Kitbag Conversations - Proto Kitbag 8: Fun Times

Episode Date: May 2, 2024

In a special extended episode, we caught up with our friend Cody. Cody is currently working with Task Force 31 (task_force_31) to help train, aid, and equip Ukrainian fighters heading to the front lin...e. Additionally, we discuss: - The future in Ukraine  - projected global food shortage  - Wagner Group  - French foreign policy  - US mid-term elections  - And Aiden Aslin (@Cossackgundi)  Please consider following Task Force 31 on Instagram and donating at 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone, welcome back. This week is going to be a little different. We're going to get a little catch up from our friend Cody who periodically writes and is often on the podcast. So Cody, where have you been? Working on stuff. No. So Matt and I kind of working on Krootone Report ran into some nonprofit guys over in Ukraine and one thing led to another. And now I am working with Matt and a couple other guys. And we are, I don't know the best way to put this, dude. What would you call this? A training camp? We're not running it, but we're supporting it.
Starting point is 00:00:56 But the guys over there who are with us, anyway. Go on to Instagram. Go ahead, type in task, underscore, force, underscore, 31, or go to and go get you a nice donation done and go get you a hat, a t-shirt, a mug, a sticker, spend $200 on the Ukrainians because we are training up Ukrainians. That's right. We have all types of special forces, tier one operators. We've got Navy SEALs, we've got army Rangers. I mean, we've got the works, baby. Everybody who was in the global war on terror that went over to Ukraine is at task force 31. It's just a bunch of angry, pissed off, PTSD ridden vets.
Starting point is 00:01:45 But yeah, that's what I've been doing. a bunch of angry, pissed off, PTSD ridden vets. But yeah, that's what I've been doing. If you go over there, you'll see some sweet pictures. We've got approval from the deputy mayor of Keefe to help run a training facility. The team is headed by a former British special forces NCO. He's been doing it for like 16 years. Really great guy. His name is Tom, T-O-M. And kind of the second in charge over there is Gray. And those two guys have been really getting after it. We just sent our first batch of guys through training this week and they are off to the front line.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Man, I don't know where to take it from that. I mean, I guess we could talk about kind of the total situation because I don't know if anybody's been on here. Has anybody been on here talking about Ukraine lately? On here. Last week there was Daphne Westorf and Chase, but nothing way too analytical.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Oh man. Okay, let's get into it then. So I mean, I've seen a lot of information coming up of Ukrainians running out of ammo and guns. Have you seen any of that stuff lately? I've seen a bunch of that. And a lot of it came out. And I think we talked about it before or definitely offline where what did they call the reddit battalion that showed up and everyone's like, yeah, you guys are war tourists. You're going to go show in the rear because we don't have any weapons to give you. So here's a stick. Hold this Mosin like fucking man a checkpoint.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Dude. Yeah, they're running out of guns and ammo. In fact, the next iteration that we have come into the camp to train up with the boys at TAS Force 31, from what I hear, it's one AK for five people. Talked to another guy today actually, which I think it bummed him out because he's looking to donate, looking to help, and he's out of Lithuania. And he was surprised when he found out that they didn't have like M4s or AK.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I mean, it's a mix of AK-74s and AK-47s that they have, but like the Ukrainians are, I think they're starting to run into logistical issues. You've got Russian weapons on the front, you've got the American lend lease coming up, and so you've got 5.56, 7.62, and then you got another batch coming up of the 5.45 for the AK-74. You've got three types of guns on the front line, all of them take a different caliber ammo. Did the fucking guts of a 47 and a 74 take the same stuff? Do you know that? I don't know. Oh man, that sucks. Yeah, but I mean, like, think about that from like a weapons maintenance point of view. I mean, ammo alone is going to be hard because I mean, you show up with a bunch of AK ammo and it's like, well, what do you got? It's like, I've got a whole a bunch of AK ammo and it's like well what do you got? It's like I got a whole truckload of 7.62 and it's like all the guys with 74s and M4s. Yeah they're like
Starting point is 00:04:51 fuck, you're like oh man we don't have anything like there's no ammo for us. I mean I've seen a couple people have been running around with scars just because... Where would they find a scar? Where would they find a scar? The fucking Afghan black market. Like dude, that's coming around. I know we got some shit for that, but I have heard some people talking about some black market deals with Afghan personnel. Like there's like NVGs and helmets popping up. No shit.
Starting point is 00:05:22 You don't say. No shit though, man. I got one for you though. Somebody tried to tell us that they've got this premier training camp closer to ours or whatever. And they're like, yeah, man, we've got everybody. We've got like all these Ukrainians, special forces dudes and snipers training the Ukrainians.
Starting point is 00:05:40 And we've got like Afghan commandos. We've got like nine Afghan commandos training the Ukrainians. I'm like, bro, fuck off. You want to be like just some a and a guy who that's exactly what it is. That is that's a that's a real thing. Fucking all of the guys at task Force 31 are vetted. They have their DD-214s looked at. The British guys, Tom is in charge of that. Everybody has seen everybody's paperwork and so it's all clear. So we don't have that issue of like, I am an Afghan commando.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Like bro, you were Afghan police. Like fucking got it. But dude, I think we're kind of getting to that point where donations are just dried up as well too. So you've got the logistical issues of all these Americanized Western weapons and mixed with Russian weapons that have been there the whole time. You've got people showing up. I mean, you're always going to have, like you said, the reddit battalions. And then you got like, uh, what the we were just talking about, like the, uh, donations drying up. So it's like, it's the perfect storm. And I mean, it's not over yet. You can look at looking at the donation side of it, just walking
Starting point is 00:07:01 around the DC area. Um, every single Ukrainian flag was replaced by a pride flag. So I was like, oh, I guess on June 1st, everyone just stopped caring. We're like. Yeah. It's like, you're creating it's like, and we could have saved our country if it wasn't for the LGBTQ plus community
Starting point is 00:07:18 taking down the flags. Dude, I was laughing about it. It's like, oh, I guess they just didn't cut it two colors. No, I think we need at least six. Putin's like in the war room, like, yes, and then we will begin the summer offensive during Pride Month because that's when the Ukrainian flags will come down. Like, yes, no, yes, no. Oh, yeah, exactly. It's like four star generals planning around Pride Month. And like, this is where we get into some real headsets in territory because we'll know,
Starting point is 00:07:47 right? We'll know if the Russians are supporting this, you know, anti-Ukrainian movement, if Pride Parade is the best ever. So I will be down there at Pride Parade, seeing how much money is spent on it. And if I think there's too much money spent on it, it's probably because of the Kremlin. 100%. This is like a Alex Jones fringe thought. There was probably some FSB guy just sitting there. He's like, why don't we just wait until June? They kind of chimp out every time. The virtue signal. Yes. And when they virtue signal, that is when the self-defense begins. Like, oh, damn it. Like, they're so good at planning, dude. And then, and here we talk, did we talk about it? I know we talked about it on the sidelines, but not the podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Midterms. Oh my God, is it not brutal? Every thing's coming up and every American's pretty pissed off. And if the entire world revolves around who got elected president here, the midterms are coming up. It's already a war zone. We see it every day. Just looking at gas prices and looking at, you know at a school shooting every single day. And then there's some issues at home that people want to address and they're going to go, who's Ukrainian? I don't care.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Yeah, they do. They were that lasted all of about a hundred days. We talked about it. It's going to like time was on the side of the Russians in the beginning. And then we talked about it. Like it's going to like time was on the side of the Russians in the beginning. And then we talked about it. I think I said that like time is flipping into the hands of the Russians. Like the longer this goes on, the worse it's going to get and midterm. And we talked to, dude, we called it midterms. Midterms are here, but in did you spot on and everybody's wonder. it started with Roe v Wade.
