. They're like, yeah, you and who like it's always been Poland on its own. So I don't blame them. I mean, they're telling they are an ally. They are part of the EU. They are part of NATO, but them being that drunk uncle that shows up to the party, like you can't tell me what to fucking do. They have every right to be that guy. I think once my oldest soldier at a bar in Nashville and we were hanging out and he was like threatening to fight people. But the whole time he kept saying, don't fuck with me. I don't like violence.
Starting point is 00:45:19 It was like, what are you doing? Yeah, it was like, what are you doing, dude? He was like, I've been to Afghanistan. I know what war is like. Don't fuck with me. I don't like war. I was like, is that the perfect poll or what? Yeah. Everybody who's ever been to Kuwait, don't fuck with me. I deployed like, what the fuck? But no, it's, uh, that's crazy to think about like this, this whole, whatever comes out after this Ukrainian war with NATO and the EU, it's going to be crazy. It's like, it's what a time to be alive. Did you see earlier today?
Starting point is 00:45:57 I think it was there yesterday where Macron just got reelected and his whole thing was helping Ukraine and he hasn't talked about it since got reelected and his whole thing was helping Ukraine. And he hasn't talked about it since getting reelected and that one of his political advisors came out or like one of his cronies in government came out and said, yeah, it's going to take about 20 years for Ukraine to join the EU. So he's like, really want to be a part of the EU. It's going to take 15 to 20 years. So they better, they better buckle up.
Starting point is 00:46:24 So it was like, well, the French already sold them out. That was quick. I mean, yeah, do whatever you can to get reelected. But dude, that's actually starting to get pretty common, right? Like we're starting to see the mainstream media kind of paint the narrative of like, okay, come on, Ukraine. Just give Russia a little bit, man. Just come on. Just give them dog baths in Crimea and we'll call it even God just stop. Stop it. They're really, they better not fucking touch Ukraine. I swear to God. And now they're like, can you guys just give them what they want? I don't want to see this on my feet anymore. It's like,
Starting point is 00:47:00 going to the mall in Pentagon city and having people go, do you have a moment to talk about Ukraine? I'm like, do you have a moment to point it out on a map? What was that one general that sat there? It's like, you know, America's at the mall, no, the army's at war. And it's the same. I mean, welcome to the thunderdome Ukraine. Like you wonder why every global war on terror that has PTSD and like
Starting point is 00:47:27 problems assimilating back into American culture. It's been what 90 days of war for Ukraine and the American populace is fucking over it. They're like, yeah, that was fun. Let's go back to like exactly like you said, like who's ready to do summer beach bod COVID gone, you know, like Like who's ready to do summer beach bod COVID's gone, you know, like. It's I also think it's because the Americans are so burnt out on everything, because we have the golf war. That was a kick ass, a hundred hours. Right. That was really cool. And nothing happened in the 90s.
Starting point is 00:47:58 We had 9-11, 9-12. Everyone's super, super excited to be American. By about 2006, they were like, are we still doing this? And that was 2022. They're like, we're still doing this. I mean, we talked about before that. I don't think a lot of people knew we were still in Afghanistan until we'd left.
Starting point is 00:48:16 And it's not cause they knew we were leaving. It's cause people were falling off planes. And they were like, oh shit, is that what we're doing over there? Yeah, it's crazy. When Ukraine goes off, they're like, can you, is that what we're doing over there? Like, yeah, it's crazy when Ukraine goes off. They're like, can you please just get this over with? Like I said, it's like, welcome to the Thunderdome. You get like, you get 100 hours of like really good support and then you get 90 days of okay
Starting point is 00:48:40 support. But by day 120, this shit better be over. Because like, you know, know I got I got my things I got to get back to and I'm not going to sit here and think about Ukraine for six months like I thought about Iraq for a whole total of nine months okay so. So they're talking about Saddam Hussein and I watched the big Lebowski nine times I just really I was super patriotic not going over over there, but I promise you my, I'm here for you. Oh Jesus. David, but I mean, that's we're the same way, right? Like I don't
Starting point is 00:49:12 care about some people like every day, all they absorb is like Hollywood drama, Hollywood feed, or some, I mean, there's guys who enjoy golf and the PGA tour. And it's like, I know the one guy who smoked like two packs of cigarettes and 21 diet cokes. Like that's the only thing I care about, but it's like, that's very impressive. That is godly impressive. But I mean, it's like the American,
Starting point is 00:49:39 Americans all care about different things and we'll come together for like a total of 30 days to care about one thing. But after that, it better be done. So like you only got, like I said, you got 120 days max and then I'm quitting. It's crazy to think about. I also want to throw out there that
Starting point is 00:49:59 if everyone receives their information from like mainstream media or they're really competitive and passionate about a golfer who rips 70 darts and is completely smashed while golfing, which is very fun. I would like to watch that. But number two, these little Instagram pages on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and all those are getting absolutely blown into oblivion. They're getting to quantum realm. It's it's insane. It's metas coming down to the point where if you use the word