Starting point is 00:09:45 That was the first shot was the Roe v Wade thing came up and then the school shootings started to get publicized. Like it, I mean, there's school shootings in America not to sound cat calloused, but it's like almost every week. And so. But a school shooting in America is categorized as anything that happens within like a
Starting point is 00:10:05 five mile radius of a school. Yeah. They just lump all those into one basket. It's way easier in this paperwork if we just know. Oh, yeah, of course. Oh, my God. And then, oh, man, in not to mention the January six committee is like going hard in the paint. Like, this is probably, and I don't care what side you're on for politics, this is absolutely terrible. We are, our attention span is like that of an ant. Like the January 6th and the guns and like gas presses
Starting point is 00:10:39 and then like LGBTQ and the kids and the guns. And it's like, bro, this is every two years we go through fucking Groundhog Day of everyone losing their minds. And meanwhile, there's a war for Europe going on right now. It's insane. I mean- It is just baffling and watching,
Starting point is 00:11:01 even on the British side of things, where Boris Johnson just had his vote of confidence last week. They've been pretty bogged down with their own issues. And internally, European politics are pointing fingers and they're like, hey, Germany, fucking do something. They're like, we'll just build the biggest military in Europe. They're like, that's not what we're talking about. Yeah. Like Germany is like, we can't give you guns. Ukraine's like, why? Well, because we need them for what we're about to do. Like, dude. And then I loved it. Yeah. He pulled in for round three. Like, I don't even know bill. Like, dude, it's, oh my God, talking about Europe. Did you see that thing where Macron, like it was leaked that he tried to get the Ukrainians
Starting point is 00:11:45 to just surrender land and like to appease Putin so that Putin didn't get embarrassed. Like, okay, first off, where was Macron when George Bush had that mission accomplished banner on that fucking aircraft carrier? Do you remember that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like we don't want a superpower to embarrass himself.
Starting point is 00:12:07 George Bush coming in hot, danger zone playing. We did it. Mission accomplished. We beat Iraq. I think that came out, there was rumors about that, that Macro made up like a private phone called the Zelenty. He was like, hey man, come on. Just surrender. It'd be embarrassing. Yeah, not one step back.
Starting point is 00:12:37 Dude, the French have two modes. It's either like completely surrender or completely kill everybody. There's no in between. I don't understand. And there's like, he's broke when it came to Mali. They were like, what? They spent too much to Mali. They were like, what? They spent too much time in Africa. They're like sunburned and shit. I came back. Did you talking about that? I was talking to a Frenchman the other day. That situation out there is just bananas. But in Mali, what's going on out there?
Starting point is 00:13:00 So the French were there for about 10 years and lost because they were doing too good of a job, essentially, and the local governments were just not doing their portion. Essentially, it was an Afghan situation where the local governments were like, oh, they're over there. The French were like, why didn't you do anything? They're like, we wanted to wait till you got here. So we had more confidence in our abilities and one of those. And so after eight years, eight or nine years, yeah,, eight or nine years, yeah, about eight or nine years,
Starting point is 00:13:26 it's a hell G5 is what they call it, where it's like those former Western African French colonies from back in the day, but they still speak French. The French dump a lot of money into education and financial system. It's still essentially like a quasi colony. They just took the label off, but just knowing how the French government operates,
Starting point is 00:13:41 they were like, we're not leaving, kind of like the Brits did in Western or Eastern Africa. But anyways, so the French are leaving. And so the day that I guess, and this is just one, this is like a single source report that I read. So it's like take it with a grain of salt, but the Malayan government called Wagner and they're like, can you guys come here for a second? So the, those guys showed up to Mali and they were like, can you guys come here for a second? So those guys showed up to Molly and they were like, hey, we have a hoodlum down the road. They're like, yeah, we'll be right back and like killed everybody. And they came back to like, yeah, there's no more problem.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And they're like, why couldn't the French do that? So they called the French the same day. They were like, French, get out. You guys go kick rocks. You know, we're going to work with the Russian Wagner mercenary group. So, nice. Yeah. So it was essentially just like in Iraq or Afghanistan, where every time an American convoy would get remotely hinted at being shot at that they would absolutely level a hillside or something. The French were just fucking ISIS and Al Qaeda in the morgue. They were just, they were
Starting point is 00:14:43 going to town, but the local governments were like, no, you gotta go. So the French are leaving, but they're dragging their feet with this withdraw. And this is just me analyzing here. They're dragging their feet with the withdraw because I'm pretty sure they're watching the Russians perform absolutely terrible. And they're like, oh no, they're gonna call us back
Starting point is 00:15:00 as soon as we get home. So let's just keep all of our stuff here. And- Yeah, that's part move. Yeah, because no one really talks about that part calls back as soon as we get home. So let's just keep all of our stuff here. And yeah, yeah. Yeah. Cause no one really talks about that part of the world where a lot of, I forgot the name of the trail, but it's almost like a Ho Chi Minh trail is out there for insurgents that move from like the Horn of Africa, and then they go to
Starting point is 00:15:18 Libya or like Niger, and then they shoot south and go hang out with Boko Haram. So that's kind of the area where the French are keeping both sides pinned down, like, like a big dude holding two dogs down. But I was like, no one really talks about this and you can't really find much. So I threw it at Instagram. I was like, Hey, if you, if you, anyone here knows about the French and Mali hit me up and this, this Frenchman hit me up. He's like, what do you want to know?
Starting point is 00:15:42 I was like, are you guys still there? And he was like, yeah. Well, it's like, okay. I was like, is it because I was like, is it anything kinetic? He's like, no, nothing kinetic. We're just, we're just waiting. I was like, okay, that's cool. That's all I need. Dude, that's, I mean, I know I watched this like one hour documentary on the French foreign legion and they are, that's where they are is in Africa all the time. Because their base used to be in Algeria. And so after the Algerian revolution, they moved to Corsica, but they were like to be a foreign Legion, you have to be out of country.
Starting point is 00:16:12 So like, go fight somewhere. I don't care who's just because of the country. And then, yeah. Yeah. And so it's like, that was a, I was watching a podcast with a guy who was in the, uh, I was watching a podcast with a guy who was in the airborne unit of the Foreign Legion. And he was like, yeah, they kind of take you out there, they rough you up in the African desert, and then, you know, they just want you to get to the point where you can kill mercilessly and all that stuff. And I was like, man, that's kind of crazy. Like they just want to, you know, I mean, I understand like they beat you up, they give you shit gear
Starting point is 00:16:47 cause it's the foreign Legion or whatever. But he was like saying it in a way that like the guys weren't picking up on on the podcast. Like they didn't understand. He's like, yeah, they send the Legion to Africa all the time because of like our hard training and who we are like internally. So that's why they send us to fight the Africans
Starting point is 00:17:06 because we can handle the emotional like pat, like the emotional damage that comes with it. And I was like, Oh, they send the Legion there to fight child soldiers. Got it. Like, yeah, that's what and then it's like, but dude, it's, I think that needs to be said because it's like, people think, you know, Africa is like, oh, it's just a, but like you said, not to undermine what you're pointing out, but it's like, it 14 year old kids getting in firefights with the French foreign Legion and the French peacekeeping force. I mean, I saw a video of like a Spanish commando force fighting in Africa and it was wild. I mean, they were out there going house to house, shooting the place up. And it's like, that is, and it it's like they're mud huts too. So the bullets are going to go right through. So it's like, you're just fighting an empty feet or you're fighting with no cover essentially.
Starting point is 00:18:11 And it's like, man, that must suck to have to be fighting there. Like, I'm good on the French for taking that on, but I mean, I can't see like exactly like you said, I can't see Wagner group like you said, I can't see Wagner group doing that well out there. And I mean, I guess maybe because it's a place where like the strong survive, you know what I'm saying? Like they chop you like, take Cameroon for example like they they do genocide there they cut off hands and it's terrible and it's like is Wagner the answer which is that's rough to say man it's like would
Starting point is 00:18:54 they do they speak that language like Jesus like but it's it's that part of the world where everything's just gray. There's no yes or no. It's just fluid, is a good way to put it. It's liquid. It's also reading on that, there's Western African countries, which are French previous dominions, where during their midterms or presidential elections they were riding around
Starting point is 00:19:22 the streets with Russian flags. They were like, ''Slavov, Russia, SlavovO-Rusia, Slav-O-Rusia, you know, one of those. And then looking into Libya, because their current presidential elections, sometime this month, they haven't had one for some quite some time. And back in the day, like 10 years ago, 60% of Libya's export for oil, which is one of the biggest in Africa, was going to Europe. And as soon as the revolution kicked off, and a lot of their oil manufacturing was in the south and then the east, the Russians backed the eastern government, whose name is Khalifa Haftar, no relation to me. And he's an American citizen who he was a tank commander for
Starting point is 00:20:04 Gaddafi back in like the 80s. And he invaded Nigerian laws, came back citizen who he was a tank commander for Gaddafi back in like the eighties and he invaded Nigerian laws came back and he was essentially like go to Gulag and he's like, I'm going to Langley. So he came here, got super spun up, became an American bought a house. And then when the revolution kicks off, he went back to take over the country. So big picture, maybe the Russians were thinking that they're like, oh, the Americans can't spy on this guy in his circle because he's an American. So they pretty much partnered with him and sent Wagner to secure all those oil fields.
Starting point is 00:20:34 So it's like, hey, I'm not smart, but if 60 percent of Russia's export of oil goes to Europe, and 60 percent of Libya's oil exports go to Europe, and the Russians buy both of those. Yeah, I think it's going to get really weird. But yeah, speaking about Wagner, it's just like, there's more of those guys than I initially thought because I said, oh, there was like, oh, they're taking Wagner forces from Mali. They're sending them to Eastern Ukraine to train up the Donbass, whatever. And I was like, Oh, that's cool. But then you look back at like, Oh, wow, there, there's hundreds of, there's thousands of these guys. It's, it's a
Starting point is 00:21:09 bunch. Let's look this up. How many, how many soldiers in Wagner? I mean, what are we saying? Like 10 K I'm gonna say 10 K or don't you prices, right? Me. But what's, what's your guess? Show me 12. Yeah. Like 1001 Bob, like, like, like 1001, Bob. How many soldiers are in Wagner? Maybe 7,500. Size. They got a couple hundred killed in Syria. 8,000.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Rest in peace. 8,000. Pretty close to that one. Dude, they've got like a whole list. Dude, why have I never looked at the Wikipedia page for Wagner? This is intense. It's a war zone. No, it's just not. I mean, like it's mercenaries. It's like, I mean, like it's, it's mercenaries.
Starting point is 00:22:05 It's like soldier of fortune, like, you know, S stuff. I mean, they're an evil mercenary group. Don't get me wrong. But it's like, dude, this go to the Wagner Wikipedia page. It's got like 13 link, that 13 chapters. It's got a scroll bar. That's like an half inch big. It's like, dude, I got to read this someday.
Starting point is 00:22:26 There's like, they've got like allies and opponents and like, they're like their own little country. This is insane. And don't, I know people are going to be in the comments when we publish this, like, Oh, you, you didn't know that Wagner like, no, dude, don't read their Wikipedia page. Like, this is kind of insane. Like everyone always goes in on Blackwater and Academy and Triple Canopy, but it's like, oh no, these guys are actually like what Blackwater had that one incident may or may not have instigated the Battle of Fallujah. But Wagner's out here.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Just let's look at a list of battles here. Oh my God. It's look at a list of battles here. Oh, yeah, dude. Oh my God. It's huge. They've been in Mali, the insurgency in Cabo Delgado, Venezuela presidential crisis, to the Sudanese revolution. Dude, these guys are everywhere. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Dude, they're all over Syria, war and dibass, the car civil war. What the hell? Like, yeah, the central African Republic. Wow. That was the ones where they were rolling around with the bikes and they were like, get a load of this. Dude, that, these guys live, live fast, eat ass.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Like they are the definition of like, I mean, like think about that. Here are, a Russian teenage boy, right? You're like 16, 17, 18. Your grandma is yelling at you. Your dads and uncles and moms all live in the same four-room apartment, the kitchen, the living room, two bedrooms. That's it. One bathroom for all 12 of you. And Wagner comes up and is like, hey, you want, the kitchen, the living room, two bedrooms, that's it, one bathroom for all 12 of you, and Wagner comes up and is like, hey, you want to just go do whatever you want around the world, no consequences, and like, hell yeah, I do, get me out of here, and then yeah, all of a sudden you're in the Central African Republic just committing war crime after war crime, like tic-tacs, like Jesus, man. This is-
Starting point is 00:24:28 Look at us just ramble about Wikipedia. Dude, you can- Yeah. The founder, Colonel Dmitry Utkin, also known as Wagner. Then you go to his Wikipedia, it's like, yeah, Dmitry Utkin is believed to have founded Wagner Group. Oh, by the way, he has four orders of courage medals.
Starting point is 00:24:50 What? Dude, dang. It's, yeah, he's the Steven Seagal of Mercenaries. A slick back pony tail. Dude, I could see it. Oh my god. The Entenmann's goatee. Just. Oh yeah. Well, like think about it right now, right? So like we're talking and like, you know, the viewers are listening, probably driving to work, driving somewhere. Like, dude, if you're going to be sitting behind a desk for eight hours, just go look at Wagner Group. Like they've got picked and then like Google image search, Demetri Utkin. Like they've got picked, and then Google image search,
Starting point is 00:25:25 Dimitri Utkin, they've got a picture of him in Africa in what looks like a parachute. It's a really fuzzy photo. Yeah, just like decked up and dang dude, he is all over the place. Look at these cool guys in Libya. They look kind of neat. all over the place. Look at these cool guys in Libya. They look kind of neat.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Yeah, just, ah man, this is probably such a good read. Cause I didn't even know that they were hanging around in the central African Republic. And then they got- It was an honest, honest to God here. It's literally soon as those Afghans fell off an American aircraft leaving Kabul, Russia's like soon as those Afghans fell off an American aircraft leaving Kabul, Russia's like, hey, go to Africa.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah. And they're in like insurgency in Cabo Delgado. Like these guys are, this is, I mean, I don't want, like, oh, this is awesome. Like, it's like a real nice, like, dude, you can make a serious Netflix villain out of these guys. Like they're everywhere. One Diamond too. like dude you can make a serious Netflix villain out of these guys like they're everywhere. Like one time in two. Yeah dude seriously bring it in. It is if yeah so if you're bored and you're like oh man I'm so tired of Facebook and I don't want to like be in the office looking like I'm
Starting point is 00:26:38 not working and I need to you know keep my job because the health insurance go on to the Wagner Wikipedia page not even. Have you ever gone to and sorry to interrupt but health insurance go on to the Wagner Wikipedia page. Not even... Have you ever gone to... Sorry to interrupt, but have you ever gone to the Wagner Telegram page? Reverse side of the metal. Yeah. I remember when the war first started, you went in there and you're like, dude, this place is... You were in there before the war, I think. I crept in there when they were at like 5,000 subscribers. And I was just like, these kids are insane.
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's like me with my limited Russian reading this. I was like, yeah, I know what you're talking about. Yeah. So they were the reverse side of the metal and now they're reverse side of the metal. So they just completely dropped the Z. But... Yeah, so wait, it was reverse side of Z metal metal like M-E-T-A-L.