Starting point is 00:50:31 war, you're banned. It's crazy. Yeah, we talk about that 500 times. I was about to say we're going to talk about the shadow and the Yep, the shadow band is real. Oh, yeah. It's pretty crazy because everyone's like I want to know about what's going on in Ukraine and you can't really see it. You're right of talk to Carlson six beers deep ranting about cousins, you know, George Zora's. Jesus. It's, it's crazy. So kind of take a back step on that.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Brandon Herrera, the AK guy, probably was the first, because we kind of noticed it, right? Like two months ago, two or three months ago, it happened, we froze it like 20.8 thousand followers on the Instagram page. And then it goes from like 20.8 and it sits about that. And if, yeah, it's like weird, it gets like a big wave and then it'll be axed a hundred people. And then I'll get DMS going,
Starting point is 00:51:37 Hey, I was forcefully unfollowed on your page. Just want to let you know something's up. I was like, thank you. And well, so yeah, two months ago, they, but let's, let's do the targeting thing, right? Find, fix, finish. So two months ago, everything kind of froze. And then 40 Instagram pages, it was about 40 to 45, I think is what Brandon Herrera said, were completely deleted. Like millions and millions of followers on these pages that were FFL carriers were deleted. And it was in the span of like 36 hours. So like every hour they were finishing somebody. So I think what they did is like we talked about, they threw everybody who had like anything about the Ukrainian war, COVID, information regarding guns and violence and anything like that. And they just put them into a bucket.
Starting point is 00:52:34 And then they started being like, okay, now that they're in the shadow ban bucket, which one of these hits every single thing that we don't want on the platform. And then they went through those and then they completely deleted them. I mean, Brandon Herrera, who had like, I think it was like a million followers on his page, just they deleted it and they were like, there will be no probation. There will be no trying to appease the meta gods to get this page back. Like you are done and kind of goes back to what we were talking about in the first place. It's like midterms are coming up in like six months. And so it's kind of going to be rough. The Republicans have all that money and the left has all the support. I it's it's interesting because you said it earlier and I don't want to get
Starting point is 00:53:26 too political, but Donald Trump has these rallies in Columbus, Ohio with millions of people. Everyone shows up, but no one talks about it. It's crazy. It's crazy to think about. But then Project Veritas comes out and they honeypot a Twitter executive. They're like, oh no, no, we are very communist here. We do not believe in anything even remotely close to being hinted at as rights. And so it's insane. Jesus. That was the Elon Musk thing, right? That you showed. And I was like, Elon Musk has ass burgers. He has a funny accent. I'm like, he's from South Africa. And that's why he has an accent, but, but that, that was real. Like that was, that's legit. Like 100% real where I think it was two or three of them. And it was one of the,
Starting point is 00:54:16 you know, the top figureheads in Twitter. And they're like, no, we're all communists here. We do not believe in anything conservative. And if you support free speech, you are not a part of the Twitter team. And we are very afraid that, and they were trying to do the same thing where they said like, Oh, Elon Musk is a meme Lord and online Nazis like him. So we don't want our platform being flooded with Nazis. And you're like, what? But yeah, those are the, it's the same thing with like Metta and Twitter meta and Twitter or what's another big one? I was about to say meta is Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp. I'm surprised they don't own Twitter.
Starting point is 00:54:57 But yeah, so if they're the ones running everything on the corner, they're absolutely banning every single page for using the word Putin. It's midterms are going to be interesting. And then after that, I think you're right that the conservatives are going to get elected. And they're like, I don't care about Ukraine. Okay, if I see blue and yellow together, I'm going to kick you out. kick you out. That's so rough. Like I said, midterms are coming up and so it's knives out right now. But that is crazy to me because it's just midterms, right? Like it's just Congress getting reelected or moving musical chairs. Imagine what it's going to be like when we do the next presidential election. There's people out there right now with bets that Trump's going to get elected again. It's not like I'm here for it or against it or whatever. But what I'm trying to say is that dude is coming back with a war chest. He's already kind of picked
Starting point is 00:56:06 who he wanted to run for Congress and trying to boost people into the house and stuff. But it's like if liberal businesses are already taking heads to the chopping axe and getting rid of them and Trump has a hundred and ten million dollars as of. It's like, dude, this next presidential election is going to be freaking crazy. I don't know. I mean, this is midterms and it's already getting stupid. What are we going to do in two years when it's like $110 million worth of- 2016 was such a wild time and that's before theEDA and all those companies went, oh, we can actually influence things.