Starting point is 00:27:30 So, yeah. So, okay. When was it? Was it called that before the war? Oh, no, no, no. Yeah, metal M-E-D-A-L. So, yeah, it was like that before the war. And then it was like creeping up on late February, and it just became Z. And I was like, hmm, interesting. And then all of a sudden you start seeing a Z tattoo, and you're like, oh my God, what? I'm getting a Z tattoo on my forehead
Starting point is 00:27:55 with going super punk rock. So I did a genealogy found on 10%Rush, and I was like, I'm going to go super punk rock and get a Z tattoo, with an arrow pointing at it going, no bad. No bad. No, comma, bad. No, bad. I think those genealogy tests are fake.
Starting point is 00:28:16 They just want your data. They just want your biological data so they can sell it. Like look at all these fat motherfuckers from the South drinking sweet iced tea all day. You can smell the diabetes in the vial. Like. Yeah. They're drinking Barstool's pink Whitney
Starting point is 00:28:33 and punching through windows. You're like, yeah, that's my target market. That's some good data right there. High quality. Like they're like managing, they're like going through the spit, trying to like hone in the Popeyes chicken recipe. Like they'll love this.
Starting point is 00:28:47 I know. Like. I ended up and get a whiff. They're like, is this 11 herbs and spices? Yeah. Jesus, dude. That is pretty funny. But.
Starting point is 00:28:57 Oh, well, dude. And then you got to, you got another thing to explain because the. Oh me. Yeah. The shadow ban. Like have we, have you talked about explain because the... Oh me? Yeah, the shadow ban. Like have we talked about that on the podcast yet? We did a little bit the last time you were on, but I think it was broken because I had gotten a lot of,
Starting point is 00:29:17 just not posting anything, just not doing anything. I think just kind of blessed off that whole era. But yeah, it was ridiculous. It was, yeah, it was getting those like, you do the week roundups are like, you got a hundred followers this week. You lost 101 followers this week. I'm like, come on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Like it was yo-yoing. And then something else with Instagram that I've noticed is out of nowhere, like on the backup where I don't follow a lot of people, there's accounts that pop up and just like promoting like like a Star Wars Disney cruise. And I was like, what? And I go back and they were like,
Starting point is 00:29:57 what the hell did I follow this? So it's like Instagram forcefully making you follow things and then makes you unfollow other pages without letting you know. So then you're scrolling and you wouldn't notice, but once you go over the icon, it's like, oh, okay. So you saw the story and what gets them publicity, but it's like, oh, so you want to see more of this,
Starting point is 00:30:16 but it's a reverse shadow ban. It's just like in your face. Yeah, it is. And I think we were talking about it offline, like talking about it outside the podcast, about how we may have fallen in with the gun community. Because for those of you who don't know, the gun community has been purged, essentially, off of social media. And because we post pictures of people with guns and videos, we probably got put in the do not touch basket until we figure out what. So maybe you got pulled out of the basket. Like, oh, he's he's just a news reporter. He's not a gun page. Like you got saved because your mag drill suck.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Because it was just a 10 round AR-15 mag. Well, like I was about to say, well, like the first person I thought of was just a 10 round AR-15 mag. Did you know that? Well, I was about to say, well, the first person I thought of was a gun bunny who was like, I make my living off of selling gun parts to people on Instagram. I just showed little cleavage and then she gets shadow banned with us and her entire life is ruined. She's just like, oh no. But the other thing I was thinking was when I said the mag change thing, I was like, man, can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:31:29 Like we all go in the shadow ban bucket. We're sitting there and this one kid who is trying to make it as a gun Instagram guy is like pulled out of the basket. They're like, yeah, he's a gun Instagram guy, but he sucks. He's not going to do any harm. And they just like, unbet, like, unshadowed pan like, oh, your mag, your split time suck, bro. Like fucking. And it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Are you going those? Because it's like anything gun related. So it's like if it's in the shape of a pointed finger, you get banned. And it's like you go to those those UK airsoft pages where kids are like 16 year old kids are running their weapon reload drills and they're like fumbling it. They're like, this guy's clearly not a threat.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah. Just like, oh. Well, in my Airsoft team, I'm like in the recon element. So, you know, I'm actually pretty good. Like you're the best. Wow. That says a lot. Okay. Have you, I mean, we're cutting it hot.
Starting point is 00:32:28 We're on the cutting edge of news. You know, Garret Thumb, right? Garret Thumb. Yeah, Pod's hot. Yeah, Pod's hot. Garret Thumb, six hours ago or seven hours ago, he just talked about military simulation, BB wars or pellet guns.
Starting point is 00:32:47 What am I thinking? Airsoft, Jesus. Yeah, they're called Milsim West. They're 40 hour airsoft events. And he went to one and did a review on it. And I've always been looking at those and I've been like, man, it'd be really cool to take a bunch of like, I don't want to take like Navy SEALs or anything. I want to take like Marine recon dudes who have been like sitting in like the same spot for 48
Starting point is 00:33:15 hours. Cause these events, these milsim West events are only 40 hours long and they're getting popular. Like you're going to start seeing them a lot more because gun tubers are starting to go to them. Um, but I was like, man, it'd be really funny to go there with like 20 or 30 Marine recon guys and just not sleep for 40 hours and just do constant ops on teenagers, like, and you put up some booby traps and you're like, you know, trip wire and this guy trips and snaps his AK in half. He's like, fuck. It's like, man, my mom's gonna be so mad.
Starting point is 00:33:51 I bought this with the critical. It's like, mom, you bought me a present. Just shooting star questions at him. But yeah, that's pretty funny. I thought of that because of the shadow ban. But yeah, if you guys get a chance, check out those Milsim West events, they're kind of crazy. But the shadow ban stuff was very real
Starting point is 00:34:12 and it's not going away because midterms. And- It's getting way worse. So I think off the pod, you and I are like shooting the shit, prophesying of what's gonna happen. And I think it was you who were like, bro, we have, it's just like a perfect storm. Like you were talking about earlier,
Starting point is 00:34:31 where you're like, there's a school shooting and then they're going to come after the guns. And then the Instagram pages are going to come down. And then it's, regardless of political affiliation, you're like a complete side is being undermined and told to shut up. So look at it either way you want. You're like, that's pretty dystopian. Then smaller communities are like,
Starting point is 00:34:58 I'll just make my own social media. It gets immediately hijacked by al-Qaeda. It's a terrorist network. God damn it. Dude, have you ever been on the truth? We should be on there. We should be on there. The social media, like Trump social media. And we talked about this last, last podcast, but like Trump is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and that war coffin, because like nobody hears
Starting point is 00:35:35 about him, but he's over there on that truth media site and he's just getting bigger and bigger and bigger and that, like that war chest of of 130 million, 100 whatever. Let me make sure I'm not blowing smoke up anybody's ass with this number, but the Trump re-election campaign, you think these midterms are a joke compared to what's coming in 2024. It is about to go down. down and like, like, okay, so prediction time then I guess. It is July. We've got what five more months until November. We got election, you know, election day November. What are your thoughts? What do you think is going to happen between now and November? Kind of like shooting from the hip here, support for Ukraine is going to, not completely, but rapidly reduce. It's going to get really political. They're like, why are we there? It's going to turn into like a Afghan withdrawal situation where they're like, what
Starting point is 00:36:40 were we there in the first place? Like, who are the Russians? Aren't they like Dolph Lundgren? And it's going to kind of do that American 180. They were like, well, maybe the Russians are justified. And so it's going to get really politicized that way. Because Trump's that weird third party outlier. And I haven't been following his anything in a while. But the amount of Trump flags I see everywhere is kind of an indicator.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Or if you drive through the Midwest or any of those states that went blue, but they were pretty hardcore red, you drive around, you see a bunch of Trump flags. They're massive. They're like, hmm, I feel like, you know, Rand Paul's not getting elected anytime soon. Dude. Okay. So my turn. So June. Okay. So it's only been like, what a month or two since Roe V Wade was announced, like the Roe V Wade week. Let's look that up because that's when, like I said, that's when it started. Okay. Go anywhere or was that just like a, an FF, a little false flat? I don't know, but that was like the start of... Okay, so I was... Wait, May 3rd? Yeah, I think it's like May 3rd, May 4th. So it's only been...
Starting point is 00:37:57 Dude, it's only been a month since this all started. It's been a little over 30 days since, since that, because that was kickoff in my mind. Like that was the football game beginning. We still got four more months of it, or five more months of it. Well, it was, that was announced the same weekend. There was that DC shooter who went on four chat. He's like, you guys want to see something funny?
Starting point is 00:38:22 And then just lit up a 7-Eleven. No, Jesus. And then, yeah, that was a weird one. But yeah, there was a lot that happened, like that 48-hour window. Russian PsyOps, that Russian PsyOps convincing incels all over America to shoot us up. I mean, that's all it is.
Starting point is 00:38:43 So I think exactly like you said, by this time next month, support for Ukraine is going to be dead and it's not going to look pretty. And then it's going to be August. After that, you're going to start seeing it's just going to get worse. The Ukrainian war is just going to get worse. I think we're going to see a lot more political announcements like the Roe v Wade stuff. Like, I think we're probably going to see some like gun movement. Some bill has to get passed, right? Like somebody has to pass a bill soon,
Starting point is 00:39:21 but the Democrats can't really pass anything. So it's just a lot of jaw jacking, nothing happening. So I predict nothing's going to really change politically. But not at all. It just does that ebb and flow of yo-yo-y or what's a good term, like a circle jerk where it's like nothing really happens. It. It's just like they just keep going. And then yeah dude it's just gonna have to uh crane's gonna die down politics isn't really gonna move much I think we're gonna start seeing a little bit more Trump action but I think the big thing that's going to decide like a big key moment in the midterms, Elon Musk buying Twitter.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Yeah. And they're trying tooth and nail not to let him move as fast as he wants. Why is that? So it's a little backstory. Project Veritas has those undercover journalists that like break into, well, they essentially go out and honeypot people and they were like, oh, here's a drink, tell me how you really feel. And so they grabbed up a few Twitter executives, like really high up on the food chain. And they were like, yeah, we don't like Elon Musk because he's pretty, he got really pro-free speech and we're pretty communist here. We really don't agree with any political ideology
Starting point is 00:40:50 outside of like ours. And they were like, we're supposed to be nonprofit and he's over here waving his dollars around. And we're really trying to push a message here. And they were like, oh, is that what accounts keep getting banned? They were like, oh yeah, yep, that's exactly why we do it. And so then they gave it to Elon Musk
Starting point is 00:41:04 and they were like, they went on Twitter. They were like, oh, hey, these are your employees, we do it. And so then they gave it to Elon Musk and they went on Twitter, they were like, oh, hey, these are your employees, by the way. And they like sent it to him. And it was pretty funny. But then after that, it was a, it's because Elon Musk is a troll. Yeah. And just the status quo does not like that.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Where who else has the power to ruin the entire stock market for 20 minutes? Yeah, seriously, right? It's like Dogecoin, boom, to the moon. And then- Yeah, millionaires overnight. And he operates through Twitter. I don't see him on Facebook, just like Panera was good today and he shoots it out.
Starting point is 00:41:38 But it was, yeah, there's a lot going on with old Musk. But that's, I mean, that's probably the next big key to the side where it's gonna go is like, cause Elon Musk is a free speech absolutionist. Like he's like, I don't care what you say, like just say it. And so if Musk actually buys Twitter and turns it into that dude, it is gonna be insane. I remember when Trump got elected in 2016
Starting point is 00:42:05 and I was like, I don't even know what this means for us. Like I was just joining the army. I was like, what is this gonna be like? And then the next four years was this wild, crazy ride of just Twitter rants. I remember like sitting there in Afghanistan when Trump was like, hey, we're pulling out of Iraq. We're going to get out of there.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And my buddy was in Iraq and I'm in Afghanistan. And I'm just like, bro, is this for real? And he's like, yeah, I don't know. And that was like four years of our lives. It was just the country was ran by Twitter. And it's like, okay, I guess we'll just figure it out. And it was like, our president called Rosie O'Donnell that and like, dude, it really just depends on and this isn't like a liberal rant, like, Oh my God, Trump's crazy. No, it was just fucking baller. Like, it was just like, is this real life? Is this what it's come to? And so it is a pretty
Starting point is 00:43:06 hilarious and this is just genuinely funny just giving all your political opponents goofy nicknames. Oh yeah, dude. Oh my god. The one that so cracks me up is Elizabeth Warren. He called her Pocahontas and campaigned the Trail of Tears. Oh, it's like, I remember that. Oh my God. I remember that. Just looking back, I was like, God damn, that was insane. Oh God. I at least hope he runs in 2024 just because him up there on the stage, like calling Ted Cruz a pussy and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And Ted Cruz just says, like, I don't, I don't know what to say. I don't like, yeah. Did you watch the new Shane Gillis standup? No. Oh, he's so Shane Gillis. He's the guy who was hired on SNL on a Friday and fired on a Monday. Something he said on his podcast, but he was talking on a standup. He's like, yeah, man, after Trump, there's no way I can watch politics seriously again.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Like I've never seen a guy win an argument without stating a single fact. He was. Yeah. It was wild. And this, yeah, it's, based on this conversation alone, it's like, I'm pretty sure a lot of people are having this exact same like riff running
Starting point is 00:44:27 around and it's if I'm seeing more Trump flags than, uh, then Biden stickers is a good way to put it. Like I cars, that's kind of, I don't know. It's weird. It's the, the one thing that somebody said, uh, if you don't watch Painkiller already, they did talk about this. He was like, Biden's doing okay. I mean, he's not doing bad.
Starting point is 00:44:51 He's not doing good. You know, he's kind of handling the Ukraine situation well. I mean, me personally, I just wanna go help out, maybe do my part. But I mean, he's got a country, right? He can't commit a whole country to war on a whim. He's working with NATO, he's giving supplies, he's doing the Lend-Lease Act, like Biden's doing good,
Starting point is 00:45:13 but he doesn't take credit for anything. He doesn't know how to like build a party base. He's more of a bureaucrat than he is a, like a hype man, which is like all Trump was. The market would go up 800 points and Trump would be like, you're like that, that's what daddy did for you. And then the next day the market would go down.
Starting point is 00:45:33 He's like, and that's why we need to fight China. Okay, because China just took down 400 points and that's where we're gonna get, go ahead. Oh yeah, I was gonna say like real quick, China is another big topic because all those quarantine footage of Shanghai are coming out and that shit's terrifying. And people are posting it to Twitter, but every time anyone mentions China, it's immediately nuked.
Starting point is 00:45:57 So it's like... Yeah, we lost our first YouTube page because of that. 100%, yeah. For the listeners out there, this completely started off as a different side project. We made one pod episode about China. It was completely new, like page gone. So it was weird, like viewership four. I don't even get 10.
Starting point is 00:46:19 I watched it four times. But that's another big thing where the Chinese governments get going pretty hard in the paint. And that once, what was it? Two weeks ago, a month ago, three weeks ago, where Biden said that he would defend Taiwan if the Chinese did anything. And the next day, the department of state website out of nowhere said, we do not support
Starting point is 00:46:40 Taiwanese independence. So whoa. Yeah. And Northern provisions through that went out there. I want to say it was him where, yeah, there was like some serious damage control came out after that statement where China's like, are you sure? And Twitter was the first place to talk about it,
Starting point is 00:46:59 but it kept getting shut down because it used the words China and or CCP and, or, you know, Chairman Xi or, you Xi or Winnie the Pooh. It was everything. Those targeted words were just nuked. So yeah, again, going back, Twitter's going to be probably really big because out of the big market, Facebook's the biggest one, of course. And then it's Instagram and then it's Twitter, and then it's Snapchat. Really? Yeah. Twitter is not the biggest one anymore
Starting point is 00:47:30 because the censorship got so bad. I'm surprised Snapchat's on. Yeah, of course, Reddit's up there. But let's look up top social medias. There we go. It's like a top social media. There we go. Of course, but a top social media platforms in 2022. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, are you looking at like buffer? YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat. We chat, TikTok, Twitter,. Yeah, Twitter, number 10.