Starting point is 00:56:49 So, and that was a bloodbath. Cannot wait for 2024. It's going to be insane. How many, well, that's the thing. How many like, cause we got shut down, right? I mean, not shut down, but like we are fighting in the trenches right now. And like I said, it's just midterms.
Starting point is 00:57:08 When the presidential election comes around, how many YouTube celebrities, Instagram, news pages, all these things are just going to get complete, like millions of dollars, probably a billion. Yeah, probably somewhere in the billions worth of Instagram celebrities, influencers, news sites, not let's use the community, right? Like Atlas News. Like Atlas News is kind of like the harbinger of like all these Instagram news pages. When 2024 rolls around and Metta sees that there's this website with all these wannabe guys like us who are just trying to do news and information reporting, it's like, oh, we got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down.
Starting point is 00:57:55 We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down.
Starting point is 00:58:03 We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. We got to shut that down. even knows him. Oh, he's dead. He's dead. He's canceled into oblivion for essentially just doing what he does. He's like, he'll have the, uh, I'll have Tim Poulan with the director of Twitter. It's just a little rant. And they're like, yeah, not, not, not happening. Chief chief called says not happening. So that's the, and it's just midterms. It's just, it's just the way the world works is so crazy. And it makes me want to buy as many books as possible. I'm over the books. Yeah, it's like I keep saying it's just midterms.
Starting point is 00:58:34 It's going. Donald Trump is not back on Twitter. Donald Trump is not running for reelection. Rob DeSantis isn't trying to take on Biden yet. It's just midterms. It's just musical chairs happening right now. And people are getting shit canned over it. We're fighting a shadow ban. It is going to be insane. Billions, billions of dollars are gonna go out the window for people.
Starting point is 00:59:01 It's kind of like YouTube, like every two to three years, a new generation of YouTube stars comes up. And it's like, I think 2024 is going to be like the great purge of all that stuff. You're going to have new YouTube celebrities come up. It's posted on YouTube, like academic agent who is very analytical about the way he talks and his very analytical about the way he talks and his Ashes of Civilization story where he starts off with Detroit and then Birmingham and then I'm surprised he's still up and running because he's out here just throwing black pills at everybody. Yeah, he'll be the first guy. He'll be the first casualty. Actually, who's our who's
Starting point is 00:59:42 the top five casualties of the 20th? Like top five people. Across the board. But they're going to get just. Jake Avery in the popular front. Popular front is going to get shot. He's going to die heroically in the 2024 election. Atlas News.
Starting point is 00:59:56 He's dead. Yeah. That's going to be like. A demagagin on YouTube. Probably Intel Doge on Twitter. If we're naming you, it's because you're good. I'm sorry. But if we're calling you out right now, it's because you're too good at your job and you're going to get zucked. If you weren't assassin, or if there was not an assassination attempt on you, did you do a good job?
Starting point is 01:00:23 Yeah, that's exactly what we're counting down right now. It would be a good fit. Okay, so if you can't, so let's put ourselves in the shoes, right? Like I can't get Joe Rogan. I can't take out Joe Rogan. Who do you take out instead? Alex Jones is already gone. Like he's done.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Ben Shapiro, maybe. I mean, Ben Shapiro maybe? I mean... Ben Shapiro. Oh, we're talking... I was thinking like these rink and dink little pages like that. Oh no, they're going too. Make no mistake about it. Like they're dead. But I mean like...
Starting point is 01:00:59 Shapiro makes sense. Everything associated with the daily wire. Who's the other one? The turning point USA guy. Oh yeah, he's Kelly Kirk or whatever. The little guy with a big head with a little face. With a little face. Yeah. Um, dude, he's gone. You're dead.
Starting point is 01:01:19 DeSantis his Twitter probably gonna get nuked. Oh, you think the Twitter is going to go first? Yeah, his Twitter would go first. You can rant more on Twitter. Yeah. You can't really rant on Instagram. I think that would be like 2023. That's when we're going to see the first shot fired.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Like Ron DeSantis Twitter page is just going to get headshot. Just bam. And it's like, game on. page is just getting a headshot just bam and it's like game on and something I've seen in the community is pages on Twitter Instagram are getting reported for child endangerment and you can take that as well and uh after that like you can't recover it's oh regardless if you posted a picture of Thomas the Tank Engine or a Azov BTR absolutely owning a Russian T-72, it gets flagged for child and endangerment and that's it. Like, oh, your page is harmful to children and it's done. Like you can't recover and you can try to fight it. They're like, no, but someone thought that it could be taken that way. So, and so there's like that, what is it?