Starting point is 00:48:06 So it's the one that it's been actively dying. Wow. It's below LinkedIn. Come on. Ooh, LinkedIn sucks. LinkedIn sucks. LinkedIn is just full of CEOs and vice presidents' virtue signaling. Like today, I saw a homeless man and I gave him a donut.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Turns out that man wasn't actually poor. He was just middle-class and he said, thank you. Stay hopeful, stay hungry. I was at a 7-Eleven yesterday and there was a homeless guy outside. He's like, man, can I have a dollar? And I was like, no, I won't buy you or I won't give you a dollar but I'll buy you anything you need. What do you need? And he was like, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:48:48 be honest, man. I need two 40s. Thanks for being honest. But yeah, that's a lot of what LinkedIn is. But yeah, just, well, looking at Reddit, if we go in like full zeitgeist of everything, Reddit was the first one that came out with those moderators, whatever. Sort of like censoring things. So it's like stuff like our Ukraine can talk about whatever they want, but our Russia can't. And so it was one of those weird oxymorons. And then it went to Twitter because Twitter was huge back in like 2015, 16, 17. they really shot themselves in the foot because they were just nuking every account that said anything.
Starting point is 00:49:29 And so Facebook's always gonna be number one. I don't see them going anywhere. The revenue is $85.9 billion or $96 billion. And that's as of today. So the next up is YouTube at 28.8. It's just, there's no comparison. And... of this YouTube at 28.8. It's just, there's no comparison. And yeah, it's,
Starting point is 00:49:56 I didn't know that. That's crazy to me. Like I didn't know Snapchat was still up there, but it is, it's a thing. That's crazy. And it used to, do you think it fell down because Trump left? Dang, that's crazy. Do you think it fell down because Trump left? Like Trump was all over that Twitter, man. No, there was a gradual wave of... Yeah, it was just like a slow rolling snowball, where we're just building momentum. January 6th last year was the big one that nuked a bunch of pages, but that definitely wasn't it. It was a growing trend. And so you just go on to Twitter. You have what? 250 characters on Twitter to get a complete thought across and you can't edit it. You're like, that's going to haunt you. So I think a lot of people got off Twitter because you made a, a really
Starting point is 00:50:43 bad and sensitive joke back in 2008. And then people are like, oh, you did this? So everyone's like, well, Twitter is my number one enemy. So let me just get off Twitter. Yeah. So. Yeah, you're basically preventing yourself from shooting yourself in the foot
Starting point is 00:50:59 by deleting your Twitter. That's a smart move. Like. And I think it also came around the same time as that big canceling wave, like canceling celebrities and the Me Too movement. A lot of people are like, yeah, I was saying very not okay things on Twitter 10 years ago. It was a growing thing and I think that's why Elon Musk bought it.
Starting point is 00:51:21 He was like, I can say this. Let's go right back to where Jack Dorsey started. So I got this. Like, dude, that's it's like buying my space and it's dying days, I guess. Like, okay, that's it. That's, that's your move, not mine, but your money, not mine. Buying the last blockbuster for 10 grand. But buying the last blockbuster for 10 grand. I have to turn this bamboo around like, fucking hell. But that's so crazy that even now, as I sit here, I stand by that. If Elon Musk gets Twitter and puts a new engine in it and revs it up, I really think that is going gonna be a key decisive moment
Starting point is 00:52:05 in our political history, which is insane that a South African who likes launching rockets into space buying a social media site determines who our next Congress men and women are. Like that's, that's a- Lovecraft novel, man. Yeah, that's, that's, it's kind of disappointing, isn't it? It's not even Lovecrafty.
Starting point is 00:52:28 And it's like, oh, that's a crappy concept. Like, why would that matter? But it does. And I mean, like you said, it's all about, I mean, Ukraine support is just dwindling every day. And so whoever controls the narrative controls what's important. And so it's, yeah, that's the deciding factor.
Starting point is 00:52:52 And then going back to it, like what's it gonna look like over the coming months? You know, you got Elon Musk buying Twitter, you've got a fuel shortage, dude, I can't, another guy who works in the Kroton report, like newsroom, in the newsroom, the wheat shortage out of Ukraine. That's going to be terrible. Let's build on that one. So looking into it and our friend really got my mind thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:53:19 So when you put them up, both Russia and Ukraine together, they're the largest distributor of wheat to the whole planet. And their number one customer is not the US or France or South Africa, it's countries like Egypt and Syria and Iran and Iraq's a big one. And if you look in a map, it's every single country where the US has a major military presence. And so if these people aren't getting food and all the food is being stored in the US, they're going to get pretty anti-US. So let's take it a step further. China's been stockpiling
Starting point is 00:53:55 food for a long time. They have a lot of people and their big historical issue is famine. So they're like, we will never have mass starvation again. But the current Chinese Communist Party went, Oh, hold on, I got an idea. There's no food going to Egypt. And they own this Suez Canal. Yeah, let's just partner with with Egypt. What are people going to use the Cape of Good Hope? No, they're going to still want to go through the Suez Canal, because that's where all the trades going through. So the Chinese, and they nothing announced it.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Nothing has been announced. It's completely speculative. But I feel like they're going to go out and try to make some weird deals with Egypt. They're like, okay, yeah, we will give you food for the next six months. You give us access to the port to the Suez Canal. And like Like you're strong arming these countries. It's almost like the Belt and Road Initiative, but for food instead of for strong arming these economically stricken African nations.
Starting point is 00:54:53 But yeah, and so all those countries where the US are not going to get food here soon, and the US are going to go like, hey, I have my own problems to deal with. I think we have something like three to six months worth of food reserve in the US before it comes down to the wire. And China has 18 months, I want to say. So in countries in Europe have like two, it's, they really don't have much because a lot of them have our import based. So those countries where the US have that military presence
Starting point is 00:55:23 are like Jordan or something where there's five other guys, they're not gonna be very pro US if everything gets really bad because everyone's talking about, and you and I have talked about this. Later this year, the World Health Organization already said that there's gonna be like, get ready to not have Christmas,
Starting point is 00:55:43 like a Christmas goose, like across the board it is gonna get pretty bad. So. Yeah. I mean, it is a strategy and a half. I mean, it's the breadbasket of Europe, Ukraine. And so, I mean, I've seen videos of them blowing up, they're aiming for like the storage units, they're aiming for the fields, they're aiming for like basically the Russians are taking all the wheat and the grains and then blowing
Starting point is 00:56:12 up as much of everything else they can to get people to stop. And so going back to like what's going to happen over the next few months, like that's going to be a big one over the next 30 to 60 days. Like everybody's going to start running out of food in those poor countries near Ukraine that bought the wheat. Like, yeah, I know they said it was mostly African countries that did it. So African countries who kicked out the French government and bought Russian mercenaries to make the other parties play nice. They're really going to want to rely on those Russian mercenaries to make the other parties play nice. They're really going to want to rely on those Russian mercenaries to do the dirty work. Yeah. It's going to get very bad,
Starting point is 00:56:50 very fast. And, and this is, you know, again, completely speculative. We could just sit here and just be analysts for a minute and kind of go to analysts. That was deadly course of action, but maybe grabbing a bunch of tough-chinned Russian mercenaries to fight child soldiers in all of these countries and they start going into revolutions. They're going to go like, I need more of these because I can't even trust my own army. So I mean, yeah. And so it's going to be cool, dude. That's a well-played good game of chess right there. It's just me in the back with a cigarette, slow clap, and I was like, okay, all right, that was good. That was a good game of chess right there. Dang, dude. So there is, yeah, there's going to be mass
Starting point is 00:57:40 starvation. Dude, it's going to get real bad. Because I mean, which country do you think is going to break first off the top of your head for supporting Ukraine? Once the infighting in Africa starts up, the hunger, all that stuff. Which European country quits first? European. I was going to go Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia's about that doesn't count. Which country in Europe? Probably France, I'm going to be honest. Like, Macron is really, he was drumming the war bell
Starting point is 00:58:11 to get reelected and defeated Marine Le Pen, who was an outlier herself. We could talk about her for hours, but he won. And then immediately it was like, hey, Zelensky, just give him what he wants. He won and then immediately was like, Hey, he's a Lensky. Just give him what he wants. Just rolled over because he was wearing that the bad ass French paratrooper, you know, hoodies in the office, trying to channel his inner inner comedian from Ukraine. But he really seems to have sidestepped the support to Ukraine and then won't hold like because the Brits left. And so it's the Germans in the French and they seem to be on two completely different, like two sides of the same coin, but it's in the other pocket.
Starting point is 00:58:54 So they're the ones kind of running the show. And it seems like, and this is again speculative, that they're going to start pulling back because they're going to go like, oh, we're still doing this? Like, come on, we also get a gas gas from the Russians. And everyone's pissed off at the Germans because they get 80% of their gas from the Russians. And most American analysts always go, yeah, the Europeans did not listen to us post World War II. They said, don't get dependent on the Russians. And they did. And they're like, why are we in this situation? Like, hey, guy, but yeah, I think France would be the first one. I don't see. Yeah. Does Spain does do anything worth of significance to this? No, it's the French. Like, yeah. And
Starting point is 00:59:43 they have the biggest military in Europe and they have all those weapons. They have all these hard trained boys coming back from Mali potentially. I mean, yeah, but the thing is the food shortage in Africa is going to cause uprising, guns, shooting, and their guys are still in Africa. Like you said, Wagner is there. and their guys are still in Africa. Like you said, Wagner is there. And they're doing a good job in the eyes of the Africans. So it's like they're going to get booted out of Africa. All this terrorist nonsense in Africa is going to start bleeding into Europe. And like you said, I agree with you. I think the French might be the first to quit. Yes. Remember when ISIS got big, the first target was Paris and they just lit that bitch up. So it's every time there's any major issue that goes on, it's always for some reason,
Starting point is 01:00:32 it always starts in France. It's, I think it's because it's the most, it's the biggest country on that part of the world. And it's more like accepting to like, they're not going to Poland because they don't take immigrants. So you're like, let's just go to France where they'll set you in your own little community until they do all the paperwork. They're like, no, you just show up. And then, cause like, you got to take a plane or a boat to get to, to get to England. But, uh, yeah, let me just drive a tractor into a crowd of people and you know, Marseille. So it's, yeah, I don't know. So that's gonna have to look at, yeah, 100%. No, I'm kidding. But we also have to look at the French and I guess the German too. Where did their food come from? Where do they get their water? Do they have water? Because water is a big thing. Because I say Saudi Arabia because there's cholera outbreaks
Starting point is 01:01:29 in Yemen because there's no water. Like there's no clean water. And so if they just had that spill over into Saudi Arabia, like no, they have their own things to worry about, not something going on between a few Slavic neighbors. So. Yeah, seriously. It's about the shit's about to hit the fan.
Starting point is 01:01:47 And so it's probably, what do you say, like 30, 60 days. And then everything's gonna start getting worse and worse. And I mean, the Ukrainians are kind of on the offensive right now, but it's only gonna get worse with time. Cause we've already said time is not on their side as the food shortage grows. Everybody in Africa starts to go hungry, which that's no good.
Starting point is 01:02:16 But the next one is Friday, the stock market took a 800 point hit and we all know that that thing's about to pop and once that thing pops, oh man, the average American is going to stop giving a shit about a lot of things really quick. And I know the Democrats right now are trying to keep that thing. They are duct taping the economy together and WD-40ing it right now because if it doesn't last till midterms, they're screwed. Everybody's going to vote Republican. But I seriously do think that the economy is going to crash in the next probably 60 or 90 days, definitely before midterms, you're gonna see a crash. The most historic time for stock market crashes
Starting point is 01:03:09 is in the fall and we're about to head into that. And it's usually before November. So the US economy is definitely going to crash. And like I said, probably 16, 90 days. So sometime between September, October, maybe. Analysts I've seen and read are predicting that gas prices across the country on average is gonna be like six plus by August.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Yes. Yeah, that's, and I was, I listen to comedy podcasts and everyone likes a joke. They're like, yeah, but then by midterms, they're gonna be like, hey man, we got it down to $4. How do you like that? They're like, yeah, but then by midterms, they're going to be like, Hey man, we got it down to $4. How do you like that? They're like, what? No, I want $2. Like, bro.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Oh, that's a good joke, dude. It's, it's just, I mean, houses, uh, interest rates for home loans went through the roof this, these last couple of months. And so the housing market has just like kind of floated in a space like houses. I bought my house two years ago and I've made like, it went up a hundred thousand dollars. That's why I'm moving right now.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Like that's a sploosh could do before the value of this house drops, but yeah, it's insane. And then the interest rates went up, so nobody can get a home loan or they don't want to because interest rates suck. So all these houses around where I live, they're just like lowering prices. So the housing market,
Starting point is 01:04:37 it's really like what's gonna cause the American economy to crash. And then once that happens, bro, there is gonna be no support for Ukraine. They're going to be like, dude, there will be people going to Russia. Like how much is gas? I got more important shit to do than worry about some war. We've been at war for the last 20 years in Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't care about that. What I care about is how much is gas here. Walk up and they're like, oh, you guys are drinking gas with breakfast, brother, man. I hear it's 50 cents over there.
Starting point is 01:05:12 The average American finds out that gas is like 50 cents in Russia. They're like, we need to pay streetie. Are they in NATO? Like we should put them in NATO. Not even they're going to be like, yeah, they're going to go. What time is it? What year is it? 2022, 91, 2001. Yeah, let's go back to Iraq. Hey, you're looking pretty good over there. No, please. This kid with polio, they're like, I'm gonna go fuck his ass. That's all I compared the war on terror to is like we had the Russians and Chinese standing on the world stage. We will stand our ground against the United States. And like, if you imagine, like, this is like kids in a playground, like the Chinese are like, we're going to beat
Starting point is 01:06:09 you up America. If you come over here, we're going to put a foot up your ass. And then America goes, Oh yeah, we'll watch this. And it goes, Oh yeah, watch this. And they beat up a handicap kid. Just baseball bats, Iraq in the head. Like you like that? That's what I do to you. Yeah. Full untouchables. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:32 It just proceeds to beat the shit out of the, you know, the Afghanistan kid for 20 minutes straight. Like I can go all day. I can go all day. Some congressman from Chicago goes like, Hey, it's better to be a good guy with a gun, or it's better to have a kind word and a gun than just a kind word. Just be honest here. You remember, you probably don't,
Starting point is 01:06:55 but it was Mitt Romney and he was laughed off the stage. I think it was 2012 when Obama was running for reelection and Mitt Romney told the world, the next biggest threat to the world is Russia. Oh yeah, that one resurfaced recently in Obama. You would look at him in the face, he's like, hey, are you a few chromosomes deficient man? What are you talking about? Yeah, like what? You're stupid.