Starting point is 01:02:28 That weird army of bots or trolls or whoever they're like, who are we targeting today? Direct attack on Alex Jones. Sounds good. Anthony Cumia, the comedian on Twitter, every time he makes one, he gets just, they find him so fast and they delete his ass. I think, I think we're going to see Sam Hyde eat one too. You know, just like, just because he lost his Twitter. So yeah, his Twitter was,
Starting point is 01:02:59 he had a Twitter for a few years and he didn't use it. And as soon as that like iDubbbz creator clash thing came out and they said Sam Hyde was a like a credible liability or something. Yeah they joked that he's like a mass shooter all the time. Well yeah yeah every time there's a mass shooting they're like his name is Sam Hyde and the ghost of Kiev is like Nikolai Samir Al-Hajid or something like it's so funny, but yeah, Sam High takes one. Nick Mullen. He's a, he's gone. Shane Gillis done like comedians at this point. It's anyone who's funny. What do you do after that? Like we're, we're kind of talking, we've talked about that a little, but it's
Starting point is 01:03:39 like, what do you do after that? After you've amassed like 20 to 100 to 200,000 followers and like you quit your job and open a new site and do all these things and pulling a little extra cash and just because a sign of the times you get absolutely zucked and crushed it's like, okay, now what? Like, it's not like you could start over. You make your own organization that you can't get publicity on Facebook because they're going to ban you. Because they have the algorithms citing out Atlas news. Like, it's insane. I don't even know where to go with that. Okay, so like Atlas did a really smart move. He made the website, right? But
Starting point is 01:04:26 it's like, like you said, you can't promote it on the big, the big ones like Facebook or Instagram, Twitter. I mean, we just found out there, KamiBooz. I mean, you could try Reddit, but at the same time, there's not like... Warzone, because it's, they're the first big one to buckle when it came down to like their mods. I mean, yeah, that's a whole story for another day. We could just have a whole pod talking about social media and how it's absolutely atrocious.
Starting point is 01:04:59 But anyways, it's atrocious for like free thinking and all that. They're not as like, freethinking, but it's like, if you wanted to make money or you wanted to get, you know, like, I really love open source intelligence or like AFV recognition that dude, like, he's probably one of the best tank identifiers I've ever seen. Like he should be a CIA asset. Honestly. But it's like, you could sell shirts and do all these things. And then it's like, well, not exactly. And then he gets crushed. And it's like, okay, now, what is he supposed to do? You know, it's like the social media network is crushing him, like, take this square and push it into a circle. Like you don't like tanks. You like trucks now. Like what, what am I supposed to do? Even someone is just so out there like Toyota's of war,
Starting point is 01:05:55 where he just takes pictures of Toyota's in Syria or Libya or Botswana and he's like, oh, this is a 1976 Toyota. And he's been shadowbanned into oblivion. He even had like a military times interview, I think. Where they're like, why are you doing this? And he's like, I like Toyotas. I like trucks. I like-
Starting point is 01:06:18 Toyota shows up to a combat zone. Oh man. All right, I think we're getting close to the end but I'll end it with a fucking phenomenal story. The last unit I was in was a soft unit. You could order those Toyota Hilux trucks and for those who don't know the Toyota Hilux is the creme de la creème of guerrilla fighters. You can put a big old 50 cal on the back of it, ride down Benghazi and do all the terrorist actions you need with a Toyota Hilux. It's small, it can go on boats and helicopters and planes.
Starting point is 01:06:56 It's pretty affordable. And the American military sometimes buys them for trucks to get around, for our guerrilla forces to use and stuff like that. Now the thing about the Toyota Hilux is it's driving steering wheel isn't on the left side. It's on the right side. Some soldier I knew bought this thing, bought a Toyota Hilux using American funds, got the car in the middle of the night, drove it to a port, got it shipped back to the States and took a cab back to the base just in time for like morning. So they never knew this truck had arrived or whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:35 So they just like wrote it off the books. He's driving around on Fort Campbell like two years later, cops pull him over because he's speeding on base. They look at him and they're like, why is the steering wheel on the right side? Right? And it's like, the plates are good. It's registered in Tennessee. But when they opened the car door, it's got a military serial number on it. And that motherfucker had a Toyota Hilux bought and paid for by the U.S. government. And he almost died.
Starting point is 01:08:03 On the left window, what problem officer? What's up? It's like sir. Big old huh? Yep. See you later. You know. Step out of the car. What did I do?
Starting point is 01:08:12 Alright man, yeah this has been a fun one. We'll have to do one here soon where we just talk about Reddit and Meta and Twitter and all that. Oh god, it really gets shadow manned. Yeah, it'll be a good thing. We'll have to do one here soon where we just talk about Reddit and Meta and Twitter and all that. Oh god, really get shadow banned. Yeah, it'll be a good time. Alright, Amy, thanks for coming on and I'll talk to you later, man.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Alright. Alright, later. I'm going to be right back. Thanks for watching!

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