Starting point is 01:07:23 And then two years later they took Crimea and then, and then they took the Donbass. And now we're sitting here, like maybe Mitt Romney and his magical underwear might be right. Like, um, we owe that guy an apology. Like, dude, real quick. So kind of completely just, just segue that we're on a complete enough different train now. Why would the Russians want to execute their only leverage over anything? I know who we're talking about. Oh, yes. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah. It's the three most or cost that Gandhi, Sean Penner, he was like, yeah, active volunteers. And they got charged for being war tourists and war criminals, they're getting sentenced to death.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And I was like, why would you do that? If these guys go missing, they know what happened. Unless Putin wants to swing in and go like, I saved these men, okay, all right, I'm not that bad of a guy. I mean, bro, they, this is such a touchy, touching, ghost subject, right? Yeah, it is. I was reading it when it came out and I was like,
Starting point is 01:08:37 what? It's like, why? But then you're like, okay, the only reason they're still alive is because one, they're British, and then two, everyone knows who they are. So yeah, it's like how many Ukrainians have got a fair trial when they get rounded up in Mariupol? I don't think any. None, yeah. I mean, that's a good point. That's a really good point. I didn't even think about that,
Starting point is 01:08:53 that it's like, you know, it's all for showmanship. It's not real. And I mean, all the people who died in Mariupol, there's like mass graves of tens of thousands of people. Yeah. died in Mariupol, there's like mass graves of tens of thousands of people. Um, yeah, I, first off, they joined the Ukrainian military. They are not war tourists. They were Ukrainian Marines, airborne Marines in fact. Um, but I just don't, that whole situation they were caught up in, in Mariupol with Azov and the Marines kind of semi working together.
Starting point is 01:09:32 It's one of those things that we haven't seen in a very, very long time of all out warfare. And people don't understand, like a lot of people are like, yeah, I know World War II, I've read about the 101st and General Patton and the first Marine division at Guadalcanal. But dude, if you look at the Eastern front of World War II, it is hell on earth.
Starting point is 01:09:58 It is- The Russians lose 28 million. Dude, well, the thing is, I studied it in college a lot because somebody told me, one of the military professors there was like, did you know that 75% of German soldiers died? Because some kid was like, yeah, we won World War II. He's like, 75% of Germans died on the Eastern front. The Russians fought three army groups.
Starting point is 01:10:23 We fought like half of one. And I was like, what? And he's like, yeah. And so I dove into it, but it is just from top to bottom, just one of like a war of pure hatred. And it's not just because, you know, oh, Nazis are brutal. It's like, no, they really didn't in war.
Starting point is 01:10:43 If we think about like the German military in war, they weren't really that bad. But when it came to the Bolsheviks, it was like, this is gonna be a war of complete genocide. Like you're either dying or like your people are dying or my people are dying. And the Russians haven't lost that, like that train of thought.
Starting point is 01:11:03 And- Oh, that leads me into another topic. So I've been doing a lot of research into Stalin. And during the Battle of Stalingrad, he refused to let the civilians evacuate because he thought it would make the soldiers want to fight harder to protect them. So just like in Mariupol, there was that siege. And let's just talk like a brainwashed Russian soldiers liberating Mariupol and they are actively fighting harder to save those people. But the Ukrainians are like, let them leave.
Starting point is 01:11:30 And they're like, no, where are they going to go? To your land? No. So just that weird. And I always do that piece of together. It's like, you can't play poker with a chess player. You're like, it's a completely different way of thinking. And that's what we're realizing right now is that the entire Western world is like I was saying, this is fucking Eastern front World War II. Like somebody's gonna die and a lot
Starting point is 01:11:58 of death. And it's just, so I just, when we talk about Cossack, Gundy and Sean Penner, it's like, dude, not to like call you on your shit, but it's like, how, I really hope they knew what they were. I think, and I think they did. And cause you can kind of see how they're like, they knew what they were getting into. And it's like, man, that fucking sucks. That really sucks. Yeah. I remember I was talking to you about it,
Starting point is 01:12:26 I think. And there was that interview. I don't know who it was. Someone got a hold of Gandhi on the phone like a day or two before he surrendered. Yeah. And he was like, hey, I'm going to Ukraine. And Gandhi's like, cool. He was like, can you get out of the city? And he was like, you don't think I tried? They're like, he's like, is there any way you could like put on civilian clothes and try to leave? He's like, bro, the Russians are looking for me. He's like, is there any way you could like put on civilian clothes and try to leave? He's like, bro, the Russians are looking for me. He's like, they are looking for me. So that was a goddamn. But. Yeah, he was like, yeah, he was like, he's like, oh, please, God,
Starting point is 01:12:54 please. And Aidan's just like, oh, man, like, dude, I'm fucked. Like they're calling out my name. Like they're on the other side of the battle, like Aidan, like, fuck. Like, you know, and I mean, you hope that Cossack, he makes it out, but even he has to know like, yeah, well, I'm, I'm fucked. But I mean, he's not like you said, it's no different than anybody who was there in the first place. Like this is a war of complete annihilation. And the women and children are being bused back to Russia to make more Russians. And it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:13:24 it's terrible. And it's like, I don't, if I had to guess what's going to happen to Cossack, Gandhi and the other two, I think they are because, and the only reason I say this is because they are with the DNR. They are not with the Russians. They're with the DNR. I think, I think the Wild West out there. Yeah, they're dead. They're dead. And so it's, and the only, the only like, Hail Mary saving grace throw I can see is if the DNR tells the British government, yeah, you can have these guys back. If you Yeah, you can have these guys back if you recognize the end laws to, uh, or, yeah, recognition. If you get, I was about to say, if you have, because they'd have to, Britain would have to, because if they did a prisoner exchange, they'd have to be like, Putin would be like, no, if we do this prisoner exchange, you have to do it with the DNR. You can't do it with me. It's with the DNR. You have to recognize the DNR as an independent state of Ukraine. Bro, that would have Boris Johnson's hands tied like a motherfucker. Like if you like- The amount of Times articles and Sun articles that come out,
Starting point is 01:14:36 there are like British soldier in Ukraine captured by the Russian forces. please, if you know anything, please contact. And it's like, they're really beating the drum over there. Yeah. And so that's, I think that's the only way Aidan and Sean Penner get out of there, is if they're like, yeah, we want to recognize, like you have to recognize us as a state and recognize that we're our own people and we're not part of Ukraine. Because then Zelensky is going to have to be like, yo, bro, what the fuck? And I think that'll that do that could kick Britain out of the war quick, fast and in a hurry as if like divide Zelensky and Boris Johnson. You know what I'm saying? Like by getting Britain to try and recognize the DNR and Zelensky's like, bro, don't fucking do that.
Starting point is 01:15:24 And then to you, you could, cause I mean, the coalition is only as good as its weakest chain, right? Like this group of supporters. And once one person falls, the quitting is just gonna start growing. So yeah, man, that's a weird conclusion we just gave you too. Like, yep, and then the DNR is going to tie
Starting point is 01:15:46 but with Boris Johnson's hands behind his back and spank him on the ass. Like, nah. I'm sure if you just had that vote of confidence, you're like, you're already getting called a goon by everyone in the UK. Yeah. In the name of this,
Starting point is 01:16:00 where it's like everyone knows who these two are. And then Morocco, do they have anything going on? Cause the third guy's Moroccan. I don't know anything about Moroccan sport to anything. where it's like everyone knows who these two are. And then Morocco, do they have anything going on? Because the third guy's Moroccan. I don't know anything about Moroccan support to anything. Morocco. Yeah, I think they're too busy fighting the sub-Saharan Africa. Just...
Starting point is 01:16:16 Yeah, like dude, that guy's already dead. The one who was smiling at the camera. Okay. Yeah, he's dead. That felt like, what's the Moroccan government got to offer? Like, it's dead. Yeah. But they were like, hey, just gonna say that you would really hate to have a Scottish insurrection again, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 01:16:35 But, alright man, this one's running a little long, so I'm gonna call it. So, yeah, it's been a pretty fun one. And, alright everyone, thank you for listening. Keep a lookout on the Instagram, there's cool things are coming. Follow Task Force 31. So Thanks for watching!

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